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Path of Consciousness

Consciousness Has Found a Path

Humanity is presently stuck in a death trap of Jewish debt, Jewish wars,
Jewish death and destruction. 911 was a Jewish inside job, a false flag to
kick off the Jewish War of Terrorism on the entire world. The terror war is
on America, a financial and informational war, total lockdown of the
American psyche. The 911 attack was not just on America but a Jewish
attack on the entire world. The Jews are attacking America just as they
attack Palestine, we are the target, we are the enemy, because we are not
Jewish. The Jews hate creation, they hate life, they hate god, and what they
really hate most of all is truth about what they really are - killers.

We need and out, a way out, we don't know how to proceed. We are
confused, the Jewish controlled jewtube spews out non stop hate and lies of
the Jewish establishment. Everyday the press proudly proclaims their latest
bombing raid on innocent Muslims even though not a single Muslim was
involved in 911 or the controlled implosion of the World Trade Towers.
Every day we are told how wonderful we are as we kill in the name of self
defense when in fact it is Jewish offense.
Our consciousness is part of ourselves, like all parts it is life affirming and
seeks a way out of this trap. We are seeking an answer, we must find a way
to live, a way to stop the poisoning of our minds, food, air, thoughts,
freedom and way of life. We must overcome the nonstop media propaganda
that camoflages the parasite. We are in desperate need of a new path, we are
desperate for a new leader, on who can articulate the problem and turn our
collective confusion into a spear of destiny that impales the Jewish beast.

Whoever rises to this momentous opportunity and takes on world Jewry will
trump all of the world's greatest leaders, easily surpassing Alexander the
Great, Ramesses II, Julius Caesar, Napoleon or Lincoln because the world
has been suffering the Jews for 5000 years. It is the end of the historical
cycle from 3113 BC to 2012 AD, and now it is the time to end the reign of
Jew treachery. I am here to tell you that Napoleon and Hitler were only the
warmup to what is coming in this century. The only purpose of World War
3 will be the overthrow of the worldwide Jewish owned central banking
The Jews have declared war on the world, they are the problem. Everything
the Jews do is to serve Jewish power and money accumulation no matter
what the consequences to the host nation. The Jews are using America for
profit and war, America is being systematically destroyed, every decade that
passes the nation becomes less recognizable as violence, drugs, wars, and
poverty have become so pervasive that no one can no longer deny that we
have a problem. We are being wiped out right in front of our eyes yet can
not mount a defense because we are blinded by the god spell.

The Jews are relentless in their exploitation, they are not going to stop when
they near total control and are reveling in their absolute power over us.
Things are going to get exponentially worse and we will be forced to wake
up to the Jewish threat within. The Jewish controlled media is not going to
inform us about the Jews, they can be counted on to do just the opposite
which is why you must kill the jewtube. For America to become free
Americans must transcend the non stop onslaught of Jewish media
Peaceful America before the Jew takeover, everyone knows something
happened to America but they have yet to pin it on the Jews.

Eventually as America wakes up the Jews will have a problem. The Jews
running the United States are in the same position as aristocracy of
Revolutionary France, it is time to off their heads for their crimes against
humanity. They have killed millions, they have laid waste to entire nations.
The massive death and destruction of Iraq is Jewish war crime. The real
reign of terror will be a counter revolution to the Neoconservative Jewish
overthrow of the American Republic.

If history is any guide, every Jew and collaborator are going to lose their
heads over their treasonous behavior. First there is a coup by the neoCONS
then there will be a counter coup by the US military. The world revolution
against the Jew is now and coming to America and I imagine that it will be
quite violent for what goes around comes around, the law of energetic
America is ripe for a real national leader. A populist that wrests control
from the Jews and gives it back to the people. Freedom loving Americans
are in love with their social programs but they are disgusted with their
government yet the still love their country. Someone is going to tap this and
come to power, someone is going to deliver the goods of a a real
representative socialist government.
Henry Ford tried to warn the American people about the Jews:

Americans say they are against socialism, they deride Obama as a socialist.
What no one wants to admit is that even the ultra conservatives are for
Social Security and that big defense corporate arms contracts is a form of
socialism for the rich. Social Security is socialism that Americans love. A
populist who puts America first and defends the social programs is, by
definition, a national socialist. We are waking up to this, and I've been
recently reading on blog after blog that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy. The
Jews are in a panic over this, they are also reading the blogs and they see
where this will lead.
As we wake up to the Jews we also realize that Hitler was trying to save his
country from the Jew. As we wake up and see Hitler in this new light
because of our own predicament, the Jews will start to realize their own fate,
another holocaust worse than the German one. They will be put into fear,
one of their own making, the terror they put upon the world will now be put
upon the Jew. For some reason they can not see that they create the
response in the host nation they manipulate.

Lieutenant Bonaparte Napoleon, an unknown born on the island of Corsica

who later became Emperor of Europe
Revolution is in the air, a huge wave of energy is just starting to wash over
America, a revival of real patriotism and return of resolution and will. We
are about to snap out of our death trance. Someone has to be the leader.
Consciousness is seeking this leader. Someone is going to be chosen and
become the one. Often the leader comes from a lower class, gets military
training, an unknown to those of power and politics. Napoleon and Hitler
were both unknowns before their rise to power, they weren't really good at
anything until their time came.

Rabble rouser Hitler wrote his book Mein Kampf while doing time after the
Beer Hall Putsch, then next thing you know his outline was being
implemented verbatim. How did that happen and why? No one knew what
to do, so consciousness finds someone and empowers them. Just like
magic. Hard to believe but we are not just pieces of animated pieces of meat
having an experience, we are vessels of consciousness evolving to a higher

The collective chooses the one amongst itself to lead, the collective chooses
the one amongst itself to say the magic words that whips the group into
action, to be the orator and leader of the group. That person gets divine
protection, that person becomes the focal point on which all organize
around. Regardless of what you think of Hitler, this is exactly what
happened and it is why the Jews fear and hate him so much, for Hitler was a
man they could not persuade or stop. Integrity and passion for truth are the
mortal enemy of the Jew. There is pure magic in the one who drops
everything and takes action, the very act of doing becomes a magnetic force
that causes others to join in for the cause.
Corporal Hitler, an unknown in WW1.

During the putsch, Hitler's ability to lead and use words as if by magic is

Hitler returned to the auditorium to make an extemporaneous speech that

changed the mood of the hall almost within seconds. Dr. Karl Alexander von
Mueller, a professor of modern history and political science at the University
of Munich and a supporter of von Kahr, was an eyewitness. He reported:

"I cannot remember in my entire life such a change in the attitude of a

crowd in a few minutes, almost a few seconds ... Hitler had turned them
inside out, as one turns a glove inside out, with a few sentences. It had
almost something of hocus-pocus, or magic about it."

Virtually no human on this plane understands how this really works, we a

vessels of consciousness having an experience called life. Our lives are not
about our physical forms, it is about our mental form, we are evolving to a
higher consciousness, the stress we are under is self caused. Caused by our
collective consciousness that we have mislabeled god. Our god is what we
have collectively chosen as our highest self that we all voluntarily
surrendered our ego. God is a collective agreement at any point in time, god
changes because we are changing. Our god has failed us, we are dead unless
we take drastic action, this feeling is spreading throughout America, soon it
will become a political wave of energy that historians will write about for
centuries later.

The Jews have not chosen to play along, the Jews do not play well with
others, they choose to live in the deception of their old ways, they have
pitted their tribe against the world. The Jews are waging war on this
collective consciousness, they are trying to destroy the goodness and
generosity of our culture. You should realize that the Jew supremacy cult
isn't just trying to get your money through drugs, war, fiat banking,
pharmacy, and movies - what they are also doing is trying to destroy your
soul, they are trying to subvert your very essence as a human being. They
not only want to subjugate your mind, they want to own your soul, they want
to turn you into something that you are not. They are against life itself.

They are exploiting the host nation for profit and are doing it with contempt
for the host nation. Every good thing is subverted and perverted, it is the
Jewish way, laying waste to everything in their path of total supremacy. The
longer we allow the Jews to rule without challenge, the worse things will
get. They will never give up or surrender, they hold us in contempt for not
even resisting, our lack of resolve just makes them want to kill us more.
This is why 911 was a deception, they use the deception to get Americans to
kill Jewish enemies. The US military is being destroyed along with the
Muslims, this is the deception that you need to see clearly.

Every problem facing America today is nearly identical to Weimer Germany

just as Hitler started his political career. The problem was the same, Jews
had subverted the host nation, when Germany asserted itself and told the
Jewish bankers to screw themselves, the Jews turned on their host. It was
the Jews who declared war on Germany in 1933, the Jews will likewise turn
on America, as soon as America figures out her predicament and the Jews
realize their propaganda campaign to subjugate her fails. The Jews have
always hated America just as they have always hated every nation they have
infested, for they are a tribe of hate. What you really really need to
understand is that everyone wants to emulate American freedom and it is the
Jews who hate American freedom because it is anti Rabbinic theocracy.
Freedom and reason stand together against fear and religion. The Jews want
to subjugate you because they are a supremacy cult, you can't be free if you
are subjugated by power mad theists.
The pogroms against the Jews are never ending, and they are ripe for the
next one. America is suffering from Federal Reserve manipulation, a private
Jewish banking cartel that manipulates America for Jew profits. America,
the once great manufacturing nation, now desolate of jobs and cycling
through a series of artificial bubbles, booms and busts, caused by the
policies of the Jewish owned Federal Reserve. America has been raped by
the Jewish bankers, this everyone is now starting to admit. The Fed is
nothing more than a huge inflation engine, the means to transfer wealth from
the productive to the parasitic Jew financial class. Where did America's
wealth go? To Israel, to Jew manipulators, to the Jewish banksters. It
happened by design, the FED doesn't stop depressions, it causes them.

Hyperinflation precedes the rise of the antichrist. In both cases Napoleon

and Hitler come to power after the devastating effects of hyperinflation.
Hyperinflation creates the extreme poverty and starvation that pushes the
society into such a desperate situation that there needs to be immediate
resolute action. The same situation is repeating today, the ruinous Middle
East wars that America was suckered into by Israel's 911 false flag have
ballooned the national deficit and money supply. America is already
hurting, hyperinflation will cause such extreme inequalities in the market
place that the demand for immediate action will prompt a strong willed
leader rise to power.

America is ripe for a strong willed orator. When someone can speak off the
cuff with authority, someone who can make an impassioned speech without
using a teleprompter, someone who sees and understands the problem with
such clarity that he can will the masses into action with mere words. We are
ready for this and we are done with the imposters, the Jewish whores
masquerading as Presidents. This leader will command the attention of the
masses and direct their intention to a final solution that breaks our
consciousness free from Jew treachery.

Make sure you understand that the Jews anticipate this, that is why their
Evangelical mouthpieces keep hammering home the message that America
will be destroyed by "god" if America abandons Israel. America is going to
be destroyed by Jews, that is well underway, when you figure it out and
decide to fight back that is when they will start using bombs on American
cities. America's fate is sealed because America was the host of the world's
largest Jewish and Christian populations - because of Christian support for
the "god's chosen ones", the Jews managed to take over the American
political structure without resistance from the Christian majority.

For those of you still drunk on the Obama koolaid, Obama is not a great
leader, he can only read the lines of a speech written by a minion. What
does Obama actually do but read his lines and pretend? Obama even got the
internet nickname "teleprompter man" when he used a teleprompter while
speaking to sixth grade students in a small Virgina town. That is pathetic,
he's a real career politician, a faux leader.

Who's going to give their life for Obama? Who is going to follow Obama
into World War 3? No one. Obama is a fraud, his false charisma is not
enchanting anyone anymore, he should resign to save himself any more
embarrasment. The same can be said for the pandering Jew whores like
Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. Jew whores have no chance once the crisis
hits, for the path shall be against the Jews and their minions. Once it is seem
that war criminals like Dick Cheney are going to be prosecuted, the
cowardly idiot posers will head for the exits. Once it is seen that the tide has
turned, once it is seen that justice and truth is returning, real patriot leaders
will emerge.
So who is going to be this great American leader? The type of person I am
speculating about will be smart like Lyndon Larouche:

and anti FED like Ron Paul

and populist like Pat Buchanon

You will easily recognize this man because the Jews will absolutely go ape
shit crazy over this person, they will declare war on this person, they will
scream anti-semitism about this person, because this man will mean their
deaths and they know it. When this leader says the word "Jew" the parasite
will scream in agony. This someone will be like David Duke, someone who
has published his convictions:
Someone who is a Constitutionalist

Someone who wants to reform,

A white nationalist and former Marine like John deNugent who is conscious
that the Jews must be confronted.

These leaders are all potentials, but I do not believe a racist can come to
power in the USA. I believe we are in for a wild ride, in the near future
things will start changing fast. The current American state can not exist in
the face of 911 truth, as more and more leaders admit to the inside job the
entire causal structure of the war of terror will come apart. Once the top
military leadership publicaly admits that 911 was an inside Israeli job, the
civilian criminal leadership will be naked to the truth an unable to rule.

Consciousness has found a path through internet writer John Kaminski, his
clarity on the Jewish threat is remarkable, listen to this:

John Kaminski on the Clarity Quest Podcast:

Once clarity is reached then the next phase is implemented. It's a flow and
love is coming to us all.

16-17 Feb 2011
BTW I am an individualist-woodsman-anarchist-libertarian-shaman who
does not engage in the annual voting fraud. The state is organized violence,
a monopoly on the use of force, and how that can be made just is beyond
me. The most cunning and ruthless will always be attracted to the state,
those that want a free ride will always be attracted to the state, the state will
always be corrupted by those seeking power over others, those that want
favor and privilege, those that want to be enriched at the expense of others. I
respect the power of the state but I do not worship it like most do. There is
no such thing as a good government. National Socialism can evolve into the
worship of state as god, with any form of socialism the individual becomes
the property and expendable pawn of the state.

Understand that I am NOT promoting National Socialism, I am arguing that

it is likely based on how I read the American populace. The point of this
essay is to show that violent America is about to take on the Jews just as the
Germans did in the 1930's, they will do so because this is the only path of
consciousness can take. Americans are going to snap out of their Jewish
obedience Christian death trance or they will cease to exist.

Americans might have the high ideal of individual liberty but the sad
political reality is that long term inflation has sapped savings and created a
permanent welfare state. Social Security is now a permanent reality. In the
upcoming crisis the state will have to extend welfare benefits, food stamps,
and nationalize health care. How they will be able to do this in the midst of
exponential deficit bankruptcy will be a major challenge.

Someday America might be spiritual advanced enough to have a nation that

is actually peaceful, a peaceful government can only be a government
without Jews and until you understand that you will suffer.

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