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One word Substitution

A complete list for all exams


Neeru Madam
Delhi University, Gold Medalist

Director and senior faculty Pinnacle

For SSC, Banking and other competitive exams

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1. ABATTOIR: A place where animals are slaughtered.
2. ABLUTION: Ritual washing of the body.
3. ABORIGINES : The original inhabitants of a country
4. ABRIDGE : To condense
5. ABSTRUSE: Hard to understand.
6. ABLUTION: Ritual washing of the body.
7. ABBOT: A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey.
8. ABBREVIATION: A shortened from of a word or phrase
9. ABDICATION: To formally give up
10. ABSTRUSE: Difficult to understand.
11. ACOUSTICS : Relating to sound
12. ACCENTUATE : Give more force or importance to.
13. ACCOMPLICE : Helper in a wrong deed or crime.
14. ACRONYM: Word formed from initial letters of a name.
15. ADHOC: For the purpose
16. ADOLSCENCE: A stage of growth between boyhood and youth.
17. ADULATION : Excessive devotion
18. ADDEDUM: Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc.
19. ADVERTISEMENT : A public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc.
20. AESTHETE : A person with a highly developed sense of beauty.
21. AERIAL : Living in air
22. AERONAUTICS : Science of flight of aeroplanes
23. AFFIDAVIT : A written statement given on oath
24. AFFINITY : Having a natural attention to
25. AFFLUENT : Wealthy; having abundance of money.
26. AFFORESTATION: The act of forestation by planting many trees.
27. AGENDA : Items of business for consideration at a meeting
28. AGGRESSOR: Someone who attacks first.
29. AGNOSTICISM: Belief in the existence of God.
30. AGORAPHOBIA : Unreasonable fear of open spaces.
31. ALLEVIATE : To lessen, make less severe.
32. ALTRUIST : One who does good work for others without thought of personal gain.
33. ALIEN : One who belongs to different country, race of group
34. ALIMONY: Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife.
35. ALLEGORY : Story in which ideas are symbolized as people.
36. ALLITERATION: Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter.
37. ALLUVIAL: Sandy soil deposited by running water
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38. ALTIMETER: Instrument used for measuring altitudes in aircraft.

39. AMBIDEXTROUS : Able to use the left hand as well as the right.
40. AMBIGUOUS : A word or statement which can be interpreted in two ways.
41. AMBASSADOR: Lacking professional skill or expertise.
42. AMNESIA: Partial or total loss of memory
43. AMNESTY: A general pardon of political offenders.
44. AMPHIBIAN : Animals which live both on land and in water.
45. AMPHITHEATRE : A designated section of seats in any part of a theater.
46. ANALGESIA : The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious.
47. ANARCHIST: One who wishes to destroy all established government's law and order
48. ANARCHY: The absence of government in a country.
49. ANECDOTE : Short amusing story about some real person or event.
50. ANOMALY : Deviation or departure from common rule or standard or what is normal.
51. ANACHRONISM : That which appears to be in the wrong period.
52. ANGLOPHILE : An admirer of the English people, language, manners or way of life.
53. ANGLOPHOBE : One who dislikes the English and England.
54. ANONYMOUS : A book or a work of art whose author is not known.
55. ANTAGONIST : One that opposes other.
56. ANTIDOTE : A medicine to cure the effect of poison.
57. ANATOMY: Study of sciences relating to the bodily structure of human.
58. ANIMOMETER: Instrument used for measuring the force and velocity of winds.
59. ANNUITY: Yearly grant.
60. ANNULAR: Ring shaped
61. ANODYNE : Pain reliever
63. ANTHROPOLOGIST: One who studies history relating to the development of man from primitive ages.
64. ANTIBIOTICS: Drugs which completely destroys bacteria.
65. ANTIQUARIAN: A person who is interested in antiquities.
66. APHELION: The point in a planet's orbit that is farthest from the sun.
67. APIARY: a bee house (Contains several hives).
68. APHASIA: Loss of ability to understand speech.
69. APOSTATE One who abandons his religious faith.
70. AQUATIC: Animals which live in water.
71. ARMISTICE : An agreement to stop fighting in a war.
72. ARBITRATOR someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue.
73. ARISTOCRACY A government by the nobles.
74. ARMISTICE The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
75. ARISTOCRACY : A government run by the rich and the elite people; a class of well-born people.
76. ARTISTE : Professional singer, dancer etc.
77. ARBOREAL Living in trees

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78. ARBORICULTURE Cultivation of trees and vegetables.

79. ARCHAROLOGIST One who make a scientific study of human antiquities.
80. ARCHIPELAGO See which has number of small islands.
81. ARCHIVE That what is not in current use.
82. ARISTOCRACY The rule by nobles.
83. ARSENAL A place where weapons are manufactured and stored.
84. ARTICULATE To pronounce Clearly.
85. ASCETIC One who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
86. ASSASSINATION Killing or murder for political reasons.
87. ASTROLOGY Science of the influence of the stars of human affairs.
88. ASTRONOMY Science of universe with sun, moon, stars and planets.
89. ATHEIST : A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
90. AUTOCRACY : A government where the power is concentrated in the hands of one person.
91. AUDIENCE An assembly of listeners.
92. AUTOBIOGRAPHY The life-history of a man written by himself.
93. AVARICIOUS One who is greedy
94. AUTOPSY : Medical examination of a dead body.

95. BANKRUPT : A person who cannot pay his debts.
96. BACHELORHOOD : The state of being unmarried (of a man).
97. BAY : A part of the sea/ lake enclosed by a wide curve of the shore.
98. BARBARIAN : An uncivilised person.
99. Bay: A piece of water enclosed by a wide curve of the shore.
100. BARRICADE : Hastily erected barrier across a street.
101. BELLICOSE: A quarrelsome person.
102. BELLIGERENT : One who is engaged in fighting a battle or war.
103. BEACH : A stretch of sand/ stones along the edge of the sea/ lake.
104. BELLICOSE: A person who is fond of fighting.
105. BENEFACTOR : One who gives financial help to a school, hospital, etc.
106. BIENNIEL: That which happens once in two years.
107. BIBLIOPHILE: A Lover and collector of books.
108. BIGAMY: The custom of having two wives or two husbands.
109. BIGOT: One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinion.
110. BILINGUAL: One who can speak two languages.
111. BIOGRAPHY: The life-history of a man written by someone else.
112. BIPED: Animal with two-feet.
113. BLASPHEME : Speaking irreverently about God or sacred things.

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114. BLISS : Perfect happiness.

115. BIBLIOGRAPHY : A list of writings on a subject.
116. BIBLIOPHILE : One who loves books.
117. BREVITY : Briefness; shortness of time.
118. BOHEMIAN : One who does not follow the usual norms of social life.
119. BOORISH: Person who is rough and ill mannered.
120. BOTANY : The science of vegetable life.
121. BREWERY : A place where beer is made.
122. BUREAUCRACY : A government run by civil servants.

123. CACOPHONY: Harsh sound.
124. CAJOLE: Persuade by flattery.
125. CALLIGRAPHY: Art of beautiful hand writing.
126. CANNIBAL: One who eats human flesh.
127. CARDIOLOGIST : A doctor specialising in matters relating to the heart.
128. CAPSIZE: Overturn
129. CARNAGE: Killing a large number of people.
130. CARTOGRAPHER: A person who draws maps and charts.
131. CATALOGUE: List of books and other articles.
132. CELIBACY : The state of being unmarried.
133. CELIBATE One who has taken a vow not to have sex.
134. CEMETERY The place for corpses to be buried.
135. CENTENARY Hundredth anniversary.
136. CHRONOLOGICAL According to sequence of time.
137. CIRCUMLOCUTION : A roundabout way of expression.
138. CLAUSTROPHOBIA : A morbid fear of confined spaces.
139. COAGULATE : Change from liquid into solid by chemical reaction.
140. COERCE Compel to a course of action.
141. COGNATE : Having the same source of origin.
142. COLLUSION: Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose.
143. CONFLAGRATION: Huge destructive fire.
144. CONGREGATION: Gathering of worshippers.
145. CONGRUENT: Identical in all respect.
146. CONNOISSEUR : One who is well-versed in any subject/art.
147. CONSCRIPTION : Compulsory enlistment for military or other services.
148. CONTAGIOUS: Which spreads by physical touch or contact?
149. CONTEMPORARY: Of the same time.

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150. CONTIGUOUS: Two countries of States touching a common boundary.

151. CONTRITE: Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.
152. CONVALESCENCE: The period of gradual recovery of health after illness.
153. CONVENTILE: Secret and illegal religious meeting.
154. CORONATION: Ceremony of crowing a king.
155. COSMOPOLITAN: A person who regards the whole world as his country.
156. COLLEAGUES: Persons working in the same department.
157. COLLOQUIAL: Suitable for ordinary informal conversation.
158. COMBUSTIBLE : That which can catch fire and burn easily.
159. COMEDIAN: One who plays funny parts in plays or films.
160. COMMODITY : An article of trade or commerce.
161. COMPATRIOT : A person belonging to one’s own country.
162. COMPLEXION : The natural colour and appearance of skin.
163. COMPULSORY : That which must be done.
164. CANNIBAL: The man who can eat human flesh.
165. CARNAGE: Killing or large numbers of people.
166. CARNIVAL: Public merry making and feasting.
167. CARTOGRAPHER: A person who draws maps and charts.
168. CARTOGRAPHY : Art of map making
169. CATALOGUE: List of books and other articles.
170. CONDUCTOR : That which acts as a path for electricity, heat etc.
171. CONNOISSEUR : A person who is competent to pass critical judgement upon anything.
172. CONSCRIPT : A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces.
173. CONSORTIUM : A combination of several businesses for a common purpose.
174. CONTAGIOUS : That which spreads easily, especially a disease.
175. CONTRETEMPS : An unlucky event, an unexpected set-back.
176. CONTROVERSIAL : That which causes debate or argument.
177. CONVENTION : A formal assembly or conference of people of the same business to discuss practices.
178. CORRIGENDUM : Something to be corrected in a printed book.
179. COUNTERFEIT : Copy something exactly in order to deceive.
180. CRUISE : A sea voyage for pleasure.
181. CYGNET : A young swan.
182. CYNIC : One who has little faith in human sincerity or honesty.

183. DEMAGOGUE : A person who can sway his followers by his oratory
184. DEBACLE: A complete failure
185. DENIZEN : A person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is often found in a particular place.

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186. DEPRAVED : Morally bad or evil.

187. DEPRECATE : Express earnest disapproval of.
188. DERMATOLOGY : The medical study of the skin and its diseases.
189. DESPONDENCY: Loss of complete hope.
190. DESTITUTION: Lacking basic necessities of life.
191. DETRIMENTAL : Causing harm or damage.
192. DEXTEROUS : Skilful at handling things.
193. DENOUNCEMENT : The last part of a play, book etc. where all the complications of the plot are solved.
194. DETERRENT : Something to discourage people from doing wrong.
195. DILETTANTE : An admirer of the fine arts.
196. DISARMAMENT : Reduction of weapons by governments.
197. DISINFORMATION : False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda.
198. DIATRIBE: Bitter and violent attack in words or writing.
199. DICTATORSHIP: Government carried on by an absolute ruler.
200. DIPLOMACY: The skill and policy of a country's statesmen and politicians/ skill in dealing with people.
201. DISCREPANCY: Difference between two things that should be the same.
202. DISSIMULATE: To hide or disguise.
203. DIURNAL: Of the daytime.
204. DOMICILE : A place where one lives permanently.
205. DRUDGERY : Hard, uninteresting work.
206. DRAPER: A shopkeeper selling cloth and clothing.
207. DRAW: The result of the match where neither party wins.
208. DUET : Song sung by two people together.

209. EAVESDROPPER : One who witnesses secretly to private
210. ECONOMICAL: One who is careful in the use of money/ fuel etc.
211. EDIBLE: That which is fit to be eaten.
212. EFFEMINATE: A man who is womanish in his habits.
213. EGALITARIANISM : Belief that all people are equal and have the same rights and opportunities.
214. EGOIST : A lover of one's ownself/ supercilious.
215. ELECTROCUTE : Killing by means of an electric current
216. ELIGIBLE : Fit to be chosen; qualified.
217. EMERGENCY: A sudden serious situation requiring immediate action.
218. EMERITUS : One who is honourably discharged from service.
219. EMIGRANT: A person who goes to another country to live.
220. EMISSARY: A person sent on a mission (usually official).
221. ENDEMIC : A disease confined to a particular district or place

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222. EXTROVERT : One whose interest are directed outward

223. EPHEMERAL : Existing only for a day.
224. EPICURE : Person fond of delicious food.
225. EPIDEMIC : Disease affecting many people at the same place and time.
226. EPILOGUE : A speech or a poem recited at the end of a play.
227. EPISODE : Part of story (especially T.V. or Radio show story)
228. EPISODIC : Happening only some times and irregularly.
229. EPISTLE : A letter.
230. EPITAPH: Words which are inscribed on the grave.
231. EPITHET: Adjective added a person's name usually to criticise or praise him.
232. EPITOME : A perfect example.
233. EPITOMISE: To be a perfect example.
234. EMBALM : To preserve a dead body from decaying
235. EPITOME : A brief summary of a book
236. EQUANIMITY: Calmness of mind and temper.
237. ERUDITE A learned or scholarly person.
238. ESPIONAGE: Practice of spying.
239. ETERNAL : Existing for ever-without any beginning or end.
240. ETYMOLOGY : The science which deals with derivation of words.
241. EUPHEMISM: Bombastic style of writing.
242. EUPHONIOUS: Sounding pleasant.
243. EUPHORIA: A strong feeling of happiness.
244. EVANESCENT: Of a very short duration of period.
245. EPHEMERAL: Everlasting
246. ENIGMA : A person, thing or circumstance that is puzzling
247. EMBARGO : An order prohibiting ships to leave the port
248. ENTOMOLOGY : The study of insects
249. EBULLIENT : High-spirited, exuberant.
250. EDIBLE : Fit for food
251. EPICURIAN : One who devoted to the
252. EFFEMINATE : A man who has the qualities of a woman.
253. ENCYCLOPAEDIA : A book giving information on all branches of knowledge.
254. ENTOMOLOGY : The scientific study of insects.
255. EPIC : A long narrative poem.
256. EPILOGUE : Concluding part of a literary work.
257. ERGONOMICS : The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment.
258. ERR : Make a mistake, do wrong.
259. ESTUARY : The wide mouth of a river.
260. EVOLUTION : Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones.
261. EXCISE : Tax on goods produced and used in a country.

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262. EXERTION : Making an effort; trying very hard to do something.

263. EXTEMPORE : A speech made without any previous thought or preparation.
264. EXTERMINATE : To put an end to something by killing.
265. EXTROVERT : A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others.
266. EXUBERANT : Lively, high-spirited.
267. EXPLICABLE: That which can be explained.

268. FIANCEE : One engaged to be married
269. FARRIER : One who shoes horses
270. FALLACY: False or mistaken belief.
271. FANATIC: One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm.
272. FASTIDIOUS: One who is hard to please.
273. FATAL: Resulting in death.
274. FATALIST: One who believes in destiny.
275. FAUNA Animals of a certain region.
276. FUGITIVE : One who runs away from justice or the law
277. FANATIC : a person filled with excessive enthusiasm, especially in religion
278. FARCE: A light-hearted humorous play with silly action.
279. FASTIDIOUS: One who cannot be easily pleased.
280. FAVOURITISM: The practice of giving favoured treatment to certain people.
281. FEMINIST: A supporter of the cause of women.
282. FISSION : Splitting of the nucleus of an atom.
283. FIASCO : Complete failure.
284. FLUKE: Stroke of good luck.
285. FLOGGING : Severe beating with a whip.
286. FLUVIAL : Related to rivers
287. FOREMAN: A skilled worker in charge of other workmen.
288. FOURTH ESTATE: Influential newspapers and journalists.
289. FRATRICIDE: The murder of one’s brother.
290. FREIGHT: Goods carried by train, ship etc.
291. FUMIGATE: To clear of disease, bacteria etc., by means of chemical smoke.
292. FORGEY Counterfeiting of document.
293. FRENZY A state of extreme excitement.
294. FROSTBITE Injury to the nose, fingers or toes, caused by extreme cold

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295. GARAGE : A building in which motorcars are parked.
296. GARRULOUS : One who talks too much about uninteresting things.
297. GASTRONOMY : The art and science of cooking and eating good food.
298. GEOLOGIST : One who studies about rocks and soils
299. GARRISON : Military force stationed in a fortress
300. GENOCIDE : Elimination or killing of a whole race.
301. GERMANOPHILE : An admirer of the German people, language, manners or way of life.
302. GERMANOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Germans and Germany.
303. GERMICIDE : A medicine that kills germs.
304. GLACIER : A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley.
305. GRAFFITI : Rough drawing or writing on public walls.
306. GRAMINIVORE : An animal that eats grain.
307. GALLERY : A room or building for showing works of art.
308. GAMBLE : To play games of chance, etc. for money.
309. GEOLOGY : The science of earth's history and rocks.
310. GERMICIDE : A substance that kills germs.
311. GLUTTON : One who eats too much.
312. GOBBLE : Eat fast, noisily and greedily.
313. GRATUITOUS : Done or obtained without payment.
314. GREGARIOUS: Animals that live in flocks.
315. GRATIS : Without payment, free of cost.

316. HOMICIDE : The act of killing a human being
317. HAWKER : One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
318. HEDONIST : One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool.
319. HORTICULTURE : The art of cultivating and managing gardens
320. HYPERBOLE : Exaggerated statement made for the sake of effect
321. HOSTAGE : Person given to an enemy as a pledge
322. HALLUCINATION : Seeing something which is not actually present.
323. HAVEN : A place of calm and safety.
324. HALLUCINOGEN : A drug that causes one to hallucinate.
325. HEDONISM: Belief that the most important thing in the world is pleasure.
326. HENCHMAN: Faithful supporter.

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327. HERBIVOROUS: Animals which feed on vegetation.

328. HERCULEAN: Having enormous strength or size.
329. HETEROGENOUS: Things which contain elements of different nature.
330. HEDONIST : One who lives for pleasure.
331. HERBIVORE : A plant-eating animal.
332. HOMICIDE: Murder or murderer of a man.
333. HOMOGENEOUS Things which contain elements of the same nature.
334. HONORARY: A post for which no salary is paid.
335. HOSPITABLE: Fond of entertaining guests.
336. HYPOCONDRIA: Imaginary ailments
337. HISTRIONICS : Overreacting in a theatrical manner.
338. HOLOCAUST : Great destruction and the loss of many lives; the mass killing of Jews in World War II.
339. HOLSTER : A leather holder for a pistol.
340. HOMICIDE : The killing of one man by another man.
341. HOMONYM : A word same as another in pronunciation but is different in meaning and spelling.
342. HONORARY : An office for which no salary is paid.
343. HOOLIGAN : A noisy rough person who causes trouble.
344. HORTICULTURE : The art of garden cultivation.
345. HUB : The central part of a wheel.
346. HYPERCRITICAL : Excessively critical.
347. HYPOCHONDRIAC : One who has exaggerated anxiety about his health.
348. HYPOCRITICAL : Pretence of virtue or goodness; saying one thing while thinking another.
349. HYPOTHESIS : Supposition made as basis for reasoning.

350. ICONOCLAST: One who opposes established institutions or beliefs.
351. IDOLATRY: The worship of idols or images.
352. IDEALISM: Practice of forming and following ideals.
353. IDEOLOGY: Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic or political systems.
354. IDOLATRY: Worship of idols.
355. IGNORAMUS: A thoroughly ignorant person.
356. INVALID : A person who is sick
357. INCENDIARY : One who maliciously sets fire to building
358. INSOLVENT : One who cannot pay one’s debts
359. IMMIGRANT : One who comes into a foreign country to settle there
360. INVINCIBLE : That which cannot be conquered
361. INCOMBUSTIBLE : Incapable of being burnt
362. INVISIBLE : That which cannot be seen

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363. IMAGINARY: Existing only in the mind.

364. IMMUNE: Free from infection
365. IMMORTAL : Living for ever.
366. IMPALPABLE : Incapable of being perceived by touch.
367. IMPENETRATABLE: That which cannot be penetrated.
368. IMPERCEPTIBLE: That which cannot be perceived by sense.
369. IMPERIALISM: Policy of extending a country's empire and influence.
370. IMPERTINENT: Not showing proper respect.
371. IMPIETY: Lack of respect or religious reverence.
372. IMPONDERABLE : That which cannot be guessed or calculated.
373. IMPOSTER: One who assumes a character or title not his own to deceive others.
374. IMPREGNABLE: To strong to be overcome or defeated.
375. IMPRESARIO: A manager or director of a ballet, a concert, a theatre or on opera company.
376. IMPROMPTU: Something said or done without preparation.
377. IMPUDENT: Rude and not respectful.
378. IMPUNITY: Freedom from punishment.
379. INACCESSIBLE: Incapable of being reached.
380. INADMISSIBLE: That which cannot be admitted or allowed.
381. INAUDIBLE: A sound that cannot be heard.
382. INCENDIARY: Designed to cause fire/ likely to cause violence.
383. INCOMBUSTIBLE : That which cannot be burnt.
384. INCOMPARABLE : That which cannot be compared.
385. INCORRIGIBLE: Incapable of being corrected.
386. INCREDIBLE: Which can't be believed.
387. INCURABLE: Which cannot be cured.
388. INDEFATIGUIBLE : Incapable of being tired.
389. INDEFENSIBLE: Which cannot be defended.
390. INDELIBLE: Which cannot be erased or forgotten
391. INDEMNITY: Compensation for loss.
392. INDESTRUCTIBLE : That which cannot be destroyed.
393. INDIGNANT: Angry at injustice.
394. INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated
395. INDEFATIGABLE : Persons that cannot be wearied
396. INTERNECINE : Causing destruction to both sides
397. INTERPOLATE : Make (spurious & misleading) additions to a book
398. ILLEGAL : That which is contrary to law.
399. ILLEGIBLE : Handwriting which cannot be read.
400. ILLITERATE : One who is unable to read or write.
401. IMMEMORIAL : Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memory.
402. IMMINENT : About to happen.

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403. IMMORTAL : That which never dies.

404. IMPASSABLE : That which cannot be passed through.
405. IMPLACABLE : Impossible to satisfy, change or make less angry.
406. INACCESSIBLE : That cannot be approached or reached.
407. INAUSPICIOUS : Not of good omen.
408. INCORPOREAL : Without a body.
409. INCREDIBLE : That cannot be believed.
410. INDEFATIGABLE : One who is incapable of being tired.
411. INDELIBLE : Incapable of being effaced or cancelled or obliterated.
412. INDIGENOUS : Belonging naturally to a place.
413. INEDIBLE : Something which cannot be eaten.
414. INEVITABLE : That which is bound to happen.
415. INEXPLICABLE : That which cannot be explained.
416. INFLAMMABLE : Capable of catching fire.
417. INFLATE : To fill with air or gas.
418. INGENIOUS : Very clever.
419. INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated.
420. INNATE : That which one is born with.
421. INNOCUOUS : That which is quite harmless.
422. INTANGIBLE : That cannot be mentally grasped.
423. INTELLIGENTSIA : The class of people who think independently.
424. INTOLERABLE : That which cannot be endured.
425. INTROSPECTION : Examination of one’s own mental processes.
426. INTUITION : Immediate apprehension by mind reasoning.
427. INVINCIBLE : That cannot be conquered or defeated.
428. INVULNERABLE : That which cannot be wounded.
429. IRREPARABLE : That which cannot be repaired.
430. IRREPROACHABLE : So good that no criticism can be made.

431. JOEY : A young kangaroo.
432. JUDICIOUS : Wise, sound in judgment.
433. JOURNAL: A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject in a professional way.
434. JUXTAPOSE: Placing a thing beside another.

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435. KIMONO : A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan.
436. KNIGHTHOOD : The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name, Giving of a title.
437. KENNEL: A Dog’s home
438. KNAVE: A crook ; a dishonest person.

439. LETHAL : causing death
440. LACONIC : Expressing in a few words
441. LAUNDRY: A place where clothes are washed and ironed.
442. LIMNOLOGY : The study of lakes and other fresh water bodies
443. LAMINATE : To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic.
444. LAGOON : Salt water lake separated from the sea by sand banks.
445. LEXICOGRAPHER: A person who complies a dictionary.
446. LINGUSIT : One who speaks many foreign languages.
447. LOGIC: The science of reasoning.
448. LEGIBLE : Capable of being read clearly.
449. LEONINE : Of or like a lion.
450. LIBERTARIAN : One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
451. LITERATI : People with knowledge of literature.
452. LOQUACIOUS : One who talks a lot.
453. LULLABY : A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.

454. MANIFESTO : A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a political party
455. MAGNUM OPUS : A great work of art, particularly literary.
456. MALEDICTION: Evil, vicious speech.
457. MAMMALS : Animals which give birth to babies and feed them with their milk.
458. MANUAL : A book giving information about how to work something.
459. MANUSCRIPT : Handwritten script of a book.
460. MARTINET: A strict disciplinarian.
461. MASCOT : Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck.
462. MASOCHIST: One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
463. MARITRICIDE: Killing of one's husband.
464. MARTYR: One who dies for a noble cause.

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465. MASQUE : A play or a dramatic performance in verse, with music, dance and fine costumes.
466. MASSACRE : Killing of large numbers of people.
467. MAUSOLEUM : A magnificent tomb
468. MATERIALIST : A person for whom money is the most important consideration.
469. MATINS: Morning prayer.
470. MATRICIDE: Killing of one's mother.
471. MATRIMONY: Marriage
472. MAXIM: A short statement of a general truth.
473. MOMENTO : Something kept to remember place or event.
474. MERCENARY: Complete change in appearance.
475. MEDIOCRE : One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
476. MEGALOMANIA : The belief that one is extremely important.
477. MELODIOUS : Sweet sounding.
478. MERCANTILE : Of trade and business.
479. METEOROLOGY : The scientific study of weather conditions.
480. METEOROLOGIST : One who studies the elements of weather.
481. METICULOUS : A person who is very careful about details.
482. MIGRATION: Movement from one country to another.
483. MISANDRIST: One who hates males.
484. MISOLOGIST: Hater of learning.
485. MISONEIST: A person sent to teach the Christian religion to people who are ignorant of it.
486. MIGRATE : To move from one country to another
487. MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind
488. MILITIA : Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.
489. MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind.
490. MISOGAMIST : One who hates marriage.
491. MISOGYNIST : One who hates women.
492. MONASTERY : Place where monks live.
493. MONOGAMY: Subject to death.
494. MORTUARY: A place where dead bodies are kept before postmortem.
495. MONOMANIAC : One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
496. MONOLOGUE : A long speech by one person
497. MONASTERY: Place where monks live.
498. MONOGAMY: Subject to death.
499. MORTUARY: A place where dead bodies are kept before postmortem.
500. MUTILATION: Cutting off body parts.
501. MOBILIZE : To collect together for service in war.
502. METALLURGY : The science dealing with the production of metals
503. MEGALOMANIAC : A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful.
504. MONOTHEISM : The practice of worshipping only one god.

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505. MULTINATIONAL : A company having branches in many countries.

506. MYCOLOGY : The scientific study of fungi.

507. NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.
508. NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing.
509. NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice.
510. NEOLOGISM : A new word.
511. NEPOTISM : Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.
512. NICHE : A hollow place in wall
513. NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official.
514. NUMISMATIC : One who collects coins.

515. OCTAGON: A plane figure with eight sides and angle
516. OBSCURANTIST: Person who is opposed to enlightment.
517. OBSEQUIES : Funeral rites.
518. OBSOLETE: That which is no longer in use.
519. OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.
520. OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law.
521. OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.
522. OLIGARCHY : A government by a small group of powerful persons
523. OMNIFORM: Having every form of shape.
524. OMNIGENOUS: Comprising all kinds.
525. OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful.
526. OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything.
527. OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything.
528. ONTOLOGY : Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence.
529. OPAQUE : That which cannot be seen through.
530. OPTIMIST : A person who looks to the bright side of things.
531. OPTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor.
532. OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight.
533. ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown
534. OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things.
535. OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything
536. OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere
537. OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye

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538. ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds

539. OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased
540. OVIPAROUS : Bearing eggs and not young ones..
541. OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn
542. OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses
543. OOLOGY : The study of eggs
544. OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west
545. OSTRACIZE : Expel from society

546. POSTHUMOUS : Occurring after death
547. PLAGIARISM : Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own.
548. PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks
549. PARASITE : A plant or animal growing on another
550. PANACEA : A cure for all diseases
551. PACIFIST : Person who believes in the total abolition of war.
552. PAGEANT : Elaborate public spectacle.
553. PALATABLE : Food or drink that has a pleasant taste.
554. PANACEA : A remedy for all kinds of diseases.
555. PANDEMONIUM : A wild and noisy disorder.
556. PANEGYRIC: Piece of writing full of praise.
557. PARASOL : A lady's umbrella.
558. PATRICIDE: Killing of one's own father.
559. PATRIMONY : Inherited from father or male ancestor.
560. PHILATELIST : One who collects postage stamps
561. PHILANTHROPIST : One who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind.
562. PEDANT : One who makes a display of his learning
563. PEDLAR : One who goes from house to house selling small articles.
564. PAEDIATRICIAN : Doctors who treat children’s diseases
565. PALAEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient modes of writing
566. PHONETICS : The science of speech, sounds and their production
567. PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks.
568. PRODIGY: A child with unusual of remarkable talent.
569. PROGNOSTICATION : Act of forecasting by examining present conditions.
570. PROLOGUE: A speech or a poem recited at the beginning of a play.
571. PROPONENT: Person who proposes something.
572. PROPRIETY: State of being correct in behavior or moral

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573. PROTECTORATE : Country under the protection of a more powerful country.

574. PROTAGONIST : Chief person in a drama, story etc.
575. PSEUDONYM : A fictitious name used by an author
576. PRUDENT : Wise.
577. PUNCTITIOUS : Very careful to behave correctly.
578. PYROTECHNIC : Art of making fireworks.
579. PACHYDERM : A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
580. PACIFIST : One who believes in the abolition of war.
581. PALAEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient writing.
582. PALAEONTOLOGY : The study of fossils.
583. PANACEA : A remedy which can cure all diseases.
584. PARADOX : Contradictory statement.
585. PARASITE : One that lives on another.
586. PARIAH : One who is not accepted by society.
587. PATENT : Sole right to make and sell one’s own invention.
588. PEDANT : One who exhibits his book learning.
589. PENULTIMATE : Last but one.
590. PERQUISITE : Gain over and above one’s salary.
591. PETROLOGY : The scientific study of rocks.
592. PECULATION: Use of public money for one's own benefit.
593. PEDANTIC: A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge and learning.
594. PEDESTRIAN: One who walks on foot.
595. PENINSULA: Area of land almost surrounded by sea.
596. PENTAGON: A plane figure with five sides and angles.
597. PERCEPTIBLE: That can be perceived by the senses.
598. PERORATION: Concluding part of a speech.
599. PERSEVERANCE: Constant efforts to achieve something.
600. PERSPICAIOUS: Quick in judging and understanding.
601. PERVERSION : Change to something abnormal or unnatural.
602. PESSIMIST : A person who looks at the dark side of things.
603. PHILISTINE : Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
604. PHILOLOGIST : One who is well versed in the science of languages.
605. PIGMENT : The natural colouring matter of plants and animals.
606. PLAINTIFF : One who bring a charge against someone in court.
607. PLEBEIAN : Of the lower social classes.
608. PLAGIARISM: Literary theft.
609. PLATITUDE: Statement that is obviously true and hence dull or not stimulating.
610. PLUTOCRACY : A government by a rich and powerful class.
611. POLYANDRY : The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.
612. POLYGAMY : The practise of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.

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613. POLYGLOT : One who speaks many languages.

614. POLYGRAPH : A lie-detector.
615. POSTHUMOUS : A child born after the death of its father.
616. POSTSCRIPT : A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature.
617. PRAGMATIST : One who uses common sense.
618. PRESCIENT : Able to foretell what will happen in the future.
619. PREJUDICED: Be biased against.
620. PREMONITION: Forewarning of an impending danger.
621. PREROGATIVE: Absolute right.
622. PROPELLANT : An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
623. PSEUDONYM : A pen-name assumed by a writer.
624. PULMONARY : Of or having an effect on the lungs.

625. QUACK A doctor of questionable ability
626. QUIVER Something to keep arrows in.
627. QUESTIONNAIRE A set of printed questions with a choice of answers.
628. QUIXOTIC : Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger.
629. QUADRUPED: Four footed-animal.

630. RACONTEUR : One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way.
631. RAPPORT : A good relationship between two people.
632. REBEL: One who takes up arms against the government.
633. RECAPITULATE: Repeat the main points.
634. RECLUSE: One who lives alone and avoids company.
635. RECONCILE: Bring about harmony or agreement.
636. RECONNAISSANCE : Information gathering activity about enemy forces.
637. RECEPTIVE : Capable of receiving new ideas.
638. RED TAPISM : Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
639. REDUNDANCY: When something is unnecessary because it is more than what is needed.
640. REFLATION : A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation.
641. REMISSION : Pardon or forgiveness for breaking religious laws.
642. REINFORCE : Strengthen by additional men or material.
643. RENAISSANCE : A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
644. RENDEZVOUS: Place fixed for meeting or assembling.
645. RENEGADE : Person who changes his religious belief/support to someone else or some other nation.

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646. REPLICA: Copy or reproduction of a work of art.

647. REPOSITORY: Place where things are stored for safety.
648. REQUIEM: Prayer for the dead.
649. REQUISITION : An official demand or request.
650. RESTITUTION: Return of object stolen or lost.
651. RETALIATE: Return the same sort of ill-treatment.
652. RETICENT/TACITURN : Person who does not speak too much.
653. RETROSPECTIVE : An effect which has a reference to the past.
654. RETRIBUTION : A severe deserved punishment.
655. RINGLEADER : One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
656. RODENT : A small herbivore usually considered a pest.
657. RHYME : A poem or verse having a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends .
658. RELICS: Something that has survived the past.
659. REJUVENATE: To restore to an or new condition

660. SARCASM: Bitter and ironical remark.
661. SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction especial of a factory, etc. b y dissatisfied workers.
662. SACRILEGE : The violation or profaning of sacred things.
663. SAVAGE: Violent and uncivilized.
664. SCAPEGOAT: One who is blamed for the mistakes of others.
665. SCEPTIC: One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences.
666. SCREECH: Cry out in shrill voice.
667. SCRIMMAGE: Confused struggle or fight.
668. SCURRY : Move hurriedly with short steps.
669. SANATORIUM : A place for invalids and convalescents.
670. SANCTIMONIOUS : Making a show of piety.
671. SCAFFOLD : A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
672. SCEPTIC : Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
673. SCUBA : An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
674. SEDENTARY : Done while sitting down.
675. SEDITION : Act or speech for inciting the public against the government.
676. SENILITY: Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool.
677. SEER : One who can see into the future.
678. SENSATIONALISM : The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
679. SEPTUAGENARIAN : One in his seventies.
680. SIESTA : Period of rest or sleep after lunch.
681. SIMULTANEOUS: Occurring at the same time.

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682. SINECURE : An office for which high salary is paid for little or no work or responsibility.
683. SILHOUETTE : Black shadow-like picture on white background.
684. SIMULTANEOUSLY : Taking place or happening at the same time.
685. SINECURE : Any office with good salary but no work.
686. SINOPHILE : An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life.
687. SINOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Chinese and China.
688. SMALL FRY : Unimportant people.
689. SMOTHER : Kill by suffocation (especially by covering the face with something).
690. SOJOURN : Stay for a short time.
691. SOLILOQUY : Speaking aloud while alone.
692. SOMNAMBULIST :One who walks in sleep.
693. SOMNILOQUIST: One who talks in sleep.
694. SONOROUS : Having a deep and pleasant sound.
695. SOROCIDE : Killing of one's own sister.
696. SNIPPET : A small piece from something spoken or written.
697. SPINSTER : An unmarried woman.
698. SPENDTHRIFT: One who spends one's money recklessly.
699. SPIRITUALIST A person who believes in spiritual things.
700. SPORADIC Occurring irregularly
701. STALE : Something which is not fresh.
702. STAMPEDE : A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals.
703. STELLAR : Of the stars.
704. STOCKBROKER : One who buys and sell shares for others.
705. STOIC : One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
706. STRATAGEM : A trick to deceive an enemy.
707. STRINGENT : Very strict.
708. STRANGULATE: Kill by putting pressure on the throat/ to apply pressure.
709. SUBDUE:To bring under control.
710. SUBJUGATE:To bring under control.
711. SUICIDE: Taking of one's own life.
712. SUPERCILIOUS:Thinking oneself superior to others.
713. SUBCUTANEOUS : Beneath the skin.
714. SUB JUDICE : A subject which can’t be publicly discussed because it is before a court of law.
715. SUBSIDY : Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
716. SUBVERSIVE : Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
717. SUPERANNUATED : Too old for work.
718. SURREAL : Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality.
719. SYCOPHANT:Person who tries to win a favour by flattering other.
720. SYNAGOGUE:Place where Jews worship.
721. SACHET : A small pouch

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722. SCABBARD: A cover for a dagger sword etc.

723. SADDLE: A seat for a rider
724. SAFARI: An overland expedition for hunting etc.
725. SAGA: A long detailed report.
726. SCAVENGERS : An animal, such as a vulture , that feeds on dead or decaying matter.
727. SCULPTOR: one who shapes in stone.
728. SEISMOLOGY: study of earthquakes.
729. SERMON: religious discourse
730. STAMPEDE: People to run around in panic
731. SPENDTHRIFT: One who spends money recklessly

732. TANTRUM: Fit of bad temper or anger.
733. TALKATIVE/GARRULOUS : One who is fond of talking
734. TABLEAU : A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak.
735. TAXIDERMY : The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses.
736. TECHNOCRAT : A specialist in technology.
737. TEETOTALLER : One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
738. TERMINATE : Come or bring to an end.
739. THEIST : One who believes in the existence of God.
740. THEOCRACY : Government by priests.
741. TIMBER : Wood cut down for building etc.
742. TOPIARY : The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
743. TRAITOR : One who is disloyal to his country.
744. TRANSGRESSOR : One who violates a rule or law.
745. TRANSMIGRATION: The passage of soul after death from one body to the other.
746. TRANSMOGRIFICATION: Complete change in appearance or character (especially in a magical or surprising way).
747. TRANSPARENT : That allows the passage of rays of light.
748. TRUNAT: One who stays away from school/ work without permission.
749. TRUISM : A truth which is often repeated.
750. TYRANT : A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
751. TELEPATHY : Communicating through other means apart from the senses.
752. TOXICOLOGY :The study effect and detection of poison.
753. TRANSCALENT : That allows the passage of heat
754. TRANSLUCENT : Something that allows light to pass through but not very clearly.
755. TRAVELOGUE: A film ,lecture or brochure on travel.

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756. UNISEX : Of one type, used by both males and females.
757. UNANIMOUS : A decision taken by the votes of all.
758. UPSTART : A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance.
759. UXORICIDE : The killing of one’s wife.
760. UXORIOUS : Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
761. UNAVOIDABLE :That which cannot be avoided.
762. UNIQUE : The only one of its type.
763. UNIVERSAL : Belonging to all parts of the world.
764. USURPER : One who grabs somebody's else property or title.

765. VACUOUS: Suggesting absence of thought or intellect.
766. VENDETTA :Feud in which the relatives of the dead or injured take revenge.
767. VERBATIM :Repetition of a writing, word for word.
768. VERBOSE : Using or containing more words than are necessary.
769. VERSATILE : One who possesses many talents.
770. VESPERS : Evening prayer in the church.
771. VETERAN: One who has grown old in or has long experience of (specially military) service or occupation.
772. VINCIBLE : That which can be conquered.
773. VINDICTIVE : Having or showing a desire for revenge.
774. VIRULENT : Highly poisonous effect.
775. VIVIPAROUS: Bearing living young ones and not eggs.
776. VOLTE FACE: Sudden change from one set of beliefs to other.
777. VOLUNTARY : One one's own free will.
778. VOYAGE : Journey by water or sea.
779. VULNERABLE :That which can be easily damaged or hurt.

780. WIDOW: A woman whose husband is dead.
781. WAGER: An agreement under which each bettor pledges a certain amount to the other depending on
the outcome of an unsettled matter.(Bet)
782. WIDOWER: A man whose wife is dead.
783. WREATHE : Flowers fastened in a circle.
784. WARDROBE : a large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored.

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785. WINNOW: blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff.

786. XENOPHOBIA: Fear of foreigners
787. XYLOPHONE: a musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars
788. XEROX: Copy

789. Yellow Press: Sensational press
790. YACHT: A small medium sized sailing boat.
791. YOLK : The yellow internal part of a bird’s egg.
792. YANKEE: An inhabitant of New England.

793. ZEALOT :Person who shows great and uncompromising enthusiasm for a religion, party etc.
794. ZODIAC: related to astrology.
795. ZENITH: Time when something is the most powerful.
796. ZOOLOGY: the scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
797. ZOROASTRIANISM : A monotheistic religion of ancient Persia.

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