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1'(fplCtS: Acivenr, Cl-rristmas; Gocl's Presence.

Living in Christ; Praise & Worship

I-EAD-IN: ILorcl,] with vttrt is tlte.fbuntctin oJ'life;

in t:tttu' light we sec: Light.
{Psrrlm 3(r:9. NIV r


What l)oes Christ Think of Christmas?

As I fircc ;rnother Christmas celebrzitiorr at church, I brace myself for the rigorous
schecluie. I think of the huge investments of tirne and energy that go into,.it' I quietly
u,ontler il we're really gettlng olrr money's worth out of all this, _spiritually speaking.
What cioes Christ tnint-of o,ir Ch.istt-,-rai celebrations anyway? I-Iow much of it is even
pleasin.e to I{im'l
Remember that He is the One who s;rrv straight through empty u'ords and ceremony. FIe
g,a-s absolurely ruthless toward such "praise".I{is qr-rotation of Isaiah 29:13 still rings in
lI\: eill'Si
people honor rute wtlk the:it'lips,
but thcir hartrt.s arr: fnr from rnc.
-['ltet nrc ii.r yalrz. (Matthew l5:8-9, NiV)

Whep the clisciples were impressecl by the beauty of the'l'emple, Jesus spoke God's
clisplcasurc ancl fbretold its iomplcte destruction. l{e was vehement as Ile condemned
rhe pharisees for their pomp and pride. They made a show of their religion while
ignoring wh:rt rnatters most to God.

lnsteacl. Jesus uas irnpressed b1 the selfless.lenacit-rtts farth of theSrro-Phoetiiciirn

\\()man; b1-the rtlrlet tledication of the widou grring l]9r,]]i!"-, by the desperately honest
praYer. "Gttct , hr)t,e ntercv ot'L tne, a sinner" (Luke 18:13, NIV)'

He gentlv rebriked His -9ood fl-iend Martha for her well-intentioned busy-nes.s' FIer sister
H,tar! hacl chosen the orily thing that was needed: to sit and quietly listen at the Lord's
fcct (l-uke l0:38-42. NIV)"

What woulci this Jesrrs think of our Christmas celebrations?

Or more properly, what would IIe thinl< of luly Christmas celebrations? That's the real
cluestion, noiniy church's p1'ogram.All true worship takes place irl the heart' so if true
rvorship is lacking, the problern is in me.

In spite of a1l the "religious activity" that goes on.I'v^e fgunc]that Christmas can be a
t o,i'.n tirre spiritulrllylOlien little happens betrveen God and me-little real celebration
,f u,hat He his done,little true rvorship,little heart-to-heart with nry Father'.If nothing is
happening in rny heart, what good is any of the celebrating?

NIy Lortl, my Savior,I give this Christrnas to You. IIow can I worship Yor-t in a way that
would please You'/

O 2001 b;'Ken BibLe

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