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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Calamba City
Calamba West District
Bubuyan, Calamba City

Name_________________________ Teacher: Jerome M. Suelto
Grade ________________________ Date: __________________

I. Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. ________________ means “to give life to”.

a. To animate b. To stimulate c. To stimulate d. To promote
2. A created from of sequence of still images. The images are displayed rapidly in succession so that the eye is fooled into
perceiving continuous motion.
a. Caricature b. Graphic c. Cartoon d. Animation
3. This phenomenon is called Persistence of Vision.
a. Caricature b. Graphic c. Cartoon d. Animation
4. The drawings have been slightly changed between individualized frames so when they are played back in rapid succession.
How many frames per second appears to be seamless movement within the drawings?
a. 30 fps b. 25 fps c. 20 fps d. 10 fps
5. In 1824, ______________ published a paper called “Persistence of Vision With Regard to Moving Objects.” This paper
describes the phenomenon that occurs in human vision where an image lingers even after the light from the source has
a. Peter Roget b. John Lasseter c. Seth MacFarlane d. John Kricfalusi
6. One of the very first successful animated cartoons was ____________by Winsor McCay. It is considered the first example
of true character animation.
a. Gertie the Dinosaur b. Popeye c. Bugs Bunny d. Fantasmagorie
7. In the traditional animation process, animators will begin by drawing sequences of animation on sheets of paper often
using colored pencils, one picture or “frame” at a time. Who is/are responsible in key drawings?
a. Lead animator b. Key animator c. Clean-up animator d. inbetweeners
8. They draw whatever frames are still missing in between the other animators’ drawings.
a. Lead animator b. Key animator c. Clean-up animator d. inbetweeners
9. This procedure is called___________.
a. animation b. inbetweening c. tweening d. tweezing
10. Wallace and Gromit series of movies are example of what type of animation.
a. Clay Animation b. Computer Animation c. Cel Shaded Animation d. Regular
11. It allowed the user to view a 3D model of a car and change the angles and rotation.
a. Clay Animation b. Computer Animation c. Cel Shaded Animation d. Regular Animation
12. Animation is makes computer graphics appear to be hand-drawn. This type of animation is most commonly turning up in
console video games.
a. Clay Animation b. Computer Animation c. Cel Shaded Animation d. Regular Animation
13. A technique for producing animations whereby important positions, sizes and orientations of objects at particular points
in time are identified and everything else in-between is filled in by interpolation.
a. Keyframe animation b. Character animation c. Motion path animation d. Simulation
14. Animation focused on the display of expressions, emotions and behaviors normally associated with intelligent life forms.
a. Keyframe animation b. Character animation c. Motion path animation d. Simulation
15. Technique where objects or cameras move along a path.
a. Keyframe animation b. Character animation c. Motion path animation d. Simulation
16. May be characterized as scientific animation. Typically simulations will be using data computed from the laws of physics
a. Keyframe animation b. Character animation c. Motion path animation d. Simulation
17. Typified by architectural walkthroughs. In its pure form the only thing which moves is the camera.
a. Camera animation b. Procedural animation c. Shape animation d. Hierarchical animation
18. Animations typically require considerable data in their production. It aims to compute animation data rather than have
an animator specify it.
a. Camera animation b. Procedural animation c. Shape animation d. Hierarchical animation
19. Most well known as morphing where one shape changes into another shape.
a. Camera animation b. Procedural animation c. Shape animation d. Hierarchical animation
20. The most important principle, the purpose of which is to give a sense of weight and flexibility to drawn objects.
a. anticipation b. squash and stretch c. staging d. arcs

II. Illustrate the following and tell the animation principle used. (5 points each, use separated bond paper if needed)

1. In the medium shot on the left Mister Moonface looks sad, however the long shot on the right places him in an
isolated location, emphasizing his loneliness and sadness.

2. Mister Moonface’ cape billows out behind him as he walks. When be comes to an abrupt halt, the cape continues
moving forwards, wrapping around him, before falling into its natural position.

3. Mister Moonface’ next door neighbour is Mister Midnight. While Mister Moonface is a happy and fun character,
Mister Midnight is nasty and scheming.

4. Mister Moonface is startled by a spider. His facial expression is exaggerated, and Mister Moonface’ reaction is
exaggerated even further, to the extent that he actually jumps off the floor


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