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Reminiscing Philippine History

Table of Contents

Introduction ...............................................................................................................ii

Unit 1
Module 1: Understanding History ........................................................................... 4

a. Lesson 1 - The importance of History ........................................................ 5

b. Lesson 2 - Identifying Trusted Sources ...................................................... 6

Unit 2

1. Module 2: Philippines Land and Features ........................................................ 8

c. Lesson 3 - Philippine Geography ............................................................ 10

d. Lesson 4 - Philippine Ethnohistory ............................................................ 13

2. Module 3: Philippine Topography ................................................................... 15

a. Lesson 5 - Climate Conditions of the Country ....................................... 17

b. Lesson 6 - The 3 main islands of the Philippines ..................................... 19

Unit 3

3. Module 4: Pre-Colonial Period ........................................................................ 24

a. Lesson 7 - Philippine Archipelago's First Inhabitants ............................. 27

b. Lesson 8 - Beliefs, Culture, & Practices ................................................... 29

Unit 4

4. Module 5: Spanish Colonial Period ................................................................. 31

a. Lesson 9 - Ferdinand Magellan First Expedition ..................................... 33

b. Lesson 10 - God, Gold, and Glory .......................................................... 35

c. Lesson 11 - Philippine Revolution ............................................................ 41

d. Lesson 12 - End of 1st Colonial Period ..................................................... 57

5. Module 6: American Colonial Period ............................................................. 59

a. Lesson 13 - Treaty of Paris ........................................................................ 64

b. Lesson 14 - American Colonization with its Influence ........................... 68

c. Lesson 15 - Birth of the First Republic of the Philippines ........................ 74

d. Lesson 16 – The Philippine-American War .............................................. 80

e. Lesson 17 – End of 2nd Colonial Period ................................................... 89

6. Module 7: Japanese Colonial Period ............................................................. 98

a. Lesson 18 – Japanese Occupation in Manila ..................................... 102

b. Lesson 19 – Battle against Japanese Oppressors ............................... 109

c. Lesson 20 – Bataan Death March ........................................................ 115

d. Lesson 21- The Return of General MacArthur ...................................... 119

e. Lesson 22 – The Fall of Japanese Colonial Forces............................... 128

f. Lesson 23 - Birth of the 2nd Republic of the Philippines ....................... 141

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