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of re Philiopines., plalahft -appellee Arcade Colne hellawtin, acated -epppelant GR no. [81839 Senueny 30, 2002 __ and Befipmin Brsubieg weve inna — Alsco avec in Manctoue tity. AF around 2:00 Benjamin and Cinco were dlertect by 4 temmation outside. They mushed Out an sani Neauito casing Ws hands in Front of Arande hdlanian, who was tren accompany Bavargoy fanod ae Crispule Adlawan, ferry Dias and set Bonita. rande’s Ratner, Cmspalo can We sean Kying Un tonigans one OF two meter, quay Fim Neguity. Nef a sideten, Remy drew a gun Frm bis “Waist, printed it fo Nequito saying’ 4s is the One” He Immediatehy Firect *we guy. hiting He deceased on Me thest. Negulto Seggeted Feiwatd the dvechon of Berjanin,arel war able to bold on to a deaf-me,ystander lat weuvelty Fell on caton canal. eave on Wis Dally while hishead is nesting on the Lome oF he cal. Atande spin want near Neguity, fumed Ws head and delNered anctver Fal stot Wittig lin ane the right ca ‘rane Suirendeed the gun to a Fanod Irreate: Ht OME ee HA hc wort fo cutter prigion mayor as minimum fe reciucion temprral as medium, er Fa de any al tng eames win en can when he, In he ete ot wr, Mande Hogi Hs Fer the Face ws beatied ant ying wean om taefcar was dead The

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