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The Dorylaim nematodes are colourless but due to their gut content some
species may appear silvery-white (Xiphinema), greenish (Enchodelus) or
brownish-yellow (Dorylaimus, Aporcelaimellus). Freshly extracted nematodes
move quite actively in a graceful serpentine manner and remain alive in water
for several days.

The dorylaims have cylindrical bodies and generally assume a ventrally curved
posture when killed. Sexual dimorphism in colour, size and shape is absent in

The body wall of nematodes consists of three principal layers-cuticle,

hypodermis and somatic musculature. The cuticle is multi-layered and the
thickness and number of layers are variable. The cuticle was initially
differentiated by earlier workers into three basic layers: cortical, median and
basal. The outer cuticle appears smooth at low magnifications though it may
show fine transverse striations at higher magnifications. In nematodes with a
thick cuticle interwoven criss-cross lines or punctuations are visible.

In Falcihasta and Ovybelondira the tail is provided with 'wing-like' circular

expansions. In some genera the cuticle is marked with prominent longitudinal
striations formed either by longitudinal ridges or deep furrows (Dorylaimus,

The inner cuticular layers may be striated and these striations are generally
more prominent than those on the outer cuticle.

The dorsal, ventral and lateral sides of the body bear pores arranged medially.
or sub-medially. These pores on the outer surface, which may be in the form of,
are arranged in one or two rows and open into very slender
cuticularised sensillar canals leading inwards to the hypodermal chords. The
Pores and their canals represent the somatic sensilla of the nematode and
probably function as chemoreceptors since they come into direct contact with
the environment.

Below the cuticle the hypodermis forms a thin layer and bulges at four points
into the pseudocoelom forming four hypodermal chords, of which two are
lateral, one dorsal and one ventral.

The somatic musculature is either polymyarian with a coelomyarian type of

muscle cells or meromyarian with a platymyarian type of muscle cells. The
muscle cells consist of a sarcoplasmic and a contractile part enelosed in the
plasma membrane (sarcolemma). The Dorylaimoidea are generally

The oral aperture (mouth) surrounded by six lips is situated at the apical end of
the body and this region is referred to as the lip region. In some dorylaims the
lip region may be narrower than the adjoining body (eg., some species of
Thornenema) but in the majority of species of dorylaims it is wider and marked
off by a depression (Dorylaimus, Calolaimus) or set off by a distinet
constriction (Aporcelaimus, Labronema). Occasionally the lip region is
provided with transverse striations (Mumtazium). The oral aperture may be pore
like or circular (Dorylaimus, Longidorella), hexagonal (Aporcelaimellus,
Aporcedorus) or slit-like (Metadorylaimus). The lip region may be conoid
(Cephalodorylaimus, Dorylaimellus), truncated (Acephalodorylaimus), rounded
(Nygellus), cap-like (Metadorylaimus) or greatly expanded (Discolaimus).

The feeding apparatus is the anteriormost part of the stomodeum formed by two
distinct regions. The upper one is called the cheilostome (vestibulum), the
guiding ring is located at its base. This is followed by the guiding sheath with
-the spear or stylet (odontostyle/mural tooth) situated at its base. The lower part
of the feeding apparatus is called the oesophagostome and is embedded in the
modified oesophageal tissue. The vestibulum or cheilostome extends from the
oral aperture to the fixed guiding ring of the guiding apparatus. This part is
called 'lip cavity' or stoma by some workers.

The guiding apparatus consist of a fixed guiding ring and a thin, membranous
and flexible, sleeve-like guiding sheath. The stylet is situated at the base of the
guiding sheath. The space between the guiding sheath and oesophageal
epidermis is filled with the amorphous hydrostatic substance which helps in the
protraction of the odontostyle by allowing smooth folding of the guiding sheath
The stomatal armature is surrounded by the guiding sheath. It is the most
important part of the feeding apparatus complex and is responsible for
penetrating or puncturing the prey or the host plant. The two basic types of
armatures have been recognized. The first type is known as mural tooth found
in nygolaim. The other type which could easily be evolved from the mural
tooth, is found in Dorylaimina and is known as odontostyle (Stylet or Spear).

Like other nematodes, the dorylaims have four juvenile stages

(J1,J2,J3,J4),each of which undergoes moult from transforming into the next
stage. All juvenile stages possess two odontostyles, only one of which is
functional for that stage. The other is the replacement odontostyles that
becomes functional for the next stage upon moult. During moult the lining of
the entire feeding apparatus is cast off together with the odontostyle and
odontophore while the replacement odontostyle simultaneously migrates

forward and becomes the functional odontostyle. Three sets of specialized
muscles are attached to the feeding apparatus to help in forward and backward
movement of the stomatal armature during feeding. These are dilatators buccae,
protractor muscles and retractor muscles.

The oesophagus is the last and longest part of the nematode stomodeum. It is
anteriorly connected to the feeding apparatus and posteriorly to the intestine
through a prominent oesophago-intestinal valve. The word oesophagus means
*food transporter but because of its musculature nature in nematodes some
authors (Crofton. 1966;G.W.Bird, 1971;Coomans et al., 1978) prefer the term
pharynx. The oesophagus of dorylaims is essentially bipartite, consisting of an
anterior narrow or slender part and a posterior expanded part or basal bulb.
The intestine or mesenteron is simple, tubular and consists of a single layer of
epithelial cells enclosing a wide lumen. The cells are large, polygonal, with a
large nucleus and a number of cell inclusions consisting of mitochondria, golgi
complex, endoplasmie reticulum, ribosomes, glycogen granules, lipid droplets
and so forth.

In dorylaim nematodes the intestine is clearly divided into a longer anterior part,
the intestine proper and a smaller posterior part, the prerectum. The two regions
are very clearly distinguishable even at low magnifications because of the
differences in their size and colour of their cells and nature of the cell

The rectum represents the last part of the alimentary canal and is termed the
proctodeum. It is formed from an invagination of the ectoderm during
embryonic development and is lined internally with a cuticle. The anus (cloacal
opening) is a small slit like opening on the ventral surface of the body and its

opening is controlled by depressor anal muscles responding to expansion

An excretory system in dorylaims is usually lacking but, if present, rather

inconspicuous. In Tylencholaimus formosus, Leptonchus granulosus,
Leptonchus scintillans a faint excretory pore and an exeretory duct were found.
The nervous system is fairly complex, consisting of a nerve ring associated with
ganglia, nerve chords, nerves to sense organs, somatic nerves, peripheral nerve
net and so forth. The nerve ring is taenioid and may slant slightly towards the
ventral side.

The dorylaims are generally dioecious or amphigonus, with separate females

and males. The female reproductive system consist either of two sets of
reproductive organs (didelphic) or only one set (monodelphic).

Each sexual branch (or genital tract) consists of an ovary, oviduct and uterus,
the vagina is common and opens exteriorly through the vulva. The ovary is
distinguished into three zones (i) germinative or multiplication zone (ii) growth
zone (iii) the ripening zone.

The oviduct is sub-terminally connected to the ovary and serve as a constriction

between the ovary and the uterus. It consist of two regions-a long narrow distal
part and a short saccate proximal part. The proximal expanded part of the
oviduct is called the pars dilatate.

Sphincter is located at the junction of the oviduct (pars dilatata) with the uterus,
is surrounded by circular muscles (sphincter), and partly embedded in the pars
dilatata. The uterus has well developed muscular walls with circular and oblique
fibres. Egg shell formation takes place in the prominently enlarged distal part.

The median part of the uterus has a narrow lumen, thick walls and well
developed circular muscles. The ovijector is a muscular organ which serves to
control the movement of eggs (oviposition).

Vagina is a small, highly muscular structure with thick walls, surrounded by a

sphincter muscle. The vulva is a transverse slit in the majority of dorylaims but
in some genera (Laimydorus, Chitwoodius, Paravulvus, Dorylaimellun) it is a
longitudinal slit, while in some species of Dorylaimus, Vanderlindia and others,
it is pore-like. The dorylaim nematodes are highly uniform in the entire group
so its male reproductive organs have not been studied as extensively as those of
the female. The gonads consist of a pair of testes lying opposite to each other.
The two zones can be differentiated in each testes -the germinative or
multiplication zone and the maturation or differentiation zone. Each primary
spermatocyte produces two secondary spermatocytes and cach secondary
spermatocyte produces two spermatids. The spermatids undergo maturation and
spermiogenesis, which culminates in the formation of sperm. The mature
gametes of dorylaims lack a tail.

The vas deferens originate at a point at which the proximal ends of the two
testes meet and runs posteriorly, Oblique muscles present around the vas
deferens may serve to push the sperm towards the ejaculatory duct. The junction
of the ejaculatory duct is situated a.little above the level of the last copulatory
muscles. The lumen is narrow but at the time of copulation it is filled with
sperm to be transferred to the female gonoduct.

The cloaca is a narrow tubular structure which serve as the terminal duct for the
digestive as well as reproductive organs. The cloaca forms pouches
(invaginations) to accommodate the copulatory apparatus.

The copulatory apparatus of the male comprises of a pair of spicules, lateral
guiding pieces (crura), gubernaculum, copulatory muscles, and copulatory or
genital papillae (supplements).

Spicula primordia is a group of cells, that is located on the dorsal wall of the
cloaca, form the spicular pouch and the spicules. The spicules consist of a head
(capitulum), a blade (lamina) and an internal median piece. The gubernaculum
is a thickening on the dorsal wall of the cloacal pouch which serves to guide the
spicules during their extrusion at the time of copulation. The gubernaculum in
dorylaims is a simple plate-like structure called the corpus.

The copulatory or genital papillae are called supplements. The papillae are
arranged in two groups-an adanal pair and a series of medioventral or
ventromedian or ventral supplements. The supplements appear to be sensory as
well as glandular in nature. Copulatory muscles are a number of musele bands
run obliquely from the ventral to the laterodorsal sides. These bands are present
on both sides and cover the entire area from the level of the adanal supplements
to a short distance anterior to the anteriormost ventromedian supplement. The
tail is a unique feature of nematodes as it is not found in any other group of
invertebrate animals. The tail is more useful in aquatic nematodes as it helps in
swimming. The dorylaim nematodes exhibit a wide variety of tails that differ
not only in size but also in shape which are very useful in the quick recognition
of species even at low magnifications. In those species in which the female has
a long, filiform tail, the male tail may be short and bluntly rounded
(Dorylaimus, Mesodorylaimus, Thornenema).

Some species of dorylaims exhibit 'elavation' or bulging of the tail due to an

extensively thickened cuticle. In some genera (Axonchium, Phallaxonchium),
although the adults possess a bluntly rounded tail, their first-stage juveniles

have a very long, almost filiform tail that progressively shortens in successive
juvenile stages. This definitely proves that the tail has gradually become shorter
and shorter in the present-day dorylaims.


Soil sampling:

Soil samples were collected from different faculties of MAJU. The samples
were taken from a depth of 10-25 cm were kept in polythene bags. All the
relevant information such as host, locality, date of collection, etc. The samples
were brought to the laboratory for further processing.

Processing of soil samples

The samples were processed by modified Baermann’s funnel technique small

amount of water. The debris and stones were removed and soil lumps, if
present, were broken by hand. The bucket was then filled with water to about
3/4th of its volume and then the suspension was stirred to make it homogeneous.
The bucket was left undisturbed for about ½ a minute to allow the heavy soil
particles to settle /at the bottom. The muddy suspension was then poured in to
another bucket through a coarse sieve (2mm pore size) which retained debris,
roots and leaves. The suspension in the second bucket was then poured through
a 300 mesh sieve (pore 53 size µm). The nematodes and fine soil particles were
retained on this sieve. The process was repeated thrice for better recovery of


The residue on the sieve was collected into a beaker and poured on a small
coarse sieve lined with tissue paper. The sieve was then placed on a Baermann’s
funnel containing water sufficient water to touch the bottom of the sieve and
water level. The stem of the funnel fitted with a rubber tubing provided with a
stopper. The nematodes migrated from the sieve into the clear water of the
funnel and settled at the bottom. After about 24 hours a small amount of water
was drawn from the funnel through the rubber tubing into a cavity block. The
nematodes isolated as above were fixed and processed for mounting on slide.

Killing and fixation:

The nematodes collected in block were left undisturbed for few minutes so as to
allow them to settle. Excess of water was removed with a fine dropper and hot
FA(water: formaldehyde: glycerol) was poured into the cavity block. This
simultaneously killed and fixed the nematodes.

Mounting and seazling:-
36 hours after fixation the nematodes transferred to a mixture of glycerine-
alcohol (95 parts 75% alcohol + 5 parts glycerol) in a small cavity block which
was kept in a dessicator containing anhydrous calcium chloride. In about 2-3
weeks the nematodes were dehydrated and ready to be mounted. A drop
anhydrous glycerine was placed on a glass and the nematodes were transferred
from the cavity block to this drop. Three pieces of glass wool of same thickness
were placed around them to prevent flattened. A cover slip was then gently
placed on the drop. The edges of the cover- slip were sealed with nail polish or

Measurements and drawings:-

All measurements were made on specimens mounted in dehydrated glycerine

with the ocular micrometer. De Man’s (1884) formula was used to denote the
dimensions of the nematodes. All diagrams were drawn using a drawing tube.
10 All measurements in the tables are given in (µm except length) mm.
Abbreviations used in the text.

L = Total body length.

a = Body length/ greatest body width.

b = Body length / distance from anterior end to the pharyngeal base.

c = Body length / tail length.

c’ = Tail length / body diameter at anus or cloaca.

V = Distance of vulva from anterior end x 100 /body length.

G1 = Distance of vulva from anterior ovary x 100 / body length.

G2 = Distance vulva from posterior end x 100 / body length.

DO = Orifice of dorsal gland.

DN = Nucleus of dorsal gland.

DO-DN = Distance of dorsal gland nucleus from the orifice of dorsal gland.

S1 N1 = Nucleus of the first ventrosub-lateral gland of the first pair.

S1N2 = Nucleus of the second ventrosub-lateral gland of the first pair.

S2 N = Nucleus of the ventrosub-lateral gland of the second pair.

S2 O = Orifices of the ventrosub-lateral gland of the second pair.




Cuticle smooth, finely or coarsely striated. Lip region with labial papillae
arranged in two cirelets, 6 in the inner and 10 in the outer. Feeding apparatus
consisting of an anterior cheilostome and a posterior oesophagostome.
Cheilostome includes vestibulum and guiding apparatus, base of latter with
protrusible odontostyle or mural tooth. Cuticularised walls of vestibulum
weakly to hervily sclerotized and may provided like aperture. Guiding apparatus
with a single or double ring. Pharynx in two parts, an anterior, slender and a
posterior expanded. Nerve ring encircles anterior slender part of pharynx.
Excretory pore and exeretory duct usually absent. Pharyngeal glands
unicellular, numbering five, rarely three, located together with their nuclei and
orifices in basal expanded part of pharynx. Intestine oligocytous or polycytous.
Female reproductive system monodelphic (mono-prodelphic or mono-
opisthodelphic) or amphidelphic with reflected ovaries. Vulva transverse,
longitudinal or simple pore-like. Vagina with or withot sclerotization. Males
with pair of opposite testes, paired spicules, latera guiding pieces and
sometimes a gubernaculums. Supplements few to numerous rarely absent.
Prerectum usually well defined; caudal glands absent. Tail shape and size
highly variable often dissimilar in sexes.

Type suborder: Dorylamida Pearse, 1936

Other suborder: nygolaimini Ahmad & Jairajpari, 1983

Key to suborders of Dorylaimida

Feeding apparatus provided with odontostyle……………… Dorylaimina

Feeding apparatus provided with mural tooth……………… Nygolaimina


Diagnosis: Feeding apparatus provided with axial odontostyle of varying

thickness and size. Guiding ring single or "doubleS". Odontophore rod-like or
arcuate, sometimes with basal knobs or flanges. Expanded part of pharynx
occupying about one-third to one-half of total pharyngeal length, sometimes a
pyriform basal bulb with triquetrous or valvular chamber. Cardia rounded to
elongate-conoid. Female reproductive system monodelphic or amphidelphic
with reflexed ovaries. Vulva transverse, longitudinal or simple pore-like. Male
with pair of opposed testes; paired spicules; gubernaculums and lateral guiding
pieces present or absent. Adanal pair of supplements present; ventromedian
supplements none to numerous, spaced or contiguous. Prerectum varying in
length. Tail shape and size highly variable often dissimilar in sexes.

Mesodorylaimus guarani Andrássy, 1968


Measurements: See table 1


Female: Body slightly curved ventral upon fixation, tapering gradually

towards both extremities. Cuticle finely striated, 1.0-1.5 µm thick at mid body
and 1.5-2.0 µm on tail. Lateral chords about one-third of body width at mid
body. Lateral, dorsal and ventral body pores indistinct.

Lip region offset by slightly depression, about two and a half times as wide as
high and about one-third as wide as body width at neck base. Amphids stirrup-
shaped, their aperture about half of the corresponding body width wide.
Odontostyle comparatively slender, 1.0-1.2 times lip region width long, its
aperture about one-third of its length. Guiding ring single, at about 0.7 lip
region width from anterior end. Odontophore simple rod-like, 1.3-1.6 times the
odontostyle length. Nerve ring at 35-42% of total neck length. Cardia elongate-
conoid, about two-third of the corresponding body width long.

Reproductive system amphidelphic. Both the sexual branches almost equally

developed. Ovaries relaxed, measuring 60-117 (90) um with oocytes arranged
in single row except near tip; oviduct joining ovary subterminally, 47-93 (76)
µm long. Pars dilatata with clear lumen, no trace of sperms either in uterus or
oviduct. Uterus a wide tube, measuring 36-74 (60) µm. Spincter present at
oviduct-uterus junction. Uterine eggs measuring 66-71 x 17-23 µm. Pars
proximatis vaginae 10- 15um with almost straight walls, encircled by cireular
musculature. Pars refringens vaginae with two triangular sclerotized pieces, 4 x
2 µm with a Combined width of 7 µm; a well developed intermediate space
visible between two selerotized pieces. Pars distalis vaginae measuring 1.0-1.5
µm in length. Vulva vransverse. Prerectum 1.9-2.6 times anal body widths long.
Tail long filiform, convex conoid first, then subeylindroid tapering gradually
towards a finely ounded terminus, 9-10 anal body widths long. Caudal pores
one pair on each side.

Male: Not found.

Habitat and locality:

Soil near roots of Gulmohar tree in the lawn of library, M.A.J.U campus.


Andrássy (1968) described M. guarani from Paraguay. The present population

from Costa Rica conform well with those described by Andrássy except for
being slightly longer in size. Andrássy described this species from several
localities in Paraguay and

L. pinguis Andrássy, 1986

L. stenopygus (Andrássy, 1968) Siddiqi, 1969

L. simplex (Baqri & jana, 1982) Loof, 1996

L. thornei Andrássy, 1969

L. uterinus Loof, 1996

L. vacillans Loof, 1996

L. vixamictus (Andrássy, 1962) Siddiqi, 1969

Laimydorus Esquiveli


Measurements: See table 2


Female: Body slightly curved ventral upon fixation. Cuticle finely striated, 2-
3 µm thick at mid body and 4-5 um on tail. Lateral chord about one third of
body width at mid body. Lateral dorsal and ventral body pores indistinct.

Lip region truncated, offset by slightly depression, about one-fifth to one- fourth
as wide as body width at neck base. Lips amalgamated; labial papillae slightly
projecting. Amphids with stirrup-shaped fovea; their aperture about half of the
corresponding body widths. Odontostyle dorylaimoid, 2.1 2.3 lip region widths
long: its aperture about 1/4-1/3h of its length. Guiding ring "double", at 1.4-1.5
lip region width from anterior end. Odontophoresimple rod like, 0.9 times the
odontostyle length. Nerve ring at 36-37% of neck length from anterior end.
Expanded part of pharynx occupying about 45-46%of total neck length. Cardia
short conoid, 11-13 µm long.

Reproductive system amphidelphic; both the sexual branches almost equally

developed. Ovaries reflexed, measuring 142-265 µm with oocytes arranged in a
single row. Uterus a wide tube, 143-187 um long. Oviduct joins the ovary
subterminally; sphincter present at oviduct-uterus junction. Vagina extending
inwards about half of corresponding body width. Vulva longitudinal. Pars
proximalis vaginae 17-20 um long and 16-18 pm wide. Pars refringens vaginae
consist of two triangular sclerotized pieces and a cuticularised intermediate
area, measuring 3.0-3.5 µm. Each cuticularized pieces measuring 4-5 µm wide,
6-7 µm Long and with a combined width of 14-15 µm. Pars distalis vaginac
very short, 1.0-1.5 µm in length. Prerectum 2.0-2.4 times anal body widths
long. Rectum about 1.5 times anal body width long. Tail long filiform, about 6-
7 anal body width Jong, tapering gradually to a pointed terminus; hyaline part
38-40% of total tail length. Caudal pores two on each side.

Male: Supplements, an adanal pair and 12 contiguous, well developed
ventromedian. Spicules dorylaimoid, about 1.4 times anal body widths long-
Prerectum 3.4-4.5 times anal body widths long, terminating within the range of
supplements. Rectum 1.0-1.3 anal body widths long. Tail short, conoid, bluntly
rounded with swollen tip, 0.8 anal body widths long, and with a pair of caudal
pores on each side.

Type habitat and locality:

Soil around roots of banana tree near M.A.J.U Canteen.

Thornenema Spicatum


Measurement: See table 3


Female: Body slightly curved ventral upon fixation. Cuticle finely striated
about,1.0-1.5 µm thick at mid body and 4-5µm on tail. Lateral chords about
one-third as wide as body width at mid body. Lateral, dorsal and ventral body
pores indistinct.

Lip region truncated, about 1/6th - 1/4th as wide as body width at neck base;
labial and post-labial sclerotization present. Amphids with cup-shaped fovea
and slit-like aperture, about 0.6-0.7 times corresponding body width wide.
Odontostyle dorylaimoid, 1.8-2.0 lip region widths long; its aperture about one-
third its length. Guiding ring single, at 1.2-1.5 times lip region widths from
anterior end. Odontophore simple rod-like, 1.2-1.5 times the odontostyle length.
Nerve ring at 45-47% of neck length from anterior end. Expanded part of
pharynx occupying about 39-44% of total neck length. Cardia dome-shaped,
about 23-24% of corresponding body width.

Reproductive system mono-opisthodelphic; anterior branch represented by a

short uterine sac, 12µm long; posterior branch well-developed. Ovary reflexed,
measuring 50 µm with oocytes arranged in a single row except near tip. Oviduct
joins the ovary subterminally; sphincter present at oviduct-uterus junction.
Uterus a wide tube measuring 22 µm. Vulva transverse slit-like. Vagina
extending inwards about half of corresponding body widths. Pars proximalis
vaginae 9 µm length, 6 µm wide with straight walls, encircled by circular
muscles; pars refringensvaginane absent; pars distalis vaginae 1.5 µm with
curved walls. Prerectum 2.4-2.9 anal body widths long. Rectum 1.2 anal body
widths long. Tail hemispheroid then spicate, both dorsal and ventral walls
suddenly narrowing about one anal body width behind anus, 1.9-2.0 anal body
widths long; terminus rounded.

Male: Not found

Type habitat and locality

Soil was taken from lawn of university Gymnasium.

Epidorylaimus Asymmetricus


Measurements: See table 4


Female: Body slightly curved ventral upon fixation, tapering gradually towards
both extremities. Cuticle finely striated 1.0-1.5 um thick at mid body and 2.5-
3.0 um thick on tail. Lateral chords about 1/4 -1/3 of body width at mid body.
Lateral, dorsal and ventral body pores indistinct.

Lip region continuous, slightly less than one-third body width at neck base; lips
amalgamated. Amphid stirrup - shaped, their aperture about half of the
corresponding body width wide. Odontostyle slender, slightly more than one lip
region width long, its aperture about one-fourth of its length. Guiding ring
single, at 0.4 - 0.5 lip region width from anterior end. Stoma bulboid.
Odontophore simple, rod-like, 1.5-1.7 times the odontostyle length. Nerve ring
at 35-37% of neck length from anterior end. Expanded part of pharynx
occupying about 43-47% of total neck length. Cardia short, hemispheroid, about
1/4h - 1/3 of the corresponding body width long.

Reproductive system amphidelphic; anterior genital branch smaller than

posterior branch. Both the ovaries functional, reflected; anterior ovary 44-109
um and posterior ovary 67-106 µm long with oocytes arranged in a single row
except near tip. Oviduct joining ovary subterminally, 48-86 um long. Pars
dilatata with clear lumen. Uterus a wide tube, measuring 21-96 µm with no
trace of sperm. Sphincter present at oviduct-uterus junction. Vagina extending
inwards about 60% of the corresponding body width. Eggs measuring 81-95
x26-28 µm. Pars

proximalis vaginae 11-13 µm with curved walls encircled by circular

musculature. Pars refringens vaginae with sclerotized pieces, 3-5 µm cach and a
combined width of 9-10 µm, with a well-developed intermediate space visible
between cuticularized pieces. Pars distalis vaginae measuring 2 µm in length.

Vulva pore- like. Prerectum 2.7-3.4 anal body width long. Tail elongated,
ventrally arcuate, with acute terminus, 5.9-7.6 anal body widths long. Caudal
pores two on each side.

Male: Not found.

Type habitat and locality:

Soil in front of staff quarters M.A.J.U, campus.

Discolaimium Clavatum Baqri & Khera, 1976


Measurements: See table 5


Females: Body slightly curved ventral upon fixation more so in the posterior
half. Cuticle finely striated, 1.0-1.5 µm thick at mid body and 2-3 µm on tail.
Lateral hypodermal glands conspicuous; irregular in size and arrangement, 52-
65 in number of which 11-16 are in the pharyngeal region and 39-49 between
paryngeal base and tail region. Lateral, dorsal and ventral body pores indistinct.

Lip region offset by constriction, slightly wider than the adjoining body,
about one-third as wide as body width at neck base., Amphids stirrup-shaped,
their aperture about half of lip region width. Odontostyle dorylaimoid, about
one lip region width long, its aperture about one-third to half of its length.
Guiding ring single, at about one half lip region width from anterior end.
Odontophore simple rod like, about 1.2-1.3 times odontostyle length. Nerve
ring at 37-38% of neck length from anterior end. Pharynx expands abruptly,
narrow part of pharynx without visible musculature. Expanded part occupying
about 46-52% of total neck length. Small glands present at the base of neck.
Cardia short conoid; cardiac disc distinct.

Reproductive system amphidelphic; both the sexual branches almost equally

developed. Ovaries reflexed, measuring 49-34 µm (anterior) and 40-128 µm
(posterior). Oocytes arranged in a single row except near tip. Oviduct 22-44
µm(anterior) and 40jum (posterior), joining the ovary subterminally. Uterus a
wide tube, measuring 17-24 um (posterior). Sphincter present at oviduct-uterus
junction. Vagina extending inwards 31-429% of corresponding body width.
Vulva a transverse slit. Pars proximalis vaginae 77 µm with almost straight
walls encircled by encircled by circular musculature. Pars refringens vaginae
without sclerotization. Prerectum 1.7-2.0 anal body widths long. Rectum about
one anal body width long. Tail short, clavate, 1.2-1.3 times anal body width
long, and with a pair of caudal pore on each side.

Male: Not found.


Bagri & Khera (1976) described D.clavatum from long Island, Andamans,
India. The present population from Costa Rica completely fits with the
measurements and description provided by Baqri & Khera. This species has not
been reported from any where after its original description from India.

Habitat and locality:

Soil around roots of Platycladus orientalis in front of chancellor's office.


A Order Dorylaimida pearse, 1942

Suborder Dorylaimina Pearse, l1936

1. Superfamily Dorylaimoidea De Man, 1876


Subfamily Dorylaiminae De Man, 1876

Dorylaimus Dujardin, 1845

Subfamily Amphidorylaiminae Andrássy, 1969
Amphidorylaimus Andrássy, 1970
Subfamily prodorylaiminae Andrássy, 1969
Prodorylaimus Andrássy, 1969
Subfamily Laimydorinae Andrássy, 1969
Mesodorylaimus Andrássy, 1959
Laimydorus Siddiqi, 1969

Table 1. Mesodorylaimus guarani andrassy,1959

Characters Females

n 6

L (mm) 0.95-1’37(1.85)
A 32-42 (40)
B 4.2-5.1 (4.5)
C 5.8-7.5 (6.7)
C 9-10 9.6)
V 47-48 (48)
G1 12-16 (14)
G2 12-16 (14)
Lip region width 8.0-10.5 (9.5)
lip region height 3-4
Aphid aperture 5-6
Odontostyle length 10-11
Odontophore length 13-17 (15)
Guiding ring from ant. end 7
Nerve ring from ant .End 85-113 (98)
Neck length 226-269 (268)
Expamded paart of pharynx 88-117 (108)
Cardia length 18-21 (19)
Body width at neck base 27-33 (30)
Body width at anus 16.5-19.5 (18.5)
Anterior genital branch 116-227 (171)
Posterior gental branch 118-219 (170)
Vaginal depth 12-18 (15)
Vulva from ate. and 455-666 (571)
Prerectum length 32-51 (39)
Rectum length 25-29 (28)
Tail length 164-188 (177)

Table.2. Laimydorus esquiveli

Characters Holotype Paratype Paratype

females males

N 2 2

I.(mm) 1.66 2.04-2.13 1.60-1.66

A 34 29-30 27-28
B 4.0 4.6-4.7 3.8-3.9
C 7.4 8.5-9.5 49-51
C 7.6 6.0-7.0 0.79-0.80
V 49 50-53
G1 14 16-17
G1 15 16-17
Lip region width 14 14 13-15
Lip region height 6 5-6 6
Amphid aperture 7 8-9 6.5-7.75
Odontostyle length 30 31 31-32
Odontophore length 28 26-28 26-27
Guiding ring from ent .end 19.5 19.5-20.5 19.5
Nerve ring from ent. End 150 164 161-163
Neck length 420 442-456 416-413
Expanded part of pharynx 195 206 187-196
Cardin length 14 11-12 10-13
Body width at neck hase 48 67-71 59
Body width anus 29 34-37 40-42
Anterior genital branch 231 331-339
Postrior genital branch 249 333-348
Veginal depth 21 28
Vulva from ant . end 819 1018-1132
Prerectum length 59 80-89 137-191
Rectum length 45 44-53 41-54
Tail length 225 225-241 33-34
Spicules length 5859
Leteral guiding pieces 13-14
Ventromedion supplements 12

Table .3. Thornenema spicatum

Characters Holotype female Paratype female

N 2
L (mm) 0.68 0.61-0.64
A 24 25.8-31.6
B 4.2 3.9-4.1
C 18 10-15
C1 1.92 1.94-1.95
V 43 43-45
G2 10.5 10.5-11.5
Lip region width 5.0 4-5
Lip region height 2.5 2.5-3.0
Amphid aperture 3.0 3.0
Odontostyle length 8.5 7.5-8.5
Odontophore length 10.5 10.5-11.5
Guiding ring from ant . and 5.8 5.8
Nerve ring from ent. end 72 72-73
Neck length 161 154
Hxpanded part of pharynx 64 60-68
Cardia length 7.7 5.8-6.7
Body width at neck base 22 19-25
Body width at anus 19.5 17.5-22.5
Posterior genital branch 74 68.71
Baginal depth 10.5 8-10
Vulva from ant . ent 296 276-278
Prerectum length 48 50-52
Rectum length 25 24-25
Tail length 38 34-43

Table .4. Epidorylaimus usymmetricus

Characters Holotype female Paratype females

N 4
L (mm) 1.58 1.40-1.50(1.45)
A 54 42-49 (45)
B 4.9 4.4-4.7 (4.5)
C 11.3 11.2-11.5 (11.3)
C1 7.6 5.9-6.7 (6.3)
V 37.5 37.6-39,3 (38.7)
G1 5.5 6.9-11.9 (8.9)
G2 10.4 8.2-11.4 (9.8)
Lip region width 12.5 13.5
Lip region hight 5 5-6 (5.5)
Amphid aperture 4 4-4.5 (4)
Odontostyle length 14.5 14-15
Odontophore length 22.5 20.5-23.5 (21.5)
Guiding ring from eat . and 5 5-7 (6)
Nerve ring from ent .and 154 112-121 (117)
Neck length 320 317-323 (319)
Expanded part of pharynx 149 135-152(144)
Cardia length 8 8-21.5 (14.5)
Body width at neck base 29.5 29-36 (32)
Body width at anus 18.5 19.5-20.5 (20)
Anterior genital branch 88 98-180 (100)
Posterior genital branch 165 116-166 (143)
Vaginal depth 18 17.5-19.5(18.8)
Vulva from ent . end 594 592-543 (565)
Prerectum length 51 43-49 (46)
Rectum length 30 24-28(26)
Tial length 142 116-134 (126)

Table .5. Discolaimium clavatum bakri &khera,1976

Characters Females

N 4
L (mm) 1.15-1.36
A 34-45
B 4.1-5.1

C 511-60
C1 1.21-1.27
V 42-44
G1 6-10
G2 5.8-11
Lip region width 9.8-10
Lip region hight 4.9
Amphid aperature 4.9
Odontostyle length 9.8-10.8
Odontophora length 12-14 (13)
Guiding ring from ant. End 4.9-5.9
Nerve ring from ent . end 96-103
Neck length 252-283
Expanded part of pharynx 117-147
Cardia length 7.8-9.8
Body width at neck base 30-34.5
Body width at anus 17.6-18.6
Anterior genital branch 71-116
Posterior genital branch 67-134
Vaginal depth 10.8-14.7
Vulva from ant . end 513-561
Prerectum length 30-38
Rectum length 14.7-16.6
Tail length 21.5-22.5

Fig. 1 Mesodorylaimus guarani Andrassy, 1959

A -Entire female

B -Anterior region

C - Pharyngeal region

D –Pharyngo-intestinal junction

E- Vulva region

F- Genital system (Posterior Branch)

G- posterior region

Fig.2. Laimydorus esquiveli

A- Pharyngeal region

B-Entire female

C- Entire male

D-Male posterior end

E- Female genital system

F- female posterior end

G- Male posterior region

H- Vulva region

I-Anterior region showing amphid

Fig.3. Thornenema splcatum

A= Entire female

B=Anterior region

C= Pharyngeal region

D= Female genital system

E= Vulval region

F= Female posterior region

Fig.4. Epidorylaimus asymmetyricus

A= Antericrior region

B= Anterior end showing amphid

C= Pharyngeal region

D= Female genital system

E= Vulval region

F= Female posterior end

G= Entire female

Fig.5. Discolaimium clavatum Baqri &khera,1976

A= Entire female

B= Anterior region

C= Pharyngeal region

D= female genital system

E= Vulval region

F= female posterior region


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