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Cecal ligation and puncture:

the gold standard model for
polymicrobial sepsis?
Lien Dejager1,2, Iris Pinheiro1,2, Eline Dejonckheere1,2 and Claude Libert1,2
Department for Molecular Biomedical Research, Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), B9052 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Ghent University, B9052 Ghent, Belgium

Sepsis is a serious medical condition characterized by improve diagnosis of sepsis and subsequent treatment
dysregulated systemic inflammatory responses fol- [3,4].
lowed by immunosuppression. To study the pathophys- Epidemiological records from North America show an
iology of sepsis, diverse animal models have been incidence of sepsis of 3 cases per 1000 persons annually, and
developed. Polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal liga- this is expected to increase at a rate of 1.5% per year [5].
tion and puncture (CLP) is the most frequently used Despite advances in supportive care, sepsis remains associ-
model because it closely resembles the progression ated with very high mortality rates (40–60%) and is the
and characteristics of human sepsis. Here we summarize leading cause of death in noncoronary intensive care units
the role of several immune components in the patho- [5]. These data show that sepsis is a huge burden for
genesis of sepsis induced by CLP. However, several healthcare systems and a major challenge in contemporary
therapies proposed on the basis of promising results medicine.
obtained by CLP could not be translated to the clinic. Current management of sepsis is largely supportive and
This demonstrates that experimental sepsis models do consists of administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics,
not completely mimic human sepsis. We propose several hemodynamic resuscitation and appropriate support of or-
strategies to narrow the gap between experimental gan function. These treatments have remained essentially
sepsis models and clinical sepsis, including targeting unchanged for the past three decades [4]. Despite extensive
factors that contribute to the immunosuppressive phase research and more than 30 phase III randomized trials, only
of sepsis, and reproducing the heterogeneity of human few new therapies were found to be relatively beneficial [6].
patients. Sepsis is a complex, dynamic syndrome with wide het-
erogeneity among patients, which makes it an important
Sepsis therapies: search for a needle in a haystack medical and economic challenge for scientists and clinicians.
Tight regulation of the immune system is essential for The high prevalence, high mortality rates and lack of effec-
maintaining the balance between protective and tissue- tive treatments result in substantial economic costs and
damaging inflammatory responses. Therefore, local in- underscore the need for further research. A better under-
flammatory responses are finely regulated and cease when standing of the fundamental processes involved in the com-
the causative factor is removed. However, if the inflamma- plex pathology of sepsis is essential for identifying new
tory reaction becomes dysregulated, systemic activation of therapeutic targets. Different experimental models have
the innate immune system becomes excessive and results been developed, but which of these is the most representa-
in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or tive of human sepsis is often debated. In this review we
sepsis [1]. summarize the advantages, disadvantages and limitations
SIRS and sepsis are systemic reactions to inflammatory of the most frequently used models of experimental sepsis, of
triggers including infections and sterile causes such as which none mimics its entire complexity. We focus on cecal
burns and trauma. SIRS and sepsis are characterized by ligation and puncture (CLP) because this has been consid-
the presence of the following clinical manifestations: hy- ered to be the gold-standard model in sepsis research. We
perthermia or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, and summarize the results obtained using this model and their
leukocytosis or leukocytopenia (Figure 1) [1]. Although contribution to our knowledge of the role of the innate
bacterial infections are the leading cause of sepsis, fungi, immune system in sepsis. We also propose different strate-
parasites and viruses can also cause sepsis, but less fre- gies to bridge the gap between animal and human sepsis,
quently [2]. Blood culture diagnosis of infection is the which will be useful for identifying promising new thera-
current standard for sepsis. However, positive cultures peutic targets for the treatment of sepsis.
can be detected in only 20% of sepsis patients. Therefore,
research is currently directed towards finding reliable The upsides and downsides of animal models of sepsis:
biomarkers and molecular diagnostic tests which could is CLP the gold standard?
Although sepsis is one of the most difficult clinical condi-
Corresponding author: Libert, C. ( tions to model in animals, different animal models have
0966-842X/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2011.01.001 Trends in Microbiology xx (2011) 1–11 1
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Review Trends in Microbiology xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x

Local Systemic

Sterile causes SIRS Shock

- Fever
- Tachycardia Organ failure Hypotension
- Tachypnea
- Leucocytosis

Severe Septic
Infection Sepsis
sepsis shock
(proven or suspected)

TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure 1. General definitions of SIRS and sepsis. Local inflammation can be triggered by sterile causes or infections, but when the host response becomes uncontrolled
SIRS and sepsis can develop. SIRS evolves to severe SIRS and sepsis to severe sepsis when there is solitary or multiple organ failure. Finally, (septic) shock refers to a
condition in which there is refractory hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation. Recovery is possible at each stage of the disease, but the survival rate declines
substantially in the later stages of the disease.

been developed. These commonly follow one of three strat- dure, polymicrobial nature with a localized infectious fo-
egies: (i) administration of exogenous toxins, such as zy- cus, and bacterial products released in the periphery that
mosan and lipopolysaccharadide (LPS); (ii) administration lead to septicemia. Furthermore, CLP shows a high degree
of viable pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses; and (iii) of similarity to human sepsis progression [7]. Neverthe-
alteration of the endogenous protective barrier of the ani- less, interlaboratory standardization is difficult due to
mal. The CLP model and the colon ascendens stent perito- inadequate control of the bacterial challenge and other
nitis (CASP) model are examples of models that disturb the variable factors, including age, sex and strain of the ani-
endogenous intestinal barrier. These approaches attempt mals used and experimental variation (Box 1).
to reproduce the pathophysiological changes typically ob- The other host barrier disruption model, CASP, also
served in septic patients. However, not all animal models causes acute polymicrobial septic peritonitis. A stent of
mimic human sepsis as effectively (Table 1). For example, defined diameter is surgically inserted into the ascending
early in the course of endotoxemia there is a strong and colon, and this causes continuous influx of enteric bacteria
rapid increase of several proinflammatory cytokines, in- into the peritoneal cavity. Similar to CLP, the severity of
cluding tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukins (ILs) the inflammatory response depends on several experimen-
IL-1b and IL-6, in contrast to the lower and more prolonged tal parameters, for example the diameter of the stent [9].
cytokine increase in sepsis patients. Thus, although these However, the hemodynamic response to CASP-induced
models can give some insight into the process of sepsis, sepsis is not as well characterized. Compared to CLP,
they do not reproduce the full clinical complexity and CASP is a relatively new model and fewer confounding
intrinsic heterogeneity of patients. Despite these limita- variables have been identified so far. Moreover, CASP is a
tions, using animal models is the best available approach, more difficult surgical procedure than CLP. In fact, lack of
and it will remain essential for the development of new handling uniformity is a weakness in reproducibility in the
therapies for sepsis. CASP model.
Table 1 summarizes the advantages and drawbacks of Both septic peritonitis models generate an acute inflam-
the most commonly used sepsis models. The CLP model is matory reaction, but they have different pathophysiolo-
one of the most stringent models of sepsis, and is consid- gies. Typically, induction of systemic cytokines is stronger
ered by many investigators to be the crucial preclinical test and bacterial counts are higher in CASP than in CLP [9].
for any new treatment of human sepsis [7]. This model has The systemic cytokine profile in CLP resembles the pro-
been used extensively over the past 30 years to study the tracted elevation of cytokine levels observed in sepsis
pathophysiology of sepsis [8]. Compared to other models, patients [10]. Differences in cytokine profiles between
CLP provides a better representation of the complexity of CLP and CASP probably account for the different outcomes
human sepsis. CLP involves a combination of three insults: observed in mice deficient for the receptor for type I inter-
tissue trauma due to laparotomy, necrosis caused by liga- ferons (IFNAR1 / mice) after induction of sepsis by CLP
tion of the cecum, and infection due to the leakage of or CASP [11,12]. It appears that the acute systemic hyper-
peritoneal microbial flora into the peritoneum. This latter inflammatory response in CASP-induced sepsis [9] is more
results in peritonitis followed by translocation of enteric similar to the strong immune response to endotoxemia,
bacteria into the bloodstream, which activates the inflam- whereas the inflammatory reactions observed in CLP re-
matory response, eventually leading to septic shock. One semble those detected in clinical sepsis.
advantage of CLP is that the pathogens originate from
within the host, therefore mimicking traumatic injury The CLP model is important for sepsis research
leading to peritonitis in humans. The CLP technique Animal models are an indispensable tool for understand-
(Box 1) became popular because it satisfies many of the ing the molecular and genetic mechanisms of sepsis. The
essential criteria of a good sepsis model: a simple proce- availability of a variety of mutant mouse strains allows the

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Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used experimental models for sepsis
Sepsis model Advantages Disadvantages
Endotoxemia model: Simple and reproducible LPS-mediated signaling is strictly TLR4-dependent
systemic administration
of LPS
Induced response is acute Does not reflect all complex physiological human responses
Highly controlled and standardized model High, rapid and transient increase in cytokines, which differs
from human sepsis
Rodents are endotoxin resistant, whereas humans are very sensitive
Different hemodynamic response compared to human sepsis
Variability in dose, toxin, and route of administration
Bacterial inoculum model Presence of a bacterium allows Growth and quantification of bacteria is needed before
insights into mechanisms of host administration
response to pathogens
The single bacterium model does not reflect the diversity
and combinations of infectious agents that are present in
human sepsis
Humans are normally not challenged with a massive
bacterial load, but have a septic focus that intermittently
and persistently challenges the body with bacteria
High doses of bacteria induce an endotoxic instead of a
septic shock, due to the presence of LPS after rapid lysis
of the bacteria
Variability in bacterial load, route of administration and
bacterial strain
CLP model Simple procedure Abscess formation
Presence of an infectious focus Variability in severity due to differences in experimental
procedures (Box 1)
Polymicrobial sepsis model
using the complete spectrum of
host enteric bacteria
Recreates human sepsis progression
with similar hemodynamic and metabolic
phases and the presence of both hyper- and
hypoinflammatory phases
Prolonged and lower elevation of cytokine
release, as in humans

Box 1. The CLP technique

The CLP technique was implemented by the group of I.H. Chaudry For example, the length of the ligated cecum is a major determinant
more than 30 years ago [7,61] and has recently been described in of mortality [64]. There is also a positive correlation between needle
detail [62]. Cecum ligation is performed immediately below the size and mortality [61]. This is illustrated by two different studies
ileocecal valve, located at the junction between the large and small evaluating the role of IL-10 in sepsis using double-puncture CLP with
intestines, which provides an inflammatory source of necrotic tissue 20-gauge and 22-gauge needles. Survival was significantly greater in
[63]. This is followed by a perforation of the cecum (Figure I). This the 20-gauge needle group than in the 22-gauge group [45,65].
allows fecal material to leak into the normally sterile peritoneal cavity. Therefore, it is essential that the CLP procedure applied is described
Subsequently, animals develop typical symptoms of sepsis and in great detail in publications. Nevertheless, the variability of the CLP
usually die. technique is also considered to be an advantage: the procedure can
Despite clinical relevance of CLP and its widespread use in sepsis be adapted to induce a range of severity, thereby permitting the
research, it remains difficult to control the magnitude of the septic investigation of both acute and chronic sepsis.
challenge. The outcome after CLP is strongly dependent on several
factors during the procedure. These include (i) the percentage of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
cecum that is ligated and thus the amount of necrosis that is induced;
(ii) the amount of the microbial dose that enters the peritoneum,
which depends on the number and size of punctures and the pressure
exerted on the cecal end; (iii) variability in surgical skills, for example
the size of the incisions made in the skin and abdominal muscle; (iv) TRENDS in Microbiology
use of different anesthetic agents; (v) time of day (i.e. circadian
rhythm effects); (vi) sex, age and strain of the animals; (vii) Figure I. CLP procedure. (a) Animals are first anesthetized and the abdominal
heterogeneity of the animal host response (i.e. the immune system area is shaved and disinfected. A midline laparotomy is then performed. (b) The
of the host can succeed in containing the infection within an abscess) cecum is identified and exposed and a specified percentage of the distal end of
[7,9] and this prevents development of septic shock; and (viii) the cecum is ligated. The higher the percentage, the higher the mortality [64]. (c)
supportive treatments such as fluid resuscitation and antibiotic Next, the cecum is punctured. The more punctures and the bigger the needle
size, the higher the mortality [7,61]. The cecum is then gently compressed to
treatment. As a consequence, it is of great importance that the
extrude a small amount of cecal content. Next, the cecum is returned to the
procedure is performed with high consistency and reproducibility. abdominal cavity. (d) The abdominal musculature is closed by applying simple
Unfortunately, details of CLP procedures are not routinely described running sutures. (e) The abdominal skin incision is closed by applying metallic
in published studies, although such information could explain and clips to the skin. At this point, optional antibiotic therapy and fluid resuscitation
avoid many contradictory results obtained by different laboratories. can be given.

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Table 2. Outcome of blocking innate immune components in CLP-induced sepsisa

Immune component Intervention Outcome b Refs
IL-6 KO mice x [66]
Anti-IL-6 Ab + [15]
x [68]
IL-10 KO mice [69]
Anti-IL-10 Ab [45]
+ [46]
IL-12 KO mice [44]
x [56]
Anti-IL-12 Ab [43]
IL-13 Anti-IL-13 Ab [70]
IL-17 IL-17 receptor KO mice [17]
Anti-IL-17 Ab + [16]
IL-27 EBI3 (subunit of IL-27) KO mice + [71]
Soluble IL-27 receptor fusion protein + [71]
IFN-g KO mice x [56]
KO mice plus antibiotics + [55]
Anti-IFN-g Ab +c [72,73]
x [55]
IFN-gR KO mice x [56]
TNF TNFR1 KO mice + [74]
TNFR2 KO mice [74]
TNFR1/2 KO mice + [75]
Anti-TNF Ab [41,42]
Anti-TNF Ab plus antibiotics x [76]
GM-SCF KO mice + [77]
MIF Anti-MIF Ab + [59]
HMGB1 d Anti-HMBG1 Ab + [78]
RAGE KO mice (major receptor for HMGB1) + [79–81]
Type I IFN IFNAR KO mice [12]
Chemokines (and receptors)
CCL2 Anti-CCL2 Ab – [13]
CCL5/CCR1 CCR1 KO mice + [82]
Anti-CCL5 Ab + [82]
CCR6 CCR6 KO mice + [83]
CCR8 CCR8 KO mice + [84]
CXCL1/CXCR1 CXCR1 KO mice [85]
CXCL2/CXCR2 CXCR2 KO mice + [86]
Anti-CXCL2 Ab + [87]
Proinflammatory enzymes
MMPs Broad-spectrum Ab + [88–90]
TIMP3 KO mice [91,92]
NOS1 KO mice [93]
NOS2 KO mice [94]
PTGS2 Anti-PTGS2 Ab x [95]
Toll-like receptors
TLR4 KO mice + [96]
TLR9 KO mice + [97]
Abbreviations: Ab, antibody; TNFR, tumor necrosis factor receptor; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; CCL, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand; CCR,
chemokine (C-C motif) receptor; chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand; CXCR, chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; KO, knockout; TIMP, tissue
inhibitor of MMP; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; PTGS, prostaglandin endoperoxidase synthase.
Symbols: x, no difference in CLP-induced mortality; +, improved survival after CLP-induced sepsis; –, decreased survival after CLP-induced sepsis.
Mortality was not tested in the study of Qiu et al. [73], but the authors concluded that inhibition of IFN-g activity in the CLP model is beneficial because it accelerated fibrin
deposition in cecal tissue, preventing bacterial spread and reducing the systemic inflammatory response.
Many agents have resulted in improved survival in CLP-treated animals, including neuropeptides [98], vagus nerve stimulation [99], green tea [100] and ethyl pyruvate
[101], probably all due to an indirect decrease in HMGB1 levels.

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study of the role of specific genes and has greatly contrib- result of this anti-inflammatory response, most patients
uted to our knowledge of the immune responses associated survive the initial hyperinflammatory state and progress
with experimental sepsis. Here, we summarize the find- quickly to a protracted period of immune suppression [19].
ings obtained by targeting specific components of the im-
mune system in CLP-induced sepsis. Hypoinflammatory phase of sepsis
Important factors contributing to the immunosuppressive
Hyperinflammatory phase of sepsis phase is the shutting down of signaling pathways in neu-
Sepsis is caused by overactivation of the innate immune trophils and the rapid apoptosis of lymphocytes and den-
system, and this leads to the release of large amounts of dritic cells (DCs) [19,20]. During this hypoinflammatory
inflammatory mediators including cytokines and chemo- phase of sepsis, patients are very susceptible to nosocomial
kines. This proinflammatory storm causes the release of infections, and most die during this long stage of immuno-
powerful secondary mediators, such as inflammatory suppression [21]. Therefore, prevention of sepsis-induced
enzymes and reactive oxygen species, which further am- apoptosis has become a target for therapy. CLP is an
plify the inflammatory process. Therefore, this initial im- appropriate model for investigating this because these
mune reaction is called the hyperinflammatory phase of phenomena are also present in CLP mice [20,22]. Mice
sepsis. The major proinflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and that overexpress B-cell CLL/lymphoma (Bcl-2), an inhibi-
TNF, and chemokines such as monocyte chemoattractant tor of apoptosis, are resistant to CLP-induced apoptosis
protein (MCP) 1, increase following CLP [13]. Further- and show improved survival [23]. In addition, chemical
more, high levels of IL-6, which also occurs in human inhibitors of activated caspases also protect against apo-
sepsis, correlate strongly with decreased survival after ptosis in CLP-induced sepsis [19]. More recently, addition-
CLP [14]. Blockade of IL-6 consistently increases survival al strategies have been reported to reduce apoptosis-
of mice following induction of sepsis by CLP [15]. Inhibition induced depletion of immune cells. Pène and colleagues
of several other proinflammatory mediators has already showed that blocking the Toll-like receptors TLR2 and
been tested, either by genetic or pharmacological means, to TLR4 results in reduced apoptosis of splenic DCs after
determine their involvement in experimental sepsis in- CLP [24]. Furthermore, IL-15 therapy was shown to have
duced by CLP (Table 2). beneficial effects on the outcome of CLP-induced sepsis by
The specific roles of various inflammatory proteins in reducing apoptosis of immune cells and by increasing the
the outcome of polymicrobial sepsis induced by CLP are levels of interferon (IFN)-g [25]. Hence, IL-15 administra-
listed in Table 2. Inhibiting some of these mediators tion represents a potential novel therapy for sepsis. Also,
improves survival, which shows that they are negative inhibition of the negative costimulatory molecule pro-
regulators of innate immune function in CLP-induced grammed-death 1 (PD-1), whose levels strongly increase
septic peritonitis. Therefore, in vivo blockade of some of during sepsis, reverses immune dysfunction and improves
these cytokines has been regarded as a potential therapeu- survival during CLP-induced sepsis [26]. These examples
tic strategy for the treatment of sepsis. However, the illustrate that patients can benefit from anti-apoptotic or
results of research are often discordant (Table 2), possibly immune-stimulatory therapies during the hypoinflamma-
due to differences in mouse strains and experimental tory phase of sepsis, instead of from therapies that reduce
variables in the CLP procedure (Box 1). For example, the immune response [19,21].
conflicting results were reported about the role of IL-17
in polymicrobial sepsis. One study claims that blockade of Coagulation and complement systems
IL-17 is protective in severe CLP-induced sepsis [16], Sepsis affects not only the inflammatory pathways but also
whereas a second study that used mice deficient in the the coagulation system and the complement pathways.
IL-17 receptor demonstrated a beneficial role for IL-17 in During sepsis, systemic inflammation is associated with
CLP-induced non-severe sepsis [17]. This discrepancy activation of procoagulant pathways; this favors the devel-
might be explained by the different degrees of severity opment of microvascular thrombosis and disseminated
of sepsis that can be induced by CLP (Box 1). These two intravascular coagulopathy [2]. The levels of natural antic-
studies could be reconciled by hypothesizing that IL-17 is oagulants, such as activated protein C (aPC), antithrombin
essential for host defense but detrimental in severe inflam- and tissue factor pathway inhibitor, are decreased in most
matory conditions. Nevertheless, contradictory results patients with sepsis. This results in the development of a
might also be due to the complexity of the disease. Redun- procoagulant and antifibrinolytic state. Thus, clinical ap-
dancy between mediators and the fact that several med- plication of agents that inhibit the coagulation pathway or
iators can exert a beneficial or a detrimental effect, promote fibrinolysis could restore homeostasis and
depending on the inflammatory context, complicates data improve outcome. Again, the CLP model has been helpful
interpretation. in elucidating mechanisms targeting the coagulation sys-
Concomitant with the initial hyperinflammatory re- tem during sepsis. For example, lavage with recombinant
sponse is a nearly simultaneous production of anti-inflam- tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) enhanced intra-
matory proteins, such as IL-10 and glucocorticoids (GCs), abdominal fibrinolysis in a dose-dependent fashion in a
which dampen and terminate the inflammatory response. mouse CLP model [27]. Peritoneal lavage with aPC also
This is exemplified by a recent study in which mice defi- rebalanced coagulation and fibrinolysis and improved sur-
cient for mitogen kinase phosphatase 1 (Mkp1), a GC- vival in CLP-induced polymicrobial sepsis [27].
induced anti-inflammatory protein, showed increased in- Sepsis is further characterized by uncontrolled amplifi-
flammation and mortality when subjected to CLP [18]. As a cation of all three complement pathways, as reflected by

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the appearance of complement activation products in the such as in anti-TNF antibody pretreatment [41,42] or by
circulation (C3a, C4a and C5a) [28]. These anaphylatoxins blocking IL-12 [43,44] (Table 2).
have strong proinflammatory activities, especially C5a Nevertheless, activation of proinflammatory proteins is
[29]. It was reported that C1 inhibitor improved survival counterbalanced by the production of endogenous anti-
in the CLP model [30]. The most important effect of inhi- inflammatory mediators that prevent excessive activation
biting C1 is probably decreased generation of C5a. In of the inflammatory response. This is exemplified by neu-
addition, blocking C5a or C5a receptor by administration tralization of endogenously produced IL-10 which resulted
of a specific antibody significantly improved survival and in increased plasma levels of TNF and enhanced mortality
prevented the development of organ dysfunction after CLP [45]. However, a delayed therapy with anti-IL-10 monoclo-
[31,32]. nal antibodies was successful after CLP-induced sepsis
The CLP-induced polymicrobial sepsis model has con- [46]. This might be explained by the contribution of the
tributed much to our knowledge of the involvement of endogenous anti-inflammatory reaction to the initiation of
immune components in sepsis disease, including the iden- immunosuppression.
tification of new potential drug targets. However, care Indeed, an important factor contributing to the com-
must be taken when extrapolating results on the efficacy plexity of sepsis and the difficulty of finding effective
of new therapeutic agents from animal models to humans. therapies is the gradual switch from a pro- to an anti-
This became clear when most of the promising therapeutic inflammatory state. Failure of immunosuppressive drugs
approaches did not improve survival of sepsis patients [33]. can be attributed to the absence of a hypercytokine re-
sponse at the time of drug treatment. Because most
Strategies to bridge the gap between bench and patients die during the protracted immunosuppressive
bedside phase of sepsis due to secondary nosocomial infections,
Although the CLP model has greatly contributed to our modulation of the immunosuppressive phase of sepsis
understanding of the pathophysiological and immunologi- might aid in the development of new therapeutic strate-
cal features of clinical sepsis, it does not reproduce the gies. Understanding both phases of human sepsis requires
whole spectrum of human sepsis. Many promising thera- animal models in which the hyperinflammatory response
peutic agents that were effective in animal studies, includ- can be overcome, thereby permitting the host defense to be
ing high-dose GCs [34], LPS-targeting agents [35,36], and studied during the more prolonged phases of sepsis. To this
selective blockers of inflammatory mediators, all failed to end, CLP is the most appropriate model because it resem-
demonstrate a similar benefit in human clinical trials [33]; bles the progression from the hyper- to the hypoinflamma-
very few therapies have been translated to the clinic. tory phase of human sepsis. Increased risk of developing
Despite controversy, dotrecogin alfa (aPC, a coagulation secondary infections during the protracted immunosup-
factor) was shown to decrease mortality in severe sepsis pressive stage also occurs in the CLP model [20,47]. Thus,
[37]. In addition, treatment with low doses of GCs also the CLP model has been adapted accordingly by several
showed a favorable benefit-to-risk ratio in severe sepsis groups to study the pathological effects of such infections
cases [38]. by challenging animals after CLP with the fungus Asper-
The disagreement between animal experiments and gillus fumigatus [48] or the Gram-positive bacterium Pseu-
human studies can be attributed to misinterpretation of domonas aeruginosa [47].
preclinical data obtained from experimental studies and Several therapeutic strategies have been proposed to
the use of animal models that do not adequately mimic prevent immunosuppression, of which neutralization of
human sepsis; importantly, the outcome in the clinical apoptosis is probably the most appropriate. However, apo-
setting is influenced by multiple factors, including genetic ptosis blockers have not been tested yet in patients. An-
background, therapeutic interventions, supportive care, other strategy to restore immune function is the
age, and pre-existing medical conditions [39]. Here we administration of immune stimulatory proteins during
propose different strategies that take into consideration the immunosuppressive phase, such as granulocyte colony
these premorbid factors so as to improve the CLP model as stimulating factor (G-CSF). A recent study of a small group
a valid platform for identifying new therapeutic targets. of sepsis patients showed a benefit of G-CSF therapy [49].
Many other potential therapies targeting immunosuppres-
The need for a better understanding of the pathogenic sion in sepsis have been reported, some of which were
mechanisms driving sepsis described above. Blocking the complement protein C5a
Most previous experimental therapies for sepsis have fo- is also promising because it plays a key role in the devel-
cused on attenuating the initial inflammatory response opment of immune paralysis (Box 2).
and have ignored the progressive development of immuno-
suppression [40]. In fact, the inflammatory response has The need for better simulation of the clinical situation in
both beneficial and deleterious effects. It causes organ humans
system dysfunction and ultimately mortality, but the in- Many of the therapeutic failures can also be attributed to
duction of inflammatory proteins is often indispensable to initiating clinical trials on the basis of results obtained in
battle the infection successfully. Therefore, an optimal animal models that do not fully reflect the pathophysiology
therapy should block the overactivation of the immune of human sepsis. Rodents are housed in specific pathogen-
system but not prevent clearance of the pathogen. This free facilities, are often inbred strains, and have the same
might explain the increased mortality consequent to block- age and weight. Patients are far more heterogeneous with
ing proinflammatory cytokines in CLP-induced sepsis, respect to gender, age, immune and nutritional status, and

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Box 2. Neutralization of the complement component C5a as a new promising therapy in sepsis
C5a is a complement-derived anaphylatoxin. By exerting diverse In the experimental model of CLP, all three complement pathways
proinflammatory effects that affect chemotaxis and activation of are activated [28]. Therefore, blockade of C5a has been considered to
granulocytes and macrophages, and the release of antimicrobial be a potential therapy for sepsis and has been tested in the CLP
products from phagocytes, it protects the host against microorgan- model. In vivo blockade of C5a greatly attenuates many of the
isms. However, excessive production of anaphylatoxins injures the complications that develop following CLP. In rodents, neutralization
host and can even be life-threatening. This occurs early in sepsis of C5a after CLP improves survival, protects against the loss of innate
when the exaggerated release of C5a disturbs the immune functions immune functions of neutrophils, alleviates the cardiomyopathy
in neutrophils, but it can be prevented by anti-C5a treatment associated with sepsis, attenuates consumptive coagulopathy, and
immediately after CLP [31,32]. Increased generation of C5a also reduces thymocyte apoptosis [22]. Diminished thymocyte apoptosis
contributes to other harmful outcomes of sepsis, including apoptosis reduces the progression to an immunosuppressive state, which is
of thymocytes and adrenal medullary cells, and cardiomyopathy characteristic of clinical sepsis and an important cause of death of
(Figure I) [102]. sepsis patients.


Complement activation

Classical pathway Lectin pathway Alternative pathway

(Immune complexes) (Bacterial polysaccharides) (Lipopolysaccharide)

C1 MBL, MASP1/2/3/, MAP19 C3b

C4, C2 C3 Convertase

- Phagocytosis
- Viral neutralization
C3a C3b - Antibody response
- T cell activation

Anaphylatoxins C5 Convertase

C5a C5b + Cell lysis

- Uncontrolled inflammation
- Compromised neutrophil C6, C7,
functions C8, C9
- Thymocyte apoptosis
- Consumptive coagulopathy
- Apoptosis of adrenal
medullary cells
- Cardiomyopathy

TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure I. Sepsis-induced activation of the three complement pathways collectively results in the generation of the proinflammatory anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a. The
complement system can be activated by at least three different pathways, each of which leads to the cleavage of C3 and C5 by the C3 and C5 convertases. During sepsis,
however, excessive activation of the complement system can contribute to the detrimental symptoms observed in septic patients, including uncontrolled inflammation,
defective phagocyte functions, apoptosis of thymocytes and adrenal medullary cells, and consumptive coagulopathy.

supportive care than are commonly used laboratory mice. between age and increased mortality [50]. In addition,
These factors influence the clinical outcome in human experimental animal models have provided a better un-
sepsis (Table 3). For example, most humans with sepsis derstanding of the role of gender differences in the re-
are more than 50 years old, whereas most mice used in sponse to CLP, indicating that female mice are more
experimental sepsis models are typically aged 2–3 mo, the resistant to CLP than are male mice [51]. Therefore, when
equivalent of about 10 years of age in humans. Studies testing the efficacy of new drugs it is better to reproduce at
using CLP have demonstrated that there is a relationship least some of this heterogeneity in animals.

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Table 3. Discrepancies between CLP and human sepsis that might account for failure of therapeutic sepsis strategies
Discrepancy CLP sepsis model Human sepsis
Age Usually young animals Mostly neonates or elderly
Weight Equal Variable
Gender Usually one gender Both, but women have a more active immune system than men men
Immune status Optimal Often suboptimal
Nutritional status Equal Diverse
Genetics Inbred Heterogeneous
Social factors Seldom Often: smoking, drinking, stress
Environment Defined, often pathogen-free Variable
Onset Usually rapid Usually slow
Causative insult Polymicrobial: mixture Gram-negative- and Gram-positive bacteria, viruses and fungi
of enteric bacteria
Antibiotics Sometimes Mostly used and often are ineffective
Treatment Usually early Usually late
Anticoagulant High Low tolerance
Comorbidities Seldom Common: hypertension,cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, pre-existing
Supportive care Seldom Common: antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, mechanical ventilation,
blood pressure support by vasopressors

Most importantly, unlike patients, experimental ani- as experimental CLP is more difficult to stage due to a
mals do not have comorbidities such as diabetes, renal current lack of efficient monitoring. The outcome of CLP is
failure, or pre-existing immunosuppression. To develop normally assessed through the mortality rate. In view of
better preclinical sepsis models several groups have tried this, and the large number of variables inherent to the CLP
to mimic some of the heterogeneity of humans by imple- procedure, high numbers of animals are required. It has
menting comorbid conditions in animals. Recently it has recently been predicted that biomarkers such as inflam-
been reported that untreated type 1 and 2 diabetes severe- matory cytokines might be helpful to allow mortality pre-
ly exacerbates mortality and sepsis-induced inflammation diction [4,58].
following CLP [52,53]. In addition, Doi et al. showed that Moreover, new therapeutic agents should be studied in
pre-existing renal disease worsens outcome following CLP infection models even after initiation of the septic process.
[54]. In most successful experiments the agent was given before
Another potential component that could contribute to or shortly after the septic challenge, whereas patients are
the disparity in the development of novel effective thera- usually diagnosed and treated after the onset of sepsis.
pies is the lack of supportive therapeutic interventions in Nevertheless, some therapies, such as macrophage migra-
experimental sepsis models. Humans are immediately tion inhibitory factor (MIF) therapy [59], anti-HMGB1
treated with different standard therapies including anti- (high mobility group box 1) antibodies [60] and anti-IL-
biotics, glucose control and correction of anemia. The 17A antibodies [16], showed beneficial effects even if treat-
importance of these supportive treatments in the severity ment was delayed several hours after the infection started.
of the sepsis response has been illustrated by using differ- Thus, it is clear that novel therapeutic treatments should
ent resuscitation strategies and by the use of antibiotics in also be effective when administered after the onset of
CLP. The use of antibiotics in the study of Romero et al. can sepsis. One should also take into account that sepsis
explain the increased resistance of IFN-g knockout mice to patients rapidly evolve into an immunosuppressive state,
CLP-induced mortality [55], in contrast to the study of again promoting the development of therapeutic anti-apo-
Echtenacher et al. in which no antibiotic treatment was ptotic, immunostimulatory agents for the treatment of
applied [56]. Furthermore, early and more aggressive and sepsis. Several potential therapies that target the immu-
intensive fluid resuscitation, which resembles the situa- nosuppressive phase were successful in CLP. For example,
tion in patients, shows the most beneficial effects on sepsis anti-PD-1 antibodies, administered 24 h post-CLP, pre-
outcome induced by CLP [57]. Taken together, preclinical vented apoptosis of lymphocytes and DCs and improved
models of sepsis must take into account the importance of survival [26].
appropriate fluid resuscitation and antibiotic regimens. To develop effective therapies for sepsis patients, inves-
A more intense resuscitation strategy also simulates tigations of the immunological and pathophysiological
better the hemodynamic profile of human sepsis. Indeed, mechanisms should be performed in models that resemble
sepsis is associated with hemodynamic abnormalities that human sepsis more closely than do current models (Table
result in tissue hypoperfusion. Monitoring of these hemo- 3). The CLP model can be adapted in several ways, but
dynamic changes is very important, although this is not some limitations are inherent to CLP. Findings obtained
evident in animal models. Evaluating hemodynamic from the CLP model can be applied to patients in whom
parameters upon CLP have been performed using echo- sepsis is due to abdominal perforations, leading to perito-
cardiography and implanted radiotelemeters [57]. By ex- nitis. However, other types of insults that activate other
tended physiological monitoring in sepsis patients, several pathways can also result in sepsis. For example, the fre-
stages in the severity of sepsis have been described, where- quency of fungal sepsis has risen, which is alarming be-

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cause it has a poor prognosis [2]. Gram-positive pulmonary 11 Weighardt, H. et al. (2006) Type I IFN modulates host defense and late
hyperinflammation in septic peritonitis. J. Immunol. 177, 5623–5630
infection models also deserve consideration because lung
12 Kelly-Scumpia, K.M. et al. (2010) Type I interferon signaling in
infection is an important source of sepsis in humans. This hematopoietic cells is required for survival in mouse polymicrobial
clearly indicates that sepsis is a group of distinct biochem- sepsis by regulating CXCL10. J. Exp. Med. 207, 319–326
ical disorders rather than a single physiologic syndrome. 13 Matsukawa, A. et al. (1999) Endogenous monocyte chemoattractant
Future research will be needed to identify different groups protein-1 (MCP-1) protects mice in a model of acute septic peritonitis:
cross-talk between MCP-1 and leukotriene B4. J. Immunol. 163,
of patients, possibly by the use of novel biomarkers, to
improve therapeutic treatment and clinical studies [3]. 14 Song, M. and Kellum, J.A. (2005) Interleukin-6. Crit. Care Med. 33,
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Sepsis is a major problem with high incidence and mortal- sepsis are linked to reduced C5a receptor expression. J. Immunol.
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ity rates. Appropriate animal models are crucial for study- 16 Flierl, M.A. et al. (2008) Adverse functions of IL-17A in experimental
ing sepsis, although most such models are not directly sepsis. FASEB J. 22, 2198–2205
relevant for investigations of the pathophysiology of hu- 17 Freitas, A. et al. (2009) IL-17 receptor signaling is required to control
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representations of human sepsis and has made important 18 Hammer, M. et al. (2010) Increased inflammation and lethality of
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contributions to our knowledge of the inflammatory com- 395–404
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20 Muenzer, J.T. et al. (2010) Characterization and modulation of the
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