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College vs Apprenticeship

Since its introduction during the medieval period, apprenticeship played a vital role in

transferring knowledge from one generation to the next. The master artisan would pass on his

wisdom and skill to the young apprentice while benefiting from his student’s youthful and

energetic nature in the workplace. In the 21st century, the concept of apprenticeship remained

practically unchanged while falling out of popularity. During recent years, the United States

experienced a rebirth in the apprenticeship movement. With schools acknowledging the benefits

of hands-on learning, some individuals question whether apprenticeship is a viable alternative to

college. Although some may argue that apprenticeship is not a feasible option post-high school,

it would instead promote professionalism and can even generate revenue for the individual, so it

should be seen as a practical option in the eyes of today's generation.

By exposing youths to alternatives like apprenticeship, will encourage individuals to

learn on a more practical level. According to a study conducted by ​Investors in People ​shows

how the majority of people were ingrained in the belief that college was the only option, viewing

it as a ‘gold standard.’ Often this misconception by popular media and career advisors have

skewed people’s perspective on alternative pathways. In source A, “Wanted: Factory Workers,

Degree Required” by Selingo shows how apprenticeship is making a rebirth in the United States.

They also explain their inspiration for vocational programs based on the Swiss approach. In

places like Switzerland, the majority of students choose to get involved in the vocational track

and “Beginning in 10th grade, students rotate among employers, industry organizations and

school for three to four years of training” (para 7). The quote shows how schools in Switzerland

are allowing their students to explore career choices through the hands-on approach.

Switzerland’s approach to education is different from the United States which chooses to prepare
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students for college. Moreover, in source B, “Laura’s Story” shows her perspective as an

apprentice and how she is taught the skills necessary to become a Solicitor. As an apprentice,

Laura conveys that “they don’t treat me as a tea maker. I get my own cases, and I’m involved in

all the legal work” (para 3). The quote shows what an apprentice is capable of doing and if your

employer believes you can handle it, then they will assign the task. In Laura’s case, her

employers trust in her ability to complete the job. As youths learn the significance of alternative

pathways, they understand that there are more options than just college. For example, if you

decide to head to a university, there might be a firm willing to fund you alongside giving you a

job. Being educated on a more hands-on approach allows you to develop the skill sets needed for

the career. If the United States were to change their school system to imitate that of Switzerland,

the student debt would be less of a problem and the unemployment rate for the youth would be


Although apprenticeship may be a great option for some, one can not deny the fact that

an apprentice skill sets are limited which may lead to unemployment in the future. In source C,

“Apprenticeship Programs in a Changing Economic World” shows their position on

apprenticeship and how vocational training may lead to problems in the future when specific

skills sets are needed. With lacking the ability to adjust to a changing environment, “with higher

growth rates and faster technological and structural change, people with vocational training may

be more likely to be out of the labor market later in the life cycle” (para 5). The excerpt from

source C shows the downside of being part of an apprenticeship. It depicts that as society

changes, apprenticeship is not a feasible option because it may lead to the individual losing their

job as a result of shifting demands. Unlike vocational training, college prepares you with a more

general education allowing you to adjust with society. However, evidence from source C shows
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the “employment rates are higher for youth with vocational education, but this turns around by

the age of 50” (para 7). Despite the negatives of lower employment rates around age 50, most

individuals are usually retired at that age. Yet, the negatives of lower wages would not be a big

issue when it comes to unemployment. Apprenticeship as a whole is an alternative pathway that

has its benefits. Therefore, this pathway allows the individual to facilitate the workforce and gain

an education with little to no debt compared to college.

Additionally, apprenticeship for youths will allow them to acquire revenue while

studying. In source B, “Laura’s Story,” refers to her account as an apprentice and the positive

experiences she gained while working as a Solicitor at Kennedys. Laura displays her excitement

when she found out she could become a Solicitor without going to a university stating, “it will be

a bigger achievement for me, and through my apprenticeship I’m being paid to get my degree!”

(para 1). The quote shows how Laura is thrilled to start making income. She conveys that unlike

the college pathway which is very expensive, her experience through an apprenticeship allows

her to have a job and get paid to get her degree. Furthermore, in source A by Selingo shows how

the appeal for apprenticeship is coming to prominence as the demand in the American market

has shifted. Advocates such as Mr. Perez has expressed that, “Apprenticeship is the other

college, except without the debt” (para 2). With proponents of apprenticeship trying to rebrand it

to appeal to educators and parents, youths will have another option which allows them to have on

the job training as academic credit. For students who have never considered apprenticeship as an

alternative to college are shocked to learn the benefits they could gain from this pathway.

Apprenticeship is a much cheaper option compared to college and allows the student to earn

while they learn. With the increasing cost of college soaring upwards 250%, today’s youth are

more interested in the prospect of debt-free education. Often college graduates may not be
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guaranteed a job unlike their apprentice counterparts. Therefore, if society made apprenticeship a

more well-known option, more people would realize the potential benefits and flock towards that

alternative after realizing the cost of college education.

To summarize, advocates for and against apprenticeship as a viable alternative to college

believe in the idea that education is precisely -- an investment of one's time. Often the “college

for all movement” is a model that may not work because with any student, everyone learns

different. Just like Laura’s story, her experience with apprenticeship was very beneficial because

she was able to acquire her dream job along with having the establishment pay for tuition.

Therefore, apprenticeship is a valid alternative to college which develops skills and generates

revenue alongside learning. As youths realize alternatives to college, they realize the

affordability and benefits from taking on an apprenticeship. In the United States, the pathway of

apprenticeship is not very well-known and talked about. As a result, the United States should

introduce this pathway to students, which in turn could help students avoid student debt or

academic shaming.

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