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Course recognition: Pre-task - Language teaching theories

Paula Daniela Barros Hernández



Edwin Andrés Londoño

Group: 551026-1

National Open and Distance University NODU

Degree in English as a Foreign Language

Schools of Education Sciences

June of 2020
Activities to Develop

Definition of Didactics of English

Step 1:

1. Go to the forum Pre-task and make your contributions about the concept of
the term Didactics of English. Post what you think this field makes reference to,
what it studies, and so on.


The didactics of English is that art of teaching methodology and theory communicative
approach. So it is the practical application too, and learning of the English. This art studies
everything related to bilingual teaching and learning, emotions, actions, analysis, cross-age
learning setting and the early foreign language learning in an easy form

Didactics of English is responsible for implementing, designing, and evaluating plans

and study programs, as well as classroom and virtual educational materials in the field of
teaching and learning English. Therefore, planning should be based on broad themes,
developed through research projects and specific tasks, which should be combined with
work in the classroom. Richards describes us deeply and extensively researched on the key
issues for teaching languages today. That can be used by anyone, it has an emphasis on
teachers, especially English teachers; since it covers topics that are important to understand
current approaches to the teaching of English as a second language or international
language, and that today have served to develop the contents of the courses. Through this
definition we can highlight the consideration of the nature of English in the world, the way
in which the teaching profession of English works, the development of teaching methods,
the nature of teaching in the classroom, the teaching of the four skills, the teaching of the
linguistic system and elements of a language program.
Step 2

2. Read the document “Theories of teaching in language teaching”, found in the

Course Contents, UNIT 1, in the Knowledge Environment and once you have
understood and internalized the contents, discuss in the forum the theories
presented in the document. Likewise, express what your own view of language
teaching is, according to those perspectives and explain your reasons.


As we already know, transfer does not only undergo difficulties, but it can also facilitate
the learning of our students; the mother tongue can have some methodological usefulness in
the ELT. He also proposes certain situations in which the L1 can be employed, but
considering some basic assumptions: - The mother tongue is not forbidden by authorities. -
The teacher and students share the mother tongue. - There is just one mother tongue in the
classroom. - Students have an academic knowledge of the mother tongue. explains, tend to
use the L1 when they are lost or they do not know a word; when they do not understand
quite well the instructions or activities; or when they want to be relaxed. Also considers
what has been called “task management”, that is, students come to their mother tongue
when they organize the different steps of an activity, turns, etc.

First of all, we should take into account that Spanish and English consonant systems
present many similitudes; nonetheless, the Spanish vocalic system differs considerably
from the English one. This may pose difficulties in the Spaniards’ pronunciation of English.
Four different features are commonly found in Spaniards’ pronunciation of English: -
Difficulty in recognizing and using English vowels. - Strong devoicing of final voiced
consonants. - Even sentence rhythm, without the typical prominences of English making
understanding difficult for English listeners. - Narrower range of pitch (in European
speakers), producing a boring effect.

As a result, L1 adopted a positive role as a facilitator and clarifier that proved to be

helpful for students to develop better understanding of the teacher's explanations in L2,
which might have sometimes been inaccurate, complex, or unreachable for the students
given their levels. This positive role of L1, therefore, permitted students to overcome
difficulties when understanding the class activities and tasks

There are linguistic influences that stay in the teaching, learning and acquisition of
second languages. It gives an account about the effect that the native tongue (L1) has on the
L2. The languages we have used for this purpose are Spanish as the mother tongue and
English as the L2. ed. Only lexico-morphological and grammatical samples and errors have
been dealt with as a first approximation about the matter. The obtained outcomes show that
influence and transference are two aspects of high importance in the learning of second
languages and, either positive or negative, the teacher must be aware of how to benefit or
cope with them.

 Richards, J. (2002). Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching. In J. Richards &

W. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current
Practice (Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, pp. 19-26). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Available

 Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Maintaining and protecting motivation. In Motivational

Strategies in the Language Classroom (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 71-
116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved

 Oxford, R. (2001). Language learning strategies. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.),

The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (The
Cambridge Guides, pp. 166-172). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved

 Abdalmaujod, A. H. (2013). Language learning strategies: a general

overview. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106. pp. 1712-1726.

 Ganesh, M. (2015). Teaching receptive and productive language skills with the help
of techniques. Pune Research an international journal in English, 1(2). Retrieved

 Ivančić, M. & Mandić, A. (2014). Receptive and productive language skills in

language teaching. In Academia.Edu. Retrieved

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