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a d"Jectlves • rea d'10 g the Anglo Saxon discovery

l'lsten'lng at the museum • vocabu lary -edl-mg d' • k"
grammar past simple (affirmative): regular and irregular verbs • pronuncla . t'Ion -ed en lOgs • spea 109 Imp ortant Years

listening 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
1 Read the text about this building and discuss
interested / interesting
the questions.
1 Old Roman coins are very •
1 W11at is the building? Where is it? Why do 2 I'm not very in history.
visitors go there?
bored / boring
2 Do you have museums in your town or Cl. t y.?
3 TV programmes about history are very __
Do you visit them? Why? / W1ly not? •
4 The children are - Let's go home.

Birmingham Museum and Art excited / exciting

Gallery is a famous museum 5 Next year I have a holiday in Egypt. I'm very
in central England with lots of ,- ,.. ....... . •

different exhibitions. Visitors 6 I don't like ancient history but modern history is
can learn about local history •

and see archaeological objects

over a thousand years old. At
6 Discuss the questions as a class.
the moment, there is a special 1 Do you think history is boring / interesting /
exhibition of objects from the exciting?
Anglo-Saxons. 2 Are you interested in a special period of history
(e.g. the Romans, the Egyptians, the Aztecs)?
Anglo-Saxons (n pI) I'rel)gl;)u 'sreksnzl people
living in England a thousand years ago
exhibition (n) I ,eksl'blfnl when a museum or Reading
gallery shows objects or paintings to visitors
7 Read the newspaper article about the Anglo-Saxon
objects at Birmingham Museum. Answer the questions.
2 'i 1.42 Listen to an interview with two visitors 1 When were the Anglo-Saxons in England?
to the museum. Answer the questions.
2 What were they famous for?
1 Why does he ask visitors about their 3 Where were the metal objects?
experience at the museum? 4 How many objects were there?
2 Does the woman visit all of the museum or 5 Were people interested in them?
one exhibition? 6 What was the final value of the objects?
3 How does she know about the exhibition?
4 Why is the man at the museum with his
5 Does he often visit museums?

Vocabulary -ed/-ing adjectives

3 ~ 1.42 Listen again and choose the adjective
you hear in these sentences.

1 I'm interested / interesting in the exhibition of

Anglo-Saxon objects.
2 It's very excited / exciting because I read a lot
of history books.
3 Is it interested / interesting?
4 I think history'S bored / boring.
5 My children are excited / exciting.

4 Look ~t the adjectives ending in -ed and -ing in

ExerCise 3. Answer the questions.
1 Which adjectives describe how the per on
2 Which adjective describe the thing or the
Unit 6 Money

Grammar past simple 10

omplete this text about
(affirmative): regular trea lire with the past Si~nlot~er explorer and Tutankhamen's
p e orm of the verbs.
and irregular verbs
8 Read the firs t paragraph of the
newspaper a rticle aga in. nsw er the
que~tio n s.

1 J:, the p aragraph about the pa tor

the present?
2 Und erline the past form of these
verbs: liuC', work, make. Howard Carter was born in 1874 H' f .
in London, but in 1891 C 2 ' IS amlly I (live)
3 Look a t the grammar box. Which and 3 arter (go) to Egypt
two verbs above are regular? 4th N (work) there as an archaeologist On
ovem ber 1922, Carter I .
Which is irregular?
(discover) a tomb. It was the tomb
~ PAST SIMPLE (AFFIRMATIVE): of Tutankhamen. Tutankhamen
REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (become) a King when he
We talk about the finished actions and
was nine years old and he 6 ~~ •
events in the past with verbs in the past (die) when he was nineteen. The
simple tense .
Egy PrJans 7 (make) his face
Regular verbs mask from ten kilograms of gold
We add -ed or -d to verbs : play - played, and the tomb 8 (have)
die - died. 50,000 gold and silver
Irregular verbs
objects inside.
Many common verbs have irregular forms
in the past simple: become - became, tomb (n) Itu:mI place
get - got, go - went, meet - met. with a dead body inside

For further information and practice, see

page 163.

11 Pronunciation -ed endings

9 Underline the other past simple verbs
in the newspaper article. Which are a ~ 1.43 Sometimes -ed adds an extra syllable to verbs in the
regular and which are irregular? past simple. Listen to these regular verbs and write the number
of syllables.
1 live 1 lived 1 6 start started
2 decide 2 decided 3 7 play played
3 like liked 8 visit visited
4 want wanted 9 travel travelled
5 work worked

b ~ 1.43 Listen again and repeat.

12 Think of five important years in your life and the reaso~ why
they are important (e.g. 111 2001, I l!ved abroad.) ext, wnte
down the five years but do not wnte down the reason.

Work in pairs. Show the years to your partner and hel he

guesses why the years are important to you.

1995. You went to university in 1995.

You started your first job. Yes, correct

priceless (adj) l'pral,';,,1 to
describe an object with
no price because it is so
value (n) I'va:lju:1 the cost
or price of something
reading types of money • critical thinking relevance • speaking survey about money

Reading Critical thinking relevance

1 Discuss these questions as a class. 3 These are the last sentences
for each paragraph in the .
Match the sentences with th e paragraphs. .
1 Do you usually pay for thjngs:
a with cash (coins and notes)? a They also put the head of their Emperor on them.
b by credit card? b The total transaction time took sixteen seconds. 1
c by bank transfer? c And personally, I s till prefer real cash in my pocket t
d with a cheque? numbers in a bank account. 0
2 Where do you usually keep d It was also easy to carry.
your money? e Over 180 million people in the US have more than 0
. ne
a in a purse or wallet cred I t card .
b in a handbag f But is tha t really possible?
c in a bank accoun t
d under your bed!
e in your pocket
2 Read the article and put these 4 Work in p airs. Ask and answer the questions in the surve W.
your partner 's answers. y. nl
djfferent methods of payment on
the timeline.

animals cheque book

credit card
mobile phone
metal coins
paper money


1 ~'----'----
1 How much do you spend a week on ... ?
• food -_._% • gas and electricity
1000 BCE 2 -
• leisure . . _--_% • travel ---_%
• clothes --_ . _.% • other? .__%
2 How often do you pay for things with ... ?
100AD 3
• cash ----_.%
• bank transfer
• credit cards ----_.%
• other? %
13th century 4 _. 3 How much of your shopping is ... ?
• in shops _.__% • online _%
19th century 5 4
How much of your income do you save per month?

19505 6
5 Join another pair Pr
answers simil' . di:fs;nt and compare your answers. Are
ar or rerent? Why?
Now 7

We make compound nouns with two

nouns. For example'. cheque+ book-
cheque book. credit + ard = credit :'rd.
For further information and pract'
see Workbook page 51. Ice,
, \ / ,1/

-- --

- . -.... , •
- -
.• ~

- - . ~~

;:... '".,. •
-- -
• • " •
, • •
• •



- • " •
• • •

-- --

• ... . •


• • • -::t- -
; . .... .
. ...





• • •

• •
. -
-- - -"


-.. .

'- .- .... CC -- ·
- .-..

.' ~

• •
-. . - ' -


.. •
• •
• • • •

• • A bank of stone money on th~ •
• • •
• island of Yap
• • .~

• • •

t's midnight in Paris and I need money quickly. In the thirteenth century, the explorer Marco Polo
travelled to China. He saw paper money for the first
The banks are closed, but outside there's a cash
time. A century later, countries in Europe used paper
machine. I put in my bank card, enter my PIN
money too. One reason was that it was good for paying
(personal identification number) and ask for 500
euros. The cash machine sends a message to my bank large amounts.
111 Washington D.e. My bank replies to the message
Like paper money, cheques were also practical and
the Bank of England made the flfSt cheque book in the
and says I have the money in my bank account. After a
runeteenth century. Then, in the early runeteen flJties,
few short moments, I receive my cash.
the USA introduced credH cards or 'plastic money'.
Nowadays, we move money around the world at high This form of payment i still popular today.
Speed. I can get money from a bank anywhere in the
For the first time ince human used animals for
world or I can pay my hotel bill with a credit card. In
payment, we can now buy and ell with no coins,
facl, some people think we don't need money at all. not es or cheque . You can even pay for goods by
Before money, people bought and sold goods with mobile phone. In Africa, arollnd sLx million p<'ople
animals. But you can't carry aninlals around your neck already use mobile ph on s in lead of cash. So do we
or in a bag so people needed something small. About live in cash!e world'? ot quite. Every day, we need
three thousand years ago, the Chinese used seashell some cash for a coffee, a licket or a nl'W paper.
and lat r they used metal coins. The Roman also
bOUght and old objects with metal coins.



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