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Pivot Your Business:  
5 steps to thrive in these uncertain times 
Undeniably, we have collectively never experienced anything like these uncertain times before, 
and it can make us small business owners and self-employed professionals wonder what our next 
steps should be. It is my intent to give you some of these solutions for these unusual times.  
Within these pages, I’ve given you five game changing pivots to make in your business. I believe 
that we can embrace these pivots with an idea of abundance, and see it as a blessing. There are 
many people who are in fear and not producing new results. These five pivots are not about that. 
I've been rapidly pouring my heart and soul into creating these solutions for you. These are 
things that I'm doing myself, and there are so many resources I’m going to share with you. (I’ve 
included many links and references to these resources at the very end of this ebook.) For the 
past few weeks, I’ve been sharing these pivots with the members of our ​Boldheart Business 
program​. Many of them were originally feeling panicked, with big questions and big uncertainty, 
and yet, by the time I had finished giving them these solutions, now in your possession, they felt 
relieved, optimistic and hopeful.  
They’re signing on clients, and making money, yes, even in these unprecedented times. Here’s a 
screenshot I took two days ago from the comments they wrote in our weekly Q&A zoom call (I 
have deleted their names to keep their privacy) so you can see how the pivots I will take you 
through today really do work when you apply them: 

Notice how many of them are getting clients.  
One of our members, on the same call, shared that she felt somewhat guilty signing on so many 
new clients while others around her were struggling to pivot their businesses. She felt so grateful 
to have Boldheart as a lifeline in these times.  
The point I’d like you to get is that, by taking action on the following five steps (and ideally, being 
in a community of high vibration entrepreneurs also pivoting) means that they are now feeling 
confident and making the necessary changes required in these times, and I want to give you that, 
Please know that I put together this guide rather rapidly, to be able to get this into your hands 
sooner than later, so you could pivot immediately. In other (more normal) times, I would have put 
more time into editing and perhaps more thought in revisiting the tone to make it seem a bit 
softer and more compassionate. Please accept my apology if some elements of it seem a bit 
direct, like the idea of building your business or making money in these strange, sometimes 
tragic times (this can seem insensitive, and yet this is precisely what our members of Boldheart 
Business were desperately asking me for. I hope you’ll see this as just a response to their 
requests and something useful for yourself.)  
My greatest intention is to have you move forward with certainty and continue to get paid for 
doing your good work in the world. 
As always, I am here for you... service and with love, 

Fabienne Fredrickson,  
Mentor to tens of thousands of women business owners 
Founder of 
And the ​​ program 

Introduction: Why pivot now?  
At the moment, it may feel like the world is turning upside down. Chances are, you’re facing 
disruption in your life (let alone your business) on a scale you may have never seen before. You 
may be feeling vulnerable, a little uncertain, and maybe you’re not sure what your next move is.  

I have a really important message for you today: 

Within this chaos, there is unprecedented 

opportunity, if you look for it   
You may not be able to see it in this moment, but ​hope is not lost​. My team and I are currently 
helping thousands of women to reinvent themselves, to recreate their business and pivot full 
circle during these new times (and beyond). I am here today to bring you into our inner circle so 
we can help you too.  
This is not the end, it is the beginning. Right now is the moment to dial in your focus and plant the 
right seeds. If you’re like the rest of us at Boldheart, you will look back on this difficult time in the 
months and years to come as the time in which you course corrected and found the opportunity 
to shift your business so that you become untouchable (in any economy) based on the changes 
you will make.  

To thrive in this uncertain time, there are 5 pivots you get to make. Here they are. I will cover all 
of them in these pages, and give you a Resources Sheet (at the end of this ebook) with 
everything I’m currently doing to pivot (and now our hundreds of members of Boldheart), so you 
know how to move forward with certainty. 
If you could use someone to chat with about how to pivot your business, you can reach out for a 
free chat. We are here to help, listen to your situation and see if we can help. You can book that 
call here => ​  

#1: Pivot your Mindset 
I'd like to start by saying that all pandemics and all epidemics come and go. A lot of people are 
looking at this as if it's the end of the world. But when crises like this happen, they rise and then 
they fall. Sometimes they rise quickly and they fall just as quickly. And so I'm here to remind you 
that this, too, shall pass. 
This is not doomsday, and it's really important to talk about the fact that dwelling on the problem 
and discussing it with fear and getting panicked will only make you feel more vulnerable. 
So I really want to invite you to be really careful about how you discuss this. You're probably 
going to discuss this in every human conversation for quite some time now, but it's how you do it 
that matters most.  
Pivoting your mindset means that you have an awareness that there are also lots of positive 
movements that are happening during this time (despite the tragic situation and what the media 
will want you to think). 
There are many silver linings to this crisis and I invite you to go look for them. How will this help 
your business? The more positive you feel, the more open you will be to making positive 
changes. The more fear you feel, the more crippled and powerless you will become in making 
the necessary changes. 
This is my invitation to you during these unprecedented times: 
Look for the good news and the positive movement in all of this, despite the tragedies.  
Many people now are talking about boosting their physical immunity. Here we will talk about 
boosting your ​psychological​ immunity. Why? Your mental condition dictates how much the 
current events can and will affect you, your business and your income. Here's what I mean… 
There’s a lot of emotional volatility happening right now in response to these times.  
People are worrying, they're panic buying. They're ping-ponging between, “I have hope,” and 
total fear and overwhelm. Many people are unnecessarily reacting, some are overreacting.  
The media may be accentuating this because it sells sensationalism to get higher ratings. I 
remember when I was in college and the Gulf War happened. I was glued to the television all day 
and night long. When 9/11 happened, I was living in Manhattan and it was a very uncertain time. 
We had the television on all the time.  

And now it's the same thing again. In a way, the media may actually want you to panic so that you 
stay glued to the television. This gives them higher ratings and therefore they can charge their 
advertisers more. But this is not good for your mindset. 
Avoid watching TV. Avoid engaging in the panic. Stay in faith.  
Yes, there are tragic things that are happening. I understand this and am certainly not making 
light of it. But notice how you might be feeding yourself a glass of fear everytime you watch TV. 
Instead, ask yourself, ​“Is this loving to me?” 
If it’s going to be inflammatory for your mindset, if it's going to get you riled up, just think twice. I 
highly recommend that you only feed your mind the things that are really loving to you right now 
(and always, but especially right now). 
So if certain news outlets put you in fear and panic, avoid them. If there are people in your life 
who are Negative Nellies who are talking about how the sky is going to fall, that negative 
vibration will have negative effects on you. Just limit your conversations with them. Stay positive 
because your ability to pivot your business is strongest when you are living in a state of de-stress, 
not distress. 
Look to strengthen your mindset.  
Look to feel better.  
One of the things you can do is to focus on laughing. I know this can seem insensitive, and yet 
laughter is one of the best ways to feel better. Look up The Laughter Chain on Youtube. I’ve 
added a link to the video in the Resource section at the end to get you feeling better. Some 
people might see this suggestion as being insensitive, but I am actually looking to boost your 
confidence that things can be OK through your mindset. Laughing daily is not something you 
need to advertise, but something that you can do by yourself.  
Strengthening your mindset can also include looking for the silver lining: 
There is always a blessing in every crisis.  
When my mother died in a fatal car accident when I was young, it took me many years, many 
years to find the blessing in that, but I found it. Something happened on that day which started 
me on my spiritual journey, and for that I’m forever grateful, even though it came from something 
Even in this current crisis, there are considerable opportunities. There is a silver lining, if not a 
golden lining on this right now.  

So I am inviting you to find out how the situation could actually be serving you and the greater 
whole, and make a list of the upsides, not just the downsides.  
Go ahead and write your own list. What's positive about this?  
My husband Derek and I have three children. At dinner every night, we’ve started saying five 
things each about why we're grateful for our cocooning time. (We’re not calling it “lockdown”, or 
“quarantine”. I’m really seeing this as our huddling time, our cocooning time.) 
We all know that this gratitude share is going to happen at dinner, so we’re all thinking of things 
we’re grateful for throughout the day. Between the five of us we share twenty-five reasons to be 
grateful every day, and that really helps us with our mindset. This is something you can try with 
your family, as well. 
I heard someone say recently that: 
Fear is an assumption that manifests through your senses or your imagination.  
Fear has you think that there will be more disadvantages and drawbacks than benefits and 
advantages in the near or the far future.  
For many people, this will (could) feel like a serious setback. But you will rebuild. You always do. 
During this time, as you mourn the old way of being, you can also count the benefits that will 
come flooding in from the creativity and the innovation that are being forced at this time. New 
connections, deepening connections, new relationships, new priorities, new streamlining, new 
cutting off the fat. All of this will pay off.  
Once you see that the benefits are equaling the drawbacks, there are fewer fears.  
So we can ask ourselves, “What’s the meaning of all of this? What’s the purpose of all of this in 
my life? What is the purpose of all of this in our society? How can we as a society use this 
situation to our advantage?” 
Originally published in 1946, ​Man's Search for Meaning​ details the harrowing experiences of 
author and psychologist Viktor Frankl during his internment in the Auschwitz concentration camp 
during the Second World War. His book offers insights into how human beings can survive 
unsurvivable, unimaginable situations by coming to terms with trauma and ultimately finding 
What Viktor Frankl witnessed is that those who found some meaning in this horrifying situation 
are the people who survived. The meaning doesn't have to be something existential, it could just 
be something that's meaningful to you based on your immediate circumstances.  

I’ve personally found positives to this crisis. I haven't seen one of my children so happy in a long 
time, after many years of feeling like an outcast at school. Sometimes it's good to work from 
home and to homeschool. Sometimes it's good for all of us to spend time together instead of 
everybody going in their frenetic ways.  
In finding all of these positives, I started to ask myself: 
How can I make this obstacle the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me?  
Again, we ask ourselves this while honoring that these can be hard times for many. That being 
said, I really want you to ask yourself, “What if this was the pivot of my life?” What if, because of 
this, you got creative, you innovated and started to go in the direction of your dreams, whereby 
you wouldn’t have before? What if? 
This could be one of the greatest things that has happened to climate change in the last 50 to 
100 years. This could be a moment where people actually get closer, despite our social 
This could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to pivot your business, pivot your 
marketing, pivot what you offer in the world, how you make money, how you monetize, your 
reason for being.  
This situation is forcing us to either fold up (and many people are, because they're getting 
scared) or get creative.  
During this vulnerable time, some people have said, "I am doomed." I respond with, "You're not 
doomed. You just have to get creative. Let’s figure out together how you can pivot." And the 
same is true for you. 
You’ve got to innovate something here. Even if your business is one-to-one and in-person. I'll say 
more on that in a few minutes, but I want you to see this please, my sweet friend, as a divine 
I really want you to take this in: 
This could just be a divine redirection.  
What if this was all orchestrated by God/Goddess/the All That Is? 
Since these unprecedented times began, we have seen a collective slowing down of frantic 
activity, and I can feel this in my own life. Before Covid19, I was used to being on a plane every 
other week. In fact, I don't know the last time that I've not been going someplace for several 
weeks, if ever. This felt normal, but look at what “normal” has done to the planet. 

According to NASA, the sky is clear over Wuhan, China. These are images from NASA in January 
and then a month later in February. You can see that there’s almost no pollution now: 

Despite the difficulties, look for what's good in the world, but also for your business, for your life, 
for your family, for your opportunities. It's about finding the positive focus.  
Practicing gratitude is a way to stop the spiral of negativity. And when you're in a place of 
negativity, you're not going to be open to new ideas. I have a friend who's dealing with a lot of 
stuff right now, even before this mandatory cocooning. And when she was in that place of fear, 
she was not open to any of the ideas I shared with her in the beginning. It was like, "No, I tried 
that. No, I'm doing that. No, that didn't work." But when we started getting in a place of gratitude, 
she could then allow in some of the new ideas. 
One of the things I recommend to shift your mindset and feel better in this situation is the 
Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT or tapping). I’ve provided a link in the 
Resources section for a tapping video with Brad Yates, a well known EFT practitioner. If you're in 
a place of panic and anxiety and fear, you can take control and tap.  

You could also go into our ​Boldheart Facebook group​ and ask, “Who can help me with my 
anxiety?” and get resources there for feeling better. We have a group of highly loving and 
generous members in the Boldheart Facebook group who can help you, should you need to 
boost your mindset.  
Time to raise your personal vibration and stay in the vortex of positive energy.  
Abraham-Hicks has been a resource to me for years when I look to feel better. A key concept in 
the teachings has been the idea of getting and staying in the Vortex. Here is the Vortex, 
explained by Abraham:  
“A Vortex is a vibrational state of being that is a precursor of all positive motion forward of all that 
is. It’s like, encapsulated, condensed, straight-up Source. It’s pure positive energy. It’s the holding 
tank. It’s the anchor. It’s the touchstone. It’s the place where all dreams and wishes and hopes 
are held until we find vibrational alignment with them. 
It’s the eternal pool of wellbeing to which each of us have added mightily along the path of our 
physical experience. The reason you want to be IN the vortex is because it feels good. Being in 
the vortex means you’re experiencing the kind of alignment that fosters magic and miracles. It’s 
where you get inspired answers to your questions. It’s where things come together beautifully.” 
To understand more about how to get into the Vortex, you can find many videos from Esther 
Hicks on YouTube. I listen to these all the time, usually when I’m putting on makeup in the 
morning. In the Resource guide, I have provided you a link to the 22 Abraham-Hicks Processes 
from ​Ask and it is Given​ to raise your personal vibration and get in a Vortex of attraction. 
These are all useful things to keep your mindset.  
Here's another, Solfeggio frequency music: 

There are many Solfeggio frequencies and the 852Hz is the one meant to cleanse your mind of 
negativity. Listening to the link I’ve provided you for this track can be very helpful in staying 
positive during uncertain times.  
I recommend that you make this the “playlist of your life” right now. You can play it in the 
background. I’m doing my classes online now on Zoom, and when it's time for my clients to 
journal, I play the Solfeggio 852 which is about letting go of destructive energy, negative 
patterns, fear and overthinking. It's about awakening and connecting with your inner guidance 
and inner intuitive powers. You can even play this while you’re sleeping. 
Another resource for helping your mindset is a book by Robert A. Russell called ​God Works 
Through Faith​. This book is difficult to find in print, but I have provided you with a link to a 
YouTube video with the first part of the book (again, this is in the resources section at the end). 
Find like-minded people to be on this journey with right now.  

The Universally Law Of Fellowship states that, “When two or more people of similar vibrations are 
gathered for a shared purpose, their combined energy directed to the attainment of that purpose, 
is doubled, tripled, quadrupled or more.”  
This is a good time to increase your faith and keep your mindset strong by being with others who 
are working on and pivoting their businesses, instead of worrying.  
Stay in faith. The higher your personal vibration, the more you are in faith, the more good 
things can happen to you.  
But this is also about helping the people in your life to stay in faith.  
My role since this all began has been to share this information and to keep people's spirits up. 
This past weekend, for example, I went into one of our Facebook groups and answered 
questions for two and a half hours, on a Saturday. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I don't 
work on evenings and weekends. And yet, it’s important to be giving extra time to those who 
need it right now (for example, creating this ebook to help people like you get into faith).  
Things will spring back, and in the meantime, new things will have emerged, like little shoots 
of grass through the sidewalk. Things you didn't expect. 
So I just want to remind you… 
It's not like people have stopped all activity. People have simply changed the way that they are 
living. People haven't stopped doing business. People are still buying things. I heard that Amazon 
just hired another hundred thousand employees because of the surge of business that Amazon is 
getting. People are still doing business. Yes, in the U.S. alone, there is a greater level of 
unemployment but also hundreds of millions of people are still gainfully employed. There is still 
money circulating. People still need you. They may have just changed the way that they do 
business, and you can, too.  

#2: Pivot your Resources 
Cash flow is on a lot of people's minds...especially if they're thinking that this is doomsday. 
The last thing you want to do about your resources and your financials is to panic. Instead, I invite 
you to ​look for financial opportunities​ from a place of abundance rather than a place of scarcity. 
Doing this will lead you to better pivot your marketing and pivot your business model in the 
following chapters.  
The majority of people will be more than okay until this is all over. Even if managing your cash 
flow gets a little tight, you will likely be fine.  
Yesterday, I had a long session with one of our members. She’s had a rule in her life that she 
pays off all her credit cards in full every month. She started panicking about a reduction in client 
flow, and I said, "You know, for the next month or so, you can just pay the minimum balance. After 
this is all over, you can go right back to paying everything in full." It gave her some relief and was 
a simple and effective solution for her. 
Here are some things you can do until we come out on the other side of this. First.... 
Don't freak out about money.  
It’s time to find the hidden money in your business. This is about sitting down and making a 
low-hanging fruit list. Who are the people who have expressed interest in working with you but 
aren't working with you right now? And you might think, "Oh gosh, now is not the time to reach 
out to them. They don't have the money."  
Well, actually, they might need you now, more than ever. Or perhaps you could create a new 
low-priced program that would really help them. As we mentioned before, money is still 
circulating. The money is there if you look for the opportunities from a place of faith. 
There are still people who are signing up to work with us now, especially at my entry level of 
coaching that includes 3 hours a month with me, for $97 (​​). This is an 
example of finding ways to help people in a way that’s very affordable for them. Or, they’ve 
chosen to attend my (now virtual) 3-day Mindset Retreat (​​) from the 
comfort of their own homes.  
Yes, there are some people who may have nothing and who are in real dire straits, but there are 
also other people who have plenty because they've had cash reserves for months. This is an 
opportunity for you to serve those people, as they still need you. Perhaps it’s time to pivot and 
create an entry level offering and provide this to many people, instead of just one-to-one work.  

One of the exercises I do with my clients is to have them write what I call a “50 Ways” list. This is 
an exercise where you write down all the different ways that you can make money in your 
business, or in your life, right now.  
You might have to get creative and offer things that you don’t usually offer, things that you’re 
good at and can give value to people. Maybe you give cooking classes online. I just attended a 
dance party on Zoom with 3000 people where each online attendee paid $15 to experience this 
massive dance party. And you know what? It was fantastic. The energy was through the roof. I 
usually attend these Daybreaker dance events in person, but the company quickly pivoted online 
and it really paid off for them (you can do the math). 
You can find the money if you look for it.  
Examine new opportunities that you might not have taken seriously in the past. In other financial 
climates, you might have said, "Oh no, that won't work. They won't pay for that." Or, "I need to 
charge more than that." But now might be a good time to pivot your resources by offering options 
you haven't offered in the past. This is an invitation to break your own rules.  
You can call your bank and try to get a small business bank loan. Just try and see. Sometimes 
people will say, "This won't happen." But how do you know if you haven't called? One of our 
members recently said, "I actually have a 0% credit card. I can move my balances to that." If you 
have a good credit card rating, you may want to go online and file an application for a new credit 
card, just to have waiting there as a buffer. Same with a SBA (Small Business Administration) loan.   
You’ve got fear, or you’ve got action.  
I'd rather be in action, even if I don't know what the outcome will be. It helps me avoid being in 
fear. This is about being resourceful. Resourcefulness involves looking for opportunities 
everywhere, even if they’re not obvious.  
If you're worried about money, know that there is money available in your life now. You must look 
for it. Part of this is cutting certain expenses. And you probably have already, just by virtue of 
isolating yourself. Take action here by cutting certain expenses, but be careful here.  
Cut expenses that depreciate. Don't cut expenses that expand.  
Here’s what I mean... There's “nice to have” versus “necessary”. Yes, that new TV is nice, but it 
can wait. The minute you take hold of that new TV, it will depreciate in value. It will not make you 
Because this book is about pivoting your business, I assume that you have a business, so this 
next part is super important: 

Getting expert business training now to help you pivot is crucial. It's necessary, now more 
than ever.  
Now is the time to invest in business courses, in coaching, in training, in marketing help, in 
administrative help, etc. This is the time to put the resources that you do have in growing your 
business. Avoid cutting out the things that will make you money. 
Many business owners are investing now in online programs that will help us sharpen the saw, to 
become more valuable or strategic.  
Do not pull back on the things that will show you how to make money now.  
Focus on investing in things that appreciate versus depreciate. Pulling back on investments that 
make you money may be the worst thing you could do in times like these. Instead, use your time 
now to double-down on marketing training. Double-down on your business strategy. You likely 
have more time now than you have had in the past. Use it to learn how to pivot.  

#3. Pivot your Time 
I meet a lot of business owners who typically say, "I don't have time to work ON my business, I'm 
so IN my business." Well, this is a great time to work on your business. 
Use your time now to plant seeds that will be ready to harvest when the fog lifts.  
If you are in a situation where your business is or could be affected by what's going on, then 
strategize how to use your newfound time. Use your time strategically, now, while you've got 
more time. See it as a blessing. We're all saying we don't have enough time in our lives. Well, now 
we do.  
So this is an invitation to focus on the most important activities you can work on now that will 
have the biggest impact in the next few weeks and months. 
I'll give you an example.  
Travel professionals right now are not leading groups. I recently helped one of our members 
(who does really, really well in her travel business) to pivot. I shared with her that, “Okay, yes trips 
are canceled, but what you ​can​ do is create epic trips now and reveal them later. You'll have 
everything mapped out and everything negotiated and all the itineraries done, so that by the time 
this fog lifts, people are going to want to burst out of their homes and travel, and you will have 
everything laid out."  
If you're a travel professional, you can use your time on social media to get people to talk about 
their bucket list of places to go. There are a lot of things you can do with your time if you begin to 
think differently. The key is to hustle.  
What if you are not feeling called to hustle in these times? 
I've had several people in my Q&A calls who have been saying, "Fabienne, I feel like I'm almost 
asking you permission to not have to pivot and work, work, work. I feel like I finally have some 
time. I'm here in the house with my child that I don't spend that much time with. I feel like I need 
to journal and really just sit and meditate."  
For some people, an inward hustle is more appropriate. Using your time differently will mean 
meditating and going within to find another path forward. For some, it's going to be about getting 
into your secret garden or your man cave, and just being quiet so you can hear the divine 
guidance that wants to come through you. Or just to rest, my friend. Use your time to rest. Shore 
up your energy now.  
So, figure out whether this is a time to go within or a time to hunker down and implement.  

For me, it’s been both. I’ve been journaling daily and doing some walking meditations to activate 
my intuition and get divine guidance about how to pivot my own business. But it's also time to 
work on that big project. It's time to plant the seeds that are going to be harvested later. We have 
this time now. We might as well use it.  
Some of our program members in Boldheart Business are going to town right now on 
implementing the things that they don't usually have a lot of time for. They are getting together 
on Zoom for three or four hours a day to work on the Cash Infusion program that’s included in my 
lessons. They've decided that this is not the time to nap or take their foot off the brake. 
What business programs or books are on your shelf? Go implement those. 
Work on that big project. Work on exponential growth activities for your business. 
Write a lead-generating book, work on an operations manual, work on creating that new program. 
Now is a great time to pivot your time so that you’re setting yourself up for success, even if that 
means not launching that program for a few weeks. 
You can even start thinking about hiring people. Now, you're not necessarily going to hire them 
now, but you can work on a job description now. You can post it online now. You can have 
interviews with people now. People have a lot of time to talk to you right now. And really good 
people might be out of a job.  
Do all the pre-work and by the time that this lifts, you can implement very, very quickly. 
Within our year-long Boldheart Business programs, I’ve been hosting weekend Q&As for 2.5 
hours. We’ve added additional implementation parties for our members on Zoom, so that they do 
more than they would on their own, in a facilitated group, over the course of 4 hours:  

It’s amazing how much people will implement when they’re not working alone! We’ve received so 
many notes saying that some of our members are getting unprecedented business opportunities 
right now. Someone just got a considerable paid contract from a corporation that absolutely 
needs their help.  
You can create new results, too, by pivoting how you use your time now.  
All this work will do two things. Firstly, it will keep you out of fear because you're going to be in 
action, and secondly, it will get you thinking and setting up things. 
Perhaps you don’t know what to do to market now. If you are not getting some affordable 
coaching at the moment, consider ​​ for the next couple of months. This is a 
good time to work on your marketing. The program is really affordable, and you will work directly 
with me for just $97 a month. Go check it out as a resource and if it speaks to you, join us. The 
momentum is high, as is the morale. It’s amazing to not have to do things alone anymore, and to 
feel like you belong to something greater than yourself.  
On a personal level: 
Invest your non-work time in activities that fill your mind, fuel your body and feed your soul.  
My husband Derek likes working out. We have a gym membership but obviously the gym is 
closed for the foreseeable future, so he invested in an online subscription to a workout app that’s 
only $2.99 a week. He and our boys are working out on this app on the weekends instead of 
watching television.  
As a family, Derek also got us a subscription to for €16 month, and we're all 
learning new skills. I'm learning from Gordon Ramsay and Alice Waters (I love to cook). Diane Von 
Furstenberg is a mentor of mine, so I’m also enjoying learning from her in this way. I’m looking 
forward to learning how to grow vegetables and our son, Oliver, who’s 10, is watching the chess 
masterclass to improve his skills. Our son Luc (age 14) creates music for artists, so he’s been 
watching the Timbaland masterclass on how to improve his skills.  
Fill your mind on the weekends and evenings instead of squandering the time. This will help you 
feel stronger, as though you are using this unprecedented time to further yourself. It will give you 
confidence to pivot.  

#4: Pivot your Marketing 
After winter, comes spring.  
Spring will come. This too shall pass. And in the meantime, we now have the opportunity to plant 
the right marketing seeds, those we will harvest shortly. But how to market in these times?  
Be relevant with your content.  
Shift and pivot your marketing message to be even more relevant now by providing solutions to 
things you don’t usually talk about.  
Every week I send out a content video to everyone in the Boldheart community (​you can sign up 
here for free​). I record these videos ahead of time, so I don’t have to scramble to do them every 
week. When this pandemic began, I had several weeks worth of content already scheduled to go 
out, but I quickly pivoted to make the videos even more relevant by recording new ones that 
would be even more useful to people in these times .  
Now, more than ever, is the time to publish content (blogs, social media posts, freebies, FB lives, 
IG stories, etc.) that address what’s going on now and how to move past it. 
Stay visible!  
Give free value. The idea now is to serve, serve, serve and serve some more, even invite people 
to work with you, but without the energy of expecting anything in return.  
Again, now more than ever, is the time to double down on your visibility. You have the time, write 
more blogs and free content. Do significantly more social media posts (3+ per day). Do a 
Facebook live a week or even once a day. Put a ton of content on LinkedIn. This is a time to be 
You can start creating and recording content on Zoom. In the Resources section at the end, I’ve 
included a five minute video you can find on YouTube about how to use Zoom for video 
marketing. This is a great time to learn how to do that. I've also included a link for how to use 
Facebook Live videos for marketing your business.  
This is not the time to ambulance chase.  
There are people right now who are being rather opportunistic in their marketing. This is not the 
time for that. It’s still okay to offer what you have, and to let people know that you exist and that 

your programs are there. But what’s important is HOW you do it. Be transparent, be authentic, be 
compassionate and kind. Be there with the energy of serving, not lining your pockets as some do.   
I recently hosted a half-day virtual workshop online (which was originally supposed to happen in 
London, but we pivoted online). It was a big success, and I believe that the transparency was the 
cause of this. In the workshop I gently let people know that I would be making available a few 
tickets to my upcoming Mindset Retreat, which has also been pivoted online. There was no hard 
sell. People got so much value from the free half-day workshop, many signed up for the Mindset 
Be transparent and valuable in every communication.  
People will tune out if your marketing feels pushy and inauthentic, especially in these times.  
When marketing is valuable, they'll consume it. If it's sleazy and it's not relevant, they'll turn off. So 
make sure to add incredible value and focus every possible minute on setting up the right 
marketing now. 
Reach out and touch someone. 
Call your clients and prospects (a blanket email is not enough) and ask them (genuinely) how 
they’re doing, from a place of care and love. People are isolated and some are scared, so this is a 
great opportunity to be a calming voice for them. Ask them what they’re working on, what they 
need most right now: “How can I best support you at this time?” Ask them what kind of support 
they need from you, right now, to help them create new results in these uncertain times. Offer to 
create an affordable, customized program for them and stretch out the payments if need be. This 
is about giving people what they need now and in the near future. 
You may just get some new clients you didn’t expect, as so many of our members are doing. And 
at the same time, being visible and giving value in this way will have you be strategically 
positioned to do really well when all of this is over.  
Be more prolific. 
If you’re super valuable to people now, they will remember you in weeks, months, and even years 
to come. They'll remember that you showed up with all of these resources, that you didn't sell, 
and you just made yourself available for Q&As and added value. People remember that. 
I’m not saying that you can't offer and that you can't make an invitation, like I did for the Mindset 
Retreat tickets. A lot of people have bought Mindset Retreat tickets because, one, it's very 
affordable, and two, they need it right now. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Do it with 
integrity. Pivot your marketing so that it's integrous, it's loving, it's authentic, it's valuable.  

The key thing that I want you to get is this: 
Your people still need you. Maybe now more than ever.  
This is not the time to go dormant. This is the time to be highly visible and give extra value. 

#5: Pivot your Business Model 
You made it! We’re in the homestretch. It’s time to talk about how to pivot your business model. 
Many people are thinking, "No, I can't do business in this climate." Maybe you’re thinking this, too. 
I would love for you to remove that way of speaking and thinking from your vocabulary. It's not, "I 
can't do business in this climate." It's, "How can I do business in this climate?"  
This is not the time to cancel anything from a place of panic.  
One of our members in the U.K. was sharing with me that a lot of people are canceling half-day 
events instead of moving them online. And I said, "Why aren't they just moving them to Zoom, or 
GoToMeeting, or something like that?" And she said, "They just don't think that somebody can 
spend three hours looking at Zoom." I said, "Oh no, it can be done really successfully. It’s all 
about bringing Conscious Engagement Online," which we'll get to in a bit.  
Pivoting your business model involves you looking at how you can deliver what you do 
differently. Once again, this is about being resourceful. 
Many of our members have moved their offerings online using (which you’ve probably 
used by now, if you weren’t using it already). We were already using Zoom a lot in our programs, 
except for the live meetings, and now we've pivoted completely. Even my upcoming three-day 
Mindset Retreat is going to be entirely on Zoom.  
Over the many, many years of hosting in-person events, we have a science to doing them 
successfully. Every detail counts toward the attendee or member getting great results. And now, 
since we’ve moved online, we’ve had to completely deconstruct and dissect how we do 
in-person meetings, right down to the dance party, the cocktail party, the paired shares, 
worksheets, sharing up at the mic, asking questions, the inspiration panel, everything.  
We've dissected it and deconstructed it and have successfully used technology to move all the 
different elements of the in-person event online. And you can, too, if your business is similar.  
I'll give you an example. When we get our clients together in person, we always have a reception 
at the end of the first day with wine and hors d'oeuvres so that they can bond and we can spend 
some “non-work” time together, laughing and enjoying each others’ company. So, when we 
pivoted online for our most recent meeting, I let them know ahead of time that at the end of the 
day we could stay online together for a virtual reception.  
Some people came with tea, some people came with wine or champagne, and we had an hour 
long “happy hour” together. And it was so much fun. We had a mini dance session once each day 
to shake out our limbs and make our hearts soar. We created breakouts so people could gather 

in small groups and share the way we typically do in the room. They had lunch together the way 
they would when we did our in-person meetings. And this made the event exceptional. They felt 
so close to each other, and to me.  
Make your virtual experiences as close to the in-person experience as you can.  
My methodology for Conscious Engagement Online has been working really well creating more 
connection online. It's about creating intimacy.  
When you use certain tools for conscious connection, you're fostering the biochemical called 
oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love and bonding hormone. We women especially exude a lot of 
oxytocin because we like to be in community. You, too, can create close-knit online communities 
in this way.  
I’ll confess that I'm really good at creating communities offline, meaning in-person. People first 
come to me for business strategy, coaching, direction, all of my content and frameworks, and a 
vast amount of easy-to-implement knowledge. But then, once they're in our programs, they say, 
“Oh, and you have this amazing community, too? Where everybody's loving and extra generous? 
Where these people are my best friends, the people I've been looking for my whole life?” They 
say that this is why they stay in our programs for sometimes three, four, six years. It’s about 
building the community and connection they can’t get elsewhere.  
And my point here is that you can create this online as well as in-person. 
I'll give you some tips right now. If you move closer to your camera when you’re recording, 
whether it’s on your phone or your laptop, and you look into the camera, it feels much more 
intimate. This makes people feel that you're talking directly to them. If you watch my videos on 
social media or the Saturday inspiration emails I send out, you’ll notice that I do this in every 
video. So you can lean into the camera a little bit more.  
In our member meetings we send each other hearts and high-fives, and we give each other golf 
claps and thumbs up. This is our way of supporting each other, even if we’re not in person. At 
first, it can seem strange, but then everyone loves it and loves seeing everyone supporting each 
other in this way.  
This is how you become high-touch in a high-tech world, so you can make people feel like they're 
a part of something greater than themselves, and then “being online” is not boring.  
Part of Conscious Engagement Online is having people take personal responsibility for 
showing up fully and engaging like never before.  
I ask people in our meetings to make sure their video is on 100% of the time. It’s important to 
share these kinds of protocols with people for online engagement, inviting everybody to take 

personal responsibility. When I did this with our members for the first time, there were some 
sweet tears of gratitude at the end of the first day because they experienced such a deep 
connection as a result of everybody taking personal responsibility.  
Remember when we said earlier, “How could this actually be the greatest thing that's ever 
happened to you in your business?” Well, moving your business to be more online might be it. 
One of our members is a therapist and she's done all of her sessions for the past 30 years 
in-person in her office. When mandatory cocooning happened, I said to her, “Time to move to 
Zoom. Time to move online.” She did exactly that, and I said to her, "Do you realize that you're no 
longer geographically confined in your client base? You can expand nationally. You can expand 
across the state, across your country, across the globe."  
She beamed.  
There’s a woman that I coached the other day who has an esthetician business. Now, obviously, 
she’s not able to run her businesses as usual. But she has products, and so I recommended that 
she start doing QVC style marketing, where she does a video every day, or multiple videos a day, 
about her skincare products, from her home. I told her to do a little spiel, make it fun, try the 
products on and all of that. She is now selling products online, and is successfully pivoting her 
business model, something she never expected she would ever do in regular times.  
My upcoming 3-day Mindset Retreat was supposed to be in London, for people to attend from 
the U.K. and Europe, but now that it’s online with me leading it on Zoom for the first time ever, 
there are people who are buying tickets from all over the world. We just had a woman sign up 
from Hong Kong, another from Australia. I did not expect that. And as we may have to decide to 
do our programs more online, this might open it up to people from other countries and other 
parts of the world as well, or to people who don’t want to spend money on travel and hotels for 
our quarterly in-person meetings. 
This is the way I’m inviting you to think.  
You can consider a Train-the-trainer business model where you train people online how to run 
their business the way you do. If you’re a wedding planner and you can’t do weddings right now, 
you can teach other wedding planners in your industry how to run their business with your 
systems. You can sell your systems to other people and do it online. That's what we would call 
The key is that you find other ways to monetize how you work with clients.  
It's about getting creative. With every change, a new niche can show up. This is about looking at 
what you can do with your scope of knowledge now. Do what you can to serve people and to 
generate income in a different way.  

This goes back to my earlier comment about pivoting from, “I can't do business in this climate”, 
to, “How can I do business in this climate?”  
Even if you can't do the things that you usually offer, there's lots of things that you can do. 
To help you monetize your business in a different way, consider the Japanese concept of Ikigai, 
which means ‘reason for being’. You can monetize what you love to do, what you're good at, and 
what the world needs.  
If you’re feeling stuck around this, here are the four Ikigai questions to get you thinking: 

This can help you monetize in a different way. Many of our members are using these four 
questions to pivot their business model and shift into making money in a different way: 
What do you love to do? 
What are you good at? 
What does the world need most? 
What can you get paid for? 
When I started working with all of our clients about how they could pivot their business model 
based on their reason for being (the four Ikigai questions) there was so much relief. So much 
hope. So much optimism. And I want that for you, too.  
There will always be other ways to monetize what you do and what you know how to do.  

Maybe you're in the travel business, but you're really good at systems but travel is just not 
happening now. Maybe you can start a consulting business around providing systems to 
self-employed people who aren't good at systems.  
There’s always a different way, maybe even a better way, to monetize your business. And it's 
about being open to the possibilities. What I know is that if you break the rules you currently have 
in place, the opportunity that’s trying to show itself will show up. 
I hear too many people say, "But that's not the way it's done. We can't do that in my industry." 
Well, maybe that's not the way it used to be, but perhaps you can rethink this. The more you can 
pivot your business model online, the more you will open yourself up to the world, and save hard 
costs at the same time.  
What I'm here to share with you is that disruption can be good. Disruption creates a context 
for new innovation and creativity. 
Let me say that in more everyday words. What's going on in this unusual climate can be the fertile 
soil for you to innovate something that you've never done before. It's an opportunity for you to 
get creative and pivot.  
We have a saying in Boldheart that we're not looking to do things perfectly. We're looking to do 
things with imperfect action. Because perfection paralysis will have you delay the actual launch of 
whatever it is that you're launching. I'd rather you take imperfect action over no action any day of 
the week. 
Use this time as a way to reset your business model so that you’re positioned well for growth 
later. What if you moved online? Instead of just selling services, what if you also sold products? 
Maybe you pivot from being a therapist to a coach. There's so many things that you can do. 
And so I'm inviting you to have faith that there is a way, and that you will find that way if you’re 
open to it. Ask for divine guidance. Ask the Universe, or whoever you seek guidance from, to 
guide your thoughts. Ask to be shown what to do next. Get business coaching help or training on 
how to market online programs. What is it that you need to know for your highest good?  
The right guidance always shows up at the right time.  
Maybe the opportunity that you seek to pivot your business is right under your nose and you 
didn't even notice it. It's about actioning those opportunities, even if it feels like outside of your 
comfort zone. 
Don't look to be perfect as you pivot your business model. Just go for it. You have more to gain 
than you realize.  

Final thoughts 
I hope these five steps to pivoting your business have been helpful, and that you’re feeling 
inspired to use this time as a catalyst to do something extraordinary with your business. Use the 
time, if you have extra time, to do what you haven't had time to do before. Because there is no 
crisis without a blessing. 
I really want you to get that. There is no crisis without a blessing.  
What if this was the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you and your business? 
If you're trying to white knuckle your life and your business and hold onto the past, you're not 
allowing the Universe to give you a new way of looking at life. 
Here's the new mantra I would like to share with you: 
This is not happening TO me, it’s happening FOR me. 

Go for it! Be bold in your pivots.  
If you feel I can help, reach out to us for a free chat about your options by contacting me at  
If you know that affordable coaching from me (and a wonderful community of other women 
pivoting in their business) would help, check out ​​, now or in the future. It 
might just be the boost you need to get past these uncertain times and thrive, the way so many 
are right now.  

You can engage with our ​Facebook community here​, where you can share resources with each 
Try to see this as divinely meant to be. Because maybe it is.  
That's how we’re choosing to look at it.  

1) Pivot Your Mindset 
Jeff Van Clute:​ ​  
NASA Images:
Man’s search for meaning book summary: ​   
John DeMartini video:​ ​ 
Solfeggio 852hz: 
Raise your personal vibration and stay in the vortex:
Brad Yates EFT/Tapping to overcome fear of CoronaVirus:  
God works through faith: ​  
2) Pivot Your Resources 
0% credit cards:​ ​  
3) Pivot Your Time 
Use this time for mastery: ​  
Affordable business coaching: ​  
4) Pivot Your Marketing 
How to use zoom for video marketing:​ ​ 
9 Tips For Businesses Using Facebook Live Video:  

5) Pivot Your Business Model 
Reason for being: Ask yourself these 4 questions to find your Ikigai:  
What do I love? 
What am I good at? 
What does the world need? 
What can I be paid for? 
Zoom: ​  
Skype:​ ​  


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