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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062

Dehydrogenation kinetics of pure and nickel-doped magnesium

hydride investigated by in situ time-resolved powder
X-ray diffraction
Torben R. Jensena,∗ , Anders Andreasenb, c,1 , Tejs Veggeb, d , Jens W. Andreasenb, e, f ,
Kenny Ståhle , Allan S. Pedersenb , Martin M. Nielsenf ,
Alfons M. Molenbroekg , Flemming Besenbacherh
a Department of Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), University of Aarhus, DK-8000
Aarhus C, Denmark
b Materials Research Department, RisZ National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
c Department of Chemical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalysis, Technical University of Denmark,
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
d Department of Physics and Center for Atomic Scale Materials Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
e Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
f Danish Polymer Centre, RisZ National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
g Haldor TopsZe A/S, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
h Department of Physics and Astronomy, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), University of Aarhus,
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Received 18 May 2005; received in revised form 20 January 2006; accepted 2 February 2006
Available online 17 April 2006

The dehydrogenation kinetics of pure and nickel (Ni)-doped (2 w/w%) magnesium hydride (MgH2 ) have been investigated
by in situ time-resolved powder X-ray diffraction (PXD). Deactivated samples, i.e. air exposed, are investigated in order to
focus on the effect of magnesium oxide (MgO) surface layers, which might be unavoidable for magnesium (Mg)-based storage
media for mobile applications. A curved position-sensitive detector covering 120◦ in 2 and a rotating anode X-ray source
provide a time resolution of 45 s and up to 90 powder patterns collected during an experiment under isothermal conditions.
A quartz capillary cell allowed the in situ study of gas/solid reactions. Three phases were identified: Mg, MgH2 and MgO
and their phase fractions were extracted by Rietveld refinement or integration of selected reflections from each phase. Dehy-
drogenation curves were constructed and analysed by the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami formalism in order to derive rate constants
at different temperatures. The apparent activation energies for dehydrogenation of pure and Ni-doped magnesium hydride
were EA ≈ 300 and 250 kJ/mol, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry gave, EA = 270 kJ/mol for dehydrogenation
of the Ni-doped sample. The relatively high activation energies are due to MgO surface layers, retarding the diffusion of

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 8942 3894; fax: +45 8619 6199.
E-mail address: (T.R. Jensen).
1 Present address: MAN B&W A/S, Basic Research & Emission, Teglholmsgade 41, DK-2450 Copenhagen, Denmark.

0360-3199/$30.00 䉷 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062 2053

hydrogen (H2 ) out of MgH2 /Mg. The observed difference in EA of ca. 50 kJ/mol is likely due to the catalytic effect of Ni on
the recombination of H atoms to H2 molecules verified by theoretical considerations.
䉷 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Magnesium hydride; Nickel-doped magnesium hydride; Hydrogen storage materials; Gas–solid reactions; In situ powder X-ray
diffraction; Dehydrogenation kinetic; Differential scanning calorimetry

1. Introduction In situ PXD has proved to be a powerful tool for the

investigation of metal hydrides, for example Mg2 Ni
Future utilisation of renewable energy can be realised and LaNi5 [20,21]. Phase separation during hydrogena-
by implementing a ‘hydrogen society’ with hydrogen tion was observed for the alloys LaMg12 and La2 Mg17 ,
(H2 ) as the energy carrier. One of the remaining prob- which decompose to LaH3 and MgH2 upon heating in
lems is the development of a safe and economic H2 a H2 atmosphere [22]. H2 desorption from MgH2 /Nb
storage system [1,2]. Magnesium (Mg) and Mg-based nanocomposite revealed an intermediate niobium hy-
alloys have been explored intensively due to the high dride phase suggested to act as a gateway for H2 flowing
theoretical gravimetric H2 density in Magnesium hy- out of the Mg reservoir, and the diffusion coefficient for
droxide (MgH2 ) m = 7.6 w/w% and the high volu- H2 was found to reach a maximum at an H/Nb ratio cor-
metric H2 density, v = 110 g/L (i.e. 153% relative responding to the intermediate phase, NbH0.6 [23–27].
to the density of liquid H2 , H2 (l) = 71 g/L). The H2 In situ PXD is an invaluable technique for studies of
storage capacity in MgH2 exceeds the requirements complex hydrides such as NaAlH4 , which currently are
stated by the International Energy Association (IEA), considered as very promising candidates for H atoms
m > 5.0 w/w% [3]. In addition, the light metal Mg is storage materials and interact with H2 via a complex
cheap and virtually limitless, i.e. occur to an extent of reaction mechanism with several steps [28–30].
0.13% in sea water and 2.76% by weight in the earth In this study, we will explore the use of in situ PXD
crust. One of the problems however, is that the Mg–H as a tool for kinetic investigations of new potential H2
system has unfavourable thermodynamics and slow ki- storage materials. We will demonstrate that the low
netics for H2 uptake and release. Thermodynamics dic- X-ray scattering power of hydrogen is compensated by
tate that relatively high temperatures (T > 280 ◦ C) must a significant symmetry or volume change during hydro-
be applied to desorb H2 from pure MgH2 due to a forma- genation and dehydrogenation of most materials. There-
tion enthalpy of MgH2 of, Hf = −75 kJ/mol [4]. Fur- fore, H2 –metal interactions are often clearly detectable
thermore, investigations have shown that kinetics can be by X-ray scattering. A kinetic study of the dehydrogena-
improved remarkably either by reduction of the particle tion of MgH2 and Ni-doped MgH2 is presented, and the
size by ball milling, by mechanical alloying or sputter results are discussed in relation to previous experimen-
deposition of other elements or by doping with carbon tal work and theoretical calculations. This work is the
[5–19]. In this way, the kinetics can be improved by re- first part of our on-going investigation of deactivated,
ducing the diffusion path of hydrogen atoms in Mg and i.e. air exposed, Mg and Mg-based alloys. The aim is to
MgH2 , facilitating the diffusion process or by adding gain further insight into the mechanism for hydrogena-
catalysts on the metal surface for the dissociation or tion and dehydrogenation. For possible applications of
formation of H2 molecules. Mg-based storage media surface oxidation, i.e. creation
The detailed kinetics of both hydrogenation and de- of a few nm thick MgO surface layer, can be unavoid-
hydrogenation of Mg and its alloys have been inves- able either due to oxygen impurities in the H2 gas or
tigated by a variety of different techniques and this is due to air exposure.
possibly the group of H2 storage materials that has at-
tracted most interest during the past decades. A wide
2. Experimental
range of apparent activation energies have been reported
suggesting a complex sorption mechanism sensitive to 2.1. Materials and initial characterisation
the pretreatment and experimental conditions. This has
prompted us to investigate dehydrogenation of MgH2 The materials used in this investigation are Mg
and Nickel doped MgH2 using in situ time-resolved (99%) and Ni-doped (2 w/w%) Mg commercially
powder X-ray diffraction (PXD) and determine phase available from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received.
fractions of the involved phases, Mg, MgO and MgH2 . For both materials, ex situ PXD analysis showed
2054 T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062

diffraction peaks from Mg only. Elemental analysis for

the Ni-doped sample, denoted Mg(Ni) in the follow- Stainless steel tube
ing, was performed with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spec- and fittings
troscopy (EDX) giving 87 ± 4, 11 ± 5 and 2 ± 2 w/w%
for Mg, O and Ni, respectively. The particle size dis-
tributions of the starting materials were determined by
laser diffraction using a Bechman Coulter LS 13 320 Capillary
tube Diffracted beam
multi-wavelength particle size analyser. The Ni-doped Oven
powder has a slightly higher mean particle diameter,

CPS 120 Detector

76±28 m compared to 60 ±22 m for the Mg sample.
Pure and Ni-doped MgH2 were prepared from the Xrays
starting materials in a Sartorius high-pressure balance
unit [31] at p(H2 ) = 30 bar and T = 400 ◦ C, using
99.9997% H2 from Air Liquide. The H2 uptake was
measured from the weight gain of the sample and veri-
fied by powder X-ray diffraction showing a nearly 100% Glass wool plugs Hydride bed
transformation of Mg into MgH2 . The materials were in-
vestigated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
JEOL JSM-5310LV operated at 15 kV. The morphology
of the hydrogenated samples appear more homogeneous
with a reduced number of deeper cracks possibly due
to the structural expansion of metal to hydride.
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the experimental set-up illustrating
2.2. Calorimetry the gas/solid reactor for in situ investigations allowing a controlled
gas flow, analysis of the exhaust gas, simultaneous heating and
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data were exposure to X-ray radiation.
measured for the dehydrogenation of Mg(Ni)H2 from
RT to 490 ◦ C at heating rates, , of 2, 3.5, 5 and
10 ◦ C/ min in a flow of He (200 mL/min) using a Seiko control system [33]. The powder sample was loaded be-
DSC 120 U. The hydride (ca. 10 mg) and the reference tween plugs of quartz glass wool in a quartz capillary
(-Al2 O3 , ca. 10 mg) were loaded in open aluminium tube (0.7 mm OD) in order to fix the hydride bed and
crucibles. The heat flux is proportional to the rate of allow a gas flow (Ar, 10 mL/min) through the sample
reaction and goes through a maximum, TP . Apparent during data acquisition as shown in Fig. 1. The MgH2
activation energy can be extracted from these data was exposed to air during this procedure. The sam-
using the Kissinger equation [32]. ples were heated by an external stream of hot nitro-
gen gas (20 ◦ C/ min) to a constant temperature in the
d(ln(/TP2 )/d(TP−1 ) = −EA /R. (1) range 350–400 ◦ C and the dehydrogenation was studied
at isothermal conditions. The experimental details for
2.3. In situ powder X-ray diffraction the PXD experiments are described in Table 1. In each
experiment a new load of sample was dehydrogenated.
The X-ray instrument was built with a Rigaku rotating It was not possible to re-hydrogenate the samples under
anode X-ray source operated at 50 kV and 300 mA with the present experimental conditions.
a curved graphite monochromator producing Cu K Full profile Rietveld refinement of the in situ PXD
radiation,  = 1.542 Å (∼ 107 photons/s). The inten- data was performed in order to determine the phase
sity of the diffracted beam was recorded with a curved fractions as a function of time during dehydrogenation
position-sensitive detector, INEL CPS 120, covering of MgH2 and Mg(Ni)H2 [34,35]. Three phases are ob-
120◦ in 2 with a resolution of ca. 0.03◦ . The samples served in the powder patterns, Mg, MgH2 and MgO
were exposed to X-rays 30–120 s corresponding to ac- and the crystallographic information for these phases
quisition time per powder pattern between 48 and 192 s are listed in Table 2. The Rietveld refinements are per-
including read-out and overhead time. formed with the winpow software [36] using pseudo-
The reactor for studies of gas–solid reactions at ele- Voigt profile functions, a shifted Chebyshev polynomial
vated temperature and pressure was connected to a gas (15 coefficients) for the background and the constraint
T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062 2055

Table 1
Experimental details for the in situ time-resolved powder X-ray diffraction investigations

No. MgH2 No. Mg(Ni)H2

Acquisition Exposure Acquisition Exposure

T /◦ C t/s t/s T /◦ C t/s t/s

1 360 182 120 5 350 182 120

2 380 182 120 6 370 182 120
3 390 48 30 7 380 182 120
4 400 48 30 8 390 182 120

Table 2
Unit cell parameters and crystallographic information for magnesium, magnesium hydride and magnesium oxide, the three phases included in
the Rietveld refinement

Property Substance

Mg MgH2 MgO

a/Å 3.2093 4.5168 4.2198

c/Å 5.2103 3.0205 —
V /Å3 46.47 61.62 75.14
Space group P63 /mmc P42 /mnm Fm3m
Crystal system Hexagonal Tetragonal Cubic
Ref. [39] [40] [41]

that the sum of phase fractions of Mg, MgH2 and MgO time, to , can be observed prior to the reaction, which
is equal to one. The X-ray data is also analysed by nu- can be related to a nucleation time given as
merical peak integration of the MgH2 (1 1 0) reflection
and the (1 0 0) and (0 0 2) from Mg. MgO was excluded (t) = exp(−(k(t − to ))n ). (4)
from this analysis since the change in phase fraction is
small and it do not quantify the desorption of H2 from Fitting Eqs. (3) and (4) to the experimental data provide
MgH2 . The phase fractions are calculated by the rate constant, the Avrami exponents and the apparent
nucleation time. An apparent activation energy, EA , and
a pre-factor, A, for the overall reaction can be calculated
(t) = [Ii (t) − Imin ]/[Imax − Imin ]. (2)
using Arrhenius law
I (t) is the integrated intensity for reflection i at time k = A exp(−EA /RT ), (5)
t, and Imin and Imax are the minimum and maximum
observed intensity, respectively. The background inten- where R is the gas constant and T the absolute temper-
sity is estimated by, Imin . Phase fractions typically in ature. The delay, to , can be interpreted as a nucleation
the range 0.2–0.8 are used for the kinetic investiga- time and an Arrhenius plot (− ln(to ) vs. 1/T ) gives an
tion using an empirical rate law for isothermal phase apparent activation energy for the nucleation process,
formation EA0 [38].

(t) = exp(−(kt)n ). (3)

3. Results
The parameters describing growth rates and nucle-
ation are contained in a rate constant, k, and the The decomposition of Ni-doped MgH2 , Mg(Ni)H2 ,
Avrami exponent, n [37]. Eq. (3) is often denoted the is illustrated by 40 consecutive powder X-ray diffrac-
Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) model. To eliminate the tion patterns in Fig. 2 showing the dehydrogenation of
temperature variations of the Avrami exponent a fixed MgH2 by the disappearance of the (1 1 0) and (1 0 1) re-
value can be chosen, e.g. n = 4. In some cases a delay flections and the corresponding appearance of Mg(1 0 0)
2056 T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062

Fig. 2. Time-resolved in situ powder X-ray diffraction of dehydrogenation of Mg(Ni)H2 . A stack of 40 consecutive diffraction patterns
measured at T = 390 ◦ C and with acquisition time t = 182 s.

Fig. 4. Phase fractions determined by Rietveld refinement of MgH2 ,

Fig. 3. Experimental and calculated powder X-ray diffraction patterns Mg and MgO as a function of time for Mg(Ni)H2 dehydrogenated
for a partly dehydrogenated sample of Mg(Ni)H2 (T = 370 ◦ C). at 370 ◦ C.
The difference between observed and calculated intensities is also
included. The X, # and O markers correspond to MgH2 , Mg and
MgO, respectively (Rp = 6.37%, Rwp = 9.41%).

Phase fractions derived by Rietveld refinement,

Fig. 4, for Mg and MgH2 vs. time have a sigmoidal
and Mg(0 0 2) reflections. Rietveld refinement of a se- shape, whereas the fraction of MgO is only slightly in-
lected pattern of Mg(Ni) reveal the existence of three creasing. Dehydrogenation curves, i.e. phase fractions
phases during dehydrogenation of the sample as shown of MgH2 vs. time have been constructed for all exper-
in the Fig. 3. iments as shown in Fig. 5 for the Ni-doped sample.
T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062 2057

similar formation curves and there were no signs of pre-

ferred crystallite orientation in the samples. An empiri-
cal rate law (JMA type), Eqs. (3) and (4), can describe
the data as shown in Fig. 5 (curves). Avrami exponents,
n, and rate constants, k, are presented in Table 3 using
Eq. (3) and in Table 4 rate constants, k  , are given for a
fixed value of, n=4. Rate constants, k  , and delay time,
to , extracted with Eq. (4) and a fixed exponent n = 2
are also given in Table 4. An Arrhenius plot to provide
activation energies for PXD data is shown in Fig. 6.
In Fig. 7 the DSC data is depicted, which shows
increasing peak temperature, Tp , with increasing heating
rate, . From observations of the heating rate and the
corresponding peak temperature the apparent activation
Fig. 5. Dehydrogenation curves for pure Mg(Ni)H2 extracted from
the in situ PXD data (points) measured at fixed temperatures of 350,
energy can be extracted using the Kissinger equation
370, 380 and 390 ◦ C. The theoretical curves are a fit using Eq. (3) [32], see Fig. 8.
and with the results given in Table 3.

4. Discussion

The phase fractions determined by Rietveld refinement Faster dehydrogenation kinetics with higher temper-
and those by integration of Bragg reflection intensities atures are clearly visible along with the sigmoidal shape
were identical within the experimental accuracy. Inte- of all curves for each sample, as illustrated in Fig. 5,
gration of reflections with different Miller indices gave in accordance with previous investigations [42,43].

Table 3
Kinetic parameters for the dehydrogenation of both pure and nickel-doped MgH2 obtained using Eq. (3)

No. MgH2 No. Mg(Ni)H2

T /◦ C k/s −1 n T /◦ C k/s −1 n

1 360 3.93 × 10−5 2.26 5 350 2.72 × 10−5 4.20

2 380 1.53 × 10−4 6.99 6 370 1.00 × 10−4 6.29
3 390 4.53 × 10−4 3.29 7 380 2.00 × 10−4 6.47
4 400 1.13 × 10−3 4.41 8 390 5.30 × 10−4 14.9

EA /kJ/mol 299 249

Table 4
Kinetic parameters for the dehydrogenation of pure and nickel-doped MgH2 obtained using Eq. (3), with a fixed value of the exponent, n = 4
(the rate constant, k  ), and Eq. (4), with n = 2 (the rate constant, k  and apparent nucleation time, to )

No. MgH2 No. Mg(Ni)H2

T /◦ C k  /s−1 k  /s−1 to /s T /◦ C k  /s−1 k  /s−1 to /s

1 360 4.12 × 10−5 4.73 × 10−5 3.99 × 103 5 350 2.71 × 10−5 3.88 × 10−5 1.13 × 104
2 380 1.50 × 10−4 2.20 × 10−4 2.22 × 103 6 370 9.99 × 10−5 1.43 × 10−4 3.27 × 103
3 390 4.57 × 10−4 6.19 × 10−4 577 7 380 1.92 × 10−4 2.75 × 10−4 1.68 × 103
4 400 1.13 × 10−3 1.58 × 10−3 258 8 390 4.99 × 10−4 7.35 × 10−4 66

EA /kJ/mol 291 308 241 249

EAO /kJ/mol 241 216
2058 T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062

Fig. 7. Differential scanning calorimetry for the dehydrogenation

of Mg(Ni)H2 showing the heat flux as a function of temperature
measured from RT to 490 ◦ C at heating rates, , of 2, 3.5, 5
and 10 ◦ C/ min in a flow of He. Each curve has been scaled for
Fig. 6. Arrhenius plot of the kinetic data given in Table 3 for the illustrative reasons.
dehydrogenation of both pure MgH2 and Mg(Ni)H2 .

Dehydrogenation of the Ni-doped sample is faster at

each temperature, see Fig. 6. The observed data seem to
indicate a nucleation time, to , prior to the onset of dehy-
drogenation, e.g. by visual inspection of Fig. 2. A fixed
Avrami exponent, n = 2, was chosen in order to extract
to . The data was fitted both with free and fixed Avrami
exponent, n, as seen in Tables 3 and 4. The fluctuations
observed for free n can be due to deviation from pure
‘nucleation and growth’ kinetics that is described by the
model. The Avrami exponent was observed to increase
from n = 2 to 4 for H2 desorption from MgH2 due a
temperature increase in accordance with previous work
[44,45]. However, it is generally agreed that the temper- Fig. 8. The DSC data (Fig. 7) displayed as a Kissinger plot providing
an apparent activation energy for the dehydrogenation of Mg(Ni)H2 .
ature dependency of the rate constant is not sensitive to
the choice of function describing the time dependence
[46,47]. The X-ray data was also analysed using a fixed 4.1. Comparison with related work
value of n = 4. The apparent activation energy of both
pure and Ni-doped samples are listed in Tables 3 and 4 In the present work, the focus is on the apparent acti-
showing values of ca. 300 and 250 kJ/mol, respectively, vation energy for the overall dehydrogenation process.
for the dehydrogenation. The estimated apparent acti- This reaction, metals with H2 , consists of several steps:
vation energy for the nucleation process, EAO , is less (i) nucleation and growth of Mg, (ii) diffusion of H
than EA for the overall reaction in contrast to previ- atoms in bulk Mg/MgH2 , (iii) surface penetration, i.e.
ous work [38]. From a Kissinger plot of the DSC data through MgO for oxidised samples, (iv) 2D surface dif-
(Fig. 8) the apparent activation energy for the dehy- fusion of H, (v) recombination of 2H to H2 a catalysed
drogenation of Mg(Ni)H2 is found to be 270 kJ/mol in process. Furthermore, (vi) for alloys cation migration
agreement with the activation energy of, ca. 250 kJ/mol can also be of importance during phase formation/phase
found from the in situ PXD experiments. Note, that the separation induced by hydrogenation or dehydrogena-
two experimental techniques are different in nature: the tion. The rate-determining step (the slowest) has the
former operated with continuous heating and the latter largest contribution to the apparent activation energy
at isothermal conditions. when EA  H .
T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062 2059

Table 5
Apparent activation energy for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of magnesium and some selected alloys measured by different techniques

Sample Technique EA /(kJ/mol) Ref.

Mg (powder) 1 100 A [44]
Mg (vapour deposit) 3 138 [48]
Mg (foil) 2 270–314 D [42]

MgH2 (powder) 1 120 A [49]
MgH2 (powder) 2 120–126 A [47]
MgH2 (vapour deposit) 3 132 A [48]
MgH2 (powder) 4 142 A [43]
MgH2 (powder) 1 156 A [49]
Mg (powder) 1 160 A [44]
MgH2 (powder) 2 233a D [31]
MgH2 (powder) 5 299 D This work

Hydrogenation—alloys of magnesium
Mg0.98 Ni0.02 (powder) 1 66 A [50]
Mg/Mg2 Cu (powder) 3 100 [48]
Mgx Niy Hz (powder)b 1 120 A [51]

Mg0.95 V0.05 H2 1 52–99 A [52]
Mg0.95 V0.05 H2 1 62 A [53]
0.99MgH2 · 0.01Nb2 O3 1 62 A [54]
Mg0.95 Nb0.05 H2 1 62–77 A [25]
Mg/Mg2 CuHz (powder) 3 106 [48]
Mg0.87 Al0.07 Ni0.03 Mn0.03 H2 6 100–115 A [55]
MgH2 /Mg2 Cu 5 108 D [56]
MgH2 /MgCu2 5 160 D [56]
MgAlHx 5 160 D [57]
Mg(Ni)H2 (powder) 5 249 D This work
Mg(Ni)H2 (powder) 6 270 D This work

Activated samples, A, and deactivated, D. Technique: (1) Sievert-type apparatus, (2) high-pressure micro-balance, (3) pressure sweep method,
(4) thermal desorption spectroscopy, (5) time-resolved in situ X-ray diffraction and (6) TG/DSC.
a E was extracted by reanalysing the data in Ref. [31].
b The exact composition is not given in Ref. [51].

An overview of experimentally determined apparent impurities. Mg powders with different particle size
activation energies for formation and decomposition of were previously characterised by both neutron activa-
MgH2 and selected hydrides of Mg-based alloys is pre- tion and wet-chemical analysis in order to measure the
sented in Table 5. This table covers a range of differ- amount of MgO [58]. These results suggest that ca.
ent materials and experimental techniques and reveals 4 w/w% oxygen might be expected for the particle size
a significant variation between the apparent activation used in this investigation assuming all oxygen being
energies measured. There is a clear difference in EA for present in a surface oxide layer.
activated samples measured after several cycles of hy- MgO is expected to act as a barrier between bulk
drogenation/dehydrogenation and deactivated samples MgH2 , gas phase and Ni, due to its dense rock-salt
exposed to air and measured after the first cycle. structure limiting the diffusion of H2 atoms [59,60].
For both samples investigated diffusion of atomic H2
4.2. The influence of surface oxidation through Mg/MgH2 and MgO is contributing to the over-
all rate, whereas two-dimensional surface diffusion of
The diffracted intensity indicates an increasing H on MgO is assumed to have negligible activation en-
amount of crystalline MgO (see Fig. 4) possibly ergy and thus a high rate. The apparent activation ener-
due to crystallisation of amorphous MgO, reaction gies reported in this work are somewhat higher; possibly
of Mg with the quartz capillary (SiO2 ) or with gas due to exposure of the samples to the atmosphere prior
2060 T.R. Jensen et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 2052 – 2062

to PXD measurements that has created an oxidised sur- and 250 kJ/mol, respectively) is indeed 50 kJ/mol. Fur-
face layer of MgO on the particles of MgH2 . This work thermore, the two samples of MgH2 and Mg(Ni)H2
serves as an estimate of the maximal apparent activation have similar particle sizes and oxygen content sug-
energy and the influence of MgO surface layers. gesting that the overall bulk diffusion of atomic H
A freshly hydrogenated material can be considered through Mg/MgH2 /MgO are comparable for the
as activated with defects in the surface oxide layer. Dif- samples.
fusion of H2 atoms to the gas/solid interface is thereby This might indicate that the dissociation of H2 and
facilitated. When the activated sample is exposed to air recombination of H to H2 mainly occur on Ni due to its
it is deactivated by oxidation of Mg forming a more lower barrier compared to pure Mg even with as little
perfect surface oxide layer. The results from the mate- as 2 w/w% Ni present. This may suggest that Ni mainly
rials characterisation by EDX indicate that additional catalyses the dissociation/recombination reaction bar-
contamination by oxygen was introduced after hydro- rier for H2 and has minor influence on other processes
genation. as mentioned earlier. Ni, like Mg, is oxidised in air to
On the other hand, Mg is known to have a high vapour the oxide, NiO. In contrast to MgO, NiO is readily re-
pressure that is expected to lead to considerable sinter- duced by H2 gas [72].
ing of Mg particles. Mg and H2 was found to evaporate
simultaneous from thin films of MgH2 . The apparent 4.4. Comparison with magnesium alloys
desorption energy of Mg from thin films of Mg and Mg
covered by MgO was found to be 146 and 314 kJ/mol, Table 5 reveals a large span in EA values for Mg and
respectively. Therefore, surface layers of MgO can be its alloys, supporting the hypothesis that the overall re-
considered as retarding the release and uptake of H2 but action consists of several individual steps [73]. Alloying
also preventing Mg sublimation and thereby increase Mg or including additives can lead to more complex re-
the cyclic stability of, e.g. Mg nanoparticles. Thereby, action schemes for the metal–H2 interaction. Extremely
MgO has a stabilising effect [61,62]. fast kinetics was observed for the additives Nb2 O5 and
V where up to 6 w/w% H2 was absorbed or desorbed
4.3. The catalytic effect of nickel within a few minutes [11,53,54]. The very fast kinetics is
due to the catalytic effect of the additive as well as ball-
It is generally agreed that Mg does not promote dis- milling of the samples prior to the measurements. In this
sociation of H2 molecules, H2 , to atoms on the metal work, the catalytic effect of Ni was clearly detectable by
surface [63,64]. NZrskov et al. calculated the potential in situ PXD. In some cases alloying Mg can influence
energy surface (PES) of H2 adsorption and dissociation thermodynamics, e.g. for Mg0.87 Al0.07 Ni0.03 Mn0.03 H2 ,
on the Mg(0 0 0 1) close-packed surface, which is the and the enthalpy for H2 desorption was H = 55 kJ/
most thermodynamically stable [65]. These calculations mol [55].
showed an activation barrier for H2 dissociation of ca. In a parallel study we investigated the alloy
0.5 eV (∼ 50 kJ/mol) in qualitative agreement with ex- Mg0.85 Cu0.15 . Hydrogenation at low- and high-H2 pres-
periments [66]. The bridge site (i.e. position between sure provided samples of (A) MgH2 + Mg2 Cu and (B)
two identical atoms) has the lowest dissociation bar- MgH2 + MgCu2 , respectively, and in situ PXD reveal
rier, 0.4 eV determined by LDA-calculations [67]. Re- EA for the dehydrogenation of deactivated samples to
cent theoretical work determine the activation energy for be 108 and 160 kJ/mol, respectively [56]. The differ-
H2 dissociation on a Mg(0 0 0 1) surface in the bridge ence is possibly due to the phase formation reaction
site to be EA ≈ 100 kJ/mol, without the presence of during dehydrogenation, 3Mg + MgCu2 → 2Mg2 Cu
a molecular chemisorbed state acting as a precursor to for (B). The same experimental set-up was utilised for
dissociation [68]. In contrast, calculations and experi- investigation of a Mg–Al alloy, Mg17 Al12 , which phase
mental work show that the dissociation of H2 on Ni has separated to MgH2 +Al during hydrogenation [57]. De-
a negligible activation barrier around 0–10 kJ/mol, i.e. hydrogenation of this air-exposed (deactivated) sample
the addition of Ni is expected to lower the dissociation was followed by phase formation by cation migration
barrier significantly [69–71]. to form an MgAl-alloy, with EA = 160 kJ/mol.
Furthermore, assuming microscopic reversibility the Despite three decades of intensive research the com-
same effect would apply for recombination of atomic H plexity of Mg and its alloys reaction with H2 is still
into H2 molecules. not fully understood. Deeper knowledge of all the in-
The experimentally observed difference in EA for dividual steps in the overall reaction might reveal new
the dehydrogenation of MgH2 and Mg(Ni)H2 (300 ideas for possible applications. Mg is still considered
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