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Experiment # 05


In this lab we will learn about IP addresses and sub netting.

IP Address
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numeric label consisting of a 32-bit number assigned to
a network capable device that uses IP for communication. The address fundamentally serves
two purposes: location addressing and computer host or network interface identification. The
address indicates where the connected device resides with the majority of hosts/devices still
using the IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) form of addressing. A significant limitation of the
legacy IPv4 addressing is that it supports less than 4.3 billion total addresses. Based on the
rapid growth of the Internet and related technologies, the use of IPv4 is not sustainable for the
long term. In the mid1990’s, the new IPv6 technique was developed which makes use of 128
bits for the IP address. IPv6 technology continues to be deployed, albeit slowly. The Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible under the IETF for management of the
IP address space allocation globally. Beneath the IANA, there are five regional Internet
registries (RIRs) that are responsible for allocating IP address blocks to Internet service
providers (ISPs) and other trusted organizations.

IP Address Classes

There were five IP address classes in use before the majority of industry switched to classless
routing. There were A, B, C, D, and E. Class A addresses were used for networks with a very
large number of total hosts. Class B was designed for use on medium to large networks, and
C for small local area networks (LANs). Class D and E were set aside for multicast and
experimental purposes. In the following table, the four octets that make up an IP are displayed
in how they were distributed in classes A, B, and C.

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

Class A IP Address

Class A IP addresses were used for networks that had a large number of hosts on the network.
The class permitted up to 126 networks by using the first octet of the address for the network
identification. The first bit in this octet was always fixed or set to be zero. The following seven
bits in the octet were then set to one which would complete the network identification. The
remaining octets (24 bits) represented the hosts ID and would allow up to 126 networks with
17 million hosts per network. In a Class A address, the network number values start at the
number 1 and end at 127.

Class B IP Address

Class B IP address were assigned to medium to large networks. They allow 16,384 networks
by using the first two octets in the address for the network identification. The first two bits of
the first octet are fixed to 1 0. The next 6 bits along with the following octet then complete the
network identification. The third and fourth octet (16 bits) then represents the host ID. This
allows approximately 65,000 hosts per network. Class B network number values start at 128
and finish at 191.

Class C IP Address

Class C IP addresses were used in small LAN configurations. They allow for approximately 2
million networks by using the first three octets of the address for the network identification.
In a Class C address, the first three bits are fixed to 1 1 0. In the following three octets, 21 bits
make up the network identification. The last octet then represents the host identification. This
allows for 254 hosts per network. A Class C network number value starts at 192 and ends at

Class D IP Address

Class D IP addresses were reserved for multicasting purposes. These addresses begin with an
octet in the 224-239 range. They would have leading bits of 1 1 1 0 and includes addresses
from to

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

Class E IP Address

Class E IP addresses are reserved for experimental use. The first octet of these addresses’
ranges between 240 and 255. This range is reserved by the IETF and similar to Class D
networks, should not be assigned to a host device.

Private IP Addresses

While we are used to writing out streets and house numbers on envelopes, inside your
computer IP Addresses are usually represented in what is known as dotted-decimal format
such as as this is the system that is understood by computers. As you can see,
the address is split into 4 sections known as "octets" and each of the four octets can be
numbered from 0-255, providing a total of 4,294,967,296 potentially unique IP Addresses.
Now, while 4.2 Billion might seem like a lot, for many years large amounts of these have been
allocated and used by large network such as backbone providers, ISPs and large Universities
that made up the early Internet While other groups still have been reserved for special purposes
and are not usable, so in practice the real amount is far less than 4.2 billion. The problem that
we face today is that with many homes owning more than one computer and with cell phones,
PDAs and even fridges being enabled for Internet access these days, IP Addresses are running

When I mentioned above that some blocks of addresses had been reserved for special purposes,
one of these purposes was for private networking and it is these private addresses that help to
relieve the pressure on the remaining address space and make possible many of the cable and
DSL routers that people have at home today to share their Internet connection amongst many

Private IP address ranges

The ranges and the amount of usable IP's are as follows: -

Addresses: 16,777,216 -

Addresses: 1,048,576 -
Addresses: 65,536

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

How Does a Subnet Mask Work?
In IP address, a subnet mask is used on a network to define how many bits are used for the
network address and how many are used for the host address. The subnet mask is the same for
all users on a specific network. When overlay on a host address, it tells the host or device what
part of the IP address is the network address and which is used for the host. Subnet masks will
typically start with 255.*.*.* with the remaining digits specific to the network. Every subnet
address on a large network will have its own subnet mask which in essence means the specific
subnet has a subnet mask. This allows for the current form of classless IP addressing that has
been in use for IPv4 networks since the 1990s.

The Network and Node ID of each Class

The network Class helps us determine how the 4 byte, or 32 Bit, IP Address is divided between
network and node portions.
The figure below shows you (in binary) how the Network ID and Node ID changes depending
on the Class:

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram


The figure above might seem confusing at first but it's actually very simple. We will take
Class A as an example and analyze it so you can understand exactly what is happening
here: Below you can see all this in pictures:

Subnet Masking
Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows you to identify the network and node parts
of the address. The network bits are represented by the 1s in the mask, and the node bits are
represented by the 0s. Performing a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address
and the subnet mask results in the Network Address or Number.

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

For example, using our test IP address and the default Class B subnet mask, we get:

10001100.10110011.11110000.11001000 Class B IP Address

11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Default Class B Subnet Mask


10001100.10110011.00000000.00000000 Network Address

Default subnet masks:

Class A -

Class B - 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000

Class C - 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000

Additional bits can be added to the default subnet mask for a given Class to further subnet,
or break down, a network. When a bitwise logical AND operation is performed between
the subnet mask and IP address, the result defines the Subnet Address (also called the
Network Address or Network Number). There are some restrictions on the subnet address.
Node addresses of all "0"s and all "1"s are reserved for specifying the local network (when
a host does not know its network address) and all hosts on the network (broadcast address),
respectively. This also applies to subnets. A subnet address cannot be all "0"s or all "1"s.
This also implies that a 1 bit subnet mask is not allowed. This restriction is required because
older standards enforced this restriction. Recent standards that allow use of these subnets
have superseded these standards, but many "legacy" devices do not support the newer
standards. If you are operating in a controlled environment, such as a lab, you can safely
use these restricted subnets.

To calculate the number of subnets or nodes, use the formula (2n-2) where n = number of
bits in either field, and 2n represents 2 raised to the nth power. Multiplying the number of
subnets by the number of nodes available per subnet gives you the total number of nodes
available for your class and subnet mask. Also, note that although subnet masks with non-
contiguous mask bits are allowed, they are not recommended.


11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Subnet Mask

00000000.00000000.11111111.11111111 Invert Subnet Mask


CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

10001100.10110011.11011100.11001000 IP Address

00000000.00000000.11111111.11111111 Invert Subnet Mask

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~OR Operation

10001100.10110011.11111111.11111111 Broadcast Address

In this example we first calculate the Network Address by applying AND logic on IP Address
and Subnet Mask. After that, to find the broadcast address we first invert the Subnet Mask and
then apply OR Logic operation on IP address with inverted subnet mask address.
Now to calculate the total number of subnets we use the formula 2^n – 2. Where n is number
of host bits present in a network.
2^n – 2 = 2^16 - 2
= 65536 – 2 = 65534 Total number of hosts.

You can calculate the Subnet Address by performing a bitwise logical AND operation between
the IP address and the subnet mask, then setting all the host bits to 0s. Similarly, you can
calculate the Broadcast Address for a subnet by performing the same logical AND between the
IP address and the subnet mask, then setting all the host bits to 1s.

Classless IP Addressing

After the invention of the Domain Name System (DNS), industry realized that the use of IP
address classes would limit the scalability of the Internet. As a result, the IETF published RC
1518 and 1519 in 1993 to define the classless method of routing IPv4 data packets. The most
recent definition of the standard occurred in 2006 under RFC 4632. Classless IP addressing
was introduced as a more efficient means to make use of the IP address space when compared
to Classful addressing. In classless addressing, the IP address is treated as a 32 bit stream where
the boundary between the network identification and host can be at any of the bit positions.
The network portion of the address is determined by the number of 1’s that are in the subnet
mask being applied to the address. A subnet mask is used locally on the hosts connected to the
network and are never transmitted in an IPv4 data packet or datagram. All of the hosts on the
same network are configured to use the same subnet mask with the host section of the IP
address being unique to the host. The classless version of address is referred to as Classless
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and allows networks to be divided into different-sized subnets.
The system avoids wasting IP addresses through the use of the subnet mask.

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

Classless Inter-Domain Routing was introduced in 1993 to replace the classful network
Instead of allocating network addresses using address classes based on 8 bit groups it
uses variable length subnet masking. It also introduced a new method of denoting network

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

A class C network would have a subnet mask of which means that 24 bits are
used for the network.
In CIDR notation this is designated by a /24 following the IP address.
IP address subnet mask is written as: in CIDR notation.

Table: CIDR and Subnet Examples

Working Examples:

1. Write the IP address mask in CIDR notation.

Decimal 192 =11000000 binary which means that 2 bits of this octet are used for the subnet.
Now add the 24 bits 255.255.255 and we have 26 bits. So we write:

2. Write is the IP address mask 255.255. 248.0 in CIDR notation

Decimal 248 =11111000 binary which means that 5 bits of this octet are used for the subnet.
Now add the 16 bits 255.255. and we have 21 bits. So we write:

Subnet Table and Calculator

Below is a simple subnet table that makes it easier for calculating subnets.

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram
Lab Task

1. Write the class of each address.

a) 00000001 00001011 00001011 11101111
b) 11000001 10000011 00011011 11111111

2. A block of addresses is granted to a small organization. We know that one of the addresses is Write its:
a) Network Address
b) The first usable address
c) The last usable address
d) The broadcast address.
e) The total number of usable addresses.

3. Your company would like to break the Class B private IP address range into 25
different subnets each network has maximum of 80 hosts. Practice the breakdown of IP
ranges accordingly.



CCN- Lab 09 Lab Engr. Basit Akram

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