Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2020-04-29T19:24:03.

000000.066| ALWAYS| CFG| CrashHandler(Crashpad)
000000.110| ALWAYS| CFG| Command Line: "spectator
DFM/UoLrP6Ze3Ee6hY/czOPNwRGjl4TW 4566518098 EUW1" "-PlayerID=88360838" "-
GameID=4566518098" "-Region=EUW" "-PlatformID=EUW1" "-Locale=en_GB" "-SkipBuild" "-
EnableCrashpad=true" "-EnableLNP" "-UseNewX3D=1" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers=1" "-
RiotClientPort=53524" "-RiotClientAuthToken=8qxTqafR5m360Al4Nchixg"
000000.121| ALWAYS| Parent process: E:\league of legends\LeagueClient.exe
000000.166| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Bootstrap.wad.client
000000.282| ALWAYS| CFG| Build Version: Version 10.9.318.6057 (Apr 23
2020/18:02:31) [PUBLIC] <Releases/10.9> ChangeList: 3186057
000000.288| ALWAYS| Live Profiling enabled. Will overwrite old RPD.
000000.405| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 53524
000000.499| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000000.513| ALWAYS| FLOW| Initializing Renderer
000000.516| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init enter
000000.516| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000000.534| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1366, YRes = 768, BPP = 32)
000000.534| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating X3D device
000000.552| ALWAYS| Detected Adapter 'AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330'
000000.692| ALWAYS| Using X3D Platform: DX9
000000.840| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000000.841| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000001.000| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2018.1.1 initialized.
000001.060| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Bootstrap.wad.client
000001.066| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Global.wad.client
000001.071| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Scripts.wad.client
000001.071| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/UI.wad.client
000001.072| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Shaders/Shaders.wad.client
000001.073| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/ShaderCache.dx9.wad.client
000001.077| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/DATA.wad.client
000001.083| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/DATA2.wad.client
000001.086| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Localized/Global.en_GB.wad.client
000001.086| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/UI.en_GB.wad.client
000001.197| ALWAYS| GameStartData::GameID=4566518098
000001.552| ALWAYS| Possible GPU problem for AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330:
Availability = 8, configManagerErrorCode = 0
000001.652| ALWAYS| Performing WSAStartup
000001.658| ALWAYS| Started ReplayDownloadManager thread.
000001.658| ALWAYS| ReplayDownloader: ==== Fetch MetaData Phase ====
000007.019| ALWAYS| FLOW| Replay grid connection ready
000007.020| ALWAYS| FLOW| Waiting for loading info
000007.487| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 0) Demön X -
Champion(Nasus) SkinID(11) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(4d67ba15-4ed0-5786-8d58-
1cd2ecca919a) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 1) Melkonik -
Champion(Tristana) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(437bd3da-6f42-5509-aa9c-
c056f7111bbb) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 2) Ńuny - Champion(Diana)
SkinID(12) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(e8d043e8-7cc6-5b0c-979e-9d3652091c9f)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 3) Il DRAVEN lI -
Champion(Draven) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(dd834d1c-08ba-5030-b32f-
ba6f6c0825cc) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 4) BulleDeVanille -
Champion(Lulu) SkinID(14) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(f46c1400-06b3-59ab-a988-
e85e94d06f28) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 0) Guiguo -
Champion(Teemo) SkinID(18) TeamBuilderRole(TOP) PUUID(255f2022-e7af-5da5-b6a5-
e857900c7f60) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.488| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 1) Vastaya Shayari -
Champion(Kayn) SkinID(2) TeamBuilderRole(JUNGLE) PUUID(0337ccb9-af69-53fb-8845-
d29aaf8cf2f7) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.489| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 2) Shyamu - Champion(Lux)
SkinID(17) TeamBuilderRole(MIDDLE) PUUID(da4e460f-7a38-55f9-8bb8-c8ed2b238914)
000007.489| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 3) Wild Unknown -
Champion(Jinx) SkinID(6) TeamBuilderRole(BOTTOM) PUUID(a2f1c324-c4f7-595b-b02a-
f54bda1a2968) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.489| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 4) PPanda20 -
Champion(Nautilus) SkinID(3) TeamBuilderRole(UTILITY) PUUID(2163bff2-a733-5724-
832c-18d8ad2f106f) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000007.513| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Common.wad.client
000007.513| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Common.en_US.wad.client
000007.515| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Map11.wad.client
000007.516| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Map11.en_US.wad.client
000007.517| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Map11LEVELS.wad.client
000007.843| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nasus.wad.client
000007.851| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nasus.en_US.wad.client
000007.943| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Tristana.wad.client
000007.974| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Tristana.en_US.wad.client
000008.053| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Diana.wad.client
000008.053| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Diana.en_US.wad.client
000008.141| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Draven.wad.client
000008.162| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Draven.en_US.wad.client
000008.205| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lulu.wad.client
000008.228| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lulu.en_US.wad.client
000008.290| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Teemo.wad.client
000008.325| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Teemo.en_US.wad.client
000008.390| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kayn.wad.client
000008.404| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kayn.en_US.wad.client
000008.579| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lux.wad.client
000008.580| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lux.en_US.wad.client
000008.883| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Jinx.wad.client
000008.891| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Jinx.en_US.wad.client
000008.968| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nautilus.wad.client
000008.991| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nautilus.en_US.wad.client
000010.362| ALWAYS| CFG| OS Version: 10 Professional, x64 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2972Mhz (2 cores) Instruction Set Level 7Physical memory:
8589934592Display info: AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330 2147483648 26.20.15019.19000
Driver: 26.20.15019.19000
000010.369| ALWAYS| PlayGame Started
000010.374| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Worker thread created.
000010.377| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 53524
000010.377| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Worker thread connecting.
000010.378| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 53524
000010.393| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000010.393| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Waiting for active chat session.
000010.397| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000010.401| ALWAYS| LCUVoiceChatClient: Disabling voice, channel not available at
000010.598| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Chat session is "loaded".
000010.699| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Performing post-connect init.
000010.703| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Setup the subscriptions.
000010.703| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Initiated retrieval of my friends list.
000010.704| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Initiated retrieval of my blocked-players
000010.704| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Post-connect init complete.
000011.083| ALWAYS| FLOW| Begin Async Loading
000011.207| ALWAYS| Parallel Particle Simulation Enabled. Using 3 threads.
000011.209| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Retrieved my friends list.
000011.310| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Retrieved my blocked-players list.
000017.063| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: Begin Game Object Update
000017.123| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: End Game Object Update
000018.107| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'fiddlestickseffigy' and
skinID '0'
000018.927| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'slime_riftherald_mercenary'
and skinID '0'
000019.394| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects
000019.591| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects Finished
000019.645| WARN| Duplicate key/value pair
([OnKilledUnitOnKillingSpreeTripleKill_YOffset3, 8] in
000019.646| WARN| Duplicate key/value pair
([OnKilledUnitOnKillingSpreeUnrealKill_YOffset3, 8] in
000031.136| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'JinxMine_Skin02' and skinID
000033.771| ALWAYS| FLOW| Async Loading Complete
000033.823| ALWAYS| FLOW| Data Load Complete
000033.823| ALWAYS| FLOW| Start Main Loop
000033.826| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_PREGAME to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000033.829| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-BC89AC41
000033.831| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-6671BCAD
000033.871| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Stopped throttling chunk fetching
000033.874| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000033.881| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000034.237| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000034.671| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000034.921| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000035.197| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000035.532| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000035.751| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000035.843| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'odyssey_oracloud' and skinID
000035.847| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_groundprogressindicator'
and skinID '2'
000035.857| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_hazard_orastorm' and
skinID '2'
000035.861| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_hazard_beamcrystal' and
skinID '2'
000035.865| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_hazard_volcano' and
skinID '2'
000035.868| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_hazard_destructible_1'
and skinID '2'
000035.874| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'npc_objective_oracrate' and
skinID '2'
000035.893| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'odyssey_orapillar' and
skinID '2'
000035.900| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000035.900| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000035.923| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000036.158| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000036.605| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000036.795| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000036.973| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'iverntotem' and skinID '0'
000037.158| ERROR| >>> BuffHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 004cf5e1
000037.185| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000037.188| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000037.319| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 180.065
000037.357| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000037.357| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000037.426| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000037.431| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason Received Game Start Packet.
000037.503| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-8711AB1A 180.065
000038.008| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-9651ACAB
000038.010| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-B2890C00
000038.341| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP AudioUpdate
000038.341| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP EndRender & EndFrame
000038.354| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-891ACC45
000038.354| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 1.378s
000042.108| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000054.438| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000065.634| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000086.296| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000094.494| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000101.720| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000110.927| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000145.194| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000158.485| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000164.762| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000172.564| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000189.941| ERROR| Failed to connect to ( Timeout
duration (ms): 10000
000189.941| ERROR| ReplayNetClient GetLastAvailableChunkInfo error. Could not send
HTTP request. Error: 16389
000211.574| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000275.327| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000286.455| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000296.321| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000313.524| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000313.590| WARN| Attachment asked for a velocity on an object that no longer
000313.591| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000313.595| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000313.597| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.598| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.600| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.602| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.605| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.607| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.608| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000313.608| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000313.609| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.611| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.613| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.615| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000313.696| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000313.697| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000313.721| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000313.725| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000313.725| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000313.767| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000313.767| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000313.786| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000314.102| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000314.425| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000314.676| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000315.331| ERROR| Failed to read response
000315.331| ERROR| ReplayNetClient GetChunk error. HTTP status code: 200
000328.016| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000328.093| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000328.097| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000328.099| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.100| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.102| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.104| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.106| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.108| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.109| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000328.110| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000328.110| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.113| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.114| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.116| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000328.196| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000328.198| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000328.220| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000328.224| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000328.224| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000328.267| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000328.267| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000328.286| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000328.603| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000328.925| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000329.463| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000330.359| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000330.428| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000330.433| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000330.434| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.436| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.438| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.440| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.442| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.444| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.445| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000330.446| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000330.446| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.449| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.450| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.452| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000330.534| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000330.535| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000330.558| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000330.561| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000330.561| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000330.601| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000330.601| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000330.620| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000330.933| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000331.259| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000331.658| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000335.768| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000335.830| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000335.835| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000335.836| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.838| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.839| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.841| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.844| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.845| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.847| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000335.847| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000335.848| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.850| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.852| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.854| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000335.939| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000335.940| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000335.965| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000335.967| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000335.968| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000336.005| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000336.005| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000336.025| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000336.336| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000336.664| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000336.885| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000351.740| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000352.135| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000352.209| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000352.213| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000352.214| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.216| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.218| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.219| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.222| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.223| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.225| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000352.225| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000352.226| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.228| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.230| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.231| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000352.312| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000352.314| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000352.337| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000352.340| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000352.341| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000352.384| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000352.384| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000352.404| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000352.719| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000353.042| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000353.288| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000366.962| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000367.035| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000367.040| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000367.041| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.043| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.045| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.047| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.049| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.051| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.053| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000367.053| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000367.053| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.056| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.057| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.059| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000367.140| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000367.141| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000367.164| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000367.167| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000367.168| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000367.210| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000367.210| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000367.230| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000367.498| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000368.691| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000375.535| ALWAYS| ReplayDataManagerClient: Jump to time: keyframe: 10, time:
420.143982, backup: 0, forward: 2
000375.608| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000375.617| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000375.618| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.620| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.622| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.624| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.627| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.629| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.631| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000375.631| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000375.632| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.634| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.636| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.638| ALWAYS| BannerUserComponent Init
000375.723| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000375.724| ALWAYS| SummonerBannerComponentClient spawned banner at map locator:
000375.752| ALWAYS| Clock Pause During Replay End 420.144
000375.756| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
000375.756| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
000375.797| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000375.797| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason ReplayClient played back a PKT_S2C_StartGame packet
000375.816| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardStart
000376.130| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000376.456| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000376.938| ALWAYS| GUI::HandleReplayFastForwardEnd
000383.940| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000390.954| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000456.573| ERROR| Failed to connect to ( Timeout
duration (ms): 10000
000456.573| ERROR| ReplayNetClient GetLastAvailableChunkInfo error. Could not send
HTTP request. Error: 16389
000469.088| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000474.258| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000494.934| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000504.741| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000509.926| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000514.941| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000520.540| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000527.064| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000532.331| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000538.282| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000544.239| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000562.644| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000578.570| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000632.585| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000636.475| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000640.264| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000654.283| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000658.827| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000665.114| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000669.002| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000711.913| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000716.531| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000721.031| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000726.703| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000746.567| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000756.647| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000762.463| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000779.499| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000791.158| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000810.323| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000814.985| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000825.379| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000828.764| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000831.531| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000834.141| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
000837.974| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011655.892| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 10807.812s
011656.925| ERROR| Failed to connect to ( Timeout
duration (ms): 10000
011656.928| ERROR| ReplayNetClient GetLastAvailableChunkInfo error. Could not send
HTTP request. Error: 16389
011656.928| ERROR| ReplayDownloader: download disabled due to errors fetching data
011656.955| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 1.063s
011657.407| ERROR| Failed to connect to ( Timeout
duration (ms): 10000
011657.409| ERROR| ReplayNetClient EndGame error. Could not send HTTP request.
Error: 10065
011657.409| ERROR| Failed to send endSpectating call to the spectator server.
011658.929| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 1.033s
011663.741| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 1.046s
011663.946| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011664.148| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011664.945| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 1.204s
011665.152| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011665.911| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011666.251| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011666.890| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011667.185| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011667.810| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011667.975| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011669.865| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011670.585| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011671.205| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011672.278| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011672.933| ALWAYS| VfxCreation: effectKey 1942662501 didn't resolve to anything
011673.049| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
011673.051| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
011673.052| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear0.skn], Simple Skin [Gear0.skn]
011673.053| ERROR| Failed to load .skn file [Gear1.skn], Simple Skin [Gear1.skn]
800604.608| ALWAYS| PRFW| Detected very long frame: 788923.563s

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