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After downloading the code it’s as easy as including references to a couple files and

inserting some HTML into your page.

At the head of your file you’ll want to add the following references…


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="subModal.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="subModal.js"></script>


The css contains sizing and display styles for the popup elements.

Common.js contains standard functions I find useful such as attaching event

handlers and obtaining the browser’s dimensions.

subModal.js is where all the action happens. Inside event handlers are attached for
the load and resize events of the browser. The load event initializes dhtml objects
that are reused when showing, hiding, or resizing the window.

The javascript file also inserts any HTML necessary for the subModal.

Now that everything’s in place all you have to do is add something that’s going to
call the function to show the modal.

This is accomplished by calling the following javascript

showPopWin('your_url_here.html', width, height, null);

OR by using a CSS selector like so

<a class="submodal" href="modalContent.html">show modal window using

<a class="submodal-200-400" href="modalContent.html">show modal window

using class and overriding default size</a>

The first argument is the file to load, followed by width and height (integers). Any
content that overflows these dimensions will scroll inside the modal, like a real

The fourth argument allows you to pass a javascript function that will be called
when the window is closed – by calling hidePopWin(true). hidePopWin will not call
the return function by default. This is useful for cancel button functions.

Using callback functions with SubModal

Define the function that’ll be called on the opening page.

Pass the function you’d like to call into 'showPopWin'.

Assign any return value on the modal page itself, if necessary

Call the hidePopWin function passing true

It might be easier to grok in code, so here's an example:

On the SubModal opening page

// returnVal can get passed in from the modal page itself...

//....see below for info

function returnRefresh(returnVal) {


// Open the modal, passing in the refresh function

// as a reference NOT a string.

showPopWin('mymodal.html', 500, 500, returnRefresh);

From inside the SubModal window

// If you plan to pass a return value assign it

var returnVal = "something";

// When you're ready to close the pop window

// call this...Passing true makes sure the return

// function gets called.;

I’ve been using subModal as well, but there is a problem in Safari when the window
has an active scrollbar. The code used does not calculate the scroll amount so the
centering is off leaving uncovered areas of the original page.

I fixed it witht the following code that I found somewhere else:

// — This original code did not work well in Safari

//var theBody = document.documentElement;

//var scTop = parseInt(theBody.scrollTop,10);

//var scLeft = parseInt(theBody.scrollLeft,10);

var scLeft,scTop;

if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer

scLeft = self.pageXOffset;

scTop = self.pageYOffset;

else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)

// Explorer 6 Strict

scLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;

scTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;

else if (document.body) // all other Explorers

scLeft = document.body.scrollLeft;

scTop = document.body.scrollTop;

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