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Einstein Bros .

Bagels ®

Fuel your brain

Lidyamar Carrion, Rebecca Colon, Lindsey Moore, Minh Thu Nguyen


There’s a clear link between cognitive function at work and foods that boost the brain’s performance like whole
grains and avocado. Cognitive function encompasses the brain’s mental processes that lead to acquiring knowl-
edge and information. These mental processes include paying attention, learning abilities, memory, information
processing and problem-solving which all play a vital role in workplace productivity.

The Colorado Department of Education introduced resources supporting brain function and diets supporting both
bottom and higher-level fundamental processes, such as, “a diet containing whole grain, eggs, and avocado is
necessary for both cognitive function and brain productivity.”

They shared that, “This highest level allows us to operate in our many environments and to be productive citizens
— and it’s wholly dependent on the three preceding levels being intact and working in concert to produce our
desired outcome, which is reasoning and overall functioning.”
There are six elements of deep heath and they hold a significant impact in building a well-balanced and nutrition-
al lifestyle. All of these involve nutrients that support these cognitive functions.

Nutrition impacts worker performance, time management, and quality of work.

According to studies done by Arizona State University, diets very low in carbohydrates lead to fatigue which is
why energy-boosting lunches are so important to an individual’s overall productivity.

Optimal work performance and socioeconomic function require adequate nutrition and that, consequently, an
altered nutritional status should result in some impairment of those complex human endeavors.

Research has shown that creativity is heightened when people step away from the office and take a break, and
this becomes increasingly important the more hours people work.

Working long hours also consumes mental resources; hours of overtime work have been associated with difficulty
to psychologically disengage and ability to relax after work. Further, reported energy level after work has been
found to decrease with increasing hours of work, which could have an important impact on evening food prepara-

“In the first place, weak or insufficient nutrition conditions negatively affect worker health, which causes a de-
crease in personal energy, loss of strength and concentration and the decline of learning potential.”
To increase Einstein Bagels traffic and lunch sales among Orlando professionals aged 25 to 49 by 15% by Dec.

Strategy Statement
Demonstrate that Einstein’s Bagel lunch menu contains food that increases productivity for the rest of a work

Big Idea
Einstein Bagels lunch is the only place that provides a lunch that helps boost your brain’s performance at work.

Fuel your brain.
Target Audience
Due to the fact that cognitive function plays a vital role in the workplace, we decided to target female and male
working individuals aged 25 to 49 with an annual income of $37,000 or more. We decided to choose this age
bracket because according to Politico, the median age of all U.S employees is 30. Since the average office em-
ployee makes $37,000 annually, we decided we wanted to target this financial group.
Digital Display Ad: Facebook
Digital Display Ad: Instagram
Outdoor Ad: Billboard
Radio Ad: 30 Second Spot

FX Direction Audio

SFX: Sound of biting into sandwich.

Einstein VO: Eureka! Einstein energy, it’s in the bagel.

One lunch decision can derail your day, so choose a

productive one.

The “Brain Food Bagelwich” is the whole equation. A

soft flakey bagel packed with whole grains, coated
in sesame seeds and layered with thick maple bacon,
tomato, and smear that will keep your energy and idea
levels elevated all day long.

Bagels are our passion so we can help fuel yours.

Fade Out: Einstein bagels.

Newspaper Ad
Television Ad: 30 Second Spot

Television Ad: 15 Second Spot

Media Plan

Through our research, we found that Einstein’s menu has plenty of ingredients in its lunch sandwiches that are
“brain food.” We decided to play into this fact with our advertisements and their messages to our target audience
by emphasising these healthy, fresh ingredients that will provide consumers with more than a full stomach. Spe-
cifically, avocado, eggs and fish will all benefit the brain and therefore give the consumer the stamina the brain
needs to get through the rest of the day.


Digital Display Ads: Facebook and Instagram

We’re creating three social media ads over the course of the year on Facebook and Instagram. We chose both of
these platforms because it will cover our entire target audience. While most of the target audience most likely are
active on both platforms, the younger end will likely be more active on Instagram while the older generation will
likely be more active on Facebook. We can also hone in demographics very specifically on social media platforms.
This will give us a greater chance of hitting our specified audience. We chose to create three ads to give a variety
in what the audience sees.

Outdoor Ad: Billboard

The outdoor ad will be in a highly visible spot in downtown Orlando, where it is likely to get eye traffic on the
morning commute to work. The bright color and simple wording will give viewers a reason to look Einstein’s up
after they are parked.

Radio Ad
For the radio ad, we are planning on running the ad during the morning drive (6am-10am) time slot. This is, again,
will target the morning commute to the office when our target audience will be listening to the radio.
Media Plan

Rationale Cont.

Newspaper Ad
A newspaper ad will be more specifically aimed at the older end of the target audience, but the coupon attached
will give the audience an incentive to try Einstein’s.

Television Ads
We chose to air the television ads on cable because it covers most of the networks those in our target audience
will likely watch. We did two ads to vary the content over the six months the ads will air. One ad will be a 30
second slot toward the beginning of the campaign to give viewers an idea of the big idea behind the campaign.
The other ad will be a 15 second slot that will air toward the end of our campaign to give television viewers one
last reminder of the benefits Einstein’s has for the brain. Since this ad is running continuously for the last three
months, we decided to keep it short.
Media Calander

Outdoor Cable Radio Print Digital Display Ad TOTAL

4 $1,700.00
January $60,000.00 $15,000.00 $76,700.00
1 $1,700.00
February $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $46,700.00
1 $1,700.00
March $60,000.00 $15,000.00 $76,700.00
5 $1,700.00
April $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $46,700.00
3 $1,700.00
May 17 $75,000.00 $62,500.00 $15,000.00 $154,200.00
7 $1,700.00
June $30,000.00 $50,000.00 $15,000.00 $96,700.00
8 $1,700.00
July $30,000.00 $50,000.00 $10,000.00 $91,700.00
2 $1,700.00
August 16 $50,000.00 $10,000.00 $61,700.00
6 $1,700.00
September $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $46,700.00
4 $1,700.00
October $60,000.00 $15,000.00 $71,700.00
1 $1,700.00
November 15 $30,000.00 $75,000.00 $15,000.00 $122,800.00 $999,000.00
29 $1,100.00
6 $1,700.00
December $30,000.00 $60,000.00 $15,000.00 $106,700.00 GRAND TOTAL
Public Relations
Einstein Bagels believes in the power that bagels have in people’s lives: it helps them look forward to their morn-
ing and afternoon escapes, however, Orlando citizens only view Einstein Bagels as a breakfast option- rather
than a breakfast and lunch option. The goal of this campaign is to increase Einstein Bagels traffic and lunch sales
among Orlando professionals aged 25 to 49 by 15% by Dec. 2021.

Elements and Rationale

Giveaway and Coupon

Go around Downtown Orlando office buildings to handout free sandwiches that contain at least one brain food
ingredient — fish, avocado, eggs, or whole grains — and give out coupons. Front of the coupon will have the
campaign tagline, and the back of the coupon will have a 25% off lunch menu item. This in-person giveaway will
be recorded and posted on Einstein Bagel’s Instagram and Facebook story.

RATIONALE: Since our target audience is working adults aged 25 to 49, we decided Downtown Orlando would
be the best place to do this sandwich giveaway because 91.57% of Downtown Orlando citizens are white collar
employees. A coupon would go along with the free sandwich to make sure people come back into Einstein’s for
more. According to Credit Donkey, 67% of consumers made an unplanned purchase solely because of a coupon.
Finally, we’re posting this giveaway on the company’s Instagram story because of three statistics that stand out:
(1) 1 billion people use Instagram every month, (2) the gender mix of Instagram is pretty even — 52% of users
are female and 48% of users are male, and (3) 1/3 of the most viewed Instagram stories are from businesses.

An article will be pitch about the newest Einstein Bagel’s lunch menu item to a local news outlet close to it’s de-
but. The article will include the energizing benefits of the sandwich to help fuel their brain at work as well as talk
about the upcoming menu item.

RATIONALE: Reporters will be inclined to publish an article because it will contain the following news values:
proximity (Orlando area), timeliness (close to the menu item’s release), impact (health/energizing benefits), and
bizarreness (bagel for lunch). Pitching to a local Orlando news outlet is an easy way to catch a large segment of
our target audience’s attention.
Public Relations
Elements and Rationale Cont.

Press Release
A press release will be sent out after the pitch about a launch party for a new menu item that will be taking place
at the Downtown Orlando location.

RATIONALE: Because a pitch was sent out for the lunch menu item, journalists will want to come to the launch
party to report about it. Therefore, a press release will also be sent out. Following a pitch with a press release to
local Orlando news outlets will ensure our target audience knows about the event.

Instagram Contest
Two weeks before National Sandwich Day, Einstein Bagels will host a contest via Instagram that specifically
targets working adults. To enter the contest, people will be asked to take creative pictures of their Einstein Bagels
lunch sandwiches with the hashtag #EinsteinBagelsFuelYourBrain and must tag the Einstein Bagels Instagram
page. Participants must also caption these pictures with a statement on how Einstein Bagels lunch helps keep
them productive at work. The participant with the most creative and aesthetically pleasing picture will win free
lunch catering for their whole office on National Sandwich Day and tickets for two for The Orlando Science Center.
The winning picture will be reposted on the company’s Instagram page.

RATIONALE: According to Outgrow, Instagram contests get 3.5 times as many likes and 64 times more comments
on average than regular posts. Furthermore, this will increase both sales and traffic of Einstein Bagels lunch
because people will need to purchase a lunch item to even enter into the competition. Awareness of the lunch
benefits will be seen by the followers of anyone who enters the competition, and when the winner is picked, will be
seen by the followers of the company’s Instagram page.
Public Relations
Giveway and Coupon


25 % OFF
Public Relations
Subject Line: A Simple Change in Your Diet Can Help Boost Productivity at Work

It’s no secret that people are constantly looking for new ways to live a healthier lifestyle, but it’s a lot easier said
than done, especially when working a full-time job. Americans are constantly looking for ways to be more produc-
tive, but unfortunately most rely on not-so-healthy habits in order to achieve this goal. Some of these bad habits
may include sugary energy drinks or more cups of coffee than is recommended.

While caffeine may give some short term results, implementing foods that boost brain performance is a more
effective long-term solution. Some foods that positively affect your brain’s performance are fish and eggs for a
memory boost, avocados for improving cognitive function, and whole grains to improve cognitive wellbeing.

Einstein Bagels has been implementing all of these ingredients since its inception in 1995. It has recently made it
even easier to get a large portion of these superfoods into your diet with its newest sandwich dubbed “Brain Fuel.”
With National Bagel Day right around the corner, the sandwich is debuting at the perfect time. The Brain Fuel
Sandwich lives up to its name, containing brain boosting ingredients like salmon, egg, avocado, and spinach all on
a whole grain bagel.

This latest health trend of eating brain boosting superfoods for a healthier lifestyle would fit perfectly in the health
section of your magazine because it’s an interesting new take on healthy eating. I think your readers would enjoy
reading about this latest health craze and about how Einstein Bagel’s Brain Fuel Sandwich can help them get these
superfoods in just one meal.

Please contact me if you’re interested in featuring Einstein Bagel’s newest sandwich in your next health and
wellness story.


Lilly Carrion
Public Relations Director
Einstein Bagels
Public Relations
Press Release
For Immediate Release

Contact Lilly Carrion at

407-777-5436 Work
954-222-5467 Mobile

Einstein Bagels Hosts New Menu Item Launch Party in Downtown Orlando

ORLANDO, FLA. (Jan. 5, 2020) — Einstein Bagels is excited to host a launch party for its newest menu item, “The
Brain Fuel Bagelwich.” The party will take place at the Downtown Orlando location on Feb. 5, a week before the
sandwich is officially on the menu. Orlando citizens are invited to celebrate with Einstein Bagels team members,
city officials, local reporters, and local celebrities.

Every guest will receive a sample of The Brain Fuel Bagelwich and free drink upon arrival. The main attraction will
be the Einstein Impersonation contest hosted by Bill Nye the Science Guy. Bonus points for impersonators that
come dressed most like Einstein. As a surprise twist, contestants need to impersonate Einstein as they list off the
powerful ingredients of the new menu item. The ‘Einstein’ that generates the most noise from the crowd will win
Free Einstein Bagels lunch for life and will get to spend the day with Bill Nye at the Orlando Science Center.

As if that wasn’t enough, there will also be a trivia contest where guests can show off their heightened brain pow-
er thanks to the ingredients in the newest lunch item. The group that answers the most questions correctly will
receive a coupon for 1 free Brain Fuel Bagelwich on the day it launches, National Bagel Day.

Einstein Bagels has been sharing the power of the bagel since 1995. It has provided freshly baked bagels, break-
fast sandwiches, lunch sandwiches, coffee, catering, and so much more for more than 20 years. Now, Einstein
Bagels is proud to have more than 720 company and franchised-owned shops throughout the United States.

Public Relations
Instagram Contest
Measurement and
We will track the overall lunch sales and traffic in Einstein Bagels in the Orlando DMA area in 2021 and compare
them to the 2020 numbers to make sure we met our objective.

More specifically to our campaign, we will continuously track our ads to make sure they have a good reach to our
target audience and measure the outcomes of our PR events. We will also track the percentage of coupons we get
back from the ads and events.

Michelon, P. (2006, Dec 18). What are Cognitive Abilities and Skills, and How to Boost Them. Sharp Brains.
Retrieved from

Arizona State University Study

“Whole Grains: Good Food Mood”

The Importance of Employee Breaks

Clark College: Six Dimensions of Wellness

Work Hours and Percieved Time Barriers

The Relationship Between Nutrition and Worker Efficiency

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