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Date: 9th December 2020 Day: Wednesday

Grade: VII

Syllabus for Fall Term 2077

Subjects Topics Sub topics

C. Math  Algebra
 Sets
 Number system
 Laws of indices
 Profit and Loss
 Geometry
 Fraction and decimal
 Factorization

Science a. Work, energy and power

b. Heat
c. Magnetism
d. Metals and non-metals
e. Classification of plants
f. Minerals and rocks
g. Weather and climate

Social  Civic Consciousness

Studies  Geography
 History
Computer 1. Multimedia

2. Computer Virus
3. Problem solving concepts
कविता :   एउटै मु टु एउटै मर्म 

कथा :       सात दिने सभा 

प्रबन्ध :       प्रकृतिको सु न्दर स्थल :खप्तड, सां स्कृतिक एकताको पर्व

: छठ, म र्सौ र्य ऊर्जा हुँ  

वाद विवाद :कृषि ठु लो कि उद्योग ठु लो 

जीवनी       :साहित्यकार झमक 

व्याकरण : शब्दवर्ग ,उपसर्ग र प्रत्ययबाट शब्द निर्माण ,शब्द भण्डार

(पर्यायवाची शब्द ,विपरीतार्थक शब्द ,अने कार्थक शब्द
,श्रुतिसमभिन्नार्थक शब्द ),काल र पक्ष ,वाच्य , लिङ्ग वचन पु रुष र
आदरमा परिवर्तन ,भाव (इच्छार्थ ,आज्ञार्थ ,सामान्यार्थ
,सं भावानार्थ) ,आदर ,करण र अकरण 

(कथा ले खन ,जीवनी ले खन ,निबन्ध ले खन )

LA Mulberry

1. Uncle Podger leaves for Work

2. Tom Comes Home
3. If (Poem summary)
4. Achilles
5. The Sherpas
Grammar/ Comprehension and composition

1. Adjectives
2. Pronoun,
3. Preposition
4. Verb
5. Types of sentences
6. Formal Letter Writing
7. Unseen Passage
8. Creative writing

The Lovely Bones( Chapter 1-10)

OBTE Unit 1 Vocational Education

Lessons 1, 2 and 3

Unit 2 Employment, Training and Education

Lessons 1, 2 and 3

Unit 3 Employment Information

Lesson 1

Unit 4 General professional Skills

Lesson 1

Unit 5 Types of Business

Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4

Unit 6 Trade and Market Management

Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Unit 7 Vegetable Farming

Lessons 1

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