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WI ~J 0 S0 R AVE ,

Price, Five Cents

Volume 17, No. 41 Narberth, Pennsylvania, July 17, 1931
-- - - - ------ - ._--------_.__ ..--------_.-----------------_. .--"--
. _ - - ~.. -------------_.~­

Revised Zoning Law Manoa Downed Twice Alan Smith Named to Narberth Ball Fans
Board of Adjustment Honor Walt Masters
Adopted by Borough by Narberth Nine
The appointment of Alan J. Smith,
Present Former Member of IBoro
Minor Changes Made to Aid Jackson and Reynolds Pitch of 76 \Vynnedale Avenue, Narberth,
as a member of the borough's Board Club, Now With Senators,
Administration; No Change 6·1 and 2·1 Wins of Adjustment, to succeed P. B. Krout, Electric ,Clock.
in Business Zones. This Week. who resigned, was announced on Mon-
day by Burgess Henry A. Frye. The
reorganize since Mr. Krout was its
II,' 1),\ \'B CASIO' chairman. VI'alter Masters. Penn graduate this
Narherth's revised Zoning Ordinance
Narherth continued its fine pla)'ing The reappointment was also an- June and now a member of the pitch-
was unanimously adopted at the rcg'u- nounced by Burgess Frye of Robert
by defeating the strong Manoa team ing staff of the Washington Senators,
lar mecting' of the Boroug'h Council on J. Edgar, of 632 Montgomery Avenue,
was presented with an electric chime
!If onday night with its passage on sec-
in two games this week. as a mem ber of the Shade Tree C~m­
On Tuesday night at ~lanoa Gene mission, and of J. R. Hal1, of 2 Sabine clock by a group of Narberth fans be-
ond and third readings.
Davis' boys, hitting well behind the Avenue, to the Recreation Board. Mr. fore the doubleheader with the Ath-
The new ordinance, which super-
excellent pitching of Jack Jackson, Edgar's term is for three years, Mr. letics on Monday. 'Masters was a
seeles that in effect sincc 1924, makes
Hal1's for one and Mr. Smith's for
no changes in the husiness districts. floored the Haverford Township Club member of the Narberth Ball Club for
Minor changes have heen madc to one.
hy the score of 6-1. four seasons.
facilitate the administration of the or- In Wednesday's return game at The delegation of two dozen Bor-
dinance. and to avoid conflicts between Narherth. Bitl Reynolds also ohliged Narberth Firemen ough fans was headed by Fred \Valzer
the zoning and huilding ordinances. with a well-pitched game in which he
Chief among these is the restriction held the visitors to five hits and de-
Win 1st Half Title and Wilmer Crowel1, former managers
of ,the Narberth Club; Eugene Davis,
placed upon the use of land in residen- feated them. 2-1. present Manager, and \Villiam H. Dur-
tial districts. prohihiting' husiness, al- Reynolds was aided by splendid Defeat Cynwyd Firemen, 5.0, bin, president of the club. The pres-
though it may not involve erection of entation was made by 'Mr. Crowell.
fielding on the part of the Narberth Due to Yocum'sFine
a building for commercial purposes. The inscription on the clock read:
team with Harry Francis the outstand-
Hitherto the only check the horough Pitching. "To Walter Masters with best ,,;ishes
ing performer with seven putouts in
had on husiness in a residential dis- for his-. GQlltinued success fI'Om his
centre-field. three of them sensational
trict was refusal to grant a huilding
catches. POWELL HITTING STAR many admirers in Narberth."
Crist, the Manoa hurler, also pitched Masters was signed by the Senators
Another minor change in t he ordi-
good ball, but three timely doubles II,' 1),\ "B CASI~Y upon his graduation in June and al-
nance permits the construction of pri-
by J ones, Blessing and King in the Playing good basebal1 behind the ready has participated in two games.
vate garages to a height of two stor-
second inning' provided sufficient runs high-class twirling of Pete Yocum, the It is expected that he will remain with
ies instead of one. which witl allow
to win the contest. Narberth Firemen defeated the Union them for the res! of the season.
chauffeurs' Cluarters to he huilt over a
garage, a situation not permitted by Fire Company of Bala-Cynwyd 5 to a Those occupying the box reserved
Fiese Awarded Contract Tuesday night, thereby capturing the for the Narberth contingent were:
the old ordinance.
The revised ordinance has been The contract for the construction of first-half championship of the Fire- Howard Davis, Gene Davis, W. H.
two new tennis c'ourts on the Com- Police League. Durbin, W. G. Crowel1, Ralph Dunne,
tinder consideration for a period of
eight months. During this time efforts munity Playground was awarded last Pete Yocum was in top form and J. L. McCrery, William D. Smedley, ..ued on LONt Poge
Friday morning hy the Recreation his brilliant pitching was chiefly re- Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoffman, Clarence
Board to Frank C. Feise at a bid of sponsible for the Narberth victory. Uasters, W. P. Davies, Fred Walzer,
$1075. :\lr. Fiese. formerly in the em- The Narberth hurler allowed but one Edwin P. Dold, Charles Harnden and
Caretaker Post at Com. ploy of 1\1. R. Lane and Sons, tennis hit, a triple by C. Thomas in the third son, \Valter Case, E. C. Griswold,
Building Not Filled court engineers of Ardmore, recently inning, and retired nine of the Cynwyd Harvey Cook, Joe Burta, R. A. Cabrey,
went into business for himself. He batters hy the strike out route. George I;Iabb, Robert Hood, Dave
No permanent appointment has yet manages the Narberth Country Club "Howdy" Powell was the outstand- Continued on LOllt Poge
heen made for the post of caretaker of courts and is also huilding some ing hitting star of the fray, clouting a
the Narberth Community Building and courts at Princeton, N. J. triple and two singles, while Manager
grounds, made vacant recently hy the Dick Blessing and Bob Young each
Funeral -of Narberth Man,
removal of \VilIiam Blackledge. Petitions Circulated had a pair of safeties. As usual, Joe Accident Victim, Heid Wed.
William Newhorg has heen filling Rubincam's sensational fielding was of
Petitions have been circulated this
the place temporarily, though a per- Funeral services were held Wednes-
week in the borough for H. C. Fritsch great assistance to the local cause.
manent appointment will not be made Manager Dick Blessing deserves day at 9 A. M. for Patrick Curran, of
for Justice of the Peace and John
by the Property Committee until the 211 Forest Avenue, Narberth, with
Miller for Con stahle. Contl..uell on Last Page
next meeting of Council in August. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. 'Mar-
William H. Fretz is chairman of this ---------------------------------1 garet's Church.
committee and the other members are Mr. Curran died Monday in the
Clarence Kaeber and J. R. Hall. New Wading Pool on Playground Thrills Delaware County Hospital as the re-
The Harold D. Speakman Post,
American Legion, has advocated the
Nearly a Hundred Kiddies at Tues. Openi~g sult of injuries received in an automo-
bile accident at Lansdowne Avenue
appointment of one of its members, and School Lane, 'Drexel Park, early
Edward Ensinger, of Cynwyd, who is A dream of scores of Narberth kid- .little after five the pool was cleared and that morning. The car in which 'Mr.
at present night watchman at West- dies became a reality this week when ,the kids went running home across the Curran was riding, driven by Frank
minster Cemetery. the new wading pool on the Com- playground eager to ten their mothers Makers, of 317 Woodbine AVC11ue,
The position carries a salary of $135 munity Playground was oponed on what a good time they had. Narberth, crashed into a pole. 'Mr.
per month. Tuesday afternoon. The wading pool is under careful Makers suffered internal injuries ,and
At 3 o'clock nearly a hundred little supervision when in use and no par- four broken ribs. His condition was
Deed Notices Mailed tots were seen scampering about under ents need feel anxiety about letting reported at the hospital on Wednes-
Notices were sent this week to a shower of cold water which soon their children use it. day ,as fair.
property owners on \Vynnedale Ave- fil1ed the pool. For two hours they It will be open Tuesday and Friday A resident of the borough for about
nue and \Vynnewood Court to pre- thrashed about, having the time of afternoons, the shower being turned ten years, Mr. Curran had been sexton
sent their deeds at the borough office their lives, and an too soon the whistle on at 3 o'clock. On other days there of St. Margaret's Church, Narberth,
next week heginning Monday. This blew at 5 for them to get out. will be a fifteen-minute shower at 3 'for the past year and a half. He is
is in continuation of tbe work of com- The scene resembled bedlam as with the water remaining in the pool survived by his wife, Ellen, and five
piling an official borough register of everyone wanted to get under the re- for an hour. children, Peter, Edward, Richard
all properties in Narberth. freshing water just once more. But a Continued on Page Jl Philip and Nellie.
Page Plwo olJR TOWN lui, 17, 1931

An Attractive Summer Meal • • •

Toilet Soap
is one featuring sliced, meat,
a salad, and a cool, refreshing drink. 3 bars, 19c
Refreshing Cold Drinks- Our meats can be sliced for
use in sandwiches, or used on a platter with
Iced Tea and Coffee, etc. potato salad, etc. They are ideal for picnic
Ivory Soap

Astor Coffee .lb. can, 28c

lunches. 3 med. bars, 19c
Such meats are high in food value; they are
Morning Sip Coffee .lb. can, 43c rich in protein, and many of them contain 2 19. bars, 23c
vitamins in appreciable quantities. They are
McCormick Tea-ideal for iced practically 100 per cent. food, for there is
tea! ..half lb., SOc; quarter lb., 25c almost no waste. Waldorf
Bosco Three'Food Drink, There is a style and flavor to suit every taste.
Including a variety of roasts which can be
Toilet Paper
12,oz. jar, 21c
Booth's Beverages,
served cold the second day. Here are our 4 rolls, 19c
meat suggestions for this week. Many of
qt. bot., 20c, plus deposit the prices are effective only until next
Wednesday night, July 22.
Valley Forge Cereal Beverage, Wheaties
3 bats., 25c Prime Rib Roast of Beef .. lb., 29c
Delicious Health Cereal
Rump Roast of Veal lb., 30c
Serve Cakes with Them: , 2 pkgs., 25c
Veal Cutlet . . . . . . . . . . . .lb., 59c
Ivin's Butter Teas .lb., 31c Shoulder of Spring Lamb. .lb., 20c Ritter's
Ivin's Golden Wine Cake, ea. 29c
Leg of Spring Lamb. . . . . . lb., 3Sc Tomato Soup
Ivin's Lunch'on,Thins pkg., Bc
Quinlan's Pretzels lb., 25c Lean Chuck Roast of Beef, 4 cans, 25c
lb., 19c, 2Sc
Lean Pot Roast . . .. . .. lb., 2Sc Sunstrand
String Ends of Ham .... lb., lSc PEACHES
Delicious Fresh Fruits
-and choice vegetables
in full measure, at mod- Large Size
Spiced Beef .. ' Y4 lb., 12c G large cans, SOc

Ro..d.le ~
erate prices. Try our CANTALOUPES
juicy ripe watermelons- 2 for 2Sc
on ice-whole or halves; - - - - - - - - - -
and fresh Jersey sugar California Sunkist
corn; nearby raspberries, ORANGES
Boiled Ham

Veal Loaf
Y4 lb., lSc
Home-baked Boiled Ham,
Y4 lb.,
Y4 lb.,
large can, 23c
blackberries and extra doz., 25c Old-Fashioned Lebanon Bologna, Fanc"
fancy honey dew melons; 1/ lb 10
ripe Georgia peaches; Large 74" c Grape Fruit
California eating cherries HONEY DEW 29c DID YOU KNOW that calves liver is avail-
2 small cans, 15c
able fresh dail" at Cotter's? And that the
Tender BEETS

-all at as low prices as fish we sell each Frida" is received fresh
the market each day from the ocean only a few hours after it is med. can, 15c
affords. 4 bunches, 25c caught? If you can buy fish elsewhere
cheaper than at Cotter's, ask if it)s fresh or
Green Cooking frozen. AND: don't forget that we sell Wheatena
Large Golden APPLES I fresh.killed roasting, stewing and broiling Health Cereal
LB_A_N_A_N_A_S_,_d_o_z_.1_9_c l_-4_·_p_k_.,_1_9_c L_c_h_ic_ke_n_s. --' pkg.,20c

Fancy Crushed Corn Tastyeast, 3 bars, 10c You're mlssmg some- . Sea Garden
2 cans, 25c
Fancy Cut Stringless Beans
Pantry Whipping Cream
can, 19c
thing if you're not eating SHRIMP
small can, 10c; medium, 15c Pantry Table Cream our home·baked goods. small jar, 25c
Standard Shoe Peg Com 2 cans, 25c Made fresh dail, in the
can, 10c Shaker Salt, pkg., 7c second floor of Cotter's
Tomato Puree
can, 6c; 3 for 17c
Pink Salmon
2 tall cans, 25c
Swiss Cheese
¥.J lb., 12c
Cider or White Vinegar
pt. bot., toc
Iron Clad Clothes Pins
pkg., 7c; 3 pkgs. for 20c
Certo, bot., 29c
Alum. Jar Caps, doz., 25c
Market, the, include deli-
cious bread, rolls, cakes &
pies and candy. Try some
now-and have the pleas-
Kennett Button
4-oz. can, 23c
8-oz. can, 37c
Gorton's Fish Cakes ure of home-baked goods
Double Lip Jar Rings
Ready to Fry; 2 cans, 25c pkg.,5c with none of the heat and
Kellogg's All Bran Para Wax, pkg., 9c discomfort of baking Tuna Fish
Ce!,eal, pkg., 12c Jello Glasses, doz., 39c
them yourself. 2 small cans, 17c

Phone: Narberth 2250 W·e Deliver from City Line to Bryn Mawr

:'-;'." OUR TOWN
Jul" 17. 1931
"Labor expense for the month
Drive Ten Years Without Mishap amounted to $912. Out of that sum,
\ $201.42 was the labor cost of special
strcet maintenance work, which in-
clnded the repairing of gntters with
Suburbanite and patching holes in the
streets. The material purchased for
that work dnring the month cost
$1042.83," '-1'1\ Y not unl)O tt-uuf", lnlt ')(INI-
,,\'I'lrUN fH.ll,I'" (0111)" :::il· n rounel)
lit th,· ;\;.\UII";U'I'II (;01 TS'I'U,"
Clearview Monday Night cr,1l8.

I Victi~),o!,\~,~:~~~,~~ Streak Corner Montgomery Pike

and Haverford Avenue
Gene Davis' borough boys kept up
their winning ways by handing Magis-
trate Cozzens' Clearview A, C. a 3-0
defeat last Monday night at the play-
ground. Keith Parks was on thc
mound for thc locals and turned in an-
other well-pitched gamc, allowiJlg only
three hits and fanning eight of the
Only eight Clcarview players shO\\'('.
' up for the game so ~I anager DaVIS I
loancd thc visitors "Sparky" Straus,
diminutive Narberth substitute, who Sign 0/ the Best Meats
\,plavcd a capablc lidding gamc, but
oseph Alcorn. left, of N.arberth, and George Weir. of Ardmore, \' was very weak with the stick.
J ]'Ii arberth scored two in thc first in- W hat Do You Expect?
employees of the Autocar Company, who have been pl'esented recently ning on singles by Gilfillan, Rubincam
with Safety Merit Certificates by the General Accident Insurance Com- and Martin, and a long double by Bob -of your meat market?
pany of Philadelphia for ten years of driving motor truc~s without an I' Joncs. No more runs s.cored
accident. until the sixth, when ~ucccsSlve smgles These essentials:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ \ bv Ccorge H ulllphrics, King and
liarks produced the la~t tally. QUALITY-the best.
Ardmore and Narberth Men, Employees 'Cit·,,,,,,;,,,,, A. ('.
:-;a"""I'(h "".",.,
",. II II II (I (I 0 0-0
~ (I 0 0 0 1 )(-3

Batteri('~-Cleal'\"le\\': ~ie\"een and
Personal SERVICE
of Autocar Company, Win Saf ety A ward Edwards; :-Iarberth: Pari,s
and King. Telephone Orders Deli'JIered
George \Veir, of 131 Grandview Roads Undermined, Trees PRICES consistently low
Road, Ardmore, and Joseph Alcorn, of JHstice of the Peace
211 Conway Avenue, Narherth. both Downed by Heavy Storm REAL ESTATE Be sure to try BRADLEY I
employees of the Autocar Company,
have J'ust hccn Ilresented Safety Merit \\'ith a gale 0; neariy mile-a-minute
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Narb.4049-W 215 Haverford Ave.
Meats and satisfy yourself
that this half • century - old
Certificates by the General Accident speed, accompanied by continuous ... ~
Insurance Company of Philadelphia. lightning and nearly two inches of rain, ":""' --: house meets the above re-
These certificates are presented only the Main Line caught the full force of " - '1uirements.
to men who have driven motor trucks Tuesday night's storm. Serious dam- ~---------------1
for ten years without an accident of agc was done in many places, par- UNTIL 11 P. M. A Few S pedal
any kind. Needless to say, such pres- ticularly to lawns, roads and drives, You will find White's
entations are very infrequent. In Narberth several hOllies were
Sweet Shop open until 11 Week-end Prices-
o'clock every night in the
In addition hoth men were presentcd visited hy bolts which struck chilll- week for the sale of Calves' Liver ....... ' ....... .lb., 75c
with a check for $50 by the Autocar neys and came in over radio antennae, home-made, toothsome
Calves' Sweet Breads:
Company. rn Cynwyd the rushing waters did candies, pastry and ice
Small Pair 65c
Mr. \Veir has been an employee of substantial damage on Conshohocken cream.
Pastry-made in the $1
the Autocar Company since June 27, State Road. Ncar Lodges Lane the I finest bakery on the Main
Large Pair
1910, and has hecn driving Autocar road was undcrmined and a tree ovcr- I Line. Cakes for parties Beef Sweet Breads ' .lb., 45c
trucks steadilY, both locally and over turned, and at the home of Robert made to order. Spring Lamb Liver .. ': ,lb., 25c
long distances, for 21 years. The rec- McCracken. 445 Conshohocken Ave- Candies-and delicious
salted nuts.
ords back to 1921 show that during nue, an underground stream caused a
that decade he has had no accidents serious cave-in on the lawn, taking
Ice Cream - home-
made, also, in fourteen Bradley Market
whatsoever. with it shrubbery and a recently C0111- delicious flavors.
Mr. Alcorn has been an employec plctcd rockery. WHITE'S SWEET
2106-08 Market Street
of the Autocar Company since August, Acres of tall field corn were levcled ( SHOP
1918, and drives Autocar trucks prin- by the rain and wind on the farm of \
219 Haverford Ave., Narb.
cipally for short hanls and f or occa- Percival Roberts, Penn Valley, where
sional delivery work. He also has' a retaining wall below one of the barns
never had any accidents of any kind. was carried away by the torrcnts. That ~
--- ----
Although these. two individual rc~- entire r~gion was without elcctric
ords are outstalHhng and fully ment power or telephone for the entire day \
the distinction which the General Acci- \Vednesday.
dent Insurance Company is conferring Many trees, some of large size, were
upon them, the safety record of all of destroyed in various parts of the 1\1 ainl
the delivery drivers of the Autocar Line.
Company is unusual. There arc elcven
such Autocar delivery drivers wOrk-\ H' h R S .
ing under the suiJervision of Harry Ig way eport unlmarlzes TO BUCKWHEAT BUYERS
Michell and the records indicate that Work Done During June \
for the year en~ing July I, 1931, t~ey The report 01 the Highways and Order your buckwheat now, while summer
covered approXlIlJately 220,000 111IIes Sewers Committee, as submitted to the I prices still prevail, and have it delivered crisp, clean
with onlv olle slight property damage Narberth Borough Council by its
accident' which occurred inside the chairn~an, Robert F. \~ ood, on Mon-II and dry-as your furnace desires it. eddo-High- J
, , 1 . A day mght follows: \
11I11Its of the Autocar pant m rd- "During the month of June the mem- land buckwheat, you remember, has always been in-
more. bers of this committee and the Super-
intendent of Public \\Torks made their I dorsed for automatic stokers and blowers because of
annual inspection of sidewalks and, I
Wading Pool Not Needed curbs and, as a result, about 70 repair' I its uniformity, its cleanliness and its low ash.
Last Friday aftcrnoon's storm hit orders have been sent to property own- I
Narberth with such force that its new ers. It was the policy of the com- !
public wading pool proved momen- mittee in making the inspection this .
tarily needless. Pedestrians and mg- year to be as lenient as possible bc- I
torists waded in water over a foot high cause of the general depressed busincss
on Haverford Avenue, one girl remov- ~onditions and or,ders wcre issucd only
ing her galoshes and wading harefoot. m urgent cascs.
At a valley in Sabine Avenue west of "A ncw surface water inlet has becn I
Dudley Avenue, water swirled around installed at the corner of Elmwood II' Narberth 2430·2431
one child with such force and depth and \Vynllewood Avenues costing
that she was rescued as from an $12,24 for la bor and $19,34 for mate-l I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!i!!!i~!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~
ocean's surf. rial. ',- --- - -
Paee FoUl! OUR TOWN July 17, 1931

iJ11usic I OUR TO\V"N .7Vews Shorts

Beetho~n' s· 9t h.. Symp h ony I
A Co·opcrat;)'e Community NCflls·Maga ' ;ne, foundcd ;n 1914 b., the Narberth

C;)';, Associltt;on, Itnd published c)'ery FridtI'Y at Nltrbcrth, Pa., by thc

Orga ms (;; F'ry, 0 f LI-
. t s. H enry~.
I fair
Road, Cynwyd; Ralph Kinder, of

to Be Giv.en.TWice at Delli! LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY State Road, Bala, and Dr. Herbert J.

High spots in next week's concerts I

PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager II
Tily. of Montgomery Avenue, Cynwyd,
were elected to the executive cotllmit-
at Robin Hood De11 by the Philadel- ROBERT MOORE CAMERON. Editor tee of the Pennsy!v;lnia Chapter,
phia Orchestra are two performances I THOMAS A. ELWOOD~ Advertising Mana!(er ,American Guild of Organists, at the
Office-258 Haverford. Avenue, Narberth !
of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.!
These are scheduled for next Monday
and Tuesday nights. The program.
Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100
annual meeting held recently at At-
Ian tic City. Mr. Fry was also elected
'I vice-president of the American Organ

identical each night, also numbers his I

First Symphony as the only other com- j I
Suicide. Eugene J. Finnan, of 124
position. A quartet and chorus will, Entered n. IIecond-cln..... nlRtter. Oetoller 13, 1914. nt the P .....t Om"e nt I Kenilworth Road, M erion, despondent,
N' I Nnrberth Pn•• under the Ad of Mnrel. 3; 1810 : shot himself in the left temple last
assist in the performance in the mth,' I week. An investment broker, he had
Symphony's fourth movement.
The programs follow.:
'noday, J~y 17:
I July 17, 1931
II been suffering from arthritis for five
years. He is survived by his wife and
I three sons.
Alexander Sl1lallens. conductin~. Th P bl· S h I G I Petition. The Bryn Mawr Business
,c row
Mozart-Overture "The Marriagc l e u
of Figaro," '.
Gretry-Mo!tl-:-Ballet SU1t~.
I C 00 s I Association. through William H. C.
The Main Line is keeping in step with modern neeels in tl.le growth Ii Ramsey, chainnal~ ,of its Legislative.
of its school svstems. This summer will see much \Irorrress in the 5.tate . and M umclp~1 Improvemcnt
Bach.Resplghl-Passacagha.· . - . ,., Comnllttee. has petitIoned thc Lower
Intermission I
growth of pubhc school propertIes. /111 crion Township Commissioncrs to
Ts~haikowsky-Symphony No. 5 in i InN arberth work is well under wa\' on the olel school huilding widen and improve Elliot Avenue in
E MlIlor. II . . . .- Bryn Mawr, Mr. Ramsey suggested
1. Andantc-Allcgr? con anima. whIch IS hell1g reconstructed and 1110elerl1l~ed. The structure. once the! that a survcy be. madc to see if the
. 2. Andante cantabile, con alcuna I home of the entire 12 grades later the High School huilding. is to he street ~ould be wlde!led to twenty-four
hcenza. . ' ., ' . .' .
fcet without destroylllg trees.
3. V~lse-Altegro moderato. I completely done over m tl111e for the fall term. at whIch tl111e the eIghth Student. Evan Morris Wilson, of
4. FlIlale-Andante lIlaestoso. I grade will he moved from Lower Merion hack into the HOl"Ough svstem. ,Stratford Lodge, Rosemont. who was
Tomorrow, July 18:
Eugene Ormany, condUcti~,'? ! I
.T he 1~et1~l \i" . II 1 '11 I ' I I' graduated with honors in June from
'v ynne structure. now practlc.a y COI11I.) etc, WI . le rea( y Haveriord Coltege, has reccivcd noti-
Wagn,~r - Overture to rann-,. and m operatIOn hy September, to take care of the rapldly-gTowmg popu- fication of his admission to New Col-
haS~user. S . I
trauss- ) mp lomc. 1) oem, "D' on htion in the southeastern Ilart of the Townshi\l. The existence of this lIege,
I' study forOxford, where he cxpects to
two years
Juan." . modem building will not only take care of present needs. hut should Romance. Thc eiopemcnt to Elkton
Ravel-Bolr o , .. ! encourage further growth in that section. ,reccntl Y of Miss Constance Morford
Beethoven~~~~~~;~~:~~ No. 5 in C i The third big development started last week when trees were re- ~ cisenburg. dau¥!Jter of Dr, ~nd. Mrs.
Minor moved and excavation begun for the new administration and high. school I JoljcodHorae H. WdelsG~n~urg, off ISatoh . an(\1
.. I ' . . r" • ., ., 1 1 1 , n1l110n remcr, 0 ra ff on.
1. Al egro con briO. IJtl11d1l1g on Montgomery Avenue. I hIS thIrd unIt It1 Lower l\lenon s : marked the culmination of a childhood
~' ~ndante <it; moto. I
High School plant is to be ready for use in the fall of 19,~2. l.ooking: romance of fifteen years' standing. Mr.
4: AlI~~~~P~~~[~~' bac~ bu~ a, few years, we can see the tremendous strides maelt· in the 1 ~~einer just ~ompleted his sophom~re
Sunday, July· 19: Mam Lme s program of school development. I )ca~ at Urslllus College an~ MISs
Beethoven _ Overture "Leonore"
N 3 "
I ~"elsenburg has. been att~l!dlllg the
School of Industnal Art. "I hc elopc-
Mo~art-Symphony in G Minor. Will This Solve the Wheat Problem? ,ment was a surprise but it seems t.o b~
I All I t · . I the method of the younger gencratlOn,
2' ~gro mo o. Durtng the past week the Japanese beetles have appeared 111 our I commented Dr. \Veisenburg,
3: ~~n~~~~~-Allegretto. ga~dens in treme~Hlous swarms. To most of. u~ they are merely a serious I' Clue. A cap Icft in the, home of
4. Finale-Allegro assai. , l1tusance-wreckmg the rose heds aud def oltatl11g the trees whose flavor, Henry . ~obson, County . Lme , Road.
Intermission 'thev prefer. In~ar M,ltsonford Road. .vlll~no\a, fur-
Strawinsky-Bird of Fire Suite. ! '])'lut t I" . . a serious ' . to t1
,,' . aspect le 'mel
, .ease
, · all< I'Spre,l(
. I 0 f tlle .' , I 1~lshed
. 0 Ilen- I'dward the clue by whIch Its owner.
Mendc Issohn -
N octurne an( II I
lere IS
I. I I I I . k . . . fl'
"M'dsummer Night'S ta pest w l1C 1 was Jroug lt home s larply thIS wee' In a VISIt to one 0 t It' arrested last week for robbery by Rad-
I ubi of Conshohockell '\'as
~, . .
Dr~~~:' om I large farms of the l'v'lain Line. The manager took us to the harn where n~r Towns.hip, Po!}ce. 'Ehe cap con-
Borodin-Polovetzkian Dances from wheat was being threshed, and showed us do~ens of bushels in the bins. talKe~ft~e n~~gals. E. L, "
"Prince Igor." The freshly threshed wheat was crawling with the heetles. c1ar:~ eC~ro erbvJlOuEsI;- mSuriderj.I de -f
Monday July 20' I "v\" I 't se II t I'llS w Ileat to IJe macI e 'mto I ]"
our gtll' d ' I Delaware -County n . upon
c lee 1 e, the
Al exan der S ma'II ens, co I'd
t' I
\I g, \ "N
e can
I " f II f I' I I 1 I
I f d
e sale.
d f ' . ' ".
Beethoven-Symphony No. 1 in C l o t on Y IS It u 0 Ive leet es, lUt t lere are pent)' 0 ea ones !)ody a DO~l1\111ck Marrom, found dcad
Major. whose presence would not add to the flavor. It will all have to be fed to m an. alley In Wayne early last F~iday
1. Adagio molto; Allegro con brio. the cattle." ml~rnmg. Hc. had ~een stabbed With a
2 Andante cantabile con moto
3: Menuetto-Allegro molto ~ vi-
TI I I' r
·le leet ~ IS sp~eae Il1g eac 1 year.
I "VI'\1 I .f . I klllfe many tulles m the stomach and
lat WI lappen I It reac les chest, ann had been dead several hours
vace' trio the great farmmg regIOns of the West? The pests do not eat the kernels when found. Police believe he was the

4. ' Fin~le-Adagio, A11egro molto c of wheat, but swann into the fields at the time the July crop is being har- victim of a feud.
vested makinO' it impossible to gather the crop without taking with it Two gallons. When an aeroplane
Intermission . a uot~ of the'" bu s. I ran O~lt of. gas at Fifty-f~urth, Str.eet
Beethoven-Symphony No. 9 III D' q
g.. . . I
I,f .th~ great gram regIons and t.ruck-growll1g ~tates are .suhJected I circled arou,nd a. Tom Thumb golf
and CIty LlIle Sunday evenmg, Its pl10t
1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco' to a vtsltatlOn by the Japanese beetles It may he a natIOnal calamIty. Per- i courSe at CIty Lme and Bryn Mawr
maestoso. . haps a reduction in the crops of wheat would help those with good wheat' :\venue seeking a landing place. Find-
2. Molto vIVace-Presto., to sell, but it would ruin any grower so afflicted. IIlg I:one large enough, he narrowly
3 Adagio molto e cantablle-An- I . . I d . cleared some trees and effected a land-
't de
d an e mo ra . to And not on y IS wheat 111 the pat 1 of anger, hut many other kll1ds ing on a field at the northeast corller
4. Allegro assai - Quartet and 0 f garden pro d uce aneI nursery stoc I{. \" 've neeeI on Iy step 1I1to. t Ile IlaC' k of Conshohocken Avenue and City
Chorus. ! yard to get a picture of what can happen if the infestation continues to Line. At a nearby gasoline station he
Jeannette Vreeland, sop ran 0; I' spread hought two gallons. and then headed •
Neyada Van Der Veer, ,contralto; Da.n· It~ this countrv Prohibition and the Del)t'ession take Ull a lot of hack for the Patcofield ~t Norr!stown.
Gndley, tenor; Fredenc Baer, ban-I . ' , . . Bryn Mawrtyrs. Leavmg thclr alma
tone, and chorus. I
tUlle and conversatIOn, but do we not have here sometlllng deserv1l1g mater for a ycar, six Bryn Mawr girls
Tuesday, July 21: every attention? The Government has heen working on the problem, hut arc among a group of ninety students

Repeat program July 20
·ld· . Boro
only in a limited and experimental way. The Mediterranean fruit fly was from thirty-~ve .universities and coi-
defeated in Florida by quick and decisive action. The heetles should legcs who. wI,1I s.all today
Jor Fran~e to
spcnd their JUlllor year \II educatIOnal
J S UI lng m
have had the full resources ?f the Government throwI~ .aga1l1st them years institutions in that country. They will
Amounts to But $1418 ago, re~ar~less of cost. I ~ IS not too late ~'et to .moblltze e:ery means of ret~rn next sun~mer to finish their
exterl11111atlOn-and stoppll1g Sunday tOUrists WIll not do It. semor year at their home col.lege. The
. . -.--
BUlldmg operatIOns to the amount of I .
Or will we look back ten years from now and wish for the oppor- Bryn Mawr students are: EII.nor Chap-
I. I I
$1418 were carried on in the borough ttt111ty w l!C 1 las near y s Ippee away.
I I' I ? TI f . . . man. Lake Forest. Ill.; Carohne Llovd-
lese. orelgn vls~tors arc even Jones. Madison. Wis.; Eilecn O. Mul-
during June, according to the report now a serious menace.· They may become a natIOnal calal11lty. len. Chestnut Hill; Cecelia C. Robb.
of the Building COlllmittee of Council. I Bethesda, Md.; Margaret Tiler. Balti-
The following permits were granted:
VlIlcent CUl1ll1ngham, 210 Dudley
Those of us who regard modern inventions and explorations as a Illore. 1\[ d,. and Elizabeth P. Whyte,
H: Dasher, 24~ Iona, garage, $850; sign that man has h~arned to dominate the elements changed our minds Scarsdale. N. Y,
. I I' I' , d'
Summer Home; The fanllly of Sen-
garage. $218; J. Tatem, 104V, Forest, T~tesday 11Ig lt as t le hg lt11lng. ram an w1I1d tore clown on the Mam j ~tor James J. Davis, instead of spend-
shop, $250; Arthur Bonfield, 120 Con- Lme. I mg the sUlllmcr months this year as
way, garage, $100. they have in the past at the seashore,
Fort~-t~o inspections were made by Congratulations to our neighhor, David M. Newbold. of Haverford, are occupyin~ .a sUlum~r home on the
the BUI!dlllg Inspector, <;ieorge B. ~up- whose wartime Red Cross work has earned him the honor of hecoll1in rr a estate of PllIhppus Ml11er, ncar Bcr- •
lee, durmg the month, eIght operations I CI I' f I L' f H f F b' wyn. The property has been leased by
being completed. I leva ler 0 t le eglOn 0 onor 0 rance. J Senator Davis as a vacation home.

Page ,Five
July 1'7, 1931
"The Front Page," stagc success, is
Montcnegro, and an American stage Whcelcr and Woolsey whimsy. Mat-

Eocal mfovies I
making cinema history as a fast- star, Leslic Howard. appcar in "Nevcr inees at thc Egyptian are Saturdays at
I moving, unusually thrilling story of big thc Twain Shall Meet," coming to thc 2:15.
city newspaper mcn, politics, dcath and Egyptian the cnd of next wcek. At
love, with the love e1emcnt sub- Saturday's matince this South Scas
Narberth Theatre Notes
, .
I ordinatcd by order of thc managing
• I editor, played by Adolphe Menjou.
romance will not allpear, and in its
place will bc "Hook, Linc and Sinker,"
EI Brendel IS well aldcd by E. I~'I \Vorth sceing and hearing a second ~ ~
Horton, Dna Merkel, etc" in "Six time, including ncxt Monday and Tues-
Cylindcr Lovc," plcasing summer day,
comedv at the Narberth Thcatre this "Doctors' \Vives," coming to Cyn-
Frida; 'and Saturday. Also booked: wyd next W cdncsd~y and Thursday,
13 '1 . J ,.' "'1'(' N'( r 1·"· I ( 'I' fcatures Vvarncr Baxtcr and Joan Bcn- NO\V PLAYING
o ).>~. one~ I.n le • I >.IC', .Ill( t ,le nctt, two widely popular stars.
of hIS mterestl11g' and at tnllcs amusl11g A ncw Spanish actress, Conchita What a Comedy Cast!
golf short subjects, and a twcnt y - __ ----- .. -- -. --- EL BRENDEL
minutc jungle story titled "Advcntures '-,- - -
in Africa." IlEG YPTIAN Edward Everett Horton,
Thomas l\lcighan. aidcd by Dorothy I Spencer Tracy, Una Mer-
Jordan, gives a convincing character III Show Shop of the Main Line kel an d at hers In
. a
portrayal in "Young Sinners," a lovc
0' drama coming tu Narberth the first of ~
next wcck.
On \Vednesday and Thursday Ann:
tt6-Cylinder Love"
Harrlin/-{'s best, picture, produce~~ ,tw,o
years agu, WIll play here.


PfA crventures in Africa" is only a word
. Bound" is an unusually well-stagcd i Next Monday and Tuesday 20 min/lies of thrilling jungle ad'l'en-
drama, and Frederic l\larch aids in! ADOLPHE MENJOU ture-Don't miss this!
Illaking it cxcellcnt cntcrtainmcnt. I "FRONT PAGE" Bobby 'Jones in "The Niblick" at
The cnd of ncxt weck will sce that I NEXT IUONDA Y RR.I TUESDAY
Jlopular Saturday Evening Post story I one of the best Thomas Meighan, Dorothy
of Earl Derr Biggers, "Charlic Chan
Carrics On," at Narbcrth, \Varner
II W d d
e nes ay an
d Th d
urs ay
Jordan in uYoung Sinners"
Oland carrics on nobly as an Oricntall Warner Baxter, Joan Bennett 'VEDNESDAY Rml THURSDAY I
detcctive who solvcs a mysterious
/-{roup of murders in connection with a!
Ann H ard·lng ,
• round-thc-world tour. ,'WEEK.END NEXT and Frederic March in I'

A t the Egyptian Conch~~sli~o~~;:~;o and t~Paris Bound" I

Ramon N U\'arro in a pleasing char- iII
"NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL H~r best performarlce, made two I
acterization similar to that in "The
Student Prince" comes to the Egyptian
this wcck-end
II MEET" y~ars ago and two years too soon to
be properly appreciated. Don't miss it, I
II in "Daybrcak"
It' . 'aided
f . by,' I SAT. MAT'
I 00 sey In
H C,C!l
I C lam cr, IS ;Ol1l.ln .Ie al~( "HOOK LINE AND SINKER"
DAILY~_~_!._~_!..."__~:~~~~ I
excltll1g. At Saturda\' s clllldrcn s I '

matinec the featur~ is "Silver Horde." \ II,~-~!!!!-~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!ii!!!i!!!!!!~!!i!!!!!!!!!ii!~!!!i!-!!i!
--~ -~
- i
- -!!!i Air
Every Seven Minutes
Your Vacation
I Tls ALWAYS cool and
Next Summer 'I
II / comfortable at PIERRE'S,
because with our scientific

IT's a long way off, isn't it!

I cooling system, we literally
make our own weather.
• Every seven minutes the
But now is the time to start a
separate savings account, if air is completely changed.
you would insure yourself
The warm air is expelled
and fresh, cooled air is cit-
0' plenty of funds for next year's
culated. So, come in and
trip to the seashore, the moun-
cool off in a quiet nook.
tains, or abroad.
The menus include a wide
• Only a small amount each variety of dainty, appetiz-
week • • • and how it does ac- ing sandwiches and cool-
Your Drapes and Curtains cumulate in the course of a ing salads • • • the kind
year - plus interest com - of food that appeals to
This is the season of brighten· pounded semi.annually. Summer appetites.
ing up the home. Your fur·
nishings should sparkle and
reflect }'our own fastidious
Why not start that savings
account NOW, in Narberth's
, o
taste. Your curta~ns and
drapes and rugs should have I own national bank, where you Max's inimitAt,le
the i r natural loveliness reo I are assured courtesy, service SS-cent Dinner served
IIII! and safety? every evenins.

• Adelizzi 11
BY THE WAY: Our safe de. A deiishtfuUy com-
posit boxes are available, at plete luncheon daily
Brothers II moderate charge, for storage
The Narberth at a5 and 45 cents.
,. Cl-EANING. DYEING of val"ables .",hile you are
T AlLaRS, FURRIERS away. Why not see us about National Bank ROOF If RESTAURANT
102 Forest Avenue, Narberth a rental no.",?

Phone: Narberth 2602 Member Federal
Reser'Ve System
.' 220 Bala Avenue, Cynwyd
Phone: Cynwyd 928
Open from 8 A. M. Daily, and
Please Note we close Satur- also 7 to 9 P. M. on Fridays,
days at 1 P. M. during the for your convenience.
On 69th'STREET

, . 1.. ' " ; : , '

Page Sis QUll-TOWN. Jul, 1'7, 1931

feries, Jr., of' Arlington Road; Penn ·and Mrs. Charles C. Yocum, of' Elm 'Olive Bates is at Camp Tatl Trees.. Mr. and Mrs. Witliam S. Bliss, of Mr. Frank Boyle and Mr, Robert
Valley, are receiving congratulations Terrace. where she will remain for another Hampden Avel1ue, recently returned Boyle, of Wilkes-Barre, are the guests
THE FIRESIDE upon the birth of a son, John How- " Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller, of Dud- week.
· f 'from a' week's' stay in Beach Haven, of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Egmore,
ard Jefferies, 3d, on Friday, July 3. ley Avenue, are spending several weeks M r. an d M rs. H arry A• S Impson, 0 N J of Elmwood Avenue, this week. Mr.
Mrs. Jefferies witl be remembered as -in Scottdale, Pa. Avon Road, are leaving 011 Friday for. . : . and Mrs. Egmore and their family and
9 uite a bit of entertaining is s.till Miss Martha ~artin, daughter ?f Mr. Friends of Mrs. A. H. Ripper, of a two weeks' stay at Ocean City, N, J•.. MIss Grace Bowers, of Easton, aI'- guests wi1l leave on Friday for the
bemg d~ne by those who are staymg and Mrs. Hugh Glenn Martm, of Dudley Avenue, will be sorry to learn Mr. and Mrs. Waltcr Schubert Hun- ,rIVed. on Wednesday to be the guest farm of Mrs. Malcolm Burnside near
home th~s an~ who exp.ect to Wayne Avenue, N~rberth. _ ' . sicker,. of Allentown, are receiving COIl-- ,of.' MISS Clara Fotlette, <;If Wayne Av~­
take theIr vacation triPS later m the I
Mrs. John P. MIller and famIly, of
season, either for those who are going Essex Avenue, have opened their cot-
.that she has. been ill for a-week.
L' C
,Ieu,tenant· o~man er
d W I R
a ter r'
gratulations upon the birth of a daugh- nue, ~or a w.eek,. MISS Follette IS
ter, Nancy Carson Hunsicker, on June att~ndll1:!l" summer school at Teml?le
Wilkes-Barre, where they wilt spend
the month of August.
away or for out-of-town visitors. I tage at Cape May for the season. Mr.. 0 Sulhvan, of Wmdsor Av~nue: Ie t Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus L. Bolton,
28. Mrs. Hunsicker was formerly Umversltv.. Miss Bowers and MISS
J osep h L . K e n--ey al~ d fanll'1 Y :B of Wayne Avenue, were the guests of

. .
Many borough resIdent!\-

. .
have jomed!

an d "rs..
the summer colonists at their cottages al'e spendmg the summer with them..
at the various cool spoti!' at the sea- Miss Betty Needham, of Chestnut A rs.
h ' t t d f t
'on Saturda.y

un vi R K
for a two weeksScrUIse
ud b I 'ad th e U . Sf' B'
severa ays
F ' f to
. 't nauer,I °d ro<? uArs i
kh Miss Mabel E. Kirkpatrick, daughter Follette- Wltl leave on Au~ust 15 !or
of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Kirkpatrick, of : Cape May, whcre they- Witl vacatIon
.Essex Avenue. for two weeks.
Dr. Harry L. Hottingworth and Dr.
Contlnned on Page 10
SIde or III the moun tams. Many, too,: venue, .a~ JUS re urne rom a wo I' k .
have taken moror n-ips to various weeks' VISIt· ;rt Lock - H-avell; P;r., .too~ a,st, wee . ~--------------'ltl-~~ ~ ~
places in the country.
F th
. or h o~e w a d
h stay h II
where she was the, guest of Mrs. MISS Eleanor Lafore, of Boston,
Thomas C. Deise. Her sister, Miss Mass., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
~t ~mpI~;U Anabel Needham, is also visiting Mrs. John A. Lafore, of Penn Valley Farm,
George A. Witte
H. B. WALL Paperhanging and
Electrician-Ph. Ardmore l1~li
40 ANDERSON AVE., Ardmore
enjoy. earlllg goo mUSIC, t e l l :t' 1 Deise at Lock Haven, where she wil1 Penn Valley. Plumbing : Heating
delphIa Orc.hestr~ concerts at ~obm: remain for some time Mr. and Mrs. Lafore and their son, Decorating Electric Washer and Motor
Repalrs-Arma.ture Winding
100 Forest Avenue,
very wellDell,wo
In th
while Park, WI\1 be I' Mad r. n M r s . W· . W . Ha ngen, o f Mr. Laurence Lafore , accompanied by ESTIMATING El'Itlmatlng Wlthont Charge
Phone: Narberth 365Z·M Narberth 4135W
. Reading, Pa., were the guests of Mrs. Mr, Travis Coxe, of W?nnewood, will
One. of th~ outstandmg events of Hangen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. leave by motor on Friday for Char-
week m socIety was the second RO!Jm W. Needham, of Chestnut Avenue, on lottesville. Va., wher~ Mr. L~urence
ContraeUng, Wiring, Jobbing

Hood. Dell. supper dance at the Phlla- Sunday.

delp~la Crlcke~ Club on Wednesday
Lafore and Mr. TraVIS Coxe WIll stay
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Sloan, of Nar- at Mrs. Keith's Riding Camp for three
evenll1g fol1owmg th~ concert. M1'5·1 herth Hall, are leaving shortly for weeks.

George !lolt Strawbridge, Mrs. Ralph Buffalo, N. Y., where they witl stay Mr. and Mrs. James Tyson, of
T. Sterln!g and Mrs. Joseph H. Gaz- for some time. Mrs. Sloan has as her South Narberth Avenue, are spending
zam re~elved. They ',:ere assisted by i !{ucst her grandmother, Mrs. M. Dav- tcn days at White Sulphur Springs,
~f rs. Sidney S. Quarrier, of London:: ids 011, of Buffalo, N. Y. Va.
~frs. ? Adams Mead, Mrs. G. UPt~1I1 Mr. Hugh Speed, Jr.. of Chestnut Mrs. Stan Icy Bailey, of Valley Vicw
Favoflte, M~s. Harold. Marst~n, _MISS Avcnuc, is the guest of Mr. Ned Bart- Road, Merion, is visiting at her home
Gertrude Mltch.el1 Lelpe~, MISS Jean lett. son of Mrs. Charlcs Bartlett, of in Portland, Me., wherc shc cxpects
Vv. ~nnes, MI:'s. Hcnfletta Merion Avenue, at their' summer homc to remain for some time.
Schnlldt, Mr. WIlham Huff, Mr. WhIt-I at Wildwood Crest, N. J., this wcck. Mr. Thomas Critton, of Birn1ing-
ney Ashbrldge, Mr. Fredcrick Ley-I Mrs. Le Roy C. Douglass, of Elm ham, Ala., was the guest of Mr. Clyde
burn Sprague and Mr. H. Lcwis Cut- i Tcrrace, and her daughtcrs left on Richardson and Mr. Elwood Richard-
Tuesday night at 6:30 on thc Goldcn son, of VaHcy View Road, for several
, Arrow for Chicago, where they wi1l re- days last wcck.
Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen, of Mccting I sidc at 209 Vvoodbinc Avenue, 'ViI-
House Lanc, cntcrtaincd at lunchcon jl1lctte, ItI.
on Tucsday The gucsts wcre Mrs
l1r. and Mrs. Stanley Batcs and
thclr yo?ng . son, T.c~~y Bates, of
Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. :McCorklc, of ClcvelanG, OhIO, are vIsIting Mr. Batcs,
Harvcy P J~ncs Mrs Barry Truscott' Elm Terracc, are receivin~ congratula- brothcr and sister-in-law of Mr. and
llrs. Fra;lk Winnc,' Mrs. John V/ i tions upon thc birth of a son, Evan J. Mrs. Clifford B~tes, of North Nar-
Dcnnis, lfrs. Kenncth S. Mcinkcn, i McCorklc, Jr., on 17.
:Mrs. Bart Quirk and Mrs. C. Cartcr I Mrs. McCorkle WIll be rcmcmbercd
Bond. I
bcrth Avcnuc,. tIllS week. •
Mr. Frcdeflck Bates has just ~c-
as Miss Mary Yocum, daughter of Mr. I turncd from Camp Delmont and 1\1 ISS
).fr. and :Mrs. Clauscn and )'h. and l~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1
I, --
~'I rs. Kenncth S. Mcinkcn wil1 leavc on ,.
Friday for Skytop Lodge in thc PO-I ~
~'?~~~~~I~~;~lcrc thcy will stay ovcr the: IIr.6 t ttl i tt.6 t r r or r mr t r r y
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Joyce, of!
Narbrook Park, left on Friday for At- :
Ian tic City, whcre thcy will rcmain) Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line;
until thc first of August. : Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessible
:\1 r. and 11 rs. Eberhardt :\ftlCl1er. of from all points. The Westminster landscape has
Esscx Avenuc, will cntertain COIII- all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
mander and 1\1 rs. Charles H. Shaw, of
Avon Road. at a fareweH dinncr this
evcning. Comll1ander and :\f rs. Shall' For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone
and family arc Icaving tomorrow Post Office Address: . Station I, Philadelphia
for Amhcrst, Mass., where thc,' will
:\11'. Joseph
rcside H. 'Bakcr, of Savannah,
Ga., is visiting his son-in-law and
. l~~~========================~i~
daughter, Mr. and ~frs. Charles \\'.
Dillingham, of Ccdar Lane, Mcrion.
for several weeks.
Miss Alice Judah. of California. is
the guest of Mrs. Otto C. 'Vickham, of
.Sotlth Narberth Avenuc, for thc SUIl1-
s. P. Frankenfield Sons
},frs. \Vickham also had as her
gucst over the weck-end M iss Iris
\Vhitncy, of Ncw York, who is in thc ATHENS AVENUE AND SIMPSON ROAD I
.. . .
cast of the "Grand Hotel," now run- ~ t PHONE: ARDMORE 9
ning in New York.
. .
11 r. 'end Mrs. C1'f1rlcs Sulzbl¥'gl'r, of ~
Glenwood Road, 1\1 crion, wcre among
thc gucsts at a dinner party In,,!
\Vednesday gi\'clI: by Dr. and :\Irs.
James Donnclly at ~hcir hOlllc ;11 Pcnl-
Ivn. •. "HERE'S A BtrsmES~ TIPl,,<t •
- Miss Lois Caldwcll. of Elmwood
Avenuc, spcnt the wcck-cnd at Occan
City as the gucst of Miss Betty Bow- Telephone tltat out-of.
man, of Elmwood Avenue, at the sum-
mcr home of Miss Bowman's parents. town customer for his
~Hss J can Ryall. daughter of )'Ir.

Hot Water • • •
and Mrs. J. Bruce RyaH, of Bryn
~Iawr Avenuc, Penn VaHey, is spend-
order! Well placed
1I1g the summcr at Camp Elois, Estc's
Park, Colorado. telephone calls cut
1frs. Robcrt Hawk, of St. Pcters-
down overhead.
burg, Florida, and hcr son, Strayer
Hawk, werc thc !{ucsts of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
the instan.t you turn on the
Livingston, of Esscx Avenuc, last
wcck. How often on a summer motor trip Add this marvelous hot water ser-
Mr. and Mrs. Livingston's son, Mr.
A!frcd Livingston. will leavc on Jul~' II have you paid $5 or more to spend the vice to your own home now during
20 for St. Pctersburg, Florida, whert·
hc will be thc gucst of Mrs. Robert i night at a nrst-class hotel, for the this exceptional offer... and take thou-
Hawk for the rf'mainder of the sUIll-1 sole reason of taking a good hot bath! sands of hot baths for a mere song.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgc A. Hopkins, of
M crion Avcnue, cntcrtained Mr. and
~f rs. Livingston and thcir gucst last,'
l TELEPHONE No Stairs-elimbing! No Waiting!
:\fjss A i1l1 Compton, of \V oodbinl' 143 Just like living in a big hotel. What a service to offer
A venue, who is a counse 1101' at Ca Ill' I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii.!!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!~!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!ii.!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii.!~
Rita, Zicglcrsvillc. ]>a., returned on ,~ your guests! Costs a most modest sum to operate!
Tuesday to spcnd a day or so with
hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Compton, of \Voodbine Avcnuc.
Mrs. Robcrt H. Durbin, of North
Narbcrth Avenuc, who is travcling in THE PERFECT COMBINATION. FOR RA\V MILK:
in Europe, is now in Switzcrland.
Miss Georgiana Hoffsten and :Miss
Ruth Hoffstcn, of the Avon Apart-
For a Short Ti'Dle 1 Choice of Ruud, Hotzone, Stazhot,
mcnts, sailcd rccently for Francc,
whcre thcy will spcnd the summcr.
Food Plus Low Penfield. $75 and up according to
size and make. Slightly higher on
1f r. and 1\frs. Irvin Laucr, of York.
Pa., and Miss Gartha \Volfe, of Phila- Value Bacteria Budget Plan.

dclphia, were the wcck-cnd gucsts of

Mr. and Mrs. \Valton.1\1. \Vcntz, of
\Vayne Avcnue. Brookmead Guernsey Milk was awarded the best
~fr. and l\Irs. John Howard Jef-
score for Bacteria at the West Chester Milk Contest, Down Years
EATON, PIKE & CRANE'S 36 Farms, Tuberculin Tested, Class A·l.
Installs an
to Pay
MELVILLE Your Children and the Whole Family
75c STATIONERY And all the while you're
in such times as the present need the AUTOMATIC GAS enjoying the wonderful
for only 49c Extra ~uality-30 P. C. More Than Ordinary Milk WATER HEATER help of instant hot water!
(for a limited time)
Extra Cleanliness-Proven by 20 Years' Work
51 Sheet, 50 Envelopes, in
Cream, Gray or White
Higher Butterfat-Natural source of protein for the
colder weather
AI.SO. while they last, BOOKS from
our Circulating Libraroy- Combined with Brookmead Service
Hot water and Plenty of
(3 Deliveries a Day to All Parts of the Main Line)
25c each; cAll Our Suburban Stores
8, for $1
DA VIS' Brookmead Guernsey Dairies
Oldest Store in. Narberth-
224 HAVERFORD AVE. "A Complete, Dependable Dairy Service" ELECTRIC COMPANY
Narberth 4035 West Lancaster Avenue, Wayne Phone Wayne 1121 For any gas appliance, see your plumber, dealer, department store, or us

---------.....;....-------_.....1.- ......
Page Eight OUR TOWN July 17, 1931

Neighborhood Supper at Methodist Episcopal Church Imeetin~s, I! o'clock. 9:45 A. M.-Bible school. All de-
Re\', Samuel l\lacAdams, Minister. Reachng Room, 19 \Vest Lancaster partments in session.
M.,E. Church, July 23d 11 :00 A. M.-Morning' worship. Ser-
Sunday, July 19: I~Ve!ltIe, open daily, 10:30 J:-. M. to 4:30 ilion theme: "The Living Wat-
(l 45 A 'f S d I I I. l\L Wednesday evenmg, 9:15 to
,,: . . . .- lin ~y sc 100, • 9:45. ers of Kedron."
V'lith the growing popularity of sup- 11 :00 A. M.-Mornmg worshIp and 'fl I ' f 1 B'll I 7:45 1'. :-'f.-Evening worship in the
pers held at the Narberth M. E. sermon: "The Confidence of 1e su lJect o:~. 11', ~,) e esson ser- cool social room. Sermon theme:
Faith," mon for Sunday. LIfe. "Life's Choices,"
Church it was decided to hold another
Thursday, July 23: 1\1 r. Van Ness will preach at both
on Thursday evening, July 23, the Baptist Church of the E...angel the morning and evening services,
6:00 P. M, to 8:00 P. !\f.-Church
women of the church serving the sup- supper in parish hall. The pub- Rohert E. Keighton, Minister. Prayer meeting next \Vednesday
per from 6 to 8 o'clock. lic arc cordially invited. Sunday, July 19: evening.
There will be an appetizing menu 9:45 A. M.-The Church School.
and plenty for all. \:Vhy not take that First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 :00 A, 1\1 .-Morning worship, Ser- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Athcns and Linwood Aves., Ardmore, mon: "A Great Cause," Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor.
evening off and enjoy a sociable time,
Sunday services, 11 A. l\L and 8 Sunday, July 19:
with music and a real surprisc enter- P. M, The Presbyterian Church 1):30 A. M,-Bible school.
tainmcnt, The price is reasonable with Sunday School, 11 A. M. Rev. John Van Ness, M.A., Minister. II :00 A. M.-The morning service
a special price for children. C. O. N. \Vcdnesday evcning testimonial Meetings for July 19: with scrmon.

'STOP THAT LEAK' New Washers Will. Halt the Waste

It will pay you to inspect

your plumbing fixtures ... , ..

1-32 in. Leak Wastes 9 gals. of Water per Hour
{ 1-16 in. Leak Wastes 32 gals. of Water per Hour
1-8 in. Leak Wastes 114 gals. of Water per Hour
} •

Unseen Leaks In Toilet Flush Tanks
Are Costly...

Call ijOUl' Plumber ..

, .
OUR TOWN Page Nine

A Page of Local Home and Garden Information

Sell Penn Valley Property I
acre of ground on Arlington Road,
Asks Beetles in Bottles
for Tickets for Movies
l he 0 lee 0
ffi If D
ur 1m and -Iowai'll les,
Penn Valley. to John Howard Jeffer-
Jr., who IS now occupvlng .It as
reports the sale of a house and half I' .I
lIS resH ence.
Bectle-collecting is the new hobby of
gardcn lovcrs and movie enthusiasts in W. P. MIESEN
this section as the result of an offer, Carpenter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
which still holds good, madc by Man- Phones:
II)' nOln~n'I' .1. l~nGAn
Five inches of rain in July! Ain't
aging Director Joseph Conway, of the
Egyptian Theatre, Cynwyd. For each
Edwin M. Dav-Narberth 3973-M
Night-Narberth 2890·R
quart Mason jar, with a cap on it, con- 100 N. NARBERTH ,\ VR
that sumpin'?
taining a tlUart of Japancsc bcetles, and
presented at a redemption table in the
And on July tenth we were two and
a half inches ahead of normal rainfal1
for the year. And with an excess of
temperature for the year gardeners
have no cause for complaint as regards
lobby of the Egyptian Theatre, a ticket
of admission is being presented. Early
this week the beetles commcnced pour-
ing in by the quart and Mr. Conway DECORATORS
& Co. '11111'"
Sl\'EBAHEli SPEt;lALsr

thc weather. expressed himself wel1 pleased with the FIR DOOBS
response to his offer. for cloMetM nnd IUI8HogeWU)'8. Stile. and
I roll. or clear 1>0u",lo. Fir. 3 ply laminated
But, of course, there were many
aphids which are abundant in damp
weather and then there were some in-
"I am glad to aid in thc beetle cam-
paign by furnishing an inccntive to
trap, kill and collect beetles in quanti-
II I Painting
panelN. All Htock Miz'~H. 5 x Itonel or 2 Panel.
l)rice 83.85 lind 01).
sect pests-including J apanesc beetlcs.
ties," he dcclared. "The offer still
holds good."
I Upholstering CEDAR LINING
Damp weather also makes a favor-
able condition for slugs (snails without
1\'11'. Conway has decided that he
prefers to have the insects dcad when
I Furniture Repairing
A cloNet lined with cf'!dur lining defies dirt,
danll.n'~"K and h'"t~CIM. The eXltt~n8e of one
shells). These pests feed at night and good MUrIneilt ruintOd b)' nlot hM will nJure
presen ted for admission (that is, for
chew off delphiniums, violas, pyreth- their owners' admission) to the thea- Window Shades thnn pay for the clodnr Iininf( for (~"ery
rums and small campanulas while clothe" clUMCl in the hODlc. Price 110
tre. Or else, he says, it would be best
we slecp. They raisc havoc in a secd not to entrust them to small boys. On Awnings square Cout.
bcd, but thank the seeds man for a ~1 onday cvening one of the quart jars
waterproof poison bait which finishcs
friend slug.
was presented by a boy, who dropped
it. Fortunately, the bectlcs were coma-
'.f tose at thc time. but the theatre man-
105 N. NARBERTH AVENUE I\loderoize )'our "on..~. Itt~l)hu,e your uld-
fOHbioned stuirwuy willt un ula-to-date,
\Ve stopped at "Thc link betwccn agemcnt desircs to safeguard itself NARBERTH 2340 Colonial tYlac stairwuy of Jllurk..d beuut,
forest and homc" and ordered thc mak- against another accident when bectles and deHign. AHk UH for ,ariccM.
ings of a cold frame. "The Link" sent might be in a more lively mood whcn
the sideboards of cypress, "thc wood releascd from confinement. Let us give an estimate NOW-to PHONE nADCLIFF 4313 or write
cternal;" the lath frames of prctty FRANK C. SNEDAKER & CO., Inc.
whitc pine, "that warps not ncither make your home more pleasant and
docs it split," and the laths themselves Narberth Gains First comfortable NiDlh uncl TiO"8 Slr.·.!tM. PhilodcllJhin. Pu.
of enduring cedar. A can of grecn
Win Over Bryn.Mawr .~~~~~~~~~
shingle stain coated thc finished job
and even thc nails (galvanized) wcre
delivercd with the cut lumber. Now to
sow the seeds of perennials, covcr the
laths with burlap and keep thc seed
Harry Francis' Single in 'Tenth
bed moist until thc seeds break Ends Exciting Fray The Beetles Are Here!
through, then to rcmovc the burlap and
let thcm grow under lath. Saturday. Protcct your trccs and shrubs by
having thcm
It has been said that "success in thc
garden is mcasured by thc thorough-
ncss with which thc preparation is Phone: Ardmore 4121
made" and never were truer words By DA "r·~ CASF. Y
spoken. vVe cannot fool the plants. Harry Francis' well-placed single in EVERGREENS CO.
Bcds thoroughly built will grow the tenth inning, which sent Ruhincam NURSERYMEN
healthy plants, will withstand exces- over the plate. gave the rejuvenatcd
sivcly dry or cxcessively wet weather LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS
and are well worth the extra effort of Narherth tl'am their first victory of 219 East Lancaster Ave.
thorough prcparation in the beginning. the season over Dan Hemcher's Bryn Ardmore
Sub-soil drainage and surface drainage :\Iawr Redlllen last Saturday at the
arc two important factors. Plants playground.
standing in low, poorly drained soil
cannot bc expected to livc and flourish. The final score of the gamc, which
No, Clarissa, your hardy phlox did
unfortunately was not a league con-
test, as the second half of the Main I WET or DRY
not changc its color. Those mean Line circuit does not open until this This issue can be solved to your satisfaction from the shelves of our
colored ones arc seedlings that have wcek. was 5-4. The contest, although
grown up in the beds. Better make somewhat loosely played, was exciting
well-stocked HARDWARE & PAINT STORE, including
sure of the next plants of Elizabeth
Campbell and kecp the flower heads throughout, while the final result was
cut off. And don't let any plant go to most gratifying to the large crowd of
sced, it's bad for the plant. local fans who wcre in attendance. White Lead Whitc Shellac
-( This victory over a team that easily Hondex O:ange Shellac
Summcr is a good season in which defeated Narherth in their two games
to have trces trimmed. Thev have Perkins Dry Filler Turpentine
completed thier Icaf and twig 'growth in the first half gave the local support- Perkins Glue Turpcntinc Sub.
and the fall growth of wood wil1 hclp ers some g-rnunds for the hopc that Fosters Plastic Dcnatured Alcohol
to hcal the cuts. Al1 brokcn branchcs the Narhcrth Cluh will he in the thick Asphalt Coating Muriatic Acid
should be flushed off c10sc and the cuts of the strugg-Ie for first place in the I.ingcrwet Rcmovcr
painted with prcscrvative paint. Al1 Linoleum Cement
second part of t he league season. Aluminum Paint "Nicc" Housc Paint
old cuts should be repainted at the
same timc to prevent air and moisture Both Jim :-'1c1~ee and George King. Murphy Enamels Murphy Varnish
entering the openings to start cavities. the opposing hurlers. allowed few hits, Putty
Steel Wool
-( hut were gcnerous with hases 011 halls Sandpapcr
Emery Cloth
If your climbing roses havc started and also suffered from scveral miscues
to send up new shoots from the base on the part of their supporting cast.
it is time to remove all old wood and The Davismen started out in fine
train the new stems into position for
flowering next June. A mild feeding style, grabhing themselves two nllls
at this timc will help to make good
canes for next year. Better make holes
in the first inlling and two more in
the second. Harry Francis opened
Shull Lumber Company
about six inches deep with a forked thc game with an easy rolIer, which The Link Between F01'est and Home
spade and fil1 them with tree food. And
wandt~red throug-h the legs of "Doc"
spray the new canes thoroughly to pro- 29 Bala Avenue, Bala.Cynwyd Cynwyd 662
tect them from beetles.
Always leave as much foliage as pos-
sible when cutting gladiolus-if vou
want to dig good bulbs for next sea~on.
Harkins, putting- the fleet Narberth
outfielder on first. After Gilfillan flied
out, Slaughter scored Francis with a

One leaf on the stem is just right. Continued on Next Puge

Page Ten OUR TOWN JuLy 17, 1931

Mrs. C. H. Shaw, Long Active in Local Affairs, burgh.

Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Bailey HOME OF ~';,~:~ ~~~.~e ..
Leaves with Family to Live in Amherst, Mass. and their son, of Narbrook Park, spent
last week-end in Ocean City.
Mrs. A. H. Durboraw and her 1619 Sansom St., Phila.
After a residence of twelve years in paign and the Red Cross drive in the' daughter, 'Mis? E"thcr Durboraw, of Six Course Dinner, 'l'5c
Narberth, Commander and Mrs.
Charles H. Shaw and their children, of
borough for two years. She has pro-l Elmwood Avenue, spent last week in,
moted many movie benefits for chari- 'I Sennettshurg, Pa., and Hagerstown" ;:==============-=
Delll{btf,,1 3:1c nnd 50c Luncheon

Avon and 1\1 erwyn Roads, will leave

tomorrow to make their home in Am-
table purposes and taken part in many Md.
plays given by the Community Club. I
Dr.. and Mrs. O . .T. Snyder al~d !vI as- Permanent Waves:

herst, Mass. This year she had charge of the Nar- ter JlIllmy Snyder, of Woodh!ne and Bonat, $8.50
1\1 rs. Shaw has been a most active berth booth at the Little Gaden Day: Narherth Avenues, are leavlllg by
worker in conll11unitv affairs and iden- Sale at Bryn Mawr, sponsored by the Im?tor. on Sund.ay, Jt!ly 26, fo~ Camp Eugene, $10
tified with many local organizations. Main Line Federation of Churches. MlI1nelska, .'Nlsconsln, st9Ppmg en
For years she has sung in the choir at A charter member of the Main Line I route at vanous places of mterest. NARBERTH
All Saints Church where she was also Orchestra Association, she also sang in. Mrs. Rina Preble, of New York, was
chairman of the domestic missions the one-time Main Line Choral 50-1 the guest of Mrs. R. J. Dothard, of BEA UTY SHOPPE
committee of the \Vomen's Auxiliary.
ciety. ! WYI~newood .Road, last week. HELEN V. FARRELL
"v I MIss Mane Hanlon, of Shaker 2tl Jl'loor. 2:n Ilfl\,"erford A'·....
A member of the Woman's Com- H e r IlU sb ~n, h
d C on~mand~r.Sha 'i Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, was the
Surh. 2:iU:i for .1\ I'J.ollltnu~llt
munity Club of Narberth since 1921, completc.d Uurty y~ars service III t e guest of M iss Lucia Keim, of Dudlfv
she has held the offices of welfare Navy th~s .June, bell1g graduated from Avenue, last week. .
chairman club treasurer, correspond- Allllapoh~ III the class. of 19~5. He has ~\'l r. Hervey C. Keim, of Dudley
ing secr~tary and assistant publicity bee,n statt~ned at vanous tlllles at the Avenue, is on a business trip to Wit- Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley
chairman. She was one of the group PhIladelphIa Navy Yard and has re- lial1lstown, Pa. this week.
cent1y been detached from cOl1lmand of '
of women of the club who helped or-
ganize the Narberth Child Health Cen- the U. S. S. Bridge, supply ship for . . ? Servlee
tre and has served as its secretary and the Atlantic Fleet, to, become intelli- ~~at do y~u th!nk .of thIS and that. CHESTER G. JONES
gence officer of the First Naval Dis-I If !t IS of Mam Lm~ mterest, why ~ot
treasurer since it formation in January, trict (Roston). I wnte your commumty paper about It? 200 Woodbine Ave. Narb. 4058
1930. The Shaws have five children, four I ~_.:.__..._ ....:..;..:_~..:.;~~~=~~~~~~~~=~==;;=;:
Mrs. Shaw was one of the four or-
ganizers and original officers of the
girls and a boy. Rosalie is a senior at I
Muliere.s the auxiliary of the Narberth
M t. Holyoke C01lege. Charles Har-
lan Shaw, Jr.. graduated in June from Apartment Moving Our Specialty
Fire Company. It was she who pro- Lower "M erion. He was a member of I
posed the name by which the organi- the Lower l\{erion Amateur Radio·
zation came to be known. She also League and of the Merion Scout and I
Ocean City and Atlantic City trips weekly
served as its publicity chairman. Sea Scout troops. Juliet, who finished i
Other organizations which have her sophomore year at Lower Merion We Specialize in Piano MO'JIing
claimed Mrs. Shaw's time and interest this year, and Margaret, who attended
arc the Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, the Bowman Avenue School, have
Daughters of the American Revolution, danced in the ba1let of many perform-
on whose Board of Directors she
served. as we1l as chairmau of national
ances of the Philadelphia Grand Opera
Company. Carolyn, the youngest, also I
defense, the Merion League of Women
Voters, the Mount Holyoke Club of
attended the Bowman Avenue School. i Phone: Narberth 3651-R after 6 P. M.
Although she is sorry to leave. mov-
Philadelphia. and the Narberth Branch ing to Amherst will not be like settling
of the Needlework Guild of America, of in a strange town since it was her
which she was a director. family home and birthplace as we1l as
{n addition to membership in these her husband's. "Narberth has been an
organizations. !\'lrs. Shaw found time
to act as chairman of the welfare cam-
ideal community in which to bring up
a family," she' said.
Now is the time to join our
down a perfect sacrifice bunt, advanc-
Narberth Gains First ing Rube to second. Jim McKee went,
Win Over Bryn Mawr out, Gaze1la to Redmond, Ruhincal11
taking third, and, as related above,
Harry Francis ended the game with I \'acation Club
Continued from Preeedlt.K' Puge
his second hit of the day. I
for 1932
Tht~ hox :-l('ore:
two-base blow and then was thrown
out, 1\1 organ to Gaze1la, after Martin rho n p
had grounded to the visiting shortstop. Francl:< If., cf . 2 2 :\ 0 0 I
George Babb then rolled one a couple Gilfillan, Ih . 1 1 11 2 01

~ ~ ~
Slaughter, d. . .
of feet from the plate and \~hen Red-
mond missed Hammond's throw, M ar-
ReYlloldl<, If
Martin, rf. .
. g gj The sensible way to enioy
tin scored. r n the second after two Babb, 3b . o 1 2 3 21' a vacation is to plan it
JoneH, SS. . . o 0 2 4 0
were o~t Francis :uld Gilfi1lan singled Rublncam, 2h . 1 1 2 :l 0 I ahead of time, decide its
and scored when.· ..King had a wilk Young, e . o 0 5 0 01
McKee, p ..•..•.... o 0 0 2 0
approximate cost, divide
streak, passing Slaughter and hitting "King" . o 0 0 0 0,
Martin and Babb with pitched balls. by fifty, plan to save the
In the third Bryn Mawr scored one Total:< ••..••.. o.
5 7 t2R~ 14
on singles by Townsend, Redmond and
BRYN MAWR quotient arrived at, each
r h 0 a I'
Curvan. The Redmen then lost an Curval1, rf. 0 I 2 0 0 week The interest will take
Hammond, e. 0" . , . 1 II 'j 1 0
excellent chance to score and the spec- Cazel1n, 3b. ........
1 1 1 6 1 care of those essentials you
tators were edified by what looked like .....
". 0
l\{org·nn, ~~. 0 2 4 1
the prize boner of Main Line League Harkins, 2h. ....
". II 0 1 1 forgot to figure in your total.
history but was caused by Dan Red- Doyle, If. ........
,. 0 II 1 0
mond's mistake in taking base running TO\VllHend, cf. .....
I 2 0 0 Try that this year Join the
advice frollt an opposing player. Red-
mond had clouted a two-bagger and
Redmond, Ih.
King, p .
0 II

. ..... .....

110 1932 dub today. Our 1932
George King f01l0wed with a single Totals 4 8 2!1§ 18 club has dozens of attractive
to right, but as Redmond was round-
ing third George Babb, no doubt with
"Batted for Young In thp tenth.
tRedmond l'al1pd out for running out
price-groups. These are •
the highest motives, ca1led out, "1'00 of base line.
bad, Dan; he caught it," and the gul- ~Redmond hunlpd third strike.
arranged to enable you to
lible Redmond. instead of crossing the I save gny amount you wish,
•Two oul when winning run was
plate, ran toward his position at first scored. I
hase and was ca1led out by Umpire Bryn Mawr... 0 0 1 II 0 0 0 3 0 0-4 plan any kind of a trip you ,
Narherth ..... 2 2 II II 0 0 0 0 II 1-51
Burton for running out of the base
lines, making the third out for the hor-
ough hoys without exertion on their ------'1 choose Weekly or monthly,
small or large, you will find

your club-savings incredible,
Bryn Mawr got some revenge for
Babb's helpful (?) coaching, however. ..
when a wild throw on his part coupled
with singles by King and Gazella and
I surprising,

a pass to Hammond enabled them to Leta S. Hollingworth, of New York,

score three runs and tie the count in at their Sllltllller home at Montrose.
N. Y. Both are professors of· psy-
the seventh inning.
Neither team could break the tie chology at Columbia University, New
in the ninth and Bryn Mawr also went York,
down without scoring in the first half Mrs. John B. vVatkins and her son'l
of the tenth. Meredith Watkins. of Henderson,
The versatile Joe Rubincam, who N. C., are visiting Commander and I 1'ITLE and TRUST CO~
plays a star game at any infield posi- Mrs. F. T. Van Auken, of Chestnllt
tion, opened the home half of the final
inning with an infield single. Harry
Avenue, this week.
Mrs. Harry L. Parks, of Rockavon
King then batted for Young and laid Road, spent last week-end in Pitts-

OUR TOWN Page Eleven
July 17. 1931

I Playground JVews as you want it done.
Get Our Estimate First
I Bide-a-Wee Studios
GeneJ'al Notz'ce ClassIfied Advertisements will be charged only
- to resldentll of the Main Line whose Damell Wading Pool Thrills 30 S. 16th Street, Phila.
appear in the telephone directory; to persons maintaln1ng an account with
us, or to regUlar subscribers to either THE MAIN LINER, OUR TOWN, or 100 Kids on Tuesday
NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. Golden Rule Pure .Foods
10 cents a line In each paper; 25 centll a line In all three. Continued from Page One at Wholesale Prices
R at eS--Mlnlmum charge. 35c In one paper; 75 cents In all three AV-
erage at five words to the line. No blacktaced type used. II. fested
A great amount of interest mani 'I'bt' "ery p"r..Mt lind ..It.. I t
..r "h,ple lI"d f,""·'· AOrol·..,rl ..
itself last Thursday afternoOl ....Id t .. r.... ~b .... r rel,re....nt.. -
Deadlz'ne InseJ'tz'ons-
(OJ' when the playground held a quoit th·.... ollh·. 11,· "",'1,,1': ,lIred
be acceptedadvertlsoments will6
up to Wednesday
o'clock for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday. 1 o'clock, for THE
II tournament. The tournament was held
"0" "11"'" from 10 to 40%.
MAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYO. for both the seniors and juniors. Those WHOLESALE
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 Iwho participated in the senior tourna SUPPLY COMPANY
c;~C~I~~~r~sJ~~~:;~: ~~~eGi'lr~~olfi~i I Columbus, Ohio
Arnold, Vince Parke, James Shea. Bill II Pbll". om...., 171HI SII ......... st.

H eIp W anted
c(lmforlable Y017NI: girl to tal<e care of children,
Choin, Joe Casey, Carl Blessing, Joe
Baker Ock Smith Aldrich Clair Rich
d 0.' Ton' Saw'atorelli Eric Carson
ItIH.."bo...... 8400
no,· 'I'. WIINO". ~h,I .... 1\1"n"j{er.·
Phllll. HIHtrh't
afternoon" and e"enlngH by the hour. ar S I, . Y
room with hoard. Terms. \Vrlle "B", I~l(perienced. , • . I~~~~~~~~;:::::::;;S~~S:::~~~~
Ref. Call Narh. 2434-W. Foersterhn~, John Clark, Pa1;l1 Belssl ~
care The Main Liner. Ard. (omi-li) Stroupe, Vmce Parke, Blessmg, Ock I
CASH PAID for any Idnd (lId u"ed WANTED-Olllee girl for ca"hler and Smith and Clarke advanced to the
)lo"tage stam)l". Thomas H. Sher- g-eneral office worl, In chain store. I 'fi I d h
S' I d BI I
Why Send to Chicago for
horne, Beach Ha"en, N. ,I. (ombS-i) Write "S," care of Main Liner, Ard- \ ?eml na s al~ tell. nllt 1 an ess- Tires? ..
more. (ombi-lOf) IIlg hattled It out III the final, Blesse-I
TO BUY or rent for summer sliding- ing capturing the decision by the clos We Sell Goodyear:
weight scales for weighing infant.
Phone Narberth 23i9-"'. Situations Wanted score, 21 to 17. 4.40x21 ~4.75
COLORgj) girl desires to do cooking' Those who entered the junior tourn-I
COUPljg would 111<e to rent two rms. and downstairs worl<; sleep in or out. ament were as fol1ows: George Ander-,I 4.50x20 5.35
and ldtchen for light housekeeping 760 Birch I.ane, Haverford. Ph. Ard. son, William Meehan, Ted Finn 4.50x21 5.45
nr. 200 hloel< on 'Vayne or Sabine Ave. 4060-W. (omhi-1iO Parker \\Toohnington, Richard Griffis'i
"'ritc "R," eare Our Town.
LITTL};: GIRLS to hoard in a beauti-
COT~ORgD g-Irl wants work hy the Dan Hess, Dick Rittenhouse, Jack
da,': will g-h'e references. 2018 N. Kane Paul James Robert Arnold Re d
Narb. Bridge Garage I
ful home at North \Vildwood. Plenty 13th st., Phila. (omhi-1iO Parry, Eddie O'Connor, Charles' Pal-II
c. P. COOK
of good home cooking. Rates, 8 to 12, Narberth Ave. at the Bridge
$12.50 per weel<; 12 to 15, $15 per week. COI.ORI~D girl wants position caring !mer Ronald Paige Eddie Kern Carro
for. ~hl~~~~nw' 768 Birch Lane, Hav. Pah;ler, Junior G;iffis, Herbert Roser_',1
l\Irs. Jones. 4501 State Road, Drexel
Hill. Ph. Sunllet 2518-W. (obi-1i-31) Pl
n' , I II d A
-" an( re ne
I R't
can B l:? b C 00,
1 ten h ouse. "
k PI'1i "ano I
f ' S co d onzze t 00 l2,.~~=~~~=~~~~~=~~~~<
Phone: Narberth 3775

11 p. C u~ r an, .F'ran k V a I 1;;~3::::S::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::S::::::::::::::;";;:;-~~:::::::~~:::8:::::::~~
Garages for Rent
of convalescents and older children on, Henry Candlgalh. BII1 Meehan
UARAG~ spa.ce, cor. Essex and Blm- during' al",ence of parents; or house- Dan Hess, Eddie O'Connor, Eddie
wood, $i month; Mrs. John A, Cald- hold mana!.\,ement, hy hour, day or Kern, Herhert Roser, H. Candigalli I
well. l\'arb. 398i. (oi-l7)
weel<; exec\. Main I.lne ref. Write advanced to the semifinals and Bill
When You G,o
Seashore & Resorts ";\1H," eare of Main I.iner, Ard. ~ Meehan and Herbert Roser later paired
BJ"ACH HAVgN. N. .T.-Two "mall =...,...,,=,=,,-:-~_,--_ _",,","_--,:-:(0,=,m-=-b_/_-_1~i-,-f) off in the fi nal match, Bill M eehal
to the Shore
bungalows near ocean; private bath- WAl\'TI;:IJ-Day's _ ,~orl<, WedneHda~'1 winning by a 21-14 count.
Ing beach, $75 n month each; all''' two " and Thursday. /68 Birch Lane, Hav.! Prizes, incidental1y, will be awarded call on tiS for door-to-door
h "rd. 4060-W. (ombi-1if) on play date late in August.
bedrooms, bath and Idtchen. week or
month and camping sites. Tom Sher· \\! 11.1. "ecommend exceilent laundress
borne, owner, Pelham A,·e. (omb7-24) for fa mlly of three or less. Ph. 1 1
The older girls' vol1ey bal1 and soft
. r
express service (delivery
same day).
'o:al'h. :li08-.T. (ombi-1if) >al leagues were orgalllzed on 1\'lOn I
ATTRACTIVE modern cottage, i rms., ..
bath, garage, desirable seetlon near .eItUU!.
Margate. for rent, furnished.
t.IRL desire" part-lime work. I 1'1
('all Ard. H6-M.
(omhi-1if) la
I d I I d T
s.c 1e ~ e p aye.
I day and the first games on the vol1ey
ues ay.
Th 1
Trunk to Ocean City or
d P I B .., fol1owlllg gIrls captall1 the four teams , Atlantic City, ~1.50
Martlndale ave.• Ventnor. (omb6-26) r , ~ • an e ree . us. •~e. I Etl I Vo' ht Ali Call I I's I
....01 I
Rooms for Rent
g-rad. c1cto'ircs ))OH. HH slenog;rapher, I lC 19'..
or t,'plst and general offi"c work. Malthy .and Ehzabeth Knehel . League,
Ard. ~ames 111 volley hall are pla~'ed ever)
. alan.

To Wildwood, ~2. Rates I

I"on RI~NT-no"ms and g'arag-e, large Write "\V," eare of Main Liner,
-'''''I~{''''''''AC::::'1''''1;-:<'~'A7''7'L-n-l\-r-H-e-'\-''I-s''''h-e-'''-'':'I>-0-."i""t":'lo-n-a....:.s I
(omb7-17f) I Tuesday and Thursday at 3 P. M. to other points on request
shad~' )llace; 10 minI'. from sta., 10
lninH. from city, \Vritc HJ~", ('are of * * * For prompt, careful serv-
(ombi-1 if) out of their line-up won a douhle I
our Town, Narherth. (omb7-1i) "omllanion or "are of Invalid. Ooc- The Eagles and Vvildcats arc tied for
IjARt;),J well furn. rm. with 4 windows. tor's ref. Ph. Narb. 2537. ice by courteous employ·
for two gentlemen. Prl. home, $5.50 YOUNG COLORED man wants work of header on Monday, defeating the
ees, phone tiS NOW-
puhlle or prIvate chaUffeuring. Phone IWednesday they again won against I
each. Write "B," "are of Our Town. any 1<lnd, ?ay, week or hour, Can do Midgets, 5-4, and Aces, 7-6; then on
Narb. (omh7-1 if) CYNWYD 877.
W ANT};:D-Homeone to tal<e care of Ardmore 4054. (ombi-1if) the new cluh Narmer bv a score of
one child In exchange for room and \UU.l\'U GIRL, colored, desires to he 1 17 • 10 . "Equa" Burgess liad one of his
board. Ph. Narh. 29i5-.T. (ombi-3f) Phone "hl1d's nur"e, or do part time work.
Ardmore 2204-H. (ombi-1if) goo
d d . lId
ays 111 t 1e lOX an w~s sup
ROOM and board. Convenient to P. R.
R. Sla. Ph. l\'arb. 3910-.1. (o-tf) \V01\1
' • did I
,.-.!Ii es res to . 0 g-cnera wor or b t
da~"s worl" Write Box 93, Br,'n a.
. I
! nor ted well by Andv Burtis behmd the
For Sale Mawr, Pa. (omb7-17f) League StandinK F. H. Seel,., Jr., Mgr.
HI'JCO~J)-HAND baby cOllch.
P. n. Box 29i, Narhcrth.
\Vrlte ;:::;:::;:;::=====:;::;=:===;:::;::===:=;::::::;::::::
BOY, over 16 )'earll, wishes work tor Cardinals
season, to care for lawnll and weed Midgets
II W. L. Pct
4 0
.Mi6 5 BALA AVENUE, Bala·Cynwyd
II partments jor Rent gardens, etc., 40c pcr hour. Ph. Cyn. 1" I ? '33 I
:llOVgRN eftielclH',' HPl., I us Forest 1170-R. (ombi-3lf) Igers - ..l I(i~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~
Ave., $:15 Ill". Asl< Gene Davis, Davis' WOMAN desires housekeeper's pos.; Narmer
also take care of children. Ph. Narb. Aces ,j. ,j.
I ,j.
..B3 \'
- - 1/
HI ore, Haverford Ave. Narb. 40:15.
lit Your Sen,ice
2514. (ombi-lOf) 'I
COLOHI~D man desires pOOlltion as 1 1e ~ag es. an
I d \\"Id I·
I~ . I f
~ats are tle( or i
1 When You Think'
DIU;SS1\rAKING and alterations In
~'our home or mine. Mrs. M. Reel- Ph. Narb. 22i3.
111'11. Ph. Narh. 2;165~W.
col'll<, ehauffeur, butler or janitor. first place 111 the J ul1lor L.ea~tle as a
(ombi-lOf) res.tllt of vVednesday mormng s game
(oi·:ll) 1-------------.:----..:. "VIIc1cats, 5; Eagles, 4.
of Coal
HI'JljIABLB carpentr)', johblng, altera- F d . Th k C ' b Junior League StandinK Think of
tions. Gottlieb };:s"lIng-er, 122 Con- e eratlon an s ontrl s., I \\T. L. Pet. 1\ Reliable.
wa,' Ave.. Narh. :li48-R. (08-14) Seeks More Assistance E.a.gIes '
,J 1 • 7"0
WINDOW Clj};:ANlNG, 10e and up, in· ., . \\Tlldcats 3 1 .7501 1
side and outside of sa"h. All 1<lnds --- Junior Aces 2 2 .500 DeU"ery
of housecleaning.
of. Lawns
\Vm. Blacl<ledge, 216 tal,en care
WIlliams A
•.,.re •
yotl g011lg •
on a vacatIOn. ? B e- Par' k J ul1lors
. 0 4 .000
Ave., :"arb. 4099-1\\. (ombi-3lf) fore you go can you not spare $1 (or I .
Real Estate for Rent more) for those in your n.e~ghborh?od Mawr Hospital to be so urgent this I -and then remember I
SHOP and garagc, reasonable rental. who lack even the necessIties of hfe? year, they are making the hospital sole II I to phone
109 Forest Ave., near station. See Your gift will go direct to the families 1 beneficiary instead of dividing the.,
(lene Davis, Davis' Store. of the unemployed. I
funds with the Federation as they gen
Thirteen residents of this community erously shared last year. I Cynwyd 280
Lost and Found have already responded to the appeal, The Volunteers' COlllmittee of the -and that1s that!
IjOWI'-Key ring and Ile~'s, tied to sent out by. the Main Line Fe.deratil:?n\' r:ederation in the midst of thei~ vaca- \
L M I'A'h omnson
white handl<erehlef. Pleasc return (Jf Churches. No 'formal receipts wll1 tlon plans are therefore worklllg to I
l\!rH. ll. 1\r. Hloan, Narh. Hall Apt. be mailed to contributors so that every, secure funds for the work of the Fed· I
LOS1'-Small white dog- with blnd< I~enny may go for reli~£. The F~dera-I eration ~vhich has been so greatly iI -
flll'e, nbout 5 mons. old, on Haturda,', tlon therefore takes thIS opportulllty to, creased III the past few months.
.Iuly 11, near ('or. B. 1\1. A,·e. and thank the fol1owing persons: Missl
l\[ontJ.\'. Ave. Reward. Ph. Narb. :161;i. Annie S. Ba~er, Mrs. John Barnes,
Dogs and Pets Joseph Balaity, Edwin L. Blabon, John,
Ch" S' I
rlstlan Clence OplC
T' '



e ~."
BLUE TICK coon hound puppies, $:1 Albrecht, Mrs. L. A. Belmont, J. Dil- ' "Life" is the subject of the lesson·
each; 4 males, I female. \Ym. Black- worth Beggs, ·Miss Mary Gertrude j sermon to be read in all Churches of
ledge, 216 WllIlams Ave. Ayer, Mrs. John C. Bell, Jr;. O. M'I Christ, Scientist, Sunday, July 19. The
Bala Avenue at Union I
l!'OR S....LE-Wlre-halred Fox and Chase, Mr. W. D. Boyle, two contri- Golden Text is, "As the Father hath BALA-CYNWYD
Scottish Terriers. Also dogs plucked butions anonymous.
and cllplled. Reas. Wm. Foot, Cyn-
life in himself; so hath he given to
In as much as the Bryn Mawr Horse the Son to lave life in himself" (John l"~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!1
CYNWYD 280 i
wyd, Phone Cynwyd 984. (omb7-li) Show considers the need of the Bryn 5:26). '.
Page Twelve OUlTOWN luly 17, 19.31

Musical Appreciation Il'enn~Ylvania under Lou Young. - IRevis~d Zonin~ Law dale Avenue, requesting some action
• I If. any of t.he Narberth te~m 0: fans to stop the speeding hy automohiles
Topic at Rotary Club I a~e In Waslllngton at any time, It will Adopted by.Borough and trucks on that street. Mr. Bur-
nett stated that it had been increas-
gl\'e Ille great pleasure to see them at
the \Vashington ball park or at the Continued from PnA"l! One ing instead of decreasing and was very
above address. annoying' to the residents of the street
Local Publisher Speaks Before have been lIIade to include a new husi- and especiaHy to the children who play
\Vith many thanks, ami wishing the
Luncheon of Business greatest success to the Narberth baH ness section along Montgomery Ave- there. The road has no outlet.
cluh, I am. nue in the ordinance and als,) an ex- A letter was read frolll the Allied
Group. Sincerely yours, tension of the present Haverford Ave- Civic Association, a group of organi-
nue husiness district, but after long zations representing Illunicipalities
WALTER MASTERS. consideration, including puhlic hear- served hy the Philadelphia Suhurban
A talk on Illusical appreciation. il- ings on the proposition and on the \Vater C011lpany, requesting the Nar-
lustrated with excerpts fro 111 phono- revised ordinance as passed on first herth Council's financial assistance in
graph records, formed the program Yocum's Fine Pitching Gives hearing, the proposed new business the fight to effect a reduction in water
Tuesday of the nala-C\'nw\'d-~arherth district ,'vas stricken from the ordi-
Rotary' Cluh. The speaker was I'hilip Narb. Firemen 1st Half Title
rates and fire hyrlrant charges. Th(·
nance. I t is the opinion of Council sum requested of the borough as its
A. Livingston, local puhlisIF:r. that the tilllC is not ripe for the crea- share, pro rated according to popula-
Recomlnending music as an a\'oea- Continued from Palre One tion of an additional husiness section in tion, was $373.50. Lower Merion
ti.on n~t easily allec.ted hy 11l1..; inc,s, great credit for his crafty generalshill the horough. Township was asked to give $278$ for
difficultIes or curtaIled amusement I . . .• I n the report of the Puhlic Safety the same cause. The letter was re-
hudgets. the speaker made a plea for I 'Ind wise seleclton of players whIch Committee, of which Edward S. Haws ferred to the Water, Light and Health
a 1110re general appreciation of "high-II enabled the Narberth Club to secure is chairman. a letter was presented Committee, of which John R. Hall is
hro\v" compositions in which al! (.'f the first half championship, as last year from George Burnett, of 86 \Vynne· ch'lirtuan.
the appeal of modern ,P.opular nlUSlC IS! the Borough fire fighters were the
fouud. plus hetter wnltng. I ·
"\\le appreciate any piece of music I ~veake~t cluh m the league and finished
hecause of its melody. harmony and Imglonously as last place occupants.
rhythm." the speaker said. "and rehel i
against any composition in which these I .
."'AIU3Jo;H'1'JI FIn.'; co.
I' h II a c
Rent Us Your Coal Bin
c1ell1ents arc missing'. I n modern pOP-I I'll \\'e 11 , .. f. ........:l II () II
ular music the r1wthm is em 11 hasized,' (in 11;1,.rhe.., e.
.' l '
and th~ ll1e Ioc1y I.S ~ )\·lOU~.
I' I HuhirH'al11 ~~.
•or t mt ('1101<, 211. '.......... U 1
() 1I
for the Summer • • •
reason ItS appeal IS lI!lll1ecltatc;. I n the ('allahan, l1l. II 0 " II
Why not let us pay you rent for your empty coal
case of c1ass.i~al mUSIC, the 1?leCe must Yllung-, If. () 2 II II
heconle fatl1lllar hefore all Its hc'auty Lacey, :Ih. () II 2 I II bin this summer? If we fill your bin now, you
is hrought to the surface. Thus. e\'cn R1c~~jng, d. II 2 II II o
though it may not strike us as quickly Ym'UI11, p. 1 0 1 1 1
will be able to take advantage of our low summer
as the product of Tin I'an Alley, it i,.. rates and the money you save, you can
more apt to remain as a ,..ource of '1'''tal~.......... r. 1I IS 2
penllan ent eujoyment." CYNWYD FIHI> I'
CO. chalk up as rent money for a coal bin that would
Brief numhers were playecl iIIustrat- r'. 'l'h"l11a~, ~~. () 1 " a1 e1 otherwise remain empty.
ing various types of solo and cn,..emhlc ii". ;\I"ax,,"cll. d. II II () II
They included voice and I H. ·1'IHlnla~. P.
violin solo. unaccompauied chorus and, Franzcn, If.
s\'mphouv orchestra records.
speaker .
The c'. Max\\'cII, :II>. .••. ()
the 1l1emhers to attem1 ·ttl'I .<1 ....... II>
n 2
, .... ,.... IIII II() IIS :1II o()
the Dell c;lneerts during tl~e SUnlU!er ~.ql'I\~:,\\·21,t,'·.::::::::: II
II II 1 o
in order to become acquamted WIth Haille~', rf. II II 1 o o Phone: Cynwyd 700-~Ol; Greenwood 7484
cla""ical 1l1usic seldom heard among
the jazz hands of the radio. o lS 7

ular o'A tuue,..

J.(reat have
heenof takeu
the nlodern
hodily pop-
out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
of the great eompo,..itions of the past."
:-'1 r. Livingston said, "so there is little
diff('rence after all hetween the prodnct
of IlJJl and that of the classical
11eriods. I'resent-day orchestras aucl:
phonoJ.(raphs 11<l\'e made this great I
music 'I\'ailahk at all time,... so that i
what used to be an event can now he'
a daily privilege. Anyone who can
Highest Health Standards
cnjoy the modern melodies of Fril1ll!
can enjoy a Beethovl'll symphony if
he learns it as well-and will e\'en-
I...Jowest Milk Prices
tually find more to enjoy in the latter." !
Charles I-l .. S):kes, of Cynwyd. I
famous cartoonIst. IS to he the speaker I
ncxt Tuesday. I

Narberth Ball Fans I ALL of our Milk and Cream is produced on PENSHURST FARM,
Honor Walt Masters'
Continued fro ... I'n~e One I Penn Valley. The entire herd, numbering 330~ has just received
l\lahinlll')', Lou Cau11y and Henry I
Smith. I renewal certificates for freedom from tuberculosis and from con-

Masters Thanks Fans tagious abortion. This is the only Certified Milk in the Philadelphia
Cavalier Hotel, 3500 I-lth St., 1'\. W.,
\Vashinl-:ton, D. C. area from such a herd.
July 15. IlJ31. I
To the Editor of "Uur Town:"
Dear Sir:
I wish to kindly thank the oflicers
and memhers of the :\'arherth Baseball
I Yet this highest standard AYRSHIRE MILK costs
Club a 11(1 the citizens of Narberth who
subscribcd to the beautiful electric
clock which was presented to me at CERTIFIED MILK ..
the game bctween \Vashington and the
Athletics. at Shibe Park. Philadelphia,
20 cents per quart
18 cents per quart
on :-'londa\'. I shall alwaYs cherish
the kind s'Cntiments engrav'ed on the
clock as wcll as thosc made by l\ofr.\
I SPECIAL HEAVY CREAM . 65 cents per pint
Crowell when prescnting it. Their I TABLE CREAM ' .. 35 cents per pint
wishes for mv success in baseball will,
help ule .to iivc 111y \'eQ' best in en-II BUTTERMILK ' . 13 cents per quart
deavoring to make good here.
I have always felt that tHy associa-I
tions in Narberth werc very much re-
sponsihle for whate\'cr success I have
attained as it was during my first
sumll1er playing ball in ~arberth, after
attending West Philadelphia High

Penshurst Farm Phone: CYNWYD 97

School, that I l11et l\f r. Crowell who
was manager of the team at that time,
which acquaintanceship resulted in my FOR DELIVERY
going to Haverford School under the
tutelagc of ~1r. Crowell and Bill Dur-
time, and then to the· University of j

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