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18 December 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

An Update Regarding the Start of the Spring Term – Years 7, 8 & 9

My apologies for this extra end of term communication. However, Gavin Williamson (the
Secretary of State for Education) released information yesterday afternoon regarding
arrangements for mass testing in schools in January and this has implications for how we start
the Spring Term.

Please carefully read the information below, as arrangements are now different from those
previously published. I do appreciate that such late change is less than ideal, and I can assure
you that we are working hard to deal with meeting the challenge of this late information. As ever,
we shall focus on our school and our students and endeavour to do the very best for them.

Start of Spring Term

The Department for Education has asked us to stagger the return of students at the start of next
term. Please do note that this is not an extended holiday but will allow us to meet the government
requirement for testing in schools.

Tuesday 5 January will now be an INSET day for our staff, so students in Years 7, 8 & 9 will not
be required to attend school or engage in remote learning.

From Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 January, students will be required to engage in remote learning
from home. They will need to follow the times of their normal school timetable. They will need to
log on to register for each lesson and then complete the work set by their class teachers. They
will also be required to upload all completed work. A reminder of how to do this will be issued in

Students will then return to school to resume face-to-face teaching on Monday 11 January at the
normal time of 8.25am.

If your child needs to be in school on 6-8 January, because you are a critical worker and have to
work, then you will need to complete the survey here to book a place. If you have not already
registered with us as a key worker, then you will be sent details upon receipt of your application.

As a reminder, whatever your child’s date of return to school, we will undertake the normal start
of term assembly checks to ensure that they are ready for learning.

Free School Meal Vouchers

Students who receive free school meals will also receive vouchers for the holiday period. These
will be emailed directly to a parent/carer and come from Sodexo, the same company that
delivered the vouchers during the lockdown period.

Continued on next page…

Students eligible for free school meals who will be undertaking remote learning at the start of next
term, will also receive a voucher in the normal way.

Track and Trace over the Holiday

Please inform us of any positive tests over the holiday period. We will be monitoring
communications over the break. You can email us at

Asymptomatic Testing

Hounslow Public Health has informed us that there is now the capacity for testing both
keyworkers and members of the public for those without symptoms (asymptomatic). This is to try
and prevent the asymptomatic spread of coronavirus. When booking a test, you are advised to
select “My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with) to get a
test, even though I do not have symptoms.”

You can book a test via or by calling 119. Mobile testing
units can be located via this link.

In January, we will be working hard to set up testing in school as we do believe that this will help
us to ensure that our school and community will be safer for everyone. Further details will follow
in the New Year.

Face Coverings

There will be more situations when students will be required to wear a face covering in school
next term. Snoods do not meet the safety guidance and masks should not have any partisan
messages or logos. Please do ensure that your child has a supply of face masks that meet basic
safety requirements for the start of next term.

Thank you for your patience and understanding and again I wish you a peaceful and safe holiday.

Yours sincerely,

Euan Ferguson

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