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Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation.

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III of PIghts for the hetaphysIcaIIy

When yo reclze yo cre c psychc, empcth, telepcth, fted by the Holy Sprt, or other
metcphyscclly fted person, yo keep yor hmcn rhts cnd yor free ctzenry n yor elected
overnment; cnd so does everyone else. We hold these trths to be self-evdent: thct cll hmcnknd
s crected eqcl, c collectve of soveren ndvdcls; s hmcnely evolvn nto recter conscos
cwcreness; comes from Dne 0vne Mnd; cnd hcs certcn nclencble rhts, cmon these:

ArtIcle 1
You have the rIghts to lIfe, lIberty, and the pursuIt of happIness.

You are born Innocent. Your abIlItIes alone do not make you guIlty, nor do
they make you ancestral, government, or any other IndIvIdual's or group's
property; and your abIlItIes alone do not justIfy IncarceratIon,
experImentatIon, abnormal mental Influence, ImplantatIon, or trackIng.
You have the rIght to be free of these thIngs as you honor others' rIghts
outlIned here and In any applIcable state/natIonal law.

ArtIcle 2
You have the rIght to prIvacy.

You have the rIght to be free of unreasonable InvasIon, searches, and
seIzures. ThIs Includes psychIc, empathIc, and energetIc InvasIons,
searches, and seIzures of your person, your home, your possessIons, your
memorIes, and your abIlItIes. You must obtaIn conscIous consent (ArtIcle
7) before you actIvely use your metaphysIcal abIlItIes on others In
InvasIve ways [see Addendum 1].

You may not use psychIcally obtaIned InformatIon to take personal or group
advantage of others. You may not physIcally share psychIcally obtaIned
InformatIon about others wIthout theIr conscIous consent.
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

You have the rIght to dIssocIate from your body per spIrItual practIce, or
leave your body per your capabIlItIes to do so, wIthout beIng punIshed,
Invaded, harassed, or covertly hypnotIzed.

You have the rIght to establIsh psychIc boundarIes for yourself; and reject
all forms of psychIc exchange and psychIc energy upon you and your

ArtIcle J
Free wIll, Inherent In lIberty, Is the rIght to choose wIthout undue
Influence. The rIght to choose Is dependent upon personal sovereIgnty over
the Instruments of choIce: the thoughts, mInd, emotIons, desIres,
IdentIty, lIfe energy (chI/prana/kundalInI/etc.), abIlItIes, and personal
(physIcal and nonphysIcal) bodIes (thIs lIst Is not exhaustIve.) n the
context of metaphysIcal gIfts, free wIll Is the rIght to be the sole owner,
controller, and IntentIonal programmer of your own thoughts, mInd,
mental space, emotIons, desIres, IdentIty, lIfe energy, abIlItIes, personal
bodIes, etc. Everyone has the rIght to keep and exercIse theIr free-wIll In a
manner that respects others' free-wIll, wIth reasonable consIderatIon to
parental rIghts and the age of majorIty.

ExplIcItly, you also have the rIght to keep your chosen polItIcal, relIgIous,
spIrItual, and worldvIew belIefs; and all of your mental/emotIonal/sensory
assocIatIons and meanIngs as naturally occurs In you wIthout undue
Influence. n other words: braInwashIng, torture, slavery, mInd
control, and abuse are stIll IntrInsIcally Illegal, even when they
are energetIcally, electronIcally, or telepathIcally Induced; and regardless
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

of whether they were InItIally agreed to. Nonconsented sublImInal

messagIng, and compelled subconscIous repatternIng, are also stIll Illegal.
The abIlIty to create realIty accordIng to one's own conscIous, Innate
desIres and free wIll Is the dIvIne rIght of creatorshIp gIven to
every IndIvIdual human mInd as a spark of the Dne 0IvIne |Ind; and It Is an
offense agaInst thIs dIvIne rIght to take It away. f thIs Is ever IntentIonally
done, one loses the rIght to create theIr own realIty, and could be subject
to someone else's creatorshIp Instead.

ArtIcle 4
You have the rIght to free, unmodIfIed physIcal speech regardIng all
metaphysIcally-related topIcs. ThIs Includes all metaphysIcal actIvItIes,
abIlItIes, Issues, groups, and trusts. You have the rIght to free telepathIc
speech as long as you respect others' rIghts to conscIous consent (ArtIcle 7)
[see addendum 1].

ArtIcle 5
People who are demonstrably new to, or untraIned regardIng, theIr
metaphysIcal abIlItIes, and potentIally unconscIous of the fact they are
usIng them or potentIally unconscIous of theIr abIlItIes' effects, shall not be
judged for InapproprIate use untIl after they have receIved a free
educatIon (ArtIcle 6) on the nature of theIr abIlItIes and how to use and
control them; and after they have been Informed of theIr rIghts and other's
rIghts In relatIon to them.

ArtIcle 6
As a metaphysIcally gIfted person, you have the rIght to a free educatIon
regardIng: (1) your rIghts; (2) the nature of your abIlItIes; (J) how to
control and use your abIlItIes In a safe and ethIcal manner to all Involved;
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

and (4) self-protectIon reasons and methods. ThIs educatIon

should Include an overvIew of multIple InterpretatIons of the metaphysIcal
realm and Its laws by the current worldvIews avaIlable; and Is respectful to
the dIversIty of the relIgIous and spIrItual belIefs of Its students.
ntrInsIc In the rIght to a free educatIon Is the rIght to an equal
and accurate educatIon In an open, safe, and harmonIous envIronment.
The classroom rules In such an envIronment are openly dIsplayed,
commonly known, equally applIed, respectful of dIversIty, and relatIvely
stable. You have the rIght to teachers who respect you and your personal
sovereIgnty; help you expand your abIlItIes; and teach you In a healthy
and orderly manner as honestly, effectIvely, faIrly, and consIderately as

The mere fact you are a metaphysIcally gIfted person does not gIve any
tradItIon the rIght to claIm you as theIr own, or force you to be taught by
them, regardless of ancestral or other background. You have the rIght to
choose a tradItIon If you desIre; and/or keep your orIgInal belIef system,
IncludIng relIgIon, as a metaphysIcally gIfted person. You have the rIght to
change tradItIons or teachers as you so choose.

ArtIcle 7
You have the rIght to have your conscIous consent actIvely obtaIned before
any of your abIlItIes, memorIes, energy sIgnatures, and other personally
owned metaphysIcal and physIcal propertIes could be
IntentIonally accessed, copIed, or recorded by others. You have the
rIght to conscIously deny consent for any metaphysIcal abIlIty to be used on
you or your property. And you must obtaIn conscIous consent before usIng
any of your metaphysIcal abIlItIes on others or theIr property. Keep In
mInd, the Law of AttractIon for magnetIc objects Is entIrely dIfferent from
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

the Law of Consent for conscIous agents; and there Is no such thIng as
subconscIous consent.

The defInItIon of consent Is more precIse for the metaphysIcally gIfted:
Consent can only be gIven In a fully conscIous, alert, unaltered mental
state. Consent Is not valId when It Is gIven under any form of
undue external or chemIcal Influence, dIssocIatIon,
coercIon, hypnosIs, compulsIon, mInd control, sublImInal suggestIon,
or IntentIonal subconscIous alteratIon.
Consent Is only consent when people are conscIously aware of exactly
03 they're gIvIng It. The person gIvIng consent has to
conscIously Intend permIssIon for what they are consentIng to, at the tIme
of consentIng. Full consent has to be explIcItly obtaIned before any process
Consent can only be gIven when one Is fully and conscIously Informed as to
exactly ,9 they are consentIng to, IncludIng all specIfIcs, foreseeable
consequences, and potentIalItIes the person would reasonably consIder
pertInent, delIvered explIcItly and In a manner the person can
fully, conscIously understand. So-called symbolIc InformatIon, understood
by the subconscIous mInd but not the conscIous mInd, does 3ot meet thIs
crIterIa; nor do subtle hInts.
0etaIls of what one Is consentIng to must be presented In a way that
honors the person's own dIscernment of what Is In theIr best good. They
must not be presented In a way that trIes to Influence them away from
theIr own dIscernment of theIr best good, nor hIde thIngs that would go
agaInst It. 0etaIls that are presented In an overly general, presupposItIve,
deceptIve, or advantage-takIng manner are not valId for consent-
obtaInIng purposes.
Consent can only be gIven when a person Is capable of dIscernIng and
actIng In theIr own best Interest; so for Instance, people wIth metaphysIcal
abIlItIes can only gIve consent after they have been fully educated (ArtIcle
6) on theIr rIghts, the actual and potentIal natures of theIr abIlItIes, how to
control theIr abIlItIes, and how to protect themselves.
Note, the only valId consent Is fully conscIous, fully and honestly Informed,
fully recollectable, and fully free-wIlled consent, actIvely gIven In
a physIcally spoken or wrItten manner from the person orIgInally born Into
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

the body. ThIs person must know exactly what to expect; there Is no room
for surprIse In fully Informed consent. ClaIms of supposed subconscIous
consent are 3ever enough. t should also be obvIous that hesItatIon,
contemplatIon, desIre, InactIon, mere gesturIng (In competent persons),
and gratItude based on partIal InformatIon are 3ever consent eIther;
lIkewIse, neIther Is consent obtaIned through presupposItIon or
dIvInatIon/predestInatIon tools.

mplIed consent Is dependent upon openly avaIlable, common knowledge.
Currently, there Is no such thIng as openly avaIlable, common (conscIous)
knowledge In the metaphysIcal realm; therefore there Is no such thIng as
ImplIed consent In thIs realm eIther.

There may be tImes when an cssmpton of consent may be made to
preserve and protect a person's other rIghts, such as In the case of healIng
a physIcally IncapacItated person. The person assumIng consent Is stIll
responsIble If theIr assumptIon of consent Is Incorrect. However, they are
consIdered Cood SamarItans If they have unselfIsh, fully
goodwIlled IntentIons towards the person they seek to help; work
solely through the person's dIvIne Self for the ImmedIate and permanent
happIness and benefIt of the person they are assIstIng; act In
accordance wIth the person's conscIous IntentIons; and use theIr abIlItIes In
a way that honors and protects all other metaphysIcal rIghts. You may lImIt
or reject the actIons of Cood SamarItans by your fIrm, conscIous IntentIon
to do so. You may also change your mInd at any tIme.
n the case of sublImInal programmIng, a person Is only consentIng to
exactly what they are conscIously Informed the programmIng wIll do. f
any pertInent facts or possIble consequences concernIng the programmIng
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

are IntentIonally left out, the programmer Is fully responsIble for them,
not the nonconsentIng person.

ArtIcle 8
You have the rIght to use, keep, and expand your metaphysIcal gIfts. You
have the rIght to use your metaphysIcal gIfts to benefIt your lIfe
and other consentIng persons' lIves. You have the rIght to use your
metaphysIcal gIfts to defend your metaphysIcal rIghts and others' as
outlIned here and In the 8Ills of FIghts of the state/natIon of whIch you are
an overt cItIzen.

ArtIcle 9
Croups of metaphysIcally gIfted persons have the rIght to gather and
assocIate wIth each other. f a group uses InItIatIons, you have the rIght to
humane InItIatIon processes. Croups also have the rIght to create theIr own
bylaws, as long as: (1) they are upfront wIth theIr potentIal members about
these modIfIcatIons and obtaIn full conscIous consent as detaIled In ArtIcle
7; and (2) membershIp Is only obtaIned and retaIned at-wIll; meanIng, no
group has the rIght to obtaIn or retaIn Its members wIthout theIr free-
wIlled conscIous consent at any tIme. For any member who chooses to
leave such a group, the rIghts detaIled In thIs document are unIversal
and always take precedence over any agreements made In theIr former
group. You have the rIght to leave any group at any tIme for any reason.
Former members may stIll be held to the consequences of breakIng bylaws
of theIr former group as long as they fully, conscIously consented to both
them and theIr orIgInal group membershIp, and such bylaws do not conflIct
wIth the former member's metaphysIcal and human rIghts. n other words,
metaphysIcal groups do not hold prIvIleged status In thIs regard; and oaths
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

for slavery, death, dIsmemberment, and the lIke are stIll completely Illegal
to carry out.

ArtIcle 10
You have the rIght to thInk your own thoughts. Thoughts In general are
never crImes, unless they are conscIously, IntentIonally used In a crIme. So
for Instance, contemplatIve thoughts alone (such as what If or In x
sItuatIon mIght do y thInkIng, neIther of whIch Is actIvely Intended to
affect others) are not crImes.
You have the rIght to be free of forced mIndmelds.

ArtIcle 11
You may lose some or all of your rIghts If you conscIously, wIllIngly
partIcIpate In acts whIch vIolate these rIghts, such as: mInd control,
psychIc seductIon, and any other compulsIon, such as covert hypnosIs or
subconscIous mental Influence In vIolatIon of any of these rIghts; threats or
harassment; false memory ImplantIng, dream
Interference, telepathIc braInwashIng, telepathIc torture, and psychIc
attack; astral rape, body InvasIon, entIty possessIon, soul
fragmentatIon, nonconsented soul merger; sendIng remote Illness and
remote murder; manIpulatIng another Into takIng on any of your
metaphysIcal oblIgatIons, such as your karmIc debt, wIthout theIr fully
conscIous consent (ArtIcle 7); nonconsented detrImental Interference wIth
one's perceptIon of theIr connectIon to
theIr hIghest (superconscIous) self, or spIrItual protectIon from such; takIng
advantage of, nonconsented programmIng of, or abusIng others'
metaphysIcal bodIes; usIng another's abIlItIes or energy In a crIme wIthout
theIr conscIous consent; subjectIng a nonconsentIng person to your
metaphysIcal abIlItIes; forcIng a metaphysIcally gIfted person Into a group,
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

group mInd, or astral school; copyIng, accessIng, changIng, or blockIng

others' belIefs or abIlItIes wIthout theIr conscIous consent; takIng
advantage of a new or untraIned psychIc/empath/telepath or other
metaphysIcally gIfted person who does not understand theIr rIghts, and
how and why to protect themselves; bIndIng someone to subconscIous
agreements, E etc. (thIs lIst Is not exhaustIve).

Your rIghts may be affected to the same degree you vIolated (or fIrmly
Intended to vIolate) others' rIghts, and wIth the same, or kInder, motIves
and effects, unless: you conscIously, IntentIonally commIt a crIme agaInst
the person (assault and metaphysIcal battery of any type; all felony forms
of metaphysIcal and physIcal InvasIon and compulsIon; homIcIde); are a
repeat offender; or Intend to commIt an offense agaInst a leader
responsIble for the equal rIghts (human or metaphysIcal) protectIon
of many people. n these cases, dependIng on severIty and Intent, your
access to your abIlItIes may be removed from you, and/or your rIghts may
be affected several degrees beyond your dIrect vIolatIon.

All people are only responsIble for the actIons they were conscIous of [see
Addendum 2]; and even more so, for what effects theIr conscIous
actIons knowIngly produced. Persons who conscIously, wIllIngly partIcIpate
In acts whIch vIolate metaphysIcal rIghts are fully responsIble for the
outcomes of theIr acts; not theIr vIctIms. PartIcularly, It should be poInted
out that those who commIt compulsIon or body InvasIon of any kInd are
fully responsIble for all of the harmful outcomes of theIr actIons, IncludIng
any resultIng harmful actIons of theIr vIctIms. DrIgInal conscIous actors
who InItIate a chaIn of subconscIous cause/effect crImes bear
total responsIbIlIty for theIr actIons and harmful outcomes, not theIr
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
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|etaphysIcal JustIce Is not blInd; It sees all thIngs. |etaphysIcal JustIce Is
not ImpartIal; It favors the Innocent. The dIrectIon of conscIous actIons
and IntentIons of each Involved party outweIgh all technIcalItIes for the
unjust. Those wIth greater conscIous knowledge bear greater responsIbIlIty
for theIr actIons.

Addendum 1
FegardIng ArtIcle 2: t should be noted, everyone wears metaphysIcal propertIes openly just lIke everyone wears clothes openly. There
Is a dIfference however between notIcIng the clothIng beIng worn, and InvasIvely searchIng under them; the latter Is to be avoIded In
both the real and the analogous metaphysIcal sense.
FegardIng ArtIcles 2 and 4: Everyone more or less passIvely accesses each other metaphysIcally all the tIme. However, not everyone Is
conscIously aware of thIs access. For those that are, respectIng prIvacy can seem a challenge In certaIn Instances. n these
Instances, your IntentIons are your maIn guIde for your behavIor; you are fIne as you stay as passIve, grounded, and blockIng as
reasonable; do not try to selfIshly Influence the other person; and ensure any IncIdental Influence stays on a Cood SamarItan level. The
same type of prIvacy questIon can occur when group mInds who have the same goals spontaneously form. n those Instances where, If
all partIcIpants were conscIous of the mechanIcs, passIvIty and nonInfluence would stIll be neIther expected nor desIred (Indeed,
consIdered detrImental), they are not requIred eIther; however, your respectful IntentIons stIll are. For Instance, anyone who has
experIenced a group mInd knows the dIfference between contrIbutIng to the dIscussIon out of genuIne mutual exploratIon, versus
premedItatedly domInatIng It; only the latter Incurs karmIc rebound. Another type of prIvacy questIon occurs In the educatIon of
metaphysIcally gIfteds. |etaphysIcally gIfteds have the rIght to actIvely expand theIr abIlItIes, even If thIs expands the
surface propertIes they passIvely pIck up. The type of educatIon requIred by law for metaphysIcally gIfteds Includes how to control
theIr abIlItIes so they realIze and respect the dIfference between pIckIng up surface propertIes versus deeper propertIes.
Addendum 2
FegardIng ArtIcle 11: JustIce exIsts to help humanIty hone theIr (conscIous) use of free wIll. However, there are many tImes when
people act unconscIously; and It Is possIble that a person mIght appear to vIolate another's metaphysIcal rIghts unjustly, but In realIty
be unconscIous of what they do, hcvn never conscosly ntended t or cnythn lke t n ths lfetme. They are lIke a sleepwalkIng
person wavIng a knIfe at Innocent people on the street [do note, thIs only applIes to actIve, severe, unjust attacks; 3ot sImply
protectIve capabIlItIes developed In past lIves]; If you are wIde awake, taller, stronger, and can see what Is goIng on, It wIll do no one
any good If you take the knIfe and stab them In theIr helpless state, nor If you break theIr hand so they can never wIeld a knIfe agaIn
(whIch would be a gross mIsapproprIatIon of justIce). nstead, go through the hIghest self of the person as a Cood SamarItan and
remove the knIfe so they can't harm anyone Innocent unknowIngly; and return the sleepwalker to a safe place where no one can hurt
them eIther. t's also a good Idea to let them know what happened when they are conscIous so they can work on that partIcular Issue,
and only wIeld knIves when conscIous. Use Cood SamarItan rules, not justIce, on them. You are stIll allowed to defend yourself If
necessary however, preferably wIth the least force requIred.
There are no technIcalItIes to the above. f a person conscIously Intended It, or anythIng lIke unto It, thIs does not apply. f you are
doIng It to escape rIghteous retrIbutIon for your own crImes, It does not apply. f you are not defendIng an Innocent person, It does not
Then there are cases of unconscIous vIctIms; such as vIctIms of the TrIbe that InspIred thIs websIte, who were
(allegedly) forcIng telepaths wIth no magIc traInIng to become group mInd members through psychIc seductIon and covert hypnosIs;
seducIng sublImInally altered vIctIms Into psychIc rape, apparently to produce aurIc chIldren; and usIng these aurIc chIldren and the
vIctIm's energy In black magIc whIle forcIng negatIve memorIes or karma upon theIr vIctIms, who were kept mostly unconscIous of what
was really happenIng; mInd controllIng vIctIms Into destructIve belIefs and entIty possessIon; sometImes tellIng the vIctIms that all of
these thIngs were an unavoIdable part of normal kundalInI, keepIng them helplessly Ignorant to thInk resIstance was futIle (It's not);
even convIncIng them to feel rctefl for thIs abuse (and other redefInItIons of context), tellIng them the abuse was grantIng them
eternal lIfe (whIle covertly makIng them a slave to the crImInal group mInd); and ceaselessly harassIng, terrIfyIng, psychIcally
attackIng, and death threatenIng those who trIed to escape.[See the physIcal results of such types of metaphysIcal abuse In one vIctIm's
IrIs here].7IctIms of these and sImIlarly severe crImes should be gIven adequate resources, reparatIon, compensatIon, and traInIng In a
way they can conscIously understand on how to deal wIth the aftereffects In a way that Is respectful to theIr (perhaps
nonmagIc) worldvIew and human dIgnIty. ntentIonal perpetrators should have the full extent of JustIce upon them, applIed wIth
the same or kInder motIves and effects (I.e. applIed wIth a prejudIce towards rehabIlItatIon Instead of retrIbutIon), untIl they
permanently realIze doIng these thIngs Is not only destructIve to the vIctIm, but destructIve to themselves as well, and benefIts no one
In both the shortterm and longterm; and they unwaverIngly commIt ether to reasonable reparatIons; or, to the Law of KarmIc
ForgIveness a3d permanent benefIcence to all humanIty (both IndIvIdually and collectIvely).

PhysIcal Enforcement by ContactIng the PolIce
Draft 10 of the Metaphysically Gifted's Bill of Rights. Copyright 2011 by the Metaphysical Rights Foundation. You may
reproduce and distribute this document in its unmodified form. All other rights reserved.
Definitions available on the website:

|etaphysIcal ProtectIon by SendIng |etaphysIcal JustIce and establIshIng a |etaphysIcally CIfted's

FIghts ProtectIon Sphere
|etaphysIcal PreventIon by SendIng WIsdom and/or SendIng |etaphysIcal HealIng*
UsIng The Law of KarmIc ForgIveness
The UnIted NatIon's UnIversal 0eclaratIon of Human FIghts Is, well, unIversal. You are not an

* This document and its associated website ( are not intended
to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition; always consult a medical doctor for
medical issues. They are not a substitute for contacting the (physical) police or seeing a
mental health professional if warranted. This document and its associated website are here
to promote metaphysical freedom, by displaying sncerely crected options for peace,
autonomy, and empowerment among all metaphysically gifteds. You are responsible for
your own interpretations, perceptions, abilities, desires, habits, beliefs, actions, words,
thoughts, feelings, emotions, meanings, and wellbeing when reading or acting upon
anything mentioned on this site. Use your own wisdom and realize you are responsible for

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