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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Jawaher Hussain Topic or Theme: Ronding to nearest ten


Date & Duration: 18-11-2020 / 30minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: make the students recognize what the rounding to nearest ten mean and connected
to the real life to understand it in easy way.

My goal is trying to make everyone understand the lesson by making each child sharing in the class as
possible as I can and by using differentiation activity.

Lesson Focus:

Students should be able to rounding any number they see to the nearest tens.

They distinguish between the numbers that, rounding up or rounding down.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to solve different questions by using the rounding to the nearest ten and using
activity to support them.

Links to Prior Learning:

Students have a background of the place of the Ones and Tens and Hundred place value.

21st Century Skills:

Critical thinking: As the students were thinking of the right place of the answers. For example, check
which number sentence given is true or false and put it in the right place by try to solve it first.

Explore and Creativity: students work together on the padlet program to try to do the activity also using
the kahoot program.

Key vocabulary:
Rounding , round down , round up

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems:

Students may be confused between the repeat this number and show them example on the
numbers that we rounding to up and the padlet program.
numbers that we rounding to the down.
Includes differentiation activities.

Resources/equipment needed:

Computers, paper and download

& Time
10 mins Students will: Teacher will:
Say good morning grade 3. How are you
Projector Listen to the teacher rules. today,
Ask them what is today.
Computer Participate, answering with the Tell them today I will teach you a math
teacher and show a good behavior. lesson, but what did you think is will be
ClassDojo about. Then tell them what is it.
Program Reminds them the rules of the class and
there is a ClassDojo point for the best
Tell the students I will show you a video
about the lesson(rounding to the nearest
ten) and you have to listen carefully
because I will ask you questions.

Main activities
& Time
25 mins Students will: Teacher will:
Start to demonstrate the powerpoint to
Computer participate with the teacher by looking them step by step. First, start by asking
to the powerpoint, sharing and what you know about the rounding. Then,
Padlet answer to the question given. tell them the definition of it. Second, tell
them how we know if the numbers
Kahoot Using their mind's imagination to rounding up or rounding down. Also, give
think. Also, listen to their classmates' examples and explain the place value to
answers. them(the Ones, Tens and Hundred) to can
sharing in the challenge and do their understand it in an easy way. For
best. example,52 when rounding we have to
start with ones place which is it 2 and see if
the number more than 5 rounding up and
if less than 4 roundings down.
Then the teacher will show them the
online cards to make them understand
more and linked to their life by giving an
example (Supermarket) if you going to
supermarket and buy a chocolate and juice
and your total was 43 it easy to rounding
to nearest ten (40) then the remainder is 3.
Then doing a challenge between two
students using the whiteboard.

Differentiation activities (Support):

High level: Students will be given a padlet program to work on it. So, this group will work on the written
questions with true and false questions. For example, 21=20 which means if we rounding 21 to the
nearest ten it will be 20, so that sentence is true then put it in the true place, but if we think is false put
it in the False place and so on, so they have to choose.

Medium level: Students will be given a padlet program but their group will work on the rounding real
numbers. For example, they have a paper written on it numbers from two digit numbers so they have
to nearest those numbers to nearest ten also they have a line number to help them.

Low level: students will work on the splash learn program and I will enter the link to them, about the
rounding to the nearest ten. It's like a game it will be asking different questions in different style and
when you enter your answer it will show you if it's true or false and if it was a false they will describe to
you why.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Low level: Students will be provided a link of the Kahoot. I will show them questions look like small
assessment and I will choose their group to answer on this questions to see their understanding.

High and Medium level: Students will be using a different link of the Kahoot program and they have to
answer on it. The teacher will provide different questions based on their level some of them written
and other fill in the blank However, the high level will provide extra question.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 mins Students will: Teacher will

Think and answer the questions in an Ask the students what they understand
organizer way. from today's topic.
Listen to their classmates answers. Give positive feedback.

Homework The worksheet paper if their a time

Assessment Correcting in the next time and give to them back.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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