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Compilation Law of Expansion

(DINAII 418) Hint Seven. "One of the marks of readiness for initiation is the ability to see the
expanding and inclusive Whole, and to note the law which is
transcended when the part becomes the Whole."

(CF 1042) In occult literature this term "Law of Expansion" is limited to the
discussion of the seven Rays, and to the subject of the planetary initiations. When dealing
with the expansions of consciousness of the human being, and his initiations, we
group them under the second "Law of Monadic Return."

(CF 1046) Yet all can be expressed in terms of negative and positive [Page 1046] force,
manifesting as rotary or spiral activity. The lesser cycle can, from certain
angles of vision, be regarded as appertaining to the rotary activity of

certain atomic forms, and the greater cycles, which are so much more
difficult for man to follow, as relating to the spiral action
of the enclosing Life of the greater sphere. Every atom is part of a greater whole,
even the solar atom is not a separated Life but a fragment of an immensity of Existence beyond the ken
of man, and which is but dimly cognised by the most advanced Dhyan Chohan.

(DINAI 740) An Ashram is composed of all degrees, ranging from that of a disciple who is taking his
first steps upon the arduous path of training, up to that of a disciple who is a Master of the Wisdom.
This hierarchical progression is something warranting careful consideration. I would remind you of the
Law which states that "we grow through the medium of our recognitions." A
recognition, when it is seen as an aspect or fractional part
of a greater whole, is the seed of a major expansion of
consciousness. A stabilised expansion of consciousness connotes
initiation. This is an occult statement of major importance………
The moment, however, you step into the range of the radiation of a Master or of any disciple senior to
you, then things are bound to happen in your life. The radiation is effective when rightly received,
registered and consciously used to bring about the sensed and needed changes. Eventually when the
disciple's vibration is constant and responsive to the higher one, the two can then be
synchronised. [page 741] It is this synchronisation which characterises all grades of initiates and
which indicates to an initiate of a higher degree that an initiate or disciple of a lower grade can be
admitted into the higher ranks. Synchronisation is the key to initiation.
The purpose of the Monad is not Expansion of consciousness
(DINAII 271) All this is traceable to the group of initiates upon the inner side who thus serve their
fellowmen and carry forward, consciously and with intent, the Law of Evolution. Whilst doing
this, They Themselves are preparing to tread the "Way of the Higher Evolution." What that Way is I
cannot tell you, for you would be unable to grasp its meaning; it is related to the spiritual condition and
purpose of the Monad whose goal is not expansion of consciousness,
but of that which such expansions of consciousness will reveal—a very different matter and one which
is as yet entirely meaningless to anyone who has not taken the third initiation. Forget
not, the Christ and His great Brothers, and all of an even higher initiate-rank than They possess, have a
definite goal, but it is one which will only define itself clearly in the third solar
system, the system in which the Will of God is the dominant idea, as the Love of God conditions
this system in which we now function. But this is not consciousness or awareness; it is a stage of Being
which is connected with the Law of Sacrifice—the law which governs those states of being which grow
out of the establishment of right human relations.

(CF 1027) II. The Nature of this Motion.

1. Spiral-cyclic.
2. Triple.
3. Attractive.

III. Results of its Activity.

1. The Law of Expansion.

2. The Law of Monadic Return.
3. The Law of Solar Evolution.
4. The Law of Radiation.

(CF 1041) This spiral-cyclic activity, which is distinctive of all forms, can perhaps be
comprehended more practically if we study it as an expression of four laws, taking
each one briefly in turn:

1. The Law of Expansion.

This law of a gradual evolutionary expansion of the consciousness indwelling every form is the cause
of the spheroidal form of every life in the entire solar system. It is a fact in nature that all that is in
existence dwells within a sphere.6 The chemical atom is spheroidal; man [Page 1041]
dwells within a sphere, as does the planetary Logos and the solar Logos, this sphere being the form
matter takes when its own internal activity, and the activity of the form are
working in unison. It requires the two types of force—rotary and spiral-
cyclic—to produce this. Scientists are beginning to recognise this more or less, and to realise that it
is the Law of Relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called
Light, and which, in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system. The
motion of the constellations external to the solar sphere is responsible for its form in
conjunction with its own rotary motion in space. As the wave lengths of the light from
the constellations, and their relation to the sun are better understood, and as the effect of those wave
lengths or light vibrations (which are either attractive to, or repulsive to, the sun) are understood, much
will be revealed. Little has as yet been grasped as to the effect [Page 1042] those constellations in the
heavens (which are antagonistic to the solar system), have upon it, and whose wave lengths it will not
transmit, whose rays of light do not pierce (if it might be expressed in so unscientific a manner)
through the solar periphery.

We are told in the Secret Doctrine that "the seven solar Rays dilate to seven suns and set fire to the
whole cosmos."7 This it is which produces that final burning which ushers in the great pralaya, and
brings to an end the logoic incarnation. It is produced under this Law of
Expansion, and causes that eventual merging and blending of the seven sacred planetary schemes
which marks the achievement of the goal, and their eventual perfection.

(CF 1042) In occult literature this term "Law of Expansion" is limited to the
discussion of the seven Rays, and to the subject of the planetary initiations. When dealing
with the expansions of consciousness of the human being, and his initiations, we
group them under the second "Law of Monadic Return."

Students should here remember that we are dealing with the expansions of consciousness of a planetary
Logos through the medium of:

a. The chains.
b. The rounds.
c. The kingdoms of nature.
d. The root races.

It should be remembered that the consciousness He is in process of developing is that of the absolute
will and purpose of the solar Logos, as it is the expression of the desire of the cosmic Logos.8
Therefore, the expansions might be grouped as follows:

[Page 1043]
1. The solar Logos expands His consciousness to include the desire of the cosmic Logos.

2. The planetary Logos expands His consciousness to measure up to the will and purpose of the Solar

3. The Lords of the Chains are working at the desire consciousness (the love nature) of the planetary

4. The informing Lives of the globe in the chain are working at the intelligent consciousness of the
planetary Logos.

This can be worked out in connection with a globe in a chain (such as our earth-chain) in the following

The Lord of the world, the planetary Logos, in physical incarnation, works at His own peculiar
problem, the bringing through (into physical manifestation upon the planet) of the purpose or will of
the solar Logos in any particular scheme. This He does through meditation.

The totality of Dhyan Chohans of the fifth or spiritual kingdom are occupied with the working out into
active manifestation of the will and purpose of the planetary Logos.

The human family, or the fourth kingdom, is seeking to make manifest the desire, or love nature, of the
planetary Logos.

The three subhuman kingdoms have for objective the [Page 1044] manifesting of the intelligent nature
of the planetary Logos.

(CF 1044) All this done under the Law of Expansion, by the method of
spiralling progression, cyclic growth, rotary repetition, and the summation of
each greater spiral is the expansion of the consciousness into that of the sphere
which enclosed the lesser ovoid, and the escape of the life imprisoned in the sphere. It
is merged in its greater whole. fire
As the fires of the sphere concerned blaze up, the "

by friction" which produces rotary motion, and "solar

fire," which is the basis of the spiral-cyclic activity, blend and
merge. The ring-pass-not of the confining spheroidal wall is negated, and a blaze results.
The old Commentary expressed this as follows in connection with the planets, and it is equally, though
relatively, true, of the atom of substance, or the solar atom:

1. "The life pulsates, and the pole performs its function. The sphere revolves in many cycles. As it
revolves it senses other spheres, and seeks to know their secret.

2. They meet each other. They seek a greater intimacy or reject with hatred any more approach. Some
pass away; others return and marry. They know each other. They spiral through their courses hand in
hand. Through union the fires blaze up, the two become the one, and live again in their Son, who is the

Through the study of these significant words students may learn somewhat concerning "polar affinity,"
the "Marriage in the Heavens," the transference of the germs of life from the male attractive planet to
the negative and receptive one, and finally, at a later period, the absorption of the life of the two planets
by a third planet, who is called occultly "the Son." This refers to the synthesising planet which forms
the apex of the solar triangle.

In summing up the effect of the union of individual atomic rotary motion and the spiral cyclic activity
of all [Page 1045] atomic groups, it is necessary to point out, therefore, that the following units are

The essential individual atom. Its evolutionary progress towards self-determination is brought about by
the effect of its group activity, or the motion of the form modifying its own inherent action.

The atomic form, likewise an atomic unit, rotating on its own axis and influenced and driven
towards the centre of force of a higher macrocosm by the activity of its embracing kingdom.

The human atom, self-determined and individual, yet driven progressively forward by the influence of
its group, or the potent activity of the Heavenly Man in Whose body it is the cell.

The planetary atom, equally self-determined, a composite of all planetary groups, rotating on its own
axis, yet conforming to the cyclic-spiralling action, induced by the activity of the greater sphere in
which it finds its place.

The solar Atom, also an individualised Life, the Son in incarnation, through the medium of the Sun,
pursuing its own inherent cycle, yet spiralling in cyclic fashion through the
heavens, and therefore, progressing through the effect of the extra-cosmic active Lives who either
attract or repulse it.

These are the main sets of atomic groups, but there are many intermediate forms upon which it is not
possible as yet to touch. All in nature affects that which it contacts, and these effects work either as

a. Attractive or repulsive impulses.

b. Retarding or accelerating impulses.
c. Destructive or constructive impulses.
d. Devitalising or stimulating impulses.
e. Energising or disintegrating impulses.

(CF 1046) Yet all can be expressed in terms of negative and positive [Page 1046] force,
manifesting as rotary or spiral activity. The lesser cycle can, from certain
angles of vision, be regarded as appertaining to the rotary activity of

certain atomic forms, and the greater cycles, which are so much more
difficult for man to follow, as relating to the spiral action
of the enclosing Life of the greater sphere. Every atom is part of a greater whole,
even the solar atom is not a separated Life but a fragment of an immensity of Existence beyond the ken
of man, and which is but dimly cognised by the most advanced Dhyan Chohan.

(WM 352) 3. In teaching others comes further knowledge. The definition of truth in teaching
crystallises the facts learnt, and, in the play of other minds, the aspirant's own vibration becomes keyed
up to ever higher planes, and this fresh intuition and fresh reaches of truth pour in.

When one lesson has, in this way, been mastered, a further one is set, and when a pupil has learnt a
particular series of lessons he graduates and passes an initiation. The whole group he teaches is
benefited by his step forward, for every disciple carries those he instructs along with him in a curious
indefinable sense. The benefit to the unit reacts upon the whole. A Master carries His disciples on and
up with Him in a similar manner. The matter is abstruse and largely one of the secrets of the
law of vibratory expansion. The initiation of the Logos has a universal effect.

(DINAII 418) Hint Seven. "One of the marks of readiness for initiation is the ability to see the
expanding and inclusive Whole, and to note the law which is
transcended when the part becomes the Whole."
This sentence, with its many implications, is
more than a hint, though two deeply
significant hints are contained therein. It is a statement of individual, group,
planetary and cosmic import and is the one hint out of the many which I have given to you in my
various books and in these more particularised instructions which has a definite application for every
single and isolated initiation. It is capable of indicating to the initiate—no matter what initiation he may
be taking (from the lowest to the highest)—his readiness to undergo the expansion of consciousness
which each initiation involves, the nature of the expanding vision with which he will then be
confronted, and the higher
reflection of the Law or Laws which initiation
enables the initiate to grasp and thereby relinquish the laws which have hitherto governed
his conduct and which have conditioned his realised life experience. Those laws he perforce continues
to obey, as a member of the human kingdom, but his consciousness is not conditioned by them but is
rapidly becoming subservient to a higher and a much more deeply spiritual law.

(TEV 60) But—and this is a point I seek to impress upon you—humanity, subjected to this constant
process of expansion from the emergence of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, has now reached
the stage where it can begin to pass
out of the control of what has been called the Law of
Triple Response into a new phase of unfoldment where a recognised
dualism dominates. This is a most important statement. Let me word it in this way and let me
commend to you a very careful consideration of my words. I will express what I seek to impart in
certain short sentences and in tabulation form:

1.The advanced man in the three worlds is conscious of two inherent triplicities:

a. The lower man Physical body. Astral nature. Mind.

b. The three periodical vehicles Monad. Soul. Personality.

2. Soul and personality have made contact. He is now technically soul-infused. Two periodical vehicles
have been at-oned. Three lower vehicles and the soul are united.

(CF 46) 2. There is next the Fire or Spark of Mind which is the correspondence in man to solar fire.
This constitutes the thinking self-conscious unit or the soul. This fire of mind is governed
by the Law of Attraction as is its greater correspondence. Later we can enlarge on this. It
is this spark of mind in man, manifesting as spiral cyclic activity, which leads to
expansion and to his eventual return to the centre of his system, the Monad—the origin and goal
for the reincarnating Jiva or human being. As in the macrocosm this fire also manifests in a twofold

(CF 235) The Sun and the seven sacred planets

each embodying a

Cosmic principle, in six differentiations

by method of

a. Expansion, vibratory stimulation, magnetic interaction, or the law of attraction and

b. Cyclic progress, rotary repetition, coupled to spiralling ascension, and developing
a. The quality of love-wisdom, through the utilization of form by the means of active intelligence.
b. Full self-consciousness.
c. A perfected solar system, or the form, adequate to the needs of the indwelling spirit.

It shows as that intelligent will which links the Monad or spirit with its lowest point of contact, the
personality, functioning through a physical vehicle.

(CF 465) The group magnetism producing increased healing or blending effects upon allied groups.

In this thought lies, for the servant of the Master, incentive to effort; no man who strives for mastery,
who struggles to attain, and who aims at expansion of consciousness but is having some effect—in
ever widening spirals—upon all whom he contacts, devas, men, and animals. That he knows
it not, and that he may be totally unaware of the subtle stimulating emanation which proceeds from him
may be true, but nevertheless the law works.

(OM 263) A Master of the Wisdom is He Who has entrusted to Him, by virtue of work
accomplished, certain Words of Power. By means of these Words He wields the law over other
evolutions than the human, and through them He co-operates with the activity aspect of the Logos.
Thus He blends His consciousness with that of the third Logos. Through these Words He assists with
the building work, and the cohesive manipulating endeavor of the second Logos, and
comprehends the inner working of the law of gravitation for
attraction and repulsion) that governs all the functions of the second aspect logoic.
(CF 1044) All this done under the Law of Expansion, by the method of
spiralling progression, cyclic growth, rotary repetition, and the summation of
each greater spiral is the expansion of the consciousness into that of the sphere
which enclosed the lesser ovoid, and the escape of the life imprisoned in the sphere. It
is merged in its greater whole. fire
As the fires of the sphere concerned blaze up, the "

by friction" which produces rotary motion, and "solar

fire," which is the basis of the spiral-cyclic activity, blend and
merge. The ring-pass-not of the confining spheroidal wall is negated, and a blaze results.

Limitation, Cycles and Expansion

(WM 534) With the problem of limitation is closely linked that of liberation. Into the prison
house of form enter all that live; some enter consciously and some unconsciously, and this we call
birth, appearance, incarnation, manifestation. Immediately there sweeps into activity another law or
the working out of an active principle which we call the Law of Cycles. This is the
principle of periodic appearance—a beneficent operation of the lower wisdom of innate divinity, for it
produces that sequence of the states of consciousness which we term Time.
This produces therefore in the world field of awareness a [Page 534] gradual and slow growth towards
self-expression, self-appreciation, and self-realisation. To these principles of Limitation and of
Cycles is added another principle, that of Expansion. This brings about the
development of consciousness so that the latent germ of sentiency or of sensitive response to
environment may be fostered in the living unit.

We have therefore three Principles:

1. The Principle of Limitation.

2. The Principle of Periodic Manifestation.
3. The Principle of Expansion.

These three Principles together constitute the factorsunderlying the Law of

Evolution as men call it. They bring about the imprisonment of the Life in its various
appearances or aspects; they produce the environing forms, and they lead the imprisoned lives on into
ever more educational prison houses. Finally the time arrives when the Principle of Liberation
becomes active and a transition is effected out of a prison house which cramps and distorts into one
which provides adequate conditions for the next development of consciousness.

Consolidation, Expansion, Impact (three year cycle of the NGWS)

(DINAI 165) You are in process of gathering together your forces for another cycle of activity in
connection with the New Group [Page 165] of World Servers. Forget not, all creative processes proceed
with a cyclic rhythm. The rhythm set by the New Group of World Servers is a
three year cycle and to this rhythm you will find yourself conforming. The end of one
such cycle came in May, 1936. Another towards which we will proceed in a mounting
crescendo of work and of success will be in May, 1939. The third will come in May,
1942. Have these dates carefully in mind and thus lay your plans for the future. Thus will you be
working with the law and along the lines of least resistance. Make each three year cycle
conform to the rhythm of creation. In the first year, lay your emphasis upon the
activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which you have to
work. In the second year, let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting
form appear and be heard. In the third year, behind the form and expressing itself through the quality,
let the livingness and the work of the indwelling life emerge for all to see. Bear this in mind as you
consolidate the work. The keynote of the first
year's work is consolidation, that of the
second year must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year must be
the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the
emphasising of some one clear note. If this cyclic measure is kept thus in mind, no serious mistakes
will be made.... The New Group of World Servers must work in these three year cycles and the
foundation of cyclic attainment must be laid. This cyclic rhythm will release from strain and yet enable
the workers in the Group to feel that there is no failure. It is impossible to do good work where a sense
of failure or lack of attainment is found.

(CF 525) Only when the soul aspect is studied by the psychologist in its threefold essential nature will
the mystery of consciousness become apparent, and the nature of the three magnetic groups, in their
various subdivisions with their consequent effectual radiation become a factor in the public life. This
concerns itself with the definite development of the psyche under law, with the scientific expansion of
the consciousness, and will eventually bring about conditions wherein the work, preliminary to the first
initiation, will be purely exoteric, and no longer[Page 525] part of an esoteric process. In due course of
time, it will be found that the self-induced efforts whereby a man consciously prepares his centres for
the application of the Rod of Initiation at the first Initiation, will be the subject
of books, and of lectures, and form part of the ordinary thought of the masses. This again
will eventuate in a cleavage between the two groups in the middle of the fifth round.

(CF 595) The sixth Ray of devotion and the sixth law of love have a close
alliance, and on the sixth plane comes the powerful working out in the lower Triad, the Personality, of
the Law of Love. On the astral plane, the home of the desires, originate those feelings which we call
personal love; in the lowest type of human being this shows itself as animal passion; as evolution
proceeds it shows itself as a gradual expansion of the love faculty, passing through the stages of love of
mate, love of family, love of surrounding associates, to love of one's entire environment; patriotism
gives place later to love of humanity, often humanity as exemplified in one of the Great Ones. The
astral plane is, at the present time, the most important for us, for in desire—not corrected or transmuted
—lies the difference between the personal consciousness and that of the Ego.

(EA 192) As regards the three decanates of Sagittarius, Sepharial gives us the three governing planets
as Mercury, the Moon and the Sun, whilst Alan Leo gives us Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, emphasising as
he always does the way of the esotericists. He usually tunes in on the esoteric significances but not
always. Jupiter
gives expansion, superseding Mercury, for the mercurial mind is
ever a limitation even if only a temporary one. The Moon gives place to Mars, which confers
the quality of devotion and the capacity to fight for an ideal. This idealistic concept and method of
work is always the characteristic of discipleship during the early stages of unfoldment upon the Path.
The Sun, typifying the solar Angel remains constant both through the exoteric and the esoteric
processes and therefore astrology recognises it as a constant pressure and presence. This fact in itself
indicates a significant truth. The soul remains eternally present—in the past, in the present and on into
the future.

(EA 181) There is another point in connection with the planetary influences which I would like to
mention here because it emphasises again the synthetic position of Virgo and its
contribution as a major focal point for the distribution of energy to the fourth Creative Hierarchy.
Jupiter rules four signs and each of them represents a different element out of the four
which are expressing themselves in the three worlds of human evolution. The following tabulation will
make this somewhat clearer:
[Page 281]

Virgo Pisces Sagittarius Aquarius

Earth Water Fire Air
Hidden Christ Hidden Saviour Hidden Master Hidden Server.
Jupiter—ruler and the conveyor of EXPANSION
In this sign, Virgo, the place and the mode of expression of the planets are of paramount interest,
though most esoteric in implication and most difficult to understand.

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