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Quiz no 1

First stanza:
This stanza is from poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by the poet John Keats. The poem was written in
March 1819. In this poem we get the idea of how brief our lives are and the idea of immortality.

The poet Is experiencing human age an average age and telling us when we will waste this life this
generation of ours we are having we will regret things We do wrong and regret on what we must have
done and will be happy on things we were able to be done and the adventures the thrills all will be just

In this poem John Keats is in urn I’m trying to understand the images and scenes drawn on it. He thinks
that the Who draws it must think of themselves as immortal because they can be now alive in their
drawingsBut at the same time they are imprisoned in these scenes. He is trying to find some hints of
humanity. There was a scene that the poet finds as the change of his idea upon the figures to be
shattering. The urn itself teasing the point by the mortal lives of immortal people, while it is interesting
as it will never be immortal. It’s just a pure piece of art, an aesthetic one. And the last line “ Beauty Is
truth, truth beauty” Is a mysterious line and in my opinion telling us whatever we do, whatever we
decide to Has its own beauty and we should do it beautifully.

Second stanza:
This stanza is taken from the poem “The Road not Taken”. The poem written by Robert Frost published
in “The Atlantic Monthly” in August 1915 and have an abaab rhythm scheme in each of its four stanza
and used as the opening poem of his collection MOUNTAIN INTERVAL in 1916.

In this stanza of the poem the poet is that what I do in my youth, The decisions I made the roads I took
will made my today and the things I decide to do today will be making my tomorrow. I will be telling
them with a sigh tomorrow that’s what I decided to do. It’s easy to say that yeah I choose this road and
this is how my life is going but in actual when we have to choose one Rd between two or three it’s a
difficult decision to made to choose what to do and what do not.

And after we have made our decision will yield the hard work we yield the cool stuff from that road. We
sometimes do think about what our lives would be if we have chosen the other Rd if we have made the
different decision from the one we have already made of course we yield our hard work from that road
too and got the different cool stuff from that road too but what we choose today we will be telling it
With the sigh after Age is that how it affects our lives. The roads we have were totally different and we
do know about this but we will say that we select the one that people don't choose mostly or it's not the
road people mostly travel but that is what made all the difference in my life an others life and this is how
we all are different from each other our experiences our life storeys are different from each other. And
that is what have made all the differences

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