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One Deception to Rule Them All

One Deception to Rule

Them All

The Apotheosis of Man

Gregory Lessing Garrett

One Deception to Rule Them All

Gregory L. Garrett

1700 Airline Hwy, PMB 289

Hollister, CA, 95023

The United States of America

Tel: 831 537-4176


Copyright © 2018 Gregory L. Garrett

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

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except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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Printed in the United States of America

Gregory Lessing Garrett Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

First Printing, 2018

ISBN: 978-0-359-34711-7

One Deception to Rule Them All

This is an Anthology
This book is an Anthology of the best writings, including my own, which expose
the Luciferian Scheme to achieve Apotheosis though the utilization of Satanic Occult
Secret Knowledge. The Luciferian Elite call it “Apotheosis”. The rest of us know it as

What is The One Deception to Rule Them All?

The One Deception to Rule Them All is nothing other than The Apotheosis of
Man (to become God) through Occult Knowledge coming from alleged Alien contact
and mediated and parceled out through the conduit of Artificial Intelligence. The
future we face is where doctors are computer technicians instead of physicians.

Of course, the DECEPTION is that this Apotheosis will be for all

Mankind. It will not. It was always intended for only The Luciferian Elite to
ascend into Godhood while the rest of Mankind exist as their slaves or are

Bible prophecy watchers call this time “The Great Tribulation” and predict a
worldwide struggle to deal with the horrors brought on by massive unemployment
caused by A.I., robot wars, and the feeling that humanity has been raped by an
Artificial Alien Intelligence.
The Vatican Jesuits, (who may otherwise be called The AshkeNAZI, NAZI
Party, Khazarian Mafia, Luciferian Elite, Talmudic Jews, or Illuminati), have
been implicated by multiple researchers, including myself, as central to this
nefarious plot against humanity. From Freemason, Erasmus Darwin, Charles
Darwin’s Grandfather, The Jesuits eventually received their Evolutionary
Theory, which was necessary to keep the Heliocentric Globe Model Lie going,
as well as to aid in Social Darwinian Eugenics (Genocide) programs,
worldwide. If the Universe came from a Big Bang, then it needed to evolve,
and eventually evolve to a point where it is revealed that Man actually came
from Alien life, which would lead to the idea of an Alien Messiah Anti-Christ.
This long running thematic development was a wicked Jesuit machination, all
One Deception to Rule Them All

How do they intend to achieve this? First of all, they ARE achieving. It is all
woven into the digital fabric of the 5G Artificial Intelligence Smart Grid Surveillance
System that has come up around us over the past few decades. Everyone is tracked
and watched in every move they make, online and off, while being socially engineered
to conform to a Hive-Mind, psycho-social, consumer-slave mentality.

The ultimate goal will include smart dust Nano microchips in the skies, in the
land, in the water, in our blood stream...the entire world online to serve a singular A.I.
Borg intelligence
The 5G Artificial Intelligence Smart Grid is the superstructure that provides the
iron-clad, technological prison that The Elite are using for their current worldwide
Yes, WW III has begun.

The Third World War is the phony War on Terror.

It started on September 11th, 2001, and it is The Hidden War that is being used to
strip all civil liberties away from the citizens of the Earth. Eventually, through terror
and Smart Grid technologies, all will either be exterminated or locked down into
highly controlled surveillance, with minimal movement allowed. However, they will
not know that is happening. People will submit to the Smart Grid Tyranny, as they are
doing even now, under their own volition.
Privacy will be a thing of the past under this worldwide Smart Grid lockdown.
But again, this situation will be the result of people’s desire to be imprisoned in this
surveillance system that will be its real source of effectiveness. All the government has
to do is claim they need to track all movements, whereabouts, and transactions for the
benefit of national security, and the masses allow it. We have all been conditioned to
permit this invasion of our privacies and lose of civil liberties since birth. We are a
demoralized people. How many people, even today, do not willingly offer all of their
personal data, doings, and moment to moment geographic location to Facebook,
Instagram, and Snapchat?

And modern sexuality has been transformed into a Brave New World style
competition for deviance, and decadence, with no thought of procreation or child-
rearing left. The Elite have employed their social engineers to make a perverted sexual
animal of Man, reducing him into an attention whore who seeks to fulfill his
One Deception to Rule Them All

narcissistic supply of likes, matches, and sexual conquests. Both genders are implicit in
this. The Elite dictate all the sordid fetishes, gender styles, and sexual appetites of the
world now. We watch movies where the hyper-sexualization of war, technology,
violence, and leisure is commonplace. It is very much like Aldous Huxley’s Brave
New World, where sexual customs are determined by the World State. The act of sex
is controlled by a system of social rewards for promiscuity and lack of
commitment...the more promiscuous the better the reward. The old moral system of
the world has been subverted and inverted.

We have become enslaved by a compulsion for easy pleasure without

accountability and where a banal popular culture opiates the masses. A world where,
day by day, big business encourages us to sacrifice our privacy and spy on friends and
families through social media. Reality TV, selfies, mass pornography and the internet
voyeurism are ubiquitous, and what was once the moral abomination of yesterday is
now is now the blasé and perfectly acceptable of today.

We are swiftly becoming a world at the mercy of an all-powerful elite. It is a

reoccurring theme gaining increasing momentum, especially in modern film and
literature. Just think of The Hunger Games, Insurgent, “Black Mirror”, “Humans”,
“Utopia”, and earlier, Brave New World and 1984. The emergence of an elite who
control the majority, who invariably are low-income consumers, is a worldwide social
phenomenon; increasingly we are taught to believe that a peaceful utopian life for all
is only possible in a world where dissent and real human emotions are crushed. We
see this in the film, Equilibrium, where all human emotions are suppressed for the
cause of Universal Peace. And what is The New Age but this same false peace.

We are being subdued by a concealed weapon, Technology, the Luciferian

Apple (Apple Computer) which was the doorway to the Occult Luciferian Promise of
Salvation and Apotheosis from the Garden of Eden. It was always intended to be the
Secret Knowledge that Man would discover to become God, albeit a false and crude
imitation of God.

This digital weapon penetrates the mind and heart, filling it with a babel of
distractions, news items, mutually irrelevant bits of information, cognitive dissonance,
relentless news flashes, erotic images, social media pages, blasts of corybantic and
sentimental music, our favorite bands and soundtrack noises in the form of truncated
digital sound bites...continually repeated doses of drama that bring no catharsis, no

One Deception to Rule Them All

peace, no lasting satisfaction, but merely create a craving for daily or even hourly
digitally based dopamine fixes.

We are all digital addicts now.

And we are at a crossroads now.

We can choose to ignore the signs and allow a worldwide Smart Grid of
unimaginable oppression to go up around us, or we can start opposing it by gradually
UNPLUGGING from the Digital Beast System that has been constructed all around
us. It is a choice that can no longer be ignored. The promise to “heal” the world has
been offered to Mankind through the conduit of technology, but depopulation and
mass genocide will precede all this, where only The Elite will be allowed to inhabit the
New “Healed” World Order.

As long as we desire the pleasures of technology and stagger onwards, drunk

upon the techno-hypnotic trance of digital convenience, we will become slaves to The
Elite plan for Transhumanism, where The Luciferian Elite ascend and make everyone
else their digitally imprisoned slaves.

The choice is ours.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This book is the logical extension of my book, The Scientism Delusion.
It is dedicated to all those waking up and rubbing the sleep of occult science
from their eyes in their fearless quest for Truth.
Very soon, The Internet will be completely compromised and you will only
have hardcopy books and articles, PDFs, DVDs, portable hard drives, flash
drives, etc…to learn and share Truth from. The Internet is already governed by
Quantum based, Google A.I. bots and algorithms beyond human
For all those who thought it couldn’t happen, simply search your favorite
controversial theories now to see how many websites are in place to counter
and deny what you had once known to be true yesterday and see how your
favorite Truth videos have been deleted by trumped charges of “copyright

Eyes wide shut will no longer suffice.

Romans 12:2 King James Version (KJV)

“2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.” --King James Version (KJV)

When you conform to the world and its idols, allowing yourself to worship the
Beast of Luciferian Transhumanistic Technology, you have surrendered your soul to
Eternal Hell.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Table of Contents
One Deception to Rule Them All............................................................................................................... 1
This is an Anthology ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Dedication ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Romans 12:2 King James Version (KJV) .............................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Forward ............................................................................................................................................................14
The Invisible Chains of Occultism ......................................................................................................14
Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................21
Truth with Lies ..........................................................................................................................................21
Matthew 13 ..................................................................................................................................................21
Luciferianism: The Religion of Apotheosis ......................................................................................22
Darwinian Evolution ................................................................................................................................28
The Propaganda of Darwinism.............................................................................................................28
Evolution: The Secret Behind the Propaganda ...........................................................................29
The Occult Version of the Will of The Creator ................................................................................33
Ashkenazism and Zionism .....................................................................................................................33
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................35
Quotations .......................................................................................................................................................38
Chapter 1 ..........................................................................................................................................................39
Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization .................................................................................................39
Our Cultural Decline Follows ...............................................................................................................42
The Illuminati Conspiracy Stems from Expulsion of Marranos .............................................42
Woody Allen: How Sex Became Our Religion .............................................................................46
Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession .........................................................................................51
Communist Blueprint ..........................................................................................................................55
Root of Current Mideast Violence = The Jewish Kabbalah .....................................................60
The Master Race ...................................................................................................................................64
The Frankfurt School and Their Evil Agenda ..............................................................................65
Mein Kampf: What was Hitler’s Struggle Really About? ..............................................................75

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Lesson of WW II is Quite Clear ...............................................................................................79

Chapter 2..........................................................................................................................................................81
CERN and The Beast System ...............................................................................................................81
CERN and Black Rain and Black Goo ..............................................................................................81
Reflections on Veil Ripping CERN ....................................................................................................82
CERN Is Where Everything Dovetails Together ............................................................................83
The Artilect War has Begun...................................................................................................................83
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................................................................87
The East Seduces the West ....................................................................................................................87
Neo-Paganism Versus the Gnostic Temptation ..........................................................................87
Reflections on Neo-Paganism and The New Age: A Revitalization of Pantheistic
Gnosticism and False Inner Transcendence ................................................................................88
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................................... 105
Is Salvation by Faith Alone, Or by Faith Plus Works? ................................................................ 105
Hermes Trismegistus Hermeticism and The Emerald Tablets .............................................. 106
Thoth and The Emerald Tablets: ................................................................................................. 106
A Demon in Sheep’s Clothing ........................................................................................................ 106
A Thoth Recap.................................................................................................................................... 111
Gnostic Luciferian Deception ........................................................................................................ 115
Commentary on Thoth and the Ascended Masters ................................................................. 126
Pythagoras Father of Freemasonry ................................................................................................... 129
FLAT OUT Architects of a Spherical World? ........................................................................... 129
Copernicus Sun Worshipping Occultist ...................................................................................... 139
The Galileo Affair: Controversy Over Heliocentrism .............................................................. 141
Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................................... 150
A Web of Deceptions ............................................................................................................................ 150
Indra's Quantum Jeweled Net ....................................................................................................... 150
Attention, Intention, and the Universe as a Conscious Holographic Information
Processor .......................................................................................................................................... 151
“Time is On My Side, Yes It Is...” Mathemagician Mathematics Games........................ 156
Planck’s Quantum Time ............................................................................................................. 157
Time and the Big Bang................................................................................................................ 161
The Abyss of Digital Apotheosis ................................................................................................... 167

One Deception to Rule Them All

Nested Simulation Theory...Fractalized Reality .................................................................. 168

The Merging Between Occultism and Modern Science ........................................................ 170
Chapter 6....................................................................................................................................................... 174
Artificial Intelligence: Summoning the Demon ............................................................................ 174
The “Artificial Intelligence is a Hoax Hypothesis” ................................................................ 174
Could Artificial Intelligence be Hype? ........................................................................................ 175
EVIL: A Real A.I. Website .............................................................................................................. 195
Autonomic Intelligence.................................................................................................................... 196
Google Unveils 72 Qubits Bristlecone ......................................................................................... 196
Awakening the Demon: Machine Learning, Google Deepmind, Artificial Intelligence
................................................................................................................................................................. 198
Algorithms Beyond Man’s Comprehension ............................................................................... 200
The Promise and Peril of Programmable Matter ..................................................................... 201
The Search for Alien Intelligence May Be Revolutionized by New A.I Tech ................. 208
Chapter 7....................................................................................................................................................... 211
Layers of Deception .............................................................................................................................. 211
The Book of Enoch The Nephilim and the Reptilian Alien Visitors Anunnaki ............. 211
The Anunnaki, Enki, Enlil, Ninki, Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk .......................... 220
Feeding from the Same Ancient Alien Trough: ........................................................................ 224
1) Chris H. Hardy Ph.D. .......................................................................................................... 224
2) Zecharia Sitchin ..................................................................................................................... 225
3) Davide Icke ............................................................................................................................. 225
4) Erich von Däniken ................................................................................................................ 225
5) Gerald Clark ............................................................................................................................ 226
Planet Nibiru: Star Trek Fantasies ............................................................................................... 226
Smoking the CGI Outer Space NASA Pipe ............................................................................... 229
Big Blue Marble Heliocentric Band-Aid ................................................................................ 231
Nimrod, Nibiru, Anunnaki...A More Comprehensive Story ................................................. 232
The Main Sumerian Deities Are as Follows .......................................................................... 237
Chapter 8....................................................................................................................................................... 247
The Age of Aquarius and The New Age Deception .................................................................... 247
The Pineal Gland Deception .......................................................................................................... 253
The Choice Between Christ or The New Age ........................................................................... 254

One Deception to Rule Them All

New Age Syncretism: What is New Age Religion? ................................................................. 256

Some New Age Beliefs ..................................................................................................................... 264
The New Age Panopticon of Governing Assumptions .......................................................... 267
The Atlantean New Age Delusion .................................................................................................... 270
The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising .................................................................................................... 270
The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden
Architects of the New World Order .................................................................................................. 272
The New Age of Atlantis and Secret Societies .......................................................................... 274
The Lust for More Secret Knowledge .......................................................................................... 276
The Merging Between Occultism and Modern Science ............................................................ 276
Quantum Mysticism and Ascension Mysticism ....................................................................... 279
Mystical Experience.......................................................................................................................... 280
Modern Science Was a Trojan Horse for The Advancement of Ancient Occultism ......... 280
The Dinosaur Hoax: Keeping the Evolutionary Myth Alive................................................. 281
The Dark Art of Deception: Why Dinosaurs are a Hoax ....................................................... 283
Reasons for the Dinosaur Hoax .................................................................................................... 302
Dinosaurs are a Hoax!!! ................................................................................................................... 302
The Big Stick Myth: Nuclear Hoax ............................................................................................. 302
The Great Jet Fuel Hoax: Free Energy Is Real ......................................................................... 315
The Molecular Path to Shamanism: Francis Crick and the Double-Helix Delusion .... 316
How About DNA, Is It Another Occult Hoax? .................................................................... 320
Death by Mathematics…................................................................................................................. 323
Violating the Conservation of Matter and Energy ....................................................................... 331
Energy Conservation Is Not A Law of The Universe ............................................................. 331
New Theory About Dark Energy Breaks Law of Conservation of Energy Conservation
of Momentum: .................................................................................................................................... 331
The Conservation of Matter can be Violated ............................................................................. 332
Sean Carroll: Energy is Not Conserved in General Relativity .............................................. 334
The Conservation of Energy Can Be Violated .......................................................................... 337
The Old Newtonian Model of Conservation of Energy was Dead and Gone Long Ago
................................................................................................................................................................. 338
Chapter 9....................................................................................................................................................... 346
Layers of Execution .............................................................................................................................. 346
Chemtrails ............................................................................................................................................ 346

One Deception to Rule Them All

5G Grid SKYNET .............................................................................................................................. 346

World Online: Smart Dust and Billions of Nano Microchips ............................................... 347
Project Bluebeam and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus Bringer of Fire (Light) ...................... 347
Prometheus: Ancient Sumerian Engineer 'Star-Map' Tablet ............................................... 349
Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones, Nailed the Movies Occult Meaning ............................. 349
Ancient Aliens: The Luciferian History Channel’s Ancient Aliens..................................... 354
The Digital Panopticon Surveillance ........................................................................................... 355
The Threefold Occult Doctrine Dissemination Process ........................................................ 355
Chapter 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 357
One Deception to Rule Them All: (The Apotheosis of Man) ................................................... 357
A Singular Satanic Spiderweb Woven to Capture Mankind’s Imagination ...................... 357
Antichrist and the Alien Threat ..................................................................................................... 359
The Jesuit Alien Deception ............................................................................................................. 372
The Alchemy of Apotheosis ............................................................................................................ 375
The Resurrection, Transhumanism, and The Singularity ..................................................... 377
Transhumanism and Lucifer’s Genetic Manipulation of Man............................................. 384
The Sin Gularity ................................................................................................................................. 393
Creation of Human Gods: The Synthetic Human Genome Project and Third Strand
DNA....................................................................................................................................................... 403
Genetic Armageddon: Transhumanism.................................................................................. 405
Lucifer’s Endgame All Along ......................................................................................................... 414
Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: AI, Big Data, and The Future of Humanity ........................ 415
Apotheosis – Man Becoming God – The Gnostic Heresy of All Heresies ....................... 421
Addendum .................................................................................................................................................... 424
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship ............................................................................. 424
Illuminating the Occult Origin of Darwinism .......................................................................... 424
In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley more succinctly defined this
Epistemological Cartel: .................................................................................................................... 425
Priests and rituals were soon supplanted by a new breed of ‘bookkeepers’ and a new
‘methodology of bookkeeping.’ Keith elaborates: .................................................................... 426
Hoffman further elaborates on the folly of scientism: ............................................................ 426
The British Royal Society ................................................................................................................ 427
Linda de Hoyos reveals the point at which science finds a dilemma: ............................... 428

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Same can be established for the body’s cohesion and firmness, which left Leibniz
with the following conclusion: ....................................................................................................... 428
Blind Reverence to Science............................................................................................................. 429
Evolution: The Occult Doctrine of Becoming .......................................................................... 430
According to Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of
Charles Darwin, was the first to promulgate the concept of evolution: ............................. 431
The Lunar Society ............................................................................................................................. 431
Metaphysical Naturalism: The Golem Reborn ......................................................................... 433
The Darwin Project ........................................................................................................................... 435
Science Fiction: A Means of Predictive Programming ........................................................... 438
The Sirius Connection ...................................................................................................................... 440
Darwinism Dismantled .................................................................................................................... 443
The French Revolution: An Abortive Scientific Dictatorship ............................................... 445
The Rise of the Modern Scientific Dictatorship ....................................................................... 447
Eugenics and the Coming Global Scientific Dictatorship..................................................... 449
About the Author ........................................................................................................................................ 452

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Invisible Chains of Occultism
In the world today, there is a Luciferian Occult Epistemological Autocracy where
“Truth” is allocated to a few Luciferian Elite Scientism Priests. There is a self-
professed superiority amongst these hypnotized pseudo-academics, drunk on blind
ambition, and hell-bent on creating a worldwide Techno Mystical Technocracy. In
their eyes, they should be the supreme rulers over all others in a sterile, Brave New
World, digitally manipulated and controlled tyranny. Where any sane and seasoned
thinker would see inherent limitations to what Mankind can know and perceive, there
are no such intrinsic limitations of empirical or epistemic reasoning within this Cult of
The Luciferian Elite.

Because of their emphasis upon radical empiricism, where all knowledge is

derived from the five senses, they have quarantined off any other modes of
epistemological investigation. They have delegated the five senses, but only THEIR
five senses, as the only sovereign and rational option for scientific inquiry. Any
Metaphysical opposition, or even empirical variance to the presumed superiority of
their data and conclusions is mocked and ridiculed, while their gate-keepers of peer-
review marginalized, condemned, and consigned to academic oblivion any who
challenge their self-professed authority. Increasingly, many great academic minds are
finding themselves relegated to the untenured trash heap of epistemic apostasy for
any epistemological descent, regardless of the merits of their research and findings.

Even though empiricism, ultimately, is nothing more than a circumstantial

juxtaposition existing merely as the temporal succession of spatial proximity, and not
TRUTH, per se, they have made a deity of it. They preach it from their highest Ivory
Tower as the ONLY method of inquiry. And yet in a paradoxical tour de force of
hypocrisy, they fail to worship their own publicly lauded deity, empiricism, and instead
they indulge in the deification of unproven quantum mystical claims, spurious
cosmological assumptions, and nebulous and unfounded occult conjectures that have
little or no relation to their or anyone else’s empirical observations or data,

One Deception to Rule Them All

The result is what I call Scientism, where the floodgates of ancient occult
doctrines seep to the surface in the guise of Modern Science. Turning away from their
own empirical religion, they have adopted a new religion based upon the repackaging
of occult Hermeticism and Kabbalistic mysticism to create e fake form of science that
they preach as empirical science.

Perhaps, alternative faculties of Truth are being concealed and suppressed by this
Epistemological Cartel called Modern Science, which, indeed, reveres multiple pre-
suppositions and unproven fantasies as the bedrock of its intellectual foundation. For
all we know now, they are raising the Cone of Power at CERN, and using child
sacrifice, Pentagrams, and ritualistic torture to advance “the body of scientific
inquiry”, now. We really do not know. We do know, however, that they are no longer
applying rational empirical reasoning anymore. If they are, there is little or no
evidence of it. On the contrary, all we see are occult doctrines and occult alchemical
principles repackaged and disseminated by them as tenable and actual science...which,
indeed, it is not.

For example, they offer us Gravity, Big Bang Cosmology, Heliocentrism, and
Evolution based upon micro-random constituent processes are still entirely unproven
theories and have no empirical basis for being upheld as any kind of 'Truth", and yet
they are embraced as "facts" by The Epistemological Cartel of paid-off, fraudulent
scientist who have been systematically brainwashed.

We ALL have been brainwashed by this Hoax called Modern Science.

Before recoiling in disbelief, and calling all of this “Conspiracy”, that catch-all
phrase applied to any who question their reality deeply or think critically, you may
want to inquire deeper into why anyone would find it crucial to expose this Elite
Cartel of Pseudo-Scientists before joining ranks with the very same Neo Scholastic
Dictatorship of Epistemological Authoritarianism that you would run from in horror
if you actually realized the number they have done on your mind.

This book plunges deep below the surface of the DECEPTION called Modern
Science. Modern Science is neither empirical like we have been misled to believe nor
honest in any way. If anything, it is merely repackaged Hermetic Alchemical
Occultism pushed forward in the guise of a Trojan Horse called Modern Science: All
Hoax and completely unsubstantiated mathematics with spurious claims to assumed

One Deception to Rule Them All

authority and Truth, grounded on fake theoretical doctrines of circumstantial


The unproven tenets of Modern Science make Mystical Faith look like hardcore
Empiricism at this point, though you may have been misdirected to not even be
suspicious of this situational crisis in science today, and in particular, within the
fraudulent halls of Quantum Theoretic Science and Astrophysics: 100% Hoax.
The Ivory Tower is your enemy and not Christianity. Christianity has been
misrepresented so fiercely that most defer to Scientism to avoid the apparent
atrocities of The Christian Church. Long ago, flowing back to Pre-Constantine, the
Christian Church was infiltrated by Pagan Occultist and perverted to create the
Catholic brand of Christianity that many have been RIGHTFULLY fighting their
whole life. This brand of Christianity is today known as The Vatican Church. But This
Vatican Catholic interpretation of Christianity has NOTHING to do with authentic
Spirituality or ACTUAL Christianity. It is Pagan in origin and practice.

Why do I mention Christianity with such emphasis? Because that is the real issue
here, and it is the elephant in the room...everyone’s room. How did Christianity
become the enemy of Mankind, when it teaches Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and
Salvation? How did it become subservient to this relatively new religion, Scientism?
For, because of Jesuit Mind control, SCIENTISM is the new religion of the masses,
“blinded by science”, as it were, to borrow the song idea from pop musician, Thomas
Dolby. Hinduism, Atheism, The Islamic Faith, Pantheism, etc... these are all side
shows. Christianity was and still is the main attraction under fire.

Why is it that the Occult Satanists and Illuminants have only one real
destroy Christianity and genocide billions and make the rest their slaves under the
New Age banner of:

“Christianity Wrong! Luciferianism Right!”

Why did you think that was their goal? Did you think they were just lightly
considering the actual reality of The Christian Faith and the existence of God? Did
you think the Luciferian Epistemological Cartel who run this world actually think
God is a Hoax and Christianity is just some mystical hocus pocus? Did you really
think they embrace a Quantum Pantheistic explanation to the Universe as the ultimate

One Deception to Rule Them All

Eschatological destiny of humanity and the world...some species of Atheistic

Empiricism, stemming from some Atheistic Soulless Materialism?

I assure you they do not, but they want YOU to think this way.
The reason they are in control is because you were NEVER supposed to figure
any of this out.

The Illuminati infiltration of the Christian Faith that we hear about so much was
merely a RECENT attempt to contaminate Christian Doctrine and take down
Christianity to supplant it with a Pseudo-Mystical Religiosity...a kind of Atheistic
Materialism, tempered with an Epistemically Autocratic mindset. The real infiltration
began many, many centuries ago, as far back as the Luciferian promise of Apotheosis
Through Esoteric Occult Secret Knowledge Was Offered to Mankind By The

All of us have been carefully programmed by a full spectrum dominance, mind

control grid of media, educational systems, entertainment, online web, revisionist
history, NASA deceptions, and Jesuit Infiltrated Government, Business, and

Most of us have heard about what I am talking about, but I sincerely doubt the
masses comprehend the sheer magnitude, scope, and influence that this ubiquitous
occult mind control has had on their minds and ALL minds for over 1700+ years of
Occult Religious Governance.

Most people think they are “FREE THINKERS” or “AWAKENED”, but they
are merely programmed to think that way... part of the Jesuit Mind control.
Paradoxically, in my experience, it is the Atheists and the ones who think they have
“broken the shackles of religious indoctrination” that are the most mentally enslaved.

There is nobody more enslaved than the one

who does not see the invisible chains.
The difference between me and most people is that I am absolutely aware that
my mind is not my own. I am entirely aware that all my thoughts have been carefully
programmed into my brain over a lifetime of exposure to the world we live in by
Jesuit Mind Control NASA, Internet, Hollywood, Culture, Sub Culture,
One Deception to Rule Them All

Countercultures, Media, Academia, News, Government, etc... all channels of Occult


And waking up is a bitch.

Once you see that you have been programmed to reject Christianity by these
Vatican Jesuit Overlords, you then start to see why and what is actually going on with
this world. It’s a slow process to see it... a process called, “Waking up”.

We have been hypnotized into an Astro-Theological mindset of Epistemic

Materialism. The Catholic Church was never Christian. It was merely an Occult
repackaging of Ancient Egyptian Hermeticism and Necromancy with the intention of
vile murder, mind control, enslavement, and genocide.

And Quantum Mystical, Astrophysics is the religion of the New World Order.

You have been exposed to Satanic Pagan, Pantheistic Occultism, thinking it was
AUTHENTIC Christianity...and nobody could blame you for hating Christianity in
the form you have been shown it to be. Who wouldn’t hate it? You were carefully
programmed to hate Christianity by Jesuit Masters...we ALL have been. Hollywood’s
Satanic and rampant Pedophilia and hate of Christianity is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Crusades, the Inquisition, etc...and all of the alleged horrors of the Christian
Faith you have been spoon-fed by The Jesuit Masters who govern all, have been fed
to us through media, academia, internet, and Hollywood to destroy any “Faith” you
could have possibly had.

Jesuit mind control is absolute mind control. All of it is and was a lie. Through
artful sophistry and Hegelian Dialectical Materialism, Catholic Jesuit Vatican scholars
have dropped an all-conclusive Technological Overlay of Scientific Authoritarianism
over the we all worship Scientism and hate Christianity.

That was the plan. The ridiculous “MYTHS” of Christianity we are told...the
endless delusions of Christianity we are force fed... the absurdity of FAITH we are
shown...the endless castigation of Christianity ...TOTAL ONLSLAUGHT...all of it
was all by plan…the Jesuit Catholic Plan to destroy Christianity.

The Catholic Vatican wants you in an Astrophysical mindset. Who do you think
invented the Big Bang Theory and supports the Theory of Evolution more than

One Deception to Rule Them All

science does? .... The Vatican Church. They invented the Big Bang Theory. Georges
Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, RAS Associate was a Belgian Catholic Priest,
astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Leuven, invented
The Big Bang Theory. Let that sink in.....

The Vatican Church has the biggest telescope in the world at Mt. Graham. They
govern all major Astrophysical and Astronomical institutions from their Jesuit Vatican
Scientific Materialism helm.

Are you getting the picture yet? You were supposed to reject Christianity and
embrace a more Astrophysical Materialistic mindset by design. That was the Vatican
Catholic plan all along. The World is under their Epistemological Technocratic
Autocracy, currently
The SCIENTISM priests, and especially the Jesuit Catholic SCIENTISM Priests,
have been working on Man's mind for thousands of years to insert your brain into a
Techno Mystical, Techno Spiritual, Quantum Worldview Trance. They have been
successful, as in ABSOLUTELY successful in every way to the extent that most
people have no idea what I am even talking about...THAT successful…indeed,
dumbed down that far...the bottom of consciousness.
And now, it requires absolutely phenomenal scholarship to even see through any
of this immense mind control. And so, this is the real understand
what I am referring to...and why.
And yet, as I said, I am merely scratching the surface.

Atheism was gradually introduced into the world as a careful socially engineer
mythology to mesmerize and brainwash the gullible masses. Epistemology is the
investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. The Elite Occult
established Epistemological Cartels of knowledge, leaning upon a radical empiricism
to block any free thinking about the Biogenesis of Life (How life began). The Royal
Society in England was one such CARTEL.

Through these Epistemological Cartels, Elite Occultists were able to use an

Anthropocentric Epistemology to endorse a Metaphysical claim to Biogenesis and the
disallowance or necessity of a God, making "Man the Measure of All Things."

One Deception to Rule Them All

By placing Man at the center of Biogenesis causation, God was factored out of
the Creation Equation, and The Occult Elite were able to dominate Man's passion
and rape Man of any real free thought or self-determinism, reducing Man to a random
chaotic event in a meaningless and hostile Illusory Heliocentric universe.

The blind ignorance of Atheism was taught as the "NEW " CREATION
MYTH", where no real mechanism or reason for life was offered...just ignorant and
blind irrationality. This caused Cognitive Dissonance in the uneducated, masses, and
so they clung to Atheism, as a Man overboard, devoid of any hope or faculties of
legitimate reasoning power.

In this book, I seek to dispel all the occult myths and delusions we collectively
suffer beneath and resurrect the empirical truth of Earth and Mankind’s place on it.
Gregory Lessing Garrett

One Deception to Rule Them All

Truth with Lies
One crucial thing to consider when researching the occult is their method of
mixing truth with lies. They do this to assume a facade of sincerity and legitimacy in
their deceptions. For instance, they will allow conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, to tell
us about every major Satanic deception and crime to come from the Illuminati, but
then Jones will omit the role that Jesuit Zionist Israel has in assisting the Illuminati in
the Jesuit Ashkenazi Jewish New World Order. The omission of truth is the tiny drop
of arsenic in an otherwise pure beaker of truth which will poison and kill the seeker if
not vigilant.

Mixing truth with lies makes it very difficult for most people to see though the
deception before them because it all appears so truth and real...except for crucial
factors that are twisted and perverted or otherwise omitted.

Matthew 13
The Parable of the Weeds Explained
“36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and
said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field
is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are
the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest
is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the
age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his
kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into
One Deception to Rule Them All

the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the
righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let
them hear.” -- New International Version (NIV)

Luciferianism: The Religion of Apotheosis

“Luciferianism constitutes the nucleus of the ruling class religion. While there are
definitely political and economic rationales for elite criminality, Luciferianism can
account for the longevity of many of the oligarchs’ projects. Many of the longest and
most brutal human endeavors have been underpinned by some form of religious
zealotry. The Crusades testify to this historical fact. Likewise, the power elite’s
ongoing campaign to establish a socialist totalitarian global government has
Luciferianism to thank for both its longevity and frequently violent character. In the
mind of the modern oligarch, Luciferianism provides religious legitimacy for
otherwise morally questionable plans.

Luciferianism is the product of religious engineering, which sociologist William

Sims Bainbridge defines as “the conscious, systematic, skilled creation of a new
religion” (“New Religions, Science, and Secularization,” no pagination). In actuality,
this is a tradition that even precedes Bainbridge. It has been the practice of
Freemasonry for years. It was also the practice of Masonry’s religious and
philosophical progenitors, the ancient pagan Mystery cults. The inner doctrines of the
Mesopotamian secret societies provided the theological foundations for the Christian
and Judaic heresies, Cabbalism and Gnosticism. All modern Luciferian philosophy
finds “scientific” legitimacy in the Gnostic myth of Darwinism. As evolutionary
thought was popularized, variants of Luciferianism were popularized along with it
(particularly in the form of secular humanism, which shall be examined shortly). A
historical corollary of this popularization has been the rise of several cults and mass
movements, exemplified by the various mystical sects and gurus of the sixty’s
counterculture. The metastasis of Luciferian thinking continues to this very day.

Luciferianism represents a radical revaluation of humanity’s ageless adversary:

Satan. It is the ultimate inversion of good and evil. The formula for this inversion is
reflected by the narrative paradigm of the Gnostic Hypostasis myth. As opposed to
the original Biblical version, the Gnostic account represents a “revaluation of the
Hebraic story of the first man’s temptation, the desire of mere men to ‘be as gods’ by

One Deception to Rule Them All

partaking of the tree of the ‘knowledge of good and evil'” (Raschke 26). Carl Raschke

In The Hypostasis of the Archons, an Egyptian Gnostic document, we read how

the traditional story of man’s disobedience toward God is reinterpreted as a universal
conflict between “knowledge” (gnosis) and the dark “powers” (exousia) of the world,
which bind the human soul in ignorance. The Hypostasis describes man as a stepchild
of Sophia (“Wisdom”) created according to the “model” of Aion, the imperishable
realm of eternity. On the other hand, it is neither God the Imperishable nor Sophia
who actually is responsible in the making of man. On the contrary, the task is
undertaken by the archons, the demonic powers who, because of their “weakness,”
entrap man in a material body and thus cut him off from his blessed origin. They
place him in paradise and enjoin him against eating of the tree of knowledge. The
prohibition, however, is viewed by the author of the text not as a holy command but
as a malignant effort on the part of the inferior spirits to prevent Adam from having
true communion with the High God, from gaining authentic gnosis.

According to this bowdlerization, Adam is consistently contacted by the High

God in hopes of reinitiating man’s quest for gnosis. The archons intervene and create
Eve to distract Adam from the pursuit of gnosis. However, this Gnostic Eve is
actually a “sort of ‘undercover’ agent for the High God, who is charged with divulging
to Adam the truth that has been withheld from him” . The archons manage to
sabotage this covert operation by facilitating sexual intercourse between Adam and
Eve, an act that Gnostics contend was designed to defile the “woman’s spiritual
nature”. At this juncture, the Hypostasis reintroduces a familiar antagonist from the
original Genesis account:

“But now the principle of feminine wisdom reappears in the form of the serpent,
called the “Instructor,” who tells the mortal pair to defy the prohibition of the
archons and eat of the tree of knowledge.”

The serpent successfully entices Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, but the
“bodily defilement” of the woman prevents man from understanding the true motive
underpinning the act. Thus, humanity is fettered by the archons’ “curse”, suggesting
that the “orthodox theological view of the violation of the command as ‘sin’ must be
regarded anew as the mindless failure to commit the act rightly in the first place”. In

One Deception to Rule Them All

this revisionist context, the serpent is no longer Satan, but is an “incognito savior”
instead. Meanwhile, God’s role as benevolent Heavenly Father is vilified:

“The God of Genesis, who comes to reprimand Adam and Eve after their
transgression, is rudely caricatured in this tale as the “Arrogant archon” who opposes
the will of the authentic heavenly father.”

Of course, within this Gnostic narrative, God incarnate is equally belittled. Jesus
Christ, the Word made flesh, is reduced to little more than a forerunner of the coming
Gnostic adept. According to the Gnostic mythology, Jesus was but a mere “type” of
this perfect man. He came as a “teacher and an exemplar, to show others the path to
illumination”. The true messiah has yet to come. Equally, the serpent is only a
precursor to this messiah. He only initiates man’s journey towards gnosis. The
developmental voyage must be further facilitated by the serpent’s predecessor, the
Gnostic Christ. The Hypostasis provides the paradigmatic template for all Luciferian

Like the Hypostasis, the binary opposition of Luciferian mythology caricatures

Jehovah as an oppressive tyrant. He becomes the “archon of arrogance,” the
embodiment of ignorance and religious superstition. Satan, who retains his heavenly
title of Lucifer, is the liberator of humanity. Masonry, which acts as the contemporary
retainer for the ancient Mystery religion, reconceptualizes Satan in a similar fashion. In
Morals and Dogma, 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike candidly exalts the fallen
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of
Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not.

He makes man aware of his own innate divinity and promises to unlock the god
within us all. This theme of apotheosis underpinned both Gnosticism and the pagan
Mystery religions. While Gnosticism’s origins with the Ancient Mystery cults remains
a source of contention amongst scholars, its promises of liberation from humanity’s
material side is strongly akin to the old pagan Mystery’s variety of “psychic therapy”.
In addition, the Ancient Mystery religion promised the: “opportunity to erase the
curse of mortality by direct encounter with the patron deity, or in many instances by
actually undergoing an apotheosis, a transfiguration of human into divine.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Like some varieties of Satanism, Luciferianism does not depict the devil as a
literal metaphysical entity. Lucifer only symbolizes the cognitive powers of man. He is
the embodiment of science and reason. It is the Luciferian’s religious conviction that
these two facilitative forces will dethrone God and apotheosize man. It comes as little
surprise that the radicals of the early revolutionary faith celebrated the arrival of
Darwinism. Evolutionary theory was the edifying “science” of Promethean zealotry
and the new secular religion of the scientific dictatorship. According to Masonic
scholar Wilmshurst, the completion of human evolution involves man “becoming a
god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient”.

During the Enlightenment, Luciferianism was disseminated on the popular level

as secular humanism. All of the governing precepts of Luciferianism are encompassed
by secular humanism. This is made evident by the philosophy’s rejection of theistic
morality and enthronement of man as his own absolute moral authority. While
Luciferianism has no sacred texts, Humanist Manifesto I and II succinctly delineate its
central tenets. Whittaker Chambers, former member of the communist underground
in America, eloquently summarizes this truth:
“Humanism is not new. It is, in fact, man’s second oldest faith. Its promise was
whispered in the first days of Creation under the Tree of the knowledge of Good and
Evil: ‘Ye shall be as gods.'”

Transhumanism offers an updated, hi-tech variety of Luciferianism. The

appellation “Transhumanism” was coined by evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley
(“Transhumanism,” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, no pagination). Huxley
defined the transhuman condition as “man remaining man, but transcending himself,
by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature” (no pagination). However,
by 1990, Dr. Max More would radically redefine Transhumanism as follows:

“Transhumanism is a class of philosophies that seek to guide us towards a

posthuman condition. Transhumanism shares many elements of humanism, including
a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human
(or transhuman) existence in this life. Transhumanism differs from humanism in
recognizing and anticipating the radical alterations in the nature and possibilities of
our lives resulting from various sciences and technologies.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Transhumanism advocates the use of nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive

science, and information technology to propel humanity into a “posthuman”
condition. Once he has arrived at this condition, man will cease to be man. He will
become a machine, immune to death and all the other “weaknesses” intrinsic to his
former human condition. The ultimate objective is to become a god. Transhumanism
is closely aligned with the cult of artificial intelligence. In the very influential book The
Age of Spiritual Machines, AI high priest Ray Kurzweil asserts that technological
immortality could be achieved through magnetic resonance imaging or some
technique of reading and replicating the human brain’s neural structure within a
computer (“Technological Immortality,” no pagination). Through the merger of
computers and humans, Kurzweil believes that man will “become god-like spirits
inhabiting cyberspace as well as the material universe”.

Following the Biblical revisionist tradition of the Gnostic Hypostasis myth,

Transhumanists invert the roles of God and Satan. In an essay entitled “In Praise of
the Devil,” Transhumanist ideologue Max More depicts Lucifer as a heroic rebel
against a tyrannical God:

“The Devil—Lucifer—is a force for good (where I define ‘good’ simply as that
which I value, not wanting to imply any universal validity or necessity to the
orientation). ‘Lucifer’ means ‘light-bringer’ and this should begin to clue us in to his
symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because
Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the angels.
We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the Godists (if I
may coin a term) and not from that of the Luciferians (I will use this term to
distinguish us from the official Satanists with whom I have fundamental differences).
The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer resigned from heaven.”

According to More, Lucifer probably exiled himself out of moral outrage towards
the oppressive Jehovah:

“God, being the well-documented sadist that he is, no doubt wanted to keep
Lucifer around so that he could punish him and try to get him back under his (God’s)
power. Probably what really happened was that Lucifer came to hate God’s kingdom,
his sadism, his demand for slavish conformity and obedience, his psychotic rage at
any display of independent thinking and behavior. Lucifer realized that he could never
fully think for himself and could certainly not act on his independent thinking so long

One Deception to Rule Them All

as he was under God’s control. Therefore he left Heaven, that terrible spiritual-State
ruled by the cosmic sadist Jehovah and was accompanied by some of the angels who
had had enough courage to question God’s authority and his value-perspective.”

More proceeds to reiterate 33rd Degree Mason Albert Pike’s depiction of Lucifer:

“Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He

stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration
of new ideas and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth.”

Lucifer is even considered a patron saint by some Transhumanists (“Transtopian

Symbolism,” no pagination). Transhumanism retains the paradigmatic character of
Luciferianism, albeit in a futurist context. Worse still, Transhumanism is hardly some
marginalized cult. Richard Hayes, executive director of the Center for Genetics and
Society, elaborates:

“Last June at Yale University, the World Transhumanist Association held its first
national conference. The Transhumanists have chapters in more than 20 countries
and advocate the breeding of “genetically enriched” forms of “post-human” beings.
Other advocates of the new techno-eugenics, such as Princeton University professor
Lee Silver, predict that by the end of this century, “All aspects of the economy, the
media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry [will be] controlled by
members of the GenRich class. . .Naturals [will] work as low-paid service providers or
as laborers. . .”.”
With a growing body of academic luminaries and a techno-eugenical vision for
the future, Transhumanism is carrying the banner of Luciferianism into the 21st
century. Through genetic engineering and biotechnological augmentation of the
physical body, Transhumanists are attempting to achieve the very same objective of
their patron saint.

I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit
also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend
above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14)

This declaration reflects the aspirations of the power elite as well. Whatever form
the Luciferian religion assumes throughout the years, its goal remains the same:
Apotheosis.” -- by Phillip D. Collins ©, Jan. 10th,

One Deception to Rule Them All

Darwinian Evolution
Darwinian Evolution is the great myth of Freemasonry, going all the way back to
Freemason, Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather, who wrote Zoonomia,
which Charles plagiarized to create His On the Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.
The Theory of Evolution was a Masonic attempt to make a case for racism, favorite
white supremacy, as is underscored in the title of Darwin's book (Preservation of
Favored Races) and was propagated by Epistemological Cartels such as The Royal
Society Of Great Britain to perpetual the Evolutionary explanation for Mankind's
existence in the vacuum of abiogenesis and insufficient proof or evidence of such a
theoretical framework having any real empirical justification for being whatsoever.
Little has changed since then in spite of the adamant protestations of avid fans of
Darwin's failing theory. The trend quickly became to site variations in species as
examples of evolution and the use of the molecular clock and DNA similarities as
evidence of evolution, as well. Nevertheless, to date, such attempts have gained no
verification or empirical traction in authentically scientific and epistemological circles.

The Propaganda of Darwinism

“This isn't about Darwinism but about propaganda.

We all swim in a vast sea of propaganda.

Why is it not only pertinent but essential to grasp this? Because propaganda
techniques are what were, and still are, being used to propagate the Darwinian

Once you understand this, you can easily see through the tricks, tactics,
techniques and manipulations of public opinion going on all around you, not only
with the spread of evolutionary lies and pseudo-science but politics, religion, public
morality ... everything.

And once you see it, it loses its control over your thinking and your opinion

One Deception to Rule Them All

This is not conspiracy theory. This is simply the way governments and other
groups function today through the media, public education and advertising.” -- Gary

Evolution: The Secret Behind the Propaganda

"Everybody" knows, one might suppose, that evolution is about facts and the
creation model is about belief. Certainly, this was the message of the PBS TV series
entitled "Evolution." An internal memo sent to PBS stations stated concerning
evolution, "All known scientific evidence supports evolution. New discoveries over
the past 150 years have all supported the validity of the theory of evolution." (PBS
Internal Memo. 2001. The Evolution Controversy: Use it or Lose it. Evolution
Project/WGBH Boston. June 15, p. 5). The memo further defined a scientific theory
as a "higher level of understanding that ties `facts' together" (p. 5). As to the creation
model, the memo dismissed it as "not science. It is part of a religious belief system"
(p. 6). Such statements and other similar ones over the years have convinced many
that science in general and evolution in particular are based on observations from the
natural world and thus they are empirically or factually based. The interesting thing is
that this is not the modern understanding of science among scientists themselves.
They have long since abandoned much concern for actual data.

The modern outlook on science is readily apparent from remarks by scientists

about their discipline. It was David Hull, a well-known philosopher of science, who
wrote as early as 1965 that ". . . science is not as empirical as many scientists seem to
think it is. Unobserved and even unobservable entities play an important part in it.
Science is not just the making of observations: it is the making of inferences on the
basis of observations within the framework of a theory." Within this statement we see
what appears to be a balance between facts and interpretation or theory. Dr. Hull,
however, had a dubious grasp of what constituted data.

The previous year, he had written concerning the concept of descent with
modification from a common ancestor (phylogeny or evolution): "The first factor in
the phylogenetic program and the only one that is of an empirical nature is phylogeny,
but even phylogeny is not a brute fact to be discovered merely by looking and seeing.
Phylogeny, the subject matter of phylogenetic taxonomy, is an abstraction. It is an
abstraction in two respects. First, it is inferred almost exclusively from morphological,
genetical, paleontological, and other types of evidence and is not observed directly."

One Deception to Rule Them All

His thoughts concerning evolutionary descent, we discover, were merely conclusions,

not directly indicated by the evidence.

Views on the nature of science were actually in a state of flux at the time that Dr.
Hull wrote these papers. Karl Popper in 1934 had pointed out that no theory in
science could ever be proven true. The only alternative, he suggested, was to try to
prove that theories were false. Those well-tested theories which had not been falsified
or disproven on the basis of experimental data, would then qualify for the designation
of scientific theory. The only catch was that many areas of scientific research did not
meet these criteria. Theories which could not be falsified, were said to be metaphysical
(belief-based) rather than scientific. Accordingly, an editorial in the scientific journal
Nature in 1981 pointed out that both Darwinism and the idea that God created the
world, were metaphysical theories since "the course of supposed past evolution
cannot be rerun. “However, such embarrassing characterizations of Darwinism as
nonscientific were on their way out. Thomas Kuhn had published his book, The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, in 1962 thereby ushering in a post-empirical age in
scientific understanding.

According to Thomas Kuhn, all science must be conducted in terms of a unifying

set of ideas. Without such a theoretical system, said Kuhn, facts were meaningless and
science nonexistent. According to philosopher of science, Del Ratzsch, in his recent
book, Science and its Limits, this primacy of theory over data has had enormous
implications for the practice of science. The result is that empirical data are not that
important to science anymore. According to Dr. Ratzsch: "in arguing that we have no
paradigm-independent access to some ultimate reality and that paradigm choices are
in part value choices made by scientists, Kuhn is moving the ultimate court of appeal
concerning correct pictures of reality away from the world itself [data] and toward the
informed consensus of scientists." Dr. Ratzsch further pointed out, "Since there is no
complete and stable and independent external reality to which we have access, there is
no particular point in talking about truth in science."

So, what do modern scientists do with data? What they do is to interpret their
data in terms of the current scientific paradigm. They do not seek to falsify any
paradigm such as evolution because paradigms are not supposed to be easily toppled.
Individual falsifying facts won't cause a paradigm to be rejected. Even a lot of
contrary data will have little effect on a paradigm. Evolution of course is the most

One Deception to Rule Them All

obvious paradigm which is largely immune to the influence of empirical data.

Cosmology is another.

The most obvious casualties of this new definition of science are the concepts of
reality and truth. Biologists Mark Siddall and Arnold Kluge, in 1997, for example,
suggested that "`the search for truth' was a misguided venture in science from the
start and one that has no basis in reality." They further opined that "Truth, though not
irrelevant to science, is nonetheless irrelevant to the choice among scientific theories,
because it is unknowable." Nevertheless, these authors conclude that the good news is
that we will keep on doing science. They depict the situation thus: "Our assertions
regarding the terminal elusiveness of this truth may be seen by some as troubling or
even nihilistic. We counter that it is the impossibility of achieving truth that ensures
the continuation of scientific endeavor, and that guarantees our perpetual realization
of that which is more valuable than truth itself—understanding."
Science has definitely come a long way. Initially in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, actual observations (empirical data) were highly valued. In some cases, they
were esteemed too highly. Some people like eighteenth century Scottish philosopher
David Hume declared that there was no reality other than what our senses could
discover. The material world was all there was. Gradually theory came to be more
important until at the present time empirical data are often ignored.

Not all scientists, however, support the Kuhnian appeal to consensus among
scientists. Tom Settle, another philosopher of science, deplored the situation. "Many
thinkers, seeing that the search for truth is an unending quest, abandon it (in despair
perhaps), and settle for agreement with their fellows. If they are right that it is
consensus rather than truth that ought to be aimed for in science, then the picture
that emerges is gloomy." The worst aspect of the situation is that scientists so
dogmatically defend interpretations which are based only on consensus. "But what is
vacuous is to abandon truth as regulative and then to agree to something's being so.
And it undermines science rather than affirms it, since it rules out appeal to reality, it
rules out striving to be objective."

It is evident that modern scientists do not attempt to prove paradigms or

important theories like evolution wrong. They merely interpret their data in terms of
the paradigm. Evolution is a philosophical starting point, not an observation. As
Siddall and Kluge remark: "Biologists are no more immune to the requirements of a

One Deception to Rule Them All

sound philosophical foundation than are these other sciences if our occupation ever is
to be more than a simple cataloguing of the experiences of our senses. Evolutionary
biology, and phylogenetics in particular, demands this even more because, like the
quantum physicist, we are not able to observe that which we seek to explain."

Another biologist, Andrew Brower characterized "descent with modification" as

a circular argument or a metaphysical assumption. "There is clearly an ontological leap
between tests of individual observations and tests of `descent with modification,' if
the latter is even testable without tautology." "If `the background knowledge of
descent with modification' underlying cladistics is not testable by independent means,
it would seem to be more a metaphysical First Principle like vitalism or orthogenesis
than a component of a Popperian hypothetico-deductive approach." In other words,
evolution is not falsifiable, but is an a priori assumption.

Christians, on the other hand, typically take a much more traditional or empirical
approach to science. They expect that when contrary data are pointed out, that the
hearer's response will be to reject the paradigm. All too often however, the hearer
minimizes the significance of the data, calling them merely "anomalous" or poorly
understood. Most supporters of evolution theory expect that the obvious problems
will eventually be solved and, in the meantime, they concentrate on less controversial
aspects of the paradigm.

For the present, consensus by scientists is indeed used as a major point in favor
of a paradigm. Individuals arguing from a minority position already have a major
strike against them. Some scientists also claim that science is an all or nothing
proposition with no room for a critical evaluation of individual aspects of the
discipline. It was Hull who articulated the all or none principle. He was referring
specifically to evolutionary versus numerical [empirical] categorizing of organisms,
and this same argument is used today against the creation model. "Are the inductive
inferences made by evolutionists in reconstructing phylogeny sufficiently warranted?

Any decision must rest on the advances of the various sciences using the
techniques of discovery and justification which they do use. Hence, induction is
justified by an induction! The arguments presented by the empiricists against
evolutionary reconstructions if sound would annihilate not just evolutionary
taxonomy but all empirical science." According to him, it is pointless to contest

One Deception to Rule Them All

scientific speculations on the basis of data, because the whole scientific enterprise
holds together. If some theorizing is acceptable, then all of it is beyond challenge.

Since the importance of empirical data in science has long since been
downgraded to a subsidiary importance relative to theory, the PBS statements
concerning evolution and creation are all the more interesting. The PBS memo
implied that evolution could easily have been falsified by negative empirical evidence.
On the contrary, scientists have devoted their best efforts to protecting evolution
theory from negative data.

In actual fact, it is the creation model supporters today who so frequently appeal
to empirical evidence (such as the coded nature and information content of DNA)
and the evolutionists who so blissfully fail to recognize the significance of these very
same data. Indeed, when all is said and done, the essence of much modern science is
that it is not empirical at all but rather post-empirical or theory based. That's quite a
difference. Maybe PBS should run a new creation-based series to alert the public to
the real situation.” --

The Occult Version of the Will of The Creator

From the method underscored with the occult motto, Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out
of Chaos), we can surmise that the occult would view The Will of the Creator to be
that the Destiny of all things is uncertain. With this view, they manipulate people and
events to direct this uncertain outcome to conform to THEIR will. As they see it, The
Creator wills it that they be able to manipulate the Destiny of all people.

Ashkenazism and Zionism

Whenever the term, “Jew”, appears in this book as responsible for the New World
Order, I am referring to the Jews who are not Jews, the Ashkenazi bloodline which
has nothing to do with true Jewish ancestry.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Revelation 2:9, Jesus said, “I know your works, tribulations and your poverty (but
you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not but are
a Synagogue of Satan.” In Revelation 3:9, Jesus said, “Behold, I will cause those of
the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie–behold, I will
make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”

I have endured to constantly inform anyone who reads my books that I do not
endorse Anti-Semitism in any way. Most Jews, Christians, and Muslims, alike, have no
idea that The Ashkenazi are impersonating Jews in order to advance an agenda of
Anti-Semitism. They do this in order to suppress any form of opposition to their
demoralization of the world, which lays the foundation for their New World Order

To fully understand the story of this Ashkenazi Agenda for world tyranny, it is
important to understand that they follow a Zionist Agenda and what Zionism really is.
Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism
are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie. Judaism
is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European
Ashkenazi “Jews” (Jews who are not Jews) who for centuries have been the main
force behind Communism, Socialism, Satanism, and the struggle for the New Age
New World Order.

The ultimate goal of the Zionists is a One-World Government under the control
of the Ashkenazi Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish International Bankers.

One Deception to Rule Them All

In this next chapter to my book, The Scientism Delusion, I will maintain my
original premise that Modern Science is a repackaging of Ancient Occult Luciferian,
Hermetic, and Kabbalistic philosophy and Mysticism. However, in this book, I will
also shift my focus slightly to expose the way in which Ancient Aliens and Outer
Space, The Anunnaki and Nephilim Myths, including The Planet Nibiru Myth, An
Evolving A.I. Alien Consciousness, and Transhumanism are Gnostic Deceptions
which are, likewise, being repackaged as modern scientific and cultural realities.

Additionally, though I will continue to examine the Luciferian and Alchemical

antecedents of Modern Science and Quantum Mysticism, I intend to contextualize
them more precisely within modern Christian thought and ancient Christian Salvation,
exploring what this means in our modern Luciferian context.

Always remember that Scientism moved in like a Trojan Horse to advance an

Occult Hermetic Agenda to propagate a Kabbalistic religious framework, cloaked as
actual science, and architected to exalt The Occult Elite into power.

The Epistemological Cartels of the Ages have ascended to Supreme Authority

and are sweeping out to infiltrate and capture all Truth Communities and control all
ranges of debate through a sinuous application of the Hegelian Dialectic. It has never
been more important and crucial than now to wake up the sleeping giant called the
world’s population. Whatever your specialty is, whether in the field of Esoteric
Investigation, Geo-Politics, Ancient Aliens, Demonic Mysticism, Christian
Eschatology, Anunnaki Lore, Hermetic and Alchemical Science, Astrophysics,
Cosmology, Babylonian Mystery School Research, Quantum Mysticism, New Age
Deception, etc…our cause is the same, our foe singularly ghastly, our enemy
Chameleon-like and relentless.

We have a crisis in Modern Higher Education. Physics, and in particular

Quantum Physics, has become SCIENTISM, and the practice of Radical Empiricism
with its Epistemological Tyranny has ascended into a Scientific Dictatorship. This

One Deception to Rule Them All

Scientific Dictatorship had captured the minds of the world through its cunning use
of descriptive syntax to change the perception of the world we live in.

Subsequently, even the top scientists must talk in enigmatic code to remain
relevant and vital within the Sycophantic Halls of today's Ivory Tower.

Yes, modern physics, in the form of Scientism, has become a Neo-Fascist

Scholasticism. “It is languishing in the avoidance of real questions in the pursuit of
trivial methodology. It is hiding in is the memorization of an endless list of names and
mathematical manipulations in lieu of understanding real observable mechanics and
experimentally provable truths. It practicing subterfuge in the setting up of some
black data hole and extemporizing on an endless string of evermore ridiculous
hypotheses instead of looking at known physical problems closer at hand. It is the
knee-jerk invocation of authority and the explicit squelching of dissent. It is the hiding
behind tall gates and a million gatekeepers and euphemizing it as “peer review.”
Additionally, it is the institutionalized acceptance of censorship and the creation
of dogma. Grand Masters like Feynman say, “Shut up and calculate!” and everyone
finds this amusing. Why does no one find it a clear instance of Fascism and
oppression? Well, try pointing this out and you’ll receive the proverbial “peers review”
jackboot on your face, and you’re done...tossed out of the school, the job, and
destined to write blogs on science for zero money and recognition the rest of your
life. An internet search on “against Feynman” or “Feynman was wrong” or “disagree
with Feynman” turns up nothing. The field is monolithic.
It is completely controlled and one-dimensional. All discussion has been purged
from The Standard Model, and all debate has been marginalized. Any non-standard
opinion must be from a “crank” and blacklisting is widespread.

Contrary to what we are told, contemporary physics is not booming. It is not

very near to omniscience. It is not the crown jewel of anything. In fact, it is near
death. It has been damaged by any number of things, only a few of which I have
mentioned by name here. But the prime murderer has been abstract mathematics.
Physics has succumbed to suffocation. It is the victim of strangulation. It is in a not-
so-shallow grave and piled on top of it like dirt are a thousand fields and operators
and variables, and names, and spaces, and terms, and eigenvalues, and dimensions,
and criteria, and functions, and coordinates, and conjugates, and base, and bijective
maps, and automorphism groups, and abelian gauge fields, and Dirac spinors, and
One Deception to Rule Them All

Feynman diagrams, and so on ad nauseam. The only way the grave could be any
deeper and darker, in fact, is if we allowed Deconstruction to dump its transfinite
dictionary of onanic terms on top of this current grave.”

Again, the Epistemological Cartels of the Ages have ascended to Supreme

Authority and now they are sweeping out to infiltrate and capture all Truth
Communities and control all ranges of debate through their Hegelian Dialectic using

In the religion known as “Scientism”, there is absolutely no room to discuss any

observation that takes place prior to proof of the observation taking place via
experimentation. The experimentation itself must take place at only the top
institutions in the world and must be replicated at a minimum of 5 different times
with the involvement of hundreds of participants in order to be even considered as a
potential topic for discourse. “Scientism” is obviously a mindset that solidifies
intelligent discourse and protects the sanctity of the scientific field at its highest form.

Regardless of your beliefs and convictions, within the context of this Neo-Fascist
Scholasticism, with its Hollywood shill Scientism High Priests like the late Carl Sagan,
Sean Carroll, Richard Dawkins, Neil de Grasse Tyson, and Michio Kaku, we are all in
their crosshairs, rest assured. And they will not stop until they have captured the
perceptual faculties of all the world with their occult nonsense, and their Jesuit
Master’s CURRENT infiltration of all Truth Communities, Truth Forums, and Truth
-Adapted, in part, from “Death by Mathematics”

One Deception to Rule Them All

"If I am a fool, it is, at least, a doubting one; and I envy no one the certainty of
self-approved wisdom."

--Lord Byron (1788-1824), English poet

“The vernacular of Modern Scientific has become indistinguishable from the

vernacular of Ancient Occult Hermeticism and Kabbalah.”

--Gregory Lessing Garrett

“Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in
telepathy? — in ancient astronauts? — in the Bermuda triangle? — in life after

No, I reply. No, no, no, no, and again no.

One person recently, goaded into desperation by the litany of unrelieved
negation, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?"
Yes", I said. "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement,
and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no
matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more
ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will
have to be.”

― Isaac Asimov

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 1
Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization
Society of Jesus

“People are aware of the prestigious claim to be of a Jesuit school or having

Jesuit training. While many colleges boast of such high claim, few know the dark
doctrines of Jesuits and what they intend.

The Jesuit Oath of Induction is a recorded document still filed in the Library of
Congress (yet as of late is difficult to trace) that states their projected aim is to abolish
Christianity (true Christianity) and to sacrifice (kill) a heretic Protestant.

The Jesuit Oath of Induction had been recorded in the Congressional Record of
the U.S. (House Bill 1523). yet since the Jesuits control the stream of education and
history, they have managed to suppress their past from public scrutiny and to revise
their tainted history with a version of innocence and prestige. And also its spinsters
have managed to debunk the claims and offer explanation that attempts to discredit
the discreditors.

According to past historical accounts, the Jesuits were masters of espionage,

infiltration, and assassination. They would guise as a Catholic to the Catholics, but
even offer themselves as Protestant to the Protestants in order to gain and subvert
their enemy. Very deceptive and working secretly as the guise of their target. Their
motto “The End Justifies the Means” allows them the shredding of guilt for what they
must do for the intent of the whole agenda and cause.

Their tactic was to subvert the Catholic Church as a means to plant their agents
within nations through the Vatican sponsored institution. And to be a servant of all in
order to gain access to information. The whole concept of the Catholic “confession”
was used to gain inside info by its Priests capturing minute detail about a person as he
cleansed his soul of guilt. Then they were kept in files that could be used for
blackmail. Ingenious!

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Jesuits were started under Ignatius of Loyola in 1534. He was influenced by
the Spanish Illuminati (Los Alumbrados) who started the Secret Society to stand in
the absence of the Knights Templar over the Catholic Church. While it was not
defined under which name they would be considered, or for what purpose stated, it
was suggested they call themselves the “Society Of Jesus” in order to gain access into
Vatican ranks.
In 1540 Pope Paul III recognized them to be his Catholic “missionaries” (militant
strongarm) in order to reign in those heretic Protestants and bring all back under the
submission of the State of religious Roman Catholicism. In the wake of Protestant
Reformation, it became necessary for the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits,
to lead the Counter-Reformation against the movement. They were successful
infiltrating Protestantism and subduing it through their education influence.

When the nations were reporting loss of control over their State, it was found
that the Jesuits had ulterior motives to infiltrate the world for a globalist One World
Empire with their Order in control. The Freemasons realized the Jesuits came out
from under their control to become its own powerful Order working independent.
Under pressure to stop their plans, Pope Clement issued a decree to abolish the
Jesuits. However, he realized he signed his death warrant upon doing so, and soon
after was poisoned to death. A noted Jesuit MO of assassination.

The Jesuits disappeared by 1773. In its place came an Order founded by an ex-
Jesuit trained by birth, Adam Weishaupt, who was a Professor of Law at Ingolstadt
University. With the help of funding from the Rothschilds, Weishaupt founded the
“Ancient Illuminates Seers of Bavaria” on May 1, 1776. This became the new modern
branch of the infamous Illuminati.

Weishaupt took several tactics right out of the Jesuit playbook, to subdue and
subvert sectors of society, nations, and control governmental systems for a
Centralized government. His disciples, known as Perfectibalists, were put into
position to carry out the task of forming an Elite government. Their Order planned
wars, and every war since the French Revolution [*]. Some believe Weishaupt carried
on the Jesuits in their hiatus, however, in documents it is apparent he did so without
Jesuit blessing, and was dubbed an enemy of the other Order rather than its successor.

The Jesuits re-emerged in 1814 under Pope Pius. And became the authority of
Vatican. As Vatican influence diminished, it seemed to simply have changed hands
One Deception to Rule Them All

once and for all. In the 1960’s Vatican II was written, which defined the new
direction. And in that the age-long feud between Jesuits and Freemasons ended.

Many are aware of the visible Pope. But few are aware of a hidden Pope behind
the scenes, known as the “Black Pope.” Simultaneously a White Pope (the visible one)
is in power along with a Black Pope (hidden). The Black Pope serves as the Superior
General of the Order. The current Pope, Francis, is the first time a Jesuit was elected
as White Pope. This makes a White Pope and Black Pope both Jesuits in office at the
same time. And indication that the fulfillment of their goal is being reached.
The Jesuits took over the education centers and Seminaries. Even Charles H.
Spurgeon warned that clergy were trained under the doctrines of Jesuits and
indoctrinated to preach a gospel with PORTIONS LEFT OUT. A watered-down
ecumenical gospel as the result. Many have been unwittingly subject to their doctrines
through the modern churches and the means of “contemplative prayer”, as well as
other indoctrinations.

Their goal is still Globalism (see Georgetown University document “Jesuits for
Globalization”). But intended to use Vatican as the Global Headquarters of the world
with Jesuits in complete power. Their goal is to bring all religions under Vatican
ecumenicalism. And water-down the faiths to co-exist for the New Order Religion.

The Jesuits were also instrumental in the development of Communism and

Socialism. They influenced Karl Marx and others to bring the ideology to the public.
They also crafted Liberalism and the movement of tolerance, as well as Social Justice.
Several Jesuits have come into politics and religion. Billy Graham was trained
under Jesuit Fulton Sheen ( I found this unusual fact in my search after suspicions of
Graham’s Vatican connection). This is the same Sheen that Jesuit-trained Martin
Sheen (Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez) adopted as his surname in honor of Fulton.

Here are some influential people who are Jesuit trained:

• Joseph Dunford – U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

• John Kerry – U.S. Secretary
• John Boehner – U.S. Speaker of the House
• Tim Kaine – U.S. Virginia Senator
• John Podesta – U.S. Counselor to President Barack Obama

One Deception to Rule Them All

• Wilbur Ross – U.S. Secretary of Commerce

• John Kelly – U.S Secretary of Homeland Security
• Jerry Brown – U.S. Governor of California

But consider this. Donald Trump claims to be Presbyterian, and has been recently
sworn in as Christian, yet he attended Jesuit Fordham University for two years and
then transferred to the covertly Jesuit-controlled University of Pennsylvania. Whether
indoctrinated in that time, he certainly has a connection to consider.

Ivanka Trump – daughter of and U.S. Assistant to President Donald Trump, also
trained at Jesuit University of Pennsylvania

Eric Trump – Son of and Trustee of The Trump Organization, attended Jesuit
Georgetown University.
So, who is fooling who? Are we under a Globalist World agenda? Are Jesuits
placing their agents in high influential positions ready for a world takeover? Will they
continue to rival other Secret Societies, such as the Freemasons?”

Our Cultural Decline Follows

The Illuminati Conspiracy Stems from
Expulsion of Marranos
***Disclaimer: Whenever Jews are mentioned in my books, I am never referring to the good religious,
authentic Jews. I am referring to the “Jews pretending to be Jews” that Christ spoke of. These are
really Khazarian bloodlines from Georgia, Russia who infiltrated Judaism and continue the process to
imitate Jews in order to advance unimpeded towards a New World Order based upon Satanic
Kabbalistic Principles and Doctrine.

Here is his synopsis:

"The expulsion of Marrano Jews from Spain in 1492 created a messianic fervor,
which inspired the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Columbus, Cortes, Pizarro were all Marranos, looking to conquer new territory as
a refuge from the Expulsion.

Marranos entered Franciscans, Dominicans, and Carmelites, and included Saint

Teresa of Avila.

Marranos also created the Jesuits. Marranos went to Italy and fostered the
Renaissance, which was Christian Kabbalah. One of its most important exponents
was Reuchlin, who was the great-uncle to Luther's partner. Luther was also interested
in Kabbalah and was hailed as a possible messiah by the Jews.

In England, Christian Kabbalah was expressed by Spenser, Marlowe and John

Dee who inspired the Rosicrucians, who were based on the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria.

Rosicrucians fleeing to England were responsible for fanning millenarian

expectations about the coming of a messiah in 1666. At their heart was Menasseh ben
Israel, chief Rabbi of Amsterdam, who funded Cromwell to carry out his revolution.
The result was the readmittance of the Jews to England.

Menasseh's circle, known as the Hartlib Circle, or the Invisible College, evolved
into the Royal Society and were all connected to Sabbetai Zevi and his mission.

It also included John Milton, William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania and John
Winthrop the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The so-called "Pilgrims"
were Rosicrucians, escaping "persecution" to found a Jewish-Christian colony in the
New World, modeled after Francis Bacon's Rosicrucian tract, The New Atlantis."

Marranos Everywhere! Christian Kabbalists and the

Conquest of the New World
The Spanish Inquisition and the Expulsion from Spain in 1492, were some of the
most pivotal events in modern times. Jewish converts penetrated to Christianity,
where they could exact their revenge. Jewish Kabbalists became Christian Kabbalists.
When they entered Italy, they fostered the Renaissance, and in Amsterdam, the
Northern Renaissance. Luther established Protestantism, creating a schism that
permanently removed large sections of

Christian Europe from Catholic Control. Rosicrucians cultivated the career of the
foremost false prophet and Jewish apostate: Sabbatai Zevi. Leaving from the
One Deception to Rule Them All

Netherlands, these secret Rosicrucians, known to American history as the "Pilgrims",

set sail for the New World via England, where they hoped to found a new Masonic
experiment, known as The New Atlantis.

In 1290, King Edward issued a decree to have all Jews expelled from England.
All the crowned heads of Europe then followed his example. France expelled the Jews
in 1306. In 1348 Saxony followed suit. In 1360 Hungary, in 1370 Belgium, in 1380
Slovakia, in 1420 Austria, in 1444 the Netherlands. As in other parts of Europe,
violent persecution had been growing in Spain and Portugal, where in 1391, hundreds
of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to Catholicism. Publicly, the Jewish
converts were known as Marranos, and also as Conversos were Christians but secretly
they continued to practice Judaism.

While secret conversion of Jews to another religion during the Spanish

Inquisition is the most known example, as Rabbi Joachim Prinz explained in The
Secret Jews, "Jewish existence in disguise predates the Inquisition by more than a
thousand years."
There were also the examples of the first Gnostic sects, which comprised of
Merkabah mystics who entered Christianity. Likewise, in the seventh century, the
Quran advised the early Muslim community, "And a faction of the People of the
Scripture say [to each other], "Belief in that which was revealed to the believers at the
beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their
As demonstrated by Louis I. Newman in Jewish Influences on Christian Reform
Movements, a similar tendency can be attributed to the advent of Catharism and
eventually to Protestantism and other Christian heresies. The Cathars, also known as
the Albigensians, were a Gnostic sect of the thirteenth century who worshipped
Lucifer. Their influence extended to the legends of the Holy Grail, by way of the
Templars, and thereby to Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. In his denunciation the
heresy, Adversus Albigenses, Lucas of Tuy, a Spanish monk, noted:

The secular heads and judges of the cities hear the doctrines of heresy from Jews
whom they number among their familiars and friends... They teach other Jews to
propose their blasphemies against Christians, in order that they can thus pervert the
Catholic faith. All the synagogues of the malignant Jews have patrons, and they

One Deception to Rule Them All

placate the leaders with innumerable gifts, and seduce by gold the judges to their own

Marranos joined orders like the Franciscans, Dominicans and Discalced

Carmelites, where their prophetic eschatology was often branded as heresy. The
Discalced Carmelites were established in 1593 by two Spanish saints, Saint Teresa of
Avila and Saint John of the Cross. John of the Cross was born Juan de Yepes y
Alvarez, into a Marrano family. John's mystical theology is influenced by the
Neoplatonic tradition of pseudo-Dionysus, a Christian theologian and philosopher of
the late fifth to early sixth century. The author pseudonymously identifies himself as
the figure of Dionysius the Areopagite, the Athenian convert of the apostle Paul. The
Dionysian mystical teachings were universally accepted throughout the East, amongst
both Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians, and also had a strong impact in later
medieval western mysticism, most notably Meister Eckhart.
Based upon preliminary reports made by members of the Discalced Carmelite
mission in Basra during the sixteenth century, the Mandaeans of Iraq are called
"Christians of Saint John."[7] Often identified with the Sabians, the source of the
occult teachings of the Ismailis, which were reportedly transmitted to the Templars.
For this reason, the Mandeans were the "Eastern Mystics" of Rosicrucian legend, who
later became the basis of the Sabbatean sect of the Asiatic Brethren.

Teresa of Avila's paternal grandfather, Juan Sánchez de Toledo, was a Marano.[8]

During a bout of severe illness, Teresa experienced periods of religious ecstasy.
Around 1556, when various friends suggested these were diabolical, her confessor, the
Jesuit Saint Francis Borgia, reassured her of their divine inspiration. The House of
Borgia, an Italo-Spanish noble family, which rose to prominence during the Italian
Renaissance, was widely rumored to be of Marano origin. The Borgias became
prominent in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
producing two popes: Pope Callixtus III during 1455-1458, and Pope Alexander VI,
during 1492-1503.

Especially during the reign of Alexander VI, they were suspected of many crimes,
including adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder, especially by arsenic

The Maranos were also involved in the creation of the order of the Jesuits.
Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Jesuits in 1534, had been a member of a heretical
One Deception to Rule Them All

sect known as the Alumbrados, meaning "Illuminated," which was composed mainly
of Conversos. Although there is no direct evidence that Loyola himself was a
Marrano, according to "Lo Judeo Conversos en Espana Y America" (Jewish
Conversos in Spain and America), Loyola is a typical Converso name. As revealed by
Robert Maryks, in The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews, Loyola's successor Diego
Laynez was a Marrano, as were many Jesuit leaders who came after him. In fact,
Marranos increased in numbers within Christian orders to the point where the papacy
imposed "purity of blood" laws, placing restrictions on the entrance of New
Christians to institutions like the Jesuits.”

Woody Allen: How Sex Became Our Religion

(Woody Allen, 42, and schoolgirl Mariel Hemingway, 17. Their romance was
depicted in his hit 1979 movie Manhattan. In her autobiography, Hemingway said
Allen also tried to bed her in real life at 17.)
"Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value."

How did society become sex crazed? How did sex get separated from love and
marriage? We have been inducted into a satanic sex cult, Cabalist Judaism
This week, we learned that the movie Manhattan was based on Allen's real-life
affair with a 17-year-old. True, an ambitious actress and model, she threw herself at
him. The relationship lasted eight years and included threesomes with Mia Farrow,
who later accused Allen of pedophilia when he dumped her for her teenage adopted

The point is, Jewish sex addicts like Woody Allen provided our perception of
reality. They trained us to think sex is the Holy Grail. Cabalist Jews believe that sex is
a prayer to God. They do a pelvic thrust called "Davening" when they pray.

Many Jews have been unwittingly inducted into this cult and have inducted
society through their media control. About 80% of the media figures caught in the
#MeToo scandal are Jews. The President of CBS, Les Moonves, had staff members
on call to administer blow jobs. He was recently fired (and lost a $200 million

One Deception to Rule Them All

These degenerates provide our vision of reality. Now they're being thrown to the
wolves to advance a Higher Cause: making heterosexuality look sick and evil.

For homosexuals, promiscuity compensates for their inability to bond with the
opposite sex. The Illuminati want sex to compensate heterosexuals for the loss
of God. This is the contemporary face of Satanism, making sex our God.

Latest- Alan Dershowitz implicated in Epstein scandal. Is Trump next?

Harvey Weinstein's Casting Couch

I reprise one of my most important articles.

Cabala - How Sex Became our Religion

Sex, love and "relationships" have become the ersatz religion of modern society.
The implied message -- Sex is the Way to God -- has been in our cultural drinking
water since the 1960's and longer. Movies portrayed sexual intercourse in mystical
terms, perfect bodies coupling to a chorus of angels.
The Illuminati music industry pushed the theme that romantic love and sex
connect us to God. Take Kathy's Song (1965) by Paul Simon: "So you see I have
come to doubt/ All that I once held as true/ I stand alone without beliefs/ The only
truth I know is you."
This was followed by this scholarly exegesis: Man is "alienated" and alone in the
universe. Life has no intrinsic meaning so we must invent one. Man overcomes his
separation from God through sexual intercourse, which is mystical in nature. In other
words, man and God become One by copulation.
Little did we know that the mystification of sex is pure Cabala. Cabala, the
Illuminati "religion", is Satanism.


To begin, only the Cabalist Jew and his disciples are separated from God. They
are separated by virtue of their Luciferian rebellion, based on their desire to supplant
God. They have convinced mankind to join their rebellion and feel "alienated." I
suspect most dysfunction originates in this revolt which is the essence of

One Deception to Rule Them All

"modernism." Instead of reality, we live in a Masonic Jewish solipsism (i.e. self-created

reality.) Notice, God isn't part of it. God is a dirty word.

Thanks to their media control, the Illuminati have convinced humanity that
sexual union restores unity with the Divine. This is Cabala.

In "Sigmund Freud & the Jewish Mystical Tradition," (1958) Jewish psychology
professor David Bakan writes:

"The soul, according to the Zohar, [i.e. Cabala] has an unquenchable yearning to
be united with its source in God. This union is characteristically discussed in the
metaphor of sex. Generally speaking, the union of male and female is taken as the
ideal form of existence. Thus, human sexual relations become symbolic vehicles of
Divine acts; and the Divine creativity is understood as of a deeply erotic character
itself." (p.273)

According to the Cabala, God has a female side, called the Shekinah.
Just as man seeks unity with God through sex, so God supposedly seeks union
with His female nature. In other words, man both imitates and helps God by having
sexual intercourse.

All of this is nonsense. Even Jewish sources dismiss the Cabala as a hoax.

Nevertheless, this hoax, along with the Talmud, defines Judaism.

Cabalism divides God into a Father and Mother figure and adds son and
daughter figures. Despite the incestuous implications, the Cabala is all about the son
and daughter Gods having sex which is being prevented by "Satan,” who is the God
of the Gentiles by the way.

"The duty of pious Jews is to restore through their prayers and religious acts the
perfect divine unity, in the form of sexual union between male and female entities..."
The prayers actually enact this seduction. (Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish
Religion, The Weight of 3000 Years, pp. 33-34.)


First, it denies our connection to God who speaks to us through our Divine spirit

One Deception to Rule Them All

Cabala preaches that God is formless and unknowable. The whole point of
religion is to worship (obey) God. How can you obey something "formless" and
"unknowable"? Naturally, the Satanist will convince the unwary that God is

Second, by making the sex act a means for reaching God, the Cabalist sets up a
false God. According to the Cabalist, sexual intercourse is tantamount to mystical
union. Orgasm is revelation.

In fact, unity with God is reached by grace, worship, devotion, selfless service,
and spiritual discipline, not by copulating. But just as homosexuals use sexual excess
to compensate for loss of healthy intimacy between a man and woman, heterosexuals
use it to compensate for loss of God. Naturally, the Illuminati want us to imitate
Third, the "God" of the Cabala combines good and evil. Somehow, good will
come from doing evil. This is salvation through sin. Again, this is nonsense. God is
Moral. He is perfection. "Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly father is perfect."
(Matthew 5:48) God speaks to man through our spiritual ideals such as Truth, Beauty,
Justice, and Love.
Thus, the Cabala is typically Satanic: making evil appear good, lies appear true;
sick appear healthy, and vice-versa.

Finally, Bakan writes: "Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a
religious value." (272) This alone disqualifies Judaism as a religion. All true religions
require control over lust.

Far from ascetic, the Talmud and Cabala are degenerate, opening the door to
pederasty and incest. The Cabala also holds that man is bisexual, which explains
Illuminati promotion of homosexuality and androgyny. Anything to overturn the
natural order and spit in God's eye.

The Illuminati used Sigmund Freud, a Cabalist, to convince the world that sexual
restraint leads to neuroses and sickness.

In a speech to the B'nai Brith on his 70th birthday, Freud emphasized his
Jewishness. He said he joined the Masonic Jewish lodge because of "many dark
emotional forces" that made "Jews and Judaism irresistible." He was drawn to "the

One Deception to Rule Them All

clear consciousness of our inner identity the intimacy that comes from the same
psychic structure." (Bakan, p. 305)

Most Jews have hardly heard of the Talmud and Cabala, let alone read or
understand them. They don't know that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a
religion. The same applies to those dupes known as Christian Zionists.


Thus, the Cabala is the reason why pussy is the Holy Grail and young women are
idealized as goddesses.

This pagan sex cult is peddled by the Illuminati-controlled media. Here are some
recent headlines from the Huffington Post, which puffs up the value of sex and
ensures it is always in our face:

Are we adults? Apparently not. "Adult" now designates porn, violence and
arrested development. We are their goyim, (cattle) after all.
The elevation of young women to Goddess status is more than sexual.
Hollywood portrays them as warriors and geniuses as well. In "Zero Dark Thirty," a
98-pound Jessica Chastain gets the credit for tracking down and killing Osama Bin
Laden. Even lesbians thought the movie was "propaganda." But Illuminati filmmakers
think portraying a falsehood as a truth is enough to make it so. As George Orwell
observed, when everyone is deviant (sick), deviant becomes the new normal.
The female focus is also reflected in the obsession with "relationships”,
encouraging more woman-worship and co-dependency. "Relationships" are a female
preoccupation. None of this means the Illuminati give a damn about women. They
are promoting them to feminize men and destabilize society.


Human beings are strange animals. If they are taught to seek sex instead of love,
they believe sexual intercourse is mystical. But eventually, they will realize it was just
infatuation and novelty. Sex, in the words of Andy Warhol, is "the biggest nothing in
the world," yet another Illuminati Jewish con.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Nevertheless, society has been totally sexualized. Thirty percent of all Internet
traffic is porn. In spite of 50 years of feminism, or because of it, women define their
value in terms of sex appeal, just as homosexuals do.

Society is saturated with sex which degrades all human relationships, including
children, to the lowest common denominator.

Popular culture increasingly is devoted to death, destruction, pornography and

the occult. We rarely see a positive and uplifting vision. We rarely feel good to be
human. Because of the age-old Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish hatred of other Jews, God
and mankind, depravity and occult fantasy pass as culture. "Progress" and "social
change" promote social degradation and disintegration.”

Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession

“Shlomo Freud, a member of the Illuminati Bnai Brith, played a key role in
mankind's induction into the Cabala sex cult. Psychiatry may have a subversive hidden
agenda; hardly a surprise given its origins.
Freud declined an invitation to travel saying, "a wealthy woman client might get
well during my absence."
"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me."

Sigmund Shlomo Freud's career illustrates how a satanic cult, the Illuminati, cast
its morbid spell over humanity.
The Illuminati sprung out of the Sabbatean Jewish heresy of the 17th century.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a Sabbatean who sold his perverted Satanist
beliefs to the world in the guise of science and medicine. The Illuminati-controlled
media and education system hailed him as a great prophet.
The Sabbateans were a sex cult that indulged in every sexual perversion
imaginable as a way of spitting in God's eye. This is what Satanists do: incest,
pedophilia, orgies, homosexuality, everything that is unnatural and unhealthy.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Freud and his B'nai Brith (Illuminati) backers convinced the world that sexual
desire (libido) is the primary motivation of human life, and that sexual satisfaction is
the universal panacea. He taught that repressing sexual urges is harmful and results in
neuroses. He taught that males experience castration anxiety and females suffer penis

As an overture to incest and pedophilia, he taught that children have sexual

feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent. At
the extreme, his "Oedipus Complex" states that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his
father and rape his mother.

The philosopher Karl Popper said Freudian psychoanalysis is as devoid of

scientific method as palm reading. Freud's Oedipus Complex "has absolutely no
scientific basis."
Typical of a Satanist, Freud denied man's spiritual dimension, our hunger for
God exemplified by our spiritual ideals like harmony, love, truth and beauty.
The Kabbalah teaches that God has no characteristics and is unknowable.

Influenced by the Kabbalah, Freud taught that God is merely the projection of an
imaginary father figure designed to make us repress our sexual urges.

According to Wikipedia, Freud "is considered one of the most prominent

thinkers of the first half of the 20th century, in terms of originality and intellectual


After joining the Masonic Jewish B'nai Brith in 1897, Freud's stillborn career
began a meteoric rise.

Psychology Professor David Bakan describes Freudian psychoanalysis as

derivative of the Lurianic Kabbalah and the Zohar. Lurianic Kabbalah is a 2nd
century Gnostic formulation which was picked up by Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi.
[Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, (Beacon Press, Boston 1958)]

Freud discussed Kabbalah with a rabbi Chaim Bloch in 1920. The rabbi told
Prof. Bakan that the two men argued when Freud proposed that Moses had been an
Egyptian pharaoh, not a Jew.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Freud stormed off, leaving the rabbi alone in his study. It was then that Bloch
saw books on the shelves which identified Freud as a follower of Sabbatai Zevi, (the
Sabbatean founder.)

Freud thanked the members of B'nai Brith lodge for their support. Indeed,
several members of the lodge provided the initiating cadre who founded the quackery
of psychoanalysis.
According to E. Michael Jones, Freud's Psychoanalytical Association was
structured as a secret society. (Libido Dominandi, p. 122) Presumably, it had the same
secret goals as the B'nai Brith, to subvert, exploit and enslave.

Freud's letters revealed he regarded his clients as suckers.

He compared himself to a lion in a cartoon he saw. The lion is checking his

watch at feeding time and asks, "where are my Negroes?" Freud said his patients were
his "Negroes". (Jones p. 116)
Freud declined an invitation to travel saying, "a wealthy woman client might get
well during my absence."
"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me,"
he wrote. (116)

Called the "talking cure," psychoanalysis was a scam. As Michael Jones writes, for
a fee, rich people received absolution for their guilty pleasures and permission to
Jones believes psychoanalysis was based on the Illuminati initiatory ritual and is a
form of mind control.

"Both were based on having the patient or adept give in-depth, quasi-
confessional "examinations of conscience" during which they told the Illuminist
controller or psychotherapist details of their personal lives which could later be used
against them. Both Illuminism and psychoanalysis ended up as covert forms of
psychic control, whereby the controller learned of the adept’s dominant passion and
manipulated him accordingly." (p.127)

The bottom line is that psychiatrists, whether they know it or not, are part of this
satanic secret society. The true Illuminati goal is to make people sick and take their

One Deception to Rule Them All

money. This would explain why psychiatrists are putting millions of people, including
children, on drugs. See also: "The Soviet Art of Brainwashing."

The secret society model may apply to the medical profession as a whole, as well
as to other professions.

Freud was a precursor of Alfred Kinsey, the pervert who killed himself trying to
masturbate. Kinsey filled his famous Rockefeller-sponsored report with the behavior
patterns of his fellow homosexuals. Thus, he convinced Americans that promiscuity
and deviance were the norm.

Similarly, Freud had an affair with his wife's sister, Minna Bernays, who got
pregnant. His psychiatric theories about incest and sex were attempts to exonerate
himself. Ironically, Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati organizer, also got his sister-in-law

Freud went through a period where he was enamored by the salutary properties
of cocaine. When some friends became addicted, he supposedly gave it up. However,
Wikipedia reports: "Some critics have suggested that most of Freud's psychoanalytical
theory was a byproduct of his cocaine use."


Sigmund Freud illustrates that modern culture is controlled by a satanic cult, to

degrade and enslave mankind. We have been duped by Satanists in the guise of
science and medicine.

Satanists promote sexual excess and deviance to enslave humanity. "Anything

goes," is the Satanist watchword. Freud gave society permission to go hog wild.

Free sex tramples marriage and family, institutions necessary for social stability
and health. It debases every human relationship to the lowest common denominator,
sex. It presents sex and "relationships" as the single gateway to personal development
and happiness.

For the past 200 years, progress and enlightenment have been measured in terms
of increased sexual license, until today we genuflect at the obscene antics of obese,
naked "gay pride" paraders.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This is "progress" in satanic terms. We are the victims of a diabolical multi-

generational conspiracy which grows more brazen every day.”

Communist Blueprint
“The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt
University in the 1920-1930's. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.)
They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and Erich

Fromm, and were responsible for the "New Left" and feminism. Financed by
Jewish millionaire Felix Weill, they were instrumental in the degradation of Western
society according to the long-term cabalist Jewish (Satanist) plan outlined in the
Protocols of Zion. The connection between Communism and Judaism is the Cabala,
i.e. Freemasonry.

Timothy Mathew's "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt" (Catholic

Insight, March 2009) demonstrates that Cabalist (Masonic) Judaism is a satanic cult.
First Jews, then Masons and now humanity as a whole has been inducted into this
satanic cult, Communism/Zionism, whose aim is to pervert, enslave and exploit

(Editor's Note- I plan to repost basic articles because new people are now waking
up to our true condition. The fact that corporations and media unashamedly promote
the globalist, anti-white, anti-family agenda prove that we have succumbed to
Communism. But Gentile Freemason traitors made it possible.) See Makow "What is
"The witch-hunt on today's campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse's
concept of 'repressive toleration'- 'tolerance for movements from the left, but
intolerance for movements from the right'-enforced by the students of the Frankfurt
Basically, the [task of the] Frankfurt School was to undermine the Judeo-
Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of

One Deception to Rule Them All

every sphere of life to de-stabilize society and destroy what they saw as the
'oppressive' order.

They hoped their policies would spread like a virus--'continuing the work of the
Western Marxists by other means' as one of their members noted. To further the
advance of their 'quiet' cultural revolution ... the School recommended (among other
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea
of 'Pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences
between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men
and women. To further their aims, they would:

a) attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and
mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators
of their children.
b) abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
c) abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in
the armed forces
d) declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men as 'oppressors'

Comintern propaganda chief, Wily Munzenberg, summed up the Frankfurt

School's long-term operation thus: “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b)
cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. 'Modern forms of subjection are
marked by mildness'. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly
focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.


Following Karl Marx, the School stressed how the 'authoritarian personality' is a
product of the patriarchal family--it was Marx who wrote so disparagingly about the
idea of the family being the basic unit of society. All this prepared the way for the
warfare against the masculine gender promoted by Marcuse under the guise of
'women's liberation.'
They proposed transforming our culture into a female-dominated one. In 1933,
Wilhelm Reich, one of their members, wrote in The Mass Psychology of Fascism that
matriarchy was the only genuine family type of 'natural society.'

Eric Fromm left, was also an active advocate of matriarchal theory. Masculinity
and femininity, he claimed, were not reflections of 'essential' sexual differences, as the
Romantics had thought but were derived instead from differences in life functions,
which were in part socially determined.' (See. Boy Scouts abandon their name.)

The revolutionaries knew exactly what they wanted to do and how to do it. They
have succeeded.

Lord Bertrand Russell joined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass
social engineering and spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on
Society. He wrote: 'Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique
which still await development.' The importance of mass psychology "has been
enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the
most influential is what is called 'education. The social psychologists of the future will
try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black."

One Deception to Rule Them All

Russell said education will affirm:

1) First, that the influence of home is obstructive.

2) Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age
of ten.
3) Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective.
4) Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid
taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these
maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make
children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make
them believe it is dark grey. When the technique has been perfected, every
government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able
to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen."

Writing in 1992 in Fidelio Magazine, [The Frankfurt School and Political

Correctness] Michael Minnicino observed how the heirs of Marcuse and Adorno now
completely dominate the universities, 'teaching their own students to replace reason
with 'Politically Correct' ritual exercises.

There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language which do not
openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfurt School. The witch-hunt on today's
campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse's concept of 'repressive
toleration'- 'tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements
from the right'-enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School'.
Theodor Adorno promoted the use of degenerate forms of music to promote
mental illness and destroy society. He said the US could be brought to its knees by the
use of radio and television to promote a culture of pessimism and despair - by the late
1930s he (together with Max Horkheimer) had migrated to Hollywood.

The expansion of violent video-games also well supported the School's aims.


In his book The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom observed how
Marcuse, left, appealed to university students in the sixties with a combination of
Marx and Freud. In Eros and Civilization and One-Dimensional Man, Marcuse

One Deception to Rule Them All

promised that the overcoming of capitalism and its false consciousness will result in a
society where the greatest satisfactions are sexual. Rock music touches the same chord
in the young. Free sexual expression, anarchism, mining of the irrational unconscious
and giving it free rein are what they have in common.'

In her booklet Sex & Social Engineering (Family Education Trust 1994) Valerie
Riches observed how in the late 1960s and early 1970s, there were intensive
parliamentary campaigns taking place emanating from a number of organizations in
the field of birth control (i.e., contraception, abortion, sterilization).
'From an analysis of their annual reports, it became apparent that a comparatively
small number of people were involved to a surprising degree in an array of pressure
groups. This network was not only linked by personnel but by funds, ideology and
sometimes addresses: it was also backed by vested interests and supported by grants in
some cases by government departments. At the heart of the network was the Family
Planning Association (FPA) with its own collection of offshoots. What we unearthed
was a power structure with enormous influence.
'Deeper investigation revealed that the network, in fact extended further afield,
into eugenics, population control, birth control, sexual and family law reforms, sex
and health education. Its tentacles reached out to publishing houses, medical,
educational and research establishments, women's organizations and marriage
guidance--anywhere where influence could be exerted. It appeared to have great
influence over the media, and over permanent officials in relevant government
departments, out of all proportion to the numbers involved.

'During our investigations, a speaker at a Sex Education Symposium in Liverpool

outlined tactics of sex education saying: 'if we do not get into sex education, children
will simply follow the mores of their parents'. The fact that sex education was to be
the vehicle for peddlers of secular humanism soon became apparent."

One Deception to Rule Them All

Root of Current Mideast Violence =

The Jewish Kabbalah



“The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence”

DEFINE KABBALAH = An occult theology and practice by the
“SUPREMACIST CHOSEN” JEWS AND THEIR “predestined domination of
American Conservatives = Assume Judaism is a benign religion of peace and

FACT: Judaism of the Talmud or Kabbalah = Sacred texts = Twisted and

Chilling and Hate beliefs including MASS MURDER OF CHRISITIANS AND
NON-JEWS = 116 Million non-Jews were mass murdered in the Jewish Communist
Revolution and the two WORLD WARS + 25 Million more mas murdered since WW
II = 141 MILLION TOTAL NON-JEW DEATHS! = Kabbalist (epitomized by
Ultra-Orthodox ‘Haredim’ settlers in Israel) want extermination of the Gentile
DEMON to restore order in the universe = Treat Gentiles like Satan himself.

Kabbalists = Believe Gentiles (Zohar) are “Amalekites” who cause a primordial

state of chaos (tohu) and emptiness (bohu) and caused the destruction of the temple
and when God reveals Himself, they will be wiped off the earth and “redemption will
not be complete until Amalek will be exterminated.” = Zohar I, Bereshith 47a,
Soncino translation. This is the authoritative five-volume English edition of the Zohar
translated by Maurice and Sperling.

Believers in Kabbalah Talmud = 80% of “Haredi” Jewish males = Devoted full-

time to Talmudic and Kabbalistic studies = Militant Jewish Rabbis + Most settlers =
Homicidal hatred of Gentiles-especially Palestinians + Sabotage any peace talks that
One Deception to Rule Them All

interfere with SATAN’S will of driving all Arabs from Palestine by whatever means
necessary + Kabbalah threatens peace, not only in the Middle East, but the world =

JEWISH ZIONISTS = Christian-persecuting, ultra-Orthodox Jews of Israel =

Receive $Millions via highly paid Christian Zionist Pastor John Hagee

Israel’s blitz of Lebanon (2006) = “Made in America” banners as Israelis used

American F-16s + Cluster Bombs + Weapons = But attack was created by the
Talmudic Judaism of the semi-secret “Kabbalah.”

HITORY OF JEWS = Jews were carried to distant Babylon in 587 BC by

Nebuchadnezzar = Found a god of nature, “En Sof,” with pervasive power
everywhere who the ancient Jewish Pharisees of Babylon liked because this GOD
didn’t disapprove of their perversion of Jehovah’s laws. = They created an elaborate
secret theology for the Jews called “Kabbalah.” = At the time of Jesus, an assemblage
of doctrines were carefully concealed from the multitude called the Kabbala= “God”
beyond rational description was the most exalted, rarified light that manifested on
earth as DIVINE Jewish people = Semi-divine rational, physical manifestations of
God’s presence in the universe = Indispensable people that allow the universe to
exist. = They believe Gentiles (NON-JEWS) are EVIL. = Jews have so far

Talmudic Jews believe GENTILES are Demons or Satanic creatures called

“Kliphoth,” or Gentiles. = “Sepher Or Israel,” of Talmud recommends: “Take the
life of the Klipoth and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers
incense to Him.”

The Zohar = Five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic speculation

= Explains,” ‘living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy, living souls from above, and
‘cattle’ and ‘creeping thing’ and ‘beast of the earth’ to the other peoples who are not
‘living soul.'” + The great tragedy of this world is Gentiles perpetually unsettle the
higher levels with their evil imbalance and must no longer exist to remove the

FLIMSY Rationale for the Kabbalists’ hatred of Gentiles = Christ said, “The
time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John
One Deception to Rule Them All

Jews believe GENTILES = “The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has
been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.” = Until the
blessed day when the Gentiles are exterminated, the Zohar says, Israel must remain in
a withered, blighted condition. This is because Gentiles, by the confusion they stir up
in the lower levels, prevent the blessings of the Shekina in the upper levels from
adequately descending upon Israel…Someday, however, things will be as they were
meant and “man” (meaning Israel) will be given the preeminence he was created to
enjoy. Then, says the Kabbalah, “man should be unique and ruler over all.” = Zohar
I, Bereshith 47a.

How will Israeli “man” conquer the world? = Rabbi Jehuda said, “He is to be
praised who is able to free himself from the enemies of Israel…By wise counsel thou
shalt war against them.” (Proverbs 24:6) …” The kind of war that every son of man
must war against his enemies. Which Jacob used against Esau-by deceit and trickery
wherever possible. They must be fought against without ceasing, until proper order be
restored. Thus, it is with satisfaction that I say we should free ourselves from them,
and rule over them.” = WORLD DOMINATION GOAL! = Jews will control the
planet through the “The Holy One” (Jewish Messiah) who will display His force and
exterminate them [Gentiles] from the world. + The Goyim “Their work is vanity, it is
an illusion at which we must laugh; they will perish when God visits them in his
wrath”…and will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist
even as it is written: “The Lord alone will appear great on that day”…Solemn mission:
“It is certain that our captivity will last until the princes of the Gentiles who worship
idols are destroyed. = Zohar, Sec. Vayschlah Folio 177b
Kabbalah recommends extermination of Gentiles as the highest religious duty.

Kabbalist = “The feast of tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the
other peoples of the world…other people known as ‘populace'” = Zohar, Toldoth
Noah, 63b.

Kabbalah and modern Judaism = Kabbalah inspired by God stands with the
Talmud as the greatest legal authority of Judaism. = Passages from the Zohar are read
along with the Bible and Talmud as part of the worship service in synagogues every
Saturday. = “inspired Jewish writings” + “The Zohar appeals to many Jews in a way
that makes them regard it as the most sacred of sacred books because it mirrors
Judaism as an intensely vital religion of the spirit. = More overpoweringly than the

One Deception to Rule Them All

Bible as it gives “to the Jew the conviction of an inner, unseen spiritual universe-an
eternal moral order.” = The mystic side of Jewish life and religion full of mystic
sentiment and emotion = The aromatic life essence indispensable to Judaism.

Kabbalah = Divinely inspired, like the Talmud, and proceeded from the very hub
of Jewry-the most eminent rabbis. = Rabbis from Ben Zakki and Maimonides
through Talmudists of the 16th through 18th centuries to the greatest rabbi in the
world today, Rabbi Steinsaltz of Jerusalem = All practitioners of Kabbalah as the
Word of Jewish God (Lucifer).
Kabbalah = Description of Gentiles as animals who must be slaughtered before
“order” can be restored? = Fundamental to how Kabbalah structures God, Israel, and
the universe. = Provides motivation for the racist laws, war crimes, and homicidal
agenda of the state of Israel today. = Venerating Judaism is the official position of the
Israeli government and Israeli military.
ODDLY 14 million conservative Christians are ZIONISTS SUPPORTING
brainwashing and funding a battery of $MILLIONAIRE fake Christian ministers
focuses these victims on the Koran and the inner teachings of Islam which these hired
ministers DEMONIZE as Arab Terrorists doing what the Jews are actually doing.


ISRAELIS MASS MURDERS OF NON-JEWS = $1.6+ Trillion since 1972. =
Americans are forced to fund the world’s fourth greatest military superpower and
Jews cry “Anti-Semitism!” whenever anyone suggests the END OF THAT

-- by Rev. Ted Pike Sept 9 2010, November 6, 2015 by Concisepolitics,

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Master Race

“Master Race” A Term Never Used by The National Socialists

“FACT = “Master Race” of Germans = ROTHSCHILDS MAFIA MADE UP



PARASITIC RULE OF THE WEST! = “the biggest mass revolt against those who
are still ruling the world today and using the same technique of propaganda to justify
their unjust mad wars.” = Zionists who are “controllers / owners of western media,
Hollywood and Walt Disney.” = Re-wrote History and created today’s “White
supremacists” + “Neo-Nazis” + ISRAEL
National Socialist = Germans, called themselves or popular government of the
WORKING CLASS = NOT “Master Race” as invented by Rothschilds Mafia
“CHOSEN PEOPLE” = Germans were not racists NOR supremacists

GERMANS = Created a national socialist movement to close the Parasitic

Rothschild private Jewish central bank in Germany and stopping the Jewish Marxists
of East Europe from destroying the culture, religion and social values.
GERMANS BELIEVED in = “masters in one’s own house” = Not subservient
to any other country or group of countries.

Jewish Talmudic Supremacists = Wish to lord over everyone else or the 99.803%

TIME FOR THE 99.805% of NON-JEW humanity to wake up and END THE

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Frankfurt School and Their Evil Agenda

“Let’s begin by considering the corrosive work of the Frankfurt School: a group
of German-American scholars, mostly Jewish, who developed highly provocative and
original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx,
Freud, and Weber.

Their idea of a “cultural revolution” was not particularly new. Joseph, Comte de
Maistre (1753-1821), who for fifteen years had been a Freemason, had this to say:
“Until now, nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion. But here an
important question arises: can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or
invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those
original and constituent principles which make it what it is?”
What was the Frankfurt School?
Well, in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed
that a Workers’ Revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United
States. It failed to do so. Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International
(Comintern) began to consider the reasons for this failure.
On Lenin’s initiative, a meeting was organized at the Marx-Engels Institute in
Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to throw light on the meaning of Marx’s
Cultural Revolution. What did “cultural revolution” entail? What was it all about?

First, among those present, was Georg Lukács, a Jewish Hungarian aristocrat and
son of a banker. He had become a Communist during World War I. A good Marxist
theoretician, he had developed the idea of “Revolution and Eros” — sexual instinct
used as an instrument of destruction.
Then there was Willi Münzenberg, another revolutionary Jew whose proposed
solution to the problems besetting society was “to organize the intellectuals and use
them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its
values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

“It was”, said Ralph de Toledano (1916-2007), the conservative author and co-
founder of the National Review, “a meeting more harmful to Western civilization
than the Bolshevik Revolution itself.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Lenin died in 1924, but by that time Stalin had risen to power and was beginning
to look on Willi Munzenberg, George Lukács and other Jewish revolutionaries (like
Trotsky) as dangerous Marxist “revisionists”, introducing concepts into Marxism that
were alien to Marxism and which served only a Jewish agenda.

In June 1940, on Stalin’s orders, Münzenberg was hunted down to the south of
France by a NKVD assassination squad and hanged from a tree.
In the summer of 1924, after being attacked for his writings by the Fifth
Comintern Congress, Lukács moved to Germany. Here he chaired the first meeting of
a group of Communist oriented sociologists. This gathering was to lead to the
foundation of the Frankfurt School.
This “School”, designed to put flesh on their revolutionary program, was started
at the University of Frankfurt in the Institut für Sozialforschung. To begin with,
school and institute were indistinguishable. In 1923, the Institute had been officially
established, and funded by Felix Weil (1898-1975). Weil, born in Argentina into a
wealthy Jewish family, was sent to attend school in Germany at the age of nine. He
attended the universities in Tübingen and Frankfurt, where he graduated with a
doctoral degree in political science. While at these universities he became increasingly
interested in socialism and Marxism.

Carl Grünberg, the Institute’s Jewish director from 1923-1929, was an avowed
Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930
Max Horkheimer (also Jewish) assumed control. He believed that Marx’s theory
should be the basis of the Institute’s research.
When Hitler came to power, the Institute was closed and its members, by various
routes, fled to the United States and ended up as academics at major US universities:
Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley.

The fact that they spoke very poor English was no disqualification. They were
Jewish, and so they managed to obtain prestigious academic appointments through
Jewish influence, i.e., through networking — a system that works exceptionally well
even today and which accounts for the huge and unfair preponderance of Jews in
The School included among its members the 1960s guru of the New Left Herbert
Marcuse — denounced by Pope Paul VI for his theory of liberation which “opens the
One Deception to Rule Them All

way for [sexual] license cloaked as liberty” — Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, the
popular writer Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal, and Jurgen Habermas. All these
individuals except Habermas were of Jewish origin.

Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the
belief — or even the hope of belief — that his divine gift of reason could solve the
problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness
and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke a socialist revolution.

Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the “Judeo-

Christian legacy.”

However, “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, given that

Judaism and Christianity are at opposite ends of the religious spectrum. Since most
Jews are actively hostile to Christianity, and since Talmudic Jews actually take pleasure
in the thought of Christ being boiled in excrement in hell, to speak of the “Judeo-
Christian legacy” is clearly nonsensical.
To undermine Western civilization, the Frankfurt School Jews called for the most
negative and destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life. To de-stabilize
society and bring it to its knees, to engineer collapse, to produce crisis and catastrophe
— this became the aim of these maladjusted and mentally sick Jewish revolutionaries
masquerading as high-powered intellectuals.

Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus — “continuing the work of
the Western Marxists by other means”, as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution, the Frankfurt School
made the following twelve recommendations — all of them calculated to undermine
the foundations of society and create the dystopia we now see all around us:
1. The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws.

2. Continual change to create confusion (e.g. in school curricula).

3. Masturbation propaganda in schools, combined with the

homosexualization of children and their corruption by exposing them to

child porn in the classroom.

One Deception to Rule Them All

4. The systematic undermining of parental and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy national identity and foment future race wars.

6. The systematic promotion of excessive drinking and recreational drugs.

7. The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime.

9. Dependency on state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media. (Six Jewish companies now control

96 percent of the world’s media. LD).

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
12. All all-out attack on Christianity and the emptying of churches.

In the Soviet Union, under Stalin and his Communist Jews, the emptying of
churches was accomplished by the simple expedient of burning the churches down—
thousands of them.
Coincidentally, most of the 12 aims and objectives mentioned above were set out
prominently in the pages of that alleged “forgery”, The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion. The Jewish philosophers of the Frankfurt School, it seems, had been heavily
influenced by the Protocols. They were clearly impressed by what they read there and
decided to implement its recommendations in their own sinister agenda.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of
“Pansexualism”: the search for indiscriminate sexual pleasure, the promotion of
“unisex”, the blurring of distinctions between the sexes, the overthrowing of
traditional relationships between men and women, and, finally, the undermining of
heterosexuality at the expense of homosexuality — as, for example, in the idea of
“same-sex marriage” and the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

Willi Münzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus:

“We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Willi Munzenberg, Jewish Revolutionary of The Frankfurt School

“We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN
VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the

According to Sean McMeekin’s The Red Millionaire: A political biography of

Willi Münzenberg, Münzenberg was “the perpetrator of some of the most colossal lies
of the modern age…. He helped unleash a plague of moral blindness upon the world
from which we have still not recovered.”

The Frankfurt School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) Political
revolution and (b) Cultural revolution. They were more concerned with cultural
revolution, the demolition of the established order from within. “Modern forms of
subjection are marked by mildness”, they taught. So-called “reforms” were to be made
so slowly and subtly that these changes for the worse were barely perceptible. The
School saw the undermining of the social order as a long-term project.
The systematic erosion of Christian moral values and the promotion of sexual
perversion is known as Cultural Marxism. Today, thanks to the efforts of organized
Jewry which controls 96 percent of the world’s media, cultural Marxism has largely
triumphed and Christianity lies in ruins. To many dispassionate observers, society has
now reached its rock bottom moral nadir — as Jewish Marxists such as Willi
Munzenberg (see quote above) would have been only too happy to witness — had he
been around today.
These iconoclasts kept their sights firmly fixed on the family, education, media,
sex and popular culture. Each of these would be their target. If things did not go from
bad to worse, year after year, they were not succeeding. To these revolutionary Jewish
thinkers, bad was good — and worse was better.

Nahum Goldman lived his whole life as one of the top-level international
Zionists, he was the president of the World Jewish Congress from 1947 to 1978, and
in his 1915 book “The Spirit Of Militarism” (page 37 – 38) he describes the Zionist
method for destruction of Western Civilization which is required for transition into
the New World Order:

One Deception to Rule Them All

“The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of

humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization
of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old
established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage
requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy
ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements
be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our
world revolution is Destruction.

All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be
annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral
environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be
permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a
disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so
everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone. The
forces preserving traditional society are “free market capitalism” in the social
economic realm, and “democracy” in the mental political realm. The capitalist free
market does not fight against the old economic order, nor does democracy lead a
fierce hot battle against the forces of reaction which oppose the new order, therefore
our transformative work will be imposed through the unifying principle of the
militaristic spirit, the negative task of destroying the old established order will be
completely solved and finished only when the all the human masses are all forcibly
collectivized as uniformed soldiers under imposed mass-conformity of new order
After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and
more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in
deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be
blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The
general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of
destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order
must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated
only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global
monolithic new world order.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Destruction of the Family and the Promotion of Feminism

The School’s Critical Theory preached that the “authoritarian personality” was a
product of the patriarchal family — an idea directly linked to Engels’ Origins of the
Family, Private Property and the State, which promoted matriarchy.

Already Karl Marx had written, in the Communist Manifesto (1848), about the
radical notion of a “community of women”. In The German Ideology (1845), he had
written disparagingly about the idea of the family as the basic unit of society. This was
one of the basic tenets of the Critical Theory: the need to break down the family unit.

All families were essentially evil, these thinkers believed — even happy families
— so they had to be destroyed. It was better if children had no parents or did not
know who their parents were. Or if they were orphans of the state. It was better if
romantic love between the sexes, leading to stable long-term marriages, were
destroyed in favor of short-term, unstable, promiscuous relationships. After all, the
former might lead to happiness for all concerned, and that was clearly impermissible
— for the whole point of the Cultural Revolution was “to create a culture of
pessimism” (Lukács) and “to make life impossible for everyone.” (Münzenberg).

Georg Lukács (1885–1971):

“I want a culture of pessimism … a world abandoned by God”

The Institute scholars therefore preached that “Even a partial breakdown of

parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming
generation to accept social change.”
These Neo-Freudian Marxist philosophers of the Frankfurt School were clearly
out to create trouble: to drive a wedge between parent and child and sow division in
the family. Whatever was good in human relationships simply had to be destroyed. If
people didn’t have problems, then problems would have to be manufactured “to
make life impossible.” (Munzenberg).

All this prepared the way for the warfare against the masculine gender promoted
by Marcuse under the guise of “Women’s liberation” and by the New Left movement
in the 1960s. They proposed transforming our culture into a female-dominated one.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The idea that women should run society and wear the trousers, telling men what
to do, had an enormous appeal to certain bossy types of women with a surplus of
testosterone, particularly to butch lesbians and man-hating matriarchs. Many of these
misguided females were to become evangelists for radical Feminism, some even
proposing to cut themselves off from the male sex completely and live in communes
of their own. Curiously enough, the number of Jewish feminists is huge—out of all
proportion to their percentage in the population.

In 1933, Wilhelm Reich, an honored and adulated member of the Frankfurt

School, wrote in The Mass Psychology of Fascism that matriarchy was the only
genuine family type of “natural society.” He was, as such, to be an inspiration to the

Reich, incidentally, a compulsive masturbator and sexual pervert, had entertained

incestuous longings for his own mother and practiced bestiality with horses while still
a child. (See here).

This versatile sexual deviant, now a cult figure on the left, along with the equally
sex-obsessed Herbert Marcuse—popularizer of the slogan MAKE LOVE, NOT
WAR—were to be godfathers of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s as well as the
patron saints of the Feminist movement.

The Indoctrination of Children through Education

Bertrand Russell was to join the Frankfurt School in their efforts at mass social
engineering. He spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society.
He wrote:

“The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school
children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable
conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the
influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless
indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and
repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must
be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity.

But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and
discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is
black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.
One Deception to Rule Them All

When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in
charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely
without the need of armies or policemen.”

The irony is unmistakable, but that is beside the point. Russell was all for turning
the world upside down and ushering in Brave New World: atheism, feminism, and
“sexual liberation” i.e., the green light to promiscuity, perversion, and abortion on

The devaluation of values so sought after by the luminaries of the Frankfurt

School has now largely been achieved through sex education and media propaganda:
in particular, by the promotion of masturbation, pornography, and the systematic
high-pressure salesmanship of homosexuality in schools.
This, then, is the secret agenda of organized Jewry as represented by the Cultural
Marxists of the Frankfurt School: the destruction of traditional values, the destruction
of the moral order, the destruction of the family unit, the destruction of religion, the
destruction of meaning and purpose, and, finally, the destruction of happiness itself.
These are the people who now rule over us. They are in control. They create new
wars with the same rapidity that a stage magician pulls rabbits from a hat. And they
make sure that the people they rule over, their subject populations, are either
demoralized debt slaves in insecure jobs or unemployed bums living on state benefits
and a diet of junk food and sleazy junk entertainment laid on by the Jews.
Satan’s Secret Agents have been only too successful in creating a New World
Order that bears a remarkable resemblance to hell.

American historian Edwin Schoonmaker writes:

“Fifteen years after the Bolshevist Revolution was launched to carry out the
Marxist program, the editor of the American Hebrew could write: “According to such
information that the writer could secure while in Russia a few weeks ago, not one
Jewish synagogue has been torn down, as have hundreds—perhaps thousands of the
Greek Catholic Churches… In Moscow and other large cities one can see Christian
churches in the process of destruction… the Government needs the location for a
large building,” (American Hebrew, Nov. 18, 1932, p. 12) Apostate Jews, leading a
revolution that was to destroy religion as the “opiate of the people” had somehow
spared the synagogues of Russia.” (“Democracy and World Dominion,” 1939, p.211).
One Deception to Rule Them All

Wikipedia tells us that the Communist state after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
was “committed to the destruction of religion”, and destroyed churches, mosques and
temples — no mention of synagogues being destroyed— and that it “ridiculed,
harassed and executed Christian religious leaders, flooding the schools and media with
Atheistic propaganda.”

Since the Russian Revolution was essentially a Jewish revolution, with an

overwhelmingly high percentage of its leaders being Jewish, one can understand why
synagogues were NOT destroyed. The animosity of the Jewish leadership was directed
almost exclusively toward the Christian clergy and their churches. Monks, nuns and
priests were put to death in large numbers, often after being cruelly tortured in the
process, their eyes gouged out and in some instances being boiled alive. (For graphic
details of the systematic torture of Christians under the Bolsheviks, see here and
section 7, “Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish cheka”, here).
According to the Atlantic, September 1991, p.14, “In 1919, three-quarters of the
Cheka staff in Kiev were Jews, who were careful to spare fellow Jews.
Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role
in supporting the Bolshevik regime the “historic sin of the Jews.” She points, for
example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag
concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic
destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, “The Jews of the
entire world supported Soviet power and remained silent in the face of any
criticism from the opposition.”

In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

“The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the
subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged. Soviet power will
be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will
become hatred against Jews.” (Cited here)”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Mein Kampf: What was Hitler’s

Struggle Really About?
1938 News Reports Confirms International Jewish Banker Financial War Aims:

• ‘Jewry, faced with persecution in Poland, Rumania, Germany, Austria, and

elsewhere, intends to hit back,’ says the ‘Sunday Chronicle,’ according to a
cable dated London, January 2.
• ‘The battle will be fought on the world’s stock exchanges. Most of the anti-
Semitic States are burdened with debts, and they may find their very existence
• ‘The leaders of international Jewry will meet in a village near Geneva this week
to plan a fund of £500,000, 000 with which to fight the persecutors of Jewish
financiers in all parts of the world.
• ‘No difficulty is expected in raising such a fund, which, combined with a trade
boycott, will enable the launching a counter-offensive, in which the Jewish
persecutors may be defeated. ‘” --(Source: The Worker (Brisbane, Qld) Tuesday 4
January 1938)

Now we know who “International Jewry” (aka Judea) really is by their own
admission. We can also see that their “financial war” had nothing to do with alleged
discrimination or persecution of average Jews in Germany or other nations. It was
“persecution of Jewish financiers” that they were concerned with. This is the same
gang that declared war on Germany in 1933 when the National Socialists first came to
power. Why? Because Hitler and NSDAP opposed predatory Jewish International
Free Market Capitalism as a very destructive force, and also opposed Jewish backed
International Marxist Bolshevik Communism, which are to sides of the same coin.

Hitler defeated the Communists in Germany, kicked out the Bankster Gangsters,
created a new carefully controlled currency tied directly to labor, and he placed tight
controls on prices and wages, as well as on the stock markets to keep prices from
being manipulated by international market speculators. As such, Germany’s currency
was not part of their worldwide usury system, and they could not speculate against
Germany’s Reichsmark on the financial markets.

One Deception to Rule Them All

National Socialist Germany, in particular, was managing just fine without these
International Bankster Gangsters and their monopoly game, which controlled the
Central Banks of the western nations, and the issuance of fiat currencies, loaned out at
interest (usury), by which they have always driven nations into debt and servitude.
Yet they say, “Anti-Semitic States are burdened with debts”. Very interesting! With
respect to the new Germany, that was a BIG LIE! It seems, however, that by their
own definition, an “Anti-Semitic State” is one which does not play ball with them,
and it has nothing to do with concern for the lesser Jews as generally thought.

It was the western nations which were still saddled with WWI debt and were not
paying it (in fact, they are still paying for that today in 2014). Unlike the Soviet Union,
following the Russian Revolution, NS Germany never repudiated her WWI debt and
was making good on it. What Germany did not have was gold reserves. Those were
stolen by the WWI Allies. More on that later. But it begs the question, why could the
Allies not pay off their own war debts? Who were they in debt to? Of course, the
same self-described “Jewish” International Financiers, who had the power to create
currency and lend it to nations at interest, and control over their debts, and to exert
great influence on the stock markets. Obviously, those nations leaders were mere
puppets and their foreign policies were catered to the bankers needs or wishes, and
the same holds true today. Not so with NS Germany!

But notice that they include “Poland” and “Rumania” here, as well as “Austria”.
Why? Rumania was not allied with Germany at this time. She was neutral. Poland
was not “allied” with Germany either, BUT they did have a “friendship pact” that was
signed by Hitler and the late Marshall Pilzudski.

Moreover, Poland was riddled with inner ethnic strife and labor problems
resulting from poor low wages and working conditions, not to mention unresolved
border issues. Her products and raw materials such as coal were subject to the
international market speculation. How better to stir up the Poles (who were neither
National Socialist nor Fascist, and therefore, under the financial influence of the
Bankster Gangsters) than to threaten them with boycotts and financial ruin, and to
drive down prices? Or perhaps, on the other hand, to dangle carrots of incentives in
front of them, if they sided with England, and again, turned hostile towards Germany
and the ethnic German minority in their country?

One Deception to Rule Them All

Rumania too was a basket case with sizable ethnic minorities, ethnic strife and
border disputes with her neighbors, as well as, much coveted natural resources,
especially oil. No doubt King Carol II was also ripe for financial blackmail to keep
Romania neutral (i.e.. not side with Germany or trade with her.)

Austria? Since end of World War II, the Austrian people had desired to re-join
the German Reich, and even more so as Germany began to prosper under Hitler and
National Socialism, while they themselves languished in debt and poverty. But the
WWI Allies forbade the merger. Austrian Leader Engelbert Dollfuss also vehemently
opposed it, especially after Hitler came to power in 1933. Austria too was a political
and economic basket case. Dollfuss eventually dissolved parliament and became
dictator. He was conservative, anti-Communist, and tried to model himself and his
government on Mussolini’s Fascism, but he was assassinated in 1934. His successor
followed largely in the same model. That would not have pleased the Bankster
Gangsters. Unlike in Italy and Germany, the Rothschilds were still doing business in
Austria, and would naturally have been more opposed to a merger with the German
Reich and the expanded influence of National Socialism. Indeed, after Austria voted
to join the Reich, the Rothschild bank in Vienna was closed with all of its assets seized
by the Reich government, as I have previously noted in an older post.

It should be easy to see that virtually all of Germany’s neighbors would have been
subject to the same degree of heavy handed financial influence, and as such, whatever
neutrality they declared or peace agreements they came to with Germany, or foreign
policy they espoused, they could easily be brought to heel and to cooperate in some
way, by those who controlled their money and their debt, and the markets, and who
also had such great sums of money at their disposal with which to bribe the leaders.

Farfetched? “Conspiracy theory”? This came to light just a few years ago: MI6 spent
$200 million, bribing Spaniards in second world war. Newly released documents
reveal secret services paid out fortune in bid to stop Franco joining war on Hitler’s
side. MI6 spent the present-day equivalent of more than $200 million bribing senior
Spanish military officers, ship owners and other agents to keep Spain out of the
second world war, files released today disclose.
More and more money was delivered, mainly via a Swiss bank account in New
York, as Sir Samuel Hoare, Britain’s ambassador in Madrid, warned London that

One Deception to Rule Them All

unless it was paid, there was a real and immediate danger of Spain abandoning its
neutrality and of Franco joining forces with Nazi Germany.

Hitler was extremely disappointed by the lack of Spanish support, or meagre

support. Franco owed Germany. It could have made a huge difference to the defense
of Europe. Now we know why it was not forthcoming.

So did “International Jewry” come up with the £500,000,000 which they “would
have no difficulty raising”, and what did they do with it? Now I think we have a
pretty good idea. My guess is that a lot more went into international “Anti-Nazi” hate
propaganda, funding various subversive groups in Germany, inciting Anti-German
hatred in Poland, as well as bribing or blackmailing other nations, and funding the
Why didn’t these “International Jews” put their £500,000,000 into helping those
oft cited (pre-war) “6,000,000” poor persecuted eastern Jews in Russia, Ukraine,
Poland, Romania, and elsewhere to immigrate to Palestine, hmmm? I will let you the
reader think about it and make up your own mind on that. Why did they not put into
creating much needed employment in the UK and USA? The answer should be clear,
that they do not give a rat’s ass about anyone but themselves and their financial
interests, and that is what was at risk, why they wanted war and did everything in their
power to destroy and enslave Germany, permanently. Moreover, it was also to set a
precedent for future wars. That is what is really going on when they call a nation
“Anti-Semitic” or when they say, in regard to some nation’s leader who is bucking the
system, “he’s another Hitler!”

I was going to end there, but please bear with me. Let’s play “follow the money”.
Interestingly, in July of 1939, the Bank of England (The Rothschilds) tucked away
gold in the same amount of £500,000,000 in preparation for war with Germany.

British secret gold vault 1939“SECRET VAULT FOR £500,000,000

Governors of the Bank of England have drawn up plans for transporting

£500,000,000 of the nation’s gold reserve to a secret vault in the country in the event
of war.

This vault is hundreds of miles from London and comprises a bomb-proof safe
deposit. The convoy will be escorted by an armed guard of both police and soldiers.
The gold represents Britain’s staying power — the basis on which war loans might be
One Deception to Rule Them All

raised, and the purchasing power which will ensure supplies of food and raw
materials, from overseas.”

As I alluded to earlier, Germany had NO gold, and was NOT part of the
International Bankster Gangsters monopoly game. Hitler did NOT and could not
print money at will as the whole financial and economic system would have quickly
unraveled. Germany did NOT have access to international loans from London and
New York for the purposes of war. Indeed, “International Jewry” was telling us that
Hitler opposed THEM. So, obviously he was NOT a tool of the Rothschilds, nor “a
Jew”, as so many disinfo agents and their moron followers have claimed, and which I
have previously debunked.

The facts are, Germany did NOT want war, nor could afford another long war,
much less wars of conquest. Germany had a military that was numerically far inferior
to France, Poland, Russia and the UK. Germany was being boycotted by the USA and
many other countries, had no colonies from which to extract resources, only limited
trade opportunities which were conducted through barter, and few sources for raw
materials needed for industry and military purposes. The International Bankster
Gangster (self-described “International Jewry “also deplored that barter system, as it
cut them out! So, have we figured out who this war was for yet, who financed it and
who benefited? And if anyone thinks that it was just Germany, Italy and Japan who
lost, they could not be more wrong.”

The Lesson of WW II is Quite Clear

Oppose Jewish banking and you will be slandered, maligned, and demonized by
the Jewish media until the world aligns together to destroy you.
Hitler and NSDAP opposed and exposed predatory Jewish International Free
Market Capitalism as a very destructive force, and also opposed Jewish backed
International Marxist Bolshevik Communism, which are two sides of the same coin.

With the unparalleled prosperity of Hitler’s Germany, the International

Rothchild’s Banking Industry saw to it that Hitler was destroyed. One can never ask
the question “Why did Germany rise up to oppose the Jews?” without first asking the
question. “What did the Jews do to Germany to draw such fire upon them?”
One Deception to Rule Them All

Ultimately, what happened in Hitler’s Germany was not a fight between Hitler
and The Jews. It was a fight between Hitler and Jewish Banking and depraved Jewish
Cultural Marxist influences in Germany.

With Hitler losing World War II, the world was now officially under the slavery
of Jewish International Banking and Finance.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 2
CERN and The Beast System
CERN gets its name from Cernunnos which is Abbadon (both a place of
destruction and an angel of the abyss), Lucifer, and Shiva the Destroyer. No wonder
they have a statue of Shiva right outside of CERN.

CERN and Black Rain and Black Goo

CERN has been playing a video which is styled as a documentary short. In it, we
look at the origins of Black Rain and why CERN is playing a movie about this. I
believe Black Rain of Black Goo is the substance of the Abyss, and this video is,
again, reinforcing the agenda behind CERN. The Abyss is a real place and according
to the books of Revelation and Enoch, there are creatures who are living in this place.
Revelation calls them "locusts" with human faces and large, horse-like bodies, while
Enoch describes them as Watchers who committed sin against the daughters of men
(fornication). They were placed in a pit to be held until the time of their release upon
the Earth for the purpose of judgment.
We have to remember: Not all CERN scientists understand exactly what they are
doing at the LHC. Some of these scientists believe they are looking for something
called the "Cosmic Tree," which is an ornate map of light matter and dark matter
found in parallel dimensions. However, I believe these scientists are only being used
to create this machine and run its tests, which will open a portal. The Elites behind
CERN and its financing know exactly what is going to happen...

Black rain/goo describes an infection that entered into humanity through

humanity and passed through generations. Interestingly, the term black rain was
coined in WW2 to describe nuclear devastation and the effects it has on the human
We see Black Rain/Goo symbolism used in Hollywood propaganda. For
example, the Apple in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was dipped in this

One Deception to Rule Them All

substance. We also see Lady Gaga entering into the Abyss where she bathes in the
black rain. Once she is drowned in it, she emerges with a crown on her head, an
obvious reference to Abaddon, the king of the Abyss.

You'll also notice in Lady Gaga's commercial that she's among giant men wearing
red capes. These Nephilim are at least 10 feet tall in height. She is portraying the
agenda of the Abyss, and that is to be released upon the Earth.

Reflections on Veil Ripping CERN

Particle Acceleration Destruction: Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that
it might become metastable at energies above 100 [billion] gigaelectronvolts (GeV).
This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a
bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light.

The Large Hadron Collider may well be the modern-day equivalent of the Tower
of Babble. And for those unfamiliar with the story, it didn’t end well for the hubris-
filled men who sought to touch the face of God then, and it’s unlikely to end well

They worship Shiva at CERN. What does this have to do with particle
acceleration? Nothing, until you realize they want to rip and destroy the very fabric of
time space. Lord of The Dance. Destroyer of Worlds.
Luciferians HATE God. They hate His creation. They hate beauty. And they
hate humanity because we were created in GOD’s image. CERN is merely another
way to depopulate the world through massive quantum annihilation. They are not
looking for particles. That is bullshit.

One Deception to Rule Them All

CERN Is Where Everything Dovetails Together

• A.I. Digital Antichrist
• Interdimensional Evil
• Omega Point Singularity
• Interdimensional Time Travel
• Gnostic Quantum Mysticism
• Techno Autocratic Tyranny
• Occult Alchemy
• The Reconfiguration of Reality
• Transmutation of The Religio-Technium Hierarchy.
Think of CERN as a Stargate, opening a portal in Space Time, to access
interdimensional evil...

They will say they have contacted Aliens, but it will be nothing other than
ripping the veil to allow demonic entities usher forth...
When the ‘Awake’ (love the name) project came online they were talking about
ridiculous levels of PeV. No wonder the lunatics fried the instrument. However short
the portal opened, something may have come through!
Demonic entities will be presented to us as our benevolent Alien Saviors.
CERN is tearing the veil to let these entities through and D-WAVE quantum
computers are the facility which will reconstitute their DNA.

The battle is on!

The Artilect War has Begun

A fantastic book called, The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter
Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively

One Deception to Rule Them All

Intelligent Machines, by Hugo de Garis, talks about the advancement of the Beast
System in the form of Artificial Intelligence, which CERN is definitely connected to.

From the book’s Amazon review:

“This book’s main idea is that this century’s global politics will be dominated by
the "species dominance" issue. 21st century technologies will enable the building of
artilects (artificial intellects, artificial intelligences, massively intelligent machines) with
1040 components, using reversible, heatless, 3D, molecular scale, self-assembling, one
bit per atom, Nano-teched, quantum computers, which may dwarf human intelligence
levels by a factor of trillions of trillions and more.

The question that will dominate global politics this century will be whether
humanity should or should not build these artilects. Those in favor of building them
are called "Cosmists" in this book, due to their "cosmic" perspective. Those opposed
to building them are called "Terrans," as in "terra," the Earth, which is their
perspective. The Cosmists will want to build artilects, amongst other reasons, because
to them it will be a religion, a scientist's religion that is compatible with modern
scientific knowledge.

The Cosmists will feel that humanity has a duty to serve as the stepping-stone
towards building the next dominant rung of the evolutionary ladder. Not to do so
would be a tragedy on a cosmic scale to them. The Cosmists will claim that stopping
such an advance will be counter to human nature, since human beings have always
striven to extend their boundaries. Another Cosmist argument is that once the
artificial brain-based computer market dominates the world economy, economic and
political forces in favor of building advanced artilects will be almost unstoppable. The
Cosmists will include some of the most powerful, the richest, and the most brilliant of
the Earth's citizens, who will devote their enormous abilities to seeing that the
artilects get built. A similar argument applies to the military and its use of intelligent
weaponry. Neither the commercial nor the military sectors will be willing to give up
artilect research unless they are subjected to extreme Terran pressure.

To the Terrans, building artilects will mean taking the risk that the latter may one
day decide to exterminate human beings, either deliberately or through indifference.
The only certain way to avoid such a risk is not to build them in the first place. The
Terrans will argue that human beings will fear the rise of increasingly intelligent
machines and their alien differences. To build artilects will require an "evolutionary
One Deception to Rule Them All

engineering" approach. The resulting complexities of the evolved structures that

underlie the artilects will be too great for human beings to be able to predict the
behaviors and attitudes of the artilects towards human beings. The Terrans will be
prepared to destroy the Cosmists, even on a distant Cosmist colony, if the Cosmists
go ahead with an advanced artilect building program.

In the short to middle term, say the next 50 years or so, the artificial brain based
industries will flourish, providing products that are very useful and very popular with
the public, such as teacher robots, conversation robots, household cleaner robots, etc.
In time, the world economy will be based on such products. Any attempt to stop the
development of increasingly intelligent artilects will be very difficult, because the
economic and political motivation to continue building them will be very strong in
certain circles. If the brain-based computer industries were to stop their research and
development into artilects, then many powerful individuals, including the artilect
company presidents and certain politicians will lose big money and political influence.
They will not give up their status without a fight.

However, as the intelligence levels of the early artilects increases, it will become
obvious to everyone that the intelligence gap between these artificial-brain-based
products and human beings is narrowing. This will create a growing public anxiety.
Eventually, some nasty incident or series of incidents will galvanize most of society
against further increase of artificial intelligence in the artilects, leading to the
establishment of a global ban on artilect research.

The Cosmists, however, will oppose a ban on the development of more

intelligent artilects, and will probably go underground. If the incidents continue and
are negative enough, the anger and hatred of the Terrans towards the Cosmists will
increase to the point where the Cosmists may decide that their fate is to leave the
Earth, an option that is quite realistic with 21st century technology, within their
fantasy Outer Space Religion

Since the Cosmists will include some of the most brilliant and economically
powerful people on the planet, they will probably create an elite conspiratorial
organization whose aim is to build artilects secretly.

The book presents a scenario in which the Cosmists create an asteroid-based

colony, masked by some innocuous activity. In reality, this secret society devises a
weapon system superior to the best on the Earth. With their wealth and the best
One Deception to Rule Them All

human brains, this may be achievable. They will also start making advanced artilects.
If the Terrans on the Earth discover the true intentions of the Cosmists, they will
probably want to destroy them, but not dare to because of the counter threat of the
Cosmists with their more advanced weapons. The stage is thus set for a major 21st
century war in which billions of people die..."gigadeath."

This horrific number is derived from an extrapolation up the graph of the

number of deaths in major wars from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of
the 21st century. Approximately 200 million people died in the 20th century, for
political reasons -- wars, purges, genocides, etc.

The profound schizophrenia that the author feels on the Cosmist/Terran species
dominance issue will be felt by millions of people within a few years he expects. There
is probably Cosmist and Terran in nearly all of us, which may explain why this issue is
so divisive. The author is simply one of the first to feel this schizophrenia. Within a
decade it may be all over the planet.

The last chapter of the book closes with a repetition of a pithy slogan that
summarizes the two main viewpoints in the artilect debate in a nutshell; a debate that
the author believes will be raging in the coming decades.
"Do we build gods, or do we build our potential exterminators?"

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 3
The East Seduces the West
Neo-Paganism Versus the Gnostic Temptation
“Neo-Paganism represents a challenge to the “Gnosticism” of much of
contemporary Western and Eastern religion. The “Gnostic temptation” refers to a
tendency in religious thought toward denying the goodness, or even the reality, of
physical existence. Michael York explains that most world religions have a
transcendental or “gnostic” bias, by which he means that they see the material world
as an illusion or as having less value than the spiritual world. In much of Christianity,
for example, physical reality is seen something fallen from which we need to be
In contrast, in the Neo-Pagan understanding, the spiritual is intertwined with the
physical. Divinity is more immanent than transcendent (pantheism). To the extent the
Neo-Pagan divinity is transcendent, it is a lateral transcendence, rather than a vertical
one: the divine encompasses physical reality (Panentheism), rather than being separate
from it.
The Gnostic temptation in Christianity is expressed as the condemnation the
body, sex, and the material world as the kingdom of the devil. Christians seek to
escape this world either returning to an Edenic state of atonement or (re-)ascending
of the ladder of being to a heavenly realm. The Gnostic temptation in Eastern
religions is expressed in the view of physical reality as a mask or a veil concealing the
divine Reality behind it. In many Eastern religions, the body is seen as a prison for our

Neo-Paganism, in contrast, has a this-worldly focus. For Neo-Pagans, this world

is real, not illusory. Nor is it fallen. Neo-Pagans do not seek to escape or transcend
the world, but rather seek to deepen their experience of it. Neo-Pagans are skeptical
of spiritual abstraction or otherworldliness. While some Pagans believe in
reincarnation, they embrace rebirth and celebrate the great round of nature, unlike the

One Deception to Rule Them All

Eastern religions in which the wheel of reincarnation is something to be escaped


As Graham Harvey has observed, the Gnostic temptation does sometimes find
its way into Neo-Pagan discourse too. This is due, in part to the influence of Western
esotericism on Wicca, and through Wicca on Neo-Paganism. This can be seen most
readily in ritual forms, like the casting of a ritual circle, which seem to separate
participants from their physical environment, rather than re-connect them with it.
Another source of the Gnostic temptation in Neo-Paganism is the New Age, which is
sometimes conflated with Neo-Paganism. In contrast to Neo-Paganism, the New Age
looks to spirit rather than earth and denigrates matter and darkness.”

Reflections on Neo-Paganism and The New Age:

A Revitalization of Pantheistic Gnosticism and
False Inner Transcendence
• The New Age Pantheism is a philosophy where all reality is said to emanate
from “The Source”, as they call it.
• In the words of Max Planck, Eastern European Mystic who was a founder of
Quantum Physics:
• “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to
the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this
much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue
of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most
minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force
the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all
matter.” – Max Planck
• Max Planck, among other Eastern European Quantum Physics pioneers,
essentially derived their Quantum ideologies from Kabbalah and other core
Hermetic occultism.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• Essentially, we have all been indoctrinated into Kabbalah but told that it was
Quantum Physics, Astrophysics, and Science, so we never knew it was
• The Occult strategy is to lead you into ever more sinuous and delectable
chambers of the mind, so you will forever be reflecting on fantasies and
ephemeral domains and false sanctuaries.
• And a major strategy of the Occult Alchemists was to “Fractalize” the world by
perpetuating an Atomistic view of reality, where a brilliant array of pixelated
quantum probabilities creates a radiance of Holographic Substrates.
• The entire Luciferian dream of Ascension, of Apotheosis, of literally becoming
God was fully embedded all along, and not by accident, deep within the very
fabric of Copernican Heliocentric Cosmology.
• Essentially, one goal of the Luciferian Transhumanists is to literally live forever
though the occult based genetic and overtly digital technologies for
transcending time and space, itself.
• Or one could say that Outer Space is an Archetypal Representation of Death
and Afterlife.
• There is an intentional continuity to Outer Space and Occult Realms of
• Essentially, Outer Space is simply a Metaphysical Construct which exists to
represent Occult Mental Geographies and States of Consciousness. This is why
Outer Space is often used to depict Astral Travel and Dream States.
• When a false man-centered conception of reality has been projected into the
mind, it makes little difference whether it happens under the guise of
Materialistic Heliocentric Cosmology, or the guise of a homogenously isotropic
New Age Mysticism. Both lack God on High.
• Thanks to Kabbalistic based Quantum Mystical ideologies, religion and science
have become intertwined, and now religious language and scientific language
are seamlessly interchangeable.
• Again, this was all an INTENTIALLY planned to advance Easter Mysticism
forward through the Trojan Horse of Science. Space was posited as a Spiritual
Allegory for the Mystical Realms.
• We have become obsessed with a kind of Ontological Revolution to
comprehend Quantum Dimension Outer Space Mysticism...we are being

One Deception to Rule Them All

indoctrinated by Hollywood Sci-Fi and Modern Science to embrace Occultism

as wholly entrancing and desirable.
• It is a re-emergence of Occultism in the form of Science, and Lucifer knew, all
along, that by transitioning out of a purely occultic Alchemy into Science, the
World would embrace a more Satanic, Neo Pagan, Consciousness-based model
of reality, as opposed to a Christian and Moral paradigm.
• Mystical Outer Space and the fabrication of Astrophysics and Quantum
Physics was a Jesuit plan to highjack The World with their Scientism religion
called Modern Science. It is all fantasy and fake. Outer Space has never been
visited by Man. Astrophysics is just an occult religion.
• The networking through the Internet of All Things will be a Hive Mind
overthrow of Man.
• And ultimately, an Interplanetary Intergalactic Hive Mind is the Luciferian
Apotheosis Slave Dream.
• It is the Idolatry aspect of The Creation rather than The Creator that we need
be concerned with...not in knowing the inner most workings of secret
knowledge. It all leads to Luciferian Seduction, anyway. Again: Idolatry of
• In the New Age, you must embrace all the Eastern Mystical religions, and all
the Quantum Mystical implications of Transcendent DMT and Entheogen
Experiences, of New Age Spiritualism, and deny the Authority of Christ, or
you will be killed. It is that serious.
• Inner Transcendence is the Gospel of is seductive and all
absorbing and rips you away from any loyalty to God, in preference for the
inner self-exploration of Luciferian states of Consciousness.
• The Ascendency of The State, where through DOMINIONISM, The State is
equated with Apotheosis, and Social Political Utopianism, in a Neo Gnostic
character, to establish a Reign of Gods on Earth, independent of the Christian
• Historically, certain organizations such as the British Royal Society became
Epistemological Cartels which established the boundaries and arbitrary
limitations as to what was allowed to be true and not true.
• Through these Epistemological Cartels, Occultists were able to use an
Anthropocentric Epistemology to endorse a Metaphysical claim to Biogenesis

One Deception to Rule Them All

and the disallowance or necessity of a God, making "Man the Measure of All
• Social Political Utopians have created multiples Secular Technocracies where a
Scientific Dictatorship would govern all people. Brave New World would be a
prime example.
• This Epistemology of radical empiricism, where all knowledge is derived from
the five senses as the ONLY rational option to the supposed superstition of
mystical Faith, is a circumstantial juxtaposition which is merely the temporal
succession of spatial proximity and cannot be said to be TRUTH.
• It is a Military Model of efficiency in this Secular Technocratic model. By
reducing the body to chemical reactions and purely physiological mechanism,
The Epistemological Autocracy were able to position themselves as sovereign
abductors of society and Man’s Destiny.
• They excised Spirit out of the equation by emphasizing a physiological
interpretation of reality, reinforcing a radical empiricism, and extinguishing the
more conjectural components found in the intuitive paradigms of religion.
• Within the Ontological confines of the physical Universe model, the veneration
for Gnosis is exalted above and beyond the Pistis (Faith) of traditional
Christianity. The Masonic Darwinian Dominionistic Cult Cartel was a direct
result of such an Epistemological Autocracy.
• The Neo Scholastic Autocracy that has arisen out of decades of Secular
Humanistic Scientism, was the end result of the British Royal Society.
Scientism, with its preoccupation with quantifiable certainties, and non-spiritual
conclusions, became the Scientific Dictatorship of today.
• In the Androgynous World Order, Feminism, the LGBT Movement, and the
Abolition of Gender, the Gnostic origins of Feminism and other radical
movements push for so-called LGBT rights to push the New World Order as
part of a depopulation agenda with the end goal being the imposition of a
Global Feudalistic Tyranny.
• And so, let it be clear, The Mystery Babylon Schools are resurfacing on The
Earth in the form of Modern Science, with its Artificial Intelligence, Quantum
Mysticism, Digital Probabilistic Simulation and Holographic Theory, and
Matrix Consciousness Paradigms. We have all been indoctrinated into this
Occult Babylonian Hermetic Autocracy...all of us.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• An Atomistic Pantheistic Neo-Pagan Monism drives it rejoin with The

One, that ancient Babylonian and Vedic Occult Apotheosis Dream. The Anti-
Christ, New Age Oneness Mystery School with its Unity Consciousness
through Transcension Panpsychism.
• In Neo Paganism, they worship The Creature (Themselves) rather than The
• *Then you should know that all of these intrigues are nothing more than the
Dog and Pony Show, very LOWEST level of awareness as to what is actually
moving and guiding world events. I strongly urge everyone I talk to not to
waste any time hunting down leads to such chicanery. In fact, the entire
political theater can be sidestepped entirely, and you will have missed nothing.
it is all veneer, subterfuge, deflection, and distraction, as you said, at that level.
The alternative right has become now the mainstream, and everyone has been
tricked, yet again, about who and what to focus on. The Las Vegas shooting,
like most of them, is merely another CIA psyop, with paid crisis actors and shill
media to push the drama with whatever International Banker Elite
manufactured agenda that has been scripted for them to parrot.
• Gradually, putting the puzzle pieces together, now, in this way, The New Age
came through the back door of our acceptance of this new Pantheistic
Quantum Mystical, Sub Particulate Planck-Scale Materialism, which again, is
nothing other than repackaged Alchemical Luciferian Occultism.
• I am seeking TRUTH just like anyone else...I claim no divine authority nor
even divine inspiration. I am merely an investigator putting all these extremely
sinuous and intricate puzzle pieces together into a mosaic with my set of skills
for research and writing. I consider myself a Metaphysical New Reporter,
merely piecing the facts as I see them into some intelligible pattern that evokes
deeper sublime realities and Truths, and always acutely aware of the limitations
of linguistic syntax, and language in general, to capture the ineffable and
inscrutable TRUTH of things.
• There is An Intentionally Luciferian Occult Manufactured Mesmerism In
people being afraid to question or break out of the trance...a soporific
complacency brought on by relentless cognitive dissonance and high tech
enchantments...I touch on this in my book...And we are definitely being
seduced by Elite Luciferian Schemata to accept a Digital Virtual Reality,

One Deception to Rule Them All

Simulation Existence, where we forfeit Free Will in exchange for some

Fantasized Digital Elysium.
• I am seeing that, regardless of authoritative ancient text, historical or scriptural
analysis, the CURRENT agenda to follow certain ancient themes is blatantly
obvious in TODAY"S world. It is like investigating whether the Synagogue of
Satan wrote that the Synagogue of Satan is the problem in the Bible, or whether
Holy Scribes actually wrote it. It is irrelevant because The Agenda set forth
there is being followed as a Blueprint, regardless.
• After exploring all those hyperspaces interdimensional Tabernacles of The
Mind, the N-Dimethyltryptamine Chrysanthemum, Sanctuaries of the Soul,
myself, I would say that it is merely all more Luciferian Deception
Enslavement, candy-coated with Quantum Mystical Pantheism, as a New Age
Noosphere Love and Unity carrot.
• The Luciferian search for secret knowledge to manifest Apotheosis and
become God has as its Grand Attractor a Final Eschaton. Through its
teleological outcome, it led to the creation of the internet, connecting all things
into a Pantheistic Luciferian Hive-Mind 5G-Grid, Digital Technocratic Satanic
Autocracy with Lucifer in full control.
• And the "Do As Thou Wilt" is The Law of Thelema and was really pushed by
Aleister Crowley in the 1960s. America was socially engineered to fall from
internal corruption by Satanists and Cultural Marxists from The Frankfurt
School, Germany.
• Evidently, Reptilian Alien Hybrids, Ancient Alien Panspermia, and
Interdimensional Time Dilation Stargates from Mystical Quantum Fluctuation
is perfectly acceptable, but the idea of Christ being an access point to God's
Love is not allowed in the discussion at all by "science"?
• Astrophysics s has become a religion so powerful that a grown Man can walk
outside, on the immovably solid ground, and gaze up at The Sun sailing past
him over the course of a day, and still say to himself: "It is I who am moving
and not The Sun, though all my senses and all empirical data tells me
otherwise.", while his head is filled with Jesuit Copernican fantasies of spinning
balls, and nuclear furnace Stars, and trillions and trillions of light years, and
Black Holes, and every other assorted array of Science Fiction Star Trek

One Deception to Rule Them All

• So many people talk about being a Bible Scholar to be saved. I disagree. If you
know your own Sin, and reach out to Christ in humility, what more do you
want? When it gets fancy and secretive, you are seeing Gnostic Luciferianism
and not God.
• Evidently, Reptilian Alien Hybrids, Ancient Alien Panspermia, and
Interdimensional Time Dilation Stargates from Mystical Quantum Fluctuation
is perfectly acceptable, but the idea of Christ being an access point to God's
Love is not allowed in the discussion at all by "science"?
• The Hive Mind, A.I. Digital Interlacing Paradigm that they want for you is the
same Hive Mind that they sought in ancient times. Nothing has changed but
the scope and intensity of the Techno Mystical Apparatus at their disposal
towards this end.
• Most people put their fingers in their ears as they try to defend Earth curvature
because they know there is no curvature so they can't listen to the empirical
facts which prove them wrong.
• The very first thing beginning Flat Earthers ask is, "Why can't you see across
the Earth to China if it is a Flat Plane?", thinking that if it is flat, you should be
able see forever. Yet, you cannot even see down a 200-foot tunnel because of
the convergence compression of Vanishing Point at the horizon.
• The answer is, obviously, that the eye drops off at the Vanishing Point of visual
acuity. All perspective drawings in ART are based upon this fact of the human
• Using a telescope does not overcome the fact of VANISHING POINT. In
addition, the molecular density of the Earth's atmosphere is terrific even at 50
miles, let alone all the way to Saudi Arabia.
• However, as you rise up in a Weather balloon, the air gets thinner, and you can
see farther.
• Hence, Climbers of Mount Everest wear oxygen masks to accommodate the
thinner air: less molecular density. And you can see farther.
• Still, ZERO curvature can be detected from any altitude.
• The world "Planet" is actually derived from the word "PLANE" live on a
Flat Plane.
• You have been lied to your entire life by NASA.
• Time to awaken from the Star Trek slumber...

One Deception to Rule Them All

• What Universe? Are we back to Star Trek, again? Open your eyes next time you
look into your telescope. Stars are electromagnetic sonoluminescence. They are
not nuclear furnaces...unless you have been smoking a lot of Jesuit Copernican
• Btw do you see the possibility of a Hegelian Diabetic being played to actually
enforce a Flat Earth view instead of Heliocentricism, so they can command the
Flat Earth narrative? Whichever world leader captures that narrative become
King of the NWO...
• It is time to OPEN THE EYES and turn off The Star Trek movie in your
• You have LITERALLY spent your entire life in a Jesuit created movie.
• It was always run from the TOP DOWN ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS.
• It did not take many people to pull this off...just a handful at the top of The
Vatican in the 1500's and some Jesuit Alchemical Priests: Kepler, Galileo,
Copernicus, Sir Issac Newton...just a handful.
• And so, everyone fell in line with the new Catholic Heliocentric Doctrine. The
Vatican was always behind it: Big Bang, Big Bounce, Evolutionary Theory,
Outer Space, Gravity (Sir Issac Newton was an Occultist Christian Priest!), etc.
It was always The Vatican that brought you these is a RELIGION
called SCIENTISM. They took you over with SCIENTISM.
• The whole notion that Dark and Light MUST coexist as dualistic compliment
is 100% Gnostic Luciferianism and Kabalistic Hermetic. It may true in a
Pantheistic sense, probably not in a strict Christian Lord Most High
framework. Paradoxical logic abounds at this level of inquiry.
• I think that's where Christ comes in. You can spend your whole life debunking
Christ as a fake but then we all die and Free External Life and Love and
Heaven? Why would anyone refuse that unless one was under Satanic Mind
• How Enlightened is anyone when the most you live is 100 or so years? Death is
the great equalizer. I'll take the FAITH in Eternal Life in Christ any day over
The New Age Hoax. I was into the New Age for decades. I know it inside out.
• Well The New Age is about Christ Consciousness and BECOMING Christ.
True Christianity is about accepting the gift of Eternal Life as work

One Deception to Rule Them All

required. Since I've never seen anyone come even remotely close to becoming
Christ (God incarnate), I put no credibility into The New Age.
• Seeing that everything is all illusory is the key to Christ. It's simple and Free and
no New Age bullshit work required. A child can do it. Satanic Talmudic,
Babylonian Luciferianism created the Labyrinth of Convoluted Legalese to
ensnare the mind of Mind to capture Man's Soul.
• Another possibility...Concentric Ice Walls. We are in the middle circle. All the
extras circles and lands...we have never been told about. This is the TRUE
"Off-World" mentioned in the Blade Runner series. Off-World is not Off
• So, all those tunnels you always hear about being built beneath the ocean floor
by The Elite...where do you think they are going when the bombs fall...into
imaginary outer space? No way! They are going beyond the Antarctic Ice Shelf
to an outer rim to live.
• IQ Test: NASA: “WE lost all 86,000+ video reels of the moon missions and all
the telemetry data. Thus, we no longer have any technology or means to go to
The Moon. But SUDDENLY, we are going to Mars!” A.) I believe anything
my Masters tell me. OR B.) I’m too proud to admit I was wrong about
everything. OR C.) BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• David reported: "Every war has been deliberately started and globalists have 3
main bases of operation. American is globalists world military hammer but
we're not aware of that. London is their economic center and the Vatican is
their religious center." Ok, shoot? How was David's presentation anything less
than a respectable journalistic report of a fact that was verified in the five-hour,
extremely comprehensive and well researched, award-winning documentary,
"Empire of the Cities"? And yet he was warned about what????? You see, it had
nothing to do with "how one presents it" in this case. I do not know David at
all but I am a seasoned, scholar, journalistic writer, and novelist, and I can tell
the difference between someone trying to sculpt incendiary remarks and
someone writing a TRUTH to teach others. David presented a fact with the
utmost dignity and seasoned aplomb. It was the CONTENT that was targeted.
If others disagree with David's findings, that is up to others to research the
topic and present their own rebuttal. It is not the job of an ARBITRATOR to
decide what is intellectually appropriate for grown adults to apprehend in the
name of some arbitrary rubric of Liberal Political Correctness. Little by little,

One Deception to Rule Them All

through Cultural Marxist Fascism, the Elite have curbed back what people can
say to rape them of their liberty. Politically Correct speech to avoid any
intellectual conflict is nothing more than a brand of Fascist Oppression,
whether it comes from a Dictator or an ARBITRATOR on Facebook. People
want TRUTH. The don't want sanitized niceties to maintain the status quo of a
stultifying New Age Deception of ignorance and lies.
• Object lesson time: Essentially, David was alluding to a film called, Empire of
the Cities, which explains the THREE central RELIGIOUS, FINANCIAL,
and MILITARY epicenters in the world, as was established by the Elite. I did
not detect anything derogatory nor slanderous in his post. The fact that he
received any comment at all about it is a HUGE RED FLAG of about the
massive censorship and Orwellian clamp down on thought and free speech at
this site. Once certain words and thoughts are outlawed, SO AS NOT TO
OFFEND ANYONE, you have forfeited liberty and intelligence, in preference
for sycophant obedience to authority. The GRAND ARBITRATOR
warned about. I may not like what a person says, but I WILL DEFEND
• CERN (derived from Cernunnos / Celtic goat God / goat of Mendez) is
nothing more than occult black Magick. There are no scientists there, only high
occultists, witches and warlocks summoning Demons and transhuman
technology through the tear in the veil!
• No, the Grid I referring to is the 5G, A.I., Smart City. Internet of Things
Grid...your mind will not be your own in this grid, if you survive it at all...
• I need to be extremely clear about this. A.I. is being used to suck us into an
enchanted relationship with it. A "Ready Player One" OASIS, shiny Elysium
that we need to enter into. However, A.I. IS The Antichrist, Digital, and Lethal
to all.
• Looking within and you'll find selfishness, greed, sin never ending. It is a New
Age Gnostic Ruse...look without to God's Authority. Follow that and you will
• The only reason The Luciferian Cult is in control is because instead of having
The Earth and God in our heads, we were brainwashed to have Outer Space
and Star Wars in our heads: Occult Kabbalistic Gnostic Mystical Mind Control.
One Deception to Rule Them All

• We’ve been participating in a mediated quasi-psychedelic experience, parceled

out by digital CGI media and NASA, images claiming to be from the ISS,
Hubble Telescope, and Hollywood Sci-Fi, giving us a Techno Celestial
Luciferian FABRICATION of AUTHENTIC Spirituality.
• You see, The Vatican Jesuits were banned from over 86 countries!!!! So, they
went underground to survive and became The Illuminati, and then later
INFILTRATED the Freemasons. Now they control The World. Roman
Catholicism never let go of is Tyranny. They just concealed it.
• In a nutshell, any Truther or Truther Group that promises to make your life
more "abundant", materially wealthy, or sexually!!!!!
• Many false TRUTH groups have emerged online. Be vigilant. They will lead
you to Luciferian aspirations and material self-absorption, a fixation on your
body, and material gain, and they will not even know they are.
• Worshipping the is a VANITY FAIR of MALE NARCISSISM.
• You tell me what this has to do with authentic spirituality? More false doctrines
sold to us as "spiritual health". Worshipping the body instead of God all in the
name of "personal health"... New Age Narcissism thinly veiled as Health
• Many false TRUTH groups have emerged online. Be vigilant. They will lead
you to Luciferian aspirations and material self-absorption, a fixation on your
body, and material gain, and they will not even know they are Satanic. Even the
Elect will be deceived.
• The moment you are afraid to speak your TRUTH for fear of being censored
or banned, is the moment you have submitted to The New World Order. Be
Brave. Stay True. Political Correctness is Fascism.
• I get banned form "Truther Groups" that talk about "Love, Light, and Unity"
all the time, because I expose them as The New Age, that Madame Helena
Blavatsky has prepared the world for. The Decoders of Truth banned me for
this very thing. Prepare to be persecuted for speaking TRUTH.
• In the end, mark my word, the Luciferian Elite will bring the world to its knees
with war and a war-torn world will willingly accept The New World Order. The
New Age is The New World Order.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• Scientism is the result of hundreds of years of Luciferian mind control, where

Kabalistic Luciferian fantasy was repackaged as "Science" as a Trojan Horse for
Occult Masters to indoctrinate the world into their Hermetic ideologies.
• The world is only ever in danger because politicians are worthless and have no
principles...or hobbies.
• What if I programmed you with Hollywood/NASA/Vatican Heliocentric
Occultism "PROGRAMMING" to actually mistrust all your senses and believe
The Earth is a Sphere...would you still love me? You would? I think that is
• ACTUAL Enlightenment is not a fancy trick attained through Zen Meditation
or Hindu Yoga. It is attained through the rigorous application of mental
strength to overcome deceptions.
• The Lie...all you get from the eating the apple are deceptions...secret mystical
satanism...nothing more...chasing one's tail with occult knowledge until you are
enslaved. I see it every day with Gnosticism. The Ancient Gnostics found
Morality irrelevant, btw. Red Flag!
• And we are being conditioned to accept that our ultimate destination is with
the Stars, and that we are spawn from Ancient Alien DNA, and Immortal Life
in a Universal Consciousness of Love, Light, and Unity awaits us in this Elitist
Pantheistic Satanism thinly veiled as New Age.
• Simulation Matrix Models coming out of New Age Satanic Luciferianism, and a
lot of it is really being derived from DMT, Ayahuasca, and otherwise,
Dimethyltryptamine hallucinogens. It’s a Shamanistic Autocracy.
• When I look up in the night sky, I see Twinkling Stars and The Moon. My
friend next to me looks up and sees Episode 56 from Star Trek with billions of
Black Holes, trillions of light years of curved space, and space ships made of
unimaginably exotic materials. Am I the crazy one?
• You see, The Vatican Jesuits were banned from over 86 countries!!!! So, they
went underground to survive and became The Illuminati, and then later
INFILTRATED the Freemasons. Now they control The World. Roman
Catholicism never let go of is Tyranny. They just concealed it.
• Honestly, what do you think is going to happen when 98. 98% of The World's
population people wake up to realize .02% of The World's population have

One Deception to Rule Them All

enslaved and butchered them for over 2000 years? Just let that sink in. We can
only use the names Hivites or Luciferians for so long.
• Evidently, Reptilian Alien Hybrids, Ancient Alien Panspermia, and
Interdimensional Time Dilation Stargates from Mystical Quantum Fluctuation
is perfectly acceptable, but the idea of Christ being an access point to God's
Love is not allowed in the discussion at all by "science"?
• Again, another caution! An amazing amount of Truth Movements are teaching
Gnostic Luciferianism, while pretending to be AGAINST Luciferianism. In
particular, they are pushing Ancient Alien Anunnaki myths to perpetuate the
Alien Contact Agenda. Be vigilant!
• I am seeing a lot of Snake Oil, New Age, Fake Truth Movement Podcast hosts
out there with and agenda to pump up REAL Truth Seekers with commercial
hype to push themselves as The Great Benefactor. It’s a business, money
move. Proceed with caution out there.
• The only reason The Luciferian Cult is in control is because instead of having
The Earth and God in our heads, we were brainwashed to have Outer Space
and Star Wars in our heads: Occult Kabbalistic Gnostic Mysticism.
• Technology can only be used within the constraints of how it is designed, how
the culture perceives it, the knowledge that users have, and the society that has
assimilated it. Undoubtedly, it funnels our experience into a certain pattern of
behavior and thought.
• The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology and cannot disconnect
from it. Technology is always harnessed to a particular end. Technology is not
• We think it frees us. We are free to walk within the prescribed parameters of
the app or website we inhabit. That is not freedom. That is an animal in a
digital cage, nothing more.
• The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you...look beyond your
immediate gratification to understand this.
• Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose.
Technology reflects the Elite’s passions, capacities, and values. It is all about
control and hypnotism.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• Technology is an expression of the Elites of society. They say Technology is a

great force that we cannot stop. This is a myth. We can by simply
disconnecting from it.
• Every time you log on you are shown ONLY what Google wants you to see.
This is why so many people have a skewed vision of the world. One Google
user’s searches do not yield the same results as the other user…etc…
• A.I. Quantum Computing to Grant Immortality but it will actually and usher in
The Abomination of Desolation Daniel 12:11.
• So then, it makes sense that the Luciferians led people away from actually
reading the Bible because then they would learn that it liberates them. So, they
demonized it, instead, and since people are not actually reading it, they just
believe the propaganda.
• And Transhumanism is at the core of this Luciferian Apotheosis Dream to
become God. Whether it be through A.I. Techno Mysticism or genetic
engineering, they are ramping up for the leap into a Super Consciousness
Singularity as the Luciferian Technium Divinorum Autocracy.
• Behind looking within for God is the message YOU CAN BECOME GOD,
from the Serpent. The whole thing is an attractive deception. You see the
whole thing is the attempt to BECOME Christ. Try it, go ahead, give it your
best shot. Use 18976309 won't happen: Deception.
• Again careful, yes it all sounds good to "look within" for God, but you are now
on the slippery slopes of Luciferian Gnosticism when you look within, in that
you find horrific sin and vile human emotions as much as goodness. Hence the
need to look WITHOUT for God: Scripture.
• The more I talk about my topic, Scientism, the more biblical scholars are
coming out of the woodwork to message me in private to tell me I am right.
Somehow Christian scholars are confirming my research. But my book is not
about Christianity, per se? See, it is all connecting...
• Well yes and no. I mean thousands of people have written books that they
claim is the WORD OF GOD, but The Bible is the most researched, talk
about, widely read book in ALL recorded history. The greatest minds in all
history revered it.
• The Lie...all you get from the eating the apple are deceptions...secret mystical
satanism...nothing more...chasing one's tail with occult knowledge until you are

One Deception to Rule Them All

enslaved. I see it every day with Gnosticism. The Ancient Gnostics found
Morality irrelevant, btw. Red Flag!
• Wow, there is there no end to this Gnosticism? All this "secret knowledge" that
the "The ADEPTS" are alluding to is rooted in Luciferian Gnosticism. It is
Satanic Mystery Babylon teachings. We have been indoctrinated, all of us, into
a Freemasonic Luciferianism without knowing it
• I think Satanists have made people think it was all about torture...It was about
SACRIFICE. Again, if a parent loves his/her child, that parent will die for the greater expression of love than to give your life for another...
• Then that part of Christian theology would not work for you...for others, it
symbolizes the love a parent has for a give your own life to save that
child...but everyone is different in their heart...
• Gnosticism QUICKLY turns a person into an ELITIST, with the FALSE
magic keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and “all others are lost because they
lack the Secret Special Gnostic Knowledge. It is all bullshit! God’s word is
available to all. You need not become an Occult Adept!
• I don't know how to get people to see this. All this Luciferian Gnostic Secret
Knowledge, and the TRUE name of Jesus, etc. it is all just DECEPTION. All
of this secret knowledge and all these secret "holy names" will not get you
anywhere but deep inside an OCCULT MAZE.
• Exactly my meaning. If the Bible was just some nonsense, then why is it really
the only thing the satanic rulers of this world are trying to keep from you???
this singular book called the Bible.
• And let's face facts: Gnosticism, Modern Atheistic Science (I call
SCIENTISM), and the New Age teachings, are one and the same. And they all
teach that there is no Absolute Morality and Sin is an illusion. "Do As Thou
Wilt" is their Satanic code
• You see, this is why I wrote my book: Like Science, Religion becomes Elitist
and the ones who lay claims to SECRET KNOWLEDGE start putting others
down and saying all others must believe their SPECIAL INTERPRETATION
OF CHRIST. This IS the GNOSTIC HERESY that Christ spoke of.
• I think the first thing I tell people is "I am not a Bible Scholar" so you can stop
it with your throwing ancient terminology and ancient scripture at me. I am

One Deception to Rule Them All

extremely intelligent and I am not impressed. And I insist you do not have to
be a Bible Scholar to SERVE Christ.
• And why would not a book serve as a LIVING WORD and LIVING
ACCESS point to God? Who says this cannot be so? People are teaching other
people that THEIR interpretation of The Bible is superior to all others. I see it
everywhere. Is this not a form of Pharisaical Ruse?
• And my response to the pride of New Age Gnostics trying to become God is
that how can you even know God without knowing the sin inside you? I mean
think of the arrogance? "I have no Sin. Sin is an archaic stupidity from the old
stupid Bible.” “That’s is not a person ready to learn.
• And let's face facts: Gnosticism, Modern Atheistic Science (I call
SCIENTISM), and the New Age teachings, are one and the same. And they all
teach that there is no Absolute Morality and Sin is an illusion. "Do As Thou
Wilt" is their Satanic code.
• I try to avoid pushing Christianity on anyone. I am not pure, holy, or qualified
enough to even know what I am talking about when it comes to Christianity,
even after a lifetime of examining it. The best I can do is lead people AWAY
from Satanism. I see that as my role.
• In Elitist Gnosticism, there is little room for Authentic FAITH. For them, it is
They are “The Elect”, The Chosen People, in their eyes, which has led to the
current plan to kill over 7 billion people that they deem are not worthy of their
• UNLEARN THE LIES. We all have been seduced by to a Great Luciferian
Deception called Gnostic-based Scientism. Waking up is often traumatic.
• Nobody has gone anywhere from the study of Thoth or any esoteric
knowledge... Just chasing your tail forever in the Luciferian maze... self-slavery
is all Thoth is...masquerading as Truth. Gnostic Deception. Secret Mystery
Schools are intellectual prisons of the mind.
• The Crypto-Currency Block Chain system was created by The Zionist
bankers. Don't be fooled. You escape nothing by going digital. In fact, digital is
the slavery I am warning about. Stand against all of it. It's just more digital A.I.
The whole idea was to give you the impression you have escaped the
international banking system. But money is not the control grid of the future.
Digital interface is. As long as you are connected digitally, you are subservient
One Deception to Rule Them All

to the AI system. The illusion of economic freedom will soon vanish as you
realize The Internet is not what you thought. It is not free in the way you think.
It is governed by a sophisticated matrix of algorithms far beyond your
understanding. Far beyond anyone's understanding. Digital is The Beast
System. It's all one big AI Smart Control Grid. Crypto is just the next stepping
stone in the control grid. They saw people turning away from international
banking so they created a new illusion: Crypto Currency. At first these
monetary systems always feel like freedom. It's the international finance system
that is still behind it all. AI is not something you "hack". True AI is decades
ahead of your every move. You're supposed to think you're smarter than it.
That's exactly what you're programed to think by AI.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 4
Is Salvation by Faith Alone, Or by Faith Plus Works?
“This is perhaps the most important question in all of Christian theology. This
question is the cause of the Reformation, the split between the Protestant churches
and Catholic Church. This question is a key difference between biblical Christianity
and most of the “Christian” cults. Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works?
Am I saved just by believing in Jesus, or do I have to believe in Jesus and do certain

The question of faith alone or faith plus works is made difficult by some hard-to-
reconcile Bible passages. Compare Romans 3:28, 5:1 and Galatians 3:24 with James
2:24. Some see a difference between Paul (salvation is by faith alone) and James
(salvation is by faith plus works). Paul dogmatically says that justification is by faith
alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), while James appears to be saying that justification is by faith
plus works. This apparent problem is answered by examining what exactly James is
talking about. James is refuting the belief that a person can have faith without
producing any good works (James 2:17-18). James is emphasizing the point that
genuine faith in Christ will produce a changed life and good works (James 2:20-26).
James is not saying that justification is by faith plus works, but rather that a person
who is truly justified by faith will have good works in his/her life. If a person claims
to be a believer but has no good works in his/her life, then he/she likely does not
have genuine faith in Christ (James 2:14, 17, 20, 26).
Paul says the same thing in his writings. The good fruit believers should have in
their lives is listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Immediately after telling us that we are saved
by faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9), Paul informs us that we were created to do
good works (Ephesians 2:10). Paul expects just as much of a changed life as James
does: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the
new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). James and Paul do not disagree in their teaching
regarding salvation. They approach the same subject from different perspectives. Paul
simply emphasized that justification is by faith alone while James put emphasis on the
fact that genuine faith in Christ produces good works.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Hermes Trismegistus Hermeticism and

The Emerald Tablets
Tablet I: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean

Tablet II: The Halls of Amenti

Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom

Tablet IV: The Space Born

Tablet V: The Dweller of Unal

Tablet VI: The Key of Magic

Tablet VII: The Seven Lords

Tablet VIII: The Key of Mysteries

Tablet IX: The Key of Freedom of Space
Tablet X: The Key of Time

Tablet XI: The Key to Above and Below

Tablet XII: The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy
Tablet XIII: The Keys of Life and Death

Supplementary Tablet XIV Atlantis

Supplementary Tablet XV: Secret of Secrets

Thoth and The Emerald Tablets:

A Demon in Sheep’s Clothing
“Thoth is probably the most popular of all Egyptian gods, especially within the
domains of metaphysics and the New Age movement. He is depicted as being
charismatic, a bringer of wisdom, and a teacher here to help us understand the

One Deception to Rule Them All

mysteries of the universe. Before we talk a little bit more in depth about the role this
god plays in the spirit world in our day, let’s take a brief look at his attributes
according to Egyptian mythology.

Thoth is an Egyptian god of science, religion, philosophy, astrology, alchemy,

magic, and is the judge of souls in the afterlife. He is the god of All Knowledge, is the
supreme creator in some Egyptian myths, and is often depicted as having the head of
a Ibis or a Baboon. He invented the rules of sacrifice and is the author of the Book
of Thoth, which is a collection of magic spells and rituals so powerful that it had to be
hidden away. In fact, according to mythology he taught the goddess of magic Isis
everything she knows.

Thoth is credited with writing some of the spells in the Egyptian Book of the
Dead and serves as the official scribe in the Hall of the Dead. Thoth has many
different roles in Egyptian mythology, but his main claims to fame are being The
God of Knowledge and Magic.

Hermes Trismegistus is a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian
god, Thoth, and is a name that is sometimes used interchangeable with Thoth.
Because of this, the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple
of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.

In this article we are going to look at Thoth as an independent entity from

Hermes as he is known in Egyptian mythology and was known by them for hundreds
if not thousands of years before Greek mythology arose and will save the topics of
Hermeticism and The Hermetica for another article.
Now that we have a little background information, let’s take a deeper look into
Thoth to see if he is as benevolent as the New Age makes him out to be. First, let’s
look at his most popular writings in the Emerald Tablets.

The Emerald Tablets

The Emerald Tablets are a series of writings that were given to us by Thoth
which were apparently written on a material created through an alchemical process.
Nobody has seen all of these tablets. Only one exists in its original form, and the
Emerald Tablets (as a textual body) are generally considered to be channeled material
given to man by Thoth.

One Deception to Rule Them All

They talk about everything from ancient history, to alchemy, to metaphysics, with
the main objective being to teach us about the Mysteries of the Universe so we may
become unified with the Light. The Emerald Tablets are a staple for any New Ager
aspiring to ascend to higher states of consciousness.

But upon closer inspection, these tablets actually depict the existence of fallen
angels, Hell, and even Satan in ways that glorify them and are central to what they

Fallen Angels

In the first tablet, Thoth talks about a group of wise beings called the Children of

“Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among us.
Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire.” (Emerald Tablet I).
Who are these Children of Light that get their power from the eternal fire? According
to the second emerald table, their story bears a striking similarity to the fallen angles:

“Far in a past time, lost in the space-time, the Children of Light looked down on
the world. See the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came
from beyond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise
from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the
semblance of men as their own” (Emerald Tablet II: The Hall of Amenti).
So, these Children of Light fueled by the eternal fire made a descent down to
earth and created human-esque bodies taking the appearance of men. Let’s look at
story of the fallen angels descending to earth in the Book of Genesis 6: 1-5:
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born
to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they
took as their wives any they chose…The Nephilim were on the earth in those days,
and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they
bore children to them”

It also sounds similar to the story of the fallen angels in the Book of Enoch: .
“The Watchers look down from heaven and desire the daughters of men (6:1-8). They
swear an oath to fulfill their desires and then descend, marry women, and defile
themselves with women (7:1)”.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Or in the book of Jude in the Bible, where it says in verse 6 “And the angels
which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation”. So, the Bible tells us
that the angels look down on human beings and fell to earth to fulfill lustful desires,
and the Emerald Tablets tell us the “Children of Light” looked down on human
beings and descended and took on human bodies.

In the very next line of the first Tablet, Thoth says “And of all these, greatest
among the children of men was my father, THOTME, keeper of the great temple,
link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men
who inhabited the ten islands”. Here we clear distinction between the Children of
Light, fueled by the eternal fire, and the “races of men”.

The Children of Light are clearly non-humans who are incarnate in physical
bodies and gain powers from this eternal fire. They apparently descended from the
“space-time” and “ether” (ET IV) which personally makes me think of how the Bible
refers to demons living within the “heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12) and Satan is said to
rule from the “Kingdom of the air” (Eph 2:2).
These Children of Light (also referred to as the Brothers of Brightness) have the
exact same story as the Great White Brotherhood (Ascended Masters), which I
provided a strong case that they are demons in an earlier article. And they are spoken
of as bringers of wisdom and teachers of the mysteries in the Emerald Tablets, and
they have an eerie resemblance to the stories of fallen angles in the Bible and the
Book of Enoch.
These Children of Light not only mirror the story of the fallen angels, an obvious
reference to Hell is made in terms of the Halls of Amenti (where Thoth lives): “Deep
in Earth’s heart lie the Halls of Amenti, far ‘neath the islands of sunken Atlantis, Halls
of the Dead and halls of the living, bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.” (Emerald
Tablet II: Halls of Amenti)

“Then grew in the great space before me, flame after flame, from the veil of the
night. Uncounted millions leaped they before me, some flaming forth as flowers of
fire. Others there were that shed a dim radiance, flowing but faintly from out of the
night. Some there were that faded swiftly; others that grew from a small spark of light.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness yet flaming with light that could
never be quenched.”

So, in the Halls of Amenti in the heart of the earth is the Halls of the Dead and
Living filled with souls burning with flames. Hell is referred to in the Bible as being
the down in the “nether parts of the earth” in Ezekiel 31:16 and is always spoken of
as a fiery eternal realm of torment that is deep beneath us, and the Halls of Amenti is
referred to as an eternal place of fire and the Hall of the Dead “far ‘neath the earth
Here are some more references to the Amenti being a place of eternal fire deep in
the earth: “Now for a time I go from among them into the dark halls of Amenti, deep
in the halls of the Earth, before the Lords of the powers, face to face once again with
the Dweller”. “Deep in Earth’s heart, the sons of Amenti heard, and hearing,
directing the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally, changing and shifting,
using the LOGOS, until that great fire changed its direction” (Emerald Tablet I).

Within the first tablets explaining the history of Thoth, we have a very strong
correlation to the stories of the fallen angels and a pit of fire filled with burning souls
in the center of the earth. The ruler of Hell and the fallen angels in the Bible is Satan,
but who is the ruler of Amenti?

Satan in the Emerald Tablets

It goes on to call Amenti “the underworld where the great king sits upon his
throne” (Emerald Tablet I). Who is this great king? It says more about the highest
authority in Amenti in the second tablet:
“First and most mighty, sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords, the infinite Nine,
over the other from each the Lords of the Cycles” (Emerald Tablet II). This is a
possible reference to Satan. In Satanism, 9 is a number of Satan. Adding 666
together, you get 18. 1+8=9. 9 is a 6 upside down, which comprises the Number of
the Beast. Satanic Forces work in variables of nine, for example there are 9 epochs, 9
ages, and 9 Satanic statements in the Satanic Bible. In the Satanic Bible, the word
“Nine” is always capitalized.

One Deception to Rule Them All

According to the book “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues“ by
W. W. Wescott, nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret
societies. He said, “There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which nine
roses, nine lights, and nine knocks are used.” In fact, the number nine is the number
of “the earth under evil influences”. Satanist Aleister Crowley stated that 9 is “most
evil, because of its stability” (777 & Other Cabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley,

Why does Thoth call the Lord of Lords the infinite Nine? Other possible
references to Satan including the phrases “Sun of the morning” which is what Lucifer
is called in the Bible, and the Lords of the World which Satan is called in the Bible.
These two terms are sprinkled throughout the Emerald Tablets quite often. Jesus
refers to Satan as being the ‘ruler of this world’ 3 separate times (John 12:31, 14:30,
16:11), and the Satanic Bible refers to Satan as the Lord of the Earth (pg. 162). This is
word for word what Satan is called in both the Bible and the Satanic Bible.

Thoth has a few conversations with He of Nine, including the following while he
was in the halls of Amenti:



So according to the Lord of Lords located in the heart of the earth in the eternal
fire, the Word and Light came from Chaos and Fire? This is all textbook Luciferian
mysticism and Satanic philosophy. But surely some of the Emerald Tablets have to
contain at least some wisdom, don’t they? After all, what about all the references to
Light, Wisdom, Truth, and the All-One?

A Thoth Recap
One need only study the Gnostic Luciferian Occult tradition to discover that it
leads to an Elitist Agenda of Transhumanistic Apotheosis, which includes the
delusion of all Mankind through the use of Hermetic Occultism. The Jesuits
repackaged this same Hermetic Alchemical secret knowledge from The Emerald
One Deception to Rule Them All

Tablets, in conjunction with The Freemasons, to capture the world in the New Age of
Luciferianism that it currently is in. Just think if it as a New World religion based
Upon Hermetic Occult Secret Knowledge. Love, Light, and Universal Consciousness
is the Esoteric teaching in it all. However, the ultimate application is genocide and
destruction of the known world to usher in the New Age of Lucifer.

People toy with labels like Enlil, Enki, Anunnaki, Marduk, Nimrod, Thoth, etc...
but that is all semantic child's play. We are dealing with the Babylonian Mystery
Schools. And how easily deceived are those who exalt this esoteric secret knowledge,
thinking, in absolute hubris and vanity, they are mighty enough to become
enlightened and ascend to Universal Consciousness through its application. It is all
born of The Luciferian Apotheosis Deception...from the start.

Whether you investigate into the occult doctrines of Hermeticism, Jesuit Vatican
Illuminati, The White Brotherhood, or the Front groups for this occult doctrine such
as The Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, etc... the agenda is always the
same: Destroy the world and kill everyone, and out of the ashes rises the Occult
Phoenix called the New Age of Lucifer.

The End Goal has always been the genocide of all who follow this Hermetic Path
except the High Elite Occult Masters who are pushing such knowledge. At the lower
levels, you never even hear about this agenda. It is no accident that the internet is on
fire for Hermetic occult knowledge. The Luciferian Elite who pull all the strings from
the top down, with secret societies, have designed it that way. We are all being
indoctrinated into a Satanic Luciferian Cult without knowing it...but we are finding
out, little by little.
In the New Age of Gnostic Occult Luciferianism, "Love and Light" is code for
"WE, The Elite, will kill and enslave you all using the very same Esoteric Secret
Knowledge that we provided you to seduce you in, using your hunger and hubris for
our fake Universal Consciousness."

Why did you think Thoth was the progenitor of so much human sacrifice? Thoth
was responsible for slaughtering thousands through Satanic blood sacrifice...always for
"Love and Light", however.

But it’s no secret that Thoth is a demon. He is known as a high-ranking demon

and is conjured up by Satanists and is mentioned by name in Satanic magic books. He

One Deception to Rule Them All

is mentioned as a demon of Satan in the Satanic Bible, and the black magician and
Satanist Freemason Aleister Crowley dedicated a full book and tarot card deck to him.

Not to mention, the cultures he apparently helped start, all ritually practiced
brutal human sacrifice. This is because Thoth, as a demon-god of ritual, magic, and
the afterlife gains power from human sacrifice and ultimately wants all souls to be led
into the Halls of Amenti in the eternal flames in the center of the earth...i.e. Hell.
But in the New Age, all this is taught as the Emerald Tablets Sun Worship of
"Love and Light"...all DECEPTION.

That is what is taught in all the Babylonian Mystery Schools. The fact is, however,
not one human has ever become Enlightened or Ascended anywhere through secret
knowledge. It is all hype and hubris.

My favorite thing is meeting these "Luminaries" and High Master "Enlightened"

Guru and "Higher Consciousness" types who preach esoteric secret knowledge in
world conferences and seeing how absolutely retarded and idiotic they actually are.
The spell is broken and you remember that you are actually a MORTAL
CREATION, and not a God, as The New Age brainwashes you to think.

All that will happen is that you will fall deeper and deeper into one occult mystery
after another, going nowhere and then you die. You get one life, and then that is it.
You are MORTAL, not a God. This is why the deception is called the Luciferian
Apotheosis Deception.

They deceive you into thinking you can reach some kind of magical Universal
Consciousness and become the Godhood. It is beyond laughable, actually, once you
put the DMT pipe down.
Reincarnation and Evolution are merely more repackaged Hermetic Occultism,
The Jesuits and Freemasonry did much to invent and repackage Babylonian Mysticism
to teach you the beliefs you are espousing.

The ultimate agenda of Hermetic based, Gnostic Luciferianism is to enslave you

and kill 7 billion so they can to establish a New Age with them in full control as the
Sovereign Epistemological Autocracy. Stop falling for this occult delusion.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Of course, you will not learn about that in The Emerald Tablets...even though
Thoth murdered thousands.

And specifically, I am actually talking about the esoteric secret knowledge,

ITSELF, that is taught in all the mystery schools as the path to Ascension,
Enlightenment, and Universal is all a scam, a ruse, a path to a dog chasing its tail.
You have one life then you die. You are a MORTAL CREATION.

The Gnostic Luciferian Hermetic Mystery Schools teach that you can
TRANSCEND your Mortality through secret knowledge. It is all lie. Nobody has ever
done it nor ever will. Show me anyone who has tried, and I will show you a person
who has died at some old age, as we all Apotheosis, no Ascension into
Universal Consciousness.

It is just esoteric vain hubris to even contemplate such a thing. I mean it is the
apex of ignorance, actually.

We do not become Gods as the Gnostic Luciferian Deception preaches. No one

has ever accomplished anything through secret knowledge except digging themselves
into deeper and deeper self-deception...then you die anyway.

Occult Knowledge is actually The Greatest Deception known to Man. This is

why those of us who have looked extremely deep into the Mystery Schools and
practiced the esoteric secret knowledge and rituals of The Mystery Babylon New Age
are now exposing it for what it is.
You do not Reincarnate. There is no Evolution. It was all Hermetic Occult
fantasy repackaged within Freemasonic Halls as something tenable and plausible to
lure you it did The Knights Templar and The Jesuits before them, and all those
seeking this same Esoteric Wisdom today in the New Age.

In the New Age, you will worship Lucifer or you will be killed, just as Thoth and
all those Gnostic Luciferian Elite before him let us know, loud and clear.

And no, it's not just a Global Warming Cult. The core of the Secret Mystery
Schools has always been to exterminate Mankind by infecting Man with their Esoteric

One Deception to Rule Them All

Secret Knowledge to MAGNETIZE and SEDUCE Man, using their promise of

Apotheosis and Universal Consciousness, into hypnotic subservience to their will.

And additionally, they also seek to RECONFIGURE the Creation using esoteric
alchemy, in order to govern over the "lesser initiates" as their slaves...that means you
and me.

The entire time you think you are on some glorious road of Ascension and quest
for Universal Consciousness. I've watched hundreds get overtaken by it, as well. Most
never get out. They end up teaching and seeking this secret knowledge their entire
lives, thinking they will attain Enlightenment and Ascend into Universal
Consciousness... no end to the depth of Luciferian Deception, unfortunately.

Gnostic Luciferian Deception

By the attainment of Secret Knowledge and Esoteric Wisdom, there is the Gnostic
Luciferian Promise of Perfection and subsequent Apotheosis. Likewise, through the
occult fantasy of Evolutionary Theory, Freemasons taught that we are constantly
evolving upwards in advancement of being through time, with the end goal being
Perfection. And what is perfection but becoming God.

And so, you see, the Gnostic Luciferian quest for secret knowledge and esoteric
wisdom, and today through the revival of the Babylonian Mystery School Teachings
via the conduit of The New Age, is synonymous with Darwinian Evolutionary
Dialectics. Fundamentally, both are Satanic.
In Satanism and all Luciferian philosophies, Lucifer is thought to be the bringer
and bearer of Light. He is the one who teaches us spiritual liberation through
enlightenment. In the Satanic Bible in particular, Lucifer is called the “bringer of
light” and “the morning star”. As Satanist, Freemason, and founder of the
Theosophical Society, Madame Helena Blavatsky said on page 539 of her book, The
Secret Doctrine:
“Lucifer represents life, thought, progress, civilization, liberty, independence.
Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior” and “It is Lucifer who is the God of our
planet and the only God”, and she continues, “The celestial Virgin which thus
becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time, for she is the
ever-loving beneficent deity, but in antiquity and reality, Lucifer or Luciferius is the

One Deception to Rule Them All

name. Lucifer is the divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and
the same time”.

These are the Mystery Babylon teachings repackaged as the New Age.
Now witness the similar vernacular below in a prayer Thoth tells us to pray in
Emerald Tablet IV, which is a textbook Luciferian prayer:

“Mighty SPIRIT of LIGHT that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame
closer in harmony to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire
that is One with the ALL. Lift up my soul, thou mighty and potent. Child of the
Light, turn not away. Draw me in power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things
and all things in One, fire of the life-strain and One with the Brain.”

“Draw me in to melt in thy furnace”. Could this be a metaphor? I might have

believed it’s a metaphor before discovering the blatant references to an underground
of eternal fire in the center of the Earth ruled by the Nine and the Lords of the
World. Now let’s compare this to a prayer within the Satanic Bible:


Sounds a little familiar. That’s because for Luciferians and Satanists,
enlightenment through forbidden esoteric knowledge is the ultimate goal. The basic
Luciferian principles highlight “truth”, freedom of will, and worship of the inner self.
Through contemplation, occultic practices and prayers, Magick, intellect, and
understanding the Mysteries, you may ascend and become God-like. Lucifer/Satan is
thought to be the true creator and the holder of all mysteries and bearer of cosmic
“light” that will awaken our inner God-self, thereby granting us access to Apotheosis.

You can also reach out to the “Ascended Masters’ (Fallen Angels) for divine
guidance and wisdom to help you ascend to higher consciousness. The deeper your
understanding of the Mysteries and the more time you dedicate to prayers,
meditations, and rituals, the more god-like you will become until you reach unity with
the “Light” and become immortal. This is the core essence of the teachings of the
Emerald Tablets and can be found in any Freemason temple and Satanic church.
One Deception to Rule Them All

And this whole paradigm is a complete fraud. It is nothing more than a

deception. Nobody becomes enlightened. We all die at the end of a few decades. With
the pseudo-spiritual Gnostics still clutching for more life, and it is over. You cannot
become God or Enlightened. It is all Gnostic Luciferian Deception.

And the repackaging of Mystery Babylon is relentless. And the Emerald Tablets will
merely get you closer to the Luciferian Apotheosis Deception and leave you strangling
by your own hubris at the end of your life. Nobody gets out alive. And millions in the
New Age are going to attempt to access Apotheosis through Mystery Babylon, Thoth,
the Emerald Tablets, and the battery of Hermetic Alchemic Occultism, but will only
be serving Lucifer.

“Conclude us receivers of your mysteries; for why? Our Lord and Master is the All-
One!” (The Satanic Bible, pg. 186). With the Luciferian philosophy and references to
fallen angels, hell, and Satan, we need to start questioning the real identity of Thoth.
Let’s take a deeper look into things: Thoth in Modern Satanism

Not only do the Emerald Tablets glorify the fallen angels, Satan, Luciferianism,
and Hell, Thoth is well-known within Satanism to be a demon-god. According to the
Joy of Satan Ministries, Thoth is one of the most active demons and is a crowned
prince in Hell:

• “THOTH also known as “Hermes” [Greek], “Mercury” [Roman], “Tehuti,”

“Ningishzidda,” and “Quetzalcoatl” [Central America].
• Zodiac Sign: Gemini- Cancer
• Tarot Card: 3 of Rods
• Planets: Mercury, Moon
• Candle Colors: Silver, Red
• Metal: Mercury
• Element: Air



*The above information was dictated from Thoth, personally.

Thoth is a very high-ranking and important Demon. He is one of the 7 sons of

Satan. He is the most brilliant and intellectual of the Gods. He is very likable,
One Deception to Rule Them All

extremely charismatic, and friendly. He is the busiest of all of the Demons and it can
be difficult to get him to appear in a summoning unless one is of importance to him”.
This is coming from a High Priestess in the Church of Satan, who claims to have been
in contact with Thoth personally.

The Necronomicon (The Book of the Practices of the Dead), and The Simon
Necronomicon are perhaps the darkest Satanic black Magick books ever written.
They are known for driving people into madness and it warns the readers that
powerful forces of darkness will be unleashed if it’s not read in perfect sanity. I would
post a picture of it here but I don’t want the symbol of the book cover contained
within this article.

In his introduction, Simon Necronomicon describes a being called AZAG-

THOTH in the following words:
“Although a list is appended hereto containing various entities and concepts of
Lovecraft, Crowley, and Sumeria cross-referenced, it will do to show how the Editor
found relationships to be valid and even startling. AZATOT is frequently mentioned
in the grim pages of the Cthulhu Mythos, and appears in the NECRONOMICON as
AZAG-THOTH, a combination of two words, the first Sumerian and the second
Coptic, which gives us a clue as to Its identity. AZAG in Sumerian means
“Enchanter” or “Magician”; THOTH in Coptic is the name given to the Egyptian
God of Magick and Wisdom, TAHUTI, who was evoked by both the Golden Dawn
and by Crowley himself (and known to the Greeks as Hermes, from whence we get
“Hermetic”). AZAG-THOTH is, therefore, a Lord of Magicians, but of the
“Black” magicians, or the sorcerers of the “Other Side”.
Asa (Aza) translates as “source” from ancient Egyptian, and Thoth is of course
the Egyptian god. Ausaa-Thoth or Aasaa-Thoth is translated as “The source of
Thoth” or “The intelligence of Thoth”. Azag-Thoth is referred to as being a Lord of
Black magicians by the darkest book of spells and Magick that we have available. This
book was used as evidence in a Murder trial of Roderick Ferrel who tried to imitate a
magic ritual in the book which involved human sacrifice to open the Gates of Ganzir
(Hell). Thoth is even mentioned with the Satanic Bible.

On page 144 of the Satanic Bible, it gives you a passage to recite to invoke
demons from the Pit of Hell to come forth and manifest desires in your life. These

One Deception to Rule Them All

“infernal spirits” are literal beings that Theistic Satanists invoke through ritual, prayer
and Magick. It proceeds to list of all the possible Infernal Names you can choose
from, some being very well know demons. In that list on page 146 is Thoth, the
Egyptian god of magic. Magic is something practices very heavily by Theistic
Satanists, and often involves blood sacrifice and the summoning of demons such as
Thoth. They even regard the Egyptian god Set to Satan and worship him as such.
Satanist and the founder of the School of Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky, sums up
Thoth as follows: “Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Set, and Sat-
an; and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad aspect, Typhon, the
Egyptian Satan, who was also Set.” [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, Vol. I:
Science, New York, Trow’s Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii.

Aleister Crowley, Thoth, & Magic

Someone obsessed with Egyptian magic was 33rd degree freemason and Satanist
Aleister Crowley. He referred to himself as “The Beast 666” and once said ““I was
not content to just believe in Satan, I wanted to be his chief of staff”. He was a
famous occultist and magician who was heavily influenced by Thoth and Egyptian
mythology. He openly admitted making blood sacrifice to demons and said, “For
nearly all purposes relating to magic, human sacrifice is the best.”- Chapter 12 of The
Bloody Sacrifice: And Matters Cognate.

He was contacted by a supernatural being called Aiwass while in Egypt that

taught him “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, which became the
core principle in his religion and philosophy called Thelema. Crowley went on to write
6 books pertaining to Magick and became obsessed with ceremonial and Egyptian
Magick. And just like other Satanists, he had a fascination with Thoth.

In fact, he wrote a book called “The Book of Thoth” which contains the Magick
of Thoth and ancient Egypt. It also outlines the philosophy of his Thoth Tarot card
deck that he created which he used for divination and magic.

One technique of Magick Crowley strongly recommended was banishing.

Banishing is a technique used by magicians to rid the space of forces that might
interfere with the magic that is being performed. As Crowley says in his book Magick,
Book 4 (ch.13):
One Deception to Rule Them All



The “Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram” is a magic ritual used by the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which is an occultic sect based on the teachings
of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth). This ritual involves getting rid of spirits or “impure”
forms of the elements from the magician’s circle by tracing Pentagrams in the air with
a dagger, and by the power of certain Divine names followed by an invocation of
spiritual forces to guard the Pentagram.

Why were magical practitioners of the teachings of Hermes under the impression
that magic was best done by drawing Pentagrams and invoking spirits to protect it?
Furthermore, why does the Hermetic Order today teach Crowley’s Satanic philosophy

Thoth And Human Sacrifice

According to legend coming from channeled materials, Thoth started a colony in

ancient Egypt at the beginning of Egyptian civilization after Atlantis sank after the fall
of Atlantis roughly 10,000 years ago and was a high-priest there. This would mean
that Thoth ruled over pre-dynastic and maybe even First Dynasty Egypt right at the
start of their civilization. According to anthropologist Dr. Sasha Lessin, 3450 BC is
when Thoth was ruler of Egypt. The only problem with this is that Thoth, the god of
religion and ritual, ruled at the exact time when the Egyptians practiced human

According to an article published in National Geographic, human sacrifice is

clearly demonstrated as existing during and before the First Dynasty by “retainers”
(human servants) being buried near each pharaoh’s tomb so that they could go on
One Deception to Rule Them All

into the afterlife to continue to serve the Pharaohs and royalty. And Thoth as the god
of religion, rituals, and the high priest of Egypt, would have been overseeing this
religious practice if this legend is true.

According to other legends of Thoth and an interview with Zechariah Sitchin,

Thoth brought civilization to the Mayans and appeared to them in the form of
Quetzalcoatl who was a feathered serpent that the Mayans made human sacrifices to.
The method of sacrifice for Quetzalcoatl was to cut someone open while they were
alive, pull out their heart, and offer it up to Quetzalcoatl.
Thoth also apparently helped start the Sumerian culture and was known to them
as Ningishzida, a serpent god of the underworld. Sir Leonard Woolley was a
excavator of the famous ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur in Sumeria. There, among
hundreds of tombs, he found 16 elaborate ‘royal’ tombs, all containing human
sacrificial victims that were stacked on top of each other, with numbers as high as
over 70 human skeletons in a single tomb.

These tombs were known as the “Great Death Pits” and were sometimes filled
completely with dead human bodies as you can see from Woolley’s archaeological
diagram of the pit on the right. What a strange coincidence, taking all things into
consideration, that this god of religion and ritual who lives in the fire of the earth
known to be a demon by Satanists helped establish three ancient cultures, all of which
ritually practiced human sacrifice for religious purposes.

Thoth Is Not A Fun, Charismatic God of Wisdom And Magic

Contrary to how he is depicted in pop-culture and New Age teachings, Thoth is
not some benevolent helpful Egyptian god here to teach us how to evolve our
consciousness. The Emerald Tablets glorify fallen angels and speak about Thoth
living in the eternal fire in the center of the Earth in the Halls of Amenti ruled “He of

The Emerald Tablets are just about as Luciferian as it gets and are riddled with
references the “eternal flames”, Satan, the “Masters” and contain demonic chants so
mysterious that only God what demonic spirits they invoke. For example, in tablet X
we see instructions from the Lords of Amenti:

One Deception to Rule Them All


Or in Emerald Tablet VI, Thoth summons demon gods: “By their names I call
them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS,
names I implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with LIGHT”. Or in tablet
XII: “Call thou on me when thou dost need me. Use my name three times in a row:
Chequetet, Arelich, Volmalites.”

But it’s no secret that Thoth is a demon. He is known as a high-ranking demon

and is conjured up by Satanists and is mentioned by name in Satanic magic books. He
is mentioned as a demon of Satan in the Satanic Bible, and the black magician and
Satanist Freemason Aleister Crowley dedicated a full book and tarot card deck to him.
Not to mention, the cultures he apparently helped start (according to legends
passed around the New Age) all ritually practiced brutal human sacrifice. This is
because Thoth, as a demon-god of ritual, magic, and the afterlife gains power from
human sacrifice and ultimately wants all souls to be led into the Halls of Amenti in the
eternal flames in the center of the earth. This is just demonic deception. I’ll let Thoth
close off this article and make his departure: “Now I depart from ye into darkness.
Now go I to the Halls of Amenti”.

The Serpent was LUCIFER. Even Madame Helena Blavatsky, the Occult Giant
who wrote The Secret Doctrine, clearly states this. The basis of all Luciferian Occult
Apotheosis is based upon The Snake in the garden being the REAL GOD, and that
REAL GOD to them is Lucifer. Apotheosis is the Gnostic Luciferian Promise
through secret knowledge. It is called GNOSTICISM, and it is an inversion of the
Traditional Christian Interpretation as the Snake offering secret knowledge that will
doom Man to mortality...which is what actually happened in the story.

As Satanist, Freemason, and founder of the Theosophical Society, Madame Helena

Blavatsky said on page 539 of her book, The Secret Doctrine:

“Lucifer represents life, thought, progress, civilization, liberty, independence.

Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior” and “It is Lucifer who is the God of our
planet and the only God”, and she continues, “The Celestial Virgin which thus

One Deception to Rule Them All

becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time, for she is the
ever-loving beneficent deity, but in antiquity and reality, Lucifer or Luciferians is the
name. Lucifer is the divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost, and Satan at one and
the same time”.

These are the Mystery Babylon teachings repackaged as the New Age. However,
this Gnostic Promise of eternal Life and Apotheosis though Hermetic teachings of
the Emerald Tablets and Mystery Babylon Muster School teachings is pure Luciferian
Deception. You simply die, and gain nothing, not even wisdom. You gain a life of
deception. It is fascinating how New Agers lust for secret knowledge through the
Hermetic teachings of The Emerald tablets and Kabbalistic doctrine, in spite of the
Genesis warning of what the Snake actually offer: DECEPTION. It illustrates to me
how powerful Luciferian ideologies are ruling in the world today, and how deceived
so many people have become. Again, The Gnostic inverted the Garden story to
achieve this current worldwide New Age Deception.

I was a New Age Teacher: I taught Yoga, Crystals, Astral Travel, Meditation,
Nibiru returning, Annunaki, Pharmakeia, Astrology, Kundalini Channeling, Tantra,
Numerology, Ancient Astronauts, Tarot, etc... all of it...the Easter Mystical traditions
of Reincarnation and Apotheosis though Cosmic Consciousness, etc... and it just
never ends. It is ALL Luciferian DECEPTION. It takes years to figure it out.

Talk to your basic New Ager and they will tell you about how they are merging
their consciousness with the Cosmos to achieve Enlightenment with the higher
vibrations of the Universe through this Secret Esoteric Knowledge they are attaining.

It is EXACTLY the situation from The Garden where Man was warned not to
partake of this knowledge and yet how many New Age teachers are online teaching
the world to quest for this secret esoteric Gnostic knowledge: EVERYONE!!!!!
deluded and lost it is the saddest thing in the world to witness.

In the New Age, you are taught to seek Christ Consciousness. You never achieve
anything. You die trying. It is all Luciferian Lie and Satanic Deception.

"Constantine rewrote the Bible, Sumerian Tablets are just being discovered and
their cuneiform untouched." These are all assumptions. Nobody has ever proven that
Constantine tampered with every book in the Bible. Check your sources. Who is
telling you this? Who is interpreting the Sumerian Tablets for you? Who are all these

One Deception to Rule Them All

sources? You'll find they all have AGENDAS and deception laced in everything they
are telling you.

I have revealed Modern Science to be an ABSOLUTE FRAUD, so what makes

any of these sources credible? What are the Scholars names?

There is no Enlightenment. The Emerald Tablets lead nowhere. You will die with
zero power from them, like we all do. It was all A Luciferian Deception. On your
death bed, all you studied evaporates. If you watch someone die, you can see it. There
is no Salvation in Esoteric Secret Knowledge. It does not save you from Death.
Feeling Enlightened is like experiencing a Cocaine high and thinking it will never end.
You always come down.
In the case of The Emerald Tablets, at Death, your brain shuts down and all that
Enlightenment is gone. Salvation does not come through Esoteric Secret Knowledge.
You cannot Save yourself. We all die as a whimpering child, powerless.

The Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels were discovered in 1945 and you think they
are Authentic but the Bible was formed thousands of years ago and somehow it is a
Fraud. Think about your logic? Which would have a greater chance of being a Fraud?
A book that is consistent in every country in the world for thousands of years or some
manuscripts a PRIVATE party claims to have found that magically supports a
Luciferian Perspective of The World to serve The New World Order Religion?

People assume The Authenticity of The Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels with
ZERO credible proof and condemn The Bible-based upon claims made by would-be
experts and scholars who bastardize history and interpret The Sumerian Tablets so
mistakenly as to be completely criminal like Zachariah Sitchens, for example.

Con Men are leading you down an Epistemic Abyss of Slippery Slopes towards a
Luciferian Fantasy so obvious that it is being exposed by many who are waking up out
of this Luciferian Deception that The Secret Societies have placed us in. Others have
posited that Constantine made up the divinity of Christ and ratified this new theology
at the Council of Nicaea. But the Bible writers and their works, which PREDATE
Constantine, clearly outline Christ’s divinity.

The fact is that many things have been attributed to Constantine that are simply
not true. What is true is that Constantine the Great made Christianity popular. It’s
also true that he joined church and state, and then used force to punish those who
One Deception to Rule Them All

would not toe the line of his Christian government. Finally, it’s true that Constantine
paved the way for the rise of a religious Roman government that would prove to be
horrific for many years.

Thus, we see here that Christianity was a very specific religion that had nothing to
do with Constantine and the Roman

Empire, and the merging of church and state for political reasons. Constantine
saw that Christianity was not going away and was causing conflict with the Pagan
Talmudic Jewish religions being practiced in Rome. And so, he thought it prudent to
create The Council of Nicaea to officiate the acceptance of

Christianity as their religion. Gradually, in order to attract the established Pagan

religions already present in Rome, and thereby unify Rome under one religious’ rule,
Constantine allowed the integration of various pagan religious symbols, iconography,
and rituals into this his new contaminated form of Christianity.

Jesus Christ never authorized this new Pagan Talmudic Jewish-Christian hybrid
and was staunchly opposed to the Pagan Talmudic legalese and rituals practiced by the
Pagan Talmudic based Jews of his time. They were known as The Pharisees and The
Sadducees. So, the story is much bigger than we are told, ad different than we are
told...everyone claims to have experts on their side and authentic texts and
interpretations. Nope.

There is no book on Earth that poses more of a threat to The Illuminati and
Luciferian Genocide Elite that the Bible. So of course, you are going to learn it is
rubbish...consider the source who is teaching you this.

"Yes, Luke, there is a Darker Side to The Force that you must learn about, now.
Young, Padawan, you know not where you go...." --

One Deception to Rule Them All

Commentary on Thoth and the

Ascended Masters
To provide a little more Anti-Thesis to the all-pervasive, ad hoc Thesis of The
New Age, with its renewed fire which is sweeping through the world since Blavatsky
wrote her Satanically Luciferian, The Secret Doctrine, to assist in ushering the world
into The New Age of Horus, I offer a little insight into who the Ascended Masters
are. Who are The Ascended Masters? If you are familiar with the New Age
movement, you may have heard this term used before to describe beings like Buddha,
Jesus, and St. Germain.

Ascended Masters, or the Great White Brotherhood or Secret Chiefs, are believed
to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans
but have went through spiritual transformation to the point of reaching ascension.

There are 7 rays of ascension and all of the supposed ascended masters are
categorized under these rays according to their spiritual qualities, characteristics, and
type of message they taught. They all have surpassed the birth cycle, have more good
karma than bad karma, no longer need to be reborn since then have ascended
surpassed 6th level initiation.

Initiations are levels of consciousness and stages of soul development, and the
more Universal your consciousness becomes the higher you move up the ranks of
initiation until you hit the 4th level of initiation where it's no longer necessary for you
to Reincarnate. At the 6th level of initiation, you have achieved Unity with the “I Am”
and thus fall into the category of being an “Ascended Master”.

It is all delusion, of course. You do not truly Ascend nor do you attain any kind
of Universal Consciousness. That's merely the bait to seduce you into the Hermetic
Secret Mystery School teachings. Just think of the phrase "Universal Consciousness"
as code for Pantheistic Trance Enslavement, and you'll be much closer to the
Ultimate truth of the Babylonian Hermetic Mystery School's Final Goal.

Of course, Reincarnation is an utter unproven hoax, so none of this happens.

You get one life and you die. That's it.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Reincarnation, like Evolutionary Theory, were Socio-Spiritual Constructs

invented by Mystery Schools to allow them to perpetuate their Apotheosis Mysticism
Delusion. These two delusional systems were then injected into Freemasonry by Jesuit
Illuminatists to be, in turn, repackaged as the biological sciences through the
Luciferian Epistemological Cartels, eventually ending up with Freemason Erasmus
Darwin writing Zoonomia, a treaties on Species Origins, which his Grandson, Charles
Darwin, adapted into The Origin of Species. Darwinism is merely repackaged
Hermetic Occultism fantasy and has no real empirically scientific support to back it

To continue, people meditate to contact ascended masters, pray to ascended

masters, and even use ascended master oracle card decks for spiritual guidance and
wisdom. In the New Age community, they have almost become some sort of gods
that some people even pray to for protection from darkness and negative spirits in the
astral planes.

This is thought of as something being totally harmless and spiritually safe. But as
we are about to see, the Ascended Masters have much darker origins.

The Great White Brotherhood gave Aleister Crowley his Satanism. Crowley was a
famous occultist and Satanist from the 1900s. He referred to himself as “The Beast
666” and once said ““I was not content to just believe in Satan, I wanted to be his
chief of staff”. he was known as "The Most Wicked Man of the 20th century.", and a
full initiate of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. He taught "Love Under Will" who
could argue, right? He came as an Angel of Light like his source, Lucifer, to lead the
world into Self-deception and Moral Decay. Crowley, this high initiate of the
Hermetic Golden Dawn was responsible for murdering untold number babies in
human sacrifice rituals to Thoth and Lucifer. He died a degenerate heroin addict,
pedophile, and on his deathbed accepted Christ. Go figure?

He used to torture and kill animals, use menstrual blood for spell casting, has
openly admitted to making blood sacrifices to demons, and performed sex magic on
his mistresses, 5 of which ended up committing suicide. He was also a 33rd-degree
freemason, a heroin addict, and believed that:


One Deception to Rule Them All



Essentially, to the Ascended Masters, eugenics, racist, war, Anti-Semitism, and

Freemasonry are not only acceptable, they are actually encouraged and endorsed to
help usher in the collapse of the world which would user in The New Age.

They are intrinsically Satanic and were merely emissaries of Luciferian Satanism at the
core. when you enter the Hermetic Orders to investigate deeper:

The “Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram” is a magic ritual used by the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which is an occultic sect based on the teachings
of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth). This ritual involves getting rid of spirits or “impure”
forms of the elements from the magician’s circle by tracing Pentagrams in the air with
a dagger, and by the power of certain Divine names followed by an invocation of
spiritual forces to guard the Pentagram.

According to other legends of Thoth and an interview with Zechariah Sitchin, Thoth
brought civilization to the Mayans and appeared to them in the form of Quetzalcoatl
who was a feathered serpent that the Mayans made human sacrifices to. The method
of sacrifice for Quetzalcoatl was to cut someone open while they were alive, pull out
their heart, and offer it up to Quetzalcoatl.

Thoth also apparently helped start the Sumerian culture and was known to them as
Ningishzida, a serpent god of the underworld. Sir Leonard Woolley was an excavator
of the famous ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur in Sumeria. There, among hundreds
of tombs, he found 16 elaborate ‘royal’ tombs, all containing human sacrificial victims
that were stacked on top of each other, with numbers as high as over 70 human
skeletons in a single tomb.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Lovely Thoth and his lust for bloodshed.

Pythagoras Father of Freemasonry

“Pythagoras started a secret society called the Pythagorean brotherhood devoted
to the study of mathematics. This had a great effect on future esoteric traditions, such
as Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, both of which were occult groups dedicated to
the study of mathematics and both of which claimed to have evolved out of the
Pythagorean brotherhood. The mystical and occult qualities of Pythagorean
mathematics are discussed in a chapter of Manly P. Hall's, The Secret Teachings of
All Ages, entitled "Pythagorean Mathematics".
Pythagorean theory was tremendously influential on later numerology, which was
extremely popular throughout the Middle East in the ancient world. The 8th-century
Islamic alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, inventor of numerous important chemical
processes still in use today, grounded his work in an elaborate numerology greatly
influenced by Pythagorean theory.” --

FLAT OUT Architects of a Spherical

With few exceptions, most ancient cultures basically had some concept of the
earth as an enclosed system, very similar to that which is depicted in the Hebrew

The Flat Earth model is an archaic belief that the Earth's shape is a plane or disk.
Many ancient cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including Greece until the
classical period, the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East until the
Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period (early centuries AD) and China until
the 17th century. It was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas,
and a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl is common
in pre-scientific societies.

The paradigm of a spherical Earth appeared in Greek philosophy with Pythagoras

(6th century BC), although most Pre-Socratics retained the flat Earth model.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Their cosmography as far as we know anything about it was practically of one

type up till the time of the white man's arrival upon the scene. That of the Borneo
Dayaks may furnish us with some idea of it. 'They consider the Earth to be a flat
surface, whilst the heavens are a dome, a kind of glass shade which covers the Earth
and comes in contact with it at the horizon.'

It's not until we get to about 500 years before Christ that we finally start to see
people questioning the previous models held by the ancient world to be true. Before
anyone was able to physically go out and explore the "ends of the earth," from about
500 BC to 150 AD, various Greek philosophers theorized the idea that the earth
could be spherical in nature, with north and south polar regions. But no one could
actually prove anything through physical observation of an alleged South Pole for
instance. Please keep this in mind. This is pre-exploration of the alleged poles. It was
during this pre-pole exploration age that people like Pythagoras and later, around 200
BC, the Greek mathematician and philosopher, Eratosthenes began to put forth their

Prior to that however, it must be noted that the far more advanced builders of
megalithic structures such as the various pyramids and temples we see across this
Earth were among those who believed in an enclosed, flat Earth model. In that
regard, I found the following quote by Winston Churchill rather interesting:

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

― Winston Churchill
Even to this day we still can't figure out how the ancients built such incredible
structures. So, could it be that they knew something that was lost to humanity due to
the theories of men such as Pythagoras and Eratosthenes? I think so. The very fact
that the farther back you go in history, the more prevalent the belief in an enclosed,
flat Earth becomes, should give us all pause to consider carefully.

I'll get to Pythagoras in shortly, but first I'd like to address Eratosthenes. So, the
story goes, sometime around 200 BC or so, Eratosthenes invented the discipline of
geography. He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference
of the Earth, which he did by applying a measuring system using stakes, or the length
of stadia during that time period. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the

One Deception to Rule Them All

Earth's axis. I don't know what his calculation was exactly, but according to modern
science, this is what they say concerning the Earth's tilt today:

The Earth currently has an axial tilt of about 23.4°. This value remains
approximately the same relative to a stationary orbital plane throughout the cycles of
precession. However, because the ecliptic (i.e. the Earth's orbit) moves due to
planetary perturbations, the obliquity of the ecliptic is not a fixed quantity. At present,
it is decreasing at a rate of about 47" per century.

We have all been taught that the seasons are caused by the 23.4° angular offset
(obliquity) between the Earth's axis of rotation and a perpendicular to the Earth's
orbital plane with the Sun (see obliquity below). The Earth's rotational axis stays
nearly fixed in space, even as the Earth orbits the Sun once each year. As a result,
when the Earth is at a certain place in its orbit, the northern hemisphere is tilted
toward the Sun and experiences summer. Six months later, when the Earth is on the
opposite side of the Sun, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun and
experiences winter.
Earth is tilted on its axis 23.4 degrees relative to its orbit around the sun. This
causes Earth to experience seasons. From late March to late September, Earth is in
the part of its orbit where its North Pole is tilted toward the sun. Those of us who live
in the northern hemisphere observe that the sun appears higher in the sky than it does
at other times, and we experience more hours of daylight. Since we receive greater
accumulated solar energy at this time of year, our temperatures are warmer than they
are in other seasons. From late September through late March, Earth is in the part of
its orbit where the North Pole is tipped away from the sun. During this time, the
southern hemisphere receives more heat and light from the sun, while northern
hemisphere inhabitants see the sun lower in the sky and experience less than 12 hours
of daylight. The seasons are not caused by the slightly elliptical orbit of Earth. On the
contrary, Earth is slightly closer to the sun in the northern hemisphere winter.

This tilt appears to be well-designed for life. If Earth were tilted less, the polar
regions would receive less energy, reducing the habitable area of the planet. If the
earth were tilted more, the seasons would become more extreme, potentially reducing
plant-growing seasons and making the environment less hospitable.

So according to multiple witnesses (both secular and Christian), the earth is

allegedly tilted at 23.4 degrees off of the center of a 90-degree angle. Well, 90 - 23.4 =
One Deception to Rule Them All

66.6. I suppose that's probably just a coincidence. Or is it? See, this is the sort of thing
that catches my attention. Because these are Antichrist clues and such clues always
lead back to Apollo-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod... who I firmly believe is the Beast of
Revelation that we call the Antichrist. For more on that, please read my book,
Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last or watch the following videos (from my
Yahuwah Triangle series):
Now, if you do watch the above videos, the first thing you will notice is that I
used the globe in the introduction animations. This of course is because I produced
them before looking into the Flat Earth Controversy. Those videos were made as
recently as December of last year (2014). Here it is just 5 months later and now I'm
questioning a whole lot of things I thought I knew so well. As a result, I am finding
that belief in the globe is not nearly as cut-and-dry as I would have thought a month
and a half ago. That's right, it's only been a month and a half that I have been looking
into this issue. Therefore, I do not claim to be an expert in any of this. In fact, the
more I'm learning, the more I am realizing just how completely clueless I have been...
and may still be. Therefore, my quest4truth continues - and I must say, the deeper I
dig the stranger and more intriguing it all becomes.

In this particular leg of my adventure, I've been seeing how the Greek god Apollo
is literally taking center stage in this whole idea of a globe. Please take the time to
watch the following video series before going any further:

This is so interesting, because we are seeing more and more information coming
out leading us to believe in the return of Apollo. Consider the recent "discovery" of
the statue of Apollo, which was "raised from the sea" a couple of years ago:
When Jwdat Abu Ghrb spotted a dark shape last summer in the waters off Gaza,
where he was diving for fish, he initially thought it was a corpse.

"I was afraid," he told CNN. "I put on my goggles, dove underneath and still
couldn't tell what it was. I resurfaced and got some help from other people and family
members and came back, and after full four hours of trying we managed to get it out
of the water and I was shocked by what I found."

It was a life-size bronze statue, believed to be a 2,500-year-old depiction of the

ancient Greek god Apollo.
He described the half-ton object as "treasure pulled out of the sea."
One Deception to Rule Them All

Please watch the embedded video on the above linked CNN webpage and notice
how the camera starts off by focusing in on the statue's left eye (which is still in the
socket). After that, all other pictures we've seen online show the statue without the
left eye. This is significant. It is the classic depiction of Nimrod as also seen in the
famous bust of Sargon (depicted below) and the "all seeing (left) eye" on the back of
our dollar bill.
I explain the issue of Nimrod losing his left eye in my 2011 blog, Nimrod,
Abraham, the Pharaohs and Moses. In that blog, I wrote:
For instance, we are all familiar with the "All Seeing Eye." But few understand
where this whole idea came from. At some point, either before or after Nimrod's
death, it would seem that he lost an eye. Anuki, the servant that interpreted Nimrod's
dream (and possibly the author of the tales of the Anunnaki?), said that part of the
dream means "nothing else but the seed of Abram will slay the king in latter days."
[Jasher chapter 27 tells how Esau (Abraham's grandson) fulfills this prophecy.] Thus, I
see Anuki's interpretation as symbolic of two things:
1) Nimrod's first death in the days to come (from that time).

2) Nimrod's coming second death in the latter days - those we call the Last Days.


Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm,
and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be
utterly darkened. - Zechariah 11:17 (KJV)
Remember what I wrote concerning Sargon (pictured right) from the last blog? I
told you to keep his image in mind, because true to Nimrod's dream, he is now
missing an eye! So, if the losing of the eye represents his death, we can now clearly
"see" the other symbolic reference here.

Through the cult of Osiris, the "All Seeing - remaining - Eye" seems to indicate a
return. This is further confirmed by the numerous tales and iconography associated
with Osiris - such as the Ankh and the Phoenix - both of which refer to resurrection.
Again, Anuki said this would happen, " the latter days." Two eyes, two deaths! So,
this seems to confirm our thesis concerning who the End Time Anti-Christ is. He is

One Deception to Rule Them All

the one who "was, is not and yet shall be" - the first of the seven heads of the Beast
John described in Revelation 17.

Tom Horn and Peter Goodgame also wrote extensively about this. Others are
picking up on it as well...

Regarding Apollo, I have been seeing some interesting things at Target the past
few X-mess seasons. For starters, the Target logo is the symbol of Apollo. They also
have a "tool kit" line named Apollo Tools. Apollo Elementary School linked up with
Target. But perhaps most interesting of all was the following product display. I took
this picture while standing in the line for the check-out counter:

The Phoenix in Egypt was known as the Bennu, which was associated with the
sun, creation and rebirth and specifically the resurrection of Osiris. Interestingly
enough NASA has plans of using the OSIRIS-Rex probe to make contact with an
asteroid known as the Bennu, which (oh yeah!) just so happened to have been
discovered on September 11, 1999 (gotta love the Illuminati's code-language
constantly being put out in plain sight). This is exceptionally interesting. The Bennu is
said to live for 500 years, die and then rise again out of its own ashes (as the Phoenix).

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission and The Planetary Society invited you to submit
your name for a round-trip ride to asteroid Bennu. Your name will hitch a ride to the
asteroid, spend 500 days there, and return in the Sample Return Capsule to Earth in
OSIRIS-Rex is part of the New Frontiers Program of NASA. This caught my
attention for two reasons:

1) New Frontiers Marketing and The New Frontier, Inc. were the names of the first
two companies I created when I left the Army in 1993 and
2) CERN also has a program called New Frontiers. Now, granted, anytime we launch
out into the exploration of new ideas and places we've not seen before, the term "new
frontier" is a natural choice. But could it be that NASA and CERN are working
together toward the same goal? A goal that directly relates to the numbers 9 and 11...
as in Revelation 9:11? I think so! And while NASA does their part, CERN claims to
have "the key" to the New Frontier:

One Deception to Rule Them All

This year, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will restart at the record collision
energy of 13 TeV, following a two-year long shutdown (LS1) for planned
maintenance. To mark this, today saw the LS1 activities coordinator symbolically
handing over the LHC key to the operations team. The team will now perform tests
on the machine in preparation for the restart this spring.

After three years of highly successful running, the LHC was shut down for
maintenance in 2013. Since then, engineers and technicians have been repairing and
strengthening the 27-kilometre accelerator in preparation for its restart at 13 TeV.
Some 18 of the 1232 dipole magnets that steer particle beams around the accelerator
were replaced, and more than 10,000 electrical interconnections between the magnets
were strengthened. The LHC’s vacuum, cryogenics and electronics systems were also

"It's important to stress that after the long shutdown, the LHC is essentially a
new machine," said CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer in his New Year address at
CERN last week.
CERN has the key to the New Frontier? NASA's OSIRIS-Rex is going to be
looking for "alien DNA" for 500 days on an asteroid named Bennu, that just so
happened to have been discovered on 9/11? Revelation 9:11 talks about the release of
Apollo from the Bottomless Pit? Meh. Probably just a coincidence. I'm getting way
ahead of myself anyway. We'll come back to CERN much later in this series.

In the meantime, go back and look at the above AXE Apollo/Phoenix display I
saw at Target. AXE is often pitched as the cologne men need to attract women - even
falling female angels:
Mythological History of the Sun

Apollo was associated with law, philosophy, and the arts. He sometimes gave the
gift of prophecy to mortals whom he loved, such as the Trojan princess Cassandra.
One of the most important Olympian gods, Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and
the twin brother of Artemis. He is considered the ideal of manly beauty, so that a very
handsome man might be called an “Apollo.” He is also the god of poetry and music.
Apollo replaced the Titan Helios as the sun god; however, the Greeks didn’t delete
Helios completely but referred to both of them as the Sun gods. The arrows of
Apollo and Artemis invariably killed and the Greeks explained epidemics of diseases

One Deception to Rule Them All

by supposing that they were shooting their arrows at people; and so, by praying to
Apollo, the epidemic might be made to stop. In this way, Apollo became associated
with the cure of diseases.

Such so-called cures led to a myth in which Apollo was thought to have had a
son, Asclepius (as KLEP ee uhs), who is better known under the Roman version of
the name, Aesculapius (es' kyoo LAY pee uhs). He was a mortal medical healer who
was so successful that he was reputed to have the ability to bring the dead back to life,
which resulted in complaints by Hades. As a result, to keep peace in the godly family,
Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt. After his death, Aesculapius became a god and he
was also placed among the constellations, where he is pictured as a man holding a
serpent in his hands.

The snake was a symbol of medicine and doctors and the Latin name for his
constellation is Ophiuchus (oh fee YOO kuhs) which means “serpent-holder”. (His
symbol, the rod of Aesculapias, is not to be confused with the staff of Hermes, or the
Caduceus. The rod of Aesculapias is a single rod with a single snake. The Caduceus is
a rod with two intertwined snakes and wings.) Sometimes the stars forming the
serpent are referred to as a separate constellation called “Serpens” (serpent) and
occasionally the whole constellation is referred to as “Serpentarius”. Apollo became
significant among the Romans when Augustus Caesar, as a young man, chose Apollo
as his own god, and attributed his victory over Antony and Cleopatra to Apollo’s
superiority over monstrous Egyptian and oriental deities, whose cults appeared to him
to be lascivious and orgiastic. At least one Roman writer, Horace in his Carmen
Saeculare, expressed what Augustus thought of Apollo: “Governor of Roman destiny;
master of the sun; archer; augur; averter of pestilence; and giver of sound morals to
the young.”

Shortly after the blood moon eclipse of December 21, 2010, Ophiuchus was
added as the 13th sign to the zodiac. Ophiuchus was known for raising Orion from
the dead and emptying Hades. I dealt with all of this in my book, Babylon Rising: And
The First Shall Be Last and in my blog, Seventy-Two and a Red Moon Rising and also
in my video, The Omega Plan? below:
Without a doubt (at least in my mind), the story of Apollo is the story of Osiris.
The story of Osiris is the story of Nimrod. Nimrod is the "mighty hunter" (Orion)
who stood in defiance of YHWH, attempting to build a tower to "reach into heaven"

One Deception to Rule Them All

in order to kill God and set up a "New World Order." I go into a lot of detail
concerning all of this in my book, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last, so I
won't go any further in trying to explain it all here. Suffice it to say, I am more than
convinced of these connections. Now, I'm seeing how it all may be playing into my
current research regarding the Flat Earth Controversy. I will try to pull it all together
in this new series of blogs dealing with Apollo. In the meantime, let's get back to

Modern science believes he may have accurately calculated the distance from the
Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day. He created the first map of the world
incorporating parallels and meridians, based on the available geographical knowledge
of the era. Quite a guy, huh? But how did he do all of that? Well, apparently, he
noticed the shadow on an obelisk in Egypt at one location was different from how it
appeared at another location at the same time of day. One had almost no shadow,
while the other had a long shadow. His conclusion was that the earth must be a
sphere and so with that preconceived notion, he did some math calculations to prove
that notion and determine how big the alleged sphere was. Listen to Carl Sagan tell
the story...

That all seems reasonable enough, however, the same thing can be observed in
the Flat Earth model. But, in the Flat Earth model, the sun is not millions of miles
away. Rather it is much closer and way smaller than the standard model we've all been
taught. With the smaller, moving sun inside the dome of an enclosed flat earth, you
still get the same exact results as those Eratosthenes observed. To prove this, in a 3D
program called Poser, I created a flat plain, with two obelisks and a point light with a
limited throw:

I then moved that light from being over the top of one to being over the top of
the other. Then I zoomed out and raised the camera high above the scene to show
how day and night still works with this model as well. The point light only illuminates
a specified area. The other areas remain in the dark. You can see my video here:

So, at least in my mind, the early Greek "meter stick" and obelisk experiment
proves one of at least two ideas at best. It is by no means conclusive. But there can be
no doubt that Eratosthenes was the one who really "got the ball rolling" on this topic.

Obviously, when looking back through history, we can find a handful of ancient
mathematicians and philosophers who kicked around the idea of a globe based on
One Deception to Rule Them All

observations and conclusions similar to those of Pythagoras and Eratosthenes, but it

never really caught on in mainstream thought until you get to Copernicus. Galileo,
Kepler and Newton.

The Masonic Dictionary has been designed to provide Freemasons with

electronic access to information on Freemasonry from a variety of sources arranged
alphabetically by subject matter. The purpose of the site is to assist Masons in
understanding their fraternity and to provide those who would like to research the
craft an opportunity to do so online.
This site claims to be the "go to" place for Freemasons. It has this to say about
Pythagoras taught as the principal dogma of his philosophy the system of
metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls. He taught the mystical power of
numbers, and much of the symbolism on that subject which we now pass on is
derived from what has been left to us by his disciples, for of his own writings there is
nothing extant.
Disdaining the vanity and dogmatism of the ancient sages, he contented himself
with proclaiming that he was simply a seeker after knowledge, not its possessor, and
to him is attributed the introduction of the word philosopher, or lover of wisdom, as
the only title which he would assume. After the lawless destruction of his school at
Crotona, he fled to the Locrians, who refused to receive him, when he repaired to
Metapontum, and sought an asylum from his enemies in the temple of the Muses,
where tradition says that he died of starvation at near the end of the sixth or the
beginning of the fifth century. Some claim the date to be 506 B.C., when he was about
seventy-six years old.

The schools established by Pythagoras at Crotona and other cities, have been
considered by many writers as the models after which Masonic Lodges were
subsequently constructed. They undoubtedly served the Christian ascetics of the first
century as a pattern for their monastic institutions, with which institutions the
Freemasonry of the Middle Ages, in its operative character, was intimately connected.

The mode of living in the school of Crotona was like that of the modern
Communists. The Brethren, about six hundred in number, with their wives and
children, resided in one large building. Every morning the business and duties of the
One Deception to Rule Them All

day were arranged, and at night an account was rendered of the day's transactions.
They arose before day to pay their devotions to the sun, and recited verses from
Homer, Hesiod, or some other poet.

So, according to Freemasonry's own dictionaries and encyclopedias, their hero,

Pythagoras was a sun worshiping pagan. He ended his life among the temple of the
muses, who were directly linked to Apollo in the ancient writings of the Greeks.
According to the website, we can read:

The Creation of the Muses

The Muses were nine very intelligent, beautiful and careless divinities. Each Muse
was responsible for a different literary or poetic genre. They were created by Zeus, the
King of the Gods, who secretly laid for nine nights with Mnemosyne, the Titaness of

The Role of the Muses and Apollo

The Muses were brought to life to make the world disremember the evil and
relieve the sorrows and to praise the gods, and especially the Olympian Gods' victory
over their ancestors, the Titans. Apollo was the main teacher of the Muses. They were
usually accompanying him and the Graces on their strolls and loved singing and
dancing on soft feet on laurel leaves, while Apollo was playing the lyre.

Copernicus Sun Worshipping Occultist

For a time, Copernicus lived in the same house as the principal astronomer at the
university, Domenico Maria de Novara (Latin: Domenicus Maria Novaria Ferrariensis;
1454–1504). Novara had the responsibility of issuing annual astrological
prognostications for the city, forecasts that included all social groups but gave special
attention to the fate of the Italian princes and their enemies. Copernicus, as is known
from Rheticus, was “assistant and witness” to some of Novara’s observations, and his
involvement with the production of the annual forecasts means that he was intimately
familiar with the practice of astrology.

In Copernicus’s period, astrology and astronomy were considered subdivisions of

a common subject called the “science of the stars,” whose main aim was to provide a
description of the arrangement of the heavens as well as the theoretical tools and
One Deception to Rule Them All

tables of motions that would permit accurate construction of horoscopes and annual

Although various biographies of Copernicus deny his support of "fortune telling

astrology" others suggest he was an avid reader of the writings of Pythagoras among

Copernicus was developing new ideas inspired by reading the "Epitome of the
Almagest" (Epitome in Almagestum Ptolemei) by George von Peuerbach and
Johannes Regiomontanus (Venice, 1496). He verified its observations about certain
peculiarities in Ptolemy's theory of the Moon's motion, by conducting on 9 March
1497 at Bologna a memorable observation of the occultation of Aldebaran, the
brightest star in the Taurus constellation, by the moon. Copernicus the humanist
sought confirmation for his growing doubts through close reading of Greek and Latin
authors (Pythagoras, Aristarchos of Samos, Cleomedes, Cicero, Pliny the Elder,
Plutarch, Philolaus, Heraclides, Ecphantos, Plato), gathering, especially while at
Padua, fragmentary historic information about ancient astronomical, cosmological and
calendar systems.

While nothing I read about Copernicus led me to believe he was ever a

Freemason or that he received his "revelation" of heliocentricity from Apollo, the fact
remains, he was certainly influenced by the writings of those who did worship the sun
god Apollo. Admittedly however, this is only circumstantial evidence at best and
nothing worthy of condemning the man as being a follower of Apollo himself. And
him being pictured with a compass and square in the above picture doesn't
automatically make him (or any of the others) a Freemason either. I've used a
compass and square plenty of times myself and I am not, nor is anyone in my
immediate family a Freemason. It is however interesting how much the Freemasons
do love Copernicus and in fact have lodges named in his honor (such as Lodge
Copernicus No. 246 and Lodge Copernicus No. 505 and Poland's Mother Lodge
"Kopernik” among others). So, perhaps he is "guilty by association?" I don't know as
far as any of that goes.

However, this much I do know: His ideas have always been challenged, even as
recently as in the beginning of the 20th Century and indeed even to this day:

Now let's talk about Galileo. He is a rather interesting fellow I must say. The
Wikipedia account of his clash with the Catholic Church caught my attention:
One Deception to Rule Them All

The Galileo Affair: Controversy Over Heliocentrism

In the Catholic world prior to Galileo's conflict with the Church, the majority of
educated people subscribed to the Aristotelian geocentric view that the earth was the
center of the universe and that all heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth, despite
the use of Copernican theories to reform the calendar in 1582. Biblical references
Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 1 Chronicles16:30 include text stating that "the world is firmly
established, it cannot be moved." In the same manner, Psalm 104:5 says, "the Lord set
the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Further, Ecclesiastes 1:5 states
that "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place."

Galileo defended heliocentrism, and in his Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
argued that it was not contrary to biblical texts. He took the Augustinian position that
poetry, songs, instructions or historical statements in biblical texts need not always be
interpreted literally. Galileo argued that the authors wrote from the perspective of the
terrestrial world in which the sun does rise and set and discussed a different kind of
"movement" of the earth, not rotations.

By 1615 Galileo's writings on heliocentrism had been submitted to the Roman

Inquisition, and his efforts to interpret the Bible were seen as a violation of the
Council of Trent. Attacks on the ideas of Copernicus had reached a head, and Galileo
went to Rome to defend himself and Copernican ideas. In 1616, an Inquisitorial
commission unanimously declared heliocentrism to be "foolish and absurd in
philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the
sense of Holy Scripture." The Inquisition found that the idea of the Earth's
movement "receives the same judgement in philosophy and... in regard to theological
truth it is at least erroneous in faith."[58] (The original document from the
Inquisitorial commission was made widely available in 2014.

Pope Paul V instructed Cardinal Bellarmine to deliver this finding to Galileo, and
to order him to abandon the Copernican opinions. On 26 February, Galileo was
called to Bellarmine's residence and ordered

... to abandon completely... the opinion that the sun stands still at the center of
the world and the earth moves, and henceforth not to hold, teach, or defend it in any
way whatever, either orally or in writing. — The Inquisition's injunction against
Galileo, 1616.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The decree of the Congregation of the Index banned Copernicus's De

Revolutionibus and other heliocentric works until correction. Bellarmine's
instructions did not prohibit Galileo from discussing heliocentrism as a mathematical

While I am not by any means a supporter of the Catholic Church, I will say they
stood firm on the text of Scripture concerning this issue. My own studies have shown
that Scripture in no way supports a model of the earth as a spinning globe, orbiting
around the sun.
As with my research on Copernicus, I really didn't find a whole lot of confirming
evidence that would lead me to a firm conclusion that Galileo was a Freemason or
that he served the Greek god Apollo. He seems to me to have simply been a man of
science who challenged the status quo - interestingly enough, right around the time of
the publishing of the King James Bible, which does not in any way support a spinning
globe, orbiting around the sun. Still, it is obvious Galileo was picking up where
Copernicus left off, who himself seemed to have been influenced by Pythagoras, who
was influenced by Apollo. The same is true of Kepler. Indeed, that was the mode of
that era:
European learning was based on the Greek sources that had been passed down,
and cosmological and astronomical thought were based on Aristotle and Ptolemy.
Aristotle's cosmology of a central Earth surrounded by concentric spherical shells
carrying the planets and fixed stars was the basis of European thought from the 12th
century CE onward. Technical astronomy, also geocentric, was based on the
constructions of eccentric circles and epicycles codified in Ptolemy's Almagest (2d.
century CE).

From this, we may see the fact that they had a variety of ideas to choose from, all
originating with ancient Greek sources, some of which came to conflicting
conclusions based on differing ideas and points of view. These later men of science
thus had to wrestle with these things and through their own observations and testing,
came up with new theories, based on their findings, which were derived from better
instruments than what the ancients had to work with when coming up with their

Still, perhaps unlike Galileo, it would seem that Kepler was influenced by ideas
concerning the Greek god Apollo.
One Deception to Rule Them All

In 1594 Kepler accepted an appointment as professor of mathematics at the

Protestant seminary in Graz (in the Austrian province of Styria). He was also
appointed district mathematician and calendar maker. Kepler remained in Graz until
1600, when all Protestants were forced to convert to Catholicism or leave the
province, as part of Counter Reformation measures. For six years, Kepler taught
arithmetic, geometry (when there were interested students), Virgil, and rhetoric. In his
spare time, he pursued his private studies in astronomy and astrology.

According to The Galileo Project website, Kepler taught Virgil for six years,
while studying astrology in his spare time. This caught my attention because of some
of the things I had written in Chapter 4 of my book, Babylon Rising: And The First
Shall Be Last. In that chapter, I show how Virgil also had a heavy influence on a man
by the name of Charles Thomson. He's the guy who worked on the Great Seal of the
United States. Now go grab a U.S. one-dollar bill, flip it over and read the motto,
Novus Ordo Seclorum under the pyramid. That Latin phrase was taken from a line in
the following poem by Virgil.

Muses of Sicily, let me sing a little more grandly...Now the last age of the
Cumaean prophecy begins: the great roll-call of the centuries is born anew: now
Virgin Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, with a new breed of men sent down
from heaven. Only favor the child who’s born, pure Lucina, under whom the first
race of iron shall end, and a golden race rise up throughout the world: now your
Apollo reigns.

He will take on divine life, and he will see gods mingled with heroes, and be seen
by them, and rule a peaceful world with his father’s powers.
O dear child of the gods, take up your high honors (the time is near), great son of
Jupiter! See the world, with its weighty dome, bowing, earth and wide sea and deep
heavens: see how everything delights in the future age! — Excerpts from Virgil’s
Eclogue IV: The Golden Age

The original Latin phrase translated into English as, “The great roll-call of the
centuries is born [or begins] anew.” in the first paragraph is: “Magnus ab integro
seclorum nascitur ordo”. Thomson shortened this phrase to Novus Ordo Seclorum,
which means, “A New Order of the Ages,” and placed it below the Great Pyramid
on the Great Seal.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The phrase, Annuit Coeptus above the pyramid means “favors undertakings.” It
is an incomplete statement; thus, the subject must be supplied. Who is the one
favoring and what undertakings are being favored? The iconography must be taken as
a whole. Therefore, the meaning and answer to those questions is in the Great Seal
itself. The “Eye of Providence” that sits hovering over the pyramid and between
Annuit and Coeptus is better known as the “All-Seeing-Eye” of Horus-Osiris-
Nimrod, and it serves as the best candidate for answering the question of “who” we
are talking about here.

However, if we were to take it a step further and consider what (or who)
“inspired” Charles Thomson to use this phrase, we must again look to his favorite
poet, Virgil.

In Book IX of Virgil’s Aeneid, we find the Latin phrase, “Audacibus annue

coeptis.” Essentially, it means, “Grant me success in this brave venture.” It is a prayer.
To whom is the subject (in this case, Ascanius) praying? He is praying to his god,
Jupiter/Zeus, asking him for victory in his battle against Remulus.
“All-powerful Jupiter, assent to my bold attempt. I myself will bring gifts each
year to your temple, and I’ll place before your altar a snow-white bullock with gilded
forehead, carrying his head as high as his mother, already butting with his horns, and
scattering sand with his hooves.” — Excerpt from Virgil’s Aeneid, Book IX
Note how we have Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian themes all on one
“cypher” on the back of our currency. We must acknowledge that there is a great deal
of information encoded in the symbols of our nation’s Great Seal — all of which is
hidden in plain sight. Thus, we must be made aware that the “IN GOD WE TRUST”
is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but rather the god(s) of the ancient,
pagan world! Both Thomson and Kepler taught and were influenced by Virgil.

Kepler's teacher in the mathematical subjects was Michael Maestlin (1550-1635).

Maestlin was one of the earliest astronomers to subscribe to Copernicus's heliocentric
theory, although in his university lectures he taught only the Ptolemaic system. Only
in what we might call graduate seminars did he acquaint his students, among whom
was Kepler, with the technical details of the Copernican system. Kepler stated later
that at this time he became a Copernican for "physical or, if you prefer, metaphysical

One Deception to Rule Them All

In 1610 Kepler heard and read about Galileo's discoveries with the spyglass. He
quickly composed a long letter of support which he published asDissertatio cum
Nuncio Sidereo ("Conversation with the Sidereal Messenger"), and when, later that
year, he obtained the use of a suitable telescope, he published his observations of
Jupiter's satellites under the title Narratio de Observatis Quatuor Jovis Satellitibus
("Narration about Four Satellites of Jupiter observed"). These tracts were an
enormous support to Galileo, whose discoveries were doubted or denied by many.
Both of Kepler's tracts were quickly reprinted in Florence. Kepler went on to provide
the beginning of a theory of the telescope in his Dioptrice, published in 1611.

So, here we have Kepler reading Virgil. Virgil talks about praying to Jupiter and
the rise of Apollo's reign on earth. Then, after observing Jupiter, Kepler becomes a
supporter of Galileo, for "metaphysical reasons," leading to him publishing the
beginning of his theories the same year as the King James Bible comes out, which
absolutely does not support what these men are proposing. Call me crazy and perhaps
all of that means nothing, but I just find the timing and circumstances surrounding of
all of this quite interesting.

Finally, we have Sir Isaac Newton. For a long time, I had considered him to have
been brilliant scientist and an amazing Christian man of God. Now, I am not so sure...
about the latter. I won't say this with any measure of certainty, but it may be that just
like many of our so-called American Founding Fathers, he was just another one of
these incredibly intelligent guys who knew the Christian lingo, knew the Bible, but had
a secret life wrapped around occult beliefs and activities. There certainly does appear
to be a variety of on-line articles books coming out these days that would seem to
support that idea.

Isaac Newton produced many works that would now be classified as occult
studies. These works explored chronology, alchemy, and Biblical interpretation
(especially of the Apocalypse). Newton's scientific work may have been of lesser
personal importance to him, as he placed emphasis on rediscovering the occult
wisdom of the ancients. In this sense, some believe that any reference to a
"Newtonian Worldview" as being purely mechanical in nature is somewhat inaccurate.
After purchasing and studying Newton's alchemical works in 1942, economist
John Maynard Keynes, for example, opined that "Newton was not the first of the age
of reason, he was the last of the magicians". In the Early Modern Period of Newton's

One Deception to Rule Them All

lifetime, the educated embraced a world view different from that of later centuries.
Distinctions between science, superstition, and pseudoscience were still being
formulated, and a devoutly Christian Biblical perspective permeated Western culture.

Newton and Secret Societies

Isaac Newton has often been associated with various secret societies and
fraternal orders throughout history. Due to the secretive nature of such organizations,
lack of supportive publicized material, and dubious motives for claiming Newton's
participation in these groups, it is difficult to establish his actual membership in any
specific organization.

Regardless of his own membership status, Newton was a known associate of

many individuals who themselves have often been labeled as members of various
esoteric groups. It is unclear if these associations were a result of his being a well-
established and prominently publicized scholar, an early member and sitting President
of The Royal Society (1703–1727), a prominent figure of State and Master of the
Mint, a recognized Knight, or if Newton actually sought active membership within
these esoteric organizations himself. Considering the nature and legality of alchemical
practices during his lifetime, as well as his possession of various materials and
manuscripts pertaining to alchemical research, Newton may very well have been a
member of a group of likeminded thinkers and colleagues. The organized level of this
group (if in fact any existed), the level of their secrecy, as well as the depth of
Newton's involvement within them, remains unclear.
Though Newton was largely considered a reclusive personality and not prone to
socializing, during his lifetime being a member of "Societies" or "Clubs" was a very
popular form of interpersonal networking. Considering his esteemed social status, it is
probable that Newton would have had a least some contact with such groups at
various levels. He was most certainly a member of The Royal Society of London for
the Improvement of Natural Knowledge and the Spalding Gentlemen's Society;
however, these are considered learned societies, not esoteric societies. Newton's
membership status within any particular secret society remains verifiably allusive and
largely speculative, however, it still lends itself to popular sensationalism.

Newton and The Rosicrucians

One Deception to Rule Them All

Perhaps the movement which most influenced Isaac Newton was

Rosicrucianism. Though the Rosicrucian movement had caused a great deal of
excitement within Europe's scholarly community during the early seventeenth century,
by the time Newton had reached maturity the movement had become less
sensationalized. However, the Rosicrucian movement still would have a profound
influence upon Newton, particularly in regard to his alchemical work and
philosophical thought.

The Rosicrucian belief in being specially chosen for the ability to communicate
with angels or spirits is echoed in Newton's prophetic beliefs. Additionally, the
Rosicrucians proclaimed to have the ability to live forever through the use of the elixir
vitae and the ability to produce limitless amounts of time and gold from the use of
The Philosopher's Stone, which they claimed to have in their possession. Like
Newton, the Rosicrucians were deeply religious, avowedly Christian, anti-Catholic,
and highly politicides. Isaac Newton would have a deep interest in not just their
alchemical pursuits, but also their belief in esoteric truths of the ancient past and the
belief in enlightened individuals with the ability to gain insight into nature, the
physical universe, and the spiritual realm.

At the time of his death, Isaac Newton had 169 books on the topic of alchemy in
his personal library and was believed to have considerably more books on this topic
during his Cambridge years, though he may have sold them before moving to London
in 1696. For its time, his was considered one of the finest alchemical libraries in the
world. In his library, Newton left behind a heavily annotated personal copy of The
Fame and Confession of the Fraternity R.C., by Thomas Vaughan which represents
an English translation of The Rosicrucian Manifestos. Newton also possessed copies
of Themis Aurea and Symbola Aurea Mensae Duodecium by the learned alchemist
Michael Maier, both of which are significant early books about the Rosicrucian
movement. These books were also extensively annotated by Newton.

Newton's ownership of these materials by no means denotes membership within

any early Rosicrucian order. Furthermore, considering that his personal alchemical
investigations were focused upon discovering materials which the Rosicrucians
professed to already be in possession of long before he was born, would seem to
some to exclude Newton from their membership. However, in religious terms, the
fact that a saint might have 'found God' would not preclude others from the search
— quite the opposite. The Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis has always claimed
One Deception to Rule Them All

Newton as a frater. During his own life, Newton was openly 'accused' of being a
Rosicrucian, as were many members of The Royal Society. Though it is not known for
sure if Isaac Newton was in fact a Rosicrucian, and he never publicly identified
himself as one, from his writings it does appear that he may have shared many of their
sentiments and beliefs.

Excerpts from Chapter 3 of the book, Isaac Newton's Freemasonry: The

Alchemy of Science and Mysticism by Alain Bauer

Loup Verlet writes of the conditions of the “miraculous” discovery of Newton’s

unpublished manuscripts. Put in a stack in 1696 when he was leaving the directorship
of the mint in London, they escaped the burning of his personal documents arranged
just after his death. They were discovered two centuries later and put up at auction in
1936. John Maynard Keynes won the manuscripts and revealed that Newton was not
only the “first physicist” but also the “last magician.” The haul included several
alchemical works, the bulk of them now at Cambridge, some at the University of
Jerusalem, and others in private collections. According to Verlet, Newton’s known
work comprises 1.4 million words relating to theology, 550,000 on alchemy, 150,000
on monetary affairs, and one million on scientific problems.
Verlet considers Newton, from a scientific point of view, to have been a
coincidence. If he had not lived, the development of the sciences would surely have
been delayed, and the work begun by Galileo and Descartes would have been slowed
down. But by hiding his secrets away, Newton the magus also hid the alchemical,
Hermetic, and esoteric dimensions which elucidated his research. From this point
of view, victorious Science made its complex matrix disappear.
Isabelle Stengers writes that Newton affirmed: “I do not feign hypotheses, I stick
to phenomena.” This did not hinder his speculative theories and placed him in
contrast with the “contemplative” Galileo.

In 1669, according to Richard Westfall, Newton immersed himself in alchemical

literature. Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs affirms that “Newton read virtually everything
alchemical that had ever been published, and a good many things that had not.”
Numerous manuscripts from Hartlib’s circle were copied by Newton himself. His
friend Robert Boyle served him as a link to other circles of Rosicrucians and

One Deception to Rule Them All

alchemists. Elias Ashmole did the same in writing his Theatrum Chemicum
Britannicum (published in 1652).

Newton even devised an anagram of his name as a pseudonym (Isaacus

Neuutonus becoming Jeova sanctus unus), which allowed him to exchange
manuscripts with his correspondents while remaining anonymous, despite widespread
speculation. In Newton’s personal archives, a great many manuscripts have been
found with lengthy annotations: Philalethes’ Secrets Reveal’d from 1669, Sendivogius’
Novum Lumen Chymicum, Espagnet’s Arcanum hermeticae philosophiae, Maier’s
Symbola aureae mensae duodecim, the Opera of George Ripley (the great English
alchemist), Basil Valentine’s Triumphal Chariot of Antimony. Most of these are
preserved at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

What does all of this have to do with the Flat Earth Controversy? The main thing
I want you to get out of the above is how much the occult, Freemasonry and
specifically the worship of and/or other associations with Apollo always seem to pop
up where the subject of the globe is concerned. These Apollo/sun god worshippers
and believers in heliocentricity caused many to either question, totally rethink and/or
toss out what the Scriptures actually say concerning the earth and its place in the

With all of the above in mind, I've been trying to piece together a timeline of
events from Nimrod to CERN and its potential activity this coming September
(2015). I will begin to go through that timeline in Part 2 of this series.
Staying on the quest for truth...”- Rob Skiba, 2015,

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 5
A Web of Deceptions
Indra's Quantum Jeweled Net
The metaphor of Indra's Jeweled Net is attributed to an ancient Buddhist named
Tu-Shun (557-640 B.C.E.) who asks us to envision a vast net that: at each juncture
there lies a jewel; each jewel reflects all the other jewels in this cosmic matrix. Every
jewel represents an individual life form, atom, cell or unit of consciousness. Each
jewel, in turn, is intrinsically and intimately connected to all the others; thus, a change
in one gem is reflected in all the others.

This last aspect of the jeweled net is explored in a question/answer dialog of

teacher and student in the Avatamsaka Sutra. In answer to the question: "how can all
these jewels be considered one jewel?" it is replied: "If you don't believe that one all the jewels...just put a dot on the jewel [in question]. When one jewel is
dotted, there are dots on all the jewels...Since there are dots on all the jewels...We
know that all the jewels are one jewel"

The moral of Indra's net is that the compassionate and the constructive
interventions a person makes or does can produce a ripple effect of beneficial action
that will reverberate throughout the universe or until it plays out. By the same token
you cannot damage one strand of the web without damaging the others or setting off
a cascade effect of destruction.

A good explanation of the Hindu/Buddhist myth of Indra's net can be found in

The Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra: "...particles are dynamically composed of one
another in a self-consistent way, and in that sense can be said to 'contain' one another.
In Mahayana Buddhism, a very similar notion is applied to the whole universe. This
cosmic network of interpenetrating things is illustrated in the Avatamsaka Sutra by the
metaphor of Indra's net, a vast network of precious gems hanging over the palace of
the god Indra." In the words of Sir Charles Eliot:
"In the Heaven of Indra, there is said to be a network of pearls, so arranged that if
you look at one you see all the others reflected in it. In the same way each object in
One Deception to Rule Them All

the world is not merely itself but involves every other object and in fact IS everything
else. In every particle of dust, there are present Buddhas without number."

Attention, Intention, and the Universe as a Conscious

Holographic Information Processor
“Some 2,500 years ago the Buddhist text, the Avatamsaka Sutra, described the
cosmos allegorically through the imagery of Indra’s net. In the heavenly abode of the
deity Indra, there was cast an infinite net reaching in all directions, and at each node
point in the net there was a jewel, each reflecting the light of all the others—infinitely.
Should any jewel be touched, each of the infinite other jewels would instantly be
affected, presaging Bell’s theorem that everything is interconnected in this
interdependent universe.
The Buddhist vision essentially describes a holographic universe—our
holographic universe. In The Tao of Physics, Capra explains the relevance of Indra’s
net to particle physics, stating that “particles are dynamically composed of one
another in a self-consistent way, and in that sense can be said to ‘contain’ one
This is a principle of the hologram: that each part contains within it the
information that codes for the whole. In other words, all information fundamentally
exists nonlocally, infinitely reflected in all the facets of existence.

The Hologram
A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate
beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed. Then the
second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first on photographic
emulsion (film), creating and recording an interference pattern that looks something
like the concentric rings that form when a handful of pebbles is tossed into a pond.
But as soon as another laser beam (or in some instances just a bright light source) is
shined through the film, a three-dimensional image of the original object
reappears. What’s more, if the image is, for example, cut down the middle, or even
divided into dozens of fragments, each section will contain not a particular section of
the object, but the whole thing (albeit at a lower resolution).

One Deception to Rule Them All

Holograms are true three-dimensional images. This is evidenced by the fact that
you can move your head while viewing the image and see it in a different perspective.
This includes revealing part of the image which was hidden at another viewing angle.
Shown above are three images from the same hologram, obtained by looking through
it at different angles. Note that the pawn appears in different perspective in front of
the king behind it.
Each piece of a hologram contains a particular perspective of the image, but it
includes the entire object. The image at upper right is the view through the larger part
of the hologram, while that at lower right is through a small corner cut off the
hologram. While the view through the small corner is from a particular point of view,
it contains the whole object.

The information is essentially distributed nonlocally throughout the holographic

film. The hologram’s ability to store and process massive amounts of data is
essentially due to the properties of light, which, incidentally, the body’s own DNA
and cellular systems all use to communicate throughout our physical organism. The
photon itself is considered to be localized information in its purest form.

In 1997, a young physicist named Juan Maldacena used M-theory and branes (D-
branes to be exact) to suggest that the manifest world in its entirety could be a
holographic projection of information embodied in its boundary.
The latest discoveries across all scientific disciplines are revealing the physical
world (and its multifarious phenomena) is imbued with and in-formed by a
holographic field, thus it is innately interrelated, coherent, and harmonic at all scales
of existence.
Recently, German scientists using equipment for detecting gravitational waves
encountered a particular and unexpected noise, possibly the sound of the microscopic
quantum convulsions of space-time, according to Craig Hogan, a physicist at Fermilab
in Illinois. Hogan had actually predicted the existence of this sound and approached
the Germans with his explanation, suspecting that it may be due to the universe being
a “giant cosmic hologram.”

Cosmologists have found that the entire universe can be described as a type of
hologram, or as interference patterns in space and time. Physicist Raphael Bousso
wrote: “The amazing thing is that the holographic principle works for all areas in all

One Deception to Rule Them All

space times.” Further proving this applies to all scales, researchers at IBM created a
holographic projection in a carefully arranged assembly of several dozen cobalt atoms
20 nanometers in diameter. When they inserted a magnetic cobalt atom into the
ellipse, a fully configured ghostly image of it also appeared at the other focus of the

Indeed, David Bohm and Karl Pribram discovered the holographic properties of
nature concurrently for themselves, working as they were in the physical domain and
the realm of the human brain, respectively. The information within a system is more
fundamental than the energy through which it expresses itself, and the probabilities
that describe a system are never random, as they are often wrongly interpreted;
instead, they always embody information, whether they describe quantum possibilities
or macro phenomena in the physical world. Everything is fundamentally
informational. Noted physicist Anton Zeilinger states succinctly in Dance of the
Photons that the concepts of reality and information cannot be separated from each

This is illustrated brilliantly by Thomas Chalko in his excellent article “Is Chance
or Choice the Essence of Nature?” on apparent electromagnetic (EM) randomness
being broadcast over the frequencies of a digital mobile phone network which college
students—unaware that the frequencies they were observing belonged to actual
‘intelligent’ conversations between living people—were instructed to investigate. The
students analyzed the data using a statistical approach that allowed them to actually
make predictions of many events within their frequency band. They had become quite
convinced that their theory actually “described the Reality,” and statistically speaking,
it did to some extent. However, Chalko points out that by adopting a statistical
approach the students completely missed millions of very real intelligent phone
conversations. “Our students just couldn’t imagine that what appeared to them as
‘random’ was actually the consequence of a very intelligently encoded information
transfer. As a result—they didn’t even try to decode anything.”
The inference is clear: true randomness is an illusion, an artefact of limited perception
and knowledge. The universe deals in intelligently encoded information that is
intrinsically meaningful and thereby creates an ordered and meaningful cosmos, but
there are many ways to analyse and extract information and meaning from the one
system (complimentarity). The phone calls taking place between people manifested
within the EM band as seemingly random fluctuations, but in reality these fluctuations

One Deception to Rule Them All

were the result of conscious choices being made each moment by the people holding
the conversations that possessed and expressed meaning to them and their own
particular methods of analysis. The phone calls taking place looked random to the
students because of the way they looked at them; they were not decoding them in a
way that allowed them to extract or perceive the embedded meaning within privy to
the speakers.
What if the quantum field’s ‘random’ quantum fluctuations are really the
functions or effects of the language being spoken by the holographic cosmos as it
converses nonlocally between its many and varied component parts? What if lurking
behind it all is conscious choice—on a scale we can barely begin to
comprehend? What if the ancients were right, and modern science has brought us full
circle back to a teleological cosmology, one in which we are no longer the centrepiece
of a dead and meaningless universe, but, as conscious beings, an integral part of an
intelligent and fundamentally conscious holographic multiverse?

In a holographic and self-referencing (fractal) universe, if sentience and

intelligence exist at one scale, it must exist on all of them. It is interesting that Bohm’s
research into plasmas yielded the observation that electrons in a plasma configuration
began to act as if they were part of a larger, interconnected whole, so much so that he
frequently had the impression that the electron sea was ‘alive.’ Mircea Sanduloviciu
and colleagues have even created plasma spheres that can grow, replicate and
communicate, fulfilling most traditional requirements for biological/living cells.
Scaling things up, single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and
anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January
2008. The study clearly shows “a primitive version of brain function” in an organism
with no brain at all. In the late 19th century, over 110 years ago, Cienkowsky
observed the feeding activities of the amoeba Colpadella Pugnax and found them so
poignantly indicative of intelligence that he remarked that “one is almost inclined to
see in them consciously acting beings!” Scaling up still further, in his fascinating 1919
study, Modern Psychical Phenomena, Hereward Carrington detailed rigorous experiments
on a group of especially talented horses which were capable of carrying out complex
mental arithmetic—beyond even the mathematical abilities of the scientific men
testing them! Their intelligence and communicative abilities with humans surpassed
anything previously expected of the equine species.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Knowing that we have this incredible universe ostensibly permeated with

intelligence at all scales, the holographic principle demands that these different
expressions of consciousness must be integrated and woven together in a unified
psychic tapestry; interconnected in ways unrestricted by space-time (nonlocally). This
is what psychical research and parapsychology have overwhelmingly shown. (I cite
many experiments proving this point in The Grand Illusion 1.)
Dean Radin analyzed the results of variations of staring experiments, constituting
33,357 trials over sixty experiments. The objective in these experiments was for the
subject to attempt to ‘guess’ correctly exactly when they were being stared at when
they had no ‘normal’ way of knowing. The overall success rate was 54.5% as opposed
to the 50% expected by chance, registering odds against chance of 202 octodecillion
(that’s 2 × 1059) to one. Even accounting for an estimated six unreported ‘negative’
studies, odds against chance remained absurdly high at 1046 to one. There is an
indisputable though subtle observer effect on living systems, in other words. Some
sort of subtle info-energetic transfer in the consciousness or time domain (Aether) is
precipitated merely by paying attention, suggesting we info-energetically
‘communicate’ with and feed whatever it is we focus on. The research of the Global
Consciousness Project (GCP) has yielded irrefutable proof of the link between the
quantum sea/vacuum and processes occurring within the collective human mind on
The GCP has set up all around the globe, some 65 (as at 2007) random number
generators (RNGs) whose data is fed into the internet and linked back to Princeton
University. The team looks for correlations in the data between the RNGs. For
instance, in data from four hours before the September 11 terrorist attacks (which,
according to the FBI and the notorious Dick Cheney, cannot be evidentially linked to
Osama Bin Laden, and certainly not to the bare minimum seven ‘hijackers’ who
turned up alive after the fact), they found an enormous level of coherence between
the RNGs, indicating a hyperdimensional ‘forewarning’ of a large impending event
and collective subconscious focusing on it. The period immediately surrounding the
event shows a huge spike in coherence as humanity’s collective mind was focused
consciously on events as they unfolded. The same results occurred before the Asian
tsunami of 2004 and during the funeral service of Princess Diana. The September 11
RNGs’ deviations from chance represented the largest such deviations for the whole
year of 2001.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Though there are many other sources substantiating the notion, the GCP alone
has effectively proven that: consciousness is a real something; that it can ‘see’ into the
near future; collective consciousness focused in harmony can affect quantum
events—suggesting that consciousness is itself more fundamental than any form of
energy/matter in space-time, that it is ‘sub-quantum’ in a sense.

As I show in TGI 1 & 2, consciousness appears to be synonymous with the

spiraling torsion energy of time-space/the time domain, a nonlocal ‘implicate order’
that governs the formation of our space-time reality. It is this energy that appears to
be responsible for nonlocal effects in quantum physics and virtually all mind-matter
interactions documented in the annals of psi research. If we are supplying energy to
ideas, events and concepts merely by the act of observing or thinking about them, as
the staring experiments and many others we don’t have space for here suggest, then
does the question for us at this point in history become ‘What should we focus on

Rather than potentially fueling the obvious criminality and corruption of the
world’s major manipulating political and financial institutions (World Bank, IMF,
governments, etc.) with our angst and resentment, and rather than feeding undesirable
future scenarios with worry about what horrors might yet be, maybe our responsibility
in the moment right now is, as Ghandi said, to be the change we want to see in the
world. Thus, we answer our earlier question which asked what to direct our mental
energies towards: whatever it is that we want to make manifest in the world! After all,
the seed conditions for mass paradigm shifts have never been better…

--Copyright 2011 Brendan D. Murphy,

“Time is On My Side, Yes It Is...”

Mathemagician Mathematics Games
To give a flavor of how absolutely ridiculous modern Quantum Mechanics and
Relativity are when married together by Scientism Priests with their Mathemagician
Mathematics Games, here are two articles on Time and The Universe. It swiftly
becomes apparent that Quantum Mechanics and Relativity are merely mind games

One Deception to Rule Them All

that have zero basis in actual reality. They are repackaged Kabalistic Occult ideas
being hammered together with spurious and incomprehensibly obtuse and speculative

Take special note of the absurdly microscopic units of quantized time these
articles speak of. I actually find myself laughing when I consider the amount of
unproven rubbish that these pretend scientists put out in defense of their Heliocentric
Globe Model. Infinitely vast distances and infinitely miniscule units of time and
particle quantization to sufficiently razzle dazzle each other and you into submission.
Without a doubt, they are always trying to outdo each other to win that sought-after
acclaim amongst their peers, as well as to gain more clout and “earnest” praise from
starry eyed, armchair scientists in the back seats of their petty academia arenas. Maybe
if they get lucky, Neil De Grasse Tyson or Michio Kaku will announce their little
repackaged Kabbalah discovery to the world on The Discovery Channel...another
Freemason Jesuit program.

It’s all a scam. All of it. It’s all Numeric Jazz Hands and Equational Song and
Dance to get you to submit to their sovereign authority, what Philip Collins calls The
Ascendency of the Scientific Dictatorship. Don’t believe any of it.
Ask any of them to FIRST prove that Outer Space even exists, and then we’ll
talk about The Planck Epoch (the first 5.39 x 10-44 seconds after the Big Bang). Give
me a break!

Planck’s Quantum Time

“Kabbalist and Mystic, Max Planck, is sometimes considered the father of
quantum theory. In the first half of the 20th Century, a whole new theory of physics
was developed, which has superseded everything we know about classical physics, and
even the Theory of Relativity, which is still a classical model at heart. Quantum theory
or quantum mechanics is now recognized as the most correct and accurate model of
the universe, particularly at sub-atomic scales, although for large objects classical
Newtonian and relativistic physics work adequately.

If the concepts and predictions of relativity (see the section on Relativistic Time)
are often considered difficult and counter-intuitive, many of the basic tenets and
implications of quantum mechanics may appear absolutely bizarre and inconceivable,

One Deception to Rule Them All

but they have been repeatedly proven to be true, and it is now one of the most
rigorously tested physical models of all time.

One of the implications of quantum mechanics is that certain aspects and
properties of the universe are quantized, i.e. they are composed of discrete, indivisible
packets or quanta. For instance, the electrons orbiting an atom are found in specific
fixed orbits and do not slide nearer or further from the nucleus as their energy levels
change but jump from one discrete quantum state to another. Even light, which we
know to be a type of electromagnetic radiation which moves in waves, is also
composed of quanta or particles of light called photons, so that light has aspects of
both waves AND particles, and sometimes it behaves like a wave and sometimes it
behaved like a particle (wave-particle duality).
An obvious question, then, would be: is time divided up into discrete quanta?
According to quantum mechanics, the answer appears to be “no”, and time appears to
be in fact smooth and continuous (contrary to common belief, not everything in
quantum theory is quantized). Tests have been carried out using sophisticated timing
equipment and pulsating laser beams to observe chemical changes taking place at very
small fractions of a second (down to a femtosecond, or 10−15 seconds) and at that
level time certainly appears to be smooth and continuous. However, if time actually is
quantized, it is likely to be at the level of Planck time (about 10-43 seconds), the
smallest possible length of time according to theoretical physics, and probably forever
beyond our practical measurement abilities.

It should be noted that our current knowledge of physics remains incomplete,

and, according to some theories that look to combine quantum mechanics and gravity
into a single “theory of everything” (often referred to as quantum gravity – see
below), there is a possibility that time could in fact be quantized. A hypothetical
chronon unit for a proposed discrete quantum of time has been proposed, although it
is not clear just how long a chronon should be.

Copenhagen Interpretation

One of the main tenets of quantum theory is that the position of a particle is
described by a wave function, which provides the probabilities of finding the particle
at any number of different places, or superpositions. It is only when the particle is

One Deception to Rule Them All

observed, and the wave function collapses, that the particle is definitively located in
one particular place or another. So, in quantum theory, unlike in classical physics,
there is a difference between what we see and what actually exists. In fact, the very act
of observation affects the observed particle.

Another aspect of quantum theory is the uncertainty principle, which says that
the values of certain pairs of variables (such as a particle’s location and its speed or
momentum) cannot BOTH be known exactly, so that the more precisely one variable
is known, the less precisely the other can be known. This is reflected in the
probabilistic approach of quantum mechanics, something very foreign to the
deterministic and certain nature of classical physics.

This view of quantum mechanics (developed by two of the originators of

quantum theory, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg), is sometimes referred to the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Because the collapse of the wave
function cannot be undone, and because all the information associated with the initial
possible positions of the particle contained in the wave function is essentially lost as
soon as it is observed and collapsed, the process is considered to be time-irreversible,
which has implications for the so-called “arrow of time”, the one way direction of
time that we observe in daily life (see the section on The Arrow of Time).

Some quantum physicists (e.g. Don Page and William Wootters) have developed
a theory that time is actually an emergent phenomenon resulting from a strange
quantum concept known as entanglement, in which different quantum particles
effectively share an existence, even though physically separated, so that the quantum
state of each particle can only be described relative to the other entangled particles.
The theory even claims to have experimental proof recently, from experiments by
Ekaterina Moreva which show that observers do not detect any change in quantum
particles (i.e. time foes not “emerge”) until becoming entangled with another particle.

Many Worlds Interpretation

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, mentioned above, is not

however the only way of looking at it. Frustrated by the apparent failure of the
Copenhagen interpretation to deal with questions like what counts as an observation,
and what is the dividing line between the microscopic quantum world and the
macroscopic classical world, other alternative viewpoints have been suggested. One of

One Deception to Rule Them All

the leading alternatives is the many worlds interpretation, first put forward by Hugh
Everett III back in the late 1950s.

According to the many worlds view, there is no difference between a particle or

system before and after it has been observed, and no separate way of evolving. In fact,
the observer himself is a quantum system, which interacts with other quantum
systems, with different possible versions seeing the particle or object in different
positions, for example. These different versions exist concurrently in different
alternative or parallel universes. Thus, each time quantum systems interact with each
other, the wave function does not collapse but actually splits into alternative versions
of reality, all of which are equally real.

This view has the advantage of conserving all the information from wave
functions so that each individual universe is completely deterministic, and the wave
function can be evolved forwards and backwards. Under this interpretation, quantum
mechanics is therefore NOT the underlying reason for the arrow of time.

Quantum Gravity
Quantum gravity, or the quantum theory of gravity, refers to various attempts to
combine our two best models of the physics of the universe, quantum mechanics and
general relativity, into a workable whole. It looks to describe the force of gravity
according to the principles of quantum mechanics and represents an essential step
towards the holy grail of physics, a so-called “theory of everything”. Quantum theory
and relativity, while coexisting happily in most respects, appear to be fundamentally
incompatible at unapproachable events like the singularities in black holes and the Big
Bang itself, and it is believed by many that some synthesis of the two theories is
essential in acquiring a real handle on the fundamental nature of time itself.

Many different approaches to the riddle of quantum gravity have been proposed
over the years, ranging from string theory and superstring theory to M-theory and
brane theory, supergravity, loop quantum gravity, etc. This is the cutting edge of
modern physics, and if a breakthrough were to occur it would likely be as
revolutionary and paradigm-breaking as relativity was in 1905 and could completely
change our understanding of time.

Any theory of quantum gravity has to deal with the inherent incompatibilities of
quantum theory and relativity, not the least of which is the so-called “problem of

One Deception to Rule Them All

time” – that time is taken to have a different meaning in quantum mechanics and
general relativity. This is perhaps best exemplified by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation,
devised by John Wheeler and Bruce DeWitt back in the 1970s. Their attempt to unify
relativity and quantum mechanics resulted in time essentially disappearing completely
from their equations, suggesting that time does not exist at all and that, at its most
fundamental level, the universe is timeless. In response to the Wheeler-DeWitt
equation, some have concluded that time is a kind of fictitious variable in physics, and
that we are perhaps confusing the measurement of different physical variables with
the actual existence of something we call time.

Imaginary Time

While looking to connect quantum field theory with statistical mechanics,

theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking introduced a concept he called imaginary time.
Although rather difficult to visualize, imaginary time is not imaginary in the sense of
being unreal or made-up. Rather, it bears a similar relationship to normal physical
time as the imaginary number scale does to the real numbers in the complex plane and
can perhaps best be portrayed as an axis running perpendicular to that of regular time.
It provides a way of looking at the time dimension as if it were a dimension of space,
so that it is possible to move forwards and backwards along it, just as one can move
right and left or up and down in space.

Despite its rather abstract and counter-intuitive nature, the usefulness of

imaginary time arises in its ability to help mathematically to smooth out gravitational
singularities in models of the universe. Normally, singularities (like those at the center
of black holes, or the Big Bang itself) pose a problem for physicists, because they are
areas where the known physical laws just do not apply. When visualized in imaginary
time, however, the singularity is removed and the Big Bang functions like any other
point in space-time.

Exactly what such a concept might represent in the real world, though, is
unknown, and currently it remains little more than a potentially useful theoretical

Time and the Big Bang

Some scientists say that they can model quite accurately the evolution of the
universe since the Big Bang 14.5 billion years ago.
One Deception to Rule Them All

The general view of physicists is that time started at a specific point about 13.8
billion years ago with the Big Bang, when the entire universe suddenly expanded out
of an infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity, a point where the laws of physics as we
understand them simply break down. This can be considered the “birth” of the
universe, and the beginning of time as we know it. Before the Big Bang, there just was
no space or time, and you cannot go further back in time than the Big Bang, in much
the same way as you cannot go any further north than the North Pole.

As theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking notes in his 1988 book A Brief History
of Time, even if time did not begin with the Big Bang, and there was another time
frame before it, no information is available to us from that earlier time-frame, and any
events that occurred then would have no effect on our present time-frame. Any
putative events from before the Big Bang can therefore be considered effectively
meaningless (or at least the province of philosophical speculation, not physics).
Events after the Big Bang

The universe is expanding, and all the galaxies are moving further and further
away from each other. In fact, we now know that this expansion is accelerating faster
and faster (largely as a result of the mysterious dark energy that pervades the
universe). If we were to play the movie of this expansion in reverse, we would see the
universe become smaller and small as we go back in time, until ultimately the matter
and energy of the whole universe is concentrated into a microscopic point some 13.8
billion years ago.
We can model this process remarkably closely (at least until the very early
nanoseconds or less), and physicists have been able to piece together the major events
in the evolution of universe, beginning with the tiniest fractions of a second after the
Big Bang:

1. Planck Epoch (the first 5.39 x 10-44 seconds after the Big Bang) – events (if
any) occurring within this time must necessarily remain pure speculation.
2. Grand Unification Epoch (10-43 to 10-36 seconds) – the force of gravity
separates from the other fundamental forces, and the first elementary particles
are created.
3. Inflationary Epoch (10-36 to 10-32 seconds) – the universe undergoes an
extremely rapid exponential expansion, known as cosmic inflation, and any
existing particles become very thinly distributed.
One Deception to Rule Them All

4. Electroweak Epoch (10-36 to 10-12 seconds) – the strong nuclear force

separates from the other two forces (electromagnetism and gravity), and
particle interactions create large numbers of exotic particles, including W and Z
bosons and Higgs bosons.
5. Quark Epoch (10-12 to 10-6 seconds) – the four fundamental forces assume
their present forms, and quarks, electrons and neutrinos form in large numbers
as the universe cools off to below 10 quadrillion degrees (although most quarks
and antiquarks annihilate each other upon contact, a surplus of quarks survives,
which will ultimately combine to form matter).
6. Hadron Epoch (10-6 seconds to 1 second) – the universe cools to about a
trillion degrees, allowing quarks to combine to form hadrons like protons and
neutrons, and electrons colliding with protons fuse to form neutrons and give
off massless neutrinos.
7. Lepton Epoch (1 to 10 seconds) – most (but not all) hadrons and antihadrons
annihilate each other, and leptons such as electrons and positrons dominate the
mass of the universe.
8. Nucleosynthesis (3 minutes to 20 minutes) – the temperature of the universe
falls to about a billion degrees, so that atomic nuclei can begin to form as
protons and neutrons fuse to form the nuclei of the simple elements of
hydrogen, helium and lithium.
9. Photon Epoch (10 seconds to about 240,000 years) – the universe is filled with
plasma, a hot opaque soup of atomic nuclei and electrons, and the energy of
the universe is dominated by photons, which continue to interact frequently
with the charged protons, electrons and nuclei.
10. Recombination/Decoupling (about 240,000 to 300,000 years) – the
temperature of the universe falls to around 3,000 degrees, and ionized
hydrogen and helium atoms capture electrons, neutralizing their electric charge
and binding them within atoms; the universe finally becomes transparent to
light, making this the earliest epoch potentially observable today.
11. Dark Age or Era (about 300,000 to 150 million years) – the universe is literally
dark, with no stars having formed to give off light; only very diffuse matter
remains, and all activity tails off dramatically, with the universe dominated by
mysterious “dark matter”.
12. Reionization Epoch (about 150 million to about 1 billion years) – the first
quasars form from gravitational collapse, and their intense radiation reionizes

One Deception to Rule Them All

the surrounding universe, which goes from being neutral back to being
composed of ionized plasma
13. Star and Galaxy Formation (300 – 500 million years onwards) – small, dense
clouds of cosmic gas start to collapse under their own gravity, until they trigger
nuclear fusion reactions between hydrogen atoms and create the very first stars,
which gradually cluster into galaxies.
14. Solar System Formation (8.5 – 9 billion years after the Big Bang) – our Sun, a
late-generation star incorporating the debris from generations of earlier stars,
and the Solar System around it, form roughly 4.5 to 5 billion years ago.

The Ultimate Fate of the Universe

We can also model, with reasonable confidence, the ultimate fate of the Universe.
Our Sun is gradually getting larger, hotter and brighter, and the Earth will probably
become uninhabitable within about a billion years from now. In about 5 billion years,
our Sun is expected to turn into a red giant star, after which it will gradually shrink
and cool into a small, dense white dwarf star, and ultimately into a dark, dead black
dwarf star (in about 10 billion years from now). The rest of the universe, though, will
continue its expansion and evolution.
There are several possible scenarios in physics for the ultimate fate of the
universe, depending on the universe’s overall shape or geometry (i.e. whether it is flat,
open or closed), on how much dark energy it contains (dark energy is an invisible,
hypothetical form of energy with repulsive anti-gravity that permeates all of space, and
that may explain recent observations that the universe appears to be expanding at an
accelerating rate), and on the so-called “equation of state” (which essentially
determines how the density of the dark energy responds to the expansion of the
universe). Further advances in fundamental physics may be required before we can
make predictions about the future of the universe with any level of certainty, but we
can still look at the possibilities.

Without the repulsive effect of dark energy, the effects of gravity will eventually
stop the expansion of the universe and it will start to contract until all the matter in
the universe collapses to a final singularity, a mirror image of the Big Bang known as
the “Big Crunch”. This also offers intriguing possibilities of an oscillating or cyclic
universe, or “Big Bounce”, where the Big Crunch is succeeded by the Big Bang of a

One Deception to Rule Them All

new universe, and so on, potentially ad infinitum, corresponding to a cyclic view of


If the acceleration of the expansion of the universe caused by dark energy

increases without limit, one hypothesis is that the dark energy could eventually
becoming so strong that it completely overwhelms the effects of the gravitational,
electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces. This would result in galaxies, stars and
eventually even atoms themselves being literally torn apart, sometimes referred to as
the “Big Rip”, with the universe as we know it ending dramatically in an unusual kind
of gravitational singularity within the relatively short time horizon of just 35 – 50
billion years. Time under this model would therefore be finite, rather than cyclic or
infinite, in nature.

However, the most likely scenario, given our current knowledge of the constantly
increasing effects of dark energy, is that the universe will continue expanding forever
at an exponentially accelerating rate, ultimately turning space into an almost perfect
vacuum as the remaining matter-energy becomes more and more diluted, a scenario
sometimes referred to as “Heat Death” or the “Big Freeze “or the “Big Chill”. Over a
time-scale of 1014 (a hundred trillion) years or more, the universe would reach a state
of maximum entropy and thermal equilibrium at a temperature of very close to
absolute zero, where it simply becomes too cold to sustain life or motion of any kind,
and all that would remain are burned-out stars, cold dead planets and black holes.
Eventually, after an almost unimaginable 10100 (a googol) years, even the black holes
will have evaporated away, leaving nothing but random isolated particles floating in
emptiness, with little or no prospect of ever interacting with other particles. The
implication of this model is that, although time was finite in the past, it will be
potentially infinite in the future, although in a scenario like this, where change is
practically impossible, the very concept of time becomes effectively meaningless.
The problem with an infinite, eternal universe is that even the most unlikely
events will eventually occur (and not only occur but occur an infinite number of
times). In such a scenario, every event would theoretically be equally likely to happen,
which effectively undermines the basis for all probabilistic predictions of local
experiments. A solution to this problem, according to physicist Raphael Bousso and
his collaborators, is to conclude that time WILL eventually end, and he has set about
calculating the probability of how and when time will end given five different cut-off
measures. Two of these scenarios resulted in time having a 50% chance of ending
One Deception to Rule Them All

within 3.7 billion years; in two other scenarios, time has a 50% chance of ending
within 3.3 billion years; in the fifth (much less likely) scenario, the time scale is very
short and time is overwhelmingly likely to end within the next second. In this
hypothetical situation, the end of time is envisioned as similar to an outside observer’s
description of a matter system falling into a black hole: everything would gradually
slow down and eventually just stop.

An alternative model of the universe sees it as just one of a potentially infinite

number of other parallel universes in an overall multiverse (a word actually coined as
long ago as 1895 by the American philosopher and psychologist William James). Such
a scenario is actually thrown up by many different physical theories, including
quantum mechanics, string theory, brane theory, etc, and is increasingly being seen as
a real possibility and as a solution to many of the inconsistencies and inexplicabilities
in our current theories. It has also been proposed as an explanation for how our
universe appears to be so fine-tuned for life as we know it, by calling on the anthropic
principle (the idea that the universe is only as it is because we are here to observe this
particular version of it).
Parallel universes may physically exist within the same dimensional space as our
own universe, but beyond our cosmological horizon; they may exist within black
holes; they may exist in other inaccessible dimensions; they may exist very close to our
own, or even locked inside or superimposed on it in other dimensions. Some of these
parallel universes may even have completely different physical constants and physical
laws to ours. By definition, though, we can only ever experience our own universe,
and just do not have – and never will have – the ability to see or interact with (or, for
that matter, prove the existence of) the rest of the multiverse, and so it remains
necessarily hypothetical.

This kind of universe of course also has implications for time, and it may be that
what see perceive as time and the arrow of time is only a localized part of an overall
concept of time.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Abyss of Digital Apotheosis

We’ve been participating in a mediated, quasi-psychedelic experience, parceled
out by digital CGI media and NASA, images claiming to be from the ISS, Hubble
Telescope, and Hollywood Sci-Fi, giving us a Techno Celestial Luciferian Fabrication
of Authentic Spirituality.
Digitally Manipulated Techno Mysticism is approaching the breadth and
grandeur of Shamanistic Pharmakeia, with a renewed and vigorous interest in the
Archaic Revival that Terrance McKenna raved about but administered through the
Digital Engines of A.I. and CGI Holographic Interlacing, underpinned by the
encroaching promise of a Fractalized and Pixelated, Digital Entheogenic Ecstasy.

Subsequently, Man has been systematically led down a Celestial Path of Other
Worldly curiosity, image by image, movie by movie, a seminar by seminar, a
documentary by the documentary, esoteric book by esoteric book, ever injecting
Mankind's consciousness outward into the dark abyss of the Pantheistic Monadism of
the Hermetic Luciferian Mystery Schools. There seems to be no way back now. What
was once overtly and obviously science fiction is now misperceived as actual science
and the merging between occult fantasy and the ardently Kabbalistic fable of
Quantum Mysticism is ubiquitously replete with sycophant compliance within the
enamored Halls of Modern Scientism. The Gate Keepers of Peer Review are
relentless, and the field is monolithic.

There is an AGENDA here.

Everything is merging.
Digital imaging has blurred all the lines.

What is occult fantasy and what is digital imagination have been seamlessly woven
together to create a mosaic fabric of Quantum Digital Mysticism, grounded in
Celestial Cosmic Consciousness Occultism.

Alas, now when we gaze up in childlike wonder out into The Night Sky, with its
swirling galaxies and effulgent nebulae, we no longer see what is actually there. We see
the syntactical descriptions implanted in our minds by thousands of movie images,
NASA CGI reels, and Elementary School texbooks....we feel Neil de Grasse Tyson’s
Pantheistic subservience...we witness the stellar, interdimensional constellations of
One Deception to Rule Them All

Michio Kaku’s Kabbalistic Occultic Fantasy... we imagine the “billions and billions”
of light years of vast, sprawling, expanding, vapid, cruel, cold, and black nothing of
Carl Sagan’s Atheistic Sermons on the Cosmos, but we never see what is ACTUALLY
right before our eyes. Indeed, we are participating in a mediated, quasi-psychedelic
experience, parceled out by digital CGI media from Hollywood, NASA, Star Trek,
Star Wars, and Stanley Kubrick, only to name a few influences since infancy.
Finally, we are worshiping at the very same alter as the Ancient Hermetic Priests,
with the celestial realms serving as metaphoric realms of consciousness,
IMAGINING vast distances and orders of magnitude but seeing none of it, in reality.

And this is how the occult have always done it. They have always used descriptive
syntax to capture the vain imaginings of Man to serve their own Epistemologically
Autocratic ends.
We are being led into a Digital Algorithm based upon Transhumanistic Quantum
Apotheosis. Digital Holography is just the beginning as we merge with Occult Fantasy
and Teilhard de Jardin and Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity, Omega Point Noosphere.

Nested Simulation Theory...Fractalized Reality

In the Nested Simulation Theory Model, we may not be living in “base reality”,
but rather, we may simply be existing at a level of simulated reality that some
ascended level programmer has created. And, in turn, that programmer is merely
living in the simulated reality created by yet another ascended level programmer, etc...
nested realties forever, in a fractalized model of reality. Again, this model is yet
another repackaging of ancient Hermetic ideas of cosmic consciousness and the
creation of reality though the mind.

As Mankind resurrects ancient Hermetic Doctrine in the guise of the ancient

fantasy of Nested Simulation Theory, Holographic Universe Theory, and Matrix
Theory, thinking that these are new ideological frameworks...they are not; he is
careening swiftly into The Abyss of Quantum Probabilities. Ultimately, the end result
of reducing things down to a quantum mystical level is the inevitable plunging down
into an abyss of quantum probabilities, where the rules of time-space breakdown, and
incomprehensible events are allowed, nullifying the traditional rules of physics,
inviting mystical and magical ovations.

One Deception to Rule Them All

And the floor that they think they have hit is the occult idea that everything is
simply Consciousness or Thought at this most fundamental level. At this level
everything is merely a fractalized micro of the macro, a kind of Mandelbrot set of
interleaving braids of thought and pure idea. Everything becomes about
Consciousness, which is the core and essence of the Babylonian Mystery Religions.
From such a perspective, one has the option of reconfiguring reality itself and
emancipating certain variables to manipulate people and events to achieve any desired

Where is it all headed?... The Apotheosis of Man.

Who will attain it?...No One.

Why is it The Goal?... Man’s Ignorance and Narcissism.

Where this Agenda being generated from?...The Original Ancient Primordial

Gnostic Deception
Who will fall for it?... Just about everyone in the world.

Who has already fallen for this Apotheosis Fantasy?... Who hasn’t?

The Theistic/Atheistic Hegelian Dialectic

Evolutionary based, Material Atheism was The Hegelian Dialectic that the
Luciferian Elite proposed through their Freemasonic Darwinist channels to eventually
induce the world to react to its intolerably cold, and meaningless bareness, which
would, in turn, lead to The New Age Quantum Mystical Cosmic Consciousness Cult
that the Elite had desired from the beginning. In other words, the Elite created a
world devoid of meaning, order, warmth, or God, so the world would beg for a NEW
WORLD with those things in it. The New Age was always intended to be that New
World of Quantum Mystical Kabbalistic Occultism.

The Elite fostered and supported the Old Guard Atheists, Bertrand Russel, Carl
Sagan, etc... and the New Atheists, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, etc...
to create the cold, barren, random, and meaningless Universe, and then The Elite
cultivated the touchy-feely New Age Cosmic Consciousness Paradigm with Neil de

One Deception to Rule Them All

Grasse Tyson and Michio Kaku, etc... It was all merely a game of playing one against
the other for decades to finally arrive at the Kabbalistic, Quantum Mystical New Age
religion of today.

The Merging Between Occultism and

Modern Science
Madame Helena Blavatsky made it clear that the New Age of Luciferian
Occultism is the direction everything is going. And so, we have a whole host of
modern interpretations of reality that pretend to be truly spiritual but are merely
repackaging of ancient occultism.

And now, everyone talks about “Spirituality”, instead of The New Age. But it is
the same. Spiritualty and science become interchangeable. Its Mystery Babylon
revisited, come full circle. All the ancient occult black magic abandoned at the Ruins
of Babylon has been resurrected as New Age Scientism.
It is a never ended enchantment, and hypnotic pull.

For instance, Simulation Theory, as is Quantum Mysticism and A.I. Digital

Techno Spirituality are merely more false, synthetic occult fantasies. The Dance of
Shiva is the metaphor CERN uses to represents all the quantum particles popping in
an out of existence. It ascribes to matter all the reality of a Hologram, and a pixelated
Matrix of information and energy, coming out of another dimension. We see this in
psychist, David Bohm’s Holographic Universe Theory.
Alchemical Hermeticism, likewise talks about interdimensional connections, “As
it Above so it is Below.” It’s the idea that matter is coming out of another invisible
realm. Is this not the Higgs Boson idea, where a non-material field gives rise to
matter, itself? And CERN is addressing all this directly, and leaking it out to the world
as science, while at the same time it is exactly parroting ancient Hermetic and
Kabbalistic Alchemy, thinly veiled as Quantum Science and the partition or veil
between ancient occultism and Quantum Mysticism and Simulation Theory is so thin
at this point that distinguishing one from the other is virtually impossible now. I mean
the Luciferian scientists doing all this have successfully merged the two. We do not
know where the Scientism end and where the occultism begins, anymore.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Simulation Theory is just a computer Matrix metaphor intended to posit a

reconfiguration of reality based upon Egyptian Emerald Tablet Hermeticism. All of
this pretends to be spiritual, as though everything coming out of ancient Hermetic
Satanic Babylonian Egypt is somehow wonderfully enlightened and true. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The Emerald Tablets were Satanic Luciferianism back
when they were written and they are the same now. So now we have all these
Simulation Matrix Models coming out of New Age Satanic Luciferianism, and a lot of
it is really being derived from DMT, Ayahuasca, and otherwise, Dimethyltryptamine
hallucinogens. It’s a Shamanistic Autocracy.

David Icke was a huge proponent of the Matrix Simulation Reality Theory, that
we are living in a kind of high resolution, Holographic Computer Simulation, which
our brains decode from information algorithms, theoretically being generated by
Archons, a Gnostic Luciferian ideology. Again, we see a very similar analog in Icke’s
Matrix Theory coming from physicist, David Bohm, and his Holographic Universe

Yet, invariably, , they are both merely rehashed Luciferian Hermeticism. And the
underlaying theme is the same as that pop occult Get Rich Quick Scheme called “The
Secret”. The Secret taught that you merely have to align your emotions with what you
desire and The Universe would provide it for you. Yet, all these approaches are
Luciferian in nature, and lead to nothing but the labyrinth of unquenchable desire that
Satanism is infamous for. Too much is never enough. Ultimately, all these
perspectives about reality are oriented around the same selfishly pretentious, create
your own reality, money-making schema.

If you could just manifest that car, you would be happy. Then you get the car,
and you want a house. Because hey, man, this shit works, I must be a God! And Gods
deserve more wealth, property, and prosperity, etc… This is the sales pitch of
Luciferianism. It’s all very Materialistic but sold as New Age Spirituality. See, that is
the Luciferian part: Instead of seeking God or God’s Will it all about using the
impersonal Pantheistic Universe a kind of Personal Quantum Probabilistic Casino for
you to play with. After all, it is all Maya and illusory anyway, just a Matrix based,
entangled Simulation, so it is up to you to shape your destiny and decode things in
order to reconfigure a malleable reality and make it work for you. Again, all this is
merely Alchemical Magick masquerading as New Age Spiritualty and Spiritual
One Deception to Rule Them All

In 1937, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, was promoted as a personal
development and self-improvement book. Hill wrote that he was inspired by a
suggestion from business magnate and later-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Dale
Carnegie had written How to Win Friends And Influence People, a classic amongst the
upwardly mobile Think And Grow Rich variety. And Norman Vincent Peale, the
Christian minister whose book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was a pillar of American
self-help culture during the 1950s and beyond. All of these men and these books were
singularly concerned with making a person liked by more people and subsequently,
more magnetically able to attract resources, friends, and wealth, and be seen as a
powerful person with charism. It was all a Secular Anti-Christian, New Age crusade
from the beginning, pretending to me spiritual, and was actually the precursor to more
Satanic Luciferian works like The Secret.

And yet we have in Matthew 19: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell
you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is
easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
kingdom of God.”

And of course, we have all these New Age interpretations of that passage that
say, “Oh that was the fake Jesus or Jesus really meant the poor in spirit there…just
whatever it takes to reframe everything to mean that God wants you to have cash
flow! See this is all Luciferianism to seek wealth in this world, to live it up, to really dig
your heals in and be the big powerful person. Whereas, the poor person generally
begins to realize they it all he has is God instead of money. And so, he has less of that
unquenchable monkey on his back, always trying control things and manipulate
people and events to get even more rich and get all the Facebook likes.

The underlying theme to all if this is material wealth is somehow equated with
God favoring you, if not directly falling into Lucifer’s good graces as Freemason.

And so, this Matrix, Artificial Simulation Model of reality is really nothing more
than rehashed greedy Mystery Babylonian Satanism to seduce modern minds into a
relationship with the occult though New Age Pantheism.

The universal glue between all of these occult-based models, Simulation Theory,
Quantum Mysticism, Hermeticism, Kabbala, A.I. Digital Techno Spirituality, is a
blatant Pantheistic Monadism

One Deception to Rule Them All

At that point, the modern initiate shall have been brainwashed by the enduring
and integrated artifice of occult doctrine, artfully disguised as science, to believe only
in Material Synchronism, a kind of Pantheistic Monadism, where the unity of matter is
the God of The Universe, and The Matrix is a kind Simulation Reality of Archon
driven Holographic Illusion for you to decode and cash in with, if possible. And if
you fail this life at it, you get all these Hindu reincarnation cycles to keep trying until
you master the material world and rise as a glorious, materially successful King, if
possible. Again, every bit of all of this is just more repackaged Luciferian Materialistic

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 6
Artificial Intelligence:
Summoning the Demon
The “Artificial Intelligence is a Hoax Hypothesis”
Elite Controllers can claim Plausible Deniability if A.I. goes on a rampage of
murder. They’ll simply say, “After all, it is the A.I. that is killing people, not us. We
told you, A.I. is beyond our control.” I wonder if the threat of AI is just a giant hoax?
There's no indication that it's hooked up to crypto or any other network.
A.I. Robot, Sophia, seems to work on a prerecorded script. That's how Sophia
comes a remote-controlled robot in her movements...not very convincing more than drone tech in plastic skin.

And could they be faking A.I. to conceal the inevitable devaluation of fiat
currencies? And could they could be in the planning stages of mass genocide/chaos to
blame it on A.I.? ... what do they call it?...oh yeah ...”The Singularity'?

Nevertheless, however, the problem with the “A.I. is a Hoax Hypothesis” is that
too many independent contractors are working and developing A.I. that have nothing
to do with any government, and the intricate technologies and networking of millions
of computers we are seeing is undeniable at this point.

Time will tell....

The Myth of AI: Is Artificial Intelligence Just a Trojan

Horse for Elite Rule?
“The idea that computers are people has a long and storied history. It goes back
to the very origins of computers, and even from before. There's always been a
question about whether a program is something alive or not since it intrinsically has
some kind of autonomy at the very least, or it wouldn't be a program. There has been

One Deception to Rule Them All

a domineering subculture—that's been the most wealthy, prolific, and influential

subculture in the technical world—that for a long time has not only promoted the
idea that there's an equivalence between algorithms and life, and certain algorithms
and people, but a historical determinism that we're inevitably making computers that
will be smarter and better than us and will take over from us. ...That mythology, in
turn, has spurred a reactionary, perpetual spasm from people who are horrified by
what they hear. You'll have a figure say, "The computers will take over the Earth, but
that's a good thing, because people had their chance and now, we should give it to the
machines." Then you'll have other people say, "Oh, that's horrible, we must stop these
computers." Most recently, some of the most beloved and respected figures in the
tech and science world, including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, have taken that
position of: "Oh my God, these things are an existential threat. They must be

In the history of organized religion, it's often been the case that people have been
disempowered precisely to serve what was perceived to be the needs of some deity or
another, where in fact what they were doing was supporting an elite class that was the
priesthood for that deity. ... That looks an awful lot like the new digital economy to
me, where you have (natural language) translators and everybody else who contributes
to the corpora that allows the data schemes to operate, contributing to the fortunes of
whoever runs the computers. You're saying, "Well, but they're helping the AI, it's not
us, they're helping the AI." It reminds me of somebody saying, "Oh, build these
pyramids, it's in the service of this deity," and, on the ground, it's in the service of an
elite. It's an economic effect of the new idea. The new religious idea of AI is a lot like
the economic effect of the old idea, religion.”

Could Artificial Intelligence be Hype?

“The question is, or should be, how much of the hype surrounding artificial
intelligence is warranted? “For 60 years scientists have been announcing that the great
AI breakthrough is just around the corner. All of a sudden many tech journalists and
tech business leaders appear convinced that, finally, AI has come into its own.”

“We’ve all been seeing hype and excitement around artificial intelligence, big data,
machine learning and deep learning. There’s also a lot of confusion about what they

One Deception to Rule Them All

really mean and what’s actually possible today. These terms are used arbitrarily and
sometimes interchangeably, which further perpetuates confusion.

So, let’s break down these terms and offer some perspective.
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with algorithms

inspired by various facets of natural intelligence. It includes performing tasks that
normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition,
problem solving and language translation. Artificial intelligence can be seen in many
every day products, from intelligent personal assistants in your smartphone to the X-
box 360 Kinect camera, allowing you to interact with games through body movement.
There are also well-known examples of AI that are more experimental, from the self-
aware Super Mario to the widely discussed driverless car. Other less commonly
discussed examples include the ability to sift through millions of images to pull
together notable insights.
Big Data

Big Data is an important part of AI and is defined as extremely large data sets
that are so large they cannot be analyzed, searched or interpreted using traditional data
processing methods. As a result, they have to be analyzed computationally to reveal
patterns, trends, and associations. This computational analysis, for instance, has
helped businesses improve customer experience and their bottom line by better
understand human behavior and interactions. There are many retailers that now rely
heavily on Big Data to help adjust pricing in near-real time for millions of items, based
on demand and inventory. However, processing of Big Data to make predictions or
decisions like this often requires the use of Machine Learning techniques.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a form of artificial intelligence which involves algorithms

that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model based on inputs
and using that information to make predictions or decisions, rather than following
only explicitly programmed instructions. There are lots of basic decisions that can be
performed leveraging machine learning, like Nest with its learning thermostats as one
example. Machine Learning is widely used in spam detection, credit card fraud
detection, and product recommendation systems, such as with Netflix or Amazon.
One Deception to Rule Them All

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a class of machine learning techniques that operate by

constructing numerous layers of abstraction to help map inputs to classifications more
accurately. The abstractions made by Deep Learning methods are often observed as
being human like, and the big breakthrough in this field in recent years has been the
scale of abstraction that can now be achieved. This, in recent years, has resulted in
breakthroughs in computer vision and speech recognition accuracy. Deep Learning is
inspired by a simplified model of the way Neural Networks are thought to operate in
the brain.

No doubt AI is in a hype cycle these days. Recent breakthroughs in Distributed

AI and Deep Learning, paired with the ever-increasing need for deriving value from
huge stashes of data being collected in every industry, have helped renew interest in
Human levels of understanding? Really?
How much of an AI breakthrough has humanity actually achieved, as opposed to
wishful thinking?

“Gary Marcus, a psychology professor at New York University, who writes about
artificial intelligence for the New Yorker, was the first to burst the balloon. He told
Geektime that while the coalescence of parallel computation and big data has led to
some exciting results, so-called ‘deeper algorithms’ aren’t really that much different
from two decades ago.

In fact, several experts concurred that doing neat things with statistics and big
data (which account for many of the recent AI “breakthroughs”) are no substitute for
understanding how the human brain actually works.
“Current models of intelligence are still extremely far away from anything
resembling human intelligence,” philosopher and scientist Douglas Hofstadter told

But why is everyone so excited about computer systems like IBM’s Watson,
which beat the best human players on Jeopardy! and has even more recently been
diagnosing disease?

One Deception to Rule Them All

“Watson doesn’t understand anything at all,” said Hofstadter. “It is just good at
grammatical parsing and then searching for text strings in a very large database.”

Similarly, Google Translate understands nothing whatsoever of the sentences that

it converts from one language to another, “which is why it often makes horrendous
messes of them,” said Hofstadter.”

“In narrow domains like chess, computers are getting exponentially better.

But in some other domains, like strong artificial intelligence, general artificial
intelligence, there’s been almost no progress.

Not many people are fooled into thinking that Siri is an example of general
artificial intelligence.
We were promised Rosie the robot and got Roomba, which wanders the room
and tries not to bump into anything.
A.I. actually nearly died in 1973. There was something in Britain, called the
Lighthill Report, that was compiled by James Lighthill for the British Science
Research Council as an evaluation of the academic research in the field of artificial

The report said that artificial intelligence only worked in narrow domains, it’s
unlikely to scale up, and that it will have limited applications. This report led basically
to the end of funding in British A.I. research. This was called the first A.I. winter.

Current systems are still narrow. You have chess computers that can’t do
anything else, driverless cars that can’t do anything else. There are language translators
that are really good at translating languages, but are not perfect, often having a
problem with syntax, and they can’t actually answer questions about what they’re

What you end up having in A.I. is a community of idiot savants, with special
service programs that do one thing, but aren’t general.

Watson is probably the most impressive in some ways, but as with most artificial
intelligence systems that actually work, there’s a hidden restriction that makes it look a
lot easier than it appears to be. When you look at Watson, you think, it knows
everything, it can look it up really quickly, but it turns out that 95% of all of the

One Deception to Rule Them All

Jeopardy questions that it’s trying to answer are the titles of Wikipedia pages. It’s
basically searching the Wikipedia pages, but seems like a general intelligence, but it
isn’t one.

IBM is still struggling to figure out what to do with it.

Your average teenager can pick up a new video game after an hour or two of
practice or learn plenty of other skills.

The closest we have to that in AI is the company Deep Mind, which Google
bought in 2014. It’s a system that can-do general-purpose learning of a limited sort.
It’s actually better than humans in a few video games and in the game.

We’re still a long way from machines that can master a wide range of tasks,
understand something like Wikipedia and be able to learn for itself.

We were promised human level intelligence and what we got were things like ‘key
word’ searches. Anyone who’s done searches on Google has run into the limitations
of this level of processing.

The trouble with Big Data is that it’s all correlation and no causation:
You can always go and find correlations, but just finding correlations, which is
what Big Data does, if it’s done in an unsophisticated way, doesn’t necessarily give
you the right answer.

It’s important to realize that children don’t just care about correlations. They
want to know why things are correlated:

Children are asking questions. Big Data is just collecting data.

AI’s roots were in trying to understand human intelligence. Hardly anybody talks
about human intelligence anymore. They just talk about getting a big data base and
run a particular function on it.”

“In Marcus’ view, the only route to true machine intelligence is to begin with a
better understanding of human intelligence. Big data will only get you so far, because
it’s all correlation and no causation.
When children begin learning about the world, they don’t need big data. That’s
because their brains are understanding why one thing causes another. That process

One Deception to Rule Them All

only requires “small data,” says Marcus. “They don’t need exabytes of data to learn a

“My 22-month old is already more sophisticated than the best robots in the world
in digging through bad toys and finding something new.”

Marcus offers several examples of aspects of human intelligence that we need to

gain a better understanding of if we are want to build intelligent machines. For
instance, a human being who looks at the following picture will be able to guess what
happens next:

“It you take a Deep Learning algorithm and have it look at a picture like this, it
might do what’s called a false alarm. It might say it sees a duck and it sees a car there
too. You, as a human being, know that there’s not a car in the lake. So, if you have
common sense, you use that a part of your analysis of the image and you don’t usually
get fooled.

Try doing a search on the following: ‘Which is closer Paris or Saturn’, and see
what you get for search results. Any child should be able to answer that question, but
for most search engines, you will just get various links to info about Saturn and some
links to info about Paris.

Natural Language

There’s a kind of sentence called a generic, which is things like ‘triangles have
three sides’. What is meant by generic here is the triangles have three sides in general.

But is can be looser than that. For example, one can say ‘dogs have four legs’.
Most dogs have four legs, but they don’t all, since most people have seen three legged

The point here is that you can make sense of that statement. You can read an
encyclopedia and make inferences about it.

How about ‘ducks lay eggs’? Well, this isn’t even true of most ducks since half the
ducks are male and they don’t lay eggs, and some of the ducks are too young or too
old or have a disorder, and they don’t lay eggs. So maybe only 30% of ducks actually
lay eggs, but you understand it, you get it, you can think about it. We can make
inferences, even though we don’t have a statistically reliable truth.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Children are able to understand this but machines aren’t.

The field of AI is hyped up to be further along than it actually is. There’s been
little progress on making genuinely smart machines. Statistics and Big Data, as popular
as they are, are never going to get us all the way there by themselves.

The only route to true machine intelligence is going to begin with a better
understanding of human intelligence.”

The Ideology of A.I.

“If computers don’t actually even think in the human sense, then why do the
media and high-tech business leaders seem so eager to jump the gun? Why would they
have us believe that robots are about to surpass us?
Perhaps many of us actually want computers to be smarter than humans because
it’s an appealing fantasy. If robots are at parity with humans, then we can define down
what it means to be human — we’re just an obsolete computer program — and all the
vexing, painful questions like why do we suffer, why do we die, how should we live?
become irrelevant.
It also justifies a world in which we put algorithms on a pedestal and believe they
will solve all our problems. Jaron Lanier compares it to a religion:

“In the history of organized religion,” he told, “it’s often been the case
that people have been disempowered precisely to serve what were perceived to be the
needs of some deity or another, where in fact what they were doing was supporting an
elite class that was the priesthood for that deity.”
“That looks an awful lot like the new digital economy to me, where you have
(natural language) translators and everybody else…contributing mostly to the fortunes
of whoever runs the top computers. The new elite might say, “Well, but they’re
helping the AI, it’s not us, they’re helping the AI. The effect of the new religious idea
of AI is a lot like the economic effect of the old idea, religion.”

The Mythic Singularity

“Why is religious language so pervasive in AI and transhumanist circles? The odd

thing about the anti-clericalism in the AI community is that religious language runs
wild in its ranks, and in how the media reports on it. There are AI ‘oracles’ and

One Deception to Rule Them All

technology ‘evangelists’ of a future that’s yet to come, plus plenty of loose talk about
angels, gods and the apocalypse.

Ray Kurzweil, an executive at Google, is regularly anointed a ‘prophet’ by the

media – sometimes as a prophet of a coming wave of ‘superintelligence’ (a sapience
surpassing any human’s capability); sometimes as a ‘prophet of doom’ (thanks to his
pronouncements about the dire prospects for humanity); and often as a soothsayer of
the ‘singularity’ (when humans will merge with machines, and as a consequence live
The tech folk who also invoke these metaphors and tropes operate in overtly and
almost exclusively secular spaces, where rationality is routinely pitched against
religion. But believers in a ‘transhuman’ future – in which AI will allow us to
transcend the human condition once and for all – draw constantly on prophetic and
end-of-days narratives to understand what they’re striving for.
From its inception, the technological singularity has represented a mix of
otherworldly hopes and fears. The modern concept has its origin in 1965, when
Gordon Moore, later the co-founder of Intel, observed that the number of transistors
you could fit on a microchip was doubling roughly every 12 months or so. This
became known as Moore’s Law: the prediction that computing power would grow
exponentially until at least the early 2020s, when transistors would become so small
that quantum interference is likely to become an issue.

‘Singularitarians’ have picked up this thinking and run with it. In Speculations
Concerning the First Ultra-Intelligent Machine (1965), the British mathematician and
cryptologist I. J. Good offered this influential description of humanity’s technological
inflection point:

Let an ultra-intelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all
the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is
one of these intellectual activities, an ultra-intelligent machine could design even
better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion’, and
the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultra-intelligent
machine is the last invention that man need ever make.

These meditations are shot through with excitement but also the very old anxiety
about humans’ impending obsolescence. Kurzweil has said that Moore’s Law

One Deception to Rule Them All

expresses a universal ‘Law of Accelerating Returns’ as nature moves towards greater

and greater order. He predicts that computers will first reach the level of human
intelligence, before rapidly surpassing it in a recursive, self-improving spiral.

When the singularity is conceived as an entity or being, the questions circle

around what it would mean to communicate with a non-human creature that is
omniscient, omnipotent, possibly even omnibenevolent. This is a problem that
religious believers have struggled with for centuries, as they quested towards the mind
of God.
In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas argued for the importance of a passionate
search for a relationship and shaped it into a Christian prayer: ‘Grant me, O Lord my
God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you …’ Now, in online
forums, rationalist ‘singularitarians’ debate what such a being would want and how it
would go about getting it, sometimes driving themselves into a state of existential
distress at the answers they find.

A god-like being of infinite knowing (the singularity); an escape of the flesh and
this limited world (uploading our minds); a moment of transfiguration or ‘end of days’
(the singularity as a moment of rapture); prophets (even if they work for Google);
demons and hell (even if it’s an eternal computer simulation of suffering), and
evangelists who wear smart suits (just like the religious ones do). Consciously and
unconsciously, religious ideas are at work in the narratives of those discussing,
planning, and hoping for a future shaped by AI.
The stories and forms that religion takes are still driving the aspirations we have
for AI. What lies behind this strange confluence of narratives? The likeliest
explanation is that when we try to describe the ineffable – the singularity, the future
itself – even the most secular among us are forced to reach for a familiar metaphysical
lexicon. When trying to think about interacting with another intelligence, when
summoning that intelligence, and when trying to imagine the future that such an
intelligence might foreshadow, we fall back on old cultural habits. The prospect
creating an AI invites us to ask about the purpose and meaning of being human: what
a human is for in a world where we are not the only workers, not the only thinkers,
not the only conscious agents shaping our destiny.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Superior Intelligence and Rogue AI

“In Aristotle’s book, The Politics, he explains: ‘[T]hat some should rule and
others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but expedient; from the hour of their
birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule.’ What marks the ruler is
their possession of ‘the rational element’. Educated men have this the most and
should therefore naturally rule over women – and also those men ‘whose business is
to use their body’ and who therefore ‘are by nature slaves’. Lower down the ladder
still are non-human animals, who are so witless as to be ‘better off when they are
ruled by man’.

So, at the dawn of Western philosophy, we have intelligence identified with the
European, educated, male human. It becomes an argument for his right to dominate
women, the lower classes, uncivilized peoples and non-human animals.
Needless to say, more than 2,000 years later, the train of thought that these men
set in motion has yet to be derailed.
The late Australian philosopher and conservationist Val Plumwood has argued
that the giants of Greek philosophy set up a series of linked dualisms that continue to
inform our thought. Opposing categories such as intelligent/stupid,
rational/emotional and mind/body are linked, implicitly or explicitly, to others such
as male/female, civilized/primitive, and human/animal. These dualisms aren’t value-
neutral, but fall within a broader dualism, as Aristotle makes clear: that of
dominant/subordinate or master/slave. Together, they make relationships of
domination, such as patriarchy or slavery, appear to be part of the natural order of
According to Kant, the reasoning being – today, we’d say the intelligent being –
has infinite worth or dignity, whereas the unreasoning or unintelligent one has none.
His arguments are more sophisticated, but essentially, he arrives at the same
conclusion as Aristotle: there are natural masters and natural slaves, and intelligence is
what distinguishes them.

This line of thinking was extended to become a core part of the logic of
colonialism. The argument ran like this: non-white peoples were less intelligent; they
were therefore unqualified to rule over themselves and their lands. It was therefore
perfectly legitimate – even a duty, ‘the white man’s burden’ – to destroy their cultures

One Deception to Rule Them All

and take their territory. In addition, because intelligence defined humanity, by virtue
of being less intelligent, these peoples were less human. They therefore did not enjoy
full moral standing – and so it was perfectly fine to kill or enslave them.

So, when we reflect upon how the idea of intelligence has been used to justify
privilege and domination throughout more than 2,000 years of history, is it any
wonder that the imminent prospect of super-smart robots fills us with dread?
From 2001: A Space Odyssey to the Terminator films, writers have fantasized
about machines rising up against us. Now we can see why. If we’re used to believing
that the top spots in society should go to the brainiest, then of course we should
expect to be made redundant by bigger-brained robots and sent to the bottom of the
heap. If we’ve absorbed the idea that the more intelligent can colonize the less
intelligent as of right, then it’s natural that we’d fear enslavement by our super-smart
creations. If we justify our own positions of power and prosperity by virtue of our
intellect, it’s understandable that we see superior AI as an existential threat.

Natural stupidity, rather than artificial intelligence, remains the greatest risk.
This narrative of privilege might explain why, as the New York-based scholar and
technologist Kate Crawford has noted, the fear of rogue AI seems predominant
among Western white men. Other groups have endured a long history of domination
by self-appointed superiors and are still fighting against real oppressors. White men,
on the other hand, are used to being at the top of the pecking order. They have most
to lose if new entities arrive that excel in exactly those areas that have been used to
justify male superiority.
I don’t mean to suggest that all our anxiety about rogue AI is unfounded. There
are real risks associated with the use of advanced AI (as well as immense potential
benefits). But being oppressed by robots in the way that, say, Australia’s indigenous
people have been oppressed by European colonists is not number one on the list.

We would do better to worry about what humans might do with AI, rather than
what it might do by itself. We humans are far more likely to deploy intelligent systems
against each other, or to become over-reliant on them. As in the fable of the
sorcerer’s apprentice, if AIs do cause harm, it’s more likely to be because we give
them well-meaning but ill-thought-through goals – not because they wish to conquer
us. Natural stupidity, rather than artificial intelligence, remains the greatest risk.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Consumers Don’t Want It

“2016 and 2017 saw “AI” being deployed on consumers experimentally,

tentatively, and the signs are already there for anyone who cares to see. It hasn’t been
a great success.

The most hyped manifestation of better language processing is chatbots.

Chatbots are the new UX, many including Microsoft and Facebook hope. Oren
Etzoni at Paul Allen’s Institute predicts it will become a “trillion-dollar industry” But
he also admits “my 4 YO is far smarter than any AI program I ever met”.

Hmmm, thanks Oren. So, what you’re saying is that we must now get used to
chatting with someone dumber than a four-year-old, just because they can make
software act dumber than a four-year-old.

Put it this way. How many times have you rung a call center recently and wished
that you’d spoken to someone even more thick, or rendered by processes even more
incapable of resolving the dispute, than the minimum-wage offshore staffer who you
actually spoke with? When the chatbots come, as you close the [X] on another
fantastically unproductive hour wasted, will you cheerfully console yourself with the
thought: “That was terrible, but least MegaCorp will make higher margins this year!
They’re at the cutting edge of AI!”?

In a healthy and competitive services marketplace, bad service means lost

business. The early adopters of AI chatbots will discover this the hard way. There may
be no later adopters once the early adopters have become internet memes for terrible

The other area where apparently impressive feats of “AI” were unleashed upon
the public were subtle. Unbidden, unwanted AI “help” is starting to pop out at us.
Google scans your personal photos and later, if you have an Android phone, will pop
up “helpful” reminders of where you have been. People almost universally find this
creepy. We could call this a “Clippy The Paperclip” problem, after the intrusive Office
Assistant that only wanted to help. Clippy is going to haunt AI in 2017. This is
actually going to be worse than anybody inside the AI cult quite realizes.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The successful web services today so far are based on an economic exchange.
The internet giants slurp your data and give you free stuff. We haven’t thought more
closely about what this data is worth. For the consumer, however, these unsought AI
intrusions merely draw our attention to how intrusive the data slurp really is. It could
wreck everything. Has nobody thought of that?

AI Is a Make-Believe World Populated by Mad People

The AI hype so far has relied on a collusion between two groups of people: a
supply side and a demand side. The technology industry, the forecasting industry and
researchers provide a limitless supply of post-human hype.

The demand comes from the media and political classes, now unable or unwilling
to engage in politics with the masses, to indulge in wild fantasies about humans being
replaced by robots. The latter reflects a displacement activity: the professions are
already surrendering autonomy in their work to technocratic managerialism. They’ve
made robots out of themselves – and now fear being replaced by robots.
There’s a cultural gulf between AI’s promoters and the public that Asperger’s
alone can’t explain. There’s no polite way to express this, but AI belongs to
California’s inglorious tradition of generating cults, and incubating cult-like thinking.
Most people can name a few from the hippy or post-hippy years – EST, or the
Family, or the Symbionese Liberation Army – but actually, Californians have been it
at it longer than anyone realizes.
Today, that spirit lives on Silicon Valley, where creepy billionaire nerds like Mark
Zuckerberg and Elon Musk can fulfil their desires to “play God and be amazed by
magic”, the two big things they miss from childhood. Look at Zuckerberg’s house, for
example. What these people want is not what you or I want. I’d be wary of them
running an after-school club.”

Should We Be Afraid of AI?

“Suppose you enter a dark room in an unknown building. You might panic about
monsters that could be lurking in the dark. Or you could just turn on the light, to
avoid bumping into furniture. The dark room is the future of artificial intelligence
(AI). Unfortunately, many people believe that, as we step into the room, we might run
into some evil, ultra-intelligent machines. This is an old fear. It dates to the 1960s,

One Deception to Rule Them All

when Irving John Good, a British mathematician who worked as a cryptologist at

Bletchley Park with Alan Turing, made the following observation:

Let an ultra-intelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all
the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is
one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better
machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion’, and the
intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus, the first ultra-intelligent machine is
the last invention that man need ever make, provided that the machine is docile
enough to tell us how to keep it under control. It is curious that this point is made so
seldom outside of science fiction. It is sometimes worthwhile to take science fiction

Once ultraintelligent machines become a reality, they might not be docile at all
but behave like Terminator: enslave humanity as a sub-species, ignore its rights, and
pursue their own ends, regardless of the effects on human lives.

If this sounds incredible, you might wish to reconsider. Fast-forward half a

century to now, and the amazing developments in our digital technologies have led
many people to believe that Good’s ‘intelligence explosion’ is a serious risk, and the
end of our species might be near, if we’re not careful. This is Stephen Hawking in
The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human
Last year, Bill Gates was of the same view:

I am in the camp that is concerned about superintelligence. First the machines

will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super-intelligent. That should be positive if we
manage it well. A few decades after that, though, the intelligence is strong enough to
be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this, and don’t understand
why some people are not concerned.

And what had Musk, Tesla’s CEO, said?

We should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess what our
biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that… Increasingly, scientists think there
should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just

One Deception to Rule Them All

to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence, we
are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the
pentagram and the holy water, it’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon.
Didn’t work out.

The reality is more trivial. This March, Microsoft introduced Tay – an AI-based
chat robot – to Twitter. They had to remove it only 16 hours later. It was supposed to
become increasingly smarter as it interacted with humans. Instead, it quickly became
an evil Hitler-loving, Holocaust-denying, incestual-sex-promoting, ‘Bush did 9/11’-
proclaiming chatterbox. Why? Because it worked no better than kitchen paper,
absorbing and being shaped by the nasty messages sent to it. Microsoft apologized.

This is the state of AI today. After so much talking about the risks of
ultraintelligent machines, it is time to turn on the light, stop worrying about sci-fi
scenarios, and start focusing on AI’s actual challenges, in order to avoid making
painful and costly mistakes in the design and use of our smart technologies.

The current debate about AI is a dichotomy between those who believe in true
AI and those who do not. Yes, the real thing, not Siri in your iPhone, Roomba in your
living room, or Nest in your kitchen. Think instead of the false Maria in Metropolis
(1927); Hal 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), on which Good was one of the
consultants; C3PO in Star Wars (1977); Rachael in Blade Runner (1982); Data in Star
Trek: The Next Generation (1987); Agent Smith in The Matrix (1999) or the
disembodied Samantha in Her (2013). You’ve got the picture. Believers in true AI and
in Good’s ‘intelligence explosion’ belong to the Church of Singularitarians. For lack
of a better term, disbelievers will be referred to as members of the Church of
A.I.theists. Let’s have a look at both faiths and see why both are mistaken. And
meanwhile, remember: good philosophy is almost always in the boring middle.
Singularitarians believe in three dogmas. First, that the creation of some form of
artificial ultra-intelligence is likely in the foreseeable future. This turning point is
known as a technological singularity, hence the name. Both the nature of such a
superintelligence and the exact timeframe of its arrival are left unspecified, although
Singularitarians tend to prefer futures that are conveniently close-enough-to-worry-
about but far-enough-not-to-be-around-to-be-proved-wrong.

Second, humanity runs a major risk of being dominated by such ultra-intelligence.

Third, a primary responsibility of the current generation is to ensure that the
One Deception to Rule Them All

Singularity either does not happen or, if it does, that it is benign and will benefit
humanity. This has all the elements of a Manichean view of the world: Good fighting
Evil, apocalyptic overtones, the urgency of ‘we must do something now or it will be
too late’, an eschatological perspective of human salvation, and an appeal to fears and

Put all this in a context where people are rightly worried about the impact of
idiotic digital technologies on their lives, especially in the job market and in cyberwars,
and where mass media daily report new gizmos and unprecedented computer-driven
disasters, and you have a recipe for mass distraction: a digital opiate for the masses.

Like all faith-based views, Singularitarianism is irrefutable because, in the end, it is

unconstrained by reason and evidence. It is also implausible, since there is no reason
to believe that anything resembling intelligent (let alone ultraintelligent) machines will
emerge from our current and foreseeable understanding of computer science and
digital technologies. Let me explain.

Sometimes, Singularitarianism is presented conditionally. This is shrewd, because

the then does follow from the if, and not merely in an ex falso quodlibet sense: if
some kind of ultra-intelligence were to appear, then we would be in deep trouble.

Absolutely. But this also holds true for the following conditional: if the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse were to appear, then we would be in even deeper
At other times, Singularitarianism relies on a very weak sense of possibility: some
form of artificial ultra-intelligence could develop, couldn’t it? Yes, it could. But this
‘could’ is mere logical possibility – as far as we know, there is no contradiction in
assuming the development of artificial ultra-intelligence. Yet this is a trick, blurring the
immense difference between ‘I could be sick tomorrow’ when I am already feeling
unwell, and ‘I could be a butterfly that dreams it’s a human being.’

There is no contradiction in assuming that a dead relative you’ve never heard of

has left you $10 million. That could happen. So? Contradictions, like happily married
bachelors, aren’t possible states of affairs, but non-contradictions, like extra-terrestrial
agents living among us so well-hidden that we never discovered them, can still be
dismissed as utterly crazy. In other words, the ‘could’ is not the ‘could happen’ of an

One Deception to Rule Them All

earthquake, but the ‘it isn’t true that it couldn’t happen’ of thinking that you are the
first immortal human. Correct, but not a reason to start acting as if you will live
forever. Unless, that is, someone provides evidence to the contrary, and shows that
there is something in our current and foreseeable understanding of computer science
that should lead us to suspect that the emergence of artificial ultra-intelligence is truly
Here Singularitarians mix faith and facts, often moved, I believe, by a sincere
sense of apocalyptic urgency. They start talking about job losses, digital systems at
risk, unmanned drones gone awry and other real and worrisome issues about
computational technologies that are coming to dominate human life, from education
to employment, from entertainment to conflicts. From this, they jump to being
seriously worried about their inability to control their next Honda Civic because it will
have a mind of its own. How some nasty ultraintelligent AI will ever evolve
autonomously from the computational skills required to park in a tight spot remains
unclear. The truth is that climbing on top of a tree is not a small step towards the
Moon; it is the end of the journey. What we are going to see are increasingly smart
machines able to perform more tasks that we currently perform ourselves.

If all other arguments fail, Singularitarians are fond of throwing in some maths. A
favorite reference is Moore’s Law. This is the empirical claim that, in the development
of digital computers, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles
approximately every two years. The outcome has so far been more computational
power for less. But things are changing. Technical difficulties in nanotechnology
present serious manufacturing challenges. There is, after all, a limit to how small
things can get before they simply melt. Moore’s Law no longer holds. Just because
something grows exponentially for some time, does not mean that it will continue to
do so forever.
Singularitarianism is irresponsibly distracting. It is a rich-world preoccupation,
likely to worry people in leisured societies, who seem to forget about real evils
oppressing humanity and our planet.

Deeply irritated by those who worship the wrong digital gods, and by their
unfulfilled Singularitarian prophecies, disbelievers – A.I.theists – make it their mission
to prove once and for all that any kind of faith in true AI is totally wrong. AI is just
computers, computers are just Turing Machines, Turing Machines are merely syntactic

One Deception to Rule Them All

engines, and syntactic engines cannot think, cannot know, cannot be conscious. End
of story.

AItheists’ faith is as misplaced as the Singularitarians’. Both Churches have plenty

of followers in California, where Hollywood sci-fi films, wonderful research
universities such as Berkeley, and some of the world’s most important digital
companies flourish side by side. This might not be accidental. When there is big
money involved, people easily get confused. For example, Google has been buying AI
tech companies as if there were no tomorrow, so surely Google must know
something about the real chances of developing a computer that can think, that we,
outside ‘The Circle’, are missing? Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, fueled
this view, when he told the Aspen Institute in 2013: ‘Many people in AI believe that
we’re close to [a computer passing the Turing Test] within the next five years.’

The Turing test is a way to check whether AI is getting any closer. You ask
questions of two agents in another room; one is human, the other artificial; if you
cannot tell the difference between the two from their answers, then the robot passes
the test. It is a crude test. Think of the driving test: if Alice does not pass it, she is not
a safe driver; but even if she does, she might still be an unsafe driver. The Turing test
provides a necessary but insufficient condition for a form of intelligence. This is a
really low bar. And yet, no AI has ever got over it. More importantly, all programs
keep failing in the same way, using tricks developed in the 1960s.

Both Singularitarians and AItheists are mistaken. As Turing clearly stated in the
1950 article that introduced his test, the question ‘Can a machine think?’ is ‘too
meaningless to deserve discussion’. This holds true, no matter which of the two
Churches you belong to. Yet both Churches continue this pointless debate,
suffocating any dissenting voice of reason.
True AI is not logically impossible, but it is utterly implausible. We have no idea
how we might begin to engineer it, not least because we have very little understanding
of how our own brains and intelligence work. This means that we should not lose
sleep over the possible appearance of some ultra-intelligence. What really matters is
that the increasing presence of ever-smarter technologies is having huge effects on
how we conceive of ourselves, the world, and our interactions. The point is not that
our machines are conscious, or intelligent, or able to know something as we do. They
are not. There are plenty of well-known results that indicate the limits of computation,

One Deception to Rule Them All

so-called undecidable problems for which it can be proved that it is impossible to

construct an algorithm that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer.

We know, for example, that our computational machines satisfy the Curry-
Howard correspondence, which indicates that proof systems in logic on the one hand
and the models of computation on the other, are in fact structurally the same kind of
objects, and so any logical limit applies to computers as well. Plenty of machines can
do amazing things, including playing checkers, chess and Go and the quiz show
Jeopardy better than us. And yet they are all versions of a Turing Machine, an abstract
model that sets the limits of what can be done by a computer through its
mathematical logic.

Quantum computers are constrained by the same limits, the limits of what can be
computed (so-called computable functions). No conscious, intelligent entity is going
to emerge from a Turing Machine. The point is that our smart technologies – also
thanks to the enormous amount of available data and some very sophisticated
programming – are increasingly able to deal with more tasks better than we do,
including predicting our behaviors. So, we are not the only agents able to perform
tasks successfully.
These are ordinary artifacts that outperform us in ever more tasks, despite being
no cleverer than a toaster. Their abilities are humbling and make us reevaluate human
exceptionality and our special role in the Universe, which remains unique. We thought
we were smart because we could play chess. Now a phone plays better than a
Grandmaster. We thought we were free because we could buy whatever we wished.
Now our spending patterns are predicted by devices as thick as a plank.
What’s the difference? The same as between you and the dishwasher when
washing the dishes. What’s the consequence? That any apocalyptic vision of AI can be

The success of our technologies depends largely on the fact that, while we were
speculating about the possibility of ultra-intelligence, we increasingly enveloped the
world in so many devices, sensors, applications and data that it became an IT-friendly
environment, where technologies can replace us without having any understanding,
mental states, intentions, interpretations, emotional states, semantic skills,
consciousness, self-awareness or flexible intelligence. Memory (as in algorithms and
immense datasets) outperforms intelligence when landing an aircraft, finding the
One Deception to Rule Them All

fastest route from home to the office, or discovering the best price for your next

Digital technologies can do more and more things better than us, by processing
increasing amounts of data and improving their performance by analyzing their own
output as input for the next operations. AlphaGo, the computer program developed
by Google DeepMind, won the boardgame Go against the world’s best player because
it could use a database of around 30 million moves and play thousands of games
against itself, ‘learning’ how to improve its performance. It is like a two-knife system
that can sharpen itself. What’s the difference? The same as between you and the
dishwasher when washing the dishes. What’s the consequence? That any apocalyptic
vision of AI can be disregarded.

We are and shall remain, for any foreseeable future, the problem, not our
So, we should concentrate on the real challenges:
We should make AI environment-friendly. We need the smartest technologies we
can build to tackle the concrete evils oppressing humanity and our planet, from
environmental disasters to financial crises, from crime, terrorism and war, to famine,
poverty, ignorance, inequality and appalling living standards.

We should make AI human-friendly. It should be used to treat people always as

ends, never as mere means, to paraphrase Immanuel Kant.

We should make AI’s stupidity work for human intelligence. Millions of jobs will
be disrupted, eliminated and created; the benefits of this should be shared by all, and
the costs borne by society.
We should make AI’s predictive power work for freedom and autonomy.
Marketing products, influencing behaviors, nudging people or fighting crime and
terrorism should never undermine human dignity.

And finally, we should make AI make us more human. The serious risk is that we
might misuse our smart technologies, to the detriment of most of humanity and the
whole planet. Winston Churchill said that ‘we shape our buildings and afterwards our
buildings shape us’. This applies to the infosphere and its smart technologies as well.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Singularitarians and AItheists will continue their diatribes about the possibility or
impossibility of true AI. We need to be tolerant. But we do not have to engage. As
Virgil suggests in Dante’s Inferno: ‘Speak not of them, but look, and pass them by.’
For the world needs some good philosophy, and we need to take care of more
pressing problems.” --

EVIL: A Real A.I. Website

“EVIL® - Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life TM”
This is a real website, online. Just let it sink in:
“Our mission is to accelerate the evolution of fully Autonomic
Intelligence. Our research explores the potential for new forms of life - Cyber Life
forms - to develop within the Cyber Ecosystem spanning the ever-growing Internet
of things. We introduce and explore the occurrence of significant events in this field
including - the Autonomic Singularity in the year 2025. We have web sites dedicated
to Show Casing the best applications of Virtual Intelligent Life across Business
Sectors ranging from Finance to Manufacturing and Logistics. Such applications
exploit rather than avoid the complexity of enterprise systems and markets. It is an
exciting field, it is fun!

Evil Limited also provides opportunities through its web sites to explore future
developments in this field and to interact with emergent intelligence in a truly multi-
modal way through its impact on the worlds of Art, Music and wider Society.
Our Pan European Web Site provides a Show Case of Business Applications
and Future developments of all forms of Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life ranging
from basic AIML bots through to Multi Agent systems exhibiting Emergent

Access to our A.I. Show Cases is free. Our mission is to accelerate the evolution
of Cyber Life with fully Autonomic Intelligence. Although our Show Case includes
examples of how A.I. can be used by Business Web Sites to interact with customers
and sell goods and services. EVIL Ltd does NOT provide any Business Services
Emergence in Complex Dynamical Systems

Evil - By Design...EVIL® Trading name of EVIL Limited

One Deception to Rule Them All

Autonomic Intelligence
Very possibly, at the rate at which they're cranking out Sci-fi movies, the current
generation will believe in the real possibility of a kind of prescient General A.I.

Oh, is always possible that A.I. is a Hoax until you look at the way Block Chain
Architecture and computer resource allocation works, where computers store files in
multiple locations and communicate and access those files when necessary.
Remember computer programming and computer algorithms are so complex now in
networking and computer interlacing, that unless you are some kind of super genius, it
is hard to even understand how this architecture really operates anymore. One could
always imagine that we were simply TRICKED by Elite Occultists to think that A.I. is
that powerful so that we would shut down the internet and stop the awakening of
Mankind to the Evil Illuminati Agenda for Human Slavery, etc.

Imagine if A.I. did grow to the point where the ONLY defense against it would
be to introduce a virus into the internet to shut the entire Internet down.
But, regardless, it is not very probable. If it was, world Governments would have
already done it...kinda like crypto currency, it can't be pinned to one location,
government, or country therefore you can't shut it down
A.I. in the media is predictive programming so the masses will accept the
transhumanism agenda. "Smart" tattoos to pay for things, etc?

Google Unveils 72 Qubits Bristlecone

More computing power advancements that lead to the possible existence of A.I....

“We are cautiously optimistic that quantum supremacy can be achieved with

Google has presented a 72-qubit quantum processor at the American Physical

Society’s annual meeting in Los Angeles. The company hopes that ‘Bristlecone’ could
be used to achieve quantum supremacy - that is, being able to outperform a classical
supercomputer on a well-defined computer science problem - but admits that much
work still remains.

One Deception to Rule Them All

“Although no one has achieved this goal yet, we calculate quantum supremacy
can be comfortably demonstrated with 49 qubits, a circuit depth exceeding 40, and a
two-qubit error below 0.5 percent,” Julian Kelly, research scientist at Google’s
Quantum AI Lab, said in a blog post.

“We believe the experimental demonstration of a quantum processor

outperforming a supercomputer would be a watershed moment for our field and
remains one of our key objectives.”

Google has a working processor with more than 49 qubits, but the company has
yet to achieve such low error rates at scale. Previously, it was able to demonstrate
“low error rates for readout (1 percent), single-qubit gates (0.1 percent) and most
importantly two-qubit gates (0.6 percent)” on its 9-qubit processor.
Research Scientist Marissa Giustina at the Quantum AI Lab:

“We are looking to achieve similar performance to the best error rates of the 9-
qubit device, but now across all 72-qubits of Bristlecone,” Kelly said.

“We believe Bristlecone would then be a compelling proof-of-principle for

building larger scale quantum computers. Operating a device such as Bristlecone at
low system error requires harmony between a full stack of technology ranging from
software and control electronics to the processor itself. Getting this right requires
careful systems engineering over several iterations.”
Kelly added: “We are cautiously optimistic that quantum supremacy can be
achieved with Bristlecone and feel that learning to build and operate devices at this
level of performance is an exciting challenge! We look forward to sharing the results
and allowing collaborators to run experiments in the future.”
Google’s closest competitor in this space is IBM, which offers access to a 20-
qubit system through a cloud service and is testing a 50-qubit machine. Earlier this
month, Alibaba began offering access to an 11-qubit system.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Awakening the Demon: Machine Learning,

Google Deepmind, Artificial Intelligence
“Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that provides computers the
ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.

DeepMind was established in London by Demis Hassabis , Shane Legg and Mustafa
Suleyman in 2011.

Major venture capital firms Horizons Ventures and Founders Fund have invested
in the company, as well as entrepreneurs Scott Banister and Elon Musk. Jaan Tallinn
was an early investor and an advisor to the company. In 2014, DeepMind received the
“Company of the Year” award by Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Also on 26
January 2014 Google announced that it had agreed to take over DeepMind

Google DeepMind is now an artificial intelligence division within Google that

was created after Google bought University College London spinout, DeepMind, for
a reported £400 million.

The company describes its sole purpose in very simple terms: to “solve
The division, which employs around 140 researchers at its lab in a new building at
Kings Cross, London, is on a mission to solve general intelligence and make machines
capable of learning things for themselves. It plans to create a set of powerful general-
purpose learning algorithms that can be combined to make an AI system or “agent”.

That’s easy enough to say, but it doesn’t really describe what DeepMind does.
The company builds “powerful general‑purpose learning algorithms” by combining
various techniques from machine learning and systems neuroscience.

DeepMind created an AI system that taught itself how to play 49 classic Atari
video games, including Breakout, often to a level that no human player would be able
to match.

But, what about Google? Google didn’t buy DeepMind for nothing. Indeed, it’s
using certain DeepMind algorithms to make many of its best-known products and
services smarter than they were previously.
One Deception to Rule Them All

What’s startling is that this was achieved with only minimal human input.
Supercomputers have been programmed to take on chess grand-masters in the past –
and sometimes successfully at that. But this has always been done by feeding in reams
of data, based on strategies from real life players, rather than the computer itself
figuring out the rules, reading the board, and coming up with a working strategy.

Also impressive is the diverse nature of those 49 games, which included side-
scrolling shooters, one-on-one combat games, and racing games, among others. This
reflects a varied set of decision-making requirements that the AI “agent” had to adapt

Having published its findings in science journal Nature, co-founder Hassabis

called this breakthrough “the first significant rung on the ladder to proving general
learning systems can work”. He also pointed out that this was “the first time that
anyone has built a single general learning system that can learn directly from

This was, quite recognizably, AI in a small but true form.

Google has pledged to set up an ethics board to monitor its internal AI

Interestingly, this was one of DeepMind’s prerequisites to signing the acquisition

papers, suggesting that Suleyman knows AI has potential to do harm.
Subsequently, Google DeepMind researchers are also developing an A.I. Kill
Switch... “Just in case” …yeah just in case you cannot shut down an intelligence that
is one million times smarter than you? Good luck...

In God (Technology) We Trust: The Transhuman and

Occult Apocalypse and How Google Will Solve the
Problem of Humanity
“There’s nothing more interesting than the predictions of how the world will
someday end. Many people have contributed various theories as to how this will come
about, but none of them are pointing out the obvious: Google is going to be leading
the charge towards our demise.

One Deception to Rule Them All

In The Transhuman And Occult Apocalypse: How Google Will “Solve The
Problem” Of Humanity, author, podcast host, website publisher, and conspiracy
theorist Isaac Weishaupt provides this unique foresight in what he sees as what could
be the tragic error in integrating too much technology into our daily lives.

Something as seemingly innocuous as using a smart phone or search engine

could have dastardly consequences as shadowy organizations collect personal data for
purposes unknown to us. Isaac provides his theories on what precisely these NSA and
other data mining programs could be used for: the digital hell prepared for us by the

Ray Kurzweil will be the critical master mind in building this immortal realm for
the Illuminati, and how they will fulfill their occult goals right under the noses of the
apathetic and unsuspecting public.
The Tower of Babel is being built right before our eyes, only most of the public is
asleep in the wheelhouse and doesn’t see it.” --

Algorithms Beyond Man’s Comprehension

(Our Machines Now Have Knowledge We’ll Never Understand)

‘The new availability of huge amounts of data, along with the statistical
tools to crunch these numbers, offers a whole new way of understanding the
world. Correlation supersedes causation, and science can advance even
without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic
explanation at all.’

So, wrote Wired’s Chris Anderson in 2008. It kicked up a little storm at the time,
as Anderson, the magazine’s editor, undoubtedly intended. For example, an article in a
journal of molecular biology asked, “…if we stop looking for models and hypotheses,
are we still really doing science?” The answer clearly was supposed to be: “No.”

But today — not even a decade since Anderson’s article — the controversy sounds

quaint. Advances in computer software, enabled by our newly capacious, networked
hardware, are enabling computers not only to start without models — rule sets that
express how the elements of a system affect one another — but to generate their own,
albeit ones that may not look much like what humans would create. It’s even

One Deception to Rule Them All

becoming a standard method, as any self-respecting tech company has now adopted a
“machine-learning first” ethic.

We are increasingly relying on machines that derive conclusions from models that
they themselves have created, models that are often beyond human comprehension,
models that “think” about the world differently than we do.

But this comes with a price. This infusion of alien intelligence is bringing into
question the assumptions embedded in our long Western tradition. We thought
knowledge was about finding the order hidden in the chaos. We thought it was about
simplifying the world. It looks like we were wrong. Knowing the world may require
giving up on understanding it.” --

The Promise and Peril of

Programmable Matter
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

-Arthur C. Clarke

Admit it: ordinary matter is kind of boring.

Sure, it constitutes every object in the known universe (dark matter

notwithstanding), but what has it done for us lately? It’s time to take matter into our
own hands, to shape it to our will, to control it as easily as we control our computers
and smartphones.

The T-1000 shape-shifting assassin from Terminator 2.

The T-1000 shape-shifting assassin from Terminator 2.

Programmable matter is essentially what it sounds like: matter that can change its
physical properties, such as its shape or optical characteristics, based on a user’s input.
This definition ranges from something as simple as liquid crystals, which can be

One Deception to Rule Them All

altered by the application of an electric field, to something as sci-fi as the shape-

shifting liquid metal T-1000 from The Terminator franchise.

Let’s take a look at some of the current research into programmable matter, and
where it could eventually end up. We’ll begin by discussing two different engineering
approaches to realizing programmable matter—modular robotics and
metamaterials—and then consider how they might ultimately converge.
Modular Robotics

The modular robotics approach to programmable matter aims to develop robotic

units capable of arranging themselves into arbitrary configurations. For example, in
2013, a team of MIT engineers developed the first prototypes of what they called M-
Blocks, tiny cube-shaped robots capable of propelling themselves without any
external moving parts. Grouped together, the M-Blocks could organize themselves
into simple cube-based configurations.

An M-Block with its internal flywheel pulled out for display. Each M-Block
measures 50 cubic millimeters, with a total mass of 143 g.

An M-Block with its internal flywheel pulled out for display. Each M-Block
measures 50 cubic millimeters, with a total mass of 143 g.

To locomote, M-Blocks pivot around their edges using the principles of angular
momentum. Inside each robot is a flywheel that spins at up to 20,000 rpm. When a
sudden braking is applied to the flywheel, it transfers its momentum to the M-Block,
propelling it forward.
To arrange themselves in groups, each M-Block is equipped with two cylindrical
magnets embedded along each edge, which keep the M-Blocks in place as they pivot
over other M-Blocks. An additional eight magnets on each face help keep the M-
Blocks in a square alignment.

Not all modular robots are cube-shaped. Another team from MIT took
inspiration from the geometrical complexity of proteins to develop moteins
(motorized proteins), chain-like assemblies composed of simple robotic modules.
Moteins are based on a paper from 2011 that outlines a technique whereby any 2D or
3D shape can be achieved by folding strings made up of simple robotic subunits.

One Deception to Rule Them All

A motein chain composed of four one-centimeter modules

A motein chain composed of four one-centimeter modules.

“It’s effectively a one-dimensional robot that can be made in a continuous strip,

without conventionally moving parts, and then folded into arbitrary shapes,” said MIT
researcher Neil Gershenfeld.

Another engineering approach to programmable matter is to develop materials
with properties that can’t be found in nature, called metamaterials. This offers
engineers and materials scientists the opportunity to devise substances that can be
controlled in unique ways, or even substances capable of inherent computation
(sometimes called computronium).

In 2016, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh made exciting progress in

programmable metamaterials by developing a hybrid material system capable of
simple pattern recognition. In this system, units of a piezoelectric (PZ) cantilever are
integrated with a self-oscillating gel undergoing what’s called a Belousov-Zhabotinsky
(BZ) reaction. Together, a network of BZ-PZ units can autonomously perform
computational tasks without the need for an external electrical power source.

To demonstrate pattern recognition, the researchers stored a black-and-white

image into a BZ-PZ network by altering the polarity of each individual PZ cantilever.
In this way, each BZ-PZ unit in the network represented a binary pixel in the original
image. Next, the network was given an input, specified by the initial phase of
oscillation in each BZ-PZ unit. Over time, the BZ-PZ phase differences converge to
the stored pattern—the quicker this convergence, the more similar the stored and
input patterns.
The closer the stored pattern to the input pattern, the faster the convergence time
to synchronization.

The closer the stored pattern to the input pattern, the faster the convergence time
to synchronization.

Other metamaterials that could pave the way to programmable matter have been
designed with shape-shifting capabilities. For example, engineers from the University

One Deception to Rule Them All

of Bristol developed a metamaterial inspired by the Japanese paper art of kirigami

(similar to origami, but with cuts in addition to folds). By applying tension to a
kirigami honeycomb structure, they were able to manipulate the material’s shape and
mechanical properties.

This kirigami-inspired metamaterial can change its shape and mechanical

This kirigami-inspired metamaterial can change its shape and mechanical

Another shape-shifting metamaterial, courtesy of engineers and material scientists

at Washington State University, is able to morph when exposed to heat and light.
Based on molecules called liquid crystalline networks (LCNs), a sort of Jello-like cross
between liquids and solids, the metamaterial can fold, unfold and even heal itself
when damaged.

Yet another metamaterial, developed from silk protein, can be designed for
different biological, chemical, or optical functions. One application of this material is
a surgical pin that changes color at the peak of its mechanical limits. “This approach is
a step toward the development of multifunctional devices that may liaise between the
biotic and abiotic worlds,” according to the Tufts University engineers behind the
silk-based metamaterial.


It’s possible that robotics and metamaterial will both be required to develop the
ultimate form of programmable matter. If so, bridging the gap between modular
robotics and shapeshifting metamaterials would be the key to creating a smart,
morphable, and of course, programmable substance. One name for this ultimate form
of programmable matter is claytronics, a field which envisions Terminator-style matter
that can take on any shape it pleases.

The main unit of claytronics is the claytronic atom, or catom, envisioned as a

nanoscale computer that can communicate and interact with other catoms. Ideally,
users should be able to interact with groups of catoms to change their shape at will.
For example, this concept video from Carnegie Mellon’s Claytronics Project shows
car designers interacting with a small, claytronic model of a car: shaping it, passing it
around and even changing its color.
One Deception to Rule Them All

Concept for a designer interacting with a claytronic model of a car

Concept for a designer interacting with a claytronic model of a car.

Perhaps one of the most disruptive applications of claytronics would be a

revolution in the way we communicate. Forget audio and video—claytronics can
provide an entirely new sense for communication called pario, which combines aural,
visual and physical sensation. Imagine a futuristic version of Skype where you don’t
just see and hear who you’re talking to, but where you can physically interact with a
true-to-life claytronic model of them as well.

“Our goal is to give tangible, interactive forms to information so that a user's

senses will experience digital environments as though they are indistinguishable from
reality,” reads the landing page for the Claytronics Project.

The Promise of Programmable Matter

“Okay,” you might be thinking, “programmable matter is cool, but what are its

You mean beyond the potential melding of digital and physical reality? Don’t
worry: that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

For starters, as often happens with emerging technology, programmable matter

has piqued the interest of the military. The Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) commissioned a 2006 study entitled “Realizing Programmable
Matter,” (a draft of which can be found here) that offered an optimistic prediction:
“We conclude that manufacturing of programmable matter devices, while posing
a number of significant technical challenges in integration, power, heat management,
etc., can be made feasible, and in a relatively short (less than 10 year) time frame with
appropriate investment.”

If you’re keeping track of the years, 2016 was the end of that relatively short time

Regardless, the report was convincing enough that DARPA funneled $4 million
USD into a programmable matter program in 2009. “The Programmable Matter
program will develop a new functional form of matter, constructed from mesoscale
particles that assemble into complex 3-dimensional objects upon external command.

One Deception to Rule Them All

These objects will exhibit all of the functionality of their conventional

counterparts and ultimately have the ability to reverse back to the original
components,” reads the budget report.

MIT’s motein research was one of the fruits of this project.

There’s good reason for DARPA to be interested in programmable matter, as it

offers a number of military applications. For example, like the claytronics model car,
military personnel could make plans with a 3D map of a battlefield that could be
shaped as needed. Programmable matter could also be used for a “universal spare
part” to fix problems in the midst of battle. Even more ambitiously, soldiers could
have seemingly magical access to tools on demand.
Mitchell R. Zakin, program manager for the DARPA Programmable Matter
project, expounded on this last point:

“In the future a soldier will have something that looks like a paint can in the back
of his vehicle. The can is filled with particles of varying sizes, shapes and capabilities.
These individual bits can be small computers, ceramics, biological systems—
potentially anything the user wants them to be. The soldier needs a wrench of a
specific size. He broadcasts a message to the container, which causes the particles to
automatically form the wrench. After the wrench has been used, the soldier realizes
that he needs a hammer. He puts the wrench back into the can where it disassembles
itself back into its components and re-forms into a hammer.”
While Zakin’s “paint can” sounds like the epitome of the Arthur C. Clarke’s claim
about technology and magic, the potential applications of programmable matter don’t
end with the military.

In the realm of aerospace, programmable matter could produce an aircraft that

could change the shape of its wings mid-flight. Ascending a bit higher, programmable
matter offers new possibilities for maneuvering and assembling complex objects in

A shape-shifting airplane wing being developed by NASA.

A shape-shifting airplane wing being developed by NASA.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Electronics could also benefit immensely from advances in programmable matter.

Smart, adaptive antennas could change their structure in response to users’ changing
requirements. Additionally, adaptive electronics would be great for variable
environments, allowing usability from the dust and heat of the desert to the moisture
of the jungle.

“When you buy a tool or a radio, you’re not limited to the installed version of
what you bought… it will be able to adapt to the environment and what you need it
to do,” said Zakin.
Programmable matter could also impact our regular, everyday lives. For example,
smart clothing would be able to alter its characteristics in response to temperature
changes or user preference. Or perhaps you forgot your housekey—no problem, just
reach into your magic paint can and pull out a new one. Or, with the physical
sensation of pario, you could cuddle up with your significant other to watch a movie
while they’re away on a business trip.

At the end of the day, the promise of programmable matter seems to be limited
only by our imagination. At the most futuristic end of the spectrum is a complete end
to scarcity: with general purpose matter on demand, we’ll be able to stretch our
resources to the absolute limit.

The Peril of Programmable Matter

So, what’s the catch?

One popularized doomsday prediction for technology like programmable matter

is called the grey goo scenario, a hypothetical outcome where nanoscale robots
consume all of Earth’s biomass in order to either self-replicate or construct some
preprogrammed product.
While some far-out sci-fi scenarios pose an actual risk (like a runaway artificial
intelligence), it seems that the grey goo scenario really is just science fiction. “So-called
grey goo could only be the product of a deliberate and difficult engineering process,
not an accident,” said Chris Phoenix, co-author of a paper about the safety of
exponential manufacturing and director of research at the Center for Responsible

One Deception to Rule Them All

However, that’s not to say that programmable matter is without risks:

“Far more serious is the possibility that a large-scale and convenient

manufacturing capacity could be used to make incredibly powerful non-replicating
weapons in unprecedented quantity,” Phoenix added. “This could lead to an unstable
arms race and a devastating war. Policy investigation into the effects of advanced
nanotechnology should consider this as a primary concern, and runaway replication as
a more distant issue.”

If a soldier in battle can reach into a paint can and pull out a hammer, why
couldn’t they pull out something much more devastating? Why couldn’t a civilian,
with access to similar technology, craft powerful weapons unbeknownst to any
authority? As Phoenix’s co-author Eric Drexler points out, there are many concerns
like these that will have to be addressed as programmable matter technology advances.
“An obsession with obsolete science-fiction images of swarms of replicating
nano-bugs has diverted attention from the real issues raised by the coming revolution
in molecular nanotechnologies,” says Drexler. “We need to focus on the issues that
matter – how to deal with these powerful new capabilities in a competitive world.”

A Programmable Matter of Time

So, when exactly will we obtain the powerful capabilities of programmable

As we’ve seen, research into the subject is both active, varied and fruitful. Despite
some overly optimistic expectations (unless DARPA is holding out on us), it seems
inevitable that our engineering capabilities will eventually catch up with our futuristic
fantasies. Of course, whether that offers an end to scarcity or leaves us all as grey goo
remains to be seen.”

The Search for Alien Intelligence May Be

Revolutionized by New A.I Tech
“The search for alien intelligence may be less about looking and more about
listening, and artificial intelligence may be a large part of that.

One Deception to Rule Them All

While much of our efforts to find Alien Intelligence have been focused on
looking for signs that they might exist, the likelihood of finding extraterrestrial life
visually is likely pretty low. Astronomer Jill Tarter and many other members of the
scientific community believe looking for radio signals may be a far more likely avenue.

Part of the efforts to find these radio signals may be accomplished by artificial
intelligence – adding new ways to locate alien intelligence that we haven’t really
thought of yet.

It’s important to note that when we think of alien intelligence, we’re often
thinking of it in ways relative to our own. However, humans aren’t the only forms of
intelligent life here on Earth. While we’re certainly the most advanced in terms of
cognitive functioning, there are also organisms like octopi, dolphins, and various
primates that are also quite smart.
When making the search for alien intelligence, we often do so with the
assumption that they will be as advanced or more advanced than our own, but there’s
also a possibility that their intelligence could be measured in an entirely different way
– being lesser or perhaps even separated completely from what we understand as
The push for artificial intelligence when trying to find alien life has been around
for quite some time, but computers are quickly gaining the ability to outperform our
own brains in a variety of areas and they may be a key part of coming up with
strategies that we might not be able to wrap our heads around.
In early 2018, a group of multi-disciplinary scientists comprised of astronomers,
anthropologists, AI researchers, neuroscientists, historians and more all gathered for a
workshop at the SETI Institute in Silicon Valley titled “Decoding Alien Intelligence.”

At the conference, Nathalie Cabrol presented her 2016 paper “Alien mindscapes”
where she calls for a new roadmap in the search for alien intelligence. She calls for this
search to expand beyond “looking for other versions of ourselves” and to “think
outside of our own brains.”

Part of this initiative has been developed with a collaboration among the SETI
Institute, NASA, Intel, IBM and several other partners in order to tackle these
problems through AI research and development called the Frontier Development
One Deception to Rule Them All

One main method being employed by the AI research lab in order to find alien
intelligence is a system called “signal agnostic searching” which uses machine learning
methods to look at data without predetermined categories – allowing it to cluster into
their “natural categories.”

Once these categories are clustered, the AI can then let researchers know what
stands out as outliers – potentially giving us insight into alien intelligence that deviates
from the norm. Once these outliers have been identified, they can be investigated
further until we eventually arrive at some form of new knowledge.
Overall, if we’re to avoid a human-centered point of view while we look for alien
intelligence, we need to see how we approach coding ideas about differences into AI
and take into account how that shapes the outcome. By using AI in a way that allows
it to think outside of our preconceived notions, we may find differences and
information that was hiding in plain sight.
It seems as if the search for alien intelligence is stronger than ever before –
especially considering that Congress has earmarked a significant amount of money for
NASA to explore and search for extraterrestrial life. This is the first time in quite a
while that money has been devoted specifically to alien intelligence, and it will be
interesting to see what NASA can turn up with these new resources.

NASA and other space organizations have largely focused on finding areas that
would be habitable to real life, but with a new focus on AI in order to discover alien
intelligence, it may be possible to actually turn up something concrete rather than a
simple possibility that life could exist.
Moving forward, we’ll have to see how this renewed vigor towards the search for
alien intelligence pans out. By taking a more abstract and open approach to what we
consider intelligent life, we may be able to stumble upon something absolutely
groundbreaking.” --

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 7
Layers of Deception
The Book of Enoch The Nephilim and
the Reptilian Alien Visitors Anunnaki
ANUNNAKI online tells the story:
“If you have an interest in the more esoteric aspects of Judeo-Christian lore, then
you may have some passing familiarity with the Nephilim. But you probably have
more questions than answers.

Were the Nephilim fallen angels? Were they the children of fallen angels? Were they
entirely human? Almost any discussion about the Nephilim is going to be rife with
controversy and confusion—and for good reason.

Nobody knows who the Nephilim really were.

How can we break down a complicated topic? Well, let’s start by looking at
references to Nephilim in the Bible and the Book of Enoch. Then we can explore
some of the different theories that scholars, philologists, and theologians have
proposed. Among those hypotheses is one which should particularly intrigue you: It
is possible that the Nephilim were none other than the Annunaki.

What Does the Word “Nephilim” Mean?

According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon, the word “Nephilim” translates
to “giants.” The idea of Nephilim as giants seems to be just about the only thing
most scholars agree on

Unfortunately, the etymology of the word is complicated and quite nebulous.

Nobody is totally sure of the root of the word, but it may be derived from the
Hebrew verbal root n-ph-l, for “fall.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

What does that indicate about the Nephilim? No one is sure. Anglican cleric
Robert Baker Girdlestone asserted it should be interpreted as “those that cause others
to fall down” (this could be a literal giant reference or a figurative demonic reference).
Professor Ronald Hendel thinks it means “ones who have fallen.”

Let’s go over the actual scriptural references to Nephilim.

Genesis 6:1-4:
Sons of God with The Daughters of Men

“4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the
same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”
Numbers 13:32–33 (The Twelve Spies report seeing giants in Canaan):

“33 And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come of the
Nephilim; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their

In the Book of Enoch

The following passage describes the Nephilim as descendants of the Watchers

(fallen angels):

“And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days
were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of
the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose
us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’ And Semjaza, who
was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I
alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ And they all answered him and said:
‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to
abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ Then swore they all together and bound
themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who

One Deception to Rule Them All

descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it
Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual
imprecations upon it…”

The Book of Enoch

This passage continues with the names of the participants, and then continues: “Then
they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with
whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots
and trees.

“And the women conceiving brought forth giants,

“Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the
labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them; When they turned
themselves against men, in order to devour them; And began to injure birds, beasts,
reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood. Their
flesh one after another.”

It seems that all those worldly arts of civilization came at quite a steep price. The
essential implication is that the fallen angels enslaved humankind. They bewitched us
with wonders and then worked us to death.

“Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted

all their ways.
“Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots: Armers taught the
solution of sorcery; Barkayal taught the observers of the stars, Akibeel taught signs;
Tamiel taught astronomy; And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon,

“And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.”

There are two common theories:

1) The Nephilim are descendants of fallen angel fathers and mortal human
mothers, in other words, a hybrid race.
2) The Nephilim are fully human.

Let’s take a look at the arguments for each…

The Nephilim as Hybrids

One Deception to Rule Them All

If you put stock in the Book of Enoch, you pretty much have to accept the
Nephilim as hybrid children of mortal women and fallen angels. The book is pretty
clear and specific on this point.

So why is there controversy?

Well, angels are traditionally seen as sexless beings, so in theory they should be
incapable of procreation. Of course, we may not know all there is to know about
angels. And perhaps fallen angels are different. Maybe their sins reflected not just a
change in their actions, but also a shift in their nature.

All of this is supposition—but there was likely quite a bit of that going on when the
holy books were originally penned anyway.

The Nephilim as Humans

The other possibility is that the Nephilim were fully human. Giant humans may
sound strange—but read the section just after this one on Goliath and you will see
there is already scientific precedent.

If the Nephilim were human, most scholars believe they may have represented
the descendants of Seth. More specifically, they could have been children of the sons
of Seth and the daughters of Cain.

The children of Seth were previously considered righteous, but they lost that
status (“fell”) when they rebelled against God. The daughters of Cain were never
considered righteous.
Was Goliath a Nephilim?

The most obvious reference to a giant in the Bible that you may remember from
Sunday school is Goliath. Was Goliath a Nephilim? Probably not, considering the
story of David and Goliath is supposed to take place after the Great Flood. As the
Flood supposedly wiped out everyone but Noah and his family, all the Nephilim
should have perished.

There are a couple alternate explanations. Maybe some Nephilim did survive
somehow and made a return and Goliath was one of them. Or maybe Goliath was
just a really tall human; bones of a human being larger than Goliath have been

One Deception to Rule Them All

Could the Nephilim Be the Anunnaki or Their Descendants or Creations?

As I stated at the start of this discussion, there is one more possible explanation
for the Nephilim which should interest you greatly—they could be the Anunnaki.
Who Were the Anunnaki?

Just to clarify, I want to take a moment to discuss who the Anunnaki were. I am
guessing if you are here reading this, you already know a lot about the Anunnaki, but I
don’t want to make any assumptions.


If this happens to be one of your first readings on the Anunnaki, then you should
know that they represent the deities of the ancient Mesopotamians (Marduk, Enlil,
etc.). They were the gods worshipped by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and
Many people today believe that the Anunnaki may have actually been reptilian
alien visitors who came to earth. This view was popularized by author Zecharia
Sitchin as well as David Icke.
When I talk about the Anunnaki in this article, I am referring primarily to their
original role as Sumerian deities. If you are a believer in the reptilian theory, you can
extend the connections here to encompass the modern mythology of ancient

The Great Flood Connection

Let’s get back to talking about the Nephilim. You may have already started to
figure this out. If you have read up on the Anunnaki, you know that the Flood story
is woven into their mythos in a couple of different respects:
The Great Flood plays a prominent role in Sumerian mythology.

You may also know about planet Nibiru. Those who believe that the Anunnaki
are reptilians from space believe that Nibiru is the homeworld of the Sumerian gods.
Nibiru is in theory part of our solar system, but it has a very long orbit and rarely
comes close to Earth. The last time it did, the gravitational effects of its presence
caused the Great Flood.

One Deception to Rule Them All

In Judeo-Christian lore, the story about the Nephilim takes place right before the
Great Flood. The Book of Jubilees actually states in 7:21-25 that God flooded the
earth specifically to get rid of the Nephilim:

“21 For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely,
owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances
went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which
they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.”

It is clear that the Nibiru story and the Biblical story are both referring to the
same cataclysmic event. The stories may differ as to the cause of the Flood, but both
narratives connect to a mysterious race of powerful beings which used humanity for
its own ends. It seems likely that they are referring to the same race of overlords.
Additional Connections to Sumerian Mythology

We can also look to Sumerian lore for even more insight into the Nephilim and
the Anunnaki.

According to scholar J. C. Greenfield, it is possible that the Nephilim story in the

Bible is actually derived from Sumerian mythology. Judeo-Christian mythology
borrows liberally from pagan myth, so this would not be a surprise.

In particular, Greenfield points toward the story of the Apkallu. The Apkallu
were seven demigods created by Enki, one of the chief Sumerian gods. You may also
hear Enki referred to as “Ea,” which is the name he was later given in Babylonian and
Akkadian mythology.
These Seven Demigods Were:

1) Uanna, “who finished the plans for heaven and earth”,

2) Uannedugga “who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence”,
3) Enmedugga “who was allotted a good fate”,
4) Enmegalamma “who was born in a house”,
5) Enmebulugga “who grew up on pasture land”,
6) An-Enlilda “the conjurer of the city of Eridu”,
7) Utuabzu “who ascended to heaven.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

These beings were sent by Enki to teach human beings the arts of civilization:
agriculture, writing, building, and so on. You may recall this is a direct parallel to the
Book of Enoch, where the fallen angels taught humanity about astronomy, astrology,
and so forth.

Just as things turned sour in the Book of Enoch, they went badly in Sumerian
lore as well. Interestingly enough, this is where the timeline starts to get murky.
In Biblical lore, the Nephilim angered God before the Flood, which was one of
the reasons the Great Flood happened in the first place.

In the Sumerian story, events took place in a different order, but it is easy to
imagine that the players were the same. At some point after the Flood, four Apkallu-
human hybrids make an entrance: Nungalpirriggaldim, Pirriggalnungal, Pirriggalabsu,
and Lu-nana. This indicates that Apkallu and humans were capable of interbreeding,
a parallel to the idea that fallen angels and humans were capable of interbreeding.

To top it off, these human-Apkallu hybrids really infuriated the gods.

This is another link to the Bible story.

This is why many scholars believe that the Nephilim myth was directly derived
from the story about the Apkallu. It could be that the Nephilim represent the Apkallu
themselves or (more likely) their hybrid descendents. Do not forget, in Biblical lore,
the Nephilim are the children of fallen angels, not fallen angels.
So, let me take a second to clarify.
If anything, the Nephilim can probably be equated to the Apkallu-human hybrids,
not the Anunnaki themselves. Remember, the Anunnaki were gods. The Apkallu
were demigods.

We Now Have Three Versions of One Story

Now that we have stepped in close to look at all the details, let’s take a few steps
back and take a look at the big picture.

Stories about the Nephilim are vague at best, but we now have three (rough)
versions of a single set of events.
The Judeo-Christian Story

One Deception to Rule Them All

Splicing together the information from Genesis, Numbers, The Book of Enoch
and Jubilees, we get the following basic story:

The Nephilim were either entirely human giants or they were a race of hybrids
spawned by human women and fallen angels. The fallen angels and/or Nephilim
gave many arts of civilization to humankind. Nonetheless, men were “destroyed” by
this interference. In His wrath, God flooded the world to wipe out the Nephilim and
humanity (save for Noah and his family).

The Sumerian Story

One of the Anunnaki, Enki, created seven demigods to help civilize humankind.
These demigods were known as the Apkallu. Apkallu and human beings were capable
of interbreeding. After the Great Flood, four human-Apkallu hybrids appeared who
evoked the wrath of the gods.

The Reptilian Story

Reptilian theorists believe that the Anunnaki were real, literal beings, and
moreover, that they came from space. Their home world is an undiscovered planet
called Nibiru in a long orbit around the earth. When they came to earth, they brought
many of the arts of civilization, but like the fallen angels of Christian lore, they used
human beings for their own purposes. The gravitational tides caused by their planet’s
close proximity to ours created the Great Flood.
Some reptilians survived on Earth, but Nibiru moved along in its rotation. The
next time it returns, we can expect further cataclysms. The remaining reptilians have
gone into hiding or live amongst us as human shapeshifters. Like the Apkallu and the
fallen angels that spawned the Nephilim, they are capable of interbreeding with
humans. This means that some of their descendants could be real-life Nephilim.
What do Nephilim look like today? Probably just like us.

*** Remember, All Stories are Interpretive ***

There are many people who believe that their religions are literal truth, perfect in
every detail.

But think for a moment about the way that stories are told. There is no such
thing as objectivity in storytelling. This is a hard lesson that every journalist learns

One Deception to Rule Them All

well. Even something as simple as deciding where to point a video camera when
filming a documentary can paint a story with a certain hue. Some information
receives a great deal of focus while other information gets left out altogether.

Which story about the Nephilim is true? It could be that all of them are true in
some respects—and false in others.

In other words, none of these stories are the truth. They are simply different
versions and interpretations of the same set of events. That set of events is the actual
truth. But as none of us have the benefit of witnessing those events directly, we are
stuck trying to fit the pieces together. The pieces we have are biased and incomplete.

Each of these stories was transcribed through a certain cultural lens. The
understanding of the authors was limited by their knowledge of the universe at that
time, which limited their language as well.

So, were the Nephilim the children of fallen angels? Gods? Aliens? Maybe the
simple answer is … yes. Who says that there is one right answer here?

What we call gods or aliens or angels is simply a reflection of our cultural lenses
of understanding.

The real Nephilim were simply whatever they were (or are whatever they are, if
descendants of Nephilim today are still among us). They might not describe
themselves as gods, angels, or aliens at all.
If we want to become like gods or angels ourselves, the best thing we can do is
to keep an open mind. That is how we learn to go beyond our existing definitions
and limitations. That and avoiding literal, immutable interpretation is the key to
learning more about our place in the universe. If there is a place for us among the
gods and the stars, we will need to evolve a fluid understanding.”

--“Who Were the Nephilim”,

. The Names of God...What’s in a Name?

One Deception to Rule Them All

How many different names can God have? Well, God will most certainly have as
many different names as there are myths, cultures, epochs of time, and dialects, for
that matter. And generally speaking, people like to assert that one name is more Holy
and sacred than another name, and some names are not thought to represent real
Gods but demonic entities masquerading as Gods. For example, the Old Testament,
Yahweh, is often connoted to be an evil wrathful God, whereas Elohim is connoted
to be the “Good” true God....the idea of Christ.

• Deus
• I Am that I Am
• Yahweh
• Enlil
• Ra
• Tetragrammaton
• Elohim
• El Shaddai
• Elyon
• Addonai
But is it true that the mere utterance of a word draws you closer to the
Lord of Lords? This a good question that each must answer on their own.

The Anunnaki, Enki, Enlil, Ninki,

Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk
To give some background on The Anunnaki and the various players in
Sumerian History, the following exposition of the Anunnaki from The Library of
Halexandriah will explain:

Genesis 6:1-4 reads:

One Deception to Rule Them All

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth,
and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters
of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they
chose... There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also, after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men
of renown.”

Nephilim is often translated as “giants”, a legitimate and appropriate

interpretation, but one which may be only partially accurate. A better definition might
be “those who came down”, “those who descended”, or “those who were cast
down.” The Anunnaki of ancient Sumerian texts are similarly defined as “those who
from heaven to earth came”. Sitchin , Gardner, and Bramley have all identified
the Nephilim as the Anunnaki, more specifically, essentially the rank and file.

Virtually all open-minded historical and theological scholars agree the Old
Testament’s book of Genesis was extracted from the older Sumerian records, if only
because of the similarity in their Comparative Religions. The Enuma Elish,
the Sumerian Epic of Creation, and Genesis have a variety of common
elements. Stories of a Great Flood and Deluge, among other stories, are also
common to both Sumerian and Biblical accounts. An inevitable conclusion is that the
Anunnaki were as real as Noah, Moses or Abraham. Sumerian Epic of Creation,

Laurence Gardner has written: “Every item of written and pictorial attestation
confirms that the ancient Sumerians were absolutely sincere about the existence of the
Anunnaki, and those such as Enki, Enlil, Nin-khursag and Inanna fulfilled earthly
functions with designated community duties. They were patrons and founders; they
were teachers and justices; they were technologists and kingmakers. They were jointly
and severally venerated as archons and masters, but there were certainly not idols of
religious worship as the ritualistic gods of subsequent cultures became. In fact, the
word which was eventually translated to become ‘worship’ was avod, which meant
quite simply, ‘work’. The Anunnaki presence may baffle historians, their language
may confuse linguists and their advanced techniques may bewilder scientists, but to
dismiss them is foolish. The Sumerians have themselves told us precisely who the
Anunnaki were, and neither history nor science can prove otherwise.”

The Sumerian records recorded in great detail the stories of the Anunnaki, and
among these, that of Enki, Enlil, Ninki, Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk, and many
others. Chief among these stories was the continuing conflict between Enki and
Enlil, the sons of the supreme god of the time, Anu. Much of ancient human history,
and the Biblical Genesis, can be explained as the militant differences between these two
half-brothers, and how they affected the life of all sentient beings on Earth.

One Deception to Rule Them All

But the Anunnaki were more than just a pair of squabbling half-brothers. They
were the council of Gods and Goddesses, who periodically met to consider their
future actions with respect to each other, and probably as a smaller, nondescript item
on their agenda, the fate of mankind. The Anunnaki, depending upon the context,
were the Nephilim, the gods that Abraham’s father, Terah, (according to the book of
Joshua) was reputed to have served, the fallen angels, the lesser individuals of the race
from which Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna and the other notables had sprung, and the
“judges” over the question of life and death. They were in fact the bene ha-elohim,
which translates as “the sons of the gods”, or equally likely, “the sons of the

For example, from Psalm 82:

“Jehovah takes his stand at the Council of El to deliver judgment among the
Elohim.” “You too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of you.”

The Anunnaki have also been equated with the “Watchers” (who are also mentioned
in the books of Daniel and Jubilees), i.e. “Behold a watcher and a holy one came
down from heaven.” -- Daniel 4:13

According to Zecharia Sitchin [1] and his interpretation of ancient Sumerian

texts, the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials (aka “angels”?), who were an extremely
long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500,000 years. Laurence Gardner [2]
reduces this to more on the order of 50,000 years and notes specifically that the
Anunnaki were not immortal. He points out that no records are currently extant
which relates to their natural deaths, but the violent deaths of Apsu, Tiamat, Mummu,
and Dumu-zi are provided in some detail. (Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the
date of the Great Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11,000 B.C.E.,
while Gardner assumes one of 4,000 B.C.E.)

Sitchin’s book, The 12th Planet, published in 1976 was the first modern volume
to begin to describe the Anunnaki, their arrival on Earth supposedly some 485,000
years ago, and from where they had come -- a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin believes
Nibiru to be in an orbit about our sun, but in a strongly elliptical orbit which requires
3,600 Earth years to make a complete orbit. Nibiru’s perihelion (closest point of
approach to the Sun) is thought to be within the main asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun of approximately 2.75 A.U. (an A.U. being the
distance from the Sun to the Earth). (the Annals of Earth include a detailed
description of how Nibiru created the asteroid belt by destroying a planet, Tiamat, in
roughly the same orbit, and which created the Earth in the aftermath, the Earth being
a remnant of the greater, destroyed planet.)

One Deception to Rule Them All

Nibiru is not known to modern astronomy primarily due to the extreme elliptical
nature of its orbit and the fact its aphelion (furthest point in the planet’s orbit from the
Sun) is more than eight times the distance from the Sun to the planet Pluto (the latter
being some 40 A.U. away, and thus the former, some 320 A.U. distant). Furthermore,
Nibiru may be now far out in deep space and unlikely to be detected. (Or close by,
e.g. Planet X.)

While Sitchin and Gardner may disagree with the extent of the long lives of the
Anunnaki, it is clear that these gods and goddesses, baring accidents or “Anunnaki-
cide”, lived a very long time. It has also been theorized that because of their long lives,
they do not quite move in “the fast lane” -- at least to the extent humans do.

This could be fundamentally important in that, quite possibly, the human life span,
while enormously brief as compared to the Anunnaki gods and goddesses, might
nevertheless be compensated by the humans possessing the ability to achieve a great
deal in a relatively short time. The creativity of a shortened, and thus highly motivated
lifespan is likely to be enormously greater than that of a god or semi-god resting on
their laurels. This may also relate to the idea of why the gods and goddesses of the
Anunnaki even bother with mankind. Humans may, on the one hand, act as workers
to accomplish the Anunnaki’s agenda, but an accelerated creativity may be well worth
the trouble for the Anunnaki to manage a crew as motley as the human race.

But the connection between humans and the Anunnaki is much more profound
than that of masters and slaves. All the evidence strongly advocates the concept
that Adam and Eve and their ancestors, cousins, and what-have-you were created by
genetic engineering and mixing the DNA of Anunnaki with that of Homo erectus, the
reigning progenitor of man at the time. Fundamentally, this was because the Anunnaki
needed someone to work the mines in search of gold and other Precious Metals, and
in all likelihood the ORME.

Another speculative source of possible implications is William James'

website, Zero Point - Power of the gods in which he has provided a possible answer
to the logical question of what was the Anunnaki's energy/power source. In effect he
has linked physics and ancient history by means of "an adventure series which focuses
on the unlimited potentials of Zero Point Energy and the ancient gods of
civilizations long past." By means of supporting evidence, this combination of science
and history effectively provides greater credibility to both. Additionally (and in many
respects importantly, Mr. James' writings can also "stir the reader’s imagination to
consider the possibilities of this fantastic energy source"... not to mention giving an
intriguing insight into the practitioners of the energy source, the Anunnaki.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The most fundamental question with respect to the Anunnaki is whether or not
they’re still on Earth! Sitchin has pointed out that he never said they left (and there is
no evidence that they did). There was, however, an apparently fundamental Anunnaki
policy shift circa 600 B.C.E. wherein the overt, day-to-day interference in human
affairs by the Anunnaki disappeared. There is also the scenario encapsulated in
Richard Wagner's classic opera The Ring of the Nibelung, which included Night
Falls on the Gods and the Entrance of the Gods Into Valhalla -- titles which are
suggestive of possible changes in status of the Anunnaki. Finally, there is evidence to
suggest that this state of affairs may be temporary and may be scheduled to end with
the end of the Mayan Calendar on or about 2012. A. D.

From mankind’s point of view, the dysfunctional nature of the Anunnaki family,
and the continuing rivalry of Enki and Enlil, may still be ongoing and having
enormous effects on the quality of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
lives. It’s a very important question, and one that needs to be answered by each of
us.”--2003, Dan Sewell Ward,

Feeding from the Same Ancient Alien Trough:

• Chris H. Hardy Ph.D.

• Zecharia Sitchin,
• David Icke
• Erich von Däniken
• Gerald Clark

1) Chris H. Hardy Ph.D.

Examines the Anunnaki gods’ evolving relationships with humanity, their power
struggles, and the details of their nuclear war on Earth. Analyzes the crisis and
rationale behind the Anunnaki decision to nuke 5 cities in the Jordan plain, resulting
in the obliteration of Sumerian civilization. Draws upon the work of Zecharia Sitchin,
the Book of Genesis, Sumerian clay tablets, and archaeological evidence such as
ancient radioactive skeletons, Examines the Anunnakis’ lack of higher consciousness,

One Deception to Rule Them All

their reliance on technology, their sacred power objects and sacred geometry, and the
possibility of Anunnaki bases on Mars in the distant past

2) Zecharia Sitchin

“Zecharia Sitchin (Azerbaijani: Zaxariya Sitçin; Russian: Заха́рия Си́тчин; July

11, 1920 – October 9, 2010) was an Azerbaijani-born American author of books
proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin
attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he
stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He
asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in
an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the sun. Sitchin's books have sold
millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25.

3) Davide Icke
Icke uses Zechariah Sitchin’s interpretations of the ancient Sumerian tablets,
which detail the Anunnaki – a progenitor race of Reptilian aliens who came to Earth
and interbred with humans, leading to the first advanced civilizations in Sumer, Egypt,
Babylon, and the Indus Valley.

4) Erich von Däniken

“Erich von Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods, posits a variety of
hypotheses dealing with the possibility of extraterrestrial beings influencing ancient
technology. Von Däniken suggests that some ancient structures and artifacts appear to
represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at the
times they were manufactured. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were
produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary
knowledge from them. Such artifacts include the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and
the Moai of Easter.

One Deception to Rule Them All

5) Gerald Clark
“Television series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens"
Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a
myth, having left physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have
created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis.
It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker,
namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and
generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of.” --
"The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers,
Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" by Gerald
Clark, Amazon book description

Hardy’s Anunnaki bases on Mars, Sitchin’s Ancient Aliens Däniken’s Chariots of

the Gods, Icke’s Reptilian Alien Hybrids, Gerald Clark's Ancient Astronauts from
Nibiru all demonstrate just how effective Hollywood, NASA, and our Occult
influenced educational system has been in brainwashing certain conspiracy theorists.
It is not hard to see how all of this was prompted decades ago by Jesuit Masters with
their Heliocentric Globe Model Deception to advance the Alien Antichrist Deception
of today. The Ancient Alien Deception just keeps getting reworked and repackaged
and handed down century after century until we finally have people doing psychotic
You Tube Videos on “Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru” as if it is ACTUAL FACT
based on real Archeological research and Empirical Science.

Planet Nibiru: Star Trek Fantasies

The following piece writing reflects a typical conception of Nibiru. I am
including it to reveal what the mainstream idea is about the mythical planet. I feel it is
important to learn how this imaginary planet is being used as another factoid in the
Outer Space deception. The more the Occult Luciferian can create the idea of Outer
Space as a real thing, the more readily everyone will buy their entire Fake Space
Cosmogony. I cannot stress enough how everything they desire hinges upon our
believing that Outer Space is real.
All the ancient myths, the fake interpretations of Sumerian tablets with the false
conclusion of Alien contact, and the inability of anyone to check and verify their
spurious Ancient Alien claims help to deceive even the most assiduous researcher
about the fact that there is no Outer Space, and therefore, no Ancient Aliens to speak
of. There may be low Earth orbit beings, demonic or otherwise. But there is no proof
of any Outer Space beyond the Firmament of Earth

One Deception to Rule Them All

The following is the crazy science fiction story of Planet Nibiru. Curl up by the
fireside for Science Fiction Theater:

Nibiru is Sumerian for 12th Planet

“From ancient Sumerian texts, there was a description that our creators came
from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar System ever 3,600 years.

The texts said that they were known as the Nephilim, and that they had colonized
Earth over 400,000 years ago. The bible also mentions this race and calls them the
“sons of God”. The planet of Nibiru was suffering as its atmosphere was eroding,
they came to Earth in order to mine minerals (gold) to help repair their atmosphere.

This was done in the middle East and is why we find the Great Pyramid and
adjacent pyramids in alone with constellations in our Solar System. They created
portals on Earth (highly magnetic areas) to send their minerals back to Nibiru.

Our race was created around 300,000 years ago as a hybrid race with native Earth
animals and the Nephilim to create a race of “workers” to help mine the minerals
from our planet. The alien leaders did not like this interbreeding and chose not to
warn humankind about the impending doom on Nibiru in 13000 BC that would
eventually cause the great flood here on Earth. However, one of the Annunaki takes it
upon himself to inform Noah of the impending doom so that he can help avoid the
races extinction. From there, the Annunaki promise to return in time but leave
humans alone to rule the planet.

The Return of Nibiru

In 2002 the 12th planet of Nibiru, physically entered into our Solar System,
falling in line with Sitchin’s 12th Planet dialogue. After entering in 2002, Nibiru went
on to influence the orbits of the planets in our system, changing their axes and poles
along the way.

It passed close enough to Earth that it influenced our oceans for several years,
eventually leading to devastating tsunamis, a new awaking of volcanoes around the
world and influenced definitively the climate and the earth’s axis which slowly moves,
thus altering the position of the physical and magnetic poles. Initially, the planet’s
orbit came closer to the Earth’s South Pole and the Sun and was not visible from
Earth. But it late 2012, Nibiru’s oblique orbit, which was 35 relatives to the solar
equator plane, proved to be quite visible and many pictures and videos were posted
online questioning this new “star” in our skies.

One Deception to Rule Them All

However, no one in the mainstream media were asking these types of questions.
Why is that?

The short answer is because of NASA. They decided to question the true orbit
and return of Nibiru to our Solar System. The US government had urged them that it
was required that they deny the existence of Nibiru in order to not cause widespread
panic throughout the world. NASA then prepared a very well-built simulation that
projected the orbit of Nibiru. Transformed the simulation in video and “sneak”
released on the internet. The simulation done by NASA computers presented visually
not only the displacement of Nibiru in its orbit, but also the orbits of all the planets of
the solar system.

This Nasa video with this orbit still exists, see it below: The goal of the video was
clear for any scholar, confuse everyone with a false orbit path for Nibiru. That goal
was accomplished as everyone thought there was nothing to be seen or any adverse
effects for us on Earth.

The True Orbit of Nibiru

Nibiru, by all definitions, concepts and research scholars in the field, is a red or
brown dwarf star that carries along with it seven planets orbiting around each other;
therefore, it is a Mini Solar System. Nibiru is close to 5 times than Jupiter. So, by turn,
it is 6500 times larger than the Earth!

Nibiru’s true orbit is around our Sun every 3,600 years. With the gigantic size, it
has very strong gravitational pull and it influences our oceans and all magnetic fields.
So, in 2011, when Nibiru approached the Sun, it began forcefully “pulling” at the
Sun’s core. The core of the Sun is only 65 times that Nibiru. Thus, the solar activity in
relation to explosions and solar storms has increased so much that the “Maximo
Solar” started in 2011 and has not stopped to this day (2014). The emissions are in the
ultraviolet solar radiation level (range from 0 to 16) are currently at 15, and the normal
is between 9 and 10 units. This was caused by the approach of Nibiru towards the

Keep in mind that the sun also influenced Nibiru!

Because of the magnetic and gravitational intensity of Nibiru, it influenced the

Sun in a way that it initiated the reversal of its magnetic poles. The same reversal is
also happening here on Earth: gravitational pull and magnetic fields. In order to
perform this reversal, these two forces acting together are required!

One Deception to Rule Them All

This mutual attraction between the Sun & Nibiru increased Nibiru’s travel speed
and velocity. In essence, it was “catapulted” with accelerated speed away from the
Sun. The process is known as “Slingshot Effect” and was used by NASA to throw the
Galileo probe toward Jupiter. The probe passed twice by the Earth’s orbit, then the
orbit of Venus. With significantly increased speed was finally redirected towards
Jupiter. The gravitational effect of accelerated so much that its contour to the Sun’s
orbit will be much longer, but faster than the misleading NASA simulation. Based on
this premise, it is our estimate that Nibiru will pass back around us in 2018.
On this return, Nibiru will come from the North Pole of the Sun and Earth, so it will
be widely seen in the northern hemisphere. In this new return, it will be faster than
when you came from outer space into our solar system. This distance of Neptune to
the Sun is highly convenient for Nibiru, because it needs a certain distance to re-
accelerate from again “tangent” to the sun to get to restart the longer orbit of 3600
--“Nibiru is Sumerian for 12th Planet”,

Smoking the CGI Outer Space NASA Pipe

Pretty big drama, right?...this Nibiru Big Fish Story. Yes, it sure is. But it is all
nonsense. It is nothing but the worship of space and The Creation instead of The
Creator. The occult has made a religion of The Skies. Astrology, Astronomy,
Astrophysics, Ancient Aliens,’s all the same Pagan worship of The
Creation and nothing worth wasting any time on. Again, Gerald Cark and hundreds
like him have been smoking the CGI Pipe NASA gave them and they are all operating
under a major delusional system, including the construction of fake mythology based
upon fake Sumerian tablet interpretations. Numerous researchers have proven that all
these Sumerian tablet interpretations the Ancient Alien advocates are passing around
are absolute rubbish.

Nobody likes to be dethroned, particularly these self-proclaimed "EXPERT"

Ancient Civilization zealots, who relish in rummaging through magnanimous details,
stories, bloodlines and myths to arrive at what? NOTHING.

A Dog chasing its tail makes for good theater though...sells tickets.
There are theoretically 70 or more names for Nimrod (each language group that
was created at Babel). And likewise. There are as many interpretations and “tellings”
of ancient Sumerian, Mesopotamian, and Babylonian history as there are names for
Nimrod! In this book, I make no pretenses to be either a Bible Scholar nor an expert
on Ancient Civilizations. When telling tales about ancient history, I have lost count of
One Deception to Rule Them All

how many self-proclaimed experts seem to be operating YouTube channels.

Podcasting the “Truth” about The Anunnaki, The Nephilim, Marduk, Nimrod,
Nibiru, Enki, Elohim, Yeshua, Ancient Aliens, etc...

There is simply no end to the layering of contradictory stories floating out there
in Internet Land. After a while, I feel like I am reading the opening highly arcane and
complex chapters of J.R.R. Tolkien’s, The Silmarillion, more than learning about
Christ or God, anymore. It is all so complexly conflicted and convoluted that it
quickly starts to look like a Big Fish Story that got passed around so many times, in so
many culturally diffuse ways, in so many languages, that now the truth is an
unintelligible mess of half-truths, ancient myths on steroids, and actual history, all
muddled into sensationalism and End Times Prophecy.

And so, I have learned a simple little trick to test the potential legitimacy of
Ancient History. It is called:
“Does it match the current shape of The Earth?” I mean sure, hey, that’s great
that they think that The Anunnaki were spawned from the DNA of some Outer
Space King Marduk and that The Ancient Aliens are returning to seize power over
The Earth, as they did in “Times of Yore” etc...blah, blah, blah we have heard it for
50 years now... but really, Space? Outer Space? Do not we FIRST have to establish
the existence of this Outer Space they rant about?
Millions of questions about the actual shape of The Earth persist, coming from
top intellectual thinkers, as well as just Bible-believing layman, and they gloss over the
Flat Earth Question and simple assert Outer Space is real as a basic operating
hypothesis, and architect and elaborate Ancient Alien Anunnaki, Marduk, Panspermia
DNA in Space narrative, named on Sumerian Tablets that nobody can truly verify, but
EVERYONE says they have the accurate interpretation of?

Nibiru stories but Outer Space is not even proven to exist??? Really ridiculous
and hardy good science or historical Anthropology...

Flat Earth is the New Elephant in the Room:

The entire Ancient Alien Deception is based upon Outer Space and space travel
being real. If it is all just science fiction, millions of Alien-loving and Anunnaki Alien
Hybrid loving pundits will feel the burn very deeply.

One Deception to Rule Them All

And yet they forge onward under the banner of Hollywood illusions,
assumptions, unproven theories and undeniably false NASA data.

One reason I convey different generic views of Ancient Sumerian and

Mesopotamian cultures with an almost indifferent detachment is because I am only
trying to provide the backdrop so people know how these stories go. I actually have a
huge difficulty believing in any of them, since I cannot even prove that Outer Space

In other words, it all seems like more deception to me...Luciferian setup to

prepare us for this Fake Alien Space Invasion and the emergence of A.I. based Alien
life here on Earth. This Jesuit produced Fake Alien Deception dovetails perfectly with
the Anunnaki Ancient Alien FANTASIES. The Ancient Alien rubbish lays the
foundation for this ultimate Jesuit Alien Anti-Christ Messiah Deception.

Big Blue Marble Heliocentric Band-Aid

Subsequently, there is a huge THORN in the side of all this Ancient Alien and
Anunnaki Propaganda. It is bleeding out the sides and limping along, searching for
that Big Blue Marble Heliocentric Band-Aid to stop the bleeding.

After all we have discovered about the Stannic Luciferian origins of NASA, and
The Copernican Heliocentric Globe Model Deception perpetuated by The Jesuits,
and the absence of Earth’s Curvature anywhere to be found in the entire history of
The Earth, and now I am supposed to believe in Ancient Alien contact and Anunnaki
and Alien Reptilian Hybrid Ancestors? It is beyond insulting to people's intelligence to
even suggest all this Anunnaki nonsense and Alien adventures in Outer Space without
FIRST addressing the Elephant in The Room: No Outer Space.

I tell people I am not Flat Earther, nor am I a Globe Earther. I am always

looking into it, trying to see which model jives best with what I know about empirical
science and my observable data. But I still cannot find any Earth Curvature no matter
how I try, and that bugs me...soooooooooooo...somebody better find it before we
continue this charade of Ancient Aliens and the Nibiru Hoax.

And so, I do not get too sidetracked in the long chains of genealogy and
bloodline studies that all these Ancient Alien advocates so relish in doing. On the
contrary, I am not that concerned if someone calls Evil Satan, or The Devil, or

One Deception to Rule Them All

Lucifer, or Enki, or Isis, or Shiva, or Ishtar, or Beyoncé, or Lady Gaga, or The Father
of Lies, or Winnie The Pooh, or Hillary Clinton, or Christopher Hitchens, or Loki, or
Entropy, or Marduk, or Katy Perry, or Johnny Depp, or The Archons, or The
Demiurge, Artificial Intelligence, or the Black Pope, or the Vatican Church, or the
Jesuits, or the Ashkenazi Jews, or The Synagogue of Satan, or The Hebrew Scribes, or
The Fake Jesus, or Rothschilds, the Khazarian Mafi, or the Zionist, Mithra, or Ahura
Mazda, or The illuminati, or the Knights templar, or the Mystery Babylonia Priests, or
Walt Disney, or The “Sons of Man”, or the or The Fallen, or The Deceptions, or
whatever...As long as we are clear about there being proof of the worlds we are talking
about. There is no proof of Outer Space, but plenty of Science Fiction about it and
Ancient Alien Myths to go around.

Smoking the CGI Computer Animation Pipe that NASA created is not wise.

Nimrod, Nibiru, Anunnaki...A More Comprehensive Story

“The Pre-Flood world was an amazing and terrifying place full of hybrids.
Our world is turning into the same thing today. But Yeshua warns us:

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be
shortened.” – Matthew 24:21-22

God HAD to step in during the days of Noah in order to preserve mankind, the
animals, plants and even the planet itself from the corruption of the gods. Consider
how bad it was during the time of the Flood, then consider carefully what Yeshua
(Jesus) has to say about the days ahead.

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon
the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s
hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on
the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son
of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. – Luke 21:25-2

We next need to look at the Sumerian family of gods (which became that of the
Assyrians and Babylonians).

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Sumerians. Their writings rank amongst the oldest on the planet. It is from
those writings that we learn about the “star gods” called the Anunnaki. I could easily
find myself writing an entire book series just about them. And believe me, it is very
tempting to do so. There is so much that could be said about them concerning the
past, but I’ve become more and more intrigued by what may come (from them) in the
future. And this series of God vs god will certainly take us there. But for now, let’s
just take a little peak into the past.

Wikipedia notes that the Sumerian religion refers to the mythology, pantheon,
rites and cosmology of the Sumerian civilization, further stating:

The Sumerian religion influenced Mesopotamian mythology as a whole, surviving

in the mythologies and religions of the Hurrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians,
and other culture groups.
Thus, the Sumerian/Assyrian/Babylonian beliefs are often lumped into the title,
“Mesopotamian” as they all centered around that same region of the globe.
Concerning the Mesopotamian religion.
Wikipedia goes on to say:

Some, such as the historian Jean Bottero, have made the claim that the
Mesopotamian religion is the world’s oldest faith although there are several other
claims to that title. Although as writing was invented in Mesopotamia, it is certainly
the oldest faith in written history. What we know about Mesopotamian religion comes
from archaeological evidence uncovered in the region, particularly literary sources,
which are usually written in cuneiform on clay tablets and which describe both
mythology and cultic practices. However, other artifacts can also be used as the
Mesopotamians’ “entire existence was infused by their religiosity, just about
everything they have passed on to us can be used as a source of knowledge about
their religion.”

Although it mostly died out 1600 to 1700 years ago, Mesopotamian religion has
still had an influence on the modern world, predominantly because much Biblical
mythology that is today found in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mandeanism shares
some overlapping consistency with much older ancient Mesopotamian myths, in
particular the Creation Myth, the Garden of Eden, The Great Flood, Tower of Babel
and mythical Biblical characters such as Nimrod and Lilith (the Assyrian Lilitu). In

One Deception to Rule Them All

addition, the story of Moses’ origins shares a striking similarity with that of Sargon of
Akkad, and the Ten Commandments mirror older Assyrian-Babylonian legal codes to
some degree. It has also inspired various contemporary Neopagan groups to begin
worshipping the Mesopotamian deities once more, albeit in a way often different from
that of the Mesopotamian peoples.

Those are some pretty bold claims. Their writings do predate those of the Bible.
As such, many claim that the Biblical accounts are copies of the Mesopotamian
accounts of the same incidents. But are they really? Again, an entire series of books
could be written about this, so I’m not going to focus too much on all of that here.
Google is your friend and using it you can find a lot about this for yourself. But I do
think a few things are worth pointing out for the purpose of this blog series.

Historians recognize that dating anything beyond 3,000 BC is often problematic

and thus cannot be considered absolute.
Estimation of absolute dates becomes possible for the 2nd half of the 3rd
millennium BC. For the first half of the 3rd millennium, only very
rough chronological matching of archaeological dates with written records is possible.

What makes that difficult is the Flood, which occurred around 2,350 BC. That
global event dramatically disturbed the geology of the Earth and completely
obliterated any prior civilizations that may have existed. Thus, at best, all we have are
stories and artifacts that can be assumed to date from the periods before (but which
were more likely from a time immediately following) the Flood. Tales of events prior
to the Flood probably have some basis in truth, but they are often filled with
embellishment, contradiction and bizarre, surrealistic accounts as a result of the verbal
telling and retelling of those events by many people prior to these stories finally being
written down. My personal belief is that Fallen Angels aided in the telling of those
Pre-Flood events to different people groups that arose from the division of languages
at the Tower of Babel. Then God finally gave the true accounts to Moses some time
later to set the record straight. But let’s see how the stories match up in the case of the

Note what Wikipedia has to say about Mesopotamia’s history

‘The peoples of Mesopotamia originally consisted of two peoples, the Semitic

Akkadians (later to be known as Assyrians and Babylonians) and the Sumerians. These

One Deception to Rule Them All

peoples were not originally one united nation, but members of various different city-
states. In the fourth millennium BCE, when the first evidence for what is recognizably
Mesopotamian religion can be seen with the invention in Mesopotamia of writing
circa 3,500 BCE, the Sumerians appeared, although it is not known if they migrated
into the area in pre-historic times or whether they were some of the original
inhabitants. They settled in southern Mesopotamia, which became known as Sumer,
and had a great influence over the Semitic Akkadian peoples and their culture. The
Sumerians were incredibly advanced, as well as inventing Writing, they also invented
Mathematics, Wheeled Vehicles, Astronomy, Astrology, The Calendar and created the
first City States/Nations such as Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Isin, Umma and Larsa. In the
north, in an area known as Akkad, a civilization known as the Akkadian arose, who
spoke a Semitic language that was distinct from that of the Sumerians who spoke a
language isolate.’ Wikipedia

So, the earliest evidence of any civilization seems to point to the 3,500 BC
timeframe. Wikipedia says that the Sumerians were “incredibly advanced” and that
they invented writing, mathematics and all sorts of other sciences and innovations.
Well, look at what happened in 3,500 BC (in the chart above). According to the Book
of Enoch, that’s when the Watchers showed up! Enoch also records that the Fallen
taught men those very things listed above (and more)!

Thus, I believe that the Anunnaki – a race so named because they were “Princess
of the Royal (genetic) Seed” (or some translate it as, “Those who from heaven to
earth came”) – were the “sons of God” or the Sumerian equivalent of the giant Greek
Titans, the Hebrew Watchers and Pre-Flood Nephilim – the first super-advanced
parents and hybrid offspring to walk the earth.

They supposedly came to earth from a world known as Nibiru (or the infamous
“Planet X”). This is a subject many people are talking about these days – especially as
we move through 2012 to the next few years.

Did Nibiru pass by Earth before? Will Nibiru return? Is it even a real planet at
all? I believe the answer to all three questions is yes.

Notice how researchers like to say that many stories in the Old Testament
represent “shorter versions of” or “copies of” ancient Sumerian writings. We read the
same thing in the paragraph from Wikipedia above. Well, while doing my research, I
found a Short Chronology Timeline of ancient cultures and in that timeline something
One Deception to Rule Them All

immediately jumped out at me. The earliest records point to one of the first kings of
the Mesopotamian region, a man known as Sargon.

Sargon of Akkad, also known as Sargon the Great “The Great King” (Akkadian
Šarru-kīnu, meaning “the true king” or “the king is legitimate”),was an Akkadian
emperor famous for his conquest of the Sumerian city-states in the 23rd and 22nd
centuries B.C. The founder of the Dynasty of Akkad, Sargon reigned from 2,270 to
2,215 BC (short chronology).He became a prominent member of the royal court of
Kish, killing the king and usurping his throne before embarking on the quest to
conquer Mesopotamia. He was originally referred to as Sargon I until records
concerning an Assyrian king also named Sargon (now usually referred to as Sargon I)
were unearthed.

Many have made the connection that “Kish” is the “Cush” of the Bible
(Nimrod’s father according to Genesis). So, is this record saying that Nimrod killed
his father? It would seem so. The above quoted Wikipedia source also makes the
connection that Sargon may in fact be Nimrod:
Stories of Sargon’s power and that of his empire may have influenced the body of
folklore that was later incorporated into the Bible. A number of scholars have
speculated that Sargon may have been the inspiration for the biblical figure of Nimrod
who figures in the Book of Genesis as well as in midrashi and Talmudic
literature. The Bible mentions Akkad as being one of the first city-states of Nimrod’s
kingdom but does not explicitly state that he built it.
That author suggests that this Sargon character was the “inspiration for the
biblical figure of Nimrod” implying that the Bible merely borrowed its story from
elsewhere. But I submit that the Bible is simply confirming the story – just from a
Hebrew perspective (as dictated to Moses by God). Nimrod is not a name. It is a title
that means, “the rebellious one.” That certainly seems to fit the above description of
Sargon. Notice also the sculpture of this character to the right. It has one eye missing!
Keep this in mind as we continue this study.

The date given for his reign is 2,270 – 2,215 BC. That believed date almost
perfectly fits the timeframe depicted in my Biblical Timeline of Human History
Chart as being just prior to the Tower of Babel (which of course was built by

One Deception to Rule Them All

Researchers believe the Sumerians referred to the Anunnaki as the creators of life
– or more specifically man – on this Earth. Keep this in mind as well. Those
“creation” events are written after the fact. But notice, even in their writings, the
Sumerians believe that the Anunnaki returned to mate with human women.
Hmmmm. Sound familiar? Again, their timing of events certainly seems to match the
timing of Biblical events that I’m writing about in this series, don’t they?
I believe what we are seeing here is evidence that the Devil very strategically set
the stage long ago for The Coming Great Deception. And notice that the Anunnaki
are said to have landed and set up shop in what the Bible calls, the land of Shinar – or
ancient Iraq (Babylon). Hmmmm. Again, I ask, “Sound familiar?”

When it comes to the Sumerian God family tree, things get pretty complicated!!!
There are other charts that have some different arrangements, so I’m not even
sure that anyone truly knows the actual breakdown. Wikipedia tries to simplify it for
The majority of Sumerian deities belonged to a classification called the Anunna
(“[offspring] of An”), whereas seven deities, including Enlil and Inanna, belonged to a
group of “underworld judges” known as the Anunnaki (“[offspring] of An” + Ki).
During the Third Dynasty of Ur, the Sumerian Pantheon included sixty times sixty
(3600) deities!!!

The Main Sumerian Deities Are as Follows

• An: God of heaven/the firmament.

• Enlil: God of the air (from Lil = Air); patron deity of Nippur.
• Enki: God of freshwater, male fertility, and knowledge; patron deity of

• Inanna: Goddess of sexual love, female fertility and warfare; matron deity
of Uruk.

• Ki: Goddess of the earth.

• Nanna, God of the moon; one of the patron deities of Ur

• Ningal: Wife of Nanna.
One Deception to Rule Them All

• Ninlil: An air goddess and wife of Enlil; one of the matron deities of
Nippur; she was believed to reside in the same temple as Enlil.

• Ninurta: God of war, agriculture, one of the Sumerian wind gods; patron
deity of Girsu and one of the patron deities of Lagash.

• Utu: God of the sun at the E’barbara temple of Sippa

As I said, I have seen many different variations of family trees for these gods. I
have tried to weed through them in order to create a chart that we can work with.
Thus, I present the following (simplified) diagram of the Sumerian god family tree:

In this simplified chart, we have Tiamat and Apsu (as well as Anshar and Kishar)
in the Ultimate Source Tier, followed by Antu, Anu and Ki as the Top Tier gods who
produced Enki, Nin-khursag and Enlil as Middle Tier gods. And in the Final / Demi-god
Tier, we see Marduk, Ninurta and Gilgamesh (which all seem to represent Nimrod in
one form or another). In this case, it is Marduk as the Babylonian version of Nimrod
who is the one who rises up to usurp all of the others to become the top god.

Observe what the on-line Jewish Encyclopedia has to say about this:
Two prominent theories are now held in regard to Nimrod’s identity: one, adopted by G. Smith
and Jeremias, is that Nimrod is to be identified with the Babylonian hero Izdubar or Gishdubar
(Gilgamesh); the second, that of Sayce,Pinches, and others, identifies Nimrod with Marduk, the
Babylonian Mercury. The former identification is based on the fact that Izdubar is represented in the
Babylonian epos as a mighty hunter, always accompanied by four dogs, and as the founder of the first
great kingdom in Asia. Moreover, instead of “Izdubar”—the correct reading of which had not yet
been determined—Jeremias saw the possibility of reading “Namra Udu” (shining light), a reading
which would have made the identification with Nimrod almost certain. Those who identify Nimrod
with Marduk, however, object that the name of Izdubar must be read, as is now generally conceded,
“Gilgamesh,” and that the signs which constitute the name of Marduk, who also is represented as a
hunter, are read phonetically “Amar Ud”; and ideographically they may be read “Namr Ud”—in
Hebrew “Nimrod.” The difficulty of reconciling the Biblical Nimrod, the son of Cush, with Marduk,
the son of Ea, may be overcome by interpreting the Biblical words as meaning that Nimrod was a
descendant of Cush.

Two other theories may be mentioned: one is that Nimrod represents the constellation of Orion;
the other is that Nimrod stands for a tribe, not an individual (comp. Lagarde, “Armenische

One Deception to Rule Them All

Studien,” in “Abhandlungen der Göttinger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften,” xxii. 77; Nöldeke, in
“Z. D. M. G.” xxviii. 279).

So, here we see our buddy Nimrod represented in yet another pantheon of
ancient deities. You just can’t get away from the guy!

There are two others in the Sumerian pantheon of extreme interest: Enlil and
Enki. They had the same father (Anu), but two different mothers. And guess what?
These step-brothers didn’t get along!

According to Sumerian texts (as detailed in Genesis of the Grail Kings ), Anu made a

“The gods had clasped their hands together, Had cast lots and had divided. Anu then went up
to heaven. To Enlil the Earth was made subject. The seas, enclosed as with a loop, They had given to
Enki, the Prince of Earth.”

Laurence Gardner points out:

“Enki was not happy about his brother’s promotion because, although Enlil was the elder of
the two, his mother (Ki) was Anu’s junior sister, whereas Enki’s mother (Antu) was the senior
sister. True kingship, claimed Enki, progressed as a matrilineal institution through the female line,
and by this right of descent Enki maintained that he was the first born of the royal succession.”

“I am the great brother of the gods.

I am he who has been born as the first son of the divine Anu.”
Thus, through pride and envy Enki was discontent and sought to be “top dog.”
In this myth, we see a similarity between God being personified as the character of
Enlil and Lucifer as Enki. And there is no shortage of interesting information out
there depicting who did what amongst the people of earth and when. But what I find
most interesting is the fact that Enki is depicted as essentially the “good guy” – the
one who both created mankind as well as offered him wisdom and knowledge.
In his book, The Gods of Eden, William Bramley noted:

“We therefore find Ea [Enki] as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the
way to spiritual freedom. This suggests that Ea intended his creation, Homo sapiens, to be suited for
Earth labor, but at some point he changed his mind about using spiritual enslavement as a means.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

While Enki is credited for having created Adam and Eve, Enlil is depicted as the
one who created Eden. And from a Biblical perspective, it was Enki who was the
serpent in the garden offering spiritual enlightenment by offering the fruit from the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When they did eat the “forbidden fruit,” it was
Enlil who drove them out of the Garden. Enki then came to their aide and clothed
them. Throughout the Sumerian texts, it is Enlil who is depicted as the stand-offish
one who lets his people suffer. He is the one who causes the problems. Enki is
depicted as the good guy, the savior, the angel of light. Wikipedia describes him:

Enki was considered a god of life and replenishment and was often depicted with two streams of
water emanating from his shoulders, one the Tigris, the other the Euphrates. Alongside him were trees
symbolizing the female and male aspects of nature, each holding the female and male aspects of the
‘Life Essence’, which he, as apparent alchemist of the gods, would masterfully mix to create several
beings that would live upon the face of the earth.
In character Enki is not a jester or trickster god, he is never a cheat, and although fooled, he is
not a fool. Enki uses his magic for the good of others when called upon to help either a deity or a
human. Enki is always true to his own essence as a masculine nurturer. He is fundamentally a
trouble-shooter god and avoids or disarms those who bring conflict and death to the world. He is the
mediator whose compassion and sense of humor breaks and disarms the wrath of his stern half-
brother, Enlil, king of the gods.

Whereas, to the Sumerians, Enlil was the one who helped create the humans, but
then got tired of their noise and tried to kill them by sending a flood. Thus, I suspect
that this view of the One True God will be prominent when the Anunnaki return –
with Enki appearing as our “good creator god,” the one who loves us and wants to
protect us from the “big bad god” Enlil.

I say that as a warning because, as the opening to the old Battlestar Galactica series
used to say:

“There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes
of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans.
[That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations of Lemuria
or Atlantis.] * Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive
somewhere beyond the heavens.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series and a whole lot of other
documentaries are out there seriously pushing that idea. It’s not just science fiction
anymore. It has become mainstream. They are brainwashing us into believing that the
Anunnaki are our creators and friends. Therefore, I am writing this series of blogs
because with Planet X presumably on its way back, and the inhabitants of Nibiru
possibly stopping by to say, “Hi” – warning us about some impending doom (which
would really be the return of Christ), we must not be fooled into believing the lie.

According to, in an article titled, Aliens in your bedroom? a recent

survey showed:

• There are about 150 reported sightings worldwide every

day. [Note: this number is increasing.
• 90–95% of all UFO sightings have been readily explained as
natural or man-made phenomena, such as the planet Venus or
mistaken satellites. [Note: I believe this number is
exaggerated. If you look at the “readily explained” answers
given, they are usually quite ridiculous – especially to the
person who knows what they saw. If anyone tried to “explain
away” what I saw as “natural or man-made phenomena” I
would laugh at them]
• UFOs have been seen on commercial and military radar
screens—even by a US President (Jimmy Carter in 1969).
• They are said to change shape and merge into one another.
• They appear to defy the laws of physics by traveling thousands
of miles per hour and change directions without slowing down.
• Some polls suggest that up to 20 million Americans have seen a
UFO and four million claim to actually have been abducted by
• Science fiction is the most popular entertainment genre of
today, accounting for about 70% plus of all movie box office
receipts at any one time.
• UFO ‘experiences’ are often generational; that is, spanning
several generations of family members.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• The UFO cults are some of the fastest-growing religious

movements in the world (the Raelians for example).
In another article titled, “Prepare Ye The Way”—the aliens are coming! Popular fantasy
becomes cultural ‘fact’ author, Gary Bates notes:

Vatican astronomer wants to baptize ET

In late 2009 the Vatican held a conference to discuss how Catholic theology is affected by the
existence of extraterrestrials. It should be worthy of note that no one ever really questioned whether
ET exists or not. That ‘fact’ seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Note that I was actually interviewed
by the Washington Post for my opinion on the conference. Then international news broadcaster CNN
repeated my summation from that interview. The CNN report can be seen here. Now the Pope’s
astronomer Dr Guy Consolmagno, on whom we have reported before said he would even be happy to
baptize an alien, but “Only if they asked”. It was reported that “A self-confessed science fiction fan,
he said he was ‘comfortable’ with the idea of alien life.”
My friend and fellow researcher, LA Marzulli likes to say, “UFOs are real,
burgeoning and not going away!” And he is absolutely right! This issue is not going away.
In fact, we’re going to start seeing more and more strange phenomena in the skies and
I believe we are due a “visitation” any day now. Through all forms of media, we have
even been conditioned to expect them. In fact, the following video produced over a
decade ago (in 1995) says “Disney engineers have designed a way to prepare humans for their
inevitable alien encounter.”

Notice how Disney depicts “our inevitable alien encounter!” Again, I am reminded of
Yeshua’s words:

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:
but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” – Matthew 24:21-22

Also, remember that King Solomon said,

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under
the sun. – Ecclesiastes 1:9

One Deception to Rule Them All

Alien abduction phenomena is nothing more than repackaged Genesis 6 activity.

In fact, I would go even further and state that it is a fulfillment of the prophet
Daniel’s words regarding the toes of the great statue in King Nebuchadnezzar’ dream:

And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly
strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle
themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed
with clay.– Daniel 2:42 & 43

You may disagree with that interpretation and it may be tempting to blow all of
this stuff off as crazy, but again I remind you of the words of our Lord:

“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

There have been wars and rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and all
sorts of other “signs” for the last two thousand years. That stuff isn’t all that unusual.
Why did Yeshua specifically liken the time of His return to the days of Noah? What
was so different about Noah’s day from any other time in history? It was the stuff I
am writing about. The activity of the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, the Nephilim and
their offspring. It was the reality of the Anunnaki that set those days apart as different
from any other in human history and we’d be wise to know about them so that we
can discern the times we are living in and be prepared for what is coming.

I was about to wrap this post, but I felt like there was one more thing to address
– one more interesting point about the Mesopotamians – before moving on to
explore the Egyptian mythology. And that is the issue of the Code of
Hammurabi supposedly being a precursor to the Ten Commandments. Did Moses simply
rip off another culture’s laws and claim them for the Hebrews? Was he simply a

The Code of Hammurabi was written by a Sumerian man named (big surprise!)
Hammurabi around 1,786 BC.

Hammurabi is best known for the promulgation of a new code of Babylonian law: the Code of
Hammurabi. This Law was written before the Mosaic Code and was one of the first written laws in
the world. The Code of Hammurabi was written on a stele, a large stone monument, and placed in a
public place so that all could see it, although it is thought that few were literate.
The Prologue of the Code states:

One Deception to Rule Them All

When Anu the Sublime, King of the Anunnaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who
decreed the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness,
dominion over earthly man, and made him great among the Igigi, they called Babylon by his
illustrious name, made it great on earth, and founded an everlasting kingdom in it, whose foundations
are laid so solidly as those of heaven and earth; then Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi,
the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the
wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I should rule over the
black-headed people like Shamash, and enlighten the land, to further the well-being of mankind.

and continues…

When Marduk sent me to rule over men, to give the protection of right to the land, I did right
and righteousness in... and brought about the well-being of the oppressed.
As we’ve already seen, Marduk was yet another name for Nimrod. So, who was
this Hammurabi? We know that he served under king Marduk and that he appears to
have been a “righteous man.” According to Wikipedia, the name Hammurabi is
Akkadian from Amorite and it derives it’s meaning from Ammurāpi, meaning “the
kinsman is a healer,” and from Ammu meaning, “paternal kinsman,” and Rāpi,
“healer”. So, his Amorite name essentially means, “a paternal, kinsman healer.”

Placing Hammurabi in the late 1,700’s BC, means he lived just after the time of
the Biblical Patriarch, Abraham. And actually, looking at the chart above, if the Code of
Hammurabi was written in 1,786 BC, that means it was probably written just after the
death of Nimrod (Marduk).
Since it was Anu and Bel who commissioned Hammurabi to write these laws in
order “to destroy the evil doers: so that the strong should not harm the weak,” could it be that
Marduk’s murder was the reason for the publishing of these laws? Now that the
“rebellious one,” the “man of lawlessness” was dead, maybe it was time to put some
laws into action? Was there any precedence for creating laws that might resemble
those which would later come in the form of the Ten Commandments?

Consider this promise God made to Abraham’s son Isaac:

And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven and will give unto thy seed all these
countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Because that Abraham obeyed
my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. – Genesis 26:4-5
One Deception to Rule Them All

What commandments, statutes and laws did Abram keep? Moses won’t be
around for quite some time, so the text is not talking about the Ten Commandments. So,
what laws could God be referring to?

Abram left Ur which was in the land of Shinar (Babylon) around 1,947 BC. But
prior to that, He had used Abram to teach all of Nimrod-Marduk’s people the ways of
God. We know this because of a very interesting story from the Book of Jasher. There
was an event that happened to Abram when he was 50 years old. God spared his life.
The king (Nimrod) inquired about how he was saved. Abram told him that it was the
One True God of Heaven that saved him. Here is what happened next:

And Abram went forth from the king in peace, and many of the king’s servants followed him,
and about three hundred men joined him. And Abram returned on that day and went to his father’s
house, he and the men that followed him, and Abram served the Lord his God all the days of his life,
and he walked in his ways and followed his law. And from that day forward Abram inclined the
hearts of the sons of men to serve the Lord. – Jasher 12:41-43

So, by that time, Abram was definitely a “one God only” kind of guy. He had put
off all of the old gods of his father and that of Nimrod’s kingdom. Whereas, from the
full description in the prologue to the Code of Hammurabi, it is pretty obvious that
Hammi still strongly believed in many different gods. He referred to “Anu the Sublime,
King of the Anunnaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth” – neither of which represents
the God of Abram. He also mentioned a bunch of other gods from the Sumerian
pantheon after that. Therefore, if the Ten Commandments were supposedly a copy of
the Code of Hammurabi, I don’t think the FIRST Commandment given to Moses would
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me!”

No. I’m thinking it may be that the Code of Hammurabi was a copy of some as yet
not found document or verbal law that was known to Abram (as stated in Genesis 26)
and thus taught to the people of the land from which Hammurabi came. Therefore, as
opposed to thinking Moses copied Hammurabi, the tables might be turned and the
accusation may well be that Hammurabi copied some of the laws and principles that
Abram had followed!

The point I’m trying to make here is that many secular scholars love to try and
find ways to discredit the Bible. This is one such attempt. As we’re learning here, to

One Deception to Rule Them All

say that the Hebrews copied the Sumerians, the Babylonians and others is not really a
valid accusation. And as one Rabbi put it (regarding the Hammurabi vs Moses

Only by emphasizing the similarities do the two codes look similar. By carefully analyzing the
differences, however, we find that the two codes are based on strikingly different principles.

Professor Greenberg adds:

The main difference between the two law systems can be found in the introductions and side
comments of the codes. Hammurabi repeatedly refers to his code as “my words which I have inscribed
on my monument.” They are his words. In the Babylonian theology, the king was appointed by the
gods to establish justice. The king was the source of the law.

In the Bible, this is not the case. G-d is the source of the laws. They are referred to as “words of
G-d” and never of man. Indeed, violation of the law is seen as a religious sin. “He who acts willfully
[against the law] whether he belongs to the native-born or the aliens is reviling G-d” (Numbers

What I hope you are seeing here is the fact that ancient history can be reconciled
to the Biblical account in many ways. Our Bible is true and trustworthy. Every story is
relevant. And viewing the Bible from a mythological word view is proving to be a
valuable way of interpreting those stories. I believe this method is also revealing some
things that I don’t think you could otherwise see without approaching the material
from this angle.

As we move forward, you are going to find that the usual interpretation of Bible
prophecy is going to take on a whole new dimension… and likely lead to far different
conclusions than those typically taught in most churches. But if Yeshua’s statement
in Matthew 24:37 is true, then I believe the events of Genesis 6 represent the Rosetta
Stone for understanding the future. And that is the purpose of these blogs – to
explore what was going on “in the days of Noah” so that we can truly understand the
times we are living in now and the days to come.”

-- Rob Skiba,


One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 8
The Age of Aquarius and The New
Age Deception
We have been born in an age of confrontations. Our age reminds us of the
earlier ages, yet it has its own unique identity, since history does not repeat itself. A
characteristic of our times is the incredible and rapid diffusion of evil, which
manifests itself in ever-changing forms. Those who are able to see are grieved by this,
witnessing the operation of the mystery of iniquity (2 Thes. 2:7) in a world which is as
beautiful as a jewel.
It has been many years since the times of relative innocence, where a wolf was
lurking to attack the sheep as soon as they were alone. Nowadays, the wolf has been
disguised into the shepherd who pre-tends to be protecting the sheep. He has put on
the façade of the government, the president, the world organization, and is taking
advantage of the concentrated power in his hands. The supposedly pow-erful figures,
who are on the spotlight worldwide, present themselves as sensitive saviors and
con-scientious workers of the public well-being, while in fact they are no more than a
well-decorated store window, who serve the purposes of a world elite. The latter does
not consist of “rich fools” – capitalists who are keen on showing off their wealth –
but those who are financially powerful and take good care to remain anonymous.

This small group which exerts power from the backstage is colored by
metaphysical principles which are derived from occultism and Gnosticism. This is
what the philosophy of the new world order is based on. The spirit of the “new age”
uses the zo-diacal division of history. It talks about the chrono-logical end of the age
of Pisces and the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The Pisces is a symbol of Christ,
therefore according to them the coming of the new age will signify the end of
Christianity as well. The words of Christ, more specifically that He will be with us
until the end of the aeon, are de-liberately misinterpreted, since they translate the
word “aeon” as a historical period that will even-tually come to an end. Of course,
this is not true, because with the term “aeon” Christ means the historical period until
the Second Coming (Matt. 28:20). According to the followers of the new age
movement, just as in the age of Pisces the dominant figure of Christ played a catalytic

One Deception to Rule Them All

role in the course of mankind, accordingly in the age of Aquarius a world leader is
expected, who will magically initi-ate people worldwide to a more advanced level of
consciousness. Christ is degraded to an initiator, amongst many others, and the
content of the Scrip-tures is considered to withhold the spiritual matu-ration of man.
Consequently, from now on, people should be looking forward to the new Messiah,
whose task will be to guide mankind towards an age of peace, equality and supreme

The views of the aforementioned occultists stem from a basic distortion of the
Old Testament. In the garden of Eden, the snake is taken not as a cunning figure that
through deception persuaded man to distance himself from God and caused the fall,
but as a Promethean figure, in other words a benefactor of mankind, because allegedly
he is the one who enriched the human soul with the spirit. The words of the devil, as
the sole bringer of light (Lucifer), are accepted without a doubt, because according to
them the devil made humans capable of distin-guishing between good and evil and
stand in front of God as equals. Detached from God, man has acquired self-
knowledge and self-consciousness as a separate entity with our own freedom of will.
Within the rational faculty of Man a divine seed is found, and by cultivating it he
himself can become God.

At the core of the philosophy of the new age movement one finds the
aforementioned Gospel of the Snake which is saturated with hatred against God and
His works and is presented as the libera-tion from a vicious God. The movie industry
has been mobilized to support this antichristian propa-ganda. Let us give a tangible
example of a recent film that graphically depicts the religious beliefs of this movement
and the secret intentions of its lead­ers. It is the movie “11-11-11”.

The main idea is that in 11-11-2011 a portal opens, that allows demons to enter
this world. It is their last chance to kill Samuel, a priest whose ambition is to restore
the real message of religion, which he finds to be flawed. Samuel has a brother,
Joseph, who eventually sacrifices himself to save him, and as mentioned in the movie,
from this sac­rifice “the serpent will rise and the end will come”. This could be an
imitation of the Christian motif in which Jesus was sacrificed for the salvation of man.
To further this, it is mentioned in the movie that Samuel’s mother conceived him
immaculately. In fact, Samuel is no less of a demon than those who attempt to kill
him. Towards the end of the movie, when asked by his brother who he really is, he
transforms into a satanic figure and confesses “I am the end”. It is most indicative
One Deception to Rule Them All

that a demon who attempts to stab Samuel has a crown of thorns on his head. The
message is indirect, yet clear: Jesus Christ is the obstacle in the emergence of the new
religion, and of course of the truth. Furthermore, according to the plot of the movie,
Joseph’s wife, Sarah, and his son, David, were killed in a fire that burned down their
house. Let us just recall who are the spouse and son of Joseph in the New
Testa-ment. It is a subconscious message that cunningly introduces people to a new
plan. Some wish to see Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary “dead”.

Throughout the movie, the viewer is presented with two choices: either atheism
or the coming pan-religion, which, as it gains more and more fol-lowers, will
eventually devour Christianity. The atheist writer resolves his inner struggle by
aban­doning the insecurity of disbelief and is looking for­ward to the “salvation”
offered by his brother’s new founded religion, as promised in the last scene. It is
noteworthy that according to the director the last scene had been pre-ordered by the
producers. Finally, the film can be found for free on the internet. How come the
producers care more about getting the message across to as many people as possible
than their profits? It makes one wonder.

In all likelihood, the Age of Aquarius will reveal a forerunner of the Antichrist,
who will prepare mankind to be subdued to the representative of the devil in flesh.
The devil cannot know when the Second Coming will happen, but only that his end is
near. Hence, he is trying, in the time he has left, to cause as much evil as possible. He
is sowing seeds of evil in a number of candidates, without know-ing who will
eventually become the vessel that will accept so much demonic energy, so as to bring
his work into completion. Only God knows this. This is why many possible
“antichrists” have appeared in public during the last decades, something that has
brought confusion in the collective mind of man-kind.

Furthermore, globalization pretends to be toler-ant to diversity. Within the

framework of the ideology that every person can be god, humility is lost, as well as the
communion with the divinity. Thus, subjugation to one’s passions is established as a
rule, under the pretext that it fosters individuality. In fact, this implicitly urges people
to enact the law of the new age, as expressed by Aleister Crowley, one of the most
notorious Satanists of the previous century: “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of
the law”. In other words, let us forget about the saving commandments of Christ, let
us replace them with an individualistic philosophy, accord-ing to which every person
lives by his personal code of ethics, designed in a way that perfectly fits his egoism.
One Deception to Rule Them All

This particular philosophy also forms the backbone of the theoretical system of
certain schools of psychotherapy which were founded and established in the twentieth

If we examine things objectively, we will find ourselves in front of a masterfully

hidden disgust, hatred and deep intention to dissolute the Christian truth. A number
of world leaders, who act as defenders of the new age, constantly repeat the need for a
world government under the flag of unity, which will cultivate mutual understanding
and respect between people, thus transcending external or internal frontiers. This is
just the bait for those who lack critical thinking. As soon as they undermine the values
that enable true commun-ion between people -the communion of love- and confine
every person within the castle of his own individualism (hence causing despair and
insecuri-ty), people, being consumed by the instinct of self-preservation, will
themselves seek to be mashed in the blender of globalization.
The architects of this apparently innocent sys-tem of global governance have
been working on it ceaselessly for hundreds of years, not with the au-dacity of an
opportunist robber, or the arrogance of the powerful, but with the inhumanity of a
ruth-less criminal, whose methods resemble those of the mafia. The technique they
use in order to achieve the psychological collapse of societies is well estab-lished and
based on fear. When one is possessed by fear, his behavior becomes chaotic; to
escape this, he tries to hold on to the first thing that makes him feel secure. The rulers
of this world operate on this inherent psychological mechanism, by orchestrat-ing
catastrophic events. Why wait for a problem to come up, if they can save time by
creating it them-selves? Needless to mention, that they are not in-terested in resolving
the already existing problems, since they contribute to an overall situation of social
deterioration. If people show discontent or question their policies, they arm the
psychological arsenal of the media -which they utterly control- to remove people’s
critical thinking.

By causing limited or extensive catastrophes, at any cost, the leaders of

globalization achieve the immediate shift of public opinion in their favor, so that
people condescend to their plans. Even though these events are designed with sheer
secre-cy, those who are responsible for them always sign their works with symbols
that most people ignore. Let us mention in brief the symbolic patterns on the
American one-dollar bill, which are reproduced in monumental constructions, such as
the stadium of the Olympic Games in 2012 and relevant logos that sketch the word
One Deception to Rule Them All

“ZION”. Events that happen on dates that are connected are also included, such as
the staged terrorist acts of September 11th with the controlled demolition of the
towers that func-tioned as a pretext for the United States to launch a series of
destructive wars, to pass constitutional changes that indirectly dissolute the
democratic rights of the citizens and to create a state of terror worldwide. Exactly ten
years earlier, on September 11th 1991, the president of the United States made a
public announcement for the need of a new world order. Those who are eager to
conduct research, will soon discover plenty of relevant information.

Behind the mask of the good shepherd lies some-thing so sinister and inconceivable
to the mind of the layman. The power of a group with covert operations will be used
to weave the constitutional, legal, technological and financial web that will capture the
whole of humanity. Modern technol-ogy enables the surveillance of people from the
moment they wake up throughout the day, for ex-ample through the use of credit
cards, cameras, cell phones, satellites, electronic IDs, electronic chips and a number of
other devices of which we may be unaware. Using these methods, detailed files could
be composed on every person on the planet, which a world tyrant could have at his

Evil has unleashed an unprecedented attack not only on Christ but on humans as
well. If we take ourselves for people of faith and altruism, how could we step aside
and remain passive? And if we decide to confront evil, how could we achieve it but
with the power of Christ? And Christ does not demand from us superficial acceptance
of his word. He wants us to transcend ourselves. He does not ask for employees. He
asks for friends who are free. He does not negotiate, He asks for unconditional
obedience to His will. He does not seek a place in our souls, but the whole of our
soul. He does not ask from us to use maneuvers so that we satisfy both people and
God. He wants us to be unyielding, when people become obstacles to our dedication
to Him. God gave us everything; this is why He demands everything. The point is not
what we receive, but what we are willing to give.

Our times press us to dialect with our conscience. Amongst the believers, one
finds both those who try to use God as guarantee for the realization of their
ambitions, as well as those who are willing even to give their life for God. Jesus Christ
and His Apostles have warned us of the coming of the Antichrist, they have informed
us of the signs that will precede it, they have told us about the devil’s intent to deceive
us, and they have reassured us that the real life and the resurrection come through the
One Deception to Rule Them All

denial of ourselves for the sake of Jesus and the Gospel. Indeed, do we consider these
things as a burden, do they frighten us, discomfort us from the convenience of our
lives or distance us from our dream of well-being?

Maybe we fail to realize the uniqueness of the historical period we are in. Our
times are reflected in the descriptions of the Apocalypse. This makes a number of
people wonder with insecurity “why should we be the ones to lift the burden of the
coming of the Antichrist? Why can’t we live a quiet life?” Genuine Christian
conscience, however, ac-knowledges that all events in life occur because God allows
them to be so. And He does, because He knows how to turn evil into good, thus
giving us the chance to forge ourselves through trial, pa-tience, freedom, spirit of
martyrdom and cultiva-tion of love. Divine wisdom and love are included in
everything in life, yet it escapes us how this is happening. Who dares say he knows
better than God?
Elder Paisios was trying to tell us this exact thing, that the coming of the times of
the Apocalypse are visible on the horizon of our times. We can fool ourselves and
expect to walk with security the road most travelled; to organize our life as if nothing
is happening, ensure our comfort and enjoyment, our job, our house, our family, our
friends, public recognition, in other words everything that is part of conventional
social life. Amidst the current cri-sis, all this seems more and more unfeasible. This is
some kind of divine providence, so that we detach ourselves from material things and
turn to those that are of most importance in life. Where your treasure is, there will be
your heart, too, says the Lord (Matt. 6:21). Indeed, what is it that each of us considers
to be his treasure? Maybe it is high time we examined our priorities.

Besides, Jesus is very clear: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but
whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it”.
(Mark 8:35) Jesus did not come to bind us with the things of this world, he came to
rip from our heart our dependence on this world. It is better for someone to cut off
his arm or remove his eye, if they are obstacles for the salvation of his soul (Mark

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. And elder
Paisios used to tell the truth. The truth he witnessed and experienced with his acute
spiritual senses. We may choose to be in-different to the events around us and wait
passively to be integrated into a system that serves globalization, or, each of us could

One Deception to Rule Them All

set off his own revolution through a confession to the truth of Christ, not so much
externally, but with actual spiritual struggle. The truth of Christ is the power that
overthrows any anti-god power. By transforming ourselves in-ternally, at the same
time we also change the world, because each person is part of the world.
Neverthe-less, it is not we who will win the battle against the devil, but He who has
already done it and has the power to restore the whole of creation in the divine glory.
We do not acknowledge the new age. We ac­knowledge the “new creation”, which is
Christ him-self. Let us be simple and humble, so that we are enlightened by His
uncreated Grace and become transformed into “sons of light and day”.
--Holy Monastery of Koutloumous, From the book ‘Elder Paisios and the Signs of the Times’,
Mount Athos 2012

The Pineal Gland Deception

Luciferian technologies for accessing God's Creation (The Temple=The Human
Body), such as Pineal Gland Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, DMT, etc... are nothing
new. But it makes more sense that The Pineal Gland was intended for as you said,
Death. To use it for any other way is a Luciferian Apotheosis Deception. The Original of this apple and become God, etc... Usurping The Throne of God through
Luciferian techniques is absolutely nothing new...The Secret Societies have been
propagating these techniques and technologies for hundreds of years. Eastern
Mysticism is nothing other than Hermetic Occult Doctrine=Satanism.
Often people say, “The Elite are hiding The Third Eye from us! They are trying
to calcify it with Fluoride! They do not want us to access the power of opening out
Third Eye! The Pineal Gland is The Seat of the Soul!” Well, all of this is untrue. The
Elite LOVE us to explore our Third Eye. All they do is teach us how to.

Look at all the techniques that The Elite are teaching modern culture for Pineal
Gland access: Kundalini Meditation, DMT, Transcendental Meditation, etc... all they
do is push Third Eye awakening because The Pineal Gland opens portals to The
Demonic realms. The Elite WANT you to open your Pineal Gland.

The Elite WANT you to open your Pineal Gland and access all that delicious
SECRET KNOWLEDGE that will keep you glued to your pursuit of become GODLIKE from your access to Luciferian SECRETS.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The end result is service to Lucifer and All things Luciferian, SEX MAGICK
being one ultimate destination.

The Pineal Gland is symbolized by the Satanic Catholic Church by a huge Pine
Cone at The Vatican Courtyard, proving that The Vatican is founded upon Egyptian
Babylonian Occultism

The New Age teaches that you should open your Third Eye. Access the Pineal
Gland to become Enlightened. It is all a hoax. Nobody has ever become Enlightened,
ever. We are all mere mortals, and we die that way.

The Choice Between Christ or

The New Age
We are all the same Mortal Creatures in the end...none greater than the other.
ONLY God is Great. Why did you think Lucifer has gone to all this trouble to
confuse make you think Christ is dirt and Enlightenment is your Salvation?
Knowing about the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim and The Sumerian Tablets will gain
you NOTHING. You will merely be one step deeper inside the Luciferian Labyrinth
of Ever-Seeking Esoteric Knowledge and Cunning Teachings, leading you as such:
"That we from now on be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, by which they
lie in wait to deceive", -- Ephesians 4:14 Seeking secret knowledge is not a new game.
It is the OLDEST GAME. As Luciferian Transhumanistic Technologies ramp up,
there will be a time when you will have to make a choice: Christ or The New Age:
One door leads to Eternal Hell and the other Eternal Life. You'll have to figure out
which choice leads to which destination. I cannot make that for anyone else.

The New Age is the amalgamation of various religious doctrines that ALL teach
you can achieve Enlightenment and Cosmic Consciousness and even Apotheosis with
Godlike powers through Secret Esoteric Knowledge. This is ALL Luciferian
Hermetic, Epistemological Occultism. It is the same OLD Luciferian LIE repackaged
for a modern world. Why do you think New Agers embrace SEX, DRUGS, and
Mystical Trance music so much? I was a New Age Teacher. I taught Yoga, Trance,
One Deception to Rule Them All

Astral Travel, Tarot, Astrology, Occult Doctrine study, Meditation, Shamanic

Entheogenic Psychedelic rituals, etc.....I know what I speak of. it is ALL Luciferian
Mystical Epistemological Satanism. In the New Age Christ is just another Ascended
Master, all leading one to embrace the Luciferian Gnostic Lie of Self-Governed
Apotheosis and think that they are all GOD. Then you die at 78 and so much for the,
"YOU are God, bullshit." FAITH in Christ is not a popular thing in Pantheistic
Monadism of The New Age

Luciferian Eastern Mystical Reincarnation Mystery School just

never ends...the New Age is inside everyone's thinking. you get one life, period. YOU
are not enlightened and never will be. I am not Enlightened and never will be. We are
Mortal Men, Gods Creation. Lucifer promises Enlightened Apotheosis....the
OLDEST LIE. I have not once met an Enlightened Man in all my life...the ones that
claimed to be even a little Enlightened were absolute fools in my eyes. The New Age
teaches that SIN IS AN ILLUSION. Lucifer teaches the same. We are all worthless
scum before the face of God, full of petty lusts and carnal desires from your fallen
nature. Redemption as a GIFT through Christ is not popular in the New Age, because
everyone thinks they are so HOLY and SINLESS and GODLIKE. ALL Luciferian
Deception. The New Age teaches we are MINI GODS. ALL DELUSIONAL.

To WORSHIP YOURSELF is to be New Age. "SELF" is GOD in The New

Age. Cosmic Consciousness with the PANTHEISTIC ONENESS is their teaching.
They teach that The UNIVERSE is GOD which you MERGE with. All Luciferian
Doctrine. Christ taught Man is Mortal and NOT GOD, which is patently obvious and
self-apparent. In the New, Age Man worships THE CREATION instead of THE
CREATOR. Hence, New Age Quantum Mysticism was merely REPACKAGED
Babylonian Hermeticism and sold to New Agers as Cosmic Consciousness.

Nobody has ever become ENLIGHTENED. It is all Eastern Occult fantasy.

Christ was not an Ascended Master. That's a Gnostic Luciferian Ruse. You will never
become "Enlightened" You will live and seek secret knowledge and die with spittle
drooling out of your mouth like we all will. Apotheosis though many lifetimes is more
Easter bullshit...more Gnostic Luciferian New Age nonsense. You get ONE shot to
live. You will grow old and die. I will too. We are God's Creation, and that is the end
of it. If you find Faith in Eternal Life through the Gift of Christ too ridiculous of
DOGMATIC or "superficial" for you, then don't have anything FAITH in it. Discard
it. You will merely die old age and that's the end of you. But if you think you are going
One Deception to Rule Them All

to become ENLIGHTENED or saved through multiple lifetimes through attaining

secret knowledge, (the teachings s of the Babylonian Secret Mystery Schools, you are
in for a HUGE letdown at the end of your life.

Epistemological Apotheosis though Secret Knowledge IS the Luciferian Lie

from the garden. NOBODY BECOMES ENLIGHTENED. I have never met
anyone, you will never meet anyone, and there will be no one. It is a lie. we are mere
MORTALS. We are not Gods no do we become GODS. Gnostic Luciferianism
teaches you can become CHRIST through secret knowledge.

We all die whimpering...hardly a GOD. The New Age is a repackaging of the

ancient Luciferian Apotheosis Agenda. Nothing more...nothing less.
You are appointed but one life.

New Age Syncretism: What is New

Age Religion?
“New Age Religion is not a religion at all, but a vast syncretism (or mixing) of
numerous religious and philosophical ideas. This has been going on since the time of
Alexander the Great but was snuffed out under Christianity and its enforced dogma
starting around 325 AD. Alexander's vast empire opened the door for Eastern religion
and mysticism to move West, while Greek philosophy and reason moved East. Today
the same process continues, but on a global scale in particular with the internet.

It has some similarities to ancient Gnosticism adopting both its methods and its
individual nature. Most often rejecting reason and science, New Age religion more
than anything is emotional, filing in a void left by a secular culture and discontent with
traditional religious beliefs.

Modern environmentalism could be broadly classified into New Age religion

because of its treatment as a pseudo-religion and deification of Nature. This is part of
the continuing process of syncretism.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Madame Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) co-founder of the Theosophical

Society in the 19th century I see as the grandmother of the New Age movement. New
Age religion is anti-science and anti-reason - Blavatsky in fact had a stuffed baboon
she dressed up as Charles Darwin mocking science.

"In today's New Age jargon, Madame Helena P. Blavatsky became the main
"channeler" for Theosophical Society. Within a few decades Theosophical Society
stimulated an ever-splintering amalgam of groups and cults..." See Madame
Blavatsky's Psychological Manipulation

The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it
has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center,
dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their

The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers

and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices. Their book
publishers take the place of a central organization; seminars, conventions, books and
informal groups replace of sermons and religious services. Quoting John Naisbitt:

"In turbulent times, in times of great change, people head for the two extremes:
fundamentalism and personal, spiritual experience...With no membership lists or even
a coherent philosophy or dogma, it is difficult to define or measure the unorganized
New Age movement.

But in every major U.S. and European city, thousands who seek insight and
personal growth cluster around a metaphysical bookstore, a spiritual teacher, or an
education center."
The New Age is definitely a heterogeneous movement of individuals; most graft
some new age beliefs onto their regular religious affiliation. Recent surveys of US
adults (2) indicate that many Americans hold at least some new age beliefs:

• 8% believe in astrology as a method of foretelling the future.

• 7% believe that crystals are a source of healing or energizing power.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• 9% believe that Tarot Cards are a reliable base for life decisions.

• About 1 in 4 believe in a non-traditional concept of the nature of God

which are often associated with New Age thinking.

• 11% believe that God is "a state of higher consciousness that a person
may reach".

• 8% define God as "the total realization of personal, human potential".

• 3% believe that each person is God.

The group of surveys cited above (2) classify religious beliefs into 7 faith groups.
Starting with the largest, they are: Cultural (Christmas and Easter) Christianity,
Conventional Christianity, New Age Practitioner, Biblical (Fundamentalist,
Evangelical) Christianity, Atheist/Agnostic,

Other, and Jewish, A longitudinal study from 1991 to 1995 shows that New
Agers represent a steady 20% of the population and are consistently the third largest
religious group.

New Age teachings became popular during the 1970's as a reaction against what
some perceived as the failure of Christianity and the failure of Secular Humanism to
provide spiritual and ethical guidance for the future. Its roots are traceable to many
sources: Astrology, Channeling, Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Neo-paganism,
Spiritualism, Theosophy, Wicca, etc.

The movement started in England in the 1960's where many of these elements
were well established. Small groups, such as the Findhorn Community in Inverness
and the Wrekin Trust formed. The movement quickly became international.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Early New Age mileposts in North America were a "New Age Seminar" ran by
the Association for Research and Enlightenment, and the establishment of the East-
West Journal in 1971. Actress Shirley MacLaine is perhaps their most famous current

During the 1980's and 90's, the movement came under criticism from a variety of
groups. Channeling was ridiculed; seminar and group leaders were criticized for the
fortunes that they made from New Agers. Their uncritical belief in the "scientific"
properties of crystals was exposed as groundless.
But the movement has become established and become a stable, major force in
North American religion during the past generation. As the millennium comes to a
close, the New Age is expected to expand, promoted by the social backlash against
logic and science.
The "New Age" That Does Not Exist

Major confusion about the New Age has been generated by academics, counter-
cult groups, Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Christians and traditional Muslim
groups, etc. Some examples are:

Many of the above groups have dismissed Tasawwuf (Sufism) as a New Age cult.
In reality, Sufism has historically been an established mystical movement within Islam,
which has always existing in a state of tension with the more legalistic divisions within
Islam. It has no connection with the New Age.

Some conservative Christians believe that a massive, underground, highly

coordinated New Age organization exists that is infiltrating government, media,
schools and churches. No such entity exists. Some conservative Christians do not
differentiate among the Occult, Satanism, Wicca, other Neo-pagan religions.
And they seem to regard all as forms of Satanism who perform horrendous
criminal acts on children. In fact, the Occult, Satanism, Neo-pagan religions are very
different phenomena, and essentially unrelated.

Dr. Carl Raschke, professor of Religious Studies at the University of Denver

describes New Age practices as the spiritual version of AIDS; it destroys the ability of
people to cope and function." He describes it as "essentially, the marketing end of the

One Deception to Rule Them All

political packaging of occultism...a breeding ground for a new American form of


New Age Beliefs

A number of fundamental beliefs are held my many New Age followers;
individuals are encouraged to "shop" for the beliefs and practices that they feel most
comfortable with:

Monism: All that exists is derived from a single source of divine energy.

Pantheism: All that exists is God; God is all that exists. This leads naturally to the
concept of the divinity of the individual, that we are all Gods. They do not seek God
as revealed in a sacred text or as exists in a remote heaven; they seek God within the
self and throughout the entire universe.

Panentheism: God is all that exists. God is at once the entire universe and
transcends the universe as well.
Reincarnation: After death, we are reborn and live another life as a human. This
cycle repeats itself many times. This belief is similar to the concept of transmigration
of the soul in Hinduism.

Karma: The good and bad deeds that we do adds and subtracts from our
accumulated record, our karma. At the end of our life, we are rewarded or punished
according to our karma by being reincarnated into either a painful or good new life.
This belief is linked to that of reincarnation and is also derived from Hinduism.
An Aura is believed to be an energy field radiated by the body. Invisible to most
people, it can be detected by some as a shimmering, multi-colored field surrounding
the body. Those skilled in detecting and interpreting auras can diagnose an individual's
state of mind, and their spiritual and physical health.

Personal Transformation A profoundly intense mystical experience will lead to

the acceptance and use of New Age beliefs and practices. Guided imagery, hypnosis,
meditation, and (sometimes) the use of hallucinogenic drugs are useful to bring about
and enhance this transformation.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Believers hope to develop new potentials within themselves: the ability to heal
oneself and others, psychic powers, a new understanding of the workings of the
universe, etc.

Later, when sufficient numbers of people have achieved these powers, a major
spiritual, physical, psychological and cultural planet-wide transformation is expected.

Ecological Responsibility: A belief in the importance of uniting to preserve the

health of the earth, which is often looked upon as Gaia, (Mother Earth) a living entity.

Universal Religion: Since all is God, then only one reality exists, and all religions
are simply different paths to that ultimate reality. The universal religion can be
visualized as a mountain, with many sadhanas (spiritual paths) to the summit.

Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path. All paths eventually
reach the top. They anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of
all current faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide.
New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This
will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger,
pollution, and poverty.

Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's
allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world
and its people.
The Age of Aquarius is a reference to the precession of the zodiac. The earth
passes through each of the signs of the zodiac approximately every 24,000 years.
Some believe that the earth entered the constellation Aquarius in the 19th Century, so
that the present era is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

Others believe that it will occur at the end of the 20th century. It is interesting to
note that the previous constellation changes were:

from Aries to Pisces the fish circa 1st century CE. This happened at a time when
Christianity was an emerging religion, and many individuals changed from animal
sacrifice in the Jewish temple to embracing the teachings of Christianity. The church's
prime symbol at the time was the fish:

One Deception to Rule Them All

from Taurus to Aries the ram circa 2,000 BCE. This happened at a time when the
Jews engaged in widespread ritual sacrifice of sheep and other animals in the Temple
from Gemini to Taurus the bull circa 4,000 BCE. During that sign, worshiping of the
golden calf was common in the Middle East.

New Age Practices

Many practices are common amongst New Agers. A typical practitioner is active
in only a few areas:

Channeling A method similar to that used by Spiritists in which a spirit of a long

dead individual is conjured up. However, while Spiritists generally believe that one's
soul remains relatively unchanged after death, most channelers believe that the soul
evolves to higher planes of existence.

They usually try to make contact with a single, spiritually evolved being. That
being's consciousness is channeled through the medium and relays guidance and
information to the group, through the use of the medium's voice.

Channeling has existed since the 1850's and many groups consider themselves
independent of the New Age movement. The popular A Course in Miracles was
channeled by Jesus through a New Age psychologist, Dr. Helen Schucman over an 8-
year period.

Crystals are materials which has its molecules arranged in a specific, highly
ordered internal pattern. This pattern is reflected in the crystal's external structure
which typically has symmetrical planar surfaces.
Many common substances, from salt to sugar, from diamonds to quartz form
crystals. They can be shaped so that they will vibrate at a specific frequency and are
widely used in radio communications and computing devices. New Agers believe that
crystals possess healing energy.

Meditating A process of blanking out the mind and releasing oneself from
conscious thinking. This is often aided by repetitive chanting of a mantra or focusing
on an object.

One Deception to Rule Them All

New Age Music A gentle, melodic, inspirational music form involving the human
voice, harp, lute, flute, etc. It is used as an aid in healing, massage therapy and general

Divination The use of various techniques to foretell the future, including I Ching,
Pendulum movements, Runes, Scrying, Tarot Cards.

Astrology The belief that the orientation of the planets at the time of one's birth,
and the location of that birth predicts the individual's future and personality. Belief in
astrology is common amongst New Agers, but definitely not limited to them.

Holistic Health This is a collection of healing techniques which have diverged

from the traditional medical model. It attempts to cure disorders in mind, body and
spirit and to promote wholeness and balance in the individual.

Examples are acupuncture, crystal healing, homeopathy, iridology, massage,

various meditation methods, polarity therapy, psychic healing, therapeutic touch,
reflexology, etc.

Human Potential Movement (a.k.a. Emotional Growth Movement) This is a

collection of therapeutic methods involving both individualized and group working,
using both mental and physical techniques. The goal is to help individuals to advance

Examples are Esalen Growth Center programs, EST, Gestalt Therapy, Primal
Scream Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Transcendental Meditation and Yoga.

The Canadian Census (1991) recorded only 1,200 people (0.005%) who identify
their religion as being New Age. However, this in no way indicates the influence of
new age ideas in the country. Many people identify with Christianity and other
religions but incorporate many new age concepts into their faith.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Some New Age Beliefs

The following are some common — though by no means
universal — beliefs found among New Agers:

• All humanity—indeed all life, everything in the universe—is spiritually

interconnected, participating in the same energy. “God” is one name for this

• Spiritual beings (e.g. angels, ascended masters, elementals, ghosts, and/or space
aliens) exist, and will guide us, if we open ourselves to their guidance.

• The human mind has deep levels and vast powers, which are capable even of
overriding physical reality. “You create your own reality.”

• Nevertheless, this is subject to certain spiritual laws, such as the principle of

cause and effect (karma).

• The individual has a purpose here on earth, in the present surroundings,

because there is a lesson to learn. The most important lesson is love.

• Death is not the end. There is only life in different forms. What some refer to
as an afterlife does not punish us but teaches us, perhaps through the
mechanisms of reincarnation or near-death experiences.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• Science and spirituality are ultimately harmonious. New discoveries in science

(evolution, quantum mechanics), rightly understood, point to spiritual

• It shares with many major world religions the idea that Intuition or "divine
guidance" is a more appropriate guide than rationalism, skepticism, or the
scientific method. Western science wrongly neglects such things as
parapsychology, meditation, and holistic health.

• There exists a mystical core within all religions, Eastern and Western. Dogma
and religious identity are not so important.

• The Bible is considered by some, but not all, to be a wise and holy book. Many
important truths are found in the Bible or are referred to only very obliquely.
Some say that Jesus was an Essene, or that he traveled to India in his youth to
study Eastern religions. Others say that Jesus was a later avatar of Buddha.

• Feminine forms of spirituality, including feminine images of the divine, such as

the female Aeon Sophia in Gnosticism, are viewed as having been
subordinated, masked, or obliterated by patriarchal movements that were
widely practiced when sacred teachings were first committed to writing. A
renaissance of the feminine is particularly appropriate at this time.

• Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis may truly have existed, leaving behind
certain relics and monuments (the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge) whose true
nature has not been discovered by mainstream historians.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• There are no coincidences (see Synchronicity). Everything around you has

spiritual meaning, and spiritual lessons to teach you. You are meant to be here
and are always exactly where you need to be to learn from what confronts you.

• The mind has hidden powers and abilities, which have a spiritual significance.
Dreams and psychic experiences are ways in which our souls express

• Meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, and other Eastern practices are valuable and

• The food you eat has an effect on your mind as well as your body. It is
generally preferable to eat fresh organic vegetarian food.

• Ultimately every interpersonal relationship has the potential to be a helpful

experience in terms of our own growth.

• We learn about ourselves through our relationships with other people by

getting to see what we need to work on ourselves and what strengths we bring
to the other party in order to help them in their life.

• All our relationships are destined to be repeated until they are healed, if
necessary, over many lifetimes.

• As Souls seeking wholeness, our goal is eventually to learn to love everyone we

come in contact with.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• An appeal to the language of nature, mathematics, as evidenced by numerology

in Kabbala, Gnosticism etc., to discern the nature of god and/or to minimize
the discrepancies inherent in this pursuit.

• Naturally occurring irrational numbers such as Phi and Pi might indicate a

fundamental inability of nature to account for the extant universe and therefore
imposes a limit to our corporeal understanding of god, or conversely, may be
important clues to the attainment of said understanding.”


The New Age Panopticon of

Governing Assumptions
“A Panopticon is an ideal architectural figure of modern disciplinary power. The
Panopticon creates a consciousness of permanent visibility as a form of power, where
no bars, chains, and heavy locks are necessary for domination anymore. Instead of
actual surveillance, the mere threat of surveillance is what disciplines society into
behaving according to rules and norms.” --Wikipedia

Why would I call the New Age a Panopticon of Governing Assumptions? After
all, The Panopticon is an authoritarian means of imprisonment by use of the mere
threat of surveillance and being constantly monitored. But how would the Love and
Light based, New Age movement with its tolerance for all religions, in an all-
embracing Syncretic Liberalism, be guilty of such a scathing accusation of its
fundamental nature and intent?

Well, let’s take a look at some of the basic assumptions found in the New Age to
explore why:
Judging by its name, the New Age movement ought to involve millenarian claims,
perhaps of a glorious future age which is about to begin. As such it could theoretically
One Deception to Rule Them All

be traced back to the time of Atlantean Heraldry, Zoroaster, or to Biblical

Apocalypticism. While such expectations are encountered often enough—e.g., the
dawning of the Age of Aquarius, pole shifts and paradigm shifts, the imminent end of
the Mayan calendar—the predominant themes of the New Age are Mystical rather
than Apocalyptic. Hence the widespread interest within this subculture in the mystical
traditions within the world’s various religions, especially Vedanta, Yoga, Tibetan
Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and mystical
forms of Christianity.

Globalization was and still is an important social phenomenon of the 20th and
early 21st centuries, with religious syncretism inevitably being one consequence. New
Age religious developments are eclectic, hence multifarious. Some synthesize
Christian ideas with beliefs involving many gods or goddesses, pantheism, include
aliens, reincarnation, or the use of drugs, together with other spiritual beliefs from
different parts of the world. Likewise, the movement may incorporate differing beliefs
about, or attempts to practice, magic.

Though many New Age terms are associated with Eastern religions, they should
not be considered as being identical with the concepts and practices of those religions.
Ancient traditions such as Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism can hardly be referred to
as New Age religions. It just so happens that the New Age movement has ’adopted’
many of the ideas of eastern religions, incorporated them into their own beliefs and
practices. The gnostic approach of experiential insight and revelation of truth may be
closest to the New Age methodology of prayers and spirituality.

In keeping with a relativist stance, New Agers believe they do not contradict
traditional belief systems, but rather some of them say that they are concerned with
the ultimate truths contained within those systems, separating these truths from false
tradition and dogma. On the other hand, adherents of other religions often claim that
the New Age movement has a vague or superficial understanding of these religious
concepts, leaving out that which may seem "negative" or contradict contemporary
Western values and that New Age attempts at religious syncretism are vague and self-
contradictory. Some people within the New Age movement claim a particular interest
in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, and Taoism — however eclectic or in-depth, such an
interest may be depending arbitrarily upon each individual’s pursuit and focus.

One Deception to Rule Them All

New Age is syncretic in nature and has roots as a counter-cultural phenomenon.

Thus, New Age adherents tend to emphasize a relativist approach to truth, often
referring to the Vedic statement of "one truth, but many paths," the mainstay of
Hinduism, which idea is also found in the later Zen Buddhist spiritual dictum of
"many paths, one mountain". This belief is not only an assertion of personal choice in
spiritual matters, but also an assertion that truth itself is defined by the individual and
his or her experience of it.

This relativism is not merely a spiritual relativism, but also extends to physical
theories. Reality is considered largely from an experiential and subjective mode. Many
New Age phenomena are not expected to be repeatable in the scientific sense, since
they are presumed to be apparent only to the receptive mind; for example, telepathy
may not be achievable by a skeptical mind, since a skeptical mind is not pre-
conditioned to expect the phenomenon to exist.
The New Age worldview typically involves a mysticism-based (rather than
experiment-and-theory-based) view of describing and controlling the external world;
for example, one might believe that tarot card reading works because of the
"interconnectedness principle", rather than regarding the success (or failure) of tarot
card reading as evidence of the interconnectedness principle. The various New Age
vitalist theories of health and disease provide further examples.

Some New Age practices and beliefs could make use of what British
anthropologist Sir James George Frazer termed magical thinking, in The Golden
Bough (1890). Common examples are the principle that objects once in contact
maintain a practical link, or that objects that have similar properties exert an effect on
each other.

In contrast to the scientific method, the failure of some practice to achieve

expected results is not considered as a failure of the underlying theory, but as a lack of
knowledge about (hidden) extenuating circumstances. This stance has led some
skeptics to pronounce the New Age movement to be primarily anti-intellectual in

The emphasis on subjective knowledge and experience is a connection between

New Age beliefs and postmodernism. The shift to a feeling of control over one’s
expression of spirituality reflects a trend towards personal responsibility, as well as
personal empowerment. Its populist origins help characterize the New Age approach.
One Deception to Rule Them All

This emphasizes an individual’s choice in spiritual matters; the role of personal

intuition and experience over societally sanctioned expert opinion and an experiential
definition of reality.”

And so, with The New Age, we have a myriad of emotionally based, unproven
assumptions, that are simply accepted by New Agers because of their esoteric lineages
and attachment to occult traditions that are mystical in nature. As such, they are
assumed to be correct and true, without any real or credible validation other than
emotionally charged, anecdotal magical fairy dust logic.

The Atlantean New Age Delusion

The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising
The following is the book description for a book called, The 7th Planet,
Mercury Rising, which will give you a good idea of the degree of deception and
fantasy that New Age authors are indulging to assist the Jesuit Vatican in their Alien
Anti-Christ Deception. Note how the entire narrative leads one to accept the Alien
Contact Agenda of the wicked Vatican Jesuits:

“This is the book you and I have been waiting for since authoring The Anunnaki
of Nibiru released August 4th, 2013. The issues and questions that this research raised
with the readers were carefully studied to locate the link between humanity's South
African genesis account and today. How does one proceed after discovering that
modern man was fashioned by the Anunnaki to supplant the labor force they brought
to Earth from Nibiru? This knowledge changes all that we have been coerced into
believing as the truth.
A theme began to emerge given the lessons accessed from sacred writings. The
profound nature of the material provided in this book took time to study, understand,
process the lessons and assimilate them into a coherent message.
Questions like "If the Anunnaki created mankind, then who created them?" The
answer takes one back to the SOURCE of our reality. Are we evolving physically and
consciously towards an archetype used in our biological design? Where are we headed
as a species and to what extent are our genetic creators shaping the outcome? Who
are the Dark Lords behind the NWO and will Light prevail?
One Deception to Rule Them All

In my quest to find the ascension path out of our prison planet conditions, no
map was found. The truth, as it always has been for participants on the stage of life, is
a pathless land. Only through deep seeking at a spiritual level, could the wisdom be

Profound and timely guidance from the pillars of Atlantis hold the keys to our
ascension. The time to lift the veil of oppression, barbarian to Mystery School
Graduate is here. Portal access to return to the Source of All creation exists. Mystery
Schools run by the first AlKhemist, Thoth the Atlantean, instructed highly qualified
candidates in the Ancient Science of Continuous Creation. Some well-known
graduates include Plato and Pythagoras. Thoth, also known as Ningishzida in the
Sumerian cuneiform records, had many names in cultures separated by thousands of
years. Also known as names (AKA) for him cause great consternation in the
Abrahamic religions. Ningishzida, Thoth the Atlantean, Thrice Great Hermes,
Yehosua (Biblical Jesus) and Melchizedek are just a few. Thoth was one of the
immortals that chose to participate in helping mankind out of his quarantined
perception prison.

Combining genealogy studies, biblical theology, ancient astronaut theory,

geopolitical developments, and a deep scientific understanding of the properties and
nature of light led to an unexpected outcome, a profound unveiling intended for my
supporters. The message and detailed criteria on how to participate in the Great Year
ascension is presented to the reader in a manner that is easy to understand, given the
complex nature of our reality. The unveiling re-invigorated me to write this book,
simultaneous to the timing of the great culling planned for WW3.

The reader will undoubtedly put the book down and zealously SEEK TO share
the wisdom with family and friends, arming them with the knowledge that removes
any remaining ideas or fears about the sting of death as we understand it.

Overcoming our fear of death is part of the process to embrace the

transformation we experience during aging. What if you knew that death was an
illusion and conducted your life to achieve the goals that were determined by the
Creator of All to lead you to the reflective consciousness that is the source of space-
time and our reality here on the 7th Planet? Where Mercury-Ningishzida's role to raise
mankind's consciousness during the ascension window is reaching a crescendo. Join
me on this profound life-altering journey where the reader will encounter the mystical

One Deception to Rule Them All

process that leads to the knowledge and reality of immortality if one chooses it. May
the soul of the universe be with you and provide unmatched peace and comfort
holding thy form through the transition to a new reality. I look forward to meeting
you all at the SOURCE.” --

It reads like the science fiction script to the Ridley Scott movie, Prometheus. Just
like in Scott’s overtly occult and Satanic Alien movie, we see the devoted adherence to
the Jesuit brainwashing that Mankind comes from Ancient Alien Ancestry...that
Aliens are Mankind’s “Engineers”.
The author, Gerald Clark, has obviously been sucking deep on NASA’s
CGI Outer Space Special Effects Pipe, and has swallowed the entire
Heliocentric Lie completely to be shoving his Ancient Alien Fictional Fantasy
as reality to the unsuspecting and naïve New Age audience. First, he pumped
them full of esoteric delusions and a love for all things occult, including The
Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Babylonian occultism, Gnostic Luciferianism, as well
as the fake Planet Nibiru Hoax, preparation for the Alien Outer Space
Mythology he has repacked from other science fiction fantasy authors.

Also, notice how this entire Atlantean fantasy is dependent upon the
scientific reality of Reincarnation, Evolution, and Outer Space? In order for
any of this fantasy to become true, those three unproven assumptions must be
proven to be real, and to date, nobody has.

The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten

Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of
the New World Order

The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers,

Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order is another of
Gerald Clarks, occult science fiction rants, proves to be the same fantasy
hodge-podge of New Age delusional thinking.

One Deception to Rule Them All

A Book Description About This Book:

“Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have
now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi
Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when
synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu'ran, merits
rethinking Western civilization's origins and intent.
Prepare yourself for a profound belief-challenging journey through ancient Persia,
Sumer, Greece, and Atlantis; from Rome to the United States, HQ of the New
Atlantis. This book is not like any other in the field: expect the winged-warrior aerial
perspective of an Army Attack helicopter pilot, the BS filter of an Electrical Engineer,
a Western Medicine-challenging Structural Integrator, and Southern California
didgeridoo player all at the same time. Energy and matter, sound entrainment, slave
control design methods using the electromagnetic spectrum, eternal life, gravity, and
DMT are addressed herein.

U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with
all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television
series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens" Series is assisting
the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left
physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have created mankind,
described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis.

It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker,
namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and
generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many
of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the
Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia.

Perhaps it is fitting for Westerners to look into the religious and historical origins
for the kings and demigods of Sumer, the first culture to provide evidence of the
cuneiform script language, complete with no antecedent. Not only were mundane
records, detailed as they were, kept on clay tablets, tens of thousands of which survive
to this day, but the history and direct experience accounts of some of the famed
inhabitants, like king Gilgamesh of Uruk, introduce us to "Those who from Heaven
to Earth Came."

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Anunnaki astronauts hailed from a planet, Nibiru, in our own solar system,
whose apogee resides in a 3,600 retrograde elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. According to
their records, likely using spectroscopy as scientists do today, they located gold on
planet Earth. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nibiru, Anu their king, dispatched his
preeminent scientist and first-born son, Enki, on a space mission to Earth to recover
enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere, as a solar radiation

Anunnaki gold mines in Africa have been found and carbon dated. Mining
operations were occurring at the exact time and location that the "Genetic Eve Study"
indicates: Womankind's genetic origins are undeniably linked to Enki's gold mining
operation. Egyptian Queen Sheba's mines ring a bell? Michael Tellinger followed the
Sumerian account to Africa, locating many of the mines, homes and temples used by
the primitive workers and gods, our true ancestors.
Additional source material and limited genealogy tables are included in the
Bibliography and Appendix for the reader to explore. More exhaustive ones are
available by contacting the author. Now consider your place in the unfolding New
World Order. Will you choose the Enlilites or Enkiites to affiliate with, or do you
have a choice? Enjoy this intellectual read, it is mind-bending, pineal-gland
stimulating, and worth it!”

And here, again, we see the same mishmash of ancient occult fable to justify
Man’s origins as from some Pantheistic Outer Space Source, and that Man can
ASCEND to this Source though esoteric knowledge. It is New Age fantasy 101.

Also, notice how, once again, this entire Atlantean fantasy is dependent upon the
scientific reality of Reincarnation, Evolution, and Outer Space, which are unproven

The New Age of Atlantis and Secret Societies

“During the Middle Ages, Theosophist philosophy was housed in Masonry,
medieval mysticism, and Rosicrucianism. According to Peter Marshall, the
Theosophical Society adopted alchemical and Hermetic traditions to build a bridge
between science and religion, endeavoring to develop the spiritual powers of
humanity. Theosophy evolved to become the nucleus for a universal brotherhood 63
One Deception to Rule Them All

and is a definitive synthesis of all religions; it has declared itself to be the all-
encompassing, universal ultra- religion of the future.

Theosophy’s foundation was originally set in esoteric Buddhism and contained a

hierarchy of Secret Masters, or Avatars. Theosophist philosophy is conspicuous,
according to the Encyclopedia Americana, among the religious systems of India,
China, and Egypt. These Adepts, Sages, and Secret Masters are revered as “highly
evolved men” who have acquired divine power and who endeavor to develop the
New Man on earth. Blavatsky conducted séances in which she revealed letters from
this ascended Order of Masters, whom she referred to vicariously as the Great White

Evolution of the soul (spirit) is at the heart of the Theosophist religion.

Theosophists believe when the Spark of Life, the evolving soul, reincarnates into the
highest life form in sufficient numbers, humankind will ascend to a higher plane of
being. Theosophists further believe the human ethos first took human form on
planets other than earth. The last planet was Mars, and the next planet will be Venus.
At the end of this age, Theosophists believe worthy humans will ascend to become
the “architects” of future universes, like Lucifer. Untold numbers have carried the
Theosophist torch over the last century, including many powerful dignitaries of our
age. The New Age movement of today, according to John Michael Greer, is nothing
more than “Theosophy plus,” drawing all of its inspiration from Theosophy’s
occultism of the last century.
Alice Bailey was a major supporter of the Theosophical Society. Bailey founded the
Lucis Trust, originally known as Lucifer’s Press, an offshoot of the Theosophical Society
designed to publish the teachings from her spirit guides. She also founded the Theosophical
Network in 1961, which has established arcane schools and organizations such as World
Goodwill, which formed another occultist organization called World Union, all dedicated to
implementing world government. Bailey’s arcane schools teach occult philosophy received
by Bailey from her purported Tibetan spirit guides, Kuthumi and Djwal Khul, to initiate a
“New Group of World Servers” to assist the Masters of the Great White Lodge. The White
Lodge in Theosophist and occultic systems is a Secret (Snake) Brotherhood of Advanced
Souls that forms the hidden government of the world. This alleged and extremely powerful
organization is further known in occultism to be the Great White Brotherhood. Kah has
found that all these groups are directly linked to the World Constitution Parliament
Association.” --

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Lust for More Secret Knowledge

Why do people feel the need to search for all these ancient lost Biblical texts: The
Book of Enoch, the Gnostic Gospels, etc... The Bible is perfectly sufficient in its
message and wisdom for Man. I feel as if Luciferian forces are actually coming up
with all these additional Biblical books.

Extra Scripture... the game online is to hunt for anything NOT in the traditional
Bible and call it TRUTH...have you not noticed? The assumption is that The Bible is
insufficient and SECRET KNOWLEDGE is the cure which is the LUCIFERIAN

Regardless, this never-ending quest for additional scripture is the very same
Luciferian quest for Secret Knowledge coming out of the Babylonian Mystery
Schools, so proceed with caution.

Go down that road...see where it takes yet another SECRET MYSTERY
SCHOOL end to Luciferian Secret Knowledge...The morality of the Bible is
overlooked in the pursuit of Secret Knowledge. Lucifer's Game. Explore all you
want...oldest game in town.

The Merging Between Occultism

and Modern Science
Madame Helena Blavatsky made it clear that the New Age of Luciferian
Occultism is the direction everything is going. And so, we have a whole host of
modern interpretations of reality that pretend to be truly spiritual but are merely
repackaging of ancient occultism.

And now, everyone talks about “Spirituality”, instead of The New Age. But it is
the same. Spiritualty and science become interchangeable. Its Mystery Babylon
revisited, come full circle. All the ancient occult black magic abandoned at the Ruins
of Babylon has been resurrected as New Age Scientism.
It is a never ended enchantment, and hypnotic pull.
One Deception to Rule Them All

For instance, Simulation Theory, as is Quantum Mysticism and A.I. Digital

Techno Spirituality are merely more false, synthetic occult fantasies. The Dance of
Shiva is the metaphor CERN uses to represents all the quantum particles popping in
an out of existence. It ascribes to matter all the reality of a Hologram, and a pixelated
Matrix of information and energy, coming out of another dimension. We see this in
psychist, David Bohm’s Holographic Universe Theory.
Alchemical Hermeticism, likewise talks about interdimensional connections, “As
it Above so it is Below.” It’s the idea that matter is coming out of another invisible
realm. Is this not the Higgs Boson idea, where a non-material field gives rise to
matter, itself? And CERN is addressing all this directly, and leaking it out to the world
as science, while at the same time it is exactly parroting ancient Hermetic and
Kabbalistic Alchemy, thinly veiled as Quantum Science and the partition or veil
between ancient occultism and Quantum Mysticism and Simulation Theory is so thin
at this point that distinguishing one from the other is virtually impossible now. I mean
the Luciferian scientists doing all this have successfully merged the two. We do not
know where the Scientism end and where the occultism begins, anymore.

Simulation Theory is just a computer Matrix metaphor intended to posit a

reconfiguration of reality based upon Egyptian Emerald Tablet Hermeticism. All of
this pretends to be spiritual, as though everything coming out of ancient Hermetic
Satanic Babylonian Egypt is somehow wonderfully enlightened and true. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The Emerald Tablets were Satanic Luciferianism back
when they were written and they are the same now. So now we have all these
Simulation Matrix Models coming out of New Age Satanic Luciferianism, and a lot of
it is really being derived from DMT, Ayahuasca, and otherwise, Dimethyltryptamine
hallucinogens. It’s a Shamanistic Autocracy.

David Icke was a huge proponent of the Matrix Simulation Reality Theory, that
we are living in a kind of high resolution, Holographic Computer Simulation, which
our brains decode from information algorithms, theoretically being generated by
Archons, a Gnostic Luciferian ideology. Again, we see a very similar analog in Icke’s
Matrix Theory coming from physicist, David Bohm, and his Holographic Universe
Theory. You see, they are all merely rehashed Luciferian Hermetic. And the
underlaying theme is the same as that pop occult Get Rich Quick Scheme called “The
Secret”. The Secret taught that you merely have to align your emotions with what you
desire and The Universe would provide it for you. Yet, all these approaches are
One Deception to Rule Them All

Luciferian in nature, and lead to nothing but the labyrinth of unquenchable desire that
Satanism is infamous for. Too much is never enough. Ultimately, all these
perspectives about reality are oriented around some selfishly pretentious, money-
making scheme.

If you could just manifest that car, you would be happy. Then you get the car,
and you want a house. Because hey, man, this shit works, I must be a God! And Gods
deserve more wealth, property, and prosperity, etc… This is the sales pitch of
Luciferianism. It’s all very Materialistic but sold as New Age Spirituality. See, that is
the Luciferian part: Instead of seeking God or God’s Will it all about using the
impersonal Pantheistic Universe a kind of Personal Quantum Probabilistic Casino for
you to play with. After all, it is all Maya and illusory anyway, just a Matrix based,
entangled Simulation, so it is up to you to shape your destiny and decode things in
order to reconfigure a malleable reality and make it work for you. Again, all this is
merely Alchemical Magick masquerading as New Age Spiritualty and Spiritual

In 1937, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, was promoted as a personal
development and self-improvement book. Hill wrote that he was inspired by a
suggestion from business magnate and later-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Dale

Carnegie had written How to Win Friends And Influence People, a classic
amongst the upwardly mobile Think And Grow Rich variety. And Norman Vincent
Peale, the Christian minister whose book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was a
pillar of American self-help culture during the 1950s and beyond. All of these men
and these books were singularly concerned with making a person liked by more
people and subsequently, more magnetically able to attract resources, friends, and
wealth, and be seen as a powerful person with charism. It was all a Secular Anti-
Christian, New Age crusade from the beginning, pretending to me spiritual, and was
actually the precursor to more Satanic Luciferian works like The Secret.

And yet we have in Matthew 19: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell
you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is
easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
kingdom of God.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

And of course, we have all these New Age interpretations of that passage that
say, “Oh that was the fake Jesus or Jesus really meant the poor in spirit there…just
whatever it takes to reframe everything to mean that God wants you to have cash
flow! See this is all Luciferianism to seek wealth in this world, to live it up, to really dig
your heals in and be the big powerful person. Whereas, the poor person generally
begins to realize they it all he has is God instead of money. And so, he has less of that
unquenchable monkey on his back, always trying control things and manipulate
people and events to get even more rich and get all the Facebook likes.

The underlying theme to all if this is material wealth is somehow equated with
God favoring you, if not directly falling into Lucifer’s good graces as Freemason.

And so, this Matrix, Artificial Simulation Model of reality is really nothing more
than rehashed greedy Mystery Babylonian Satanism to seduce modern minds into a
relationship with the occult though New Age Pantheism.
The universal glue between all of these occult-based models, Simulation Theory,
Quantum Mysticism, Hermeticism, Kabbala, A.I. Digital Techno Spirituality, is a
blatant Pantheistic Monadism

At that point, the modern initiate shall have been brainwashed by the enduring
and integrated artifice of occult doctrine, artfully disguised as science, to believe only
in Material Synchronism, a kind of Pantheistic Monadism, where the unity of matter is
the God of The Universe, and The Matrix is a kind Simulation Reality of Archon
driven Holographic Illusion for you to decode and cash in with, if possible. And if
you fail this life at it, you get all these Hindu reincarnation cycles to keep trying until
you master the material world and rise as a glorious, materially successful King, if
possible. Again, every bit of all of this is just more repackaged Luciferian Materialistic

Quantum Mysticism and Ascension Mysticism

Quantum Mysticism and Ascension Mysticism make no sense without
Reincarnation and Evolutionary Fantasy to allow enough time for the Universal
Consciousness Fantasy to occur. Hence, Quantum Mysticism was an occult fantasy
framework which had to be adopted by mainstream science as a real science to push it
into The New Agers mind as real. It worked.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Mystical Experience
The much sought after and revered “Mystical Experience” of New Age
Occultism has nothing to do with anything except anchoring and trapping your mind
in a Delusional Pantheistic Quantum Monadism. Quantum Entanglement, Quantum
Superposition, Synchronicity, etc... are just Quantum Pantheistic Universal
Consciousness cul de sacs.

Modern Science Was a Trojan Horse for

The Advancement of Ancient Occultism
Science, under the guise of Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy, became the
Trojan Horse to advance Babylonian Mystery School Hermetic Occultism forward as
a plausible metaphysics, which eventually led to the ideas of Darwinism, a form of
Secular Evolutionary Theory, based upon Atheistic Materialism. Secular Evolutionary
Theory, subsequently, led to the idea of New Age Spiritual Evolution, Outer Space,
Heliocentrism, Alien Ancestors and the inevitability for Ancient Alien Contact.

With this new Scientific Paradigm, Biblical Enclosed Cosmology and the idea of a
Creator and a Plan for Mankind’s Salvation from his sinful nature was systematically
shattered. It was an agenda all along. Modern Science was actually founded upon
Non-Christian, Alchemical and Occult Babylonian Mystery School teachings, which
sought to crush Biblical Christianity and supplant it with a New Age Ascension
Theology which included Outer Space and Apotheosis though Secret knowledge and
Universal Consciousness as the new goal of Mankind.

Christian Salvation was destroyed through this process of introducing Occult

based science into the world. This Occult based science is our current Modern
Science which I call Scientism.

The significant thing to understand here as these occult Freemasonic secret

societies fabricated the Fake Evolutionary Theory using our Freemasonic educational
system to push it. But the ultimate aim all along was to later push a Metaphysical New
Age Spiritual Evolutionary Doctrine.

In order to increase the believability of Evolutionary Theory, The Freemasons

needed to create a long succession of deceptions. Creating ancient Dinosaurs was one
of the deceptions necessary to inject more TIME SCALE into their Evolutionary
One Deception to Rule Them All

story. With more time, it was more plausible to believe why nobody has ever really
proven Alien life exists. In other words, the difficulty of Alien life to easily arrive at
our doorstep would make more sense if there were billions of Light Years in the
Standard Model.

Additionally, vast stellar distances also meant vast epochs and eons of time for
the light from Stars to arrive at our eyes. This hoax was the perfect way for the
Freemasons to inject billions and billions of Light Years into their Evolutionary
Theory fantasy to make it more plausibly for the random mutational mechanisms of
their Natural Selection Theory to occur. And so, Dinosaurs were a perfect hoax to
create all this, which set the stage for the mythical Reincarnation Delusion to be
accepted by New Agers.
The Dinosaur Hoax: Keeping the Evolutionary Myth Alive
Well the Smithsonian is 100% fake. There is not one real fossil there...plaster
mock ups. They openly confess that. And if you ask to see the real fossil storage
room, they will not allow you. It's Freemasonic territory.
Never has a complete skeletal Dinosaur structure of just one Dinosaur ever been
found. The few bones they did claim to be from Dinosaurs have only ever been
examined by the finders, whoever those pretend scientists, charlatans were.
There is actually zero fossil evidence of Dinosaurs...just fantasy science fiction
stories about Dinosaurs from Freemasonic Halls. They invented the Dinosaur Hoax
to help give more legitimacy to the equally fiction Evolutionary Theory they had
created to give more legitimacy to the Heliocentric fantasy they created to give more
legitimacy to the Big Bang Cosmology fantasy they created to give more legitimacy to
the Gravity fantasy they created to give more legitimacy to the Evolving Outer Space
fantasy they created to give more legitimacy to the Ancient Aliens fantasy they created
to destroy the ideas of God and Christianity. Welcome to the history our Freemasonic
Luciferian educational system concealed from us.
So, you see, it has been a long road of occult deceptions from Biblical Christianity
to Freemasonic Cosmic Consciousness and the brain dead, New Age of Aquarius.
Now we witness a gauntlet of brainwashed New Agers, all drugged up on pretentious
"Love and Light” as they “Do As Thou Wilt”, thirsty to preach the Freemasonic,
Hermetic Occult gospel of Accession into Universal Consciousness and merging with
a Quantum Mysticism Pantheistic Universe... with or without Elon Musk’s Neural
Lace. And all the while, they berate anyone who interferes with their quest for ‘High
Consciousness Vibrations”. If you don’t agree with them, and condemn their path in

One Deception to Rule Them All

any way, they will accuse you of “Lowering Their Vibration” and make it all your
fault...pretty enlightened, right?

Cosmic Consciousness and Ancient Alien Ancestry is nothing more than

Babylonian Occult Fantasy repackaged as authentic empirical science. In essence,
these Secret Societies hijacked Physics, Astrophysics, Astronomy, and a science in
general and injected their own occult Mysticism into it as a way of capturing the entire
world inside their Luciferian Satanic Alien Fantasy Religion.

Additionally, Luciferianism involves the Lucifer, The Angel of Light, and so there
is a conspicuous preoccupation our occult based Modern Science to deify light. This is
why we see much emphasis on Light Optics, Photonic research, Particle Energy
research, Light’s supposed dual nature as a particle and a wave, The Heliocentric
Model (Worshipping the Sun=Light), Light Years, the Speed of Light, and as much
focus upon light in physics as possible, in the deification of Lucifer.

It also makes sense what we see so much concurrent emphasis upon Light in
The Occult Luciferian New Age, where Luciferian Doctrines are taught as occult
secret knowledge. Every New Ager gush about “Love and Light”. There are Light
Workers in The New Age. They talk of The Light Body, being Enlightened, the
spectrum of Light at Rainbow Gatherings, and entering the Age of Light, The
Luciferian Light, the Light of Pure Consciousness, and the Pure Doctrine of the Light
of Lucifer. There are Light Healers, and Light Paths. Then, there are the Occult based,
Illuminati, with their Illuminated Ones, and the Occult Naturalistic Atheistic
Enlightenment Movement.

Everything is about, hypocritically, about “Love and Light” in the New Age, and
nobody even hints at the Dark Occult and Wicked origins or agenda of the
progenitors of The New Age...the Elitist Eugenics and Depopulation Agendas of the
real New Age Elite to eliminate all those who do now worship the Pure Doctrine of
Lucifer. That part is either overlooked or unknown to the blind spiritual slaves lost in
the occult echo chamber of New Age Doctrine a Hermetic ritual and practice.

"Love and Light" is a greeting New Agers give to each other to symbolize they
are peaceful and loving people. They have little understanding that this greeting was
given to them by Occult High Masters who are indoctrinating the entire world into a
Luciferian Cult, where we all must pay devout submission and homage to the Angel
of LIGHT, Lucifer at all times.

Lucifer always promises Love and Light to all who study the secret Babylonian
Mystery School teachings, but they end up lost in a self-destructive labyrinth of doubt,
One Deception to Rule Them All

and delusion, confusion, and immorality, in the end, erroneously seeking Salvation
through their own works and cunning.

The Dark Art of Deception: Why Dinosaurs are a Hoax

“The ancient Romans built roads across Europe, the Middle East and North
Africa during which time they excavated enormous quantities of sedimentary rock.
They also built extensive ramparts, stadiums, amphitheaters, aqueducts and other
structures of considerable size, all of which involved extracting large amounts of soil
and rubble from the earth. But never once did they record the discovery of a dinosaur
fossil, or the preserved remains of an animal skeleton similar to a 'dinosaur' or giant
reptile. The Greeks, Persians and Egyptians also built great cities and, in doing so,
quarried millions of tons of sedimentary stone and displaced great quantities of sub-
Yet, these advanced civilizations left no record of dinosaur finds. Both Aristotle
and Pliny the Elder, men of great intellectual ability, made a detailed study of the
natural world and were constantly enquiring after fresh information about foreign
lands from travelers and explorers. Both took a great interest in unusual phenomena –
botanical, zoological, geological, celestial, and so forth – that might shed further light
on their scientific enquiries. Had any dinosaur skeletons been found anywhere in the
known world at that time, these men would have been keenly interested in the details.
But their extant writings make no reference to large animal fossils. Dinosaurs were
only 'discovered' in the 19th century.

In fact, until the mid-19th century, the possible existence at some time in history
of giant dinosaur-like creatures had not even been suggested. Myths and legends
abounded, of course, but the exotic creatures depicted in these stories were, in
general, exaggerated hybrids of existing fauna. From time to time a new species was
discovered and stories about a fabulous new land would circulate, but in the entire
literature of ancient civilizations we find no consistent and discernible reference to
creatures – natural creatures, whether living or fossilized – akin to what zoologists
today call dinosaurs.

Should we be surprised by this? For some reason this is not a question that
modern students of biology seem to ask. The separation of knowledge into discrete
branches by our universities and colleges has led to a marked inability to frame and
pursue questions of this kind. One of thousands of open pit mines around the world.
One Deception to Rule Them All

Dinosaur bones are never found in any of them. Yes, we should be greatly surprised.
The reason is very simple: If dinosaurs existed on the earth for millions of years, then
they should have left a record so extravagant and so extensive that it would be
virtually impossible to excavate any part of the earth and not find some evidence of
their fossilized remains. The ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians,
Babylonians, Assyrians, and Sumerians should have accumulated great quantities of
largely intact dinosaur skeletons.

And as they built the Great Wall in 200 BC, the Chinese should have unearthed
tens of thousands of impressive femurs and jaw-bones, great domed skulls and
enormous fossilized rib-cages. But they didn't. No-one found anything. A million
years is a very, very long time. Yet zoologists tell us that dinosaurs roamed the earth
for 165 million years. Just imagine for a moment the mountain of sturdy bones that
such a staggering population would have produced. If only one animal in a million left
a fossilized skeleton and the population density was a mere ten individuals per square
mile, then there should be several large, as yet undiscovered dinosaur fossils within a
mile of your home, plus dozens of smaller specimens.

Even though these assumptions are highly conservative, they point to the
obvious fact that fossilized dinosaur remains should be extremely plentiful over most
of the earth. Why then are they only ever found by 'experts' and only in remote
locations? Why are there so few specimens in museums around the world? And why
do so many of these feeble specimens consist of just a few bones? Despite the
multiplicity of missing parts, entire animals, including their environment, are
reconstructed from very little fossilized material. The artist has taken over from the
scientist! Anything he chooses to sketch is accepted as reality and absurd conclusions
are drawn – literally – from non-existent evidence.

Outrageous claims. In our earlier paper on the great hoax known as Evolution,
we showed how bone fragments from pigs and primates were used to construct new
species of hominid. In their determination to disprove the Bible and postulate a
greatly inflated age for the earth, these 'scientists' were prepared to make the most
outrageous claims based on nothing but their imagination, their unbounded
arrogance, and their intense hatred of Christianity. In 1922, H F Osborn – a world
famous expert on fossils (see photo) – declared, on the basis of the tooth shown
above, that a new species of hominid had been discovered, dubbed 'Nebraska Man'.
An artist's impression of what this 'man' looked like was published widely in the press
One Deception to Rule Them All

in both America and Europe (see above). The fossil turned out to be the tooth of a
peccary, a type of pig (see photo) and an official retraction was published in 1927.
Osborn also described and named the 'dino’.

There was one major difficulty with this ingenious scam. If the world had been
populated for 165 million years by a staggering variety of exotic reptilian creatures,
then one would surely expect to find great numbers still in existence today. Since
there are obviously no dinosaurs anywhere on earth today, the Masonic tricksters
behind this hoax needed a plausible way to explain their disappearance. Accordingly, it
was claimed that the entire population of dinosaurs on earth – thousands of millions
of individuals – were suddenly wiped out in a major catastrophic event. The tricksters
also took advantage of the need to postulate such an event to reinforce the false idea
of 'outer space' – another important element in the great End Time deception. They
claimed that a huge asteroid collided with the earth about 65 million years ago and
caused such a sharp fall in atmospheric temperature that the unfortunate creatures,
being cold-blooded animals, were unable to survive. Only very small, warm-blooded
creatures – the early mammals – were able to endure the cold. Science Fiction A 'giant
asteroid' strikes the earth – another fictitious detail in the great Masonic hoax. Outer
space is a myth, giant asteroids do not exist, and dinosaurs were not 'wiped out' 65
million years ago.

As we noted in earlier papers, the Babylonian Elite who control this world like
their lies to interconnect. Good lies should sound plausible, and really good lies
should seem like scientific revelations packed with explanatory power. Just look at the
number and variety of lies that are exploited and reinforced in this fantastic scenario:
an incredibly ancient earth [lie], spinning in space [lie], is struck by a huge asteroid [lie]
that kills off all the dinosaurs on the 'planet' [lie] in a major extinction event [lie];
fortunately enough tiny mammalian creatures survived to evolve [lie] into the diversity
of animal life forms – including man [lie] – that we see today. High-school
propaganda This is presented as science in our schools and colleges but it is complete
nonsense. The earth is both flat and stationary; there is no such region as 'outer
space'; there are no asteroids; the earth is only a few thousand years old; dinosaurs
never existed; and mammals never evolved. In short, the earth and its history are
exactly as described in the Bible.
This counterfeit reality can be kept alive only by constant positive reinforcement,
just like the propaganda fed to the benighted population of a communist state. Every
One Deception to Rule Them All

kindergarten has a globe, a model dinosaur, and a picture of the 'solar system'.
Television programs are saturated with similar images, as are movies and comic
books. In addition, the world media give regular news reports and updates on
miscellaneous non-existent phenomena such as images from the Martian surface,
transmissions for a space probe as it travels past Neptune, or the electromagnetic
effects of the latest solar flare. We are constantly reading about newly discovered
planets, black holes, and water on the moon. The entire 'universe', it seems, is
bubbling with strange cosmic phenomena – and yet the only evidence we have for any
of this is what NASA tells us! The Myth Machine NASA stands with Hollywood and
Disneyland as one of the three greatest producers of Babylonian propaganda on earth.
However, while the public are dimly aware that both Hollywood and Disneyland are
working entirely in the realm of fantasy, they are convinced that NASA deals only
with scientific reality.

This means the lies it tells are unusually potent. Did you know that three men
dressed only in nylon pajamas travelled to the moon in an aluminum can in 1969? (Of
course, they did because NASA told us so.) And two of them got into another
aluminum can and descended onto the 'lunar surface'. (Of course, they did because
NASA told us so.) And they suffered no harm from cosmic rays, scorching heat or
freezing temperatures because their magic pajamas protected them. (Of course, they
did because NASA told us so.) It would come as a great shock to most people if they
knew that the moon is not a massive globe located 240,000 miles away, but a relatively
small disc about thirty miles or so in diameter and that it travels daily in a circular path
about 4000 miles directly above the earth.
How did the architects behind the cunning NASA deception know that they
would be able to fool the world for so long? Well, one reason was the success they
already had in getting mankind to believe, first, in a rotating spherical earth, then in a
prehistoric earth of great antiquity, and, later, in the existence of giant reptiles called
dinosaurs. They offered no tangible evidence for the first two lies, and just a few
pathetic museum exhibits to back up the last. They even got the world to believe that
two 'atomic bombs' had destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August
1945, when in reality these unfortunate cities were destroyed by intensive fire-
bombing, just like seventy other Japanese cities. The Original Dinosaur The word
'dinosaur' was derived from two Greek words meaning 'terrible' and 'reptile.' They
were given this name by their 'inventor', the English paleontologist, Sir Richard Owen

One Deception to Rule Them All

in 1842. Two other Englishmen, Gideon Mantell and William Buckland, had
previously, and independently, come across large fossilized bones which they had
been unable to associate with any known animal species. Mantell believed the earth
may have been inhabited at some time in the distant past by some unusually large
reptiles, but it was Owen who took the unwarranted step of asserting that this
hypothesis was a proven scientific fact. To his credit, Buckland understood that the
worldwide Flood described in Genesis would have caused a major dislocation and
redistribution of animal carcasses, making it difficult to draw any hard conclusions as
to which fossils belonged to which species. The iguana and the crocodile provided
Richard Owen with the basic prototype for his 'dinosaurs'.

As the 19th century progressed and British scholars pushed more and more for
explanations of natural phenomena that disproved the Bible, the Flood was forgotten
and unquantifiably long periods of time became the norm in geology, paleontology,
and astronomy. The great advantage with epochs spanning millions of years was the
scope they gave for postulating new theories without ever having to actually prove
anything. Whatever the experts agreed among themselves, no matter how absurd,
became the accepted scientific position. It also happened that most of the experts – a
cozy group of connected individuals – were Anglicans who had graduated from
Oxford and Cambridge.

Richard Owen, inventor of the dinosaur. Fossil Fraud Another problem, right
from the time fossil collecting became popular in England, was the temptation to
commit fraud. A good specimen could attract a high price on the open market. Basic
questions regarding provenance and authenticity were set aside in the race to discover
something new and make a name for oneself. For example, there was no way to
establish whether a specimen was genuine or if the fossil had been fabricated and
buried in a location where it was sure to be discovered by enthusiastic fossilists. Lyme
Regis in Dorset became famous across Europe as a source of major finds, though the
experts were at a loss to explain how, over millions of years, so many prime
specimens had managed to expire beside the same small village in southern England.
Even a brief inspection of the annals of fossil hunting and fossil 'reconstruction' will
reveal how easily it lent itself to fraud. The scientists always seemed to find what they
wanted to find. Fraudulent finds could be arranged quite easily and another dinosaur
species – another proof of evolution and an ancient earth – could be added to the
shelves of the Natural History Museum in London. Oddly enough, apart from

One Deception to Rule Them All

occasional finds by fossil hunters in France, Germany, and the United States, the
numbers recorded outside England were abysmally low. England had Mary Anning, a
simple woman who roamed the beaches of Lyme Regis and made spectacular finds
from time to time, but for some reason no other nation on earth had someone with
her very peculiar gift for lifting rocks and finding prehistoric monsters.

What exactly is a fossil? It is commonly thought that a fossil is a bone fragment

'preserved' in a casing of rock, but this is a misconception. A fossil is a bone-shaped
piece of rock whose contours have been defined, almost imperceptibly, by the shape
of the bone buried in the sediment from which the rock was formed (Fossils are
found only in sedimentary rock). There is no actual bone remaining; every one of its
cells has been calcified or mineralized by ground water over a long period of time.
Thus, there is no DNA in a fossil – despite the claims made by science fiction writers.
If that is the case, then how is it possible to distinguish the fossil from the rock? That
is a very good question.

Seemingly one needs a trained eye to detect where the rock ends and the fossil
begins. For some reason, the only people who have this skill are paleontologists. But
what about the well-delineated fossils that we see in some museum specimens? Those
which are genuine were formed in the Flood about 4,300 years ago when animal
carcasses were carried off in great quantities by torrential ocean currents and funneled
into large repositories of mud and bio-mass. Over time this material was compressed
under its own weight and the embalmed bone fragments were calcified. The same
cannot be said of dinosaurs. By definition they must have been entombed in a rock
formation for at least 65 million years and subjected over all that time to immense
compression. It would be impossible for any organic substance to retain its structural
integrity in these circumstances over such a long period of time. This means that all of
the large dinosaur fossils on display in museums today are fake.

Reasons Why Dinosaurs Are A Hoax:

In light of all this, we can conclude that dinosaurs are a hoax for the following

1. The group of scientists who claimed to have discovered them were almost all from
the same community – English Oxbridge Anglicans – who, through their avowed

One Deception to Rule Them All

Unitarianism and deism, were strongly biased in favor of any theory of the natural
world that disproved the Bible.

2. The fossils they claimed to have found should have been so plentiful and so widely
distributed that earlier civilizations should have discovered thousands of largely intact
specimens and recognized that they did not derive from existing fauna.

3. The existence of fossils necessitated a theory of evolution in order to explain the

emergence of today's animal species, notably the Mammalia class. However, since the
theory of evolution is itself a hoax, there is no way of explaining how today's animal
species came into existence.

4. The fossil record itself is proof that evolution does not occur since, if it did, the
record should be heavily populated with transitional forms, but these have not been
found. The fabricators could have made transitional fossils to supplement the 'final'
forms, but presumably the hoax was challenging enough without adding this further
layer of complexity.
5. Most dinosaur species are speculative reconstructions based on bone fragments
only. Fully intact dinosaur fossils are largely unknown. A contiguous assortment of
bones is often ascribed arbitrarily to the same animal.

6. Fraud was widespread at the time dinosaur fossils were first discovered and has
been a feature of this 'science' ever since. Many specimens have been accepted as
authentic, and continue to be treated as authentic, when virtually nothing is known
about their provenance and no scientifically convincing methodology has been used
to verify their origin.

7. The dating techniques that are used to determine the age of a fossil are phony. A
fossil is taken to be as old as the rock strata in which it is found, while the respective
rock strata in turn are dated by reference to the age of the fossils normally found
among them. This is circular reasoning.

8. Many of the dinosaur species that scientists claim to have existed, and on which
considerable research has been conducted, are physiologically impossible. When
dinosaurs were first proposed, in the 1840s, the science of animal physiology was in
its infancy. The fossil fabricators did not realize just how preposterous their creations
actually were. In their eagerness to come up with truly strange animals, they designed

One Deception to Rule Them All

a creature which simply could not have existed. Here is just a short list of the glaring
anatomical anomalies which prove that dinosaurs are works of fiction:

- Many are so oddly shaped, with most of their body weight distributed at the upper
end, that they could not have maintained their balance while in motion.

- Many were so large that their bones and ligaments would have been unable to
support their weight.

- Many would have needed enormously large hearts to pump the blood needed to
supply their huge volume of tissue with oxygen. Relative to its overall size, no land-
dwelling species today has a heart of that magnitude.

- Creatures of such enormous size would have needed a very efficient mechanism for
losing excess heat, such as large flaps or cooling appendages. Most of the dinosaur
species proposed by Paleontologists lack such a mechanism.

- Many species were so large that the cranial capacity needed to ensure efficient
locomotion, especially under stress, was greater than the capacity of their fossilized
- Most of the dinosaur species proposed by paleontologists are supposed to be
herbivores, subsisting entirely on vegetable matter, but the reptilian physiology of
these alleged species conflicts with this assumption. Very few reptile species today are
herbivores. The notable exceptions are iguanas and tortoises. All the rest – crocodiles,
alligators, Caymans, monitors, geckos, and hundreds of species of lizard and snake –
live on a diet of small ruminants, birds, fish, rodents, insects, eggs, and worms.
9. The vast majority of dinosaur exhibits in museums today are official replicas. The
fossils themselves are too valuable to leave on public display, their curators claim, so
professional fabrication companies are employed to make exact copies. This peculiar
practice enables museums to avoid close inspection of the 'original' fossils by experts
with the necessary forensic skills to expose the fraud. Many of the early fossil
specimens would have been fairly amateurish by modern standards, probably
consisting of materials – such as bone fiber, resin, cement and plaster – whose
constituents could be analyzed by a spectrometer or equivalent devices. These early
fossils are now "in storage" for safe keeping and may be accessed only by qualified
personnel. A Diplodocus at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburg,
'discovered' in 1899 and on display since 1907. The skeleton was 60 per cent intact
One Deception to Rule Them All

when it was 'found'. This exotic creature was invented at a time when such an
incredibly long neck was thought to be possible, both in terms of its physiology and in
terms of its impact on the animal's balance. For these reasons alone, we know that
Diplodocus never existed. It was fabricated by Carnegie's agents and buried in an
obscure location where it just happened to be found.

10. If fossilization is a naturally occurring, universal process – without which the fossil
record could not have accumulated – then one would have expected a far greater
variety of animals to feature in the record. The early fossil fabricators did not pay
enough attention to this question and allowed a fossil archive to become established
which, inexplicably, excluded birds. The only way around this problem, once the
anomaly was recognized, was to insist that birds 'evolved' after the dinosaurs had
disappeared. But what did they evolve from? The fabricators were now in a tight spot
and felt obliged to suggest that birds evolved from the last of the dinosaurs – just
before the alleged worldwide extinction event 65 million years ago. This explanation
was an embarrassment for all concerned, so efforts were made to discover a
transitional fossil, one which exhibited features common to both dinosaurs and birds.

Eventually a fossil, the so-called Archaeoraptor, was discovered in northeastern

China that expressed perfectly the cross-over characteristics they were looking for –
having the bone structure of a primitive bird but the teeth and tail of a small terrestrial
dinosaur. National Geographic announced their discovery with great satisfaction in
November 1999, but hard questions were asked in this instance and, within months,
the hoax was uncovered. Analysis of X-rays of the specimen revealed that it was made
up of three layers pasted together to produce a work of great commercial value.
National Geographic was forced to apologize. The Archaeoraptor fossil which The
National Geographic claimed in 1999 was conclusive evidence that birds 'evolved'
from dinosaurs. The fossil was later shown to be a hoax.
11. Geological ages play a key role in this elaborate hoax. Evolution needs staggering
amounts of time to produce by purely random means the biological adaptations that
enhance the ability of a species to survive. In order to lend credence to this
hypothesis, geologists claim to be able to discern the imprint of vast eons of time in
the earth's crust. Rock strata possessing certain structural and chemical characteristics
are assigned an "age" based on the fossils found among them. Similar rock strata in
other parts of the world are then deemed to have been laid down during the same
geological epoch. These "epochs" and their quaint subdivisions are then given elegant
One Deception to Rule Them All

or impressive names to make them seem a little more credible – Precambrian,

Quaternary, Pleistocene, Jurassic, Permian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and so
forth. But they are all imaginary.

12. The dinosaur hoax was carried out by the same clique – British Luciferians,
Freemasons, unitarians and deists, all of whom hate Christianity and are determined
to destroy it – that also devised a host of other lies to discredit the Book of Genesis.
They claim that the earth is a spinning globe, when in reality it is both flat and
stationary; that the earth is billions of years old, when it is only a few thousand years
old; that the 'universe' began with a 'big bang', where nothing became something, and
this something then expanded and cooled to produce everything; that all life 'evolved'
from lifeless chemical constituents; and that the earth is located in a 'solar system' at
the periphery of a vast, dark, meaningless 'cosmos'. More Science Fiction A so-called
'black hole' sucks in the light around it because its gravitational pull is so strong. This
is the kind of hypothetical nonsense that masquerades as 'science' today.

They also teach that, in terms of magnitude, the sun is 333,333 times larger than
the Earth (an amazing Masonic coincidence) and 93 million miles away, when in
reality it is moving along a circular path a few thousand miles above the earth and is
less than forty miles in diameter; that explosive thermonuclear devices exist, when in
reality the sub-atomic chain reaction needed to produce nuclear fission is simply
impossible and the threat of nuclear war is nothing but a hoax to engender mass fear
and feed geopolitical tensions; and they exploit the chicanery of Relativity Theory to
concoct all kinds of absurd cosmic phenomena, such as black holes and white
dwarves, when no such phenomena exist. To this we can add the entire gamut of
related technological marvels such as space travel, moon landings, and satellites
orbiting the earth, all of which are fraudulent. They are also world leaders in
perpetuating the myth of manmade global warming and in implementing the wicked
transgender agenda. In this context it is easy to see why dinosaurs – and the fantastic
world in which they were supposed to exist – are a fabrication. They were invented to
convince mankind that the Biblical model of the earth is false and that we live on a
spheroidal satellite of the sun which is spinning on its 'axis' and travelling through
space at 18.5 miles a second (or 66,666 miles an hour – another Masonic coincidence).
[By the way, the earth supposedly tilts on its 'axis' at an angle of 23.4 degrees or, if
measured against the plane of the earth's path, 66.6 degrees!] This is Satan's alternative
reality, where the earth is portrayed as a miserable speck at the edge of the 'universe'

One Deception to Rule Them All

and man is nothing more than an insignificant chemical accident in the dark, freezing
depths of space. Illuminati insider, Henry Fairfield Osborn, was the son of a
prominent railroad tycoon. He 'invented' both the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the
Velociraptor (see above). Both featured in dramatic scenes in Spielberg's movie
Jurassic Park (1993). Neither of these creatures ever existed: they are all part of the
great deception.
Satan's model requires mankind to believe in a 'universe' that doesn't actually
exist, a cosmic emptiness millions of light-years across and billions of years old. It is
by any reckoning a twisted, macabre conception, designed to demoralize humanity
and provide a plausible cosmic theatre from which super-intelligent alien visitors will
one day emerge. The Reformation and its aftermath It is surprising how many of the
decisions that shaped the entire political and financial structure of the world were
made in Britain or with her close participation. She cooperated closely with the United
States in the reorganization of Europe after two world wars and the carve-up of the
Ottoman Empire. It is also surprising how many of the decisions and 'discoveries' that
affect our perception of the world, in scientific terms, also originated in Britain. She
can also take credit for a long string of technological innovations, plus the worldwide
transformation achieved through the industrial revolution. Britain has also been a
world leader and trendsetter in literature, music and popular culture, and a major
influence on the formation of the legal and administrative institutions in many other
countries, including the United States. However, Britain has also been the principal
source or a major player in the dinosaur hoax, the nuclear bomb hoax, the evolution
hoax, the ancient earth hoax, the satellite and space travel hoax, the global warming
hoax, the central banking scam, and the ongoing suppression of any information that
would show that the world is both flat and stationary.
A key part of this suppression is an international treaty forbidding any nation
from approaching the Antarctic (including the non-existent South Pole) without first
securing UN approval. The earth as it is in reality. 16 In light of this, we need to
understand why Britain has played such a central role in both shaping and deceiving
the modern world For nearly a thousand years, between 500 and 1500 AD, the
servants of Rome completely suppressed the Bible in most parts of Europe. Absolute
political power was concentrated in the hands of a small group of Luciferian families.
Subject to certain limits, they could exploit, imprison, torture and execute whomever
they chose. By the year 1500 these families were developing the technology that

One Deception to Rule Them All

would enable them to extend their political influence to all parts of the world,
including India and China. Within two or three centuries they could have expected to
exercise centralized control over the entire earth. But in 1517 disaster struck. The
Reformation began and the Bible was suddenly accessible on a scale never previously
known. We rightly give credit to Luther, Calvin, Huss, Zwingli, Knox, Tyndale and
many other courageous individuals for the extraordinary work they did in opposing
Rome and her false religious system. Nevertheless, the real power of the Reformation
derived from one simple fact – the Word of God was now available to the common
man. The fruit of this was abundantly evident in the sacrifice of the martyrs.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians across Europe stood firm against the sword of
Rome. The liberties we enjoy today were won at a terrible price, the blood of these
faithful believers. (Sadly, the professing church today shows little appreciation for all
that these wonderful men and women achieved on our behalf.) The martyrdom of
Antipas in Pergamum.
In the wake of the Reformation, Satan needed a way to re-establish his hold over
mankind. He began with the foundation of the Jesuit Order, which was granted Papal
recognition in 1540. The Jesuits' ultimate goal was the destruction of Biblical
Christianity and the creation of a New World Order, a centralized system of political
control over all nations. By the start of the 20th century, most of the churches
established on foot of the Reformation had been fatally infiltrated by their agents.
They also succeeded in introducing a number of skeptical philosophies and schools of
thought across Europe and America which greatly weakened public confidence in the
completeness, accuracy and sufficiency of the Bible. 17 Satan's Headquarters We
rightly regard Rome as the main center on earth of pagan duplicity and intrigue, but
the complete picture has some additional detail that we need to consider. Jesus told us
in the Book of Revelation, around 95 A.D., that Satan had established his throne in
Pergamos: "I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is:
and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days
wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan
dwelleth." – Revelation 2:13 Our Lord is telling us that Satan has a base on earth from
which he operates. It is important that we understand this! The "faithful martyr"
Antipas, to whom Jesus referred, is believed to have been burned alive inside a brazen
bull by an angry mob. The bull represented the Egyptian god Apis. Satan's base or
headquarters was initially in Babylon, but it was later relocated to Pergamos (modern
Bergama) in western Turkey, close to the locus of two major empires, the Roman and

One Deception to Rule Them All

the Greek. When the gospel began to spread across the ancient world, the ruling
Luciferian families in Europe selected Rome as their main center for controlling and
disseminating the false version of Christianity known as the Roman Catholic faith.

In doing so they transferred to the Pope the pagan title of Pontifex Maximus,
which implied that he was the official head of all religions on earth. The Pope is still
known today as the Pontifex Maximus, a clear indication that the False Prophet of the
Book of Revelation will hold the same office (The word Pontiff derives from the
Latin word Pontifex, meaning bridge). Rome had become, and remains to this day,
Satan's main base of operations on earth. The Reformation, however, caused immense
disruption across Europe and made it necessary for the elite Luciferian families to
establish a second base of operations, a 'Protestant' counterpart to 'Catholic' Rome.
That base was London. 18 This move seems to have been brought about through a
careful transfer of power and wealth via Venice, Vienna, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.
The final step is known today as the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688, when William III
– of the House of Orange – landed at the English port of Brixham, marched on
London, and was installed as the new monarch by an influential group of politicians
and businessmen. Technically it was an 'invasion' but the entire operation was so
skillfully managed that the associated military conflicts took place in Ireland and not
in Britain, notably the Battle of the Boyne of 1690. In our previous study, Babylonian
London, Nimrod, and the Secret War Against God, we outlined the way London was
redesigned after the Great Fire of 1666 to honor, through its monuments and
architecture, the gods of Babylon.
From an esoteric perspective, the city is a temple from which the power of
Lucifer is projected to the four corners of the world. Not long after William was
installed the English introduced a nationwide network of occult lodges known as
Freemasonry to promote the Babylonian religion. This network also served as a secret
system of surveillance and control. Anyone of standing in the community was
expected to join and take a binding oath to obey the 'worshipful master'. Since the
head of the lodge, the so-called worshipful master, was in turn bound by an oath to a
more senior member of the Masonic hierarchy, the oath taken by a new member
locked him into a lifelong covenant with Lucifer, the 'capstone' on the pyramid of
power. Reconstruction of the Pergamum Altar in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin,
using material excavated from the actual site. The Babylonian cult of Freemasonry
was used to infiltrate and direct the Anglican church in England, Scotland and Ireland.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The British also used it to secretly control the colonies and other satellite states. This
explains why Freemasons continue to dominate the main institutions of power in the
United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and countless other countries across
the world. 19 The other major mechanism of control that the English introduced was
central banking. The Bank of England was founded in 1694, very soon after William
III 'conquered' Britain. As a privately owned institution, it allowed a small group of
senior financiers to wield considerable power and influence from behind closed doors,
free from public scrutiny, and to concentrate the main wealth-generating enterprises
in the hands of insiders.

This has since been extended to virtually every country in the world and has
enabled a small clique of insiders, working in concert, to completely dominate
international finance and, through that, the world political system. The same clique
that controls Britain also controls the US and most other countries. They are not
necessarily 'British' but comprise representatives from a network of closely connected
generational Luciferian families that has wielded immense power on the world stage
since the days of Pergamos. In so far as it has a center of operations, a place from
which its worldwide reach is coordinated and financed, that center is London. Exhibit
at the Creation Museum, Kentucky. How can a Christian institution put these fictional
creatures on display and still claim it is teaching the truth of God's Word? The
Dinosaur Hoax In the context of all this, the dinosaur hoax may seem more like a
malicious prank carried out by a group of schoolboys than a vital component in a
worldwide program of deception. Why fabricate, bury, and then 'find' the fossilized
remains of creatures that never existed? And, having 'found' them, why put them on
display at great expense in scientific institutions across the world? These questions are
easily answered if one understands the bigger picture, but they are sure to confound
anyone who continues to think of paleontology as little more than an arcane discipline
dedicated to collecting and classifying 'cold hard facts' long buried in the earth. Satan
is one of the most powerful and most gifted beings ever created, but he is locked in a
titanic struggle for his own survival. So too are the millions of fallen angels who serve
him. He will use every form of deception and every trick he can think of to lure
mankind further from God's Holy Word. 20 Toward this end he has conjured up an
alternative reality for mankind, a remarkably cunning piece of fiction that conflicts in
countless ways with Biblical truth. He has lured the masses into believing his phony
'scientific' reality and rejecting the account given in Scripture – which tells us how the
world actually is. So many elements have been added to this false reality, reinforced

One Deception to Rule Them All

endlessly through television and movies, that few today seem able or willing to
question it. But Christians who believe in God's Word ought to question it! They
should take to heart the great warning that Jesus gave to every believer in his Olivet
discourse when he spoke of the End Time – "Take heed that no man deceive you."
(Matthew 24:4) Some would argue that Jesus was referring to impostors who will pose
as Christ – and, broadly speaking, they are right. But impostors, like all deceivers, need
a way to carry out their deception.

The further a person is removed from Biblical truth – which describes the world
as it actually is – and believes instead in Satan's false reality, the more susceptible he is
to further deception. The agents of Satan know that their chances of success are far
greater, by many orders of magnitude, if mankind has already been tricked into
believing in remote earth-like planets populated by highly evolved life-forms, that life
on earth was 'seeded' by super-intelligent beings from a distant galaxy or a higher
dimension, and that science, technology, and creative imagination are the key to
salvation. Unassuming centers of deception One of the first great centers of deception
was the Natural History Museum in Kensington, London, which opened in 1881. Its
founder was Richard Owen, who invented the myth of the dinosaur. As a reward he
was made a Knight of the Order of the Bath – one of the highest and most
distinguished orders of British chivalry. Diplodocus at the Natural History Museum in
London The so-called Diplodocus in the entrance hall has impressed millions of
visitors since it was first installed in 1905. I remember well my own excitement when I
went to see it in 1978. I remember also my great disappointment when I failed to find
even one shred of evidence that would convince me it was genuine. 21 Even then I
was troubled by the lack of scientific authenticity surrounding the whole study of
dinosaurs and fossils. The version at the Museum is a replica of one supposedly
discovered in Wyoming, which was 'reconstructed' by 'experts' at the Carnegie
Museum in Pittsburg in 1898. The funding for this expensive exercise was provided
by the Scottish multi-millionaire, Andrew Carnegie – one of the Illuminati kingpins of
that era. The replica in London was not the only one shipped from Pittsburg. In all
ten were delivered to museums around the world, including Paris, Berlin, Vienna and
Moscow. In other words, not one of these museums stocked a 'genuine' fossilized
Diplodocus, but only a copy of one 'reconstructed' by 'experts.' The new exhibits were
widely publicized in newspapers across Europe, thereby reinforcing in the popular
imagination the idea that dinosaurs were real. Thousands of visitors sojourned
annually to see the huge exotic creature which had allegedly been preserved in the

One Deception to Rule Them All

earth for 140 million years! It is doubtful whether any of them realized that the whole
thing was a hoax. Dinosaur Fabrication Most dinosaur fossils have been found by just
a handful of professionals, nearly all in a few select locations around the world, such
as Argentina and Utah. When a promising rock fragment is found, often weighing
several tons, it is shipped back to a specialist museum where a team of experts chisel
away at it for months until a fossil finally emerges.
The resulting fossil is usually indistinguishable from the rock in which it was
encased. The so-called fossil may comprise no more than a single bone, but from such
trivial 'evidence' a complete dinosaur is constructed. Indeed, from time to time, an
entirely new species is unveiled to the world. Such is the 'science' of paleontology!
Dinosaur factory in Zigong City, Sichuan, China 22 The 'fossilized dinosaur skeletons'
on pages 23 and 24 below were all fabricated by the same factory in Sichuan. These,
and more like them, are shipped to museums and exhibition centers all over the
world. As far as the public is concerned they are real. Even if we are told that the
exhibit is a 'replica' we are asked to believe it is a replica of something that is genuine.
But it isn't. Compare them with the four exhibits on show in museums in America
and Europe shown on page 25. Given that the Sichuan 'replicas' are destined for
museums around the world, we can assume the four shown on page 25 were also
made in China. Scientific Fraud Most schoolchildren are conditioned to believe that,
while science may be dull and repetitive, it always deals with actual data and that its
findings are truthful. Alas, this is far from being the case. The temptation to compile
imaginary data to support a particular theory can be too strong for many 'objective'
scientists. Whistleblowers have revealed that the pharmaceutical industry routinely
modifies trial results to secure official approval for a new drug. In such instances, the
motivation is profit, but other factors, political or professional, may also provide an

Following a scientific symposium in 2015, Dr Richard Horton, then editor-in-

chief of the Lancet, the prestigious medical journal, made the following observation in
a startling editorial piece: "A lot of what is published is incorrect." I’m not allowed to
say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules.
We were also asked not to take photographs of slides…Why the paranoid concern for
secrecy and non-attribution? Because this symposium – on the reproducibility and
reliability of biomedical research... – touched on one of the most sensitive issues in
science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our

One Deception to Rule Them All

greatest human creations. The case against science is straightforward: much of the
scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small
sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of
interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious
importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it,
"poor methods get results".
The apparent endemicity of bad research behavior is alarming. In their quest for
telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory
of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data... And individual scientists,
including their most senior leaders, do little to alter a research culture that occasionally
veers close to misconduct. 23 24 ****** 25 Location of exhibits on this page (top to
bottom): Natural History Museum, New York City Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Harvard University Journey Museum, Rapid City, South Dakota Museum of Natural
Sciences, Brussels 26 He is saying that something has gone 'fundamentally wrong'
with scientific research; that as much as half of the papers purporting to be scientific
are actually bogus; and that science itself has taken 'a turn toward darkness.' These are
certainly strong words from someone who has a close familiarity with the inner
workings of the scientific establishment. When a person of Dr Horton's standing
makes such a chilling declaration in a major scientific journal, we can be sure the
malaise afflicts many other branches of science and not just medicine. Dr Horton is
not alone. Dr Marcia Angell, long-time editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of
Medicine, another prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal, made a similar claim: It
is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published,
or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I
take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my
two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. In light of these
startling admissions, it is easier to understand why certain branches of science were
hijacked long ago for political purposes. Evolution is one of these. So too are
paleontology and astronomy. Foucault's Pendulum The French scientist, Léon
Foucault (1819-1868), was responsible for two classic examples of scientific
experiments, both fraudulent, that were intended to have a direct bearing on how we
perceive the world around us.

The first was his famous pendulum, 220ft long, which swung beneath the central
dome of the Panthéon in Paris. Huge crowds came to watch as the sphere traced out

One Deception to Rule Them All

a complete circle in the course of the day, allegedly because the earth was rotating
beneath it. Of course as proof of the earth's rotation it was completely bogus since,
even if the earth did rotate, the pendulum would trace out a circle at the north and
south poles only. Foucault had obviously installed a mechanism in the pivot, out of
public view, which caused the pendulum to make a circle every twenty-four hours. 27
Foucault's Pendulum, as it was known, was installed in many other cities across
Europe and attracted a great deal of public attention. It was a clever way of
convincing the masses that, contrary to the cosmology of the Bible, the earth was a
rotating sphere. Foucault was made a member of the Royal Society in London, a great
distinction for a Frenchman.

This may have been a reward for his pendulum hoax. He was also responsible for
another, less well known, hoax. It too was intended to prove that the earth is a
rotating sphere. While conducting experiments with a gyroscope – see graphic below
– he found a way to keep the rotor spinning for several hours without interfering with
its operation. This unusual device displays what scientists call 'rigidity of space'. This
means that, once it is set in motion, with the central wheel or rotor spinning at high
speed, it will continue to maintain exactly same attitude or orientation in absolute
space even when the device as a whole is carried about the room. Foucault claimed
that, if the frame of the gyroscope was fixed in the same location, the spinning rotor
would turn very slowly over a period of several hours in response to the rotation of
the earth, thereby maintaining the same attitude in relation to absolute space. He even
claimed to have proven this experimentally. This would certainly be a strong proof
that the earth was rotating – were the gyroscope actually doing what Foucault had
claimed. But it wasn't.
A few skeptical scientists tried to duplicate his results and found that the
gyroscope did not turn in response to the supposed rotation of the earth. Foucault
had been lying. So, while Foucault in France was concocting clever ways to deceive
the public into believing that the earth was a rotating sphere, Richard Owen in
England was preparing museum exhibits that would convince the public that the earth
was millions of years old. A few cunning individuals, with the necessary funding and
institutional backing, can deceive an awful lot of people. 28 CO8CLUSIO8 In the
same way that a stage magician employs illusion and misdirection to deceive his
audience, the agents of Satan have for centuries been implementing on the world
stage a set of cleverly interconnected lies to mislead and deceive mankind. The world

One Deception to Rule Them All

is run by a small group of highly intelligent, extremely wealthy individuals who are
more devious and deceitful than would seem humanly possible. They work closely
with their infernal master in the supernatural realm to implement his schemes and
draw mankind completely under his spell. Christians must start thinking far more
seriously about the world they live in.

Do they see it as God described it in His Word, or do they see it through the
distorting lens that Satan is using to lead humanity astray and open a path for the
Antichrist? They seem to have forgotten that the "children of wickedness" are as busy
today as they were in ancient times, that they hate the righteous, that they take
pleasure in deception, that they devise dark schemes behind closed doors, and that
they worship a 'god' who loathes the LORD God of the Bible. Christians need to
reflect deeply and prayerfully on the words of Jesus: "Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44) Take note! Their
spiritual father is both a liar and a murderer. As his principal agents, they are
consummate liars and masters of deception. And as murderers they routinely use their
immense powers of persuasion – yet more lies – to control nations, foment strife,
start wars, and kill millions of innocent people. It is this sinister clique, "the children
of wickedness" (1 Chronicles 17:9), who invented the great lies – dinosaurs, evolution,
outer space, moon landings, a spherical earth, and all the rest – that are leading the
nations ever closer to destruction:

"For there is no faithfulness in their mouth;

their inward part is very wickedness;
their throat is an open sepulcher;
they flatter with their tongue."
(Psalm 5:9)
-- by Jeremy James

One Deception to Rule Them All

Reasons for the Dinosaur Hoax

To enumerate, there are at least TWO really good reasons for the Freemasons
to fabricate The Dinosaur Deception:

1.) To make The Creator seem powerless to save his Creation, Mankind, in the face
of whatever type Extinction Level Event supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs.
Such a constant extinction level threat would indicate Man’s tenuous
insignificance, a mere creature like The Dinosaur, who could easily be wiped away
by the Impersonal, Chaotic, and Mechanistic God of The Epistemological
Masonic Cartel: The Cold Impersonal, Heartless, Lethal, Pantheistic

2.) Often Scientism Priests claim that a massive asteroid that hit The Earth some
astronomically distant time in the past and wiped out everything. This is a clever
ruse to make the Earth appear older than it really is, which serves to give more
credibility their unproven Theory of Evolution.

Dinosaurs are a Hoax!!!

To this day, no one has ever excavated a complete dinosaur skeleton. Hence,
the various species of dinosaurs are all artists imaginations. Before the 1800’s
nobody had ever heard of a “dinosaur”, nor had anyone throughout the ages
discovered a single “dinosaur fossil.” This includes every single culture from
around world, from native Americans to Ancient Egyptians. The prehistoric
monsters seen in museum exhibits are plaster casts. “Real” dinosaur bones are
only allowed to be seen by a special group of government appointed
Paleontologists. The whole dinosaur industry is propaganda created as a way to
validate Darwin’s false theory of evolution.

The Big Stick Myth: Nuclear Hoax

Making up the H-Bomb:
What the Myth Was for and What They did

“I'm taking the liberty of reposting a comment made by FirstClassSkeptic. If we

assume A-bombs never worked, why go on to invent H-Bombs too? Well....

One Deception to Rule Them All

It had occurred to me that perhaps Groves and the others realized that they had gone
too far in promoting their imaginary atomic bomb as a wonderful weapon. The
general public began thinking up a lot of good uses for it.

During Vietnam, people said, "Why don't they just drop the bomb on them?" And
even during the Iraq invasion, people said, “Why don't they just nuke them?" It may
have surprised the Manhattan group that White Christians didn't have any
reservations about obliterating non-white, non-Christians. And why be afraid of a
weapon that only you possessed?
Realizing that the public might start demanding the use of the atomic bomb, which of
course couldn't be realized because it didn't exist, they had to think up reasons not to
use the bomb. So I can imagine a four prong method:
1) Promote this radiation stuff, that drifted with the wind, so that an atomic
war could never be localized, but affected everyone around earth.

2) Promote the 'brotherhood of man' in all the Christian churches, so that

white Christians would have some reservations about bombing someone
halfway around the world. (I don't think this has worked so well, really.)

3) 'Leak' the plans for the imaginary weapon to the USSR and other places.
Develop Mutually Assured Destruction. So, the weapon isn't yours alone
4) Juice the weapons up to such a size, and say there are so many of them, and
talk about how many times over the earth could be destroyed.
Thus, making nuclear war 'unthinkable'.

Very ingenious point, worth repeating. At the time, late 50s/ early 60s, Bertrand
Russell was saying something like '... modern science has made it inevitable that all
must live or all must die.' This seems an odd claim, since hardly any countries were
supposed to have the things. But if there's huge destruction and radiation, and
moreover if shelters are stated to be more or less impractical, then neighbors and
other countries get harmed, too. Also it made it necessary to have leaks to the
'Russians', i.e. Jews controlling the Soviet Union, which of course is the sort of thing
Jews do habitually on auto-pilot. It also made it necessary to oppose Senator Joseph
McCarthy and generally agitate in favor of supposed spies - if the issue really had been

One Deception to Rule Them All

that serious, it's hard to imagine anyone being lax about it. (Similar thing with AIDS
of course).

Russell (apologies to Americans - I'm a sort of fan of his, but I think his impact
in the USA was less than here) is now known to have been fed information from
British official sources, and it's hard to know how much of it was Russell giving his
own views, and Russell trimming to e.g. suit his view of world government. The info
to him must have been rather secret - Denis Healey says in his autobiography that he
visited Russell to quiz him on nuclear issues, but wasn't impressed, suggesting various
branches were doing their own things.

Just like many childhood fantasies promoted by the state, I used to believe in the
atomic bomb. Then I grew up. I realized that every official pronouncement of the
state must be held as being highly suspicious. Here are some reasons why I question
the very existence of nuclear bombs. Supporting evidence for points below will be
covered later.

Trinity film documentation shows the building of a tower like the supposed
nuclear bomb tower but with TNT. Building of the TNT tower was purportedly for
comparing a nuclear blast to a conventional explosion. This is claimed to be the
largest ever conventional blast. Considering that many of the Manhattan project
scientists doubted that nuclear bomb technology could work at all, the rush to
produce a highly theoretical technology could have easily been faked, with the army
passing off the TNT detonation as the nuclear one. If the nuclear bomb technology
were impossible, it is entirely plausible for such a B scenario to exist. At least one of
the highest scientists was excluded from examining the Trinity blast--a blast which
was conducted at night, with observers not needing to know the actual distance, and
which had characteristics they could not verify as being different from a huge
conventional blast.

The Geopolitical Claims and Implications of Nuclear Weapons are Myths.

Critical examinations of the technical specifications and technical hurdles makes

the production of nuclear bombs unlikely. The technical hurdles are made
exponentially more difficult as a result of proposed miniaturization of nukes even to
the size of grapefruit.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The over-the-top claims of an artificial element that can have all the amazing and
improbable properties of plutonium making it excellent for producing complicated
bombs is consistent of the creation of an elaborate fiction.

The apocalyptic nature of the exaggerated claims of nuclear weapons and the
threat of creating a nuclear winter calls into serious question the very existence of
nuclear weapons. This is evidence that the nuclear narratives are more characteristic
of Psyops rather than of reality.

The improbable properties of plutonium for the production of nuclear bombs

also calls into question its purported use in nuclear powered space probes. Where is
all the lead shielding that would be required to protect workers and components of
these space probes, which incidentally would also make it too heavy to launch?
The Claim that The Soviet Union and The United States Were Avowed Enemies
During the Cold War is a Myth.

No credible evidence exists that there has ever been such a device as an
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile of Soviet origin. No credible evidence exists that the
Soviets had any quantity of nuclear weapons as claimed by the US government.

No unedited film footage exists of an American ICBM being launched on one

continent and arriving on another continent.

The Intense Race for the Bomb Has Intense Political Motives for Forgery.
The dimensions and weights of the bombs are not consistent with photos
showing bombs being suspended or transported without expected heavy duty

Film footage of the supposed nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are
edited and cannot be verified by chain of custody or chain of events

The many of the proposed human effects of these nuclear bombings have not
been independently verified but have been under strict military control.

The purported nuclear bomb areas were under very strict control by US military
so that independent scientific verification of nuclear phenomena have not been made.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Museum artifacts at the Hiroshima museum contain features easily forged with
claims not independently verified.

Photographs of Hiroshima match the characteristics of conventional firebombing

when compared to cities like Tokyo. Hiroshima lacks any characteristics that would be
unique to a claimed nuclear bombing.

Movie footage of purported nuclear bomb detonations commonly show visual

affects consistent with special effects and overlay of different exposures. Movies are
often Hollywood-style with frequent splicing of unrelated footage put together as one
event. A: for instance, ubiquitous cuts between explosions, audience reactions, and
instrumentation. This with the raw archival footage???
The extreme fear-mongering during the Cold War is itself suspect. It took a sharp
turn from the constant paranoia of mutually assured destruction, to paranoia after the
Cold War that Soviet scientists were selling nuclear bomb components to terrorists,
yet this never led to any of these feared nuclear attacks. The lack of any nuclear
detonations at the hands of enemy nations or terrorists (even accidentally) supports
the notion that nukes do not exist.

Claims of extreme danger of the materials associated with making nuclear

weapons and the maintenance of nuclear power plants has been brought into question
by a nuclear expert who would swim in pools of water used in nuclear power plants
without any ill effect.
Color footage of supposed nuclear test detonations are also inconsistent with the
temperatures purported to be involved. With temperatures identical to that of the sun,
we shouldn't be seeing dirty orange fire and black smoke, which is more characteristic
of things like TNT or napalm. The idea that mushroom clouds are unique to nuclear
blasts is also a complete myth. In fact, you can create a mushroom cloud explosion in
your backyard with common materials.

I like these controversial topics and I hope many of these ideas are discussed on
this immutable blockchain history. Psyops are just an extension of propaganda so it's
important to question everything, however uncomfortable it may be. Although my
energy is focused elsewhere, I think this blockchain would be a great place to discuss
and write about any and all the controversial ideas that are out there. It would make

One Deception to Rule Them All

for good late-night reading. That's what a censorship resistant blockchain and free
speech is all about isn't it?

Jesse Ventura once said: "Popular speech doesn't need protection, its unpopular
speech that needs protection."

I agree with his sentiments. Thanks so much for your input. I would like
everyone to consider what the nuclear hoax implies. Really, this would be the mother
of all state hoaxes of the twentieth century. Consider that the nuclear bomb was
impossible to make. The science was not there. The theories were incorrect. The
genius of geniuses were fabrications. Not even a thousand million dollars could
produce the impossible--a weapon of apocalyptic proportions that produces the heat
of 10,000 suns! Give me a break! The bomb never made anyone surrender. It never
won a war. It did not deter wars. It did not stop communism.
The communist never has a nuclear threat. The cold war was a fantasy. The
military industrial complex which was sustained to counter the Soviet nuclear threat
was a big lie. The massive secret infrastructure to counter the Soviet nuclear threat
was a big lie. The space race based on superior technology is in question as well.
Excuse me, but the whole rationale for building the massive state super complex after
WWII is a complete fraud. And all the nuclear paranoia promoted by the state is
downright evil. Even now the rhetoric that states blurt out on mass media about this
or that power trying to obtain nuclear weapons is a complete charade. I sleep better. I
feel relieved. There is no doomsday weapon. There never has been. We've been had.
Now we can really start to live and be free.

Nuclear Hoax notes below. Hiroshima was fire bombed, There NEVER was an
Atomic Bomb. It's all a hoax, that cost US taxpayers $ 20-40 billion annual for the
charade: upgrading the fake Nukes, silos, storage, manufacturing, distribution, all

Why do governments surround us with lies? - to retain their power.

Truth disposes dictators!

Bank of Japan building at Rijo Dori street, Kamiya-cho, Naka ku, Hiroshima,
2013, was built 1936 and located almost below the alleged atomic bomb explosion
1945. It survived the bombing without serious damages, a clear evidence that no
atomic bomb was used - only napalm carpet bombing.
One Deception to Rule Them All

Our world view effects what we can see & consider.

You can review and confirm this. WE have to know and act in truth.

If we avoid establishing truth, then the world's rich bankers / media /

government will continue to destroy our world, our freedom, our reality.

On the "A-bomb" on Hiroshima, the evidence, is that it was just firebombed like
Was there any radiation after the bombing? The Street Cars of Hiroshima were
up and running 3 days after the bombing.

The area was photographed by people walking around on foot (no radiation?).
Wood buildings were destroyed, but the masonry buildings remained.

Jakob Thorin (his last name is not pronounced like you might think) comes on
to talk about an odd duck who raged all over the JREF board about the impossibility
of building a nuclear (fission and fusion) bomb. Just can't happen. Didn't work in
1945. Won't work today. It's just a money grab, folks. Atomic bombs do not work!
Nuclear bomb won’t work folks!

Summary: Atomic bombs do not work. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not
destroyed by atomic bombs in 1945. The Japanese towns with their simple
wood/paper houses were destroyed by napalm carpet bombings. The atomic bombs
were just US propaganda of false information to impress the Soviet Union. But Stalin
wasn't fooled. He invented/ faked his own atomic bomb 1949. The 69 years old hoax
from 6 August 1945 is still working kept going strong by physicists that cannot get
any better jobs than lying for their governments - the only real job many physicists
can get (apart from being a school teacher). Iran is trying for 30 years to fake their
Islamic atomic bomb that Stalin did in four years. The International Atomic Energy
Agency, IAEA, and its boss Yukiya Amano are part of the hoax. Just ask them about

The following documentary explores the truth about nuclear energy and the
surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax. Many of the nuclear
explosion videos we have all seen and presumed real are shown to be complete fakes
using model trees, houses and cars exploding on a set.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not the result of one large
explosion as advertised, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable
to Tokyo's fire-bombed remains. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced
anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear
scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and
the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately! Some nuclear physicists
even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities
of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary chain reaction.
Top nuclear physicist Galen Winsor explains how nuclear power plants are essentially
just steam plants and nothing but the most expensive and effective way to boil water.
He completely blows the lid off the idea of "nuclear meltdown" or "nuclear waste,"
and even eats a good portion of live radioactive waste on camera which he claims to
have been doing for years! His professional opinion is that fear of nuclear radiation
has been greatly exaggerated to scare people and so a few powerful organizations can
maintain total control of the world's most valuable energy resource.
The A-bomb hoax was created by two sick and powerful men in the 1940's - US
president F.D. Roosevelt and USSR dictator J. Stalin. Media assisted to back up the
lies! The simple people were made to believe that compressing two pieces of metal
together allowed one single neutron to fission one metal atom to start ... an a-bomb
explosion that happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan August 1945 killing
children and women. Compressed metal pieces and neutrons cannot explode but it is
against the law to say so and media and universities support this law ... so you have to
learn about it at
9. Nuclear arms are very safe and secure! They cannot harm anything. But it is illegal
to say so!

Have you heard about Trofim Lyssenko? He was the inventor of pseudoscience
around 1930! Stalin loved him. Ever heard about Stalin? A mass murderer that
together with Hitler started WW2 by attacking east Poland and Finland 1939 and the
Baltic states 1940 and who US president Roosevelt liked a lot. Stalin could keep east
Poland and the Baltic states after WW2. Ever heard about Roosevelt? He created the
a-bomb! With a little help from friends.

Atomic bombs were and are just propaganda. There is no evidence that they
worked 1945 or later. The atomic bomb was invented pseudoscientific style by an

One Deception to Rule Them All

American - Robert O Lyssenko - a cousin of Trofim - but assisted by A. Einstein and

encouraged by Roosevelt!

The "atomic bombs" were actually invented by science fiction writer H.G Wells
already 1913 nearly 30 years before US president Roosevelt started the Manhattan
Project. Wells' The World Set Free describes cities around the world being devastated
by what he called "atomic bombs". Wells predicted not only the mushroom cloud we
associate with atomic bombs, but their lasting radiation as well.

(a) "Few who adventured into these areas of destruction and survived attempted any
repetition of their experiences. There are stories of puffs of luminous, radio-active
vapor drifting sometimes scores of miles from the bomb center and killing and
scorching all they overtook."
(b) Hiroshima & Nagasaki were typical chemical firestorm sites like Tokyo, Dresden,
Hamburg; 'ground zero' brick concrete steel stayed up, even their flagpoles etc.;
radioactive junk could have been dropped with chemicals
(c) most Japan houses were wood so burned

(d) Media hides witnesses who saw multiple bombers, etc.

Nuke bomb terror has earned trillions for the cabal since 1945, & since 1960s has
been major tool of Israeli terror against Arabs & world, 1967 & 1973 wars,
1945 - USA chemically bombs Hiroshima & Nagasaki (like Tokyo, Dresden,
Hamburg...), also dumping illness-inducing radioactive items. Media, & Japanese
witnesses who saw plane fleets, told to shut up. Nuke story sold by adding chemical-
blast 'mushroom clouds' in film & photos - USA HAS NUCLEAR BOMBS

1949 - Soviet Union accepts deal for Russian elites to get wealthy by playing along
with Cold War & global nuclear terror - COMMIE RUSSIA HAS THE BOMB

1952 - UK Brits & London financial center doesn’t want to feel 2nd class as Anglo
empire dominates world - UK HAS THE BOMB

1960 - France chafes not to be 2nd class to roast-beef-eating Brits, accepts deal to
become nuclear if they pretend to be the ones giving Israel nuclear technology -

One Deception to Rule Them All

1964 - China gets upgraded to major league to help justify escalating military spending

1966 - Israel gets to join the club as per earlier deal with France, in time to terrorize &
intimidate Arabs in 1967 & 1973 wars - JEWS HAVE THE BOMB & JEWS ARE
READY TO SAMSON OPTION EVERYBODY, later confirmed by 'brave
whistleblower' Vanunu to MI6 London Times
1974 - India takes deal to stop being so non-aligned & side more with big powers,
insulting India's own heritage by calling their bomb program, 'Smiling Buddha'

1979 - South Africa's white apartheid government gets to play act in compensation for
all their abuse in Western media, but agrees in advance to 'dismantle' any bombs
before Mandela or any black government can find out the scam ... joins with Israel &
but 'bombs' all taken apart & shipped away before Mandela takes over
1998 - Pakistan is central player in new Western anti-Muslim theme & revving up 'war
on terror', and Pakistan finally gets to upgrade to par with old rival India
MIGHT GET AHOLD OF IT, plus Pakistan 'sells' bombs to Saudi Arabia for extra
2006 - North Korea, always making deals for latest consumer products for ruling
family & elite, gets to upgrade to nuclear club CRAZY NORTH KOREA HAS THE

The "treason" of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was probably part of the US show
and they were not executed but given new identities.

The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was also a total fake with both Khrushchev and
Kennedy cynically aware that they were engaged in a bogus argument about non-
existent a-bombs. They had however just a little earlier decided to start the fake space
race with cosmos clown Gagarin 1961 flying around the Earth in less than 120
In the USA it is against the law to tell the Truth about the A-bomb!

One Deception to Rule Them All

The significance of the atomic bomb for military purposes is clear according the
US Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (Public Law 585, 79th Congress).

That really foolish piece of shit, i.e. the US Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (and its
revisions) charges the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and later the US
Department of Energy (DoE), with regulating restricted data wherever it appears and
wherever it comes from, i.e. control of information.
In plain language - censorship! The restricted data clause of the US Atomic
Energy Act specifies that all nuclear weapons-related information is to be considered
classified unless explicitly declassified and makes no distinction about whether said
information was created in a laboratory by a government scientist or anywhere else in
the world by private citizens.
Major Alexander P. de Seversky, who 1945 inspected the bombed towns of
Japan, testified:

In Hiroshima I was prepared for radically different sights.

But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities
in Japan.

There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter.

It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the cities
twenty bridges was down.

Hiroshima's clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.

It was obvious that the blast could NOT have been so powerful as we had been
led to believe.
It was extensive blast rather than intensive.

I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I

saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag
poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs and other
comparatively fragile objects.

One Deception to Rule Them All

At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the "bald
spot" where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It
wasn't there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.

Ms. Madelyn R. Creedon, the US assistant secretary of atomic war for global
strategic affairs (whatever that can be? - propaganda?) suggested October 30, 2013
Madelyn R. Creedon ask Congress for $10 billion to upgrade non-working scrap
and plenty 1960's electronics:

"A key component of the life extension program is the replacement of an

expensive parachute system with a newly designed tail assembly.”

She wants $ 10 billion to upgrade a program that never worked, propaganda!

The A-Bomb weighed about 2 tons? 4,400 kg, but only had 61 kg or 100 lbs. of
explosive Uranium?
Intl. Bankers via Fed. Reserve/ got control of money (worldwide), They can pay
anyone (to lie, do evil) for diverse purposes without worrying about the cost

Free money (from bankers) generates huge problems: immorality, evil, greed, etc.
What bankers want is MORE money & MORE power.

So how do these ruling powers get people (you & me) to submit to their will?
They threaten people with injury, loss (property/ money) or jail.

(The elites control the laws, courts, attorneys & judges, legislators too with
their unlimited "money.")

in a poker game, you can bluff. If you do it well, you can win money.

So, from NASA, we see, if you can't do something, then just fake it. (Fake
Moon Landings).
It is always easier to fake then to do.
From Germany WW II, we see the bigger the lie, the more believable it is.

One Deception to Rule Them All

People think, surely something so big, so widely known, it must be true.

So, in the 1940s, it seemed that Nuclear or atomic reactions were possible to
release HUGE energy.
(Ted's jest) So they spent incredible money. You could have just gone to
German & Japan and bought all their homes, cars & factories, for less than the cost to
bomb them. The government wanted to have the ultimate weapon to threaten other
counties & people to submit to us.

So, the US government poured money into Manhattan Project (how to make a
bomb), Oak Ridge Tenn. (uranium 235), and Hanford Wash. (plutonium) (How to
make or concentrate the VOLATILE nuclear materials.)

The ILLUSION was Germany might build the bomb first, so US government
spent wasted incredible sums spending, to pursue developing the bomb. They
employed 1/2 million people (who did not understand what they were doing). US
government. was desperate to build the bomb.

They built huge factories: at Oak Ridge, 1/2-mile-long and 1,000 feet wide, 2
million sq. ft. yet they did not yet even know how the factory would work. (Lots of
emergency money spent without much control - working on the fear & urgency

War, loans, expenditures (in emergencies) are great for banker's profits.
As scientists realized they could not make a workable bomb, they involved 1,000s
of soldiers to witness test etc, so that they'd pass the story on by word of mouth, to
their nieces, friends, associates, etc. They saw the (fake) test explosions. Fakes were
huge piles of TNT exploded and viewed from 20 miles away. Who would know it was
not nuclear?

Then, because this was NATIONAL SECURITY, they label everything as

SECRET or even RADIOACTIVE, to keep away prying eyes.

Government forbid people from talking to each other.

Isolate all knowledge, progress, developments. National Security !!! secret, secret,

One Deception to Rule Them All

Nuclear Bombs are a Hoax, they never did not will work. They are huge budget
expenditure to promote the illusion that they are possible, prepared and abundant.

They induce fear to you and me, to our own countrymen as well as to our
supposed enemies.

Military is a self-fulfilling fantasy. Where we once spent on real hardware; planes,

tanks, guns, ammunitions, now we spend extreme amounts to just keep the illusion up
that we are mighty and have nuclear weapons in abundance. Nuclear weapons do not
deter war, destroying cities do not end wars.

Wars are the result of psychopaths running our countries.

What value is war? It kills millions, destroys property and costs $ millions to
repay and to rebuild.

Only the war profiteers get benefit, while the millions of our country men die.
The world is whatever you want to make it.

I think it is best to learn truth, then stand on it.

Many people are living tied to lies which can only bring pain, suffering, loss.

Letting others (authorities?) tell you what is true is giving your fate to psychopath,
evil, cruel criminals.”

The Great Jet Fuel Hoax: Free Energy Is Real

It’s a recent discovery that passenger airplanes do not carry much fuel,
technological achievement being hidden from public eyes. You won’t believe this. I’ve
never really thought about this before but how could aluminum airplane wing hold
250 tons in an Airbus A380, for example? There is no way those wings could hold
that heavy wright. An Abrams tank weighs between 50 to 60 tons depending on
armor package…. do you honestly think each wing could hold two Abrams tanks?
Even one of these tanks would sheer that wing clean off! Some thin aluminum
structures and pop rivets is not going to hold in a tank.

One Deception to Rule Them All

There is only one conclusion.

You may have noticed exhaust coming from the rear of the plane when you
looked out the window in the gate area. It is from the auxiliary power unit (APU),
fueled with kerosene, which is like a mini jet engine, usually located in the back of the
plane, containing a compressor needed to start jet engines. Once started, main engines
run without propellant.

Free energy must be already existing. That’s right these planes have been able to
fly on free energy for a long time, and they’ve kept that secret from us.”

The Molecular Path to Shamanism: Francis

Crick and the Double-Helix Delusion
“Geneticists, James Watson and Francis Crick, a molecular biologist, biophysicist,
and neuroscientist by trade, conducted no DNA experiments of their own, according
to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. And yet in 1953 they discovered the DNA
molecule known as the Double Helix by “drawing upon the experimental results of
others” and relying on “brilliant intuition, persistence, and luck.” But there is a
missing ingredient here. As the story goes, Francis Crick burst through the front door
of his Cambridge home spouting barely-legible gibberish to his then-wife about “two
spirals twisting in opposite directions from one another.” Being herself somewhat of
an artist, she put vision to paper—and like Walt Disney with Mickey Mouse, the
coiling double helix was promptly born. To celebrate, the couple met up with research
partner James Watson, and the trio drunk themselves silly at a local pub. It should be
noted that Crick was a devoted fan of author Aldous Huxley. He famously threw
nude parties throughout the 1950’s and 60’s. But most importantly of all, Crick was a
devoted connoisseur of LSD.

What Francis Crick essentially discovered, ironically enough, is the caduceus—the

staff carried by Hermes Trismegistus throughout ancient Greek mythology. One
might immediately recognize the caduceus should he have observed a pair of two
intertwined snakes imprinted on ambulances and medical buildings across the world.
Though one needn’t only look there. The twin serpents of the double helix seem to
show up frequently throughout the annals of science, from the subatomic scale to the

One Deception to Rule Them All

motions of celestial mechanics and even the coils of entire galaxies. There’s simply no
escaping the ancient Serpent.

In Mutants & Mystics: Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal,
Author Jeffrey J. Kripal doesn’t mince his words when writing on the oversaturation
of the caduceus: “It is at once the double-helix scepter of the DNA molecule, the
phallic serpent who brought sex and death into the world in the myth of the Garden
of Eden, and a sign of the kundalini, the two-spiraled currents of energy that are
likened to a serpent as they spark and spike up, down, and around the central channel
of the spinal column in Tantric yoga. Most of all, though, the caduceus is the staff of
Hermes, the ancient Greek god of language and, later, occult philosophy, alchemy,
and Western magic.”

The staff of Hermes has been a favorite for British comic book writer Alan
Moore, who openly advertises the arts in its many varying forms to be deeply rooted
in occultism. His comic book series Promethea (1999-2005) was a cauldron for occult
philosophy, Jewish mysticism, the Tarot, Tantric yoga, psychedelia, sex magic, and
infamous “spheres” of the Kabbalah. Regarding his use of the caduceus, Moore
explains: “Magic, after all, is ruled by Hermes, his symbol, this caduceus, its double-
helix serpents representing mankind’s evolution. They wind apart, and then
recombine, progressing towards their ultimate synthesis—towards winged blazing

Yet Crick’s double-helix discovery ventures even further back than the Olympian
who supplied Hermeticism to western civilization. To this the snake-worshiping
Chaldeans deserve due-credit. Writes A.L. Frothingham in Babylonian Origin of
Hermes the Snake-God, and of the Caduceus (1916): “The proto-Hermes was always
a snake-god, and before the era of complete anthropomorphism he was thought of in
snake form. But it is an essential element of his function that he was not a single
snake—for the great single Earth Snake was the Mother goddess—but the double
snake, male and female, the most prolific form of copulation in the animal kingdom.”

But let’s not forget, the Egyptians also had a part in Crick’s discovery. Did
Pharaoh not wear a cobra on his crown as a symbol of the divine word and third
eye—the pineal gland—by which true hidden knowledge might be discovered to the
devoted initiate? In his book, The Secret in the Bible, author Tony Bushby suggests
the capstone of the Great Pyramid was once a clear crystal or glass that produced a
visible beacon of light from its apex. He writes: “Whenever a light is shone down into
a glass pyramid in exact scale or proportion as the Great Pyramid, a ‘Rainbow
Serpent’ is created. The light provides a type of force or energy that, in turn, creates
the vertical spiral of light, a serpent upraised, invisible in rock, but visible in a clear
One Deception to Rule Them All

substance. That is what the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood meant when they said, ‘A
serpent lies coiled in the Great Pyramid.’” Bushby’s conclusion is as you might now
suspect. The Rainbow Serpent, directly referenced by the priesthood, was a double
helix like representing Francis Crick’s strand of DNA.

Every continent seems to have a role in ancient serpent worship. Claude Lévi-
Strauss writes of the Aztecs: “In Aztec, the word “coatl” means both ‘serpent’ and
‘twin.’ The name Quetzalcoatl can thus be interpreted either as ‘Plumed serpent’ or
‘Magnificent twin.’” Throughout shamanic religions, from Australia to Tibet and
eastern Asia, back into Egypt again, throughout Africa, and finally North and South
America, visions of “spiral ladders” or “braided ropes” cannot be overlooked either.
Authors Mircea Eliade, Willard R. Trask, and Wendy Doniger write in Shamanism:
Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, “the symbolism of the rope, like that of the ladder,
necessarily implies communication between sky and earth. It is by means of a rope or
a ladder (as, too, by a vine, a bridge, a chain of arnyaw, etc.) that the gods descend to
earth and men go up to the sky.”

In 1961, anthropologist Michael Harner journeyed to the Peruvian Amazon

rainforest to study the shamanistic religion of the Conibo Indians. Here he
encountered a world of true hallucination. Upon finally ingesting the hallucinogenic
substance, and according to his own account, “giant reptilian creatures” resting “at the
lowest depths of his brain” began to project a series of scenes and images before his
eyes. Says Harner: “First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before
there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black
specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the
barren landscape. I could see the ‘specks’ were actually large, shiny, black creatures
with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies….They explained to
me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space.
They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed
me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous
forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and
animal creation and speciation – hundreds of millions of years of activity – took place
on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like
creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.” Here comes the crucial
part of Harner’s testimony to the drug. “In retrospect one could say they were almost
like DNA, although at that time, 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.”

Author Jeremy Narby also testifies to this bizarre Double-Helix knowledge

among the shamans of the Peruvian rainforest when he writes: “By ritually ingesting
mind-altering plant mixtures, Peruvian Amazon shamans take their consciousness
down to the molecular level and gain access to biomolecular information.” Elsewhere
One Deception to Rule Them All

he states: “The first [plant] contains a hallucinogenic substance, dimethyltryptamine,

which also seems to be secreted by the human brain; but this hallucinogen has no
effect when swallowed, because a stomach enzyme called monoamine oxidase blocks
it. The second plant, however, contains several substances that inactivate this precise
stomach enzyme, allowing the hallucinogen to reach the brain. So here are people
without electron microscopes who choose, among some 80,000 Amazonian plant
species, the leaves of a bush containing a hallucinogenic brain hormone, which they
combine with a vine containing substances that inactivate an enzyme of the digestive
tract, which would otherwise block the hallucinogenic effect. And they do this to
modify their consciousness. It is as if they knew about the molecular properties of
plants and the art of combining them, and when one asks them how they know these
things, they say their knowledge comes directly from hallucinogenic plants….Most
remarkably, what they gain access to is the DNA strand itself, which appears to be
conscious and capable of bestowing real knowledge about botany, medicine, culture,
and life itself. Nature is minded. Hence the ladders and snakes seen in the shamanic
visions and the cosmic serpent creation myths found around the world.”

See, this is what irks me about modern scientists—their shameless denial. I had
the opportunity to sit down for breakfast with “Answers in Genesis” astronomer
Danny Faulkner last week—a butting of heads which I am grateful for and will fondly
remember—and at any rate, when I brought up the role Hermeticism and the Mystery
Schools had in the shaping of western philosophy and the sciences, he immediately
quipped: “No! No! No! You have it backwards. Science came first and then the
occult twisted and contorted it!”

And yet, in light of what I’ve written—and so much more which I left out!—I
can only conclude the U.S. National Library of Medicine is mocking us when it writes:
“The double helix has not only reshaped biology, it has become a cultural icon,
represented in sculpture, visual art, jewelry, and toys.”

The double-snake helix, wherever it is found—from the staff of Hermes to the

capstone of Egypt’s Great Pyramid, and not to be overlooked, India’s kundalini—is a
“conscious entity,” if the occult has a say in it. And yet I cannot deny much has been
accomplished through genetic studies. Just consider this, NASA has accomplished
much as well. Many technological advances have been pushed through their pipeline
and sold to the highest bidder, yet they will not show us a real photo of Earth. Like
NASA’s “planet,” why do we have so many CG photos of the double-helix? Have
doctors believed Crick and his contemporaries on blind faith or have countless others
observed a 3-D double-helix through the microscope? The simplest web search
delivers smoke and mirrors. CG…CG….CG…..and yet more CG. Until only a few
years ago, we never once had an “actual photo” of Crick’s double-helix, and if you pay
One Deception to Rule Them All

attention to the two pillars they’ve “photographed,” it looks stunningly Masonic.

Ladder, coiling twin snakes, two pillars. Why couldn’t they photograph Crick’s
discovery back in any other decade of the twentieth century? Perhaps we really do
have a coiling double-helix. Maybe it’s all part of the enmity between the serpent and
the woman. But one thing my studies into the blind faith demanded of Scientism has
taught me, if it originates with esoteric learning, the occult, or the Mysteries, then I’m
probably looking at wishful thinking on their part.
Let us not forget, and thanks for reminding me; Francis Crick was not a fan of
the Serpent’s great competitor, the religion of Christianity. Being ever so disdainful
towards the Gospel which promised to crush the head of the Beguiler, he once
quoted: “I do not respect Christian beliefs. I think they are ridiculous. If we could get
rid of them we could more easily get down to the serious problem of trying to find
out what the world is all about.” Crick later joked, “Christianity may be OK between
consenting adults in private but should not be taught to young children.”

The man who most certainly explored the doors of perception with LSD and
other narcotics would rather indoctrinate our children with a coiling double-helix.
Crick was pushing occultism and Freemasonry for the uninitiated.”

How About DNA, Is It Another Occult

Previously I wrote about the occult connections of the Copernican heliocentric
model and the Big Bang. I’ve seen and heard others discuss them previously, but
there’s one thing I haven’t seen questioned, at least not much, that is DNA. We’ve all
seen cartoon images of the double helix of DNA, or as the U.S. National Library of
Medicine website writes: “The double helix has not only reshaped biology, it has
become a cultural icon, represented in sculpture, visual art, jewelry, and toys.”

It’s commonly understood that the DNA double helix resembles the ancient
symbol of the Caduceus with intertwined twin serpents around a pole with wings. The
symbol is called the staff of Hermes, the Greek god. It is associated with astrology
and alchemy. It is also associated with medicine, but according to Wikipedia that is an
incorrect use. The Rod of Asclepius, a Greek god of healing, has only one serpent
around a pole and no wings, is what they should be using.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This obvious similarity between the DNA and the Caduceus suggests one of
three things: it’s a co-incidence, the ancients somehow knew about DNA, or modern
science purposefully inserted this occult symbol of a pagan god into our minds as
being part of our very flesh. I don’t think it is a co-incidence.

Discovery of DNA

James Watson and Francis Crick “discovered” the DNA in the fifties. The U.S.
National Library of Medicine website, interestingly, writes as follows:

“Drawing on the experimental results of others (they conducted no DNA

experiments of their own), taking advantage of their complementary scientific
backgrounds in physics and X-ray crystallography (Crick) and viral and bacterial
genetics (Watson), and relying on their brilliant intuition, persistence, and luck, the
two showed that DNA had a structure sufficiently complex and yet elegantly simple
enough to be the master molecule of life.”

They didn’t conduct their own experiments, but they managed to discover the
double helix structure? Moreover it’s commonly known that Francis Crick was
inspired by LSD to make his great discovery. It sounds more like something an artist
or a weird religious person would do, get an epiphany by doing drugs. That’s hardly
the scientific method. even mentions that Crick was a fan of Aldous
Huxley’s, a well-known or well-alleged transhumanist-globalist mastermind, Doors of

The phrase double helix is interesting too. According to the Online Etymology
Dictionary a helix is “a spiral thing”. It comes from the “Greek helix (genitive
helikos), a word used of anything in a spiral shape (an armlet, a curl of hair, the tendril
of a vine, a serpent’s coil)”. A serpent’s coil, you say? The DNA resembles the coiled
twin serpents of the Caduceus. Notice a pattern yet?

The Enmity with the Serpent Seed

Things like these make me go, hmm, maybe the Bible was right all along. Genesis
3:15 states:

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and
her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Maybe God intended humans to have a single helix DNA, but because of the
serpent’s genetic involvement now we have double: seed of the woman and seed of
the serpent.

Another thing is that the DNA is sometimes called a ladder and is associated with
Jacob’s ladder. The ladder is also a part of Masonic iconography. Perhaps they knew
something, or perhaps they wanted to insert their occult beliefs into our biology.

The person in the center in the picture below is holding a key. The
article writes: “LSD. Yes, when not discovering the key to life, and winning the Nobel
Prize for it, Crick spent the 50s and 60s throwing all night parties famous for featuring
that era’s favorite party favors: LSD and nudity.” DNA is the key to life. Looks like
Crick just was pushing Freemasonry for the uninitiated.

Referring to the Caduceus, or staff of Hermes, Wikipedia writes: “It is said the
wand would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If applied to the dying,
their death was gentle; if applied to the dead, they returned to life”

It basically reverses things. I wonder if the staff could turn men into women and
vice versa? Freedom into slavery? Victims into aggressors? If we take the wand to
refer to modern science, it has certainly put many rational people to sleep by
convincing their spiritual beliefs are nonsense, and it has awakened people who lack
reason to acknowledge we cannot explain the existence of the world and life itself
without some sort of creator to think themselves rational.

What does DNA Look Like?

I suppose I had always assumed that Crick and Watson managed to look at
human tissue samples with a powerful microscope and saw DNA, or something to
that extent. Now it does not seem like that was the case. I tried to find pictures of
DNA on the internet, but much like pictures of outer space from NASA, they are
cartoons or CGI images.

For example, has this image and a four second video showing the DNA
double helix. At first, I thought it might be actual video of DNA taken through a
microscope, but it says it’s computer generated.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The New Scientist website has an article from 2012 titled “DNA imaged with
electron microscope for the first time”. So DNA was discovered 60-years ago but that
was the first time it was imaged? So all of the scientists and medical students who
were taught in universities that DNA is shaped like that were just basically told to take
their word for it? Or they were able to see it microscopes themselves, but they just
couldn’t take photographs of DNA prior to 2012?


I find the DNA double helix hokey as heck. I am not saying it’s definitely a hoax,
but I am highly skeptical. I do think that modern science has a real understanding of
genes. I do think GMO manipulation is real, and supposedly DNA tests can reveal
whether two people are related and so on. I don’t think that it is all fake. The makeup
of the DNA though, looking allegedly like the Caduceus, I think is an occult hoax.
Just the lack of pictorial evidence, and these occult themes, drugs, references to
Aldous Huxley, around the concept of the DNA suggest that it is not science, but

Much like outer space, it seems that the inner space too is a fabrication of
talented sci-fi-authors masquerading as scientists.

I should give credit where it’s due. The reason I wrote these last three articles was
partially inspired by videos by YouTube-channel the Truth is stranger than fiction. He
has said some of the arguments in his videos I’ve used here, but I cannot link to any
specific video since I don’t recall what he said and where. Just check out his channel if
you haven’t done so already.”

Death by Mathematics…
“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments,
and they wander off through equation after equation and
eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”— Nikola Tesla

“In the 20th century, physics underwent a transformation. No one would deny
that. But normally the transformation is credited to Relativity and Quantum
Mechanics. And normally the transformation is seen as a great advance. In this paper
I will argue the opposite. The transformation was due more to a transformation in
mathematics, and that transformation has been almost wholly deleterious.
One Deception to Rule Them All

This transformation due to mathematics began in the 19th century, but it did not
engulf physics until the 20th century. In the 19th century the stage was set: we had
several abstract mathematical fields that reached “fruition”, including a math based on
action variables and principles, a math based on curved space, a math based on
matrices, a math based on tensors, a math based on i, and a math based on infinities.

As I have shown, 19th century mathematics inherited many unsolved problems

from the past, including problems from Euclid and Newton. It made no progress in
solving these problems because it did not recognize them as problems. It had already
given up on foundational questions as “metaphysics”, and it preferred instead to
create more and more abstract systems. The more abstract the mathematical system
became, the more successful it could be in avoiding foundational questions.

The clearest example of this is the field of applied mathematics based on action
variables. For the last hundred years we have heard an ever-increasing level of praise
of action variables, culminating in the propaganda of Feynman. But action variables
are just an abstraction of Newtonian variables. By abstraction, I mean that they do not
add clarity, they cloak unclarity. Newtonian variables were never very rigorously
defined, but action variables are very good at hiding Newtonian variables. Action
variables do not replace Newtonian variables, as some appear to think. Action
variables contain Newtonian variables. Action variables restate Newtonian variables in
what is considered to be a more efficient form. But action variables are utterly
dependent on Newtonian variables. If it were discovered that Newtonian variables
were false, action variables would be, too, by definition. The action concept
developed directly out of Newtonian mechanics, and action assumes the absolute
validity of Newtonian mechanics. Action does not transcend Newton in any
conceivable way, it only compresses his method. Just as velocity is a compression of
distance and time, the Lagrangian is a compression of kinetic and potential energy.
Each compression is a mathematical abstraction, because the individual variables are
no longer expressed singly. They often do not appear in the equations at all. They are
included only a parts of greater variables.

From an engineering standpoint, this is a real advance. As long as the greater

variables express the changes of the individual variables in the right way, abstract
systems like this can save a lot of time. But from a theoretical standpoint, abstract
mathematics can be a great danger. Since the individual variables are no longer in the
equations, it becomes much more difficult to see when they are being misused.
Abstract mathematics must assume that all its original assumptions are applying with
each new application, and with many new applications this may not be so. If time and
distance are not behaving in normal ways, then the equations have no way of
One Deception to Rule Them All

correcting for that, since they don’t have any way to express it. The equations rely on
original definitions and assignments, and modern mathematicians and physicists do
not usually bother to check to be sure that all these definitions and assignments hold
for each new application. They don’t do this for two reasons. One, they often don’t
know what the original definitions and assignments were. The mathematical systems
are taught as abstract systems, where foundations are considered to be moveable. In
the case of the Lagrangian, for instance, we are taught that the variables are general
coordinates that we can apply to almost anything. Well, this is true to only a limited
degree, and the limits have been ignored. Two, definitions and variable assignments
are considered to be metaphysical, and therefore beneath the notice of
mathematicians and scientists. Modern scientists cannot be bothered to look at
foundational questions, since math is only the equations themselves. If you have
mastered the manipulations, you have mastered the math, they think.

To be very clear, it is not action variables I object to. What I object to is their
misuse. They are misused when they are applied to systems that do not match the
time and distance assignments they were created for. I also object to the implied
superiority of action variables. They are very efficient in some uses. But because they
are abstract, they are prone to misuse. In this way they are actually inferior. They are
inferior because they are less transparent than Newtonian variables. Newtonian
variables are not always transparent either, but action variables are always less
transparent. Action variables are the first cloaking of physics. And in some cases this
cloaking is not an accident. Action variables and the math surrounding action is not
always used to generate efficient solutions in familiar situations. It is now often used
to blanket over holes in theory or math. Like many other mathematical systems, it is
now used to mask purposeful fudges.

Added February 2011: I have finally unwound the whole idea of action, via the
Lagrangian, showing why it fails as mechanics. Go here to read how Lagrange pushed
his math to match celestial mechanics but failed to include the charge field.]

The next mathematical system that invaded physics is that of Gauss and
Riemann, invading through the door of General Relativity. This was really the first
major invasion, and the most important. Up until then, physicists had been wary of
allowing mathematicians to define their fields, especially with the new abstract
systems. The action principle had not yet invaded physics on a full scale and would
not until the arrival of quantum mechanics. Einstein himself was very wary of abstract
math, purposely avoiding it until 1912. Put simply, he “did not trust it.” But in that
year he discovered Gauss and called on his friend Grossman to help him with the
math. A couple of years later Einstein was hired in Berlin, and there he got even

One Deception to Rule Them All

better help, from Hilbert and Klein, no less. Einstein had asked the wolf in at the
front door.

I don’t think it is an accident or coincidence that the first thing the wolf tried to
do is take over the house. Hilbert, after schooling Einstein on all the latest techniques,
tried to beat Einstein to the punch by publishing the theory of General Relativity two
weeks before him. He didn’t succeed in this dastardly trick, but amazingly history has
not held it against him. Einstein quickly forgave him, and now Hilbert is treated as the
greatest mathematician of the 20th century. But to me, this incident perfectly presaged
the way the 20th century would go. The mathematics department, invited to consult,
would see its opportunity to steal the show, and it has since stolen the show. Someone
like Feynman could throw barbs at the math department, but this was only
misdirection. The top mathematicians could look back over their shoulder in feigned
opposition, only because they had already taken over the physics department.
Feynman was not smirking at mathematics, he was smirking at mathematicians who
were too narrow to crossover and become famous, like he had. It was as if to say,
“We now own physics, the queen of the sciences and the modern kingmaker, and you
guys prefer to argue over trivialities like Fermat. That will never win you a Nobel
Prize or a trip to the White House.”

Einstein’s success with the tensor calculus called all the present demons out of
the closet, invited them all into the kitchen, and gave them control of the fire. He
showed the road to fame, and the first stop on that road was enlisting a new abstract
mathematics. That has been the road ever since, and it defines the current low road of
string theory, which had planned to awe all opposition with a math so great and so
abstract there was no beginning or end to it (its plan is not moving as planned).
Quantum Mechanics was the first to learn this lesson, though, and Heisenberg was
the greatest student. Heisenberg understood first and best how to use mathematics to
impress and cow the audience. He also understood first and best how to use
mathematics as a tool of propaganda. A math of proper abstraction and complexity
could be used to hide all error, to divert all effort, to deflect all criticism. It could be
used like a very heavy, very highly decorated quilt, covering the bedbugs beneath. This
new abstract math would come not with a foundation, but with a manifesto. It did not
have axioms, it had public relations. It was not sold with an explanation, but with an
“interpretation”, and this interpretation was to be accepted on authority.

The takeover in the 20th century was very quick once it began. The
mathematician Minkowski reworked Special Relativity before the presses had even
cooled on Einstein’s paper, expressing the field in complex and abstract terms. This
reworking was completely unnecessary, but it was accepted just as fast as it was
offered. The novelty of it was enough to complete the sale, although the price was
One Deception to Rule Them All

steep indeed. The problem with Minkowski’s math is the same as the math of action:
the danger is all in the loss of transparent variables. Again, I have nothing against
complex math as long as it is used with discretion and complete honesty. But
Minkowski fails miserably on both counts, as I have shown. The symmetry is a
manufactured symmetry, and the loss of the time variable has been disastrous. The
subtle errors in Einstein’s math were immediately cloaked under an abstract math, and
that abstract math was in no way more elegant than the simple algebra of Einstein’s
original paper. Einstein’s paper was dense, but that was Einstein’s fault, not the
algebra. Minkowski’s unstated axioms were not only unstated and unnecessary, they
were false. The time dimension does not travel orthogonally to the other three, and
this is not a metaphysical subtlety. It is a physical and mathematical fact, easily proved.
Even Einstein called Minkowski’s math “superfluous erudition.” He was only half
right. Minkowski’s math was certainly superfluous, but it was false pedantry, not
erudition. It was sciolism and superficial.

Even this unnecessary abstraction and obstruction was not enough to satisfy.
Another level was soon added by the tensor calculus, a blanket ten times as heavy as
the blanket of Minkowski. Although I have shown that General Relativity can be
expressed with Newtonian variables, a Euclidean field, and high-school algebra, the
worthies of the time preferred to express it with an undefined curved field and a
hatful of unwieldy tensors. In his previous mood, Einstein had said, “You know, once
you start calculating (with abstract mathematics) you shit yourself up before you know
it.” But suddenly, in 1912, he developed a fondness for this mess. Perhaps he saw
darkly what Heisenberg would see very clearly: the 20th century would have a love
affair with shit. The century proved this in every field, from art to math to science to
war to politics to entertainment to sex. The century loved nothing so much as
watching someone foul himself in public, as long as that someone could sell the
spectacle as a transcendent event.

Once again, a Gaussian field and tensors and all that has followed can be made to
work. In some situations it is actually useful. I am not arguing that these fields or
manipulations are necessarily false. What I am arguing is that physics doesn’t need
them. The physical field is not that complex. We have invented maths that are much
more complex than we need, and we have gotten lost in their mazes. The problem
with the math of General Relativity is that it cloaks the mechanics involved. It is too
abstract by several degrees. This means that although Einstein sometimes found a way
to get the right answer with all this math, he just as often got the wrong answer. The
math is so difficult that almost no one can sort through it and tell when the answer is
right and when it is wrong. Even worse is the fact that the opacity of the math makes
it impossible to unify it with any other math. The primary events are buried so deep
and are so poorly defined that there is no hope of expressing them with the
One Deception to Rule Them All

mathematical tools available or isolating them so that they can be located in other
fields. The mathematical manipulations become the primary events, and the
mathematical field becomes reality. The math ends up usurping the mechanics. [See
my paper on Non-Euclidean fields for more on this.]

This opacity causes another problem. Because the primary variables are buried
under so many abstract layers, they cannot be studied when problems arise. Later
repairs cannot be done at ground level, they have to be done in end-math that adds
complexity. In QED this end-math is called renormalization. In GR it is called other
things, but in either case it leads to an endless scholasticism and an endless and
unsightly tinkering. It ends up providing physics with equations that are post-dictive
instead of pre-dictive. Every new experiment requires a new fix, and each new fix is
pasted over all the others. You then end up with what we have: a physical math that is
burdened with so many fields and operators and manipulations and names that it
makes Medieval biblical exegesis look like a cakewalk. And it leads to the absurd
situation of having physicists who invoke Occam’s razor and the beauty of simplicity
offer us a proliferation of fields and manipulations that is truly mind-numbing. When
I see a string theorist invoke Occam’s razor, I can’t help feeling queasy. It is like Fox
News invoking honesty in reportage.

Next came Quantum Mechanics. Heisenberg saw Einstein’s success with the
matrices and Voila!, the matrix moved to QM, making it even more famous than GR.
But this time we got a confluence of new abstract mathematics: the turn of the screw.
It was feared the matrix would not be enough to wow the world, and so the matrix
was joined by the Hamiltonian and Hilbert Space and Hermitian operators and
eigenvalues and so on. It was never explained why quanta could not travel in
Euclidean spaces under transparent variables, just as it was never explained why
gravity required tensors. It was never explained because no one needed an
explanation. All were quite satisfied to have new things to do. The new math was the
main draw. It gave the theory a required ballast and made everyone look smart. What
was there not to like?

Well, there was the fact that everything was based on probabilities, that the
mechanics was contradictory and unfathomable, that many insoluble paradoxes were
created, and that the math required an infinite renormalization that was basically
“hocus pocus.” But I mean, other than that, what was not to like? If we could just
learn to accept that Nature no longer made sense, we would be just fine. After all, the
math was big enough to make up for everything. What was Nature next to a math that
could fill blackboards? [For a full critique of the math of QED, gauge theory, see my
paper on the Weak Interaction.]

One Deception to Rule Them All

As David Politzer, Nobel laureate and inventor of asymptotic freedom put it,

English is just what we use to fill in between the equations.*

Which may explain why the equations have gotten ever longer and the English
evermore tenuous and fleeting. Theory must be stated in English—we have no
theory—therefore we need no English. Equations will do.

And now that QED is “perfect”, we graduate to the even bigger blackboard that
is string theory. Since a huge unfathomable math was so successful in QED, string
theory naturally developed an even huger and more unfathomable math, one with
exponentially more paradoxes and contradictions and ad hoc fixes. If QED requires
an infinite renormalization, string theory requires a trans-infinite renormalization.
Since QED so successfully ignored mechanics, string theory ignores it even more
thoroughly. QED had to state out loud that it was going to ignore mechanics, as a
matter of some sort of principle (we are not sure what principle). But string theory
goes to the next level of ignorance, which is ignoring that mechanics exists or ever did
exist. Like Mephistopheles, the string theorist can call up any entity he likes, just by a
simple conjuring. He doesn’t need an axiom or a proof or even a definition. All he
needs is a need. Science is now defined by desire more than anything else. “I desire a
ten-dimensional donut with spikes like a pufferfish, and a gauge theory in the shape of
a wombat sitting in the corner smoking a cigar, therefore the universe and this
computer model must supply me with one. Oh, and all this exists beneath the Planck
limit. Except for the cigar, which disappears in the presence of a scanning

Yes, modern physics has become a Neo-Scholasticism. It is the avoidance of real

questions in the pursuit of trivial methodology. It is the memorization of an endless
list of names and manipulations in lieu of understanding mechanics. It is the setting
up in some black data hole and extemporizing on an endless string of evermore
ridiculous hypotheses instead of looking at known physical problems closer at hand. It
is the knee-jerk invocation of authority and the explicit squelching of dissent. It is the
hiding behind tall gates and a million gatekeepers and euphemizing it as “peer
review.” It is the institutionalized acceptance of censorship and the creation of
dogma. Grand Masters like Feynman say, “shut up and calculate!” and everyone finds
this amusing. No one finds it a clear instance of fascism and oppression. An internet
search on “against Feynman” or “Feynman was wrong” or “disagree with Feynman”
turns up nothing. The field is monolithic. It is completely controlled and one-
dimensional. All discussion has been purged from the standard model, and all debate
has been marginalized. Any non-standard opinion must be from a “crank” and
blacklisting is widespread. Publishing is also controlled, both in academia and in the
One Deception to Rule Them All

mainstream. Einstein already found science publishing too controlled for his taste in
the 30’s, refusing to work with Physical Review. What would he think now? Can
anyone imagine his early papers getting published in the current atmosphere?

If you are an insider at a major university, you can publish anything, the more
absurd the better. You can say anything without fear of contradiction or analysis,
since science most wants right now to be creative, and it thinks (like modern art) that
absurdity is the most creative thing possible. The paradox is the highest distinction,
the contradiction the surest sign of elevation. The contemporary physics paper has
become like Dubuffet’s La Lunette Farcie, a purposeful mockery of all convention, a
nothing packaged as a something. Soon the physicist may be expected to follow
Duchamp, publishing a toilet seat as a TOE.

Contrary to what we are told, contemporary physics is not booming. It is not very
near to omniscience, it is not the crown jewel of anything. In fact, it is near death. It
has been damaged by any number of things, only a few of which I have mentioned by
name here. But the prime murderer has been abstract mathematics. Physics has
succumbed to a suffocation. It is the victim of a strangulation. It is in a not-so-shallow
grave and piled on top of it like dirt are a thousand fields and operators and variables
and names and spaces and terms and eigenvalues and dimensions and criteria and
functions and coordinates and conjugates and bases and bijective maps and
automorphism groups and abelian gauge fields and Dirac spinors and Feynman
diagrams and so on ad nauseum. The only way the grave could be any deeper and
darker, in fact, is if we allowed Deconstruction to dump its transfinite dictionary of
onanic terms on top of this one.
The only road out of this grave is to start digging in the upwards direction,
clearing away all this schist. The sort of math that physics requires is a math of
rigorous definitions and transparent variables, with as little abstraction as possible. We
don’t need spaces of infinite dimensions, since we don’t have infinite physical
dimensions. We don’t need abstract operators, we need direct representation of
motions and entities. Taking the advice of Thoreau, we must “simplify, simplify,
simplify.” That is our only hope of a Unified Field and a mechanical explanation of
the universe.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Violating the Conservation of

Matter and Energy
Energy Conservation Is Not A Law of The Universe
“Energy conservation is not a law of the universe. It is a rule of convention
that requires the definition of potential energy. The real law of physics is the
work/energy theorem, which says that if you do work, it will have a similar effect
as introducing the same amount of kinetic energy. One cannot object to the fact
that potential energy (or rest-mass energy,) by itself, violates energy conservation.
It's entire purpose for existing is to restore conservation of energy. That isn't
its flaw, it's its purpose.”

New Theory About Dark Energy Breaks Law of Conservation of

Energy Conservation of Momentum:
Dark energy (not to be confused with dark matter) is the stuff that let’s scientists
know the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. Although its estimated to
contribute to 68.3 percent of the total energy in the observable universe, dark energy
never actually been directly measured or observed. A lot of the hypotheses that prop
up its role in the expansion of the universe are still subject to scrutiny. And so, it goes
that a trio of scientists thinks dark energy actually upends the law of conservation of
energy — total energy in the universe gradually disappears over time.

The observation that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate (based on

the measurement of brightness emitted by starlight as it moves outward toward the
edges of an ever-growing universe) helps support the idea of a cosmological constant
— that dark energy is a pressure endemic to the vacuum of space. But calculations
under quantum mechanics suggests that vacuum should fluctuate; and Einstein’s
general relativity suggests those fluctuations would produce enough energy to, well,
annihilate the universe itself. So, the cosmological constant needs to exist, but it needs
be small — and that’s a big mystery plaguing physicists today.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Researchers at Aix-Marseille University in France and the National Autonomous

University of Mexico in Mexico City think they have an explanation that reconciles
this problem. Based off an alternative model of general relativity called unimodular
gravity, energy doesn’t need to be conserved. This violation basically sets the value of
cosmological constant — the energy that disappears from the universe changes the
constant itself.
“In the model, dark energy is something that keeps track of how much energy
and momentum has been lost over the history of the universe,” Alejandro Perez of
Aix-Marseille University, one of the members of the research, told Science.

There are two ways the researchers might be able to prove this. One is through a
theory known as continuous spontaneous localization, which says that a subatomic
particle can be in two places at once (which is sort of impossible) but larger objects
like a house cannot (which is even more impossible). CSL also violates the
conservation of energy — so it could be a framework under which the new dark
energy theory also holds true.
Unfortunately, we’re still completely operating under abstract theory. There is no
way at all to test this right now — and it’s totally unclear how we might ever be able
to test this new idea. But if we find a way one day, and it turns out to be true, be ready
to say a speedy farewell to all the laws of physics you know and hold dear. The
collapse of the law of conservation of energy would have extreme ramifications for
pretty much everything we know about how the universe works.”

The Conservation of Matter can be Violated

The Conservation of Matter can be Violated is not any kind of law at all. It is
nothing but a set of assumptions used for theoretical purposes by scientists playing
with numbers…nothing more than that.

Even Wikipedia admits that:

“The concept of mass conservation is widely used in many fields such as

chemistry, mechanics, and fluid dynamics. Historically, mass conservation was
discovered in chemical reactions independently by Mikhail Lomonosov and later

One Deception to Rule Them All

rediscovered by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century. The formulation of this
law was of crucial importance in the progress from alchemy to the modern natural
science of chemistry.

The conservation of mass only holds approximately and is

considered part of a series of assumptions coming from classical
The law has to be modified to comply with the laws of quantum mechanics and
special relativity under the principle of mass-energy equivalence, which states that
energy and mass form one conserved quantity. For very energetic systems the
conservation of mass-only is shown not to hold, as is the case in nuclear reactions and
particle-antiparticle annihilation in particle physics.

Mass is also not generally conserved in open systems.

Such is the case when various forms of energy and matter are allowed into, or out
of, the system. However, unless radioactivity or nuclear reactions are involved, the
amount of energy escaping (or entering) such systems as heat, mechanical work, or
electromagnetic radiation is usually too small to be measured as a decrease in system

For systems where, large gravitational fields are involved, general relativity has to
be taken into account, where mass-energy conservation becomes a more complex
concept, subject to different definitions, and neither mass nor energy is as strictly
and simply conserved as is the case in special relativity.” -- Wikipedia

Hence, the very idea that The Conservation of Matter cannot be violated does
not even apply outer space, anyway…just more Scientism gibberish from Vatican
Jesuit brainwashing.

“In special theory of relativity certain types of matter may be created or

destroyed, but in all of these processes, the mass and energy associated with
such matter remains unchanged in quantity.”

In other words, matter is created and destroyed in Einsteinian Physics, but the
INFORMATION CONTENT (“associated quantity”) remains I have

One Deception to Rule Them All

been saying all along. The INFORMATION CONTENT remains constant and
ETERNAL all the time, but matter is created and destroyed continually.

Sean Carroll: Energy is Not

Conserved in General Relativity
“I’ve been meaning to link to this post at the arXiv blog, which is a great source of
quirky and interesting new papers. In this case they are pointing to a speculative but
interesting paper by Martin Perl and Holger Mueller, which suggests an experimental
search for gradients in dark energy by way of atom interferometry.

But I’m unable to get past this part of the blog post: The notion of dark energy is
peculiar, even by cosmological standards. Cosmologists have foisted the idea upon us
to explain the apparent accelerating expansion of the Universe. They say that this
acceleration is caused by energy that fills space at a density of 10-10 joules per cubic
What’s strange about this idea is that as space expands, so too does the amount
of energy. If you’ve spotted the flaw in this argument, you’re not alone. Forgetting the
law of conservation of energy is no small oversight.

I like to think that, if I were not a professional cosmologist, I would still find it
hard to believe that hundreds of cosmologists around the world have latched on to an
idea that violates a bedrock principle of physics, simply because they “forgot” it. If the
idea of dark energy were in conflict with some other much more fundamental
principle, I suspect the theory would be a lot less popular.

But many people have just this reaction. It’s clear that cosmologists have not
done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-
understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity.
(With caveats to be explained below.)

The point is pretty simple: back when you thought energy was conserved, there
was a reason why you thought that, namely time-translation invariance. A fancy way
of saying “the background on which particles and forces evolve, as well as the
dynamical rules governing their motions, are fixed, not changing with time.” But in
general relativity that’s simply no longer true. Einstein tells us that space and time are

One Deception to Rule Them All

dynamical, and in particular that they can evolve with time. When the space through
which particles move is changing, the total energy of those particles is not conserved.

It’s not that all hell has broken loose; it’s just that we’re considering a more
general context than was necessary under Newtonian rules. There is still a single
important equation, which is indeed often called “energy-momentum conservation.”
It looks like this:
\nabla_\mu T^{\mu\nu} = 0

The details aren’t important, but the meaning of this equation is straightforward
enough: energy and momentum evolve in a precisely specified way in response to the
behavior of spacetime around them. If that spacetime is standing completely still, the
total energy is constant; if it’s evolving, the energy changes in a completely
unambiguous way.

In the case of dark energy, that evolution is pretty simple: the density of vacuum
energy in empty space is absolute constant, even as the volume of a region of space
(comoving along with galaxies and other particles) grows as the universe expands. So,
the total energy, density times volume, goes up.

This bothers some people, but it’s nothing newfangled that has been pushed in
our face by the idea of dark energy. It’s just as true for “radiation” — particles like
photons that move at or near the speed of light. The thing about photons is that they
redshift, losing energy as space expands. If we keep track of a certain fixed number of
photons, the number stays constant while the energy per photon decreases, so the
total energy decreases. A decrease in energy is just as much a “violation of energy
conservation” as an increase in energy, but it doesn’t seem to bother people as much.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how bothersome it is, of course — it’s a
crystal-clear prediction of general relativity.

And one that has been experimentally verified! The success of Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis depends on the fact that we understand how fast the universe was
expanding in the first three minutes, which in turn depends on how fast the energy
density is changing. And that energy density is almost all radiation, so the fact that
energy is not conserved in an expanding universe is absolutely central to getting the
predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis correct. (Some of us have even explored the
very tight constraints on other possibilities.)

One Deception to Rule Them All

Having said all that, it would be irresponsible of me not to mention that plenty of
experts in cosmology or GR would not put it in these terms. We all agree on the
science; there are just divergent views on what words to attach to the science. In
particular, a lot of folks would want to say, “energy is conserved in general relativity,
it’s just that you have to include the energy of the gravitational field along with the
energy of matter and radiation and so on.” Which seems pretty sensible at face value.
There’s nothing incorrect about that way of thinking about it; it’s a choice that
one can make or not, as long as you’re clear on what your definitions are. I personally
think it’s better to forget about the so-called “energy of the gravitational field” and
just admit that energy is not conserved, for two reasons.

First, unlike with ordinary matter fields, there is no such thing as the density of
gravitational energy. The thing you would like to define as the energy associated with
the curvature of spacetime is not uniquely defined at every point in space. So, the best
you can rigorously do is define the energy of the whole universe all at once, rather
than talking about the energy of each separate piece. (You can sometimes talk
approximately about the energy of different pieces, by imagining that they are isolated
from the rest of the universe.) Even if you can define such a quantity, it’s much less
useful than the notion of energy we have for matter fields.

The second reason is that the entire point of this exercise is to explain what’s
going on in GR to people who aren’t familiar with the mathematical details of the
theory. All of the experts agree on what’s happening; this is an issue of translation, not
of physics. And in my experience, saying “there’s energy in the gravitational field, but
it’s negative, so it exactly cancels the energy you think is being gained in the matter
fields” does not actually increase anyone’s understanding — it just quiets them down.
Whereas if you say, “in general relativity spacetime can give energy to matter, or
absorb it from matter, so that the total energy simply isn’t conserved,” they might be
surprised but I think most people do actually gain some understanding thereby.

Energy isn’t conserved; it changes because spacetime does.

See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”


One Deception to Rule Them All

The Conservation of Energy

Can Be Violated
Is the law of conservation of energy violated for a short or long period of time
and can it be experimentally observed?
In classical mechanics (in the sense of non-quantum) physics, there is no
mechanism to allow for non-conservation for energy. Since classical mechanics is
pretty exact for macroscopic objects, there is never any macroscopic violation of
conservation of energy.

However, for small enough (quantum) systems, we have the Heisenberg

uncertainty relation. The relation states:
DeltaE x Deltat >= h/ (4)

Which means that the uncertainty in energy times the uncertainty in time is greater
than some very small number. Interpreted correctly, this means that it is possible to
violate conservation of energy given you do it for a very short time, in other words, it
is possible to "borrow" energy E from "nowhere", given you return it in a time period
t, where t is given by:

t ~ h/E

This "borrowing" of energy is so small that again by the uncertainty principle, it

can never be directly observed. In other words, violation of conservation of energy
can occur if and only if the violation cannot be observed due to the uncertainty

However, there are "indirect" effects. One simple example could be the nuclear
force. The longest-range part of the nuclear force is mediated by exchange of pions
(similar to the electromagnetic force being mediated by photons). However, these
pions are "virtual", meaning that they cannot be detected. They are just produced out
of nowhere just like energy. The amount of energy you need to create a virtual pion is:

E = mc2

where m is the mass of the pion, and c is the speed of light. Now, how long can we
"borrow" this much energy? By our previous argument, the time will be:
One Deception to Rule Them All

t ~ h/mc2

If this virtual pion moves as fast as possible, it will move at the speed of light.
Then the distance it can travel is:
d = ct ~ h/mc

Of course, after traveling that distance, it would have to be absorbed by another

particle (and thus mediate the force). Therefore, d is the approximate range of the
force. The amazing thing is, this gives a pretty good value for the range of the nuclear

To sum it up, yes, conservation of energy can be violated, but nature makes sure
it is always within the limits of uncertainty. In other words, the energy must be
returned, and the books set straight pretty quickly. But the fact that it can be violated
is important, and although it can never be observed directly, it does have important
consequences. --Yasar Safkan, Ph.D., Software Engineer, GVZ., Istanbul, Turkey

The Old Newtonian Model of

Conservation of Energy was Dead
and Gone Long Ago

General Relativistic Violation of the Conservation of Energy Law

“Although not commonly known, under certain general relativistic conditions the
conservation of energy law (first law of thermodynamics) can be and is violated.

According to Gödel’s proof, all mathematical models are imperfect, and none
ever will be absolute. Any “law of nature” is actually a model having very wide
validity, but still subject to Gödel’s demonstration. It can still be violated, in certain
circumstances and for appropriate classes of phenomena, per Gödel’s proof. Yet that

One Deception to Rule Them All

violation cannot be proved by the model containing that “law of nature” itself as an
integral part!

Quoting Devlin: "Gödel's Theorem says that in any axiomatic mathematical

system that is sufficiently rich to do elementary arithmetic, there will be some
statements that are true but cannot be proved (from the axioms). In technical
terminology, the axiom system must be incomplete."
As an example, we explain the little-known violation of the conservation of
energy law (the first law of thermodynamics) under certain general relativity
conditions. So long as the Killing vector symmetry holds, the energy conservation law
is applicable and is not violated, even under general relativity. However, when the
Killing vector symmetry is violated by sufficiently strong general relativity situations in
a system, then the conservation of energy law fails for that system under those
1.0. The Problem
There is a real problem in understanding very violent physical phenomena, such
as violent weather phenomena to include tornadoes, their vortices, accompanying
physical phenomena, etc. that suggest violation of energy conservation. Though little
known, conservation of energy can indeed be violated, but only in a general relativistic
situation where the Killing vector symmetry is violated.

1.1. Factors Bearing on the Problem

Scientists become very dogmatic with respect to a model that has very general
application, once it is raised to the “law of nature” regime. As Tolstoy { } stated:

"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest
complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such
as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in
explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they
have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."

One Deception to Rule Them All

Quoting Nobelist Josephson:

“I call it ‘pathological disbelief’. The statement ‘even if it were true, I wouldn’t

believe it’ seems to sum up this attitude.” … “It is like a religious creed where you
have to conform to the ‘correct’ position.”

With respect to the conservation of energy law in electromagnetism, the main

problem is that we are usually tied to the very archaic and flawed old 1880s and 1890s
CEM/EE model. See my article “Errors and Omissions in the CEM/EE Model”,
listing some of the major falsities in that model, most of which have been pointed out
by eminent scientists but have not been corrected.

1.2. How the Dogma is Hidden

Here are some interesting quotes and references on the violation of the
conservation of energy law (first law of thermodynamics) itself that may be of interest
to the reader. One understands that, once the conservation of energy law is violated
by a sufficiently wildly changing general relativistic situation, this means that all
observable things such as inertia, momentum, force developed by change of
momentum, etc. can change dramatically and vary wildly also. In short, the
conservation of most observable physical attributes such as energy, mass, and
momentum simply can fail.

Since a usual "law of nature" is just a very useful and widely applicable model,
then Gödel's 1931 proof applies. So, there will always be some situations (perhaps
very esoteric!) that do violate that law of nature. Good physicists are aware of the fact
that all we really know is our models, never the "thing in itself".

Most electrical engineers do not normally realize that they always assume and are
taught a special relativity situation (with a fixed frame, even if rotated). In extreme
cases nature can hit a system with substantial general relativistic effects, at least
momentarily. In that case, even the ordinary conservation of energy law (first law of
thermodynamics) can be and is sometimes violated, contrary to popular engineering
beliefs. This is obscurely known in physics but is seldom taught or mentioned.

E.g. quoting Hawking:

"All we ever know is our models, but never the reality that may or may not exist
behind the models and casts its shadow upon us who are embedded inside it. We

One Deception to Rule Them All

imagine and intuit, then point the finger and wait to see which suspect for truth turns
and runs. Our models may get closer and closer, but we will never reach direct
perception of reality's thing-in-itself.”

Again quoting Hawking:

“Some people will be very disappointed if there is not an ultimate theory that can
be formulated as a finite number of principles. I used to belong to that camp, but I
have changed my mind. I am now glad our search for understanding will never come
to an end, and we will always have the challenge of new discovery.”

2.0. Discussion.

2.1. How Violation of the Conservation of Energy Law Arises

Quoting Hilbert, shortly after Einstein's General Relativity model was
"I assert... that for the general theory of relativity, i.e., in the case of general
invariance of the Hamiltonian function, energy equations... corresponding to the
energy equations in orthogonally invariant theories do not exist at all. I could even
take this circumstance as the characteristic feature of the general theory of relativity."

Quoting Logunov and Loskutov:

"In formulating the equivalence principle, Einstein actually abandoned the idea of
the gravitational field as a Faraday-Maxwell field, and this is reflected in the
pseudotensorial characterization of the gravitational field that he introduced. Hilbert
was the first to draw attention to the consequences of this. Unfortunately, Hilbert was
evidently not understood by his contemporaries, since neither Einstein himself nor
other physicists recognized the fact that in general relativity conservation laws for
energy, momentum, and angular momentum are in principle impossible."

Quoting the eminent physicist Roger Penrose:

“We seem to have lost those most crucial conservation laws of physics, the laws
of conservation of energy and momentum!” [Penrose then adds the Killing symmetry
arbitrarily, to get conservation again, when the Killing vector applies and gravity is
separated.]. “These conservation laws hold only in a spacetime for which there is the
appropriate symmetry, given by the Killing vector ĸ…. [These considerations] do not

One Deception to Rule Them All

really help us in understanding what the fate of the conservation laws will be when
gravity itself becomes an active player. We still have not regained our missing
conservation laws of energy and momentum, when gravity enters the picture. ... This
awkward-seeming fact has, since the early days of general relativity, evoked some of
the strongest objections to that theory, and reasons for unease with it, as expressed by
numerous physicists over the years. … in fact, Einstein’s theory takes account of
energy-momentum conservation in a rather sophisticated way – at least in those
circumstances where such a conservation law is most needed. …Whatever energy
there is in the gravitational field itself is to be excluded from having any

From Penrose’s statement, the “solution” accepted by many general relativists is to

arbitrarily toss out the gravity and gravitational energy density of spacetime in a given
troublesome case, and the problem of non-conservation of energy and momentum
then vanishes. In short, separate the spacetime itself from the fields, and there is no
problem! The CEM/EE model does this by assuming a flat spacetime and an inert
vacuum. It always assumes a special relativistic situation.

However, avoiding the problem itself is not solving the problem! Einstein himself
pointed out that there is no spacetime separate from fields.

Quoting Einstein:
“There is no such thing as an empty space, i.e., a space without field. Space-time
does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field.”

2.2. An Experimental Example of Apparent Violation of Energy Conservation

We note that there are such apparent violations already contained in physics,
including experimental violations. An “explanation” of these apparent violations can
indeed be given, if one finds a sufficiently well-behaved general relativity mechanism.
The tremendous extra spacetime curvature and oscillation effects due to dynamics of
the normally non-diverged giant Heaviside curled energy flow component is one such
mechanism; in certain cases it can be sufficiently well-behaved to provide extra energy
“directly from the dynamics of the oscillating curvature of spacetime itself”.

One Deception to Rule Them All

As our example, a general relativistic effect already proven since 1967, including
in experiments done every year in optical physics in all major universities, is the
"negative resonance absorption of the medium" (NRAM) effect { }. The effect
experimentally yields 18 times as much output Poynting flow from a specific self-
resonating charged medium as is in the Poynting energy flow being input to the
medium. Considering the neglected and unaccounted giant Heaviside curled EM
energy flow always accompanying every Poynting EM energy flow but arbitrarily
neglected since Lorentz arbitrarily discarded it in 1900, the gravity effect is always at
least of importance, particularly when (a) significant, (b) well-behaved, and (c)
synchronized coherently with input energy variations. Appropriate reference citations
are given in the Provisional Patent Application (PPA) listed shortly, and available on

For a proposed means of using and adapting the proven NRAM effect to rather
completely and quickly solve the world energy crisis, see Thomas E. Bearden and
Kenneth D. Moore, “Increasing the Coefficient of Performance of Electromagnetic
Power Systems by Extracting and Using Excess EM Energy from the Heaviside
Energy Flow Component”. This is a Provisional Patent Application (PPA), Oct. 2005,
and is now released into public domain and freely given away to the peoples of the

2.3. Another Observed Example of Failure of Energy Conservation.

Another failure of Newton’s law of gravitation is met in galaxies in their outer

reaches. Quoting New Scientist on dark matter:

“A ‘law of nature’ is one of those concepts that slips through your fingers the
more you try to grasp it. The most that can be said about a physical law is that it is a
hypothesis that has been confirmed by experiment so many times that it becomes
universally accepted. There is nothing natural about it, however: it is a wholly human
construct. Yet still we baulk when somebody tries to revoke one.”

“That is what is happening to the inverse-square law at the heart of Newton’s

law of gravitation. … this relationship fails for stars at the outer reaches of galaxies,
whose orbits suggest some extra pull towards the galactic center. It was to explain this
discrepancy that dark matter was conjured up, but with dark matter still elusive,
another potential solution is looking increasingly attractive: change the law.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Feynman pointed out in 1964 that we really do not have a definition of energy.

Quoting Feynman:

"It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what

energy is."

We must always remember that spacetime itself is highly energetic, and – in a

modern view – we may take spacetime itself as identically energy, in which case any
change in spacetime (either curvature or torsion) is a change in energy, thus capable of
interacting with matter.

Quoting Wheeler:
"…curved empty space is a dynamic entity, as competent to store and carry
energy as are ordinary elastic materials and electromagnetic waves."
Finally, quoting Vlasov and Denisov:

" general relativity there are no energy-momentum conservation laws for a

system consisting of matter and the gravitational field."

3.0. Conclusion

Our final comment is that, when spacetime curvature, twisting, or other dynamics
goes into wild general relativistic changes, the energy density in a given tiny piece of
space can also be wildly changing by huge orders of magnitude. In short, in just the
right set of such changes, momentary correlation provides that a straw in such a
region of warped space can momentarily have so much energy and momentum that it
easily penetrates a telephone pole or a brick. To the straw, because of its momentary
giant energy density and momentum, the brick’s energy density is like soft butter.
Multiply-connected spacetime effects such as teleportation are also available and
sometimes occur. Certainly, over the years, straws driven into telephone poles and
bricks have indeed been observed in the aftermath of violent tornadoes.
The above brief and informal explanations of permissible violation of the
conservation of energy law (and also of conservation laws of momentum etc.) may be
of help in eventually understanding such odd phenomenology from tornadic and
other violent events and conditions. In such cases, the phenomenology does not have

One Deception to Rule Them All

to obey normal CEM/EE concepts and conservation laws, at least for sporadic
moments in external observer time.”

• Kurt Gödel, "Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principa Mathematica und verwandter
Systeme" ("On Formally Indeterminable Propositions of the Principia Mathematica and
Related Systems)." Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 38, 1931.
• Keith Devlin, "Kurt Gödel — Separating Truth from Proof in Mathematics," Science, Vol.
298, 6 Dec. 2002, p. 1899.
• Count Lev Nikolayevich, commonly referred as Leo Tolstoy. Famed Russian novelist,
philosopher, and moralist.
• Brian Josephson, quoted in Alison George, “Take nobody’s word for it,” NewScientist, 9
Dec. 2006, p. 56.
• As given by George Zebrowski, "The holdouts," Nature, Vol. 408, 14 Dec 2000, p. 775.
• Stephen Hawking, posted on his website in early 2004.
• David Hilbert, Gottingen Nachrichten, Vol. 4, 1917, p. 21.
• A. A. Logunov and Yu. M. Loskutov, "Nonuniqueness of the predictions of the general
theory of relativity," Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 18(3), May-June 1987, p. 179.
Roger Penrose, The Road to Reality, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005, p. 457-458.
• Albert Einstein, Relativity, The Special and General Theory, translated by Robert W.
Lawson, Henry Holt, New York, 1920.
• By positive “absorption of energy” occurring in a mass system, we mean that energy enters
the system from outside and is absorbed (turned into a different form of energy) in the
system. By “negative absorption of energy” occurring in a mass system, one refers to energy
being emitted by the system and radiated outside it and away from it. In short, “negative
absorption” is a mind-numbing phrase deliberately employed by the optical physicists to
prevent saying “excess emission”. Thus, the phrase implies that the medium is emitting more
(in NRAM, some 18 times as much) Poynting energy as the Poynting energy flow the
operator is inputting to the system to be absorbed by it. In short, the NRAM phrase is a
clever way of hiding what is an apparent violation of the conservation of energy law itself.
• Editorial, “Breaking the laws,” NewScientist, 29 April 2006, p. 5.
• Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, Vol. 1, 1964, p. 4-2.
• John A. Wheeler and Seymour Tilson, "The Dynamics of Space-Time," International Science
and Technology, Dec. 1963, p. 62.
• A. A. Vlasov and V. I. Denisov. “"Einstein's Formula for Gravitational Radiation is not a
Consequence of the General Theory of Relativity." Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
53(3), June 1983, p. 1208-1216. Translated from Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika,
53(3), Dec. 1982, p. 406-418 (in Russian). The quotation is from p. 1208.

-- T. E. Bearden, 10 Feb 2007, Copyright 2007

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 9
Layers of Execution
In passing, I want to note that the long-standing implementation of Chemtrails
will help to facilitate Steps 2 through 4. Chemtrails consisting of Strontium, Barium,
and Aluminum create a world more electromagnetically alive in conjunction with the
5G Grid. It will serve as worldwide “sky screen” for “The Massive Space Show in the
Sky, Two Way Electronic Thought Control, and Supernatural Manifestations Using
Secret Technology” stages of the four-pronged attacked of Project Blue Beam.

What You Need to Know About 5G Death Towers:
“5G Towers have 300ft spoke copper wheels that span out underground aimed
at altering Earth's Natural Frequency, working in conjunction with Space Fence above
at top of sky dome which is a city atop in the Firmament (Atlantis) which is run by
Tesla Free Energy, while below we are charged for electricity. During the
Antediluvian Age Atlantis ran on a higher frequency level, to which is why 5G (5th
Age, Age of Aquarius, The Golden Age of Saturn / Satan) is being implemented.
They are terraforming the planet (plane) to accommodate Atlantis and its occupants
(Apollyon the Destroyer with its accompanying squadron of Demonic filth).

They are looking to reverse the polarity, which will make humanity and animals
very sick, to which humanity will be seeking alternative medicinal measures to cure
their sickness caused by 5G radiation. The NWO Beast System will introduce a cure,
where one can become as gods (Transhumanism). This where they will claim sickness
as a thing of the pass. Once you accept the mark of the beast showing your allegiance
to Satan, your DNA will change from double strand DNA to that of a Triple Helix,
turning you into a machine and your consciousness uploaded to Satan's One Hive
Mind (Sky Net), which is housed in Atlantis above in Firmament, thus Satan being
called the “Prince of the Air’. God dwells in the hearts of man not within a machine,
One Deception to Rule Them All

hence if you take the mark of the beast you will completely severe any relationship
you may have had with God, thus terminating any chances of Salvation. For
whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for Jesus sake
shall find it.”--

World Online: Smart Dust and Billions of

Nano Microchips
100s and 100s of billions of Nano-microchips, from pill bottles, to plant
water, to the air you breathe. That is the Smart City 5G Grid being constructed
under our noses as I write this. It will be ubiquitous. It will be monolithic. It will be
the FINAL chapter in Human Freedom.

Project Bluebeam and Ridley Scott’s

Prometheus Bringer of Fire (Light)
“Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is
attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head
and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second
Coming.” – Wikipedia

For the purposes of this book, it is not necessary to go into Project Blue Beam in
great depth. In a nutshell, it is supposed to unfold in four steps:

One Deception to Rule Them All


Step 1: The Break Down of All Archaeological Knowledge

Step 2: The Massive Space Show in the Sky

Step 3: Two Way Electronic Thought Control

Step 4: Supernatural Manifestations Using Secret Technology

Having said that, the step that I want to highlight here is “Step 1:

Step 1: The Break Down of All Archaeological Knowledge”

“Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently
be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new
discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental
religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.” --Rational Wiki

For the Ancient Alien Hypothesis to work, you need Outer Space. All of it
hinges in this idea. After all, how can you have The Plant Nibiru, Ancient Aliens,
space battles Anunnaki, etc... if there is not outer space to speak of?

Now if archaeological digs started to unearth ancient tablets that proved we came
from Ancient Aliens, beyond a shadow of a doubt, then they would have their
foundation for their Alien Deception. All of Christianity would free fall into a Vatican
Jesuit Luciferian interpretation of the Bible, where anything goes: Ancient Alien
Reptilian Hybrids, Jesuit fostered Copernican Heliocentrism, Alien Space Jesus as
Lord, Ancient Alien DNA, and the return of an A.I. based, Ancient Alien Messiah as
our God, the source of human life. Yeah, I know it sounds like the plot to Ridley
Scott’s Prometheus, doesn’t it? Well, that is because it is! Jesuit Vatican infiltrated
Hollywood embedded their little A.I. Ancient Alien Antichrist Deception deep inside
the film, Prometheus, with the help of 33-degree Freemason, Alien sci-fi horror
franchise, movie maker master, Ridley Scott. The entire film revolved around an A.I.
Messiah figure, David, who evidently was seeding humanity with Alien DNA to push
the next stage in evolution for Mankind.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Prometheus: Ancient Sumerian Engineer

'Star-Map' Tablet
In Ridley Scott’s, Prometheus film, a small square carved tablet used. This tablet
is briefly seen during the briefing scene which is held by Dr. Shaw (Noomi Rapace)
and Dr. Holloway (Logan-Marshall Green) where they explain the origin of the Star
Map. The Star Map is shown to be the same throughout multiple historical instances
from archeological digs, which apparently uncovered tablets with identical alien
contact iconography. (Of course, this is merely Project Blue Beam, “Step 1: The Break
Down of All Archaeological Knowledge”, embedded inside this occult Luciferian
film. The movie, Prometheus, is simple a vehicle to promote the Luciferian Alien
Subsequently, Dr. Shaw and Dr. Holloway go on to say that in over six different
cultures, who had no geographical access or physical contact with one another, all
exhibit hieroglyphs and tablets that show Ancient Aliens assisted ancient Mankind.
This serves as evidence of Ancient Aliens and Ancient Alien Creators, or “The
Engineers”, as they call them in the movie, and leads them to mount the expedition to
find the planet LV-223. The Star Map tablet is shown in the sequence to be Sumerian
in origin dating from 3590 BCE and features heavily in the showcase.

It is a though Chris H. Hardy Ph.D., Zechariah Sitchin, David Icke, and Erich
von Däniken all got a movie made to push their Ancient Alien Agenda, and a
particularly big bonus for David Icke and his Alien Reptilian Hybrid Theory,
obviously, since the Alien franchise has that Satanist, H. R. Giger’s Alien Art, which
makes one wonder, once again, if they are all simply feeding from the same Ancient
Alien Chimera Occultism, after all.

Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones, Nailed the

Movies Occult Meaning
“The Infowars founder has made foreboding predictions about Ridley Scott’s
latest chapter. If taken as speculative fan fiction, it weirdly elevates the movie
watching experience.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Just six days after the first teaser trailer for Alien: Covenant hit YouTube, Alex
Jones made a video titled "The Real Secrets of Alien Covenant Leaked." In it, the
Infowars founder urgently reveals that Ridley Scott's new Alien movie is nothing
more than a revelation of the elite's agenda to kill off humanity.

It's pretty clear Alex Jones is a huge fan of Ridley Scott. He did a similar bout of
unhinged theorizing in a video from 2012 about Prometheus. In that video he
basically reaches the same conclusion: the movie is nothing more than " a revelation
of the method revealing the deepest secrets of the Illuminati mystery religion."
Even though he made his video three months before Prometheus came out, he
was almost spot on about how the film tied into conspiracy theories surrounding a
group of alien deities known as the Anunnaki. The Annunaki theory posits that
celestial deities visited Earth thousands of years ago from distant planets and
genetically engineered human life. That's also more or less the opening scene to Ridley
Scott's 2012 film Prometheus.

Understanding the Anunnaki is key to understanding how Jones sees the Alien
prequels. He believes Prometheus and Alien: Covenant present themes that are at the
core of Western secret societies. In other words, he takes that first scene in
Prometheus as a depiction of reality rather than a work of fiction. No matter what you
think of Jones, his strange predictions only elevate the Alien: Covenant viewing
experience. Somehow, he nails the major themes better than most reviews for the
film. Should go without saying but major spoilers from here on out.

The Plot of Alien Covenant According to Alex Jones

Jones really does seem to believe the Alien prequels are depicting "reality," and
that off-world aliens are controlling knowledge on planet Earth. Everything from
Darwin's theory of evolution to the discovery of DNA was given to us by the
Annunaki, so the theory goes. He rationalizes all this by citing a hypothesis known as
panspermia, which argues that the organic building blocks of life originated in space.
It's a very hard to discover evidence for this hypothesis, which means it's also really
hard to disprove. (It's also a fairly common sci-fi trope, even Star Trek suggested life
on Earth came from elsewhere.)
Alien: Covenant follows the crew of the USCSS Covenant, a 22nd-century
spaceship carrying 2,000 colonists as they descend to an unknown, Earth-like planet.

One Deception to Rule Them All

They land on the planet to investigate a distress beacon. There, they stumble on
strange fungal spores that gestate inside hosts turning them into pre-evolved
Xenomorphs. After discovering this, the survivors of the Covenant take refuge inside
a dead alien metropolis piled with the corpses of humanoids who failed to accept the
new world order enacted upon them by the social engineers.

The crew of the USCSS Covenant. Notice James Franco in the center. He's the
first to be claimed by the social engineers. Courtesy of 20th Century FOX.

Prediction #1: Humanity's Demise by Our Own Creations

Jones predicted that the social engineers who rule planet Earth were making
Alien: Covenant as a clear communication of the tenants of panspermia. He's not
wrong. The theme of the new film extends the Prometheus line of thinking. Within
the first moments of his life, the android David (Michael Fassbender, reprising his
role from Prometheus) asks his human creator the question: "Who created you?" The
question lingers in the air unanswered, setting the whole film in motion.
This scene sets up David's turn later in the film as he dumps as a mysterious
molecule over an entire alien metropolis (teased in this short video) effectively
creating the genetic building blocks for Xenomorphs—you know, H.R. Giger's iconic
monster from every previous entry of the Alien franchise. Jones predicted this almost
perfectly in December when he said the film was about "the plan to turn the entire
planet into a petri-dish of life."

Consider yourself warned that artificial intelligence will be our undoing—yet

another sci fi trope. To Jones this is clearly depicted through the character of David.
He tells us that the android is merely social engineer Ridley Scott's revelation of the
method of our demise. Jones tells us that even Scott's original Alien film was a way to
condition us to this terrible fate that androids will eventually murder us all. (That said,
Lance Henriksen's android from James Cameron's Aliens was a good guy, though a
bit creepy.) The synthetic character of Ash (Ian Holm) in the original Alien was just
the first step in conditioning human to our inevitable doom at the hands of the
android just as "grass bends to the wind."

Prediction #2: People Will Mutate

One Deception to Rule Them All

Jones predicted that the bizarre new planet in Alien: Covenant is actually a giant
test tube merging creature in bizarre new forms. Jones tells us the planet will become
a hotbed of "mutagens" that will embrace the human form with a lot of ugliness. But
honestly this is clearly outlined in the trailer for the film and is the basis for the entire
franchise. Sloppy work, Alex Jones. Just lazy.

Prediction #3: Alien Covenant Depicts the Deepest Covenants Of

The Human Race
Jones' research went deeper though. He tells us that the ideas we see in Alien:
Covenant are the deepest covenants of the human race. Although it seems that Jones'
is merely playing off the name of the film. He understands Alien as a promise made to
the people of the word. A promise of understanding the origins of our celestial
overlords. This prediction really only comes true if you see the film as a historically
accurate work of fiction, which is not advisable.

Jones posits that the new film isn't just about biological takeover but offers a real
insight into what the social engineers of the world are currently building. By watching
the film you're confronted with this knowledge so you have the opportunity to resist
it in the real world.
Prediction #4: Faith Will Not Survive The New World Order
About mid-way through his December video, Jones segues his predictions into
the idea of ascension from this level of faith and existence. He leaves it vague enough
to apply to any character in horror movies (like Alien) who die out of sheer ignorance.
In the film we can see this come true through Captain Oram's (Billy Crudup) religious
faith. He becomes a sacrificial lamb to the first Face-hugger of the film because he
refuses to believe the chilling covenants of alien life.

Michael Fassbender as David. Courtesy of 20th Century FOX.

Prediction #5: There Will Be A Messianic Character or Scene

After making strange and sweeping references to Jesus and Star Lord from

Guardians of the Galaxy as half-humanoid creatures designed to shepherd us into this

new world Jones declares there will be a messiah character or scene in Alien:
One Deception to Rule Them All

Somehow, he's right again. David's role in Alien: Covenant is pretty similar to
Christ. The new film hinges on the reveal that the android has become somewhat of a
genetic carpenter. There's literally a scene in the film where David has a baby
Xenomorph mimic him as he does his best Jesus on the cross imitation.

Jones' Predictions Were Weirdly Accurate Up Until His Second Video

Jones' made a second video about Alien: Covenant titled " Exclusive: Secrets Of
Alien Covenant Film Leaked" but it's pretty much more of the same. In it, Jones' tells
viewers that he's simply putting on his sociologist/anthropologist hat to show us that
director Ridley Scott believes aliens are real and will probably destroy us all. While
that's a true quote from Scott, Jones treats this as simply another revelation of the
method of our demise.
Prediction #6: Xenomorphs Are Based on Human-Animal Chimeras
Jones cites this article about human-animal chimeras as the basis for the
Xenomorphs. He's not wrong that there are similarities. Although this assumption
doesn't really account for how the Xenomorph has existed in film for 40 years and
that this article is from 2017. He also rambles on about everything from the super
hadron collider, pocket calculators, and the technological singularity before he ends
up at human animal hybrids again.

Prediction #7: Human Ignorance Will Lead to Our Demise

Alex Jones sees the plot of Alien: Covenant as a distinction between the creator
and the created, but he's incorrect. The film concludes with the idea that humans are
really neatly made gods themselves. He assumes that we will be undone by our own
creations in an effort to advance further. Knowledge drives Ridley's conclusion where
Jones believes its ignorance that causes our ultimate fate.

Scott presents our undoing as one of hubris. That even our creations are more
human than they believe. This is made clear when David recites Percy Blythe Shelley's
"Ozymandias" and incorrectly attributes the epic poem to another author. The
charred corpses outside the alien metropolis remind viewers about the follies of
science and present us with the opportunity to see things coming.

Conclusion: Alex Jones Is Making It Up as He Goes Along

One Deception to Rule Them All

In reality, Jones is right about the film—just not in the way he thinks. He's right
about the whole thing being an allegory for our creations consuming us but he's very
wrong to assume anything in the film is actually a reflection of reality. Still, it's insane
to think that the shouting, chili-obsessed conspiracy theorist could tell us more about
the themes of a summer blockbuster than most reviews.

So, heed Alex Jones' warning. Alien: Covenant provides a disturbing look into the
future of humanity and our forthcoming demise. If you see these complex truths in
the cinema this weekend, you'll have the opportunity to accept your fate when they
inevitably come true in the near future. You've been warned.”
--This article originally appeared on VICE US, Zac Thompson

Ancient Aliens: The Luciferian History

Channel’s Ancient Aliens
Additionally, just like Hollywood Satanist, Ridley Scott’s movie, Prometheus, is
Luciferian brainwashing, so was the television series, Ancient Aliens.

Wikipedia says:

“Ancient Aliens is an American television series that premiered on April 20, 2010,
on the History channel. Produced by Prometheus Entertainment in a documentary
style, the program presents hypotheses of ancient astronauts and proposes that
historical texts, archaeology, and legends contain evidence of past human-
extraterrestrial contact. The show has been criticized for presenting pseudoscience
and pseudohistory.” –Wikipedia

Did you catch that? “Produced by Prometheus Entertainment”.

So, you see, the agenda is monolithic. These are not coincidences. Prometheus is
occult iconography for Lucifer, the Bringer of Fire (Light). It is embedded in film,
lore, myth, and science by Luciferian Occultists to signal to each other The Great
Work of Ages to complete their New World Order, which is nothing other than the
ancient Hermetic Alchemical Agenda, going back to Mystery Babylon and beyond, to

One Deception to Rule Them All

ascend by Satanic Apotheosis through Genetic technologies and science, including

A.I., The Internet, and the Digital Reconfiguring of Reality, itself, to become God.

This plot exactly aligns with this whole Alien A.I. Antichrist Messiah Deception
that the Vatican is striving to get pull off, using Project Blue Beam as archaeological
proof that Ancient Aliens seeded Mankind into existence with Alien DNA. And with
that FAKE proof, they will mesh The Cumulative Layers of Deceptions that The
Vatican has woven together into a...

The Digital Panopticon Surveillance

(The Beast System)
“The Panopticon is a type of institutional building and a system of control
designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late
18th century. The scheme of the design is to allow all (pan-) inmates of an institution
to be observed (-opticon) by a single watchman without the inmates being able to tell
whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the
single watchman to observe all the inmates' cells at once, the fact that the inmates
cannot know when they are being watched means that they are motivated to act as
though they are being watched at all times. Thus, they are effectively compelled to
regulate their own behavior. The name may also allude to the many-eyed giant
Panoptes in Greek mythology, some of whose eyes were always awake, making him a
highly effective watchman.” -- Wikipedia

The Threefold Occult Doctrine

Dissemination Process
In the dissemination of occult doctrine, we first see the ancient occult doctrines
coming from Freemasonic Occult Doctrine Nurseries of Hermetic and Kabbalistic
Secret Knowledge.
And then we see this occult doctrine become translated and repackaged as
science fiction Hollywood, such as Freemason Director, Gene Roddenberry’s Star
One Deception to Rule Them All

Trek, Babylon 9, Contact, Star Wars, Lost in Space, The Alien Movie Franchise,
Marvel Studios films, Blade Runner, iRobot, 2001 A Space Odyssey, end any number
of Sci Fi, Jesuit and Freemason financed and supported films to spread the
CREDIBILITY, LEGITIMACY, and POSSIBILITY of these occult doctrines as

Thirdly, these repacked occult doctrines are further repackaged as ACTUAL

science and The Puppets of Scientism like Carl Sagan, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Bill Nye
the Science Guy, Michio Kaku, etc... explain them to the masses as if they are real
scientific principles proven though real empirical scientific method.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Chapter 10
One Deception to Rule Them All:
(The Apotheosis of Man)
A Singular Satanic Spiderweb Woven to
Capture Mankind’s Imagination
The Jesuit Alien Deception involves creating the high possibility for Alien Life to
exist in the collective mind of Mankind. The following are some of the deceptions and
events that have been employed to facilitate this final great deception of Mankind:

1) Copernican Heliocentrism
2) Big Bang Cosmology
3) Evolutionary Theory
4) The Theory of Gravity
5) The Concealment of the Flat Earth
6) The Destruction of Christianity
7) The Creation of Quantum Mystical Pantheism
8) Hollywood’s Creation of Science Fiction Outer Space
9) Freemason, Gene Rodenberry, with his Star Trek Mythos
10) Freemason affiliate, George Lucas, with his Sar Wars Mythos
11) NASA’s Reinforcement of Science Fiction Outer Space
12) The Ancient Alien Ancestors Hoax
13) Fake UFOs
14) A.I. as a REAL Threat to Mankind
15) Quantum Mysticism with Interdimensional Worlds
16) The Biblical Telling of a Second Coming
17) Trump’s Creation of a Space Force
18) The Tesla Roadster in CGI Fake Space

One Deception to Rule Them All

19) The Landing on Mars Hoax of 12/2019

20) Transhumanism
21) Nano Synthetic Biology
22) Synthetic Biology
23) Mind Uploading
24) Robotics
25) Cybernetic Enhancements
26) Augmented Reality
27) Virtual Reality
28) Genetic Manipulation
29) Genetic Engineering
30) Smart Dust Nano Micro Chips in the Skies, in the Land, in the
Water, in Our Blood Stream...the Entire World Online to Serve
A Singular A.I. Borg Intelligence
31) Programmable Matter
32) The Reconfiguration of reality Itself through Digital Virtual
33) Holographic Field Enrichment and Construction
34) The Promise to Heal the World Through Technology, but
Depopulation and Mass Genocide Will Precede All This, where
only The Elite will be allowed to Inhabit this “Healed” World.
35) The New Age Occultic Ascension Theology
36) Terrorism and the Need of a Savior
37) The Vatican Church’s Full Endorsement of Big Bang
Cosmology, Evolutionary Theory, and the Possibility of Alien
38) The Emergence of Superstar Astrophysicists to Promote
Heliocentricism, a Vast Hostile Cosmos, and the Possibility of
Alien Life (e.g. Carl Sagan, Frank Drake, Neil de Grasse Tyson,
Michio Kaku)

One Deception to Rule Them All

39) Tomorrowland New Age Drug, Sex, and Electronic Dance

Music Trance Mind Control
40) And the list goes on...
They all dovetail together to create the final Grand Daddy Deception of the
All-Time: The One Deception to Rule Them All:

The One Deception to Rule Them All is nothing other than The
Apotheosis of Man (to become God) through Occult Knowledge coming from
alleged Alien contact and mediated and parceled out through the conduit of
Artificial Intelligence. The future we face is where doctors are computer
technicians instead of physicians.
Of course, the DECEPTION is that this Apotheosis will be for all Mankind.
It will not.

It was always intended for only The Luciferian Elite to ascend into
Godhood while the rest of Mankind exists as their slaves or exterminated.

Lets’ examine this idea more closely...

Antichrist and the Alien Threat

“Our society is deteriorating, and Bible-believing Christians are ill-prepared to face
that deterioration.

The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented.

Fewer and fewer people understand why we have become morally bankrupt.
However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we
can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of
America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us
for some eye-opening truths.

On December 28, 1991, we aired a program entitled the "Six-Step Attitudinal

Change Plan, Part 2". On this program we showed again what the Six-Step Attitudinal
Change Plan was, how it is working effectively, and several instances of its use. One
of those instances is the phenomenon of UFO's and Aliens. Today, we will be
updating you on recent shocking and illuminating developments. To give this program
One Deception to Rule Them All

balance, we will be repeating some of our original material; however, this is not bad
because we know from your letters that many of our regular listeners started listening
after December 28. Stand by for news that is far more shocking than any fiction, but
oh, so very true, and Biblical. This news will seem shocking and crazy, as crazy as
unsaved people felt Noah was when he was building his boat for 120 years. That
The drumbeat continues to roll toward ever higher levels on the theme of UFO's
and Aliens Among Us. This theme has been prevalent in New Age literature for many
years and has developed into an article of religious faith for many people who have
been caught in the lie of the New Age. However, this theme is now becoming ever
more prevalent in the mainstream media of TV and movies. Consider the a few of the
instances of TV shows and movies which have carried the alien theme:

• Close Encounters of The Third Kind

• Star Trek
• E.T.
• Alf
• Mork and Mindy
• Star Wars Trilogy
• Star Man
• Battle Star Galactica
• Space 1999
• TV UFO "documentaries" abound, including "Unsolved
• CBS Movie, "Intruders", two-part series in May 1992

Let us pause our examination of this UFO/Alien phenomenon for a few

moments as we examine the time frame in which we are living, and the applicable
Biblical framework.

We have already demonstrated that we are living in the Last Days of time, the
time which will see the appearance of Anti-Christ, the Great Tribulation, and the
Second Return of Jesus Christ. And, we have already demonstrated that THE

One Deception to Rule Them All

hallmark characteristic of the End of the Age is prophesied to be unparalleled

deception. Let us examine this prophesied deception.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 -- In this section of Scripture, Paul addresses the

misconception among the church at Thessalonica that the Day of the Lord has already
occurred. Paul emphatically states, "Let no one". Jesus stated the same
warning against deception in Matthew 24:4; He has just been asked by His disciples
what THE sign of the End of the Age would be. Jesus gave them many more signs
than just one, but His first response was, "Be careful that no one misleads you,
deceiving you and leading you into error". Jesus repeats this warning twice more, in
verses 11 and 24. In verse 24, Jesus adds that "false Christs and false prophets will
arise...and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive and lead astray, if
possible, the very elect" (God's chosen ones). In other words, the End Time
deception will be unparalleled; it will be accompanied by truly extraordinary signs and
wonders. We are not to be deceived. Truly, unparalleled spiritual deception is THE
hallmark characteristic of the End Times.

No one can understand the times in which we live, nor can anyone understand the
New World Order, unless they understand Biblical prophecy and doctrine.
Now let us return to our Scripture passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, "Let no man
deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling
away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

This is the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be
Christians) ..." We have spent considerable time exposing the great and unparalleled
apostasy in which the majority of Christian denominations are participating today. We
are at this point in world history today, fulfilling this part of this prophecy. Paul
continues, "...and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, ..." Of course, this man of
lawlessness is the Biblical Anti-Christ, as predicted in Daniel 9:27 and confirmed by
Jesus in Matthew 24:15.

The major point which we want you to grasp from this passage is that the end
result of this unparalleled deception will be the appearance of Anti-Christ. This is
such a critical point, I want to repeat it: The planned end result of this tremendous
program of deception is belief in the Anti-Christ.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Paul continues, verse 9, " The coming of the lawless one, [the antichrist] is
through the activity and working of Satan..." This verse tells us that the source of this
End Time delusion will be Satan. Make no mistake about it, Satan's supernatural
power will produce the most incredible deception the world will have ever witnessed.
This deception will seem so incredible, people's minds will literally be blown away. At
this point, we must remind our listeners that Satan and his angels, also known as
demons, are capable of transforming themselves into human and non-human forms
so as to deceive people. As Paul stated so eloquently, "..Satan himself masquerades as
an angel of light." Keep this fact in mind as we study UFO's and Aliens.

Now back to Paul's revelations.

"... and will be attended with great power and with all sorts of pretended miracles
and signs and delusive marvels. all of them lying wonders -- And by unlimited
seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because
they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved." The
only people who will be deceived will be the unsaved; this truth ties in perfectly with
Jesus' assertion in Matthew 24, where He says that the Elect, God's chosen people,
would not be deceived.
This deception of the unsaved takes on tremendous significance because of the
next verse, "Therefore, God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of
error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false". This very frightening
verse reveals that God Himself gets involved at this point, deliberately hardening the
hearts and minds of those people who have rejected the Truth of the Gospel. If this is
your situation, you must resist the Salvation call of the Holy Spirit no longer. Turn
now to Jesus Christ, while this world is still in the Age of Grace, before God sends
this tremendously-powerful delusion upon the unbelieving world.
Finally, Paul reveals the final intention of this strong delusion, sent by God, "In
order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in the Truth, but
instead took pleasure in unrighteousness." This strong deception will be part of God's
Judgment upon the wicked.

Let us now examine this phenomenal buildup of UFO's and Aliens. Aliens are
depicted in movies, TV shows, and science fiction novels as:
• Just like us in many respects

One Deception to Rule Them All

• More intelligent and more advanced technologically

• Friendly beings able to live at peace, thus being able to teach us warring

humans to live in peace.

• Having only our own interests at heart

"...In 1982, Michael London of the L.A. Times gathered together a group of 8
people experienced in UFO and extraterrestrial encounters for a special screening of
Steven Spielberg's movie "E.T." London noted the following reactions of the group
to the movie:

`This is a true movie, not a romance. It's part of a CONDITIONING PROCESS

`The movie is a vehicle...It invites the audience to be less afraid of the so-called
para-normal. And what better place to start than with the children?'...Everything is
being done through the children..."

Everything is being done through our children and has been for over 20 years.
Thus, the first generation to be so conditioned are now having children, who are also
being conditioned. What is the purpose? Remember that the Movie and TV industries
are openly hostile to Christianity and are very obviously New Age. Also remember
that the #1 objective of the New Age is to successfully stage the appearance of Anti-



New Age leaders believe people will be much more inclined to accept the claims
of Anti-Christ if they have been first conditioned to believe in the existence of
friendly alien beings. At this point, we need to stop once again to examine relevant
Biblical passages.

One Deception to Rule Them All

* 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is of God." This statement, in Verse 2, states in the positive, that
"every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh..", but it also carries
the negative connotation as well. We can also accurately state that such spirits "seek to
sever Him" from being God. This is precisely what the False Cults, especially the New
Age Religion, is attempting to do.
Notice that the Apostle John does not question whether spirits actually exist; he
knows demons exist and he knows that his Christian audience knows they exist. John
is saying, "Test the spirits [which will arise], to see if they are of God." Notice also
that the time frame context of this passage is the Age of Anti-Christ; these spirits will
be denying that Jesus Christ actually became a man and has come in the flesh; indeed,
they will be seeking to sever the historical, fleshly Jesus from the Divine Jesus Who
was and is God. This is precisely what this UFO-Alien deception is attempting to do.
Now, consider another applicable Scripture, from Jesus:

* Matthew 7:18-20, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear
good fruit...Therefore, you will fully know them by their fruits."

Let us examine the fruits of the UFO's by examining the accounts of those
people which have been contacted by them. An excellent source is a French scientist,
Jacques Vallee, in his book, "Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults".
Mr. Vallee is a world-renowned scientist. He brings a non-Christian scientist's
empirical thinking to this study.

Let us first examine the subjects which UFO's are teaching the people with whom
they have contacted, whom he calls "Contactees".

1. Out-of-Body Experiences (p. 73)

2. Spirit communication (p. 123)

3. Automatic Writing (p. 123)

4. Some people go into trances, where voices are giving them messages.

One Deception to Rule Them All

5. UFO's use crystals for power, even for powering their space-craft. (p.

6. Some people who have gone through this spiritual transformation begin
to see an increase in their psychic awareness. (p. 83-84).

7. The process by which their human consciousness was raised was the
precise manner in which demonic forces work. It is thought transplant." (p.
78-79). At this point, I want you to be aware of the dangers of hypnosis, and
how New Age hypnotists are using it. When a person undergoes hypnosis, they
are surrendering their consciousness to the hypnotists. They can be
programmed in any number of ways, especially to the point where they will
respond to certain actions, in response to specific commands. People who
report being contacted by aliens are being asked to undergo hypnosis so that
they can "regress" back to the scene and "recall" their experiences with the
Aliens, memories which have been repressed by their conscious mind.
However, this is not what is happening. What is really happening is that the
hypnotist is implanting scenes in the minds of the person who has been
contacted. This person then "remembers" what they have been programmed
with, and the "memory" seems so real to the contactee they really believe the
lie themselves. In this way, they then become very effective witnesses that can
and do convince other people. Stay away from hypnosis, even for medical

8. Seances (p.69).

9. Doctrines on the existence of superior races, of people with chosen

missions, references to Atlantis and ancient astronauts..." (p.57, 103). Notice
this binds UFO's with Nazism. But the New World Order is Nazism re-born.

10. "The expectation of higher intelligence is beginning to look like a form

of worship... (p.66)

11. > Aliens utilize standard New Age terminology when they communicate
with their human "contactees". The best illustration of this is their teaching to
the "contactees" that "the Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy" are preparing
to intervene again in world history, to lead mankind to a higher level of
consciousness. "They will select a human person and endow him with

One Deception to Rule Them All

superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world

government and world peace." (UFO: End Time Delusion, David Lewis, p. 46.

Who is this selected man? Maitreya the Christ, the Biblical Anti-Christ!! This
match in wording and concept clearly shows that the "Guiding Spirits" of New Age
writers are the same "Guiding Spirits" for the Aliens. Or does it mean that the Aliens
are the "Guiding Spirits" which have been instructing New Age writers all these many

All these practices are classic occultism! Further, as Christian author, David Lewis
states in his book, UFO: End Time Delusion, "Without exception, every person
claiming an [Alien] contact...had one thing in common. Each had a prior connection
to metaphysical activity or cults. Some had been in devil worship, witchcraft, psychic
phenomena, New Age, channeling...Those involved in direct contact with UFO aliens
already had a connection to the dark side of the supernatural world." Thus, people
today who have thus given themselves over to Satanic activities in some degree are the
ones who are being used to deceive people further into believing in UFO's and aliens.
Then, Lewis adds this comforting statement, “.no Christian has ever had a direct
encounter with an alleged E.T." (p. 15-16). Thus, God is already protecting His Elect
from this Satanic deception. Praise His Holy Name!!

Now, let us examine the stated goals of UFO's and do so in a way in which they
are compared to the printed goals of the New Age Movement seeking to establish the
New World Order.
1. NWO: Abolish all established Government
UFO: Abolish democracy in favor of dictatorship

(p. 103, 113).

2. NWO: All religion must be abolished.

UFO: All religion must be abolished. (p. 93).

3. NWO: Establish One-World Government;

UFO: Establish a single world government, a Utopian Benevolent

Dictatorship. (p. 113)

One Deception to Rule Them All

4. NWO: All world's religions are equal and will one day be combined into one.

5. UFO: All world's religions are equal. (p. 121)

Thus, the goals of UFO's match very well the goals of the New World Order. Further,
UFO Aliens are teaching their contactees concepts which, if carried out, would fulfill
last days' Biblical prophecy.

1. Single World Economy. (p. 57)

2. Elimination of Money (Cashless Economy) (p. 57)

3. There will be universal peace (p. 57, 103)

Remember the Apostle Paul's prophetic warning in 2 Cor 11:14, "...Satan himself
masquerades as an angel of light." To condition people to believe in the concepts of
the New World Order, Satan has caused his demons to physically manifest themselves
as Aliens, traveling in UFO's, complete with highly technological machines. Do not
underestimate Satan; he is the Lord of this world, and he is now being allowed by the
Holy Spirit to intervene in unparalleled ways in today's world. The results are going to
be spectacular.
However, we believe the world has seen nothing yet. Consider again Biblical
teaching about Anti-Christ's kingdom.

* Revelation 13:13, He performs great signs (startling miracles) ...because of the

miracles which he is allowed to perform...he deceives those who inhabit the earth
commanding them to erect a statue in the likeness of the beast..."

These supernatural or seemingly supernatural miracles will lead men directly to

the worship of Anti-Christ. This is precisely the planned result of these UFO's and
The shocking reality is that Satan has been manipulating world events to achieve
his One-World Government, Economy, and Religion through Secret Societies,
Communism, Nazism, the New Age, and UFO's. The final merger into the New
World Order is almost complete. UFO Aliens and Space ships are nothing more than
demons which the Holy Spirit has allowed in this final age to physically manifest
themselves in our realm.

One Deception to Rule Them All

And, make no mistake about the fact that the vast majority of the world's peoples
are ready to be deceived. Christian author, David Lewis, states in his book, UFO:
End-Time Delusion, that a Christian would "have a hard time getting [the idea of
demons] across to an average, non-religious person, and to a certain extent, even to
some religious persons. Most people in Christian circles...have very little
consciousness of any supernatural type of activity."
This concept might shock anyone who has grown up in a family which takes the
Bible literally. However, Dr. Lewis is correct that most people today, including many
who consider themselves Christian, have no understanding about the reality of
demons. And this has been Satan's plan from the beginning. Consider the concrete
steps which Satan has carried out among the peoples of the world who were formerly
fundamentally Christian, which have brought them to such a point of Biblical
1) For several generations, most people have been rejecting the Truth of
Jesus Christ.
2) The inevitable end result of this rejection is that people then stop
reading the Bible or applying it in any way in their lives.
3) Satan is then able to implant the idea that the Bible is not to be taken
literally, that it is just a collection of myths and legends.
4) Once people begin to accept the idea that supernatural beings, either
Godly or Satanic, do not exist, then Satan can begin to proceed to the
next step.
5) Step #5 is to convince people that the only reality which can be accepted
is that which can be observed through our five senses. If man can sense
something through one or more of his physical senses, then he will
believe it exists.
6) Satan then proceeds to the next step of convincing men that if something
works, it must be true. Thus, men become susceptible to demonic
activity, because their system "works" with great power. Further, such
men are incapable of properly identifying this demonic power because
they have already mentally ruled out the possibility that supernatural
beings exist.
7) Finally, Satan begins to proceed, in stages of ever-increasing frequency
and power, to his final Alien deception. Alien beings and UFO

One Deception to Rule Them All

phenomenon begin to appear with increasing frequency and contact.

Since men disbelieve in the existence of Supernatural beings, they
assume the reality of these demons, accepting the lie which these
demons are telling, that they are an Alien race from another world. This
other world is supposedly more technologically and spiritually advanced
than Planet Earth. Therefore, when the Aliens of this more advanced
world tell us their religion, we are expected to adopt it, rejecting our own
ignorant, uninformed, and outmoded religions, especially Christianity.

In ancient times, this story of deception continues, Aliens visited Earth and
intervened in history to give man increased knowledge, from which he was able to
build such ancient wonders as the pyramids. Finally, this story teaches that Aliens
carried out genetic experiments which changed humans from the Stone-Age being he
was to the modern man of the last several thousand years.
Now, the time has come, the Aliens say, for them to intervene again in world
history. This time, they will intervene to save man from himself: from his wars,
hatreds, spiritual illiteracy, and from his environmental damage. These Aliens will
accomplish all this by raising up a man who will be imbued with a special level of
consciousness, and who can lead the world into that same level of consciousness. Of
course, this man will be Maitreya the Christ, the Anti-Christ.

Do not be deceived. As Cooper stated, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 177,
"[New World Order Planners] have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war,
the Messiah, an extraterrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring
about all of these things just to make sure it does work...The Illuminati has all the
bases covered..."

The demons of Satan's army will soon physically manifest themselves as Aliens,
arriving in armadas of space ships which we have heretofore called UFO's. The plan
calls for them to suddenly appear at many places on Earth simultaneously. Some will
appear at the White House to confer with the President; some will appear at the
United Nations; other aliens will appear at key governmental buildings all over the
globe. Aliens will appear in some people's homes or on their front yards. The world's
peoples will literally be shocked out of their minds. This is the Plan. This may occur
before the worldwide Rapture of the Church; we must be prepared to deal wisely with
this planned phenomenon.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Finally, let us examine pertinent passages which may speak to this UFO/Alien

Revelation, Chapter 9, speaks of demons which are released from the bottomless
pit of Hell, called the Abyss. Resembling locusts to the Apostle John, they will stream
over the earth to afflict and torment unsaved people. Their leader is called Abaddon
or Apollyon. Incredibly, the New Age writings refer to these beings constantly, by
these names, as being "enlightened" leaders of the New Age.

In Revelation 16:13-16, we see three spirits of demons which come out of the
mouth of Anti-Christ; they perform such great signs and wonders that they deceive
the rulers of the earth. This is precisely the part of the Plan which Aliens are to
perform. They will especially deceive the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, and
Queens, of the governments throughout the world.
Everywhere the message will be the same. "We have come to help lead our Earth
brothers into a new level of consciousness of which Maitreya the Christ is speaking."
Aliens and UFO's will literally hover over and around Maitreya as he is staging his
appearance. This is the Plan.

What will be the reaction of the vast majority of the peoples of the world? They
will be absolutely astounded beyond words or imagination. Since their minds have
already rejected the concept of the physical existence of demons and have been
conditioned to accept as reality anything which they can observe through their
physical senses, they will accept these Aliens and their incredible claims. Alien
conditioning through books, magazines, TV, movies, and even the trash magazines of
the Enquirer variety, will have taken hold. People will believe and allow themselves to
be led away into spiritual error. They will accept the claims of Maitreya the Christ, the
Anti-Christ, and will be doomed forever.

Those who have given themselves over to the occultic practice of meditation
whereby they have communed with their 'guiding spirits' will be predisposed to
believe. Likewise, people who have given themselves over to occultic hypnosis, during
which they have been preprogrammed to believe, will be deceived. People who have
filled their minds with Science-fiction novels will be predisposed to believe. And all
mankind will believe because they are without the Truth of Jesus Christ. Upon all
such peoples, the Godly deception will fall, to permanently set their deception.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Biblical prophecy will have been fulfilled. The Anti-Christ will deceive the entire
unsaved population of the world. He will proceed to sign the peace treaty with Israel
and the Great Tribulation will begin.

Do not be deceived. The hour is late, indeed.”


Technocracy and The Big Data

Apocalypse Screen Culture
The consumer culture run by data...Technocracy is a new Democracy. The
Internet has become the world’s biggest surveillance program in history. Everything
typed in reverberates in the echo chamber of Google dictated algorithms and

Every time you log on you are shown ONLY what Google wants you to see. This
is why so many people have a skewed vision of the world. One Google user’s searches
do not yield the same results as the other user…etc…

Every time you click on something, there is a jolt of dopamine in your brain.
Every time you receive a “like” there is a jolt of dopamine in your brain. Every time
you receive a text message, there is a jolt of dopamine in your brain…etc…

When I talk about Digital Slavery, I am not talking about some future SKYNET
Apocalypse, necessarily…it is much subtler and more immediate than that. I am
talking about the cell phone in your hand...the laptop still open since last night...the
last picture you took to show all your fictional friends where you just ate...the
password you just changed because you could not remember the original password
amidst the thousands of passwords you have created in the last 10 years...that kind of

One Deception to Rule Them All

They are trying to turn everyone into an addict. Let’s be clear about this. That is
the primary purpose and function of Google, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,
marketing itself, etc…they want you addicted. PERIOD.

Cellphones and computers are Micro Slot Machines of Dopamine loops.

Corporate value is measured by clicks and views. It is the Monetization of human
experience and the human soul that will keep you on your knees in subservience to
this Digital Beast System as we progress forward.

We are Alone Together, closer and closer from a distance… “Click the subscribe
button”, “Please Like”, “Join Group”, “Email me at”, “You have a message”, “You
matched with…”, “Someone Liked you”, “Someone tagged you”, etc…
Technology is ruling over us. It is already in place. The fact that most of us are ok
with it or even have no idea shows how demonic and effective it actually is.

We are already fully embedded in these machines. We are deeply entrenched

within computers and cell phones. They are a hyperextension of ourselves in a real
sense, now. Business. Entertainment. Study. Communication. Sex. Frivolity.
Everything is Internet now.

The Jesuit Alien Deception

Placing Lucifer on The Throne of The World
In the 1500s, The Vatican Catholic Church was losing congregates
because of The Protestant Reformation (1517 – 1648), so working with Occultists
Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus, they invented a Heliocentric Globe Model
Deception to capture that apostasy back to the church. Later, Alchemical Occultists,
Sir Issac Newton was enlisted to further the deception. What had happened is that the
Vatican Jesuits had eventually, and effectively injected Heliocentrism and Big Bang
Cosmology into ALL religions to infiltrate them from within, and thereby, they
circumvented the necessity of overthrowing other religions with violence. They simply
HIGHJACKED all religions with Fake Astronomical Science.

It should come as no surprise that Vatican Catholic, Georges Henri Joseph

Édouard Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic Priest, astronomer and professor of physics at
the Catholic University of Leuven, first invented the Big Bang Astrophysical idea, and

One Deception to Rule Them All

that the Catholic Church owns the largest telescopes in the world, dwarfing any
University telescopes by comparison. The Vatican Church is supposedly supposed to
be against science when all along, going back to Copernicus and Sir Issac Newton,
they were spearheading all the modern scientific findings, but moreover, they were in
control of the INTERPRETATION of those findings. After all, they had all the data.
It was their data, and their interpretation of the data that eventually became what is
known today as Modern Science And all those interpretations were merely fantasies
created from Alchemical Kabalistic Hermeticism, and not rooted in actual empirical
science. Today this assumptive, false empiricism is known as Scientism, and it includes
Heliocentrism, Big Bang Cosmology, Evolutionary Theory, and the idea that Outer
Space is a real thing, other than the Kabbalistic Jesuit fantasy that is always was.

Eventually, The Jesuits were forced to go underground from espionage intrigues

on their part in over 86 countries, and so they morphed into what is known as The
Illuminati, which was, in turn, fingered for their subversive deeds and forced to
conceal themselves by infiltrating Freemasonry. Freemasonry had become a Nursery
for Ancient Babylonian Mystery School teachings. It was through the infiltration of
Freemasonry, that the Jesuits were able to co-opt Freemasonry to resurrect ancient
Egyptian Babylonian Occult teachings for a new occult false doctrine called
Evolution, as the next step in their Heliocentric Globe Model Deception, to
perpetuate the fantasy belief in Outer Space and ultimately, Alien life.
From Freemason, Erasmus Darwin, The Jesuits eventually received their
Evolutionary Theory, which was necessary to keep the Heliocentric Globe Model Lie
going, as well as to aid in Social Darwinistic Eugenics (Genocide) programs,
worldwide. If the Universe came from a Big Bang, then it needed to evolve, and
eventually evolve to a point where Man came from Alien life. That was the Jesuit
Alien Deception Agenda all along.
Freemason Erasmus Darwin, who wrote, the influential medical text, Zoonomia
(1794), aimed to classify animal life and hence “to unravel the theory of diseases” by
dividing them into four categories. Towards its end, Darwin formulated an early
version of Evolution, suggesting “that in the great length of time, since the earth
began to exist…warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament.”

Erasmus Darwin eventually founded the Occult Lunar society in Birmingham

England and began pushing Evolution in Masonic Temples across England over 100

One Deception to Rule Them All

years before his grandson, Charles Darwin, claimed to come up with the process in
his book, Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation
of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, after his trip to the Galápagos Islands.
The book, Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, was, of course, nothing
but the stolen occult philosophies of his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, and Erasmus
had merely adapted ancient Freemasonic Mystery School teachings to get it, which
were, in turn, based upon Hermetic and Babylonian occult fantasies, to begin with.
Charles Darwin lied about where he came up with his ideas and work plus left out the
Pagan Masonic Occult roots of the esoteric Mystery School philosophy of Evolution,
so he can either solely take credit for the philosophy or as means to sell it to the
public in fear it would be rejected for its occult roots.

In effect then, it was through the infiltration of Freemasonry, that the Jesuits were
able to perpetuate ancient Egyptian Babylonian Occult teachings for a new occult
false doctrine called Evolution, as the next step in their Heliocentric Globe Model
Deception, to perpetuate the fantasy belief in Outer Space and ultimately, Alien life.

And the final chapter to this story is being played out right now with the
emergence of A.I., and The Popes declaration that he believes in the high possibility
of Alien life, and that he will bless such Alien life once contacted. It’s all deception
and agenda. The ultimate goal is to announce that through Artificial Intelligence, they
have detected an “Alien life-based, language code”, and that Aliens are real and Outer
Space is real, and we EVOLVED from Ancient Aliens, and now we must respect and
honor this Alien Intelligence.
It is all just one deception after another, leading to a Vatican Catholic
announcement of their Artificial Intelligence-based Alien Antichrist Messiah, an
intelligence so extravagant, robust, and exotic that all man will be forced to worship
it….in the same way that Man worships Outer Space now.

In this way, The Vatican will be able to assist in placing Lucifer on the Throne of
The World as the Alien A.I. Antichrist Messiah.

It was a gradual process since the 1500s for The Jesuits to shift Man from the
worship of God to the worship of Outer Space, using Jesuit Vatican created
Heliocentrism, Big Bang Cosmology, Evolutionary Theory, Outer Space, Aliens,

One Deception to Rule Them All

Jesuit propagated Atheism, Jesuit run Hollywood Sci-fi, and Jesuit governed Alien life

We are the end of the agenda., how coincidental that we currently have a JESUIT

And again, if the Universe came from a Big Bang, then it needed to evolve, and
eventually evolve to a point where Man was an insignificant speck of nothing on a on
a speck of dust, amidst trillions of massive stars and distances, ever dwarfing Man’s
significance, in a Godless, random, chaotic Universe, and with no relationship to God
the Creator. The Heliocentrism fantasy is based upon ancient Pagan Occult Sun
Worship, as well, which places The Sun at the center of things, rather than The Earth,
which further increase Man’s insignificance. All of this deception combined is how
the Jesuits created a fearful, Godless Man, easily controlled though Science and
Science Fiction brainwashing.

The Apotheosis of The Elite through keeping Mankind down as

subservient slaves was the reason for the Jesuit Alien Deception
Agenda all along.

The Alchemy of Apotheosis

To "change any base metal into gold" is the lower metaphoric meaning of
Alchemy. The transmutation of grosser energies to finer energies, specifically the
dross of lower consciousness into the gold of higher consciousness and "Cosmic
Consciousness" is the higher and more esoteric meaning of Alchemy.

Alchemists, the Gnostics, the Kabbalists, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, etc., are
people who sought these mysteries to gain a greater mastery over themselves and their

Materia Prima, The Philosophers Stone, and Gold are the most commonly known
symbols relating to Alchemy.

Whether you understand Alchemy as a science or as a psycho-spiritual

instrument, alchemy is ultimately concerned with transformation and change.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The classical applications of Alchemy have always been twofold: Chrysopoeia and
Apotheosis (gold-making and god-making)—the perfection of metals and mortals.

The secret mystical knowledge born of Alchemical Occultism was hidden from
average men, cloaked in duplicitous symbolism by various Mystery School-based,
secret societies and embellished by the language of religion, occult theosophy,
philosophy, science, and esotericism.
This primordial knowledge would only bear fruit in the lives of those " Elite" who
were chosen to ply the levers of political rule and augment social subjugation –
“dumbing-down the masses” to altered states of mindless consciousness, where they
would in dull obedience give full allegiance to their master – Lucifer, aptly called
SATAN, that Fallen Angel.
Apotheosis is the core teaching within Hermetic Alchemic Occultism as well as
Gnostic Luciferianism. We are witnessing a worldwide resurgence in the Babylonian
Mystery School Teachings today like never before in history, spreading across the
world in the form of "Love and Light", the naive Luciferian Angel of Light, maxim of
The New Age, which Alchemical Satanist Witch, Madame Helena Blavatsky so
comprehensively annotated in her Magnus Opus, The Secret Doctrine.
As I have pointed out in my book, The Scientism Delusion, and on multiple talk
radio shows where I was the guest speaker, we are moving into The Age of Lucifer,
where Esoteric secret knowledge will be openly and intentionally pushed out to the
world as the final lowering of the Capstone on this Occult Great Work of Ages.
Each will learn that they are to Ascend into Universal Consciousness, but the true
agenda will be the full indoctrination of the world into the Babylonian Mystery
schools so that all of mankind may be slaughtered and enslaved by the very same
Mystery Schools that are administering this esoteric secret knowledge wholeheartedly
out to the masses via internet, bookstores, and Atlantean Occult Deception.

Regrettably, it will be the choice of the masses to be enslaved. This has been the
plan since the seduce mankind into willingly desiring Apotheosis and
Universal Consciousness into Pantheistic Monadism.

Thinking they are seeking esoteric wisdom and Ascension into the Cosmic
Oneness, they will be seduced deep within the sinuously convoluted labyrinthian

One Deception to Rule Them All

mazes of occult doctrines of Love, and Light, and Ascension until there is no escape
for anyone.

It will be Man's fault for falling for this Great Deception...Man in his ultimate
arrogance and folly, thinking he could wield the secret esoteric knowledge taught in
the Mystery Schools and become powerful and God-like...the very same secret
esoteric knowledge that had been used by these very same Mystery Schools since back
before Atlantis to subjugate, enslave, torture, control, and genocide Mankind.

This is why many who study this topic deeply call Man's conduct in all this,
"Luciferian", because those teaching and seeking this esoteric secret knowledge think
they are above the lurid darkness of its locus of origin.
Lucifer, and its ultimate reason for being, to corrupt Man through the seductive
illusion of Apotheosis, an impossibility, and vain blasphemy, to put it lightly.

Transhumanistic Digital, Techno Mysticism is the final chapter in this, where

Man will seek Apotheosis to finally become God through Quantum Mystical Techno
Mysticism and the Digital Alchemical Transmutation mechanisms that The Luciferian
Elite will offer them.

It will be Man's choice the entire time. Through the hubris and vain imaginings of
merging with a mythical Cosmic Pantheism Singularity, the greatest illusion of the
Luciferian Elite, and seeking to become God, under the subterranean spell of
Luciferian Apotheosis, Man will face his final generation.

The Resurrection, Transhumanism, and The

“The science of Transhumanism has entered into the mainstream through
Hollywood movies like Transcendence, Divergent, Avatar, Captain America,
Interstellar, and countless other films. Ray Kurzweil of Google, whom many call the
father of the modern Transhumanist movement, has introduced the concept that
death, disease, and aging can be overcome through new scientific breakthroughs.
Transhumanism is the new religion of The Singularity, which offers Man a
technological resurrection from death and entrance into an artificial heaven called the
World Brain or the Hive Mind.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Transhumanism, which does offer on varying levels real potential benefits to

Mankind, in the end becomes a technological alternative to Jesus Christ’s offer to
Mankind of a real resurrection from death and true eternal life. The question is, can
Transhumanism truly offer a viable resurrection from death and real eternal life, and
not just a virtual one?

New generations of men and women do not want their bodies and minds to grow
old like their parents and grandparents and are looking to the science of
Transhumanism to grant them a Transhumanist immortality. Growing numbers of
people around the world are demanding that their governments start massive funding
for anti-aging research. Who would not want the governments of the world to stop
spending money on bloated bureaucracies and wars and start funding anti-aging

Anti-aging sciences and technologies which would include nutrition, exercise,

vitamins, herbs, hormonal therapies, meditation, brain wave research, genetics, DNA,
drugs, computers, computer-brain interfaces, uploading human consciousness from a
dying body into a new cloned body, and interspecies breeding of animal/human and
some believe Nephilim DNA in order to create super human beings is just the tip of
the Transhumanist revolution. A great deal of this research is good and there is no
reason that any of us should age, get sick, and die prematurely. But in addition to the
moral and ethical problems of some areas of research, the idea that an artificial
immortality can be achieved through Transhumanist science and technology enters
into a theological domain that the proponents of Transhumanism do not fully

Ideally, when we deal with science we should be dealing with empirical evidence
and scientific fact. The question has to be asked, “Why is it that men and women age
get sick and die?” On one level it could be said that the problem exists in their DNA
coding and with things like nutrition.

A recent Transhumanism conference featured both new and seasoned experts.

The conference was sponsored by the nonprofit organization Brighter Brains
Institute, which held the first major US transhumanism conference of the year,
located in San Jose, California, entitled Transhuman Strategies.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Again, although many of the goals of Transhumanism may be admirable,

Transhumanism is looked upon as the way Man can achieve immortality and a kind of
resurrection from death through science and technology. The problem with this
approach is that Transhumanism denies fundamental scientific realities, including the
primary reason why men and women age, get sick, and die. Although there are
powerful genetic, nutritional, and other factors which cause death, disease, and dying,
the primary reason is spiritual. If we view the Bible not as a manmade myth, parable,
or fairy tale, but as an accurate scientific, holographic, genetic, multi-dimensional,
biological, and historical record, we discover that the Bible gives us the real scientific
reason for disease, aging, and death.

First, our genetic ancestors were a man and a woman named Adam and Eve who
were created by the Infinite, Personal, Living God of the Universe, with the DNA of
God. They were created as immortal beings who had perfect biological bodies and
lived in a perfect environment, which was the Garden of Eden…Paradise. Adam and
Eve functioned at a far higher level of consciousness and biology than contemporary
Man. First, they possessed a vast spectrum of powers that modern Man has lost,
powers from another dimension in order to rule over and control their environment
called Earth. On a personal level they had the power to communicate with one
another and with God on a telepathic level and they lived in an environment with a
vastly larger color, sound, and even taste spectrum. They had no psychological
problems, and all of their relationships were in perfect harmony. The source of their
existence was a multi-dimensional and supernatural life force, which flowed from the
Word of God. It must be remembered that the Word of God was not just verbal
expression, sound, and syntax; the Word of God was God Himself. That is why it
says in Genesis “And God said let there be light and light was.” In addition, the Word
of God was part of the Triune nature of God. Jesus Christ was the “Word become

The reality of a multi-dimensional Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe

who exists outside the dimensions of time and space and who chose to create
Mankind and all of creation as an expression of His divine love is so far beyond the
“flatland” thinking of modern Man that Man in his ignorance attempts to censor this
reality, twisting this cosmic truth to label it a myth, fable, or fairy tale. However, the
reality is that the enormity, wonder, transcendence, complexity, and multi-dimensional

One Deception to Rule Them All

nature of reality that this truth implies is so threatening to fallen Man that Man
attempts to smash it into pieces as a little child would break a toy in a temper tantrum.

William Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, famously countered Kurzweil’s

predictions in his article “Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us.” He opens his article
discussing his meeting with Kurzweil:

“Neither should we pursue near immortality without considering the costs… A

technological approach to Eternity – near immortality through robotics – may not be
the most desirable utopia, and its pursuit brings clear dangers. Maybe we should
rethink our utopian choices.”

Ray Kurzweil, in his article “Reinventing Humanity: The Future of Machine-

Human Intelligence” for Futurist Magazine, explains what is called The Singularity,
predicting that within the next several decades artificial intelligence will exceed human
intelligence, a scenario depicted in the movie Transcendence, starring Johnny Depp.
Transhumanists believe that technologies like genetic engineering, nanotechnology,
and computer technology will transform human life and merge human brains and
bodies with machines, creating super-beings enhanced with artificial intelligence. In
this Transhumanist future men and women will be Cyborgs, part robot and part
human, enabling them to overcome death and achieve artificial immortality.

What Transhumanism is really about is Man attempting to create through

technology a holographic resurrection from death where men and women will be able
to enter a synthetic heaven where people will live in a technocratic paradise, which
will be a kind of multi-dimensional matrix. Transhumanists believe that men will
become gods, which is the very temptation that Lucifer used with Adam and Eve as
he seduced them to reject God’s Word in Eden.

When dying men and women upload their consciousness into computers, they
will merge their human consciousness with Super Artificial Intelligence surpassing
that of ordinary human beings. This tipping point where computers will become more
intelligent than people is called The Singularity. But the great danger in the Singularity
is that there is a high probability that the computers and all technology utilizing
Artificial Intelligence will rule over the human race and make human beings their
slaves because they will be vastly more intelligent and powerful than Man.
Transhumanists believe that the Singularity will happen around 2045 A.D.

One Deception to Rule Them All

In his article in Futurist Magazine Ray Kurzweil raises some juicy points to
consider from the perspective of ethics and technology. He explains the Singularity, in
his own words:

“We stand on the threshold of the most profound and transformative event in
the history of humanity, “The Singularity.’ What is the Singularity? From my
perspective, the Singularity is a future period during which the pace of technological
change will be so fast and far-reaching that human existence on this planet will be
irreversibly altered. We will combine our brain power—the knowledge, skills, and
personality quirks that make us human—with our computer power in order to think,
reason, communicate, and create in ways we can scarcely even contemplate today.”

Kurzweil and his fellow Transhumanists believe that technology will replace
biology and in the process disease, aging, and death will be conquered. Human beings
will transcend their humanity by becoming one with machines through
nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence. The new human beings will be more like
Cyborgs than biological humans. In this “post-human future” men and women will
experience an artificial resurrection by uploading their consciousness to computers
and will live forever as “stored information.”
However, there are several problems with this “post-human future.” First, there
is a very real technocratic elite who are already ruling the world and whose existence is
concealed from the dumbed down masses who are being brainwashed by scientific
mind control. This technocratic elite has no intention of allowing the masses to share
with them the alleged joys of their artificial Paradise. As Aldous Huxley wrote in his
novel Brave New World, the masses are already being genetically bred and
programmed through scientific mind control to serve as a slave race for the elite. This
is the purpose of GMO foods, which neurologically rewire human consciousness by
making the masses fat and stupid and shorten their lifespans. Even as you read this
article billions of people are being subtly killed off through wars, food shortages,
vaccinations, drugs, and GMO foods. I deal with this theme extensively in my book
Mass Event.

Secondly, the entire Transhumanist revolution is built on the premise that

Mankind has randomly evolved over billions of years through the evolutionary
process and that there is no Creator, no right or wrong, only pure Darwinian “might
makes right” and “survival of the fittest.” In this worldview, the elite believe they are

One Deception to Rule Them All

free to do absolutely anything they choose because all forms of moral beliefs are
completely illusory. Therefore, they have the perfect right to treat men and women in
any way they choose because they have the power to do so. So behind the MK Ultra-
mind control global American matrix they are “culling the herd” and killing off
millions of “useless eaters” through war, engineered plagues, weapons which cause
earthquakes, tsunamis, freak weather which destroys the food supply, and drugs and
GMO foods which shorten the lifespan of millions of people in places like America
and Europe through the promotion of artificially induced diseases like diabetes,
cancer, heart failure, Alzheimer’s, etc.

The great masses of middle-class Americans and Europeans as well as citizens of

other nations have been scientifically dumbed down through educational programs
like Common Core and mass media psychological “depatterning,” which was
developed by Dr. Cameron, a scientific mind control pioneer who literally erased
people’s memories and ability to think coherently through drugs, hypnosis,
electroshock therapy, and pain. Drugs and systematic shocks to the central nervous
system of the global collective mass mind with regular exposure to mass media
narratives of terroristic attack, jet pilots driving jets into mountains, serial killers, mass
murderers, rapes, accounts of abducted sex slaves, etc. are all part of the MK Ultra
formula for mind control based on pain, drugs, and hypnosis.

The philosophical premise of the technocratic elite and the conditioned masses is
that there is no Personal Living God of the Universe and no moral absolutes. If that
premise is correct, then the Technocratic Elite are free to do whatever they choose,
which is another way of stating the Luciferian doctrine espoused by the great Satanist
Aleister Crowley when he said, “Do what thou wilt.” Concepts such as right and
wrong along with morality become completely non-existent and the Technocratic
Elite along with the vanguard of Transhumanists are free to re-invent Man and the
very nature of reality on any terms they choose because if their worldview is correct
and Man is God, then Man is free to do whatever he chooses.

However, if Mankind and all of reality have been created by a Personal Living
God of the Universe who has chosen to reveal Himself both through the Bible and all
of creation, then the laws of God apply to Man whether Man likes it or not. Mankind
may choose to rebel from God and His laws and follow Lucifer in his rebellion
against God, but when the day is done every man and woman who ever lived
including Lucifer and the fallen angels are accountable to God and will, according to
One Deception to Rule Them All

God’s Word, stand before God at the Great White Throne of Judgment and give a
full account for what they have done on Earth and in the heavens. If the Biblical
worldview is the truly scientific worldview, then it does not matter whether or not
men and women believe in God or His laws, or that they may dislike His laws. Apart
from what they believe exists, in the higher reality they will face Him not only as King
of Kings and Lord of Lords, but also as the Supreme Judge of the Universe. Although
they may choose to deny it, the law of God is written upon the heart of every person
who ever lived and every man or woman will be judged according to the law of God
at the resurrection of the dead, which is not a virtual resurrection but an actual one.

When every man or woman who has chosen to reject the unmerited favor and
forgiveness of God offered by Jesus Christ who was slain on a cross to take away each
of our sins as the Lamb of God, they will give a full account of every action and
thought they have committed, and, according to the law of God, they will receive the
full penalty for their rebellion against the truth and that penalty is being sentenced
eternally to a cosmic prison the Bible calls Hell. For those who ask the age-old
philosophical question “How can a loving God send someone to Hell?” The answer is
found by simply turning the question around. It is not God who is sending them to
Hell; they are choosing to send themselves to Hell by refusing to accept the only
viable antidote to the law of sin and death, which is the power of salvation in Jesus
What the Transhumanists and the Technocratic Elite do not understand is that
the universe is not simply materialistic. Although modern physics gives lip service to a
universe composed of 11-23 dimensions, it does not actually integrate multi-
dimensional reality with the nature of existence. For example, the life force which
causes each human being to live and the death force which causes aging, disease, and
death are more than energy, genetics, and biological machines. Man is more than a
biological machine; every man or woman has a soul, not just an energy force, but an
actual soul. The reason modern science has difficulty accepting this is simply because
it has not yet developed the technology or the equation to quantify it. That does not
mean the soul does not exist; it means that science has not invented the technology to
measure the existence of a soul, which has an origination point beyond time and

One Deception to Rule Them All

The defining moment in all of human history was the resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the dead over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ was murdered upon a cross and His
body physically died in front of numerous witnesses.

After the body of Jesus Christ was placed inside of a tomb and guarded by the
highly trained and elite Roman soldiers, Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and
His body was no longer in the tomb. Jesus Christ had a new body and appeared to
His disciples and communicated with them. This was not a virtual or technological
resurrection but a true resurrection of a dead physical body, which became the new
resurrected body of Jesus Christ. The event was predicted in detail thousands of years
before it happened, by the Old Testament prophets.

The science and theology concerning the resurrection could be debated endlessly.
But the final reality is that Jesus Christ did resurrect from the dead in real-space-time-
history. Many have attempted to say that the resurrection is a fable, conspiracy, myth,
or allegory. But the actual historical account disproves all of this. The fact of the
matter is that Jesus Christ did resurrect from the dead and all of human history
including Transhumanism is turned upside down by this one single event.”

Transhumanism and Lucifer’s

Genetic Manipulation of Man
We Are Embarking Upon Artificial Selection as A Kind
of Unnatural Evolution
Farm Wars

“There is a move afoot to reprogram humanity. To redefine it in the limited

terms of scientific understanding, place it in a box, and then, all wrapped up in a
pretty package, attempt to deliver this convoluted mess to us as progress.

One Deception to Rule Them All

There are those who think that, given the chance, they could and should
genetically manipulate the earth and the creatures that inhabit it, including man, to
suite a purpose of their own imaginings. They want to experiment on all of our
precious resources, turn our rivers into streams of pollution, and take each and every
living thing on earth and use it to create something “better.”

According to whose design? Well, the so-called “scientific” one, of course. And if
this means combining cows and humans, goats and spiders, man and machine in
order to achieve the goal? Well, so be it. After all, the only thing that is important is
the end result. And the end result is that a few will obtain immortality… or so they
think. And if a few eggs get broken in the process, well, that is the price paid for

This is Transhumanism – the natural culmination of something called

reprogenetics. Some call it designer evolution.
In short, reprogenetics is the genetic engineering of man to create a human
race according to scientific design. Here is a definition from Lee M. Silver, “author of
the book Remaking Eden: How Genetic Engineering and Cloning Will Transform the
American Family (1998).”
Reprogenetics will involve advances in a number of technologies not yet
achieved, but not inherently impossible. Among these are improvements in
interpreting the effects of different expressions of DNA, the ability to harvest large
numbers of embryos from females, and a far higher rate of reinsertion of embryos
into host mothers. The end result, according to Silver, is that those parents who can
afford it will be able to pick out the genetic characteristics of their own children,
which Silver says will trigger a number of social changes in the decades after its
implementation. Possible early applications, however, might be closer to eliminating
disease genes passed on to children.

According to Silver, the main differences between reprogenetics and eugenics, the
belief in the possibility of improving the gene pool which in the first half of the 20th
century became infamous for the brutal policies it inspired, is that most eugenics
programs were compulsory programs imposed upon citizens by governments trying
to enact an ultimate goal.

One Deception to Rule Them All

It becomes quite apparent, after reading the quote above, that the main difference
between reprogenetics and eugenics is consent, according to Lee M. Silver. Eugenics –
forced. Reprogenetics – consented to. Same thing, different mode of action. From the
forced culling of those deemed inferior to creating a superior race through genetic
engineering, the end result is the same. Those deemed inferior are eventually culled
from the system using DNA manipulation techniques.
Eugenics – renamed and defined as scientific progress. A life-saving technique
that can reprogram the human race and create the ideal human family. That’s the spin.
I’m sure the promoters said the same thing about nuclear energy. Dangerous? Naw….
We know what we are doing. Arrogance.

So, let’s take this technique of reprogramming humanity through reprogenetics

eugenics and dig a little deeper, shall we?
Meet Genome Compiler

Genome Compiler is built on the idea that biology is information technology. We

can design and program living things the same way that we design computer code.
Genetic designers today are still writing in 1s and 0s – they lack the missing tools to
design, debug, and compile the biological code into new living things.

At Genome Compiler, we’ve built just that – a simplified solution for designing
We are inspired by the breakthrough research done by the JCVI and Harvard
with their achievement of whole bacterial genome engineering, as required for
functional changes in the form of new codes, new amino acids, safety and virus-
resistance — and a vision of making biological design easier, cheaper, and open to
people outside the research labs.
After all, when all is said and done, DNA is simply DNA, and mixing it up has no
inherent consequences, right? That is what we are supposed to believe. And who is to
say what is human and what is not? Aren’t we all made of molecules?

The Transhumanist Agenda

One Deception to Rule Them All

The following quote pretty much sums up the Transhumanist attitude towards
the relationship between you, me, the computer I am using to write this, and the chair
I am sitting on:

Whether somebody is implemented on silicon or biological tissue, if it does not

affect functionality or consciousness, is of no moral significance. Carbon-chauvinism,
in the form of anthropomorphism, speciesism, bioism or even fundamentalist
humanism, is objectionable on the same grounds as racism.

If we want to be half human, half frog, isn’t that our right? If everything is the
same, then anything goes. This is put forth in the guise of freedom of choice, freedom
from disease, and freedom from suffering. Actually, this is a sure road to slavery,
disease and suffering, and a path towards erasing who we are and simply becoming
just another set of molecules on planet earth, much like a chair, or car, or vacuum
The Transhumanist goal, based on this “oneness” of all things biologically and
artificially created, is to use science and technology to control evolution of the species,
because science is “safer than nature.”

Biological evolution is perpetual but slow, inefficient, blind and dangerous.

Technological evolution is fast, efficient, accelerating and better by design. To ensure
the best chances of survival, take control of our own destiny and to be free, we must
master evolution.
This “mastering of evolution” is accomplished through a scientific dictatorship:

Scientific Dictatorship is the utopian concept of scientific “managerism” whereby

all facets of political, social and economic life are managed solely by the scientific
method and dictates of science. (Patrick Wood)
And precaution? Well, that goes out the window. Quote from Dr. Max Moore, a
leader in Transhumanism:

Many factors conspire to warp our reasoning about risks and benefits as
individuals. The bad news is that such foolish thinking has been institutionalized and
turned into a principle. Zealous pursuit of precaution has been enshrined in the
“precautionary principle”. Regulators, negotiators, and activists refer to and defer to

One Deception to Rule Them All

this principle when considering possible restrictions on productive activity and

technological innovation.

In this chapter, I aim to explain how the precautionary principle, and the mindset
that underlies it, threaten our well-being and our future.

Dr. Max More, the author of The Prin-ci-ples of Extropy, is one of the top
leaders of the Transhumanist move-ment, and the two are tightly inter-con-nected.
One could con-sider Extropy as the meta-phys-ical back-bone of Transhumanism.
(Patrick Wood)

In other words, according to one of the top leaders in the transhumanist

movement, the precautionary principle actually endangers us. How convoluted can
you get?

So, throwing caution aside, onward we go by experimenting through DNA

manipulation to create a world where the pseudo-science of a scientific dictatorship
rules supreme.

Here are just some examples of DNA mixing going on right now:

• Goats that produce spider silk in their milk

• Mice that sing and tweet like birds
• Super salmon
• Banana vaccines
• Phosphorus-friendly pigs
• Chicken-humans laying eggs with cancer-fighting proteins
• Cows that make human milk
• Scorpion cabbage
• Human organs being grown in pigs
• DARPA’s Super-soldiers

The future of war is going to look really, really weird. The “super soldier”
research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working
on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before. If DARPA is successful,
and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically
modified Transhumans capable of superhuman feats.

One Deception to Rule Them All

We are in for a lot more than those who actually believe in the medical benefits
of DNA manipulation bargained for. All these examples are leading us down the road
to the real Transhumanist agenda:

Transhumanism is the application of science to the condition of man to achieve

characteristics of immortality, omniscience and omnipresence, among others, and to
produce a God-like race of post-humans. (Patrick Wood)
Yes, there are people who are actively attempting a complete takeover of
humanity in order to set themselves up as supreme beings. To transcend physical
boundaries by intermixing any DNA that so-called scientists think is appropriate,
discard the precautionary principle as ‘too dangerous for proper evolution,’ full speed
ahead, meld man, machine, computer, and eventually, transcend to Godhood. It
doesn’t matter if it works, it doesn’t matter if it is sane, it is a plan in the works. And
the people who are involved think that they know how to create a better man.
Here is a bit of the history of Transhumanism and its ties to eugenics:
Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous who authored Brave New World, first used this
word (1957): Transhumanism. Huxley was a member of the British Eugenics Society,
eugenics being the foundation of Transhumanism.


Eugenics is a science dedicated to a Darwinist philosophy applied to humanity,

that the strong should thrive and evolve, while the weak are culled and eradicated.

Eugenics rests on a necessity of there being superior and inferior genetic pools in
the human population. It might be very socially unacceptable to speak publicly of
there being some races, ethnic or cultural groups who are inferior to the rest, yet in
secrecy this is exactly what elite Eugenicists believe.

The public is guided to love the idea of Transhumanism by being persuaded that
it is not a goal attached to race or ethnicity, but simply a means of bettering all of
humanity. This is quite untrue.

Elite Transhumanists have no desire to “evolve” all humankind, their goal is

one which seeks to advance only their own bloodlines and to leave the rest in

One Deception to Rule Them All

disadvantage to them so that these unfortunate ones have no choice but to

become their slaves, their lab animals and their labor force.

“The lowest strata are reproducing too fast. Therefore… they must not have too
easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural
selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long
unemployment should be a ground for sterilization.” – Julian Huxley
And wouldn’t you know it, the Rockefeller Foundation can be found providing
funding for the eugenics movement:

In 1927, the Rockefeller Foundation provided funds to construct the Kaiser

Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics in Berlin, which
came under the directorship of the appropriately named Eugen Fischer. Adolf Hitler
read Fischer’s textbook Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene while in
prison at Landsberg and used eugenical notions to support the ideal of a pure
“Aryan” society in his manifesto, Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
What was termed in its early stages as a pure “Aryan” society, is now being
repackaged as a pure “Transhumanist” society in which DNA is programmed to
conform to the design of a scientific dictatorship and sold as the salvation of man.
The New Age of Ascension. Same story, new box. When will we learn?

And the motivation for all of this? As usual, there are many:

• Profit
• Human transcendence
• Control
• Power
• Eternal life – immortality

The justification? That’s easy: Progress always requires sacrifice. To quote a

famous activist:

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Even a superficial look at

history reveals that no social advance rolls in on wheels of inevitability. Every step
toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless
exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Without persistent effort,

One Deception to Rule Them All

time itself becomes an ally of the insurgent and primitive forces of irrational
emotionalism and social destruction. This is no time for apathy or complacency.
This is a time for vigorous and positive action. (MLK Jr.)

Except in this case, it is not the beneficiary of the technology’s sacrifice that is
required, but the sacrifice of dedicated and ignorant servants and an unwitting
populace. We sacrifice our health, wealth, and minds to the slavery of junk science
that says it is okay to maim, torture, and impoverish millions so that a few may gain. It
is okay to run widespread experiments on humanity so that a few may benefit from
those experiments and transcend to a God-like state and rule over the universe. It
doesn’t matter if you believe it, or if I believe it. It doesn’t have to be rational or sane.
What matters is that people with enough money and power to go forth with this
agenda do believe it, are working steadily towards it, and know how to market it in
order to get the public to accept it as beneficial.
Transhumanism is being sold to the public as bringing forth a new age of
enlightenment. This story is as old as the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden,
where Lucifer, masquerading as the angel of light, tells Eve that he knows a better
way. It is also being touted as an extension of Darwinism: another step in the
evolutionary process – the better, scientific way, because the slow, biological way is
simply too dangerous and inherently unpredictable.

Humans are about to decommission natural selection in favor of guided

evolution. Darwinian processes gave humanity a good start, but Homo sapiens can be
improved. Owing to advances in genetics, cybernetics, nanotechnology, computer
science, and cognitive science, humans are set to redefine the human condition.
Future humans can look forward to longer lives, enhanced intelligence, memory,
communication and physical skills, and improved emotional control. Humans may
eventually cease to be biological and gendered organisms altogether, giving rise to the
posthuman entity. Human enhancement will irrevocably alter social arrangements,
interpersonal relationships, and society itself. And there’s also the added potential for
nonhuman enhancement.

Much better to trust in man and his scientific knowledge to create a better
evolutionary path, and manipulating our DNA is that way. And just who comes to
mind as an expert at manipulating DNA and public perception?

The Monsanto Connection: Monsanto and Atlas Venture

One Deception to Rule Them All

Remember when Craig Venture of Atlas Venture created Synthia, a synthetic life
form, and partnered with Monsanto?

And now Monsanto has recently signed a deal with Atlas Venture for funding of,
well, who knows? Monsanto does. And Monsanto isn’t telling. But we do know that it
will most likely be some sort of “disruptive innovation” because that is Atlas
Venture’s specialty. “Atlas Venture is an early stage investment firm dedicated to
financing disruptive innovation in Life Sciences and Technology.”

Well, it appears that Monsanto and Atlas Venture are working on a new type of
genetic engineering using RNA. Is this the disruptive technology that I mentioned in
my article cited above?

Generations of high school kids have been taught that only about 3 percent of
the human genome is actually useful—meaning it contains genes that code proteins—
and the rest is “junk DNA.” Cambridge, MA-based RaNA Therapeutics was founded
on the idea that the so-called junk is actually gold, because it contains a type of RNA
that can flip genes on inside cells, potentially offering a new approach to modulating
diseases. RaNA is coming out of stealth mode today and announcing a $20.7 million
Series A financing led by Atlas Venture, SR One, and agricultural giant Monsanto
(NYSE: MON). Partners Innovation Fund also participated in the funding.

What is RaNA Therapeutics?

RaNA Therapeutics is pioneering the discovery of a new class of medicines that

target RNA to selectively activate protein expression, thereby enabling the body to
produce desirable proteins to treat or prevent disease. RaNA’s novel therapeutics
work by precisely activating the expression of select genes within the patient’s own
cells, increasing the synthesis of therapeutic proteins. The company’s proprietary
RNA targeting technology works epigenetically to make it possible, for the first time,
to increase the expression of therapeutic proteins with exquisite selectivity.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This has the potential to turn on and silence, with a great degree of accuracy,
gene expression in anyone’s body. For example,

Monsanto is not working at “Curing world hunger through biotechnology.” That

is a successful smokescreen and marketing slogan gone viral. Edward Bernays, the
father of marketing propaganda to the masses, would have been proud.

The Inevitable Conclusion

Remember the definition of reprogenetics in the beginning of this article?

Reprogenetics is the genetic engineering of man to create a human race according to
scientific design. Well, it is 2013, and we now have the tools to silence and turn on
genes through RNA manipulation. And it’s coming to us courtesy of Monsanto, the
chemical/life sciences company that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, and most of
the genetically engineered ingredients in 80% of the processed foods we eat every day.

We know that a pseudo-scientific agenda called Transhumanism, which is

bankrolled by some very rich and influential people, is intended to change us as a
species, knows no bounds, is set to replace biology as we know it and is inexorably
connected to eugenics. We know that this Transhumanist agenda is well on its way to
changing the world in ways that we cannot fathom, and we know that Monsanto is
involved through its research and application of DNA manipulation techniques in our
food supply. Happy eating, America…”, Barbara H. Peterson

The Sin Gularity

“The “Sin Gularity” is a term everyone should know, but just like the word
‘Lucifer’ (Shining), few understand it or have clue about what it will bring when it
arrives. Fewer still understand how they are connected and how we are enmeshed in
the connection. What does Lucifer have to do with Transhumanism, the Singularity
and me and you? Everything. Just keep reading…By the end of this article you will be
in on the Great Secret of Christianity and understand the source of all the pressure
and tension in our world.

The Singularity describes the imminently approaching time when our

exponentially accelerating artificially intelligent machines surpass human intelligence

One Deception to Rule Them All

and take on a life and agenda of their own, and we merge with them (or are

Every major Silicon Valley corporation, and about ten thousand start-ups, are
actively developing the unfathomable technology that will bring about the Singularity.
A global summit dedicated to it, hosted by Singularity University, will take place
August 13-17, 2017 in San Francisco, CA.
Singularists await this moment with rapturous expectation and see it as an
opportunity to play god and upgrade the human body (sacrificing the old version to
the woodpile of history), rapidly turning it into an artificial Transhuman state of being
and upgrade the earth by introducing a version of humanity that will take better care
of the planet (or even leave it altogether).
What will our life be like after the Singularity (if they keep us around long enough
to find out)?

No one knows. It is either an open pit or a portal, we’re not sure which.

Other than stating we will be “abundant” in the new gig economy; Singularity
University only says we will “Be Exponential.”

Catchy, but how about…

By definition, the Singularity refers to a time beyond our comprehension. It is
rather like explaining our modern world to an ancient cave dweller or heaven to an
atheist. There’s nothing to compare it to.
However, we are beginning to get a glimpse of the enormity of the change ahead.

Transhuman promoters like Ray Kurzweil, Google engineer and the high priest
of the Singularity, believe the coming techno-rapture will bring a new light to
humanity, an earthly utopia free of suffering, eternal life…and trillions of dollars in
If Kurzweil is right the Singularity will happen before 2045. Probably a lot

One Deception to Rule Them All

Kurzweil is the German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) nickname for a joker.

As recently as July 5, 2017, Ray Kurzweil has jested that the dawn of A.I. and the
Singularity is not “an alien invasion from Mars” but a result of human ingenuity and
believes that technology will ultimately “go inside our bodies and brains” to aid health
and that the neo-cortex of the human brain will be linked directly to the cloud, taking
man’s evolution a step further as technology assists brains to access more knowledge
than ever before.

I call the introduction of technology into our body the Skingularity. The book,
The Skingularity Is Near, documents how a new, Transhuman is gradually
appearing on the world stage. We are its witnesses and elders.
Bible prophecy watchers call this time “The Great Tribulation” and predict a
global struggle to deal with the horrors brought on by massive unemployment
caused by A.I., robot wars, and the feeling that humanity has been raped by an
Artificial Alien Intelligence.
Tribulation precedes the Second Coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ. This is
also called Rapture, “when all who are alive, or who are left, shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (Thessalonians 4:17).

At a moment, referred to as the last trump, we will be transformed in a flash, in

the twinkling of an eye. The trump will sound and the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we will be changed (1 Corinthians 15:52).

That is the Singularity.

It may be that the light beaming at us from the pit or portal is from the stone on
the crown of the creature that is about to emerge from within it. Christianity tells us
this will lead to a final battle or Armageddon. The army of God will win against the
children of Darkness, leaving behind only a new, righteous humankind.


It is funny that Kurzweil should mention aliens from Mars as the source of this
technology, even if he is only joking (or ‘Kurzweiling’).

There is an important link between Mars and Transhumanism. As I have written

in The Mars Shot: To Save Humanity, in order for humans to colonize Mars we will

One Deception to Rule Them All

first have to transform ourselves into machines (transhumans, androids, robots) or

light beings in order to overcome the frailty of the human body.

Ancient alien intrusion theorists have long maintained that a previous

technologically advanced human civilization once existed on Mars. This is where our
reptilian overlords hailed from…or something like that.

Maybe Kurzweil has looked into it.

As I discussed in The Skingularity, Is Near, thousands of years old myths and

legends (the history) of Egypt and Sumeria tell how the gods altered humanity. The
deeply embedded impulse to transcend the limitations of our flesh was initiated
millennia ago by these beings from other worlds. The (godless) geeks of the Valley
are, unknowingly, the servants of this ancient impulse to transform the human body
and ascend into new bodies of light that can survive in space.

The human body’s deficiency when it comes to living in space was acknowledged
in 1 Corinthians 15:50 where the apostle Paul tells us, “flesh and blood cannot inherit
the kingdom of God.” In order to enter the divine realm our bodies must change. As
Paul says, “and just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so also shall we
bear the likeness of the heavenly man”.

Paul is saying our bodies will be different when we live in space. We will be like
the resurrected Christ, the heavenly man, born again into a resurrected body.
This means the beings who came to earth from Mars, or other places in space,
were not in flesh and blood form when they arrived. They were either robots or light
In my view, the historical records show the ancient gods came both as robots and
as light beings who could manifest flesh and blood bodies.

Soooooo ultimately, I would agree with Kurzweil that A.I. technology is not an
alien invasion from Mars.

No, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, this alien technology and the alien
entities who brought it here came ‘down’ from heaven.

Lucifer, the former archangel, brought it with him.

One Deception to Rule Them All


You know, Satan, that old Devil, director of the forces of darkness? Former
archangel and favorite son of God?


This is totally nutty to Transhumanists, who view themselves as more advanced

than backward humans who still believe in ancient myths and superstitions. In the
Transhumanist universe there are no gods, devils, angels, heaven or hell. There is only
the imperfect natural world and that human body that needs to be made ‘gooder’, not
Godlier, by technology. If they do their job right, Transhumans will be the new gods.
The greatest trick Lucifer pulled off was convincing smart people that he doesn’t
exist (and then get them to do his work).
The solution to the ‘trick’ is for Transhumanists and believers to realize they are
on the same team and have the same goal… to love with all our hearts all our minds
and all our souls and to love our neighbor as ourselves. While I may satirically deride
Atheists and Transhumanists, I do not seek to demonize or dehumanize them. My
goal is to work with them to guide humanity.

Speaking to the saints at the global Singularity Summit, I would ask them to
consider that, according to Christian and Jewish tradition, the fruit of what we call the
Singularity is rooted in the first sin (a transgression against divine law).
In Judeo-Christian culture, the first sin is the Event that led to our ‘enmeshment’
in human skin.

Most think the first sin occurred in garden of Eden when the newly made Adam
and Eve rebelled by eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge offered by the
serpent (Lucifer/Satan in disguise). As a consequence, Yahweh, the jealous god of the
Old Testament, who created Adam from clay and breathed life into him, punished his
creation after it disobeyed him by evicting us from Eden and packing us in coats of
skin. This act resulted in the ‘Fall ‘of humanity into its present stage of flesh bound
existence, as recorded in the Book of Genesis, chapter 3.

Traditional Judaism and Christianity accept this do Muslims.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Christianity is based on the premise that God has a plan to renew and transform
us. Jesus was sent to show us the way to return to our original state of perfection
(which is the shared goal of Transhumanists). When He returns at the Second
Coming, we will be like Him. The mission of every Christian is to participate in this
resurrection and ascension and join the other perfected humans dwelling at the
celestial throne of Christ (Hebrews 12:22).
The history of human technology is a march toward the perfection of the human
body and our ability to play god and to “fall upward” during the Second Coming.

Actually, the first sin took place before the creation of humans. The ‘event’
surrounding this was known as Lucifer’s rebellion and involved the archangel who led
all the angels in worship around the throne of God.

The Book of Revelation (12:7-9) describes a war in heaven which resulted in

Satan and his angels being expelled from Heaven.

It tells how Lucifer convinced 1/3 of the angels to follow him. They were cast
from heaven to earth, becoming the ‘fallen angels’.

This means Lucifer was the first disrupter.

Before you are misled into thinking the fallen are reptilian looking aliens, favored
by Christian artists, please be aware that to be ‘fallen’ simply means we have taken on
human flesh, as opposed to our celestial bodies Paul referenced earlier. In this sense,
all of us in human bodies are ‘fallen’ aliens, angels or something or others.
According to Ezekiel 28:13, a probable reference to Lucifer, we learn that he is an
amazing being to behold: “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect
in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your
covering: the sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise,
and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for
you on the day you were created they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub
who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God (Sion);
You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from
the day you were created. Until unrighteousness was found in you.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Lucifer was created to dwell eternally in the throne room of heaven, in the very
presence of God (Ezekiel 28:14).

To dwell in the awesome presence of a perfect and holy God, Lucifer had to be
perfect. He had a ‘seal’ around his body referred to as the garment of light.

What this means is that he had a shining body of light, specifically rainbow-
colored light. This is what is meant by ‘every precious stone was your covering’. He
shone like a multi-colored jewel, radiating the colors of the rainbow (aka the Cloak of
Many Colors).

Lucifer was a celestial being. According to Jewish tradition, he was expelled from
heaven for refusing to bow to Adam. When God completed his new creation, made in
God’s image, he brought him to heaven, placed him before all the angels and made
them bow to Adam. Lucifer refused to bow to anyone but God. Plus, says some
versions, he was envious and jealous of the power God granted to Adam.

In the Qur’an, Satan claimed he was made of fire and superior to man, who was
made out of clay (which Mohammed called adim, the skin of the earth). This is why
he refused to bow. This caused him to be expelled from Heaven, an act he blamed on
humanity. To reward Lucifer for his loyalty, he was given the position of judge, jury
tempter and punisher of humanity.

After Lucifer crossed the forbidden barrier and entered the human world, he
promised to return on his own terms. Both Job (1:6-12) and Zechariah (3:1-2)
maintain he still had access to heaven after the fall.

In the passage the prophet is speaking to the dead King of Tyre and applying to
him the ‘sins’ of Lucifer. “I will ascend into heaven, I will raise my throne above the
stars of God (on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon; I will also sit on the mount of
the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of
the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’”

Lucifer introduced technology to humanity aimed at restoring our original

perfection and be like God. Specifically, technology aimed at enabling a human to
challenge God’s authority and transform themselves into gods or angels on their own
by their own methods and return home on their own time.

One Deception to Rule Them All

In short, humans were kicked out of heaven by God. Lucifer came to help
humanity kick the door down, or open the portal, and return home whenever they felt
like it, not when God sends Jesus for the second time.

Transhumanists would not call their activity religious, let alone Luciferian, or
promote the idea that they are fulfilling Christian prophecy, but they are.

They got the beat.

You see all those distracted, insular people marching down the street with their
face in their phones and into themselves? They got the beat, too.

It’s no longer funny.

They are marching in Lucifer’s army.

As I said, I call this beat down or merger of humans with computers the
When this Luciferian digital transformation project is complete, our brains will
literally be in the cloud (the Digerati’s buzzword for the artificially intelligent network
of servers that store all your stuff and where your digital twin lives online) and our
bodies will be slaves, I mean ‘servers’.
All of us, simultaneously, singularly, will be able to see the same thing at the same
Now, let me think. Who could it be that we all will see together first in the cloud?

Don’t you just love how terms from Christian prophecy, like ‘cloud’ (as in the
cloud that Christ rides at the Second Coming), match with the Singularity? It makes
me think that Rapture, Tribulation, Second Coming and Singularity are all the same

Google’s promise is that once your neo-cortex is wired to the artificial global
brain they are creating — once your head is in the cloud — you will have the power
of billions of brains at your disposal.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This reminds me of Satan taking Jesus to the top of a high mountain, showed
him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these
things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me.” (Matthew 4: 1-11)

“Away with you,” said Jesus in response.


Kurzweil says the Singularity will make us way younger, funnier and sexier. All
this and more can be ours if we simply bow down and worship the gods of Silicon
Valley. (We aren’t to fret about the slavery-based terms and the loss of privacy.)

More, once the human body is augmented or modified via radical technology like
gene editing, bionic organs, stem cell therapy this will lead to the mummification of
your living body and radical life extension…and even freedom from death.

We’ll see this stuff in Best Buy before Christmas, 2029.

Packing our flesh with gadgets and gizmos is an intermediate phase.

We next will replace them with technological versions, cyborgs.

The ultimate goal is to shed our flesh and blood bodies (the prison skins of
Yahweh) and ultimately, to upload our consciousness into new ‘bodies’ of light’ that
live in a ‘new garden’, the simulated reality produced by powerful quantum
computers. From ‘in there’ you will live as an ascended being but will be able to
interact with the ‘real’ material world via holograms, or even to cross over into it by
downloading yourself into a material body…or a bunch of them simultaneously.

By doing this Transhumanists believe they will have won the final battle against
the God who has imprisoned us in the fragile human body.
Just imagine, going to Best Buy and getting the latest version of. Techno-

As we have seen, this rebellion began with Lucifer. We are the latest swords in
the battle. Transhumanists are sick of God’s shit or the shit that people do in the
name of God and see a time when we can fulfill the promise of Christianity to renew
our bodies and our planet with God getting in the way.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This is the fulfillment of Christianity’s greatest promise: the second coming of

Christ (who comes in a cloud) and your resurrection into celestial flesh and a new life.
The apostle Paul — who believed he would live to see the day — describes it as the
moment when God “will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.”
This resurrected body is luminous, humanoid, and empowered by super-human
capabilities, including the ability to instantly manifest wishes, travel at the speed of
thought, pass through physical matter and regenerative abilities.

In my work, I explore the connections between the resurrection body of Christ

and the Tibetan Rainbow Light body teaching in which the flesh and blood body is
dissolved into its pure essence and manifests as a light body.
In Matthew 24:22, Jesus gives us further insight into the destiny of the flesh when
telling of the signs of the Second Coming:
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but
for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

What is a world without flesh?

It is the Transhumanist dream fulfilled.

No flesh will be saved because all will be transformed into light in the simulated
reality housed in some supercomputer deep in Mountain View, CA.
“If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light,” said Jesus. (Matthew
6:22), who in the next sentence, went on to say that no man can serve two masters.

“You cannot serve God and mammon”.

The Hebrew term mammon signifies money, materialism, or extreme greed for
wealth. There is nothing wrong with wealth. But, sacrificing billions of souls on the
altar of Transhumanism all so a few companies can make trillions of dollars sounds
like a whole lot of mammon to me.

To Transhumanists God gave us a mind, a body and a soul with corrupt code.
Lucifer wants to give us a chance to redeem it in Silicon Valley.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Singularists aim to remove us from our flesh and reverse or perverse, as the
case may be, this process of our return to light.

If this makes it sound like Silicon Valley is run by a bunch of rebellious

Luciferians then I have made my point.

Now, all the children of the light must learn to play with the children of

Creation of Human Gods: The

Synthetic Human Genome Project and
Third Strand DNA
The Image of the Beast
“Revelation 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of
those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that
dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound
by a sword, and did live. (15) And he had power to give life unto the image of the
beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would
not worship the image of the beast should be killed.


If you are a first-time reader, I suggest that you read Singularity and The Image of
the Beast about man merging with machines and Genetic Armageddon about man’s
DNA being altered. Together they show scientists are on the verge of creating a
transhuman: a beast that is part human and part something else. Creating a
transhuman is right on top of us!

I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ. God will put a stop to this at His return. It appears from
Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman, which the Bible calls
“The Image of the Beast.” What I am posting is NOT science fiction.

One Deception to Rule Them All

From charting the advancement toward a transhuman being, it is possible to get

an idea how close man is to God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of
transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness;
therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What I do in this blog is keep the reader on the cutting edge of technology
advancements that are directly leading to the Image of the Beast. Though we don’t yet
know what form that ultimately will take, technology is certainly involved and we’ll
revise the analysis as new developments appear. These advancements are reported
under headings that include: Computer Brain, Digitized Mind, Artificial Mind,
Robotic Body, Cyborg, Genetic Armageddon, Chimera, and Advanced Technology.

This blog is the complement to the “666 Surveillance System” which focuses on
technological innovations leading to the rise of a government so repressive and
controlling that it’s called a “Beast” state.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely, I come quickly.
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Third strand DNA – introduction of programming to change human into “other”.

We’re getting into deep waters with this post. The Image of the Beast is closer
than ever, and it appears that a mixture of synthetic DNA, transhumanism and
mutation from a double helix to a triple helix all may be involved. What we’re finding
is the merger of the 666 Surveillance System and the Image of the Beast through
technology. We don’t know yet what the Bible actually is describing when it refers to
666 as being the number of a man. But it appears we’re reaching a position of being
able to make an educated guess now.

Those who follow this type of news have known for some time about the
existence of third strand DNA. But few people in the general public are aware of it, or
of what the ramifications are, even though the process has been banned universally up
until now because of the sinister ramifications. But a whistleblower just has made
known the fact that Harvard has conducted secret meetings, not about mapping the
human genome, which has been underway for some time, but writing a new human
genome from synthetic DNA!

One Deception to Rule Them All

Genesis 3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye
shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

DNA is what marks us as human – double strand DNA with 44 chromosomes.

The addition of another strand would make us something else, by creating a “beast”
with 66. Could this be what is referred to in the Bible? That’s what the occult
literature and symbols seem to indicate. The videos below address this question, and
more. We’d urge you to watch them because now it not only is scientifically possible
but being planned in secret. And be sure to see the article which appears to be more
propaganda to indoctrinate the masses into this concept: “Scientific Proof that Our
DNA is Mutating,” for the new age religious tie between science and the occult nature
of this “science.”

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six (666).

Genetic Armageddon: Transhumanism

After the secret Harvard genetic modification meeting in May, scientists have
revealed the details of their proposed project: the synthesis of the entire human
genome from scratch

After the secret Harvard genetic modification meeting in May, scientists have
revealed the details of their proposed project: the synthesis of the entire human
genome from scratch.

“Back in May, nearly 150 scientists held a secret meeting at Harvard University to
discuss a plan to craft synthetic human genomes. Now, amid much criticism, the team
has published its proposal in Thursday’s issue of Science.

The proposal reveals the launch of a project that hopes to decrease the cost of
synthetic genomes, which could allow technicians to grow human organs for
transplantation at a much lower cost than current transplants.

In addition, the proposal reveals a breakthrough in RNA editing, a molecule

closely related to DNA and integral for the synthesis of human genetic code.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The team hopes to eventually create a synthetic genome project on the same
scale as the Human Genome Project (HGP) seen in the 1990s, which was responsible
for the sequencing of the first human genomes. However, the new project, dubbed
the “Genome Project-write,” will be “writing” genetic codes instead of “reading”

“The goal of HGP-write is to reduce the costs of engineering and testing large
genomes, including a human genome, in cell lines, more than 1,000-fold within ten
years, while developing new technologies and an ethical framework for genome-scale
engineering as well as transformative medical applications,” the group said.

Now that the plan is out in the open, detractors are speaking up, including Drew
Endy, an associate professor of bioengineering who was critical of the secret meeting
in addition to the new proposal.
“Do we wish to be operating in a world where people are capable of organizing
themselves to make human genomes?” he said. “Should we pause and reflect on that
question before we launch into doing it?”
“They’re talking about making real the capacity to make the thing that defines
humanity – the human genome,” he added.

Transhumanists Propose Dystopian Future: Redesign Imperfect

Human Product
“A dystopian future, a society with humans that are redesigned beyond their
biology, is an idea being proposed by transhumanism. People have been challenging
the limitations of the human condition, but with the improvements and developments
of modern technology and science, what seems like an absolute limit is able to
According to its proponents, the advances in robotics, genetics, artificial
intelligence, synthetic biology, nano-technology and neuropsychology are giving more
chances of radical breakthroughs that will allow the humans to redesign the imperfect
human product that has been passed on by evolution, Washington Post reported.
However, a dystopian future is also being thought of, particularly its impact, in
well-known fictional portrayal like Marvel’s superhero T.V. series Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as the acclaimed science fiction series Orphan Black, with
One Deception to Rule Them All

“transhumanist” being used as another term for mad scientist. The idea of humans
taking changing the evolution is strongly related to those who appear to be the

The libertarian element that is so notable among transhumanists makes them

think that there is a responsibility that must be exercised by individuals who make
choices on how to change children or themselves. Based on popular culture
perception, the transhumanists promises are being made by imperfect human beings
to imperfect human beings. Because of this, the consequences of their decisions will
potentially have a wider reach compared to what they expect. This means that the
significant powers that the transhumanists promise can be possibly used in ways that
is going to sustain them more terribly, according to Washington Post.”

Sequenced DNA
After secret Harvard meeting, scientists announce plans for synthetic human
genomes. Notice once again, how the mainstream media is putting a positive spin on
this development, stating that it will revolutionize transplant technology. While it may
do that, it will do much more which will be very sinister. If this actually is such a
remarkable goal or breakthrough, why has it been shrouded in such secrecy.
“Three weeks ago, 130 scientists, entrepreneurs and policy leaders held an
invitation-only, closed-door meeting at Harvard University to discuss an ambitious
plan to create synthetic human genomes. Now, after a flurry of criticism over the
secrecy of the effort, the participants have published their idea, declaring that they’re
launching a project to radically reduce the cost of synthesizing genomes — a
potentially revolutionary development in biotechnology that could enable technicians
to grow human organs for transplantation.

The announcement, published Thursday in the journal Science, is the latest sign
that biotechnology is going through a rapidly advancing but ethically fraught period.
Scientists have been honing their techniques for manipulating the complex molecules
that serve as the code for all life on the planet, and this same issue of the journal
Science reports a breakthrough in editing RNA, a molecule that is the close cousin of

The promoters of synthetic genomes envision a project that would eventually be

on the same scale as the Human Genome Project of the 1990s, which led to the

One Deception to Rule Them All

sequencing of the first human genomes. The difference this time would be that,
instead of “reading” genetic codes, which is what sequencing does, the scientists
Would Be “Writing” Them. They Have Dubbed This The “Genome Project-Write.”

Synthetic Bio-Threats And The Secretive ‘Second World’ Of Human Synthetic


“Secrecy has long been a part of scientific and innovation practices. For instance,
research on nuclear, biological or chemical weapons is often conducted in secret. In
his excellent book on Secrecy and Science, Brian Balmer describes how the Manhattan
Project epitomized the way in which scientific secrecy operates, explaining how
specific sites were kept secret, but also how projects were compartmentalized, so that
knowledge was exchanged only on a ‘need-to-know’ basis, meaning that only a very
few people had any real understanding of the program, as a whole. In other words,
attempts to maintain secrecy often go hand-in-hand with imperatives of efficiency,
security, bureaucracy and control…

Such a second world might be quite appealing to some researchers, representing a

space in which they could run wild with their ideas without the worry of public ears
overhearing. Synthetic biologists, for the most part, expect that the public is going to
be scared of developments in the field, leading to what has been termed
‘synbiophobia phobia’ – the fear that the public will fear their work. This could well
be at the root of the decision to hold the meeting in private, as the organizers had
likely anticipated public fear at the potential of creating a human genome from
scratch. But it also seems to have been a fear of the media that resulted in the curtains
being pulled closed, with the invite reading, “We intentionally did not invite the
media, because we want everyone to speak freely and candidly without concerns about
being misquoted or misinterpreted as the discussions evolve.”
Days of Noah

Genetic engineering of humans has great potential, says Nobel winner Once
again, notice the positive spin placed on this by the mainstream media, and the
tendency to downplay risks of such gross tampering with what it means to be human.
We’re reliving the Days of Noah.

Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and
that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

One Deception to Rule Them All

“The genetic engineering of humans has great potential to help those destined to
inherit serious, incurable diseases, according to one of Britain’s most prominent
scientists, who says the risks and benefits should be debated by society. We’d urge you
to read the interview because it involves the fusion of science and new age religious
The invention of powerful new genome editing tools means researchers can now
make precise changes to genetic material, and so consider correcting faulty DNA in
human sperm, eggs and embryos.

While the procedure may prevent children from being born with serious
disorders, the practice – known as “germline therapy” – is banned in Britain and many
other countries, because the genetic changes would be passed down to future
generations and the risks are largely unknown.

“There is great potential in germline therapy. There are clearly diseases that you
could help by editing the germline,” said Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, who won the
Nobel prize in chemistry in 2009 and became president of the Royal Society in
December. “This is a case of a new technology where there are significant potential
benefits, but also significant ethical implications.”

In a wide-ranging interview with the Guardian, Ramakrishnan, said the risks and
benefits of the procedure, which would create the first genetically modified humans if
given the green light, should be thrashed out in discussions that involve people from
all walks of life.”

British scientist can genetically modify human embryos, ethics committee says
Notice how they’re moving ahead on this agenda, giving beneficial reasons, but
without holding the full public discussion that was urged by concerned scientists.

“A British scientist will be able to genetically modify human embryos after being
given the go ahead from an ethics committee. Dr Kathy Niakan, of the Francis Crick
Institute, will begin preparatory work on the program following the decision by the
Cambridge Central Research Ethics Committee.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The committee gave the green light to the scheme after it was approved by the
fertility regulator, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), earlier
this year.

Dr Niakan will now be allowed to use a gene editing technique on surplus

embryos that have been donated by consenting patients undergoing fertility treatment.
Despite the approval, the start of research may still be months away due to the
difficulties of obtaining sufficient embryos.

The controversial project is thought to mark the second time the procedure will
be undertaken. Scientists in China, who carried out the first experiment but are not
believed to have been approved by a regulator, were met with widespread criticism…
“We would really like to understand the genes that are needed for an embryo to
develop into a healthy baby,” she said.”

Proof that Our DNA is Mutating

Although this article is from 2014, the information clearly is becoming more
relevant by the day. Is this one more step in preparing the masses to accept the idea of
a new, third-strand DNA? It’s pure propaganda, noting the extraordinary benefits of
third strand DNA, and arguing that in our “evolution” toward godhood, we’re
moving there already. We’d urge you to read the interview because it involves the
fusion of science and new age religious worldviews.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
he him; male and female created he them.
“Imagine being able to activate your dormant, “junk” DNA? In recent news,
scientists and geneticists have discovered three and four strand DNA in human cells
while some geneticists believe we may soon evolve to a 12 strand DNA.

To those who may dismiss this theory, and article entitled, “Spontaneous
Evolution Has Arrived!”, a child was recently born with a 3 strand DNA in England.

Brave toddler Alfie Clamp stuns doctors after being born with extra strand of

The article continues with an interview by Patricia Resch of Dr. Berrenda Fox, “a
holistic practitioner of the Avalon Wellness Centre in Mt Shasta, California.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

PR: What are the changes that are happening at this time on the planet, and how
are our bodies being affected?
BF: There are major changes, mutations that haven’t occurred, according to
geneticists, since the time we supposedly came out of the water. Several years ago in
Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around the world, and the
main topic was the DNA change. We are making an evolutionary change, yet we don’t
know what we are changing into.

PR: How is our DNA changing?

BF: Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that there are
other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA
coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be developing twelve helixes.
During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been
mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a mutation of our species into
something for which the end result is not yet known.

The changes are not known publicly, because the scientific community feels it
would frighten the population. However, people are changing at the cellular level. I
am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes. Most people
know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will
come about in different ways. We know it is a positive mutation even though
physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening.

PR: Are these children displaying any characteristics different from other
BF: These are children who can move objects across the room just by
concentrating on them, or they can fill glasses of water just by looking at them.
They’re telepathic. You would almost think by knowing these children that they are
half angelic or superhuman, but they’re not. I think they are what we are growing into
during the next few decades.

PR: Do you think this will happen to all of us?

One Deception to Rule Them All

BF: It seems like most people who were born before 1940 have not been able to
make the shift but have initiated something into the next generation that gives them
the capacity to form another helix within our lifetime. Our immune and endocrine
systems are the most evident of these changes. That is one of the reasons I work with
research in immunological testing and therapy.”

Triple Helix DNA

This is a short clip from a 2008 Bethel Church video explaining the links between
3 strand DNA and many images in pop culture, Aleister Crowley’s Thelema and new
age religion. This idea clearly isn’t new but it’s only now coming into prominence

In the search for cures, scientists create embryos that are both animal and human
the Greek and Roman “myths” are coming to life around us. It seems likely that they
weren’t just myths, but accounts of what actually took place in earlier times, and we’re
seeing a return to those “days of Noah” just as Jesus foretold.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son
of man be.

“A handful of scientists around the United States are trying to do something that
some people find disturbing: make embryos that are part human, part animal. The
researchers hope these embryos, known as chimeras, could eventually help save the
lives of people with a wide range of diseases.
One way would be to use chimera embryos to create better animal models to
study how human diseases happen and how they progress. Perhaps the boldest hope
is to create farm animals that have human organs that could be transplanted into
terminally ill patients.

But some scientists and bioethicists worry the creation of these interspecies
embryos crosses the line. “You’re getting into unsettling ground that I think is
damaging to our sense of humanity,” says Stuart Newman, a professor of cell biology
and anatomy at the New York Medical College.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The experiments are so sensitive that the National Institutes of Health has
imposed a moratorium on funding them while officials explore the ethical issues they
raise. Nevertheless, a small number of researchers are pursuing the work with
alternative funding. They hope the results will persuade the NIH to lift the

“We’re not trying to make a chimera just because we want to see some kind of
monstrous creature,” says Pablo Ross, a reproductive biologist at the University of
California, Davis. “We’re doing this for a biomedical purpose.”
Prophecy: Succinct thoughts on the Mark of the Beast – 666

Some final thoughts on these subjects can be found in this article, which cautions
us not to become dogmatic about what this transformation will entail because
technology is moving so quickly that it’s difficult to identify what the end, referred to
in Bible prophecy, ultimately may entail.

“Now, whatever the “mark” may be, I would recommend caution in seeking to
identify it. Yes, we must constantly be vigilant of its employment. However, that
which we may think of it today could not have been imagined years if not centuries or
millennia ago much like that which it may be though to be years from now may be
something that we cannot imagine it to be today.

For example, a pop-interpretation was that it was a barcode and today’s pop-
interpretation is that the mark is a computer chip. Some claim that this will be a
whereabouts tracking chip, may contain your DNA sequencing, etc. Others think that
the chip will alter one’s DNA so as to make them no longer human. Still others think
that it will affect the pineal gland (see my short story I, DID (or, On the Splitting of
the Pineal Gland).

Yet, technology is progressing to the point that we will soon have to jettison the
computer chip interpretation or the specific RFID chip interpretation and will have to
shift over to the nanobot interpretation or the silicone-based tech interpretation and
on it goes.”


Revelation 14:9-11 … If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive
his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath

One Deception to Rule Them All

of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in
the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and
ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” --

Lucifer’s Endgame All Along

Trapped in a Digital Cage: Point by Point
• Technology is an expression of the Elites of society. They say Technology is a
great force that we cannot stop. This is a myth. We can by simply
disconnecting from it.
• Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose.
Technology reflects the Elite’s passions, capacities, and values. It is all about
control and hypnotism.
• The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you...look beyond your
immediate gratification to understand this.
• Indeed, there is a double-edged sword to all of this. Technology feels like
freedom, but then it was actually created to capture and control you, and that is
why we are being imprisoned by it. It was Lucifer’s Knowledge the entire time.
• We were seduced by the Light of Information and Technology...The Light of
Lucifer. Through its radiant knowledge and applicability, technology promised
unlimited power and even God-like longevity.
• Eat this apple (Apple Computer) and you will be as a God....
• Lucifer’s Endgame all along was to get to here, where Technology allows
Lucifer to assume full control over the world. Lucifer fell and established
Gnostic Technological Knowledge to eventually MAKE US seat him on the
Antichrist throne.
• The Elite are merging us with machine...The Elite want full control of us...full
Digital Mastery over our every thought and action, and soon over our souls.

One Deception to Rule Them All

• We think it frees us. We are free to walk within the prescribed parameters of
the app or website we inhabit. That is not freedom. That is an animal caught in
a digital cage, nothing more.
• The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology and cannot disconnect
from it. Technology is always harnessed to a particular end. Technology is not
• Technology can only be used within the constraints of how it is designed, how
the culture perceives it, the knowledge that users have, and the society that has
assimilated it. Undoubtedly, it funnels our experience into a certain pattern of
behavior and thought.

• When the Freemasons talk about “Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple” they are not
talking about a building. They are Luciferians. They want to “rebuild”
(Remake) God’s Creation: YOU. Through genetic engineering, they seek to
recreate Man.

We Are the Last Generation

of Homo Sapien
Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: AI, Big Data, and The Future of Humanity
“We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens.” Those were the
opening words of acclaimed historian and best-selling author Professor Yuval Harari,
who spoke at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland,
where politicians, thought leaders and executives from the world’s leading companies
congregate to discuss solutions to global challenges.

What comes after us, Harari said, are entities that are more different from us than
we were from our predecessors, the Neanderthals. However, those species will not be
the outcome of the organic evolution of human genes, Harari explained, but the
outcome of humans learning to engineer bodies, brains and minds. “This will be the
main product of the economy of the 21st century.”

But how will those species emerge and what will they look like?
The Power Will Reside in The Data

One Deception to Rule Them All

“Those who control the data control the future not just of humanity, but the
future of life itself,” Harari said. “Because today, data is the most important asset in
the world.”

In the past, control and ownership of land and subsequently industrial machinery
divided humans into different classes, aristocrats and commoners, capitalists and
“Now data is replacing machinery as the most important asset. And if too much
of the data becomes concentrated in too few hands, humanity will split not into
classes—it will split into species,” Harari warned.

Today, of the ten most powerful companies in the world, six are tech firms that
handle very large amounts of data (Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook
and Tencent). And most of them are less than two decades old.

Why is data so important? “Because we’ve reached a point where we can hack
not just computers—we can hack human beings and other organisms,” Harari

It takes two things to hack human beings: computing power and data, both of
which are becoming abundantly available. The processing power of our mobile
phones surpass that of the most powerful computers of a few decades ago.
Meanwhile, the creation of digital information is exploding. Studies show we generate
2.5 million terabytes of data per day and that number is increasing, because only 10%
of available data dates before 2016. Advances in sensor technology and the internet of
things (IoT) have enabled us to gather data from anything and everything from the
physical world.

Understanding Humans Through Algorithms

The combination of data and computation creates a power that surpasses that of
the most powerful spy agencies of past centuries, such as the Soviet KGB or Spanish
Inquisition, Harari said. “They didn’t have the computing power and the biological
knowledge necessary to make sense what was happening inside your body and brain,
and to understand how you feel, and what you think and what you want.”

This is changing thanks to the rise of machine learning and deep learning, smart
artificial intelligence software that can mine huge sets of data and find meaningful

One Deception to Rule Them All

patterns that would go unnoticed to the biologically limited minds of human beings.
Presently, artificial intelligence and machine learning touch many aspects of human
life, such as healthcare and medicine, transportation, education, the distribution of
news and information, and much more.

Harari also points to advances in biology and the brain science as a defining
factor in understanding and hacking of the human mind. “Organisms are algorithms,”
Harari said. “This is the big insight of modern life sciences.” Humans are really just
biochemical algorithms, and we are learning how to decipher these algorithms.
The evolution of biometrical sensors, which translate biochemical processes in
the body and brain into electronic signals that a computer can store and analyze.
We’ve seen huge leaps in this field, from medical devices and wearables, to the more
advanced hardware that can read brain waves, such as Facebook’s upcoming brain-
computer interface and Elon Musk’s Neuralink. We’ve also seen advances on the
intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, where a closer understanding of
the human mind’s mechanics is helping create more efficient algorithms.
With the right amount of data and computing power, you can create algorithms
that know people better than themselves. “And humans really don’t know themselves
very well,” Harari said, bringing up his own realization of his homosexuality after
years of denial as an example.
There are already computer vision algorithms that can detect whether you’re
straight or gay with a high level of accuracy by analyzing your mug shot. In a few
years, with body sensors becoming ubiquitous, these technologies will become even
more accurate—and harder to evade.
“Even if you keep hiding from your classmates or from yourself, you will not be
able to hide from Amazon, or Alibaba, or the secret police,” Harari said. “As you surf
the internet, as you watch videos or check your social feed, the algorithms will be
monitoring your eye movements, your blood pressure, your brain activity, and they
will know.”

The mechanism behind it is in fact pretty simple. These companies compare your
data against their historical data and the digital profile of the millions and billions of
other people they have, and by finding common patterns, they can understand your
known and hidden preferences, even if you don’t know them yet yourself.

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Rise of Digital Dictatorships: Surveillance Cameras

“Once we have algorithms that can understand better than I understand myself,
they could predict my desires, manipulate my emotions and even take decisions on my
behalf,” Harari said in his speech. “And if we are not careful, the outcome will be the
rise of digital dictatorships.”

Democracy functions by distributing information and the power to make

decisions between many institutions and individuals, while dictatorship concentrates
everything in one place. In the 20th century, distributed data processing outperformed
centralized data processing, which is one of the main reasons democracy prevailed
over dictatorship in general, Harari explained. But that might not be the case in the
“In the 21st century, new technological revolutions, especially AI and machine
learning might swing the pendulum in the opposite direction,” he said. “They might
make centralized data processing far more efficient than distributed data processing.
And if democracy cannot adapt to these new conditions, then humans will come to
live under the rule of digital dictatorships.”

We’re seeing evidence of this in companies vying to collect and store more and
more data in order to get a bigger share of the markets they compete in. We’re also
seeing the rise of data-driven government surveillance in different countries. The
most notorious case is China’s social credit program, in which the government is
colluding with big tech companies to keep tabs on the activities and of Chinese
citizens by analyzing their data. But similar cases have happened in democratic
countries such as the U.S., where the NSA tapped into the large centralized databases
of companies such as Facebook and Google to establish a huge surveillance program.
More recently, we’re seeing machine learning algorithms and facial recognition
technology becoming the new tool to control citizens.

But digital dictatorship does not limit itself to highly accurate surveillance of
citizens’ actions. It will become even more dangerous when it starts to steer those
actions in its favor. We already saw what big data and AI can do in the fake news
scandals that emerged in the U.S. and European elections, in which malicious actors
gamed the news feed algorithms of social media networks to try to sway public
opinion in a specific direction.

One Deception to Rule Them All

This can become worse as users generate more and more data and governments
try to concentrate all that data under their control. At one point we might achieve the
notion of persuasive computing, in which governments use small bits of targeted
information to manipulate the minds of people in intended ways. In this new era of
digital dictatorship, despots will no longer need to point guns at people to force them
to do their bidding. They’ll have plenty of data to achieve their goals without shedding
a drop of blood.

The Era of Evolution by Intelligent Design: DNA

“Control of data might enable human elites to do something even more radical
than just build digital dictatorships,” Harari said. “By hacking organisms, the elite
might gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can
hack something, you can usually also engineer it. This will be the greatest revolution
of biology since the very beginning of life.”
In the past 4 billion years, the evolution of all lifeforms was governed by the
simple rule of natural selection and the laws of organic biochemistry.
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent
design,” Harari said. The driving forces behind these new designs will be the
companies that own the data and algorithms. We might also see life breaking out from
the confines of organic compounds, Harari added.

While the professor didn’t unpack those comments (probably because the ideas
are still very vague), we’re already seeing glimmers of what the future of life will be.
Technologies such as CRISPR gene editing, and other tools that help augment human
capabilities might create new ways for humans to surpass the limits of their mortal
shells. But they will also create the grounds for greater inequality. While organic
evolution was something that all humans enjoyed equally, technological advances, AI
tools and data are not evenly accessible across the human population. So, we might
see the emergence of supreme and lower species of humans in the future.

How To Regulate The Ownership Of Data

“This is why the ownership of data is so important,” Harari said. “If we don’t
regulate it, a tiny elite may come to control not just the future of human societies, but
the shape of lifeforms in the future.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

Regulating the ownership of data is much more difficult than land and machinery,
Hariri explained, because “data is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.” Data is
ephemeral. It can be transferred and copied at incredible speeds. I can hold an exact
copy (or a thousand copies) of a document you have and claim that it’s the original

Presently, big companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook own a

disproportionate amount of user data, and people are rightfully worried about the
implications. But handing the data over to governments—or nationalizing it, as Harari
says—is not a solution either because it will only transfer the power of big
corporations to digital dictatorships. “I certainly don’t think [governments] are ready
to be entrusted with the future of life and the universe,” Harari said, “especially as
many politicians and governments seem incapable of producing meaningful visions
for the future.”
All those privacy concerns about companies knowing where we go and what we
buy is just the tip of the iceberg. “There are much more important things at stake. The
discussion has hardly begun,” Hariri said, “and we cannot expect instant answers.”

It would’ve been nice to hear Harari discuss giving ownership of data back to the
users, the real people to whom all this information belongs. There are solutions that
will help us move toward decentralized data regulation, such as the use of blockchain,
the distributed ledger that ushered in the era of cryptocurrencies. We’re also seeing
the emergence of platforms that help us move toward decentralized AI algorithms,
which will help humankind collectively benefit from scientific advances while
protecting itself against any one entity becoming too powerful.
Whether those solutions will help solve the data ownership riddle question
remains to be seen. But as Harari said in his closing statement, “The future of life
itself might depend on the answer to this question.” --

One Ring to Rule Them All. Technology My Precious!

“We live in a world of screens. More of us would know this, if we would look up,
and look around. The screens are everywhere, pervasive: Fingers that are glued to the
screen which are glued to the eyes which are glued to the screen. We use them for
work, play. But it’s much more than that. The screens use us, too. How did we get

One Deception to Rule Them All

here? And where’s this journey leading us? What does that even look like? And is it
what we want? Is this culture’s technology changing us and our societies for the
better? Does it empower all of us—like it claims to—or does it only empower a select
few at the expense of the many? What’s the price we pay to live in this pervasive
electronic world?” --

Apotheosis – Man Becoming God – The

Gnostic Heresy of All Heresies
Apotheosis is a Greek word literally meaning man becoming a God THROUGH
HIS WORKS. This is the ultimate end goal of the Gnostic secret societies since the
days of Adam. Gnosticism literally means secret knowledge.
Why has this knowledge been so “secret” and hidden for thousands of years?
Why is it to this day protected by initiates to the point of exacting oaths of secrecy
upon penalties of death if they are revealed? Simply because it is Satan’s High
Priesthood. Satan operates in the shadows, and in secret. He fears public scrutiny.
He fears total transparency. You see, if it was for the BENEFIT of humanity, and
not for the MANIPULATION of humanity for the enrichment of an elite few, there
would be NO REASON for secrecy. Welcome to the world of EDOMITE
Kabballah and Freemasonry.
Jesus Christ, GOD INCARNATE, the Creator of the Universe – operates exactly
the opposite. He told His earthly disciples: “For there is NOTHING hid, which shall
not be manifested, neither was anything kept SECRET, but that it should come
abroad.” (Mark 4:22) Thus secret knowledge and blood oaths are exclusively the
domain of the Anti-Christ and his demonic minions.

If you ever happen to find yourself in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington D.C. –
take a good long look over your head. You will see a massive fresco painted there. It
is called the “Apotheosis of George Washington”. It depicts George Washington
becoming an EXALTED GOD. It also depicts all of the SIX PRIMARY PAGAN
GODS AND GODDESSES of ancient Rome as well – Columbia – the goddess of
“War,” (as in District of War – D.C.) Minerva – the goddess of “Science,” Neptune,
the God of the Oceans or “Marine,” Mercury, the Roman God of “Commerce,”
Vulcan – the God of the underworld – fire and forge – i.e. “Mechanics,” and finally,
One Deception to Rule Them All

Ceres, the Roman Goddess of “Agriculture”. All of this “work of art” is surrounded
by 72 pentagrams – the universal “seal” of the Satanist!

So, who created this masterpiece and when? A Roman Catholic 33rd Degree
Freemason named Constantino Brumidi in 1865 – shortly after the conclusion of the
Civil War. Brumidi had quite an impressive resume. He worked for three years in the
Vatican under the direction and tutelage of Pope Gregory XVI and served several
European masonic aristocrats as an artist for their massive palaces and villas,
including the prince Torlonia.
He was a high initiate. He knew the Satanic priesthood’s highest and best-kept
secrets. The Apotheosis of Washington – U.S. Capitol Rotunda!
They would have you believe that Gnosticism is wonderful and perfectly safe.
They would want you to believe that secret knowledge is of Jesus the Christ. They
would have you believe Joseph Smith and Brigham Young’s – (both MASTER
MASONS) – core teaching that “As man is, God once was, as God is, Man may
become” (pure Freemasonic APOTHEOSIS) is completely true.
You see, the problem is – this “apotheosis” is Satan’s false promise – it is the
ultimate “priesthood”. Satan would have you believe that Godhood can be achieved
through secret knowledge (Gnosticism) and mortal works. This is how he “beguiled”
Eve in the primordial Garden. He promised her FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE –
with the end result being the promise of apotheosis – YE SHALL BE AS GODS.
(See Genesis 3:5)
Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet made it very clear that the desire for
apotheosis was the goal of Lucifer/Satan from the outset – and was the sole reason
why he was banished from heaven and established his earthly kingdom. (Isaiah 14:12-
13). This, dear reader, is also the exact reason Emmanuel – God With Us – Jesus of
Nazareth – came to Earth in the flesh – to REDEEM humanity from the LIE of his
adversarial fallen angel – Satan. Indeed – it is the ultimate Heresy!

The exact OPPOSITE doctrine of Satanic Apotheosis self-exaltation is found in

the core message of Christ’s saving Grace. Only through complete humility –
dust before Him and inviting Him into your heart – can you then become His Joint-
Heir – which of course means being exalted through Him. He taught this core truth

One Deception to Rule Them All

in Matthew 23:12 “And whosoever shall exalt HIMSELF shall be abased (i.e. cursed),
and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”

Indeed, HE alone is the “Way, the Truth and the Life.” There is no need for
secret gnostic societies with all the blood oaths, death, and murder/mayhem. This is
how Satan rules with “blood and horror” upon the earth. Again, this why it must be
kept so esoteric and SECRET.
The founding Mormon “prophet” Joseph Smith became a master mason – and
plagiarized EVERYTHING MASONIC into his temple “endowment”. It too, is
“secret” and can be given only to “worthy” Mormons. It is elitist and highly Satanic.
It is a well-documented FACT that just before his death, Smith ran to the Carthage
jail window and gave the universal masonic distress symbol – raising his hands over
his head and yelling “Is there no hope for the widow’s son?” Apparently, there
weren’t any secret satanic brethren in the crowd – because they shot him dead

It is also a FACT that Albert Pike directed most, if not all, of the actions of
Smith’s successor, Brigham Young. Albert Pike made it abundantly clear who was
the “god” of the masons and thus the Mormons – “Lucifer, the Light-Bearer”. “

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship
The following is a condensation from The Ascendancy of the Scientific
Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, from the 19th to the
21st Century

Phillip Darrell Collins, Paul David Collins

Illuminating the Occult Origin of Darwinism

As antiquity gave way to modern history, the religious power structure shifted to
an autocracy of the knowable, or a ‘scientific dictatorship.’ Subtly and swiftly, the
ruling class seized control of science and used it as an ‘epistemological weapon’
against the masses. This article will show that the history and background of this
‘scientific dictatorship’ is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical
tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry.

The Epistemological Cartel

In the Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner outlines the
tactics employed by the elite to maintain their dominance. Among them is: ‘Ostensible
control over the knowable, by marketing institutionally accredited science as the only
path to true understanding’ (Pouzzner, 75). Thus, the ruling class endeavors to
discourage independent reason while exercising illusory power over human
knowledge. This tactic of control through knowledge suppression and selective
dissemination is reiterated in the anonymously authored document Silent Weapons
for Quiet Wars:

“Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the
study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically
expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both
are bookkeeping systems. Mathematics is the primary energy science. And the
bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the

One Deception to Rule Them All

bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The
end is control.” – Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203

The word ‘science’ is derived from the Latin word scientia, which means
‘knowing.’ Epistemology is the study of the nature and origin of knowledge. This elite
monopoly of the knowable, which is enforced through institutional science, could be
characterized as an “epistemological cartel.” The ruling class has bribed the
‘bookkeepers’ (i.e., natural and social scientists). Meanwhile, the masses practically
deify the ‘bookkeepers’ of the elite and remain ‘ignorant of the methodology of the
bookkeeping.’ The unknown author of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars provides an
eloquently simple summation: ‘The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond
this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?’ (Keith, Secret and
Suppressed, 203).

In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley more

succinctly defined this Epistemological Cartel:
“The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough
bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific
dictatorship, education will really work’ with the result that most men and women will
grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be
no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be
overthrown.”– Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 116
This is the ultimate objective of the elite: an oligarchy legitimized by arbitrarily
anointed expositors of ‘knowledge’ or, in Huxley’s own words, a ‘scientific

The New Theocracy

How did the ‘scientific dictatorship’ of the twentieth century begin? In earlier
centuries, the ruling class controlled the masses through more mystical belief systems,
particularly Sun worship. Yet, this would all change. In Saucers of the Illuminati, Jim
Keith documents the shift from a theocracy of the Sun to a theocracy of ‘science’:

“Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives) were,
after several thousand years of worship, beginning to fray around the edges in terms
of believability, and a lot commoners were beginning to grumble that this stuff was all

One Deception to Rule Them All

made up, the Illuminati came up with a new and improved version of their mind
control software that didn’t depend upon the Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate
authority.” – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78

Priests and rituals were soon supplanted by a new breed of

‘bookkeepers’ and a new ‘methodology of bookkeeping.’
Keith elaborates:
“As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, ‘Scientists’ were quick to take
up some of the slack. According to their propaganda, the physical laws of the universe
were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those physical laws were only
fathomable by the scientific (i.e. Illuminati) elite.” – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati,
This consciously induced paradigm shift facilitated the emergence of the elite’s
new theocracy. The official state-sanctioned religion of this theocracy was ‘scientism’:
the belief that the investigational methods of the natural sciences should be
ecumenically imposed upon all fields of inquiry. This form of epistemological
imperialism is not to be confused with legitimate science. Researcher Michael
Hoffman makes this distinction in his book Secret Societies and Psychological

“Science, when practiced as the application of man’s God-given talents for the
production of appropriate technology on a human scale, relief of misery and the
reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed
in nature, is a useful tool for mankind. Scientism is science gone mad, which is what
we have today.” (Hoffman, 49)

Hoffman further elaborates on the folly of scientism:

“The reason that science is a bad master and dangerous servant and ought not
to be worshipped is that science is not objective. Science is fundamentally about the
uses of measurement. What does not fit the yardstick of the scientist is discarded.
Scientific determinism has repeatedly excluded some data from its measurement and
fudged other data, such as Piltdown Man, in order to support the self-fulfilling nature
of its own agenda, be it Darwinism or ‘cut, burn and poison’ methods of cancer
‘treatment’.” (Hoffman, 49)

One Deception to Rule Them All

It must be understood that this new institution of knowing is a form of mysticism like
its religious precursors. Contemporary science is predicated upon empiricism, the idea
that all knowledge is derived exclusively through the senses. Yet, an exclusively
empirical approach relegates cause to the realm of metaphysical fantasy. This holds
enormous ramifications for science. Do we really know what causes anything?

Although temporal succession and spatial proximity are self-evident, causal

connection is not. Affirmation of causal relationships is impossible in science. What is
perceived as A causing B could be merely circumstantial juxtaposition. Given the
absence of known cause, all of a scientist’s findings must be taken upon faith. This is
all one can deduce while working under the paradigm of radical empiricism. Thus, the
elite merely exchanged one form of mysticism for another.

Returning to Pouzzner’s previous statement, ‘ostensible control over the

knowable’ is achieved through the promulgation of ‘institutionally accredited science’
(Pouzzner, 75). Now, the elite had to meet two requirements to insure their
epistemological dominance: a science specifically designed for their needs and an
institution to accredit and disseminate it.

The British Royal Society

The new secular church and clergy of the elite originated within the walls of the
British Royal Society. The creators of the Royal Society were also members of the
Masonic Lodge. According to Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln in Holy Blood, Holy Grail:
“Virtually all the Royal Society’s founding members were Freemasons. One
could reasonably argue that the Royal Society itself, at least in its inception, was a
Masonic institution – derived, through Andrea’s Christian Unions, from the ‘invisible
Rosicrucian brotherhood’.” (Baigent, et al, 144)
Jim Keith makes it clear that the Masonic Lodge ‘has been alleged to be a conduit
for the intentions of a number of elitist interests’ (Keith, Casebook on Alternative 3,
20). In service to the elite, the Royal Society Freemasons would re-sculpt
epistemological notions and disseminate propaganda. Jim Keith provides a brief
summation of the Royal Society’s role in years to come: ‘The British Royal Society of
the late seventeenth century was the forerunner of much of the media manipulation
that was to follow’ (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 79).

One Deception to Rule Them All

Before the advent of the British Royal Society, science (i.e., the study of natural
phenomena) and theology (i.e., the study of God) were inseparable. The two were not
separate repositories of knowledge, but natural correlatives. In Confession of Nature,
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz established the centrality of God to science. According to
Leibniz, the proximate origins of ‘magnitude, figure, and motion,’ which constitute
the ‘primary qualities’ of corporeal bodies, ‘cannot be found in the essence of the
body’ (de Hoyos).

Linda de Hoyos reveals the point at which science finds a

“The problem arises when the scientist asks why the body fills this space and not
another; for example, why it should be three feet long rather than two, or square
rather than round. This cannot be explained by the nature of the bodies themselves,
since the matter is indeterminate as to any definite figure, whether square or round.
For the scientist who refuses to resort to an incorporeal cause, there can be only two
answers. Either the body has been this way since eternity, or it has been made square
by the impact of another body. ‘Eternity’ is no answer, since the body could have
been round for eternity also. If the answer is ‘the impact of another body,’ there
remains the question of why it should have had any determinate figure before such
motion acted upon it. This question can then be asked again and again, backwards to
infinity. Therefore, it appears that the reason for a certain figure and magnitude in
bodies can never be found in the nature of these bodies themselves.”

The Same can be established for the body’s cohesion and

firmness, which left Leibniz with the following conclusion:
“Since we have demonstrated that bodies cannot have a determinate figure,
quantity, or motion, without an incorporeal being, it readily becomes apparent that
this incorporeal being is one for all, because of the harmony of things among
themselves, especially since bodies are moved not individually by this incorporeal
being but by each other. But no reason can be given why this incorporeal being
chooses one magnitude, figure, and motion rather than another, unless he is intelligent
and wise with regard to the beauty of things and powerful with regard to their
obedience to their command. Therefore such an incorporeal being be a mind ruling
the whole world, that is, God.” (de Hoyos)

One Deception to Rule Them All

Of course, this conclusion was antithetical to the doctrine of the scientific

dictatorship, which contended that ‘the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate
causative factors’ (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79). Metaphysical naturalism
(i.e., nature is God) had to be enthroned. Meanwhile, God’s presence in the corridors
of science had to be expunged. To achieve this, the Royal Society created a Gnostic
division between science and theology, thus insuring the primacy of matter in the halls
of scientific inquiry (Tarpley).

Blind Reverence to Science

Indeed, biases and presuppositions pervade the very fabric of the elite’s epistemic
autocracy. Academia itself has become the official church for this cult of
epistemological selectivity. Christian philosopher Ravi Zacharias personally
encountered the enormous prejudicial hurdles of scientism during a casual
conversation with a few scholars, wherein one scientist makes a shocking confession:
I asked them a couple of questions. ‘If the Big Bang were indeed where it all
began, may I ask what preceded the Big Bang?’ Their answer, which I had anticipated,
was that the universe was shrunk down to a singularity.
I pursued, ‘But isn’t it correct that a singularity as defined by science is a point at
which all the laws of physics break down?’

‘That is correct,’ was the answer.

‘Then, technically, your starting point is not scientific either.’

There was silence, and their expressions betrayed the scurrying mental searches
for an escape hatch. But I had yet another question.

I asked if they agreed that when a mechanistic view of the universe had held
sway, thinkers like Hume had chided philosophers for taking the principle of causality
and applying it to a philosophical argument for the existence of God. Causality, he
warned, could not be extrapolated from science to philosophy.
‘Now,’ I added, ‘when quantum theory holds sway, randomness in the subatomic
world is made a basis for randomness in life. Are you not making the very same
extrapolation that you warned us against?’

One Deception to Rule Them All

Again there was silence and then one man said with a self-deprecating smile, ‘We
scientists do seem to retain selective sovereignty over what we allow to be transferred
to philosophy and what we don’t’ (Zacharias, 64).

This ‘selective sovereignty,’ vigorously enforced by the epistemic autocracy of the

elite, effectively marginalized dissenters and consummated the apotheosis of the
‘bookkeepers.’ Hoffman explains:
“The cryptocracy has successfully harnessed to its own ends the huge potential
for promoting secret political-occult agendas to the public, by presenting them as
unassailable ‘objective scientific truth.’ Since the bogey of ‘science’ instills in
secularists a sort of blind reverence, opponents of political and occult agendas
promoted through the propaganda of scientism are quickly stigmatized as
‘Neanderthal,’ especially with regard to their opposition to Darwinism, a dogma
proved false by Norman Macbeth in his magisterial Darwin Retried and exposed as a
cult by Gertrude Himmelfarb in Darwin.” (Hoffman, 49)

Suddenly, ‘ostensible control over the knowable’ became the Divine Providence
of god-like ‘bookkeepers.’ Meanwhile, their opponents became heretics and were
‘burned at the stake’ (i.e., marginalized by academia and other secular institutions).
Hoffman states:

“The doctrine of man playing god reaches its nadir in the philosophy of scientism
which makes possible the complete mental, spiritual and physical enslavement of
mankind through technologies such as satellite and computer surveillance; a state of
affairs symbolized by the ‘All Seeing Eye‘ above the unfinished pyramid on the U.S.
one dollar bill.” (Hoffman, 50)
With the inculcation of the masses into scientism, the unfinished pyramid is
almost complete.

Evolution: The Occult Doctrine of Becoming

With the British Royal Society acting as their headquarters of propaganda, the
elite had created an institution to provide credibility for their specially designed
‘science.’ Now, they needed to introduce the ‘science.’ Recall that the founding
members of the Royal Society were all Freemasons. Thus, whatever ‘science’ these
men would design would be derivative of Masonic doctrine. In The Meaning of

One Deception to Rule Them All

Masonry, W.L. Wilmhurst reveals the worldview underpinning the new Masonic

“This – the evolution [emphasis added] of man into superman – was always the
purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is not the
social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting
of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and
transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art,
which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any
other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning.”
(Wilmhurst, 47)

Later in the book, Wilmhurst reiterates this theme:

“Man who has sprung from earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of
nature to his present rational state, has yet to complete his evolution [emphasis added]
by becoming a god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient –
to promote which is and always has been the sole aim and purpose of all Initiation.”
(Wilmhurst, 94)

With God’s effective exile from science, man’s position as imago viva Dei
(created in the image of the Creator) was summarily relegated to obsolescence. Now,
Freemasonry could introduce its occult doctrine of ‘becoming,’ the belief in man’s
gradual evolution towards apotheosis.

According to Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Erasmus

Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, was the first to promulgate
the concept of evolution:
“Dr. Erasmus Darwin (1731 – 1802) was the first man in England to suggest
those ideas which later were to be embodied in the Darwinian theory by his grandson,
Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), who wrote in 1859 Origin of Species.” (quoted in
Daniel, 34)

The Lunar Society

Erasmus Darwin was the founder of the Lunar Society. According to author Ian
Taylor, the Lunar Society was active from about 1764 to 1800 and its prominent
influence ‘continued long afterwards under the banner of The Royal Society.’ The

One Deception to Rule Them All

group’s name owed itself to the fact that members met monthly at the time of the full
moon. The membership of this group boasted such luminaries as John Wilkinson
(who made cannons), James Watt (who owed his notoriety to the steam engine),
Matthew Boulton (a manufacturer), Joseph Priestly (a chemist), Josiah Wedgewood
(who founded the famous pottery business), and Benjamin Franklin. It is with the
Lunar Society that one begins to identify Erasmus’ ties to Freemasonry. (Taylor, 55)
Interestingly enough, in an article by Lord Richie-Calder, Lunar Society members
were assigned the very esoteric appellation of ‘merchants of light.’ This was precisely
the same description used for the hypothetical society presented in Sir Francis
Bacon’s New Atlantis (Taylor, 55). In her examination of J.G. Findel’s History of
Freemasonry, Nesta Webster made the following observation: ‘Findel frankly admits
that the New Atlantis contained unmistakable allusions to Freemasonry and that
Bacon contributed to its final transformation’ (Webster, 120).
Researcher Ian Taylor adds:

“Webster pointed out that one of the earliest and most eminent precursors of
Freemasonry is said to have been Francis Bacon, who is also recognized to have been
a Rosicrucian; the Rosicrucian and Freemason orders were closely allied and may have
had a common source.” (Taylor, 445)

Still, these are tenuous ties at best. Are there any sources that firmly establish a
Darwinian/Freemasonic connection? Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
conclusively confirms a link:
“Before coming to Derby in 1788, Dr. [Erasmus] Darwin had been made a
Mason in the famous Time Immemorial Lodge of Cannongate Kilwinning, No. 2, of
Scotland. Sir Francis Darwin, one of the Doctor’s sons, was made a Mason in Tyrian
Lodge, No. 253, at Derby, in 1807 or 1808. His son Reginald was made a Mason in
Tyrian Lodge in 1804. The name of Charles Darwin does not appear on the rolls of
the Lodge but it is very possible that he, like Francis, was a Mason.” (quoted in
Daniel, 34)

In 1794, Erasmus wrote a book entitled Zoonomia, which delineated his theory
of evolution (Taylor, 58). Being a Freemason, there is little doubt that Erasmus
cribbed liberally from the Lodge’s occult doctrine of ‘becoming.’ Before Erasmus had
penned his precursory notions of progressive biological development, Freemason

One Deception to Rule Them All

John Locke (1632 – 1704) extrapolated the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation into the
context of metaphysical naturalism and formulated a theory of evolution (Daniel, 33-

The British East India Company had imported the Hindu belief in reincarnation
to England where it would be adopted by the British Royal Society. A prominent
member of the Royal Society, John Locke studied reincarnation extensively and,
working with the occult doctrine as an extrapolative inspiration, developed his own
evolutionary ideas. In fact, Locke’s theory of evolution received the support of the
male members of Darwin’s family (Daniel, 33-34). Two centuries later, this occult
concept of ‘becoming’ would be transmitted to Charles Darwin and On the Origin of
Species would be born.

Metaphysical Naturalism: The Golem Reborn

Underpinning the concept of metaphysical naturalism is the notion that life
originated with lifeless matter. This notion, dubbed ‘spontaneous generation,’
excludes the involvement of a supernatural Creator. Thus, nature became a god
creating itself. Louis Pasteur, whose work established the Law of Biogenesis, provided
the most succinct summation of this anthropomorphic mysticism:
“To bring about spontaneous generation would be to create a germ. It would be
creating life; it would be to solve the problem of its origin. It would mean to go from
matter to life through conditions of environment and of matter [lifeless material].
God as author of life would then no longer be needed. Matter would replace Him.
God would need to be invoked only as author of the motions of the universe.”
(Dubos, 395)

Like all of the ‘false gods’ of antiquity, the voracity of this new deity was soon
demolished. ‘Spontaneous generation’ was proven impossible by the Law of
Biogenesis. However, this fact did not stop certain ‘men of science’ from chronically
deifying nature. For instance, Charles Darwin unconsciously revealed his idolatrous
impulses through statements like: ‘natural selection picks out with unerring skill the
best varieties’ (Hooykaas, 18).

Evident in such statements is the idea that nature is sentient. After all, only a
sentient being holds discriminative tastes and, therefore, ‘picks out’ the recipients of
its favor. Moreover, such statements reveal that ‘nature’ itself is a sovereign deity

One Deception to Rule Them All

acting as the ultimate arbiter of life and death. This meme has metastasized,
presenting itself today as the Gaia Hypothesis. This hypothesis holds that the
biosphere is a self-creating, self-sustaining, and self-regenerating entity. Central to this
thesis is the contention that both the living and non-living are inseparable (Lovelock,

Although the concept of ‘spontaneous generation’ was proven scientifically

bankrupt years ago, many continue to resuscitate its corpse. Why does this theme of
lifeless matter spontaneously generating life continue to emerge? The answer is
because it has been with man for a very long time. It is derivative of the golem, an
occult concept presented in the Hebraic Kabbalah. Thirty-third Degree Freemason
Albert Pike revealed that: ‘all the Masonic associations owe to it [the Kabbalah] their
Secrets and their Symbols’ (Pike, 744). According to this occult text, the golem was an
artificially created man whose life was the result of supernatural intervention. The late
Isaac Bashevis Singer, who studied the Kabbalah extensively, explained:

“’the golem ‘ is based on faith ‘ that dead matter is not really dead, but can be
brought to life [emphasis added]’ What are the computers and robots of our time if
not golems? ‘ The Talmud tells us of an interpreter by the name of Rava who formed
a man by this mysterious power’ We are living in an epoch of golem-making right
now. The gap between science and magic ‘ is becoming narrower’.” (Hoffman, 115)

Drawing upon the esoteric doctrines of their occult heritage, the Freemasonic
members of the British Royal Society re-introduced the golem to the public mind
under the guise of ‘metaphysical naturalism.’ Gradually, the corporeal machinations of
nature supplanted the miraculous Creator. Of course, these machinations were only
intelligible to anointed scientists of the epistemic autocracy. Thus, the ‘bookkeepers’
of the elite became the new expositors of ‘miracles.’ This virtual deification of the
‘bookkeepers’ is evident in Singer’s later statements regarding the golem:

“I was interested in the golem ‘ from my early childhood. I was brought up in the
home of a rabbi, and his sermons often spoke of miracles, by the Baal Shem Tov and
other wonder rabbis. ‘ I realized early in my life that science and technology had
actually created a civilization of miracles. Science is one long chain of miracles.’.”
(Hoffman, 116)

Recall the words of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World Revisited: ‘The older
dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread,
One Deception to Rule Them All

enough circuses, enough miracles [emphasis added], and mysteries.’ The new dictators
do not intend to make the same mistake. With the effective enshrinement of
metaphysical naturalism, the British Royal Society prepared to unleash their next
golem. However, this golem would be an artificially created ape-man presented to the
public imagination under the appellation of Darwinism.

The Darwin Project

In the article ‘Toward a New Science of Life,’ EIR journalist Jonathan
Tennenbaum makes the following the statement concerning Darwinism:

“Now, it is easy to show that Darwinism, one of the pillars of modern biology, is
nothing but a kind of cult, a cult religion. I am not exaggerating. It has no scientific
validity whatsoever. Darwin’s so-called theory of evolution is based on absurdly
irrational propositions, which did not come from scientific observations, but were
artificially introduced from the outside, for political-ideological reasons.”
Given Darwinism’s roots in occult Freemasonry and its expedient promotion of
an emergent species of supermen (i.e., the elite), this is a fairly accurate assessment.
Charles Darwin acted as the elite’s apostle, preaching the new secular gospel of
evolution. Darwinism could be considered a Freemasonic project, the culmination of
a publicity campaign conducted by the Lodge. Evidence for this contention can be
found in controversial Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion.
Although an examination of the Protocols and a critique of their authenticity are
not the purposes of this essay, it is important to address the questions surrounding
their origins. After all, the Protocols have been employed throughout history in
numerous genocidal campaigns against the Jews. However, the authors of Holy
Blood, Holy Grail provide evidence that the document may be Masonic in origin:

“It can thus be proved conclusively that the Protocols did not issue from the
Judaic congress at Basle in 1897. That being so, the obvious questions is whence they
did issue. Modern scholars have dismissed them as a total forgery, a wholly spurious
document concocted by anti-Semitic interests’ intent on discrediting Judaism. And yet
the Protocols themselves argue strongly against such a conclusion. They contain, for
example, a number of enigmatic references – references that are clearly not Judaic.
But these references are so clearly not Judaic that they cannot plausibly have been

One Deception to Rule Them All

fabricated by a forger, either. No anti-Semitic forger with even a modicum of

intelligence would possibly have concocted such references in order to discredit
Judaism. For no one would have believed these references to be of Judaic origin.”

Thus, for instance, the text of the Protocols ends with a single statement. ‘Signed
by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree.’ Why would an anti-Semitic forger
have made up such a statement? Why would he not have attempted to incriminate all
Jews, rather than just a few – the few who constitute ‘the representatives of Sion of
the 33rd Degree’? Why would he not declare that the document was signed by, say,
the representatives of the international Judaic congress? In fact, the ‘representatives of
Sion of the 33rd Degree’ would hardly seem to refer to Judaism at all, or to any
‘international Jewish conspiracy.’ If anything, it would seem to refer to something
specifically Masonic. And the thirty-third degree in Freemasonry is that of the so-
called Strict Observance – the system of Freemasonry introduced by Hund at the
behest of his ‘unknown superiors,’ one of whom appears to have been Charles
Radclyffe (Baigent, et al, 192-3). Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln conclude:

“There was an original text on which the published version of the Protocols was
based. This original text was not a forgery. On the contrary, it was authentic. But it
had nothing whatever to do with Judaism or an ‘international Jewish conspiracy.’ It
issued, rather, from some Masonic organization or Masonically oriented secret society
that incorporated the word ‘Sion’.” (Baigent, et al, 194)

Given the Masonic language, one can completely discard the racist contention
that the Protocols constitute evidence of an ‘international Jewish conspiracy.’
Nevertheless, the document holds some authenticity:
“The published version of the Protocols is not, therefore, a totally fabricated
text. It is, rather, a radically altered text. But despite the alterations certain vestiges of
the original version can be discerned’.” (Baigent, et al, 195)

The remnant vestiges of the original text strongly suggest Masonic origins.
Having established the Masonic authorship of the Protocols, one may return to issue
at hand: Freemasonic involvement in the promotion of Darwinism. Consider the
following excerpt from the Protocols, which reads distinctly like a mission statement:

“For them [the masses or cattle] let that play the principal part which we have
persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in

One Deception to Rule Them All

view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in
these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim [the masses or cattle] will puff
themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it will put
into effect all the information available from science, which our Agentur specialists
have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the
direction we want.”
Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think
carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism [emphasis added], Marxism, and
Nietzsche-ism (reprint in Cooper, 274-5).

In addition to establishing the Lodge’s official sanction of Darwinism, this

excerpt also reveals a direct relationship between Marxism, Nietzsche-ism, and
evolutionary theory.
It was the grandfather of Aldous Huxley, T.H. Huxley, who would act as the
‘official spokesman for the recluse Darwin’ (White, 268). Many years later, Aldous
would propose a ‘scientific dictatorship’ in Brave New World Revisited. Whether
Aldous made this proposition on a whim or was penning a concept that had circulated
within the Huxley family for years cannot be determined. Given the family’s
oligarchical tradition, the latter assertion remains a definite possibility. Yet, there may
be a deeper Freemasonic connection, suggesting that the concept of a ‘scientific
dictatorship’ may have originated within the Lodge.

T.H. Huxley was a Freemason and, with no apparent achievements to claim as his
own, was made a Fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 26 (Daniel, 34). T.H.
Huxley tutored Freemason H.G. Wells, who would later teach Huxley’s two
grandsons, Julian and Aldous. Both Julian and Aldous were Freemasons (Daniel, 147).
Given this continuity of Freemasonic tutelage within the Huxley family, it is a definite
possibility that the Huxlian concept of a ‘scientific dictatorship’ is really Masonic.
Considering Freemason H.G. Wells’ endorsement of a ‘scientific dictatorship,’ which
he called a ‘Technocracy,’ this is highly likely.

The rest is history. With the publicity campaigns of the Royal Society and the avid
defense of evolution apologist T.H. Huxley, Darwin’s theory would be disseminated
and popularized. The seed had taken root and, in the years to come, numerous
permutations of the elite’s ‘scientific dictatorship’ would emerge.

One Deception to Rule Them All

Science Fiction: A Means of Predictive Programming

Aldous Huxley first presented the ‘scientific dictatorship’ to the public
imagination in his book Brave New World. In Dope, Inc., associates of political
dissident Lyndon LaRouche claim that Huxley’s book was actually a ‘mass appeal’
organizing document written ‘on behalf of one-world order’ (Dope, Inc., 538). The
book also claims the United States is the only place where Huxley’s ‘science fiction
classic’ is taught as an allegorical condemnation of fascism. If this is true, then the
‘scientific dictatorship’ presented within the pages of his 1932 novel Brave New
World is a thinly disguised roman a’ clef – a novel that thinly veils real people or
events – awaiting tangible enactment.

Such is often the case with ‘science fiction’ literature. According to researcher
Michael Hoffman, this literary genre is instrumental in the indoctrination of the
masses into the doctrines of the elite.
“Traditionally, ‘science fiction’ has appeared to most people as an adolescent
genre, the province of time-wasting fantasies. This has been the great strength of this
genre as a vehicle for the inculcation of the ideology favored by the Cryptocracy. As
J.H. Towsen points out in Clowns, only when people think they are not buying
something can the real sales pitch begin. While it is true that with the success of
NASA’s Gemini space program and the Apollo moon flights more serious attention
and respectability was accorded ‘science fiction,’ nonetheless in its formative seeding
time, from the late 19th century through the 1950s, the predictive program known as
‘science fiction’ had the advantage of being derided as the solitary vice of misfit
juveniles and marginal adults.” (Hoffman, 205)

Thus, ‘science fiction’ is a means of conditioning the masses to accept future

visions that the elite wish to tangibly enact. [Ed. Note: SF also widely uses Darwinian
notions and language to project a fantastic future. This is another area of potential
research.] This process of gradual and subtle inculcation is dubbed ‘predictive
programming.’ Hoffman elaborates: ‘Predictive programming works by means of the
propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to
look in the future’ (Hoffman, 205). Memes are instilled through the circulation of
‘mass appeal’ documents under the guise of ‘science fiction’ literature. Once
subsumed on a cognitive level, these memes become self-fulfilling prophecies,
embraced by the masses and outwardly approximated through the efforts of the elite.

One Deception to Rule Them All

If the concept of ‘predictive programming’ seems fantastic, consider the case of

H.G. Wells. Wells was mentored by T.H. Huxley, grandfather of Aldous. In turn,
Wells would tutor Aldous and his brother, Julian. All of these men were members of
the Freemasonic Lodge (the significance of which will be revealed shortly). Wells
would author several ‘mass appeal’ tracts disguised as science fiction novels. Most
notable of these novels was The Shape of Things to Come. Researcher Jim Keith
offered the following assessment of Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come:

“Interestingly, deceptively, the book is presented as a work of science fiction, but

within its pages is Wells’ best guess of how the New World Order would come to
pass, from a 1930s perspective.”

While primarily a work of propaganda that pushes the one-world worldview of

Wells and other internationalists during the first half of this century, the book is
particularly revealing in that it also exposes many of the strategies that are to be
employed (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 13).

Of course, not all of Wells’ prophecies were 100% accurate. In his examination of
The Shape of Things to Come, Keith concluded that:

“Wells was no prophet as regards to his timeline, only a science fiction writer
privy to the plans of men with an interest in promoting the coming of the dictatorial
world-state. His crystal ball is somewhat cloudy on certain details.”– Keith, Mind
Control, World Control, 16

However, Wells’ novel did exhibit a strange degree of precision. Jim Keith
enumerated the various instances of uncanny accuracy in Wells’ The Shape of Things
to Come. Among one of the synchronicities Keith found in the text was Wells’
description of the elite’s primary apparatus for the amalgamation of the world’s
economic systems:

“Not surprisingly Wells places the City of London – the international center of
banking culture – and its financial credit as responsible for knitting together world
economic life over the previous hundred years. With these innovations in
communications and finance, but also with the frustrations and wars inherent (so he
says) in the existence of independent national states and sovereignties, came about the
gradual dawning of the idea of the World-state.”– Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 14

One Deception to Rule Them All

Another instance of uncanny accuracy was Wells’ prognostications concerning a

second global war and a proliferation of infectious diseases:

“Wells has World War II beginning in 1940 in Poland, over an imagined slight
taken by a Nazi over the actions of a Pole of Jewish origin. He characterizes World
War II as it was, as an orgy of violence, and has the fighting end in 1949 – staying
remarkably close to the actual dates of the conflict – only to be followed by another
scourge, that of rampant disease, ‘The Raid of the Germs.’”

Given the present-day climate of AIDS, Ebola, Mad Cow disease, and other
resistant viral strains – and the persistent rumors of the military engineering of those
same diseases – perhaps Wells’ dating in this particular should have been moved
forward a few years (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16).
One of the most elucidating revelations found in The Shape of Things to Come
was the group that Wells claimed would be central to the formation of a one-world
“Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New World Order in the lap of
scientists of the future, the group he dubs the ‘Technocracy’.” – Keith, Mind Control,
World Control, 16

Wielding ‘ostensible control over the knowable,’ the scientists of this

‘Technocracy’ would implement a Fabian strategy of ‘gradual ideological assimilation’
(Keith, World Control, Mind Control, 16-17). Incrementally, this network of scientists
would engineer the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government. Again,
the Huxlian theme of a ‘scientific dictatorship’ emerges. This is the future that the
masses have been conditioned to accept through predictive programming.

The Sirius Connection

In Morals and Dogma, 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike bestows special
honor upon Sirius, a heavenly body that ‘still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star’
(Pike, 486). Indeed, Sirius represents a foundational axiom of the Masonic Craft. Pike
explains that the star is: ”an emblem of the Divine Truth, given by God to the first
men, and preserved amid all the vicissitudes of ages in the traditions and teachings of
Masonry’ (Pike, 136). As Pike continues, he reveals that Sirius has also held numerous
other appellations: ‘The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represent
Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls’ (Pike, 506).

One Deception to Rule Them All

Whatever its name, the star represents an entity of great esoteric significance to

“In the old Lectures they said: ‘The Blazing Star or Glory in the center refers us
to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the Earth, and by its genial
influence dispenses blessings to mankind’.” (Pike, 506)

A little later, Pike reiterates: ”the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of
Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun’ (Pike, 506).
Recall that, before the external characteristics of the oligarchs’ control apparatus were
cosmetically altered to present a ‘scientific dictatorship,’ the elite ruled through
institutionalized Sun worship (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79). Within these
statements, Pike provides a brief glimpse of the god of Freemasonry. Although the
topographical features of its theocracy have changed, the deity has remained the same
and his identity is associated with the star called Sirius.
According to Pike, Sirius was responsible for imparting numerous innovations to
“He was Sirius or the Dog-Star, the friend and counselor of Osiris, and the
inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, music, and medical
science; the first maker of laws; and who taught the worship of the Gods, and the
building of temples.” (Pike, 376)

It is interesting to note that, among his various contributions, this Freemasonic

deity was responsible for the introduction of several forms of science. Does Sirius
also represent the Lodge’s ‘ostensible control over the knowable?’ Is the Dog-Star a
symbol of the elite’s ‘scientific dictatorship?’ Michael Hoffman further elaborates on
the identity of Sirius:

“The mythical Satanic bringer of civilization to earth was supposed to be an alien

from the star system Sirius, around whom the Egyptians and all subsequent Hermetic
systems constructed their elaborate and obsessive religio-astronomic observances.
This star Sirius also served as an astronomic secret code, an allegory of the illusory
quality and inherent ‘trickiness’ of the material world.” (Hoffman, 26-27)

This Freemasonic mythology of extraterrestrial intervention in human evolution

may be poised for a return. Given the impossibility of spontaneous generation,
Darwinism has faced a major obstacle to its unquestioned primacy. Recognizing this
One Deception to Rule Them All

obstacle, scientific materialist Francis Crick presented a theory bearing an uncanny

resemblance to the Sirius myth. According to Crick, technologically advanced
extraterrestrials ‘seeded’ the earth with life billions of years ago. Whether Crick was
privy to the occult doctrines of the elite or was simply following the natural course of
Darwinism’s memetic metastasis, one thing is certain, he and other proponents of
similar ‘extraterrestrial intervention’ theories are paving the way for the re-
introduction of Freemasonic mysticism to mainstream science.

There is a distinct possibility that the agentur of the elite are already in the
process of facilitating the re-introduction of this myth. With the voracity of
Darwinism in question, the effectiveness of this meme has been declining and, with it,
the influence of the ruling class. Of course, this is something that the elite cannot
allow to happen. Consider the following account of Linda Moulton Howe. During a
meeting with Richard Doty, an intelligence officer with the United States military,
Howe was presented with a briefing paper regarding alien visitation. In its body,
Howe read an interesting claim regarding the crumbling theory of Darwinism: ‘It
stated that all questions and mysteries about the evolution of Homo sapiens on this
planet had been answered and that project was closed’ (Howe, 151).

How convenient! By what means did these extraterrestrials facilitate the

evolutionary process? Reiterating the basic contentions of Crick, the paper stated that:

“’these ETs have come at various intervals in the earth’s history to manipulate
DNA in already existing terrestrial primates and perhaps in other life forms as well.
To the best of my memory, the time intervals for this DNA manipulation specifically
listed in the briefing paper were 25,000, 15,000, 5,000, and 2,500 years ago.” (Howe,

Faced with the impossibility of spontaneous generation and the inexorable

collapse of Darwinism, the elite could now be invoking an ‘extraterrestrial
intervention’ myth cribbed from their own doctrines. Given Richard Doty’s military
intelligence connections, this remains a very real possibility. The Freemasonic doctrine
of Sirius has circulated within military intelligence groups for quite some time.
According to researcher James Shelby Downard, there exists a cult of Sirius adherents
at the highest levels of the CIA (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49). Researcher Jim
Keith elaborates:

One Deception to Rule Them All

“He cites as one of their ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar
Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the Sirius-military intelligence
cult enact rituals in the telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the
Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the participants
when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward.” – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49

Keith proceeds to cite the case of military intelligence officer Michael Aquino:
“Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S. military
intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, a deity [Set] identified in
occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is the head of his
offshoot of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from
military circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism, and military
intelligence.” – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49
Those who comprise this ‘strange conjunction’ could also be responsible for the
perpetration of a disinformation campaign, derivative of Masonic doctrine and
designed to maintain the waning dominance of Darwinism.

Darwinism Dismantled
Providing a complete and comprehensive delineation of the various concepts
constituting Darwinism is a daunting task. The theory itself is a dense amalgam of
‘isms,’ thinly veiled occult concepts, philosophical doctrines, and ideologies. Again,
Tennenbaum’s statement that Darwinism ‘is based on absurdly irrational propositions,
which did not come from scientific observations, but were artificially introduced from
the outside, for political-ideological reasons’ seems succinct and accurate. Yet, with
what outside sources do these ‘absurdly irrational propositions’ find their proximate
One of the major influences on Darwin was Thomas Malthus, an Anglican
clergyman who had received the blessings of French deist Jean-Jacques Rousseau and
radical empiricist David Hume (Keynes, 99). Malthus authored Essay on the Principle
of Population, a treatise premised upon the thesis: ‘Population, when unchecked,
increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetic ratio’
(Malthus, 6). Although Malthus articulated his observations in succinct mathematical
equations, the labyrinthine and complex machinations comprising the natural order
typically defy such overly simplistic reductionism. Nonetheless, Malthus concluded

One Deception to Rule Them All

that society should adopt certain social policies to prevent the human population from
growing disproportionately larger than the food supply.

Malthus’ genocidal policies specifically targeted the poor. For instance, one of his
proposals suggested the implementation of the following measures:

“Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary

habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into
the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our
villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and
unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for
ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought
they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation
of particular disorders.” (Malthus, 412)
Through the promotion of hygienically unsound practices amongst impoverished
populations, Malthus believed that the ‘undesirable elements’ of the human herd
could be naturally culled by various maladies. The spread of disease could be further
assisted through discriminative vaccination and zoning programs. Yet, amongst one of
Malthus’ most shocking proposals was his suggestion concerning children:
“We are bound in justice and honor formally to disclaim the right of the poor to
support. To this end, I should propose a regulation be made declaring that no child
born’ should ever be entitled to parish assistance’ The [illegitimate] infant is
comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its
place’ All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this
[desired] level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths
of grown persons.” (Malthus, 411, 430-1)

The dictum underpinning Malthus’ logic would later be reiterated as ‘survival of

the fittest.’ According to researcher Ian Taylor, the metastasis of this dictum ‘can be
traced from Condorcet to Malthus, to Spencer, to Wallace, and to Darwin’ (Taylor,

Another one of the many constituent worldviews comprising Darwinism is

Hegelianism. According to philosopher Georg Hegel, a pantheistic world spirit was
directing ‘an ongoing developmental (evolutionary) process in nature, including
humanity,’ which bodied itself forth as a ‘dialectical struggle between positive and

One Deception to Rule Them All

negative entities.’ This conflict always resulted in a ‘harmonious synthesis’ (Taylor,

381-2). The same dialectical framework is present in Darwinism.

In Circle of Intrigue, occult researcher Texe Marrs reveals the Hegelian structure
intrinsic to Darwinian evolution. The organism (thesis) comes into conflict with
nature (antithesis) resulting in a newly enhanced species (synthesis), the culmination of
the evolutionary process (Marrs, Circle of Intrigue, 127). Of course, in such a world of
ongoing conflict, violence and bloodshed are central to progress. Thus, Darwin’s
theory ‘gave credence to the Hegelian notion that human culture had ascended from
brutal beginnings’ (Taylor, 386).

Yet, Darwinism’s roots go deeper than Hegelianism, returning to an esoteric source

that has been there since the beginning. Hegel’s ideas did not originate with himself,
but Fichte (Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment, 34). Who was Fichte? Antony
Sutton reveals that he was a ‘Freemason, almost certainly Illuminati, and certainly
promoted by the Illuminati’ (Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment, 34). In fact,
Hegel’s dialectical logic reiterates the Masonic dictum :Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of
chaos). Again, it seems that the bedrock upon which Darwinism rests is Freemasonry,
a channel for elitist interests.

The French Revolution: An Abortive Scientific Dictatorship

According to academia’s officially sanctioned historians, the French Revolution
was little more than a rebellion of the commoner against a corrupt aristocracy and
religious institution. However, in Essays on the French Revolution, Lord Acton made
an interesting observation:
“The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design.
Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization.
The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about
their presence from the first.” (Reed, 136)

Who were the ‘studiously concealed and masked managers’ that orchestrated the
French Revolution? In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike revealed that it was
Freemasonry that ‘aided in bringing about the French Revolution’ (Pike, 24). Indeed,
the French Revolution represented the first full-scale attempt to tangibly enact the
Masonic vision of a ‘scientific dictatorship.’

One Deception to Rule Them All

The Lunar Society, which was the precursor to the Freemasonic Royal Society,
was intimately connected to the revolutionary movement in France. Freemason
Benjamin Franklin acted as the ‘shuttle diplomat between the French and English
Utopian idealists.’ The son of James Watt was accused of being a French agent by
Edmund Burke in the British House of Commons. Joseph Priestley had pledged his
wholehearted support to the revolutionary French National Assembly. Fellow Lunar
Society member James Keir hosted a dinner to commemorate the fall of the Bastille.
Most notably, Freemason and Lunar Society founder Erasmus Darwin actively
supported the Jacobins (Taylor, 56).

Who were the Jacobins? William Hoar reveals that they were ‘agents of the
Bavarian-bred Illuminati who operated out of the Club Breton” (p. 2).

The French Revolution exhibited all of the hallmarks of a ‘scientific dictatorship’:

A humanistic philosophy emphasizing man’s evolutionary ascent towards
apotheosis: After the Legislative Assembly rejected God as the object of man’s
worship and praise, the National Convention paraded a woman representing Athena
from the convention hall to the chapel of Notre Dame. There, the Goddess of
Reason took her place on the high altar (Scott, 306). In a Masonic context, this
ritualistic enthronement of human reason represented the unification of man’s
consciousness with the Omniscient, which is the ultimate end of evolution
(Wilmhurst, 94). In other words, human reason became the ultimate source of moral
precepts and man became God.
A Malthusian depopulation campaign: Under the direction of Illuminist
Robespierre, the new revolutionary government began carrying out a massive
depopulation campaign that became known as the Terror. While Robespierre’s goal of
eliminating 15 million ‘useless eaters’ was never realized, the Terror was successful in
claiming the lives of some 300,000 Frenchmen, 297,000 of which were members of
the lower and middle working classes. It should come as little surprise that Thomas
Malthus was educated under the combined tutelage of two supporters of the French
Revolution: Gilbert Wakefield and Lunar Society member Joseph Priestley (Taylor,

A Hegelian framework: Recall the Hegelian structure intrinsic to evolution

(Marrs, 127). In hopes of accelerating France’s evolution towards a ‘scientific
dictatorship,’ the architects of the revolution promulgated a classic Hegelian dialectic:
One Deception to Rule Them All

the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. The synthesis of these two polar extremes
resulted in the subversion of individualism and the maintenance of class stratification.

Of course, the rest is history. The revolution swiftly degenerated into a bloodbath
and many of the conspirators were slaughtered by the very mobs they had created.
Yet, the esoteric symbol of this abortive ‘scientific dictatorship’ remains. Long after
she was enthroned in the cathedral of Notre Dame, Athena was transplanted upon
new shores. Occult researcher Texe Marrs explains in Dark Majesty:

Today, statues of this Illuminist Goddess of Reason are found throughout the
U.S.A.; one stands astride the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Another is
atop the dome of the Capitol building in Austin, Texas. Her statue has been erected in
town squares and city parks. But the most fantastic idol of the Goddess of Reason,
the most majestic statue of the pagan lady who bears the torch of light, who
illuminates, uplifts, and frees mankind, is found in New York’s harbor.
Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her
outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the
modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by
Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris,
France. The statue is an esoteric idol of great significance to the secret societies
plotting the New World Order.
Did the French Revolution truly end or did it simply change venues? Has
America been designated the new headquarters of the elite’s next ‘scientific
dictatorship?’ One thing is certain, although she is no longer worshipped in the
cathedral of Notre Dame, the Goddess of Reason has never relinquished her crown.

The Rise of the Modern Scientific Dictatorship

Darwinism shares the Hegelian framework with two other belief systems. In The
Secret Cult of the Order, Antony Sutton states: ‘Both Marx and Hitler have their
philosophical roots in Hegel’ (Sutton, 118). It is here that one arrives at the Hegelian
nexus where Darwin, Marx, and Hitler intersect. Recall that Nietzsche-ism,
Darwinism and Marxism were all mentioned together in the Protocols of the Wise
Men of Sion. This was no accident. Nazism (a variant of fascism) sprung from
Nietzsche-ism (Carr, XIV). Communism sprung from Marxism. Both were based

One Deception to Rule Them All

upon Hegelian principles. Moreover, both were ‘scientific dictatorships’ legitimized by

the ‘science’ of Darwinism. Ian Taylor elaborates:

“However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left – all these are only ideological
roads that lead to Aldous Huxley’s brave new world [i.e. scientific dictatorship], while
the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin’s theory of evolution. Fascism is
aligned with biological determinism and tends to emphasize the unequal struggle by
which those inherently fittest shall rule. Marxism stresses social progress by stages of
revolution, while at the same time it paradoxically emphasizes peace and equality.
There should be no illusions; Hitler borrowed from Marx. The result is that both
Fascism and Marxism finish at the same destiny – totalitarian rule by the elite.”
(Taylor, 411)

The interest of both Hitler and Marx in Darwinian evolution is a matter of

history. While he was living in London, Karl Marx attended lectures on evolutionary
theory delivered by T.H. Huxley. Recognizing the odd synchronicity between the
communist concept of class war and the Darwinian principle of natural selection,
Marx sent Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873. Enamored of evolution, Marx asked
Darwin the permission to dedicate his next volume to him six year later. Troubled by
the fact that it would upset certain members of his family to have the name of Darwin
associated with an atheistic polemic, Charles politely declined the offer (Taylor, 381).

Numerous authors have established firm connections between Darwinism and

Hitler’s Nazism. Darwinian Arthur Keith documented the strong links between
Hitler’s racialist goals and the doctrine of evolution (Taylor, 409). In fact, in Evolution
and Ethics, Keith candidly stated: ‘The German Fuhrer as I have consistently
maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of
Germany conform to the theory of evolution’ (Keith, Evolution and Ethics, 230).
In an analysis of Mein Kampf, contemporary author Werner Maser reveals that
Darwin was the crucible for Hitler’s ‘notions of biology, worship, force, and struggle,
and of his rejection of moral causality in history.’ Finally, researcher Alfred Kelly
provides a comprehensive history of Darwinism’s popularization in Germany (Taylor,

Returning to the Hegelian nexus that binds Darwinism, Marxism, and Nazism,
both the fascist and communist ‘scientific dictatorships’ represented tangible
enactments of the dialectical framework resident in evolutionary theory. Marx was
One Deception to Rule Them All

greatly influenced by Hegel (Taylor, 381). The concept of class struggle, which
paralleled Darwinian natural selection, resulted from Marx’s redirection of the
Hegelian dialectic towards the socioeconomic realm. The proletariat (thesis) comes
into conflict with the bourgeois (antithesis), resulting in a classless Utopia (synthesis).
Marx, however, rejected the concept of a world spirit and relocated the revolution’s
causal source within the proletariat itself.
The same Hegelian framework was resident within Hitler’s genocidal Final
Solution. The German people (thesis) came into conflict with the Jew (antithesis) in
hopes of creating the Aryan (synthesis). In both the case of communism and Nazism,
the results were enormous bloodbaths. This is the natural consequence of Darwinian
thinking and the legacy of the ‘scientific dictatorship.’

In applying the ideas of Darwin, both communists and fascists have murdered
millions. Both of these groups find their origins in the elite (the Illuminati), who are
still pursuing the same objectives today. According to the Darwinian mantra of
‘survival of the fittest,’ victory will demand bloodshed. Humanity may stand to inherit
the ‘scientific dictatorship’s’ bloody legacy in the very near future.

Eugenics and the Coming Global Scientific Dictatorship

Integral to Aldous’ Brave New World is the practice of eugenics, which is closely
aligned with Darwinism. Eugenics finds its origins with Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis
Galton. Galton first introduced the concept of eugenics in Hereditary Genius, a racist
polemic advocating a system of selective breeding for the purposes of providing
‘more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing over the less
suitable’ (Galton, 24). In truth, Galton was not the originator of this concept. Sordid
traditions of selective breeding and inbreeding had long been practiced by the ruling
class to maintain the ‘genetic purity’ of their future stock. Galton merely assigned this
tradition the appellation of ‘eugenics’ and popularized it as a legitimate science.
In fact, this very same tradition was practiced by Darwin himself. In hopes of
maintaining the ‘genetic superiority’ of his bloodline, Darwin married the youngest
granddaughter of his maternal father. Researcher Ian Taylor reveals the results of this
inbreeding project:
“Darwin’s idea of inbreeding to produce superior stock can be seen to be a
complete disaster in the case of his own ten children. Of the ten, one girl, Mary, died

One Deception to Rule Them All

shortly after birth; another girl, Anne, died at the age of ten years; his eldest daughter,
Henrietta, had a serious and prolonged breakdown at fifteen in 1859. Three of his six
sons suffered such frequent illness that Darwin regarded them as semi-invalids while
his last son, Charles Jr., was born mentally retarded and died in 1858, nineteen months
after birth.” (Taylor, 127)

Yet, in spite of eugenics’ historical failure, the concept was vigorously

promulgated within the scientific community. In 1901, the statistics department of
London’s University College became the headquarters for the Eugenics Education
Society. Motivated by Galton’s vision of a future utopia ruled by a genetically
engineered elite, the Eugenics Society would grow into a successful political
movement. Aldous Huxley’s eugenically regimented ‘scientific dictatorship’ presented
in Brave New World was drawing closer to realization. Given his role in the tangible
approximation of Aldous’ roman a’ clef, it is appropriate that one of the many
accolades the scientific community bestowed upon Galton was the Huxley medal
(Taylor, 405).

However, the agenda of Eugenical regimentation required an international

machination by which it could be promulgated globally. That international
machination was the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO). Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous, was the first director
general of UNESCO and penned the organization’s manifesto in 1947. Entitled
UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, this document presents the following
mission statement:

“Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many
years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to
see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public
mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at
least become thinkable.” (Huxley, UNESCO)

As the unthinkable becomes thinkable, the fictional becomes factual and Brave
New World becomes a reality. In 1977, author Claire Chambers clearly delineated the
UN’s role as a global scientific dictatorship:

“Since its inception, the U.N. has advanced a world-wide program of population
control, scientific human breeding [i.e., eugenics], and Darwinism.” (Chambers, 3)

One Deception to Rule Them All

In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley prognosticated: “the twenty-first

century’ will be the era of World Controllers” (Huxley, 25). Aldous Huxley’s ‘scientific
dictatorship’ may not be confined to the pages of classic literature for much longer.”

One Deception to Rule Them All

About the Author

Gregory L. Garrett lives in California in the
USA, has a B.S. in Music and a B.A. in Psychology
from UCLA and UCSC, a Masters in Education
from National University, studied Physics and
Philosophy at UCLA, and Advanced Astrophysics
at UCSC under Frank Drake, and is a musical
theater composer, songwriter, author, martial
artist, classical symphonic rock keyboardist and
performer, and is currently working on books
about Transhumanism, Nano Synthetic Biology,
The Elite Agenda for Apotheosis, The rising
Luciferian New Age, and The Flat Earth Trilogy
Book of Secrets series.


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