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Appendix 9.

6: Assignment

School of Computing Science and Engineering

Assignment no - 1, JAN 2021, Semester: VI Winter, 2020-21
[Programme: B Tech] [Semester: VI] [Batch: 2]
Course Title : Web Technology
Course Code: BTCS3601
Deadline for submission of solutions by students: 19/01/2021

Mapped Bloom’s
Sl No Assignment statement students
Cos Level
Create a page that includes the following elements: ALL CO1
 Web page title (displayed in title bar of browser window):
My Favorite Things. 
Use a color for the background of your site.  
A bold centered heading (use the largest heading size)
of: My Favorite Things Include a horizontal rule
underneath the heading that is colored centered 75% of
the screen’s width and has a size of 8.  
Include the following introductory paragraph, filling in the
blanks with the appropriate information for yourself. Use a
font size of 4 and a font face of Comic Sans MS:  
My name is _________ and I am a __________ at
Thurston High School. This web page lists my favorite
foods, favorite television shows, and favorite movies.
 Leave two blank lines after the paragraph.
1. Using a heading size of 2, left align the following heading: K6
My Favorite Foods. Bold the heading.
Using an unordered list, include five of your favorite
things to eat. Use a colored font, size of 4, with a font face
of your choice .
Insert two blank lines.
Using a heading size of 2, left align the following heading:
My Favorite TV Shows. Bold the heading.
Using an ordered list, list your top five favorite television
shows. Use the same font settings as the unordered list.
Insert two blank lines.
Using a heading size of 2, left align the following heading:
My Favorite Movies. Bold the heading.
Using a Definition list, list your top five favorite Movies.
Use the same font settings as the unordered list.
Insert two blank lines.
Draw a table:

column1 column2 column3

2. row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3 K6
row 1, cell 1
row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3
row 3, cell 1

MS. Suman Devi

Signature of faculty:

Signature of Dean:

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