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Chapter 3


In this chapter, the findings, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered
are presented. The results section includes tables, figures, and explanations about the
statistical results. The data and results are gathered and interpreted in accordance to
the main objective of the study which is to know the effects of the revised tardiness
rule of the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School to the academic performance of the
learners as well as its disadvantages.

Results and Discussions

Characteristic N %
Male 15 41.67
Female 21 58.33
17 6 16.67
18 29 80.56
19 1 2.78
Total 36 100
Table 1.1 Demographics of sample

Table 1.1 presents the demographics of the sample which states that most of the
respondents were females, which made up 58.33% of the sample while the males made
up the remaining 41.57% of the sample population. With regards to the ages of the
respondents, majority of the respondents were 18 years of age (80.56%). On the other
hand, respondents at the age of 17 made up 16.67%, and a single 19-year old made up
2.78% of the sample.

Statement of the Problem No. 1: Does the implementation of the new tardiness rule
affect the grade 12 pre-science learners of Ateneo de Davao University in terms of:
1.1 Sleeping Time

Item two: Sleeping Time of respondents

4 3% 2
28% 22% 1


Figure 2.1 Sleeping Time of the Respondents

Figure 2.1 represents the sleeping time of the respondents with 1, 2, 3,

and 4 indicating 7-8 p.m., 9-10 p.m., 11 p.m.-12 a.m., and beyond 12 a.m.
respectively. According to the chart, majority of the respondents go to sleep at
around 11 p.m. to 12 a.m. on a daily basis (47%). On the other hand, only a few
respondents sleep between the hours of 7 to 8 p.m. (3%). Respondents who
sleep between 9-10 p.m. made up 22%, while those who sleep at hours beyond
12 a.m. made up 28% of the sample population. This indicates that the sleeping
time of the respondents is affected due to various variables related or not related
to their academic responsibilities.
Item three: Cause of lack of sleep of respondents

4 1
11% 6%
3 3
31% 2

Figure 2.2 Causes of the Lack of Sleep of the Respondents

In figure 2.2, the causes of the lack of sleep of the respondents are
presented wherein 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate playing videogames, school works,
surfing the internet, and others respectively. As observed in the previous chart,
majority of the respondents go to sleep during late hours. In accordance to that,
table 2.2 shows that most of the respondents experience lack of sleep due to
school works (53%). The second main reason behind the lack of sleep of the
respondents is due to them surfing the internet (31%), followed by others (11%).
Lastly, only few of the respondents responded with playing videogames as the
cause of their lack of sleep (5%). Sleep deprivation can have various effects on
the students, and most of them, if not all, are disadvantageous. Lack of sleep can
cause the students to have lower grades which increase their risk of failing a
subject, regular mood swings, and can also increase the risk of vehicle accidents
(Chervin and Hershner, 2014).
1.2 Waking Time
Item One: Waking hours of respondents

2 1


Figure 2.3 Waking Time of the Respondents

In relation to the sleeping time of the respondents, figure 2.3 represents to

waking time of the respondents. Options 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate 5-6 a.m., 7-8 a.m., 9-10
a.m., and none of the above respectively. Although majority of the respondents are
shown to sleep at late hours every weekday, figure 2.3 indicates that most of the
respondents still wake up between 5-6 a.m. every school day (78%). Respondents who
wake up at 7-8 a.m. only make up 5% of the sample. Moreover, there are no
respondents who answered with option 3 which states that they wake up around 9-10
a.m. every weekday (0%). Lastly, the respondents who responded with none of the
above made up 17% of the sample population.
Item four: Cause of tardiness of respondents

22% 1
36% 1
3 3

Figure 2.4
Cause of Tardiness of the Respondents

Figure 2.4 shows the possible causes of the tardiness of the respondents with
option 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicating waking up late, traffic, transportation problems, and
others respectively. From the given chart, it is observed that the main cause of the
tardiness of the respondents is due to them waking up late (36%). The second main
cause of the respondents’ tardiness is due to traffic (28%). 8 respondents answered
others as the cause of their tardiness (22%). Lastly, the least common cause of
tardiness of the respondents is due to transportation problems (14%). If students come
to school late due to these aforementioned causes, the quality of education that
they experience would gradually decline. The effects of tardiness also do not only
affect those who are late, but it also has an aftermath on the learning
experiences of the other students who come to school on time [ CITATION Reb17 \l

1033 ].
Statement of the Problem No. 2: What are the effects of the implementation of the
new tardiness rule to the grade 12 pre-science learners of Ateneo de Davao University
2.1 Negative Effects

Item five: Disadvantages of the new tardiness rule

14% 1
3 1
19% 3


Figure 2.5 Disadvantages of the new Tardiness Rule to the Respondents

In figure 2.5, it shows the disadvantages of the new tardiness rule to the
respondents. Options 1, 2, 3, and 4 signifies the new rule poses a feeling of
restrictiveness for the learners, adds pressure to the learners especially those with
houses far from school, does not have any disadvantages and others respectively.
From the given chart above, it is observed that the main disadvantage of the new
tardiness rule is that it adds pressure to the learners especially those with houses far
from school. It accumulated a total of 42%. The second main disadvantage of the new
tardiness rule is that it poses a feeling of restrictiveness for the learners. It accumulated
a total of 25%. Out of the 36 respondents, 19% said that the new rule does not have
any disadvantages. Lastly, respondents who responded with others made up 14% of
the sample population.

Characteristic N %
General average
74 Below 1 2.78
75 – 79 2 5.56
80 – 84 4 11.11
85 – 89 16 44.44
90 – 94 11 30.56
95 – 100 2 5.55
Table 4.1 Second Semester (Preliminaries) General Average

Academic Performance and Grade Point Average (GPA). According to the gathered
data from the survey questionnaires, it is observed that majority of the respondents
earned a grade ranging from 85% to 89%. Out of the 36 respondents, only 1 (2.78%)
got a grade below 74%.

Statement of the Problem No. 3: Is there a significant difference between the

implementation of the new tardiness rule and the performance rate of the grade 12 pre-
science learners?

Table 4.2 Correlation

Table 4.2 shows the statistical results presenting whether there is a correlation
between the revised tardiness rule and the academic performance of G12 ADDU SHS
learners. With 36 respondents specifically from G12 STEM Pre-Science learners, the
results generated suggested that the computed T- value, 0.199, is less than the critical
T-value which is 2.447 therefore, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant
correlation between the revised tardiness rule and the academic performance of G12
ADDU SHS learners is accepted. This signifies that the revised tardiness rule of the
Ateneo Senior High School has no significant impact on the performance rate and the
relationship between these variables is inconsequential.

Chapter 4

This chapter presents the summary of the findings of this research, the
conclusions derived from these findings and the researchers’ recommendations for
future researches of similar concern.

In recapitulation, the results represented by the following graphs are respectively,
the waking hours of the respondents, their sleeping hours, the causes of their lack of
sleep, the causes of their tardiness and lastly, their opinion towards the new
implemented tardiness rule. It was written in the first graph that the majority of the
respondents wake up between 5 a.m. - 6 a.m. and sleep between 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. This
shows a problematic lack of sleep to the most number of respondents which averages
only up to six hours of snoozing time. This also manifests that tardiness is
predominantly generated when the respondents wake up late due to their school works.

According to the results, Pre-science students that do not come late to school are
the ones who wake up earlier than expected to be. During regular school days the
sleeping duration of students are usually late not because they are tending their
academic-related studies but because they use this time as an advantage to use social
media to communicate or socialize their friends. The reason why it is discouraged for
them to surf too much on the internet is that not only the hours of sleep will be lessen
but it’s because it’s one of the cause of the student’s poor time management which will
lead to tardiness. Tardiness can affect the individual’s school performance that might
pressure the student especially those who live far from their school. The implementation
of the rule makes the students more responsible of managing their time in both
socializing and studying. This rule should help to practice on consuming their time and
be more reliable. The null hypotheses is that there is no significant relationship between
the implementation of new tardiness rule in Ateneo de Davao University and the
absence and performance rates of the grade 12 pre-science students. Through the
interpretation of collected data, the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, there is no
significant relationship between the revised tardiness rule and the absence and
performance rates of the Pre-Science learners.

The researchers were assertive that the problems were respectively answered
with accuracy and reliability; provide referential information to both the students and the
disciplinary departments of an academic institution, specifically in Ateneo de Davao

The researchers have the following recommendations:

The sample respondents were relatively small compared to the whole population
of Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School. Stronger data and conclusions can
be derived if a larger sample will be studied and the margin of error will be at minimum.
It will also be helpful if more reasons are served to the respondents. This will expose
more areas of concern and even reveal more interesting correlations. The effects of the
subject, teacher and untimely works were related only to the whole sample of
respondents. More correlations and findings can arise if we study these factors per
course or year level. A better and well-organized questionnaire will be needed to derive
more accurate answers and responses from the respondents. Some of the respondents
simply put a check mark on the reasons/factors instead of putting numbers indicating
the rank of these reasons/factors. The researchers selected other respondents to
replace the respondents that answered the questionnaire wrongly.

Recommendations for Teachers:

Firstly, they should diligently and accurately check the attendance of the
students. They can also implement a consistent school policy regarding tardiness. In
order for the policy to be effective, students must be made aware of the policy, held
accountable for their actions, and the policy must be followed consistently. Furthermore,
they should intervene early with parents and the student when attendance becomes a

When a student is absent:

The faculty staff and the disciplinary committee of the school should take every
effort to contact the parent and try to figure out what might be going on. If time allows,
call the parent during the day instead of calling in the evening. They should also talk to
the student about why he/she was absent. Make sure that the student realizes that you
are aware of the absences and that you care about him/her being in school. Moreover,
they should also acknowledge students when their attendance increases. Even when
attendance is not perfect, students should be rewarded for making an effort to come to
school more regularly. Doing so focuses on the positive change the student is making
and encourages him/her to continue coming to school. Lastly, teachers should make
students feel welcome by getting to know their names and greeting them in the halls.
Show them that you are glad to see them and are happy that they are at school.

Recommendations for Parents:

Parents should inform and counsel their children about the importance of school
and acquiring good quality education. They should also let their children acknowledge
that school must be one of their priorities in life and that missing school is not a good
decision overall. Lastly, parents should establish a good relationship with the school and
particularly their children’s teachers. By maintaining constant communication and
collaboration between home and school, it is more likely that the parents will be able to
help their children succeed in school.
For Learners:

As it is expected that learners would eventually be presented with a lot of tasks

for their academic requirements, they should practice good sleeping behaviors as to not
risk their health. Learners should also try to maintain proper time management and set
suitable time slots for playing video games and the like. Lastly, it is significant for the
learners to be disciplined enough and set proper time for accommodating their priorities
and for studies.

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Appendix A.
Informed Consent


Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
E. Jacinto Street, Davao City, 8000, Philippines

January 10, 2018

Ms. Sydney Alyzza Marie Maratas
Research Adviser
Ateneo de Davao University
Roxas Avenue, Poblacion District
Davao City, 8000

RE: Permission to conduct Research Study

Dear Ms. Maratas:

We would like to ask your permission to allow us to conduct a survey among the Grade 12 Pre-
Science students inside the campus. This is in view of our Practical Research 2 and Capstone entitled
“The effects of the revised tardiness rule on the performance rate of the pre-science students and
its disadvantages.” Attached herewith is the survey questionnaire for this study.
The survey would only last for about 5-10 minutes and would be arranged at a time convenient to
the participants schedule (e.g. lunch break). They will complete the survey in a classroom or other quiet
setting on the school site. Participation in the study is purely voluntary and there are no known or
anticipated risks to the participation in the study. All information will be kept in utmost confidentiality and
would be used only for academic purposes. The names of the respondents and school will not appear in
any research or publications resulting from this study.
The data will be thoroughly gathered and analyze.
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your
interest and assistance with this research.

Sincerely, Approved by:

Joyce Jhannerie Mesa Ms. Sydney Alyzza Marie Maratas, LPT

Group Leader of Group 6 Research Adviser
XII – De Geronimo

Name (Optional): ______________________ Grade and Section: _____________

Dear Respondent,
We are from Grade 12 STEM Pre-Science Learners and are currently conducting a
survey about the effects of the revised tardiness rule on the performance rate of the pre-science students
and its disadvantages.
In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our respondents of this study and we
hope that you will take time answering the questions honestly. Rest assured that all data gathered will be
treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes only. Thank
you so much for your support and cooperation!

Very yours truly, Noted by:

Adorable, Xanthea F. Sydney Alyzza Marie Maratas, LPT

Researcher Research Adviser

Cumbe, Trisha B.

De Jesus, Jamila

Mamale, Rhea F.

Mesa, Joyce Jhannerie Y.


Santos, Miguel Anton G.

Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional): ________________________

Grade and Section: ___________________
Age: __________ Gender: __________________ Signature: __________________________

Good day! We, the Grade 12 de Geronimo learners, are conducting a research on the effects of the revised
tardiness rule on the performance rate of the Pre-Science students as well as its disadvantages. Please answer
the following briefly and honestly.
Instructions: Encircle the letter of your desired answer.
1.) Due to the implementation of the new tardiness rule, were there any changes regarding your waking
time? If so, what time do you usually wake up?

a.) 5-6 a.m. b.) 7-8 a.m.

c.) 9-10 a.m. d.) None of the above

2.) What time do you usually sleep during regular school days?

a.) 7-8 p.m. b.) 9-10 p.m.

c.) 11p.m.-12 a.m. d.) beyond 12 a.m.

3.) What is usually the main cause of you not getting enough sleep?

a.) Playing videogames b.) School works

c.) Surfing the internet d.) Others
4.) What is the common cause of your tardiness in school?

a.) Waking up late b.) Traffic

c.) Transportation problems d.) Others

5.) In your own opinion, what do you think are the disadvantages of the new tardiness rule?

a.) The new rule poses a feeling of restrictiveness for the learners
b.) The new rule adds pressure to the learners especially those with houses far from school
c.) The new rule does not have any disadvantages
d.) Others

Instructions: Check the box that corresponds your desired answer.

Somet- Very Never
Always imes Rarel-y
6.) Do you find it hard to cope up with the
lessons that you have missed every time you
are late or absent?
7.) In a situation wherein you are aware of
being late, have you ever thought about simply
an absence from school?
Certainly Somehow Not so No it
much did not
8.) Did the new tardiness rule help you reduce
your tardiness and absences?

9.) Did the new tardiness rule help motivate

you to improve your academic performance?

*What is your estimated average grade for the prelims in the second semester? _________________
Thank you for your participation!

Appendix B
Conceptual Framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Implementation of the New Absence & Performance
Tardiness Rule Rates
Appendix C
Table 1.1 Demographics of sample
Characteristic N %
Male 15 41.67
Female 21 58.33
17 6 16.67
18 29 80.56
19 1 2.78
Total 36 100

Appendix D
Table 2.1 Sleeping Time of the Respondents

Item two: Sleeping hours of respondents

4 3% 2
28% 22% 1

Appendix E
Table 2.2 Causes of the lack of sleep of the respondents

Item three: Cause of lack of sleep of respondents

4 1
11% 6% 1
3 3
31% 2 4

Appendix F
Table 2.3 Waking Time of the Respondents
Item three: Cause of lack of sleep of respondents

6% 2


Appendix G
Table 2.4 Cause of tardiness of the Respondents

Item four: Cause of tardiness of respondents

22% 1
36% 2
3 3
14% 4


Appendix H
Table 2.5 Disadvantages of the new Tardiness Rule to the Respondents
Item five: Disadvantages of the new tardiness rule

4 1
14% 25%
3 1
19% 3


Appendix I
Table 4.1 Second Semester (Preliminaries) General Average
Characteristic N %
General average
74 Below 1 2.78
75 – 79 2 5.56
80 – 84 4 11.11
85 – 89 16 44.44
90 – 94 11 30.56
95 – 100 2 5.55

Appendix J
Table 4.2 Correlation

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