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Lesson Plan – Science: Building a Bridge

Organizational Information

- Name: Danny Cuadra

- Subject: science
- Grade Level: 3/4
- Lesson #: 6
- Lesson Length: 1h 10m

Overarching Questions

- What makes bridges so strong?

- What are some ways that we can make a bridge made of weak materials strong?

Learning Outcomes

-Investigate a practical problem, and develop a possible solution

-Construct structures, using a variety of materials and designs, and compare the effectiveness
"of the various materials and designs for their intended purpose

" o Using a variety of materials and techniques, design, construct and test structures that
are intended to:
' °

! ▪ support objects
in ▪ span gaps
" ▪ serve as containers
to ▪ serve as models of particular living things, objects or buildings.
o Identify the intended purpose and use of structures to be built, and explain how
knowing the intended purpose and use helps guide decisions regarding materials and
o Understand that simple designs are often as effective as more complex ones, as well
as being easier and cheaper to build, and illustrate this understanding with a practical

one example.
o Apply skills of listening, speaking and cooperative decision making in working with

other students on a construction project
- Evaluate the suitability of different materials and designs for their use in a building task
o Identify and apply methods for making a structure stronger and more stable; e.g., by
adding or joining parts to form triangles.
o Apply procedures to test different designs
o Apply procedures to test the strength of construction materials, in particular, different
stocks of papers, plastics or wood
o Compare and evaluate the strength and stability of different models or objects
- Investigate a practical problem, and develop a possible solution
- Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in
responsible ways
Learning Objectives

- SWBAT use a variety of techniques to create a structure that spans gaps

- SWBAT demonstrate that simple structures can be as effective as complex ones
- SWBAT compare the strength and stability of different models or objects constructed

Pre-Lesson Preparations

- Have enough paper, textbooks, and weights ready for the kids to use for their
- Have the video ready for the kids to watch alongside a review and brainstorm of key
concepts to remember before starting their experiments

- Print out their worksheets as well!

Lesson Outline
Introduction – 5 Minutes
- So far we have been focusing on bridges as our example
structure, from the one right near us here, to those all over
- One of the key things we’ve been looking at is how we make

materials stronger, how we can create strong shapes, and how
all this goes into building structures, today, we’re going to put
video MMM
that to the test.

- So, what makes bridges so strong? Let’s find out.
What makes bridges so strong video – 20 minutes
goodgreat on '

Bridge Making Activity Explanation – 10 Minutes
Talk about the scientific method with them, including what our
hypothesis, method, and conclusions will be.
- Do a quick review about some concepts that they should keep in

entific !
o Strong shape
o Ways to make materials stronger
o rules for the assignment
o trestles and other important supports
o types of bridges
Bridge Making Activity – 30 Minutes

- :The students will be using two pieces of paper to make the
strongest bridge they can, when ready I’ll come around to test

h - They’ll receive a recording sheet to plan and make observations
u on, this will also help them draw conclusions
The students will make a paper bridge across the gap created by
r -

some textbooks.
so Wrap Up – 5 Minutes
- To wrap up I’m going to ask the class what some of the things
they learned/observed were.
- What bridge type did they use?
- Did anyone incorporate triangles?
- What techniques did you use to improve their designs?
- If time allows, I’ll do a quick demonstration of some of the
techniques they might have used.

to be aware
the time ! It was
getting very
didn't want
close to the bell I ,

in What can they be do

to step ?
. . .

? what can you

doing while waiting -

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