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A Teaching- Learning Package in Values

Name: ______________________________________ Grade: 7

TLP # 2: The Self- Revelation of God (Part 2) Teacher: Maryland V. Pasilan
Objectives: Through the explanation, the student should be able to:
1. explain how to respond to God in personal ways.
There are many ways by which God makes himself known to us: the beauty of nature, our loving family
and friends, the events that happen in our immediate surroundings and in the world, the Church, and the
sacraments. We see God in all of these if only we look at them through the eyes of faith.
In the previous lesson, we learned how God revealed himself to us. Now, in this part we are going to
know how to respond to God completely.
In Doing the Message
How can we concretely respond to God?1 ________________________________________________________
How can we commit our faith to him? 1 _________________________________________________________
In responding to God’s, we proclaim and personally accept God’s greatness and goodness according to
our values and culture. The Filipino enculturated response must be translated in our words, deeds, and our
relationships. We recognize His revelation through nature, our family, the believing community, and the
teaching of the Church. In gratitude we express our praise and thanksgiving through the following:
A. Nature
God created everything, His handiwork provides us our sustenance to life. But how do we reciprocate
and sustain God’s creation? 3 ____________________ When God created us in His image and likeness, He
gave us a share in His own creative act. He made us stewards of His creation to maintain, cultivate, and care for
the earth and nurture it and make it habitable to all creatures.
Now that our world is threatened by catastrophes brought about by global warming, we have to actively
do our share in saving our world. Our conscientious effort to avoid any form of wastage by wisely and
prudently using our resources will help a lot.
This pandemic has brought has different struggles in the world. In your personal ways, how did you help the
world to fight on it? 4 ________________________________________________________________________
B. Family
God said "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth" (Gen. 1:28). The family is presented, in the
Creator's plan, as "the primary place of ‘humanization' for the person and society" and the "cradle of life and
love”(Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church 209).
It is in the family that one learns the love and faithfulness of the Lord and the need to respond to these.
Children learn from the family their first and most crucial lessons on love and gratitude to God. Parents, by their
guidance and example, help their children develop their God-given talents. They mold their children to become
good citizens of the country and active participants in the life of the Church. By their fidelity to God, parents
inspire their children to respond positively to God's revelation through an active faith life-a life marked by love
for God and service to others.
What did your parents do to make you know what is right from what is wrong?5 _________________________
C. The believing Community.
“As God did not create man for life in isolation, but for the formation of social unity, so also "it has
pleased God to make men holy and save them not merely as individuals, without bond or link between them,
but by making them into a single people, a people which acknowledges Him in truth and serve Him in holiness"
(cf. LG 32). God had chosen His people not only as individuals but as members of a community. "This
communitarian character is developed and consummated in the work of Jesus Christ. Christ commanded His
apostles to preach the Gospel message that all the human race may become the family of God in which the
fullness of the law is love.
As members of the Christian community- the Church, we respond to God's revelation by eagerly and
positively responding to Jesus call to serve others-especially those in need. We pattern our lives after the early
Christians who shared with others whatever they had, so much so that none among them was in need.
We have been in a more than 3 months of quarantine, many jobs,companies were being closed, some were shut
downed. As we stay at home, what does your barangays or Purok do to respond to Jesus call to serve others?
D. The Teachings of the Church
The Church, by her teachings, leads us to a deeper understanding and appreciation of who God is and
what He wants us to do. Through the Church, we come to realize even more how much God loves us. Through
the Church, we acknowledge the truth that God's love demands from us a response. By seeking to know more
about God, by deepening our knowledge of Him and sharing this knowledge with others, we respond positively
to God s revelation in the Church.
Concretely, we show our appreciation to God's presence in the Church when we actively participate in
her life. "Active participation can be accomplished in two levels. One is that we, the laity must be active
workers of the Gospel, tasked with basically the same mission as the Church's pastors"(f. PCPII 99). Another
meaning of participation is getting involved in the celebration and pastoral activities of our Own parishes.
In today’s situation, mass gathering was prohibited up on to this moment. Masses were stopped for how many
months, how do you and your family actively response to God? 7 ____________________________________

Firming Up the Message!

By her life of total dedication to God, St. Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal shows us how we can respond
positively to God’s revelation.

St. Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal

At the age of sixteen, Jane Frances Fremiot, already a motherless child, was placed under the care of a
worldly-minded governess. In this crisis she offered herself to the mother of God, and secured Mary'sprotection
for life. When a Protestant sought her hand in marriage she steadily refused to marry. Later, as the loving and
beloved wife of the noble Baron de Chantal she made her house the pattern of a Christian home. But God had
marked her for something higher than domestic sanctity. Two children and a dearly beloved sister died, and
then, in the full tide of their prosperity, her husband's life was ended by an accident through the innocent hand
of a friend, when a small group went hunting in the forest.
It was on the 19th of March, 1609 that Madame de Chantal bade farewell to her family and relatives.
Pale and with tears in her eyes. she passed around the large room, sweetly and humbly taking leave of each one,
Her son, a boy of fifteen, used every petition, every endearment, to convince his mother not to leave them, and
finally flung himself passionately across the doorsill of the room. In an agony of distress, she passed over the
body of her son to the embrace of her aged and disconsolate father. The anguish of that parting reached its
height when, kneeling at the feet of the venerable old man, she sought and obtained his last blessing, promising
to repay his sacrifice in her new life by her prayers.
St Francis de Sales called her "the valiant woman. She founded under his direction and patronage the
great Order of the Visitation Sickness, opposition and want beset her, and the deaths of children, friends, and of
St. Francis himself followed, while eighty-seven houses of the Visitation rose under her hand. Nine long years
of interior desolation completed the work of God's grace in her soul. The Congregation of the Visitation
admitted widows and persons of fragile health, not accepted elsewhere. It was canonically established at
Annecy on Trinity Sunday of 1610. The Order counted thirteen houses already in 1622, when S. Francis de
Sales died and when the Foundress died in her seventieth year, there were eighty-six. St. Vincent de Paul saw
her soul rise up, like a ball of fire to heaven. At her canonization in 1767, the Sisters in 164 houses of the
Visitation rejoiced.
Let’s live it out
This Sunday, when you go to Mass, pay attention to the readings. Meditate on the readings and answer
the following questions.
1. What do the readings (First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, and Gospel tell you about God?

2. How will you respond concretely to what God is telling you based on the readings you have heard in Mass as:
a. an adolescent?
b. a Catholic student?
c. a son/daughter?

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