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Summary “Product distribution: the basics"

Produced by

Diego Alejandro Diaz Cmacho


Guillermo Robin Vivas Bayona



SHEET 2104752


Summary "Product distribution: the basics" Learning activity 2 Evidence 4:
Summary “Product distribution: the basics"

In this text we are given a brief, but a very complete description of the types of
transport of goods that exist today, and especially as exporters we will always
have to interact with them and that the way to choose the means how we will
transport them Goods must be balanced between time and cost, also taking into
account the nature of our merchandise. Another factor to take into account are
the economic resources that the company has: In general, ground
transportation is cheaper and more flexible, however, it has greater
geographical restrictions and may be affected by the state of roads and traffic.
Air travel is faster and allows for greater coverage, but is considerably more
expensive and subject to greater cargo restrictions.
Meanwhile, shipping allows a greater variety of products to transport and is less
expensive than air. As we can see, there are many transfer options for
companies. It is only necessary to consider the needs, resources and objectives
of the company in ordering to choose the most suitable Alternative. Road
transport is cheap, comfortable and flexible, but the downside is not eco-
friendly, and can be subject to weight, cargo dimensions and occasionally long

"Product distribution Product distribution is key for any business owner.

Knowing this would mean balancing time and budget or disappointing
customers. What should we consider when choosing the mode of
transportation? ?

• The budget must be the most important factor in your decision making
• Transport speed, if the expiration date of the products is greater than the travel
• Transport of dangerous products, the institutional guidelines for the transport
of these must be followed
• Insurance of the products, in case they are very expensive. Modes of transport
The choice of the correct mode depends on the size and urgency of the
• It is cheaper, but not environmentally friendly
• The height, weight and length restrictions of the truck must be taken into
• It is faster, friendly to the environment and does not have frequent delays.
• The easiest way is with a train transport package.
• And it is only economically viable if sending packages of more than 300 tons
or a trip of more than 150 miles.
• It is the fastest way to cross long distances. But expensive and unfriendly to
the environment
• Depends on the passenger's schedule.
• There are shipping organizers who care about details and additional costs.

• It is relatively cheap with respect to air transport. It is slower and transport to
the interior should be arranged.
• Vessel containers
• cargo ships
• freighter
• tanks
Messenger Service
Messengers are faster, more reliable, and more secure. They can also be more
expensive. They deliver products of up to a certain weight. They are
economically viable at short distances

Aranceles: Tarifa oficial que determina los derechos que se han de pagar en
varios ramos, como el de costas judiciales, transporte ferroviario o aduanas.

Confusión: Error o equivocación causados por entender, utilizar o tomar una

cosa por otra

Congestión: Acumulación excesiva de personas o vehículos que impide la

circulación normal por un lugar

Considerar: Reflexionar con atención y detenimiento para formar una opinión

sobre algo

Conveniente: Que conviene, es bueno, adecuado o útil para alguien o algo

Decepcionados: Es el pesar causado por un engaño; un sentimiento de

insatisfacción que surge cuando no se cumplen las expectativas sobre un
deseo o una persona.

EBay: (pronunciado /[iˌbeɪ]/) es un sitio destinado a la subasta y comercio

electrónico de productos a través de Internet

Empaquetadas: Hacer un paquete con una o varias cosas

Enfoque: Es una palabra que se emplea en el idioma español para hacer

referencia a la acción y la consecuencia de enfocar

Flete: Está vinculado al alquiler de un medio de transporte. El término puede

hacer referencia al precio del alquiler, a la carga que se transporta o al vehículo
utilizado. El concepto tiene distintos usos según el país.

Frustrante: Se trata de un sentimiento desagradable que se produce cuando

las expectativas de una persona no se ven satisfechas al no poder conseguir lo

Inflexible: Que no se adapta a los cambios ni a las diversas situaciones o

Longitud: Dimensión mayor de una figura plana o de un cuerpo de tres
dimensiones; en general, es notablemente mayor con respecto a las otras

Millas: Medida de longitud, especialmente utilizada en marina, que equivale a 1

852 m

Pautas: Norma o modelo que sirve de guía para hacer algo

Perecederos: Que tiene duración limitada, está destinado a perecer, perder su

utilidad o validez, o estropearse en un determinado plazo de tiempo.

Presupuestarias: Del presupuesto o relacionado con los presupuestos,

especialmente los de un Estado

Relativamente: Desde un punto de vista relativo

Restricciones: Limitación que se produce en alguna cosa, especialmente en el

consumo de algo.

Sucursal: [establecimiento] Que depende de otro principal y desempeña las

mismas funciones que este en otro lugar.

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