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© Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10(11): RA255-260 WWW. M ED S CI M ONIT .COM

PMID: 15507866 Review Article

Received: 2004.07.07
Atherosclerosis: immunopathogenesis
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Accepted: 2004.09.24
Published: 2004.11.01
and immunotherapy

Ryuji Ohashi, Hong Mu, Qizhi Yao, Changyi Chen
Molecular Surgeon Research Center, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Michael E. DeBakey
Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, U.S.A.

Source of support: This work is partially supported by research grants from the National Institutes of Health RA

(Yao: AI 49116 and DE15543; and Chen: HL61943, HL60135, HL65916, HL72716, and EB-002436).

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Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that causes various cardiovascular complications. Although the
N A initiation and progression of atherosclerosis largely depend on genetic factors and life styles, the
cellular and molecular mechanisms are still not clear. Recent studies have revealed that cellular
and humoral immunity plays crucial roles in atherogenic lesion formation, including macrophag-
es, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and dendritic cells as well as autoantigens such as heat shock protein
(HSP 60/65) and oxidized LDL. Furthermore, atherosclerosis is associated with microbial or vi-
ral infection. Given these recent advances, various modifications of the immune system in mouse

models have been performed to determine the underlying mechanisms of atherogenesis and new
therapeutic strategies. Blocking of macrophage inducing factors or disruption of scavenger recep-
tors on macrophages such as SR-A and CD36 can inhibit atherosclerosis progression. Switching
the immune system of CD4+ T cells from Th1 to Th2 can induce secretion of anti-inflammatory
cytokine IL-10, leading to decreased atherosclerotic lesions. Eradication of microbes and viruses
can also reduce atherosclerosis. These investigations strongly support that immune responses are

important mechanisms of atherogenesis, and immunomodulation can be a new strategy to treat

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key words: atherosclerosis • cellular immunity • humoral immunity • immunopathogenesis •


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Word count: 2940
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References: 84
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Author’s address: Changyi (Johnny) Chen, M.D, Ph.D., Michael E. DeBakey, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine,
One Baylor Plaza, NAB 2010, Surgery, Houston, Texas 77030, U.S.A., e-mail:

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Review Article Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10(11): RA255-260

BACKGROUND phage recruitment and smaller atherosclerotic lesions [6].

Lack of M-CSF also prevents macrophage differentiation in
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that causes artery walls many organs, and M-CSF–/– mice lack osteoclasts and mac-
to thicken and become less elastic. The resulting restriction rophages in tissues. When M-CSF–/– mice were mated with
of blood flow can lead to various problems such as heart at- apoE–/– mice, the offspring developed very little atheroscle-
tacks, renal failure, stroke and other serious cardiovascular rosis despite high blood cholesterol levels [7]. Macrophage
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complications. In general, the susceptibility to atherosclero- migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic macro-
sis depends on genetic factors, diet, smoking, diabetes, blood phage and T cell cytokine. MIF is found to be crucial in
pressure, high cholesterol, hyperhomocysteinemia, and lack regulating immune-mediated diseases but until recently the
of exercise. In addition, recent studies are showing that in- precise function of MIF in atherogenesis remains unclear.
flammation and immune responses contribute to athero- Schober and colleagues found that blockade of MIF can sta-

genesis. Microbial infection with activated immune system bilize atherosclerotic lesions in apoE–/– mice [8]. Collectively,
is also associated with vascular lesions. These investigations although roles of macrophages in atherogenesis have not
strongly support the hypothesis that immune responses are been entirely clarified, it is evident that suppression of the
important mechanisms of atherogenesis although many is- macrophage inducing factors can be a strong therapeutic
sues have remained controversial and uncertain. Thereby, tool for humans by reducing macrophage migration into
modifications of this immune system can be new strategies the atherosclerotic lesions.

to prevent or reverse atherosclerosis. In fact, some reports
have already shown that atherosclerosis can be ameliorat- Macrophages are known to express at least eight different
ed by vaccination in animal models, which could have clin- scavenger receptors (SR) which have very different struc-
ical significance and applications. The present review will tures and can bind and internalize a wide range of ligands

focus on recent advances in immunopathogenesis of athero- such as LDL [9]. Among them, SR-A and CD36 are known
sclerosis as well as immunotherapy as a new strategy for the to be important in atherogenesis as disruption of SR-A gene
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treatment of these vascular lesions. shows a reduced size of atherosclerosis, suggesting a proath-
N A erogenic role for SR-A [10]. Similarly, CD36–/– mice dem-
CELLULAR IMMUNITY IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS onstrate the reduced atherosclerotic lesion development
AND APPLICATION FOR IMMUNE THERAPY when crossed with apoE–/– mice [11]. This indicates an im-
portant role of CD36 in atherogenesis. However, a recent
The key initial event in the pathology of atherosclerosis ap- report demonstrates that inactivation of SR-B1 can augment
pears to be damage to the endothelial cells of the vessels. atherosclerotic lesions in apoE–/– mice [12]. This finding

The exact nature of endothelial cell damage is presently un- suggests that SR-B1 has a protective role for atherogenesis
known but it results in the cell-surface expression of mol- contrary to the proatherogenic role of SR-A and CD36. Thus,
ecules that mediate leukocyte adhesion such as intercel- modification of macrophage scavenger receptors could have
lular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell be therapeutic values for atherosclerosis.
adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Following damage to the
endothelium, mononuclear cells are recruited to the ves- CD4+ and Tr T cells
sel wall across the endothelium. They then accumulate fat-

ty materials in the intima forming intimal lesions, in which Recently, the importance of T cells in atherogenesis has
large numbers of infiltrates are seen, and mostly consisted also been emphasized. A study demonstrates that dele-
of macrophages and T cells. Occasionally mast cells and B tion of CD4+ and CD8+ cells reduces fatty streak forma-
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cells are also recognized. tion in C57BL/6 mice, indicating that T cells may be in-
volved in fatty streak formation [13]. In particular, CD4+
Macrophage T cells might be much responsible for atherogenesis since
they are ubiquitously seen in human atherosclerosis, and
For many years, it has been known that macrophages appear exhibit reactivity to putative athero-antigens [14]. If CD4+
in most atherosclerotic lesions [1–3]. They produce free ox- cells are transferred from immunocompetent to immune
ygen radicals, proteases, compliment factors and cytokines. deficient apoE–/– mice, atherosclerotic lesion worsens dras-
They are also initiators of adaptive immune responses by dis- tically, suggesting a role of CD4+ cells in the development
playing MHC to T cells, which in turn induce cytokine se- of atherosclerosis [15].
cretion, cytotoxicity, antibody production and other many
immune reactions. Accumulation of macrophages in athero- CD4+ T cells can be divided into at least 2 different subsets,
sclerotic lesions indicates that immune reactions and anti- Th1 and Th2 that counterbalance each other [16]. Th1,
gen presentation are occurring in the lesions. Circulating the most prevalent type of CD4+ cell, induces macrophage
monocytes are recruited into subintimal areas following activation and promotes inflammation by secreting inter-
endothelial cell injury via chemoattractant molecules such feron-g (IFN-g), an important proinflammatory cytokine.
as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and the However, Th2 cells suppress inflammation and dampen mac-
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monocytes differentiate into macrophages stimulated by rophage activity via several different anti-inflammatory cy-
macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF). MCP-1 be- tokines including interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-
longs to the group of CC chemokines and acts via chemok- 10) and transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b). In a recent
ine receptor (CCR2). MCP-1 knock out (MCP-1–/–) mice study, apoE–/– mice were treated with an inhibitor of the
have been found to be protective from atherosclerosis due Th1 differentiation pathway (PTX) for 12 weeks and the an-
to reduced macrophage infiltration, while overexpression of imals presented with reduced size of atherosclerotic lesions
MCP-1 augments the disease [4,5]. Similarly, CCR2–/– mice by 60% as compared to controls [17]. They further showed
on an apoE–/– background have decreased monocyte-macro- that addition of PTX to cultured spleen cells increased se-


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Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10(11): RA255-260 Ohashi R et al – Atherosclerosis: immunopathogenesis and immunotherapy

cretion of IL-10, anti-inflammatory cytokine from Th2 cells, arterial wall, might enable the regulation of immune reac-
indicating that PTX promoted Th2 function. These studies tions in atherogenesis. If VDCs constitue a unique subset
suggest that switching the immune system from Th1 to Th2 within the DC family, the isolation of VDCs from the arterial
might have an ameliorating effect on the atherogenesis by wall might enable the identification of unique antigens on
inducing secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines. their surface. This may lead to new strategies where VDCs
can be targeted to deliver biologically active substances to
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Regulatory T (Tr) cells are a novel functionally distinct sub- atherosclerotic lesions.
population of T cells that exert important regulatory func-
tions in various immunoinflammatory diseases [18–20]. AUTOANTIGENS AND HUMORAL IMMUNITY
Several subsets of Tr cells with distinct phenotypes and IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS
distinct mechanisms of actions have now been identified.

Among those, type 1 Tr (Tr1) cells can inhibit immune re- Evidence from human and animal studies indicates that some
sponses by secreting TGF-b and IL-10 [21–26]. Recently, autoantigens are involved in atherogenesis. Substantial evi-
Mallat et al reported that Tr1 regulatory immune response dence indicates that two major autoantigens are implicated,
plays a major role in atherosclerosis by demonstrating that oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and HSP60, which can elicit specific

transferring Tr1 cells into apoE–/– mice led to reduction of antigeity via either humoral or cellular immune system.
atherosclerotic lesions [27]. Terefore, Th2 subsets, Tr1 cells

might also be a candidate for future immune therapy. OxLDL

CD8+ and gdT cells Oxidation of lipoproteins and oxidative processes general-
ly play an important role in the initiation and progression

CD8+ T cells can also be an important player in athero- of atherosclerosis. Oxidation of LDL occurs in a wide range
genesis. In apoE–/– mice, expression of foreign antigen on of atherosclerotic lesions in human and animal models, and
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vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) can lead to cytotoxic by-products generated during the process have numerous
attack by CD8+ T cells, resulting in aggravation of athero- properties causing cytotoxic damage to vascular wall, inhi-
sclerosis [28]. It is possible that CD8+ T cells cause some bition of vasodilatation in response to nitric oxide and etc
of the widespread apoptosis and contribute to atheroscle- [38–40]. In addition to those detrimental effects, oxLDL
rosis progression [29]. is involved in immune reactions occurring in atherosclero-
sis, supported by accumulating evidence. In a study on ani-
gdT cell is another type of T cells with CD3+, CD4– and CD8– mal experiments, anti-oxLDL antibody is identified and ox-

phenotype, and are important in mucosal immunity and in LDL could be an autoantigen initiating immune reactions
the recognition of complex lipids as antigens. In fact, gdT [39]. Furthermore, anti-oxLDL antibody was found in pa-
cells have been found at varying propotions in arterial in- tients with various vascular diseases including peripheral
flammatory and atherosclerotic lesions [30-32]. Although vascular disease, coronary artery disease and other cardi-
direct evidence has not been documented yet, one can spec- ovascular compications [41–46]. In accordance with these
ulate that gdT cells might have some roles in atherosclero- reports, administration of antibody against oxLDL dem-
sis. Further studies might possibly lead us to a new therapy onstrates reduced size of atherosclerotic lesions, confirm-

by blocking functions of these T cells. ing the involvement of humoral immunity in atherogene-
sis [47–49]. On the other hand, some evidence shows that
Dendritic cells T cell-mediated cellular immunity is also implicated in ox-
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LDL-induced immune reactions. A report shows that T cells

Dendritic cells (DCs) were identified as antigen presenting collected from human plaques can recognize oxLDL in an
cells which express high levels of both MHC-I and -II mole- HLADR dependent manner [50]. OxLDL-specific T cells
cules [33]. While macrophages, monocytes and B cells have are also present in lymph nodes of apoE–/– mice [51,52]. In
been traditionally viewed as antigen presenting cells, DCs addition, oxLDL induces activation of a subset of peripher-
are now considered the principle initiators of immune re- al T cells [53]. Thus, both cellular and humoral systems are
sponses by virtues of the unique ability to activate T cells. involved in atherogenesis. Immunization against oxLDL or
DCs are identified in arteries including aorta, coronary and suppressing oxLDL specific T cells should be an attractive
carotid arteries [34–36]. In the intima and adventitia of nor- strategy for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
mal arteries, small numbers of DCs are present, and they
are called vascular DCs (VDCs) [34]. In atherosclerotic le- Heat shock proteins
sions, a number of DCs are observed by immunohistochem-
ical and ultrastructural studies [34–36]. Although the vast Heat shock proteins (HSPs) have also been implicated in
majority of DCs do not accumulate substantial amount of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis [54]. They are involved
lipids, a small portion of DCs accumulates lipid and trans- in protein folding in the normal cells, are produced in large
form into foam cells, contributing to atherogenesis [37]. amounts by injured cells, and serve as targets for autoim-
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Studies on the functional significance of DCs in atheroscle- mune responses in many human diseases. In patients with
rosis are still in infancy but it is reasonable that DCs in the hypertension and early atherosclerosis, antibodies to HSPs
arterial wall are involved in antigen presentation as in other are recognized, supporting that HSPs may have a role in
organs [35]. In agreement with this idea, immunohistochem- atherogenesis [55,56]. In contrast to oxLDL, immunization
ical observation shows the numbers of DCs are increased in with HSP60 was found to increase fatty streak development in
para-aortic and jugulodigastric lymphe nodes attached to hypercholesterolemic animals [57]. However a recent study
atherosclerotic arterial wall segments [37]. Taken togeth- by Marron et al utilized mucosal immunization with HSP65
er, targeting DCs, either within lymphoid organs or within to see the effect on T cells since mucosal immunization of


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Review Article Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10(11): RA255-260

diabetes model is known to suppress inflammation via T cell CD40 and CD40L are present on vascular cells and macro-
responses [58]. When LDL receptors knock out (LDLR–/–) phages of atherosclerosis lesions and their activation may be
mice, which normally manifest severe atherosclerotic lesions, involved in the progression of atherosclerotic disease [71].
are mucosally immunized with HSP65, the animals showed In humans, increased plasma levels of CD40L has been ob-
ameliorated atherosclerotic lesions with reduced number served in unstable angina [72] and hypercholesterolemia
of T cells and an increase of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL- [73]. Soluble CD40L is regarded as a strong prognostic val-
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10. The finding suggests that this mucosal approach with ue for cardiovascular disease [74]. Animal experiments con-
HSP might have induced deviation from Th1 to Th2, and firmed that anit-CD40L antibody injections reduced fatty
can be utilized for treatment of atherosclerosis. streak development in LDLR–/– mice [75]. CD40L–/–-apoE–/–
compound knock out mice exhibited slower induction of
INFECTION AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS lesions than CD40L+/+-apoE–/– controls [76]. These data

suggest that CD40 should play a significant role in athero-
Bacterial infection genesis and that inhibition of the CD40 pathway might be
a means of treating atherosclerosis. However, the mecha-
Chronic bacterial infection has been found to be significant- nism of action for inhibitors such as anti-CD40L antibodies
ly associated with the development of atherosclerosis and remains unclear and could involve not only immunomodu-
the clinical complications of unstable angina, myocardial in- lation but also direct effects on vascular cells.

farction, and stroke. Particularly, Chlamydia pneumoniae (C.
pneumoniae) and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are known to OTHER THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF VACCINATION
be associated with atherogenesis and cause aortic and ab-
dominal aneurysms and coronary artery lesions [59–61]. In Intravenous injection of immunoglobulin (ivIg) is now

animal model studies, C. pneumoniae can develop arterioscle- used as a therapy for autoimmune and systemic inflamma-
rotic lesions [62]. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms tory disease [77,78]. The mode of action of ivIg is still un-
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of this phenomenon, Benagiano et al recently described the clear but it should probably involve both Fc and V region-
activation of Th1 cells in patients with C. pneumoniae infec- dependent mechanisms [79]. Fc fragment of Ig may block
tion. This finding evidences that C. pnemoniae may cause Fc receptors on phogocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial
atherogenesis via T cell dependent manner [63]. Since C. system, inhibit antibody synthesis by B cells, modulate sup-
pneumoniae and H. pylori are two major infectious antigens, pressor and helper functions of T cells, affect the produc-
treatment using antibiotics may dampen atherosclerosis. tion of cytokines by monocyte/marophage, and interfere
Additionally, combined vaccination of both of them would with compliment-mediated tissue damage. Modulation of

possibly block progression of atherosclerosis. B and T cell functions including cytokine production has
been observed during ivIg treatment in rodent models of au-
Virus infection toimmune diseases [80,81]. Nicoletti at al transferred poly-
clonal immunoglobulins containing anti-oxLDL antibodies
Viruses have long been suspected as causes of atheroscle- and observed reduced atherosclerosis in apoE–/– mice [82].
rosis and there have been a number of reports on involve- Therefore immunoglobulin may also be an effective way to
ment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus prevent atherosclerosis. Immunomodulation can also be an

(HSV). Antibody titres to CMV are increased in patients attractive therapeutic principle, and certain drugs target-
with coronary and carotid artery atherosclerosis [64–66]. ing lipid and carbohydrate metabolism may excert immu-
HSV has been identified in histological sections of coro- nomodulatory effects. Statins act as repressors of MHC-II me-
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nary bypass and cells harvested from carotid artery plaques diated T cell activation [83] and can improve the outcome
[67]. Currently influenza virus has attracted much attention of cardiac transplantation [84]. It is tempting to speculate
since influenza vaccination might inhibit coronary artery that some of beneficial effects of these compounds may be
disease in humans [68]. Influenza vaccination also reduces due to their immunomodulatory effects rather than their
atherosclerotic lesions in apoE–/– mice [69]. Although the action on cholesterol or glucose metabolism.
mechanisms whereby the above viruses induce atherogene-
sis are unclear, it is conceivable that they should play impor- CONCLUSIONS
tant roles in atherosclerosis. Therefore, anti-virus therapy
or vaccination against virus infection can be a therapeutic Recent studies have demonstrated both inflammation and
tool for atherosclerosis. immune responses are key pathogenesis mechanisms of
atherosclerosis. Macrophages, T cells, dendritic cells, au-
IMMUNOREGULATORY CELL SURFACE MOLECULES toantigens, and microbial or viral infection are involved
in all stages of atherosclerotic lesion formation. Thereby,
Immune activation depends on interactions between pro- there seems no doubt that immunotherapy including vac-
teins displayed on the surfaces of adjacent cells as well as cination will be a potential therapeutic tool for atheroscle-
on soluble cytokines. Such proteins include adhesion mole- rosis in the near future. However, there are some issues we
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cules such as ICAM-1 and E-selectin, and costimulatory mol- have to solve before we proceed to using it in humans. For
ecules such as T cell proteins CD28 and CD40. CD40 can example, most of the animal models reported so far do
be identified on B cells and DCs. It ligates the constitutive- not reflect real human atherosclerotic lesions in that they
ly expressed T cell protein, CD40 ligand (CD40L), and is do not progress to atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent
necessary for T-B cell cooperation in the induction of anti- rupture, which can be a cause of death for humans. Thus,
body responses. CD40 is also constitutively expressed by en- we need to invent the animal models which mimic human
dothelial cells [70] and can be activated by stimulation with lesions before we test the efficacy of the therapy. Secondly,
proinflammatory cytokines such as IFN-g [71]. Interestingly, we must identify any possible side effects caused by vaccina-


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