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This file contains the information for election ads that have appeared on
Google Ads Services. Ad-level targeting data was added to this file in April

Ad_ID - Unique id for a specific election ad.
Ad_URL - URL to view the election ad in the Political Advertising on Google
Ad_Type - The type of the ad. Can be TEXT, VIDEO or IMAGE.
Regions - The regions that this ad is verified for or was served in.
Advertiser_ID - Unique ID for an advertiser verified to run election ads on
Google Ads Services.
Advertiser_Name - Name of advertiser.
Date_Range_Start - First day an election ad ran and had an impression.
Date_Range_End - Most recent day an election ad ran and had an impression.
Num_of_Days - Total number of days an election ad ran and had an impression.
Ad_Campaigns_List - IDs of all election ad campaigns that included the ad.
Impressions - Number of impressions for the election ad. Impressions are
grouped into several buckets: ≤ 10k, 10k–100k, 100k–1M, 1M–10M, > 10M.
Spend_USD - [DEPRECATED] This field is deprecated in favor of specifying the
lower and higher spend bucket bounds in separate Spend_Range_Min and
Spend_Range_Max columns.
Spend_Range_Min_USD - Lower bound of the amount in USD spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_USD - Upper bound of the amount in USD spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_EUR - Lower bound of the amount in EUR spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_EUR - Upper bound of the amount in EUR spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_INR - Lower bound of the amount in INR spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_INR - Upper bound of the amount in INR spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_BGN - Lower bound of the amount in BGN spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_BGN - Upper bound of the amount in BGN spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_HRK - Lower bound of the amount in HRK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_HRK - Upper bound of the amount in HRK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_CZK - Lower bound of the amount in CZK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_CZK - Upper bound of the amount in CZK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_DKK - Lower bound of the amount in DKK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_DKK - Upper bound of the amount in DKK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_HUF - Lower bound of the amount in HUF spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_HUF - Upper bound of the amount in HUF spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_PLN - Lower bound of the amount in PLN spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_PLN - Upper bound of the amount in PLN spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_RON - Lower bound of the amount in RON spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_RON - Upper bound of the amount in RON spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_SEK - Lower bound of the amount in SEK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_SEK - Upper bound of the amount in SEK spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Min_GBP - Lower bound of the amount in GBP spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
Spend_Range_Max_GBP - Upper bound of the amount in GBP spent by the advertiser
on the election ad.
First_Served_Timestamp - The timestamp of the earliest impression for this ad.
Last_Served_Timestamp - The timestamp of the most recent impression for this ad.
Age_Targeting - Age ranges included in the ad's targeting.
Gender_Targeting - Genders included in the ad's targeting.
Geo_Targeting_Included - Geographic locations included in the ad's targeting.
Geo_Targeting_Excluded - Geographic locations excluded from the ad's targeting.


This file contains the information about advertisers who have run an election ad
on Google Ads Services with at least one impression.

Advertiser_ID - Unique ID for an advertiser verified to run election ads on
Google Ads Services.
Advertiser_Name - Name of advertiser.
Public_IDs_List - List of public IDs used to identify the advertiser, if
Regions - the list of regions where the ads of this advertiser were served
Elections - the list of elections that this advertiser participated in based on
the regions.
Total_Creatives - Total number of election ads the advertiser ran with at least
one impression.
Spend_USD - Total amount in USD spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_EUR - Total amount in EUR spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_INR - Total amount in INR spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_BGN - Total amount in BGN spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_HRK - Total amount in HRK spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_CZK - Total amount in CZK spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_DKK - Total amount in DKK spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_HUF - Total amount in HUF spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_PLN - Total amount in PLN spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_RON - Total amount in RON spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_SEK - Total amount in SEK spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_GBP - Total amount in GBP spent on election ads by the advertiser.
Spend_NZD - Total amount in NZD spent on election ads by the advertiser.


This file contains the information for how much an advertiser spent on political
ads during a given week. This file is updated weekly each Tuesday, with data
from the prior Sunday through Saturday period.

Advertiser_ID - Unique ID for an advertiser verified to run election ads on
Google Ads Services.
Advertiser_Name - Name of advertiser.
Election_Cycle - [DEPRECATED] This field is deprecated in favor of the Elections
column in google-political-ads-advertiser-stats.csv. It will be deleted some
time after July 2019.
Week_Start_Date - The start date for the week where spending occurred.
Spend_USD - The amount in USD spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_EUR - The amount in EUR spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_INR - The amount in INR spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_BGN - The amount in BGN spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_HRK - The amount in HRK spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_CZK - The amount in CZK spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_DKK - The amount in DKK spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_HUF - The amount in HUF spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_PLN - The amount in PLN spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_RON - The amount in RON spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_SEK - The amount in SEK spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_GBP - The amount in GBP spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.
Spend_NZD - The amount in NZD spent on election ads during the given week by
the advertiser.


This file contains total US advertiser spend on political ads, per US state and
the District of Columbia.

Advertiser_ID - Unique ID for an advertiser verified to run election ads on
Google Ads Services.
Advertiser_Name - Name of advertiser.
Country - The country where election ads were served, specified in the
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard code.
For example: "US" for the United States of America.
Country_Subdivision_Primary - The primary subdivision of the country where
election ads were served, specified by the ISO 3166-2 standard code.
For example: “US-WI” for Wisconsin.
Spend_USD - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in USD.
Spend_EUR - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in EUR.
Spend_INR - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in INR.
Spend_BGN - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in BGN.
Spend_HRK - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in HRK.
Spend_CZK - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in CZK.
Spend_DKK -The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in DKK.
Spend_HUF - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in HUF.
Spend_PLN -The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in PLN.
Spend_RON - TThe total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in RON.
Spend_SEK - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in SEK.
Spend_GBP - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in GBP.
Spend_NZD - The total amount spent on election ads by the advertiser in NZD.

[DEPRECATED] google-political-ads-campaign-targeting.csv

This file was deprecated and ad-level targeting information was made available
in the google-political-ads-creative-stats.csv file effective April 2020.

This file contains the information related to ad campaigns run by advertisers.

Campaign_ID - [DEPRECATED] Unique ID for an election ad campaign.
Age_Targeting - [DEPRECATED] Age ranges included in the campaign's targeting.
Gender_Targeting - [DEPRECATED] Genders included in the campaign's targeting.
Geo_Targeting_Included - [DEPRECATED] Geographic locations included in the
campaign's targeting.
Geo_Targeting_Excluded - [DEPRECATED] Geographic locations excluded from the
campaign's targeting.
Start_Date - [DEPRECATED] Start date for the campaign.
End_Date - [DEPRECATED] End date for the campaign.
Ads_List - [DEPRECATED] List of Ad_IDs for the campaign.
Advertiser_ID - [DEPRECATED] ID of the advertiser who purchased the ad.
Advertiser_Name - [DEPRECATED] Name of advertiser.


This file contains the information for how much is spent buying election ads
on Google Ads Services. The data is aggregated by geography.

Country - The country where election ads were served, specified in the
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard code.
For example: "US" for United States.
Country_Subdivision_Primary - The primary subdivision of the country where
election ads were served, specified by the ISO 3166-2 standard code.
For example: "US-CA" for California state in United States.
Country_Subdivision_Secondary - The name of the secondary subdivision.
For example: The name of a US congressional district.
Spend_USD - Total amount in USD spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_EUR - Total amount in EUR spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_INR - Total amount in INR spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_BGN - Total amount in BGN spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_HRK - Total amount in HRK spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_CZK - Total amount in CZK spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_DKK - Total amount in DKK spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_HUF - Total amount in HUF spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_PLN - Total amount in PLN spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_RON - Total amount in RON spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_SEK - Total amount in SEK spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_GBP - Total amount in GBP spent on election ads in this region.
Spend_NZD - Total amount in NZD spent on election ads in this region.

[DEPRECATED] google-political-ads-top-keywords-history.csv

The “Top Keywords” section of the US report was removed and updates to this file
were terminated in December 2019. The file reflects historical data.

This file contains the information for the top six keywords on which political
advertisers have spent money during an election cycle. This data is only
provided for US elections.

Election_Cycle - [DEPRECATED] This field is deprecated in favor of the Region
and Elections field. It will be deleted some time after July 2019.
Region - [DEPRECATED] The region where advertisers used these keywords.
Elections - [DEPRECATED] The elections during which these keywords were used.
Report_Date - [DEPRECATED] The start date for the week where the spending was
Keyword_1 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the most spend by advertisers for election
Spend_USD_1 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_1.
Keyword_2 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the next most spend by advertisers for
election ads.
Spend_USD_2 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_2.
Keyword_3 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the next most spend by advertisers for
election ads.
Spend_USD_3 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_3.
Keyword_4 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the next most spend by advertisers for
election ads.
Spend_USD_4 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_4.
Keyword_5 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the next most spend by advertisers for
election ads.
Spend_USD_5 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_5.
Keyword_6 - [DEPRECATED] Keyword with the next most spend by advertisers for
election ads.
Spend_USD_6 - [DEPRECATED] Total spend in USD for Keyword_6.


This file contains the information of the latest updated date for the Political
Ads report. All dates provided are per UTC time zone.

Report_Data_Updated_Date - The updated date is the date the report's data was
last refreshed.


Certain California and New Zealand advertisers are required to submit additional
data about themselves. The advertiser is responsible for the accuracy of this
information, which Google has not confirmed.

For California, this information is provided from our express notification

process required for certain California advertisers, which is separate from our
verification process.
For New Zealand, this information is provided during our verification process.

Advertiser_ID - Unique ID for an advertiser verified to run election ads on
Google Ads Services.
Region - The region for which the advertisers provided this data. ISO 3166-1
alpha-2 standard code is used for country regions (for example: "NZ" for New
Zealand). ISO 3166-2 standard code is used for primary subdivisions (for
example: “US-CA” for California state in United States).
Advertiser_Declared_Name - The California advertiser’s Committee declared name.
Advertiser_Declared_Regulatory_ID - The California advertiser’s Committee
declared identification number.
Advertiser_Declared_Scope - The California advertiser’s Committee-provided
information about the candidate and office, or ballot proposition and
jurisdiction, to which the advertisement refers.
NZ_Advertiser_Declared_Name - The New Zealand advertiser’s declared Promoter
Statement name.
NZ_Advertiser_Declared_Address - The New Zealand advertiser’s declared Promoter
Statement address.

For more information see:

The Political Advertising on Google Transparency Report at

The supporting Frequently Asked Questions at

The Political Advertising on google BigQuery public dataset at

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