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The novel Invisible Cities is a surrealistic novel by Italo Calvino. The novel is about
the narration of imaginative cities by Marco Polo trader to Kublai Khan the King. The
Invisible Cities is about 55 cities which were like dreams. The dream mechanism is
used in the novel is Marco Polo’s and Kublai Khan’s conversation is in an
unconscious state.

Polo’s stories mixed accurate geographical and cultural information with

folklore mixed with surrealistic effect. Italo Calvino’s famous novel Invisible Cities is
a significant book which explicates the vulnerability of reality in a post modern world
in a scenario when illusion and fantasy make frequent inroads into the realm of reality
to assert the formers vulnerability. The description of the real cities by Marco Polo to
Kublai Khan in the novel are frequently disturbed by sudden intrusions of fantasy for
that the reader gets thoroughly confused regarding whether the cities exist in reality or
not. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities is a perfect example of the dismantling of absolute

Invisible City is thus proved as a surrealistic novel with technique of dream

presented in it.


This project is done on the topic Dream Mechanism and Surrealism in Italo Calvino’s
Invisible Cities. Studies can be conducted covering the other themes like imagination
and perception, magical realism etc.

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