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Agent Winfree, Agent Greenstone, Agent Mgeri

“I’m tired.” Says Agent Greenstone. “We’ve been working on this plan for a while.” “I agree.” Agent Winfree said. “We should
go to sleep.” Said Agent Mgeri. They find 3 bedrooms, one for each of them. But right as Agents Winfree and Mgeri fall
asleep, they hear a faint: Help! “[yawning] It’s probably just the wind.” Agent Winfree said. We can go to sleep".

They all wake up in the morning, Agent Winfree and Agent Mgeri find that Agent Greenstone is still sleeping. Agent
Winfree and Agent Mgeri walk to the kitchen still half asleep. “[yawning] What should we have for breakfast?” Agent
Winfree asked Agent Mgeri. “I’m not good with food.” “Well… To have a complete breakfast, we could make some bacon
strips, pancakes and a couple fried eggs.” Agent Mgeri said. “Um, how about cereal and toast.” Agent Winfree said. “Ok”
Agent Mgeri.

While eating breakfast, Agent Greenstone came in and started making pancake batter. Then said “How are you guys
today?” “Good” Agent Mgeri said. “Tired” Agent Winfree said. “You seem Bright as Sunshine Agent Greenstone” Agent Mgeri
said. “Here you go Agent.. Um… What was your name again?” Agent Greenstone asked/said. Agent Mgeri looks at him with a
strange look. “I’m Agent Mgeri” she said. “Thank you though” Agent Greenstone gives tired Agent Winfree some pancakes.
“Thanks” she said. “I just noticed this but, why are you wearing a white robe thing?” “ I just found it laying around” Agent
Greenstone said. “You look good in it.” Agent Mgeri said. ““ Thanks” He replied. They finish breakfast and go back to the plan
that they had made the night before. “I think we have a good plan” Agent Winfree said. “ Ok so Agent Winfree you need to
go North, I go West, and Agent Greenstone you go South. Agree?” Agent Mgeri said. “Agreed” Both Agents said.

[More on next page]

The agents split up and headed in their direction. Agent Greenstone went but Agent Winfree said to Agent
Mgeri “stay behind a minute. I need to ask you something.” So Agent Mgeri stay behind. “What do you
need to ask me about? She asked.

“ Have you noticed that Agent Greenstone is acting a little different? I noticed that his hair was a little
darker than yesterday.” Agent Winfree said. “Oh ya definitely. He’s not the person who would sleep in like
he did this morning.” Agent Mgeri replied. After talking about things that they noticed, Agent Winfree
finally said: “I think that Agent Greenstone got kidnapped and a scientist replaced him.” “I think so too.”
Agent Mgeri Agreed.

Suddenly, dark gray clouds rolled in. Thunder was heard in the distance. Lighting struck. Plink! Plink!
Plank! “IT’S RAINING CATS AND DOGS!” Agent Mgeri shouted! “Just cover your head with your hands!”
Agent Winfree half shouted. “Let's just continue our search for the dinosaur and keep an eye out for the
REAL Agent Greenstone. Got it?” Agent Winfree said. “Got it.” Agent Mgeri . They split up and search for a
while but then: BANG! “AHH!!” Agents Winfree and Mgeri walked into each other! They turn around and
see a huge building! “I think it’s a science lab. From the mysterious evil scientist.” Agent Winfree

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