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Be ¢ FEDERAE BUREAU OF IN... © fIGATION LASSIFICATION AUTHORITY DERPVED FROM: Pott We cures at NEW YoRK SUTOHATIC DECLASSIFICATION CUIDE, aur DATE 02-03-2011 NEW YORK ris5/sq 12/117 24/51 | astNAICH VON ECKARDT i 28/| of i/As16}s3 at oss ©_ANERIGANYUGOSLAV=#RISNDSHIR, [INTERVAL SECURITY - YU akel iends of New Yugoslavia sGISTRaTLON ACT SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: Subject organization on 12/17/51 S sponsored @ meeting which was attended ap! by representatives of Yugoslav Govern- W ment agencies in #YC and at which ~ . uw Yugoslav motion pictures of a propa- afl & HERES ANIC, cha rmans wes eho mal ites? ) yy ’ rmen, was the main ee ated speaker and stressed the significance we PE heme of collectivization and socialization OT btek . in Marshal TITO'S program, Subject Ves organization participated in the 6th ely anniversary celebration of the ee Federated ational Republic of Yugo- oy slavia held on 11/28/51 in NYC under the auspices of the Yugoslav ~SYy Gonsul General, ALEXANDER JURIC, JY President of "Novi List" and in- fluential in the affairs of subject organization, recently visited Yugoslavia where he conferred with Marshal ITO and other government officials, - Pee : “COPIES DESTROYED K R472 -MAR 26 1963 aALA at 1 WUE LINE roma 10 NOT WRITE Wt THESE oraces @-Bureau (100-370142) “G-2, lst Army 1-2nd OSI Dist., USAF 1-DIO, 3D distributed outside of agency to which loaned. VEL aM CORLEY EO eel GOT MD TAT, hE gy Wee NY 105-2290 DETAILS: Activities On November 7, 1931 it was learned through the cooperation of Confidential Informant T-1, of known reliability, that subject organization iat a meting held on October 26, 1951 at the Yugoslav American Hom in New York City decided to hold an affair on December 15, 1951 at the Yugoslav American Hom. It was further decided to make arrangements for the showing at-this meting of a number of Yugoslav motion pictures obtainable from the ¥ilm Department of the Yugoslav Information Center, The informant stated that the Yugoslav Information Center in New York City is an official agency of the Yugoslav Govern-. nent, On December 17, 1951 T-1 ddvised he attended en affair of subject organization on December 15, 1951 at. the Yugoslav American Wome, 405 West Uist Street, New York Gity, “Approximately 180 Tito sympathizers were present including officials of the Yugoslav Government agencies in New York Gity. : The only speaker at this affair was MIKOLA- sLuSMANIC, Chairman of subject organization, In‘his Speech TELUSMANIC dealt “chiefly with the rehabilitation of Yugoslavia under the leadership of Marshal TITO and the Yugoslav Communist Party, 6 He said that TIT0 had succeeded in restoring and expanding the nation's industriel and economic life within an’ amazingly short tine after the devestation brought on by World War II, In this connection TKLSSMANIC also emphasized the significance of collectivization and socialization, He concluded his speech by- urging those present to become regular readers of "Novi List", pro-TITO Serbo-Croatian Language newspaper published: in Now York City, COPIES CONTINUED T-Chicago (Info.) 1-Pittsburgh (Info,) 1-San Francisco (Info,) 1-Waghington Field (Info,) Mov) Lys. ONS INDUSTRY PLOYED Bx SoMTONTCATI By x g yJ NY 105-2290 TELESMANIC stated that this paper is of great significance for the Yugoslavs in America in that it prints the truth about the socialist reconstruction of the new Yugoslavia, According to the informant, the main portion of the program at this meting consisted of the showing of three Yugoslav motion pictures dopicting certain aspects of present day life in Yugoslavia and dearly designed to impress the audience with thé development of new industries and expunsion of existing industries in Yugoslavia, Othor newsreels exhibited at this meting dealt with the struggles of the Yugoslav partisans during world War IT and with the Yugoslav revolution which led to the assumption of power by Marshal TIT0, The informant advised that according to an announcement, made at this mating, al proceeds were to be used for purchasing food and medical supplies for shipment to Yugoslavia, . On December 6, 1951 Confidential Informant 1-1 . reported concerning a célebration held on November 26, 1951 at the Yugoslav American Home in commemoration of the eighth anniversary of the Federated National Ropublic of Yugoslavia, This celebration was held under the sponsor- sbip of the Yugoslav Consulate Genoral and was attended by approximately 420 TITO sympathizers including the crews of the Yugoslay vessels MACEDONIA and SLOVENIA, The informant stated that KIODRAG MARKOVIC, Consul General of Yugoslavia in New York City was present with the entire staff of the Consulate and other Yugoslay Government agencies in New York City, A number of Yugo- slav orgenizations which were officially represented at this celebration sont greetings to Marshal TIT0. The informant stated that the Clu of americen Yugoslav #riend- ship was one of these orgm izations. ALEXANDER JURIC On Decomber 2h, 1951 Confidential Informant 1 advised that ALEXANDS RIC, co-publisher of "Novi List", continues to be one ofthe most influential figures in thé affairs of subject organization. 23.

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