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4, DECEMBER 2008 1073

Enhanced Control and Operation of DFIG-Based

Wind Farms During Network Unbalance
Lie Xu, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper investigates the control and operation of

doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind generation sys-
tems under unbalanced voltage conditions. DFIG system behaviors
under unbalanced voltage are analyzed and different control tar-
gets are discussed. A new rotor current control strategy containing
a main controller and an auxiliary controller is proposed. The main
controller is implemented in the positive (dq)+ frame without
involving positive/negative sequence decomposition, whereas the
auxiliary controller is implemented in the negative (dq)− frame
with negative sequence current extracted. The impact of provid-
ing unbalanced control on converter voltage rating is investigated. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a DFIG-based wind generation system.
Simulation results using EMTDC/PSCAD are presented for a
2-MW DFIG wind generation system to validate the proposed con-
trol scheme and to demonstrate the enhanced system operation
during “small” steady state and “large” transient unbalances. I. INTRODUCTION
IND TURBINES based on doubly fed induction gen-
Index Terms—Control design, converter, doubly fed induction
generator (DFIG), modeling, unbalance, wind turbine. W erators (DFIG), as schematically shown in Fig. 1, have
been widely used for large-scale wind generation systems. The
steady-state response and performance of DFIG-based wind tur-
NOMENCLATURE bines are now well understood [1]–[3]. For most of the studies
V s, V r Stator, rotor voltage vector. reported, symmetrical stator voltage supply was assumed dur-
Is, Ir Stator, rotor current vector. ing normal conditions and network disturbances. However, both
ψs , ψr Stator, rotor flux linkage vector. transmission and distribution networks can have “small” steady
ω s , ωr Stator, rotor angular frequency. state and “large” transient voltage unbalances. If DFIG con-
Ps , Qs Stator output, active and reactive power. trol systems do not take into account the voltage unbalance,
Lm Mutual inductance. the stator currents can become highly unbalanced even with the
Lσs , Lσr Stator, rotor leakage inductance. small voltage unbalance. The unbalanced currents create un-
Ls , Lr Stator, rotor self-inductance. equal heating on the stator windings, and oscillations of torque
R s , Rr Stator, rotor resistance. and output power. It has been found that wind farms connected
θ s , θr Stator flux, rotor angle. to distribution networks periodically experience higher voltage
Superscripts unbalance of greater than 2%, and this has caused a large number
+, − Positive, negative (dq) reference frame. of trips [4].
∗ Reference value for controller. System control and operation of DFIG under the unbalanced
∧ Conjugate complex. network conditions have been studied in [5]–[9]. However, in [5]
Subscripts and [6], the study was limited on controlling the grid-side con-
α, β Stationary α–β axis. verter to provide similar functions as a STATCOM [10]. Con-
αr , βr Rotor αr –βr axis. trol of DFIG for the compensating torque pulsation under un-
d, q Synchronous d–q axis. balanced supply voltage was investigated in [7] and [8]. The
s, r Stator, rotor. required rotor compensating voltage was generated either from
+, − Positive, negative components. the calculated compensating currents [7] or directly from the
torque pulsation [8], both oscillating at twice the network fre-
quency. Thus, the controllers must be carefully tuned to provide
the required system response at double the supply frequency.
Xu and Wang [9] provided a detailed investigation into the im-
pact of unbalanced stator voltage on the pulsations of stator
Manuscript received April 27, 2007. Current version published November and rotor currents, torque, and stator active and reactive pow-
21, 2008. This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physi-
cal Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), U.K. under Grant EP/D029775/1. ers. A dual current controller based on separate loops for the
Paper no. TEC-0007-2007. positive and negative sequence components was used to control
The author is with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, the rotor positive and negative sequence currents. Due to the
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XW, U.K. (e-mail: lie.xu@eee.strath. time delays introduced by decomposing the sequence compo-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2008.2001452 nents, such design can affect the overall system stability and
0885-8969/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of a DFIG in an arbitrary reference frame rotating

at a speed of ω.

Fig. 3. Relationships between the (αβ), (α r β r ), and the (dq)+ and (dq)−
reference frames.

dynamic response. Furthermore, significant modifications have

to be made to the conventional vector control scheme widely According to (2), the rotor flux and stator current can be
used in practical systems, and thus, makes it less likely to be expressed using the stator flux and rotor current as
adopted in the real systems.  
This paper investigates enhanced control and operation of the ψr = ψ s + σLr I r
DFIG system under unbalanced supply. A new rotor current con-
trol strategy is proposed that comprises a main and an auxiliary (ψ s − Lm I r )
Is = (3)
controller. The main controller is constructed in the same way Ls
as the conventional design without involving sequence compo-
nents separation in order to guarantee system stability and high where σ = 1 − L2m/(Lr Ls ) is the leakage factor.
dynamic response, while the auxiliary controller is specially Substituting (3) into (1) yields the rotor voltage in the arbitrary
designed to control the negative sequence current taking into rotating reference frame as
account the impact of the main controller on negative sequence  
components. The paper is organized as follows. Section II de- V r = Rr I r + σLr İ r + ψ̇ s
scribes the DFIG system behavior under the unbalanced supply.    
The principles of the proposed current controller are discussed Lm
+ j (ω − ωr ) σLr I r + ψs . (4)
in Section III, whereas the impact of stator voltage unbalance Ls
on the required converter voltage rating is investigated in
Under unbalanced conditions, a convenient way to model a
Section IV. Simulation results on a 2-MW DFIG system are
DFIG is to use a positive reference frame rotating at the speed
provided in Section V to demonstrate the feasibility of the
of ωs and a negative reference frame rotating at the speed of
proposed control strategy, and finally, Section VI draws the
−ωs [9]. The spatial relationships of various reference frames
are shown in Fig. 3. As shown, the d+ -axis is fixed to the positive
stator flux ψ s+ rotating at the speed of ωs , whereas the d− -axis
II. DFIG SYSTEM BEHAVIOR UNDER UNBALANCED VOLTAGE rotates at an angular speed of −ωs with the phase angle to the
α-axis being −θs .
A detailed study on the DFIG system behavior under unbal- According to Fig. 3, the transformation of vector F between
anced network supply has been provided in [9]. Thus, only a the (αβ), (αr βr ), (dq)+ , and (dq)− reference frames is given
brief description is given here. by

(dq ) = F (α β ) · e
F+ −j ω s t
, F−
(dq ) = F (α β ) · e
jωs t
A. DFIG Model −
(dq ) = F (dq ) · e
F+ −j 2ω s t
, F−
(dq ) = F (dq ) · e
+ j 2ω s t
Fig. 2 shows the generalized equivalent circuit of a DFIG
represented in an arbitrary reference frame rotating at an angular F (α r β r ) = F (α β ) · e−j θ r , F (α β ) = F (α r β r ) · ej θ r (5c)
speed of ω. Under the unbalanced stator voltage supply, the
stator and rotor voltages, currents, and flux may contain both where superscripts + and − refer to the positive (dq)+ and
positive and negative sequence components. According to Fig. 2, negative (dq)− frames, respectively.
the stator and rotor voltages and the flux, respectively, are given Although unbalanced, the positive and negative stator volt-
by ages can still be regarded as being constant. Thus, there are
d + d −
ψ = 0, ψ = 0. (6)
V s = Rs I s + ψ̇ s + jωψ s dt s+ dt s−
V r = Rr I r + ψ̇ r + j(ω − ωr )ψ r (1) Taking into account (6) and separating the system expressed
in (4) into positive sequence components in the (dq)+ reference
ψ s = Ls I s + Lm I r ψ r = Lr I r + Lm I s . (2)
frame and negative sequence components in the (dq)− reference

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frame yields a two-part DFIG model as According to Fig. 2, the electromagnetic power is given as
the sum of the active power absorbed by the equivalent voltage
+ Lm ωslip+ + 1
r+ − j
İ r + = A+ I + ψ s+ + V+ (7a) sources jωs ψ s and j(ωs − ωr )ψ r [9]
σLr Ls σLr r +
3 + +
− Lm ωslip− − 1 Pe = − Re[jωs ψ +s × Î s + j(ωs − ωr )ψ r × Î r ]
İ r − = A− I −
r− −j ψ s− + V− (7b) 2
σLr Ls σLr r −
3 Lm +
where ωslip+ = ωs − ωr , ωslip− = −ωs − ωr . A+ = −(Rr / = s × Î r ]
ωr Re[jψ +
2 Ls
σLr ) − jωslip+ and A− = −(Rr /σLr ) − jωslip− .
= Pe0 + Pe sin 2 · sin (2ωs t) + Pe cos 2 · cos (2ωs t) (13)
B. Active and Reactive Power Flow where
   − −

In the (dq) frame, the stator and rotor currents, voltages, and Pe0 −ψsq
+ +
ψsd −ψsq −
ψsd −
 − + 
+ +
 Pe sin 2  = 3Lm −
flux vectors F can be expressed using their respective positive ωr  ψsd −
ψsq −
−ψsq + 
and negative sequence components as 2Ls − −
Pe cos 2 −ψsq −
ψsd −
ψsd +
F+ = F+ + + −
+ + F− = F+ + F− · e
−j 2ω s t
. (8)  
Ir+d +
 Ir+q 
Taking into account the constant stator positive and negative ×  + . (14)
sequence voltages and neglecting the stator resistance, the stator  I− 
r d−
voltage and current given in (1) and (3) can be expressed in the Ir−q −
positive (dq)+ reference frame by considering (8) as [9]
The electromagnetic torque of the DFIG is calculated as
 + − −j 2ω s t

s = jωs ψ s + ψ̇ s = jωs ψ s+ − ψ s− · e
V+ +
(9) Pe
Te = (15)
1  +  Lm  +  (ωr /n)
s = ψ s+ + ψ −
s− · e
−j 2ω s t
− I r + +I −
r− · e
−j 2ω s t
Ls Ls where n is the number of pole pairs.
(10) The active power input to the rotor windings can also be
calculated based on the stator active and electromagnetic powers
Under the unbalanced conditions, the active power and the as
capacitive reactive power generated by the DFIG stator are cal-
culated as Pr = Ps −Pe = (Ps0 −Pe0 ) + (Ps sin 2 − Pe sin 2 ) sin (2ωs t)
3 + + (Ps sin 2 − Pe sin 2 ) cos (2ωs t) . (16)
Ps + jQs = − · V +
s × Î s . (11)
Substituting (9) and (10) into (11) and separating the active III. SYSTEM CONTROL
and reactive powers into different oscillating components yield A. Alternative Control Targets
Under the unbalanced network conditions, both the positive
Ps = Ps0 + Ps sin 2 · sin (2ωs t) + Ps cos 2 · cos (2ωs t) and negative currents need to be controlled. Apart from con-
trolling the average stator active and reactive powers, i.e., Ps0
Qs = Qs0 + Qs sin 2 · sin (2ωs t) + Qs cos 2 · cos (2ωs t) (12a) and Qs0 , shown in (12), two more parameters can be controlled.
where For instance, the system can be designed to operate according
   − −
 to one of the following control targets:
Ps0 −ψsq
+ +
ψsd ψsq −
−ψsd −
 + 
+ +
 Qs sin 2  = 3L ω − − Target 1. Balanced stator current.
m s
 ψsq − −ψsd +
ψsq + −ψsd + 
2Ls −
− Target 2. Constant stator active power, i.e., Ps sin 2 = 0 and

Qs cos 2 −ψsd −
−ψsq −
ψsd +
ψsq + Ps cos 2 = 0.
 +  Target 3. Constant electromagnetic torque, i.e., Pe sin 2 = 0 and
Ir d +
 Ir+q  Pe cos 2 = 0.
× I− 
+ 
(12b) Target 4. No rotor current oscillation, i.e., no rotor negative
r d− sequence current.
Ir−q − As the d+ -axis is fixed to the positive stator flux, i.e., ψsq
   − −
 +

Qs0 −ψsd
ψsd −
ψsq −
0, the reference values for the negative sequence d–q currents
s  
+ +
 Ps sin 2  = 3ω − − + + for the four different targets can be simplified and they are
 ψsd − ψsq −
ψ sd + ψ sq 
2Ls − −
synthesized in Table I [9].
Ps cos 2 −ψsq −
ψsd −
ψsq +
+ Apart from the four targets listed earlier, other targets are also
 +   +  possible such as contributing to the rebalancing of the network
ψsd + Ir d +
 ψsq
+   Ir+q  voltage, or simultaneous attenuations of both power and torque
×  +   + 
 ψ −  − Lm  I −  . (12c) oscillations. For instance, the rotor negative currents are given as
sd − r d− the average of these for Targets 2–3 to reduce the oscillations of

ψsq −
Ir−q −

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TABLE I where V + +
r 1 and V r 2 refer to the rotor control voltages produced
by the main and auxiliary controllers, respectively.
Using conventional decoupling control and without involving
any positive and negative sequence decomposition, V + r 1 of the
main controller is designed as
Lm ωslip+ +
r 1 = σLr U r 1 − σLr A+ I r + j
V+ + +
ψs (19)

+  +∗   
r 1 = İ r = kp1 I r + − I r + ki1
U+ r + − I r dt (20)
I +∗
+ +

and kp1 and ki1 are the proportional and integral gains of the
both active power and torque. According to Table I, the required main controller.
negative sequence currents are then given as Substituting (8) and (19) into (18) and splitting into positive
sequence and negative sequence subsystems yield

ψsd −
Ir−d − = −
, Ir−q − = −
. (17)  +∗   +∗ 
Lm Lm İ +
r+ = kp1 I r+ − I +
r+ + ki1 Ir+ − I+ r + dt (21a)

Equation (17) is identical to that for Target 1, shown in Table I. d  − 

This indicates that Target 1 not only removes any stator current I r − · e−j 2ω s t
unbalance but also gives good attenuations of both power and 
torque oscillations. = −kp1 I − r− · e−j 2ω s t
− ki1 I r − · e−j 2ω s t dt

1  − −j 2ω s t  2ωs Lm  − 
B. Proposed Control Design + V r2 · e +j ψ s− · e−j 2ω s t .
σLr σLr Ls
The main requirement for the control system is to regulate
the Ir+d + , Ir+q + , Ir−d − , and Ir−q − to follow their respective varying
reference points. Typical control design would use two current Equation (21a) represents the dynamics of the positive se-
controllers based on (7a) and (7b), i.e., a positive sequence quence currents and appropriate selection of kp1 and ki1 can
controller in the (dq)+ frame and a negative sequence controller provide the required control. Alternatively, (21b) gives the dy-
in the (dq)− frame [9]. Both positive and negative sequence namics of the negative sequence currents with the auxiliary
components have to be decomposed from the voltages, flux, controller. Without causing significant impact on the system dy-
and currents. As the process of extracting positive and negative namics (21b) can be simplified by neglecting the integral term
sequence components involves considerable time delay and adds as
amplitude and phase errors to the signals, the system cannot be
− 1 2ωs Lm −
decoupled under the transient conditions. Therefore, the system İ −
r − = A2 I r − + V− +j ψ (22)
performance and stability are degraded. Furthermore, even when σLr r 2 σLr Ls s−
the network is perfectly balanced, the control system still has where A2 = −kp1 + j2ωs .
to decompose the current and flux and perform positive and Based on (22), the control system for the auxiliary controller
negative sequence currents control. This unnecessarily affects can then be designed using decoupling control in the similar
the dynamic performance of the overall system. way as for the main controller. Thus, in the (dq)− reference
In order to overcome the problems highlighted, a new DFIG frame, extracting the negative sequence components and Vr−2 is
control strategy is adopted in this paper. The control system then given by
contains a main controller and an auxiliary controller. The main
2ωs Lm −
controller is implemented in the (dq)+ frame without involving V− − −
r 2 = σLr U r 2 − σLr A2 I r − − j ψ s− (23)
positive and negative sequence separation, i.e., it is designed Ls
in the same way as the conventional method without consid- where
ering network unbalance. The auxiliary controller is specially 
designed for controlling the negative sequence current and is U−
r2 = İ r − = kp2 I −∗
r− − I−
r− + ki2 I −∗ −
r − − I r − dt
implemented in the (dq)− frame with negative sequence com- (24)
ponents extracted. and kp2 and ki2 are the proportional and integral gains of the
Based on (4), under the unbalanced conditions, a DFIG sys- auxiliary controller.
tem can be represented in the (dq)+ frame as The overall rotor control voltage is the combination of the
Lm ωslip+ + 1 Lm outputs from the main and the auxiliary controllers. According
r = A+ I r −j (V +
+ +
İ + ψs + r 1 +V r 2 )+ ψ̇ + to Fig. (3) and (5), in the rotor frame, it is given as
σLr Ls σLr σLr Ls s
(18) j (θ s −θ r )
+V− j (−θ s −θ r )
r1 · e
V r (α r β r ) = V + r2 · e . (25)

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voltage limit (RVL) block is used to scale the output from the
auxiliary controller if the voltage limit is exceeded. Under such
a condition, the RVL scales the voltage output from the auxiliary
controller according to the converter voltage capability and the
main controller output, such that the voltage requirement from
the main controller is always met. Space vector modulation
(SVM) [11] is then used to produce the switching patterns for
the rotor-side converter to control the DFIG.


Under the unbalanced voltage conditions, the rotor-side con-
verter needs to generate adequate positive and negative sequence
voltages to control the positive and negative sequence currents.
Consequently, the maximum rotor voltage required will increase
compared with the system under the balanced supply.
Under the steady state conditions, the d–q currents can be
regarded as being constant. Thus, according to (7), the required
rotor voltages are given as
V r + = −σLr A+ I r + + j
+ +
ωslip+ ψ +s+ (26)
V−r− = −σL A I
r − r−

+ j ωslip− ψ −
s− . (27)
For the positive components, since the d+ -axis is fixed to
s+ , neglecting the rotor-resistive voltage drop and considering
the relationship between the stator flux and voltage, (26) can be
simplified as
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the proposed control system. (a) Overall system
control structure. (b) Proposed current controller.
Vr+d + ≈ −ωslip+ σLr Ir+q +
Lm ωslip+ +
Vr+q + ≈ ωslip+ σLr Ir+d + + Vs+ . (28)
C. System Implementation Ls ωs
Fig. 4(a) shows the schematic diagram of the overall control Due to the small value of σ, there is |Vr+q + |  |Vr+d + |. Thus,
system while Fig. 4(b) illustrates the proposed current controller. the amplitude of the required rotor positive voltage can be ap-
As shown in Fig. 4(a), a voltage unbalance detector (VUD) proximated as
detects the network unbalance and determines whether to switch    
 +   Lm ωslip+ + 
on the auxiliary controller. The VUD constantly monitors the Vr + ≈ Vr q +  = ωslip+ σLr Ir d + +
+ +
Vs+  . (29)
amplitudes of the negative and positive sequence components of Ls ωs
the source voltage. If the ratio between the negative and positive Similarly, according to (27), the amplitude of the negative
sequence voltage components exceeds a predefined threshold, sequence rotor voltages is given by
say 1%, the VUD switches on the auxiliary controller. Thus,  2  2
under the normal conditions with very small voltage unbalance, −
Vr − = Vr−d − + Vr−q − (30a)
the auxiliary controller is disabled and the system is controlled
in the same way as with conventional design. When voltage Lm ωslip− −
unbalanced is detected, the auxiliary controller is immediately Vr−d − ≈ −ωslip− σLr Ir−q − + V
Ls ωs sd −
switched ON and the positive and negative sequence current
Lm ωslip− −
references are generated according to the active power/torque, Vr−q − ≈ ωslip− σLr Ir−d − + V . (30b)
reactive power, and the preselected control target. Ls ωs sq −
As shown in Fig. 4(b), the generated current references are Equations (29) and (30) show that the required rotor voltage
passed to the main and the auxiliary controllers to generate the is mainly dependent on the stator voltage and the rotor operating
required rotor control voltage. Due to the limited voltage rating slip. However, different load conditions and control targets that
of the rotor-side converter, the overall voltage requirement from result in different positive and negative sequence currents can
the main and auxiliary controllers may exceed the converter’s also affect the required rotor voltage rating. As |ωslip− /ωs | > 1
capability. In order not to interfere with the normal operation and |ωslip+ /ωs | < 1, compensating the stator negative sequence
of the DFIG system, as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), a rotor voltage requires a higher rotor voltage.

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Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the simulated system.

Simulations of the proposed control strategy with different
control targets for a 2-MW DFIG system, whose parameters
are given in Table II, were carried out using Power Systems
Computer-Aided Design (PSCAD)/EMTDC. Fig. 6 shows the
schematic diagram of the implemented system. The nominal
converter dc voltage Vdc is 1200 V and SVM is used for both
Fig. 5. Variations of rotor voltage requirement for different √ rotor slip and converters with the switching frequencies being 2 kHz. The
stator voltage unbalances: (It is assumed V s−d − = V s−q − = V s−− / 2). main objective of the grid-side converter is to control the dc link
voltage and it is controlled using the same method as for the dc
voltage controller in a VSC transmission system [12]. As shown
According to (25), the positive rotor voltage appears at the in Fig. 6, a single-phase resistive load is used to generate the
rotor terminals as the fundamental component with a frequency voltage unbalance.
of (ωr − ωs ), while for the negative sequence rotor voltage, At the first instance, the DFIG’s rotor speed was fixed, as the
it superimposes on to the fundamental component with a fre- large inertia of wind turbines resulted in slow changes of rotor
quency of (ωr + ωs ). Thus, the maximum required rotor voltage speed. Fig. 7 compares the simulated results with the conven-
amplitude is given as tional and the proposed control method. The stator voltage had
Vr (m ax) = Vr++ + Vr−− . (31) a steady state unbalance of around 4% and the rotor speed was
1.1 p.u. with the synchronous speed defined as 1 unit. The av-
For a 2-MW DFIG system whose parameters are shown in erage stator active and reactive powers were set at 2 MW and
Table II, Fig. 5 illustrates the impact of the stator voltage un- 0 MVar, respectively. During 0–0.2 s, the conventional con-
balance on the rotor voltage requirements for different rotor trol without considering network unbalance was used, i.e., the
operating slips. It is assumed that the positive stator voltage auxiliary controller was disabled. The auxiliary controller was
is 1 per unit (p.u.) and the stator active and reactive powers switched ON at 0.2 s with Target 1 being selected. The control
are 1 and 0.3 p.u. (leading power factor of 0.95), respectively. target was then changed to Target 2 at 0.4 s, Target 3 at 0.6 s,
The negative sequence currents were calculated according to and Target 4 at 0.8 s, respectively. As shown in Fig. 7, with con-
the requirement of Target 2. Fig. 5 clearly shows that under the ventional control during 0–0.2 s, the stator currents were highly
unbalanced supply, the voltage rating of the rotor-side converter unbalanced. Similarly, the stator active and reactive powers,
needs to be increased in order to perform the negative sequence and the electromagnetic torque all contained significant 100 Hz
current control. The higher the rotor slip and voltage unbalance, oscillations. The three-phase rotor currents had both the 5-Hz
the bigger the converter rating required. For other control tar- fundamental component (positive slip, i.e., 55 Hz – 50 Hz) and
gets that result in different rotor negative currents, the required the 105-Hz harmonic component (negative slip, i.e., 55 Hz +
rotor voltages were found to be similar to those shown in Fig. 5. 50 Hz). Once the auxiliary controller was enabled, as can be seen
This is due to the factor that the rotor current contributions in- from Fig. 7(c)–(e), both the positive and negative sequence cur-
dicated by the first terms on the right-hand side of (30b) are rents were controlled precisely by the proposed control design
much smaller than the stator voltage contributions indicated by and the interactions between them were minimum. The tracking
the second terms. of the negative sequence currents was satisfactory during the
If SVM is used, the maximum modulation index is 1.15 before switching of various control targets that resulted in the varia-
overmodulation [11]. Thus, the maximum amplitude of the rotor tions of their respective reference values. Fig. 7(i) also shows
phase voltage that can be generated is 0.575 Vdc , where Vdc that controlling the negative sequence current required a large
is the converter dc voltage. As indicated in Section III, if the negative sequence voltage that appeared as the 21st harmonic.
required rotor control voltage exceeds this limit, the RVL would For different control targets, the measured stator current un-
limit the output voltage from the auxiliary control, and thus, the balance, the rotor current ratio between the 105 Hz (21st)
converter will not be able to provide full control of the negative harmonic and the 5 Hz fundamental component, the 100 Hz
sequence currents. pulsations of the stator active and reactive powers, the torque,

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Fig. 7. Simulated results with different control targets. (a) Stator current (in
kiloampere). (b) Rotor current (in kiloampere). (c) Rotor positive d–q axis
current (in kiloampere). (d) Rotor negative d-axis current (in kiloampere). Fig. 8. Simulation results with single-phase voltage dip applied between 0.1
(e) Rotor negative q-axis current (in kiloampere). (f) Stator active and reac- and 0.3 s, voltage unbalance 9.5%. (A) Conventional control. (B) Proposed
tive powers (in megavolt ampere). (g) DFIG electromagnetic torque (in per control (Target 3).
unit). (h) Converter dc voltage. (i) Rotor voltage modulation signal.
an oscillation on system control was found to be negligible as
and the dc voltage are compared in Table III. As can be seen precise control of both the rotor currents and the currents for
from Fig. 7 and Table III, the defined objectives of the various the grid-side converter (not shown due to space limitation) had
control targets have been fully achieved. Target 1 not only min- been obtained. For practical systems, the selection of the control
imized the stator negative sequence current but also gave good target will be highly dependent on the design of the wind turbines
attenuations of both power and torque oscillations. Similar tests and the operation of the network. Nevertheless, by adopting one
for different rotor speeds have also been carried out and the of the control targets and the proposed current control scheme,
system performances were found to be similar to those shown the overall system operation can be greatly enhanced during
in Fig. 7. Due to the space limitation, they are not shown here. network unbalance.
Since the active power exchange between the DFIG and the Tests on system control and operation during transient net-
rotor-side converter contained 100 Hz oscillation, the common work unbalance were also carried out and the results are shown
dc voltage had also 100 Hz oscillation. The impact of such in Figs. 8 and 9 for voltage unbalances of 9.5% and 17.5%,

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Fig. 9. Simulation results with single-phase voltage dip applied between 0.1
and 0.3 s, voltage unbalance 17.5%. (A) Conventional control. (B) Proposed Fig. 10. Simulated results with torque variation. (a) Rotor current (in kilo-
control (Target 3). ampere). (b) Stator active and reactive power (in megavolt ampere). (c) Rotor
voltage modulation signal. (d) Electromagnetic torque (in per unit). (e) Rotor
mechanical speed (in per unit).

respectively. Again, the rotor speed was fixed at 1.1 p.u. The
voltage unbalances were induced by switching in a single-phase control during a relatively large voltage unbalance of 17.5%.
load between 0.1 and 0.3 s. As shown, Fig. 8(A) and (B) com- As can be seen from Fig. 9(B), due to the limited converter
pares the system responses between the conventional control voltage rating, it was unable to control the negative sequence
and the proposed method with Target 3. With the proposed con- currents precisely. Nevertheless, with the proposed control, the
trol, when the unbalance occurred at 0.1 s, it was immediately oscillations of the torque, power, and stator and rotor currents
detected by the VUD. Consequently, the auxiliary controller was were significantly reduced compared to that under conventional
automatically switched ON. Thus, the negative sequence currents control and this can be further observed in Table IV. Tests with
were quickly regulated according to the Target 3 requirements. larger voltage unbalance and other control targets have been
Comparing Fig. 8(A) and (B), it can be seen that with the pro- found to give similar trends as these shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
posed control system, the operation of the system during such a However, the larger the voltage unbalance is, the less significant
transient network unbalance was much smoother with reduced the proposed control becomes due to the converter voltage limit.
torque and current oscillations. After the removal of the voltage Similarly, a larger rotor slip also reduces the ability of the con-
unbalance, the negative sequence controller was automatically verter to provide negative sequence current control. During se-
switched OFF and the system was back to the normal control vere voltage unbalance, the rotor-side converter may experience
mode. overcurrent/overvoltage and conventional protective measures
As shown in Section IV, for larger voltage unbalance, the such as rotor crowbar can be used to meet the fault ride through
required rotor voltage may exceed the capability of the rotor- requirement [13].
side converter. Consequently, it is not possible to fully control System responses of the proposed control strategy during
the negative sequence currents. Fig. 9(A) and (B) compares the variations of DFIG speed and torque were also studied and the
system response with the conventional control and the proposed results are shown in Fig. 10. The input mechanical torque and

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a conventional DFIG control system that results in excessive Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, U.K., and also
with ALSTOM T&D, Stafford, U.K., from 2001 to
oscillations of the stator active and reactive powers, electro- 2003. His current research interests include power
magnetic torque, and stator/rotor currents under the unbalanced electronics, wind energy generation and grid integration, and application of
supply voltage. power electronics to power systems.

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