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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 6

Term 1
Unit 1 – Rhythm, Improvisation, Reading and Clapping
Students will understand that...

 Improvisation sharpens creativity

 Critical listening is essential to a successful learning experience.  
 There is a proper timing for everything
 Many times, we need the help of other people. 
 Exploring new ideas and new methods widens one's hoizons.

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering...

 When do we need to use our creativity?

 In what circumstances should we collaborate with other students?
 How can students spend their time wisely at home and at school?
 What life-lessons can be drawn from simple activities about rhythm?

Students will know...

 The different elements that comprise rhythm, namely: beat, accent, duration and time signature
 The values of half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes in two-four, three-four and four-four time
 The rhythm names of the different kinds of notes
 The proper way of using the different kinds of notes to create a correct time signature.
 A different way of seeing rhythm as  a circle or wheel  instead of the usual linear score. 

Students will be skilled at…

 Recognizing visually the different kinds of notes.

 Identifying aurally a given rhythmic pattern.
 Clapping different rhythmic patterns using the Kodaly System
 Creating and performing one's own rhythmic pattern for different time signatures.
 Creating an original rhythm using the circular format applied through GroovePizza
 Accompanying songs with their original rhythm
Performance Task:

Collaborating with groupmates, the students will   be able to demonstrate their understanding about rhythm by
creating accurately their assigned time signatures.   This activity will also showcase their creativity as they do
their best to create a good-sounding combination of durations. Working as a team will give them a chance to
collaborate and learn how to listen to other and take suggestions coming from others. 

Improvising Rhythm

This activity integrates the lessons on different elements of rhythm and gives the students a platform
that is complex in sound but easy to use. The same activity provides the students a way to create their
own music that they can easily share with others. Creatingi Original Rhythm in GroovePizza highlights
the creativity of students and they get to have a new way of appreciating rhythm.

Other Evidence
 Board Activity
 Seatwork: Fill in with the missing notes
 Sharing/Posting of group work
 Discussion/Recitation/Explanation
 Clapping Activity
 GroovePizza Challenges

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