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An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary at the

Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation Students’ of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in The

Academic Year 2019/2020


Submitted as A Partial Requirements

for Undergraduate Degree in English Language Education


Anisa Frisca Maharani

SRN. 16.322.1.118





Subject : Thesis of Anisa Frisca Maharani

SRN : 163221118


The Dean of Cultures

and Languages Faculty

IAIN Surakarta

In Surakarta

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the advisors, we state

that the thesis of

Name : Anisa Frisca Maharani

SRN : 163221118

Title : An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary at the

Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation Students’ of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in

The Academic Year 2019/2020

has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of Examiners

(Munaqosyah) to gain Undergraduate Degree in English Language Education.

Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Surakarta, 12th June 2020


Hj.Fithriyah Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd

NIP.19820725 200912 2 006


This is to certify the Undergraduate Degree thesis entitled "An Analysis of English

Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocaoulary at the Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation

Students· of SMA AI-Firdaus Sukoharjo in The Academic Year 20 I 9/2020" by Anisa

Frisca Maharani has been approved by the Board of Thesis Examiners as the requirement

for the Undergraduate Degree in IAIN Surakarta.

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Chairman : Budiasih, S.Pd.. ".Hum.

NIP.19760308 200312 2 003

Secretary : Hj. Fithrivah l'iurul,M.Pd ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. )

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Main Examiner : Arina Rohmatika, S.Ptl., '1.Pd

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Surakarta, l 2lh June 2020

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With deep profound love, this thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents

2. My beloved big family

3. My Almamater IAIN Surakarta

4. My beloved best friends

5. My Favourite People


“As a Rainbow After the Rain”


“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”

(Albert Einstein)

“Nasib kita bukan untuk coba-coba”

(Najwa Shihab)

“Is the reward of goodness aught save goodness?”

(Ar-Rahman: 60)

“Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagi kalian, dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran bagi


(Al-Baqarah: 185)


This is to certify that

Name : Anisa Frisca Maharani

SRN : 163221118
Title : An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in Teaching
Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade ofMental Retardation Students'
of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in The Academic Year
Study Program : English Langm�ge Education
Faculty : Cultures and Languages Faculty
I hereby declare that the thesis above is my own original work and written by myself

carried out as parts ofthe requirements to accomplish an Undergraduate Degree in English

Languag� Education in Cultures and Languages Faculty, State Islamic Institute of

Surakarta (IAIN Surakarta).

I also certify that any help for my research work, preparation ofthe thesis itself, sources

and literature used for the thesis have been fully and properly cited. It contains no material

which has been accepted for the award ofany other degree previously submitted in IAIN

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degree except as fully acknowledged within the text.

If later proven this thesis is a result ofa plagiarism, I w0uld undeitake any legal sanction

and ofbeing repealed my academic degree

Surakarta, 121h June 2020

Anisa Frisca Maharani

SRN. 163221118


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the universe, master

of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was

able to finish this thesis entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in Teaching

Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation Students’ of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo

in The Academic Year 2019/2020”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader

and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not complete without the helps, supports,

and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest

thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of

writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Mudofir, S.Ag., M.Pd., the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of


2. Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag. as the Dean of Culture and Language Faculty.

3. Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Head of English Language Education.

4. Hj.Fithriyah Nurul H, M.Pd. as the advisor for her guidance, precious, advices, and

motivation for the research.

5. All the lecturers of English Language Education of the State Islamic Institute of

Surakarta who had delivered useful knowledge and education during the researcher

studied in the university.

6. Muslimin, S.Pd. as the headmaster of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo who had given the

permission to the researcher to do the research.

7. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd., as the English teachers of SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo who had given time to help the researcher to do the research.

8. The researcher’s beloved parents who always love her, pray for her, give supports,

helps, attention and everything that she cannot mentioned one by one.

9. The researcher’s best friends, Falupi, Isna, Ni’mah, and Lintang who always beside

the researcher in every condition, give motivation, supports and help to the


10. The researcher’s family of KKN Gunung Gajah who always beside the researcher,

help the researcher and give motivation and support to the researcher.

11. All the friends of English Language Education 2016, especially “Delicious Class”

(D Class of English Language Education 2016) who always give motivation to the

researcher. Thank you for everything.

12. The researcher’s best friends in SMA, “xisma” squad who always give support to

the researcher.

13. The researcher’s best friends, “Kintan Wijayanti and Bagus Dio Rahmat

Pamungkas” who always support and care with the researcher.

14. Everyone who helps the researcher that can mentioned the name one by one.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The researcher

hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the readers in general.

Surakarta, 12th June 2020

The researcher

Anisa Frisca Maharani


TITLE ................................................................................................................. i

ADVISOR SHEET .............................................................................................. . ii

RATIFICATION ................................................................................................ iii

DEDICATION .................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. v

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

A. Background of the study ............................................................................... 1

B. Identification of problem .............................................................................. 6

C. Limitation of study ....................................................................................... 6

D. Problem statement ........................................................................................ 7

E. The objective of the study ............................................................................. 7

F. Benefit of the study ...................................................................................... 7

G. Definition of key terms ................................................................................. 9

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED THEORIES ........................... 11

A. Theoretical Description ................................................................................ 11

1. Mental Retardation ................................................................................. 11

a. Definition of Mental Retardation....................................................... 11

b. Characteristics of Mental Retardation................................................ 14

c. The Classification of Mental Retardation .......................................... 15

d. The Cause of Mental Retardation ...................................................... 19

e. The Impact of Mental Retardation ..................................................... 21

f. Adaptive Skills for Mental Retardation ............................................. 23

2. Vocabulary ............................................................................................. 26

a. Definition of Vocabulary .................................................................. 26

b. Kinds of Vocabulary ......................................................................... 27

c. The Important of Vocabulary ............................................................ 29

d. Approaches in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary ........................... 32

e. The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary........................................... 33

f. The Media in Teaching Vocabulary .................................................. 35

3. Teaching Strategy ................................................................................... 37

a. Definition of Strategy........................................................................ 37

b. The Component of Teaching Strategy ............................................... 38

c. Strategy in Teaching Vocabulary ...................................................... 40

4. Inclusive School ..................................................................................... 42

a. Definition of Inclusive School........................................................... 42

b. Benefit of Inclusive School ............................................................... 43

B. Previous Related Study ................................................................................. 47

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 51

A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 51

B. Setting of the Research ................................................................................. 53

C. Subject of the Research ................................................................................ 54

D. The Research Instrument .............................................................................. 54

E. The Source of Data ....................................................................................... 55

F. Technique of Collecting the Data.................................................................. 56

G. Technique of Analyse the Data ..................................................................... 58

H. Trustworthiness ............................................................................................ 59


A. Research Finding .......................................................................................... 60

B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 66

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION....................................... 71

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 71

B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 72

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 74

Anisa Frisca Maharani. 2020. “An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in
Teaching Vocabulary at The Tenth-Grade of Mental Retardation Students’ of
SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the Academic Year 2019/2020”. Thesis. English
Language Education, Cultures and Language Faculty, The State Islamic Institute of
Advisor : Hj.Fitriyah Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd
Keywords : Teaching, Vocabulary, Mental Retardation, Strategy

The research is to describe vocabulary teaching conducted by the teacher to

the tenth grade of mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the
academic year 2019/2020. The objectives of this research are (1) To describe the
teaching strategy used by English teacher in teaching vocabulary at the Tenth-grade
of mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta in the academic year
2019/2020. (2) To describe the impacts of mental retardation students toward their
environment during English teaching and learning process at the Tenth-grade of
mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta in the academic year
This research was conducted on October, 28th 2019 until February, 25th 2020
for the tenth-grade of Mental Retardation Students at SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta in
the Academic Year 2019/2020. The design of the research is descriptive qualitative
research. The subjects of this research were the students of tenth-grade social class
that consisted Mental Retardation students consisted of 3 students and one English
teacher. The data were collected from the observations, and interviews. The
techniques of analyzing data were reduction the data, data analysis, presenting the
data and drawing conclusion. This research used methodology triangulation.
The result showed that (1) the strategies used by the teacher in teaching
vocabulary to the mental retardation students are realia, presentation, explanation,
translation, mime, gesture, and action. The teacher used text and flashcard as realia,
while in presentation, explanation, translation, mime, gesture, and action the teacher
used it in every time him teach the students to make students understand the
materials. The teacher also gave the students some games to make the class be fun
and students understand about the materials. (2) There were three impacts which
appear in English class, namely; psychological environment, psychological impact
and sociological impact. The students have each different impact because it’s
depended on level of retardation the students.


Table 2.1 Level of Retardation ............................................................................ 18

Table 2.2 Adaptive Skills in Mental Retardation ................................................. 23


Appendix 1 Student’s Smart Plan .................................................................. 79

Appendix 2 Individual Learning Program...................................................... 95

Appendix 3 Field Note .................................................................................. 104

Appendix 4 List of Students Name ................................................................ 109

Appendix 5 Transcript of Interview ............................................................... 111

Appendix 6 Students’ Work .......................................................................... 116

Appendix 7 Letter of Permission ................................................................... 118

Appendix 8 Photographs ............................................................................... 119



This chapter presents a brief description of the whole content of the research. The

chapter comprises background of the study, identification of problem, limitation of the

study, problem statements, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of

key terms.

A. Background of the Study

Language is the most effective tool to communicate with other people. Human as social

beings does not live alone, so human requires communication with others. In field of

communication, language is needed to make interaction and to produce expressions in

communication. People use language in communication to express their ideas and feelings

English is one of the common languages in the world the important thing to speak English

is understood vocabulary because vocabulary is one of important aspects in language

learning. According to Cameron (2001: 78), Vocabulary as one of the basic knowledges

in language learning, it plays a great role for learners in language learning. So, vocabulary

is important to English language teaching because, without enough vocabulary, students

cannot understand others or express their ideas. To teach vocabulary, teacher must use

some kinds of media to make students feel happy and more easily in the lesson.

Every student almost has many problems in learning English because English is not

our mother tongue in Indonesia. So, students must study step by step to know and

understand about English. To make students understand are teacher’s job to create

interesting condition in class while studying English, especially in learning vocabulary


So, Teacher’s need strategies. Learning vocabulary will give students learning in four

skills of English, there are speaking, writing, reading and listening. To mastery all skills

in English, students have to study vocabulary first because, vocabulary is one of the

essential aspects of language, knowing vocabulary is very important to understand


When we talk about communication in class, we know if process of teaching and

learning also use communication between teacher and students. But how is if the students

that study in class they can’t speak, dumb students, autism, deaf students or students that

have physical defect. If we know about strategy English teachers in normal class to be

certain with teacher that teach student with special need especially in teaching vocabulary,

when teacher teach vocabulary in normal students usually, they using something that can

make students interest with material like game, song, card and act. Because, students and

teacher have a normal condition that means both of them same can see anything when

during the lesson, same can speak all of them, same can write and do activity in class with

normally. Teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure,

instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to implement the

strategies (Stone and Morris, in Issac, 2010: 45).

A strategy is useful for learner if it suits well with the learner’s task, fits with the

learning style, and links it with another relevant strategy (Fauziati, 2010: 150).

Meanwhile, Mufarokah (2009: 37) Strategy is a decision to act on the teachers with the

skills and educational resources provided for achieving this goal through an effective

relationship between environment and the most favourable conditions. The environment

here is an environment that allows the students to learn and teachers to teach. While the

condition is meant as a climate conductive for learning and teaching; such discipline,

creativity, initiatives and so on. In this situation, students act as the learners receiving all

of the knowledge that given by the teacher directly or indirectly.

English should be learned by all students in every level of education, not only for

normal students but also for students with special needs. Based on constitution Republic

of Indonesia it is widely known as UUD 1945 that regulated all the system government

such as politics, laws, educations and others. It stated that education in UUD 1945

included on section 31 subsection 1: “Every people in the country has the same right to

have education”. While, special needs students in Indonesia also have the same right to

have education, it has been regulated in UU No.20 2003 about national education system

on section 5 subsection 2: “Citizen which has physical defect, emotional, mental,

intellectual and social has to obtain special education”. Based on the statement above can

be concluded or indicates that every student including special needs students has the same

right in receiving education in Indonesia.

According to Wah cited in Olivia (2017:49), student that have Special Education

Needs if he or she has a disability and they usually displays greater difficulty in learning,

difficulty to accessing educational facilities or displays some impairment in social,

academic, physical or sensory functioning. Students who usually get difficulties in

intellectual functioning, adaptive behaviours are called Mental Retardation (MR) or

Intellectual Disability. Mental Retardation refers to significant limitation in intellectual

and adaptive behaviour in social and practical skills. These defects appear before the age

of 18 (AAIDD, 2010) cited in Robert (2010:15). Based on above statement we know that

children who have Mental Retardation or Intellectual Disability have the disorder in

intellectual, adaptive behaviour and skills. In the teaching learning process for Mentally

retarded students, those students do not need teaching remedial like regular students, but

teaching program should be appropriate with Mentally retarded students’ potentials.


Inclusive education is concerned, in particular, with meeting the learning needs of

students with a specific focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and

exclusion. It enables students to engage meaningfully with the curriculum and facilitates

the best educational outcomes for all students.” (UNESCO, 1994, cited in McCluskie,

2008: 64). Inclusive schools demonstrate respect and support for diversity through the

school’s inclusive beliefs, actions and structures. In these schools everyone is welcome,

has a sense of belonging and is engaged in respectful learning experiences. “Inclusive

education is more than merely being physically present in a general education classroom;

it is embedded in an interrelated set of values from which we make decisions to support

equitable and appropriate education” (Bennet cited in Olivia, 2017:3).

One component of learning language is an understanding the English vocabulary

itself. Understanding the vocabulary is generally regarded as an important part of learning

a language or development of one’s ability in a language that has been mastered. When

introducing vocabulary, it should ideally be presented in a context which is familiar to

child (Brewster, Ellis, Girard, 2003:86). It means that, as a teacher, we must be able to

choose which material appropriate to our students. There are four aspects in vocabulary

mastery namely: (1) meaning, (2) pronunciation, (3) spelling, and (4) usage. Ideally,

someone who has high vocabulary mastery can recognize meaning of word both in written

and spoken forms. He also can pronounce it well, know how to combine it with other

words, and use it to make a sentence. Actually, for slow learner, they just hope to know

how shape of something and know the meaning of words. Teaching vocabulary to

students, especially for mental retardation student is not simple and not easy. The teachers

have to give examples how to pronounce the English words correctly and repeat

sometimes in order that mental retardation students will remember long lasting because

they have under skill better than normal students. Most of the English words are very

different in letters and the way to pronounce.

Teaching foreign language must be introduced orally first, not in written to avoid the

students pronouncing the English words equal to the letters like the teacher teach before.

SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo is inclusive school in Sukoharjo which has an English

curriculum and good education for regular and special student. The researcher chooses

the school because there are some mental retardation students who could study English

well in daily, as the students of Senior High. The researcher had observed Tenth Grade of

Senior High School. The researcher looked at how did the English teacher taught English

vocabulary to children who had intellectual below average by using his strategy and the

researcher could see how far that strategy run well where it was implemented to teach

mild mental retardation. And from the interview with the English teacher, the tenth-grade

students had the syllabus about the vocabulary mastery that fully given in this grade. And

based on it, the researcher was interested to observe this class about vocabulary mastery.

Because, vocabulary is the basic class when they are doing lesson in the school and every

day the teacher always gives the students vocabulary to improve speaking skill, writing

skill, listening skill, and also reading skill. The students before mastery all skills the

students have to study vocabulary first and know how to pronounce, writing the word,

listening and also reading.

The mental retardation students are included the citizen who have the same right to

obtain education. However, they have many barriers to follow the education. Their

intellectual function is under average, they have speaking problems, social problems,

narrow concentration, feeling bored easily, feel hard in understanding abstract words, and

have a healthy problem. The educational institutions definitely have an effective methods

and strategies to educate them. It is an attractive case that made the researcher did an

observation. The mental retardation who is considered still has potential in control the

subjects, can socialize more widely and able to sustain his own life, became an object of

in this observation. So, from the description above the researcher was interested to make

a research entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary at

the Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation Students’ of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in The

Academic Year 2019/2020”.

B. Identification of Problem

There are some problems that can be identified. The identification of this study are as


1. Students’ have difficulties to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. So, the teacher

need strategies to teach vocabulary.

2. Students’ lack of vocabulary.

3. Students’ difficult to read and spell the text.

4. Students’ difficult to remember the vocabulary.

5. There are some strategies that teacher used to teaching vocabulary in mental retardation


C. Limitation of Study

The researcher focused to analysis about teacher’s strategies in teaching vocabulary

to tenth grade mental retardation students with level of retardation mild, moderate and

severe students’ at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year 2019/2020. The

researcher chooses the tenth grade because they have good ability in English class than

other class, especially in vocabulary mastery. This research had begun on October, 28th

2019 until February, 25th 2020. The researcher was fully as the observer when the process

of research going on. The researcher was known by the subject of the research as the


The researcher would like to describe about the teacher strategies to teach vocabulary

mastery in the teaching-learning process of vocabulary mastery to the tenth-grade mental

retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo.

D. Problem Statement

There were some problems that could be identified. The identification of this study is

as follow:

1. What are strategies used by the teacher’s in teaching vocabulary at the tenth grade of

mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year


2. What are the impacts of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic

year 2019/2020?

E. The Objective of Study

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of study is:

1. To describe the teaching strategy used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary at the

tenth grade of mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the

academic year 2019/2020.

2. To describe the impacts of mental retardation students in English class at the tenth

grade of mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic

year 2019/2020.

F. Benefit of the study

After carrying out the study the researcher hopes that result of the study will provide

some contributions to quality of the English teaching and learning especially for mental

retardation students.

1. Theoretical benefits

a. The finding of the research will enrich the theory of mastering students’

vocabulary at senior high school especially inclusive school for mental retardation

students in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo.

b. The finding of this research can be used for those who want to conduct a research

in mastering vocabulary as the references.

2. Practical

Practically, the research has some benefits for the mental retardation students,

teacher, school, and other researcher.

a. For teacher

The teacher will give information about strategies that used in teaching

vocabulary at English class, it can be reference others teachers.

b. For the readers

Hopefully, they will get many knowledges for teachers about the teaching in

vocabulary mastery class.

c. For the school

It will give a great influence for school, for example school can produce great

slow learner about English, people can know about how far

important inclusive school for slow learner.


d. For other researchers

The research will be good reference for doing other researchers with the same

topic especially research for slow learner.

G. Definition of Key Term

1. Teaching

Teaching is an exciting job. According to (Brown, 2000:7) teaching is a superior

job. Among the demanding tasks are modifying the approaches, syllabus,

technique, and exercise to adopt and maximize the learning of a class as well as

of most of its individual members. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning,

enabling the learners to learn, setting the condition for learning (Brown, 2000:7).

2. Strategy

According to Gagne in Wassid & Sunendar (2008:3) in the context of teaching.

Strategy is an internal ability of a person to think, solve problems and make

decisions. It means, that the learning process will cause students to think uniquely

to analyse, solve problem in making decisions.

3. Teacher’s strategies

According to Fauziati (2010:152) teacher’s strategies as a deliberate action of the

teacher, intended to result in student learning.

4. Language Learning Strategy

According to Fauziati (2010:150) Language learning strategy is simply refers to

an individual’s approach to complete a task.

5. Vocabulary

According to Hornby (1995:985) Vocabulary is the total number of the words with

their meaning and with rules for combining them and making up the language.

And also, according to Caroline (2005:121) Vocabulary is the collection of words

that an individual knows.

6. Mental Retardation

According to Ingals (in Amin, 1995:20) Mental Retardation is a child of below

average intelligence, whose thinking skills have developed significantly more

slowly than the norm for his/her age. This child will go through the same basic

developmental stages as another student, but will do so at a significantly slower

rate. However, this development, while being slower, nevertheless is relatively.



This chapter presents some reviews of relevant theories and studies that are about

the definition of mental retardation, characteristics of mental retardation, kinds of mental

retardation, teaching with case, definition vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, teacher

strategies, inclusive school, and conceptual framework focusing on the strategy of

teaching vocabulary.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Mental Retardation

a. Definition of Mental Retardation

Introducing the concept, according to Davison & Neale cited in

Mumpuniarti (2007:89) mental retardation is significantly a general sub-

average in intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in

adaptive behaviour and manifested during the developmental period. With

the years, it is important to relate the “mental age” with the “chronological

age”, this relation gives a measure as a result, which is called intellectual

quotient (IQ). “A final definition mandates that mental retardation

manifests before adulthood that means, before age eighteen.

Those rules classify mental retardation as any deficits in intelligence and

adaptive behaviour form; traumatic accidents or illnesses occurring later in

life”. In addition, according to American Psychiatric Association (2013:5)

mental retardation is a developmental condition that is characterized by


significant deficits in both intellectual functioning and adaptive

behaviours, including conceptual, social and practical skills.

According to the new definition by the American Association on Mental

Retardation (AAMR) (1992:7) Mental Retardation is an individual that

considered to have mental retardation based on the following three criteria:

(1) Intellectual functioning level (IQ) is below 70-75. (2) Significant

limitations exist in 2 or more adaptive skill areas; (3) The condition is

present from childhood (defined as age 18 or less). Mental retardation does

not discriminate, and it is also not a type of mental illness. However, most

children with mental retardation can learn to do many things. It just takes

them more time and effort than other children.

Mental Retardation as a child of below average intelligence whose

thinking skills have developed significantly more slowly than the norm for

his/her age. This child will go through the same basic developmental

stages as another student, but will do so at a significantly slower rate.

The mental retardation is classified into three categories. The first is

mild mental retarded or able to educate. Their intellectual level is among

50 until 70. In the case of social adaptation and commune, they are well-

suited with the wider environment and able to work skilfully. This kind of

mental retarded is potentially to be educated in the school, able to do social

adaptation for long time, able to stand alone in the society and able to work.

The second category is moderate mental retardation or able to exercise.

Their intellectual level is among 30-50. They are able to take care of their

selves, can adapt their nearest society and able to do routine work which

need control or working in the sheltered work-shop. This kind of mental


retarded can be educate to reach academic achievement, only in first grade

of elementary school. The third is severe mental retardation or able to

nurse. Their intellectual level is under 30 and has serious retarded. They

cannot be exercised to help their selves and being socialization. They need

full of nurse and full of control throughout their life.

Mumpuniarti (2007:37-39) explains some characteristics of mental

retardation or slow learners. In the form of intelligence, the mental

retardation is always under the normal student’s intelligence. In the form

of mental age, mental retarded only reach that mental age as a normal

student in IV grade of elementary school or it can be second grade of

elementary school. In the other case, it can be only on pre-school of mental

age. In the learning process mental retarded feels hard in understanding the

problem. In the social area, the mental retardation is slower than the normal

student. They cannot be care, protect, and lead their selves during their life.

When they are childhood, they need another people to take care

themselves. When they are adult, they will be hanging on another people

in the form of economy. The mental function of mental retardation is very

low. They feel hard on centralize their attention, their mind, is always

narrow and un-focus until they can not face on their duty. Forgetful and

feel hard to express their past memorize, they also less in an association

and also difficult to make a new creation. The mental retardation, students

have different level in the form of emotion. It depends on the retardation.

The serious or very serious mental retarded do not show some action to

hold own. They do not a shadow of their thirsty and hungry. Their

emotional life is low, they can’t feel deep on the feeling happy, sad, afraid,

angry and hate. It is not strong and diverse. The mental retardation

language ability is also limit. They are poor in vocabularies especially in

abstract word. Serious mental retarded will have more difficulties in

speaking. It caused the disable articulation and the problem of making


b. Characteristics of Mental Retardation

The general characteristics of mental retardation mentioned in the book

by Roninson & Robinson cited in Mumpuniarti (2007:90)

1) Intellectual

It is the area of intellectual or learning deficits that engenders

the term mental retardation. The previous description of intelligence

should aid in the understanding of these deficits. That is, these deficits

occur in the areas of acquiring knowledge, storing knowledge and

using this stored knowledge in various situations. Only a brief mention

of the major learning characteristics that are important for dental

professionals is presented here. One must always remember that this

discussion, as well as most information concerning persons with

mental retardation, consist of broad generalization and that obviously

individual differences abound.

A person with mental retardation learns visual and auditory

discriminations more slowly than do others. Whether this is an inherent

characteristic or the result of a short attention span commonly observed

in these individuals, is in question. The person with mental retardation

often exhibits a short-term memory deficit, however long-term

memory seems unaffected.


2) Behavioural

With the following exception, there are no specific behavioural

characteristics that are common to all individuals with mental

retardation : (a) those characteristics previously described as

associated with brain damage; (b) affection seeking and stubbornness

that are sometimes associated with Down Syndrome; and (c)

behaviours associated with the emotional and psychological problems

that sometimes accompany retardation .

3) Physical/Health

With the exception of specific genetic syndromes (e.g. Down

Syndrome) and certain additional handicapping conditions, such us

cerebral palsy, there are no specific physical characteristics that

distinguish the population with Mental Retardation from the general

population. While most individuals diagnosed with mental retardation

do not necessarily have distinguishing physical characteristics, many

do have obvious physical abnormalities including unsteady gait,

scoliosis, or facial abnormalities.

c. The Classification of Mental Retardation

Classifying the mental retardation students is important to facilitate

teachers in developing programs and implementing educational services.

It is important to understand that there is a large variations difference in

individual of mental retardation. That is the ability of an individual of

mental retardation different from each other although they are at the equal

level of age and the same education level. Thus, of course it needs

strategies and specific appropriate to the individual differences

(Mumpuniarti, 2007:66).

The first is the classification of a medical standpoint that is looking at

mental retardation student from clinical type of situation. Type of clinical

signs seen in anatomic and physiologic which experienced pathological or

aberrations. Here is some classification of clinical types (Mumpuniarti,

2007: 59):

1) Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome is caused by an extra 21st chromosome,

providing the individual with a total chromosome count of 47 in each

cell, rather than the usual 46. The presence of this duplicate

chromosome appears to cause the characteristics associated with Down

Syndrome. No one knows why this genetic change happens, but it is

not due to prenatal factors or anything the mother has done, although

the odds of having a child with the syndrome increase with the age of

the mother. People with Down Syndrome usually have some level of

mental retardation. They may also have problems with hearing, vision,

and congenital heart conditions. The distinctive physical traits often

associated with the syndrome include slanted eyes; a small/short head

which is somewhat flattened at the back and front; a flattened bridge

of the nose; a tongue; stout hands, feet and climbs; and reduced muscle

tone. Many individuals with Down Syndrome have significant hearing

loss. Life expectancy for someone with Down Syndrome is 10 to 20

years less than for the rest of the population, often because of

congenital heart conditions. People with Down Syndrome show a great


diversity in personality, learning interest, dislikes, talents, humour,

attitudes, and aptitudes. They are often stereotyped as loving trusting,

outgoing, and almost childlike people, but this stereotype is inaccurate.

2) Cretin

The cretin definition mentioned in the book introduction of

Special Education is the disabled show traits such as body fat and short,

short arms and legs and crooked, dry skin, thick, and wrinkled, dry

hair, tongue and lips, eyelids, palms and feet thick, late dentition.

3) Hydrocephalus

The symptoms that appear are the enlargement of Cranium

(skull) caused by the increasing or in piles of Cerebralspinal fluid in

the head. This fluid is putting pressure on the large brain (cerebrum)

which causes the deterioration of brain function.

4) Microcephalus, macrocephalus, brachicephalus, and schaphocephalus.

Mumpuniarti wrote the fourth terms in her book that individual

with mental retardation shows deformities and had size which is

describes as follows:

a) Microcephalus: The form is a small head size

b) Macrocephalus: The form of head size larger than normal size.

c) Brachicephalus: The wide head shape.

d) Schaphocepalus: It has a long head size resemble the tower

5) Cerebral Palsy (the paralysis of the brain)


The paralysis of the brain disrupts the intelligence function, it

is possible of interrupting motoric coordination centre, so the disorder

of cerebral palsy consists of mental retardations and motoric

coordination disorders. The interruption of motoric coordination

became physical defect handling field studies, whereas disruption of

intelligence into the field of mental retardation of management studies


6) Brain Damage

Brain damage affects the various capabilities that are controlled

by the central nervous system which can further disruption of

intelligence, observation disturbance, behaviour disorders, attention

disorders, and motoric disturbances (Mumpuniarti:31).

Table: 2.1

Level of Retardation

Level of Retardation AAMD IQ range WHO IQ range

Mild 55-69 50-70

Moderate 40-54 35-69

Severe 25-39 20-34

Profound < 24 < 20

Derived from Grossman (1997): World Health Organization (1980).

The table explains that there are three classifications of mental

retardation. They are mild mental retardation, moderate mental

retardation, severe and profound mental retardation. The intellectual

level of mild mental retardation is about 50-70. They are educable,


adaptable, in the wider society, can take care of their selves, and can

work independently.

The second classification is moderate mental retardation. Their

intellectual level is about 35-69. They are trainable, adaptable in the

narrow society, can do routine work by fully supervision. The third

classification is severe and profound mental retardation. Their

intellectual function is under 30 and they are totally dependent. They

are hanging on the other person in the whole of their life.

d. The Causes of Mental Retardation

A handbook of mental retardation from Southern Association of

International Dentists (2002: 3-5) said that causes of mental retardation can

be categorized by genetic, physical, and cultural-familial (multi factorial)

causes and the resultant syndromes or conditions that arise from these


a) Genetic

In general, genetic factors contributing to mental retardation are

chromosomal aberrations (both sex and autosomal) and specific

defectives genes. Aberration in sex chromosome can produce. Turners‟

syndrome (lack of X chromosome) and Klinefeelter’s syndrome

(presence of extra X chromosome). Turner’s syndrome occurs in

females only, with mental retardation occurring in twenty percent of the

cases. Klinefelter syndrome occurs in males only, with retardation

frequent. A recently recognized sex chromosome abnormality is the

Fragile X syndrome which occurs primarily in males and may be the


cause of a considerable number of males with mental retardation

previously diagnosed as cultural familial (or diagnosis unknown) and is

the second most common genetic syndrome associated with mental


b) Problem on Pregnancy

The module book of mental retardation wrote the major physical

factors precipitin mental retardation includes the following:

a. Problem during pregnancy (Prenatal): Use alcohol or drugs by the

pregnant mother can cause mental retardation.

b. Problem at birth (Neonatal): Although any birth condition of unusual

stress may injure the infant’s brain (such as oxygen deprivation),

prematurity and low birth weight predict serious problems more

often than any other condition. Problem after birth (postnatal):

childhood diseases such as whooping cough, chicken pox, measles,

and his disease which may lead to meningitis and encephalitis can

damage the brain, as can accidents such as a blow to the head or near


c. Cultural/Familial, Multifactorial, Psychosocial, Diagnosis Unknown

Heredity plays an obvious part since the chance for learner is greater

for student born into families with parents who are significantly

intellectually limited. Equally apparent is the environmental factors

include: cultural, familial or subgroup attitudes; indifferent maternal

care; parental rejection; sensory deprivation; and institutionalization.


e. The Impact of Mental Retardation

According to (Rochman & Zainal cited in Mumpuniarti 2007:45)

Mental retardation is an individual condition with a low mental ability

showed of delays and underdevelopment in all aspects. The one of

underdevelopment is the inability to develop themselves in accordance

with environmental demands. The mental retardation does not afford or do

not easily to internalize stimulation from the environment so that in

addition his mental development is slow, the function of other capabilities

such as the brain motor skills is too late also, and social skills.

The barriers internalization of environmental stimulation resulting the

mental retardation is unable to meet the demands of the physiological,

psychological environment, and sociological (Mumpuniarti,2007:46).

1) Psychological Environments

Physiological impact seen in mentally retarded physical condition

are disable to coordinate their movements, even to the serve and

profound mental retardation level just able to walk at five years old or

some were not able to walk at all (Mumpuniarti,2007: 46).

2) Psychological Impact

The psychological impact arises relating to other mental abilities.

It caused the low mental condition inhibit psychological process in the

face stimulus. The barriers of mental process in response stimuli lies

in the ability of perception, the barriers to connect between stimulation

with other situations, the barriers of ability to pay attention and the

ability to remember. That barriers of mental process cause problems in

the mental retardation life because psychological needs are unfulfilled


independently by them but it needs strong support from the others

(Mumpuniarti, 2007:46).

3) Sociological Impact

Mumpuniarti (2007, 48) explain that the sociological impacts

arising from its relationship with other groups or individuals around

him, especially his family and his brothers. The presence of mental

retardation student in the family caused various changes in the family.

The condition of mental retardation students’ is manifested by a variety

of reactions, such as disappointment, shock, anger, depression, guilty,

and confusion. These diverse reactions that can affect the relationship

between their friends which will not be back to normal. The mental

retardation who are less capable of adapting to the social environment

can cause a negative response from the social environment. The effect

is student will be rejected by the social environment and it will happen

a communication gap between the mental retardation student with the

friends. The communication gap occurs because people in the school

deliver verbal messages that the mental retardation student do not

correspond with the ability of understanding communication. This

communication gap causes of visual effects in mental retardation


f. Adaptive Skills for Mental Retardation

According to Stark, (1992:40-41) there are several categories and skills for

mental retardation students:


Adaptive Skills in Mental Retardation

Number Category Skills

1 Communication Skills involving the ability to

comprehend and express

information through symbolic

behaviours (e.g., spoken word,

written word/sign language) or no

symbolic behaviours (e.g., facial


2 Self-care Skills involved in toileting, eating,

dressing, hygiene, and grooming.

3 Home living Skills related to functioning within

a home, which include clothing

care, housekeeping, food

preparation, and home safety.

4 Social Skills related to social exchanges

with other individuals, including

initiating interaction and

terminating interaction with other;


responding to pertinent situation

cues; recognizing feelings

5 Community use Skills related to the appropriate use

of community resources, including

traveling in the community;

shopping at stores and markets;

purchasing or obtaining services

(e.g., gas station, doctor’s and

dentist’s offices); using public

transportation and public facilities.

6 Self-direction Skills related to making choices;

following a schedule; initiating

activities appropriate to the setting;

completing necessary or requires


7 Health and safety Skills related to maintenance of

one’s health in terms of eating;

illness, treatment, and prevention;

basic first aid; sexuality; basic

safety considerations (e.g.,

following rules and law)


8 Functional Cognitive abilities and skills related

academic to learning at school that also have

direct application in one’s life (e.g.,

writing, reading, using basic

practical math concepts, awareness

of the physical environment and

one’s health and sexuality)

9 Leisure The development of a variety of

leisure and recreational interest

(e.g., self-entertainment and

interaction) that reflect personal

preferences and choices

10. Work Skills related to holding a part- or

full-time job or jobs in the

community in terms of specific job

skills, appropriate social

behaviours, and related work skills

(e.g., completion of tasks,

awareness of schedules, ability to

take criticism and improve skills)

Source: Adapted from R.Luckasson, D.Coulder, F.,Polloway, S.Russ, R.Schalock,

M.Snell, D.Spitalnik, and I.Stark(1992).Mental Retardation: Definition, Classification,

and Systems of Support. Washington, DC: American Association on Mental Retardation,


2. Vocabulary

Teacher should be able to identify the mental retardation students’

characteristic and the mental retardation students’ needs. Besides, teacher

should choose kinds of materials and suitable techniques to the mental

retardation students. In order to guide, facilitate and build a conducive

condition to the learners, teachers should look for a good way to teach them

by considering many factors influencing in teaching. So, the goals of teaching

and learning English vocabulary can be successful.

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is basic knowledge when learning English as foreign

language. It used in all of skills in English communication. The variant or

list of word in English called vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the

language components that is more important than others. According to

Lopez cited in Fauziati (2010: 62), vocabulary is obviously a very

important element within a language as the overwhelming majority of

meaning is carried lexically; and learning a language cannot be reduced,

of course, to only learning vocabulary.

Vocabulary is basic knowledge when learning English as foreign

language. It is used in all of skills in English communication. The variant

or list of word in English called vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the

language components that are more important than others. Grambs, in Ali

(2010: 8) said that vocabulary is a list of words usually defined and

alphabetized as a dictionary or specialized glossary complete word. Hatch

and Brown (1995: 1) stated that vocabulary is list or set of word that

individual speakers of a language might use. Since vocabulary is a list, the

only system involved is alphabetical order in dictionaries.

Hornby (1999: 45) Vocabulary is a total number of words completing

with rules for combining which make up language. Longman dictionary of

contemporary English defines vocabulary is all the words that someone

knows, learns, or uses, or the words that are typically uses when talking

about particular subject or a list of words with explanations of the

meanings in a book for learning foreign language.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Thornbury (2005: 3), there are many kinds of

vocabulary. There are:

a. Word Classes Word classes are often calling Parts of Speech. Parts of

Speech are consisting of noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,

preposition, and conjunction.

1) Noun

Noun is a part of speech that identifies a person, place, thing or

idea, and parts of speech simply refer to types of words.

Example: Tommy has run the company since 1993.

2) Pronoun

Pronoun is a word that takes the place of refers to a noun.

Example: Janet has study in order for her to get the job that she


3) Verb

Verb is one of the main parts of a sentence or question in English.

The verb signals an action, an occurrence, or state to being.

Example: I am drinking a tea.

4) Adjective

Adjective is a word used to quality noun or pronoun. Example of

adjective: old, new, clever, smart, lazy, etc. Example in sentences:

He is a clever student; My brother is lazy boy.

5) Adverb

Adverb is a word used for qualifying the meaning of verb,

adjective, or another adverb. Example: Mrs. Dewi is teaching in

the classroom.

6) Conjunction

Conjunction is a word to relate one word to another one, or one

sentence to another one. Example: My father like apple and

banana; I want buy a doll but I have not money.

b. Word Families

1) Affixes

Affixes are a feature of grammar of most language. Example:

look; looking; looked.

2) Inflexions

Inflexions are the different grammatical forms of a word.

Example: plays; playing; and played are inflexions of play.


3) Derivative

Derivative is a word that result from the addition of an affix to a

root, and which has a different meaning from the root Example:

player; replay; and playful are derivatives of play.

c. Word Formation

In English language this was called composite form of word, such as:

1) Compounding, the combining of two or more independent words

Example: second-hand; word processor; typewriter.

2) Blending, two words can be blended to form one new one.

Example: breakfast + lunch = brunch; information + entertainment

= infotainment.

3) Conversion, the process a word can be co-opted from one part of

speech and used as another.

4) Clipping, a new word can be coined by shortening or clipping

longer words. Example: flu from influenza; email from electronic


c. The Important of Vocabulary

Nation in Schmitt and McCarthy (1997: 6) states that vocabulary

knowledge enables language use, language use enables the increase of

vocabulary knowledge; knowledge of the world enables the increase of

vocabulary knowledge, knowledge of the world enables the increase

of vocabulary knowledge, and language use and so on.

Gower, Philips, Walter (1995: 142) also state that vocabulary is

important to students – it is more important than grammar for

communication purposes, particularly in the early stages when students


are motivated to learn the basic words they need to get by in the language.

Wilkins in Thornbury (2003: 13) summed up the importance of

vocabulary learning. He stated that without grammar very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that vocabulary

is important for the learners to learn a language especially, the

Elementary School students. Hopefully, by being introduced to a number

of words, they will be able to express their thoughts or accept others‟. In

addition, they also have vocabulary knowledge when they are developing

their four language skills.

Learning a language is not an easy task. It needs a set of

requirements. One of them is having adequate vocabulary. Vocabulary

plays an important role in learning the four language skills. Nation in

Jeff (1997: 91) states that within the last few years, vocabulary has

become viewed as an important aspect in second language learning, in

fact, many believe just as important as the main skills of listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. The importance role if vocabulary in

learning the four language skills is describe as follows:

a. The important role of vocabulary in listening activity

Sino-US English Teaching (2005: 95) states that it is better not

to give vocabulary introduction just before listening to the text but

sometime before that. The teacher can list some words for students

to look up in their spare time and remember their meaning, or they

can give the students some sentences consisting of new words to


study the meaning of the words in the context to strengthen their

memory. This will pave the road of comprehension.

It means that it is impossible for the learners to understand what

they listen to without knowing the vocabulary. Vocabulary is involved

in listening activities.

b. The important role of vocabulary in speaking activities

The learners can express their ideas because they have

vocabulary mastery. What the learners say in speaking activities are

words as the component of vocabulary.

c. The important role of vocabulary in reading activities

Ambruster, Karch ELL Research (2008: 2) states that

Vocabulary plays an important part in part in learning to read

because the student uses the words, they have heard to make

sense of the words they see in print. Vocabulary is also

important to reading comprehension. Readers cannot

understand what they are reading without knowing what the

majority of the words mean. It means that students should have

enough vocabulary to comprehend reading text to obtain their

reading proficiency.

d. The important role of vocabulary in writing activities

The learners can express their ideas in writing if they

have enough vocabulary mastery. They will encounter

problems in writing if they have inadequate vocabulary. The

poor grammar and inadequate vocabulary are the most

serious of writing problems of second language student.


d. Approaches and Method in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

According to Pribilova (2006:16) there are many different methods and

approaches how to teach a foreign language, including vocabulary. Here

will be mentioned just some of them that can be used in teaching


1) Visualize

To help the learners understand it is important to visualize the item

and get the students to repeat or use the item actively. One good way

of doing this is to let them see or perhaps touch the vocabulary item,

for instance a house. We need to let them repeat it in different ways

and they should be given a chance to listen to the teacher talking about


2) Direct Method

A little bit of shocking method is the direct method or the direct

approach. The mother tongue is never used, there are no translations.

Only target language is used in the classrooms and only complete

sentences are used. Culture is considered an important aspect.

3) Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is a very successful method in helping students to

memorize words. This method stimulates the learner´s brain by music

while learning but nowadays teachers seem to be leaving this method.


4) Total Physical Response

What really works especially for young learners is the Total

Physical Response method - TPR. Very many children are nowadays

very hyper and physically active and to concentrate for a long time can

be very difficult for them. Using this method, games, changing topics

and using a variety of activities is very appreciated by them. This

method is used a lot by teachers.

5) Communicative Language Approach

Communicative Language Approach (Teaching) – CLT – stresses

the meaning of a language in context. Communicative competence is

highly developed here and learners are encouraged to communicate.

The important of vocabulary role in the students learning is needed to

consider because if the vocabulary is not ensured and developed, the

vocabulary mastery of the learners will be limited and they will find

many difficulties in teaching learning English. We can help the

children to understand and make the learning fun.

e. The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

There are many techniques to teach English vocabulary to mental

retardation students. In order to decide the appropriate and suitable

technique and method, the teacher should concern to the mental retardation

students learning style. By knowing the students learning style, the

teachers will find the suitable technique and method so that the mental

retardation students can get the clear understanding about the vocabulary

given. Lockitt (1997) suggests three categories of children learning style:


1) Visual learners

The visual learners learn everything through seeing. As children,

they have their own understanding that comes through hands and eyes

and ears.

2) Auditory learners

The auditory learners will learn more easily through verbal lessons

and anything that allows them to speak out while learning. These kinds

of young learners discover information through listening and

interpreting information. They also use a music or song to help them

memorize words.

3) Kinaesthetic learners

The kinaesthetic learners will enjoy a hand on approach or being

able to move while learning. Children with this kind of learning style

have a hard time sitting for long period time and may become disrupt

rive if they are not allowed to get up quite often during the teaching and

learning process.

Fu (2009:16), “In all classroom, there will be students with

multiple learning style and students with a variety of major, minor and

negative learning style.” Here, the teacher should vary their techniques

in teaching English vocabulary so that all the young learners with

various learning style will understand well about English vocabulary

given. Fu (2009:16) also stated that “an effective means of

accommodating these learning style is for teachers to change their own

style and strategies and provide a variety of activities to meet the needs

of different learning styles, then all students will have at least some

activities that appeal to them based on their learning styles, and more

likely to be successful in these activity.

f. The Media in Teaching Vocabulary

Media play an important role in a teaching and learning process. The

use of media is very needed to reach the purposes of teaching and learning

and it should be various as stated by Harmer (2001:134) that “the use a

variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and construction,

engage students in a topic or as the basic of a whole activity.” In addition,

Gerlach and Elly (1980:241) purpose, “A medium is any person, material,

or event that establishes conditions, which enable learners or students to

acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes.” While, Brown (1977: 2-3) defines

media as the tools or the physical things used by a teacher to facilitate the

instruction. The using of media will increase the probability that students

will learn and the knowledge will retain better in their mind. There are

many media that can be used in teaching and learning process, according

to Gerlach and Elly (1980:297) the media to teach are classified into six

general categories:

1) Picture

Picture consists of photograph of any object or event, which may

be larger or smaller than object or event it represents.

2) Audio recording

Recording is made on magnetic tape, discs, motion picture, and

soundtrack. These are reproductions of actual event or soundtrack.


3) Motion Picture

A motion picture is a moving image in colour or black and white

produced from live action or from graphic representation.

4) Television

This category includes all types of Audio Video electronic

distribution systems, which eventually appear on television monitor.

5) Real things, simulation, and model

This category includes people, events, objects, and demonstration

real things, as constructed with other media, are not substituted for the

actual object of event. They are in fact, life itself, often in its natural

settings. Simulation is the replication of real situation, which has been

designed to be as near the actual event or process as possible. Many

media, including the computers, tape recordings, and motion pictures

can used for simulation. A model is representation of reality, it is often

in scale and may be miniature, exact size or a larger size.

6) Program and computer Assisted instruction

Program is sequences of information (verbal, visual, audio or audio

visual) which are designed to elicit predetermined responses. Kinds of

visual media are pictures, photos, real things, miniatures, charts,

graphics, slides, etc. then, audio media is media which can be heard.

The characteristics of this media is one-way communication such as

radio and tape recorder. While, audio visual media is the combination

of two kinds of media they are audio media and visual media. The

example of this media is education video, television, film, etc.


3. Teaching Strategy

a. Definition of Teaching Strategy

Brown (2007:119) stated that strategies are special methods of

approaching a problems or task modes of operation for achieving a

particular end, planned design for controlling and manipulating certain

information. Based on the explanation above, these mean that strategy that

is used by the teacher is based on the approach that has been used by

implementation of the method. Strategy also used by the teacher to make

planning about what material and manner to success on teaching learning


According to David (1971:80) teaching is a plan, method, or series of

activities designed to achieves a particular educational goal. Based on the

explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching strategy is plan that

contains a series of activities the teacher and students to achieve specific

educational goals.

Strategies are steps or actions that taken for purpose to the top, other

definition of strategy is an effort to achieve of success goal. In education

context, David (in Hamruni (2012:1) stated that strategy is a plan method,

or series of activities designed to achieve a particular educational goal.

Teaching strategy has been defined by several experts, such as: Kemp

(in Hamruni 2012: 2) stated that teaching strategy is a teaching activity that

must done by the teacher and the student so that the purpose of teaching

reached effectively and efficiently. The other definitions stated by Kozma

(in Hamruni (2012: 2), Kozma stated that teaching strategy means every

selected activity, that can give a facility or assistance to the student to reach

certain teaching purpose.

Based on definition by the experts above, it can be concluded that

teaching strategies is plan which prepared by the teacher to achieve

certainly educational goal.

b. The Component of Teaching Strategies

According to Hamruni (2012: 10-12) the components of teaching

strategies are consisting of:

1) Teacher

Teacher is teaching agent, so that in this matter teacher is the important

point. Teacher can manipulate other components of teaching strategy

cannot manipulate the teacher. The teaching manipulation purposes is to

make student’s environment to be expected environment from teaching

learning process, that finally make students reach an expectation standard

competence. In teaching manipulation, the teacher must be based on

curriculum which implemented.

2) Student

Students are component that do study program to improve ability to

reach study goals.

3) Purpose

Purpose is base to determine strategy, material, media and teaching

evaluation. So, in teaching strategy determining purpose is the first thing

that must choose by the teacher.


4) Teaching material

Teaching material is media to reach teaching purpose. According to

Suharsini (1990) teaching material is core component in teaching process.

5) Method

Method is a generalized set of classroom specification for

accomplishing linguistic objectives. Methods be concerned primarily with

teacher and students’ roles and behaviours and secondarily with such

features as linguistics and subject matter objectives, sequencing and

materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable

to variety of contexts.

6) Media

Media is the plural form of the term “Medium”. Media includes many

things around us, like television, computer, picture, radio, and newspaper.

In education, there are the certain media used in teaching learning process

to convey the knowledge to students. This called by the media education.

7) Evaluation

Evaluation is component to know the result teaching learning process

so that teacher can know the result of expectation.

Evaluation can be summative and formative.

8) Situation or environment

Environment influence teacher in decide teaching strategy. Situation in

this matter means situations and physical condition, such as: climate,

school, location, facilitation and others.


c. Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary

Harmer (1991:161) suggest some strategies that teachers can use to help

their students practice vocabulary

a. Realia

One way of presenting words is to bring the things into the classroom or

bringing into room. Words like postcard, ruler, pen all, etc. can obviously

present in his way. The teacher holds up the object or point to it, says the word

and then gets student to repeat it.

b. Mime, Action, and Gesture

It is often possible to explain the meaning of word and grammar either

through the use of realia or in picture. Actions in particular are probably better

explained by mime. Concept like “Running” and “smoking” are easy to present

in this way (Harmer,1991:161). Gesture is useful for explaining words like

form, to act or indicate that the past is being talked about (the teacher gesture

back word over his shoulder).

c. Contrast

Teachers saw how relations exist because of their sense and thus can be

used to teach meaning. Teachers can present the meaning “empty” by

contrasting it will “full”, “cold” by contrasting with “hot”, “big” by contrasting

it with “small”. We may present these concepts with pictures or meaning we

ensure our student’s understanding. This technique gives solution to make easy

to get the meaning of the word. Contrast is the same with antonym word.

d. Translation

Translation is a quick and easy way to present the meaning of words but

it is not without problems. in the first place it is not always easy to translate

words, and in the second place, it may make it a bit too easy for student by

discouraging them from interacting with the words.

e. Explanation

Explanation the meaning vocabulary item can be very difficult the

teacher grammatical explanation can be, especially at beginner middle level, it

will be important, if giving such explanation includes information when the

items can be used. An explanation is a statement which points to context and

consequences of some object, process, state of affairs, etc. Together with rules

or laws that link these to the object. Some of these of the explanation may be


When the teacher verbal explanation, he can employ many of the

technique used to introduce interest when teaching the form of the word. For

example, he can write the meaning (synonym opposite, synonym mother

tongue, description) in code or with scrambled letter.

f. Presentation

Not all vocabulary can be learning through interaction and discovery

techniques are possible, however, they are not always the most cost effective.

There are many occasions when some form of presentation and explanation is

the best way to bring new word into the classroom. In this technique, the teacher

can use media such as: realia and picture.


g. Enumeration

Other sense relation is that of general and specific words. We can use this

to present meaning. We can say “clothes” and explain this by enumerating or

listing various items. The same is true of “vegetable” or “furniture” for example.

4. Inclusive School

a. Definition of Inclusive School

Inclusive classrooms are a fairly new, educational concept. In the

inclusive classroom, children with mild to moderate forms of disabilities are

included in the regular classroom with children that do not have disabilities.

Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege. The amount of current

attention given to children and to childhood is unprecedented. In a world

affected by financial crises, attitudes about children’s needs are very important.

Recent years have seen innovations in the focus of research, as political moves

that challenge the ways different children have been excluded and silenced.

Inclusive education is a real and urgent need for all educational systems around

the world. Inclusive schools demonstrate respect and support for diversity

through the school’s inclusive beliefs, actions and structures. In these schools

everyone is welcome, has a sense of belonging and is engaged in respectful

learning experiences. According to Zakaria cited in Olivia (2017: 5) Inclusive

education is a platform that provides opportunities for students with special

education needs (SEN) to learn in a regular classroom with normal students.

However, there are many challenges faced by students with SEN who learn in

an inclusive setting, such as negative perception from the mainstream teachers

and peers, being bullied and excluded by peers; facing academic issues because

of following the regular curriculum like normal students, and lack of support

from the parents. According to Fadhli in Olivia (2017:2) students with special

needs is a child that need special handling because his or her deviation. And

according to Geniofam in Olivia (2017:2) Children with special needs is a child

that have special characteristics that difference with children as usual because

every child is gifted.

b. Benefits of Inclusive School

1) For Special Needs Students

By being included in a mainstream classroom, kids with special

needs are able to observe and learn from their peers. Increased

interaction with typically developing children can help students with

special needs develop social and communication skills. The inclusion

model is also beneficial because it prepares special needs students for

life after school, when they will have more contact with non-disabled

people. When kids with special needs are in regular classes, they have

access to a more enriched educational experience than if they were

separated from traditional students. Higher behavioural and

educational expectations are in place in a mainstream classroom,

giving special needs students a greater chance at learning and

developing the skills they will use throughout their lives.

2) Families of Special Needs Students

Having their child included in a regular classroom is often a “dream

come true” for parents of special needs students. Like any parent, they

want their kids to be accepted by peers and to have an opportunity to

form real friendships. Inclusion in classrooms helps give kids with

special needs the best chance at leading a “normal” life. It allows


students and their families to become part of the school community and

opens the door for integration into the neighbourhood as well.

3) Typically Developing Students

Students who do not have disabilities benefit from inclusion

socially and academically. Having peers with disabilities in class gives

children the opportunity to learn about and appreciate people who are

different. This can help kids prepare for life in an inclusive society.

Typically developing students often grow to become friends with

special needs children and form meaningful relationships. Inclusion

also helps traditional students learn how to be respectful, helpful and

accepting. Academically, students without special needs can benefit

from inclusion when a peer tutoring model is used in the classroom.

By teaching a concept or helping students with disabilities practice a

skill, kids are given increased experiences with the material. This

strengthens their subject knowledge and gives them a chance to better

master skills.

4) Teachers

Teachers of inclusion classrooms benefit from having a diverse

population of students. Having students on such different levels gives

teachers a chance to develop their teaching skills and ability to

differentiate lessons and activities. Inclusion is also advantageous to

teachers because it allows them to strengthen their collaboration skills

as they work together with other teachers, specialists, and parents to

figure out the best education plan for their students with special needs.

Generally, inclusive education will be successful if these important

features and practices are followed: Accepting unconditionally all children into

regular classes and the life of the school, providing as much support to children,

teachers and classrooms as necessary to ensure that all children can participate

in their schools and classes, looks at all children at what they can do rather then

what they cannot do, teachers and parents have high expectations of all

children, developing education goals according to each child’s abilities. This

means that children do not need to have the same education goals in order to

learn together in regular classes. Designing schools and classes in ways that

help children learn and achieve to their fullest potential (for example, by

developing class time tables for allowing more individual attention for all

students). Having strong leadership for inclusion from school principals and

other administrators. Having teachers who have knowledge about different

ways of teaching so that children with various abilities and strengths can learn

together. Having principals, teachers, parents and others work together to

determine the most effective ways of providing a quality education in an

inclusive environment.

The Benefits of Inclusive Education Over the years, the benefits of

providing an inclusive education to all children have been shown. Inclusive

education (when practiced well) is very important because: All children are able

to be part of their community and develop a sense of belonging and become

better prepared for life in the community as children and adults. It provides

better opportunities for learning. Children with varying abilities are often better

motivated when they learn in classes surrounded by other children. The

expectations of all the children are higher. Successful inclusion attempts to


develop an individual’s strengths and gifts. It allows children to work on

individual goals while being with other students their own age. It encourages

the involvement of parents in the education of their children and the activities

of their local schools. It fosters a culture of respect and belonging. It also

provides the opportunity to learn about and accept individual differences. It

provides all children with opportunities to develop friendships with one

another. Friendships provide role models and opportunities for growth.

Inclusive education means that all children are educated in regular

classrooms. It does not, however, mean that individual children cannot leave

the classroom for specific reasons. For example, a child may require onion-one

assistance in a particular subject. This may or may not be happening during

regular class time. Once schools are inclusive, serious thought is given to how

often a child may be out of regular classroom and the reasons that this may be

happening It does not mean that children with certain characteristics (for

example, those who have disabilities) are grouped together in separate

classrooms for all or part of the school day. Inclusive education is about looking

at the ways our schools, classrooms, programs and lessons are designed so that

all children can participate and learn. Inclusion is also about finding different

ways of teaching so that classrooms actively involve all children. It also means

finding ways to develop friendships, relationships and mutual respect between

all children, and between children and teachers in the school.

Inclusive education is not just for some children. Being included is not

something that a child must be ready for. All children are at all times ready to

attend regular schools and classrooms. Their participation is not something that

must be earned. Inclusive education is a way of thinking about how to be


creative to make our schools a place where all children can participate.

Creativity may mean teachers learning to teach in different ways or designing

their lessons so that all children can be involved. As a value, inclusive education

reflects the expectation that we want all of our children to be appreciated and

accepted throughout life. Beliefs and Principles from Best Practices for

Inclusion, New Brunswick Department of Education, 1994:

a) All children can learn

b) All children attend age appropriate regular classrooms in their local


c) All children receive appropriate educational programs

d) All children receive a curriculum relevant to their needs

e) All children participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities

f) All children benefit from cooperation, collaboration among home,

among school, among community.

B. Previous Related Study

The researcher had collected some data and information which related to the

discussion. There were some analyses discussing vocabulary mastery by Mental

Retardation. First, the analysis was written by Dhanu Rahmat (2017) from The State

Islamic Institute of Surakarta by titled “A Descriptive study of vocabulary mastery at the

eighth grade of mental retardation students of SMPLB YKAB Boyolali in the academic

year 2015/2016”. The objective of her research is to find out student’s activities in

learning vocabulary of mentally retarded students in the eighth grade in SMPLB YKAB

Boyolali in the academic year 2015/2016 and teacher’s activities in teaching vocabulary

of mentally retarded students in the eighth grade in SMPLB YKAB Boyolali in the

academic year 2015/2016. The finding of the research the objective was only introducing

English words to the mentally retarded students in form of words. The type of syllabus

used by teacher is topic-based syllabus. The material given to the children with mentally

retarded in Junior high School is lighter. The result showed that the strategy used by the

teacher in teaching vocabulary the mild mental retardation students are context and

memorization. The teacher used text and picture as media in context strategy, while in

memorization, the teacher gave some noun vocabularies that have to be memorized by

the students. And there are two problems which appear in teaching vocabulary mastery,

namely; no upgrading for general teacher (non Pendidikan Luar Biasa teacher) in the

SMPLB YKAB Boyolali. It made him difficult to handle students. Students’ participation

during teaching learning process was less. They often did not ready attending English

class. The teacher should give more motivation to improve the students’ participation.

Second research was conducted by Fitriana Kartika Sari (2018) from

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta by titled “Process of teaching vocabulary to

mentally retarded students by using flashcards at SLB Negeri Colomadu in academic year

2017/2018”.The objective of the research in her study is to describe the process of

teaching and learning English for children with mental retardation of the students’ of

SLB Negeri Colomadu and describe the problems appear in teaching and learning process.

From the finding of the research the objective is only introducing English words to the

mentally retarded students in form of words. The type of syllabus used by teacher is topic-

based syllabus. The material given to the children with mentally retarded in Elementary

School is lighter. The method which is used by teacher in SLB Negeri Colomadu is

Communicative Language Teaching. The use of CLT is characterized by the involvement

of the students in teachinglearning process; in here is use of question answer technique.

The media are the concrete objects in surrounding. The kinds of evaluation are oral and

written test. The problems appear come from the activity. They are: the different

capability of the students, the students cannot develop their initiate, need long time to

finish one topic, and the students still depend on the teacher to get new vocabulary.

Third research were conducted by Ai-Chiao Ku, Shu-Hsuan Chang, and Chih Yu

from International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol.4 No.3, June

2017 by titled “Initiating Functional Vocabulary Learning for Mental Retardation

Students with Educational Technology Approach” The objective of the research in their

study is to describe the vocabulary learning to mental retardation students’. The aim of

special education is to help specific disabilities students to turn into independent and adapt

to society and this study developed functional vocabulary learning system for mental

retardation students to assist three moderate ones enrolled in special education classes of

vocational schools, and discusses the learning effect of the within and extra fading

strategies. And the alternative treatment design of the single subject experiment design

was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning system. The teaching strategy

adopted photos of physical goods as cues combined with the fading strategy within a

stimulus-control process. After experiment, this study has the preliminary result: Stimulus

fading strategies can assist functional vocabulary learning in moderate mental retardation

students enrolled in special education classes of vocational schools; learning achievement

with the extra fading strategy exceeded that with the within fading strategy.

Fourth research were conducted by Avianita, Abdul Asib, and Nur Arifah Drajati

from journal of Education and Human Development June 2018, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 66-77

by titled “The Strategy in Teaching English Vocabulary for Students with Special Needs:

A Narrative Inquiry Study” their study aims to describe the strategy in teaching English

vocabulary for students with special needs. In particular, the students with special needs

in this study are categorized into mentally retarded students. They learn English to have

basic knowledge of English. The study was carried out at a special needs school in

Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia in the academic year of 2017/2018. It is a narrative

inquiry study typed. The subjects of this study were 2 students of eighth grade of special

needs school. The data was gained from observation, interview, and documentation. The

result of this study is supposed to reinforce English teaching and learning so that English

learning becomes interesting, fun and easier for the students with special needs. This study

was supposed to answer (1) Problems which the eighth-grade students of special needs

school have in learning English vocabulary; (2) How the English teacher overcome the

problems which the eighth-grade students of special needs school have in learning English


The similarities this present study and the fourth previous studies were on describing

vocabulary mastery by Mental Retardation. The differences were the objectives of the

study. This presents study focused on the strategy used by the teacher in teaching

vocabulary and the problem faced in teaching vocabulary mastery at the tenth grade of

mental retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year



This chapter presents the methodological research applied by the researcher in

producing this research. By employing the qualitative approach and emphasizing the case

study in a certain subject of research, the explanations in each aspect of proper methodology

will be explained specifically.

A. Research Design

The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research where the researcher can

describe holistically the strategies used by teacher to teaching vocabulary. Issac (1971: 46)

explains that the purpose of descriptive research is to describe the fact and the

characteristics of interested area of population in a systematic, factual, and accurate

procedure. In addition, descriptive research is the data base that purely descriptively

accumulated. According to Silverman (2005: 6) Qualitative Research seems to promise

that we will avoid or downplay statically techniques and the mechanics of the kinds of

quantitative methods used in, survey research or epidemiology. In fact, this was indeed

the case although we expected students to take a course in survey methods and to be aware

of how the issues of validity and reality so often posed by quantitative researchers are

relevant to any kind of credible research. In addition, Miles and Huberman (1994:10)

states that qualitative data are useful when one needs to supplement, validate, explain,

illuminate, or reinterpret quantitative data gathered from the same setting. In addition, the

kind of my research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research is a research which is

concerned with providing descriptions of phenomena that occur naturally, without the


intervention of experiment or an artificially contrived treatment (Seliger and Shohamy,

1989: 116).

In this thesis the researcher used descriptive qualitative research methods. It caused the

issue raised is not clear, holistic, complex, dynamic, and full of meaning that does not

allow researcher to use quantitative methods with instruments such as tests, interview

guidelines. In addition, the researcher intended to understand the social situation in depth,

finding patterns, hypotheses and theories A qualitative approach according to Creswell (in

Sugiyono 2010:205) is a process of research and understanding based on a methodology

that investigates a phenomenon of social and human problems. In this approach, researcher

created a complex picture, examine the words, detailed reports from correspondents, and

conduct studies on the natural situation. Taylor (in Sugiyono, 2010:206) add that

qualitative methodology is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form

of words written and spoken of the people and the observed behaviour. In qualitative

research, the researcher is the key instrument.

This research used descriptive method which the researcher described the data as what

looked like and explained the data or events with the strategy used by English teacher to

teach English vocabulary to mild mental retardation students. Including the media, the

material, the teacher problems and how the teacher’s evaluation. The researcher also

described about the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy. This thesis

collected the data, analyse them and drew a conclusion based on the data only, without

taking the general conclusion.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative method is a

research that describes and interprets events, condition, or situation as the way they are as

an effort to understand and report them. In this research, the researcher described and

interpreted the implementation of teaching and learning process of vocabulary mastery for

students in exceptional school especially SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, the problem in the

teaching-learning process, and the teacher’s solutions for the problem.

B.Setting of the Research

1. Setting of Place

This research was held in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo. The school is located in Jl.

Al Kautsar, Mendungan, Pabelan, Kartaura, Central Java. Geographically SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo has a strategies place. Because this school is near with

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Therefore, it is not difficult to get in SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo. The situation of the environment is safety and conducive to study,

because the location is near around people. SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo has three grades

of classes, those are tenth grade, the eleventh grade, and the twelfth grade. This research

was hold in the tenth grade with mental retardation students

2. Setting of Time

This research conducted in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo. This research had begun on

October, 28th 2019 until February, 25th 2020. The researcher was fully as the observer

when the process of research was going on. The researcher was known by the subject of

the research as the observer.

This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in

the academic year 2019/2020. Below is the schedule of the research:

Activities Oct Nov Jan Feb


1. Observation

2. Interview


First Observation

Second Observation

Third Observation

Fourth Observation

Interview with


Interview with


C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the teacher and tenth-grade students at SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo. There is one class in the tenth grade of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo. The class

named Al Farabi, it consisted of 15 students, 10 are regular students and 5 are inclusive

students. The researcher chose Mental Retardation students in this class consisted 3

students with category mental retardation. It was chosen based on the interview with the

English teacher; this class has good knowledge and more active than other class. It can be

proven by the score draft from the teacher and daily score that showed the ability of the

students each class.

D. The Research Instrument

The main instrument of this research was the researcher herself because the research is

descriptive qualitative research. In this kind of research, the researcher is the main

instrument of the research (Nasution, 1992: 55). The researcher is the main tool to get the

information or data for this research. In the process of collecting the data, it also used some

additional instruments, recording equipment and field note books.


E. The Source of Data

Data are the result of the researcher notes, both the fact and value (Arikunto, 2002: 96)

in this research, the data was collected from the information about the teaching-learning

process in mental retardation students at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo and also event,

informant, documents and place.

In this study, the researcher observed the teacher activity in the teaching learning

process of vocabulary mastery, the student’s conditions, the material, the media which was

used on teaching-learning process in mental retardation students at SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo and also event, informant, documents and place.

The source of data is the subject where the data can be taken (Arikunto, 1998: 114). In

this research, the data was the result of the teaching-learning process in mental retardation

students at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo:

1. Event

The event of this research was in the classroom on teaching learning process of

vocabulary mastery class. It included the event or phenomenon, the activities and the

attitudes of the teacher and students in the classroom. In this study the researcher

observed on teaching-learning process in mental retardation students at SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo and also event, informant, documents and place. The events were

all activities related to the teaching learning process of vocabulary mastery at mental

retardation students at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo. From this event the researcher got

some information about the students’ activities and how the teacher solved it, the teach

technique to make the teaching vocabulary mastery became successful.


2. Informants

The informant was the teacher of mental retardation students. From the

informant, the researcher took some information from the teacher. English Teacher was

the main component of the process of teaching English especially teaching

pronunciation. From the English teacher, the researcher could take some data about the

technique of teaching vocabulary mastery in the classroom and the way how to solve

the problem in teaching vocabulary mastery.

3. The Documents

The documents here were the lesson plan, syllabus, handbook and all document

related to English material in teaching vocabulary mastery of the SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo. The lesson plan and syllabus were needed to know about the material which

should be taught in teaching vocabulary mastery at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo.

F. Techniques of Collecting Data

1. Interview

Moleong states that interview is a conversation with particular purposes which is

done by two sides who are the interviewer and the researcher (2006: 185). By this

technique, the researcher conducted interview with the shadow teacher of mental

retardation students in tenth grade of Senior High School students of SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo. The topic was about the teaching-learning process of English language for

mental retardation students at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo. The guideline interview as


a. How English teaching learning process to mental retardation students tenth grade at

SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo?


b. The method or strategy used in teaching vocabulary and how implemented to mental

retardation students tenth grade at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo?

c. What are the impacts of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process of tenth grade students at SMA Al-Firdaus


2. Observation

One of the ways that the researcher tried to collect the data is classroom observation.

Observation means everything what one sees, hears, smells, and fells by using five senses

without any intervention. They relate what they see and hear fell, smell and touch

(Bungin, 2007: 115). Here, the researcher can collect the data by observing the activities

that happen in the classroom done by the teacher and the students. The researcher directly

observed the strategy used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary mastery and the problem

faced in the teaching learning process at the Tenth grade of mental retardation students

of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year 2019/2020.

3. Documentation

Document refers to materials such as videos, memos, letters, diaries, clinical case

records and memorabilia of all short that can be used as supplemental information as part

of study whose main data source is participant observation or interviewing (Bogdan &

Biklen 1998:57). Therefore, documentation method is a technique of collecting data that

is indirectly given to research subject. The documents are syllabus, and lesson plan.

The researcher used this technique to support the data collection from observation

and interview. In this case, by using instrument that was document where could be seen

in the teacher’s lesson plan and teacher’s material to teach vocabulary, the researcher

collected the data about teacher’s strategy in teaching vocabulary.


G. Technique of Analyzing Data

The Technique of analyse the data cannot be separated from the definition of data

analysis. Seliger and Shohamy (1989: 201) define data analysis as sifting, organizing, and

synthesizing the data so as to arrive at the results and conclusion of the research. Bongdan

in Sugiyono (2010: 304) states that data analysis is the process of systematically searching

and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that you accumulate

to increase your own understanding of them and enable you to present what you have

discovered to others. Based on the definitions above, data analysis was the process of

systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other

materials that a researcher accumulates to increase his own understanding of them and to

enable her to present what she has discovered to others by sifting, organizing, and

synthesizing the data so as to arrive at the results and conclusion of the research. According

to Miles and Hubberman in Sutopo (2002:95) the process of data analysis in this research

are; collecting the data, reducing the data and presenting the data and drawing conclusion.

1. Collecting the data

It was meant by the process of collecting the data that needed in the research. The

researcher collected the data from the teacher, such as material, syllabus, and lesson

plan in the form of document (paper). The researcher also got the data from interview

with the teacher and students. The researcher made a file note and transcript of


2. Reducing the data

Reducing data means selecting, taking the important information and eliminating

the unimportant information. In the process of reducing the data, the researcher

selected, focused and simplified the data. The researcher selected the data that relate to

the strategy used by the teacher and the problem faced in the teaching vocabulary


3. Presenting the Data

After identifying the strategy used and the problem faced, the researcher described

the data form of description or narration. The description of the data was presented in

logic and systematic order, which can show the strength of the presenting data.

4. Drawing Conclusion

In this case, the researcher wrote not only what he has seen each day during

observation but also the interpretation of observation.

H. Trustworthiness

Before some information uses for the research data, the trustworthiness of the

information must be checked first. It was because the data must be responsible for the point

of departure to make conclusion. In this research, the technique which uses to check the

trustworthiness of data was triangulation. According to Patton as quoted by Sutopo

(2002:78) there are four types of triangulation, namely: data triangulation, investigator

triangulation, methodological triangulation and theoretical triangulation. In this present

study, the researcher used methodological triangulation. The researcher combined two

techniques of collecting data namely observation and interview to get the deep and wide

data or information.



This chapter presents the research finding and the discussion of this research based

on the data gathered during the investigation. Before presenting the findings of the study,

in this part the description of the location and data related with teaching vocabulary at the

tenth grade Mental Retardation students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo.

A. Finding

1. Teaching Strategies Used by English Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary at The Tenth

Grade of Mental Retardation Students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo in The

Academic year 2019/2020.

Based on the data of the observation and interviews which done by the researcher

and related to strategies in teaching vocabulary to mental retardation students, there were

five strategies used by English teacher in teaching vocabulary to the mental retardation

students. There were realia, presentation, explanation, translation, mime, action and


a. First Observation at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo (Tuesday, 4th February 2020)

The researcher did observation in the tenth grade Mental Retardation students

of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, the researcher came to the class with Mr. Roi as the

shadow teacher and also English teacher. After entering the class, the teacher

allowed the researcher to sit beside the students to observe the teaching learning

process. The English classroom in this meeting study about school. The teacher

wrote some vocabularies in the paper and some of vocabulary’s said by students.

Student and teacher translated vocabularies together. The teacher managed of class

during process teaching and learning. The teacher also explained job some of part at

the school. Teacher gave example how to pronounce, they read vocabulary together.

Teacher also gave opportunity for students to read vocabulary and corrected by

another friend and teacher. Teacher emphasized the students that pronounce must

clear. All of the students had read of vocabulary they wrote the vocabulary in the

book. The teacher gave example how to match the correct pairs and how to arrange

scramble words. Before matching the correct pairs, students must know the meaning

in Indonesia. When the students had understood they work assignment very well.

Each answer was written in the book so teacher gave correct if the answer false and

gave correct answers. At the end of the class the teacher gave correction on some

mistakes made by the students particularly in pronunciation, spelling and teacher

also gave conclusion about material today.

b. Second Observation at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo (Tuesday, 11th February


The meeting began teacher bring some picture or usually we called flashcard

about daily activities, the teacher gives explanation to the students’, after that teacher

asked the students about the pictures and the students must identify picture, spelling

and pronunciation based on picture and student’s memorization. All of picture had

name and they were translated together. Students wrote vocabulary in him book.

They read together and they repeated of the word until the pronunciation was clear

and the teacher gave correct if found mistake. Teacher gave example how doing

jumbled words. Every student must know the meaning, spelling and pronunciation,

and then the teacher gives students assignment, teacher checked students’

assignment. In the classroom, there were many students that so must active to control

students so teacher must manage class during process teaching and learning so the

classes condition had fun. All of answers were written in a paper and each student

compared with their answer and wrote correct answer if incorrect. At the ends of

class teacher asked students to say their favourite activities and gave conclusion

about the lesson today.

c. Third Observation at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo (Tuesday, 18th February


The English classroom meeting today, study about direction and location. The

teacher presenting and give explanation about direction and location, teacher also

gives the students vocabulary “How to ask direction or location and How to answers

question about direction and location” After that the teacher asked the students to

come and then answers the teacher question about location (the location just around

the school, example : library, mosque, language class, science classroom, etc). The

teacher writes and read the words again and then translate it into Indonesia. And then

the teacher makes a game, the teacher asked the students to role play and doing

conversation about direction and location. The class so fun and the teacher also give

advice to the students to always memorize a lot vocabulary. In the last activity, the

teacher gave the conclusion about the material for that day.

d. Fourth Observation at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo (Tuesday, 25th February


The English classroom meeting today, study about public place. First, the

teacher presenting and give explanation about public place to the students’ with

playing learning video. In this video the students can see picture, can hear how to

pronounce the word, and also the students can do exercise from the application

learning video from Pearson. The teacher and student play the video together, and

then they are pronouncing it together and also with repetition, and the students will

try to do the exercise with the teacher. The teacher asked the students about favourite

place. The class so fun and the teacher also give advice to the students to always

memorize a lot vocabulary. In the last activity, the teacher gave the conclusion about

the material for that day.

2. The impact of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process at the tenth-grade students of SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year 2019/2020.

In learning process, the impact of mental retardation students can delay the level of

material in teaching learning process. The impact makes the teaching learning process

being not fluently. The materials will not completely be accepted by the students. Based

on the teaching-learning vocabulary at the tenth grade of mental retardation students in

SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, there were impact faced in teaching vocabulary, as follow:

a. Psychological Environments

Psychological Environments seen in mental retarded physical condition.

Physical condition can know when the students have difficulties to do something

like self-care. The skills and knowledge that are having by the student influences

the teaching learning process.

Based on research at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, the students got

psychological environments for example some of students difficult to do self-

care, home living, self-direction, health and safety.

The tenth grade of mental retardation students in SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo consisted of 3 students with different level of retardation. Every

student has different problem when do activities. Based on interview with the

teacher the students have problem, for example: (1) self-care, this is involved in

toileting, eating, dressing, hygiene and grooming, not all students can take a pee

by himself, they need help from other people. And do all activities like dressing

uniform they need help from his parents, wear shoes they need help from other

people. (2) home living, this is related to functioning within a home, which

include clothing care, housekeeping, food preparation and home safety. students

almost can not do activities that related with activities at home, for example wash

the clothes, wash the dishes, sweep the floor. home living students need helping

from other people. (3) self-direction, this is related to making choices following

a schedule student need other people to prepare books and school equipment (4)

healthy and safety, it is related to maintenance of one’s health in eating; illness,

treatment, and prevention; basic first aid; sexuality; basic safety consideration.

The students also need guidance from other people.

The researcher analyses that mental retardation student need guidance to do

activity at home and at school. At home the parents can give more attention to

the children and when the student doing activity in school, they need shadow

teacher to help the students.

b. Psychological Impact

Psychological Impact arises because the low mental condition inhibits

psychological process in the face stimulus. The barriers of mental process in

response stimuli lies in the ability of perception, the barriers to connect between

stimulation with other situations, the barriers of ability to pay attention and the

ability to remember. That barriers of mental process cause problems in the

mental retardation life because psychological needs are unfulfilled

independently by them but it needs strong support from the others

Based on the observation at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, the students were

very less focus in the class because the students’ sometimes looking around other

place or focus in an object when the teacher explain the materials in the class.

When the teacher explained the materials related to English vocabulary the

students rarely paid attention. They played with another friend. Some of them

like to used aloud voice in speaking with their friends. The teacher got difficult

to manage the class because it was made students less focus with material that

was teacher teaches. Every student had different characteristics. There were

some students participate actively in English vocabulary class even the

pronunciation was still low, but the other did not. So, the teacher had difficulty

to control all students’ activity in vocabulary class because the students was less


The researcher observed the process of learning in this class and found that

when the teacher explained the material in front of class, they were less focus.

Some of them listened to the teacher explanation, draw, looking around, and

talked with another friend and disturbing his friend. The teacher was difficult to

control the class.

The researcher analysed that the teaching learning process of English

vocabulary could not run well. The problem solving that had been done by

teacher to manage the class was fun and the teacher more explicit with the

students, punishment, and motivation of their activity in English vocabulary. So,

they could do their activities well.

The teacher usually gave punishment to the students who made noisy in the

class or less focus with the class. For example, to do exercise, answer the

question from the teacher. It made the students wary.

c. Sociological Impact

Sociological impacts arising from its relationship with other groups or

individuals around him, especially his friends in school. The presence of mental

retardation student in the school caused various changes in the school. Mental

retardation student need more attention and control from the teacher. The

condition is manifested by a variety of reactions, such as disappointment, shock,

anger, depression, guilty, and confusion. These diverse reactions that can affect

the relationship between himself in the school.

Based on observation and interview with the teacher the students more

comfort when have close friend that have special need (mental retardation) same

with him. Because the student always playing with the same friend and they are

felt comfortable with their friends. But the student seldom does activity or

communication with regular students.

B. Discussion

1. Teaching Strategies Used by English Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary at The

Tenth Grade of Mental Retardation Students of SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo

in The Academic year 2019/2020.

Mental retardation as individual conditions with a low mental ability

showed of delays and underdevelopment in all aspects. The one of under

development is the inability to develop themselves in accordance with

environmental demands. The mental retardation does not afford or do not easily to

internalize stimulation from the environment so that in addition his mental

development is slow, the function of other capabilities such as the brain motor skills

is too late also, and social skills (Rochman&Zainal: 1995:45). Therefore, in

teaching vocabulary is needed a strategy to teach mental retardation students. The

strategy of mastering English vocabulary to the mental retardation students that the

teacher used based on the research findings, they are five strategies. They were

Realia, Presentation, Explanation, Translation, Mime, Gesture and Action.


By using realia, the students can know the vocabulary easier based on the

uses of vocabulary in realia. Applying this strategy was effective by using text and

picture. This strategy was done by using flashcard. After the students see and read

the card. The students were asked to find difficult words then the teacher would

translate it directly or asked them to find the difficult word in their dictionary. By

reading the text book the students were encouraged to learn by them self-first. It is

to measure which vocabularies that the students did not understand. As stated by

Harmer (2003: 128) teacher need to his best to introduce topics that are relevant to

our student's experienced and daily activity. In lined with those statements based on

the interview with the teacher in the tenth-grade of mental retardation in SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo, the teacher said that before he introduced a new topic, he tried

to build the understanding of his students first by asking their experienced related

to the topic.

Realia strategy also was done by giving the students some picture related to

the theme of the English vocabularies that was learnt by the student. The students

were asked to say the picture name in English. Wright (1989: 17-18) states that

pictures can motivate the students and make them want to pay attention and to take

a part in the lesson. He adds that pictures contribute to the realia in which the

language is being used. In addition, Rohani (1997:76) states through pictures, the

students can pay attention to an object or other matters that they have not seen

before; pictures give the students a large experience and understanding.

Harmer (2003) explained that picture can be useful tool to teach English

vocabulary. The forms of picture are such as flash card, photograph and illustration.

All kind of the picture can be used in multiple ways such as drills, games,

understanding, ornamentation, prediction, and discussion. In this case the teacher


in the tenth-grade of mental retardation in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo students used

a traditional use for pictures especially flashcard, the teacher always drills and

repetition about vocabulary. the teacher holds up one up before nominating a

student and getting a response. Then the teacher held up another one, and nominates

different student and so on. And another realia the teacher used learning video from

Pearson, it is makes class fun and the students understood the material, from

learning video Pearson the students can hear and can see pictures from the video

and also in this learning video consisted games to makes the students excited when

English class. This strategy was success to increase students’ vocabularies mastery.

While by presentation, explanation, translation, mime, gesture, and action

this strategy was done by the teacher in class, first, the teacher does presentation by

explaining the vocabulary firstly in Bahasa Indonesia. Then the teacher gave the

students the example of the difficult words in simple sentences. Brewster, Ellis, and

Girard in AlQahtani (2015) stated that even though translation does not create a

need or motivation of the learners to think about word meaning. There are always

some words that need to be translated and this technique can save a lot of time. The

teacher also gives clue with mime, gesture and action to the students.

The goal of teaching vocabulary in the tenth grade of mental retardation in

SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo is able to make the students understand the English

vocabularies. It means of comprehending and enable the students in being active in

practicing English in front of the class and answering the question from the teacher.

2. The impact of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process at the tenth-grade students of SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo in the academic year 2019/2020.

The impact of mental retardation students can delay the level of material in

teaching learning process. The impact makes the teaching learning process being

not fluently. The materials will not completely be accepted by the students. Based

on the teaching-learning vocabulary at the tenth grade of mental retardation students

in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo, there were impact faced in teaching vocabulary,

such as; Psychological Environment, Psychological Impact, Sociological impact

(Mumpuniarti, 2007:46).

First, Environment Psychologycal, based on interview with the teacher the

students have problem, for example: (1) self-care, this is involved in toileting,

eating, dressing, hygiene and grooming, not all students can take a pee by himself,

they need help from other people. And do all activities like dressing uniform they

need help from his parents, wear shoes they need help from other people. (2) home

living, this is related to functioning within a home, which include clothing care,

housekeeping, food preparation and home safety. students almost can’t do activities

that related with activities at home, for example wash the clothes, wash the dishes,

sweep the floor. home living students need helping from other people. (3) self-

direction, this is related to making choices following a schedule student need other

people to prepare books and school equipment (4) healthy and safety, it is related

to maintenance of one’s health in eating; illness, treatment, and prevention; basic

first aid; sexuality; basic safety consideration. The students also need guidance from

other people.

Second, Psychological Impact based on the observation at SMA Al-Firdaus

Sukoharjo, the students were very less focus in the class. When the teacher

explained the materials related to English vocabulary the students rarely paid

attention. They played with another friend. Some of them like to used aloud voice

in speaking with their friends. The teacher got difficult to manage the class because

it was made students less focus with material that was teacher teaches. Every

student had different characteristics. There were some students participate actively

in English vocabulary class even the pronunciation was still low, but the other did

not. So, the teacher had difficulty to control all students’ activity in vocabulary class

because the students was less focus.

Third, Sociological Impact, based on observation and interview with the

teacher the students more comfort when have close friend that have special need

same with him. Because the student always playing with the same friend and they

are felt comfortable with their friends. But the student seldom does activity or

communication with regular students.

The impact of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process at the tenth-grade of SMA Al-Firdaus

Surakarta, there are three impact: psychological environment, psychological impact

and sociological impact.



A. Conclusion

After describing and analyzing the data, the researcher could draw

conclusions based on the result of the observation of teaching learning process

mastering vocabulary to the tenth grade of mental retardation students in SMA Al-

Firdaus Sukoharjo.

The strategy of mastering English vocabulary to the mental retardation

students that the teacher used based on the research findings, they were five

strategies. They were realia, presentation, explanation, translation, mime, action

and gesture, this strategy was done by the teacher when gives material. First, the

teacher presenting the material and also gives explanation, after the students

received the material from the teacher, the students’ read the text. The students

were asked to find difficult words then the teacher would translate it directly or

asked them to find the difficult word in their dictionary. This strategy was also

using picture as realia. The teacher gave the students some picture related to the

theme of the English vocabularies that was learnt by the student. The students were

asked to say the picture name in English. And then translation, the teacher gave

some new vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia and translate it into English, and if the

students still confused the teacher gives clues with mime, action or gesture.

The impact of mental retardation students toward their environment during

English teaching and learning process at SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo there are

psychological environment, psychological impact and sociological impact. There

are makes students need other people to prepare their equipment, to help dressing

uniform, to help eating and toileting. And also, the students less focus and less


ability to remember, so the teacher must work hard to make the students remember

about vocabulary in English. They felt comfortable when playing with special

student too, and doing less communication with regular student.

The teacher had to give more motivation in order that they have enthusiasm

in learning English and increasing their skill.

B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to give some suggestions which may useful for

parents, the teacher, and the school who read this thesis especially for the English

teacher who taught mental retardation students. Since the result of this study

showed that the English teachers of X IPS class in SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta is

not completely success, the researcher suggested as follows:

1. For Parent

The researcher suggested to parents, that they should guide their

children to study in home. The private study held by parents will be very

helpful to students in more understanding the material from teacher. The

parents also should pay more attention in helping their children to prepare their

school equipment.

2. For the teacher

The researcher suggested to the English teacher to learn and explore

more strategies in teaching English vocabulary to mental retardation students

because the strategy used to teach them should be in the different way from the

strategy used to teach normal students. The teacher also should be learnt more

about the mental retardation itself. So, the teacher can choose the best strategy

to teach them. The teacher should give more attention to students thoroughly.

3. For the school

The researcher also suggested the school to choose an inclusive teacher

that has a special educational basic. A teacher should be understood to the

students’ background so that she/he know the way she/he should apply in

teaching and learning process.

4. For the next researcher

The researcher suggested to the next researcher who wants to adapt the

same case of this thesis to catch another part which the researcher did not catch.

After knowing the real conditions in SMA Al-Firdaus Sukoharjo from this

thesis, the next researcher can do action research probably.


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Home Room Alkaf Asari, S.Pd, M.Pd

Nama Siswa Ahmad Maulana Roslan

Kelas X IPS Orang Tua Ahmad Joko Nugroho

Indikator Tujuan Langkah Bantuan Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni

Akademik 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Membaca Anak mampu - Latihan memahami bacaan

memahami bacaan sederhana

sederhana - Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi

bacaan sederhana

- Menceritakan kembali isi bacaan


Menulis Anak mampu - Latihan membuat cerita yang terdiri

membuat cerita dari 1 paragraf dengan gambar seri

yang terdiri dari 1


Berhitung 1. Anak mampu Latihan penjumlahan ribuan

mengerjakan dengan teknik menyimpan

penjumlahan ribuan

dengan teknik


2. Anak mampu Latihan pengurangan ribuan

mengerjakan dengan teknik meminjam


dengan teknik


3. Anak mampu - Menjelaskan konsep perkalian dua

mengerjakan angka dengan dua angka

perkalian dua - Latihan perkalian dua angka

angka dengan dua dengan dua angka


4. Anak mampu - Menjelaskan konsep pembagian

mengerjakan dengan teknik poro gapit

pembagian dengan - Latihan pembagian dengan teknik

teknik poro gapit poro gapit

Transaksi Anak mampu - Latihan menghitung uang

Jual Beli menghitung uang kembalian

kembalian - Pembiasaan menghitung uang


Agama (Al- 1. Anak mampu - Belajar tajwid setiap hari

Qur’an, membaca Al-Qur’an - Mengecek bacaan anak

doa, sesuai dengan tajwid


sholat) 2. Anak mampu Latihan menghafal QS Jin, QS Al-

menghafal QS Jin, Muzammil

QS Al-Muzammil



Giving 1. Anak mampu - Mengajarkan cara mengelola blog

Contributi mengelola situs blog - Latihan mengelola blog

on pribadinya Pembiasaan mengelola blog

2. Anak mampu - Mengajarkan cara membuat

membuat penelitian penelitian sederhana

sederhana dari - Latihan penelitian sederhana dari

personal projectnya personal projectnya

Sukoharjo, 10 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd.

NIK. 153.01 NIK. 0205.04


Standar penulisan :

Kertas F4

Page set up 3, 2, 2, 2

Font : Maiandra GD

Font size : 10

Space: 1



Home Room Alkaf Asari, S.Pd, M.Pd

Nama Siswa Venra Tryas Sutanto

Kelas X IPS Orang Tua Tri Murjoko

Indikator Tujuan Langkah Bantuan Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni

Akademik 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Membaca Anak mampu - Latihan memahami bacaan

memahami bacaan sederhana

sederhana - Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi

bacaan sederhana

- Menceritakan kembali isi bacaan


Menulis Anak mampu - Latihan membuat cerita yang terdiri

membuat cerita dari 1 paragraf dengan gambar seri

yang terdiri dari 1


Berhitung 1. Anak mampu Latihan penjumlahan ribuan

mengerjakan dengan teknik menyimpan

penjumlahan ribuan

dengan teknik


2. Anak mampu Latihan pengurangan ribuan

mengerjakan dengan teknik meminjam


dengan teknik


3. Anak mampu - Menjelaskan konsep perkalian dua

mengerjakan angka dengan dua angka

perkalian dua - Latihan perkalian dua angka

angka dengan dua dengan dua angka


4. Anak mampu - Menjelaskan konsep pembagian

mengerjakan dengan teknik poro gapit

pembagian dengan - Latihan pembagian dengan teknik

teknik poro gapit poro gapit

Transaksi Anak mampu - Latihan menghitung uang

Jual Beli menghitung uang kembalian

kembalian - Pembiasaan menghitung uang


Agama (Al- 1. Anak mampu - Belajar Panjang pendek bacaan

Qur’an, membaca Al-Qur’an setiap hari

doa, sesuai dengan - Mengecek bacaan anak

wudhu, Panjang pendek

sholat) bacaan dengan benar

2. Anak mampu Latihan menghafal QS Nuh

menghafal QS Nuh

3. Anak mampu - Latihan menghafal do’a naik

menghafal do’a naik kendaraan

kendaraan - Pembiasaan mempraktekan do’a

naik kendaraan setiap hari




Contributi 1. Anak mampu - Latihan futsal

on mengikuti kejuaraan - Pembiasaan futsal dengan

futsal mengikuti ekstra futsal

Sukoharjo, 10 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd.

NIK. 153.01 NIK. 0205.04


Standar penulisan :

Kertas F4

Page set up 3, 2, 2, 2

Font : Maiandra GD

Font size : 10

Space: 1



Home Room Alkaf Asari, S.Pd, M.Pd

Nama Siswa Muhammad Dzulfikar Baihaqi

Kelas X IPS Orang Tua Suharmanto

Indikator Tujuan Langkah Bantuan Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni

Akademik 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Membaca Anak mampu - Latihan membaca dengan teliti.

membaca - Pembiasaan membaca dengan teliti

dengan teliti

Menulis 1. Anak mampu - Latihan memberi jarak antar kata

memberi jarak saat menulis

antar kata saat - Pembiasaan memberi jarak antar

menulis kata saat menulis

2. Anak mampu - Latihan menulis menuliskan kata

menuliskan kata yang mengandung ng, kh, ny,

yang mengandung misalnya Bernyanyi, bunga, Ikhlas.

ng, kh, ny, - Pembiasaan menuliskan kata

misalnya - yang mengandung ng, kh, ny

Bernyanyi, bunga,


Berhitung 3. Anak mampu - Penjelasan tentang penjumlahan

mengerjakan bilangan

penjumlahan - Latihan penjumlahan bilangan dengan

bilangan dengan hasil maksimal 15

hasil maksimal 15

4. Anak mampu - Penjelasan tentang konsep

mengerjakan pengurangan

Pengurangan - Latihan Pengurangan dengan bilangan

dengan bilangan maksimal 10

maksimal 10

5. Anak mampu - Penjelasan konsep jam

membaca jam - Latihan membaca jam

tepat - Pembiasaan

Transaksi Jual Anak mampu - Penjelasan mengenai konsep uang

Beli mengenal - Latihan dengan menggunakan media

nominal uang uang mainan dan uang asli

5000, 10.000

dan 20.000

Agama (, Al- 1. Anak mampu Latihan membaca iqro’ 2 halaman

Qur’an, doa, membaca Iqro’ 2 32 dan seterusnya

wudhu, halaman 30 dan

sholat) seterusnya

2. Anak mampu Latihan menghafal QS Al-Fajr

menghafal QS Al-


3. Anak mampu - Latihan menghafal do’a untuk kedua

menghafal do’a orang tua dan do’a masuk masjid

untuk kedua - Pembiasaan berdo’a setiap hari

orang tua dan

do’a masuk keluar


4. Anak mampu - Memahamkan pada anak untuk sholat

sholat dengan dengan tertib

tertib - Mengingatkan setiap hari pada anak

untuk sholat dengan tertib



ADL 1. Anak mampu - Latihan melipat baju dengan rapi

melipat baju - Pembiasaan melipat baju dengan rapi

dengan rapi

2. Anak mampu - Latihan membuang sampah pada

membuang tempatnya

sampah pada - Pembiasaan membuang sampah pada

tempatnya tempatnya

3. Anak mampu - Latihan mencuci muka

mencuci muka - Pembiasaan mencuci muka setiap hari

Emosi dan - Anak mampu Pengenalan ekspresi wajah dengan

Perilaku menunjukkan kartu gambar.

ekspresi wajah

dengan tepat

- Anak mampu - Latihan membedakan perilaku yang

membedakan baik dan buruk

perilaku yang baik - Pembiasaan mengenal perilaku yang

dan buruk baik dan buruk setiap hari

Giving Anak mampu - Latihan meraut pensil

Contribution membuat kaligrafi - Latihan membuat kaligrafi sederhana

dari bekas rautan - Latihan menggunakan lem


Sukoharjo, 11 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd.

NIK. 153.01 NIK. 0205.04


Standar penulisan :

Kertas A4

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Semester II Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

Nama Siswa : Ahmad Maulana Roslan

Kelas : X / IPS

Sumber Waktu
No Mata Pelajaran Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Media Evaluasi
Belajar Pelaksanaan

1. Bahasa Inggris 1. Direction and Location a. Mengetahui Arah dan lokasi dalam Buku Paket Buku, Setiap Jam Tertulis dan

(Arah dan Lokasi) bahasa inggris Bahasa Internet, Pelajaran Lisan

Inggris Kelas Media Bahasa

b. Menghafal Arah dan lokasi dalam
6 SD Sosial, dan Inggris
bahasa inggris


2. Holiday (Hari Libur) a. Menghafal kosakata materi Holiday

b. Membuat kalimat sederhana

tentang holiday

3. Describing People and a. Menghafal kosakata materi

Object (Mendeskripsikan Describing People and Object

orang dan objek) b. Mendeskripsikan orang melalui


4. Shopping (Berbelanja) a. Menghafal kosakata materi


b. Memahami dan menerjemahkan

bacaan tentang holiday

5. Ownership (Kepemilikan) a. Menghafal kosakata materi


b. Membuat kalimat sederhana

tentang kepemilikan dengan baik

dan benar

Sukoharjo, 11 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd..

NIK. 185.01 NIK. 0205.04



Semester II Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

Nama Siswa : Venra Tryas Sutanto

Kelas : X / IPS

1. Bahasa Inggris 1. Direction and Location a. Mengetahui Arah dan lokasi dalam Buku Paket Buku, Setiap Jam Tertulis dan

(Arah dan Lokasi) bahasa inggris Bahasa Internet, Pelajaran Lisan

Inggris Kelas Media Bahasa

b. Menghafal Arah dan lokasi dalam
6 SD Sosial, dan Inggris
bahasa inggris

2. Holiday (Hari Libur) a. Menghafal kosakata materi Holiday

b. Membuat kalimat sederhana

3. Describing People and tentang holiday

Object (Mendeskripsikan a. Menghafal kosakata materi

orang dan objek) Describing People and Object

b. Mendeskripsikan orang melalui


4. Shopping (Berbelanja)

a. Menghafal kosakata materi


b. Memahami dan menerjemahkan

bacaan tentang holiday

5. Ownership (Kepemilikan)

a. Menghafal kosakata materi


b. Membuat kalimat sederhana

tentang kepemilikan dengan baik

dan benar

Sukoharjo, 11 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd.

NIK. 185.01 NIK. 0205.04



Semester II Tahun Ajaran 2019/ 2020

Nama Siswa : Muhammad Dzulfikar Baihaqi

Kelas : X IPS

Sumber Waktu
No Mata Pelajaran Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Media Evaluasi
Belajar Pelaksanaan

1. Bahasa Inggris 1. Introducing a) Membaca dialog perkenalan Buku paket Buku, Setiap Tertulis, lisan,
(30%) b) Menulis kembali dialog perkenalan Bahasa internet, pelajaran dan praktek
c) Mempraktekan perkenalan
Inggris kelas Video Bahasa

3 SD Pearson Inggris
2. Our School

a) Menyebutkan warga sekolah dengan dan media
bahasa inggris sosial
b) Menyebutkan benda-benda di

lingkungan sekolah dengan bahasa


c) Menyebutkan tempat di lingkungan

3. How do You Feel sekolah dengan bahasa inggris

a) Menghafal kosakata bahasa inggris

yang berkaitan dengan perasaan


4. What are you doing b) Menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan perasaan

a) Menghafal kosakata yang berkaitan

dengan materi “What are you doing”

5. My Daily Activities

b) Menjawab pertanyaan dari materi

“What are you doing”

a) Menghafal kosakata yang berkaitan

6. Helping Mummy
dengan materi “My Daily Activities”

b) Menjawab pertanyaan dari materi “My

Daily Activities”

a) Menghafal kosakata yang berkaitan

dengan materi “Helping Mummy”

b) Menjawab pertanyaan dari materi

“Helping Mummy”

Sukoharjo, 11 Januari 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Pendamping Khusus

Muslimin, S.Pd. Roi Puguh Miftachul Rochman, S.Pd.

NIK. 153.01 NIK. 0205.04



1. First Observation class

Name of teacher : Mr. Roi Puguh

Time : Tuesday, 4th February 2020

The researcher did the observation in the tenth-grade students of SMA

Al-Firdaus Surakarta on Tuesday, 4th February 2020, the researcher came to

the class with Mr. Roi as the shadow teacher and also English teacher. After

entering the class, the teacher allowed the researcher to sit beside the students

to observe the teaching learning process. The English classroom in this meeting

study about school. The teacher opens the class with saying basmallah together

and pray together with the students, and then presenting about material today

and wrote some vocabularies in the paper and some of vocabulary’s said by

students. Student and teacher translated vocabularies together. The teacher

managed of class during process teaching and learning. The teacher also

explained job some of part at the school. Teacher gave example how to

pronounce, they read vocabulary together. Teacher also gave opportunity for

students to read vocabulary and corrected by another friend and teacher.

Teacher emphasized the students that pronounce must clear. All of the students

had read of vocabulary they wrote the vocabulary in the book. The teacher gave

example how to match the correct pairs and how to arrange scramble words.

Before matching the correct pairs, students must know the meaning in

Indonesia. When the students had understood they work assignment very well.

Each answer was written in the book so teacher gave correct if the answer false

and gave correct answers. At the end of the class the teacher gave correction

on some mistakes made by the students particularly in pronunciation, spelling

and teacher also gave conclusion about material today.

Teacher gave example how to pronounce and write it. When the

students had understood how to pronounce, they read vocabulary together.

Teacher also gave all opportunity for students in front of class to read

vocabulary and corrected by another friend and teacher.

Teacher emphasized the students that pronounce must clear. All of the

students had read of vocabulary they wrote the vocabulary in a book. The

teacher gave example how to match the correct pairs. Before matching the

correct pairs, the sentence must translate so easy to find pairs. When the

students had understood they work assignment. They would be matching the

correct word. They worked assignment very good and quickly. The answer was

written in the book so teacher can give correction if the answer mistake. At the

end of the lesson, the teacher gave correction on some mistakes made by the

students particularly in pronunciation, and teacher also gave conclusion about

topic today.

After that, the teacher closed the class by asking the students to say

Alhamdulillah and then He said leaving greeting and the students give

response. Finally, Mr.Roi and I leave the class.

2. Second Observation class


Name of teacher : Mr. Roi Puguh

Time : Tuesday, 11th February 2020

The researcher did the observation on Tuesday, 11 th February 2020.

The teacher opens the class with saying basmallah together and pray together

with the students, and then presenting about material today, the meeting began

teacher bring some picture or usually we called flashcard about daily activities,

the teacher gives explanation to the students’, after that teacher asked the

students about the pictures and the students must identify picture, spelling and

pronunciation based on picture and student’s memorization. All of picture had

name and they were translated together. Students wrote vocabulary in him

book. They read together and they repeated of the word until the pronunciation

was clear and the teacher gave correct if found mistake. Teacher gave example

how doing jumbled words. Every student must know the meaning, spelling and

pronunciation, and then the teacher gives students assignment, teacher checked

students’ assignment. In the classroom, there were many students that so must

active to control students so teacher must manage class during process teaching

and learning so the classes condition had fun. All of answers were written in a

paper and each student compared with their answer and wrote correct answer

if incorrect. At the ends of class teacher asked students to say their favourite

activities and gave conclusion about the lesson today.

After that, the teacher closed the class by asking the students to say

Alhamdulillah and then He said leaving greeting and the students give

response. Finally, Mr.Roi and I leave the class.


3. Third Observation class

Name of teacher : Mr. Roi Puguh

Time : Tuesday, 18th February 2020

The researcher did the observation on Tuesday, 18 th February 2020,

The English classroom meeting today, study about direction and location. The

teacher opens the class with praying together and then the teacher presenting

and give explanation about direction and location, teacher also gives the

students vocabulary “How to ask direction or location and How to answers

question about direction and location” After that the teacher asked the

students to come and then answers the teacher question about location (the

location just around the school, example : library, mosque, language class,

science classroom, etc). The teacher writes and read the words again and then

translate it into Indonesia. And then the teacher makes a game, the teacher

asked the students to role play and doing conversation about direction and

location. The class so fun and the teacher also give advice to the students to

always memorize a lot vocabulary. In the last activity, the teacher gave the

conclusion about the material for that day.

After that, the teacher closed the class by asking the students to say

Alhamdulillah and then He said leaving greeting and the students give

response. Finally, Mr.Roi and I leave the class.

4. Fourth Observation class

Name of teacher : Mr. Roi Puguh

Time : Tuesday, 25th February 2020


The researcher did the observation on Wednesday, 25 th February

2020, The English classroom meeting today, study about public place. First,

the teacher opens the class by saying Basmalah together and also praying

together and then the teacher presenting and give explanation about public

place to the students’ with playing learning video. In this video the students

can see picture, can hear how to pronounce the word, and also the students

can do exercise from the application learning video from Pearson. The teacher

and student play the video together, and then they are pronouncing it together

and also with repetition, and the students will try to do the exercise with the

teacher. The teacher asked the students about favourite place. The class so fun

and the teacher also give advice to the students to always memorize a lot

vocabulary. In the last activity, the teacher gave the conclusion about the

material for that day.

After that, the teacher closed the class by asking the students to say

Alhamdulillah and then He said leaving greeting and the students give

response. Finally, Mr.Roi and I leave the class






No NIS Name M/F

1 17180646 Aathifah Azzahra Ratnamaya Syifa F

2 16170585 Ahmad Maulana Roslan M

3 16170564 Arkautar Yogaraksa M

4 16170569 Ferasta Wira Wibawa M

5 16170589 Khairunnisa Sheila Ruhananto F

6 17180652 Muh. Daffa Al Farisi M

7 19200721 Muh. Praditya Arifian Zein M

8 16170607 Muhammad Dzulfikar Baihaqi M

9 16170604 Muhammad Sabiq Baqiyyatullah M

10 16170586 Nabila Afra Pramudita F

11 16170575 Respati Ahmad Bilal Akbar Pambudi M

12 16170593 Rizky Muhammad Firmansyah M

13 16170594 Roy Rewanta M

14 16170563 Venra Tryas Sutanto M

15 16170573 Zahria Harum Prasetiati F

M: 11 F: 4


No NIS Name M/F

1 16170582 Ayu Hari Murti F

2 16170590 Ilyas Wahyu Bharata M

3 16170592 Keyla Ceceliananda Putri F

4 16170587 Nindyanto Roid Yan Putranto M

5 16170576 Rafizanur Andhara Imania F

6 16170566 Wildan Rakai Fajar Dewantara M

7 16170567 Yafi Nugraha Hasa Wardhana M

8 16170577 Fabian Farell Oktaviano M

M:5 F: 3


Date : Monday, November 11th,2019

Place : SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta

Interviewee : Mr. Roi Puguh

Interviewer : Anisa Frisca Maharani (the researcher)

The conversation was between Mr. Roi Puguh and the researcher

below. The conversation was about the teaching vocabulary at the

tenth- grade students of SMA Al-Firdaus Surakarta. The interview

focusses on the strategies used by the teacher in teaching English


The Researcher : Selamat Siang Mr. Roi, boleh saya mulai wawancara?

Mr. Roi : Iya, boleh silahkan

The Researcher : Bagaimana proses pembelajaran Bahasa inggris di X IPS lebih

tepatnya ketika mengajar vocabulary terhadap siswa mental

retardation yang di ampu?

Mr. Roi : Sesuai dengan kondisi anak jadi saya menurunkan grade materi

yang diajarkan kepada mereka, karena materi di kelas berbeda

dengan materi yang saya ajarkan terhadap anak mental

retardation, saya biasanya pull out bersama anak-anak. Dan

seperti biasanya saya setiap hari memberikan 20 kosa kata baru,

tapi sebelum memulai kosa kata yang baru saya menyuruh

mereka menyebutkan kosa kata yang mereka inga di pelajaran


The Researcher : Adakah kendala ketika bapak menjalankan system seperti ini?

Mr. Roi : Kalau kendala pada setiap siswa ada, karena memang memiliki

tingkat retardasi yang berbeda-beda. Untuk Ananda Alan

hamper tidak ada kendala, tapi pada Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi

ada kendala, seperti pada Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi karena

sulit mengingat kosa kata, hari ini hafal tapi besok sudah lupa,

tapi jika saya membuat pembelajaran dengan games dan puzzle,

setidaknya Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi bisa mengingat 5 kosa

kata dalam waktu yang lama.

The Researcher : Apa ketika pelajaran berlangsung siswa tetap bisa fokus pada

pembelajaran atau kadang kurang focus?

Mr. Roi : Tergantung dengan lokasinya, mereka lebih nyaman belajar di

luar kelas, karena memang materi yang diberikan berbeda

dengan materi yang dikelas.

The Researcher : Pada saat pembelajaran Bahasa inggris, adakah skill yang lebih

ditekankan untuk siswa?

Mr. Roi : Untuk skill yang ditekankan adalah speaking, maka siswa

diberikan banyak vocabulary. Setelah siswa diberi kosa kata, di

perhatikan siswa untuk cara pengucapan dan penulisannya.

Diharapkan siswa dapaat berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa

inggris, dan menggunakan kosa kata yang di berikan guru

berdasarkan situasi nya.

The Researcher : Strategy apa saja yang digunakan untuk mengajar vocabulary

dan bagaimana implementasinya terhdap siswa saat kegiatan

belajar mengajar berlangsung?


Mr. Roi : untuk strategi pengajaran vocabulary saya biasanya

menggunakan flashcard, games, puzzle, saya meminta siswa

membawa kamus saat pelajaran jadi jika tidak tahu artinya bisa

langsung mencari di kamus, saya berusaha memberikan

penyampaian yang menyenangkan kepada siswa agar siswa

lebih mudah memahami materi yang saya ajarkan.

The Researcher : Apakah siswa merasa lebih mudah ketika pembelajaran

menggunakan strategi?

Mr. Roi : Iya alhamdulillah siswa lebih mudah ketika menggunakan

strategi tersebut, terutama untuk Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi

yang susah mengingat.

The Researcher : Selama mengajar adakah kendala yang bapak alami ketika


Mr. Roi : Alhamdulillah belum ada kendala yang berat, hanya mungkin

siswa susah untuk focus. Karena sekarang saya beri peratutan,

semisal siswa telat masuk kelas, maka siswa akan mendapat

punishment berupa push-up atau hafalan ayat.

The Researcher : Masalah apa yang muncul ketika mengajar vocabulary terhadap

siswa? Bagaimana dengan pronunciation siswa?

Mr. Roi : Masalahnya dulu saya pernah mencoba menaikkan level game

nya, untuk game memilih kata, Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi agak

kesulitan karena siswa kurang mampu memahami tulisannya

yang banyak, jadi memang game nya harus dibuat yang simple.

Untuk pronunciationnya Ananda Alan lebih baik


pronunciationnya sedangkan Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi masih


The Researcher : Untuk assessment siswa bagaimana? Dengan tugas, daily

activity atau tes?

Mr. Roi : Melalui tes

The Researcher : Apakah kalua tes siswa tidak open book dan mengerjakan


Mr. Roi : Tidak open book dan saya menyuruh mereka untuk duduk

berjauhan, untuk tes saya juga membuat soal nya sama dengan

seperti game, semisal ada 20 vocabulary lalu saya menyuruh

mereka membaca Bersama sama dulu, dan saya benarkan

pronounciationnya baru saya menyuruh mereka menghafal 5

kosa kata lagi, kalua sudah hafal say ates dengan game itu,

kemudian saya lihat dari hasil tesnya. Kalau benar semua saya

tambahkan lagi mengingat 5 kosa kata baru lagi, lalu saya buat

tes berupa puzzle itu tapi dengan system acak. 5 kosa kata awal

saya acak dan 5 kosa kata baru.

The Researcher : Metode apa sajakah yang pernah bapak gunakan untuk


Mr. Roi : Menggunakan metode TPR, biasanya saya gunakan untuk

memancing siswa supaya mengingat kosa kata yang minggu

lalu saya berikan. Semisal waktu materi describing people dan

saya menyebutkan kosa kata fat lalu saya mempraktekkan gaya

orang gemuk, terus warna rambut, saya menyebutkan kosa kata

black hair, sambal menunjuk rambut siswa. Metode lainnya


yang pernah saya gunakan yaitu metode audio-lingual method

tapi hanya dengan cara saya dekte kan kata dalam Bahasa

inggris tapi yang menangkap dengan baik Ananda Alan 70%

dan Ananda Venra dan Baihaqi 30%.

The Researcher : Baik, Terimaksaih bapak telah bersedia saya wawancarai

Mr. Roi : Sama-sama mbak, semoga lancer penelitiannya

The Researcher : Aamiin





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