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23, No. 24
Resigns From Committee IMrs. Huber Resigns
Sandburg Will Lecture Tclls of Alaskan Thrills Fine Teamwork Downs f'.Iorthampton; I From Republican
in Narberth April 23 Maroon Five Faces Steelton Tonight . County Committee
Amel:ican Poet-Biographer to By TOMMY MACKLIN though he was a cog in a perfectly I I -
Lower Merion's basketeers continue Withdraws When Group Fails
Appear Under Auspices ! on their winninp; ways. Following
working machine. The results were
to Include Her in
astounding to coach, players, oppo-
of Library the Coatesville embroglio which the IlCnts, and spectators. Never again Confel'ences


: Maroon won by a slender margin in
: the closing minutes, the boys cased
will the boys playas smoothly as they I -
did in the Northampton game. 'IS SECOND RESIGNATION
I lover Qual,ertown by a 33 to 18 score. Tonight Bill Anderson leads his 1
Carl Sandburg' will lecture at tlw! ! This game with the Upper Montp;om- squad into battle against Steelton at Mrs. John Y. Huber, Jr., of Haver-
Narbe-rth Public School auditoriul11 on; i cry County team bl'ought the title of the Palestra. The central-Pennsyl- i ford, resigned Monday from the
April 2:3- ; District I champions to Bill Ander- vania lads play a modification of the' Executive Committce of the Republi-
The American poet and biographer
...vill appear under the sponsorship of
I son's squad. zone defense-two men up front ami: I can orp;anization of Montgomery
the Narherth Library Association and
: The tl'ip to Allentown was made three 1ined up in front of the baskeLI i County.
: through a March blizzard that kept This is just as ditlicult as the three! II II er resIgnatIOn
. ,
his Ipcturc will he the lirst of a scrip,,; came as a result
to he g'ivcn in Narherth.
: hundreds of loca) fans from chancing and two or the two-one-two defense. I , of the controvel'sy o\'er the appoint-
Announcement of Sandhurg-'s ap-
I the drive. The band and a few fol-
i lowers were sufficient, however, to
If Lowel' Merion handles the ball!
carefully and nurses it up close to:
I ment of a successor to lill the vacancy
~ el'<'all'd by resignation of William D.
pparanec \\'a3 made Tuesday nip;ht al. spur the boys to an easy 31 to 19 the baslu't before shooting, they should. Ridgway as Montgoml'ry County
a spl'cial mpl'ling- of Ihe library',.; victor~' over Northam pton, champions be able to win. It would be folly to I COlllmissioner.
Board of 'l'I'ustees Ily the Lec\url' in their home district. The team prob- assume that a Maroon victory is a
Committee, RobeI'I ;\I, Came,ron, cbair- i abl~' reached the Eiffel of efficiency in
1\1 rs. Huber, presid(,nt of the Lower
forpgOlle conclusion, based 011 the re-
man; th(, Hev. Robert E. KCIg'hton and: this game. Evel'~' boy handled the 1'1erion-Narbl'rth Council of Repub-
sults of the Xorthampton game. Steel-
C1;lrence Kaeber. It marl,ed tIl<' in-; hall !wI'j'ectly, passed and cut to per- lic,ln Women and wO!l1cn's leadcl' in
ton will be a much more dilficult team iI
aug'uration of the first poinl in a five- i
CLAHENCE L. EDERER fection. a III I made g'ood on a g'oodly to handle. Andel'son must drill a! l\lHS. ,JOII;-"; Y. HUBER. ,JR.
. this s('ction of the count~·, took excl'p-
; tion to the fact that she had nol been
point plan of tIl<' presi(!cnt, Ihe Rp\', I lonl/I' I' lI~H('II/M!llI/lIl/ ol JlelroHe, number of scoring chances. Therl' complde new ol1'ense against Steel-: /('//0 r,,'i!/IIt'r! IhiH /('1'1'1.. from 1111'
~ consulted as a member of the com-
Mr. Keig'hlon, for an extension of' PII., 11'110 fold LOll'('/' Merion Rod was no outstanding star that night. ton's ddense bccause it will be the! Jo:,"'C/tfil'(' COII/II/ittcl' ol the II nJl'It ee conceJ'nlllg
" TIll Igway ' S sueees-
library sen'ie(" I mill GI/U GIl/I, Il/c'l/l)('r,~ lVcdllcH- Each member oj' the team played as Continued on Page Eight ' .1/01/ '!IOI/IIT!! CO//II I II Ill' /illMicoll
1:-:: 0 1'.
On 'recommendation of the Allll1in-: dll!! 11 i.<lll I of IIis Ahlsl.-nn II1111t- orgol/ i.: II I iOI/.
istration Committee, 1\lrs. Robert Fl'!-, il/!I 1',"lll'dilioll, dl/rill!1 wllich hi,~ I Hl'J' rl'sig'lw tion closl'1\' followed
Plans Being Completed for
lows \Vood, chairman, it was a p' i ]l/II'II/'H ]J/lIlIe 1/'((H 1I'r l 'c!.'cd 700 l' ! that of ,Julian Hal'llard, 'Norri,.;town
PC1l11Frosh Grid Coach Ii Fil'cmen's Banquet on April i Six T eanlS Selected : a ttOl'lll'y, who resig'Jl('d last week from
proved that the lihrary he open fl'0l11: I,till's lrmil cil'ilizn!itll/.
Legioll Speakcr Monday
10 to 12 A. 1'1. daily except Sunday,.; i
and hdida~'s, bl'g-inning' "\pril 5. 'I'll": -------------0-----
Invitations have been issul'd by tIl(' I ° ! the f M L L
Executivc Commiltpe of Nine O

Mulie1'('s of the Nal'!)('rth Fin, Com- ', or aln Ine eague

whieh wa,.; oJ'ganiz('d several weeks
Penn Valley Neighbors
lan~' for tl1(' anJ1lW I han,\uel for thl' ago an, I prpsnma III ~' enl IO\H'( I wit I1 t Ile
present hours of 2 to !l P. 1\1. will: G('orgl' A. Munger, freshman I'

remain in elfeet. I H ld 0 ance and B rl°dge fool!mll eoach at til<' lTni\'('rsit~' officers and firem('n of the Narberth ~ Two to be Chosen for Eight-, pOWI,r ql' I~ l'\el'l1Ilning ' t IIe po I icies of
Cal'! Sandburg' became nationall~', 0 of Pl'nns~'lvania, will sho\\' ' . . "thl' parly 111 :\lontg'omery Count\.'.
promincnt ill l!f20 with "Smoke and _ f1'l ms 0 j' two gaml'S an( IgIve
' a Fire COllllJ:lIl\.', U to be he1<1 in Elm Hall •) CI 1 C U'CIUt a~ M arc I1 ! 111'1' ]PUl'r follows in part:
Steel," a sag-a of the- in(lustrial work-' 200 Residents at Party Follow- talk on Ilw grilliron pastinll' at G.:]O on Thursday ('n'ning', April 1.: 31 M t
Guests will include presidcnts and ee lng "l\I~' intention to bl'co111e ". 111l'111ber
cr. Previously hi" C:\1'I'er included ;\lollday nig-ht bcl'orl' thc Harold i of the EXl'cuti\'e Committee was re-
I11g Annual Meeting of D, Spf'akJ11an Post, Ameriean fire chiefs of the companies ill the "ur- . LEADER'
,ioh,.; as secrt'lary to Ihe mayor of i\l il- '
Association l '(IUI],I,'ll!!.' to\\'n~,'. There will IH' a' HANLE\ AGAIN • g'arded by man~' womcn in this part
waukl'l', Stockl)(\!In COl'l'Cspol](lt~111 for. Ll'g'ion. ); a l' 1lert I1, speaker and l11usic and dancino' from:
~ of the ('ounly at ]Past, as a tribute to
the Newspap('r El1t(~rpl'ise A,,:'oci·, :\le111I)('rs of the Xarberth fl until 12 for the members and theil': Six teams \\'(>J'l' SPkctl'd fOl' nH'1l1-: IIH'm and a recognition of their right
ation, l'dilorial \\Tilpr on ill<' CI/i"f/!I" OFFICERS RE - Ef .ECTED Bo~'s' Club and othl'rs interested wiv('s and gUt'sls, l\ll'111hers of the, bership in the Main LiIH' Bas('hall: to b,' )'('prl's('nted in iJ11portant de-
The huild;I1!~' hoom in the Penn Val- ~;~et~l::lI;I:~~'~,~~~epi.n~~~(;~11 ~~1:1~~~,~ Narberth C;luncil arc also in\'ill'd to Lcag,ul~ atwth~ or~'aniZa~i\l1;'S :~nn~;al: libl'l;ations. F\~ling-Im~ re~ponsibility
Dllil!! Ncl('s. He \\'on national Ilol'try
awards in I~Jl.1, 1~I]fl and 1!121.
!l'\.' s('cI ion and the COnSl'(IUent inllux be g'uests. .111el't Ill.g' ('( nes( ay Ill~' I a . W . to t wm, as WI' as wing- (eeply eon-
Hi~ late·r works include "Rootahaga o gion Hoom, Community Build- The l\Ielm Conllnittee met at tlH', ...\ I'l'al I'Ia R l'S I aural1 I , ~N ar IH'I' tl 1. .I cl'rnel I o\'l'r our l' ar ty' s f' u t ure. I
Sloril'S," HJ22, amI "Ahraham Lin- of ne\\' residents was the inspiration ing', which will precl'(!l' the regu- home of the l\Iulieres' presidcnt, 1\11''';, i '1'1 H.' circul't meJ11 II('rs ar(' (')('ne 1) a- . accl'p I l" I tl 1e 'In\'lta' I 'IUn ex ten( Ie(l t0
coln-tlw Prairie Year,.;," 1!l2G. L(',(!'ioll meeting_r ,
fIll ' ,'1 ......
""lla Jlal't"
, , l'lst
• "'l'I'(la\'
r . lll'g'll! , lar
- Eberhardt l\luellcr, on Essex avenuc,; \'IS ' , N. ar 1lCI' II 1 e1lamlllons,
' ,al I,,"yn,', .I nll'.
Sandburg is falllous as an American The occasioll was the annual meeting' l\lunger, formcr all-around \Vednesdav 1110rning' to COJ11pll'te t1wir: Coalpsville, Brooklinl', J1edia A. A.. "Sincl' I have not pal'tieipated in
folk "ong recitalist. ,of the Penn Valley Association, fol- I star athlete at Episcopal Aead- ';,llans for 'thl' affair. TIll' dl'coration ,and Royersford. The latter two cluh,.;, the I'ecent imporlant deliberations
lowed this year by a dance and bridge. : eA'm y , lives at the Narberth Hall 'and enterlainmcnt groups arc also! al'e neWC0111ers to the league. i and decisions and have been deprived
Rod and Gun Club
Officers ..
I More than 200 Penn Talley resl-' ,
'11'lkillg" illterestin'" Il]ans
I.. '''' ' •
Two more teams will be chosl.,n at I' of Ihe n'!lresentation it would only
the March 31 l11eetll1g' , to c0111plete tIl<' I be reasonable for these W0111cn to as-
Nonlinates dents attended the affall', held at the I
IWar Tribute House in Merion. Bridge I
° °
Song ReCital Given
° S M °
ponsor lISIC,
rostel·. The schedule and the play-: sume l'xisled, I now with(lraw as a
off syste111 to be used will also be d(,- i memhl'r of the committee and do
Clarence L. Ederer Shows Films' was IH'ovidc<1 in P;1'OUpS of three tahles, ,
'\'eS Talk on Alas- '. ' i
bY M argaret H arsh
awii an
d D ance RecitaI 25th .cided then.
;\Iso representl'll 'lt the session we1'('
I hl'reby tender my resignation with
. ,t ..
al1d GI With a generous assortment of IH'lzes; :
. I I ' ••
- - - !
,. : the Upper Darby and Highland Park ~
I 1 eg-I I' •

k all T 1'11' :a
dance orchestra was k,ept JUSY; re- I . '
'freshments and door Ill'lzes were the Former N:uberth Singer Pleases,Jo 1anne
, ,~. I
~ I
I f Id
R'd I
I pat 1,
d H ff
'0e ell
orn- I
I teams, while it is expected that appli-I
:catIOns , •
wdl be recel....ed from Paoli I
"Players ThiS WeekEd
- n
SHOOT PRIZE AWARDED, order of business at midlllght. ,I III Opera, Fo k Songs and . e an 0 man s ancers i and Downingtown. i GO 25tl P d to n
___ II Walter D ..Fuller was chosen .presl-,: Sacred NUlllbers 011 the Progralll ' \V a It er I-I an - Iev, P ao I'1, tl lC prcsu. . Ien t , 1 10 live ro UC
Nominations for officcrs to head the i dent for another year; PerCIval R.ob-, Iand Charles E. Harnden, Penn Valley,
Lowcr Mel'ion Rod and G~n ~Iub.erts" Jr., and Eup;ene Jordan, ....Icc-:CENTER AIDS MOTHERSiREPORTER GIVES TALK secretary and treasUl'er, ap;ain we;'e!"Sun Up" at Narberth School
i : re-eleeted to head the leag"Ue. Chuck I
u~'er, ~ecretary. a~
wcre made at that org'aJ1lzatIon's presidents; Herman O. 'Vest, treas- TI' F" d d S
meeting \Vednesday night at the Com-! and Jean G. A lien, A capacity audience attended the! The Music Committee of the Nar-: Voorhis, Ardmore, was chosen first liS 11 ay atur-
l1lunity Building', Narberth . , , I'SIX
. membcrs of the Exeeuhve . Com- song reelta , I 0 f 1\1 argaret H I 'JUJ1lor
aI's law, berth . \Vomen's COml11U1uty, ' '" vlce-pres1(lent, succeedlllg' ' .J ohn 1\1ulll- . day Evenll1gs
M<lmbers also heard a thl'lllmg de-1nllttee were re-elected for three-year given bv the \Vomen's Community· CI 1 ' . . I I I"'an of Narberth and J HCI'bert
" f CI E'" :t , . F k I-I 1\1 'II tl R" .. U) IS sponsonng' a I11USIC an( (anc(~. b , " FAITH FARMER STARRED
scnptlOn 0 arence L. 'uerer s, ell11S, ran , ancI, 11' e\. Club ,)f Narberth on Tuesdav after- I , ~ Good South <\rdmore was eleeted sec-
Alaskan hunting' trill last fall wlwn ,. i Gibson , Bell E. Burl;c Wilford, Mr. noon a t tl lC Coml11UI1l't Y B' UI'Id'lIlg.''recItal on March 25 at 8.30 P. 1\1..' ond vlce-preSI( '.' " Ient, a 'new ollice . ' !'
after his plane \\'as wrecked, he lived Fuller, Mr. Roberts and Mr. Jordan.: Miss Harshaw who is w~ll known in! in the Community B u i l d i n g . ' . : The Narherth Players will ce1l'hrate
on btoiled caribou meat for t\\'o weeks! The by-laws were amended to in- Narberth whc~'e she li....ed for a num-: Johannc Ridpath, well-known voeal H . H. Add : their twenty-fifth production this Fri-
":hil e his ~~i~e ~lIld pilot, \\'ent for: c~'ease the Executive Committee from: bel' of ye~rs, now has a fellowship at I soloist, will gi\'e an all-Polish pro-: ar\' ey :day and Saturd~y e\'l'ning's with "Sun-

at man resses.
ald from cl\'lhzatlOn 700 null'S away.! eighteen members (plus the Pencoyd, the Julliard Institute in New Y o r k : ' f '11' Rotary and Shows Films: Up," a lllountalll talc of North Caro-
' : d G 1W ' " , I ' . ' gram In costume. Other eatures WI . . '
A nother feature was the awardlllg. an enera ayne commlSSlOncrs ex- I SI d I'D ' 'hna wrItten by Lula Vollnwl'.
to Walter P. l\Iiesen of first ]lrize, a! olficio) to twenty-one members, With!. ,le, ~'pel~e t 1e pro,~~'am ~~'Ith ",.O~I be Helen Cornfdd, of the Junior: Last year Harvey Harman ad-: S~al'l'cd in t1;e cast is Faith Farmer
Weaver tclescope, for being high man Ino mention Illade of the conulli,.;sion-. Fat,:11e, flOm, the O]lel<1 of Don C.ll- Matinee Musical Club of Philadel]lhia, dressc<l the Bala - Cynwyd - Narherth : as \Vidow Cagle. She has proved her
Wit'I1 •2 ,1.1 out 0 f a Jlosslble ' , the iI ers. 'fl1C t Inee ne\\' p Iaccs WI)l'
250 111 'II I los, by , " Venh, followed bv . two short,.III a group 0f VIO .)'III se I '
ectlOns, mil I Rot'l' a Y Clu"u 011 tIl e "CII a 1"1 ,C
'tel' BU'II ( 1- ",fine lIlterpretatlOn
' of cIlaracter parts
sma _ ore rille ' Ii. f tv-foot
. 'd oor-range 11III ed a t- tlIe nex t mee t'lIlP; 0 f tl 1C E~xecu-, selectIOns
111 ' III German. Her sPcllnd 1\1 a1']orle . . H)' of man 'sI . I U(I'Ing" l'llg Effects, of Athletics"
( ancel's, lIlC " Tuesda'" ." Featured fOI' t IliS' performance arc
contest.11 b • "
'tl....e ClImnllttee. .,group Illcluded "The , , Low Back C a ' l'Patty
' ' ' ' ' Johnson Vlrg'lIlIa
, . ' Fretz, Nancy",Ilen IIe ap;am ' spa k ecoleb f · t Ile 01-, . : Edward C. Batchelor Paul Goodyear
1<, rom these nomlllecs , the officers,IIn. IllS report of the J'ear ,s dOlllg's:
' !"LoveWent ' " a Rllhng" and "'l'he" Years , LOUIse . and' Pe~p;v Aul, Betty l\l:w ganlz<ltlOn " ' at t IIe 0 vel
"b roo kG 0 IfCI u, b' Fav Fetterolf and George ' : McAIIJster.'
will 01' elected at the April 21 l11eet- ~ President Fuller mentior1l'd: The mall. of Sprll1g. ,A vel;\ charmll:g encore. Hollar Polly Bo~d, Fay Selfridg'(', his first remarks were to the effect. Others in the cast arc Bill Hand, Paul
mg: ~.,
,m course of preparatIOn; the . , ' followed
lmmll1ent , , 'entitled"
, 1ho Amel'lcan Lul-' LOIS ." Schenck, Barbara Ely and Carol tl Ja t I1e \\OU . 11 (n 't nee(I t0 t 'a Ik on tl 1,1. ' t Brown, George SUlllee and Roger
President-C. H. A. Chain and i installation of a traffic light at Mont-, laby, by Rich. Lee Rollins. Their numbers will be a. theme this time, as he had a winning': Burns.
Hem'y J. Moller. 'gomery avenue and McClenaghan's' Her third and fim~1 group consi~tcd. ballet, toe dances, a waltz, a minud. football team last fall. i The scene, laid in a typical North
Vice-presidents (three to be elected) : Mill road; plans for the beautifi.cation . of sacred songs. ~ hese were given' and a trio with Barbara Ely, Nancy Hal'l11an, head coach at Penn, . Carolina mountain cabin, was exe-
-Joseph P. White, Dr. Curtis Whitti- :of the township dump; 'road imIH'ove-, by request and IJIcluded "pow(,r ! and Peg'p;y Aul, Betty Mac Hollar, Lu- "howell mol ion pictures of his ]fJaG cuted by Charles J. Clarke, of Merion,
car, Charles Hansell, J. Albright and ments cunent and contemplated, allll Ete~'lml," from Stabat Mater, and "I, cille Clark and Carol Lee Rollins cleven and also technicolor films taken, MI'. Clarke has bl'ell re"ponsihle fo!'
Lance Hathaway. plans for a larp;er membership. ! \Valted for the L~rd." In this. last: doillg' the solo dances. on his t'rip to Havana during the many of the settings in the Narbl~rth
Secretary-A. J. Cliff and L. Du- Invitations to the affair were sent; group she was ~ssls:ed by her SIsler, Parents and friends arc cordially Cuban sports carnival. : Players' productions. The most recent
Bois. to all new residents of the section, l\Irs. C. Fredel'lek h,uebler, Jr., who invited. \VilIiam S. Howanl introduced Har-: was the remarkable bubble-roOlll in
'I'l'easurer-George A. Purring and whose names could be obtained. I is ,~Iso well kno\\:n for hel' ~ne voice'i At the club meetinp; March 11 Roh- man. Birthday g-ree~inp;s were ex-' "Holiday."
A. Donald Amesbury. I
,Ihe ~ccompalllst was MISS Kath- I crt King', E,'£'nil/!J Bulletin reporter, tended to John A. Miller, George Direction of "Sun-Up" is in the B.:
Board of Directors (three to be High School's Senior Play erlne a Bo~'le. Mrs. Edward He y -. gave a very interestinp; informal talk Suplee, W. James Drennen, Hl'rvey. capable hands of "Bill" Muller. As
cl,ectc~)-Wayn~ BUl'l1side, H. HO]I- to be Re eated on Saturday! malll~ was 1Il ~IH~rg~. ~f tl~e !Jl',o~'~'a~l1. on ,his exp~riences as a reportl'I'. ,~'IJ(' Keil~l and Lieu~en,an~ W~lt,er Brown.' an active n~cmber of 10,n sbmding, it
klllS, Steve Slavll1, H. C. Cole and D. 1'___ I 1\I1~ •. C. Al!e~ F,~ll11el, chaum.lll PhiladelphIa Club of AdvertISIng Raymond WatlOus \\elcomed the is only fittll1g that thiS, the twenty-
J, Hess. The retiring president, John 'The Good Listener" by James Iof CIVICS and PUb~lc Welfare, all- Women gave an amusinp; satire on guests of the day. They Wl're Sam- fifth milestone of the Players, should
A. Miller automatically will beeolile R I 'II 1 . ' ' , ' t l ' S t ,nouneed that the CIllld Health Center clubwomen called "Let's Scra!)" Hos- ue! Corson, of the Ardmore cluh; be under the surveillance of "Bill"
, cae 1, WI ue gIven ag'aln liS a - ., " I . ' . '
a director for the ell suing year. urda\' evening by the senior class of: IS mauguratll1g a new procedure all( tesses for the evening were mcmbers James A. Casey, of Narberth; WiI- GeOl'ge \V ("l'nel', George Suplee,
Field captain-Wallace Goodwin. the i,ower Merio~l High School in the. ~hat, ev~ry Wednesday .at the cent(~r of the Press Committee! consistinp; of Ii am G. Fl'ankl'nfield, of the Ar~lll1ore: Roger Burns and Joseph Hong-leI' have
The club appropriated $25 for the school auditorium. : Il1stluctlOn would be given to moth- Mrs. Walter S. Hunsicker, Mrs. John club; Theodore Cobb, of the PhI lade!- :constructed the sceneQ' fOI' the ]1er-
prop<tg<ttioll of small game. I \Vhile the first perfOl'll1anSe was ,ers or expectan~ mothers for care of H. Jefferies, Jr., Mrs. John Saxe, Mrs, phia club; Dr. Herbert Fischel', of formance and all electrical work is
Pl'esident l\Iiller announced that the: originally scheduled for this Friday i ~he baby, especl~llY as to the p:'~~ler Ivan C. Satow and Mrs. Thoma;; J. the Ardmore club, and H. W. Phander" being done by Vic Kntuskop.
Montgolilery Count:.' Federation of! l'vcning', it was moved back to last ,lmount of ,clothm g and the lllakmg Skillman, Jr. of Hatfield, i \Vhen the curtain risl's at 8..15 P. 1\1.
Spol'tslilen's Clubs will hold a shoot, night in order not to conl1iet with i of the baby s bed. tonight and tOlllOl'l'OW evening those
at the Graterford penitentiary range i the Lower M<:rion-Steelton basketball: She also stated that the I:Iealth Cen- Arranging Lawyers' Dinncr Patcnt Issllcd to Cynwyd Man ~ present in the auditorium of the Nar-
this Saturday. The federation also Ig-ame tonight at the Palestra. ; tel' ,WOUld be glad to receIve the do- DesnlOnd J. McTighe, of Nurberth, A patent has been is;;ul'd to Everett, berth Public School will witness a
will hold an all-day alrair July G at Two sets of actors arc sharing' the! nallon of a baby pen for. ~ne of the is a member of the Entcrtainment II. Bickley, of HI Penarth road, Cyn- I vivid portrayal of the Carolina nlOun-
SOUderton in connection with that bor- leading' roles. Last evening Mildred mothers under the SUllC'rVlSlOn. Mrs. Committee which i;; hdping to ar- wyd, by the United Statl'S Patent Of-' taineers. The Narbel'lh Players can
oug-h's li.ftieth anniversary jubilee Holt Virginia Hunter and Herbcrt Paul C. M~:l'l'ow, of 524 Homewood rang-e the annual dinner of the 1\1ont- lice, fOl' a liquid level indieator which, be justly llroud of Iheit' achie\'emellt
cdeOl:ation, when a buffalo roast is I<'ost~r played the ma,ior parts, which i avenue, chaIrman of the Home Dc- g'omery County Bar Association. The according' to examiners, is llatentable in "Sun-Up." E. L.
11l'0I111sed., Salurday evening will be taken by II Continued on Page Eight alfair will be hl'ld this Saturday at because of cleven claims to original-
Mr. Ederer, big-game hunter and Janice Connelly, Pauline Wood and the Plymouth Country Club. ity. At f)l'ntal SoddY Meeting
former assemblyman, of Me~l'~se, Samuel McCartney, I FIRE CALLS Dr. H. F. McDuffee and Dr. H. B.
showed seve~~l thousan~ feet of lilll~ These memoers of the supporting I DOl'Othy Bossert Engaged Methodists Lose to "Y" Lane, both of Narberth, attended the
of the beautiful mou,ntam, SCel,lCl'Y of I cast are appearing in both perform-I Narberth Fire Company: 1\1 1'. and Mrs. Warren S. Bossert, of Narberth M. E. Church basketball meeting of the Dental Society of
:Alaska and also ?f ItS. Wild hfe and lances: E ....elyn McGarvey, Dorothy March 13, 9.45 A. M.-Blaze at Merion avenue, Narberth, announce team lost a game to the Norristown: ChestI';' and Delaware Counties
Its salmon mdust'ry. I
He Ogden, Patti Leopold, Dorothy Her- Hird's Auto Body Shop, 925 Mont- the engagement of their daughter, Y. 1\1. C, A. last Friday night on the! Wednesday in Chester.

trip, hopes to take the Journey agam. 'Iubby King.

laud~d the hos~ltahty of Alaslm~s allll, best, Eugene Wingate, John Tifft, I g'omcry avenue, Narberth. Automo- Dorothy, to Mr. John Bartram, son of latter's floor, 33-19. Azpell, with' Dr. R. M. Walls, the guest speaker,
de.spite the mlsadventu~es of his l~st ~tanley ~ttenger, Harry Maxwell and bile burned up. No damage to other Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Bartram, three field goals, was leading scorer talked on "Economic Conditions ill
cars or buildings. of West Chester. ,for the losers. Pennsylvania."
.'_: • • • ,". ~ l _, ' ~ . . .
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Page Two OUR TOWN March 19, 1937

Wynnewood House is IFlaming Torches to Announce

Main Line Restaurant United Campaign on April 6 1

At City Hall and seven other strate-
De. ! gic points throughout the city the of- I
Max Schoenberger Opens
I ficial insignia of the United Campaign
Jightful Place at 1236 I-a Jive, flaming torch affixed to a
Montgomery Ave. Ipylon twenty feet high-will be dis-
M --- I
, played in heroic proportions to remind
, ~x Schoenberger, one of the Mam , Philadelphians of the need to contrib·
LlIle ,s better-known restaura!lteurs'i ute $4,500,000 for the assistance of
provided welcome news for his host 1 141 humanitarian agencies that serv~
of friends in this section when he an-: this region.
llounced this week the opening of" '
'V~'nnewood House, 1236 Montgomery I P. Blair. Lee, general chairman of'
avenue Wynn wood I the camllalgn, announced yesterday
, ' e. I'that the committee on displays,
Th~s newly renovated prope~ty. headed by Charles H. Eyles, presi.
pronllses ,to b<: th: most outstand~ng dent of the Richard A. Foley Adver·
place "of Its kmd 111 suburban " PIllla- IISlllg
t" I A geney, Ila d 0 bt'
ame d th e lleces-
delpllla, ThiS old manSIOn, wllIch IIsary pernllsslOn, " t llroug h tlle co-oper-
has been a landmark on Montgomery a toIon 0 f I\~Layor \"'1 " I son an d 1\1'
. ISS G eor-
avenue for many years, has bcen en-I,
" 0 gill a p ope Y ea t man, d'Irec t or 0 f tl. 1C
tn'ely whitened ,
on 0 the ' exterIOr and·: D elHU' t men t 0 f COt I Y A rc IlIecure,
't t an d
makes an o ImpreSSive, pIcture
' sur-; tl·le F O par'
alrmount k COml1l1SSI011,
" t0
rounded WIth'l ItS ample d 't parkingt space
I .
have the torch pylons In' place durlllg '
.f or au t·omo b I es
0 1 an'II b I s POI' ecoc
tl Jere' the campaign, ," willch WIll open Apnl ' 6.
en t ranee w IllC 1 WI e so gorea y ap-'
preciated in inclement weather, I
As you enter the spacious lobby. Garden Club to Hear
R" h d W"h
rtg t:
with its blue walls, white ceiling:
and crystal chandelier you are im.: te ar son
pressed with the dignit~, of its deco-; i
ration.. The large Crystal Room 011' Editor of "House and Garden" i
the hfi'ft 'dvl,lieh hhas a calPacilY for S?V- Will Addl'ess Bala-eyn- I
enty- we mel'S as a b ue paper With i
,t very ullusual design running wyd Gl'OUp I
through it with all egg shell color. I
Here again will be found three large Hichardson ~Vright, editor of Ho~sel
magnificient c\,\':-lal chandelier:-. : and Garden, wIll speak at the meetlllg
" . 0 lof the Garden Club of Bala-Cynwyd

On the opposIte "'Ide of the lobbv IS on :~A Ill' 'II 1 ,a t 10 A . I\~L., on "s ma II
0 0 " :

,. ap Ie Room, w I1Ile smaller

t IIe 1\1 "111a r('(j ens 1·1 ere an d Ab roa d" I'II us-
t I111n the Cl'v:-tal Room, '\'Ill accom- t t l 't! ]'d '
odate thirt\'~five diners and is ideal ra e( WI 1 SICS.
for private' bridge parties and lunch- Other club:- and their presidents,
cons. who have combined with the Garden
Club are The Ardmore Nature Club,
A t the end of the lobby you come 1\lrs, William W. Chambers; The Gar-
into what 1\11'. Schoenberger thinks is den Club of Berw~'n, Mrs, Joseph W.
the smartest and most unusual Cock- Sharp; The Gardeners, 1\lrs. Thoma~,
tail Lounge in this part of t,he coun- G, Barton; Garden Workers, 1\lrs. G.
tl'y. It is massive in size and will It Rebmann; Penn Valley Garden
seat sixty-fi\'e people. The entire Club, I\lrs. John A. Lafore, and the
room has been treated as a ship's deck Twin Valleys Garden Club, Mrs.
which is absolutely authentic in every Thomas Lewis.
detail. The cabin side of the deck has
been covered with heav~. armored 1\11'. \'h'ight was born in Philadel-
plate and its steel rivets. Through phia and was educated at the Epis-
real ship's portholes on thi", side of eopal Academy and Trinity College.
the deck gleam the yellow lights from He was formerly foreign correspond-
the cabin inside. On the opposite ent in Siberia and Manchuria for
side of the deck shows the open sea American newspapers and literary
back of a real ship's rail underneath critic of the New York Times. Since
which is laced heavy white canvas. 1!J14, he has been editor of House and
Overhead is painted the midnight blue Garden.
of the sky at sea with myriad stars He is chairman of the Board of
showing through the night. Horticultural Society of New York;
Other decorations which lend a treasurer of the American Iris So-
nautical atmosphere to this room arc ciety; fellow of the RO~'al Horticul-
the ship's bell, starboard and port tural Society and also of the Royal
lights, several real life preservers on Geographical Society and a trustee of
which has been lettered "S. S. Wynne- Trinity College and of the Bronx
wood," and a collection of regulation Botanic Garden. He is chairman of
naval flags, such as: the commander's the International Flower Show of
flag, rear commander's flag, vice- New York.
commander's flag, guest flag, fleet He is the author of many books on
captain's flag, owner's absent flag, Gardening and the Practical Book of II

owners at 'dinner flag, the crew is at Outdoor Flowers published in 1924,

meal flag, regalta committee flag. has been styled by those who have
To the left of this room two doors received much help from it in their
lead to the promenade deck, a tiled, garden work as "The Garden Bible."
floor open porch which shall be used I Among his other books which are
in the summer time for open-air din· I outstanding arc "Truly Rural," 1922;
ing, having a seating capacity of onel ::~ Small House and,a Large Garden'''j.
hundred and thirty-five people which i I'lowers for Cuttlllg and Decora-
will bring the total seating C~l1acilY I lion," "The Gardener's Bed Book," I
of this establishment over 300. • "The Traveler's Bcd Book," "Another'
Mr. Schoenberger was born in Gardener's Bed Bool," and others.
Baden-Baden, the famous German
Spa, and received high school educa-: Standing Committees Named
tion in this country and later went to I for Wynnewood Association
Luzcrl1l', Swilzerland, and entered the i
Ecole-Holeliere, a holPl training! Members of thirteen standing com-
school. He has traveled all over I~u.: mitlees of the Wynnewood Civic Asso-
rope. He has worked in tho",e hotels ciation were announced this week. In
that arc a by-word in this country, the following list of the groups the
During his career he ha:- served name of the chairman is given first:
Mary Garden, famous openl star, Health and drainage-Dr. E. Ro-
Queen Marie, of Rumania, and many land Snader, Jr., Homer H. Hewitt
ro~'al families. . Jr., Thomas McConnell, 3d. '
Highway-John V. Calhoun, Ed-
Vassar College Choil' to Give mund R. Finegan, Johns Hopkins.
Beetle control-Thomas M. Scott,
First Coneelot in Philadelphia
F. T. Chandler, Jr., James H. Steven-
The Vassar College Choir wiII give son.
a concert in Irvine Auditorium April 1\Iembership-Walton Gibb, Hewitt,
10, at 8.15 P. M. This is the first Herbert K. Ball, Clarence L. Sum-
concert the choir has given in Phila- mel'S, Edmund R. Finegan, Henry V.
delphia. Massey, Jr., George F. B. Appell,
Sponsored by the Philadelphia Scott, Alan Levin, McConnell, Har-
Branch of the Vassar Alumnae, the old L. Reese, Hugh S. Gil hams.
committee in charge is headed by Snow removal-Lewis W. Gibbons,
~ JIB .
Lrs. osep 1 • K1I1g, Jr., and M r s ·
. Walton Gibb.
Mls~cIlaneou~ I1nprovements-W al-
Among tl p t d t ton Glbb, L. RIchard Kinnard, Edwin I'
Ie a rons an pa ronesses Semans.
are Mr. Horace Alwyn, Mrs. Gideon g. g , .
Boericke, Mrs. Edward Bok, Miss EI- I OV e rhan 1l1 fohage-Scott, Chand-I
I er s t cvenson
eanor Brownel1-Shipley, Mrs. Howard II P' 0I'ICC an d fl'lre- R eese, Rowland C
B u.t eel',
h V· I' Lr. Bruce Carey, Dr. and· v ,
C.vans, ' J 1'., F lo
• ret el'lck A. Fontyn.
M IS. , IlIUm W. Comfort, Mr. and
H S D . k J L' ht'
Ig 1I1g - G'II
I lams, C. Mervyn
rs.. enry . I'm er, r. Y0u n,I g L OUIS L . 'uC
0 1I~ IIIwnney.
:MISS Gertr~de Ely, Mrs. Norman E., Map and director~·-GeorgeJ. Our-!
Freeman, 1\11. and Mrs. N. E. Funk, I bachl'
Miss Elizabeth Gest, Miss Lillian H ' 'C K 1
Richard W

TI" t
1011l1g on,
I 'I rry ess er
Ges~, Miss Alice ? Howland, Mrs. 'Street' signs ~ Frederick Peirce I
Regml.lldM Jacobs, I I\I MISS. IElizabeth John-!
. I Stevenson , a H· l'old T . I\K. LOOle. '1
s~~' Clh" ~nl ( 1\;'S',VRIC dH ll'd N. Klllght'l Zoning-Semans, FI'ank B. Evans.
LI s. a1 es L. 00. 1\1 a1'I serYlce-
' J 0h n V. Calhoun, Ap- I
S tI'l ers
3111per Delivery !
pel, William Nelson West 3d.
Strikers last Thursday tried to pre-I A new case of scarlet fever in
vent the delivery of a load of plaster I' Narberth was reported this week by

from J .. J: Skelton ~ Son, Inc., coal borough Health Officer George B.
'i.lud bUlldmg matenals concern, in Suplee. The patient is Samuel Clev-
Cynwyd. enger, 16, of 107 Woodside avenue.

, i
Page Three
March 19, 1937 I
-- ------------.-- the author's "Oil for the Lamps of I
Merion Noles 1 China" will want to add this one to I
their reading list. The novel concerns i
THE FIRESIDE Dr. and Mrs. ,T. Harold Austin, of I itself with medical service and re-I'
Anthwyn road, will entertain at a
search in China.
1\11'5. ,T. W. Inwood, of lI~verford small dinner on Wednesday, March 31, I
avenue, Narberth, entertamed at in honor of Miss Deborah S. Lippin-
"What the International Labor
ganization Means to America," edited'
01'-1 MAX
luncheon and bridge Tuesday for 1eott, daughter of Mr. John H. Lippin- Additions to Mind Alcove
by Spencer Miller, Jr., is another!
Mrs. Edward Lutz anrl Mrs. Walter cott of Chestnut Hi1l, and Guy Cur- F b I h v recently been
. I 1 f C 1 d Mrs' W C . f 'our new oo,s a e timely book. The United States has I
N IC 10 son, 0 , ynwy{ 'T .a~. '1 !'ies, son of Mrs. '. urrles, o· added to the International Mind Al-
Thomas F. Touhill, .Of Nal bel tho IBoston, whose marrIage will talw place cove at the Narberth Community Li- I been' a member of this organization i
since A ugu~t, 1934. The book is a'
Miss Hazel 1\larsch~', daughter of i on April 3. brary. The Alcove is a gift of the collection of addresses and lectures by
1\11'. and Mrs. J. C. 1\larscher,. of Hav-I The ~uest5 who wiII attend the mati- Carnegie Endowment for Interna- scholars and students of industrial
erford avenue, Narberth; MISS Ruth nee party which Mrs. Gustave A. Bis- tional Peace. and economic problems.
McCracken, daughter of MI'. and ,1\11'5.1
Robert S. McCracken, ' EI of State
N" lOa{,
I IIeI' , .
f I give
Jr, of York L"nne
Manor, will
March .24, in I
'1'11e fi rs t'IS "Th e S pam'h
s T 1'...
)\ ". . eelS. j I. e s, a 11 E11g-
. E A P , 1\1' P er-
W gnnewood House
.' aneI 1\1 ISS
, . !. canol'
S oniIS,t0 honor of Miss Margaret '.' E Rlchard- ].'IS JlInan, Ilas WI'I' tent 'In thOIS b 00 k a Jillict Shaw Bctrothcd
Cynwyd, are smlmg . on B aturrI ay 0 son ' dau".hter ' ,.., of Mr . and Mrs . Walter non-partIsan . aceoun t 0f tl1e co Ildl' - Commander Charles A. Shaw, U. S. 1236 Montgomery A'Venue, Wynnewood, Pa.
spend several weeks 111 ermur a. C. Richardson ' .of' the
, Barclay, follOW-I
., t'Ions Iear I'mg up t 0 the pI'e s ent °l'tua
~ - ~. (retired), and Mrs. Shaw, form- I
Miss Peggy MacGuffin, daughter of ling th.e luncheon wlllcl~ Mrs. WlllIa!l1 1 tion in Spain. He speaks with the erly of Avon road, Narberth, now liv-,
M,r. and :i\lrs. Ralph D. 1\IacGuffi~: of ~. IrIsh, of Green HIli Farms" wllI authority gained by long residence in ing on Bay road, Amherst, Mass.,! Opcn for lrmchcolI, di,,,,cr and Sllppcr
Lmden lane and Brookway, Mellon, give at the Bellevue-Stratford, wIll be the country. have announced the engagement of I
entertained informall~' on Sunday af-\ Mrs. How~rd Nichols, 1\'1 iss ~an~ "A Wayfarer in Norway," ~y S. J. I their daughter, Juliet, and William i
ternoon. . ' A~ams, M.lss. Jeanett~ ~1. Bmp?e'l Beckett, in contrast deals With the Roderick Bliss, of Springfield, Mass. i
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Haist, of MIlljMISS. Mar.l~rlC M: Dlck1l1son, MISS peaceful Scandinavian country visited !\I iss Shaw is a senior at Mt.! Featuring thc Crystal Room, Maple Room, the
and l\lanor road, Penn VaIley, left Gloria Fehling, MISS Anne Freeman, by many "arm-chair" travelers in Holyoke CoIlege and Mr. Bliss is I Nalltical Cocktail LOllllgC alld Marine Bar
Wednesday for Sea Island, Ga., to re- Miss Anne ,Villing Huber, Miss Eliza- America' through Trygve Gulbrans- graduate assistant in physics at Wes-I
main until the end of March. beth D. Myers, Miss Anne W. Mayer, sen's novel "Beyond Sing the Woods." leyan University, Middletown, conn.,.
Mrs. Haist and her sister, Mrs. Miss Elsie Metzger, Miss ~essie E. "Yang and Yin," by Alice T. Ho-
George Gilpin, of Penn Valley, re- N~lTis, j\i~iss F~'anees W. 'Vllson and bart, provides a second copy of a book • • I Dinners from one dollar
cently returned from a motor trip to l\I1ss LOUise Wigton. already popular with the library
Mexico. M,'. and Mrs. Edgar Wells Free- readers. Those readers who enjoyed I
Mrs. Harry D. Phillips, of Balti- man, of North Bowman avenue, spent I Cocktail hour, thrcc to fiyC P. M.
more, is the guest of her brother-in- the week-end at Spring Lake, N. J.,
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert where they were the guests of Mrs.
B. Price, of Merwyn road, Merion, Freeman's parents, Dr. and Mrs. GiI- II

for ten days. Ibert B. Murray, over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, of Anth- Lieutenant John Dimon, U. S. A., I For Reservations, Call Max, Narberth 3799
wyn road, Merion, will spend the1and Mrs. Dimon, formerly of New Max F. Schocnbers:er
week-end in Atlantic City. Mrs. Den-I' York, are now occupying a house on ,
nis entertained at a bridge and tea VaIley View road. Lieutenant and
Thursday. I
Mrs. Dimon entertained at a buffet
Mrs. 1\1. E. McLinn, of Princeton, supper on Sunday evening, when the
N. J., and her daughter, Miss Ruth ! guests were :1\11'. and Mrs. H. B. MaX-\
McLinn, formerly of Narberth, will well, Mr. and 1\1rs. Franklin MaxweIl, 111•• 2'" CHESTNUT ST
arrive on Good Friday to be the guests Dr. Emilie l\1axweIl and Arnold Ser- ..:-9 - SO MUCH
of Mrs. McLinn's granddaughter, vice, Jr. , H I LAD E L PHI A
Mrs. Spencer V. Smith, of Hampden Mrs. Dimon is the niece of Mr. H. B.
avenue, for the Easter holidays. MaxweIl, of Baird road. FOR SO LITTLE!
Mr. and Mrs. ~. J. PoIloel<, of Avon Mrs. Paul B. Hicks, of North Bow-
road, had as thellfr ~~~t~l on s~n]\<~ay, man avenue, has returned from a two "I'm a telephone salesman and
Mr. and I\1rs. A rer al ey, 0 er- weeks' visit to her home in Charles-
there's nothing I'd rather sell
chantviIle, N. J. t N C
Miss Roberta Stalev, of Avon road, on, . . than telephone service. Why?
. d h lb' t b'd T > I Mr. Rov E. Murphy, of Stoneway
entertame• er c u a n ge ues- I lane, left . Thursday with a group of Because nothing gives you so
dav. evenmg. If I S K f B I II men for a week at Vlrg1l1Ja . .. B eac I1, V a. much for so little as a telephone.
Mrs. A rer . napp, 0 eec 1- , .
St P t 'k' 1 I 1\IIS5 1\larv 1\lol'lan, daughter of Mr. It L'an you time and trouble
wood lane, gadve a T'h a nc tS unc j - 1 and 1\lrs. E'. Clark Morian, of Anth-
1\1' I wvn road, Menon; .'
can \\'edne~- ay. e 1\1'
gues s were ••• run your errands •.• do your
G MISS Janet Ha11 ,
Mrs. I-I er bcrt eorge, j' erlon; 1 I s.\. ." k shopping. It can jJrotect your Easter comes early this year. Kill two birds with
. 1 I I{ t f C I' 1\·1' of 1\lerlOn, and ]\1ISS Elizabeth Emac ,
R IC. 1arr R etI ereI',
f II
0 ynwyr," IS. ,,'
' I . 1\1' 1\1'1- of Phoel1lxville, Sailed T ursday on
family in case of sicknesos and
C!Inton at 1'f0 H" anelf c 1, I
d • I dS. 1\·11'I the Europa for Europe, where t I1ey one stone by having your spring cleaning done In
(IrerI Cu II en 0
,'. f \"
aver or . an 1 s.
Karl Dorries 0 iV ynnewoor .
, "
I 'd
will VISit the Baroness Mal!In Cluo t,
, .
save your home in case of fire.
It keeps you in touch with friends time for this annual occasion.
'. B' 'P bl I t i t of Selgsdorf. Thev will return June
MIss ma re e ws re urne{ 0 ') . and family in town or away from
her home in New York after spending _. "Know where your Cleaning goes"
home. It opens the door to busi-
several days as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. R J. Dothard, of W~'nnewood Gcorge E. Stonc to Wed ness opportunities because people
Merion Girl on March 25 can reach you quickly and easily.
Mrs. William Levis, of Hampden
avenue, spent last week in New York., Engagement of l\liss Ida Pleet, 247
"And it puts your name in the ZORIC St. Mary's Laundry,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leary, who!\Vinding way, Merion, to Actor Geor~e I telephone directory!
have .been spending some time in St. 'I E. Stone, of motion pictures, was an-
Petel'sburg, Fla., have Teturned to nounced Saturday by David H. Pleet,
their home on Merion avenue. Ibrother of the hride-to-be. They Willi
"So it seems to me that I'm
doing people a real service by Inc.
pointing out how much a tele-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfred Peeney, of be married on March 25.
Elm terrace, arc sailing this Friday

The 34-year-old actor, Stone, came I phone can do for them and how I Ardmore 4400 Ardmore, Pa.
for a week in Bermuda. .to America from Poland when he
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dc Los Cannan, was 14. After several years in vaude- I
I little it really costs when you
consider its many advantages."
of Shirley road, entertained at dinner viIle he went to HoIlywood and was
'Vednesday when their guests were 'I featured in character roles, such as
1\11'. and Mrs. John Blakley, M1'. and that of the coachman in "Anthony
I • • • \
Mrs. Thomas Belfield and :\11'. and Arlverse" and the Jewish merchant in i You can have a telephone in
your home for less than a dime
Mrs. Fred Belfield, of Elkins Parle' "Cimarron." Amon/!: his other pic- I Conveniently located on Belmont Avenue on
1\11'. and Mrs. Cannan also arc enter-! tures were "Seventh Heaven," "The a day. Just call the Business
rolling hills above the Schuylkill River-21 i
taining at dinner this Friday. The Big Brain," "1\Ian Hunt" and "Fresh-
guests will be Mr. and 1\11'''. Donald man Love."
"Vogue find of Office - it's a free call- and I acres. Family lots as low as $150. Perpetual
thc fortnight,"- say "I want a telephone." Or care assured by invested fund of wcll over
Wells, All'. and Mrs. Norman Rowley
and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Streander, of Nat'bcrth Bridge Club this importa~tll ask any telephone employee. I $500,000. Visitors welcome.
Lansdowne. 1\larch 10 top score, Mrs. Charles new geometl'1c Belmont Ave. ncar City Line, Cynwyd
MI'. and Mrs. J. P. Horlacher, of I'>. S , tow It anr I C" A . H ammer; seconeI I
Essex avenue, gave a birthday party place, Allen Shubert and Walter J. print, tailorcd\ \
Saturday e\'ening in honor of their Scott. crcpe frock with
daughter, Miss Irene lIorlacher. Six- 1\larc.h 13 top score, Mr. an.d Mrs. 1
boxy coat, $35.
teen guests attended the Scavenger C. A. Hammer; second place, Mr. and I
Hunt. :'III'S. Clifford D. Goodwil)' II I
Mrs. H. G. Turner, of Wynnewood March 15 top score, Arthur Cooney
court, entertained her club at lunch- nnrl H. H. McConnell.
Final standing Narberth Handicap! ~==============
Misscs' Shop, Second Floor OF PENNSYLVANIA
Upholding the Country's
con and bridge Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr~. A. 1. Lambert, of Toul'lwment. 1. l\lr8. E. C. Griswold: iii • •
Shady lane, sailed from Philadelphia, and William Thompson; 2. Mrs. Ward· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
la~t Thursday aboard the S. S.: Pierson and Clifford D. Goodwin; 3. i Favored Position. • •
Chatham en route to Jacksonville and l 1\lr;;. Walter J. Scott and 1\1rs. Clar-
l\liami, Florida.
Mr. Sam i\Ii!ll'r, who is attending
ence Goodyear.
When You Paint Utility Service is in the front
rank of forces making for im~
Tome School at Port Deposit, l\ld., re- \X1ins Hun School Lctter
turned Wednesday to spend the spring' proved living for all people.
Loui~ A. Young, Jr., of 410 Grove As Spring approachcs and your
vacation with his parents, Mr. and placp, Narbcrth, has been awarded a
l\lrs. A, C. l\li!ll'r, of )i. :'-Jm'berth varsity basketbalI Idter at the Hun thoughts ccnter on housc c1can- This finding of social and
ing. rcpairs, alterations and improvemcnts,
avenul'. Pr('paratol'~' Schoo], Princeton, N. J. economic students - backed
1\11'. and 1\ll's. Alhl'rt T. Hassell and you will think of PAINT. Outsidc painting
their ~mall daughtL>1', who have bccn: ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ timc docs not neccssarily mcan Spring, Sum-
by studies of production and use - shows
spending sOllle time with :'III'S. lIas-: also that America is better off than any
sell's mothel', :'Ilr~. Jallles Sil11p~on, I
ha\'e nlO\'(,d to Rr,dbank, N. J. I Metered mCl' ot· Fall. It means paint whcn thc wood
work is in proper condition to rcccive it. other nation in the goods, services, and
conveniences available, and in the oppor~
:'Iiss Laurita RL'no, of Pn)\'idcncl', I Whcncver you do paint, decide to use a
R. 1., i~ thl' gu('~t of :\11'. and 1\lrs. RI
H. Rippel', of DudIPy avenue. ThL>:
TATION. Resolve to get protection, life and good appear-
tunity to obtain thcm.
;\ll.a~\II't;d a\ltlllJJa tk:lll,r.
mal'1'iage 0[' 1\liss Reno to :'Ih. and, jl1:-;t ;1:-: YOUI' 1_!::U.: o 1il\l' j:-; ance. You get all of thcse in thc Murphy Varnish Co.'s These two facts, taken to~cther, indicate
l\lrs. Hippl'r'" neplll'w. 1\11'. Phillip: IlIt':l:-:lIrl'd. Your l'l'l'l'ipt i~ products we've becn handling for years. Whethcr you re- strongly that the workers and investors of
Calahan, will takL' plan> ;\Ia~' :!2 in' 11l:11·lliIJt.'-~ta 1lIlled. :--Illtwillg
P!'twidence. eXLlctly !low IlltH'1i fuel oil quire paints, enamels and varnishcs for inside or outside, let the utility industry have met, and are
i:-: dt.,)jvl,rl'll to your tall]\:,
1\11'. and 1\IJ'~. Stl'rling' Chain, of "' :'\OL:t1t':-::-:wor!L Yo11"1l lil;;:t'
us explain the advantages of our pt'Oducts. meetin~ fully, the obligations of the
Stuart avr'lIlW, al'L' rCl'eiving' con- t lit' ~t'r\'k(' frllTIl 0\11' hull\
gratulation~ upon till' birth of a son, :--:lllr;q~'" talll.;.:-; ill :"al'l11'rth!
public service in which thcy are engaged.
Don't forget Ollr Artist's Oils a"d Water Colors, Ca1l'vas,
David Alll'n Chain. on 1\larch ,\, i\lrs.,
Chain is thl' flll'nll'l' 1\liss I3ercnice l Ralph S. Dunne Stretchers and Bmshes.
1\lrs. \\'. Itussdl Green, of 'Vood-
bine avenue, Narberth. who has bL'cn I Ha~el'.'ord g
in Florida with her parents, ]\[1'. aIHI I
Mrs. 1\1ahlon H. Rickert, of Sellers-! The Link Bctwem Forcst alld Homc ELECTRIC COMPANY
ville, returned on Tuesda~·. During ~AUDJ';UTJ[ 2,130 I Electricity Is Cheap in the Philadelphia Area
hel' sta~.' in Florida, 1\11'5. Green I
(Free CIII!:; for Su".erihorH Onl)')
1I11itop 10280 Dr)'n l\lllwr 10280
visited Mr. Green's sister, 1\1rs. Jene NI~htR. Sundll)·. &: J[lllidl1~'S-
Nllrbertb 2651

S. Lannigan. •
,:":'.' .. ,.• ".... ; ''t' '•. ,J

Page l'our OUR TOWN March 19, 1937

'OUR TOWN :~:~~"::'~::~l' '::::llll~~l1;\II::~~·\·;;:~:~:~~II~\t:::.ta~l:t;;:~::(:(l)~:~~.)~li~;a:I;(I)~:l~~:::l~:;

. u I'('('S IHlid to 10('al Offi('ials... . 1\\'rlve Illajol' ('xeclltiv(' dCl111rt-
To be Given by Junior Saturday
IMaMrc~ StoL~m SWD~ep~
am me lstnct
A (.'o-o/w/'utive Com.mltntty j,ews]J(lpcr
fOllnded in UH4 by the Narberth Of ('olll'sr \I'{' al'(, fOl' C('OIlOIllY, menls. Sunday will be Palm Sunday. I Club on April 3 i
ever!l Vr;'/"y A",.:ocintion, (Inri Imblishcd
at. Norberth. Pa. ('flh'i"IW,\' :I II(I a II1PI'lt' SYSlem-ll . ' 'I'hl'l'r are now tl'n nlajol' exel~n- S'I'V e?s appropriate to the day will
T 0 cI o~e tl1e L en t en season WI'11 be. Six-Inch Snow Blankets Suburbs;
all Sll\llIds Iiw'-hllt it iSI/'1 fine tin' d"II'Il'lllll'nt s S1'ltl' 'I'rcaSlll'Y he held 111 the churches. la gay mght and goala dance at thel Seen as Winter's Part-
Philip Atlee Llvin,::Yron, Pub II sher , . . . " j , . , ,'. '. , I
Edwin L. Paxson. g,lltor when 'hI' ))rllllan' olqrel of a 11 . ,IlIS1 it'I' Post Ot'fil'l' :'Ih V" 'Val' Thi;; S, aturday, at 7.45 P, M., old I St. Davids Golf Club on Saturday; ing Gesture
Anne lIIol'l;'an ltooerlH, Hodal l~cIltol' ,

Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth

. • '.
I " . ' .
,IH'sl' pl'oposals IS 10 1)\111(1 lip a ('Ollllll('rl'e, .\g'l'ienltllJ'e, Lahor and 0 OlCIa Y crosses
. \' I' 1 .
","" , , S I ill

spring. b.egins"
II th dI
e equator an nig-ht, April 3, from 10 until 2. It~
will be given by the Junior Saturday i A three-day storm-winter's part-
___ nllH·hIP(' at \ as IIn:.rlon an( 111 fnlel'iol'. 'l'wo new departments, A I
Telephones-Narberth 4100, Cynwyd 811 ",.. I. .'11 t 'I, 1 ,. lTIVll1g a (ay earlIer than usual CI b f th b fit f t1' I 'I ing g-esture we hope-blanketed the
Subscription rate. $2 per year In advance "\ ('1.\ Sf ,11 I' 1 1,11 \\ I nt el,\ nu - wllOsc heads wonld he Cablllet this year, the festive season of flowers, u , or e ene 0 lelr pl! an- suburban d'istrict with the heaviest
Enterecl as secn"<1-cla~~ matter O~(n- lif,\' \<wal adlllinislration 01' afl'ail's nH'lllh('rs. \1'0111(1 he created-social robins and leafy garlands long has thropl~ fund. Countless requ.ests for snow since January 1936, obstructed
~:~t~~' J~,:4,u~~e~h~h~o~c~~iel\~rc~a~~ a lid t ha t wi II kepp \'e\\' I)eal ap- \\'elfa1'(' a n(l pll hI ic works. 'fhe I b.een awaitc;d by those f~nd of warmer a spr1l)g dance have come In from traffic, impaired tempers and wrought
1879. poilllep~ !w!'Jwlt1all\' ill' po'o\'I'I', I'll ,I) . ,t , t f tI I _ tnlles. Which was especially true dUl'- many who attended the Junior Satur- havoc generally over the past weck-
, "a II lI' o. H, pp.1I ml II ,Ole . II ing the height of that so-and-so sno\\,- day Club's Christmas dance and from end.
Friday, March 19, 1937 "5 - -5 r"
- -'- - - I 'cl'iol' WOllld he (~hallgetl to the De- ' storm on Su))day 01' l\Konday ,' many w h 0 mlsse . d·t I, Commencing early Saturday morn-
oggy cntl1:,enta ,ty 1 i parI mellt of COllsel'vatioll, Indc- "Vermont farmers report the sap Tickets will be sold at the door 01' ing, the snow stopped early that after-
. N N it "Ill formcr days It was snppose( I l1r nlh-lll Inll'callR of importance has started to run." He should have may he procurcd from Miss Ruth noon,' commenced again early Sunday
C 0- 0 peratlOfl R owhi' ecessP y t to be a c.>a nl "
t cpu ,can
. ' I . II' i " k b·t h
lila I \'Irtne ill a Jltl ) IC ",IIieh \\'onlrl he absorhecl into cle- no.wn et er t an to vote Democratic Rolf, Wayne, who is dance chairman. morning; turned to rain Monday
ar y : llIan 10 PI'C\'l'llt waste of the ptlhlic rart mcntli illellHle: ReRcttlemcllt 11) . tl,Iat vlcl.m .. 't
. .
y. Ken Nelson's, Orchestra will be on morning and back again to snow late
.. , I ". f d" .t Ii' I l' t "To ., . 1 he JunIOr Saturday Club members I hand to supply ItS usual peppy rhythm Monday afternoon, from which time
Thr reslg'lwtlOl1 of ~Irs.. 0 1I1 I , tin s, ".'rr es rail { \en. . . - .\(IJlJ!.lIIstratlOlI, '1'ennessee Valley will give a sprinO' '" dance 011 Saturday and n1usI·c. until its cessation in the early hours
If IIhel' from 1hr Exrelll iw COIll- day he IR treate(1 as sOllle tl 11Il~ ,\ 111 hOl'it.v, Social Spenrit,\, Hoard, evening, April 3, from 10 until 2 ,Tuesday it really went to town.
mitlee of thp :\lollt/.!:ompl'~· COllnf~' reprehensible. . . . '1'hat such a 1"e(lcr:11 Honsing- Arlmillistration, o'clock, at St. Davids Golf Club. ANTHONY WAYNE POST i Roads, drives and sidewalks were
Rrpuhlil'all ol'g:allizalion. points 10: state of affairs call exist withont Works Prog'ress AdminiRtration, J. Brooks B. Parker: of St'rafford, :blocked, automobiles stalled and
the possillllll . . . \. 0 I' a SpI'IOIIS ' sp 1"11 I1l ptl) 1I'Ic C0111'1'·' - I'll 1'0 tIle Ilcst eVI'dcllC n
, . "Fel el'a
I I C olllllllllHeatIOns
., C,0mmIS- . has been elected a dll'ector of. ,the M em b ers V 0 t e t 0 P t Award -
os pone pedestrl'al)S
, bII'nded by tile s\vl'rII' n g
. 1 I. I I I Bryn Mawr Horse Show ASSOCiatIOn f k T :icy flakes floundered as best th y
the part~· I'anks, ; of. the (rgree to wile 1 ~ Ie popu aI', ~ion. HUl'al Electrification Admin- to' succeed Archibald Barldie, de- ing 0 Qua er railer I '. .' e
As leadl'l' of 11){' womrn ill 1his ml11d has I~een all~sthetJzed by . , , istl'al ion, Civil Service Commis- ceased. At a meeting of the Anthony Wayne i could up to thell' ankles In snow and
t entahtv " " L 1 R l' D t I k f t h V II Post, No. 418, American Legi~n, 1\lon-! sleet and .slush..
scetion of thp eOIl111~'. hrr 1ll0Vl' is ~Og'g'.r sen lin w ..;ion, :'\atlOl1a! a lor ,e atlOllS UC 0 ac 0 pa ron age t e a ey day evening it was voted to postponc I An e~tllnate ~Iaccs th~ depth
, I 1 'n'li nt Flllel'''ellcy spendinoo taxes alld B()'\rd Vetrl'alls' -\dministration Forge Restaurant has been closed. the a\val'd of tile Quaker tI'al'IeI' that of the Ma.I11.Lme fall III the nelghbor-
pa I' 111'11 a I' y Slg: I ea . ! ~ ':' • 0'", . " ., ' . ' Anthony Foster the )j'0 rietor has I ,
'tlnl' of I'psi''1I'\ 'tilt' natlOl1al debt have marched Home OWllers' Loan CorporatIOn. t '1 ·t'· I p 'f the post is g-iving away until May 8 hood of SIX Inches. QUite a comeback
I n I](,1' l'rePII t I ( c ' ... , - , • d . accep c( a POSI ·Ion as manager 0 a . . ' for a heretofore belittled winter and
. I 1 '111 I)I"lctil'e of Illexorably to lIew hIgh reeol' s. 'l'here are two mam reaRons why Berwyn cafe The prevIOus date for draWing was set I I h '11
t lOll. s lP (~Oll( PIllIIS
, . t'
.lppOlll Ill... (0 11
0' • 11\ lit!<'p'
. '
0111\' to The lIla~llltllde of tillS spelldlllg g'oVel'nlllent reorgallllmtlOll IS deslr-
. .
. I
. ., .•
Elsewhere in this issue is published 01
f d'
I , f ' M h 8 b d
books bemg out and receipts slow Ill)
t ,ant one t at we trust WI not be
ar~ 1, ut ue. 0 so mUl~y I duplicated for many months to come
, .
' 1 1 I . ,j n' 'IS to the has gIven the average cItizen an el1- ahle-ethcJelwv and economy. Un- t e report 0 Au Itor Robert Scott . .. h h d' bl
J 1:1\'(' 11111101' llli I ('('lS 0 S (, ' . - , . . I . . , . Noone on the finance f Radn coming In It was t oug t 8 Vlsa e
, I, . j ' f'" Il(l'cl'\I('~ Ill·HIt. In" 'I' tll'ely false Idea of economic va lies. happtl~·. tlwse ends not always arc . '. s 0, or to have the drawing the same day PHILADELPHIA BALLET
Sp (I ,1011 0 (,I I , , , ( .'., .' . '. . . Township, It shows In detail how the " I
sllla II s(' IPC: , p( I :.r I 01 1,
, II I
\\ hel'e, a general
: .
Ion ago, we re- ('ollll)atl1l]e when pOhtlCR IS 1Il- 'I t '
' axpayers money IS spen .
. t the post ;s
" .
holding the first annual 1
. .

, , I ; "al'ded a million dollars as a lot of volved. Consequently, there IS Ernest Gamble d h' C ce t plant and flower sale m Wayne, par- Gave Artistic Performance for Bene-
Hepllhlll"ln .'. j(',HI('l's . ' , howevl'r . ' «,_.0, ' money, we now read abont b il I'10nR c~onsidel'able dissellsion as to the Artists gave a 1110stanenjoyable IS on
enter-r t'lCU IaI's 0f wh'IC I1 WI'11 b eb pul 'IS I1e d fi t 0 f L '
eglon A uXllary .(.
clare 1hat .II IS nol, 1he prO\'lnel' . 01 . • , I
WIth little 01' 110 t IOnght. , lele details of reol'g'alllZatlOll. "\'1" . . '
tamment on FrIday night and a . ' . later. One of the most artistIc and highly . , ,
thr ('omllll11I'(,.
. . f rOIll wh wh :\Irs, , d 1 h
' once tile eOllntry was stlrrr ly t el It is )l'ol)'lble that a \Vhite goo y sum \\as lea Ize 01 dl " I' d f ' th f
e un d . ' , bl t · t '
en.Joya e en eI alllmen s evel given 1Il t . ' ,
111111('1' r('sl:IlIpd, 10. s('1<'('1 ('alHli-. f tl Ii' d I d bt t tl e bil I ,I ( . . to purchase uniforms for the Radnor BUYS OWN BONDS Wayne was the performance last Sat-
clal ('s Sill('(, 1he old Harmoll,\' ('Olll- 1'.lse 0 1C < e era ,~ 0" I , - H ollse sponsored plan, sllmlar t.o High School Band, I . U!'day night in the Radnor High
l' 11 fOl' tl1'It 1)111' hon mark, we toda~ \ lew a l' edel aliI ha 1. 1'('('OlllllleIHlrll hy 1he Presl- The last in the series of Saturday Radnor Township Purchases ~25,000 S.chool auditorium of Catherine Lit-
't 1
ml PP Sl
I'll j'
'1'1 1111(' 10' l S
' tl. < t 11 - debt of thirty-five •• b'l'11 Ions Wit . I II dent's COlllmittee will . I he intro- Club dances was given last Saturday for Sinking Fund I t1efield's Philadelphia Ballet, Given
I )os(', le\' ma III HIll lH Ie " r . 1 ('<,' , " '" .
" , " eqlUllllmlty. '" here a smg e Jon-I (hll'('cl in th is sl'ssioll of COIlO'rcSS'\ night, The conmllttee 111 charg-e 111-1 The rccent $100,000 sewer bond is-, for the benefit of the relief fund of
. 1'011111111 It'e \\ liS 01'- I, "r('ss that a O'('lleratlOn aooo appro- 1 • . '11 1 'tl l'tl1 "'t' I
c U( e(1'1 1\1'
IS. E'd'\\al 'd H P F' fi II
, . ' lone e (, sue of Radnor TownshIp havlllg re- Ie . , tl A n wny "a~ ne os, N o. 418 ,
tl " ' , P t
. 1 I'
g'alllz('( or 1IH'.I.llIl'pOSe 0 f 1'01' II11 1-:'... .',••t 1" -I'" I'll' 0 dollars \ t \\'1 m('p· \\'1 "I I e OppOSI
0 '
. lOn,f,Irs. 1\1 J 0111
I F oey,
I I'
Mrs, Arc)lbaldlceived ' the approval of State ,. authori- A merlcan ' L '
eglOn, A UXI'I ary U' mt, a
lal illg- 1hI' pol il'ips of 1Ill' pa 1'1~' in: pll<1 e( ,IS ,muc I tlS.1 11 1()~. • douhl !I'SS pllSS \nth. a lI~llllll1Um 0 IMorrison and Mrs. Dexter Shaw. tics, was delivered on Monday to large and appreciative audience was
thr (~ount\', ,for a year s Federal spen mg was clcb,tl'. I1owevel', It will be somel S, Clyde Insley, Upper Darby Demo- Dougherty, Corkran & Co., the high- present, It is not known at this time
. .. . . , I once denounced for extravu~allce'ltimr hdol'e thr Solons I!et around crat, Monday was sworn in as a mem- est. bidders. just how much was 1'ealized for this
BelIPvlllp: II ,"l1 p raetlcal for too, we 1l0W take a tcn-billion dollar to it-other Icg-islation, Ilotably the bel' ,0: the Board for Asses~ment and I Having uninvested money in sink- c~aritahle work, but it was a con-
la1':.r!' II eOIllIllI1t('e 10 eOlllr 10 a ConO'ress for O'ranted. I' l' ,', I . .... .,. t' b'll ,'II ReVISion of Taxes, succeedlllg Cyrus ing funds for other issues, on the slderable sum,
. . ,r:o jllllUtl leol,",anlZtl IOn I, \\1 F ' B .. . h "F
1I11a lI.i 1Il OilS tl('(~IS\()1\ on such ('011- '.
\\TI 1.1 t l " s tItle to "soO'O'Y , . f k " Agnew, RepublIcan, who was re- recommendation of Chairman O. How- egl11n1l1g Wit the ete Cham-
lrovc1'sia I ilia 11 PI's. t h ('.\' pla('(' tl)(':.. I le leI' liS
. ,", I, . " 'Is 00 hold the ' .hpa(lIl11es 01' .'mal1Y wee S 'd
n!o\ e as \\ee1 t ' k b C C . .
y ounty OnllTIlS- ard Wolfe, of the FlIlance COIllIllIttec, pe 1 e, pi 0 a ~ , t , , , , b bl' th e es t ~un.l b'
b el on
'I 'I' f" t I l ' I senlIlIlelltahlJ 01 some! hIli", e, e" to cOllie. All hopes for an early sloners Niemeyer and Crawford. The the Board of Commissioners bought the program was the descriptive bal-
" " )] It\' . , or, . 1111, j)oran
' . ...(eCI-,'t' I IS 0 b' VIOUS tl la t tl I. I'
e P llblI'C , nlind . a(1.]0111'1I111ent of ('ongress IlaVC post pays $4000 a ye~r. $25,000 of the current issue-the ser- Ie~, " Au ba d" e, W h'IC h tol d t h e story ~ f
SIOIlS In the h<1lHls 01 <1 s1l1.dl "IOllp. has heeomc anesthetIzed-It fUIIR! herll ahandonrd. At the weekly meetlllg of the Main ies which will expire in 1957. Diane, goddess of the hunt. In thiS
.Tust at this timl'. whell th!' :\r\\' to see its place ill the debt and tax Line Kiwanis Club, held on Tuesday The total bond issue covering the number Miss Littlefield was seen at
Dralel's 1I1'!' attl'lIl]Jling' to g-llill icture, It is almost incredible evening at the Merion Cri,cket CI~b, laying of mains, building of disposall'her best, as were other members of
contr?1 of the county, muc I IIltcr- that we should permit the central
I' p ,
n the ~~
az 71 K ·l'I....,/l,U
.LY~j Ou>(:)
Roy F. Seymour gave an lIlterestlllg plant etc now amounts to $600000 the talented cast,
address on an ever-interesting subject ,., 'I , Especially charming also were the
CRt wlil be centered ~n the outcome I government to spend two dollars I -"Taxes." In the absence of Michael TALKED ON WATER Tarantella, Czardas, dances from the
of :\[rs. IIuhel"s aetlOlI and thl' 1'e-: for every dollar taken in-but we For Unified Tax Collection J, <?asey, who is ill, President C. Wal- !"Nutcracker Suite" and from the
aetiol\ of those' in sympathy with' do with the apparent idea that Editor of Onr Town: I ton Hale acted as chairman for the Suburban Company Engineer Tracesl"Bartercd Brid!'."
' . 1 '11 I . h .,' . d d' evening. . I The members of the auxiliary unit
IleI'. . '
If t11(> (,ou1l1~' IS to 1'emall1 Rr- It IS equally meredlble that the,appo I g a y
someone beRldes ourse ves WI pay.
. .' I
t IS somew at SUI PllSll1g an
int'n to m n citizens of Nar-
. h C
PIerre TeI1hard de Chardm, lIlter-
nationally known Ilaleontologist who
" Growth of Supply for L i o n s ,
I Wish to express their slllcere appre-
An illustrated talk on the develop- ciation to all who J'oined in making
. ,

. . . " " ~ berth to learn that our Boroug oun- ' f h ., ,

mhlielln thpre mllst he 1I0t onl\' pre-electIOn promIses of economy, 1'1 d B h S I I B 1'1 was named the recillient of the Mendel ment 0 t e commumty s watel sup- the entertainment the success it was.
I . . .
excpptionallY sIron". prog-reRsive of a thousand offieeholdcrs should have ]lut themselves on record in fa- Medal for 1937, will receive the award ~ y catur I'
,CI an our oroug c 100 oa ( I f ed T d '1 h
ues a~ s unc con mect-
.' " dl " Md' M h 22 t 1/lg of the Wayne LIOns Club. MERRIEMEN MINSTRELS
IpaderRlnp, hut also the closest eo- he openly alld even prou y VIO- VOl' of the present antiquated and On on ay evenlllg,
• • I I f I I t II t' Villanova College faculty dinner. The
arc ,a a It· d ed b D' G . T M
n 10 uc y 1. eOlge . eI-
'1 ---
operatIOn. lated-but they are. Icost y system . t
0 oca ax co ec lOn,
d' 'fi d t date was announced last week by thc
vine who served as chairman of the
' Will Give Perform nce i Pottst I
'I'hp national Re))uhliean Party \Vhen will the AmerICan people an agams a mo eln Ulll e coun y V ' d d' . day, R. H. S. McCurdy, Philadclphia- a n ow 1
.' • I system which has the endorsement of elY Rev. Ewald V. StanfOld, , . This year Wayne's rollicking min-
a wakened too latr to the mistakes come out of the ether, and realIze i', . , . t . t d' ffi' t d 0, S. A., president of the college. Suburban Water Company engllleer, t 1 Th M ' '11'
,..,. 1 ,evely g-lOUp m eIes cine Clen an . traced for the club members the vari- s re s, e errlemen, WI give a
made wllllp It was III power. "Ill that they are the ones w 10 must economical government Delaware County relIef rolls con- I. , performance in Pottstown April 21
, I d d bt 1 d? rrt ' l' cd t " d' th k ous processes by w lIch water IS pre- .
Montgomery Counly prohl hy that. pay the tax an e oa Ie It is probable that this action by our 111~ 0 mClease url~g e we: pared for sanitary public usc Mo- The nights for the Wayne populace to
. I 1" I
lesson 01' WIll tie partv t Ism- government las no \\ay 0 pay I s two local governing bodies IS bound up . I ' t ' t . , . endmg March 6 ' according to statls- '
tion pictures were shown depicting car e super-co ossa h th 1 1 1937 d't'
e I IOn 0 f
te~rate Ill're as elsewhere?
, I I hills
. except by takmg . hal' d -earnedwI:h ' " I ' h tiCS released from the offices of the
the frlCndshlp and regard W lIC State Emergency Relief Board in the Pickering Valley project, includ- e mms Ie s al e pn
th . t· I ' A ' I 23 d 24
an ..
awa from all the people citizens of Narberth feel for Ed Dold, ,,', , ., ing the Pickering dam and filtration The Pottstown performance Will be
money y I th . I d bl II t · f Halllsbulg- by Kal1 de sChwelllltz'l ,for the benefit of the Pottstown High
Perpetuating the New Deal through taxation. I,t e ge,llIath~n b ~ap\ e ~o ec o~ 0 executive director. During the week plant. !School Band and the Wayne shows
, I'
'I he aetna II,\' 0 tranSition IS
f . . I
I axes m IS OlOUg.
would want to injure him personally
one 0 us 117 applications for relief were mad I Ha'l'vey W. Matlack and Rex Kaber, I
. . e, who represented the Wayne club at I are to aid the Radnor High School
, ,
one of thl' few thu1"s
" G R '
ovcrnment'on'k I' and all of us regret . .' those granted brmgmg the total of
I ' h i ' h' f d
.... lhat most of I~,~ , the fact that . hiS cases up to 889, an eqUivalent . of 3194 the regional delegates' meeting in sc 0 aIS Ip un . _
tl)(' I)hiloso!)hcrs ' '....
a "ree UllOU, aC-1 rhe .1, ederal government-II e, present
i •
personal Interests arc •
Jeopa r-
persons, a a wee' y expen I ure f or Souderton Monda"
t kl d't . evening
, reported I P' f H . 1 B fi
cOl,ding' 10 Will Durant, all other units of government Of, dlzed ?y th: proposal for u11lfied tax direct relief of $7431.40. on the activities of the session. I repanng or osplta e~le t
_ ' " ful d ' ffi ~ collections 111 the county. Doubtless Though the dates for the affair have
;\0 douht nUlll\" of the ehan:.rl's great Size-IS \yaste all me -ItI If' d f M P t H Sales of the Autocar Company, b t f J 11 12 d 13 th
. . ., ' ., " . , . .' 1e persona nen s 0 'r. e er ess Ardmore for 1936 were 11 687 930 In National A. A. U. Tourney een se or une , an , e
ano rrforllls uow helllg' llIstltnted '. Clellt. } herc IS dnplIcatlOn of in Lower Merion feel the same way . ' $.' ' , H . A h S I 1', f W. I Italian colonies of the Main Line al-
h~' thp 1"('dl'l'al all11 :';late g'owrn- etlort.
., '. '}' .
here IS over applllg 0
I' f d I
e- Iabout it. However, these personal f 47" I an IIlcrease over the precedmg year I emy nt ony 0 e lac, 0 I alnut
, . ,. • 0 I', accol'd'IIlg t 0 R. P . P age, J r"l avenue ' Wayne , left last Thursday for ready are preparing for the annual .
mrnts \ypr(' il\('vitah!t" 'I'he~' would partments-lll Rome cases, ten to friendships should not be allowed to't ' 'd t Denver Col. as a member of the Penn benefit for the Bryn Mawr Hospital,
. . ,.., d' th ' f' bl' I s Pi eSI en , , , I 'h' h I t ' t· d h . 1't t'
have heen IIHltTt' re:.ranllt's.'s of wll1rh, twellt,\' bureaus eXist for a Job: stan. 111 .e W:1Y 0 leaSOn?, e PI?g- Lower Merion last week had sixt Athletic Club basketball team, com-I. \\ IC as yeal n~ t: t e illS I U IOn
. ..'. I lIb I ress 111 legIslative and adnlllustratlve .. , .) t· ' t l N' t' I A AUt . lover $1500. Prelul1Inary plans were
part\- W'lS III powel' HistorY Will winch coule Ie t oue ~'one or two. . one famJllCs on the relief rolls while pe mg In 1e a JOna . , . OUl- . .'.
, ( ' . . . . . polIcy, , . ' 'h' I I I '1" t d It: discussed at a meetmg last Fnday
tell whpthl'r thl'v 'Ire "ood 01' There IS too much dIVISion of I Th f t ' th t t i l l t'
• • ..... " i •. ' I e . ac IS a Ie co ec .lOn 0
f there were eight cases In Narberth. lley, 111 \\ IC 1 Ie a so pal IClpa e as
Curtis Bok of Rosemont has re- year. A graduate of Radnor High evellIng m
I . . A ' H II at whl'ch
rena s a ,
lIIel'rl v morl' "nohle ('xpl'l'Il11l'nts. authorlly. I taxes In Narberth costs more, m pro- , d f l tI' Ph'l d I I' '0 h ' I Nardy D'Ignazio presided,
Th~I't' is. IlInf'h . lo"il' ..." in the Ipt-: Thrse arc facts recognized by , portion" to the total tax levy, . than the sC'lgnet our trOnb 0
Ie pi resl
ecome a ~dPenHta J urdgeans
0f "
tel', puhl ished on this page. from' practically ever~'Olle, In the course. collectIOn ~n ~wer Menon, ~nd that the newl -created Philadel )hia com-j
Nal'hprlh s authol'l'"
. .
Oil socHlI
. , .,' I
1'e- of ItS history, tIe govcrnment las, neal'1y t wlce
I ; the collectIOn 111 Lower MerIOn costs
. as muc h as·tl1e co II ectwn .
man Pleas Court No.6.
. ,
form, Keuneth h ~r. Pray, long likl' Topsy, "just growed." Often: of similar SUIllS in districts where a
With Packard Company
II Rlaunch Dcmocrat. :\11'. Pra~' iu- it has grown \l'ithout rh~'ll1e or, unified county system is in force. The Sunday Movies, 2·11 P. M.
William W. Downing, Jr., former
dorst's the proposed "unified county reason. Ane! every Administra-! reason for both of these facts is obvi- postmaster in Wayne, now is con-
Friday March 19 Friday and Saturday
system" of tax collection as an eeo-: tioll since the Civil \\' ar has addcd' ous. The larger the territory which nected with the Lc Boutillier & Dolan EXPOSED!
. " I . f' I can be served by a single collection
nomic movement and IS slll'IH'ISetl to the lUreaucratlC, eOIl 'USlon, IUn!,' t tlIe more eCOllonHca 'II y co 11 ec t'·lOn Company, distributors of Packard au- "BLACK LEGION" GRETA GARBO
that the hOI'ollg-h's Council anrl
As a result, it \\'lde1~' IS felt that: can be conducted. Many tax collec- tomobiles, whose place of business is
opposite the Radnor
Township Build-
Humphrey Bogart
Eric O'Brien Moore
Dick Foran
and Robert Taylor in
School Boanl should have Imhlieh' there is a strong need for I,'ederal I tors in these small units receive fabu-
ing. MI'. Downing has been in the Saturday March 20
approved the "]lrpst'nt antiqll:lted reorganization. 'l'he highly con- i ~ous compensati.on, some of :hem, as automobile business for twenty-five I CHARLIE RUGGLES ~~CAMILLE"
system." i servative Senator B~Td has made a' In ~wer Menon, s~bstantlally ex- years and before becoming postmastet ALICE BRADY
. ,,'! ' . '" d ceedll1g the salary paid the Governor
Ol'l~ 'l'oWN IS lll'artilY . 111 favor,I study ' of the subJect and OlLere 0f th e Sta t e. Th ere arc now more was with Allan C. Hale, Inc. "MIND YOUR OWN Saturday at 1 P. M,
of auy changoe that will l't'snlt in' recull1mcmlations, The President than 2700 tax collectors in Pennsyl- BUSINESS" Specially Selected Feature
for the Children
both economy of OIW!'ation an(l in- appointed a "Committee on Admin- vania. Under the proposed system the of the problem have reported against Sun, and Mon, March 21 and 22
ereaRed t'meit'ne~' of goovernlUent.! istrative :\lallagemeut" to invt'sti- 'number would be 113, consisting of the present archaic system and have MIRIAM HOPKINS
But- i goa te a IItI ad vise on ]lossible changes. county treasurers and city treasurers, estimated that the costs in the State 'MEN ARE NOT GODS' Monday and Tuesday
, " . 1 all on a straight salary basis. as a whole run many times as high Gertrude Lawrence
Ol'l~ 'l'owN strong-h' " approves the I i'hls C0ll11111ttee has now mat c'S' , Ince 1935 co II ec t'IOn 0f coun t y t axes as would be necessary in any sound Warner Boris
Tuesday March 23
action of borougoh Council a III I , its report. .\s diagralllmed by The in cities has been on a salary basis system, while efficiency is much less. Returned by Popular Request OLAND KARLOFF
School Boarel because- i Capitol Daily, it recommends ex-I and large savings have already re- Is it not time for progressive- IRENE DUNNE
'Ve (//'f in favor of IOl'al g'oYt'rn- tensive reorganization within the!sulted. ,minded and thoughtful governing 'THEODORA GOES WILD' in
ment and 1't'IH'I'S('ntativl' (~o\'('rn-I framework of the constitutional Most of us have become accustomed bodies like our Council and School Melvyn Douglas 'Charlie Chan at the Opera'
. .....,,, k I b " , t o paying Oul' telephone and utility Board to line up on the taxpayers' Wed,. Thurs., Fri. Mar. 24, 25, 26
ment both of which are ' ]ropardlzed,
! chec -s am ,dances . plan. '1 he b'II I S b Y ch ec k 0'I tllrough ban ks ac t'lI1g Sl'd e 0f thOIS ques tIOn. ' ? I am sure tl'Ie
b~' nearly every act taken h~' the three separate maJor branches of as branch collecting agencies. There members individually would do so,
(MONDAY at 9 P. M.-Drawing
for Shetland Pony)
New Deal politicians, I government-the Executive, the is no reason in the world why our even in' the face of the fact that a In
'Ve are /lot in favor of the "taXI' j~egislative and the Judieiul- taxes sh~uld not be collect~d on the personal friend's position might be "MORE THAN A
commissions, legoislative investigat- would, of course, be maintained, same baSIS at enormous savings. affected. Why do they not act eOlleC-j SECRETARY" Wednesday (Award at 9)
. .., . ,I One after another tax commissions, tively as they think individually? Lionel Stander Reginald Denny
109 commIttees, .
etc., etc. 1Il(1l- ' 1 rlllelpal act would be the overhaul

. Iegl'sIatl've I'nve s tl' ga t'In g COnunl'ttees I V '
ery sincere 1y yours, EXTRA: WALT DISNEY'S Peter Lorre-"Crack Up"
ented III 1\11'. Pray's letter. These i of more.than one hundred mdepen- and independent competent students I KENNETH L. M. PRAY, SILLY SYMPHONY
'-, """.'" '---.~"."~~~"

OUR TOWN Page fiv('

March 19, 1937
Good Friday for a cruise to Nassau

Returning From Texas I Sings Leading Role ARDMORE

and Bermuda.
~h·~. Benjamin Eshleman of Villa-: Mr. and Mrs. John McGowin, for-
Upper Main Line Notes nova, who has been visiting in Corpus
Christi, Texas, will return to her home:
merly of the Bernola Apartments,
have moved to 449 Bowman avenue, WYNNEWOOD
MI'. and Mrs. Humbert Borton of Hilltol1 House, Devon, will be ma- the latter part of March. Merion.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Carver
Powell, of Willowdale Farm, Devon,: trom; of hOIlOl' and only attendants Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cresswell of Mrs. Edwin S. Lawrence of Grand-
of White Lodge, who are in Bermuda,
returned torlay from a vacation in at the malTiagc of their sister, Miss Crowden, Bryn Mawr, sailed on Satur-' view road will entertain at a luncheon
Nassau. ! Mnr;~aret Winifred D01'l'ance, daugh- day on a cruise to Bermuda. on Monday, April 6. were the guests of honor at a dinner
Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver White, tcor of Mrs. John T. Dorrance, of Wood-: Mrs. Samuel J. Ziegler of Ardmore Mrs. Raymond Hickox and her SOil, on Saturday given by Mr. and Mrs.
of Stokes Poges Lodge, Villanova, will, crest, Radnor, and Mr. George Straw- had as her guest over the week-end David, returned on Sunday to their John Dickey of 136 South Eighteenth
return from Nassau and Belleair,: bridge, son of Mr. John Strawbridge, Miss Helen Drusilla Lockwood, asso- home on Belmont avenue after a street, who arc spending some time
Fla., the end of March. I
of Chestnut Hill, which will take, place ciate IJrofessor of English at Vassal' week's stay in Rochester, N. Y., where there.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Sheaffer. qUietly on Monday, March 29, m St. College. Miss Lockwood was the they visited Mrs. Hickox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Putnam of
<>f 'Velwyn Farm Devon have arrived. Martin's Church, Radnor. Mr. Straw- guest of honor at the annual luncheon Mr. and Mrs, Charles Beattie. Berwyn and Minden roads, returned
home fr~m Florida wh~re they have; bridge will be best man for his son. of the Philadelphia Branch of Associ- Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham of on Monday from a deep-sea fishing
.been spending the iast few wc~ks. I A small reception will follow the; ate Alumnae of Vassal' College, which Oakford road have left for a several trill with M'r. and Mrs. Samuel Bell,
· ceremony at Woodcrest. I. was held at the Ritz-Carlton on Satur- 3d, of Chestnut Hill, who arc spending
0f A us t ra Ila, weeks' stay in Florida.
Ab oar d th empress E I
" Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jones of the winter at Cocoanut Grove, Flor-
which sailed on Monday, arc Mr. and ,day.
Mrs. Geor/.(e Holcombe Parsons, of St.
Davids, who arc en route to Nassau.
MazOn LzOne Totes
1 'i I
! Justice Schaffer and Mrs. SchatTer
: of Green Hill Farms are returning
Greatkills, Staten Island, were the
guests of Mr. Jones' parents, Mr. and

Mr. W. A. Barr, Jr., of Wayne,

:sailed on March 11 on the S. S. Chat-
:this \\'eek from the South, where they
As the end of, March approache,s, spent. several weeks in Florida and
ham of the Merchants and Miners those of the socral set of the Mam. Gcorgla.
I ,
Mrs. Robert W. Jones of Church roall,
over the week-end.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Kistler of
Baptist Women Meet
The Women's Auxiliary of the
Lower Merion Baptist Church held a
Line en route to Jacksonville and Line who have been spending the win-I Mrs. James Caverly Newlin of tlw
Miami, Fla. tel' months in the South are return- Willows, Haverford. has left for a
I GLADYS BUZBY DARWIN Cricket avenue and their sons, C, meeting on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. G. Morton Walker
tonne?' Bala resident, who will Harold Kistler, Jr., and Bill Kistler,
Mrs. Thomas E. Walton of Bonal- ing and are planning for early spring '110nth's stay in Boca Grande, Florida. sing the leading con/mlto ?'ole in are sailing on the S. S. Britannic on on Highland road, Devon.
ton, St. Davids, spent the \~eek-end in entertaining for the April bri,des and. Mrs. Ralph Langdon Hays of the Bala-CYn/vyd Choral's "Gon-
Baltimore, where she visited her for the debutantes of the commg sea- Ronda, Haverford, entertained at her doliers."
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and son. home on Sunday in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert O. Bonnell. Mr. and Mrs. John Dashiell Myers Mrs. George Schroeder, formerly of Darwin and Tilbury to Sing
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Montgom- of Me~'ion will entertain at a din,ner Pitts~urgh, who moved recently to Mrs. Ann H. Darville's
Leading Roles in Choral
~ry, of Radnor, who are now at their at t~ell' home ~n Thursday evemng, Harrisburg.
plantation in South Carolina, have April 22" followmg ~he rehearsal ~or i Mrs. H. Hoffman Dolan of Haver-
visiting them Mr. and Mrs. Edward the marriage of their daughter, MISS ford returned on Saturday from a stay
B. Halsey, also of Radnor.
' . R' M " d F Ed
Elizab~th Dashiell Myers, and Mr. in Belleair, Florida.
d' F'rederlck Godfrey Corbus, Jr., son of I Miss Kathe H. McCreary, daughter Rala-Cynwyd Choral's "Gondoliers" is
A favorite of past performances
who will appear in the' cast of the
1\1 ISS ose " aneG te. A mun
h tel' 0f 1.1\Irs.k ,us
fiC er 0f I 51euroo .
St ave
I'a or
I" ks, 1\1 r. an d Mrs. F re derIc
las re- . .
. k G0 df rey C01'- of 1\11' and Mrs William H McCreary GI a d ys B uz b y Darwm,
ff d .I - bus of 2012 Walnut street, whose ' of Ardl110r'e'
from visiting Mrs.' George marriage Will t~ke place at. four daughter of Mrs. Woodin Miner of
. .
, . . .
Anne .W MI'I1el' site
. James Tilbury.
. pl '

Mrs. Darwin has in her Gilbert and

'G . I C o'clock the followmg afternoon m the New York and Miss Jeanne Poilion Sullivan repertoire the roles of But 5012 City Line Avenue
G0(11 ey, m ,reenwlc 1, , onn. . ,
Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. daughter of " Mr. Hansell Poilion of tercup in "Pinafore" Katishaw in-
ew or, WI ~al next T ursday
Mr. Charles CUStiS HarrIson, Jr., M" Jos pI N Pe\ of Ardmore N Y k '11'1 h "M'k d .' . (at Bala Avenue)
of Villanova spent several days at 'IllS:. e 1 'h' "k f. A" J 'a 0," Ruth m "Pirates of Pen-
. home hcre last week before, z return-
WI aJ five home t IS wee 10m 11- for a week's stay 111 Bermuda.
o n a , w h" el e, Wit h h el'd aug Iltel,' s h e,
zance" and now adds that of the
haughty ' superCilious
. Dutchess wife •
Specializing in
mg to Spotswood, The .Plams,' Va., Ilas 1.ueen f or severa 1 wee k s. M'ISS P ew M' G If M of the Duke " of Plazatoro and mother
wh~re he. and Mrs. Harl'lson WIll re-. will remain in the West until later 1 erlon 0 anor of the lovel Casild '
mam until next month. I'll1 th e sea so n. ! Mr. and Mrs. George B. Warder, C b" y 1" a.h i '
I '
Colonel and Mrs Robert Leaming 1 . . ' • , Jr., of Menon Golf Manor will enter- om mmg 1er l'lC contra to vOIce WAFFLE COMBINATIONS
M t f V:1l I . MISS Evelyn Wllhng, daughter of lain at a party on Saturday March with an ail' of lofty disdain, she makes
ond!?ometl' y , 0, t I antOtvIa, , w 10 atre l\Irs. George Willing of Chestnut Hill, ')0 in honor of their daugl1'te'I' 1\·1·15S a grand Dutchess.
spen mg h e wm er a
tion Geor etown S. C. have visitin
Jell' p 1an a- . I '. " .. -, ' 'I
wl1 ,ente:tam at dln,nel . on Satmday Anita Warder, to celebrate her birth-' The mIld, peace-Iovlllg Duke IS well
, • . •
, g d' H' g evenmg m honor of MISS Margaret d'ly , portrayed by Mr. Tilbury who sub-
them Mr. an Mrs. enry
. t Peppel' \v'ImfI ' . ed D" ouance, d aug h tel' 0f 1\"Irs. ,Mrs . Felix Maguire of St Davids I11ltS , to hiS . '
dommeering '.
wife WIth ' the Creamed - a la King - Fried
V aux, " 0 f P ort1edge, R osemon. J ohn T . Dorrance 0f \"'1 00 d' clest, R d 'is spending two weeks in. Miami grace of a gentleman and the ability
a - road
MISS Catherme E. MontgOJ~lery, nor, and George Strawbridge, who Florida.
.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald will be married on Monday, March 29.
' of a born comedienne. In the role of
sergeant of police in "Pirates of Pen-

Hot Sizzling Steaks
R. Montgomery, of !than, has ret~r.ned Off to Nassau zance," Mr. Tilbury was very success-
from Houston, '1Tex., where d ' sheMVISItedd Mr and Mrs. John Gardmer . Jr., Classiiied ful 'In h'IS fi rst appearance With . the

h er b rot1ler-m- ' 'k<aw Fandd SIster,
S d r. a n of Bryn ' Mawr and their . "have
children , Ba Ia- Cynwy d Ch oral Iast year.
M rs. F ran kl m mC a en an s. gone to Nassau. Advertisements I P. D.
Popular Priced Lunches
Miss Dorothy Randolph J~stice, Mrs. Henry S. Williams of Haver- ---.-----
-daughter of Mrs, Geor~e L. JustIce, of ford, who has been spending three
S~rrel ~~~~: d~~~~,.;p~~a~oh:'ut~~rl~~~; I
-wll1 be charged only to residents Have you paId your Narberth Fire
Horse Lodge, Villanova, enter- weeks at the Chalfont in Atlantic! Company dues? Iii•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...
tamed a box party on Wednesday eve- C't h , t . d Sh~ had h 1'1 to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF
. h f f "M d i Y , as Ie Ulne . " as e I BALA-CYNWYD.
-:rong at I' per orm~n~e 0 a ame guest for several days in Atlantic.
15c a line
Butterfly by the CIVIC Opera Com- C't I Y h er SIS. t er, Mrs. Th omas F . B ran-I
for Both Newspapers
,pany. son of Rosemont.
Count five words to line
Mr. and Mrs. Franci~ A. Guge:t, Miss Dorothy ~. Justice of So~relll
-will be accepted up to Wednes-
of Way~e, have had With them Ie- Horse Lodge, VIllanova, entertamed I day, 5 o'clock, for FridaY's Issues.
-cently LIeutenant and Mrs. John Ray- at a !imall dinner on Tuesday.
mond Moore and the latter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Nesbit of Hav- I
Miss Laura Ann Moore, and Lieuten- erford will entertain at dinner on 'I
cant and .Mrs. J. Berwick Duval, all of April 7 and later at the performance
AnnapolIs, Md. of the Hasty Pudding Club at the
Phone: NARBERTH 4100

Hell' Wanted I!
Mrs. John R. C. Master, of Robin Bellevue-Stratford. loeAL
~ .- \,GII'I I'£ousewor1<:; seep
,J- I out.
Hill, Wayne, .who, With, Mr. Maste:, At Princeton Prom Must be good plain cook, Narb, 3603~ I
gave a small mformal dmner at theIr

. 't'week-end
I b attl Toms . 1 RIver,dN.
Miss Anne Willing Huber daughter
home on Saturday evening! will spend of Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Huber, J1;'.,
Situations Wanted
' t J., of Haverford ' is attending the Prince- "II'ADI- desires pos. In ollice, Also has
VISI mg 1er 1'0 ler-lIl- aw an SIS er, ton Prom this Friday evening. sales ability fOl' shop. Mod. salary
(.4) I

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McE. Crabbe. l'.'arb. 4I09-\\'.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pepper Vaux, HA1HDHI~SSf';R, with following'; Gentile;
Miss Evelyn Willing, daughter of of Portledge, Rosemont, left on Wed- II ,p~r~ane~J~ po~~tion. Write "V," Box 30,

Mrs. George Willing, of Chestnut Hill, nesday for Georgetown, S. C., to be I B,ll,l-CYJl\\~d, 1,1. (2'1)
will entertain at dinner on Saturday the g.uests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooms for Reni I ... Local business houses,
evening in honor of Miss Margaret L~ammg Montgomery of Ard~ossan, ROOM FOR Rl~NT In adUlt family. Willi
Winifred Dorrance, the daughter of VIllanova, at Mansfield Plantation. serve breakfast. Gentleman preferred.
Mrs. John T. Dorrance, of Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Geyelin _P_h_o_n_e_N_a_r._38_0_1_-'_V..:,, _
crest, Radnor, and Mr. George Straw- of Wardwicke, Villanova, wiJI enter-j
bridge, who will be married on Mon- t'n al a t d'mner on S a t urd ay, A prl'I 10 'BOOf\: HOUSE-C
or a e
I clubs and organizations
day " March 29 . h onor 0f h er mece,
. M'ISS Ma1'1on
' R.! urnes-practically . omplete with Cynwyd
new. Phone 8 vol-
Mr. and Mrs. John Waterworth, of Churchman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 924. 6-8 P. M , '
Strafford, will entertain at dinner, fol- William B. Churchman of Chestnut I (tf) I
will find it mutually ad-
lowed by a theatre pat·ty, on March HiJI before the Junior Bal Masque at At Your Ser...;u
30, at the showing of the Grand Na- the ~ellevue-Saratford. , ,D~~~.SIlfAKING and Alterations, ~~)
tional picture at the Anthony Wayne
MISS Georgene Wethe1'111, daughter IU~LIABLE CARPENTER, alterations. i
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Webster K. Wetherill screenings, Gottlieb Esslinger. 122 Con-I
vantageous to calion this
Miss Elizabeth C. Heckscher daugh- of Ardmore, wil entertain at dinner way avenue. CalI Narberth 3748.~ (tf)
, S t d M h I DRAPERIES. Slip Covers Venetian
tel' of Mrs. Stevens Heckscher, of on .a ur ay, arc, 20" before the bllndll. Awnlngll. Furniture: Upholster-
Greenwood Farm, Stra!l'ord, will meetll1g' of Mrii. Ben,lamlll H. ShOe-ling. Beddings, Hugs cleaned. repaired fully equipped communi-
leave on Wednesday, March 24, for i ma,ker 2d'.s D~ncing Class at the :~:n~~~regyn?vhy"c:~eng;~~n~l ~;~~~me;l.1
Miami, from where she will fly to! Pluladelphla Cl'lcket Cluh.
Nassau to join her brother-in-law llnd i
. , 1\
slstel, 11'. and
M' .'
Shower for Bride-to-Be
Formerly with John Wanamaker.
UPHOLSTERING and rep. Sprlngll ot I
3-plece sultea repaired, $10; Chair re-
IS. COlnelIus V.I The guests at the bridge party tea covered, $5. Go anywhere. Call LeWlll
ty service for printing of
\~hitney, of New York a.nd Union-land shower which Miss Jane Bar~ard, 227 E. Lancallter ave. Wayne 1496, . i
Ville, for a two-week cruise aboard Idaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Everett
their yacht, the Adventurer.,. Barnard of 1820 ·Rittenhouse square, I
p.1 t
any kind -large or small.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gllpm, of will ~ive on Monday in honor of Miss I It's S . ,
2?~1 Locust street, :hiladel p l.1ia, w~ll
Margaret 'Bell Harvey, daughter of I' prmg.
gl\e a tea on Satulday aftell100n \I1 I Mr. and Mrs, Frederick W. Ha'rvey of
honor of Miss Nancy Felton B~nt, Ardmore, will be Mrs. Jay Gibson' I Obey that impulse to be
daug~ter of Mr. Felton Bent, ~f Phlla- Gates, Mrs.•John S. Foard, Mrs. Brad- young and gay-look and !
delphia, fo:'merl y of St. DaVids, and Icy, Geist, Mrs. C. E. Hardies, Miss
Mr. Howard S. Pleasants, son of Dr. EdIth Maxwel1, Miss Marjorie D. I
Henry Pleasants, of West Chester, Huber, Miss Ann K. Moyer, Miss Bar-I
I feel your best in clean,
snappy clothes. Get out

and Mrs. Pleasants, of Paoli, whose ba.ra Be~t1er, Miss Eleanor Beitler, I last year's suits and topcoat.
engagement has been announced. MISS AllIson Sharp, Miss Peggy Mac-
Mr. and Mr~. Edgar Scott, of Orch- Coy, Miss Margaret Steele and Miss I Might as well include your
a~'d Lodge, Villanova, entertained at Helene von Czoernig.
dlllnel: on S~turday evening in honor The engagement of Miss Harvey to!
of. then' COUSUl, Mr: Robert Tyler, and Edward A. Steele, Jr., son of Mr. and
MISS Rosemary Wilson, both of Eng- Mrs. Edward A. Steele of Chestnut
' hat and gloves, too. Send
them to us for expert clean-
ing and conditioning.
land, who are visiting in this country HilI, has been announced. 1
Associated with Our Town
and who spent the week-end with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Jacobs I
and Mrs, Scott. The latter, with their of Haverford will give a dinner on'
sons, Edgar ~nd Rob,ert, will spend March 24 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 1
the Easter holtdays With Mrs. Scott's Alden S. Blodgett of New York and
paren~s, CGllonel and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Blodgett's father, Mr. Otis Skin-I'
I Adelizzi Bros. Narberth 4100
Leammg Montgomery, who are at nero FURRIERS, CLEANERS, DYERS
their plantation ncar Georgetown, S. Mrs. Wilbur Paddock Knapp of Mt,l
C., for the seaso.n.. Vernon, Villanova, who is spending' 228 Dala Ave. Cynwyd 928
Mrs. Nathamel P. HIlI, of New some time in Savannah, Ga., will '1"e- 102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I··············~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.'~ ~I " .. :._', ;.;,', ; ~'i· .• •. ,'., ,.,;,..,'C
,:." .. ,''';''';-'
'. """.

, . Page Six OUR TOWN March 19, 1937

• I' 11 A. M.-The morning service the Harlem Market, a dark green sort
PIan Progresses Church Notes with the confirmation of young peo- that will stand the cold weather, and
for Junior High
School in Cynwyd:,'.' Th~ Presbyteriarl Church I
pie and reception of new members.
Theme: "The Mind of Christ."
6.45 P. M,-Senior and Intermedi-
the new Summer Savoy variety that
will stand the hot weather longer
than other varieties before bolting to
R,nv, AI'cller E. Anderson, Pastor ate Luther Leagues. sec d. The n e\vane v 't'les of t 0 m a to es , n Permanent Wa v e s
--- I Sunday: 7,45 P. 1\1.-The vesper service. include the Scarlet Dawn and Gro-
School Board Rcopens Negotia-j !J,45 A. 1\1.-Bible school. Theme: "The Fall of Samaria." then's Red Globe, two very fine early -spiral lind croquignole; French Oil,
't l'ons to Acquire Ground I' 11 A. :\I.-Morning worship. Ser- varieties, and the new Ruggers and Zotos and Frederic.
Experienced operators.
mon: "The Triumphant Christ, " '"cd nesday:
. t
f or P rOJcc I 11 A , "I j,.-1\:1'
ormng wors l'up. S er-
Special Marglobe, which are recom-
8 P. 1\1.-The )H'eparatory service. mended for a general crop. A point

S m0n.:' 'A P roo f 0 f 0 ur L ove f or Theme: "The Sacrament of the AI- to remember, if one is to be success- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
PURCHASES NEW TRACT , Cll1'1~t." tal'." ful, is to procure the best seeds pos-
, , --- I
, 1 1 A ,1\1.-'1'1" Ie Jumor ch urc h , c o Thursda":
Prehnunarv ]llans to he suhl111tted ducted by Mrs Digby and Mrs Cooke
8 P, l\1.-The hol~communion.
sible, as cheap seeds usually result
' r pP ' t t
-3 specials for $1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
to the architects rclatiye to the new 11 A.' M,-Children's nurs~ry, un~ Good FI'idrrlj III I Isa o_II_I_n_le_n_. _ -3 specials for $1.25
junior hig-h school in CynwYd and thl' I del' the supervision of Mrs. Gilfillan. I
2 P. :\I.-The Last Hour on the I
l'enovation of the allI aca d enlY b U1'II
1- G.45 P. 1\1.-The three Christian Cross,
ing will soon he availahle, Superin- Endeavor groups. 8 P. M.-The sacred cantata: "The
County Clubwomen Plan
Newspaper Plant Inspcction

tendent S. E. Downs reported to the 7.45 P, M,-Narberth's happy Bible Seven La~t Words of Christ" by
Lower Merion School Board Monday hour. The adult choir will render the Th. DuBois.
The Puhlicity Department of the
Negotiations were reopened, 1\:11'.
cantata "The Last Words of Christ."
Tue~day: I
E/lNtl'l' SIII/dall Montgomery County Federation of
6 A. l\'1.-Sunrise service with the Women's Clubs invites all county c1ub-
Downs said, for the purchase of the 8.15 P. 1\1.-The Community Bible resurrection sermon. women to meet with Eleallor 1\:Io'rton, 43 North Narberth Avenue-Narberth 4077
three-and-one-half-acre tract in Cyn- Class. I
11 A. M.-The holy communion. of the Philadelphia Illqllil'M', April 8 300 Leverinr! Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927
wyd, which is to be the site of the Wednesday: at 11 A. M. Luncheon will be served
new school. 8 P. 1\:I.-Prayer meeting. I The 1937 Vegetable Garden at the cafeteria of the Inquirel' and ESTABLISHED SINCE 1924
Condemnation proceedings have been reservations may be made with 1\:Irs.
authorized for the acquisition of this Holy T Llllheran Church of ~YN:VSi;>~nH~r~on Leon Webster Melcher, the chairman,
ground, occupied by Mrs. Charlc~ D. Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor With the increasing cost of food Cynwyd 301-J, or Mrs. Ralph C.
Gill, when the board's offer of $20,000 Margaret Squier, Organist products, backyard gardening again Heath, president of the Women's Com-
for the tract, which adjoins the Cyn- Palm S1lnday assumes economic importance to the munity Club of Narberth, Narberth
wyd School, was turned down. Sunday, March 21: average home-owner, and vegetable 2517. Following the luncheon there
will be a tour of the Inquirer Building.
A previous appraisal of the plot 9.45 A. M.-Church school. gardens will be made this spring be-
made hy Alva T. Rop:er~, A. D. War- 11 A. 1\:I.-Palm Sunday worship. caUse of the money that can be saved.
Air Express Revenues Up
nock and Leroy A. 'VolTell, placed a Sermon: "The Paradox of the Palms." There is a keen satisfaction in pro-
value of $29,500 upon the ground. 3.30 P. 1\1.-Jr. Epworth League. ducing one's own vegetables, not only Gross revenue from air express
shipments for 193G was 6G!'-\! per cent
The acquisition of two tracts of G.45 P. l\I.-lntermediate and Sen- for the palatable food produced, but
above the gross revenue of the old and
ground was announccd at the meet- ior Epworth Leagues.
for the benefits gained by working
7.45 P. M.-Evening service. Spe- in the soil and being outdoors.
One in Penn Valley consists of two cial music. Sermon: "Christ's Entry To get an early start one should
new contract airlines for 1935, F. R.
Lindsay, of Narberth, general man-
ager of the Air Express Division of
acres of land situated on Rightcr'~ Into the Human Heart." have the advantage of a cold frame
Railway Express Agency announced
Mill road adjoining' the five acre~
owned by the school district, which is
Tuesday, March 23: and sowings of early cabbage, egg-
8 P. l\:I.-Service of meditation onl plant, lettuce, kohlrabi, pepper, cauli-
this week. for
to be the site of an elementary school. t!1C last week of our Lord's earthly flower, tomato and other tender ~ari- Call or Write
The other, consisting' of one ancl hfe.
eight-tenth~ acre~, adjoins the Pem,
Wynne School property on Haverford
Wednesday, March 24:
eties should be made about the mIddle
of March; beets, carrots, leeks, onion
8 P. 1\1.-"The Passion Play" a sets, early peas, radish, spinach and
New Deal Junk Co.
Highest prices paid for
Papers, R:lgs, Iron :Ind Metal
road, Penn Wynne. s('\'('n reel motion picture. The public potatoes can be sown outdoors the N. W. Cor. 56th and Vine Streets NAMES PUT ON
The Penn Valley tract was pUI'- is invited. first of April, providing the weather Philadelphia ALLegheny 0132
chased from the I. Tyson :\'Iorris estate' Thursday, March 25: is fairly settled. We will call at your convenience
for $14,000. The Penn 'Wynne plot, t: P. :\I.-Holy communion. To get the best out of one's garden, 1'----------------' EGGS FREE
controlled hy the Provident Trust I Fri,~lay, March 2 6 : , . a careful selection of varieties that
Company, was purchased for $1-1,500,\ 12-,} P. l\1.-Good Fl'Iday servIce will give a succession of crops should
The estahlishment of a tuherculill with messages by different ministers be made, and while the standard va- ORDER EARLYl
testing plant for school chilcln'n in on the "Seven Last '''ords'' on the rieties are recommended, a trial of
the Ardmore avenue school, A nlnllll'\' Cross, ancl ~pecial music. some of the more recently introduced Shellcnberger's Chocolate Covered Cream
and the Ashland school, We,:t "lalla varieties is suggested.
EGGS, , , , , Ie to ~3.00
yunk, was ap!ll'oved hy the hllal'd. Baptist Church of the Evangel Several new varieties of corn have
The program will he cal'l'i('d llUi L Robert E. Keighton, Minister recently been introduced; the new yel- Fllllline of N oye/ties, Baskcts, Fayors, Etc.
the Community llt'alth and C;\':e ,\, Stanley T. Reiff, Organist low bancross, an improved Golden
sociation with funds pr()\'idl'd flll' th" Pallll Sanday Bantam variety, is well worth a trial. 1224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
work by the sale of Tubl'rcul",:i" :\larch 21: Cucumbers have been improved and
Christmas Seals.
Endorsement of the plan was gin'lI
!1,.15 A, :\1.- The church school. the new Straight -8- and the Special
11 A. l\I.-:\lorning worship. Ser- Dark Green are good varieties. One If
by the Main Line Branch of thl' i\Illllt- Imon: "P~rfected Praise." of the best early peas is the new
gomel'y County 1\lcdical Society' at ib I (US P. M.-The young people's Early Dwarf Giant; while for a main
meeting' last week. l~rollp. crop the President is suggested. Ii

Only those pupils who ';U1J111it Ill'l' Wl'dne,:day, :'.larch 24: This season several new varieties
mits signed hy the pan'nt" will he !' P. :'.I.-!.er.~en service of the of spinach have been introduced, in-
given the te~t, H i,: expectl'd that l'hurl'h. 'T'hi:< sel'\,ice wilJ be con- CI._u_dl_·n_g_a_p_l_'iC_k_"I_y_s_e_e_de_d_s_o_l_'t_ca_1_le_d." II
the plan wil be ~tarll,d in thl' "pl'in"" IUl'tcd b~' thl' young women from the L
Bapti"t In,:titutl', \\'ho each year bring I • • •
Art Trip Date Chanfcrj
The i\Iontg'ollwry County A 1't Tri i'
will bl' held :\Iarch 24 in~tead uf
t hi~ l.l'ntl'n me~sage.

Thllr,:day, March 25:

X P. :'.I.-Lenten :<ervice of the
church. An observance of the Lord's
March 2H as previousl~' aIlJIOUI1l'~'11.

' ';;';:';,26 ,_:"::~::d:: mu,',_ MEM 0RIALs II

Members will attend thc openhg of
Contl'll1purary C!'afts at the Art Ai·
liance, 251 S, l~lh street, Philadl,j Th,
phia, at :; P.:\1. The craft,: to be
demon"trated IJy famous art ish will artists will bl' Lucius S. Cole, violin
and Alfred Lenal'tz, cello. Sermon:
includl' pottl'ry, jewelr~', ,:tained
gla~", metal worl;, pupp:'t . " Ilw,:I;, "Sl'\'l'nth Word From the Cross." I
wea\'ing, woud can'iil!!', etc,
Also at 2 P. :\1. their wjIJ be an ex-
:\11'. Cole and Mr. Lenartz will also
be with u, at both ser\'ices of the
hibit of the work llf the Tl'n Fall1uu,: l'hurch on Ea,ter Sunday. Incorporated
Women Paintel'':. 011<' of whom will Belmont Ave. &. Levering Mill Rd.
addre~s the group. Narberth Methodist Episcopal
Rev. W. Vermn Middleton, Minister BALA.CYNWYD, PA.
W. C. T. U. Mcetil~g Monday ·The Sixth Sunday in Lent
['0/111 So 1/11((11 Telephone MANayunk 0166
The ;'\ arbert h n rancll of the Wom-
en's Christian Temperance Union will D.45 A. "I.-Bible school.
meet in the "'" arbl'rth Presbyterian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Church l\londa~' afternoon at 2.30.
Madame Barakat, of Philadelphia,
will speak on "The Relation of Prayer
.to Tem)Jerance,"
The public i~ invited. FLOWERS for EASTER
\\lill Tour Middle West • • •
1\Iis~ Elizabeth Smith, of Narberth,
a juniur in the Oberlin, Ohio, Con- For the home, as a gift, or as a complcment to ncw spring
servatory of l\lu,:ie is among the forty-
one memuers of the Oberlin A Cap- The Perfect costumcs • • • ccrtainly thcre can bc nothing lovelicr than
pella Choir who have been selected to flowers at Eastcr time. You'll find a gorgeous array of the
tour the middle wc,:t during Easter
vacation. Easter Gift fincst blooms, including both cut flowcrs and pottcd plants,
Mi~s Smith is tl1l' daughter of :\11'. at our shop. Lct them playa part in YOUI' celcbration!
and ;\lr,:. Franl; C. Smith, 422 Old

Gulph road.
Azaleas, Lilies, Rhododendrons, Tulips
Charles C. Knox
Funeral sl'r\'icl'': for Charles C. I Hyacinths and Basket Arrangements - all
Knox were hl'ld Wednl',:day aftl'I'llOon: 215 City Line Avcnue MCl·ion 1301
from his late rl',:idence 'in '\'ynne- I
wood, with intl'rment in St. Paul's I
I Reasonably Priced

1\11'. Knox
Luthl'rnn dil'd Sunday
Cl'ml'll'ry, night at his ~;;~===~~~=~~====:-::~::-:=:==-=======::~
Ardmore. You call dcpclld 011 tiS for prompt dc1il'crics
estale which i,: said to have been an
original land grant from "'illium
Penn to the Knox family.
He cl,Jtobratt'd hi,: 88th birthday Keep cosy as a kitten
l\larch 11. In 1~I;lG he was aW<lrd,'d
with Newton Coal
Albrecht's Flowers
the Buliock-Sander,:on Po"t, Anwl'i- i
can Legion, Citiz('!1'" Award 1'01' Ard-~
1"01' un'l' a hall'-ct'ntuI'V. hI' W'l"!
treasurer uf the lIm'l'l'ford Township I
Company for the Detection of Horse:
Thie\'e~ and was one of the oIliest!
Democrats in the section. He was a I
, I
member of St. Paul's Lutheran Churchl
in Ardmore, and lived alone.
Phone Ardmore 2550 or ALL. 8400
,.. ,'-.'-:'

March 19, 1937 OUR TOWN Page Sevel!

"Camille" at Narberth; Next NOTICE ILevering

E. from pt. in bed of Manayunk Rd. Or
Mill Rd. Cont. in front or middle Il 1:4()LI
Girl Scout News -'Charlie Chan at the Opera' II
line of Derwen Rd. 75' and ext. in depth,
The Doroul\"h of Narberth will receive N. W,'wardly 147'.
bids on the following street signs. Bids
They're most important right now! Come in and let us
show you the new coiffures-one of which will be exactly
The Merion Troop No. 18 wiII be
"Camille," now at the Narberth to be In sealed envelopes. madred "Signs I
Known as No. 123 Derwen Rd. (formerly
what you're looking for.·
Theatre, stars Greta Garbo and Did," addressed to the Borough of Nar- No. 125 Derwen Rd.).
berth, Chas. V. Noel, Secretary, on or
known as the senior troop of Merion.
The girls wiII meet every other Tues-
Robert Taylor as Margaret Gautier
and Armand Duval, the tragic lovers
before 8 P. M., April 12, 1937. at which
time they wl1l be opened.
UNDER AND SUBECT to building reo
The Borough of Narbe,·th reserves the 216 Dudley Avcnue Narberth 2324
day at 4.30 at the Merion Tribute of the Dumas novel. In the cast are "ight to reject any or all bids.
Lionel Barrymore, Lenore Ulric, Approximately eighty - four (84) The Improvements thereon are a:
2%-story stone and plastered house, 24 II '1~!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-~~!~-~~
House. Girls who are in Junior High feet front by 36 feet deep, with 2·.tory
LauI'a HOlle Crews and E. E. Clive. cnnwlete street name sign llssemblys,
with suitable brackets and fittings frame addition 10 feet by 8 feet, with 5
and High School are invited to the
George Zukor directed. complete for Installation. rOOms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath On
meetings. It is hoped that Miss Jean "Charlie Chan at the Opera," Mon- Signs to be made f!'Om 12 gauge second floor, 2 rooms on third floor, cellar, The
Armco Ing-ot Iron galvanized, or i f:as, electric lights, Springfield water, heat.
Anderson, who is taking a post gradu- day and Tuesday, is the latest in the hea\'ler, with 2%" letters and a raised ! inr: system, porch front.
ate course at Bryn Mawr College,
will be the captain. She has had
series starring Warner Oland as the
soft-~poken, keen-witted Chinese de-
bead at top and bottom of each plate I I Car plastered gil rage 10 feet by 14 feet.
for extra strength. All names are to
be cal'\'ed-In and regalvanlzed after Seized and taken in execution os the
National Bank of Narberth
considerable scout experience, and
tective. This time there is a co-star-
Boris Karlolf, seen as a former op-
Sign to have at least three coats
of paint baked on with all parts of
I B. I
property of Luther S. Creen and Charlotte
Green, his wife, Mortgagors and Real
Owners, and to be sold by
+ Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
has been a councilor at camp and is a eratic baritone who escapes from an each assembly to be completely rust-
Mariner Scout. insane asylum and terrorizes mem- Ill·oof. I' EDWIN H. BELLIS, Sheriff. + Member Federal Reserve System + 0/
Narberth Troop 125, with Miss bel'S of the cast playing" F aust. Secl'etalT. I Down Money $200.00 + Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience +
Ingeborg Thaysen as captain, gave a A special feature Monday at nine (0-3-26) I Sheriff's Office, Norristown, Pa.
~====~===:=:~~===="'IMarch 2, 1937
willbelliea~~i~~aS~tl~d SHrnWn~~ 1:::~~~~;;;;::::;;~~~~~~~~~~~5~!~E==i=ii==ii=i~~~1
party for Boy Scout Troop No.2 with
Mr. Harkness as scoutmaster. Mr. pony.
\Vednesda v (Cash Award Night) By v.irtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex- I
and Mrs. Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. D. oJ pnnns. Issued out of the Court of Common
W. Munro, Mrs. E. Izard, Miss Lois Peter Lorre wiII be seen in "Crack Pleas of Montr:omery County, Penna., to
Staley, 1\Iiss Ingeborg Thaysen and Up," a thriller about espionage of me directed. will be sold at Public Sale on,
F. 1\1. Robb, Jr., acted as chaperones. a.irplane plans by an international WEDNESDAY. MARCI-I 31, 1937 I
Group games were played. Later a
rlll~. . . I at \.00 o'c1ock, P. M., Eastern Standard I
radio provided music for those who I
r..; ext week-end the attractIOn Will Time. in Court Room "A" at the Court I
wished to dance, while other scouts be "Three Smart Girls" starring I louse, in the 130ro~f:h of N,;,rristown, said I
played table games. Refreshments DI."t1l1l'l Durbin 14-year-old singing County. Ihe iollowll1g deSCribed Real Es· ,
I tnle:-
were served.
< < , l
prodigy of the liIms and radio.
,\LL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of
.. I situate in the Township of Lower
Hedgerow Presents "Candida" Hard Coal Industry Gives I Merion. Montf:omery County. pennSylVania,!,l
ncscribed in accordance with a survey made
at Rose Valley Playhouse E mp Ioyment to M any W or kel'S May 7. 1936. by Will D. Hiltner, Ref:. Sur':
Tonight the Hedgerow Theatl'c,
One of the l'ichest gems in H:e in- to Wlt:- I vcyo~. bounded nnd described fis fOllOWS,,'

Moylan-Rose Valley, will present

"Candidu" by Bernard Shaw. The
dustrial crown of Pennsylvania i,; that I
'~EGlNNI~G at r. pIn, mark!nr: the point:
black diamond anthracite-good, hard of mtersectlon of the center lI~e of Wood.:
. Ilcy Avenue, nnd the center hnc of Bow .. I
three central figures of this elrama are coal. It has been estImated thut an- man Avenue; thence extending along the I
involved in a struggle between the thmcite mines in this State give em-, center line of Woodley Avenue, South 31 0: BUY YOUR USED CAR fROM
prosaic confinement of conventional
. . . . . 0\' E. 115.17 feet to a spike; a corner of[
plo~ n1Cnt to neat I)' 600,000 m1l1el s, Iland now Or late of Albert Smith; thence I
life and the dubious delights of po- men who arc skilled in this one occu- alonf: said land now or late of Albert! fOR THESE REASONS ,
etic escape. Ann Hanling-, Hedge- IJation and who would otherwise prob-I Smith. S. 58° 59' W. 182.23 feet to a point. I
thence along land nOW or late of Hernord
1 Your Chevrolet dealer bas
row's original Candidu, re-enacted ably swell the ta.x burden and thelSUlliVan. N. 31° 01' .W. 1\5.17 feet to a the finest selection of used
this role in the Globe Theatre, Lon- relief rolls if an\'thing happened to pomt m the center Ime of 130wman A,;e- cars in his entire history.
... . ' nue nforesaid: thence nlon~ the center lane All makes-all models.
the hard cmll lIunes. Speakl11g of I of said Bowman Avenue, North 58 def:s.
don, when the play was recently pro- 2 Big volume enables your
duced in England. taxes, the anthracite producing com-I 59 .mi~s. East 182.23 feet to the place of Chevrolet dealer to give you
Tomorrow night, "Wife to a Fum- .
pallles pa~'
t t axes 0 f begmnlnf:.
I oca I an d coun~' bigger ~ ••• !! ~
ous Man" by Martinez Sierra, sati- something like 820,000,000, which is Seilcd and taken in execution as the USED CARS OF THE MOST OUT·
rizes the vanity and egocentricty amos t respe ct u bl e an10 un,
t e \'e111. n properly of Louise O. Fulton Gucker, 3 Chevrolet dealers employ
attending sudden fame. A Spanish
Executrix of the Estnte of F. T. Gucker,
these days. of big figures, and, D.cceascd. and Louise O. Fulton Cucker, de-
the highest standards and
the moSt expertly trained
flyer wins an ail' race and becomes a roughly, eqUIvalent to the payment of, v,see and Real Owner, and to be sold by mechanics for efficiently re- ••• ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS,
public idol. Wife and children are a 84 tax by every person in Pennsyl-I EDWIN H. BELLIS, Sheriff. conditioning used cars.
forgotten in the enjoyment of new
attractions and a domestic tragedy
vania over 21 years of age.
In this regard it is noteworthy that
4 Only Chevrolet dealers can
offer used can backed by
the famous Guaranteed OK ,
barely averted. thousands of home-owners are users By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias. is. Tag-for eleven years the 1933 C H E V R 0 LET MAS T E R
"Twelfth Night" by William Shake- of Newton Coal, and Newton in turn sued out of· the Court of Common Pleas of nationally recognized sym· COACH - Bcauliful nUI'O l1nish. COACH-Its lir"s, upholstery show
speare wiII be shown Thursday night keells the wheels of employment turn- M.ontf:omery County.. Penna., to me directed, bol of SAFE USED CAR
ful Fish",' hOlly.
rt·~t- 375 110 wpar. Its tnotor
fully 11I1l",1 and ('hr>cl<ed.
ha~ hf'l"n care ..
w,lI be sold at Pubhc Sale on Bal'I",I] hv "all OK Ihat
and a double Shaw bill wiII be given ing by the upkeep of many modern $j!'i to onl~~ .
{'OlI1l1S" .. ", . . . . . . . • • . • • . • • • •
next Friday when "The Dark Lady of WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 I, 1937 1933 C H E V R 0 LET MAS T E R
yards, a delivery force of some 150 COU PE - Its famous six-eylinrler 1936 FORD TUDOR-In ('xcellcnt
the Sonnets" wiII precede "Androcles of the latest type coal trucks. All at 1.00 o'clock, P. M., Eastern Standard t,'ll1-.dIlt' has 1)('Pll tUlled to dl'livpr
HeW-car perfot'manc(>-. Its r00111Y
mf'('hanically and in ap-
and the Lion." this keeps men at work. Time, in Court Room "A·' at the Court
and uphOlstery like nt'w. For sale Fishpr .hody Proyidt·s hil:'- 275 pt':lrant't) .
House. in the Borough of Norristown, said
County, the fol\owing described Real E.-
"with an OK thnt counts"
-to thp first lueky huypl'
275 ("a.r riding- paSP. A han·,:·alll
at only · . 1933 PLYMOUTH SPORT COUPE
-This Inoton'a.r is in T)(~rrect run-
Narberth Beats Penn Wynne; NOTICE tate:- at thi~ low price .. , ..... " . 1934 C HE V R 0 LET MAS T E R ni1lg' condition: upholstery cannot
Teams May Meet in Playoff ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with buildings 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER
COACH - I3cautiful I>u<'o tini"h,
Knpc-A('tion \\"h("(>l:--, rf'stfuI 375 lw tole) froln npw.
llulTY fo" Ihis nne. Sppcial
COU PE-Grasp this OI);lOl'lunity to Fisher bod\". Hp(lucf·d $7;)
Ford . Chevrolet . PIYlllouth and improvements. thereon erected, Situate to ollI)-~ ~
Hale pri('p .. , ... " ..... " ... "
Unless Manager Jay Neill's Nar- at Cynwyd, L. Menon Twp., Montg. Co., PIl.! pnjoy CheVI'olct'B falllOus hC':luty,
", , . , , , , , , .
1934 FORD COUPE-lls appl'ar- 1935 FORD COUPE-In l'x('ellpnt
Agencies I
perfornlan<,e and e<'onurny
at this UtllH'ceedented 10\\' alH'l' i~ Vt!l'y srna.r't and attl·:ll'tive. t'OllUitioll-II1Pc)lallic:tJ.l y and 350
berth quintet loses to Chester in a BEGINNING In middle line of Derwen Rd. IJriee " " . lIurl'Y. On sa 1-.' for two 295 ill aPIH':lI·allt·l·.
frolll $400 to ollly
gume scheduled for this Thursday
night, the borough five wiII take the
hids on the folloWing Coupes. Dids to
43.95' N. 69° 49' E. from pt., a bend in
Tile Horoll!,:h of Karbr>rth will receive Derwen Rd., which pt. is 133.95' S. 82° 26'\
'fhiH cal' ha:-- hCt'll
rcdul'(o)u $75-
thp lowest I>l'ic(. at which We hll\'c
day~ only at this remark-
able 111'iPt
4 •••••••••••••••••

ifill, tin':", and t1phoh;tf~ry Hhow no
COUPE-lt~ fin-
be In sr>aled envelopes, marked "Coupc __ I
second half title in the Main Line
Bid," addre~sed to the Borou!':h of Nar- evel~ heen ahle to offel' this 225 cal'
ha~ heen retlu('cu $j;,)--t11l'
prke at whit'll WP 1m ,"t· pv('r
l{)w~ wpar. 1tH 1110101", traJH~nlission and
aXil' 1m ,'r> he,'n carefully checked
Basketball League and will meet Penn hr>l'th. Chns. V. !"ocl. Secretary, on or
hefore April 12, 1937, at which time they
Sold wilh "an OK
('OUlitH" .. hppn ahlc to
rnollel. ~()ld with "an ()K
offel' Ihis 450 fOl' (h'pPIHlahility all() dura-
bility. A l'f'al huy for
Wynne first-half willner, in a playoff that counts" " .. on 1:-.· ......•• , •.•••.••. , ••••
wllJ be opened. 1934 C HE V R 0 LET MAS T E R
for the chumpionship. The Horou!,:h of Karberth reserves the SEDAN-Big, roomy. (,olnfol'lnhlc, 1933 C H E V R 0 LET MAS T E R 1935 CH EVROLET MASTER
Monday night Narberth "A" de- right 10 rcject any or all bids. (l(·pC'IHlahlc. I~ikt.' nl'\\" in l'vpry 1"('- SEDAN--Its tires. uPholsl,·'·y s!low COUPE-nra"p Ihis opportunity to
sppct. Backr>d h~· "all OK thaI 110 Wt':lr. Its Inotol' has ht'l'll C'an'- I'lljoy Chf'vrolf>t'H famouR heauty.
feated Penn Wynne, 29-25, in an up- State what allo\\'allee you wlll allow
for our present lnO Ford Coupe. COllll.tH.··
real lmrg-aill.
price- of
395 fully
Bad,,,,) hy "an 0"
tUIIP(l and t'hl'c)';:t·jl.
t ha I
325 pl'rfol"In;lIl<'(' awl ('l'OIlOllIY
at this utlprp('lld{~nted lo\\~
set at the Haverford Township High Car to be complete with spare rim, only . ('ounts" " " . III"ipe .. " " .. "."
School. tire an,1 tuhe.
Cnr to he Ilainted Battle ship GreY
with hlad, slripill!,:, outside of ('ach door
Civil Service Examinations
The United States Civil Service
to he painled in :I i"d) hlaek block letters.
1I1GII\YAY DEl'AH'fllm:-;'r
Commission has announced open com- Xl'\\' 1!l:l7 Ford V 8 Business Coupe
with 85 11. 1'. illolor. Slate wllat allow-
petitive exuminationl' us follows:
Social science analysts, \'arious
grades, $2,000 to $5,600 a ~·ear.
a"ec will hc made for liD 11. 1'. 1Il0tol'.
Xcw 1:1:17 Cilevrolet lIlaster 13usinr>ss
;\'ew 1:J:l7 Plymouth BtI~illess Coupe.
Engineering draftsmen, various
grades, $1,(j~0 to $2,600 u ~'ear, for
eliAS. V. NOEL,
Secretary. 214-216 Bata Ave. Ph(")ne, Cynwyd 81
work on ships.


Full information may be obtained
Don't Sleep When
from the Secretary of the U. S. Civil
Service Board of Examiners, Phila- Gas Presses Heart
delphia )10StOlfJCl', or further informa- If you can't eat Or slr>cp and awfUl
gns hloats you up try Arllel'il<:t. One
tion may be had at your local post- dose rids you of g-as and clcans fOUl
poi"ons out of BOTH upper and lower
office. howels. At all Lcading' Drug-gists.

EXCLUSIVE NEW STYLES If you live near Montgomery Avenue, Bryn

Mawr, Ardmore, Narberth, Bala, Cynwyd,
in the famous
Overbrook, etc., you can now have DIRECT
DR. LOCKE SERVICE (one-fare zone, without change of
bus) to and from 69th St. Terminal.
SHOES for Also service without changing bus to other

S~ zones, including Lansdowne, Clifton Heights,

Swarthmore and intermediate points.
They're here! Exhilarating as a Spring Day I Original These route changes, together with more fre-
fashions in the latest leathers and fabrics; new improved
heel fitting; lighter weight. Every pair fitted by rel!:is- quent schedules, now give you a far superior,
tered, certified fitters.
more convenient bus service.
One of the many new
Spring stylcs. Sizcs I
to 11, AAAA to EE.
Blue, Black or Brown
Gabardinc with Pat-
ent Trim.

ht.~~~ SHOE
1619 CHESTNUT ST. SHOP For information call Bryn Mawr 1280,
Boulevard 3DOO-3100
OUR TOWN March 19, 1937
Page Eight

Ardmore Woman's Club Mrs. George Emerson Barnes, well Joy" and "I 'Valk Through a Garden."
Urge D.A.R. Members: TREDYFFRIN CUTS TAX Smooth Teamwork Downs
Northampton; Maroon A capacity audience attended the known for her book reviews, and also
Miss Besse D. Howard will be the
speaker at the meeting to be held in
to Combat Communism Road Levy Slashed to 2 1/2 Mills; Five Faces Steelton Tonight Birthday Library Partj' held at the jii'csi(j'ent of the New Century Club the clubrooms this Friday afternoon
i Fire Rate Also Lowered
Woman's Club of Ardmore last Fri- of Philadelphia, gave an interesting
day afternoon to celebrate the 38th resume of the latest books in fiction
at three o'clock sharp. Her topic
Td ff' T h' ' COlltlnued from Pal1:e One will be "International Current
01'. Rush Chapter Speaker Ap. l re y nn. o.wns IP supervIsors fiI'st time this season that they have birthday of the founding of the Ard- and lion-fiction. Among the books
• slashed the dlSh'lct road levy to 21h
• r Events."
proves Teaclung Amen· I 111 ills at their meeting last week. This played against just such a set-up. more Library. Mrs. Fredel'ick C. she recommended were "Paradise,"
call1'snl I'n Scllools i marks a consl'd era bl e red uctlOn . f rom The encourag-ing thing is the fact Pctl'n" chairman of the Library Com-I the new historical novel; Philip Gibb's Olive George
the 8-mills rate in force a few years that our bo~'s are growing in self- mittee, gave the annual report, stat- "City of Refuge," "'Ve Are Not
Mrs. David D. Good, regent of the, ago and will result in no small sav- cOlltldence through their experiences ing the increased circulation in both Alone," by James Hilton; "The Odys-
Funeral sen'ices for Olive George,
of Narberth, who died Tuesday, will
Independence Chapter of the N. S'. D. 'ing to residents of the township. in the tournament games that they the adult and children's library, and sey of an American Doctor," "Blue be held at 2 P. 1\1. this Fl'iday at 1820
A. R., spoke at the luncheon l11eetl1lg TI fi t 1'1' d t have already played. In these games lhanl,ed the members of the club and Ilills," by Cornelius Weygandt, Rud-
re 'ax I ,eWlse un erwen a I I Chestnut street. Interment will be
they arc meeting teams t lat lave not the community for theil' support in ~'aJ'(1 Kipling-'s Biography and last
• . Ie
of the Dr. Ben lanun Rush Chaptt'l' d t' b . t t 1L '11
. . re uc -lOn, el1lg eu 0 7''' 1111 . I t' t I f tl private.
Monday at the home of 1\1 l·S. !-1. C. . . • made an ex laUS Ive I' -U( Y 0 Ie making' it possible for the committee but not least, the new edition of til('
Fenno on Essex avenue, Narberth. In addItIon, the supervisors an- Lower Merion offense and it is pleas- to meet the growing' needs of the Bible by Ernest Sutherland Bates and
· "A . C I nounced the completir,l\l of a drainage ing' to them to find that they really coml11unity. Miss March, librarian of many others. The soloist of the af- The Narberth Fire Company is a
. H er 'su.b lect was .ntl- . ommun- ,prOJect . ncar the Bradley property on have a sound and effective style of Ihe Children's Library, gave a very tel'noon was Mrs. S. H. Barrington of voluntary organization at your service
Ism.'.' Mrs. Good .stated .that C01~1- IOld Lancaster road and declared their day and night. Have you paid your
munlsm was spreadmg' rap](lIy and III t t' f ff t' II'I' I . play-one that will get results with interesting account of the National ~oITistown who sang two groups of dues for this year?
. .. , Jn en IOn 0 e eClllg lIg'lway repaIr,; competent officiating. Book \Vcek in New York. '011gS, among' which were "Songs of
ordel' to combat. thiS Amel'lCal11Sll1 to that section of Old Lancaster road
should be taught 111 the schools and II' b t H II '11 d C The Palestra is not exactly the best
. . ylllg e ween owe VI e an ones- f1 fl' 't Ab R
also among the fOI'elgn populatlllll,! t d oor or t liS year scam. e am-
She also advocated t1l<~t Christianit~·, oga roa s. . sey, Chuck Viguers and some of the
and Americanism should be spread A request that these repairs be 1~1Udc other members seem to tire too
among' all such groups in ordcr to recently was made :0 the sup;rvlsors I'Upidly on a floor the size of the JOHn m.GE.//LER/ /on.J: Inc. mEmoRIAL/ /lnCE 1868
combat Atheism and Communism. by the Berwyn Busllless Men s Asso- Palestra. It may be that Andy will
ciation at the instance of affected have to rest them during the course
Those appointed .to represent tl.J(' residents.
chaptel' at the NatlOllal Cong'ress III of the game ill order to keep them
. I effective throughout the contest. One
Wal'hington, D, C ., m Apri are:
Mrs. FnUlklin R. Lindsay, the regent, 00
F t I·19ht ers Sho
111e lh
. . 1t I
lJ I'Ig I· g cam,
th 1 gIl . the I 'I'tl've
0 I ,IS 'lOS·
a .... LiIMoRE AVENUE & 39 T t' STREET


fact that a zone defense will not be CYNWYD, PA,
delegate, and Mrs. H. C. Fenno, alt('r-
uale ("'leg'ate. Othcr de!l-gates are'
Barry's ~~You and I" If t' I
as e ee Ive on suc 1 a arg'
I e flo
as I't
would be 011 one of smaller dimensions.
Mrs. .John L. l\lillel', l\lrs. John C. IF Lower Merion should win this
Nash, 1\!I·s. Grace Anderl'on and Mrs, UnCjuPstionahly the sevcrest test of
Vel'll'l_ R. \"oodc()cl'.
,', I
Iatent (ramatlc ' ta Ient IS . t IIe a)1 1'1'ltv g'ame tonight, they will be meeting'
.1\ ewport II igh School next week,
1\·11'".,. I'... r \. . l\'II'Zlll'I'
• " 'l~soci'lt(,
". • - IIH'III
. - to Imt across work more or less out of probably at Hershey. There is a
bcr of the chaptel', will represent the thc ordinary; a production which lIIay possibility that the g-anw may be
'l'idence Lane Alahama Chapter as all partly lack the spnntaneit~, and zest played also at the Palestra, however,
Alabailla (IeleM' o"lte • one is accustomed tn fill(1 I'n '\ -
111O(lerll as St'cI'clary Wicht of the P. 1. A. A.
l\l. I·S. T . B . (lu 11\1 anus . was the as- comedy.
\"1 f \" ' F . I' I I. is ven' fa\'orable toward the Idea . of I
. t t l lOS t css.
slsan ' Jere ore "ayne . s 'oot Ig' Iters ( P- keepl/lg' , . the game close enough for
1N ext 'f ues d ay evenIng- at U,-; 0 'I c oc,I ~ITe a more ilian usual ~Ial~ of ltl Ie 1-arge Lower 1\1' 1 enon
f 0 II oWl1lg
' I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mm•••••••••••••••••••• ······~
there will be a natiollal defells~ Illert- cr~dit for their handling of Philil)1 which seenlS to insist on seeing the.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~-~~~
illg in the ballroo1l1 of the Belle\'lle-
Stratford to which the pl:hlic is cor-,
. .,
dlUllv InVIted. Among' the s p e a l ' ( ' r s '
Barry's "You alltl I," which they pre
~~'ntedto appreCIative aU~1Jellces
' luesdav and \Vednesdav l1Ights.
I on
- games.
>I< >I< >I<

SI'crl'lar.\' Wicht of the P. 1. A. A.


. . , . . Althoug'h termed a comedy the
wIll be Mrs. I~hen, P. he('I_I, 11I'eslth'lll BaiT\' op'us inclines a bit to the' ileavy is tuming Scotch or something. He d SPEeI AL SERVICE S
of the I'cllnsyln1l1w AlllCl'lcan L"gloll . ' .
Auxiliary; Hon. JO(, Starlles, Ullitl,d, Side. It WIth the prohlems of the games and in the same jJat'ag'raph
States Heprl'sentativl' from .-\lahallla; I a ~-oung' al'clll~ect~ral student wh~, hI cut
has increased the price of admission to

f' .
a n ·
'11 f I sIt I I e I the fel'.s of the otllcial~ 00- Ight" IS j~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hon. Listel' Ilill, chairman of ;\lililar.I·! (, lSI' 0 .11.· n ('IH 1'( l11arnag, the word the Greeks have for it. '- • - • - - - - ...
Atr' C 't U 't I St t [abandons JllS chosen profeSSIOn for
ail'S . 01111111 le(!, _ nl('( . a ('S, J1}orc remunerative work. His father ,', ,
Hous" of Hepl'l's('ntatl\"(!s; the Re\-.: . ' J ' II' I S J I I . ·------------V-A-L-O-N--N-J ,----------~-----~-
, tt :S' J I tl II Ire\'erslllg matters, throws oVt'r his The, unwr Igl e 100 ost out 111 OCEAN WAVE A "'"
ko. . .-'""
. --..- .
(t~.o ~-~ ,D, [t
I( . I'a ('J'
'1'1 le(,(
f 1'011I 1\1
. s'(lll , . . . . , •'lill
. Iore L ane B ('all, .,Ia
1 on t gOllll'ry C(lim t y.
'" t l' .-,('IIa
Oil .,

lCre \1-1 i - I

I posItIon" to fo. , 0\\' .art an,
t 01"1'

be Inusic h\' the hand of Vall(,\, Foro-l"in g ' \(~I'S('l1 as all "b.,tacle to hcr 10\- 'own, -
'11' ;1 I11s<'1 f III dIfhl'uhles. rhe girl, se(
the finals oj' the l\!ont,g'ol1\el·.V Counl.\.' .,L,"'lil II"., ,·C)\·,·... "· of ("ll'l',ill
,to\ll'lwment to St('wart of :\'oITis- llis I'"l'i",j (1t;:I:') tl"'''Slll'e~ SOlllh .r ..r""-
It ')-1 t
'1'1 StP\"l1't I I
I's""r sln,rl,. ;,11 ho)'s, flir",'!"r
tr"ill"j ill I's)'"holog~' allc! 11)',:.:I'-·lIe. Itus-
Ie. - I, . a( s scil II"g.'lallcl, Associate. Hooklet. ;\laill
IIfm om

. I
un ;nll
1:II:l:llii::l' '. t
Individually Dcsigllcd

. , .,.., ., , I 1 If tl . ._ Jlla~- real :-'l11al't Imsketball and were - -
l\lilital'v..-\cadelHv. ('1':-; ('an'('l', ll'(.'a\.s () HIll' (·llg·:.lg'~ I LIIl(' rvlL'I'Clll'('H. 1714 'NALNUT ST.
• • lIH'IIL alld e\'l'I'ythiJ1g' apparelltl~- is lhe only team to defeat the Orange W. M. LUTZ, M.A. PHI LAD E L PHI A 1714 \'Valnut Street
oil the \'l'rg'l' of disastt'l' \\"ht'J1 father alltl Black this season. Penn A. C. Rittenhouse Square, Phi_la_· i _
Song Rccital Givcn com('s to his Sl'nses, realizes he is not BOTTLED GAS HATS SCHOOLS-SECRETARIAL
by Margarct Harshaw in!<'lIdl'd . . .fOI' an B artist and accepts a BRYN MAWR I For 42 years we hove supplied many Set:/telaJUQl Cowue:i
fml' pOSItIOn. oy and g'irlmnrry and PYROFAX GAS prominent Main Line families with
Continued !rulIl l'a::e One go to Europe to study architecture in Mrs. George Camphell Lewis of FELTS and PANAMAS III III
Sh ih' :I'T .hort Bouk"e. in
lartl11ent, allnounced that the nl'X! 'earnest 'lIld all live haIJllih.' ever aftel Summit Grove avenue entertained at He . . o"'p Ietc G as C 00 k'lug S crl'tCe . Ilf YOUI'BOTH
1Jt't·d~ and MEN'S
n'tlO\'alillg, ('all (til
1I~ Individualln,uruclioa
meeting of this group would hc held Out of this rather dispiriting set a small bridge yesterday in honor of for HOllies Beyolld the Gas MaillS" I""C! WI' will so'l'\-e )'Oll as WP sern,d YOUI'
pa rellt:4.
Day SIS-Monthly-Night S6
March 25 at her homc, All nlt'mbcrs of circumstances The Footlig-hters MI'S, E. F, Huh(1 of Halllpton, Va., PHILADELPHIA FURNACE CO. L.' T. MUENCH :rlt."~~~p~:~.tSECRUARIA~o~~~~~~
arc urged to attend and help in the produced a really creditable piece of who is the g-uc'st of her hl'otht'r-in-law 1813 Sansom St. RIT 8763 29 So. 17th St. SI>ruce 1540 37 S. 16th St., Phila. LOC 4560
sewing. ,,-ork. Trut', the action lagg'ed at and sister, 1\11'. and 1\lri'. George Pea- I I----c--'o-n-v-en'.e_n_t_t~~_T!_T_e_r_m_i_n_a_ls __
Mrs. H. A. Jacobs, chairman of till! times and SOllle of the comedy seemed body, Jr., of Valley View Toad, Merion. CAMERAS PHOTO FINISHING SCHOOLS-PRACT. ARTS
Nominating ConlntiUce, annoull~~1 forced, but this may be aUrihuted as M~. M. B. Ijppiuc~t of Norri~.-----------------I----------------~I------·----------~
that ballots had been sent out to all much to the actual plot as to its in- town entertained the members of her Tile fillcst Ulld \\'l'dest selectl'Oll of attention Your pictures PRACTICAL ARTS
our descrvc
laboratory the will
care give
club members to choose the nexl presi- terprctation. Donald Brookfield as nl'yn Mawr Bridge Cluh at luncheon all foreign and domestic cameras thcm. A rl: C'()sll1nH~ T)esig-Il; D,.es~lllakillg';
lIollic :\lallag"PIllclll: Interior Deconl-
dent, vice-president, corresponding the son anti Caroline Ransom as his lind bridge at JeffersOl1\'iIIe on 24-Holtr Delivery and tion; :llillineI'Y; 13rides' Classes.
secretary and three directors. Tlw betrothed portrayed their roles with Wednesday. MacCALLUM STORES Mail Service
election will take place the last meet-! convincing' frankness, while Rachel 1\1rs. William H. C. Raml'ay of 110 So. 16th St. RIT 9200 MacCALLUM STORES SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE
ing in April. Other members of the Kirk, Ernest Schmidt and Jacob Rit- 1\'1011tM IT ollleI'y avellue, \"ho is SlwlHling'
Everything Photographic I IO So. E"erything
161h Photographic RIT 9200 P 0 Peroa 31 od6 and Spring GardenpShtllredetsl h'
a e p la
Nominating CommiUee are 1\lrs. tenhouse received well-meritecl ap- some time in Annapolis, Md., will j'('_ • I -=::-:..:~=~~.::::~~:F...:.=_ _~
George Gill and Mrs. Robert A. COIl1P- plause. Their performances attain turn before Easter. CANDY PHOTOGRAPHERS WATCH REPAIRING
ton. greater significance when it is recalled I Mrs. William Henry Hughes of
Tea was served, with Mrs. E. B. each is new to The Footlighters' stage. MOlTis avenue will entertain at din- For three-quarters of a century the first PHOTOGRAPHS THAT LIVE CHAS. E. SCHELLINGER CO.
choice of discriminating Philadelphians Serving the Main LIne for 35 Years Diamond I11ercballts and lewclers
Hoskins and Mrs. Paul Marrow as \Villiam Warcl, in the lead, showed ncr on Saturday, April 3, in honor of
Novelties and Favors
hostesses. real understanding: anti ability, while IMiss Sally Anne Chapman, daughter WM. SHEWELL ELLIS STUDIOS We speclali0~~ChLO~~~~~~I~'ond Hamilton
The next meeting of the Literature Isabel Ruth, playing his wife, gave of Dr. and Mrs. John P. Chapman or I MAR 0 N 1425 Chestnut Street AT! Work Guaranteed
Department will be hcld on Tuesday another of those fine characterizations Overbrook. 1525 Walnut Street RIT 3680
27 So. 17th Street LOC 0119
next at the home of Mrs. Joseph H, with which Footlighter audiences are I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Covel', .J 1'., Fountain. _ Tea •• LII/Icheon Rittenhouse 9803
Miller, -126 Haverford avenue, at 1.30. familiar. and Miss Olivia Cover of Morris and .-----------------1------------------ I----------------~
Mrs. Leon \Vebster Melcher will re- Director John Hoag deserves much \Vaverly roads, sailed on Saturday for CHIMNEY CLEANING RUG CLEANING HAIR REMOVING

.5._ . , Superfluo-~sHair
view Pearl Buck's latest novel, "Now
and Forever."
credit for his production. He was a cruise to Mazatlin, Mexico.
ably assisted by Betty Powell, while
A Modern and Complete Chimney,
rdr-."'':-n EVE
The bridge paTty for the Juuior John Reed's set construction was both
VILLANOVA We correct your chimney worries.
Chimneys Scraped. Brushed and
.' WWG C. EaNIN~
u.,ti/wl B., . AS'~DVERT1SEl"
1\ - ~' End worry over unsightly hair. on
, l I\ face, arms. legs or any part of tho
Board and chairmen will be given on realistic and attractive. Vacuum Cleaned C;UARANTEEDttOUSEKEEPING [1ii1=aiiiI rh~YMi.iI~AaWa~.avS;f~ ~~doS~r;:
March 30 by the Senior Board a1ll1 1\11'. and Mrs. Alfred Rauch of I-lill-
dale road arc leaving this Friday for
Estimates Cheerfully Given
lAc Sq. It. DomestICS C
the chairmen at the home of the presi- Bryn Mawr Woman's Club PHILADELPHIA CHIMNEY SWEEPS Suite 802-Real Estate Trust Bldg.
dent, Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, on Shirll'y a ten (Ia~'s' stay at Ul'lllond, Florida. 3731 WJU.N1J'I' ST., PBIIA.
33rd and Arch Sts. EVE 1680 a. E. cor, Broad & Chestnut-KINgsley 0180
The Gardcn Department of the
road, at 8 P. M. Mrs. Caryl E. Starr Woman's Cluh of Bryn Mawr held a MI'. and Mrs. Maurice B. .duMarais .~~~~::'..:~~~----..-::.':-':~=~I--==========:::::::===~
is in charge of this party. of the Old Barn spent the wet'k-eud LADIES' TAILORS MUSIC CONSERVATORY OPTICIANS
very interesting- meeting at the home
Mrs. I-I. D. Jump, wife of the prollli- of Mrs. Raymond K. Powell in Rose- in Chelsea, where they were the guests Charlet'ed hy the Commonwealth of
nent physician of Philadelphia, wiII mont last Thursday mOI'ning, when
of Mrs. Paul von Schelina. DOMINIC l'ennsrr\'atda since 1870 J. E. LIMEBURNER CO.
sJleak at the next reg-ular cluh mel't- VERANTI, INC.
:Mrs. II. McKnight Moore, Sr., realI 1721 WALNUT STREET ZECKWER-HAHN Dispellsing Optici'lIIs for 44 Years
ing, April 6, at 2 P. M. The hostess a IJaller on "Coverings and Flowers
of the afterl100n will be Mrs. Frail!> ORIGINATORS OF THE LADIES' PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY 1923 Chestnut Street
C. Sticfel. for Shady Spots," and Mrs. James TAILORED SUITS 1617 Spruce Street
H. Egan one on rock gardens. DOMINIC CUSTOM <i65 W~~E SUMMER COURSE begins JUNE 28 Ritteuhouse 9090
Montgomery .County. Art T r i p1, he next meet1l1g .of. thIS group wII. I TAILORED SUITS 'P (A full season's credits)
March 24. . l\lembeI's ?f the club Tare he held on April 1 at 10.00· A. 1\1. at For over a Ihird of a centur~' Dominic . 814 Lancaster Ave.
has heen cutting-. fitting' ancl per80n- Regular FALL TERM begms Sept. 13 51 W. Chelten Avc.
to meet at the SIde of the Nar-, the hOl11e of Mrs. Earle Bond on Old 1 alTy superintending- the malelng of (Registration week of Sept. 7) Germantown Bryn Mawr
berth R. R. StatIOn'11 at 1.15 I P. A1\1.'I L ancaser t· roa(.I 1\1 rs. Ior. 1\1eKlllg
. IIt I' each and every garment. '
F rom tl lere th ey WI go to t Ie rt: . , . " ... .",. '
· PI'I
CI u b In
I I I'
11 at e p l!a::
)20 S . B roa( I MOOIC,
. I I "b' . f 0 '1' ,,(,ardens," and Mrs. Earle Bond and I
s t reeo
t t view t Ie ex 11 Itlon 0 • e n ·
'. t 2 P 1\1 0
. .
f MIsS Ill'len Rlst1l1e papers on "Plant-
I NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN Sl'eciali>:ing in Children's Corrective
woman pa1l1ters a -. . . lIe o ' f C I C I. ." I Since 1840
· t '11 I A 3 P 1\1 Ing's 01' 001' om )1I1atlOn5. Mrs. 1 BROOKMEAD wishes to Luggage That Lasts ShOt'S. Foot health is important to
tlIe ar t IS s WI spea c t . .1 \V'I F C I' I I' I You acan
own Newnow"l -l' ~.j
'II I t tl A Al i I ey <. or IS tIe c lUI rman of t lC
mem b ers \\'1 t len go 0 Ie rt •." -: I announce THE S I L V E R LUGGAGE, HANDBAGS Accordion per week Ihe normal growth of children.

liance to vicw the Exhibit of Crafts: g:oup. MEDAL FOR GUERNSEY Saxophone Pay for Both- Ollr book 0/1
AND GLOVES FOR Xylophone a Brand New
demonstrated by artists, which in-! MILK at the Harrisburg, Pa., Banjo Instrument and "CARE OF CHILDREN'S FEET"
eludes pottery, jewelry, weaving', I
MUSICAL COTERIE Farm Show was won by Ches- or any Musical
55 Private Les-
sons. gratis 011 reqllest
masks, metal wOI'k, masks, etc. terbrook Farm, owned by Mrs.
For reservations call 1\'Irs. William IAnnual Spring Concert to be Givcn J. Packard Laird, Berwyn, Pa.
l This outstanding herd is one
1623 Chestnut St. RIT 8571'
H. Boardman, .J 1'., Narberth ~D4:l-.J, Thursday Evcning, April 22 I Leather Goods 1031 Chestnut Street
or the assistant chairman, Mrs. \V. E. The annual spring concert of the of the I
producers of
G. l\liller, Narberth 2D21. Musical Coterie of Wayne will be held RIDING HABITS TRAVEL
in the Saturday Clubhouse on the for I
Receiving Congratulations p\'ening of April 22 at 8.15 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vickery, of \Vol11en's choruses by the Coterie will W orld- Wide Travel Service Ver,ptablc Seed-$l Value C
Bellevue avenue, Wayne, arc being hc under the direction of Mrs. Ashby II
congratulated on the birth of a son Wallace. Guernsey Dairies, Inc. 1700 Walnut Street Philadelphia One JOc pkt. each of Beans. Beet, Cab-
bage. Carrot, Corn, Lettuce, Onion, Peas.
on March D, and Mr. and Mrs. J aSI)(~I' The Coterie was fortunate in ob- IVest Lancaster Ave., Warne Charles S. Osmond Robt. C. Laurens Parsley, Radish, Spinach and Tomato.
The Only Authorized Producer F. Blair Jaekel, F.R.G.S. Geo. E. Gillespie All Best Varietics. Also ~ur 80-Page
Flowers, of Conestoga 'road, Wayne, taining' as its guest soloists Katherine and Distributor under License of Catalog-all for 50c post-paid.
on the arrival of a daughter on Mareh V. Lippincott, pianist, and Leonard the American Guernsey Cattle Club M rs. H enry H ave Ioc k H orroc ks
10. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Fischer, Treash, basso; also Barbara Berrien, of TRADE MARK GOLDEN
r. N. SIMON &: SON 529 Market St.
Dept. N, Phlla.
of Wayne, arc also being congratu- soprano, and Betty Hendren, violinist. GUERNSEY
lated on the birth of a son, William The two latter soloists arc members MILK and CREAM This directory appears In Ih'e 1\laln Line neWSllllJle,·s-Anhnore. 1\Ialn Llnel'-
Pearson Fischer, on March 6. Mrs. of the Coterie. Admission to this con- on the Main Line Bala-Cynwyd, News-Haverford Township, News-Narberth, Our '£own-'\'ayne,
1621 CHESTNUT STREET Suburban and 'I'lmcs. Our Philadelphia Representatives, Neville & Hitchings,
Fischer is· the former Miss Betty cert is by invitation of members of Warne 1121 for Inc., 12 South 12th Street, will furnish full Information, telephone '''alnut 0900.
trial order Philad"lphia
Pearson, of Merion. the Musical Coterie.

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