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Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in

Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in

Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of School of ________

Saint Mary’s University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Statistical Analysis with Software

Arponeda, Reinalyn

Balawag, Daphne Julienne

Gacad, Mallet

Valdez, Mary Elaine

Fantastic Four

Dr. Melanie G. Gurat

December 2020
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University


Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University


Title Page ……………………………….………………………….………. i

Pasasalamat ……………………...………………………….……………... ii
Talaan ng Nilalaman……………………..…….……………………………v
Paglalahad ng Suliranin…………………………………………..
Kahalagahan ng Pag- aaral………………………………………
Saklaw at Limitasyon……………………………………………
Balangkas Konseptwal
Balangkas Teoretikal
Kahulugan ng Termino
KABANATA II: ……………………………………………………………
Subjects of the study
Data Gathering
Profile of the Key
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University




CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University




Education helps a person to be wise and to avoid to be fooled by someone.

Being educate person helps you to better understand the environment, the society
and other person. Furthermore, learning can be defined as permanent changes to
the student educate themselves and to learn more. The primary aim of teaching is
to facilitate the learning process of the student. Understanding the learning
behavior of students is considered to be a part of this process. Therefore, learning
style is defined as the characteristics, strengths, and preferences in the way how
people receive and process information (Hsieh, Jang, Hwang & Chen, 2011). It
also refers to the fact that every person has his or her own method or set of
strategies when learning (Gokalp, 2013). In addition, a learning styles refers to
the unique ways an individual process and retains new information and skills.
Also, learning style refers to an individual’s preferred way of processing new
information for efficient learning. According to the study of Fleming N. &Mills
C.(1992) describe four modalities of student learning which acronym of ''VARK''
which stand for Visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic. Learning style
is about how students learn rather than what they learn. The learning process is
different for each individual; even in the same educational environment, learning
does not occur in all students at the same level and quality.

Statement of the Problem


This study aimed to determine the Learning Styles of BSMA students at

Saint Mary’s University.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of :
a. Gender
b. Number of Hours Studying
c. Last year’s GWA

2. What is the extent of the respondents Learning Styles in terms of:

a. Visual Learners
b. Auditory Learners
c. Tactile Learners

3. Is there a significant relationship between the students’ learning styles

when grouped according to last year’s GWA?
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Chapter 3


Research Design

Our research is a descriptive method, wherein we will determine the

different learning styles of every BSMA third years students. It is a quantitative

design because we will get the points of every respondents’ answer for us to

know what learners they are, either Visual, Auditory, or Tactile Learners.

Research Locale

Saint Mary’s University in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. Specifically, it

focuses on the 3rd year BSMA Students.

Figure I
Location of the Study
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Research Respondents

The sample of the study will be the 3rd year BSMA students in which we

will select it randomly in the 2 sections. This study will be using a simple random


Research Instrument

To be able to establish information about the learning styles of Third

Years BSMA, the researchers will use the following instrument:

1. Online Questionnaire – will be provided as a tool in order to gather

relevant information about the profile, and the learning styles of BSMA at

Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong.

Data Gathering Procedure

Selecting the key Floating of Online

Informant Questionnaire on the

Figure 2. Data Gathering Procedure of the Study

Data Analyses

The researchers will analyze the data that have been gathered from the

respondents through the frequency and percentage method to show the what

learners they are regarding on their points.

Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Chapter 4


Section 1. This section shows the profile variables of the respondents in terms
of gender, number of hours studying, and last year’s GWA.

Students’ Profile

Table 1.1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 4 13.33%
Female 26 86.67%
Total 30 100%
Based from the table above, there are more female respondents than male
respondents with a frequency counts and percentage level of 4 (13.33%) and 26
(86.67%) respectively.

Table 1.2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Number of

Hours Studying.
Number of Hours Frequency Percentage
1 Hour 2 6.67%
2 Hours 6 20.00%
More than 2 Hours 22 73%
Total 30 100%
The table shows the number of hours of the respondents in studying. The
frequency counts and percentage of the respondents studying 1 hour are 2
(6.67%), for 2 hours it has a 6 frequency counts with a 20.00% percentage and
lastly respondents studying more than 2 Hours has a 22 and 73% respectively.
It can be concluded that the respondents prefers more than 2 hours in
studying their lessons because it has the highest frequency and percentage.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Table 1.3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Last Year’s
General Weighted Average (GWA).
Last Year's GWA Frequency Percentage
75-80% 3 10.00%
81-85% 13 43.33%
86-90% 14 46.67%
91-95% 0 0.00%
96-100% 0 0.00%
Total 30 100%
As seen on the table above, it describes the frequency and percentage
distribution according to the respondents last year’s GWA. With a GWA of 75-
80%, it has a frequency and percentage of 3 (10.00%). 81-85% GWA has a 13
(43.33%) frequency and percentage. With a GWA of 86-90% it has a 14
frequency and a 46.67% percentage. And lastly, 91-95% and 96-100% has a 0
frequency and percentage.

Respondents with an 86-90% last year’s GWA has the highest frequency
and percentage distribution.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Section 2. This section shows the points of every respondents in the learning

styles and the type of learning styles that the respondents has.

Learning Styles

Table 2.1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution under Visual Learners.

  Category y Percentage
14-25 (Often) 12 40.00%
26-37 (Sometimes) 17 56.67%
38-49 (Seldom) 1 3.33%
TOTAL 30 100.00%
14-25 (Often) 26-37 (Sometimes) 38-49 (Seldom)
Based on the table above, here are the responses under the visual learners.
The frequency and percentage distribution under the category often, sometimes
and seldom which has a 12 (40.00%), 17 (56.67%) and 1 (3.33%) respectively.
Sometimes category (26-37) has the highest frequency and percentage
under the Visual Learners.
The frequency and percentage of the scores where determine with the
items which are items 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 16, and 19 that talks about Visual
Learners on the questionnaires.

Table 2.2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution under Auditory Learners.

   Category Frequency Percentage
14-25 (Often) 15 50%
26-37 (Sometimes) 14 46.67%
38-49 (Seldom) 1 3.33%
TOTAL 30 100%
14-25 (Often) 26-37 (Sometimes) 38-49 (Seldom)
The table shows the frequency and percentage distribution under the
auditory learners. Often category which has the highest frequency of 15 and a
percentage of 50%, followed by the sometimes and seldom category which has a
14 (46.67%) and 1 (3.33%) respectively.
Most of the respondents answered often because it has the highest
frequency and percentage distribution.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Table 2.3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution under Tactile Learners.
   Category y Percentage
14-25 (Often) 15 50%
26-37 (Sometimes) 14 46.67%
38-49 (Seldom) 1 3.33%
TOTAL 30 100%
14-25 (Often) 26-37 (Sometimes) 38-49 (Seldom)
The table above shows the Frequency and Percentage Distribution under
Tactile Learners which the category often has the highest frequency and
percentage of 15 (50%). Second is the sometimes category with a 14 frequency
count and 46.67% percentage count and lastly the seldom category with a 1
(3.33%) frequency and percentage.

Table 2.4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of what Type of Learnings

Styles are the Respondents.
Learning Styles y Percentage
Visual Learners 12 40%
Auditory Learners 8 26.67%
Tactile Learners 10 33.33%
TOTAL 30 100%
Based on the table above, the learning styles that the respondents has are
the following: Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, and Tactile Learners. Under
the Visual Learners it has a frequency of 12 and a percentage of 40%. The
Auditory Learners has a frequency counts of 8 with a 26.67% percentage. Lastly,
the Tactile Learners with a frequency and percentage of 10 and 33.33%
We can conclude that among the 30 respondents, visual learners has the
highest frequency and percentage distribution which represents that there are
more respondents who prefer the learning styles of visual.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Section 3. This section shows the significant relationship between the students’

learning styles when grouped according to last years’ GWA.

Table 3.1: T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

  Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 1.933333 2.3666667
Variance 0.754023 0.4471264
Observations 30 30
Pooled Variance 0.600575
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 58
t Stat -2.16563
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.017232
t Critical one-tail 1.671553
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.034464
t Critical two-tail 2.001717  
Based on the table above, we can say that there is no significant
relationship between the students’ learning styles when grouped according to last
years’ GWA. The p value is 0.017232. The result is not significant at p < 0.1.

Chapter 5
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University


1. In this study, most of the respondents are female, they spend more than 2
hours in studying and have a general average of 86-90%.
2. Majority of the respondents are visual learners which represents that there
are more respondents who prefer charts, maps, filmstrips, notes and
3. There is no significant relationship between the students’ learning styles
when grouped according to last years’ GWA.
The following are strongly recommended.
1. To the BSMA Students. They should be aware of their learning styles so
that they can adjust to the teachers’ teaching styles which led to achieving
excellent academic performance.
2. To the BSMA Teachers. The teachers are encouraged to be flexible in
their teaching styles so that their teaching methodology can adequately
sustain the different learning needs of the students in order to increase
student achievement.
3. To the Saint Mary’s University Administrators. They may conduct
seminars and workshops regarding teaching styles and learning styles that
will enhance the teachers’ effectiveness and students’ academic
4. To the Future Researchers. The results of this study can serve as baseline
data for future research endeavors. In the future, they can further study the
learning and teaching styles considering the different factors that may
affect the said variable.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University



Learning Styles of BSMA Students in Saint Mary’s University

Number of Hours Studying: 1 hour:___ 2 hours:___ More than 2
Last year’s GWA: 75%-80%: ___ 81%-85%:___ 86%-
90%:___ 91%-95%:___ 96%-100%:___
DIRECTION: Read each sentence carefully and consider if it applies to
you. On each statement, indicate how often the sentence applies to you
by putting a check mark on the box below. Please respond to all
questions honestly.
Often Sometimes Seldom
1. I can remember best by listening to a
lecture that includes information, explanations
and discussions.
2. I prefer to see information written on the
board and supplemented by visual aids and
assigned readings
3. I like to write things down or take notes for
visual review.
4. I prefer to use posters, models, or actual
practice and other activities in class.
5. I require explanations of diagrams, graphs,
or visual directions
6. I enjoy working with my hands or making
7. I am skillful with and enjoy developing
making graphs and charts
8. I can tell if sounds match when presented
with pairs of sounds.
9. I can remember best by writing things
down several times.
10. I can easily understand and follow
directions on a map.
11. I do best in academic subjects by
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

listening to lectures and tapes.
12. I play with coins or keys in my pocket.
13. I learn to spell better by repeating words
out loud than by writing the words on paper.
14. I can understand a news article better by
reading about it in the newspaper or online
rather than by listening to a report about it on
the radio or internet.
15. I chew gum, smoke or snack while
16. I think the best way to remember
something is to picture it in my mind
17. I learn the spelling of words by “finger
spelling” them.
18. I would rather listen to a good lecture or
speech than read about the same material.
19. I am good at working and solving jigsaw
puzzles and mazes.
20. I grip objects in my hands during learning
21. I prefer listening to the news on the radio
or online rather than reading about it in a
newspaper or on the internet.
22. I prefer obtaining information about an
interesting subject by reading about it.
23. I feel very comfortable touching others
hugging, handshaking, etc.
24. I follow oral directions better than written


Complete the table below by assigning the following point values for each

Often = 5 points Sometimes = 3 points Seldom = 1


Then, add the points in each column to obtain your learning preference
score under each heading.
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University


No. of Points No. of Points No. of Points
Items Items Items
2 1 4
3 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
14 13 15
16 18 17
19 21 20
22 24 23
Visual Learners Auditory Learners Tactile Learners
Score Score Score

If you are a VISUAL learner: Make use of all available study materials
such as charts, maps, filmstrips,notes, and videos. Write out everything
for frequent and efficient review. Practice visualizing or pictures words and
concepts in your mind. Adding meaningful symbols, colors, and graphics
to notes also provide visual cues. Try to visualize how information appears
on a page. In study groups or discussions, focus on how people look
when they speak.

If you are an AUDITORY learner: Try using tapes to supplement other

study materials. For example, tape lectures to help fill in gaps in your
notes or covert lecture notes to auditory tapes—but do listen and take
notes, and review your notes frequently. Sit in the lecture hall or
classroom where you can hear well (most often this is near the front).
After you have read something, summarize it and recite it aloud. Talk to
other students about class material. You may also benefit from group
study sessions where members review class material.

If you are a TACTILE learner: Try tracing words as you say them. Facts
that must be learned should be written several times. Keep a supply of
scratch paper on hand for this purpose. Taking and keeping lecture notes
is very important. It may also help you to make study sheets, and to
associate class material with real world applications and occurrences. For
some classes, practice role-playing. Highlighting, underlining, labelling
information, and writing add movement to learning. Participation in study
groups or tutoring others provide additional ways to become an active
Learning Styles of Third Year Bachelor of Science in
Management Accounting Students in Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University

learner. Science courses also offer manipulative aids to demonstrate
chemical reactions. The more you do, the more you learn.

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