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VOLUME 22, No. 43

Narberth Splits Pair I At Narberth Presbyterian Church Sunday !Lodge Almost Deserted As Boys Local Man Appointed
to Institute Position
of League Close Ones;
Fare Far Afield For Adventure
-- I C. [vI. Gay Leaves Penn Profes-
Davismen Lose to Coatesville, (Edilor·., .'Volr: Tlli" i," the fOl/rth i 011l~ day for the elements to stop them. sorship to Go With
Win From Berwyn by ill rr .'('rir." of [dINS from Rrrll!JI'/' I The wind blew so hard that they were Franklin
l,oti!11 rrl ("rr81·0. J!rriJ/e.) :forced in at Fl'ye'R Leap and got home
2-1 Scores
Canoe tl'il'~ and the annual ~ojoUl'n i in time for Sunday dinner. Boyd
TOUGH ON HERRMANN 10 Queh,'c WPI'(' till' highlight~ of tlw I lll'odiwad and Bob Roberts wer(' so BOAT MODELS IS HOBBY
I : \\'('c,1-; at Rang'cr Lodge. At Cllll' time I adppt at ~Ieeping in the rain that tlwy
Bv JOHN MULLIGAN ! :t hpl'(' \\'pl'e 0(' f('w people in camp plan to take their siesta at swim Professor Charles Men-ick Gay, I
Nal'h('I:th haseball team Jll'l'sented I ithat Cook .Jim Cail'll:' qu('stioned: period from now on. I IIagysford and Righters Mill roads,
an unu"ual picture' ill tI](' hrace of: whpthl'l' it wa:: wort h whilp to start i S('\'eral Rangel' teamR took a t rip to; Pel~n Va~ley, has heen appointed as-
Main Lin(' Lpa g'lH, gan]('s pla\'ed OVPI' :a nl'p. i Camp IIawthorrw on Monday aJl(1 Jlut i soclate (lIre.ctor in charge of marine
last w('I'k-end. Both cOltlpsis pndpd! I W('dn('Hlay;l party of tW('nly-fi\'(',! up a \'('ry creditahle showing. Thp I transPol'tatll.m of The FI'ankIin Insti-
in a ~_I ::COl'p. hut i\Ianag('1' (;pnp: :dl'i\'en hy pop Fowler alld :'('\'('I'a] of i I'ifl,'nwn wen' nosl'd out hy a dose tute, accol'dlllg to l~enl'Y Butlel' AI-
Davi,,' gallg- \\'as ,Ihl<' to win only one!. 1 : hi,' capahlp a"sif'tant:-, Il'ft fol' till' margin. hut Ed Peterson and Boh' ll'1.l' f'l'crf'tary and director of the in-
On Salurday tl)(> horough cluh in- I i Canadian cit~, to Ill' g'on(' for four Paim' individually matclwd the Iwst I s~ltute., .MI'. Gay has resigned from
\'adc'e! Coat('svillp ane! dl'o]lpc'd a 11('al't-, :da\'". nUl' to inclc'l1ll'nt w('atll('r til('\' that the rivals could olfer. Ed )Jut' hi>: Ilo~ltlon as professOl' of architec-
hrc'al,('r to Perk Richarcls' rpju\'enatpd ~ i l'('IUrlll'e! a dav parlil'r thall l'xpc'cte(i. five shots in onl' target, which all tural construction at the University
ari'a~', which if' right up at tl)(> top of I i hul 1I0t hpforc: tlH'\' !lad had a chancl' landed in the sanw hole. The g'encl'al of Pennsylvania, with which he has
thp ladd('r so fal'. Clashing' with 'to \'i~it thp !,jain~ of Ahraham, Sf. conspnsus was that he put the first h('(,n a~sociated since 1926.
1kl'wyn Oil Sundar. the Da\'isl1H'n AIJI](' de' Bc'auprC', and otJl('r famous f'hol in the hulls-eye and tl1('n shot.: lie i~ a g'raduate of Harvard (]893)
l'k('d out a dpcisioll 0\'('1' till' anci('1I1! Th" Go.,/"I J!t',<"I'iI,"t 1'8 (illilil. I uf II'//( 01,," (·oll"!!I'. Irhrolll)/. lllilloi,'·. point" of intpf(,,'t in that historic ('it~'. til<' rl'st in thp ail'. The junior baRe-: and of Massachusetts Institute of
rival ill 1('11 h('('lic inning':i at Nar-: /l'ho /('ill sill!J rrl tI", XIII'''I'I'lh 1'1" s/'//f''I'illl/ ClufI'l'h SlIlIdo!! "I" "illY "' Paul lIlonahan and Burl Davis hc'adpd hall team, despite brilliant two-hit! Technology (]8!J5). He was a stu-
herth. 7"'.~:). (IJo to l:.) IlI!'r l:usil/f!f r, {l(o";lol/(', [)aHl!o'YI, Ohio: ."(uufe!! Trick, . a ]i~t of souvenir hl1ntt'l'~ \\"ho~(' col· pitching- hy Len JOl1PS, had to he con- d(lnt ill architecture at the If;cole des

Al 1I('l'rnJann, hurly rig'hthall(ic'r,j tir,,1 It'IIO)', CI'rrl' [,rrkr', 10/('0: XO"IIIIOI HO),l'i,"flll . .11'•. IJrr.<.'o. Millll((I]Jolis. h'ction" \\'('J'(' tIl(' objl'ct of much ('n\'~' tent with a ]-] tic in a seven il1llillg' Bpaux Ads, Paris (l896-189!J).
was \'ictim of a Ill'art-hl'eal\l'r at 1 ;l1iull.; Frcdcrick lI'idll/cr, lrulll]" I( I', SYl'rr/'lI'<I. X. L: GordoJ/ Til/lilfli/, ~fl'om Ihcil' cahill mat(·~. .Jacl' Towll- game cut short hl'cau~e of rain. Dicl, Since boyhood, 1\11'. Gay has been
oatesvl'11 e. l! P g-ave up on Iyour f II ,<CCtlllf[ 1"'101' IIlld /Jillllisl, Flinl. J/ich. I' S('IH,1 T) all 1-\-arc 1leI' allo'CI,1ar I('y II c'r· C u~ t t'I', ,1I111ny
J' D y k'es ~IH1 I~I ow,~r, I active
. Iy lIlterested
. in cruising and ma-
safetie~ while his teammate~ collectl'd: ,h('rt rendered the most colorful ac- 1\IcConnC'lI lashed out hIts and DIck rine affairs. He is widely known as
tcn. lIowever, failure to hit with men i Dy-Dee Wash is Not : ~'o~m~~ of thl' joul'l1c'y in their own B.lue furnished some fancy b~~e run- a student of navigation, naval archi-
on base and sonw shahll\' fielding- sellt:
tlw honll'~tpr~ dowll. . 'I
O ,..,.,
ur own Welcome in Bala
I tnllll1tahle way. mng- for the Ran~er aggregatlOn. The tecture and naval and merchant ma-
Later the same rla~' anc.lth('!' group t?nnis n~atch. \\'as also a. stalemate. rine history, He has been active in
TomlllY ByJ'l1(, alld .Joc' Dougherty I I d('parted to conquer thc w1l1dy wat~rs 'led ~olltns rll~posed of hl~ opponent ~he <,:,tahlishmcnt of marine museums
hooked up in a g-rand pitchers' (lupI: \\' C' don't know what thi~ ba~('ball. . :of Long and Sebago Lake~. plannlllg han<hly, but Boh Brendhng-c'l' was I tn New York. Boat models, huilt by
at Narherth anti tl](' former came out i plnying world is coming- tn. Fir~t Union Avenue ReSidents Protest to he away for fi\'e days. But tl](> I forced to how in a hard-fought match. him, ha\'e heen displayed in many
on top with the hell' of enol'S on Ber-: it'f' Zulu~ and no\\' it's donl\l'Y~. Thi:, , Plan to Move Plant From : moisture of old Jupe Pluvius over- The doubles match lost to the weather. marine exhibition:::. i
wyn'f\ part. Dan Redmond's team I 1 I tl I N b tl B II Narberth :tnok them a~ well and a rescue party: The inspection race this wel'k
, . .
grahhed a ftrst-lIllllng Jc'ad of OJ1(' run: ( on ,ev ' ganw. Jat . t 1e j ar el' 1 a i' was (I~pal' tcile
d car I yF ' 1a~' morn-:'
'rJ{ I t 0 Ile one 0 f tllC mos t Ilar( I
on hits by Lynn Tarll'ckie and DOlll Club had ~chedu!l'd for la-t e\'enmg;,' DECISION IS WITHHELD I ing' to Haymond, whel'C they wcre all; fought of the season. When all the
Verna, the former ~coring- on 1\lik(, I pro\'id(,tI plent~· of food for ~pe(,ula·1 huddling' on somebody':, front porch i dust had cleared away, cabins 4, R
Girl Scout News
Davis' flyout. 't
,";011 In f'lCt " our cUl'io~ity ' . \\"\S
' . so' : 1'1le )J 1an 0 f - t ll' j I I[Im J . '~ mIt
\\"11' . I1 , likp (h'ownl'd rat~. .John Spllprs . p II and ]3 wel'l' resting in a tl'iple tic fa]' The Exhibit and Guest Day at Dove
Narherth tied Uj' Ill(' ~core in th," I arou>ed that we immediately :'et out I, ('~t,'ltc' tn le,'l~l' thc' 11I'O]lel't\. IIOW oc- Iprov('d to be largl'st. cater on the t.n ', first pOSItIOn, WIth .five oth.ers
• • •

I I Cltls- Mill Day Camp, on the Longstreth

t I t I I h d D
c . ,~lall]le(l
.'Ixtl\ , .Ioc'] RU]11'II'aI11 . II ,~. tl J(' B I t '0 1'1 lOmas 'all( I was IJaC, I f 0]' IliS ~l'ven 1 1(' PllW:' ere( one no Cl Ie 111.
tl I I
,'1 to lind out mol'l' about the subj('ct IC, "ong'- Fst·\te in Bryn M'l VI' \
s. , .' . CUJlIl'( a a garagp " . I t I
,,'lllg'lp to c('ntPI' \\'hich sli]I]I"(1 throllgh We wel'l' bitterly how-'" J • S"I.'II' , ,I Il],\n .•Jl.,. .<11l( 1 PI II'1'IJI F'00 t p as,hc'forl' .John "1\l;lcheth 1\I<1rt1ll had Ii aker, RustyI' DeBurlo d and Bob . R<,pd until ,., Fri(h\' so. tll'lt ,\ , the vas full
pas pone(e' ht
C'l!hg'lll'r'~ ]p0'~
" . ' e . '
W'lIic' 1 ,., • M"
"'hen 1](>. j'('_ e\'er
not to ha\'e bpc'n abk to inter- •
:.1 p ,In
I' t ~I't (, f 01 . tl 1(' l'.It t ('\ " ~ Il' ~- D ('p' COlllllJ{'ll('pd ' I ' , to CparCl'1 .'J'out tl1l' food.:'All compose ·t' caB1m'I4 un B' erdlCounCilor d ("1 Boh day:, nllg'ht .' be . spent ' at the Main Line Ig
tri(,ved tIll' Inll ,. his tIJl'()\\' to Vel'll'l , view t!ll' donl'l'\'s
' .' themseh'f'~
.,. but It '\\' as 1 (O('~ no nWe WI 1 1(' ap]lI'O\';I,
I I t t 'tl tl I ,ACCOl( CI mg to 1.0unCIOl 1 1 1 Hoh \Vood, : CI pOl, O~(
I F I K 11 loa lea, ,OI( all,
d' Da\' C'\mp
,.. 11IUffe (] <.'ln ( I "Rul,\'" cl'I'cle(\ tll(' ~l'c'm~ tll'lt thc' f-tn1('d (lu'Hlru]led~: 'In f r(l~I«ln:-:: . I t (I f II 1110n . 1 '.JO(' ,ausen anf Bu( . Noh were tIll!'I ausen ant
1).Jaa- re, 0 1 os~. malllll', i r· . ' I . I h
a ~
staunchest paddlers 111 Ill(> crowd, Ihy Crow Ludlow, make up calnn 8;'
\\c.lS . ' . . ( Co ( aYl'IlU(' • .
WP1'(' iu"l not '1\"\ihbIc- We could (' I I . I tl . ',H'n t lOUg 1 t c weather wa::: IDcle-
~·nw\'(. on W llC 1 le I'I'('ml~e~ arc
'lIre'IlI\' ~ee thl' confen'nce in our 1 t 'I t N
I) se... . . , " . . . 1 F lit I I I I' \.
"I' C" 11] ,WhlJc> ChIck Dawson ami Rolly Young;' ant Ira ox rules over Ralp 1 and I mcn , one HID' n'( 1)('0]1 e, mcllH 1I1g
, In . '1' t Ill'I ,tl'llt
. I1' j, Ickc'yI,... ,aVln . ] was" . jlmilld'" ' . C'\'(': . A nicl' CO~\' stable deco-:. , oca p( ala. '" . , ('ontente,1 them~el\'es WIth . pushlllg' . . Ilw Spl'llCl'r Spnnger . and , 1 cd Rosengar-: t I' lIrt~, guc'~ts, a~~emhled 011 the spacl-.
stluc, I;' ,I ])OUg'l(Jt~ PltCI ,Ul(, !.' I . t' Th", wel'!, PhIlIp I'ootl', olle of the:\\..,t(,\· I)'\st tIle call1le tnlll'll cabl'n ]') 'ous \'eranda of the Longstl'etll 110me
' . . II I rate( III t w IJ('W summer ~unse ' . , .J. I •
'l,alln y] popl'l'~I, to th~' lI~fIc' (. i color::, :,e\'('ral neat ~talls with a ~mall! Dy.D('~' \\ a"h propnl'tor", announ~ed, E\'idpntl~' undismayed The softball league is still ill full I which was very ho~pitably offered, 50
I" • • • e
hy this
'1 hell HuhIllc,un hounced to ',hOl tst~IP, '1 ,If f . "I 1 " _ ]... ,that ]11:' (' OI11 IHlJ1 Y would Ilot 1110V{' Pl- ,111lliptlV illterrlJp[('cl trip Bob Smith SWillg-, with Pop Fowler's and Bill I that IlO one would be di~aPJ1ointed on
and .the hall slIPl,pd throug'h . " '1 arleckll'.I" i 'h' l( 1 01 .,eac~ 1 i antb t. evel~ I,,'p a~el, on, II t I' ,I3'lI'' ,\ -C'~Il\\.'\'1( (\Cn ,., I'f t]II,I)(h!I( . '1 (e- I conalled ' a few 1I10re strongarl11::: , awl 1\!lller's . teams leadll1g . the pack. The,I til<' tmaI . day.
,1 (h~hed
' , home WIth the decll!Ing other \\ IC 1 paraphprJ1aliaI{'po. e( a s,all gtidilv
o\es 1110110-'
anc, clll " C'C I 'n I I: 't, f·,1\"01. H C' ~all . ' I I't ~vas sl't out to return the canoes to the two games played this week foun(1 the I' Kathryn Hammel', of the Cynwyd
ta Iy. g-I'amnll'd with Elois~. Philbel:t. Alice.: l~k~'IY th,' ,llldu:,tI'Y would mo\'e mto starting' point. This tinw it only took iformer suhduing' Tom Griffith's aggrc-!I Troop ·1·1, played Assembly 011 the
Pitcher Hits and pl'l'hap:; e\'en O~ear on them. \\' e,I I hI1adelplna. . I
' t'
I ga lOn, \\ 11 e
'1'1 tlIC I,tt· a ella I d t 0 go i bug-Ie " .at •..... ., 'JO
J P ..,., "I f 0 110 \\' ec\ b y
NarhC'l'th's lone tally earned ill eould hc'ar th(' proud caretaker say, I Hes/(Il'nt~. who ap]l('a1'(,d h('.forl' tIll" Building Injunction Denied, :extra innings to conquel' Roh \Vood's: group "ngmg' under the direction of
the opener. Mickey Ga\'111 crashed a as Ill' turned to onc ~tall with a S\\,C('P- Lo\\'er ;\1('\'l(In BOHrd of Acl,lu"t mellt B t PI . t'if W' D I club. Don Rheasa and Ralph ?-Ioss i Bdt~' S('a~holtz, of Narberth Troop
resounding tripll' to right. Afll'l': ing' gesture. "Thi:: i~ Elmentrude. She last week on the Iwaring of an ;Ip- ~ u al~_ _ 111S amages staned for Fowler, while Pitcher Boh: H. "White Coral Bells" was the se-
BaITy Rabton hit out to third. Ruhin- ! i~ a fin(' ba~e-runner-arounder when peal broug'ht by the e~tatl' includl'd I , ., t' It b G D I Brendlinger and Billy Ryan are im-I Jeetion chosen. Xext was a Swiss
1111 ~he" ill tIl(' mood but she i~ Vl'l'V' ,lmes \..
·' , 'J. l' O'B" l"Q U . :"\n InJunc IOn SOUg1 y uy . . '11 . '1' Ik 1 I b I \,' I
cam ]III I,('( 1 a 01]('- ]lag'g-('r to (1'1Vl' I lIen, .,. ilion a\'l'nu('; B'I ' . t II I GI SI pot·tant cogs III 1\11 er's mach1l1l'. • 0 • ,ance pl'l'sente( y tIC OO( sy
Ga\'lll. '1 hus It c: all he. ~l'l'n th:lt I t('mpe\'amentaI; \'arie..; her ~peed ac-,' .~I:'(·PI .,' :~) «'n: nton avenue; a" both ~f Narhrook Park Narberth t~ STEVE SCHOFF. : l IlIt (com.p(:~ed of the very youngest
. , . ,. s , " . ] . I P G II U' D al ev agams e en J en lal'pe I ' .
"Ruhy" playpd an Impl'l'::"l\'e part III cording to till' ~ound of the bat con-, \ Id Cal I, 122 Union awnue. and Roh-, I . I tl ' 't' 'f I r '. , I and the tll1H'~t of the day-campers)
I I1C'('tl'll'" \\'I'tll thc' ball '111(1 slle \1'Oll't' Nt Tag'g'al't. 1·1·1 lJnioll avpnuc'. 1.1 ttl HI' fconsltllJ~ JOn .01 an ac c ltdlOll ; Wynne\\'ood Resl'dents Send

tlH' \\,e('k-pn(1 double hill. I und,'1' the direction of Kay Knox, of

• • I I'-- c: ,I.' I I fl" to lC (e cn( ant:;;; l'eSH encc, \vas (l- I : ..

lI('ITlllann workpd along • ',.. III fllll' I run on , .\ bunt . at all" ,pa(
, er" . tl 0 ' t w·'1pl'ot('Ft lllaintaIll that ' .] I)\'.J u(ge
nll'( 1 H aro II( GJ. K nJ<rl . I ta, tI P os taI D e I'I\,'ery P etlUon" " ayne. 0 1 . .
. and deser\'C',1. to \\'1Il.
,C.tvmg up "Ihvi~
('l'J1(' ,. t('I1~ u~, th'lt , thi's don - nMn~ . I 0..]('1 rC'~H I c'nts,
'1' I now on \'acatlOIl. ".'I,Orrl~town, " IJut t 111' PIamtl ' 'fl": was I I' . ne of t 1(' IlIOst mterestmp; parts
Olll\' tho~e foUl' hlt~, Il(' whlff('d ~('\'('11 I, I'e\, In-ehall i,• M"clling to be cluite til(' \IOU 1'1 d .lOIn I I t lelJ1) t ley ' I wen' Iwnll'.' . 'awal'( Ie( I ~., OocO (amages
I ant I tl JC (C' I f en( I' - TI JC \\-'ynnewoOl I C'" ,I\'IC .."\~~oCJU . t'JOn': of till' pl'ogTam \\'a~ the . • puppet show
H' la ly garlllC'nts aUlldl'y I~ now' an t (tree
• • • '. " ,
allcl wall\l'd foul'. I'pl'k Sl1Ilth, who, tlll'll" It '1" C(11111Ial"ltl'\'"I\' 11e\\' I' t c< I to pav tllC cus t S 0 l' tllC I tl 11S . ,,'ce I~ f Or\VHl'( IC( I t 0 P ostnla~ t cr put Oil by .Jpan Havhck s group com-
gnt thp d('pl",on, falllJ('d two and I~· ,I 'al'OIIII(1 I'hil'I(lelI1h'I'1
o • • 1-" • (. \.. • ,... I . -.,

" . bllt Jl'l- , , 11'1(1

, ]neat(,d
:...: I tl at I ,1!1t ':\lontg ollll'I'Y . aVc'nul". actIOn. • ' Co,,c'nel'a I •J anl(''; AO\'~IUS' I' F al' eyl a" petl- ]1ospd oj :'II'll'\' ' HUff, , I',lIen ' May Rush-
~ul'd tlll',,(, walkf'. . l'II"1l11
,. '1 two \'("11'
_." st'II't
, I'n tlH' ~ollth
. • al' IC'I'
. I, 1 IU It:: POJIuIaJ'lt~·
. ha:, 'I'}1e a, II't'(I Ion a t tiC' I SJ( ' j C' 0 f (e I f ell( \ - t'lon, slgnec . lb v ovel') ' ('DO \v ynnewoo(" . 1 lOll, alld- Barbara . I'loyd (l\Ial·tha
] had . tll'O
I C ~11IJ.d('~
' to
I IIshal'l' 'Iwl ' in -~C'II' York . \Ve mu"t. , .~top IIll'Cl'~sltalp,
sP\'('ral I eXJlanslon~
t' I] alld a ant '~I wnw (Ox t l'nc \ C'C I, B'I aI ey e I' amw(, 1 re~J( .I en~,tn'ques ' t'1I1g' mal'1' (Ie I'Ivery SmIth. 'II I~ol'l1la
I I Lldle Ialld I l\Iary . Ann
1nttmg wnol':' WIt 1 ;a\'ln an, aIT\': now 'md g'o ]IUt our I](>t turtlc' '1\1"\\,' a 'g'('1' P('I'IlJallC'IH P an IS nee( e(. I I tl . f I " t ' tl d . . th t 't . . a:,on H' PC'( to ma ,C' t w Illlppets,
. 1~' (,.al'( 0 • (.IUS 1Il('n \\'1 1 j('.c : or'tlle 11'0 lert\' and then'by dl'cl'eased'
' I' G (' II f \T·j , , '.' TI B I f ;\ l' t t 'tl I II ;p\'on( lC' SIX- oot Iml to 1(' e ge servIce ln a COl1lmUI1l Y. 'I II b f h
l . . a :iton. 'C'Ol'g.(' ,aZl' a. 01'11](,1' 1-: one nC'\'el' l\Ilo\I'" \\'hat they will think' . : IUt ro \\'('I'C' un';,l e to e present or t e
lallova Coll('g'(' mfipldpr, g'ot a doubl,' ~ of next. dl'cl::wn 111 the matter, although It: J ' "I ,] fl'. . . '>. . i fl g-l'al\1). I h(' play was called "In
. t' nul' tJ'lJl~
III ' I I 'I
10 t ll' P atl'.
\1"<I" lIH . iI' ca t (o( I Ily tl J(' b oa]'( l' ~ HI I"t lei 01'. It H \,llue 0. lIS pleI1lISCS. ' . I Conway Paving Started :\ . .J ung I"
C'~(lP:' c· :1m I tl lC gIl''; . I ma(\e
\\' . I,ogan :\ I a(' (' oy. that the SlJ1lth . II A ppl'nllt for thl'B ad(!ItlOnIN" was Re~III'f"\cl'n"
, ~ ( If I~ 'x '\ f
~~sc.·, Vemll', rOIll tIll' pU]1pet~ dUJ'Ing' . the Dav Camp time .
" Th<' grc'at AI1lL'I'il'an ~porl of till' 't. t f l ' I 'II J < . . I ' I gl'antl'd by George . Sup ee, ar- Ha\,el'fol'(1 t(l 1\lollt<T(1111"1'\' a\'''nllC'S] . ' .
"~ ,I e, 0 w 11(' 1 :... c'n .. ,,,nllt 1 I~ tIC' ....' ,.. e. ,e "of Oil \' S('\'C'n dav" WIth the el~hth day
Scollt Executives Enlist ,!WUI' sc'elll~ to I'e bag;,\tl'lk. Thc' I " '. ' I" , . ,h('I'(h hlllldlllg mS]1c,('tOI', February is nearly cOlllpleted accor lin r to' '. " .
'ri\'all'.\' among tIll' d('\'otee~ of till' ]('11. \\<1" \l'lt 1m It, ]l'[~'al l'll!'ht:, III' . , . (g for thl' fInal ~howIllg·.
Less Tllall " FOIII'tll of BO)TS' Ila:illlg ' tl }C' I lUI'II'( IlIg to ':\ 1C'~"I':'.' SkIlI-' , I::, ]!l::r;. " A \\'l'ek latc'r the boroug'h' . C""(ll'g('
'e B . Sllll]('e
, . ....
"" ·11·11el·tll·.." .SII]lel'I'n - A !.:'I'OU\1 ('olllJlospd of Florl'llce
~Jl0l'l at 1l;1\'i~\ run" quitl' high tl)('~·. 1\1<111 allc I I' . ootc'. I" Board ot AdJu~tment . u}lheld the m- ' t"ll(/c'nt e
of I'llbll'c \"01'1'_ " • BuelJal1aall, " Su,'a II 'Ilc(;arvc'v , .Jean
Of till' ,I:l, hoys who h"c"me or say. Among tIll' pa"t llla"tpr~ at til\' ,'I"Ttor ~ actIOn.
winller~ \\'a~'
New p'l\,illg for Con\\,'1\' avenue," ,'" ,,' . .
:,cout ag'p :lIIl1ualh.' Oil till' 1\laill Lin(', art, and priz(' ' Ifrom (. II i'\arberth Bridge Club l'
rom p.' rice t 0 S a b'Inc :I\'('nues, '. wa" :\Ie(,arH'y,
mon:'. :\Iartha \' I 1'g'1I1la Sl1llons, Mary
Stc\\'art, Kathrvn SI-
ollh.' 100 hc'comc' ho~' ~eout:', Hodl"'.\" Ilapk '1 ar(' I~ill . J)ul'bll1,
I I I'E, .;I1fi . all.
1 :'Ilollda.\·, .Jul.\' :.!O. Tall ~C'OI'l'. Palll C • I> • C 00' k Q uestlons . T rut 1I t : s al' t e( I tl· lIS wee I,. II a])1 11]('1', Elizah(,th Cornman (\\'ho .
\\ 1el1 qU(,,,tlolle, :I lOU,t ll~ pal'tl('u :II'
K. \V('lIrick, ,!'si"tant fic'ld "x,'cuti\'" tl'chni(llIl'. Bill rC'pliecl IIHH!c'stly that :,,'idlc'r and \\'alt('r Hani~; second 0
f L cgcn d ary T ory H angulg . , to"k th(' pIal'(' of Alina ,Jameison),
'II',IJ',\'II-' 1](' had 110 particular sy~tc'm. (Tho~l' plal·I·. .J. lI. Bak('1' alld Roy Grc'ell- - ar~'
of till' Valley Forg'p CoulIl'il, Boy I "Landon Square" Perhaps 'II I) I I 1\1' ( I"
un ap ant IS:i I ay ...nox
S!H'akin," of "SlIall~hots of Local' All unoflicial mo\'ement i~ afoot to ( I t I tl
'll'I'," : of u,.. who ha\'(' ~tl'ugg'1l'd along with \\'O(J(.'~ \\' 10 00, le p acc' 0 1 orma ~1( e
Scouts of AIIll'rica, told the B, " I I l' N I'll )
wyd-Narhel'th Rotarialls at t ._ elahoratl' ~y~tellls with 110 ~uccC'ss 'I' u(,,( 1a~' a f tC'l'nooll .•July:.!1. Top'" II I',,·t(ll·~·" ]l(.'f(ll·"e till'" .'I·(!ll1(II·C'. Rot"\I'~' 1·"II,·\II1C'. e
St',ltl'(lll CI·I···ll' ~.... I'll ".'",ll·bel·tll ( Iall('C" I tl lree f' 0" II Iances: "c res t e d
,(~IIII)1·, Th"rsda\', C. P. Cook, 1\1,,1'- "Landon SCjuare."
w\)at"oc'\'er, al'l' inclilll'd to ag'l'l'C' with ~corl', .,11'''. .1. H. Bakel' and Mis:' ~ a alll~ I •() , (ance;
wpek's mec'ting. Thc' rc'a:ion for II .. II 'I F II I "\'" .
('!l. Irglllta
WPllriek g'a\,(' foul' \\·a\.·s ill whi"h
him that ~ystpm~ an' ratIl\'1' futile.) ,"lIna . ' 0 ('Y: "e('onl paee, " 1'". C.
' \' F I ] I ~I 1'(111 1'(w.I·(I('llt ',111(1' Kal·hpl·th hIIS,'il\('ss' the ]lI'o)lOsed chang'l' i~ tll,'lt tile I' 'c'I" '1111 "<'1'''1'11''111 C'\'cl ," '111 (1'
~ - d • ( •.., e , Ie, )
cluh I\1pl\1hpl's llIig-ht 1]('1)1 ill :,cout lie sa~'" that he can work for days at 'J . "OO( ,"' I~'eal' an, I "'I r~. ,"'II an S Iluuert. 1. 111'1'1
' I • IIU(·'lll(,,1
" •
t]l(' tl'lltll (If th(, Kansas go\'ernol"~ c',lIl1jJ<lign blos,·~.·olll, \\. 111'cll are '1 I 1CllIl Ie'(I'111 tIl e req 11'1 reme 11t s
work: (1) Org-allizing ho~' SCOllt thc' thing' and filially ~et a pretty' Wedlll'~day e\'l'ning', ,July:.!:!. Top IPgPllll that a l~liller 011 Old Gulph, t~JC sunflower, i~ blooming ill the ~ta- for till' folk dancing badg'e.
troo],,,', (2) active ]larticilJation .. in good ~core and then sOllwolle will S('OI'(' . ."'1 . r~. II . I .;, 'I cConnl'l1 and 2\lr~. i l'c)'I(1 ', LO\"eI'1\'lel'loll
' , Ilut gToun(1 ,.. "'I'lss
, '. : !lon garden. 'I'} 1C' ~ t a t'lonary pX I11'll't I S, W 11'Ie II were
scout work; (::) fillanclal alll; (,I) I' . ]. I'ttl " II t t Ward Pier~on. ;ill flour ~old to Washington's army: tastefull.y al'1'ang-c'd b~' Miss Emma
Top and was s~bsequentIy h~ng-ed for:
...' lrmg up liS I e 11ve-yeat··() (, s ar
actlnty In thp mel'lt hadge )I]'og'ralu.: the thing' for him and the kid will Saturday e\'ening', .July :.!r;. Milk-Cn'am Shortage Relieved Croasdah', captain of Cynwyd Troop
Rotarians no\\' acti\'(' in ~cout \\'ork' I' I'" SCOI'C', Dr. ',111(1 1\11'~, ..... Ial'k 1\101...,,'111', ,tn'ason dUrIng' tlw Amencan Re\'o-, The threatenO(1 mill' a,n(1 CI'e,'lnI ·1·1. with t!/(' as~istance of Miss Helen
. .. ilia ,(' an unpl'ecpdentc'( ~core. \' (. re -',.. ~ •
JJ1clu(~p W. ~. Drennen, VICe-]II:l'SHhont, , ,..Ul'l'. howp\'"r. that hard work and a :,ecolld place, Arthur Cooney and C.: Iulion. . ; ~hortage has been relieved by addi- \\·c'Il,('r. of Oakmont Troop :l:l, in-
\\'h,~ I~. ChaJl'IlJaI.l of the 1\1.alll LIlH', ca1'l'ful ~tud~' of the idiosyncrasies of A. Hammer. : "I haH' Ill'\'c'r heen ahle to fllld any tional supply sources, according' to Dr. l'1u(hod handicraft madp during- Day
A:tJ\'ltle~ Conmllttee, ,~nd LI(,u~plJant : the machine account for Bill's success.' Mon(Ia~' l'\'ening, ,July 27. Top ;authority on tlw printed page for th": Gpol'ge \V. Grim, milk control oflicer ('amp under the direction of Mrs.
\\ alter Brown. ml'ptlllg' chairman" * * * :::con', William Boyle and C. A. Ham- ,story." Cook dl'clared. i for District No. 1 including Lower lIonlL'1' Eachu~, captain of Merion
who i~ a memher of :\11'. DrPIlIH'n's i All intpresting g'ame that can be mer; ~('cond plnce, Hoy Gn'c'nwood I The old mill stands beside l\IiIl Merion and Narberth. Troop~ ]H and :!:lO; sl,etches made un-
commlttec'. 'play<,d ill Da\'is's or Shea'~ Drug and Clifford D. Goodwin. i Creek on Old GUlph road north of! dc'l' till' dil'l,ction of Mrs. S. Gordon
:stO!'l' i~ "What will he ask for?" This J\1c>mbers of the Bridge Club g'aveIArdmore. . I Six-Foot Screell Among 'Sm~·th, or l\lel'\vood Park; Nature in
Wheaton College Quintet 'i> Il l m.'ed b'.' ., sitting' at the counter a hou~ewarming' . , partv• Thursdav . '. to iI Donald 1\1. Rubel', recc'ntlv . . . apPOlnt-
.,. j L as t &' F 01111 d at P • 0 • chal'g'p of l\Ii~s Caroline .Justice,
at Nal' Presbyterian and whc'n a child comes in, you Dr. and lIIr~. Mark Morgan. who are, cd manager of the J\1aIll L1I1e divIsion: t('a('her at ?-li~~ Irwin's School; the
\\'hisllel' to v.our COll1]lallion, "Tlll'S one oCCull.ving' their new hom(' at Mont- 01' the Bel1 Telephone Company, was!1 ,1 S omeone I11IS Ie f t h'IS sun gasses I f'uit('a~c' library (which :.!O volumes
Fi\'e students c()mpo~ing the Gospelilook~ " like the glass-of-water-type." gomery and Llanfair roadE, Ardmore. , made a member of the club. \ in the Narberth Post Ollice, ac- \\'('re kindly loaned by the Narberth
Messpngcrs' quintc't of \Vheaton Col-: If the child asks for a glass of water, I cording to Postmaster Joseph L. Community Library) in the care of
lege, Wheaton, III., will conduct a sC'r- I you get one point. If he or she Evans Gets County Post ! Narberth's Business Guide I Kelley, who is trying to clear out 'Ingeborg' Thaysen, of Narberth Troop
vice at the Narherth Presbyh'rian drinks more than one sip, you get W D, R. Evan~, Narberth third I Distributed in the Borough I hi~ Lost and Found department. l~fj, and the Log' aIHI Publicity in
Church at 7.45 P. M. Sunday. Quar-' two points. Ii he or ~he drinl,s the district Republican committeeman and And there's an expensive pair of ,l'lmrge of .Jean Havlick.
tet numbers, instrumental and vocal Iwhole thing your score is five. If, chairman of the Narberth Board of "Narberth's Business Guide-Hl3G." I g'lasses _ Oxfords - in a neat Punch and wafers were served by
solos will feature the presentation of I however, the unpredictable infant Adjustment, has been appointed com- an al1-Narberth directory, waf< dis- brown case. Some woman left Mary McDonnel1 and Kathryn Ham-
the Gosppl in mu~ic and testimony. I
a~ks for a handful of straws, or a pare clerk in the county commi~- tributed to homes and husiness places her blue and white belt. And an- Contlnue<1 on Page Two
; paper cup, you have to subtract a sinners' office at Norristown. ill the horoug'h this \Veek by the Nar· other customer, perhap~ absent·
Namcd Aviation Cadet
Superintendent Smith Honored : point. Try it sometime. I
herth Business Council, its sponsor. minded, left the prize of the col-
Paul Valentine Burns, of Bala-
Charles P. Smith, superintendent of: A. S. J. Plan Fishing Trip Attractively printed by the Nar· lection. It is a leather screen,
Cynwyd, graduate of the aviation base
Lower Merion's police foree, last week I Me~lbers of the salt water fishing ~erth Printillg Company. t~e gu.ide with a birch frame, mahogany
in Philadelphia was elected a member
of the Executive Committee of the
I 74 Families on Relief comnllttee of the Lower Merion Rod lIsts emergency calls, public buJld·
There arc seventy Lower Merion and Gun Club drew up plans for a Iings and offices, borough officials and
ftnished; it's in three folds and
stands nearly six feet high. Mr.
,at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, has
,been appointed an aviation cadet for
:flight training at Pensacola, Fla.
Police Chiefs' Association of Pennsyl- and four Narberth families now on deep sea outing this week, meeting at virtually every professional man, Kelley wishes the owner would
: The announcement came from the
vania for three years; also was made the direct relief rolls in Montgomery the home of A. S. Clift, of Woodside business firm and artisan in Nar·
a life member of the association, County. avenue, Narberth. berth.
claim it, because it's somewhat
in the way.
I Navy Department at Washington.
tlage OUR TOWN July 31, 1936
=~=:::~=:::=======:::==:::============~========;== ::::==:::=~======~=::=====::::===~======
Animal Owners Plan I Cynwyd Man Granted
A CO-o/wl'ntille COII',lnllnit/!.VCIf}SI)(/I)CI'
Main Line Campaign Eoen I ,-'7J1oVtes ~rappcd Package Patent
Gerald K. Greerlings, of Cynwyd,
!ollnd"din 1914 lJy f h.. Nu 1·1!,>I·th -- "'One Rainy Afternoon" is among inventors who received pat- No machine-No electricity
Civil' /1.~I;ociu lion, (Illd Ill/MIS/led Peter C. BatT Heads Committec
evcl'/! P'ritlu1/ at 1\'urllcI'th, Pu.
is at Narberth Theatre ellts during the last week, according -Ideal for the summer
to Wagc Membet'ship to the weekly report of the United I • • •
Philip Allee L1\'inl-:~lon. Puhlisher Drive I
Narberth's show this Friday and States Patent Office.
Edwin I~. l'axson. j';,Iitnr We also feature
Anne l\Iorl-::ln l~ohel'ts. ~,,,,i:ll 1;;<liIM I Saturday, "One Rainy Afternoon," Patent examiners approved three; FREDERIC and FRENCH oil
HEADQUARTERS OPENED brings Francis Lederer, Ida Lupino, separate claims for new ideas in con-I -CROQLJIGNOLE and SPIRAL
Office - 209 Haverford A.-e" !S'arben I1
Telephones-Narberth 4100. Cynwyd 811 A campaign for new members was
Hugh Herbert and Roland Young in
a delicious comed" done in the Con-
nection with the invention of a
wrapped package and the means for •
Monday, Tuesday, JVednesday
• •
Subscription rate, $2 per year In advance outlined Tuesday evening at a meet- ~ its formation, invented by Geerling~. i
ing of directors of the Animal Owners' 1inental manner. -2 specials for 85c
Entered as s('('ond-l'l;ls~ !lwtter o,:to-
A pplication for the patent was dated
her 13. l!llJ, at tlh~ }ldst ()Ili~'t' at :":1I:- Protective Assueiation of Pcnnsj'l- Rosalind RusseIl takes Robert Mont- Mal'ch 11, 1933. Geerlings has not as- Thursday, Friday, Saturday
berth, Pa.• under tilt> .\t~t uf ~Iarl'h .1.
1879. vania at its newly-opened head- g'omery on a romantic adventure fmed sig-ned his patent rights for manufac- -3 specials for $1.25
quurters at 51 Rittenhouse Place, with fun, in "Trouble for Two," com- ture or sale.
Friday, July 31. 1936
In addition to appointing a mem-
;Ilg Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday, Narberth's cash award
bership committce, !\Iagistrate Frank- night, Margaret Lindsay and Glenda
lin P. Kromer, Bala-Cynwyd, also Fa1'l'eIl wiII star in "The Law in Her
G ;r[ Scouts Notes named a group to draw up bY~laws. 43 North Narberth Avenue-Narberth 4077
" Peter C Bal'!' C\'n\\'vd Will head'
300 Lcvering Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927
the Ill('lllb~rship' gr;)up • \\:hose other t • Thursday, Louise Rain~; and \Vil-
Continued from PaUl' I )1:,' members are 1\11'';. Elizabeth Christian, i ham PoweIl, co-stars of The Great NOW-
mer (Marie Cucurullo and Anna Xarberth' Mrs. Yan Court Cal'withen i Ziegfelrl," wiIl make a return engage-
:llel'ion', ~ll's. Clifford J ones, W"nne~ ment in "Escapade," a delightful

Jameisun had been working on the ~ I Carole Lombard

wood; 1\1rs. H. L. Woehling, Norl"is_'comery.
hostess badge with the making of in- to\\'n;Mrs.HomerMcIlwain,St.Da- I F ' I d S aunay,
'I'j(ayan t I th e f cure
at Fred MacMurray The
vitations) under the direction of Miss vid,;, and Louis H. Parsons, Villanova. i will be "The Princess Comes Across." Alison Skipworth
Natalie Beyer, captain of Merion The b~'-Iaws committee consists of:
Troop 207, and Katie FoIlin, of John r. Bright, Ardmore, chairman;: "Princess Comes Across" National Bank of Narberth
Wayne, who was Unit Leader for C. C. Meigs, Bala-Cynwyd; William'
E. Kamerdze, Ardmore, and \Valter
at Egyptian: "Fury" Next ~~THEPRINCESS • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
"Waterside" (the ll-year-old group).
The First Aid demunstration un the R. Faries, Bala-C.vnwyd. ' C aro Ie Lom b ar d an d F I'cd !Hac H- COMES ACROSS" I: • Member of Federal Reserve System •
lawn took the form of artificial respi- 'l\lurray are pleasingly amusing and
Medford ~el1nil1gs BI'OIl'I1

~1~~_~~~·~_~o~p~_e~:~._a~t~8~A~-=-~.=_~M=~.=~d~.a~_il~y~fi i!0~r_.~y~o~:t~ co~:~v~_e~n-=-~ie ~n~ce~~~·~~~1

ration as performed by Agnes Mary : romantic in "The Princess Comes
GaNun (who also passed her First M(,df(~rd Jennll~gs Browl.), 52, r~ied: ~cros~," now playing at the Egyp-
Class Swimmer rating at Martin's'llast Fnday at hiS hon~e In Merion.: tlUn IJ1 C~:nw~·d. Alison ~kip.wor~h ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 __ __
Dam as part of the Day Camp pro-, Mr. Brown was preSIdent of the, ad.ds a wllllllslCal charac~el'lzatlOn 111
gram) and Margaret McPhail as the! MarYl.and Coal ,~nd Co~e COlllpany,' thiS sto.IT of a. phoney prll1cess and a
"victim" under the direction of Miss! orgalllzc'r and \"Ice-president of the, ('oncertll1a artist.
Elizabe~h Burt of Narberth, who: Maryland Xew River Coal COlllllany,: Monday and Tuesday, Syl\"ia Sid-
acted as the Fi;'st Aid expert on the Imember of. the l\Ierion Cl'jcket Cluh' nl'~' and Spencer Tracy wiII give a
Day Camp staIr. Horsemanship was and the !\lld-Day Club. He was an, nwmorable performance in "Fury,"
Can Have
New Clothes
If You St~~~At Th~Top-1
Well-you may have an unfinished Attic. Turn I
also demonstrated by Agnes Mary acllve n1l'llIber of St. John's P. Eo, story of mob violence,
GaNun under the direction of Miss Chu~·ch,. Bala-Cynwyd. Rochelle Hudson and Paul KeIly
All the Time this into a Stu- j I

Burt. Archery was under the <)irec- HIS Wife, Mrs. Mary Endyn Bl'O\\'Il, star in "The Country Beyond," com- dio, Study o r . }

Boy's Roo III r··'···~::-::-'"l

tion of Joan Helm", of Wayne, and t,\\'o sons, :\ledford .J., .Jr.. and C. ing' Wednesday and (Bank Night) " ffjiF" ~ ~-:,-,;,~~,; ~ .,: I
the pupil chosen was Helen wour, of ~tuart, and ~ dau~'htcr, Hellen :lltlh'l' Thursda~·. Buck, the S1. Bernard, with built-in 'I~l!f!:~] . !',~:,;':;"z~.:~ II
Merion, and thc signaling demonstra- BJ'lI\\'n, sunl\'(' hlln. who appeared in "CaIl of the Wild," ;! I B 00 k s h e Iv c s , t ; ~ .'~{ I ·
,appcar~ in thi~ thriIling story by ,I
I .i")!~: <:; '.~ I
tion wa:; put on by Elizabeth Corn- .•. Bun k s a n d I,' , .~ ~__ fl .. 1. , .
man, who passed many girls in her Flremcn ~ Outing 8th '.James Olin'r Curwood. I T he i· '.'.... I tF:r.:j11111 (-' ~.- ' .•
Unit "Twin Beeches" during Day Ali local companies will be r('prc- Ending the week, Robert TaYlor.,
res u I twill
' ';"':.' J .
i S~.'_.!i..!..!!J!
-m::~t,;,.,.",.... .. '1!~1'
Camp, with the assi~tance of Dorothy ;;ented at the annual outing of the I Loretta Young and Basil Rathbone I .:-:.:.:< '. i f";:::;~ .. ...:---:.>~.....;:..o:. . '" . • .• -
Bakel', of Cynwyd Troop 4·1. "Libits" 7Ilontgolllcry County Firemen'~ Asso- I are coming in "Private Number." Clolhes cleaned by Adelizzi pIe a s c the IiC">'!l'::c: ! , ! . . ./ ·-1 (" .~.j';: :
Cornman made the signaling Hags dation, to he held in \\'iIlow Grove, retain the quality of new
~""v '.... . .':".'_""';_~ ~4'~
"'0rberlh clothes. for the improved most imagina-
which were used during' Day Camp. Park, Saturday, Aug'u~t 1). . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~
melhods cannot injure even tive.
The Pioneer Unit set up an elabo- the most deli calC fabrics.
ratc unit in the wood~ under poor Police Pistol Team Champs J \Y'~I.l:toi 'I"!I3'.'iI"'_:t\I:I!I:!W There's real economy in dress-
ing well whcn quality clean-
Decide you want an attractive r00111, thcn s~e us
weather conditions the latter part of In three out of four Interstate Pis-
the session with Mrs. Charle:; Strick- tol LeagUl' matches, Lower Merion's
IeI' (nee "Bunny" Cornmall), of Ard- police tpam has cOllle in first. The
ing can be had so reasonably
at Adclizzi Bros. Shull Lumber Company
more Troop 9a, in charge during the, to\\'nship sharpshooters are: X o. 1
NOTICE!- CLOSED The Li"k Bet»'ee" Forest a"d HOllie

first week, with "Libits" Cornman,! team Hathawav Utz Comiskc\' Dpn- This Friday and Saturday: SATURDAYS 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
Emma Croasdale and Flol'ence Waltz' son ,~nd Collin:' l\:o.' 2, Spark:,,: \\'il- at I P. M.
Frallcis Lederer in during July and August CLOSED SATURDAYS AT 12 O'CLOCK
(the latter director of all the Phila- son, :\IcLoughlin, Plumridge, Flynn.
delphia Day Camp~), taking charge ~~ONERAINY
the second week. Miss \Valtz put in
two concentrated days' work with the I for
A year's news of your community
Pioneer Unit the second week, includ- ~ ----------_._---- Brothers
ing the construction of hund-made F-======-=-::::-._=--:::-==--======~ r-,;-ext Monday and Tuesday: II 228 Billa Avc. Cynwyd 928 :

equipment and thl' couking' of a ml'al 102 Foresl Aw. Narb. 2602
in the stone oven which they made
during Day Camp. ARDMORE THEATRE
Robert "'fontgomer)"
and Ro'a!i"d Rll.<sdl in
An amusing ~ong with gestures: Matinee Dally at 2.30 P. M. "TROUBLE
"Shusti-I";dli" was then ~ung by the I Evening Continuous. 7 to 11 P. M. FOR TWO"
entire Day Camp under thl' direction,
of Betty Sca:;hultz; followed by thl'
Friday July 31
- Wed. (Award at 9)
formal cl\)sil1.!~ which included till" "FURY"
color guard (three girls in perfect Sylvia Sidney Spencer Tracy "THE LAW IN
Scout uniform; Agnes Mary (iaN un Saturday August 1 HER HANDS"
carrying the Ilag and Kathryn IlalJl-
mer and Eugenia Thaysen as guards);:
I James Stewart
Wendy Barrie
---.!!all'l'._~or:gan Thursday - Again!
the Girl Scout salute, prom:,,(' and! I Monday &. Tuesday August 3 &. 4 tlli,e Rainer and William POJl'd!
I Marion Davies

laws hy the entire group and onl': "HEARTS DIVIDED" co-stilrs of "Great Ziegfeld" 111
, Dick Powell
stanza of "Star Spangled Bunner." : - - - -.....- - - - - - - - - -
Wed. and Thurs. Aug. 5 and 6 "ESCAPADE"
The goodni!~ht circle W:IS 1ll'ld (In: 11"1'·; T""hlli"o!ol' l>alll'ill;< ~llI~i"a!
I I I I ·
t lC lawn, wit I tIe g"uesls la illl~' part,. "DANCING
Steffif Duna PIRATES"
Frank Mor'Jan
f 011 ow ,,<I ,,~, '1': IpS PI a y s () nth I' b II g·1e i:;;=:::;_~--=-=_=:'.==-:="=-=-=-======~~::§i:§~:::::i
-- ..._--- .- ---- -------_.
by Kathryn lIalllmpr which brought a !• • • • • • •-ltIis-iii• •fiiI• • • • • • •~
lump in the throat of many pres!'nt.
because they were conscious of the, Cold Alone
at a
fact that Day Camp was closing- for!
the season on the Main Line.
* * * i
is not enough. The
The latest bulletin relative to the: Top leer Big \'ariety of interesting
The rivers and streams of this locality abound in In-
condition of Miss Christine Mahl, who keeps foods lIatllYal/y fresh dian tradition. Teeming with fish, thellc water courseI'!
is captain of Narberth Troop R anti and pleasing items. being furnishcd the Red !\Ian with a staple SUltply of food.
for Reliable ICE service and
president of the Main Line Leaders' c!')scd out to make 1'00111
information aboul the Top The Indians of this region callcd t1){~msch'es the
Association, was very encouraging. Icer, call for newer stock. Buy now, Lenni Lenape, or "original people". Aceordin~ to
Miss Mahl was talicn to the Amster-

while the}' last! tradition they had come from the wcst be)'ond
dam Hospital for an appendectomy, Chester G. Jones the l\Iississi\)pi. Luter thcy assumed the namc of
while actin;r as co-director with Miss
Dorothpa Bah's at the Girl Scout
200 Woodbine Ave.
Narb. 4058
• "Delawares' in complimcnt to Lord de Ie \Varr,
who was to them a great chief.
Camp sponsored by the Amsterdam
Council "Camp Ramble Ridge." : DA VIS' Indian relics. such as arrow-heads, axes, tomahawks,
i and crude domestic implementl'!, have l)(~eu found
Jascha Hcifctz to Play
at Dell Next Thursday
i I.. 224
Haverford Ave.
hcre in greaL numbcrs. Even arrow.heads of obsid-
ian, a hard, glass-Iikc stonc that is found onl)' west
oCthe Hocky Mountains, have bt~en di!'\eovcred. The
presence of such arrow·hcads in this locality indio
Ja~('ha JT"if"tz. violinist, COllles to I
catcs that the Indians traded with remote tribes, or
Robill Hond ]),,11 in Fairmount Park else brought these stones wilh them at the time of
next Thur;;tlay night. their original migration.
ApJ1earin~ with the Mcn of the

Philadelphia Orchestra, Mr. Heifetz Dnring the construction of Springton Heservoir the
is expected to attract one of the 50 remains of two very intercsting Indian camps were
largest gatherings of the ~ea~on. Jose! UP found. Around one, crude arrow-heads and roughly
Iturbi will conduct. I wrou axes and tomahawks pointed to an early
seltle~ent. Improved implements together with
Next week will see another per- i
formance by Catherine Littlefield and
"Ready to go away PER DAY
WEEKLY RATES some English pennies in tlle second camp showed
a more recent habitation. Some say these later
her Philadelphia Ballet. Miss Little- -and I'm so happy I have a JIo
good hand laundry. It washes JIo Indians intermarried with the English settlers.
field will present her program on
clothes so they really are
Monday and Tuesday nights, with
Saul Caston conducting.
clean, and it irons by hand.
and takes care of the mend·
Next Saturday night wiII see an-
other soloist at the Dell, this time
Prices are reasonable,
Martha Halbwachs Massena, the pi-
anist and one of the youngest mem-I Narberth NEW HOTEL
bel'S of the faculty of the Curtis
Institute of Music.
The ballet performances will begin
Hand Laundry
107 Narberth Avenue
NARBERTH 2266 17 WEST 32nd ST. bet. BW A Y & 5th AYE. NEW YORK·

at 8.45 P. M., while the orchestral
programs will begin at 8.30. ONE BLOCt< FROM PENNSYLVANIA STATION

Page Three
Iul)' 31, 1936
---- ----------------------- of Mr. and Mrs. William Franken-
Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Williams and
son, Karl M., Jr., will leave Saturday
• Miss Ida Buckman, of Shirley road,
for Hollidaysburg, to remain for two
is spending the summer at Spring
weeks. They wiII attend the 100th I
Mrs. Norman Jefferies, of N. Nar-
berth avenue, who is visiting relatives
in England this summer, will return
anniversary of the founding of Hol-
Iida~'sburg, which will be held from
August 9 to 13, inclusive.
Mr. David J. Speck, of Washington,
ahout the middle of October.
Mi,;,; Jane Weihman, daughter of
Mrs. Carl Weihman, who is at the
D. C., will spend the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.•J. H. Spec1"
of Woodbine avenue.
"2.1-2,4 CHESTNUT n
Army camp at Jefferson Barracks,
St. Louis, wiJI return about the middle
Mrs. M. M. Livingston, of Essex I
of August to her home on N. Nar-
avenue, has returned from two weeks 'HILAD.LPNIA I'

in Maplewood, N. J., where she visited

berth avenue. her sister, Mrs. W. K. Vanderveer.
1\11'';. Lillian W. Redifer, of Kenil- Her daughter, Miss Margaret Liv-
worth road, Merion, j,; on a six weeks' inp:ston, has returned from a two
trip to Alaska. weeks' visit at the Great Lakes Naval
FINE FURNITURE Miss Alberta Hendrickson, of Iona Tl'aining Station, where she was the
I avenue, is on a two months' motor .!~uest of Commander and 1\In;. Ray-

of trip through the United States and

Mexico. Miss Hendrickson is the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
mond D. Reid. She also visited old
Narberth friends in Evanston, Ill.
Mrs. J. S. Harris, of Merion avenue,
Doll, of Narberth. is visiting her sister, 1\Irs. L. H. Hat-
field, in Maplewood, N. J.
. . . is an event of importance to every- Mrs. Martha W. Bloom, of Shirley
Betty Grace, daughter of Mrs. Ruth
I'oad, is leaving this Saturday for
three weeks in Ocean City, N. J. \Y. Grace, assistant borough secre-
one who is interested in home-making. tary, is convalescing from a tonsil
Her son-in-law and daughter, MI'.
operation at her home on South Nar-
It is an opportunity to secure Furniture of and Mrs. Frank DeL. Cannon, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Park,
berth avenue.
.J. 'Vallace Goodwin, of Ardmore,
of Chestnut HiJI, will leave next Fri-
excellent design, expert cabinet-work, day by automobile for two weeks at
assistant postmaster in Narberth, has
rpcovered sufficiently from a recent
Belgrade Lakes, Me.
beautiful woods and of durable con- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johnson and
illness to resumc part time duties.
their family are returning this Fri-l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
struction at prices substantially less than day from three weeks in Ocean City,
N. J. Classified
regular. You will find an excellent rep- Their daughter, Miss Patty John-
resentation of Furniture in the Sale in
son, Miss Betty Simpson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Simpson, of
Avon road, and Miss Anne Mallory,
-will be C'harg'ptl only to re:iidl~llts
whOHe J1ame~ appear ill the tl'le-
the Main Line Store - single pieces and of Baltimore, Md., will leave on Sat- I phollfl' directory or to ~llh:·HTillt~rs
t" Ol:({ TOW:\, 0" the :\,I-;\\"S OF
urday for Camp Eagle at Eagles I
HA I~A-CY='i\\"YD.
carefully selected suites, everyone the kind Mere, for two or three weeks.
15c a line
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Armstrong
for Both Newspapers
and daughter, Flora Jean, of Wynne-
that you will like to live with dale road, left by automobile Tuesday
Count fivC" words to lillt'

for a three weeks' trip to Montreal -will he :H'('(>pte(] up til \Vt-'dn*_'s-

whether you prefer Furniture at and Quebec, via the Green Monn-
day, !) o'clocli, fur F'riday':; i:4sUt':i.

tains. On their return they will

modest cost or of luxurious type. come through the White Mountains Phone: NARBERTH 4100
and visit places of interest in New I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J
England. ••
MI'. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Wilson, Wanted I •
of Dudley avenue, their daughter, 1:00:\1. w,th 01' \\ Ithout Il:.·.,b. f",· ~"ll- i .&1::, • i
Sue and son Kenneth E. .Jr. are .lklll:lll .1Ilt! c10~. Wrile .. !.... I:o~ 117. it' 1lJYi»
leaVing . ' Saturday for
thIS " "Taney
Place, Prince Frederick, Md., to spend
,,,,;NTI,I-;;\\.\N d.·,,,.·, ,o,"n '" hoa(1::)
.\dll!t "n\-.,te f,lInily. Wllte "':," Il"X:~" "f
I cI ' • i ..
I ttl'
three weeks. 147, N,lI·henh. _ _ ( I:P I \ "
MI'. and Mrs. V. O. Krauskop and f11.;NTL]:;:lI.\:\, d." .... '.)l1I .lIlIl h',.ll o! I'll.' '"
, . II fam. \ IC. ,tat lUll \\ I'll.' .. 1-:." B"x 117. " ...
theIr family, of Wynnedale road, :\'a ..h",·th (I:;) ,It. 4if ,

spent the week-end at their cottage at I

Situations Wanted : <! ~ ill'
Charlestown on the Chesapeake Bay. STI';:-;0f1RAI'1f8/t. exp.. ,les. fins.
I\1rs. Verna R. 'Voodcock, of Mont- part tim... T'h, 1\"arh. ~;-:'j7-1:.
I!:omery avenue, returned Tuesday af- At YOllr Service
tel' several days in Altoona, where EXI'.-I{e! \\h. '" "01. mai'ls with .. xc.·1.
she visited her parents. r..c. "'.'" he sUP~II ...1 ill1lll"'l. t ',Ii' .\,J,<ln I ....
' B tt T'lb d ht (. lloll1,'slIc ,\gl·Y.. "Hh st. 1'" SlI· IH'1 ,'ilV .-
1\'[ ISS e y I ury, aug er 0 I I', , . 1',.', . ,
- . - . . (t'l'.)I
Mr. and Mr~ .•Jame~ Tilbury, of the I I1ELfA-BLE CAm'E:\'TEH. alteratiOIl".1 August Price
Barrie Housp is returning- this Fri-I window screenillg. Gottlieh )o;ssliug-e... I $208
day from a' cruise to Nassau and 1'::'2 C.?_n~~y a venue. Ca 11 Narherth :l748-1C i
DHAPEIUES. Slip Covers, Vell.,tiall '
blindS, Awnings. Furlliture. Upholsler- i
1\1rs. Ellsworth Clarl" of Chestnut illg-. Beddillg-s. RlIg-H c1eane,l. r""air,',l!
I' r th and stored, eha lIellg-er, 281 MOlllg-'Jln.·",·
avenue, W 10 IS spent 1I1g e SU111111pr a\'enue. Cynwytl. Phone. CVI1\\'\'l! 8';.
at her cottage in Stone Harhor, N .•J., Formerly with .T<lhll \Vanamalte... ' (tf)!
~ entertaine,l nwmbers of her bridge Ti,e Orig-inal 1'O:\T JlA 11IUSO=' Csed i
\ After August

1 I I I f II't' I t Furniture Exchallg-e JiO~ loc"t,·.! <it 3t:l

it. u) ant a ew a( ( IlOna gues s W. Lanl'aSler ave .. Ardmore. AnI. 381.:
: \Yetlnesllay. Those present were Mrs. t:I'IIOI~ST)O;HI:\'G and rep. S"rings ofl
I Robert Tabor, I\1rs. John Albrecht, :l-pieee ,:uiU'~ repail·pd. $10:. Cilair re-I
,., I covered. $". '.0 all,", ,:al1 Lewis.
.Tr" and Iler son, to J IIn Alb rec h t, ,)(; :!27 l·~. Lall('Hstcl' tl\:e. \\P aylle H~q;.
lVII's. Robert I. Fretz anti her daugh-
For "alr
ter, Virginia Fretz, Miss Margaret
:.! A:"'fIQl!E ~ill~h' :'lal\fl~·;IIl\· :-:It·h.,:il
Ik1'l'elJ and Mi~s Alberta Davis and IH~d~. I'hollt.., ('YI'. ('ynwytl :~~7J. (-1:':)
her niece, Polly Boyd.
1\11'. antl Mrs. Richard L. MIller, Real Estate for Relit 1

rEATURING who have been spending three weeks 1I0\;SI'; & Apt. rentals all a l,,"~ 'iI.' I
"~lain LiTH':' Ko~t'r Bnls .. l~'·a·tqr~.:
in Ocean City, have just returned to ....\t Ardnlo)"e ~liltioll"~-.-\rtl1Jll)1't1 liSo. I
their home on Shirley roat!. _-I
MI'. and Mrs. Eberhardt ~[ueller NOTICE
and Mrs. Mueller's sister, Miss Flora
Kurzpnlmabe, of Essex avenue, spent
the wcek-end in Harrisburg. 'i k f Notie,· '" h"reh;, -,-<'j\',," that " ('lIldj,'
D:. and 1\'[ rs. G art h 13 ocr c e, 0 - ""arillg will hI' h,,',1 ill 1·;1111 lIal1. 10',,1'- I
Reproductions of American Colonial Kell1l~vorth road, returncd Wednes-I':"~.t.a;""I11·... :\""·herth;. T'a_: Oil I.:rida:,
Furniture in Maple are notably .
dav trom Roche~ter N. Y.
' II
..Hlllllg, "~U~~lst };1. 1.1.16. ,tt ~_ I. ;\1.. i
laylll·dlt ~a \"Illg'
Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, who has been a""Ii"atioll of :\11'. n"orgp :\1<'I·',,'hkll of ~
] IJlll', to ('oll:--Itl,·r tilt·

fine in design. You will be delight- spentling a month in Maine, will re- 11118 IIlolltg-Ollll'l'Y a\'''I1I1.·. :\'arh"rth. I'a .. ,
_ . ttl thl' Board of AdJustment 01 ZOllillg'
ed to find this Maple Furniture turn Monday to her home on Shirley of the Borough of l'arllt'rth I" ...·.·.·1 a
road. Uarage at tile ahove :ultlrt'H~.
at Mid-Summer Sale prices ... \V. n. H. I·;V"!':S.
Mrs. George B. •S up Iee ant I I1cr (·hairllla".
daughter, Ruth, returned last \Vednes- W,\LTJ-:lt I. jlOTIiAltI\.
THRBE.PIECE SUITB day. from Ocean City to their home (08-7) \\':\1. 1\11:KT'ATI\lCI\.
Oil \Y oodsitle avenue.
BED; DRESSER AND CHEST Mr. alltl Mrs. Suplee have as guests, ESTATE NOTICE
t1wir son anti daughter-in-law, 1\11'.1 r-;state of: W. T. rtILJo:Y
and Mrs. George B. Suplee, of Wash- \ Late of: Narberth. I'a.
. t D C fOI' t\"O weeks MO:\,T..:OMI·;HY COUNTY. I'A.
mg on, . ',. ,y • • O(o;I~I';ASl';O
Mr. anti 1\Irs.•John S. Ketcham, of \ Lt'tters T,'st,"nelliary oil thp aho\"..' (o;s-
lIaverfonl avenue , their son,. \Villiam Hlgne
wte ha\"illg- h""11 g-rante" to till' Ulld"r-
d , a II per~Ollfi ltHIL'bted In s:lId Es-
Selfridp;e Ketcham, anti 1\'[ISS Edna I tale are re'lueste,1 to ilia I", illlllle'lial"
Selfridge arc leaving the end of this IH,ymellt. alit! thus" ha\"ing h'gal "'ailll'.
Or you may select individual , t ' • to }Jl'exent ~anle without dt~lay to
weel, for a month s trIp to Pel u. SARAH II. lU I,E\'. I·;x.."·,,t rix.
pieces at the same low Sale prices. 1\11'. and Mrs. Caryl I~. Starr, of 3118 Chpslllut A\'elllle. I
• I • ) Narberth. Pa. I
Wynnewood Court, IdUlned last 0 .. to be.. AttorneY: .
Bed ... $16.00 Chest $22.00 Thursday from a stay in Ocean City Io~HANK II, l\IAKCII,I~, EH'I.. Sheared Beaver
and Pittsburgh. Theil' daughter t I 820. J'acka~d Buildillg-. swagger, rich
Dresser $2~.50 Chest on Chest $26.50 I'h'ladelpllla. Pa.
lustrous skins.
Miss Elaine Starr, has also returned (0-7-31)
Vanity $26.50 Night Stand .... $8.75 from Pittsburgh. She will leave in ~==============='
MEZZANINE . August for Camp Indian Run for two
The allllual meeting" of the Slnd,huld-
Ho 1Vard Haws of Dudley avenue ers of thl' Natiunal Il:,nk of Narherth!
for the election of D,rectu,'s alld the

,/' ~t J

., ..:. - - -
August Price
After August
Ie·''. .
is spending this week in Cape May, trunsaetlon of any other business that: \ J. $425
N J ,may come before the meeting- will he'1
STRAWBRIDGI & CLOTHIER . . . ' held at said Balik on Tuesday. the -!th
MI'. and Mrs. H. C. Gibson and day of Aug-ust. A. D. 11l:16. at 1'. 1\1.1
son., Allen, have just returned from ('rhis meeting is helng held to ('Orreet i Buy your coat in
, . w a teehnical errol' arising from the faet'l

The Main Line Store

a ten days stay In arren. that the annual meeting of sharehuld-,
They have as guests for several ers waS held on .January 7. Inti. th" i August at Dewees-
days this week, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. ~~~~aJ~e~~ath;f B:'~l'~u~~.:~Vi:r~le~~~~~ ~::~ \. ,
Erickson and their daughters, Mar- annual meeting of shareholders shall he
~aret and Barbara of Warren. IIt s the sale that
held on the second Tuesday of Janual'Y
&RDMORB I Mr. and Mrs. J.' B. Ballingall, of launches the season!
the Avon Apartments, spent
N. J., the guests
week- Just a line to fill a column. II;~==========;;====
Iend in Strathmere, as the
,; ..... ,.~~:

Page Four OUR TOWN July 31, 1936


_-S~P_O_R_T_LE_T_S-_ _ !1~C_h_u_r_ch_N_o_t_e_s--=

NARBERTH at Gladwyn. Golden Bantam and White-Pulled several times
is absolutely necessary for
Sam Gilpin, Merion Cricket Club's I
flu Presbyterioll Church Downingtown at Berwyn.
a permanent wave.
daily from our own patches
ace, lost his chance Sunday to return Brookline at Malvern. Potaloes---A pples••-Peaehcs---Carrots
Hev. Archer E. Anderson, Pastor Coatesville at West Phillie8.
the Pocono Mountain tennis cham- (Electric or Chemical) Beets---Yellow Summer Squash
!!.4ii A. M.-Bible School. Tomotoes-••Beatls
pionship to the Main Line as he bowed Sunday's Games Consult us for details as
to Fritz l\lercur, of Bethlehem, at 11.00 A. IIf.-The Morning Worship to what is best for your
Skytop, 2-6, ii-I, 6-4, \'-4. Sermon by Dr. John Van Ness, pastor
eJJ1eritus. Theme: "Things That
Malvern at NARBERTH.
Berwyn at Coatesville. hair. BRACKBILL'S FARM MARKETS
Gladwyne at Downingtown. VEGETABLE GROWERS
SUZANNE JORET GILL 75 Acres in Vegetables
Cynwyd's fil'emen took first place Ahidc'," Phillies at Brookline.
li"lii P. ilL-C. E. Meeting.
Lincoln Highway, 3 miles wcst of Paoli
ill the Main Line Twil ig-ht Ll'agul' How They Stand 216 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2324
Ardmore North P. R. R. Sea., Ncar Strawbridge & Clothier Store
second-half race by an x-:: sco)'e 7.4:) P. III.-The Wheaton College
against Gladw~·ne. Last wed,'s vic- Quintette will conduct the service.
W. L. p,c.1I;~~~~~~~~~!!!!l!!!!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1
C(latesville ,... 3 0
Wl'dnesday evelling, 8.00 P. 1\1.-
tory was til(' Titlowmell's third West PhilJie~ 3 0 1.000
Rtraight. West Manayunk has with- Prayer Meeting- led by Rev. William NARBEHTH , 2 1 .667
drawn from the league. .)011">', of t he Philadelphia School of
MalveJ'lJ .", .. "....... 2 1 .6G7 I

'" ..
th(' Bihle'. BI'ooklilll' .. , .. , 1 1 .500 I
Playing ofl' a tic game, Cynwyd Downingtown " 0 2
Nar[,erth Methodist Episcopal
Juniors trounced the Ardmore .Juniors
6-1, ill junior !l'ague basl'baJl, then
defeated Ardl1lorl' Cubs, X-·J. Ilaver-
ford C, C., how"I'('r, won both hal\'l's
H"I', \V, Vernon Middleton, Minister
,Berwyn ,.,
::::i 0:::::::<:::«

Sunday, Aug:ust 2: !
The little Engineer says:
of the leaj!;ue sCl'ies, ~I.,lii A, l\1.-Church School. I
11.00 A, l\I.-l\Iol'ning' Wtlr~hip.
Narherth Boy,' Cluh just 11O".,d 0111
the A I'd III 0 I'l' Warriors, !I-X, ill TII"s- 8"1'11][111, "TIll' Ri'co\'('ry of t.lw lclt'a],"
"It's got !I
day's Twilight L"agw' contcst. CYll
wyd FirellJen,'illg' an O!'l'll da1<',
7,00 1', ill.- V"sper ~el'\'icl', 8('1'-
1""11 II~ n.".., .J. S, Smith. -Buy
droppl'd a ii-I d.'cisillll to thl' BI','1l Tydol I
Ma\\'r Athletics, I]('g)'o tl'alll, H nh T,';//;h' Ll/tTI/~ran Church Gas I
nc,v. Clet us A. Senft, Pastor
GCIlI' navis' Kal'b(')'th tl'alll ,,11111 1\li,~
illnrg-nrl't Squier, Organist Walter G. Case's I
out HOYl'rsford, Ii-O, Tu(',;.Ia~' "\'l'lling, :-;llnd:l~',
Aug-ust 2, If!:lG: TYDOL·VEEDOL Station I
Al Hl'l'I'lllanll IwId tI](' \'isitor, to si" n, j;, A, l\I.-Bihle Sl'!JOol. Montgomery Pike at Woodbine I
i 1,1111 A, ill.-TIll' MOl'ninl!' Service. Pholle: Narberth 2947 I'
hits whih' his tl':lJnIlJaU'" COIlIl,'cl"d CARS GREASED &: WASHED I
with .,Ie\'(·n safdit". 'j':l"IlH': HSOJl~' of God."

Boy Scout Notes
('laillliul-" that it was .Joan \I'hn first
popuJariz.!d nationalism and protes-
tantism - against intercession by
feudal lord and Church between in-
5th Gilbert &: Sullivan f!
Sca Scout Cruise
Last Saturday alld SUllday. ~""
dil'jdual and King- ancl God. OPERETTA
Th' pia,', g'iven a superb perform- 'PINAFORE'
Scouts and t1H'ir Sldp!l('l's l'n,io~'t'd ;,
cruise frol11 til(' Sea S('out ll"," "I
"11('" loy a t~'pically excellent Hedge-
:" 'II' ('as1. Ilefore a capacity audience,
AUGUST 6-7-8
p, M., DST,-Open-Alr Theatre
Centerton, ~(,II' .)l'ne,', 1'''1'1 "I' ~l'''11
Line Sl'a Sc·outs. Sail'lI" :11 ,1 I', ,\1"
the sailors alTiv('d at C';:,", :,' jll'
i.; fln', of eig:ht given in a Shaw re\'i-
val. It and othl'rs hy Shaw, Sher-
wood Andel'son, O'Casey, Dreiser,
Tickets. $1. Reserved, $1.50
Address - Longwood Box 488.
Kennett Square, Pa, Phone 294
"Worf!dO aafear, ~ ~
houl's latl'l' alld stOI'I'(·,1 1'1,' III Benefit. Boys' ClUb, Wilmington
(;la~pC'!I, Bjornson, Coxe, Higg-s, Gan-
Enlbarking- ag·(l!Il. thf'~,' :-~I;l(.d en t.)
('o\'e, wh('I'(' fa('iliti,'s f'IlI' ,'J, :::I-Il:~ht
!illoll and O'Neill, will he given dur- FOUNTAINS
ing' August.
('am]1 \\'C'I'(' :-'l't up. H':"rll! till'
OHE than 2,000.000 Kn.'c-Ac'lion ear~ are :-hillllJJ~'. gives casier slecring and better brak·
hase was Ill;ld·.. (;!~ ';;"11':"" :' II ,I':illg' a
successful C'J'lli"" hOll1l'I'::J 1.1,
:\ 1 t hI' Hedg-erow Theatre at Moy-
lan ;, s('eond pcrformance of "The
f)evil'~ Ilisl'ipl(··' closes the third an-
M, now in the hands of owner:-; and more ing control. atHl proviclps firmer. surer road·
people arc buying Knee-;\etion ear~ this year

Futurc' n('(!I';( (',- :nt';"" ,'c' Skip- ahilily at all l'ngine spt'eds.
1I11al f(~sti\ al Oil Fl'iday night, July 31. than ever before.
!H'rs" and 1\I"t,'s" n"un:, '; '" 011 All- You will also ride 1I1II('h more comJortably,
011 Satul'da~' night, Aup;ust 1, "Kit
gu:-;t ;) and fl. a ~'. ~'1:· '~l:d Cl'l_lj~(1 Oil tIl(' Ask any of tlwse owners what they think of 1I.... allsc Knee-Al'lion whe.·1s "SkI' over" bumps
;\[al'1o\\'c" (Maria Coxe), a modern
Wl'(');-('nd of AU""l"t l~', :llid Sl'out"",' Kn.'(·.Action ancI tlJ('v and holt·". e1imina Ie ear pi ll'hing and tossing,
. will tell .von th::t al'lual

\\'(l('}.:_(ltld Oil A ·.I.(.~1!~·t ~~ and :2:;'
dl'amatization of Elizabethan Eng-
lalld, \\'h08(, characters include Queen owner ('Xperil'nc'\', ('ov("ring llillions of mil.'s of and givc e\'t'r~'l'a""engt'ra slt·adier. more enjoy.
Hcalth and S:t:c:y Committec 1':lizaheth, Sir Walter Rall'igh, Lord travel, has proved that it gives the world's able ride than ean he oblained in any other way.
TL(· !l,:,I,], :nl ~':lf'l'!" (' :"ill: j , Jo'I':llIcis B ll'<ln alld tIll' Earl of Essex,
safest, slIIoollJ('sl ride. See, clrin', and hny one of Ihese new Chcv-
of' till' \'","", 1.' "~'c' ('<>ll!)'il ]l;,"

will he p;iv('n with all its romance, in-
Cam)1 D,,'Ill·.nt, ,l:dr 7, 1'1'(':-'('111 W"" trig-ue and mystery. Yon, too, will ride rnul'h more ,~(lJ('~" over all rol.. Is-I he onl y low -prict';! ear wi Ih Knee-Action
Har]'~' 1\""11, T 1m \\', T"\\'IISl'II'1. ,JI' types of roads in a Knee-Aelion CIH'vroll'l *. Le- --the 01l~" cOll/plete low-pricer! car!
chairnH'n. Tll.:.I1~ al'l' h{'ill~ 111ad(' t·
MAUSOLEUMS cause Knt'e-:'\("tion pr("vents fronl-whed CIlEynOI.ET MOTon co.. lJETHOlT, 1\IICII,

pl'o\'id(' ra('il,';l'S fo]' ,,11<)\',"']'s at 11.;,
cam]1, :lJ~,,1 I'('coml1l('n,1:I t ion, II"','" NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES (Double-Acting, Self-Articulating), Ihe safest and smoothest ever developed e
l1Iad(' to salld anti oil tahir's ill tIl<' Edw. A. Carroll Co. SOLID STEEL one-piece TURRET TOP, a crown of beauty. a fortress of solety • IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE"'.
the smoo/hes/. safest ride of all e GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION in N'ew Turret Top Bodies. the most
mess hill. Thl' cOllJmit t"" I'('POI'! "d Incorporated
beautiful and comfortcble bodies ever created for a low'priced ccr • HIGH.COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE, giving
the camp to bl' Vl'I',' ,,:..II pol !""d wit II H ~ ."en bet/er performance with even less gcs and oil • SHOCKPROOF STEERING"', mcking driving ecs;er and safer than ever before
than it will
)1j';lcti',alIy no papers, rubbish, or E
waste lying- around thl' ('a 'n.,
Membcrship Facts

AND UP. I.i... t l,r;n",j .7'\,'rwStanll'lJN/CflUPl'nI Flint.J'fichij!.an. Trithbumpf'T.".
."pUrI· tirt' and t;n·l"d... II,I' li.", priNt is $20 mlt/itiOlwl. *J\m.,..•.·.ction on "la~I""

A hrief I'I']1ort W;lS mad(' to 11:, S

Telephone: MANaiunk 0166
this fall • "'u,lt.J... 1I"ly. $:!() mldilimUJ/. J'ricf's qUIIIl'Il ill lids ad",·rl;.<;"mrnr arc 1i!.1 a'
F/i"l, ,Hh·J.i~tJtl. IJnd Mlbjrrllo dum}!.,. withoul not;ef'. A C('nf'ral .\fnton Value.
T s
Cou!'cil showing- the rapid ,~Towl I, i E
J/d'e rrn4 CUJ1~"~,,,~ pied caL?
m'l11'I('rship which has tal,"n 1'1,,,"
si]]('(' .Jalluary 1. Th..r(' \\'a~ all ill N BALA-CYNWYD, PA, N
Belmont Avenue and
('r(la~ll of :~Or:-;: in lh"V l'l1i'U!!1111'Pl i! E Lev.rlng Mill Road
til'S; "i" l1Ionths of this ypar as COI11- S , S
pOln·d with the samp period last "l'ar,
and an increase of OVl'r ::00';;, in til<' MEMORIALS ERECTED
organization of new units. Plan 1214-216 BALA AVENUE PHONE, CYNWYD 81
Hedgerow's "St. Joan" CLEANING I :
Pleases; Program Listed
Joan, the p(~a;'ant gil'l frolll AI'l',
":Jl1o in 142~' hl':lI'd v"ic('~ and fl'(',tI
Fr:lIlc(', and in 1!1~() "('can1<' a saint.
\\"a:-: t:1(1 suh.iect of (;('(ll'~!"{\ Hi'rnal'd e 2550
Phone: Ar d mo r
:--hall", p!:ly given at til,' JI ,'c1,!!:I' 1'01"
TI1l'a(J'C' ;11 ',!"ylan :-iaturclay l1;e'h'
'Vith d t
!:u .)fl'· and a ;..;tl'()tH~· ( ' l d l l

tinna! climax \l'llf'n thl' g'irl-c1ietatol'

Now you can
was tried and hUl'ned, Sha\\' cOlllhi1Jl's
his usual penetrating \l'itt,' phil"sop'I:'
budget your gas
house heating bills!
Frankenfield Funeral Home
WM, G. FRANKENFIELD Good news for every householder! You can now
the minute you decide Simpson Road at Athens Avenue enjoy ideal house heating by gas and pay for it on
the budget idea-equal monthly payments extend-
on THE FLANDERS TcI~phol1e Ardmore 9
" 2646 ARDMORE, PA. ing over a period of nine months-from Septem-
ANnOPATlON plClY" a bIg part In enlay..
",e.t. That'l why The F1onde.. with II. ber to May, inclusive. All you do is-request a
beac"',ant lacalion. III open and enclo.ed survey. A gas house heating expert will estimate
lun deer.., III 3 lea water pool.,111 reaeo.
lion faCl11tlei and eacellent meall wlQ Golden GlmRNSElS your needs and explain the budget plan in detail.
provide 0 perfect lubied for plealu,abr.
....catlOll lItaughto, and lItelr ",oU%ollonl
Something NEW Why not beat the cold weather by being well
1936 SEASON June 20lh la,Sept. 30//1 •
at Brookmead prepared? Convert your present heating system
to clean, controllable, efficient and healthful gas.
All the Cold Guernsey Milk We'll install either Janitrol or Welsbach Con-
Y011 Call Drink for Ten Cents version Burners immediately on a small down
GUERNSEY ICED CREAM CHOCOLA TE MILK payment. Further payments will not start until
October. Both Burners at $195 cash, installed.
CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE and Slightly higher on installment plan, 3 years to pay.


Open Daily and Sutlday UtltiI 10 P. M. At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor


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