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A madhouse a mental hospital / a place where The ER was like a

there is no order and control madhouse.
божевільний будинок, божевільня
2. Stab wounds resulting from any sharp object One guy came in, six
penetrating into the skin stab wounds.
ножові поранення
3. To raise equity to raise capital through the sale of It is our responsibility as
shares members to raise equity
залучення власного капіталу for productions we put
4. A shareholder someone who owns shares in a We are sort of
company shareholders.
5. Sibling a brother or sister Do you have any other
6. Damn it an expression of anger Damn it, I forgot.
Прокляття! Чорт забирай!
7. To alleviate to make problems or suffering less They can help alleviate
extreme the symptoms, but they
полегшувати can’t prevent the
8. A fanny pack a small bag fixed to a belt that you Wear a fanny pack, then
wear around your waist the telephone will
always be near you.
9. To refurbish to repair or improve a building We replaced the
elevators, refurbished
the auditorium.
10. Elopement the act of leaving home secretly We can prevent their
втеча elopement without
patients feeling they are
locked in.
11. Restriction an official limit or control on what We don’t have
people or companies are allowed to restrictions on visiting
do, or on what can happen times.
12. A precautionary measure something that you do in order to - She all right?
prevent something bad from - Just a
happening precautionary
запобіжний захід measure.
13. Relentless never stopping or getting any less Well, you were
extreme relentless.
невблаганний, нещадний
14. A sabbatical a period when a university teacher Why don’t you take a
does not do their usual work and sabbatical next year?
instead travels or studies
академічна відпустка
15. Despair a feeling of having no hope You really caught her
відчай despair, but also her joy.
16. Deterioration to become worse Just to jump in here,
погіршення we’re both concerned
about the rate of
17. Break a leg used for wishing someone good luck, You’re gonna do great.
especially before a performance Break a leg.
18. To accumulate to collect or increase something Everything I
gradually, esp. over a period of time accumulated in life,
накопичувати everything I’ve worked
so hard for , now all that
is being ripped away.
19. Incapable not able to do something or to feel a We become ridiculous,
particular emotion incapable, comic.
20. To chase to hurry after someone or something Night flight to San
in order to catch him, her, or it Francisco chase the
переслідувати moon across America.
21. A slob a lazy or dirty person The boys are total slobs.
22. Cirrhosis a serious disease of the liver that - Hepatitis?
usually causes death - Cirrhosis.
23. Sporadic happening sometimes; not regular or You have sporadic
continuous memory impairment
спорадичний, епізодичний totally out of proportion
to your age.
24. Odds the probability that a particular thing And if they carries, what
will or will not happen are the odds of them
шанси, ймовірність developing the disease?
25. Amyloid a protein that collects in some of the High amyloid is
body's tissues and organs, as a associated with
feature of some diseases conditions other than

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