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 It can be interpreted as a state of mind.

 It can be an evaluation of one’s
experiences in life.

EUDAIMONIA (good spirit)

 This refers to a person’s state of well – being
or happiness. This is something to be
achieved and a happy life is a good life.
 equates happiness with living a moral
life, practicing virtues, fulfilling personal
duties and controlling one’s desires
 happiness is the primary reason for
human action, and one becomes happy
through the practice of virtues and the
accumulation of achievements
EPICUREANS (disciples or students of the
Greek philosopher Epicurus)
 Happiness means a life of peace that is
free from fear and discomfort
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas
 Define happiness as a union with God.

UTILITARIANISM ( a theory of morality,

which advocates actions that foster
happiness or pleasure and opposes
actions that cause unhappiness or harm.)
 proposes a view on happiness based on
the greatest happiness principle that states
a person’s actions are considered moral or
desirable when they produce the greatest
happiness for other people.
Polish philosopher)
 a “satisfaction with one’s life as a whole”
 a person’s happiness based on a total life
pattern a person should not only be
satisfied with the life he or she has lived, but
must also feel constant joy and enthusiasm
of life
WAYNE SUMNER - approaches happiness in
two ways:
 From a cognitive perspective, one must
be able to look back at past
experiences and have a positive
evaluation of his or her condition

 On the emotional or effective side,

happiness is brought about by a sense of
well – being in having lived life that is
enriching and rewarding.
 Contentment – satisfaction with one’s life.
 Welfare – satisfaction of a person’s wants
and desi
 Dignity – the ability to control and define
one’s own destiny and the freedom to
live a life of one’s choosing.
ARISTOTLE proposes that to achieve
happiness, a person must plan his or her
activities, and from a set of life goals to
achieve a worthwhile life.

The Epicureans believe that happiness is

possible if one enjoys the simple pleasures
of life and commits to a life of virtue
ST. AUGUSTINE believes that happiness can
be found in the after life when the spirit
reunites with God.

JEREMY BENTHAM (a utilitarian philosopher)

believes that happiness is achieved
through wise decision – making.

IMMANUEL KANT achieving happiness is

impossible because of the ever changing
nature of man’s desires.

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