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Suggested Answers

1 (a) (i)

volume of oxygen collected from each sample / cm3



potato 5 7 0 0

liver 8 10 0 0

(ii) labeled axes; appropriate scale; bar chart; bars for treatments next to each other;
(iii) liver able to breakdown more hydrogen peroxide;
liver contains more enzymes than potato;
(iv) chopped up liver increase surface area;
more enzymes in contact with hydrogen peroxide (substrate);
(b) confirm that enzymes cause hydrogen peroxide to decompose;
(c) oxygen will rekindle a glowing splint;

2. (i) Oxygen;
(ii) Solid line: 700C;
Dotted line: 400C;
(iii) Before the 6 minute point, the reaction rate of the experiment was faster/greater for
the experiment at 700C than at 400C [1/2],
as seen by the steeper gradient of the graph for the 700C experiment/greater amount
of oxygen produced per unit time[1/2];

This is due to the higher temperature of 700C compared to 400C [1/2],

which leads to the enzyme and substrate molecules having more kinetic energy [1/2];

This would result in more collisions between enzyme and substrate molecules [1/2],
which increases the chance of enzyme-substrate complexes forming [1/2];
resulting in a faster reaction rate.

(iv) After the 6 minute point, there is no more oxygen/gas being produced for the
experiment at 700C (graph is a straight line/levels off/plateaus);

Catalase for the experiment at 700C would have been completely denatured by the
high temperature, and no more oxygen gas is produced as the reaction stops;

For the reaction at 400C, the enzymes are still working and oxygen gas is still being
produced, so volume of oxygen/gas continue to increase;

After ~9 minutes, the curve levels off (no more oxygen gas produced) as all the
substrate (hydrogen peroxide) is used up; [end point]

(v) Curve should have gentler gradient than reaction at 400C [1/2]
Curve would level off at the same level as the reaction at 400C (if drawn) [1/2]

(vi) The rate of reaction for the experiment at 200C would be slower than the experiment
at 400C as a lower temperature means that the enzyme and substrate molecules have
less kinetic energy;

Graph would have a gentler/less steep gradient [1/2]

As the same amount of substrate was used for both experiments, the total volume of
oxygen/gas produced would be equal for both reactions that run to completion [end point]/equal
to the experiment at 400C;

Both graphs would level at the same height on the graph [1/2]

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