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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analog Communication
Assignment 8 (Corresponding to Lecture 38-43)

Question 1:

Which of the following statements are correct:

1. If X(t) is a deterministic random process (R.P.), then X(t) must be stationary.
2. If X(t) is stationary, then X(t) must be a deterministic random process.
(Note: A deterministic R.P. is a R.P. whose futures values of any sample function
are predictable.)

a. Only 1 is correct

b. Only 2 is correct

c. Both 1 and 2 are correct

d. None

Correct Answer : a

Detailed Solution:
A deterministic process is stationary process as its distribution (or, equivalent all
moments) are independent of time, but a stationary process may not be deterministic.

Question 2:

Which of the following statements are correct:

1. For an ergodic process, ensemble average must be independent of time.
2. For an ergodic process, time average of every samples must be the same.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both 1 and 2 are correct
d. None
Correct Answer : c

Detailed Solution:
For an ergodic process, time average must be same as ensemble average of every
samples. Thus, ensemble average of every samples must be same. Further, time
average is independent of time and hence, ensemble average is also independent of

Question 3:

A random process consists of three sample function X(t, s1 ) = 2, X(t, s2 ) = 2 cos t, X(t, s3 ) =
2 sin t, each occurring with equal probability. The given process is ergodic.
a. True
b. False
Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
Mean value of the process is [2 + 2 cos t + 3 sin t], which is dependent on time and
hence it is not an ergodic process.

Question 4:
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

A random process consists of three sample function X(t, s1 ) = 2, X(t, s2 ) = 2 cos2 t, X(t, s3 ) =
2 sin2 t, each occurring with equal probability. The given process is ergodic.
a. True

b. False
Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
1 4
Ensemble average of the process is [2 + 2 cos2 t + 2 sin2 t] = Time average of both
3 3
X(t, s2 ) and X(t, s3 ) is 1 while time average of X(t, s1 ) is 2 and they are not same.
Hence it is not an ergodic process.

Question 5:

The autocorrelation function of an ergodic process, X(t) is given by:

RX (τ ) =
6 + 3τ 2 + τ 4
The power of the process is:

a. 3

b. 6

c. 12

d. None

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
Power is given by: RX (0) = 2.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Question 6:

Which of the following is a valid power spectrum, S(ω)?

1 + jω 2 + ω 4
b. sinc(ω)
c. e−5|ω|
2 + 3ω 2 + ω 4
Correct Answer : c

Detailed Solution:
Option (a) is complex. Option (b) is not always positive. Option (d) is a odd function
of ω. Correct option is (c): It is real, always positive and even function of ω.

Question 7:

Which of the following is a valid auto-correlation function?

a. sgn(τ )
1 + τ 2 + 5τ 4
c. Π(τ )
d. ∆(τ )

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
Option (a) is not even. The functional value of Option (b) is not the highest for
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

τ = 0. The Fourier transform of Π(τ ) is sinc(πf ) which is not a valid power spectral
density as it is odd and hence, option (c) is not a valid auto-correlation function.

Question 8:

A complex random process, Z(t) = X(t) + jY (t) is defined by two real station-
ary random processes, X(t), Y (t). Find the power of Z(t):

a. RX (0) + RY (0) + 2RXY (0)

b. RX (0) + RY (0) − 2RXY (0)

c. RX (0) − RY (0)

d. None

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
The quantity can be found as follows:

E |Z(t)|2 = E X 2 (t) + Y 2 (t) = RX (0) + RY (0)


Question 9:

Consider a random process X(t) = a sin ωt + b cos ωt where a and b are random
variables. If X(t) is a WSS process then a and b are related as: (Hint: Find E[X 2 (0)]
and E[X 2 (π/2ω)])

a. E[a2 ] = E[b2 ]
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

b. E[a2 + b2 ] = E[b2 ]
c. E[a2 ] = E[a2 + b2 ]
d. None
Correct Answer : a

Detailed Solution:
Note that X(0) = b and X(π/2ω) = a. If X(t) is a WSS process then E[X 2 (0)] =
E[X 2 (π/2ω)].

Question 10:

For the previous question, find E[ab]

a. = 0
b. > 0
c. < 0
d. Cannot be determined
Correct Answer : a

Detailed Solution:
If X(t) is a WSS process then E[a2 ] = E[b2 ] = σ 2 (say). Now,
E[X 2 (t)] = E[a2 ] sin2 (ωt) + E[b2 ] cos2 (ωt) + 2E[ab] sin(ωt) cos(ωt)
= σ 2 + E[ab] sin(2ωt)
As X(t) is a WSS process, E[X 2 (t)] must be independent of t. This can happen if
and only if E[ab] = 0.

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