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,.. nARB E RTHe 0 MMurI 1 T Y LIB R A R Y



VOLUME 18, No. 18

Play to Be Feature Milne's ~The Dover Road,' to Be Given by Merion Title Depositors to Receive
Physicians Warned
to Report Diseases
of Patriotic Rally Narberth Players Next Thursday and Friday 50 Cents on Dollar, Says Faries' Committee
Tickets are now out for "The Dover their parts under the guidance of Mr$. Laxity Scored in Discussion at
Washington's Dark Moment Depositors of the Merion Title and Trust Company will receive
Road," the play by A. A. Milne, H. I. McConnell. An unusually at- Council Meeting on
Will Be Presented by Players which The Narberth Players are to tractive stage setting gives the stage about fifty cents on the dollar, according to the estimate of the Deposi' Monday
on the 22d give next Thursday and Friday eve- mechanics and electricians something
nings at Elm Hall, by special permis- worth-While to exert their talents tors' Committee headed by Walter R. Faries, Esq., of Cynwyd.
sion of the Samuel French Company upon, and they are working with their The following statement was issued by Mr. Faries yesterday: 9 UNDER QUARANTINE
of New York. These tickets may be usual enthusiasm to present a fitting
background for the players' arts. The "The report of the Depositors' Committee of the Merion Title Failure of doctors treating Nar-
As the concluding feature of the obtained from any members of the Narberth Players have distinguished and Trust Company is ready and has been submitted to a representative berth patients to report cases of con-
patriotic rally at the Narberth Pub- Club, and since the proceeds from
themselves in each production so far to tagious diseases was scored during a
lic School Auditorium on the Wash- the sale of all individual tickets will their credit, and it appears as if "The of the State Banking Department for examination. It will not be discussion at the February meeting of
ington Bi-Centennial Anniversary, benefit the Narberth Fire Company,
Dovel' Road" will be one more laurel available until next week. the Borough Council on Monday
Monday, February 22, a cast made their members will also have tickets to their crown. Membership in the or- night.
up from the Narberth Players will to supply you. If you are a club sub- "In order to keep faith with the community, the Commiittee wishes
ganization is gnowing fast and it It was pointed out that several
present "A Decision At Dawn," a scriber, two tickets for this perform- would seem to indicate that now is to state that all plans for the rehabilitation of the Merion Title and known cases of contagious diseases
short play which was awarded first ance will be mailed you shortly.
"The Dover Road" is a romantic an opportune time to register with Trust Company, as such, must be abandoned. The depositors will had not been reported by physicians
choice in a nation-wide contest, and this Club, which bids fair to become to the Health Officer of the Narberth
which, it is stated, portrays Wash- comedy full of intriguing and amus- receive about fifty cents on the dollar."
ing situations, and the cast is ably one of the community's leading 01'- Board of Health, George B. Suplee,
ington in the sorriest plight of his : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' which is in violation of the State law.
extraordinary career. progressing toward perfection in (Continued on Page Five)
Men's Association of Baptist Present Day Russia Failure to report such cases entails
His troops were fighting a fearful a fine of $25.
winter at Valley Forge, with rations
and supplies on a starvation basis, Federation in Need Narberth B. and L. Assoc.
Church to Hold Special Session P t
or raye
b D .
y orlzas Authorization was given for a let-
ter to be sent to all physicians in the
and hope almost lost that the cause Nominates Officers, Directors A special meeting of the officers
of the Colonies could be achieved. of Immediate Aid and committee chairmen of the James U. S. Might Take Leaf From cessity of immediate notification of
Borough calling attention to the ne-
Criticism of Washington and his pro- At the regular meeting of the Nar- C. Simpson Men's Association of the the Health Officer of all cases of con-
cedure was widespread and the pros- berth Building and Loan Association Baptist Church of the Evangel, Nar- Russian Book of Planned
Curtailment of Relief Services tagious diseases.
llect of additional aid from the last Thursday night nominations for berth, will be held this Sunday fol- Economy, He Says There are nine cases of contagious
French was (Hmmed by the bareness Only Alternative, Reports officers and directors were made, as lowing the regular church service. diseases under quarantine at the pres-
of Louis' exchequer. Unexpectedly, Secretary follows: W. D. Smedley, president; The next regular meeting of the WAS COUNCIL SPEAKER ent time. Five of these arc whoop-
according to the archives, relief came W. B. Kraft, vice president; William association will. be held on Tuesday, ing cough, two are mumps, one
as the result of the French clergy's S. Howard, treasurer, und T. C. Trot- February 23, when the speaker will A vivid picture of the present-day measles and one scurlet fever.
munificent gifts to the Government of 194 NEW APPLICANTS
ter, Jr., secretary; for directors, Carl be Dr. Edgar T. Wherry, professor Russia under Communistic rule was The report of the Building Com-
France for the rescue sadly needed, B. Metzger, Edwin P. Dold, John S. of botany at the University of Penn- presented by Dr. Michael 1\1. Dorizas, mittee submitted at the meeting show-
allowing more than six million dol- Immediate contributions are neces-
Ketcham, Daniel Leitch, H. C. Fritsch, sylvania. Dr. Wherry will give an lecturer and traveler, at a meeting of ed that three permits, two for pri-
lars in silver bullion to lind Its way sar)' to fore~tall any curtailment of George 1\1. Dando, E. C. Griswold, A. illustrated lecture on "Exploring for
to York, Pa., then temporary capital relief services provided by the Main the Lower Merion-Narberth Council vate garages and one for alterations,
Perry Redifer, Jr., and H. T. Smedley. Wild Flowers." of Republican Women in the parish had been issued during January, and
of the embryo nation, and putting a Line Federation of Churches, it was
new face on the terrific struggle announced this week. house of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, that 12 inspections had been made by
the building inspecto'r, three opera-
which engaged the illustriouH one and "Contributions are coming' in," said'rNarberth Post Plans Parent-Teachers Group Ardmore, on Tuesdav night.
his war-wearied followers, Miss Alice Ambler. executive secre- b.. Approximately 250 members of the tions being completed.
to Meet on Monday council and their friends attended the The report of the Highway and
In the play, it is said, Washington tary of the organization, yesterday, Mem ershlp Drive
Sewer Committee, submitted by its
is revealed in his despair, his uncer- "but, at the same timc, money is meeting. Mrs. H. Tatnall Brown, Jr.,
chairman, Robert F. Wood, is as fol-
tainty, debating with his intimates g'oing out very fast." of Haverford, was chairman of the
Annual Dues Cut in Half as Mrs. Walter Greenwood to Be meeting'. lows:
as to whether he should stay or go, In addition to 500 families given "During the month of January the
all the while manifesting an exalted relief last month, the executive secre- Inducement to Ex-Service Guest Speaker at Founder's Amei'icans were urged to "put their
Humber of Borough laborers was re-
forebearance, and linallr emerging tan' stated there had been 1!l.! new Men Day Program own house in order" by Dr. Dorizas
duced from nine to six, in accordance
as a conclusion to his speech. He with the provisions of the 1!J32 bud-
, majestically triumphant over the apl;lications for assistance.
myriad obstacles which !Je~'~: him. Miss Ambler said they had been NEXT MEETING MONDAY RECEPTION TO FOLLOW indicated that immediate action in the get, and the wages of all those who
The Narberth Business Couneil is forred to spend more money for relief United States for economic recon- were retained were also reduced.
co-operating closely with the borough last week than during' any other week John A. Mowrer, Jr., Commander Mrs. 'Valter Greenwood, of Coates- struction and adjustment would elimi- These curtailed operations do not
bi-centennial committee and the dec- in the history of the organization. of the Harold D. Speakman Post, of ville, President of the Pennsylvania nate the possibility of radical experi- leave us much leeway in case anyone
orations of the commercial section, Narberth, announced that the Nar- Congress of Parents and Teachers, ments similar to the Russian system. of our men' should be unavoidably oft'
"Truthfull~'," she said, "from our
cOlllbined with the unique "Life of berth Legion 'members had voted at will be the guest speaker at the Dr. Dorizas presented many con- the job, as happened recently when
b~' the various merchants, will, it is provcment in conditions. Many have I
Washington," which will be displayed viewpoint we do not see much im- the last regular meeting to reduce the Founder's Day Meeting of the Nar- tradictory elements in Russian lifc one of the men was ill. The illness
annual dues to two dollars and fifty, berth Parent-Teaehers' Association to today. Many of these elements by of that man, 'eombined 'with poor
claimed, afford Narberth the distinc- been driven to seek relief during the cents per year. For the past three be held in the school auditorium on comparison with the Czarist reg-line, weather, caused some delay in the
tion of providing the most impressive past few months because their re- years the dues have been five dollars. Monday evening at R o'clorl" according' to the facts presented by schedule of collecting rubbish, with
demonstration in the Philadelphia serve resources have been used up." This action was ,taken in .order to in- Mrs, Greenwood is well known to the lecturer, were distinct improve- the result that some citizens tele-
area. "Of course," said Miss Ambler, "we duce. all ex-ser~lCe men III the co~n- the members and friends of the 01'- ments in the social structure. Other phoned complaints to the Borough of-
The adornment of individual homes hope to prevent any curtailment of mumty t~ affihat~ themselves With ganization, having been a guest on ideas, the lecturer said, such as the fice. When this situation was report-
with flags, bunting and pictures is our services. Such a move, we feel, the AmerIcan LegIOn. previous anniversaries of Founder's abolition of the church and family ed to the Chairman of this Commit-
also being urged b~' the committee, would be a community disaster. At It was pointed out by Mr. Mowrer Day, She also was one of the prin- life, were contrar~' to American tee, it was his decision that we were
and it is reported there has been an the same time increasecl contributions that of this sum one dollar and a dpal spealwrs at the Sixth Annual s~a~l~lar(!s and the Ideals of modern not justified in hiring an emergency
enthusiastic acceptance of the plan in proportion to increased expenses half is sent to state and national Convention of the Montgomery I clvlhzatlOn. man to take the place of the one who
by scores of residents and that the for relief are necessary if we are to headquarters of the Legion to defray County Council of Parent-Teacher~' In theory, Dr. Dorizas said, the was ill, and that the people must be
town at large will be in highly patri- continue our work." the expenses for the large progl'llm Association held at Hatboro, Satur- Communists were aiming at an inter- patient under delays growing out of
otic garb for the entire wcek start- A condensed financial statement of rehabilitation, Child Welfare and day February G. national commonwealth in which ev- the curtailed program. This, how-
ing Monday, February 22, 1!J32. was issued by the Fecleration this other work of the Legion. It also T'he N arbe~th association wa,: rep'- erybod)' would participate as a pro- ever, does not justify any failure on
week, showing the receipts and dis- gives to every member a year's sub- resented at the session of the anl1lu\l ducer, the part of the Highway Department
Junior Club Hears About bursements for last vem.. scription to the American Legion conventiol1 bv the followin": Ken- He stated that the central organi- to maintain schedUles and keep up
China and Its Language Receipts during 1!J31 were as fol- Monthl)', rated as one of the coun- neth L. 1\1. 'Pray, Presidel~t of the zation of this commonwealth would good service. Reports from the citi-
lows: Churches. individuals and or- try's best magazines. Montgomery County Council and of control production and consumption. zens of serious failures to do either
The Junior Communit~, Club is ganizations, $41.513.7!J: Main Line Last year the Legion pussed the the Borough School Board; Mrs, C. There would be no classes und no will be appreciated, as in the past.
meeting this Thursday in the Scout Emergency Committee, $8277.77; million mark in membership, and it H. 'Voolmington, Second Vice-Presi- armies, he added. "Since the new pavement was laid
Wing of the Community Building, the American Red Cross for service ren- is hoped that this year's membership dent of the Council; Mrs. Samuel Me- "Workers," Dr. Dorizas said, "would through the business section of Hav-
president, Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, pre- dered, $600; Volunteers' Committee, will pass that of last year. The Leg- Cartney, President of the Narberth give according to their ability and erford avenue, several complaints
siding, with the program in charge $2957.35; miscellaneous. 84!J.!J7; total, ion is at the present time engaged association; Mrs. A. C. Miller, Mrs. receive aecording to their needs." (Continued on Pag-o Five)
of Miss Margaret Kent. Miss Kent $58,055.11, including 84G56.23 carried in a gigantic effort to secure new jobs W. G. Briner, Miss Mary Hoover, In many remarks by skillful in-
will present Leslie R. Severinghaus, over from the llreviouR veal', 1!J30. for at least one million men during Miss Florence Pray, Mrs. G<,orge nuel1do, disparaging' inflection of Narberth Club to Observe
an instructor at Haverford School, Disbursements were as follows: the next sixty days. Groups in every Schroeder, Mrs. F. E. Chuhb, Mrs. (Culltillucd 011 I'ag-o Fin,')
who will speak on, Rural China and Administration and service, 815,- town, village and city in the country Roll Phillips and Mrs. Thomas U. Washington Bi.Centennial
a discussion of Chinese Language. 916.25; relief, 840,788.24; total, $5G,- are worldng under the direct orders Schock. Cynwyd Minister Speaks
The music program chairman, Miss 704.4!J. The balance as of December of Legion headquarters, and with the Following' the Founder's Day Meet- 'l'he George Washington Bi-Centen-
Virginia Steinford, will present a so- 31, 1!J31, therefore, was $1350.62. approval of President Hoover, to "get ing there will be a reception for Mrs. at Rotary on Tuesday nial will be celebrated by the Wom-
loist who will entertain with several Services rendered during' the past men on jobs!" Greenwood held in the Hall on the en's Community Club of Narberth at
selections. year included assistance for 1128 fam- The regular monthly meeting of main floor. Refreshments will be Rev. Richard E. Howells, assistant their next regular meeting, whieh will
ilies of money. food. fuel and cloth- the Post has been advanced one week served by members of the Hospitality minister of the Cynwyd Methodist be held on Tuesday at 2.30 P. M. in
• The next meeting will be on Feb- Episcopal Church, was the speaker at the Community Building.
ruary 25, a special meeting to which ing; special diets planned and 74,8!J5 this month in order to avoid a con: Committee under the dirl'ction of Mrs. the Tuesday meeting of the Balu- The speaker will be Mrs. Mathias
the Sub-Juniors al'e to be invited. quarts of milk distributed and 85!J4 flict with the Community celebration Robert Nash. Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club. Steelman, on "Return of Martha
Mrs. James D. Moore is in chal'ge of visits made by members of the Fed- of Washington's Birthda)'. All ex- - - - - Starting his program with two Washington in Costume." The Phil-
the program and will present a short eration staff. service men arc cordially indtl:d to Penn Valley Association pleasing songs, he launched into a adelphia Electric Company will show
one-act play, which will honor the During the present emergency the attend the meeting on Monda~', Feb-
Re-elects Officers Tuesday series of jokes, ending with a serious a film entitled "Washington at Mount
Washington Bi-Centennial; there will Federation provides relief with funds ruary 15, in the Legion Club Room talk on the subjects of friendship and Vernon." Mrs. Josephine Hopwood
be a reading and a dancer to com- contributed through the United Cam- in the Community Building'. At the annual meeting of the Penn worship. The talk was enlivened with will lecture on the picture, and patri-
memorate the patriotic events recall- pain. Administration and service
Valley Association held in the Parish a dramatic recital of the sinking of otic songs will be sung. Mrs. W. J.
ed to our memory at this time. must be supported by residents of the The Women's Home Missionary So- House of All Saints Church, Wynne- the Titanic. Drennan, Music Chairman, in charge
• On Saturday over a thousand Jun- district. ciety of the N llrberth Methodist Epis- wood, on Tuesday night the following Rev. Frank E. Duncombe, minister and the hostess will be Mrs. C. W.
iors will meet at the Penn A. C. for Contributiom; are pll)'able to E. Y. copal Church will meet at the home
officers were re-elected: 'Valtel' D. of the church, was at the speakers' Sunderland.
the Annual Card Party attended by Hartshorne, Memorial Building, Br~'n of Mrs. B. S. Burns, 534 Dudley ave- Fuller, president; Eugene Jordan, table. John A. Miller introduced the This is an open meeting and every-
•" girls from every County, and Nar- Mawr, who is treasurer of the Fed- nue, Thursday afternoon, February
vice-president; the Rev. Gibson Bell, speal,el·. one is cordially invited to attend.
berth is sending a fine representation. eration. 18, at 2 o'clock.
secretary, and E. Burl,e 'Vilford,
A feature of the party Is the contract
• bridge tournament to be held on the
The following directors were also ~CThat's Nothing," Says Bryn Mawr Fire Chief
balcony of the Ball Room. Main Line Club W onlen to Participate elected: Dr. R. S. Boles, William B.
Griscom, H. W. Pfeffer, Carl 'Vagner, 011 Coming to After Scalding Hand in Rescue
Schrepfer to Speak Tuesday in Art cCTours"; Commenced on Wednesday Dr. George Wilson and Anton Emil
• at Auxiliary on Disarmament Wohlert.
Functions of the Township govern- Some dllY, maybe, they'll erect a men had to scale immense boilel's
Members of the Montgomery Coun- Nicola D'Ascenzo Studios, at 1604
ff The Auxiliary of the Harold D. ty Women's Clubs, under the leader- Summer street (between Race and ment were explained by Frank H. monument or dedicate a tablet for the and the roof of the fire house to
• Speakman Post of the American Leg- ship of Mrs. Mauriee Clair, of Glen- Vine). At 3.15 P. M. the group un- Mancill, president of the Lower Mer- special honor of volunteer firemen. reach the flames with water.
ion will hold a meeting next Tuesday side, art chairman of the County Fed- der the care of Mr. Heatherly will ion Board of Commissioners, and a If so, there ought to be a place Chief Parsons was atop one of
report on efforts to eliminate hunt- reserved for the name of Chief Hor- these boilers leading the assault with
• evening at 8.30 in the American Leg- eration, are to be given a number of visit the Samuel Yellin Studios, where
ion Room of the Community Building. unusual opportunities for cultural de- they work in metals, at 5520 Arch ing in .the Penn Valley section dur- ace Parsons, of the Bryn Mawr Fire hose and axe when the electric lights
Past Commander Frank A. Schrepfer velopment in the near future. Two street. ing the IJast hunting season was made Company. For he is what you cull in' were cut off. Clouds of steam and
will be the speaker and his subject "Gallery Walks" have been arraigned. by Guy Croyle. genuine melodramatic terms a real smoke started pouring through the
Friday, March 11, at 2.00 P. M.,
A report on plans of the Penn Val- building. Fireman Stanley Nash be-
will be "Disarmament." These are groups conducted by a lec- there will be a Tri-State conference ley Garden Club for planting the fire-eater.
The Auxiliary of the Bryn Mawr turer guide through various art cen- of the Circulating Picture Club at It wasn't much of a fire at Bryn came lost in the black maze of hot
Post, the Auxiliary of the Ardmore' ters. the Art Alliance, 251 South 18th section was read by Mrs. John A. La- Mawr College last week. Just pipes, smoke and steam. He scream-
.. Post, and the Dr. Benjamin Rush The first was on Wednesday street, Philadelphia, at which there
fore, president of the Club. the frame construction on the
rior of a coal conveyor built along-
inte- ed for help.
"There was only one thing for me
• Chapter of N. S. D. A. R., of Nar. at 2.00 P. M., in the Pennsylvania will be a speaker of distinction. Tea
berth, have been invited to attend. Museum, on the Parkway, where they will be served. The Bryn Mawr Club To Hear About Bulbs side the power plant. Even a good to do," Chief Parsons related in a
viewed the murals and Oilfl by the has two memberships in this loan pic- The Penn Valley Garden Club will crowd of college girls in pajamas and matter-of-fact way afterwards. "So
• Mrs. Goldsmith to Preside Mexican painter-Diego Rivera. At ture club, which enable the Club to hold its regular monthly meeting at fur coats was lacldng, because most I went in and helped him out."
of the students were taking a brief Chief Parsons collapsed after they
The Alumnae Association of the 3.00P. M. Mr. Marceau talked about have two new pictures each month. 10.30 A. M. next Wednsday morning
One picture is hung in the Club rooms at the home of Mrs. Arthur C. Gold- vacation following the close of the reached the air. His left hand was
Girls' High School of Philadelphia this artist and his work. The second
scalded, where he had grabbed a hot
are celebrating their 5th anniversary will be Monday, February 15, at 2.00 and the other in the Bryn Mawr Pub- smith, 1121 Montgomery avenue, mid-year examinations.
with a Valentine Luncheon at the St. P. M., at the Academy of Fine Arts. lic School. This year two members Wynnewood. The speaker will be But, as a matter of fire-fighting steam pipe. '
• James this Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Monday, February 29, at 1.30 P. of the Club have donated two mem- John D. Conley, of the Little Flower technique, all things considered, it "It is nothing," he told the man
C. Goldsmith, of Wynnwood, who is M., Mr. Mayer will conduct a party berships to the Ludington Library Gardens, who will give a talk on was a stubborn blaze to battle. The who bandaged it up.
the President, will preside. viewing stained glass windows at the (Continued on Page Five) bulbs. conveyor was nearly 50 feet high and (Continued on Page Five)

Page Two OUR TOWN February 12, 1932
zled and sent along with "certain cle will meet at 2 P. M. in the session
Shreds &0 Patches ;; In the Mailbag other officers of hig-h ral'\k in both room. All members are urged to at-

A Co.op~rativ~ Community Newspaper, founded in 1914 by the Narberth Parents, Physical and Otherwise' Takes "Vagrant" to Task
the army and navy, in a submarine,
to study the flora and fauna of the
floor of the Antarctic Ocean." If such
tend this meeting.

Narberth Theatre Notes

Civic Association, and pu blish ed every Frt'd ay at Narberth, Pa. We all have our physical forebears, ~o the Editor of "Our Town:" an expedition is to be formed I would
of course. They are assigned to us ~. As the wife of a naval officer and Their first feature-length comedy,
earnestlY'sug-g-est that "The Vagrant"
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, Publisher or we to them by blind chance, and ~'member of the local chapter of the join the party. Far from trying to "Pardon Us," brings Laurel and Har-
ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor sometimes the freedom and success of Daughters of the American Revolu- usurp the civil authority of our Gov- dy to the Narberth playhouse this
ANNE MORGAN ROBERTS, Social Editor our lives are their direct contribu- tion, I feel that I cannot let the recent ernment for that of the military, the weelt-end. Next Monday and Tues-
THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Advertising Manager tion to us, and in other cases, those article by "The Vagrant" pass with- admiral and his associates are merely day John Barrymore is coming in
desirables are accomplished only in out protest. endeavoring to live up to the duties "The Mad Genius," which Barrymore
Office-258 Haverf()rd Avenue, Narberth spite of hereditary handicaps. But In the first place, I protest againstof their profession. and warn the fans will enjoy; it is· somewhat on •
we also all have our· mental and the· statement that Charles Francis American people of the grav'e dan- the order of "Svengali."
Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 spiritual parents, those dominant Adams, the Secretary of the Navy,
minds with whom we come into con- and Mrs. LowelI Fletcher Hobart,
gers toward which disarmament is .That a~using stage comedy, "Fly-
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE rapidly leading us. Unfortunately it ing High," will star Charlotte Green-
tact while we are fitill plastic llnd president general of the Daughters of is just such characters as IlThe Va-
Entered liN Necollcl-e1nNN mntter. Oetober 1:1, 11114, nt tile. PONt Office lit
who often determine our ways of the American Revolution, were the wood, of "Palmy Days," and Bert
Nnrberth, l'n., ulUler tlle Act or 1I1nrcll :I, 18.11 g-rant," who hide behind a nom de Lahr, at the Narberth Theatre Wed-
thinking and of regal'ding our felIow "leading mediocrities" in a picture of plume in the columns of our news-
men. The Vagrant acknowledges with a group of persons "more notorious nesday and Thursday. Friday and
papers, that the fine men sel'ving as Saturday next, Janet Gaynor and
FEBRUARY 12, 1932 abiding gratitude several mental par- than notable" recently published in officers in our army and navy must
ents, none of them teachers and none The New York Times. If "The Va- Charles FarrelI will stUI' with El
stand always ready and willing to Brendel in "Delicious," a romantic
of them relatives, but without whose grant" will study intelligoently the defend whenever and wherever the comedy as pleasing and popular as
A Time for Public Pa.tience . . '.? vigorous intervention in his youth, he faces of these two people he will sec life of an American citizen is im- the other hits of these stars.
The only real embarrassment which the fallure of the Menon Title Ei might have become what he recoils strength of character, refinement and perilled. Announced as coming soon to Nar-
from contemplating, but certainly he intelligence as their leading charac- berth are "The Champ," "Mata
Trust Company caused the Narberth borough government grew out of the ANNA RUNYON VAN AUKEN
fact that two notes covering $16,000 which the borough had borrowed
would have been no vagrant. He is teristics.
saddened whenever he thinks, which In the second place, I protest ver.y T Add M" S . I
Hari," "Prankenstein,"
o'Reno," "Dance Team" and "Private
is often, how many of them are now strongly against the statement that Mrs.o GeorgeressP. Pierson,
ISSlon oClety
of Japan, Lives."
from that bank in anticipation of taxes, as is customary every year, had
life isbe~'ond
gone withoutrecall;
them; howhow maimed his , Admiral William B. Pratt be_ muz-
much more will be the speaker at the monthly
been sold by the bank, prior to its failure, to two of the large banks in town.
he could now appreciate and learn ,. meeting of the Women's Missionary
When the bank failed Councilman Clarence Kaeber, chairman uf the Finance from them in his maturit~' than was whole. The yagrant w~ulcl sooner Society of the Narberth Presbyterian
possible in his youth. n~an the barneades t~ WIl1 back the Church, Thursday afternoon, Febl'u-
Committee, was justified, in the absence of information to the contrary, in ;. right to wander at WIll across eoun- ary 18, at 1.30 o'clock. The devotional
assuming that the money then on deposit there would o~set those notes
when they fell due. The due dates disclosed that the M~non l~ad the de-
. .
PreSidential Accolade I tr~', regardless of property lines, or
to cross a street in peace and ease
One, at least, ~f the Vagrant's me.n- of mind without being insultingly
services will be in charge of Mrs. A.
G. Follette and Mrs. Peter Stam, Jr.,
will be the soloist. The Prayer Cir-
posits and that other banks, still very much open and 111 busl1less, \~erc tal the one who, selz- hooted at by some automobile horn I rP;;=============~
ing parents remalllS,
the plastic sUbstanc~ of. the ya- than to achieve again the right t~ h
demandin'g payment. At that time the 1932 budget had passed first readll1g,
and it became necessary for Council to pare $16,aOO unexpectedly out of
it. That was accomplished by a reduction in salarics, labor and practic,~l1y
grant's youthf~ll .and blll1d Hleahsm, consume alcoholic drinks for beverage
?y a me.thod of vIgorous and unspar- purposes. Also, he resents equally
1I1g logiC and. :~rgument the argument of the dry that drink-
b tH r

I Lincoln's
al1 appropriations. It was accomplished inside the available $86,000 With- and ha~de?ed It mto a s~'slem of h!>- ing liquor has anything to do with
ernl thmkll1g. He, thank God, stili personal morals and with their corol- I Character
out raising the tax rate, although $1 (J,aoo is I R per cent. of ~R6,?OO. . lives! But would that he liv.ed her.e, lar." complacency in im!lOsing on is respected even more today, per-
.• MATINEE-Mon.. Wed., Sat.
This curtailment resulted last week, when one man was Ill, 111 a shght 0.1' the Vagrant t h ere. B u t I·f IIe lIIlI other people a set of standards con- NOW PLAYING- haps, than in the stress of the Civil
delay in the schedule of col1ecting ashes and rubbish-a delay which could hVl! here, th~ Vug;ant would not pre- eeived and sanctified by themselves \Var. And, fermit us to observe,
sunte to ,~r.lte thiS eolun~n,. for ~hat alone. He enjoys the company of Stan LAUREL and the quality a Bradley's meats, to-
day as decades ago, is so consistently
have been avoided if Chairman Wood had been willing to authorize the man's. wrlt1/lgs all~ng smll!a~' hnes wets better than that of the drys. He Oliver HARDY in good that it is preferred more and
hiring of additional help. He took the position that the people must be have lIltluenced national J?ohcI~s and heartily approves of the increasing more by food connoisseurS" of this
patient with delays whicn have been brought about in order to prevent a won the accolade of PreS](lentllll ac- protcsts and organized actions 01 Ule their first feature·length comedy, section.
IOlOwledgement on the letterhead of wets, and he believes that the reign the funniest of their career:
rise in taxes. We believe that with the facts completely kn()wn, the people the 'Vhite. House. Nor was !t the of the gang-ster is worse, much worse, 1'ry all order now!
of Narberth will not telephone to the borough office to complain so promptly coml~lel)(latlOn of a mere Hardlll~ or than that of the liquor interesls of ~~Pardon US" Note these week·end specials:
C.oohdge or Hoover, but of W Ilso,n the past. Therefore, if he returns ADDEO: "Fisherman's Paradise" Rib Roast of Beef, thick
if their ashes and rubbish arc not always lifted on the accustomed day. hU:ls.elf. In the presence af tha.t man s the Digest ballot, it wiJI carry a cross Thelma Todd-Zasu Pitts comedy end, lb., 20c
wrltlllgs, the Vagrant steps aSide, and for repeal.
gladl~' offers his readers the follow- Rump and Round Steak,
,)- Next Monday and Tuesday
Experts Approved Borough Fillallces ing extracts from a letter recl'ivl'd lb., 35c
She Explains
Narberth has been well served, in these days which require unusual only last week.
"I did not mean what you quoted JOHN BARRYMORE Skirt steak lb., 25c
financial experience, skill and judgment, by Councilman Clarence Kaeber, Two Other Depressions 1l1l' as saying in your last column," "THE MAD GENIUS" Rump Roast lb., 32c
chairman of the Finance Committee of Council, who hrings to that task "I have been conscious in my life of said La Vagrante when the paper Wednesday and Thursday Leg of Lamb .lb., 22c
two other major depressions," writes came to the house last Friday. "I did
gratuitously his long and valuable personal training as head of the credit the Vagrant's old friend, "but, in a not mean that you were not big The Great Stage Comedy Shoulder of Lamb lb., 14c
department of the Electric Storage Battery Company. juvenile wa~'. I now find it rather enough to discuss serious subjects. I "FLYING HIGH" Neck end of Rack Chops,
Faced by the necessity of making new banking connections for the interesting to interpret with the meant that you let your tone become with Charlotte Greenwood
lb., 15c
Imowledge of age the events of the too serious, too complaining. I want and Bert Lahr Stewing Lamb:
borough, including accommodation for loans, he found that the statutory hard times of the Seventies, when I to see you write in that spirit of
Next Week. End Breast, 6c; neck lOe
limitations governing national banks made it impossible for the Narberth was a small bov and couldn't then friendly detachment that you used
understand Why' certain rich people when you first started the column. What you've been waiting for! Pork Loins-
National Bank to give the volume required and was obliged to go in town, whole or half lb., 15c
in our town became poor, and why People do not like to read or listen to Jallet Gaynor, Charles
where the attitude of the large banks, because of the nature of the times, my own father was having such dif- scolding." She is right; the Vagrant Farrell, EI Brendel in
ficulty in his business. In the Nine- apologizes to her and to his readers
was rather stiff. The Philadelphia National Bank consented to consider
the proposition, provided the financial affairs of the horough could be scruti- ties, when I was young, I was Ilot and, as oft aforetime, swears to re- "DELICIOUS"
personally affected at all-indeed I pent and mend his manners. Just to
nized by the municipal finance expert whom they had employed. to study profited from low prices-but now I show that there is humor in him and MARKaTCO.
all applications for such loans. feel this depression much more, in that his friends know its possibilities,
losses of income, etc., simply because he will quote, in conclusion, an ap- Coming soon to the "Narberth": 2106·08 Market Street
Such an examination was made, and the bank reported that Narberth's
I have followed the copy-book max- peal that came to him by letter last "The Champ," "Mati Hari,"
finances stood "at the top of the list." They were willing to take the ims of individualism and capitalism week. It was, "And see what you can Phone RITTENHOUSE 7070
all nw life, and accumulated a little do about getting Floyd Gibbons out "Peach O'Reno," "Frankenstein,"
Narberth account; in fact, they were glaJ to. But they wished to be assured Deliveries twice daily
property b~' thrift, saving, and hard of China before he gets us involved "Dance Team," "Private Lives" ill your neighborhood.
on one point only, and that was that in doing so they woulJ not be inter- work. This sounds paradoxical, but in another wodd war!"
fering in any way with the natural province and business of the Narberth it is true." THE VAGRANT.
National Bank, for whom they expressed a warm and friendly regard. Ironic Triumph
When they were told that the borough was continuing to carry an active "There may be no bettcr c:conomic
system." the' leth!r continues, "but, ,
account with the Narberth National, the matter was closed, and, except for
a'fter j>ersonally seeing three great
the amount still on deposit with the Merion, Narberth '5 change of hlllking depressions in my own life and wit- ~.aL.o"" .. ."L'L
connections has been successfully accomplished. nessing the havoc caused to people

who have not been gamblers or spend-
thrifts, but conservative in their
Half a Loaf • ••• mone~' matters, I don't think much

In accepting the water rate reductions offered by the Philadelphia of the system. I'm 'durned' if I
would die in the trenches for it. The
Suburban Water Company, the Allied Civic Association, composed of civic sight of the Hoover administl'ation,

organizations in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery County, took the only after three years of 'rugged individ-
reasonable course open. ualism,' now sponsoring so 'social-
istic' a program of government inter-
This body, organized about a year ago to fight for lower water rates in vention in natural economic laws as
the territory served by the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, found this two-billion-dollar Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, is a triumph of
that it would take more than organized opposition to effect its desires. After
innumerable meetings and sessio!1s, it was found that a fund of $100,000
the ironic spirit in the world."
would be necessary to carry the thing through to the finish. As this was a Prohibition
larger sum than the individual associations were willing to contribute, and The post man brought to the Va-
grant last week, and doubtless to
as the results of such an investigation remained problematical, the decision to many others here, the ballot in the
drop the fight was made. dL
poll on prohibition which is being
The new rates constitute chiefly a reduction in the yearly rental charge conducted by the Literary Digest;.
, ~tro-
.:.:.'•:.~:.•. 'Yt
Such diverse interpretations have
to municipalities for fire hydrants. Townships and Boroughs in the territory been placed by both wets and drys on
served by the water company have been paying $50 to $60 per year for each
hydrant. Under the new schedule the rate wiIl be $45. This reduction,
their previous similar polls and on
all elections in which prohibition has
\w."".'( er
which will benefit taxpayers indirectly, means a saving to '.lower Merion of been an admitted issue, that the Di- PICTURE ?
gest people have endeavored to make •
over $1,800 per year, and to Narberth of nearly $700. this one so clear and si!'l1plc that there
The individual consumer wiIl profit least, directly, by the new rates. can be no doubt of the outcome. The
It is expected that his savings will amount to less than a dollar a year. ballot asks but two questions, "Do you •
favor the continuance of the Eigh-
teenth (Prohibition) Amendment?"
A glance across the County line to Haverford Township should make and "Do you favor a repeal of the

any Main Line resident proud of his local government a Township Com- Eighteenth Amendment?" But it is
not so simple as it seems for a •
mission or Borough Council should be a non-political body working for civic thoughtful person to make his selec-
good. In Lower Merion, Radnor and Narberth a man forgets his pre-election tion, and the outcome of the poll, and

scraps when he sits down with his fellow-citizens and, as a result, the council, of the Amendment itself ultimately,
will be determined by the expressed
men and commissioners are respected and successful. A Township "hogtied" opinions of the thoughtful minority

for weeks by politics should hang its head. who hold the balance of power. Such
people do not favor the unrestricted 1
sale of liquor for the individual profit
And now they tell us that flying is to be put within the means of the of those who manufacture and dis-
average man. A new plane has been built. It's small, has a speed of from pense it, nor do they favor the pres- •
85 to 100 miles per hour, and when placed on a production basis will cost ent reign of the affluent bootlegger
and racketeer and gangster, all of
only about $1,000. Just what we've been looking for to ~ke us expedi' whom derive their streng-th and op- •"
tiously to certain pleasant spots a few hundred miles away. portunities from the Amendment and
the Volstead Act.
Personal Freedom Versus

If in our attempts to speed up better times we learn to economize, we
Personal Morals ......AT THE next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
shall have learned a most valuable lesson. At the same time we ought to The personal freedom argument
learn that in order to economize we need not become stingy or penurious. has been stressed too much by the
E~onomy means the spending of money and energy for things that we really wets. The state is constantly inter-
fering with the personal freedom of
EGYPTIAN Special School Children's MATINEE 3.45 Thursday.

the individual for the bp.nefit of tltP.

';.. -:.' ,t'
,, "

Page Three
Fel1roary 12, 1932
ed ware, etc. This is in. accordance Foreign Missions. berth, next Monday afternoon at 2.30.
'Crucible Campaign' Started Mfss Edna R. _Worrell, State Chair-
" with the Lord's Command to Moses
Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley THE FIRESIDE at Narberth Pre'sby. as a leader of the children of Israel D. ,A. R. Meets Monday man, will give an address on George
Washington and the "Correct Use of
Local &:
ICE The Women's Missionary Society of
(Exodus 35). The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter,
The proceeds for the offerings will D. A. R., will hold its regular month-
the Flag." Miss Worrell will be cos-
Service Mrs. Caryl E. Starr, of Merion ave- the Narberth Presbyterian Church tumed in a gown of the Colonial
be used to make up the deficit in the ly meeting at the home of Mrs. E. B. period.
CHESTER G. JONES nue, entertained the members of Phil- has inaugurated a "Church crucible society's apportionment for Home and Hoskins, 313 Woodside avenue, Nar-
200 Woodbine Ave. Narb.4058 adelphia Group of the Pennsylvania campaign" during the month of Feb-
College for Women at luncheon on ruary. • •••••••••••••
Thursday. Following the luncheon A crucible or suital>Ie container will • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
the regular monthly meeting took be placed at the door of the Church • •
TheIS W eek a
t Cotter's ••
I ).: ..
Reliable Repairing of
Valuable Jewelry
Mrs. W. Scott McFadden and her
daughter, Miss Martha McFadden, of
at each service to receive contribu- •
tions of old jewelry, gold, silver, plat- • ··
Try Valley road, Merion, and Mrs. Linn
Bowman, of lona avenue, left on Wed-
7llore for 'Tour 71loney :._
1 Y~ l ~ '~ 1 Y~ I
Church Notes
nesday for Atlantic City, where they
will spend two weeks at the Chal- •
fonte-Haddon Hall. "-___________ You'll discover the store •
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dennis, of ••' Still Lower we've been building all these Try Our ••
Anthwyn road, entertained at bridge The Presbyterian Church G h P' f
oes t e rIce 0 Vienna Blend •
Jewelry S Optical Shop last Saturday evening. The guests Rev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minister. •
were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Linton, Meetings for February 14: • EGGS years is one where quality
food is known to buyers at C 0 F FEE •
M. ROSENBERG Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen and 9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Decision
Ph. Ardmore 2298 Ardmore, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meinken.
Miss Margaretta Runyon, of Chest- Ness.
nut avenue, is spending a week in
Day Service. Conducted by Dr. Van •

11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship. •

• 29c
Doz., only
the right price•••• A store
where hundreds of pure Ib.,29c

Westfield, N.•J., where she is the Sermon Theme: "Apart With Christ". (Price effective this week·end only; food articles are sold at Extra quality ••• mellow, •
guest of Mrs. Harold Whitney. -A Lenten Sermon. subject to , change wIth market
conditions.) prl'ces that takc advantage • h'Itt t h e cup ••• roasted
ric •
Ensign Robert M. Patten, son of 11.00 A. M.-The Junior Churc. h • f I
L. M. Thompson Captain and Mrs. Fred C. Patten, ' of Mr. J. H. McClay will be the speaker. Cl • 0 f no one' s Ignorance
• and reshI't!twice a week. You' I •
W 00 d side avenue, is with his ship at
Guantanamo, Cuba, for a month. Organized.
4.00 P. M.-Communicants' ass
~ Effective thir week·end: that appeal to the intelli- •
Later he will go to the West Coast. 6.45 P. M.-Meetings of the three • LAND O'LAKES gence of discriminating food •
Cynwyd 280 Mrs. John W. Prior, of Worcester, Christian Endeavor Societies. • Sweet Cream •
Mass., is the guest of her son and 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. Sub- • BUTTER buyers. Gorton's.
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George ject of Sermon: "Millions Now Liv-
C. Prior, of Forrest avenue. ing Are Dead."
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Dilling- the Westminster Circle Chorus. There •
Special music by • Ib 31c ., :Note thewse Pdriceds effectl/'ve pnobw Ready-to-Fry ••
ham and 'family, of Cedar Lane, Mer- were 160 present last Sunday eve- • rt~'anryext17 . e nes ay niglt, e, COD FISH •
Mrs. Reader, ion, spent last week-end in New York ning. ...
City, where they were the guests of Next Tuesday Evening-Comn1Un- •• CAKES ••
we'll make your coat to
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Coffin. ity Bible Class, taught by Miss Har- Fresh Fruit
Miss Jane Town, daughter of. D1'. r i s o n . . and B-oz. bot. American •
order, and repair and and Mrs. E. C. Town, of N. Narberth Next 'Vednesday Evening-Prayer dV t bl
avenue, was among the Holman Meeting. Subject: "The Drawing • an ege a es Beauties •
alter your furs, if you School girls who spent the week-end Power of Christ."
at Skytop, Pa., where they partici- The Boy Scout Troop of this church •
• tE
a conomy rIces

wish. We guarantee your
pated in the winter sports. The pu- is now fully organized. They will be • both for 19c •
pils of the Baldwin School and the presented with the American Flag F Wh't MUSHROOMS lb 29
Friends' High School of Germantown and with the Troop colors at the pa- • ancy t e , ••.•••• C •
also spent the week-end at Skytop triotic service held in this church on • N d C f •
Adelizzi Bros. Lodge. the evening of February 21. A num- • ew Re skin Texas POTATOES, 5 lbs., I7c an 0
Mrs. John H. Stallard, of Hamp- bel' of visiting troops will participate. _
den avenue, is. giving a birthday faui- Crisp Iceberg LETTUCE, head ••.••••• IOc
Cod Fish Cakes ••
CLEANING. DYEING ily dinner on Sunday in honor of her Holy Trinity Lutheran. Church • and I4-oz. bot. Am. •
husband, Mr. John H. Stallard. Rev. Cletus A. Senft, P a s t o r . . New Green CABBAGE, 3 Ibs•••••••••• IOe Beauties •
10: ForcRt A,·e., NnrherHI 20n~ Mrs..Joseph R. Clausen, of l\Ieeting Sunday, February 14, 11):12: • C •
~20 I1nln ,\ "(~ •• C)"U,,")"cJ. n:.:s House lane, entertained at luncheon
and bridge on Tue~da~" The g'uests
n.:10 A. 1\1. - Bible School. The
girls are ahead in The l\lem- •
t·CS 1 rcen
, '
s.. . • • • . .• c b hatsup
f •
were Mrs. Kenneth l\Ieinken, 1\1rs. C.
Carter Bond, Mrs. John W. Dennis,
bership-Attendance R a c e . .
11.00 A. l\1.-The Morning Service.
or1 a , OZ•••• lBc, 33c
ot or 21c •
Mrs. Barton Quirk, Mrs. Edward WiI- Theme: "The Christian Way • •
lard, Mrs. Edward Price, Mrs. Franl, of Life: Baptism," The begin- • Fancy GRAPE FRUIT, 4 for .•••••••• 15e •
Winne, Mrs. Benjamin H. Linton, ning of a Lentcn Sl'ries on thl' • •
.. lIIrs. Har~ey Jones, Mrs. \Yalter Val- Catechism. • APPLES, 3 lbs., Bc; basket ••.••••••• 89c FREE-Large can •
entine and Mrs. John Lyle Steele. 7.'15 P. M.-The Evening Service. V C
Mrs. A. D. Vandling, of the Bcrk- 'rheme: "Christ's TriumPhal.. Fancy Winesap APPLES, 6 for •••••••• I5c an amp ••
ley Apartments, will entertain the Entry Into Jerl\,;alem," based • SARDINES •
members of her club at luncheon and on the Great Heligious Paint-
bridge on Monday. ing by Plockhlll'st. • . I h •
Mrs. Irene McKay, of Philadelphia, Wednesday, 7.00 P. 1\1. _ .Tunior Wtt I purc ase of 3 calls
formerly of Narberth, SJlent Tuesday Choir r e h e a r s a l . . Chickell of the Sea •
in the Borough. Wednesday, 8.00 P. M.-l\lid-weel( • Note the Low Price TUNA FISH •
Mr. and Mrs. l<;llsworth B. Clark, Lenten Service. Theme: "The Story • •
of Chestnut avenue, were the guests of the Passion"-Part 1. • and the Hi~h Quality -all for S9c •
of Dr. and .I\1rs. William J. Smith, of Wednesday, immediately following
Camden, N. J., last Friday evening. the Lenten Service, Senior Choir re- • of These Meats- •
The~{ attended a party given b~' Dr. h e a l ' s a l . . •
and Mrs. Smith that evening. Thursday, 4.00 P. l\1.-WeeIHlay •
RADIOS Mrs. R. J. Dothard, of Wynnewood Church School.
road, entertained the members of her
• Fl'esh Killed STEWING CHICKEN, lb., 27c All Gold Bralld SI,'ced -.
at moderate prices; also electric contract club on Tuesday afternoon. Baptist Church of the Evangel • Fancy CAPON chickens for roasting, lb., 39c or Half •
clocks, refrigerators, etc. Those present were Mrs. 'Robert Ben- Robert E. Keighton, Minister. • PEACHES •
nett, Mrs. James Higginbotham, Mrs. Sunday, Februar~' 14: • RUMP and ROUND STEAK cut from •
MAJESTIC F. W. Hankins, Mrs. John 1\1. Henry,
Mrs. E. B. DeVilbiss, Mrs. Mary Nie-
!J.45 A. 1\1.-The Church School.
11.00 A. 1\1. _ Morning WOI·ship. • Prime Steer Beef ••••••.••..•• .lb., 39c Ig. can, 17c •
ELECTRIC SHOP meMyel' aDndtM 1'';., 'Y' R · Russell · . . Sermon: "Lincoln's Gettysburg • 3 for SOc •
rs. 0 h an IS a Iso enter t alll1l1g Address." • Fresh PORK-Middle Cut CHOPS, lb., 25c •
250 HAVERFORD AVENUE at luncheon and bridge toda~'. Among 7.45 P. 1\1. _ Evening Worship.
the guests will be Mrs. John Hanna, Sermon: "Brothers - Yet. Loin or Rib for Roasting lb 19 •
Phone Narbert" 2348 for
Electric Service of All Kinds
Mrs. J. Harold V{ay and Mrs. John Strangers!". •• •••• •• ., c CHERRIES •
Driv('r, of W.vnnew~od. Monday, February 15: • RIB Roast of BEEF (thl' k nd) Ib 22 •
Mr. Francis' E. - ITuI'z.elll'llabe,
'\.. of 8.00 P. 1\1. - Rehearsal of t.he • c e • . •• ., c can, 17c·, 25c •
Tenafly, N. J., was the guest of his young }leople in the chui·ch.
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Tuesday, February 16: • Lean Plate Beef •...•.•••••••••• .lb., 10c •
Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, of Essex 7.:10 P . .1\K. - N arber th Boys,
'CI u b. • LEG of s .ng LAMB Ib 27 •
avenue, for several days this week. 8.00 P. M. _ Meeting of the p r t . . . • • • • • • • •• ., c
Miss Helen Fal'l'eli, formerly of Church School Association at, •• Ritter's Baked BEANS, ••
Ahrdmore, now of Fairview, N. J., was the Pastor's home, 216 Avon can, 5c
t e guest of Miss Anne Compton, of roa d. • •
Woodbine avenue, over the week-end. 'Vl.dnesday, Februar~' 17: • Fancy SHRIMP, 15c;
Mr. and MI·S. Cliti'ord D. Goodwin, 8.00 P. M.-Prayer Service. Topic: 2 cans, 29c ••
• ~.
of Lantwyn lane, SIlent the ,"e"I'-elld "Does It Make Any Difference?" • Fine Gratllliated R ea I S'Ilarp -
at the Chalfont.e-Haddon Hall, Atlan- A Study of I CorinthiaIls 6. •• S U GAR CHEESE Kellogg's Corn Flakes, ••
tic City. The Quarterly Business Meet- pkg., 7%c
The Fortnightly Club will hold a ing of the Church follows the 10 lb bag 44c
Take No luncheon meeting at the home of Ml'Il.
Roy E. Clark, Lodges lane, Cynwyd, Thursday, February 18:
Prayer Service. •

(PrIce effective this week.end; sub.
lb 33 ..' C
Je110-3 pkgs., 20c -

on Friday, February 1!J. Mrs. Abram Ject to change thereafter.) Palm Brand SARDINES in Oil
~Ilallees Bunn Ross will speal( on the Art of
7.30 P. 1\1. - Girls' Basketball.
Club. or
d 2

China Making. Friday, February 10: • H Sh SALMON •
You cun't uffortl to
be without a telephonl~
Mrs. Herbert B. Price, a c c~ u l7.30
by her mother, Mrs. George Elmer,
l lP.)1\L-Narberth
)'<ln iu
7.30 P. M.-The Junior Boys' and •
M yrt1e brand PINK SALMON,
orse oe 25
can, c
' .

Mrs. F. B. Woodland and Mrs. Frank Girls' Club meets for rehearsal. 8-oz. Mackerel Filet, Hc; •
in your home! Fire Miles. returned from Atlantic City on and a social time. 2 f 2
• may break o u t - Thursday to Mrs. Price's home, on Saturday, February 2 0 : . 10c; 3 cans, 29c or 5c .•
, thieves mu)' hreak in- Anthwyn road. Mr. and Mrs. Price
gAive a party un Thursday evening.
10.00 A. M.-Junior Boys' Baslwt- •
ball C l u b . . -
Pabst-Ette CHEESE,
7.oz. pkg., 19c

sickness muy hefall }'oU
or your family. With- lllong the guests were Mr. and Mrs.
• out a telephone, you J. E. McLaughlin, Miss Frances Mc- Methodist Episcopal Church Schlorer's MAYONNAISE,
•• Calif. LIMA BEANS, Bc; ••
Laughlin, Miss Jane McLaughlin, Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Pastor. 3 lbs., 23c
p., 15 pt., 29c •
may he hell)less! Mrs. H. Chandler Smith and Mr. Har- Sunday, February 14. • ~2 t
Bu t wi th a tele· ry Smith. Mrs. Price's guests re- • C,· Octagon SOAP Powder •
!J.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
phone, you can senel turned by motor 'to their homes in 11.00 A. l\L-Morning Worship. 2 pkgs., llc
for hell) without a min·
ute's dela,·. 'fdl us to
Baltimore on Friday.
The Scout Mothers of Narberth en-
Theme: "The Joy of Youth." •
6.45 P. M. - Epworth League.
T etIey'0range Pekoe TEA

Gold Dust Scouring Powder,
k 1

tertained at a bridge and tea on Mon- Speaker, Senator Stites. • ' 3 P gs., Oc
install on~it costs so
little. Just as an everv·
Arthur afternoon
W. Burns, at the home of MI·S.
108 Woodside ave- 7.45 P. 1\L-Evening Service. Illus- •
trated hymns. Illustrated Ad- •
Ib pkg 21c
6 Large Boxes 0 f MATCHES
for 19c
day convenience, a t~l­ nlle. The proceeds will go to Boy dress on Christianizing North •
• ephone is more than Scout TrOOI), Nu. 1, of N a r b Africa.e r Picture-UThe
Motion th.. Mueller's Macaro111' or •
•I worth itt;! low cost. In Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Macoley, of
Meeting House lane, had as their
Challenge of the Redwood- •
Shasta District. Come and.
d I S
pkg.;I 25c h . k 1
pag etti, p g., Oc •
emergencies it is price. guests on Sunday Miss Sarah Max- bring your friends. • Yelo Brand Dill or Sour ••
less! well and Mr. Charles Wolf, of Phila- Wednesday, February 17. PICKLES, qt. jar, 19c
• The Business Office or delphia. 7.30 P. M. - Preparatory Mem- •
. anr Bell Telephone The sophomore girls of the Lower bel'S' Class. •Honey Bunch Seedless RAISINS, pkg., 5c Pappy's Marmalade, ••
employee ,,,ill
be glad Merion Senior High School held a 8.00 P. M.-Prayer Meeting. jar, 19c
• '0 take rour or,ler. Leap Year Dance in the Girls' Gym Thursday, February 18. • •
on Saturday night. There were 50 •

girls and 76 boys. Billy Rem's 01'-
chestra furnished the music.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Minnick, of
Windsor avenue, entertained at a
2.0 P. M.-Meeting of the Wom-
an's Home Missionary
at the home of Mrs. Burns
B t 534 D dl
es , u ey avenue.
Society •


ridge party last Saturday evening.
Friday, February 19.
6.00 P. M.-Church Supper. Roast •
H avenor
..£ d A
N b
ar ert
h Indi",iduaU" Owned •
Mrs. Minnick was the hostess to Bu,ing Co-operati",el, ••
• the members of the Westminster Cir- Lamb or Baked Ham. Open.
to the public. Tickets, 5 0 '
Neighborhood 6 cents. Children, 36 cents. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
": (Continued on Page Five)
Page Four OUR TOWN February 12, 1952

William H. Keeler, of Merion, 'Plan Tea for Mothers

The Girl Scout Troop 8, District 8,
Named Union News Executive held
. M. Thompson's
a meeting on Tuesday night in
William H. Keeler, of Latch's lane, the Girl Scout Wing of the Commun- THE CELLAR
Merion, has been elected vice-president ity Building. The Scouts are plan-
is Heating Headquarters and director of The Union News Com-
pany of New York. Entering the
ning a tea for the mothers, the date
of which will be announced later.
services of this concern shortly after
or this section. his graduation from LaSalle College, Appointed Journal Editor
Mr. Keeler's advancement has been Professor Mary Hamilton Swind- JEDDO - HIGHLAND
rapid. In 1907 he went to Pittsburgh ler, head of the department of classi-
as superintendent of the Pennsylva- cal archaeology at Bryn Mawr Col-
Our service covers every phase nia division, returning to Philadel- lege, has been appointed editor of ~he
of home heating. The advice of phia in 1927 as manager of the Phil- American Journal of Archaeology.
adelphia division. He is a member
our combustion expert often reo of the Catholic Young Men's Associ-
She succeeds Professor George Elder- A CLEAN
kin, of Princeton, who is in charge
suits in lower fuel cost to you. ation, the Union League, the Penn- of excavations at Antioch.
sylvania Museum of Art. ADDITION TO YOUR CELLAR
The high quality of our anthra.
cite insures an even.burning,
easily regulated fire. Our driv- NOTICE Main Line Distributors:
ers are courteous and careful.
ORPHANS' COURT OF MONT- 1 Company, Extr. of Sophie Jaska,
Narberth Coal Company
Why not let us serve you NOW? GOMERY COUNTY, P A. 1 Abington. RALPH s. DUNN6
-And later!
NOTICE OF FILING AND AUDIT METZ, Feb. 5.-Harvey '!3. Metz, et
a1., Admr~. of Benamm A. Metz, Telephone: NARBERTH 2430-2431
., . . i Towamenclll.
Nobce IS hereby gIVen to hClrs, BECHTEL, Feb. 5.-Benjamin N.
y Place YOllr order at legatees, creditors and all parties in Bechtel et a1. Exrs. of Jacob L.

interest that accounts in the follow- Bechtel, West Telford.
Bala and Union Avenues, ing estates have been filed in the office COVERT, Feb. 5.-William D. Gor-
of the Register of Wills or Clerk \If. don, Secretary of Banking', Com-
Bata-Cynwyd, or by phone: the Orphans' Court, as the case may I monwealth of Pennsylvania, in
I E be, on the dates. below stated, and
that the same wdl be presented to r
possession of Glenside Bank &
Trust Co., Gdn. of William P. H.
Iftstutiu.attr (tltmettry
'The Coal 'That
Satisfies CYNWYD 280 and 3272 the Orphans' Court of said county I Covert.
Located on Belmont Avenue above City line;
o~ Monday, March 7, 193?, at 10 I' GRABER, Feb. 5..,..-William D. Gor-
o clock A. M. (standard tnne) for, don, SecretarY of Banking, Com- Adjacent to the BaJa-Cynwyd Section, accessible
confirmation, at which time the Hon- ,. monwealth of Pennsylvania, in from all points. The Westminster landscape has
orable J. Burnett Holland, President possession of Glenside Bank & all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
Judge of said Court, will sit in Court- Trust Co., Sub. Gdn. of Florence
room F, in the Cu..:rthouse, to audit I Eva Grabel'.
accounts, hear exceptions to same and O'DONNELL, Feb. G.-Samuel W. For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone
make distribution of the balances as- , Cooper et aI., Ex. of Frank P.
\Ve ha\'e a dc1iciou, a"orlment certained to be in the hands of ac- : O'Donnell, Lower Merion.
Post Office Address: . Station I. Philadelphia
BYERS, Jan. 13.-Bertha Nevegold, i
I MARTINDELL, Feb. G.-Alfred H.
Trank, Ex. of Susanna C. Martin-
WHITMAN'S CANDIES Ex. of Herman D. Byers, Potts-I dell, Hatboro.
town. . TURKE, Feb. G.-William F. Weni-
ready packed in heart-shaped boxes. HARVEY, Jan. 13.-William J. Har- I
vey, Admr. of Martha J. Harvey,!
ger, Ex. of 1plisabeth Turke, also
~nown as Elhe Turke, Lower Mer-
A Wide Variety of Valentines, Abington. ! lOll. First Prize-West Chester Milk Contest A2-1931
Hoth Comic and Sentimental . I GLENN, Feb. G.-Frank Glatfelter,
EICKHOFF, Jan. 13.-lda E!ckhoff'i S i I Dep t acting as agent Brookmead Herds have won MORE FI RST PRIZES in
Place your order now for Abbott's Adl~lI·X. r of Herman C. EICkhoff, I f~:c\Villiam 1/ Gordon, Secretary
Milk Contests at West Chester i'han any other on the Main Line .
DeLuxe Icc Cream in fancy St. NOlth "ale~. . .. I of Banking of the Commonwealth
RECH, Jan. 15.-PIJlhp D. Rech, I of Pennsylvania, in possession of
Valentine's Moulds . Admr. of Ruth 1\1. Rech, Chelten- I the business and property of the FIRST PRIZE MILK FOR YOUR CHILDREN
$3.00 Do:. :\ssorted ham. Susquehanna Title & Trust Co., from BROOKMEAD
CAMERON, Jan. 15.-The Bryn Gdn. of Curtis Glenn.
at Mawr Trust Co., Admr. of Alexan- GLENN, Feb. G.-Frank Glatfelter, means superVISion by Main Line Boards of Health, help to maintain
der Cameron, IJower Merion. i Special Deputy acting as agent for Employment on the Main Line, support for the best Milk Supply in
SHEA'S DUNCAN, Jan. 16.-Girard Trust I
Company, Ex. of Joseph G. Dun-!
William D. Gordon, Secretary of
Banking of. th~ Connuon.wealth of
Pennsylvania, and a Vote for Clean Raw Milk.
DRUG STORE can, Lower Merion. I Pennsylvama, In possessIOn of the "A COMPLETE, DEPENDABLE DAIRY SERVICE"
'Ve Deliver DEEMER, Jan. 18. - Montgomery I business anc~ property of the Sus-
Trust Co., Gdn. of William S. Dee-l quehanna TItle, & Trust Co., Gdn.
Right at the Narberth Station mer. I of Marion Glenn. B.·ookloead Glle.eosey Dai.eies
Narbcrth 2838-2839 HUFT, Jan. 20.-George Henry Huft, GLENN.. Feb. G.-FI:ank Glatfelter, W. LANCASTER AVE., WAYNE, PENNA.
et a1.. Gdn. of Theodore Huft. ! SpeCIal Deputy actmg as agent for
FEASTER. Jan. 22.-Eudora Feaster William D. Gordon, Secretary of Phone, Wayne 1121
et aI., Extrcs. of Joseph M. Feas-I Banking of. th~ Common.wealth of
tel', Cheltenham. i Pennsylvama, In possessIOn of tl1C
GRISC01\I. Jan. 22.-W. CarreIl Har- business and property of the Sus-
per, Admr. of Annie H. Griscom, quehanna Title & Trust Co., Gdn.

Cheltenham. of Theron Glenn.
CARPENTER, Jan. 22.-Norristown-· GLENN, Feb. G.-Frank Glatfelter,
Nearly Four-Score Years Ago- Penn Trust Co., Gdn. of Margaret
Arin Carpenter. Deputy acting as agent for
WIlham D. Gordon, Secretary of
MATHER, Jan. 23.-Victol· C. Math- Banking of the Commonwealth of 1721 WALNUT ST.
er, Admr. of Victor C.Mather, Jr., Pennsylvania, in possession of the
the Great Emancipator struck the shackles Lower Merion. business and property of the Sus- Presents the Mode
from'the limbs of chattel slaves. But the NIBLO, Jan. 25.-James M. Niblo, quehanna Title & Trust Co., Gdn.
Ex. of Caroline E. Niblo, Consho- of Al'lene Glenn. For SpJ'ing
13th Amendment made no mention of that hocken. FAUST, Feb. G.-Irvin L. Faust, Ex.
other, more subtle but equally dismal, form AIREY, now SCHANTZ. Jan. 2G.- Samuel U. Faust, Royersford. THE DOMINIC TAILLEUR
of bondage called "wage slavery." Montg'omery Trust Co.. Gdn. of OLTHOFF, Feb. G. - Montgomery AND FRENCH SUITS
Murrill Airey, 110W Murrill McKin- Trust Co., Ex. of Marie Olthoff,
lev Schantz. Norristown.
HOFFMAN, .Tan. 2G.-l\Iontgomel·y REIFF, Feb. G.-Montgomery Trust
855 •
AlId Now a New Champion to the Fore- T"ust Co., Ex. of Savilla Hoffman, Co., Gdn. of Helen G. Reiff.
Custom made of the' finest imported materials
Worcester. QUILLMAN, Feb. G.-Sara S. Quill- the newest colors for spring wear. Trimmed
not of flesh but of paper,-to insure inde- WOOD, Jan. 2G.-Montgomery Trust man et a1.,. Extrs. Charles J. Quill- with selected Fox Furs, $85.
pendence that a man may lift his nose from Co. et a1., Exrs. of Ann Dora man, NOrl'lstown. DOMINIC TOPCOATS
Wood. Lansdale. KEISEN, Feb. G.-Edna Keisen Fox
the grindstone. Your Savings Account in WILSON, Jan. 27.-T. Clark Wilson,
Ad'11r. of Irene Gage 'Wilson, Low-
et a1., Extrs. of Laura T. Kei!;en,
West Norriton.
a strong, conservative bank, such as Nar· e,' Merion. HILLEGASS, Jan. 12.-I-Iiram R. In tweeds and all the newest materials for
berth's own, is a reserve balance to draw on GUNDLACH, Jan. 28. - Intelirity Hartzell, Trustee u-w of .Jonas Sports or Regular wear. Custom made,
in time of need. It insures Freedom from Trust Co.. Ex. of Mary Gundlach, Hillegass, late of Marlborough; Fitted by Dominic Himself. Fur trimmed $85.
Springfield. Trust fol' Louisa HeHer. E vcr y Garmcnt Is Cut,
Worry. FORSTER. J ... n. 29.-Proviclent Trust CIeCARINE, Jan. lB.-Montgomery Fittcd and Personally Super-
(;0. of Phila., Admr. of Charles V. 'frust Co., Trustee of cHtate of
T<'01'Rter, Norristown.
BOSRERT, Feb. 1.-Anna Elizabeth NISBETT, ChristinaJan.
P. 26.-The
Estate- ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~t;'n;te;n;d;e;d~bY~D~O;I~/I~il;li;C
----'--"'-" ~H~im:8:c:tt:~;;;;;;;~
The Dengler, nee Bossert. Ex. of WiI- Land Title & Trust Co., sub. tI'US- ~
]jam Henry Bossert, Pottstown. tee for Phyllis L. Mitchcll, in es-
·Narberth National Bank HUFF, Feb. 2.-Anna Catharine tate of EIIen L. Nisbett.
Scheetz et a1.. Exrs. of Abraham LEWIS, Jan. 27.-Fidelity-Philadel-
L. Huff. Pottstown. phia Trust Co., Trustee for Mary
Member Federal Reserve S)'stem GE1'TY. Feb. 3.-Norristown - Penn W. Lewis, u-w of Gerald Lewis.
TruRt. Co., Gdn. of A. LeRov Getty. HARTMANN, Feb. 4.-Norristown-
Open 8 A. M. daily and from 7 to 9 P. M. Fridays HARTZELL, Feb. 3.-Fi1'Rt National Penn Trust Co., Trustee for Cath- 'I
Bank of Lansdale, Gdn. of Ray- rine Hartmann in the estate of
mond HartzeH. Fritz J. Hartmann, deceased, town-
BRECKENRIDGE. Fell. 4. - Bryn ship of Gw~'nedd.
Mawl' Trust Co., Ex. of Davis MARKLEY, Feb. 5.-Bessic M. HiI-
Bl'eckenridl!'e, Lower Mcrion. yard, TJ'lIstee in re sale of real
SCANLIN. Feb. 4.-William F. Scan- estate in estate of Laura J. Mark-
Add Hot Water Service lin. Achllr. of Owen J. Scanlin,
ley, late of Pottstown, deceased.
HAND, Feb. 5.-Industrial Trust
HEATWOLE. Fcb. 4.-Abral1U1ll D. Company, Trustee u-w of Harry
to Your Home at Low Cost Gotwals, Admr. of Minor Heat- W. Hand, deceased, for Elizabeth

wole. Limerick. S. Hand.
SHOEMAKER, Feb. 5.-Mary H. LAWRENCE, Feb. 5.-William D.
Shoemaker, Admrx. of Morris H. Gordon, Secretary of Banking for
~hoPJUa'ker, Norristown. the Commonwealth of Pennsylva-
DIEMER. Feb. 5.-George M. Diemel', nia, in possession of Glenside Bank •
Ex. of Laura S. Dielller, Potts- & Trust Co., Trustee under dec-
town. laration of Tl'ust of J. Walter
ELLIS, Feb. 5.-The Security Trust L~wrence for Helen V. Lawrence,
Co. of Pottstown, Adll1r. of John mmor.
,.I'IIL. i
W. Ellis, Pottstown.
ROBERTS. formerly COTTMAN, Feb.
JORALEMON, Feb. G.-Girard Trust
Co., succeeding Trustee for Mary
Penfield ~) Ruud Autohot
5.-William D. Gordon, Secretary
of Banking, Commonwealth of
E. Joralemon, u-w of Robena K.
Joralemon, deceased.

Pennsylvania. in possession of PRINCE, Feb. G.-Girard Trust Co.,
-). ~V-~ Glenside Bank & Tru!'\t Co., Gdn.
of Madeline Cottman Roberts, for-
Trustee n-w of Parker B. Prince,
(?- Quick Hot Water! _ ~ ~ merlv Madeline Cottman.
PETERMAN, Feb. 5.-Harrv S. Pe-
Register of Wills and Clerk of

No waiting. No stairs.dim"in•• terman. Admr. of Albert S. Peter- Orphans' Court.
man. Snringfield. (02-19)
No Payment Down During this Special Offer SCHLICHER, Feb. 5.-Norristown-
Penn Trust Co., Ex.' of Sarah A. •
Your choice of these new Automatic Water.Heaters, Schlicher, Norristown.
,installed immediately. Have hot wate,r any time,
day or night, at lowest cost. Two years to pay.
DAVIS, Feb. 5.-Clara J. Davis et a1.,
Extrs. of William J. Davis, Potts-
.' , ((¥o{r'tI he
Ask any of Our Suburban tal~ing,a'bou't
MACAULEY, Feb. 5.-William D.
Gordon, . Secretary of Banking, ' •
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
PHI L in 'Possession of Glenside Bank
& Trust Co., Extr. of Harry S. 'THE CHAMP
Macauley, Cheltenham.
ELECTRI JASKA, Feb. 5.-William D. Gordon,
Secretary of Banking, Common· 11 " '"
a.WInter..:: •
I wealth of Pennsylvania. in posses-
sion of Glenside Bank & Trust

__ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ; , . . _........_ ....._ _....;,.. 1

Page Five
Febru.ary 12, 1932
• Physicians Wamed "That's Nothing," Says Fire

THE FIRESIDE to Report Diseases Chief After Scalding Hand

(Continued from Page One)
(Continued from Page One) They brought him a cup of coffee,
(Continued from Page Three) have been received ,of the seepage of but he was too weak and shaky to Gene" al Notl'ce- toClassilled Advertisements wlll be uharged only
residents or the Main Line whose names
appear in the telephone directory: to persons maintaining an account with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Torrey, of
Brookhurst avenue, are entertaining Unusual Books Available
water into the cenars of some of the drink it.
stores. Mr. Suplee has located the I
"What's a matter chief?" somebody
point at which he thinks the water wanted to know.
UE, or to regular Bubscrlbers to either Th"E MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN, or
at dinner on Saturday. to Patrons of Library 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In all three.
Mrs. Joseph A. Hongler, President
is flowing under the new pavement "I don't know," the chief jerl,ed
and it is our recommendation that he 'out between chattering- teeth.
Rates -Minimum charge. 35c In om, paper; 75 cents In all three AV-
.rage of five words to the line. No blackfaced type used.
of the Women's Community Club of There are many unusual books in be authorized to purchase whatever "It wasn't the smoke. I've been
the Library which a casual reader
Narberth, and Mrs. Edwin C. Town may have overlooked, but which con- materials may be necessary in order smoked out before and know how that Deadline fOl" InseJ"tions-
be aeceptedadvertlslJlI1en
up to Wednesday, s will6
attended the meeting of the officials tain possibilities of pleasant hours of to plug that seepage, and that pc be feels. o'clock for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday. 1 o·clock. for THE
instructed to do this worl, at the earl!- "It wasn't the steam. That didn't MAIN LINER; Thursday. 6 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD,
of the Women's Clubs of Montgomery recreation. Among them is the est opportunity when th.e weat.her IS get me.
County at the home of Mrs, C. Mur- "Tete-a-tete Book," by Lassiter Wren,
dock Strafford in Jenkintown on Tues- a book of stimulating puzzles, prob-
warm enough to mal,e It pOSSible. "It was just knowin' he was in Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100
lems and questions arranged for two "The total expenditures of the there and scream in' for help .... and
day. Plans were discussed to interest people to score, but capahle of a lot Highway Department during the knuwin' I must get him out."
club women of the county in a move- of fun for one person. "What digit month of January was $795.60, of Such is the simple tale of heroics :I-I'II':CI'; J1\'in~ I'oom suit and tah1<'.
ment to effect co-operation of action repeated eight times in certam . com- which $584.10 was the cost of eol- in a fire that, at the best, tlid not re- Sitrlatiolls WaPlted 1';xl't"lf'nt condition. Hellsonable. 1'1"
with the motion picture houses in an binations and the numbers added will lecting n06 cubic yards of ashes and suIt in $1000 damage. I'!:OFI';SSIO:'\.\I, :,\1jI:HI'~ for Xarllt'r!h :lli2:1-.T.
\\'111 ('ai'" o2-~6
('hilrl h)." hOlll' 01' lOIl~·p". Phollt' Cyn-
effort to maintain a high standard of total an even 1000'!'' The problem rubbish; $204.20 was spent for street And as a matter of postscript in wyll :l2:Hl-:\J. OInh~-12 At Your Ser"ice
pi~tu~es, with particular 5tress to .be of the $]0,000 counted in one-dollar cleaning- operations, and $7.30 was thi:o; small fire another fireman, Dan- DAY'S "'ORK desired. hllllHlry or clean- UO'I"I'l.II·;U )O;SSL1XGI~R, cm'llentel·. joil-
laid 111 favor of the pictures whIch b'Il th 1 t" f th . s f1v spent for clearing inlets." iel Hempscher, was overcome by Ing', "'cll. and Thlll's. Good rcrs, Ph. binI', alterations, 122 COn\I'Il~' ll\·enlll'.
have the family appeal. I s- e se e~ 1O~ 0 e pmI'. 0 o- Ard, 8,g-.J. (om2-12) (~aJl Xarlwl·th :l748-H. 04-S
M d M' T E L ,hI' f I er5, and the slgmfieanee of dates are smoke and steam, and Fireman Jos-
DESSMAKING-I~lizabeth I'eal"son. 2!"
r. an rs.. . oug 111, 0 indieative of the wide range of inter- Present Day Russia eph Joyce sprained his Imee when he "'IlI1.'E wonllln wishes housewol'le, coole-
Dudley avenue, had as luncheon .guests el<ts. A pleasant evening is in store fell into a coal pit. ing 01' <:leaning, Ph. 1\ll's. Ho~'. lIIel'ion DUdle~' Ave.. ;'o\arb(·I'lh. Pho. Narb. (o-tf) 2728.
on 'Yednesday Mrs. A. Do RIce, of fur anyone who opens the hook. Portrayed by Dorizas 122·1, (0Illb2-12)
DJ:I·;SS:\[AKING and alterations in
PrOVidence, R. 1., and her two grand- T' k h .. . Main Line Club Women WHITI'; lll11n de"ll'cs ]Josltion as chauffeur. ~'ollr home or mine, 1\1rs.:\I. Radlleh.
daughters, Mrs. Eugene Batten and hIs. wee' .t ere IS bemg ~ehl. 111 (l"olltiIlUf',1 from 1'n!,\'e Olle) ('an flualiry as I'al'denel'. Best I'efel'- Pholle Nllrberth 2365. (02-12)
Miss Doris Doe, of New York. Miss Ncw. '\ ?rk CIt)', uncleI' the dll:e~tlOn to Participate in Art Tours ellecs. Ph, C'~'n. :168-.T. (omh2-12)
L: 1'1101 ,S'l'l';H1NG and rep,: s)lrln~s of
Doe is a contralto with the Metro- of IllS htc::rary exeeut~r, .~m exhIbit of voice and fact-emphasis, Dr. Dorizas «('onllllllt'd CI'om l'ag-e One) COI,OHI~D man wants general house :1-1'11'('" suiteR I'clmll'ed, ~!O: chair 1'1'-
politan Opera Company and on Tues- t!w c!~awll1gs and, P~1I1tll1gS. of Kah- built a damaging case against Russia. eleanlng'. painting, cal'c of hlll'dwood eO\'''l'ell, $5. Gu llnywhel'e. ('llll LeWis.
day evening made her Philadelphia hI (,I?ran, the S)'I:~an I~hllosopher, Referring to the five-year plan of and two pictures each month are dis- 1I00l'S, I'h. An!. 491- \V. (omb2-12) "'ayne 1-1'6. omb2-?:I
debut as Erda in "Siegfried." who d1(·d last fall: Ihe LIbrary ]mr- Rus:o;ia, Dr. Dorizas said, however, it played on each side of the entrance WAN'l'I';D-na~"s \\'ol'k, clellnlng 01' laun- ALI, kinds oC carpentry WOI·}.. Cellars
chased r('('ently hIS latest book, "The wouldn't hurt for the United States to the Children's room. In the last dry. Hefs. 1'h, Al'd11101'e 3322-H. cleancd. Illwns cared for. palntlnl'.
'Wanderer," and reeeived as a gift the to take a leaf from the Russian hook three rears the Br~'n Mawr Club, un- (omb2-12) \'ery reas. C. Marshall. Cyn. 3273- \V.
MuIieres Hear Reports at one that preceded it, "The Prophet." of planned economy. del' the leadership of Mrs. David W. \\'.·\:-1TI';])-1'III't time house wOl'le. mOl'll- SJi:Wlll:G wanttld by the day. regularl~·.
Horn, art chairman, has purchased ings or aftel'noonl;. Hefs. Call evenings, I"llllll1~' sewing' and mending. also ex-
Regular Monthly Meeting Th('se books are very lovely, with their Out:o;tandinJ!: references made to the A,..I. 25:15-.1. (omb2-12)
gentle words of wi:o;dom couched in Communist system we!'l': three J1aintin~s by Philadelphia wom- "rAN'l'N/.l-])"~'·s II'ol'le, 'l'llUl'sday 01' Fl'i- pel'lencN! In maldng curtains and
en artists, who are Fern Coppcc!g-c, day. Good refs. Phone Ardmore 4640. dl'llpel'le", Phone Nllrherth 4161.
The Mulieres of the Narberth Fire delicate poetic prose, and the illush'a- "Divorces are easy to obtain. A (o-tO
Constance Cochrane, and the late (omb2-26)
Company held their regular monthly tions reproduced in offset lithography divorce can be obtained for 27 ccnts, Cora Brooks. :\1 AN. ,wlshcs llOS. al; jan I1.01'; coolclng. Miscellaneous
meeting in Elm Hall on Monday af- fl'om original drawings. One would except where excess postage is re- A New York Art Trip for Mont- ,\~·lllt.tng. l~ousewol:k, ,cleanlll g windows DItA WING &. PAIN'rING CLASS-From
ternoon. Following the installation nut wish to remain longer than neces- quired to notif)' the interested par- gomery County CI u b mem b ers h as ot ,ln~ odd Job. Hefs. 1 h. Ard. 3123. (omb9-1") c.IlS-t 01. m01(c.I AR'!' WORKER'S
of the officers, reports of the Chair- sary ignorant of this man and his ties." b h R I
· C -==-;-;-;;,.--::-;--;-:-;:--,;-:-::--~='-::--=.::.~~~ GUlL)), I" Cricket" AVe., Ardmore. Ses-
b een arrange(I y t e eat mg om- "'O:\IA:'\. wishes Jaundl'~' 01' day's WOl'k'j slolll;, 'l'ues.. 7.30 to 10 P. 1\1. Sat., 2 to
man and an audit of the books were sayings. "Eight years is the longest p!'ison pany, for Monday, March 14. With Hers. Ph. ,\I'd. :1123. (omb2-12) ,1.30 P.:\1. Addl'ess P. G, Watmough.
read. Miss Anna Foley was ap]10int- Another recent ]mrchase of the Li- sentence a person can receive for a
cd House Chairman, and Mrs. Wil- brary belonging in this group of un- crime, including murder. From the
their Mr. 'V. J. Eagle as courier, the WlllTI'; WOl\IA:-l desires da~"s \\'01'1<. De\,on, I'll. Ph. 'Wa~'ne 1218-H. (omb2-12)
group will leave the Reading station Iltundl'~' 01' clellning·. Hefs, I'h. Ard.
3407-:\£. umb2-19
. an d Board'mg
liam M. Sibley, Publicity Chairman. usual b~oks is Sha~ff1e~'s "Manthol- Communist standpoint the greatest
in Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M. and ROOM for gentleman. with or without
The first of a series of card par- og)'" Whl~h, after .bemg IIlfol'ln~d, one crime is opposition to the present so- board the New York Express at Jen- \VA~TEIl-l'al't-tinle IWII!'"work aCter 3 hoal'll. Con\'enient to station and bus.
ties was held in Elm Hall last Fri- can ,reachly see IS a contractIOn of i cial planning s)'stem." . I n N ew Y or k Gray 1'. :\1.: .. an ,'ook. Hef. I'lt. A,·<I. :l.I:I-\\'.
k'mtown at 7.20. omh2-1!1 108 Chestnut Ave.. Xarberth. Ph. Narh,
day night and was a very successful Man s Anthology, and thu:o; the na- " .
affair, socially as well as financially. ture of the collection is revealed. For Sund~Y has been abohshed. Work- Line buses will be used, each contain- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4161. (omb-tf)
ing a party of twenty-nine tourists IN HETUHN Cor room and boal'd, CUl-,'I'\\-O Jo'ln;SHLY rUl'll. rms" business
The proceeds will go toward the pay- th(' same Shauffier who edited the ers receIve every fo.urth or fifth day tured. traveled womlln des, position g'lds only. modern home. home privi-
and one lecturer. They will return as governess or chaperon. Capable of leges, 127 i\ferion A\·e.• Narberth. Ph.
ment of bills incurred for the Fire- "Poetr)' Cure," poems for mental heal- for rest and recreatIOn." to Philadelphia on the 6.00 P. M. teaching music and 1i'rench. CllIl Cecile Xarh. 3752-.1. (omb-tO
men's Carnival last October, the pro- ing, has now collected this group of "If you don't work fn Russia you
train, arriving at Jenkintown at 7.39 Lutz. Greenwood 9979, (omb-tO
ceeds of which are now on deposit in Engli:o;h verse to appeal to men. A can't expect to live." P. M., und at Philadelphia at 8.00 WANTgD-Part or fuB time work, Former Narberth Man, John
the closed Merion Title and Trust few of the subject headings under "Religion is being taxed out of ex- P. M. The tickets are good for re- and HeCs. Ph. Ardmore 2535-J. between 7 FI etc h er, O'Ie d on S un d ay
11 A, 1\1, and 6 and 9 P. 1\1. (omb-tfl
Compan)'. The second of the series which the poems are grouped will istence. Many of the churches have
of card parties will be held some time suggest the plan, wanderlust, adven- becn torn down or convel~ted hlto turn on any train within forty-eight YOUNG marrlell Scotch woman would John Fletcher, a former resident
after Lent. hIres, heroism, roads and trails, and meeting places for the worker:o;."
The committee in charge of the sea foam. If there is a woman who "When Russian workers have holi-
card party on Friday evening, Mrs. doubts that men have a monopoly of days they are taken f\lr sightseeing
hours, so it is possible to remain over-
night to see the Flower Show and the Sat. \Vould talee care of children by
Empire State Building on Tuesday, hour. Ph. 0yn. 3273- W.
1IIee light houseworle, by day except of Narberth and one of the pioneers
hI' .
(omb-tO 111 tee evator 1I1dustry, died on Sun-
day ut his residence, 2126 N. 59th

the ] 5th. '1'he price of the trip for CAHE of children and sewing by hour' b ,.,
William M. Sibley, Chairman; Mrs. interests in these subjects, the Library tours through the old palaces of the Monday includes luncheon in the Sert or day. Can prepare meal. Heas. street, Over ,rook, at the age of 7 I.
.. Edward Haws,' Mrs. Howard Haws, recommend:o; that she, too, borrow the Czar as a propaganda method of keep- Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. rate, CaIl Miss :-limmo, Y.
l\f. C. A.\Funeral services were held from his
Mrs. Charles E. Harnden and Mrs. book. ing' fresh in their minds what they The Art "Menu" for the one da~, Ard. 3099. (omb-tO home on Wednesday at 2 o'clock with
William Ballingall, wish to thank all were denied in the past." COl\lPAN10~ to ladY, reflncd and edu- the Rev. Robert E. Keighton, pastor
those who made this a successful af- 'The Dover Road' to Be Given "Russians' lives are under a con- Monda~', includes: The Cloisters, cated lad~' wishes position In cul- of the Baptist Church of the Evangel,
stant bombardment of pi'opaganda which are extremely fine specimens of tured home, eX~l. and bcst of rl'fs. Ph. offi iati
fair; also Maurice Fried, of the Nar- mediaeval art, purchased by John D. Ard. 3099. (omb-tO c ng.
berth Theatre, and Max's Fruit Next Thursday and Friday from Communists, who now consti-
Rockefeller, Jr.; The George Wash- COLOUED couple wish position either One of Philadelphia's leading con-
Market, for donations of door prizes « 'olllinuNl fl'om Png'e One) tute about 10 per cent. of the entire ington Memorial Bridge; Riverside together or separatelY; houseman, suIting engineers, Mr. Fletcher was
and John Albrecht for the plants. pCJPulation." Church, where the famous Dr. Fosdick chauffcUI'; cooleing and downstairs the inventor of a safety device used
The next regular monthly meeting ganizations. Mrs.•John Nash is the "Secret police number about 800,- work. Ph. Ard.. 491-W. (omb-tO on all elevators manufactured by the
of the Mulieres will be held on March membership chair man and can give 000, with 250,000 in uniform. They preaches, and in which is Hoffmans' W AN T E ~-Day ' s \VOl' k-, clean I nil' or Warsaw Elevator Company, of which
14, at 2.30 P. 1\1., in Elm Hall. anyone details of the Club's subscrip- always have their ears to the ground original painting of "Christ and the laundr). Ph. Ard. lU9-R. (omb-tO he was general manager for the past
tion plan and the benefits to be de- and know what is doin!!'." Rich Young Ruler;" The Waldorf- . 36 years.
rived from active membership. Astoria Hotel; Metropolitan Museum G arages f or Rent A thirty-second degree Mason,
Form New Chorus Choil' "A world revolution is uppermost th e famous Alne "I'can '''I'ng pal'nt - GARAGE for rent on Havel,ron] Ave. Inelnber of the Mel'I'dan Sun Lodge,
On February 22, at the Commun- in the minds of all good Communists." -ings. • if -
nUe. $7 IlCl' month. Pho. Narberth
at Presbyterian Church ity Celebration of the Bi-Centennial 3851-.T. (02-12) No. 156, Mr. Fletcher was ~ member
Following his lecture Dr. Dorizas
the committee in charge will present' GARAGI~-l'l'i\"llte. 1 blude from station, of the Philadelphia Building Ex-
A great deal of inter'lst is being in addition to their scheduled speak~ showed stereopticon views and mo- Phone Karberth 2813. 02-19 change and the Philadelphia Board of
manifested in the chorus choir re- ers, the Narberth Players in a one- tion pictures of his travels through GARAGl~ space for one <,,,I'. $7 pel' Trade. He formerly belonged to the
cently organized at the Narberth act play depicting an episode from Soviet Russia. Electrlelnn-Pb. Ardmore 11211 month. 222 \\'aync a\·e.. Nnrb. Ph.
Karb. 3747-:\1. 02-19 Manufacturers' Club and was a mem-
Presbyterian Church. The chorus is the Life of Washington. 40 ANDERSON AVE.. Arllmore
.1111111I1101111111I11I1[111I1111I111101111I111111I01111. Electric 'Vasher and Motor GARAGl~-Corner Wynndille and Dudley ber of the Philadelphia School Board.
singing at the church service each Repairs-Armature Winding ave. $8 PCI' month. l'h. Karb. ;1972-\V. He is survived by his wife and sev-
Sunday morning, while various or- E"t1mntlng 'Vltbont Chnrge 02-19 en children, Mrs. Fred C. Patten, of
ganizations of the church are reS}10n- Congratulated Announcing the COlltrneUn&" 'Vll'lng, JobbIng
1\11'. and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence, of Narberth; S. V. Fletcher, of Penn
sible for the music in the evening. Opening of the For Sale Valley; Lenore Fletcher and Mrs.
The three Christian Endeavor Soci- 2320 S. 5th street, Philadelphia, are TYPE\VRf'l'ERS sold, rented Clnd 1'1." Emil Roth, both of Philadelphia; Wil-
eties took the lead by taking charge receiving congratulations on the birth paired, reas,: office supplies. Subur-
on Christian Endeavor Sunday, fol- of a son Tuesday morning. Mrs. Law- NARBERTH When Every ban Typewriter Co" l.'hnes Medical liam Fletcher, of Highland Park, and
BIdg. Ph. Ard. 1378. (omh-tO John Fletcher, Jr., of New York.
lowed the next week b)' a quintet from rence is the former Mi:o;s Mabel C.
the Women's M1ssionary Society. This Hunter, of Narberth. Mr. Lawrence HAND Second May
Sunday a large group of members is the Narberth newspaper agent.
Mean a Life,
from the Westminster Circle will
~ ~
sing, and on February 21 the Boy DON'T THROW AWAY your old no wonder these fire chiefs say
Scouts will take part, in connection Shoes-We'll make them like new 107 Narberth Avenue Miss Margery D. Cowin, of Narberth, winner of a fellowship
at reasonable price. what they do about Texaco
with the special Washington's Birth- (near the Narberth Theatre) to the Philadelphia School of Design, is exhibiting her paintings
day Service and the presentation of U~ITED SHOE REP~IR quick-starting gasoline: in our Studio of Art in conjunction with the work of her 10-
the American and Boy Scout flags to & H~T RENOVATING We call and deliver at your "With so much depending upon yeaT~old pupil, Willing Howard, of Bryn Mawr. The progress
the newly organized troop. 3 Doors from Narberth Theatre the speedy and efficient operation
Peter Stam, Jr., the organist, made convenience of this boy under the able tutelage of Miss Cowin is most in-
uf our motor equipment, it is im.
fairly fast time last Friday night to portant that the highest grade fuel teresting and points to a bright future. You are cordially in-
direct the choir rehearsal, returning be used. I have used New and vited to view this unique and beautiful exhibition.
from a business trip by plane fro111 H. B. WALL Phone: NARBERTH 2266 Better Texaco Gasoline for the
Columbus, Ohio. Flying time from Plumbing : Heating past four years and it has always Shull Lumber Company, 29 Bala Ave.; Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.
f Pittsburgh to Camden was less than
two hours• 100 Forest ~venue,
'11111111111I0 1111I11111110111111111111[]111I111111110 I' afforded uniform satisfaction."
J. R. Meers, Cllief,
Waco, Texas.
Phone: Narberth 3652 ':: :.'t I)

Water Rate Reduction

J. FRANCIS WIPf "We have been using New and
Better Texaco Gasoline for the past
W. P. MIESEN 100 Chestnut Ave., Narberth six years and find it gives quick
,- to Save Borough $675 Carpenter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
If the proposed reduction in
water rates accepted by the Al-
Expert Auto Repairing
Narberth 3639-W
starts, wonderful acceleration and
smooth power. It is always ready
when called on."
'Permanent Waves
Horace R. Goldsmith,
lied Civic Association of Dela- Day-Narberth 3973-1\1 Fire Marshal,
ware, Chester and Montgomery
Counties last Friday night goes
Night-Narberth 2890-R Catasauqua, Pa.
.. .. * 00
through, the borough will be free-flowing oil:
saved $675 per ~'ear on the "I can highly recommend Texaco
rental of fire hydrants from the If Your Jobbing Carpenter Products for the American l--a
Philadelphia Suburban Water
Company. Car Needs: Pho1le: NARBERTH 4163.W
France fire truck, as we have (lne
12 years old. During this period
we used nothing but Texaco Motor
During February
Narberth has 45 fire hydrants, Oil and have had wonderful re-
for which it is now paying a In Our Old York Road Store Beauty Salon
Naphtha : Chains sults."

yearly rental of $60 each. The R. ]. Trenery, Chief Engineer, A special offer of Permanent Waves for $5.00 dur-
new rate proposed by the water Eveready Prestone Keansburg, N. J. ing the month of February! Soft, flattering waves
company and accepted by the
Denatured ~1cohol
.. * III
"Dependability is the main requisite by our skilled op~'ators! Hesults that give their
Allied Civic Association, in
CA~DtES for motor lubrication in fire equip. own testimony for beaut~' and lasting quality. Make
which Councilman John R. Hall GOODYE~R TIRES ment. We have used Texaco
represented the borough, is $45 in Valentine Boxes and an appointment any day with your favorite operator
AMERIC~N OIL products Motor Oil exclusively for the past for a top-notch Permanent Wave at this rock-bot-
per year. The reduction to in- four years and it has proven its
dividual consumers is negligible. MIXED ~UTS tom price.
I utmost dependability times innum.
Get Them at Moderate Prices in heart-shaped packages as little crable." MEZZANINE-OLD YORK ROAD STORE
at C. P. Cook's as $1.25 a pound•. Wm. O. Texter, CMel,
Perkasie, Pa,
t) t) ....

NARBERTH WHITE'S Buy Texaco GasolilJe and

" BRIDGE Motor Oil at
Narberth ~venue up the Hill
219, Haverford Avenue, Narberth
Home Made Pies, Cakes, Bread,
R. Roy Kessinger
The UtCain cEine c8tore - v1rdmore
at the Railroad Bridge Montgomery Pike at
Rolls, Candies, etc., and 14 f[ayors MO~TGnMIE~Y ,llVF.NVE &. ST. J.l'IMES PLl\CE
Phone: Narberth 2603 of delicious, rich, home-madt ICt ~arberth ~venue store Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 Men's Store Open Saturday Until 6:30

__ ~ ~ .e-.-- ~
Page Six OUR TOWN February 12, 1932,

Man to Man Style of Play Triumphs in Maroon Win Over Haverford'

Van Kleek, forward ...•. 1 0 2 Kelm ..•.........• 201 144 ,150- 495
Lower Merion Wins. [ 'Time Out> Williams Scores 19 Hauser, forward
Robinson, forward
.. 1
2 Speakman .....•.. 145
0 W. D: SmedleY... 145
125- 430 Loses Squash Crown
156- 447 Ruth Hall, of the Merion Cricket
Over Haverford Htgh' _ Points in Maroon Win Winterbottom, guard
Cassacclo, guard . . ..
3 H. T. Smedley .. , 187
194 139- 520 Club, was runner·up to Mrs. William
By TOMMY MACKLIN Tobin, guard 1 0 2 841 771 742-2354 F. Howe, Jr., of Boston, in the wom-
Castle, guard 0 0 0 Pep Boys, S-Camels, 1 en's national squash racquets cham-
Maroon's "Freezing" of Ball Dear friend Roy: Lansdowne Bows to Lower PEP BOYS
Fatal to Opponents' Zone And the rest of t he boys on the Merion Five Tuesday by Totals 7 4 18 Siegel ••••••.••..• 153 - ' 136- 289 pionship at Boston, the finals of which
team. Well, things have been hap- Lower Merion 6 11 9 12 - 38 BleBBlng 129 137 109- 375 were held last Saturday. Cecile Bowetl,
Style of Play pening in a big way f Ince we started Count of 33 to 18 LanSIJowne .. . . . . . . .. 6 4 2 6 - 18 Yowell 156 139 179- 474 of Cynwyd, last year's runner-up to
Referee-Halas. Sheller 154 149 182- 485 Miss Hall, was also a victim of Mrs.
our little correspondence two weeks STANLEY F. Hamel' 118 133 130- 381
WILLIAMS RUNS WILD ago. I know you are proud of each PLAYS WELL Cummer - 115 --115 Howe,being eliminated in the quarter
other, and have grown to have a con- Albert Makes High Score Handicap 25 57 25- 107 finals. The new champion also de-
By TOMMY MACKLIN fidence in each other that you did not Captain Roy Williams led his Ma- of Season as Lions Win 735 730 761-2226 feated Mrs. C. C. Madeira, Philadel-
Lower Merion High School success- have earlier in the season. That is roon team to a one-sided victory Tues- CAMELS phia district titleholder, in the semi-
fully overcame Haverford's Red and a fine things, and the secret of your day afternoon on his home floor over D. Mawhinney 137 167 152- 456 finals, while Miss Hall was eliminat-
~ Albert, of the Lions, knocking over J. Mawhinney 135 172 107- 414 ing Anne Page.
Gold basketball team in a thrilling success. The victory over Chelten- Lansdowne High School, 38 to 18. 645 pins in the three games for the Butler 184 132 159- 475
~ame last Friday night at South ham was deserved and showed that Cap'n Roy has averaged 13 points to highest score of the season, aided in Rublcan 151 125 137- 413
Ardmore by an overwhelming score, you were beginning to function as a the game since he was moved to the Johnson 107 139 127- 373 1929 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER
the defeat of the Colts last Friday
18 to 11. The real score might have team. Of course your position at forward position two weeks ago, and night in the Narberth Interchurch 714 735 682-2131 "8" SEDAN
been and should have been 18 to 10, forward was the main factor. You he scored sensationally in the last Bowling League. The previous high In Exceptional Condition
but one of the referees, as a final followed this with a victory over Up- game against the No.2 league rivals, score was 641, made by Lacey, of Narberth Winner "A S'i'UDEBAKER PLEDGE CAR'"
gesture, gave Forrest a foul shot per Darby, which we all expected, ringing up'19 points for one of the the Colts. LLOYD GLIEM, INC.
after the game was over and the but you had to work hard for it, es- best individual performances of the Narberth defeated Haverford 33-26 fil K Lancaster Ave.,
The standing of the teams and in a Main Line League basketball Ardmore
thousand or more disgruntled Haver- pecially in the second half, where year in scholastic basketball.
scores follows: game on Monday night, thereby go-
ford fans had thronged on the floor. there was a tendency to loaf after William's work was not the result W. L. Pts. ing into third place. Jane scored 10 I ~======~~======~
This foul shot went unn()ticed by the sporting a nice lead. Beware of big of poor defensive play on the part of Pel) Doys ............... 6 :I 9 points for the Borough five. The 1931 STUDEBAKER PRNE-WHEELING
spectators and newshounds alike, and leads at half·time. They are treach- his guards, for the lanky Merion-or Lions ................... 7 2 9
Colts .................... 5 4 7 Narberth line-up: Burgess and COUPE
even the coaches knew nothing about erous. Then followed your big vic· is it Narberth ?-boy made shots that Meteors ................. 6 3 7 Roach, forwards; Haskell, center; 4200 Miles-Perfect Condition
that extra point. So far as they were tory over the top-heavy boys from could not be stopped without the Pilots ................... 3 '6 5 Fleming, Jane and Sherwood, guards. Owner could not keep up payments on
concerned the game was over. Haverford. That was expected from rankest kind of fouling. He missed Boosters ····.·· .. ··f .... 3 6 4 account of losing position.
Camels ................. 3 6
With Captain Roy Williams work- most of us who kno:," h~w to judge the many others that might have gone in, Battlers ................ :I 6
3 He who laughs last is merely being $630 M"D A NEW-CAR GUARANTEE
ing on capacity producti<m, tllC Ma-I strength of combmatlOns of boys. had not Lady Luck closed her eyes
roon five leaped into a commanding They were scared .of you, yet hoped and said, "Thumbs down." Lions, 4--Colts, 0
the story.
polite to the fellow who has just told
fi1 E. Laneastel' Ave.
LIONS Ardmore
lead in the first 10 minutes of battle. I~or a~other b~ea~ hke the one at Jun- Grace, Talley, Ramsey, Hinchey, Alhert ,. 201 219
With the score 13 to 6 in their favor, Ilo~ High earher m the season. Your Thomas and Stanley all aided their CauJly . ' 165 160
. d d t hold the ball pOise and basketball knowledge pulled Wotherall 130 189
t h ey receive wor 0 th h' t h Th leader in the matter of points, the six MUITay '" 130 161
in the backfield and force the Haver- you roug m g~ea s ape. . en dividing- the remaining 17 points be- Handicap 58 58
ford defen,se to come out ior the. ball, ~::::: ~~s~~;n~~~t~aasSI~~~P~~l~;tt~~ tween them almost evenly. The work 684 787 [)()M~§TIC r=U~L§·­
762 2233
thus openmg the floor and forcll1g a your' daily growing power. of young Stanley in bringing the ball COUl'S
man-to-man style of play. Haver- Now Roy you have answered my up the floor is comparable to the BrclInan
ford's Coach Mentzer re~used to ac- i epistles with a great deal of success. best in Lower Merion history, and, Meehan DeMott
203- 544
190- 502
173- 527
cep~ the challenge,. s? IllS boy~ held You have ahead of you Norristown, with two more yem's, the sophomore Lacey 135 178 171- 484
then' ground, permlttm.g the mmutes arch enemy of a generation and Rad- hafl plenty of road ahead.
to fade away and theIr ~hanc~s for I nor, double arch enemy sin~e you and

to fade With them.

Frank Forstburg's team was a well-
a close g~me and a pOSSible victory j I were pups. You can take Norris- coachcd five. The boys lacked heig-ht
! town like Grant took Mexico City, or in places and played as well as most
627 693
Meteors, 4--Boosters, 0
(.. Youllg .,." .. ,. 151 145 143- 439 (Fuel 011 service,
There was drama packed into every; wherever it was if YOU continue to of the other tellms that have played Da \'Is , ,...... 138 208 128- 474 7 A. M. 'til Mldnlte)
minute of the fast and iurious melee I playas a team. ' Th~y will be faster the Maroon this year. The visitors H. Young' 126 130 139- 395
at Haverford High that night. Ment- 'I than they were when you met them made their shots when they got a
zer's team, using a zone stYlc of play, before, but not as well-informed in chance to take them without bcing Hal'l1.·)· ... ,
.J. HllInphri,·,. 174
,. 170
183- 556
177- 504 r=U~L ()IL
had dominated practically every team basketball ways. Keep at least one closely g·uarded. The home team had 759 839
it had played this season. With three step ahead of them and carry the to hustle to keep wearing away at J:OOS'i'F,HS
first-st:ing ,men graduatl'<I 111· F• ebru- play to their t~rritory all during the the deense f of the J"ansdowne boys. Hiley lOr, 15G 151-412
ar~r, thiS detcnse was supposed to con- game. Don't give them a chance, not Lineup and score:
I r. Ha1l1"" .. ,
E. Ila\'is , 16!1m= m
Ill;' 140
tinue winning for him w'ith less eX-I a chance. Then there is that Rad-
perienced players in the lineup. Bill! nor bunch. A scrappy bunch of iron-
I.OW Jo:lt )II,;mOX
G, F.
1', HliI,,! ,
, 171
126 m= m
130 Cynwyd 700·701; Greetlwood 7484

Anderson, with a shifted lineup in the workers, that crowd. Watch them \\'i1Ji,,",". for\\'ar<1 i r; 1;: 676 753
. It" '"""~'. f''''\\'al',1
last few games, sent a fightmg', com- an d outsmart t hem. They have one (:mc,'. for\\,a 1 ~.1 (I
II Pilots, 3-Battlers, 1
petent team into the game that rushed fine boy in Henry SoleHac. It's up to Ilruhal,..r. for\\"al'<1 , .. II II
.j PILOTS -756--2185
through this Dickinson defense as Talley to stop him, and he can do it, Tall,')'. ""111,·" .. '., ~
n BrOWll 188 157 155- 500
(I ,I Hausl' ]54 121 138- 416
though it Were still at Dickinson. It if he will keep his eyes oft· Coach An- 11'111,-\'",'. "ual'll ", .. " " (I Watt,. 139 ]33 136- 408
d d' 1111II'h,'.'·, ;.:lIal'c1 .. , 1 " 1"'0 JIe tI {. 15:' 16,' -319
After running up a commanding erson an hiS n~ind ?n the gamc. Hlalll,·)'. ;.:l1al'll ~ " oJ

,I Ha",.; 147 171 196- 514

lead, Bill Andy, the clcver coach, had, Tall boy Badger IS eVIdently a fine '1'1111111'1". ,L\ 11a I'll , 1 :I Blincl - 125- 125
his hirelings freeze the ball to force f~rward .. He can be stopped, as can
a change of defense. This is the 1.115 runnIng mate. The others are
'1'''1" '"
'" ·T.:\XRi~o\\:~A~; ::8
HancH,'" II , " . .• . . 40
28- 108
accepted procedure all O\'Cl' the bas- r Just there on the floor to make up the G. F. P. :'IkC" ,'t ..,· ......... 163 127 172- 462
ketball world where men, are smart five, but they have to be watched also. '1i!!!!!!!!!!ii!~~~!!!f!f"!!-~!!~~~!!!!!!~~'~'~~!!-~C=~'-~!f""~~~~~~~~!!!!~i1
enough to be smart, and was nothing Now. on ~our toes, old I~lan. Two II
new, as Lower Merion 11 ad used the more victorIes be~ore we Sit down to
--I !
same methods in the llast to break type you more hnes,. an~ as ever, ,
up this style of play. Haverford, yours for clean-cut VICtories,. From CELLAR to ATTIC ...
however, evidently afraid to tryout j. ;01\~1\r; MACJ\.LIN.
a man-to-man style of !Jlay, stuck W 11 h d . .
doggedly to ib; positioll, accepting' e, we a a gre~t tune over at and all thc places in between, Insulation is an
defeat rather than the cllallenge of I' Haverford the other nIght, folks. ~he important factor in homc comfort. Cellars and
,.;uperiority in individual Illay. ,team lost a game to Lower MerIOn
• • i and the next day the papers camc
The teams each scored foul' pomts lout with the news that fifteen Haver-
in the final 20 minutes of play, Lower Iford teachers had been fired and thc
Attics are going "Moden1" and many people
are converting them into recreation rooms, sewing rooms and I
;\lez:i?n holding the. ball ,~ithout OP-I' rest of them had suffered ten per cent. studios. Masonite Insulating board, Presdwood and Quarter. I
!Josltlon for fully elgl~t n~lI1utes dur- euts. Also, they al'e never going to board are excellent for lining walls and making
II1g the second and third quarters. have February graduations again.
'While the 1\1aroon team 'was holding I How far the Maroon candle throws
the ball in the backfield, the Haver- its beam. i
partitions. There is also on the market now the
Masonite Cushioned Flooring, which needs no
ford fans were seething with indigna-I '" ... ". finish or care except Vlax. Samples will be
tion, and as the minutes flew by, the
shouts of the paid cust()ll1ers grew
Famous remarks from famous men;
1\11'. Gilbert: "I liked the second
into a threatening gesture. Finally team game better."
Mentzel' sent the team into action. Mr. Anderson: "Wasn't it the
From then on, the battle 'was packed right thing to do?"
gladly mailed if you will call CYNWYD 662.
We are open Saturday until 3 P. M.

Blue Prints
with blood and thunder but the Lower Mr. Mentzer: "I know the man-to-
Merion aggregation h~ld their lead, man defense is better." I Shull Lumber Company denote
and the game ended with the same J I The Link Between Forest and Home
7-point lead that they held when they I Gain Fourth Win
started their freezing style of Play.,' The Villanova College basketball 29 Bala Avenue

Bala.Cynwyd, Pa.
The lineup and score: team gained its fourth straight Win,'
I.O ",gR MERlO",
G. P. P. II last
sinus,Satu rday on
32-23, night
the by defeating
Villanova U r- I~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~!!!!!!ii!!~~!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!~~!!!!~~.1
'VlJllams. fOI'\\'llI'<1 4 1 91
Grace, fOl'wa,'c1 1 0 2
'i'alley ccnl£'1' " :l 2 6I
Stanle~', gual'll .....• , 0 0 0
Hinchey, guard 0 1 1 Ask NEWTON how A maze of white lines on a sheet of blue paper-
Hamsey, fOI'\\'ard 0 0 you can install SAFE,
Thomas, cen tel' ,......... 0
0 means little to the most of us-But to those who are
Hangel'. g'lI'"',1 ,.... 0 0 0
••• with COAL. contemplating the building of their future home, blue
TOlals 18 prints represent weeks of planning and FORE·

G. P. P. THOUGHT. ..
Hatten. for\\'ard 0 o o
Owens, forward 0 o o
Ca\'e, for\\'lL,'d , 0 o o The thousands of residents who dwell within the
l~ah'banks, center 2 :l 7
Forrest, guard 0 o o suburban boundaries of Delaware, Ohester and
;\[anno, guard 0 o o Montgomery Oounties have chosen their locations
Brunhouse, guard
Score by periods:


10 You wouldn't after much deliberation. It was forethought that

prompted them to settle and build their permanent
Lower MerIon 5 8 1. 4 - 18 homes in territory served by PURE SPRINGFIELD
ItaverCord ....•••... 4 2
Referee - Gelges. Umpire - Rumsey.
Time of Quarters-8 minutes.
1 :) - 10
abuse your piano • • • • • WATER.

Episcopal, Haverford and You wouldn't use a hammer to playa melody on your plano.
Montgomery Lose; Friends Win Newton never has ",
You treat it with care, as valuable property. Your heating
equipment (heater, radiator, pipes, elc.), costs more than a
and never will ...
Episcopal Academy was nosed out
by Penn Charter, 23·22, in an over· piano-it's an investment in comfort, health, home happiness. cut quality
time Interacademic League basketball
game at Germanto~n lasc Friday.
Bradford was again higll scoring man
for Episcopal with 12 points.
Haverford School also suffered its
second straight reverse that after·
Why abuse your heater?
noon, being 'defeated 40·23 by Chestnut Guard this investment by using cleaned, inspected coal-
Hill Academy. Bill Tilden scored
fourteen points for the Main Liners. NEWTON COAL. See for yourself how your heater re-
sponds, giving you better service, saving coal and aSluring
Montgomery School fell a victim to
Germantown Friends, 22·8. It was the
first league victory for GerrnantoW\l,
reliable, dependable heat as you want it. "There is no sub·
stitute for quality"-use NEWTON COAL and lave money I

while Montgomery has yet to score "\

a win.
Friends Central gained a 20-11 win
Phone Ardmore 2550
Yards everywhere in Philadelphiu
over Germantown Academy in a stub-
bornly contested game. - Camden - und most suburbs

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