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Welcome to the Matrix

The agents at the end of your mental hallway are the thought police - the
installed memes on your brain hard drive. Once you gain awareness of
those subroutines you conquer the matrix, you become THE ONE.

I thought of this great t-shirt slogan : "the meme has you", then I thought
which meme? The Judeo-Christian meme of course and since the Jews wrote
the meme, that really means the Jews have you. They own you, because they
own your mind.

I love to say: ***The hardest thing you'll ever own is your own mind***

You need to own your own mind, after all why would you want someone
else driving your being? A religious zealot is simply a person believing in
the words and text of another. They say they know “god”, what they
“know” is what someone else told them to believe. How much of what you
believe was something a paid propagandist told you over the jewtube? Did
you know that Israel did 911? No Muslims were involved at all. The entire
war of terror is based on 911, the official story a complete fiction.
Americans are killing Muslims because of 911 even though Israel was the
actual culprit.

The real matrix is the fear based Judeo-meme-hate-plex (including the

Christian and Islamic versions/derivatives) that's running your mind on
conscious and unconscious levels. It's that invisible thought field that is
driving us forward toward total destruction.
The Jews are destructive, they wrote a memeplex that destroys civilizations
along with themselves. They have honed their skills to an art and are now
destroying America spiritually through war and financially through the
Federal Reserve.

Some Jews have awakened to their destructive nature and even own what
they're doing. Here is a quote by a honest Jew of who they really are:
"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to
which we turn for relief...We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the
destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and
demands." - Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.

America is being manipulated into WW3 by the Jews who control the media :
Jewish conspiracy or are the Jews acting out their program?

I've read plenty about how the Jews are all powerful. Really? Nobody can
force you to believe anything. If you stop beLIEving their memes then they
no longer have power over you. And what are the Jews putting forth as
reality? Greed and fear, hate and vengeance.

They are pathetically evil. They want you to believe in sin and eternal
damnation. (Well if their ever was an eternally damned nation it certainly
would be the Hebrew tribe). They are always being judged by god according
to them. What a bunch of liars. They are destroying themselves by believing
in their own lies. There's no judging god, no hell, no devil, no eternal
punishment, AND THEY'RE NO CHOSEN PEOPLES! (The last being the
source of their antagonistic attitude and endless reprisals).

They want you to bet your soul against fear. Repent sinner! That's the
Christian mantra written by a Jew. Repent or our god Jehovah will get you.
Do you believe that bullshit?

It's time we overcome the religious memes that are destroying this world. To
save ourselves we simply have to remove the false Biblical reality from our
minds. We have to overcome the memetic indoctrination and install our own
life affirming programs.
Stopping the bullets with your mind: the bullets represent the memes
that lodge in your mind and take up permanent residence. Regardless of
your faith, our self destruction is caused by Jewish Biblical reality made
into law, which is nothing more than hate and fear codified.

Their is no escaping Judaism through Christianity: The Jews wrote the

script from Genesis to Revelation. Christianity is contained within the
Jewish memeplex as shown in the diagram below. Is the Bible a black
magic hex? The primary Hebrew symbol is a hexagonal star.

"This is the most powerful of all the signs, to the occult, it

consists of 6 sides, 6 points and 6 smaller triangles, thus
666. A HEXAGRAM! The book "Web of Darkness" says the
hexagram is: . . . the most powerful and evil sign in satanism
and of all the occult world. The hexagram is used mainly in
witchcraft to summon demons from the world. The word
"hex" which means to place a curse on someone, originated
from this sign."


25 March 2008

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