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Forgotten Techniques of Vedaanga Jyotisha

-Vinay Jha
We often hear about science in Vedic or ancient Indian literature, although modern
scientists generally avoid the use of such a term. Is it a mere hoax or a pseudo-science, or is
there something in it which modern science has not studied for some reason or other ?
In Principia, Newton wrote that God created the world, but then left the world to move
according to His laws. So far, scientists have been focussing on finding material factors
behind material processes. Most of them even deny the existence of any non-material factor
behind phenomena of material world. The correlations between material processes are
invariably projected as cause-consequence relations, but not always with success. However,
there are many proofs in favour of the supposition that many, if not all, material processes can
be explained in terms of other material processes. But have the proponents of science in
Vedic or ancient Indian literature shown something empirically verifiable evidence in favour of
non-material or supernatural factors behind natural phenomena ?
By definition, modern science studies the physical world, the world of Matter. Positivism
states that the empirical data positively attested by senses are the only data available to
modern science. Things which cannot be attested empirically through human sense organs or
the instruments enhancing the powers of senses cannot be accepted as scientific data, and
therefore cannot be studied scientifically. But it does not mean that extra-sensory things do
not exist. For sensorily perceptible things too, Kant distinguished things-to-us from things-in-
themselves. Materialists regard things-to-us as ultimate things, forgetting that we are not the
ultimate judges of Cosmos. Theory of Relativity based on non-Eucleadian geometry has also
proved that the world of reality is not limited to what is revealed to our common sense.
Metaphysical or supernatural entities like God, Soul, Karmic phalas, Para-loka, etc
cannot be studied according to the methods of modern science. Ancient texts also state that
Lord Brahmaa made the Indriyas for perceiving external things, and therefore the subtler
Reality cannot be perceived sensorily.
The term 'Veda' etymologically means Knowledge. The branching of Vedic knowledge
into Karmakaanda and Jnaanakaanda implies that Vedas are concerned both with material
world as well as with the non-material supernatural. Therefore, the role of vedic knowledge in
this material world must be empirically attestable. Even in modern science, we encounter
phenomena like magnetism or gravitation which cannot be directly perceived as material
things, but have been empirically proven to exist. Similarly, there may be subtler phenomena
which cannot be perceived directly, but their effects upon material processes may be
empirically verified. The purpose of this paper is to outline the methods through which such
hidden processes can be empirically verified which are described in ancient texts of Vedic-
Puranic tradition.
Science in Vedic-Puranic literature can be divided into two categories : ritualistic, based
on Vedaanga known as Kalpa, and the other is Vedaanga known as Jyotisha.
Etymologically, Kalpa means Creative Imagination capable of creating material as well
as non-material hitherto non-existent Apoorva things like rains, prosperity, punya, warding off
evils, etc. Sutra literature like Grihya and Shrauta describe the external methods, but the soul
of these yajnic rituals resides in the magical power of Kalpa or Creative Imagination inherent
in the officiating priests, which is supposed to be activated through proper rituals. If the
potential power is absent, no amount of rituals can bring forth the Apoorva result of yajnas.
This Kalpa part of Vedic literature is mainly ritualistic, primarily based on yajnas and related
processes involving mantras and their direct effects in rituals, and in this category we may
include things like various astras including the divyaastras, ancient vimaanas, and various
siddhis. Astras are different from shastras, the latter are material weapons while the former
are mantric weapons. All divyaastras are said to have vanished with the departure of Lord
Krishna, but non-divya astras and similar things are said to function even now. Some of these
astras are used by practitioners of black magic too, which is a degenerate form of ancient
Another part of this ancient science is Jyotisha, which is rightly labeled as the Eye of
Veda, because it provides us the capacity to perceive proofs of hidden truths like soul and its
rebirth with previous karmaphalas in the form of birthchart, effects of Vedic mantras on
Grahas, etc. Jyotisha is traditionally divided into three branches or skandhas : Siddhaanta or
Ganita, Horaa and Samhitaa. This paper is concerned with the capacity of Jyotisha to
explain the material phenomena of this world. Hence, only that portion of Samhitaa
skandha is our concern here which goes by the label Mundane or Medini Jyotisha, because
its operation and effects can be publicly demonstrated in a scientific manner. Traditional mix of
Siddhanta, Hora and Samhita produce correct results, and if try to modernise the Ganita,
Phalita fails to produce convincing results. The basic principles of phalita or predictive
astrology applied in Medini Jyotisha are exactly the same as prescribed in standard texts of
phalita, eg., Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, and its Ganita is based on Suryasiddhanta.
Medini Jyotisha was a vast subject, held to be very important for the safety and well
being of States and countries. Hence, most of its techniques were closely guarded secrets,
which vanished into oblivion with the decline of Hindu India. During mediaeval age, much
rubbish was introduced into Medini Jyotisha, taken from diverse indigenous and foreign
sources, which rarely work and mostly bring a bad name for Jyotisha. As a result, whatever
good portion of ancient wisdom in this field still remains is also an object of ridicule or neglect.
Some aspects and techniques of Medini Jyotisha should never be published due to the
possibility of its misuse by enemy nations and extremists. But those features of Medini
Jyotisha must be revived and widely studied which can help in common good, such as
weather forecasting which may help the farmers and planners, prediction of national
income and its components like agricultural or industrial growth which may help in national
planning, stock market prediction which may ensure peace and stability in financial circles,
study of major natural or man-made calamities which may help in disaster management,
etc. These different fields of Medini Jyotisha are all based on same principles and techniques
of traditional Jyotisha and have slight differences in actual workings. Hence, if someone
masters the technique of rain forecasting, he or she may predict national income too with little
extra effort. It is interesting to note that a weather scientist cannot predict stock markets or
national income. In this way, proper use of jyotisha makes things simpler and easier, and less
expensive too. Rain forecasting through Jyotisha does not involve artificial satellites or
supercomputers. Moreover, astrological forecasts are more reliable, provided only the well
tested astrological methods are used. To get correct results, predictive techniques of
mundane astrology described in Yaamala Tantras, Narapatijayacharya, and other ancient
texts should be used. Mediaeval texts can be either entirely omitted or used with utmost
Secondly, astrological mundane charts must be drawn according to ancient
mathematical siddhaanta text Surya-siddhaanta, charts drawn on the basis of any other
method will prove nothing astrologically. Suryasiddhaanta is the only apaurusheya siddhaanta
text which has survived in workable form. Its philosophy is perfectly in tune with Vedic-Puranic
tradition and this text was supported by stalwarts like Aryabhatta, Varaha Mihira, Bhaskra and
others. That is why among all ancient siddhaanta texts, it is the only text which is the target of
abuse and ridicule by neo-colonialists and their supporters. Heavenly positions of
Suryasiddhaantic grahas differ from those of physical planets of modern astronomy.
Suryasiddhaanta clearly states that its Grahas are deities, incarnations of God to give phalas
of karmas to mankind. If Suryasiddhaantic astronomy works successfully in the field of
astrology, it will be a proof in favour of Vedic spiritualism, in opposition to the materialistic
belief that inanimate material planets give phalas of karmas and can be propitiated through
Concept of Bha-kakshaa and Mathematical Definition of Graha :
Before outlining the techniques of mundane astrology for practical forecasting, one
neglected concept of Suryasiddhaanta, which is the basis of Puranic Cosmology also, should
be discussed first. Suryasiddhaanta states that Nakshatra orbit or Bha-kakshaa is 60 times of
the orbit of the Sun. Saturn's orbit is 29.47 times of solar orbit, and Uranus has 84 times of
solar orbit, in units of time. Hence, according to this definition of Suryasiddhaanta, Saturn is
the farthermost Graha, beyond which nothing can be classified as a Graha. In all ancient
nations Grahas were defined not by dint of their physical properties or revolution round the
Sun, but on account of their astrological properties. Suryasiddhaanta is the only text which
clearly mentions that after Saturn no Heavenly body can be regarded as a Graha because of
the Bha-kakshaa which has a period of 60 solar years.
Therefore, if astrology works, there must be something special about this 60 year orbit
of Nakshatras. Orbit or Kakshaa means there is something moving in that orbit. In Saturn's
orbit, Saturn moves. But in Nakshatra kakshaa or Bha-kakshaa, what is moving? There is no
physical object moving in Bha-kakshaa, between Saturn and Uranus. Hence, we must assume
that the orbit itself is revolving, if the concept of Bha-kakshaa is true, containing non-physical
Nakshatras. There is no mechanism to perceive those non-physical entities directly. But we
may test the effects, because Nakshatras have paramount importance in Jyotisha.
If Bha-kakshaa revolves round Earth or Meru once in 60 years, Sun must take 61 years
to reach at the initial point of Bha-kakshaa. In Medini Jyotisha, annual charts of world or of
nations are made at the juncture of Sun's entry into Ashwini Nakshatra.Therefore, there must
be some 61 year cycle in phenomena affected by annual astrological charts of world. This
idea of Suryasiddhaanta was tested over a wide variety of weather phenomena for which
reliable long term data was available, and in all cases 61 year cyclicity was noticed.
This study was presented to CAOS of IISc (Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanographic
Sciences, an in-campus branch of Indian Institute of Science) at Bangalore as a paper
appended to the present article in Appendix-2. Referees of CAOS scrutinised and accepted
this paper for presentation, after which Chairman of CAOS sent an approval letter and an
invitation to present that paper at an international conference on Monsoons at IISc in July
2007 (this letter from CAOS is appended in Appendix-1).
Jupiter's 60 year cycle is well known in astrology. But Jupiter's cycle is of 60 Jovian
years, equal to 59.3 solar years, which is 1.7 years short of 61 years.
Secondly, the characteristics of Jovian cycles, well described in ancient texts like Brihat
Samhita of Varaha Mihira and other texts, vastly differ from those of 61 year cycle. This 61
year cycle is related to nirayana year starting with Sun's entry into nirayana Mesha around
mid-April, while Jovian year is of 361 days and does not coincide with Nirayana year except
on some rare occasions.
Thirdly, Jovian cycle shows good and bad rainfall years in a vastly different pattern,
which has no resemblance to the graph of 61 year cycle.
Fourthly, the long term graph of Jovian cycle shows a half cycle of above normal and
other half cycle shows below normal rainfall as was shown by some weather scientists in their
scientific paper. But the 61 year cycle does not show any such trait.
Fifth difference is that the 61 year cycle shows a bizarre phenomenon not noticed in
Jovian cycles : one half of the cycle is chaotic during which no trace of any cyclic
behaviour is noticed, while the other half is highly cyclical in such a manner that the
very waveform of rainfall graph is replicated for long durations!! It cannot be brushed
aside as a mere coincidence. Coincidences may work for a few years, not for entire period of
135 years for which data was available.
Another important conclusion of this study was that rainfall data arranged in terms of
year beginning with Nirayana Mesha Samkraanti (and entries of Sun into other Nakshatras)
gives a better proof of cyclic behaviour of rainfall. Year beginning with January is artificial,
while year beginning with Sun's natural motions must have inherent relations with rainfall
because Sun is the prime rain maker even according to weather scientists.
The most important aspect of this study presented at CAOS was neglected by
everyone, because the astrological link of this 61 year cycle could not be disclosed to
scientists. But here in this paper it must be disclosed for the benefit of future researchers.
Weather scientists talk of a phenomenon known as Teleconnections. For instance,
sea level temperature of Eastern Pacific near Peru known as El Nino is inversely
proportional to rainfall in Indian peninsula. Many teleconnections have been discovered in
various parts of the world, which fail only in a small number of cases, and for most of the years
they help the weather scientists in making weather predictions. But no weather scientist has
ever been able to explain the causes behind such distant connections between apparently
unrelated phenomena. No Oceanic current or wind comes from Peruvian coast to India or vice
versa. Hence, there is no known physical reason for El Nino. But Merucentric Medini charts of
the world clearly show the reason : India falls in Vrish raashi and the areas from Peruvian
coast to adjoining Brazil &c fall in Tulaa raashi, both owned by Venus. During most of the
years, Venus has greater aspect on one region owned by it and lesser aspect on the other.
Hence, rainfall and associated phenomena in both regions seem to be inversely related to
each other : if there is scanty rainfall in India then one can predict heavy rainfall in Amazon
basin and adjoining regions, concurring with high sea level temperature around Peruvian
coasts, resulting in more evaporation and greater rain bearing winds, and vice versa. During
some rare years, Venus may have almost equal aspect on both regions, when this
"teleconnection" breaks down, and both regions witness similar rainfall instead of having an
inverse relation. Thus, astrology offers satisfactory theoretical explanation of the existence of
teleconnections, which has been practically tested for all those years during which
teleconnections worked well, as well as during those years when these teleconnections broke
down unexpectedly.
Another more complex phenomenon is the gradual shift in the magnitude of these
teleconnections, known as 'secular changes'. Modellers at weather forecfasting agencies
graphically plot the magnitudes of these teleconnections on gridded global map in order to
make predictions for future, but they have to constantly change these plottings. There is no
mechanism known to weather scientists of predicting the variations in secular changes, and
they try to improve predictability of their models by changes in parameters of their models after
every few years, because they have no way out. But why physical parameters need to be
changed if they are really causes of phenomena? For instance, atmospheric pressue of
some region seems to be related to the magnitude of Monsoon rainfall in India in a given year,
and next year this proportionality breaks down unpredictably! Then, how atmospheric pressue
of that region can be said to be the factor behind Monsoons ? Both categories of phenomena,
Monsoons and its supposed parameters, may be consequences of some unknown common
factor which may operate differently in years of break down of correlations of supposed
parameters with actual performance of Monsoons. There is only one solution to this most
important problem in weather science, and that is Merucentric astrological chart of the world,
known as Prithvi Chakra of ancient Yaamala Tantras, which was labeled as Padma Chakra
by the mediaeval author of Narapatijayacharyaa. These Merucentric Prithvi Chakras are
drawn at the juncture of Nirayana Sun's entry into Mesha, now-a-days around mid-April. After
one year, the position and boundaries of Bhaavachalita Chakra over fixed Raashi Chakra shift
by a few degrees whose magnitude varies from year to year due to variability caused by
equation of centre of Sun, causing annual shifts or 'secular changes' in teleconnections. Only
Bhaavachalita Chakra moves, that is why it is called Chalita. Since raashis remain fixed with
respect to Merucentric map of Earth with Mesha always east from Meru, teleconnections do
not change in long term on an average, but due to annual changes in Bhaavachalita, annual
or short term changes in teleconnections occur which are called "secular changes in
teleconnections". Actual magnitude of annual shifts in teleconnections can be accurately
predicted but only if scientists and astrologists cooperate, which can be used by modellers at
weather centres to make better models capable of making fairly accurate forecasts which
neither scientists nor astrologers can do without mutual cooperation. Weather scientists use
supercomputers to plot densities of probabilities of influences of various dynamically changing
parameters over grids on Earth's surface but are handicapped with absence of any theory and
rely on statistical methods which makes nearly half of their forecasts wrong in spite of plenty of
resouces at their disposal, while astrology can produce broad national or international
forecasts with descriptions for major regions which are more accurate than forecasts of
weather scientists, but astrologers do not work in teams and a single astrologer cannot all this
job alone. Micro level forecasting needs the pooling of efforts of a large team of astrologers,
which is not possible presently, because governments will not employ them for such a job and
scientists will not cooperate with astrologers. It is another matter that most of the astrologers
have no experience of weather forecasting, many of them may learn it in short time because
they already know the basic theory of phalita used in Hora Shastra. Only the medini
techniques need to be taught which are very simple. But many of them do not want to even
test Suryasiddhaanta, just because its planetary positions do not match with the positions of
physical planets. Some astrologers have learnt mediaeval techniques of rainfall prediction,
and are not interested in even examining whether those techniques are working well or not,
esp with respect to the ancient techniques of Rishis. Some scientists in Hyderabad tested
these crude astrological techniques and found two third of results to be reliable. If more
precise astrological techniques are used, sucess rate of predictions will be higher.
A thorough examination of the paper appended in Appendix-5a and 5b in the light of
above ideas will elucidate the technique of Merucentric annual Prithvi Chakra. Similar Prithvi
Chakras and Desha Chakras can be drawn at the junctures of nirayana solar transits into any
Nakshatra, which will be effective till Sun resides in that Nakshatra, approximating a fortnight
or 13.5 days. One such fortnightly forecast based on India's Desha Chakra appended in
Appendix-3, originally sent to regional director of IMD (Indian Meteorological Department)
headquarters in Patna, was examined by one of the top three scientists of Climate branch of
NASA's headquarters at GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Centre), whose conclusions are
appended in Appendix-4. This scientist, Dr Yogesh Sud, said the forecasts proved to be
"smart and good", but added that mere forecasting will not convince all scientists and these
things must be presented in the shape of some scientific paper, after which the afore-
mentioned paper was sent to CAOS, IISc.
Twenty practical examples of Prithvi Chakras used for post-event analysis of annual
rainfall have been appended in Appendix-5a and 5b, together with actual rainfall data, as well
as astrological explanations on the basis of two correct siddhaantas, Suryasiddhaanta and
modern physical astronomy, the latter astrologically failing is 100% cases and the former
succeeding in 100% cases, ten best and ten worst rainfall years were chosen for illustration,
hence there is no bias in selection of cases.
The application of same Prithvi Chakra to economic forecasting for the whole world can
be seen in Appendix-6 which contains two articles, one by a head of department of Jyotisha
at KS Darbhanga Sanskrit University and the other by the author of present article, both using
softwares developed by this author.
After Prithvi Chakra or World Chart, next level of Chakra is Desha Chakra, whose
practical examples can be seen in Appendix-3.
There are hundreds of similar examples of Medini Chakras already published, but they
are in Hindi, about examination of growth rate of National income during past 55 years
together with sectoral analyses, natural and man-made calamities like eartquakes, tsunamis,
devastating cyclones, famines, major wars, etc. They need to be translated into English.
Stock Market forecasting needs some changes in techniques but require a great deal
of effort for minute to minute tracing of stock prices for day trading. But long term stock prices
are comparatively easier to predict. There is a great problem, however : for individual
companies, we need birthdata of major shareholders and starting time of the company,
otherwise only the national trend can be predicted. Such trends have been tested for three
major stock exchanges : New York, London and Mumbai. But gold price prediction proves to
be far easier and more reliable than stock price prediction due to less amount of data to be
handled. We need to watch movements of a single planet Jupiter in bhaavachalita and
navaamsha charts for the meridians of the main market, eg., Mumbai in India, because
Jupiter is the fixed significator of houses related to wealth and income : 2nd, 11th, 9th and 5th.
Ancient Yaamala Tantras, Krishi Parashara, Narapatijayacharyaa, Brihat Samhita,
various Puranas and other texts mention many tools and techniques of Medini Jyotisha which
are not being used properly for national and international forecasting. A concerted effort is
needed, which is not happening. A single astrologer cannot handle everything.
Perfect Method of making National and World's Horoscope
Outside India, Ptolemy was the only ancient astrologer of repute who wrote extensively
on national and international astrology ( in his Four Books or Tetrabiblos ) , but did not provide
any hint about how to make world's or national horoscopes. India had had a long tradition in
this field, which is suggested by the references to 18 archaic theorists ( rishis ) found in the
literature of historical ages. Varaha Mihira wrote a big compendium (Brihat Samhita) which is
mostly concerned with national astrology, but like Ptolemy he too did not say a single word
about the practical method of casting a national horoscope, because casting national
horoscope is considered to be a child's play. Almost every panchaanga publishes Jagat-lagna
and Varsha-pravesh-kundali, through which national forecasts are supposed to be made.
Being a child's play, ancient experts omitted to mention its methodology. As a result, this
methology was forgotten and now every panchaanga maker casts nation's horoscope
from his own town, and therefore there are as many national horoscopes as there are
panchaangas. In actual practice, national and international astrology has ceased to exist, and
only lip-service is being provided by some. Individual horoscope provides monetarily gainful
employment, but after the collapse of Hindu India one millenium ago national astrology ceased
to attract the serious attention of astrologers. There is no consensus among panchaanga
makers about the place from which Jagat-lagna should be made.
Ancient authorities believed Mt Meru to be such a centre. It was believed to be centre of
all universes. Puranas and Mahabharata clearly state that all planets revolve round it. Even
Buddhist and Jain literature is replete with eulogies of Mt Meru. If Mt Meru is imagined to be
North Pole and annual horoscope is drawn there, Meruvian latitudes will describe
twelve bhaavas upon the globe. During Kaliyuga, people forgot this ancient method of
drawing world's Jagat-lagna and Mt Meru came to be identified with geographical North Pole,
which is against facts. Suryasidhhaanta and Narapatijayacharyaa explicitly mention that Mt
Meru lies at the middle of the Earth in the land of Jamboonada in Jamboodveepa.
Jamboonada, Jamboodveepa and a mountain like Mt Meru must lie at the surface of Earth,
but Reverend Burgess wrongly translated Suryasiddhaantic term "bhoogolamadhya" as at the
centre of earth-globe, instead of as 'bhoomadhya-rekhaa' , ie, at equator. The highest
mountain at equator in Africa, where Jamboonadi (>*Jambunazi >*Jambenazi >Zambezi)
flows, is Mt Kenya, where an administrative headquarter and important town of Kenya lies,
known as Meru. This Mt Kenya is the Mt Meru of ancients. Jagat-lagna drawn from here is
effective for the whole world. Data about rainfall, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, major wars,
etc have been checked for hundreds of years and found to be true for the world. Scholars
attached to KSD Sanskrit University and scholars working in many other institutions undertook
extensive researches on these topics which have yielded positive results, and four major
research projects related to Medini Jyotisha (terrestrial astrology) were approved by KSD
Sanskrit University to widen the scope of research, but after retirement of head of department,
these projects were shelved.
Net result of these researches is that world's horoscope (Jagat-lagna) ought to be
made from Mt Meru (Mt Kenya) according to Suryasiddhaantic mathematics. Another
important finding is that India's national horoscope should be made from Vidishaa. Like
Vidishaa, there may be other nodal centres for making regional horoscopes for other major
regions of the world, but we have no clue about these regional astrological nodes. Some
western scholars are also trying to find out these forgotten national nodes.
Ancient method of drawing annual horoscopes of world as well as of India has been
outlined in this paper and its appendices. Horoscope made at the juncture of start of solar year
is effective for one solar year. Similarly, horoscopes made at solar transits into new raashis
are effective for solar months, and horoscopes made at solar transits into a new lunar
asterism (nakshatra) is effective for the period during which Sun resides in that nakshatra.
Sixtieth part of a raashi is shashtyamsha or half a degree. International and national
horoscopes made at solar transits into half a degree is effective for the period during which
Sun resides in that shashtyamsha or half a degree (eg, sidereal Sun at 0.5°, 1°,1.5°, and so
on). Such shashtyamsha medini kundalis are effective for approximately 12 hours. Beyond
that, we need charts drawn for the moment at local meridians, which number 104 per day,
plus other shodashvargas, whose analysis makes even one day's minute to minute
forecasting a Herculean task for an individual, but thorough tests have shown that this method
works correctly and if dedicated team or institution uses this technique, minute to minute
forecasting of various events can be made.
At present, dedicated softwares have not been developed for testing techniques of
forecasting for individual districts and lower levels. For those purposes, there are 84
chakras in dozens of Yaamala tantras, most of whom have not been properly used for at least
a thousand years and have become obscure, the most promising of whom is the
Sarvatobhadra-chakra, known as Chakra-raaja, provided it is used with the medini-kundalis
described above, which has been tested in many cases in district level rain forecasting. If it is
used with Koorma Chakras of six levels, from Prithvi Chakra and Desha Chakra to the sixth
level of Griha Chakra, and other Tantric Chakras, it is possible to make all types of macro and
micro level forecasting. We need to further develop and popularize these tools and
techniques, but we must remember that all Tantric Chakras backfire at the user if the
intentions are against the basic tenets of Dharma.
1. The approval letter and an invitation sent by Chairman of CAOS (IISc, Bangalore) to
present the paper "A New Approach To Rain Forecasting" at an international conference
on Monsoons at IISc in July 2007, after the referees of CAOS scrutinised and accepted
that paper.
2. The paper presented to CAOS of IISc (Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanographic
Sciences, an in-campus branch of Indian Institute of Science) at Bangalore.
3. One fortnightly forecast, originally sent to regional director of IMD (Indian
Meteorological Department) headquarters in Patna.
4. Conclusions of one of the top three scientists of Climate branch of NASA's
headquarters at GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Centre) who examined the above forecast.
5. (a) Ten best years of rainfall in India during past 136 years : practical examples of
Prithvi Chakras with some Desha Chakras used for post-event analysis of annual rainfall.
(b) Ten worst years of rainfall.
6. Techniques of Stock Forecasting.
7. The application of Prithvi Chakra to economic forecasting for the whole world, which
contains two articles, one by a head of department of Jyotisha at KS Darbhanga Sanskrit
University and the other by the author of present article.
8. The application of Desha Chakra to economic forecasting for India.
9. Prediction of growth rate of National Income, Gold , Exchange Rates, Natural
Calamities, Decision by KSDSU of four projects : in Hindi, hence deleted from present
Centre for Atmospheric

Indian and Oceanic Sciences

Institute of
27 June 2007

Mr. Vinay Jha

Near MRM College North Gate,
KSDSU Post Office,
Darbhanga, Bihar 846008

Dear Mr. Jha,

I am very pleased to inform you that your paper A new approach to rain forecasting by
Vinay Jha has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference "Celebrating the
Monsoon", 24-28 July 2007, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

We shall display the date and session of your presentation on the conference web page by 10
July 2007. Please visit it at for further details.

We look forward to seeing you in Bangalore.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Chairman, CAOS
Proceedings of Celebrating the Monsoon Conference
24-28 July 2007, IISc, Bangalore, India


( Secular Changes In Teleconnections : Causes & Remedies )
Vinay Jha
Near MRM College Gate, KSDSU Post Office, PIN-846008, India. (e-mail :

ABSTRACT: Spectral analysis of past data reveals a 61-year cycle in Indian and global rainfall, NAO (North Atlantic
Oscillation), North Atlantic SST (Sea Surface Temperature), El Niño, Darwin pressure, etc. Waveform of annual Indian
rainfall almost replicates that of 61 years ago for nearly half of this cycle, and this half-cycle also exhibits strong coupling
between Indian monsoon rainfall and its predictors, the other half-cycle lasting about three decades being rather chaotic for
which neither any of the existing forecasting methods nor this 61-year cycle delivers tolerable predictions. The predicand
(rainfall) as well as physical predictors are both guided by this common 61-year mysterious cycle which cannot be explained
on the basis of hitherto known physical processes. Comparison with waveforms distanced 122 years suggest that this 61-year
cycle may be a stochastic manifestation of some unknown annual process which may throw light on the real causes hidden
underneath the apparent chaos of climatic systems.
If we organise relevant data and forecasts according to the climatic year beginning from mid-April, this 61-year cycle
shows a better contrast between chaotic and predictable phases, and standard deviation of spectra 61 years apart also gets
diminished. Since delinking and relinking of teleconnected phenomena also occur at the beginning of this climatic year,
some mysterious phenomenon may be said to occur at the beginning of each climatic year in April, which influences the
overall annual performance of rainfall and related phenomena. Physical conditions in April or May may sometimes fail to
predict events in June, such as in 1997 when En Niño failed to predict ISMR (Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall) or in 2002
when Indian drought could not be predicted, while the waveforms of 61 years ago were replicated even during these unusual
years. Thus, some long range regularity overrides short range vagaries of monsoons.
In addition to the precaution needed in keeping time frame in proper order, geographical distribution of
teleconnections and the magnitude of their mutual correlations must be up to date too. Geographical distribution of annual
relative rainfall suggests a phenomena which may be described in terms of Climatic Meridians, with poles at Mt Kenya and
Mid-Pacific, in reference to which correlations between teleconnections can be understood properly . An annual fluctuation
of upto a maximum limit of 16 degrees in these climatic longitudes, occurring in mid-April, gives rise to secular change in
the magnitudes and often signs of correlation coefficients . If these precautions are followed carefully, a highly reliable
annual rain forecast beginning from mid-April can be made for the whole world.


Researchers have noted a ~60 year cycle in the variability of ISMR (as well as of Chinese monsoons ),
with two 30-year phases of above and below normal performance of ISMR. Hastenrath and Parthasarathy et al
think that data length of 30-years is necessary and sufficient to establish a stable correlation for prediction
purposes. Their opinion was based on the observations over a period which was comparatively a more predictable
period according to the results of spectral analysis presented by us below. Parthasarathy and Mooley carried
correlogram and spectrum analysis of 108-year series and noticed that smaller cycles of 14 and 2.8 years had
developed within a 30-year period 1. Many other time series analyses by researchers of summer or annual rainfall
over India have shown a quasi-60 year periodicity.
Mooley and Parthasarthy 1 and Parthasarathy et. al. 2, 3, 4 derived time-series of all India average rainfall
on seasonal and monthly time-scales as a weighted average of the data at 306 stations obtained from the IMD
( Indian Meteorological Department ). We used it to carry out some simple time series analyses. Departure of
ISMR from long term average in percents is shown in the Fig-1, in which data of 136 years are shown in two
series,1871-1945 (years being numbered from 1 to 75 along x-axis shown in red) and 1932-2006 (years being
numbered from 62 to 136 along x-axis shown in blue). For instance, 1957 AD is numbered 87 (= 1957 - 1870 )
and will be found in the second series in blue . When the second curve was superimposed upon the first one,
shape of both waveforms coincided in a majority of cases when the gap between both series was chosen to be
61 years. Waveform of 1891-1923 ( year nos. 21-53 ) had an similarity in shape with that of 1952-1984 ( year
numbers 82-114) in 25 out of 33 years , only 8 years were out of phase . Similarly, Since 1950-2006 , only 19
years had out of phase waveforms out of 57 years . Only the shape of wave is copied after 61 years, and not the
magnitude (amplitude).
Since the onset and withdrawal of summer monsoon does not have a definite date , data organised
according to four calendar months of June-September does not give us a realistic idea about the seasonal quantum
of ISMR . Sometimes significant portions of ISMR occur in May and October too . Artificiality of calendar
months is the main cause behind failures to discriminate signal from noise in the time series data processing of
Indian monsoons . Total annual rainfall in India is a better index than ISMR if we want to analyse total quanta of
hydrological exchanges between land and ocean in the larger context of land-sea-interaction . Waveform
comparisons of total annual rainfall with that of 61 years ago produce a clearer picture : the contrast between
weak and strong correlation periods is more faithfully represented by total annual rainfall series than by ISMR
series. FIG - 2,3,4,5 show annual spectral comparisons . Fig-2 presents weakly coupled (chaotic) and Fig-3
presents strongly coupled (predictable) phases.
M. Raajeevan observed : “(The) relationship ( between the predictors and ISMR ) was weak in 1930s and
1940s and during the recent years. During the 1960s to 1990s this relationship was, however,very strong.
Obviously, the skill of the model also shows similar type of variations. ” 5 .What M. Raajeevan says about the
relation of ISMR and its physical predictors applies equally well to the relation between ISMR value of any given
year with that of 61 years ago . When ISMR waveform shows poor resemblance with that of 61 years ago,
correlation coefficients of physical predictors are also poor. And when predictors behave more rationally, ISMR
waveform almost copies the waveform of 61 years ago ! Not a mere coincidence !
Without using any physical predictor, we have obtained nearly same results about 6-decade periodicity of
Indian Monsoon which many researchers had noticed in the case of physical predictors. There are periods of
strong coupling of annual rainfall spectrum with that of 61 years ago, preceded and followed by periods of weak
coupling . Timings of these periods of strong and weak couplings also coincide with those obtained from analysis
of time series of correlation coefficients (CCs) between rainfall and its physical predictors . It is a strange
conclusion, which suggests a redundancy of all physical parameters ! If rainfall waveforms of 61 years ago are
used as the sole predictor, we can make equally good (or bad) forecasts ( it is, however, not advisable) ! For
instance, 1941 drought was exactly reflected in 2002, and the difference in magnitudes of rainfall was also nearly
equal to the trend rate, while all modelers were predicting a normal monsoon in 2002 . Same is the case with
1997, when En Niño failed to serve as a good predictor, while waveform of 61 years ago was admirably
replicated . Meteorological wisdom is that the accuracy of forecasts decreases if range is increased. But in cases
like those of 1997 and 2002 ISMR, we witness the opposite : while physical conditions of April failed to predict
events of June, certain unknown conditions of 61-years ago were related to such changes in physical conditions
during May so as to create a drought in June-July of 2002 . Entire waveform of 1894-1924 is almost copied by
1955-1985 rainfall spectrum ( Fig- 3, Fig-5), with just 3 exceptions during 31 years ! Such a behaviour for 3
decades cannot be a mere coincidence. But while emphasizing the importance of this 61-year cycle, it must not
be forgotten that it may deceive us too, especially during the chaotic period .
When annual South Oscillation Index (SOI) for 1876-2006 (Darwin-Tahiti) in two series distanced 61
years apart are superimposed upon each other, no definite trace of 61-year cycle is seen. Correlation of ENSO
( El Niño and South Oscillation ) with ISMR 5, however, suggests that ENSO also ought to have a periodicity
similar to that witnessed in the case of ISMR . ISMR and its correlation with ENSO show same long term
periodicities , but Darwin-Tahiti SO fails to show such a 61-year cyclicity . Pressure data for Darwin, however,
shows a similar 61-year cycle. Clearly, Darwin-Tahiti SO ought to be replaced with some other type of SO in
order to find a better index for predicting ISMR. ISMR-ENSO correlation is substantial but incomplete. A more
appropriate type of SO may enhance the correlation of ENSO with ISMR . Another possible explanation of this
incomplete correlation is the chaotic half of 61-year cycle which reduces overall long-term correlation to about
50% or less .
During periods of weak coupling between predictors and ISMR, prediction becomes difficult and often
impossible . Immediately after Walker's time, there was a long spell of unpredictable and chaotic period, and a
long period after 2007 is expected by us to be highly chaotic. If indices of any period are used to make
predictions for a chaotic period, good results cannot be obtained . Values of CCs are relative to the length and
position of data window in the time domain . Modelers have sometimes to tailor their training periods and data
windows so as to make forecasting feasible . But this selectivity is not recommendable. Procedures suggested in
the section dealing with Climatic Meridians may perhaps improve correlations.

Many researchers have thrown light on monthly variations in CCs. Yasunari likes the idea of a Monsoon
Year starting just before the northern summer monsoon season” 6. Gershunov et al 7 show monthly plot of El
Niño correlation with ISMR during 124 years, with most negative value during Aug-Nov,which remains strong
till March and starts strengthening negatively from June owards. Hence, April-May is the weakest period when
affinity of ISMR and Niño-3.4 (SST averaged over 5°S–5°N,170°–120°W) gets delinked. Hence, the monsoon
year must begin around April 6. Kripalani also notes : “monsoon related events over geographically separated
regions seem to get linked (or delinked) around the same time” 8. We arrived at same conclusion from internal
analysis of Indian rainfall data , without any consideration of physical predictors, which implied that the
monsoon year may start somewhere around March-April. Considering other evidences also,mid-April seems to
be the beginning of Climatic Year, when past year’s teleconnections get delinked throughout the world, and
a thorough reorganisation takes place for another year . To call it monsoon year is to reduce its significance.
Over 3 weeks are needed after vernal equinox for the climatic transition to take effect, due to some unknown
factors . Year beginning from April is the nearest approximation to this climatic year . Fig. 2-4 show data
belonging to year beginning from April, while fig-5 shows data in year beginning from January . Even a visual
comparison of Fig-3 and fig-5, which belong to same period, shows that the climatic year reduces the overall
difference between both spectra 61 years apart . ISMR, annual global precipitation, Niño-3, NAO, SST in
North Atlantic, Darwin pressure, etc. all show 61-year periodicity . All other climatic phenomena also need to
be similarly examined . This 61-year cycle, however, should not be used simplistically for rain forecasting.
A. Gershunov et al 7 have used August–November Niño-3.4 as the pertinent ENSO index because of
maximum negative correlation during these months . After the annual relinking between teleconnected
phenomena at the start of each climatic year in mid-April , ISMR is the among the first major climatic events in
the world , and other phenomena like Niño develop fully much later . A later event cannot predict an earlier event
. Therefore , in order to study the impact of ENSO upon ISMR many researchers make use of ENSO–ISMR
correlation indices contemporaneous with ISMR. However, ENSO of previous year seems to bear stronger
correlation with ISMR recently due to secular changes. Krishnamurthy and Goswami 9 have noted that the
correlations between IMR and ENSO indices on the interannual timescale do not follow the interdecadal
oscillation . While Niño-3 exhibits undeniable proofs of relations with ISMR and other events in the world, there
are major exceptions in short term which may result from secular changes and from current practices of data
sampling , which may be improved if data is sampled in accordance to climatic longitudes as shown in the next
Since strengths of teleconnections undergo a global reshuffle in April, while selecting initial conditions
predictor indices belonging to any period prior to mid-April should not be used for predicting events after April.
Quasi-biennial oscillation in rainfall also suggests a similar precaution. This caution applies to indices like sea
surface temperature too, although oceans evolve slowly and are often supposed to keep memories of previous
year . There is no physical mechanism through which a memory of previous climatic year can be transferred to
events of the next year, and therefore any previous year's memory must be treated as a mere coincidence.


Bin Wang and Zhen Fan write “The equatorial western Pacific winds exhibit a considerably higher
correlation with the ISM convection than with the Philippine convection” 10. Kripalani and Kulkarni also
conclude that the rainfall variations over north China are in-phase with South Asian rainfall 8. Long-term
comparison of annual relative rainfall over big chunks of land and geographical distribution of relatively strong
and well established teleconnections suggest a global climatic dipole whose longitudes appear as crescent like
regions of correlated phenomena upon a mercator map as shown in Fig-6 . Pattern analysis of geographical
distribution of annual relative rainfall suggests Mt Kenya to be climatic North Pole and central Pacific to be
Climatic South Pole. Tropical rains, esp. monsoons , result from land-sea heat contrast, and therefore it is logical
that they should be related to land-sea distribution. Central Pacific is the centre of biggest concentration of water,
and on its opposite side we find Mt Kenya, which is the highest mountain on equator in a region nearest to the
centre of the biggest landmass (Afro-Eurasia). Large areas of the world, however, have not been thoroughly
investigated as yet, especially rainfall over oceans for which adequate data is lacking. Whatever available data
has been analysed to date by us corroborates the idea of this global climatic dipole. Mapping and analysis of rain
related events during climatic years suggest that at the beginning of each climatic year an abrupt displacement of
climatic longitudes occurs, always within less than ±17° (-7° in 2006-7, -10° in 2007-8, year beginning from mid-
April), climatic latitudes remaining unchanged always. This annual variation in climatic zones is the sole cause
behind secular changes in correlation coefficients (CCs) and delinking or relinking of global teleconnections .
The magnitude and direction of this mysterious annual shift in climatic longitudes can be predicted much in
advance, which may facilitate the difficult task of readjusting CCs in all physical models. Instead of varying the
CCs of predictors, climatic grid-longitudes are made variable in our model. Annual global forecasts are
made with reference to this flexible grid. But fortnightly and 12-hourly forecasts for South Asia in our model are
made from a different grid, with centre on the Tropic of Cancer near Bhopal in India.
Significance of the connections of equatorial bulge in Africa with gyroscopic regulation of earth’s
motions has been known since the days of Newton, but its connections with long term periodicities in climatic
penomena has never been properly investigated. The near-omnipresence of 61-year periodicity in almost all
major climatic phenomema often leads to discoveries of fake teleconnections, which have to be discarded later
when they fail to deliver goods for long. This problem will make the task complicated. Hence we suggest a global
mapping of relative rainfall every year for examining the proposed notions of climatic longitudes and their annual
shifts. It will solve many problems . The notion of climatic poles and meridians is much more important than that
of 61-year cycle.
In a climatic hemisphere east or west of Mt Kenya, regions represented with positively correlated
teleconnections are shaded in same colours (Fig-6). For instance, most of India, China,and a big chunk of
Western Pacific is shaded in blue. But these regions are negatively correlated to regions of same colour-shading
in the other climatic hemisphere. For instance, India or China is negatively correlated to equatorial regions west
of Mt Kenya which includes the Niño near Peru. Fig-7 depicts a long term extended average of Indo-Chinese-
Mid NW Pacific zone, with maximum probability of climatic events in the centre of a zone and minimum
probability 17ö above and below a zone(Fig-7). Magnitude of average rainfall within a zone varies linearly along
the climatic latitude . But the quality of climate within a particular zone remains the same for the entire zone,
with notable regional differences along climatic latitudes which can be accounted for according to a different set
of rules . This model has been thoroughly tested for India for 1871-2006, without a single exception, and many
tests have been carried out for other continents as well . Annual global rainfall forecast for the year beginning
from mid-April 2007 have been attached to this paper. Verification of annual or fortnightly forecasts generated
from this model need data reorganisation according to the aforementioned grids for wanted periods, which is a
time-consuming job.

All major conceptual notions as well as the entire mathematical framework of new models named in this
paper are based upon the ideas of Late Dr Laksman Jha, a former Vice Chancellor of Mithila University in Bihar,
India, none of whose works on this or related topics is extant. Data used in this work are taken from IITM tables
based upon IMD data, and NOAA of USA.
1. D. A. Mooley and B. Parthasarathy, Fluctuations in All-India summer monsoon rainfall during 1871–1978, Climatic
Change , Vol.6, No.3, 1984, pp. 287-301, Sep.1984.
2. Parthasarathy, B., Rupa Kumar, K. and Kothawale, D.R., 1992. Indian summer monsoon rainfall Indices : 1871-1990.
Meteorol. Magaz., 121, 174-186.
3. Parthasarathy,B., Munot, A.A. and Kothawale, D.R., 1994. All-India monthly and seasonal rainfall series : 1871-1993.
Theor. Appl. Climatol., 49, 217-224.
4. Parthasarathy,B., Munot, A.A. and Kothawale, D.R., 1995. Monthly and seasonal rainfall series for all-India
homogeneous regions and meteorological subdivisions : 1871-1994. Research Report No. RR-065, Indian Institute of
Tropical Meteorology, Pune, 113 pp.
5. Rajeevan, M., Prediction of Indian summer monsoon: Status, problems and prospects, Current Science, 2001, 81, 11,
6. Tetsuzo Yasunari , The Monsoon Year—A New Concept of the Climatic Year in the Tropics, Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, pp. 1331–1338, 1991.
7. Alexander Gershunov, Niklas Schneider, and Tim Barnett, Low-Frequency Modulation of the ENSO–Indian Monsoon
Rainfall Relationship: Signal or Noise?, Journal of Climate, pp. 2486–2492, AD 2000 .
8 J. R.H. Kripalani, Ashwini Kulkarni, Monsoon rainfall variations and teleconnections over South and East Asia ,
International Journal of Climatology, Volume 21, Issue 5 , Pages 603 - 616, 2000.
9. Krishnamurthy V., and B. N. Goswami, 2000: Indian monsoon–ENSO relationship on interdecadal timescale. J.
Climate, 13, 579–594.
10. Bin Wang and Zhen Fan, Choice of South Asian Summer Monsoon Indices, Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society , pp.629-638, Vol.80, No.4, AD1999.

I have already sent first six region-wise fortnightly forecasts about Indian
Monsoons (2007) to many meteorologists. Region-wise mesoscale forecasting without a
supercomputer was unheard of till now, hence a majority of meteorologists are highly
sceptical about my forecasts.

Some scientists have asked me to send my past predictions which could be tested
empirically, and scientists have also enquired how my forecasts can be tested in future .
This article is addressed to both types of scientists .

In the initial stages of my work I checked the results of my softwares with

reference to whatever empirical data I could gather, and gradually improved my tools in
order to close the gap between predicted results and actual events , without sending any
prediction to anyone .

When I acquired some degree of confidence, I began sending my predictions to all

sorts of persons in my contact in various parts of India , mainly through mobile SMS
calls . But I was careful not to send a single prediction to any meteorologist, because I
was not fully sure of my predictions in those days , although my softwares had reached a
high degree of development even then , and little further imrovement has been needed
ever since. There was a reason why I avoided meteorologists : I had some problems due
to lack of experience in judging the results of my softwares in some cases which were
complicated on account of various contradictory trends simultaneously prevailing . I
knew I must prove myself to be many times more accurate than the conventional
forecasters in order to convince those who believe that monsoon forecasting is a
superhuman job which only a supercomputer can solve .

It was only by August 2006 that I reached a stage when I could be confident of
making predictions with a very high degree of success rate . Then I sent two region-wise
fortnighly predictions about the whole month of September 2006 to IMD Patna .
Mesoscale region-wise forecasting cannot be made one month in advance . Initially Dr T
N Jha ( IMD, Patna) was not ready to examine my predictions as he was sceptical about a
person working alone without a supercomputer, but I insisted that my predictions were
bound to prove true and he must examine its validity, mainly because the season was
about to end and next summer monsoon would arrive after quite some time . He later
confirmed on phone that my predictions about floods in various parts of India proved to
be true, but be insisted on having my methodology in writing before he could talk to
other experts about it . I had already hinted to him , in writing, that my methodology was
based on some novel concepts of theoretical physics .

Meteorologists are not convinced with whatever empirical evidences I put forth
and demand theoretical explanation , while theoreticians would not be convinced with
mere theory because they need empirical evidences ! There is only one solution of this
problem : meteorologists should examine my predictions with reference to actual
empirical evidences and leave aside theoretical discussions , before I could try to
convince theoretical physicists about the validity of my theory . Empirical validation is
the sole criterion of truth in modern science . Many of Einstein's mathematical proofs are
regarded as mere hypotheses even today because there is no way to prove or disprove
them . Many meteorologists ask me to give my methodology in detail, before they would
try to examine my predictions. But I am sure they will not be interested in the equations
of the centre of the universe with reference to which I have developed the theory of a
rotating grid of space-time over another fixed grid of space-time continuum. One
modeler of NCMRWF has asked me to send him one plot showing the skill metric of my
forecast for past ~25 years . He works with one set of grids, I work with two different
sets. First grid-set belongs to the geographical locations , upon our Earth , of the already
known Left Handed Universe. The other grid is very complicated and can be proven to
exist only after my theory of monsoon is empirically proven to be true. Even if you pass
a cursory glace over the maps I have sent to you, you will notice that there is a fixed grid
belonging to the geographical map of India in rectilinear projection for facilitating
computerized mapping of rainfall probabilities on it , with another grid rotating anti-
clockwise over it . This second invisible grid is responsible for variations in the
performance of Indian monsoons on mesoscale as well as on microscale , for instance
the well known phenomena of active and inactive periods. There are prolonged periods
of weakening or total inactivity, followed by active periods, which sometimes witness
torrential downpours for brief periods . This type of apparently erratic behaviour of
summer monsoon is in sharp contrast to its amazing long-term stability with only ± 20%
annual variability during past 13 decades ,barring 6 exceptional years when it dipped to
as low as -28% (i.e., 72% of normal) , unlike the African Monsoon which sometimes
dips to zero ! One can easily make a reasonably accurate seasonal forecast with slight
errors with the help of existing procedures , as the IMD is doing, because long-term
variability in the performance of monsoons is not great. But on mesoscale no one has
succeeded in providing either any practical model for a fairly accurate forecasting nor
any theoretical explanation of the mesoscale variations . I possess both. The accepted
practice the world over is to verify the results solely with reference to empirically
attested facts.
Let me show you some tangible proof of my past predictions, as you have
demanded .

On Aug 28-29, I sent hundreds of SMS to my acquaintances all over India about
my two fortnightly forecasts for Auh 31-Sep 14 and Sep14-28. It took me five days to
find the fax number of IMD Patna , hence it was only on Sep 4 that I was able to fax my
forecasts to the IMD Patna . Since the first forecast arrived late in his office (on Sep 4,
while 5 out of 15 forecasted days had had already elapsed), I am sending you the second
forecast which was sent to IMD 11 days before the forecasted period began . Following
is the first page of what I had earlier sent to IMD Patna . Second page would not be
interesting to you). I have made absolutely no change in the following material during
past 5 months, although some improvements were made in the software for obtaining a
greater computational accuracy . This forecast was also put on a free website
( in Sep 2006 ( I do not remember the
date exactly) where you can still find it . I did not visit this site myself thereafter,because
the summer monsoon season was over and I had to improve the softwares for tackling
the next summer monsoons .

This study has been

carried out for entire Indian
subcontinent . For the 2nd half
of September, 2006, the
subcontinent has been divided
into 14 DYNAMIC
number ,locations and climatic
characteristics of these zones
differ from period to period.
Each zone is described by
three set of properties, which
change with time. First
property is the geographic
LOCATION of the zone,
which is shown in the map.
Second property is the
QUALITY of climatic
conditions, indicated in shaded
box below. Third property is
GRADIENT, which defines
the relative magnitude or
quantity of climatic conditions
within a particular zone . Zone-
10, including East UP and
most of Bihar, has a Gradient
from 17 % to 42 %, indicated in
the map. Arrowhead of this
gradient points towards the region of maximum intensity of rainfall. However, if the
QUALITY factor is ›High and Low Rains™,then a high gradient will mean High
speed winds or storms and less rains . This abnormal condition was perceived in
Zone-3 in the forecast for Aug31 - Sep 14, in which heavy rains occurred in regions
of low gradient. Such abnormalities are indicated in the forecasts. But normally,
amount of rainfall is directly proportional to gradient indicated in the map.
ZONE 1 : Drought in northern half of this region which comprises South
Rajasthan and adjoining districts of Gujarat. Areas around Ujjain- Ahmadabad- Okha
will see rains which will not be more than normal at any place in this region.
ZONE 2 : Drought in north ( Porbandar- Vadodara- Indore ) but good rainfall
around Gujarat - Maharashtra border and Western Satpura. ZONE 3 : Drought in
most of districts in this region. ZONE 4 : Drought in West ( Vidisha- Hubli )
and good rainfall in East ( Vidisha- Hyderabad- Pondicherry ). ZONE 5 : Good
rainfall in entire zone ; heavy rains and floods in many districts around Vidisha -
Chennai line. ZONE 6 : Drought in north but rains and storms in the south.
ZONE 7 : Drought. ZONE 8 : Heavy rains and floods, but losses would be
much less in comparison to the magnitude of rainfall. ZONE 9 : Good rains in
north ( Sonabhadra- Bhabhua- Bhagalpur - Guwahati ) and heavy rains in south
( Vidisha - Ranchi - Khulna ). ZONE 10 : Drought in north and almost normal
rainfall in many districts of south near Vidisha - Guwahati line. ZONE 11 :
Total rainfall during the whole period will approach normal levels in most of
districts. ZONE 12 : Drought in east ( Vidisha - Gwalior - Uttarkashi ) but rains in
west ( Vidisha - Ludhiana - Udhampur ). ZONE 13 : Normal conditions. ZONE
14 : Excelllent and beneficial rains throughout this zone. But some areas in
Jaisalmer and Jodhpur may be adversely affected .
The amount of rainfall at a given site can be calculated by means of its
gradient. For instance, Gaya has a 75% gradient while Bangalore's gradient is 57%. In
these zones, 50% gradient implies normal rainfall. Therefore, Gaya ought to witness
better than normal rainfall during Sep 14-27. But there are certain microclimatic
parameters which would aggravate conditions in Magadha, but make no impact on
other regions lying at the same radius of the great circle with centre at Vidisha on
which Gaya lies ( Guwahati, Bhagalpur and Gaya lie on the same radius, and should
therefore witness similar climatic conditions). This circular pattern in which Indian
Monsoon moves is a salient feature of the new theory of weather forecasting on
whose basis a fully dedicated software for Monsoon forecasting in this
subcontinent has been developed after years of research .

Now I am giving some empirical evidence from the following website
You may be well acquainted with the developers of this Monsoon-Online website
( of D B Stephenson, K Rupa Kumar, E Black, J.V. Revadekar ). This site provides
authentic data , although sometimes there are certain inaccuracies either owing to errors
in sources or due to small number of weather-stations used for representing a large area .
My forecast cited above was for the period 9:20 am Sep 14 - 0:26 am Sep 28 .
Following data from MOL site is for Sep 14-27. Hence thare is just a few hours’
descrepancy, and MOL data is nearly comparable to my forecast . My forecasts give
‘relative rainfall and its impact’ . Hence in the LHS picture below, onlt the two weekly
maps of DEPARTURE (%) should be compared with my forecast . On the RHS, I have
given a composite fortnightly map made by overlaying both weekly MOL maps upon
each other , with 50% opacity in the upper map . This overlaying leads to some error in
colour information, which can be corrected by visual references to the original maps on
the LHS .
In order to facilitate an easier comparison of this this composite fortnightly MOL
map with my map given above, I am sending the COMPOSITE.PSD file as a separate
attached file which will save you a lot of time . This file is to be opened in Adobe
PHOTOSHOP . After opening the file, Window > Layers > Opacity Slider will give
you a lot of options for comparing my map with both of the MOL maps either one by
one, or as a single composite map by making the opacity of Layer Sep14-20 =
100%, Layer Sep20-28 = ~50%, and Layer Forecast = ~50 % approximately. My
map is on rectilinear coordinate system , hence there is a negligible mismatch . By
clicking the icon of eve in the layer wingow, you can view any desired layer, and by
sliding the Opacity Slider you can view the top layer (= Forecast) overlaid on any of or
both of the MOL maps in whatever percentage of opacity you like to view . Photoshop
has been made for artists, and not for scientists. That is why I provide so much details
about handling it. I do not mean to imply that you are a novice to it .
With opacities of various layers as Layer Sep14-20 = 100%, Layer Sep20-28 =
~50%, and Layer Forecast = ~50 %, the COMPOSITE.PSD file would look as
follows :
Discrepancies are indicated in red
1 Drought in northern half of this Below normal rain in upper half in
region which comprises South both weeks , but relatively good rain
Rajasthan and adjoining districts of in some parts of western Barmer
Gujarat. Areas around Ujjain- during first week .
Ahmadabad- Okha will see rains In South, overall rain for the entire
which will not be more than southern was normal ,ie,as per my
normal at any place in this region. forecast, but important districtwise
differences were noticed : dry in the
east and wet in the west .
2 Drought in north ( Porbandar- In north, drought in only the east,
Vadodara- Indore ) but good rainfall good rains in west. Good rainfall
around Gujarat - Maharashtra around Gujarat - Maharashtra border
border and Western Satpura. and Western Satpura.
3 Drought in most of districts in Drought in most of districts in
this region. this region in 2nd week only.
In first week,most districts of
Maharashtra show good rains.
4 Drought in West ( Vidisha- Hubli ) Drought in West and good rainfall
and good rainfall in East ( Vidisha- in Andhra portion of the East only in
Hyderabad- Pondicherry ). the 2nd week .
In first week, west had good rains,
not accounted in my software.
5 Good rainfall in entire zone ; Good rainfall in entire zone ; heavy
heavy rains and floods in many rains in many districts around
districts around Vidisha - Chennai Vidisha - Chennai line. Only a small
line. part in north shows below normal
6 Drought in north but rains and In 2nd week comparatively less rains
storms in the south. in north than in south, but no
In first week, more rains in north
than in south.
7 Drought This small patch had less than normal
rains in first week, but more than
normal in 2nd week.
8 Heavy rains and floods, but losses Heavy rains in 2nd week,
would be much less in comparison less than normal in first week .
to the magnitude of rainfall.
9 Good rains in north ( Sonabhadra- Good rains in 2nd week,
Bhabhua- Bhagalpur - Guwahati ) less than normal in first week .
and heavy rains in south ( Vidisha
- Ranchi - Khulna ).
10 Drought in north and almost North had less rains than in South.
normal rainfall in many districts Good rains in 2nd week,
of south near Vidisha - Guwahati less than normal in first week .
11 Total rainfall during the whole Less than normal in west, more than
period will approach normal levels normal in West, hence average was
in most of districts. normal.
Gradients in my map indicate exactly
what happened, but there was a
typing error in the table .
12 Drought in east ( Vidisha - Gwalior Drought in east and some rains in
- Uttarkashi ) but rains in west only central part of West,ie in and
( Vidisha - Ludhiana - Udhampur ) . around Punjab.
13 Normal conditions . Less than normal in most parts.
The conditions were complex and
indterminate, which I failed to
indicate in the table.
14 Excelllent and beneficial rains In first week, good rains in West
throughout this zone. But some only, but in 2nd week good rains
areas in Jaisalmer and Jodhpur may throughout. Areas aroun Jaisalmer
be adversely affected . and Jodhpur receiver highest rains.
Main Descrepancies :
(1) For Zone-11, hurried typing was the cause of error, while the gradients of the map
( only 10 in the West implying drought, and 35 in the East implying slightly
less than normal rainfall) are in harmony with MOL data. The map reflects
computer output, which was OK .
(2) Zone-13 : The conditions were complex and indeterminate, which I did not indicate.
(3) Zone-12 shows less than expected rains in western parts.
(4) Zone-10 shows less than normal in southern parts during First week .
(5) Zone-1 shows different results in some districts, but overall zonal performance was as
(6) Zone-2 : No drought in western Gujarat.
(7) Zone-3 shows good rains in most of Maharashtra during First week .
(8) Zone-4 shows good rains in western parts during First week : this is the most serious
drawback in my forecast which was caused by my personal failure of
judgment and not by my software. I failed to evaluate the computer output
properly .
(9) Zone-6 shows reverse results during First week .
(10) Zone-7 shows reverse results during Second week .
Notes :
(1) The main emphasis of my forecasts was on floods and droughts. All major floods in
the country were duly accounted for in my forecast.
(2) Barring two errors due to inadvertence or hurry, all descrepancies are at sub-zonal
level or in weekly performance . Some part of descrepancy may be accounted
for by the less than satisfactory fortnightly assessment can be improvised
from weekly MOL data. I do not know how much accurate this MOL data is,
although by and large it appears to be reliable . But there may be errors in the
MOL data which their authors say may be caused by errors in sources.
(3) Since Dr T N Jha of IMD was not serious in examining my forecast, I too had
prepared my report hurriedly, and inadvertently introduced two errors due to
hurry. But there are some serious anomalies which my fortnightly software
can never remove . Only fortnightly software was used to produce the above
forecast. Had I got the opportunity to use my 12-hourly and other softwares
most of the above descrepancies could have been narrowed down to a
signicant extent . But they need quite some time .

MOL data is not fit for a perfect comparion . Following points must be borne in
mind :
(1) MOL data has nearly a 9.5 hours time difference,
(2) MOL maps were very small, which I enlarged for the sake of easy comparison with
my map , but a small map may contain some crudeness which may induce you to think
that the differences arise due to errors in my forecast,
(3) MOL data are not fortnightly, and the weekly maps do not enable you to create a
reliable fortnightly map,
(4) For a proper evaluation of my forecasts, absolute figures for every weather station
according to my zones will be needed ,
(5) I am not sending you a revised version of my forecast . During past 5 months I made
many improvements in my softwares as well as in my evaluation methodology, which
are not reflected in this old report I am sending now .

Therefore, there are many discrepanciesin the forecast which I an sending . But in
spite of all such errors, even this old forecast will convince you that my forecast has
some merit . If you examine my forecasts made from the updated versions of my
softwares, you will be even more convinced that a new methodology has indeed arrived .

Conclusion :
In spite of many drawbacks in my forecast, I still stick to the claim of nearly
total accuracy as far as my softwares are concerned . The softwares are flawless ; half of
the errors are caused due to my lack of experience in explaining the output of computer,
and this failure of judgment may go only with time, provided I do not leave the job . The
other half of errors is caused by lack of time and hurry, because a single person has to do
all the work himself .

In spite of all these errors, overall zone-wise actual performance of the monsoon
during the fortnight showed that this forecast proved to be better than mesoscale
forecasts are generally expected to be . A single forecast may be dubbed as a
coincidence, but I have worked on this project and tested its results for long years .

Although this forecast was sent to the IMD Patna only 11 days before the
fortnight began, the software is capable of producing exactly the same result much in
advance . It makes no difference whether I make a forecast for September in August or in
January. The forecasts for entire season of 2006 were prepared in January 2006 and
some of them were published by three different publishers in 3 different states of India ,
all in Hindi and in bad shades . It may sound inconceivable to many , but such advance
forecasting is possible on account of the new deterministic theory of cosmology based on
quantisation of space-time at astronimical levels ( wrongly being reflected as dark
matter ) , theory of binary universe , finiteness of Universe with a fixed centre near Earth
, etc . This theory is mathematically correct , but examination of my monsoon forecasts is
a must before this new theory can be published , whose importance is much greater than
a new theory of monsoons.


I hope whatever little hints about my theory I have unwillingly outlined

will not dispel you , because you are a professional knowing the pro and cons of your
profession. A person really interested in getting reliable mesoscale and microscale
forecasting techniques cannot be satisfied with existing methodologies. These existing
methodologies allow you to make highly crude mesoscale monsoon forecasts for India
only 10 -15 days in advance, and somethimes these forecasts prove to be wrong . It is
because the oceanographic and atmospheric data of more that 15 days are totally
irrelavant for making mesoscale predictions. There is a reason . But it would need a
discussion concerning the Quantisation of Space-Time at astronomical levels, which is
beyond the realm of meteorology .

I do not want to discuss my theory before its results are examined empirically ,
because if I publish my theory without its empirical justification it would be rejected on
account of appearing bizarre . But does not the bizarre behaviour of monsoons need a
bizarre theory , just because all non-bizarre theories have failed to explain its movements

Empirical validation of my theory is very easy. You need not even try to compare
the reports from rain gauges to check my forecasts, because it would demand time and
effort . For the whole season I have made nearly 200 forecasts, 98% of which are very
explicit and 2% are vague ( on account of complexity of situation ) . For mesoscale
forecasting, I have used simple terms like destructive rains, heavy rains, good rains,
normal rains, less than normal rains, scanty rains, drought but no major damages, mild
drought with some damages, severe drought with damages . If floods and droughts are
excluded, then rainfall can be broken into seven broad categories : (1) destructive or
very heavy rains, (2) heavy rains, (3) good rains, (4) normal rains, (5) moderate / less
than normal rains, (6) scanty rains, (7) no rains . It is not difficult to convert these
qualitative categories into numerical ones, but since the ranges are wide there will be no
benefit of this extra effort . There is a vast difference between heavy rains and drought .
It is, therefore , not difficult to empirically verify my forecasts even without taking
quantitative measurements . Even those who watch Indian TV or read Indian
newspapers can verify my forecasts, because all major floods &c are reported by the
media . Rainfall data can be obtained from the Internet.

IMD is the primary source of rainfall data , and therefore it is necessary that
IMD should verifies my forecast . Either I should be given the rainfall data of wanted
fortnights (9:20 am 14 Sep to 00:26 am 28 Sep, 2006, or the nearest period 9:30 am
14 Sep to 00:30 am 28 Sep, 2006 )of all Indian stations , or IMD should do the job of
verification itself .

Reliable mesoscale forecast many months in advance is a revolution in the field of

weather forecasting , and I hope IMD would accept my methodology after verification . I
do not work for money or laurels .

Sincerely ,
Vinay Jha.

Foolproof _ Techniques _Of _Long-range _Rain _Forecasting
(Charts are interpreted according to standard techniques of Individual Horoscopy as in BPHS)
Introduction : Modern science has no foolproof technique of weather forecasting.
There are two categories of scientific methods currently being used : one is statistical, lacking
any sound theory and guided by a set of pressure and temperature parameters of selected
places and correlating them to past rainfall patterns ; the other is based on dynamic weather
simulation. Ironically, it is the statistical method which gives better results, but parameters
have to be overhauled after few years, and it has been found that in ~60 years only less than
half of the predictions can be said to be approximately reliable. Hence, in modern science,
weather forecasting is little more than guesswork, because in tossing of coin also you may get
50% heads and 50% tails.
There are many ancient techniques (not currently used) of weather forecasting in Vedic
Astrology. During past millenium, most of these techniques went into disuse due to lack of
state patronage. Another reason was deliberate secrecy due to threats to one's own state, as
a result of which many of these techniques were lost or forgotten. Many new short cut
methods were devised during the mediaeval age, some of which had neither any theoretical
justification nor any connection with siddhanta or samhitaa and have been proven to be no
more reliable than in 50-60% cases.
Here, the most important and easiest of all the ancient techniques is being
elaborated with examples. Horoscope of the world cast at the juncture of Sun's entry into
nirayana Mesha raashi helps in annual prediction for the world, which is being explained here
merely with reference to annual rainfall, although these annual horoscopes can be used for
predicting other events too. Exactly same method can be used to make horoscopes at the
time of solar transits into asterisms (Nakshatras), which will be valid for the period till Sun
resides in that Nakshatra.
All these horoscopes should be made from the place where the World was born
(according to traditional view), like the birthplace of individual used for making individual
horoscope. According to Vedic-Purānic-Epic-Suryasiddhāntic tradition, this Creation was
created by Lord Brahmā from atop Mt Meru. Hence, world's horoscope should be made from
Mt Meru. According to Suryasiddhanta, "Mt Meru lies in the jewel-rich region of Jambūnada at
the middle of Earth". Narapatijayacharyaa, a mediaeval work based on ancient Yāmala
tantras, also says Meru is in middle of Earth and "India is east from Meru" : Bharateshu cha
vikhyaato poorv-ding-merutaH sthitaH; cf. Padmachakra, 7; this citation in
Narapatijayacharyā is from Ādi-Yāmala Tantra. That mountain has been renamed as Mt
Kenya by moderners, where a town named Meru still sits. Its latitude is zero and longitude is
37:19 east of Greenwich. This location of Meru can be tested astrologically as shown
below,instead of wasting time in argumentation. World's horoscopes made from Mt Meru
has been found to be in perfect harmony with all available official data about rainfall,
economic growth, major wars, famines, major storms, major earthquakes, etc, without a
single exception ! For instance, 136 years' annual rainfall data of IMD (Indian Meteorological
Dept) arranged by scientists of IITM (Indian Institute of tropical Meteorology, Pune) was
checked and the result was always perfectly in tune with astrological results. Look at bottom
of this page for these official data about rainfall and their sources. Standard methods of
BPHS (Brihat Parashara Horaa Shaastra) are used to analyze mesha pravesha bhaava-
chaliota charts made from Mt Meru (Mt Kenya). This method is very simple, but Ganita must
be Suryasiddhantic for 100% accurate results. If physical astronomy is used, we get mixed
results, sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Here, 100% accuracy means absence of a
single false result, but some persons guess that the talk of 100% accuracy means 100%
accuracy in absolute quantity of rainfall, which is impossible for any mortal. Astrologers say
you are going to have good earning during so and so period ; is any astrologer capable of
predicting how much money you will get ? Evaluate what is offered here, and do not pose
impossible questions which only God can answer.
IITM data at its website was arranged in terms of Gregorian calendar beginning with
January. For comparison with Mesha-pravesha kundalis, this data was converted by me into
year beginning with April. Mesh samkrānti occurs around mid-April, but negligible rainfall takes
place in first half of April as compared to total annual rainfall, hence such a dataset was
comparable to Mesha-pravesha kundalis from Meru. Another point which must not be
overlooked is that we must follow the ancient Suryasiddhāntic mathematics with updated bīja-
samskāras according to ancient principles. Here, the results are being presented, which were
categorized into three categories : above normal rainfall (>+10% of normal, ie >110%) with 20
instances, normal rainfall (+10 to -10% of normal, ie, 110-90%) with 93 instances, and below
normal rainfall (less than -10% or 90% of normal rainfall) with 22 instances. Here, 10 best and
10 worst rainfall years are being presented together with their astrological analyses. Aspects
are given in the conventional scaling with 60' as full aspect.
JHorā software can be used for Drig-pakshiya computations (ie, based on physical
astronomy). JHora uses astronomical database supplied by Swiss Ephemeris, the latter
being based on NASA's JPL datasets, which are most reliable data of modern physical
astronomy. A simplified software of Swiss Ephemeris can be freely downloaded by anyone,
which shows half a minute errors. Hence JHora is reliable as far as physical planetary
positions are concerned. But I use real Bhāvachalita based on Dasham computation which
JHora lacks (no offence intended, I make predictions from actual Bhāvachalita and not from
the Rāshi chart assumed to be same as Bhāva chart for time saving). Whenevr needed,
Bhāvachalita computations are given from another software.
For Saura-pakshiya computations (ie, Suryasiddhāntic) , I use my special mundane
software whose formulae were same as used in Suryasiddhāntic Kundalee software. This
method has been verified by Jyotisha Department of KSD Sanskrit University after much
debate, and many other institutions are publishing panchangas from software based on these
formulae, predictions from this software have been verified by many top scientists too.
Drig-pakshiya and Saura-pakshiya computations show minor differences in
individual horoscopes, but in mundane charts they show large difference in Lagna due
to the fact that a quarter degree difference in position of Sun results into 6 hours'
difference in time of solar transit (Samkrānti, here Mesha samkrānti at whose time annual
charts are made) which means a difference of about three rāshis in all bhāvas including
Lagna, which makes comparison easy. Hence, whether Saurapaksha or Drikpaksha is best
suited for astrology should be decided by means of comparison of mundane charts at
the time of solar transits.
Centre of the Rāshi Chakra is at Mt Meru (Mt Kenya), and middle point of Mesha
is always towards the east. Hence, almost the whole of India lies in the Vrish rāshi with
Venus as Lord, excluding most of J&K which lies in Mithuna and a small region around
Kanyākumārī which lies in Mesha. There are seven types of Kūrma Chakra (KC) which is
called Mahā-chakra in Ādi-Yāmala Tantra : Prithvi KC (shown as Padma Chakra in
Narapatijayacharyā), Desha KC (which is wrongly called Prithvi Chakra in
Narapatijayacharyā)), Pradesha KC (which is described under Desha KC in
Narapatijayacharyā), Nagara KC for town, Grāma KC for village, Kshetra KC for plot of land,
and Griha KC.
Instead of using Kūrma Chakras here, fixed Rāshi Chakra with movable
Bhāvachalita is used here in Prithvi Chakra mode (called as Padma Chakra in
Narapatijayacharyā) with centre at Mt Meru. Same basic design can be easily modified
to make all other Medini chakras of ancient Yāmala tantras for making world forecasts.
Desha chakra for Bhārata will be presented elsewhere at this site.
Rāshis are always fixed, shown with black dotted lines in the maps below, but
Lagna changes with respect to time of Mesha Samkrānti. Hence, the 12 bhaavas of
bhāvachalita move with Lagna as first bhāva ; due to this movability bhāva-chakra is known as
bhāva-chalita (shown in coloured dotted lines in the maps below) . Although most of India
lies in Vrish, sometimes large portions of South India may be lorded by Mars due to mid-
point of its bhāva falling often in Mesha. Similarly, portions of NW India may often be
lorded by Mercury. There are some exceptional cases when a planet fails to be lord of a
bhāva which it owns in rāshi chart due to the fact that the middle of that bhāva falls in another
rāshi not owned by that planet. For instance, if starting point of Kanyā is after mid-point of a
particular bhāva, and end point of Kanyā ends before the middle of next bhāva, then none of
these two bhāvas will be lorded by the lord of Kanyā, ie, by Mercury. BPHS (Brihat Parāshara
Horā Shāstra) gives both types of bhāva charts, accurate bhāva-chalita as well as crude
bhāva-chakra assumed to be same as rāshi-chakra for time saving. Some astrologers use
rāshi-chakra for making bhāva-phala. This practice gives wrong results, which is proven by
following study.
Only Suryasiddhantic bhaavachalita chart is shown on map, but even Drikpakshiya
(based on physical astronomy) bhaavachalita chart can be easily visualized on same map by
mentally rotating the bhaavachalita chart : anticlockwise if Drikpakshiya Lagna (ascendant) is
more in value than Suryasiddhantic Lagna, and clockwise if less. Magnitude of this rotation
should be equal to the difference in Lagnas.
Many complexities of phalita jyotisha are clarified by following studies. Most important
of all, it helps us in valorization of the overall result of horoscope : we can correlate
quatitative magnitude of rainfall with horoscopic conditions, and use this experience in
evaluating individual horoscopes quantitavily. It is the most difficult part of phalita jyotisha,
never perfected by anyone. If it is perfected, we will be able to predict the quantity of predicted
results. Quantitative studies of rainfall or national economic growth helps us in this regard.
Table - 1 consists of ten best rainfall years in recorded history. Table - 2 on next page
consists of ten worst rainfall years in recorded history, which is followed by some discussion
on special topics needed closer scrutiny. I can provide all official data and all Saurapakshiya
Mesha samkrānti horoscopes of all remaining 116 years of annual data at this website, if
requested by serious researchers. OFFICIAL RAINFALL DATA AND THEIR SOURCE can
be obtained thus :
Monthly rainfall data of IMD (Indian Meterological Dept) for 136 years (1871-2006) has
been arranged by scientists of IITM, Pune, which can be procured freely from its website (
Click_Here ). These data are in calendar year beginning from January. I converted them into
financial year beginning from April, which is better for comparison with Mesha Samkrānti
charts which now-a-days fall around 13-16 April. This Excel file can be downloaded by clicking
: AllIndia136Apr.xls (it is an Excel Worksheet). The All-India and regional annual rainfall data
presented above in left side colum is from this official source.
TABLE - 1 : Best Rainfall Years
Astrological Analysis of Meru Kundali : Saura vs Drik
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37º:19' E ; 0º:0' N) was
1956 at 9:07:07 AM IST, 13 Apr 1956 (one may test it in free Kundalee Software). More
-------- than half of India including entire North lies in Bhāva-3 (shown by azure or light blue
ALL arc of the bhāvachalita circle towards India) whose lord Venus resides there
INDIA (svagrihi, shown in orange, superimposed by Ketu in black colour in the map). Its
+25 % relatives are all ominous : debilitated (nīcha) Ketu and Rāhu, and Saturn in 8th
------- house having aspect of 45 in north India and 60 (full) in south India falling in 3rd
Penin house. Bad planets with good aspects or residence in a house give destructive rains
-sular (called Dushta-vrishti in Vedic mundane astrology). Saturn in 8th is deadly, causing
+16.1 deaths with rains, but svagrihi Venus is the saviour. Places pierced (viddha) in
------- Satvatobhadra Chakra by Saturn (places beginning with letters m,t-retroflex,p,r,t,
NW vowel- uu) should have destructive rains, and places pierced by Venus (vowel - u)
+47.9 will have overall good results. Venus in Vāyu-naadi and Saturn in Chandā-nādi give
------- high winds. Due to svagrihi Venus, middle of 3rd house will have best rains, ie
NE in NW India. Nodes have less effect on rains if any real planet is effective and
+16.7 strong, as is svagrihi venus here.
Central Peninsular India is in 2nd house (shown by light red arc of bhāvachalita circle) of
NE Mars which is exalted but has only a 19' aspect on northern border of 2nd Bhāva
+28.4 shown by light red curved line running through Mahārāshtra - WB- Nāgāland ; and
-------- 35' in southernmost India. But Mars:Saturn have a mutual ownership (parivartana)
West relation, as a result of which Saturn is influential for this house esp of South in
Central Deccan with full aspect, but exalted Mars attenuates the deadly effects of Saturn
+26.7 sitting in 8th. This house witnessed less rains than 3rd house due to svagrihi lord in
the 3rd house in comparison to less than half aspect of Mars on its 2nd House (see
official data in the extreme left side column : Peninsular India received +16% excess
rains, while NW India received +48% excess rains).

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, mesha samkrānti at Meru was at
10:23:59 AM IST or 7:23:59 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1956 , with Lagna at 21º:23':23" in
Mesha (by JHora), India falls in 2nd bhāva (2nd bhāva extends from Vrish 5º:34':19"
to 3º:36':06" in Mithuna) and Venus in Vrish at 15º:41':33", svagrihi Venus is good for
rains in India although being deadly (mārkesha). But middle of 2nd Bhāva
containing bulk of India, excepting TN and Kerala, lies around 19º:45':10" in
Vrish (curve joining Surat-Lucknow-Kāthmandu), while in Saur kundali we had
middle of bhāva (3rd) at NW extremes of India near end of Vrish. According to Drig
kundali, maximum rainfall should occur along the line of 19º:45':10" which runs
through Surat-Lucknow-Kāthmandu because middle of bhāva was there. This region
had good rains, but not maximum. Data show that maximum rains occurred at NW
extreme (see the official data in the extreme left side column). Hence, Saur kundali
is better for this year as far as rains are concerned. Other combinations
important for India, like Saturn and Rāhu in 8th, and Ketu with Venus are the same
for Saur and Drig kundalis.

In individual kundalis, difference between Saura and Drig kundalis is not great now-
a-days, within a few degrees for planets, but in mundane charts of transits into
raashis or nakshatras exhibit a great difference in lagna due to many hours of
difference in time of transit (samkrānti). Here, we find Dring lagna at 21º:23':23" , and
Saur lagna at 0º:0':52", both in Mesha ! Due to such large differences, we find
considerable differences in mundane horoscopes, which makes comparison easier.
When we compare a number of such mundane horoscopes, evidences tilt in favour
of Saura in 100% cases.
Picture presented below is self-explanatory. The main picture containing world
map and horoscope on it with accompanying details is the screenshot of a
mundane Suryasiddhāntic software whose calculations are same as that of
Kundalee software. On right side top is Rāshi chart of JHora software by PVR
Narasimha Rao. On left top is output from another software based upon
physical astronomy, whose computations show negligible differences from JHora.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1917 6:55:32 AM IST, 13 Apr 1917 (test it in free Kundalee Software). Excepting Deccan
-------- which is in 3rd House, most of India is in 4th House (green arc) lorded by exalted
ALL Venus combust in exalted Sun lying in 2nd House with combust Mars, the latter
INDIA having parivartana relation with Jupiter in 3rd House.
------- Excepting Saturn and Rahu, which have neglible aspect on those portions of India
Penin which are in 4th house, all planets have higher aspects towards NW India. Due to
-sular influence of two exalted planets, exalted lord Venus with exalted Sun, there was
+10.5 record rainfall in NW (+95%). Moreover, NW India also lied in middle of 4th Bhāva.
NW Aspect of 14 by exalted sun and 16 by exalted Venus caused +95% rains in NW, but
+95.4 their aspect of 5-6 towards southern bhāva sandhi of 4th Bhaava caused only +20%
------- (in West Central) and +14%(central NE) India. It is very difficult to make quantitative
NE scales on account of few years' data, but analysis of a long period may make us
+1.59 wiser.
Central South India was in 3rd Bhāva, whose lord Mars was in full control of 3rd House in
NE spite of zero aspect due to parivartana yoga with Jupiter. Mars was samgrihi but
+14.1 combust with exalted Sun, which helped it to cause +10% rains in South.
West (B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
Central was at 11:04:13 AM IST or 8:04:13 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1917, with Lagna Mesha
+20.5 23º:57':15" (Saura lagna was Kumbha 24º:55':39"), a difference of 59º:01':36" in
Lagna. Most of India north of 8º in Vrish was in 2nd Bhāva with its lord in 12th, where
lord of southern 2 states Mars was also languishing. Sun was in Lagna, hence
benefit of conjunction with exalted Sun was denied. Exalted Venus in 12th was not
able to give record +95% rains, and Mars with enemy Venus was much worse off.
This time, Drikpakshiya chart is failing miserably.
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1892 19:40:24 AM IST, 11 Apr 1892 (test it in free Kundalee Software). Excepting NW
-------- India, most of India falls in 9th house lorded by Venus which resides in its own 9th
ALL house (shown in deep blue arc on bhāva circle). Venus is present near the end of
INDIA this bhāva towards NW India, and remaining bulk of NW India was lorded by Mercury
+19% which was combust in exalted Sun residing in 8th house. Thus exalted Sun
------- influenced NW India, while parts of NW India (SW Rājasthan) were influenced by
Penin svagrihi Venus, which resulted in excessive rains in NW (+42%). It was assisted by
-sular high aspect (48 - 54) of Saturn on NW, which had an aspect relation with Mars which
+12.8 was lord of house in which Mercury and Sun resided. another influential planet, with
------- less strength on NW, was Jupiter having 22 - 29 aspect on NW. Saturn was in Neerā
NW Nādi, and Jupiter in Saumya Nādi. Other planets had negligible aspects on NW
+41.6 India. West Central India also got +33& rains due to proximity of this region to Venus
------- in bhāva sandhi. Rest of India got little more than normal rains. Lord of NW in 8th
NE house with exalted Sun meant destructive rains, while most of India in 9th house
+5.28 meant beneficial rains.
Central (B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
NE was on 12 Apr 1892 at 01:09:50 AM IST , or 11 Apr 1892 at 22:09:50 Kenyā Time,
+5.68 with Lagna Vrishchika 24º:03':06" (Saura Lagna was Kanyā 7º:25':57"). There was a
-------- difference of over 76.6 degrees in Lagna, as a result of which India was in 7th house
West with Bhāva's centre at 24º degrees in Vrish, which implies heaviest rains along
Central Gujarāt - Western Nepāl curve, which was not much away from actual heavy rainfall
+33.4 zone in NW. Two southern states were in 6th house where exalted Sun was residing,
and lord of this house Mercury sitting in 2nd bhaava ; it should give destructively
excssive rains which was not the case. Physical astronomy fails this year.
(A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
17:07:53 AM IST, 13 Apr 1961.Excepting J&K, most of India falls in 11th house
(shown by light blue arc on bhāva circle) lorded by Venus which resides in 9th house
(deep blue arc on bhāva circle).Venus,Sun,Moon and Mercury are in 9th Bhāva
(Venus is not seen in Saura chart at left bottom, but on map it is shown in orange).
Both Venus and Sun are exalted and having yuti relation. But their aspect on 11th
house is effective only towards the north, hence other planets with good aspects on
11th house, esp on its southern portion, also become effective. Mars has no aspect
on any part of India, and nodes may be neglected because many other planets are
effective (nodes become effective in rain prediction only when other planets are
ineffective on a particular bhāva). Hence, six planets are effective, and computing
their total effect is a formidable task. A shortcut crude method is outlined here.
At bottom in left is the aspect table. Lord of 11th house Venus and two other
conjuncts Moon and Mercury are in rāshi owned by Jupiter, and Jupiter has
maximum aspect on 11th house as well. Moreover, Jupiter and its conjunct Saturn
are in Amrita and Neerā nādis respectively, while Venus & Mercury are in Dahnā
nādi, Moon in Saumya and Sun in Vāyu nādi (according to Sapta-nādi chakra which
is important for rain forecasting). All these factors make Jupiter the most powerful
rain maker for India this year, in spite of its debility (which is recompensed by
yuti with svagrihi Saturn). To jupiter's influence, we must add that of its conjunct
Saturn too. Adding aspects of Jupiter and Saturn on 11th house, we get aspects 30,
75 and 85 respectively on north, middle and south India respectively. But exalted
planets Venus and Sun have a combined aspect of 42 on the north, 21 on the middle
and 6 on the south. Although these exalted planets are in Dahnā and Vāyu nādis,
lordship of 11th house by Venus and exaltation of both these planets
make them highly influential in proportion to aspects. Mercury being both combust
and debilitated and lord of 3rd and 12th houses may be neglected, but Moon being
Lagnesh and in friendly rāshi of Jupiter should not be neglected, although its aspect
should be reduced in weight in relation to those of exalted Venus and Sun. If we
reduce the strength of Moon's aspect to half in comparison with exalted planets, we
get a final aspect of all four planets in yuti with 61, 33 and 12 on north,
middle and south India respectively. Increase these figures slightly, say 20%, due to
more weightage of exalted planets, to get 73, 40 and 14, and then add these to
those of Jupiter and Saturn (30, 75 and 85), we get 103, 115 and 99 on north,
Region Ven Sun Moo Mer Jup Sat middle and south India respectively. It
tallies well with actual rainfall data : +28% in
North 27 15 38 28 26 4
NW, +35% and +16%(Central NE or CNE) in
Middle 14 7 23 14 56 19 middle, and +21% in south. Many parts of
South 6 0 11 6 53 32 Central NE should be counted in north. Only
a rough approximation has been attempted,
actual valorization of planetary influences for enabling us to predict exact quatity of
rainfall is not possible unless we make a large database for easy referencing, which
we do not possess and therefore are forced to work on guesswork. But such a
database can be prepared with time, which will help in prediction by meand of
referencing to similar planetary conditions in the database.

(B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

was on 13 Apr 1961 at 17:45:26 AM IST , or 13 Apr 1961 at 14:45:26 Kenyā Time,
with Lagna Karka 29º:26':02" (Saura Lagna was Karka 13º:09':09"). There was a
difference of over 16º degrees in Lagna, as a result of which 11th bhāva will not
coincide with almost whole of India : northern half will fall in 11th and southern half in
10th house. JHORA software does not show real Bhāvachalita chart. JHORA shows
Lagna at Karka 29º:26':02" , which means 11th bhaava's middle should be near the
end of Vrish and 10th bhaava's middle should be near the end of Mesha. Thus, 10th
bhāva's start must be around the middle of Mesha and Sun must be in 9th bhāva
and not in 10th bhāva. Therefore, JHORA software shows only rāshi chart, and
bhāvachalita chart is never shown. Rāshi chart is used only for mathematical works
like exaltation, friendships, aspects, etc, while all predictions are to be made from
bhāvachalita, but many astrologers use rāshi chart for predictive works as well, and
never consult bhāvachalita. Here, Sun being in 9th bhāva has no aspect on south
India lying in 10th bhāva and therefore good rains could not be expected in south
India, esp in relation to nort where exalted Venus and other related planets had good
aspects. Moreover, lord of 10th house Mars was in 12th, suggesting a drought.
Hence, physical astonomy fails misrably in this case, while Suryasiddhānta
explains data admirably, as in all other years.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1893 1:53:08 AM IST, 12 Apr 1893. Most of India falls in 6 th house (shown by red arc on
-------- bhāva circle) lorded by Venus, and a large portion of NW India in 7th house lorded
ALL by Mercury.
Here again a debilitated Mercury having yuti relation with exalted Venus gets
the strength of Venus, as in the case with Jupiter in 1961 AD seen above. Due to
relatively higher aspect of Mercury on its regions in NW India, from 32' to 27', NW
India got highest amount of rainfall, while rest of India experience relatively less due
to low aspect or its lord Venus : 19 in north and only 1' in south. Its closest relative
Saturn, however, contributed to rains throughout all parts due to its aspect 43 in
north, 31 in middle and 39 in south. Excepting the ineffective Moon, all planets had
higher aspect in north, which resulted in high incidence of rains in the north. Enmical
Mars in bhāva sandhi must have have caused troubles in those regions.

(B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

was on 12 Apr 1893 at 7:22:03 AM IST , or 12 Apr 1961 at 4:33:03 Kenyā Time, with
Lagna Kumbha 24º:54':55" (Saura Lagna was Dhanu10º:28':38"). There was a
INDIA difference of over 74º degrees in Lagna, as a result of which most of india was in 4th
+17.9 bhāva which extended from 10 degrees of Vrish (around Goā-Hyderābād curve) to
------- 10 degrees of Mithuna (Afghānistan) , south fell in 3rd house containing Jupiter in its
Penin beginning. Venus is exalted, but has low aspect , while its closest aspect relative
-sular Saturn laguished in 8th house and could not help much. Debilitated Mercury may
+8.82 send good results to its houses due to yuti relation with exalted Venus, but was
------- ineffective in doing anything good for the houses of Venus due to its debilitation.
NW Venus was the on its own was somewhat effective in north having aspect 19'. Mars
+37.2 as lord of 3rd and 10th houses could make normal rains, but its two relatives Moon
------- as lord of 6th sitting in Lagna and Saturn sitting in 8th houses and lording 12th and
NE Lagna houses both having good aspects on India could give only destructive rains.
+16.2 These Drikpakshiya conditions do not support data : a +17% to +22% rains in
------- central regions where Mars was situated, at most normal and uneven rains could be
Central expected because Mars was samgrihi only. The JHORA chart is actually rāshi chart
NE and not real Bhāvachalita and should be used with caution.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1916 00:42:55 AM IST, 13 Apr 1916. Most of India falls in 7 th house (shown by azure arc
-------- on bhāva circle) lorded by Venus, and southernmost portion of India in 6th house
INDIA lorded by Mars. Svagrihi Venus in its own house 7th was auspicious for entire bhāva.
+17.3 It had no relatives, hence other planets were not effective. 6th bhāva contains TN,
------- Kerala and some adjoining districts of India, whose lord Mars was debilitated but
Penin sitting in Karka with svagrihi Moon in auspicious 9th bhāva.
------- Here again, we find a debilitated planet having conjunction (yuti) relation with a
NW strongly benefic planet proving auspicious for its owned bhāva : south India had
+18.4 same amount of rainfall as the rest of India. Hence, what svagrihi Venus did for its
------- own bhāva was done by a debilitated Mars in yuti with a svagrihi Moon in 9th. Effect
NE of relations are clearly shown by actual events.
------- (B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
CenNE was on 13 Apr 1916 at 4:47:15 AM IST , or 13 Apr 1916 at 1:47:15 Kenyā Time, with
+14.5 Lagna Makara 14º:49':40" (Saura Lagna was Vrishchika 24º:08':27"). There was a
-------- difference of over 50º:41':13" in Lagna, as a result of which mid point of 5th bhāva
W.Cen fell 3º north of middle of India where svagrihi Venus was sitting auspiciously. Almost
+27 whole of India fell in 5th bhāva. In the case of 5th bhāva, both Saurapakshiya and
Drikpakshiya computations give equally good results, but Drikpakshiya chart
suggests a higher rainfall in TN and Kerala than attested by data due to kendra
(4th) bhāva whose lord was with svagrihi Moon in 7th ; in Saurapaksha TN and
Kerala fall in 6th house but its lord was with svagrihi Moon in 9th which saved the
situation by giving a slightly more than moderate rains. Map on left shows TN and
Kerala in green, which is for 0-10% rains : actual data show +7.16% for TN and
+5.37% for Kerala, while the whole Peninsular India got +16.8% (Karnataka and
Andhra got +35% to +45%). Physical astronomy fails to explain moderate rains
in TN and Kerala, while Suryasiddnatic computations put TN and Kerala in 6th
bhāva due to which benefic effects of conjunction of lord Mars with svagrihi Moon is
reduced. Mars is debilitated, hence, only the effect of its strong conjunct relative
Moon is effective.

The map on left shows bigger circles for larger regions and smaller circles for smaller
regions ; these circles are coloured according to the relative amount of annual
rainfall as shown at bottom of this map.

Presently, we are discussing Prithvi

Chakra of Ādi Yāmala Tantra with Mt
Meru as centre. When we cast annual
horoscopes from ancient India's
geographical centre at Vidishā, we will get
more detailed regional break up of rainfall
projections. This Vidishā-centered Desha
Chakra is shown in this map (which also
shows Merucentic meridians as red and
blue dotted lines : red lines indicate
boundaries of Vrish rāshi), but we will
discuss that chakra in another article.
Besides these two chakras, there are five
lower level chakras we have not
scientifically analyzed as yet :
3. Pradesha, 4. Nagara, 5.Grāma,
6.Kshetra (plot), 7.Griha.

Slight modifications in these raashi

chakras give rise to seven types of Koorma Chakras, which are not our concern at
present. In Desha-Chakra above, sizes of coloured circles are proportional to the
areas of meteorological subdivisions defined by Indian Meteorological Dept (IMD),
and colour indicates relative rainfall.
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation :
1933 Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0
-------- N) was at 10:17:12 AM IST, 13 Apr
ALL 1933. Most of India falls in 2 nd bhāva
INDIA (shown by red arc on bhāva circle)
+16.9 lorded by Venus, except by a small
------- portion in south falling in Lagna. Lord of
Penin 2nd
-sular house Venus is exalted in 12th house,
+19.2 but combust and defeated in planetary
------- war by exalted Sun. As a result, the
NW strength of exalted Venus is transferred
+45 to exalted Sun which becomes stronger.
------- Sun (and Venus) had a higher aspect on
NE north which resulted in +45% rainfall in
-2.11 NW INdia : Sun's aspect was 15 and of
------- Venus 16.
Central Debilitated Mercury with these exalted
NE planets could be good for its own houses but not for the house of Venus. Houses in
+13.7 complete control of exalted planets have more than normal rainfall even in regions
-------- where aspect is negligible, due to strong influence of exalted planets.
West The small region in south lorded by Mars had samgrihi Mars with samgrihi Jupiter,
Central but Mars had mutual ownership (sthāna parivartana) relation with exalted Sun,
+21.3 hence 5th house was in complete control of Sun and had excellent rains.

(B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

was on 13 Apr 1933 at 13:29:48 AM IST , or 13 Apr 1933 at 10:29:48 Kenyā Time,
with Lagna Vrish 28º:37':35" (Saura Lagna was Mesha 19º:21':08"). There was a
difference of over 39º degrees in Lagna, as a result of which northern regions of
India above 14º degrees in Vrish were in Lagna and rest parts were in 12th house.
Lagna contained no planet and was therefore influenced only by Lagnesh Venus
exalted in 11th house. Mercury was in 10th bhāva and Sun was in 11th bhāva with
Venus. Venus caused good rains in north. Southern half of India was lorded by Mars
which had parivartana relation with Sun. But Sun had no aspect on a house adjacent
to it. Mars had 12' on central and 21' on southern India, but actually southern India
got less rains than central India which is clear from the detailed map prepared from
official data on a sub-regional level obtained from IITM (Indian Institute of tropical
Meteorology,Pune) shown on left, which proves that Drikpakshiya kundali (based
on physical astronomy) gives wrong prediction of a higher rains in south.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1894 08:05:36 AM IST, 13 Apr 1894. Most of India falls in 3 rd house (shown by azure arc
-------- on bhāva circle) lorded by Venus, only J&K was in 4th house lorded by Mercury. This
ALL year's Saurapakshiya Prithvi-Chakra (ie, Meru Kundali) is a beautiful example of
INDIA rules of phalita, esp of relations. Lord of 3rd house is Venus, languishing as samgrihi
+15.3 in 12th house, which has a mutual lordship (sthāna parivartana relation) with exalted
------- Saturn sitting in 8th. As a result, houses of Saturn are in control of Venus, and
Penin houses of Venus are in control of Saturn (parivartana means exchange). In addition,
-sular Saturn has a full aspect relation of 60':60' with exalted Sun. Hence, Sun also
-10.2 influences houses controlled by Saturn. Full aspect relation means full influence. Sun
------- is a bitter enemy of Saturn, and an enemy of Venus (enmities and friendships are
NW shown in the aspect table in right bottom of the picture). Sun is more powerful than
+44.7 Saturn, because the latter is in 8th. Therefore, exalted Sun is most influence for 3rd
------- house, whose influence is much heavier than that of Jupiter in 3rd house because
NE Jupiter is in bitter enemy's house and is therefore weak. Moreover, Jupiter is bitter
+8.08 enemy of Venus and enemy of Saturn, while the latter two are enemy of Jupiter,
------- hence Jupiter and the rest two neutralize each other, while Sun and Jupiter are fast
Central friend of each other. Hence, Saturn and Venus could not affect south India, while in
NE north and middle Sun and Jupiter reinforced each other. Exalted Sun has 15 aspect
+24.6 on northern part of 3rd house, ie NW India, and zero on South. Hence, NW India had
-------- excellent rains (+45%), while south had -10%. Saturn's influence was suppressed by
West Sun due to exalted Saturn's weakening in 8th house. Saturn had 30' on north and 45'
Central on south : had Saturn been effective, south would have got more rains. Venus and
+18.2 Jupiter were more influential for middle and not north. Hence, actual data show that
Sun was most effective. Sun's bitter enmity with Saturn and Venus caused less than
normal rains in south where Sun had zero aspect. Half aspect relations of Moon and
Mars were ineffective with respect to full aspect relation of Sun.

(B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

was on 12 Apr 1894 at 13:30:57 AM IST , or 12 Apr 1894 at 10:30:57 Kenyā Time,
with Lagna Vrish 28º:55':52" (Saura Lagna was Mina 13º:46':50"). There was a
difference of over 45º degrees in Lagna, as a result of which Lagna-bhāva extended
fron Vrish 14º to Mithuna 14º degrees in actual bhāvachalita (not shown by JHORA).
Hence, northern half of India fell in Lagna and southern half fell in 12th house. Venus
was samgrihi in 10th house of Saturn, and Saturn was not exalted. Jupiter was in
Lagna, but in bitter enemy's house. These factors do not explain +45% rains in NW
or +25% in central NE (UP, Bihar). Similarly, southern India was in 12th house where
exalted Sun was sitting. Moreover, its lord Mars eas exalted in 9th house, having a
near full aspect of 56 on 12th house. Hence, south India should receive excellent
rains due to two exalted planets, but actually received less than normal rains. Hence,
physical astronomy (Drikpaksha) fails utterly in this case to explain actual

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1946 19:01:03.9 AM IST, 13 Apr 1946. Most of India falls in 10 th house (shown by azure
-------- arc on bhāva circle) lorded by Venus, with Peninsula and most of Orissa in 9th
ALL bhāva (in deep blue arc on bhāva circle). Venus is in friendly 9th house but has only
INDIA 6' (10%) aspect in NW and North India and zero aspect on southern regions of 10th
+14.8 bhāva (Central India). Hence, Venus is good but not much effective for 10th bhāva.
------- Venus has two mutual aspect-relatives : Jupiter (51':25' mutual aspects with Venus)
Penin and Moon (34':22'). Jupiter's relation is somewhat stronger than that of Moon, but
-sular Jupiter is sitting in the 2nd bhāva of its bitter enemy debilitated Mercury, while Moon
+27.5 sits as samgrihi in Lagna which is lorded by exalted Sun. Therefore, Jupiter is almost
------- ineffective in relation to Moon in their influences. Moon has 13' in NW and North
NW India, but 21' in middle (and 28' in South). Data show more rains in central India (eg,
+10.3 +18% in West Central India ; Central NE contains parts of North too as it contains
------- entire UP) than in NW and North (+10%). No other planet has more aspect on
NE Central India than on North. Hence, it explains the rain data well in 10th bhāva.
------- Now, look at 9th bhāva. Its lord Mars is yogakāraka by dint of being lord of kendra
Central and trikona (4, 9 th bhāvas) and is further strengthened by sitting in its fast friend
NE Moon's 11th house with its frienf Saturn (look at aspect table's colour codes for
+10.5 friendships). But Mars is debilitated. Moreover, both Mars and its conjunct relative
-------- Saturn have almost zero aspect on 9th bhāva. Mars has 31':29' and Saturn has
West 38:34 aspect relation with Mercury, and Mercury has 25' aspect on northern
Central Peninsula and 12' on southernmost India, but Mercury is debilitated. Saturn has
strong aspect relation of 53:41 with exalted Sun, but Sun sits in 8th and has
negligible influence on adjacent 9th bhāva. Only two planets are effective for 9th
bhāva : Venus sitting there in friend Mars's house, and Jupiter having strong aspect
relation of 51:25 with Venus. While Venus is fully effective and benefic, Jupiter also
has strong fast-friendly aspects ranging from 51 to 47 on Peninsula. Hence, this
region received very good rains : + 27.5 % in spite of ineffective lord.

(B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

was at 21:04:29 PM IST , or at 18:34:29 Kenyā Time on 13 Apr 1946, with Lagna at
Tulā 0º:49':28" (Saura Lagna was Simha 26º:54':37"). There was a difference of over
+33º:54':51" degrees in Lagna.Drikpakshiya bhāvachalita can be made on following
map by rotating the coloured bhāva circle by 34 degrees anti-clockwise, which will
change the bhāvas of India by one rāshi and four degrees. Hence, northern half will
fall in 9th and southern in 8th bhāvas.Venus will fall in start of 8th bhāva lorded by
Mars, Sun in 7th. Venus has relation with Moon, but Moon sits in 12yh bhāva.Jupiter
has good aspect, but is lorded by debilitated Mercury. It is bad for South. North is
also bad, being devoid of planets and with its lord Venus in 8th. Thus, physical
astronomy wrongly shows a drought in whole of India !!

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N) was at
1955 02:54:30.6 AM IST, 14 Apr 1955. Most of India falls in 6th house (shown by red arc
-------- on bhāva circle) lorded by Venus, and Peninsula in 5th lorded by Mars. Venus has
ALL mutual lordship (parivartana) relation with exalted Saturn, both of which have 42' and
INDIA 43' aspect respectively on end point of vrish, and 6th bhāva's starting point has 31'
+14.3 aspect of Venus and 52' of Saturn. But eaxlted Sun having more aspect on North
------- offsets, and therefore we can say all parths of 6th house should have equal rains.
Penin Data give +20.2 in NW, +20.6% in West Central and +13% in other regions which
-sular are divided between northern and central India.
------- Peninsular India lies in 5th house lorded by Mars. Mars sits in 5th house, but in Vrish
NW rāshi as a samgrihi. It has 54:34 aspect relation with exalted Saturn, which causes a
+20.2 good (+13%) rains in South.
NE (B) Drikpakshiya computation (JHORA) : Mesha Samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
+5.88 was at 4:20:54 AM IST ,at 1:50:54 Kenyā Time or 14 Apr 1955, with Lagna Makara
------- 15º:43':22" (Saura Lagna was Dhanu 24º:32':54"). There was a large difference of
over +21º:10':28" degrees in Lagna, as a result of which following Bhāvachakra
should be turned 21º degrees anti-clockwise. Hence, 5th bhāva will range from
4º:47':51" of Vrish to 3º:10':01" of Mithuna and will include whole of India excluding a
few districts near Kanyākumarī. Its lord Venus in in 2nd house of exalted Saturn, the
latter in 10th house of Venus. It suggests a very very good rains throughout 5th
bhvāva due to parivartana relation which puts 5th bhāva under benefic control of
exalted Saturn in Venus. But data give a moderately good rains, while 5th house and
exalted Saturn suggest almost record rainfall. This year, Drikpakshiya chart
shows very good rains, but it gives a much higher rainfall than actually
recorded. Comparison with other years suggest that an exalted planet having near
total aspect on a 5th bhāva must give much more than +14% rains only.


TABLE - 2 : Worst Rainfall Years

Astrological Analysis of Meru Kundali : Saura vs Drik
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
1899 was at 15:08:37.6 AM IST, 12 Apr 1899 (test it in free Kundalee Software). North
-------- falls in 12th and South in 11th bhāvas, both lorded by Venus because middle
ALL points of both bhāvas fall in Vrish. Venus in in fast friend Saturn's 9th house and
INDIA aspects North, Central and South India 41', 39', 24' respectively. So far very
-24.3% good, but Venus is in control of Saturn due to bhāvesh-drishti (lord's aspect) of
------- 49', and Saturn in highly malefic by dint of sitting in 6th house with Rahu. Saturn's
Penin full 60' aspect on northern portion of Vrish (ie, NW India) caused record deficit of
-sular -67% in NW. Moon in 11th house also reduced evil effects in South and 12th
-27.5 house by its own nature was also bad for north. But Sarvatobhadra Vedha of
------- Moon was good for Assam and Sun was good for Uttar Pradesh.
-66.7 (B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha samkrānti at Meru was
------- at 19:44:47.2 PM IST or 17:14:47.2 PM Kenyā Time, 12 Apr 1899 , with Lagna at
NE 9º:16':00" in Kanyā (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Mithuna 28º:16':25"
+13.2 having a huge difference of +70º:59:35 in Lagna, as a result of which
------- bhāvachalita chakra should be rotated by 71º degrees in following map. Thus,
middle of 9th bhāva will move to 12º degrees of Vrish. Most of India will fall in 9th
bhāva which extends from Mesha 24º:07':54" to Vrish 24º:02':28". Lord of 9th
bhāva Venus is under Saturn's 49' or 82% bhāvesh-drishti control, but Saturn is
sitting in 4th house and is not as malefic as in Saurpakshiya chart. Hence, 9th
bhāva should have little more than normal rains because Saturn was in its friend
Jupiter's rāshi in Kendra. Mercury was not only combust in exalted Sun but
defeated also in war due to less than 1º degree difference, hence Mercury is
ineffective itself, but having a conjunction relation with exalted Sun is not
inauspicious for NW India which falls in 10th bhāva lorded by Mercury and
influenced by exalted Sun in 8th bhāva (mixed results). But most parts of India
experienced historic drought, unexplained by physical astronomy.


YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

1972 was at 12:28:48 PM IST, 13 Apr 1972 (test it in free Kundalee Software).
-------- Excepting some portion in southernmost parts, India falls in Lagna with lord
ALL Venus situated in middle of Lagna.
But Venus was sandwiched
between its enemy Mars on
northern side and Saturn on the
south. Placed netween Mars and
saturn, Venus lost all its good
power of being svagrihi. Saturn
was samagrihi while Mars was in
enemy's house , as a result NW
India experienced worse drought
(Mars was on that side). Saturn
was a benefic by dint of being
lord of kendra and trikona (10th
and 9th houses respectively),
and therefore Peninsular India
escaped drought (only -1 %
shortfall in rainfall). Most of TN
and Kerala were in 12th house
whose lord Mars had zero
aspect, and only Jupiter was
aspecting it (34' in end of 12th
house and 23' near Kanyakumāri). jupiter was svagrihi in 8th. Hence, TN and
Kerala got slightly better than normal rains. This year's example shows that some
yogas work in mundane astrology as well, such as sandwiching of a benefic
between two natural malefics destroying the good power of that benefic. Here, it
is noteworthy that Saturn worked as a natural malefic in the sandwich yoga, while
worked as a benefic in South India by dint of being lord of kendra and trikona. All
these three planets were in Vāyu and Chandā naadis, which was not good for

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, mesha samkānti at Meru was
at 13:50:18 PM IST or 10:20:18 AM Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1972 , with Lagna at
26º:23':29" in Vrish (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Vrish 21º:11':28"
having a difference of +5º:12':01" in Lagna, as a result of which 12th house
extends from 5º degrees to 10º:12' in Vrish rāshi. All other conditions are same
as in Saurapakshiya case. But extension of 12th house means good rains should
cover Karnataka and Andhra too, which is disproved by the regional data from
IITM (Indian Institute of tropical Meteorology, Pune) shown in map on the left
here. Physical astronomy fails in Karnataka and Andhra which did not get
as good rains as TN and Kerala.
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
1965 was at 17:00:33.6 AM IST, 13 Apr 1965 (test it in free Kundalee Software). Many
-------- planets are influential this year and a detailed analysis is needed. Excepting
ALL Peninsula and coastal East India, most of India is in 11th bhāva, whose lord
INDIA Venus has a meagre aspect on 11th bhāva : 14' at Vrish end and 6' at start of
-20.3% 11th bhāva. Venus is under the influence of 44' lord's aspect (bhāvesh-drishti)
------- relation. Venus is in conjunction with exalted Sun and debilitated plus combust
Penin Mercury.
-18.1 Exalted Sun has parivartana relation with Mars. Hence, bhāvesh-drishti influence
------- of (44') Mars on Sun is ineffective and parivartana yoga is effective.
NW Saturn has a full aspect relation with Mars and Moon has conjunction relation
-26.1 with Sun. Mars, Moon and Saturn are in watery nādis. Mars, Saturn and Moon
------- have 8' to 16' , 39' to 46' and 14' to 22' aspect on Indian portions of 11th bhāva
NE respectively. Saturn is in moolatrikona in 8th. Mars is lord of kendra and trikona
-8.47 (4th and 5th houses) and therefore a benefic. Moon is Lagnesh. Hence, these
------- three related planets suggest a normal or slightly better than normal rains, with
Central somewhat higher incidence in southern portion of 11th house, if Venus and its
NE conjuncts are discounted. But actual data show drought instead of normal rains.
-21.8 Hence, Mars and Moon are exerting their influence not directly but as enmical
-------- relatives of Venus which is lord of 11th house, and are therefore only negating
West the good influence of Venus (being in 9th house). Saturn is neutral to Venus,
Central hence it reduced the evil effect of drought in southern regions of 11th house. As a
-23 net result of all these effects, exalted Sun with Venus becomes most influential
planet, which is casting a bitter enmical aspect of 15' in NW India and 7' on
southern portions of 11th house. Hence, drought was severer towards NW and
less severe elsewhere. Weak Mercury is ineffective.

Mars, Moon and Saturn have higher aspect on north, but data show effective
planets should have higher malefic aspect on north and NW. Sun, Venus and
Mercury have such aspects. But Venus is benefic, whose influence is negated by
Mars &c, while Mercury is ineffective. Hence, exalted but bitter enmical Sun
decides the issue in favour of a more severe drought towards NW and north.

Exalted Rāhu in 11th house fails to save drought, esp in NW India which was
nearest to Rahu's location in chart. Hence, shadow planets (nodes) play
insignificant roles in mundane astrology, and are influential only when all other
planets are ineffective for a particular bhāva.

Peninsula and coastal east is in 10th house lorded by Venus. Venus, Sun and
Mercury have neglible aspect there. Jupiter sits there neutrally, as lord of 6th and
9th house, and foretells a normal rainfall on its own, but it has strong enmical
aspect of Saturn (51') which works adversely on Jupiter through enmical aspect
relations with its bitter enemies Mar and Moon, all of which are effective due to
direct or indirect relations with lord Venus. Jupiter in Chandā nādi and enmical
Saturn in Jala nādi are also preventing rains.

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, mesha samkrānti at Meru was
at 17:59:20 PM IST or 15:29:20 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1965 , with Lagna at
10º:52':50" in Simha (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Karka 25º:24':59"
having a difference of +15º:27:51 in Lagna, as a result of which middle of 10th
bhāva moves from 0.3788 degrees in Vrish to about 16º degrees, and 10th bhāva
almost overlaps all of India, excepting J & K. Lord Venus and its conjunct
relatives exalted Sun and combust Mercury have higher aspect on north and
negligible on south. Sun and Venus are in 9th bhāva (extending from Mina
27º:42':20' to Mesha 28º:55':24") and are auspicious for Noth and NW India
which actually experienced severe drought ! Hence, physical astronomy utterly
fails this year to explain actual data.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

2002 was at 6:46:57.1 AM IST, 14 Apr 2002 (test it in free Kundalee Software). This
-------- year IMD (Indian Meteorological Dept) and other scientific organizations dealing
ALL with weather forecasting were predicting a normal monsoon, but were surprized
INDIA with a severe drought, fourth worst in recorded history. Suryasiddhāntic chart
-18% shows a mutual lordship (sthāna parivartana) relation between Venus and Mars
------- in Rāsi Chart, but both are conjunct in the Bhāvachalita chart, together with
Penin Moon. Other relations are irrelevant for India. Most of India was in 4th house of
-sular Venus, Peninsula being in 3rd bhāva of Mars. There were Saturn and Rahu in 4t
-19.4 bhāva, and Venus-Mars-Moon in 3rd.
NW Venus-Mars-Moon have almost no aspect on 4th house. Hence, Saturn ought to
-34.7 dominate 4th house. Saturn is in fast friend's house, being lord of Lagna and 12th
------- bhāvas. 4th bhāva is not a bad house. Hence, at worst we should expect normal
NE rainfall. Even if we suppose Saturn to be a malefic, its worst (or best) effects
+4.5 ought to be felt at about 6 degrees of 4th bhāva where Saturn was situated and
------- not in NW India where worst drought
Central occurred. Hence, we must ascribe the
NE actual outcome to parivartana relation
-20.5 between Venus and Mars, which gave
-------- Venus a complete control over its
West house. Parivartana relation is the most
Central powerful of all relations and complete
-20.3 control means that Saturn or rahu or
even many exalted planets sitting in 4th
house would be totally ineffective and
only the lord Venus and its relatives
would have any sway there. Moon is
just 14 degrees ahead of Sun and is
lord of 6th house, which makes the
Moon highly malefic. Mars is also a
malefic. Venus is sandwiched between
two malefics, both of whom are enmical
to Venus. Hence, the good influences
of Venus are choked. Sum total of their
aspects is 9' more in the north. Hence,
while the whole of 4th bhāva receives equal effects of parivartana yoga, 9' extra
aspect in north (actually NW India due to curved Merucentric meridians) meant
more evil effect in NW India. Other major parts of India had more or less
homogenous distribution of ~20% deficit, while NW had 35% deficit.

Although finer nuances of medini Jyotisha is not our topic at present, here it is
important to mention one anomaly which calls for some other ancient devices :
Desha Chakra shown on left and Sarvatobhadra Chakra which gives regions
with names beginning from 'a' and 't' (e.g, Assam, Tamil Nādu) being viddha by
Mars, and a,v,k,h,d,l,n beibg viddha by Moon, none by Venus, in Merucentric
chart. Moon is away, Venus is maliciously sandwiched, but Mars is located in
southern India where it gives its own good results to viddha Tamil territory by dint
of being lord of 10th house and sitting in 3rd , Assam also gets a respite from
drought due to Mars (and Moon). All effective planets were in Vāyu or Chandā
nādis, not conducive to good rains.

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, mesha samkrānti at Meru was
at 5:38:06.1 AM IST or 3:08:06.1 Kenyā Time, 14 Apr 2002, with Lagna at
5º:19':41" in Kumbha (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Kumbha
22º:45':03" having a difference of -17º:25':22" in Lagna, as a result of which
Merucentric Bhāvachalita in following map ought to be rotated clockwise by over
17º degrees. As a result, 4th bhāva will extend from Mesha 23º:47':09" to Vrish
23º:47':09", and entire NW will fall in 5th bhāva.Lord of 5th bhāva was Mercury, in
friendly rāshi of Mars and combust in exalted Sun as well as being conjunct with
Sun in 3rd bhāva. Besides, Sun and Mercury had 15' and 10' aspects on NW
India. Exalted Sun's 15' aspect was enough for a better than normal rains, and to
it we must add samgrihi Jupiter sitting in 5th bhāva of NW India. But data show a
severe drought in NW India.Hence, physical astronomy fails miserably this
year to explain actual data. Venus (21º:46':39") , Mars (6º:18':39") and Moon
(13º:35':21") : Venus and Mars being in 4th and Moon in 3rd bhāva with Sun-
Mercury. Although Venus was in the rāshi of Mars, it was lord of 4th bhāva and
was sitting there. Therefore, in spite of being sandwiched between two malefics
Mars and Moon, there was some respite due to shift of Moon to another bhāva
and ownership of 4th bhāva by Venus. Thus, 5th bhāva shows excellent rains
while 4th bhāva shows normal rains, which defy data.
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
1918 was at 13:08:07.4 AM IST, 13 Apr 1918 (test it in free Kundalee Software). NW,
-------- north and most of central and western india was in Lagna lorded by Mercury
ALL which was combust in its enemy exalted Sun. Sun had 15' aspect on NW and 7'
INDIA on middle of Vrish, and could have caused excellent rain because Mercury was
-18% powerless (being combust), but parivartana relation of Sun and Mars made Mars
------- also effective for Lagna slightly. But these effects were minor due to Jupiter in
Penin Lagna, which was more effective for Lagna than only 15' aspect of Sun or of a
-sular weaker Mars. Jupiter was a high order malefic on account of following factors :
-16.3 (1) being lord of 11th and 2nd houses, (2) being in bitter enemy rāshi of Venus,
------- sitting in Vāyu nādi which is owned by Jupiter : sitting in own nādi makes the
NW nādi-phala a certainty, which here means more winds and less rains, and (4)
-61 Ketu conjunct with Jupiter : although nodes do not matter much in rains, but they
------- slightly affect rainfall which is seen when other planets are totally ineffective.
+9.4 Another interesting fact was a chain of relations. Exalted Sun had a benefic
------- (being exalted) parivartana relation with Mars, Mars had an evil (being lord of 6th)
Central bhāvesh-drishti relation of 28' with Moon, Moon had an evil (being in enemy's
NE 12th house) bhāvesh-drishti relation of 34' with Saturn, Saturn had a strong 47'
-11.8 bhāvesh-drishti relation with Venus, Venus had an 43' enmical bhāvesh-drishti
-------- relation with Jupiter, and Jupiter was related closely to Ketu and Rāhu. Jupiter
West was already bad for Lagna, and enmical influences of Saturn and Venus made
Central the situation worse. Farther and weaker relations do not count much.
-21.6 Combination of all these factors caused severe drought in NW India : deficit of
-61% !

In peninsula and coastal east India was in trika 12th house, and Moon sitting
enmically there as being lord of 2nd and 3rd bhāvas made things worse. Moon
was in Chandā nādi which does not give rains if the planet and bhāva is bad.
Hence a drought in 12th house, which was not as severe as in Lagna because
lord Venus was sitting in 9th bhāva and had 44' aspect on 12th house, although
somewhat checked by Saturn's relation mentioned above.

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha samkrānti at Meru was
at 16:47:09.1 PM IST or 14:17:09.1 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1918 , with Lagna at
22º:15':19" in Karka (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Mithuna 0º:30':29"
having a large difference of +51º:44':50" in Lagna, as a result of which
Bhāvachalita Chakra in the following map needs to be rotated anti-clockwise
51º:44':50" , as a result of which 11th bhāva will extend from 11º:21':11" in Vrish
to 09º:42':52" in Mithuna. Most of Peninsula will fall in 10th bhāva lorded by Mars
and rest of India in 11th bhāva lorded by Venus. Venus (at 313º:59':29") will fall in
starting sandhi of 8th bhāva, having much more aspect on India than any other
planet except Rāhu : aspect of Venus being 37' on NW India at the end of Vrish,
and 42.36' on start of its 11th bhāva. If Venus in 8th bhāva is treated as a malefic
causing drought, than it should cause more severe drought in the start of 11th
bhāva which had higher aspect than on NW India which had lower aspect, but
data show -61% deficit in rains in NW India and only about -22% around the
upper Deccan (West Central india). But if Venus in 8th bhāva is treated as a
malefic causing destruction by means of excessive rains on regions with high
aspects (higher than 30' or 50%) then we should expect excess rains in all parts
of 11th bhāva containing all India excepting Peninsula. Both these alternatives
are not supported by actual data. Peninsula was influenced by Lagnesh Moon
sitting there in 10th bhāva which should cause very good rains instead of -16%
deficit as the data tell. Hence, physical astronomy fails to conform to data
this year.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

1877 was at 22:31:19 AM IST, 11 Apr 1877 (test it in free Kundalee Software). Most of
-------- India was in 8th bhāva lorded by Venus which was exalted and combust in
ALL exalted Sun ; Venus was sitting in 6th bhāva with Moon. 8th bhāva produces
INDIA destructive rains if its lord and relatives have high aspects, and drought if low
-17.3 aspects. Here, aspect of lord Venus is low (20' in north, 10' in middle and zero in
------- south of Vrish). But its bitter enemy and conjunct relative Moon has good aspect
Penin (39') on NW, causing severe drought there. Here, combust and exalted Venus
-sular could not cause good rains as it did in other cases when not disturned by other
-0.14 planets because Venus (354º:32':50") was sandwiched between two malefics :
------- Sun at 360º and Moon at 336º:28':22", all were malefics due to placement in 6th
NW bhāva, and Moon being near Sun (tithi 14th black half). Benefic power of exalted
-41 Venus was choked due to sandwich effect, and therefore even Sun could act only
------- as a bitter enemy of Venus and as a malefic, with aspect 15' on NW adding to the
NE severity of drought there.
-5.6 South had negligible aspect of these afflicted planets, hence it escaped drought
------- and was benefited by good
Central aspect of other planets, most
NE notably of Saturn which was
-26.7 auspicious by dint of being lord of
-------- kendra (4th bhāva) and trikona
West (5th bhāva) and sitting in its own
Central 5th bhāva : Saturn had a near
-16.1 total aspect of 56' on south India,
but could cause only a normal
rainfall in Peninsula because it
was not a relative of lords Venus
in upper Deccan and Mars in
southernmost India. Lord Mars
was exalted and had an aspect
33' on South, and its conjunct
relative Jupiter was svagrihi (in
own house) and had an aspect
27' on South, but they could not
cause excessve rains because
their mutual enmical relation with
Mercury caused the latter to
oppose their good effects. But Mercury was combust and could not completely
destroy the good effects of Mars and Jupiter which caused a more than normal
rainfall in TN and Kerala as shown in more detailed map on the left. It is
interesting to note that Karnataka received more rains than Andhra, although
both had same aspects of Saturn (and other planets), because in Sarvatobhadra
Chakra 'k, d' were viddha by Saturn ('k' cause good rains in Karnataka).

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, mesha samkrānti at Meru was
at 4:17:57 AM IST or 1:47:57 Kenyā Time, 12 Apr 1877 , with Lagna at
15º:06':19" in Makara (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Tula 22º:29':31"
having a huge difference of +82º:36':48" in Lagna, as a result of which most of
kerala and TN were in 4th bhāva lorded by Mars and the rest of country was in
5th bhāva of Venus. Venus was in 3rd bhāva with Sun, both exalted. Venus was
sandwiched beteen Moon and Sun. In Saurapakshiya method, both Moon and
Sun were highly malefic by dint of being placed in 6th bhāva, which is not the
case now. Now, they are in 3rd house, Moon being lord of 7th and Sun of 8th but
Sun was exalted. Hence, at most we should predict normal conditions, and
certainly not a severe drought. The benefic effects of Venus could be destroyed
by full fledged malefics only, which is not the case.
Hence, physical astronomy fails to conform to data this year.
YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
1920 was at 1:33:20 AM IST, 13 Apr 1920 (test it in free Kundalee Software). NW and
-------- adjoing parts of India were in 7th bhāva lorded Mercury, while rest of India was in
ALL 6th bhāva lorded by Venus. Mercury and Venus were conjunct in 4th bhāva.
INDIA Venus was exalted but highly inauspicious by dint of being lord of 6th and 11th
-16.4% bhāvas, and being in enemy Jupiter's house. Mercury was debilitated and it was
------- also in enemy Jupiter's house. Jupiter had 57' bhāvesh-drishti aspect on Venus,
Penin and 53' bhāvesh-drishti aspect on Mercury ; hence both Venus and Mercury were
-sular in near total control of Jupiter which was malefic by dint of sitting in 8th bhāva, in
-0.34 spite of being exalted. Jupiter in its turn was in total control of 60' bhāvesh-drishti
------- aspect of Moon which was malefic because of being lord of 8th house and sitting
NW enmically in 2nd house. Mars was under 44 ' bhāvesh-drishti aspect control of
-19.5 Venus.Mars had parivartana relation with exalted Sun. These are all strong
------- relations. Besides, Mercury had mutual aspect relation with Saturn, which is only
NE a half strong relation but is important due to Saturn's high aspect on India. Thus,
-7.91 we have all planets being highly influential for India, which creates a highly
------- complicated situation because some have friendly and some have enmical
Central aspects.
-8.26 Let us start from the fact that most of India falls in 6th bhāva which normally
-------- means either drought or destructive rains if the bhāva is strong. Its lord exalted
West but malefic Venus and conjunct relative debilitated Mercury have more aspect on
Central NW and north India than on south. Both of them are in enmical control of Jupiter,
-31.9 which means only bad effects (of Venus being lord of 6th and 11th houses and
Mercury being debilitated or Neech) will be passed on and good effects (of
exalted Venu in Kendra) will be suppressed. Jupiter is in enmical control of Moon,
which means the same : good effects of exalted Jupiter will be suppressed by
Moon and only bad effects of a Jupiter in 8th house will be passed on. Moon is
not controlled by any planet and is final controller in this strong chain. Moon is
highly malefic, being lord of 8th house, in enemy's sign, in 2nd bhāva, combust
and malefic being near the Sun. In this chain, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will
pass on only evil effects to India, sum total of their aspects divided by three (for
averaging) show 26' aspect on north, 16' on middle and 11' on south. Hence,
north and NW has more evil effects than south. Data show severe drought in
north and NW India (-20% deficit in rains, 38' aspect) as well as central India (30'
aspect on regions having -8% to -32% deficit), while south had normal rains.
Moon has more aspect on south (38') than on north (16). Moon being in its own
Amrita nādi means regions having good aspects must receive good rains in spite
of Moon being malefic (malefic Moon may give good rains in bad geographical or
temporal pattern of distribution). Due to Moon, south India recreived positive

But all these influences were overtaken by the influence of Mars, which was in
enemy's house, lord of 5th and 12th houses, sitting in 11th, which meant a
normal rainfall due to Mars in regions of full aspect because Mars was half
powerful due to being in enemy's sign. The real power power of Mars, which
overtook the power of all other planets, was its parivartana relation with exalted
Sun and bhāvesh drishti relation with exalted Venus. Two exalted planets
transferred their powers to Mars. Mars had full 60' aspect on south, which
resulted in a normal rainfall their (well above normal in Tamil Nadu and Kerala
because T of Tamil and E of Kerala were pierced by Mars in Sarvatobhadra
Chakra, no other planet pireced T and E). Mars also pierced G (Gujarat) but
there Mars was opposed by Moon which also pierced G with friendship opposite
to that of Mars. Merc:Sat relation being weak may be neglected.

(B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha samkrānti at Meru was
at 4:59:05 AM IST or 2:29:05 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1920 , with Lagna at
25º:15':28" in Makara (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Dhanu 5º:53':18"
having an appreciable difference of +19º:22:10 in Lagna, as a result of which
Bhāvachalita circle in following map will need to be rotated anti-clockwise by 19
degrees. Thus 4th bhāva will extend upto Vrish 14:17:37 in central India and
north to it will be 5th bhāva, both lorded by Venus because mid-points of both
bhāvas will fall in Vrish. Exalted Venus as lord of 4th and 5th bhāvas, sitting in
sign of exalted Jupiter in 7th bhāva, the latter placed in sign of Moon situated in
Lagna, follow same chain of relationsas shown above, but their evil effects are
gone, due to which onlt excellent rains could be predicted for whole of India.
Mars was in sandhi, hence less effective. Data show drought instead of excellent
rains. Hence, physical astronomy utterly fails this year.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

1901 was at 3:33:50.2 AM IST, 13 Apr 1901 (test it in free Kundalee Software). NW
-------- India lies in 6th bhāva lorded by Mercury and rest of India is in 5th bhāva lorded
by Venus. Exalted but combust Venus with exalted Sun in 4th house and lording
5th plus 6th bhāvas normally produces excellent rains, but here lord of 4th bhāva
Mars is afflicted in 8th house and has a lordship exchange (parivartana) relation
with Sun, due to which 4th house is in complete and evil control of Mars ; this evil
influence of Mars destroys the otherwise benefic combination of Sun and Venus.

Venus is in Jupiter's rāshi which has a strong 47' bhāvesh-drishti control of

Venus. Jupiter is in its own rāshi in Lagna and is Lagnesh. juoiter and its
conjuncts in Lagna have high aspect on south India (Jup :44'), due to which
adverse effect of Mars was mitigated there considerably and a normal rainfall
waqs ensured with only -3% deficit. Parivartana relation is stronger than 47'
bhāvesh-drishti relation, hence Jupiter could not overpower the evil effect of Mars
and could only reduce it, due to higher aspect of Jupiter than those of Mars or its
parivartana relative Sun on South India. Jupiter had no aspect near the end of
5th bhāva, which had higher deficit than south India.
ALL NW India was in Mercury's 6th trika bhāva. Mercury was debilitated, and lord of
INDIA 6th and 9th bhāvas. A debilitated Mecury with exalted Sun gives fine results, but
-15.6% in this case Sun was not conjunct. Hence a severe drought in NW India followed.
------- Jupiter had a 30' (i.e, half) bhāvesh-drishti control over Mercury, which prevented
Penin a record level of drought due to 6th bhāva and its debilitated lord.
-3.21 (B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha samkrānti at Meru was
------- at 8:00:03.1 AM IST or 5:30:03.1 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1901 , with Lagna at
NW 13º:25':22" in Mina (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Makara 3º:51':40"
-48.2 having a large difference of +69º:33:42 in Lagna, as a result of which
------- Bhāvachalita circle in following map will need to be rotated anti-clockwise by
NE ~70º. Thus 3th bhāva will extend from Kanyākumari upto Vrish 27º:38':47" in
-5.72 central India, only Punjab and JK being in 4th bhāva lorded by Mercury. Lord of
------- 3rd bhāva Venus (Mina 25º:18':55") was in Lagna, Sun being in 2nd bhāva. Thus,
Central Sun:Mars parivartana relation did not affect Venus and the latter being exalted
NE exerted benefic influences on its bhāvas, while data show a severe drought.
-20.2 Hence, physical astronomy utterly fails this year.

YEAR (A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)

1968 was at 11:38:22.6 AM IST, 13 Apr 1968 (test it in free Kundalee Software).
Excepting a major portion of NW India in 2nd bhāva of Mercury, whole of rest
India was in Lagna lorded by Venus. Venus was exalted in 11th bhāva with
Saturn, in the rāshi of Jupiter and aspected with 50' bitter enmical Drishti of
Jupiter which destroyed all benefic effects of Venus. Saturn is also enmically
aspected by 54' drishti of lord Jupiter which was a malefic (being lord of 8th and
11th bhāvas). Venus and Saturn are combust too. A very complex situation is
created. Exalted Venus combust in exalted Sun normally produces good overall
effect, but here Sun is in another (bad) bhāva and lord Jupiter is opposing the
benefic influences of Venus. Weak Saturn was sandwiched between two exalted
planets and was therefore ineffective. Both Venus and Saturn being neutralized,
and Jupiter having negligible aspect on India, Moon was the only effective planet
by dint of its high aspect (33' at end of Lagna and 45' on India's southernmost
tip), which was languishing in 6th bhāva but had full aspect relation with exalted
Sun, and was a close elative of Venus too (dual relations of bhāvesh-drishti and
mutual aspect relation). Rainfall in Lagna approximately followed the aspects of
Moon on various Merucentric meridians.
ALL Mercury was debilitated and combust in 12th bhāva with exalted Sun, Sun being
INDIA sandwiched between two malefics Mercury and Mars. Jupiter had 55' bitter
-14.4% enmical bhāvesh-drishti on Mercury. Thus, Sun could not help Mercury and
------- Jupiter allowed only evil traits of Mercury to pass, which caused a drought in NW
Penin India where Mercury has 22' aspect. Mercury and all its conjucts were in non-
-sular watery nādis too.
------- (B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha Samkrānti at Meru was
NW at 12:17:19 PM IST or 9:47:19 Kenyā Time, 13 Apr 1968 , with Lagna at
-33.2 18º:44':35" in Vrish (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Vrish 9º:18':49"
------- having a difference of +9º:25:46 in Lagna, as a result of which whole of India was
NE in Lagna excepting most of TN and Kerala which were in 12th bhāva (upto
+1.83 3º:13':43" in Vrish). Lagnesh Venus was in 11th bhāva with Sun, Mercury, Saturn
------- and Rāhu. Mars was in 12th, Jupiter in 4th and Moon in 5th. As for Lagna, we
Central can say good effects of exalted Lagnesh Venus and its conjuncts were in enmical
NE control of high bhāvesh-drishti of jupiter, but exalted Sun was not in Jupiter's
-13.8 rāshi, and by dint of being conjunct of Venus Sun must exert its benefic influence
-------- on North India, which actually witnessed -33% deficit in rains. Hence, physical
West astronomy utterly fails this year.
(A) Suryasiddhāntic computation : Mesha samkrānti at Meru (37:19 E ; 0:0 N)
was at 7:57:02 AM IST, 14 Apr 1979. Barring J&K and parts of Punjab, entire
India was in 3rd bhāva, lorded by Venus sitting in Lagna with friends Mercury and
Mars. Mecury was debilitated and in enemy Jupiter's rāshi. Mars was samgrihi
(neutral) and Venus in enemy Jupiter's rāshi. As we saw earlier, debilitated
Mercury acquired the powers of its powerful relatives when it was not alone.
These three planets are in Lagna, all in watery nādis, Mars and Venus being
samgrihi (neural), it is noteworthy that Mercury and Mars were in near total
control of high bhāvesh-drishti of Jupiter, and Venus was in near total control of
high bhāvesh-drishti of Saturn. Saturn in 6th bhāva of its bitter enemy Sun was ill
placed with Rahu. Saturn had a full 60' aspect in middles regions of India, 36' on
north of 3rd bhāva and 45' on south. Hence, Saturn was most baleful for central
India, which experienced severe drought. Regions with less than full aspect of
YEAR Saturn experienced relatively more benefic effects of lord Venus and its
1979 conjuncts in Lagna.
ALL As for J&K and Punjab, it was marred by debilitated Mercury under bitter enmical
INDIA bhāvesh-drishti of Jupiter, causing severe drought, which was more than offset
-13.8% by excellent rains in large parts of Rājasthān not clear by macro level data
------- presented here. Finer regional break-ups will be studied in Desha-Chakra
Penin centred at Vidishā in MP.
+1.81 (B) On the basis of modern physical astronomy, Mesha samkrānti at Meru was
------- at 7:59:07 AM IST or 5:29:07 Kenyā Time, 14 Apr 1979 , with Lagna at
NW 13º:15':43" in Mīna (by JHora) and Suryasiddhāntic Lagna at Mīna 11º:33':20.5"
+7.65 having a small difference of +1º:42:22.5 in Lagna, as a result of which India falls
------- almost entirely in 3rd bhāva (Mesha 27º:43':31" to Vrish 27º:22':04"). Mars and
NE Mercury remain in Lagna, but Venus shifts to 12th bhāva in the bhāvachalita.
-10.6 Other things remaining nearly the same as in Saurapakhiya chart, such
------- conditions suggested drought throughout India, and fails to explain more than
Central normal rains in NW and South. Even with a small difference in Lagna, Hence,
NE physical astronomy utterly fails this year due to change in bhāva of Venus.

CONCLUSIONS of 20 Case Studies

While Suryasiddhantic (Saurapakshiya) computations prove to be correct in all 20 cases,
Drikpakshiya computatons based on physical astronomy utterly fails in 19 cases, and gives
overestimate in 1955. Hence, physical astronomy fails almost completely.

Due to great difference in transit time between Suryasiddhantic and physical planets, there
was a large difference in Lagna in most cases which made comparison easy. For instance, the
10 worst rainfall years show an average difference of 34º:21' in Lagna.

In individual horoscopy, Saurapakshiya and Drikpakshiya physical planets and bhāvas show
relatively small differences of at most a few degrees, which cause Drikpakshiya D1 chart to
perform well in about 70% cases (this count is from a study carried out by Mr Arun Bansal,
maker of Leo Gold software and editor of Future Point, this report was published in his
editorial). But even a 15' difference in Sun will cause a 6 hour difference in samkrānti timing,
due to which Lagna will differ by 3 rāshis ! hence, for a comparison of efficacy of
Suryasiddhanta and physical astronomy for astrological purposes, mundane charts of solar
transits are best means. In individual horoscopes, most of the software using astrologers
remain contended with 70% good results and imagine rest 30% to be due to wrong birth time
&c, and neglect the importance of finer divisionals if they fail to deliver. Suryasiddhanta works
100% perfectly in individual horoscopy too, but those enamoured with the success of physical
science in physical progress of the world seem determined to bury Suryasiddhanta because
they compare planetary positions instead of comparing the astrological results.

It should be noted that I did not select years for comparison according to any subjective
criteria, I selected ALL best and worst years of known recorded history without any exception.

Click this link to see Forecasts for Indian Monsoons - 2009 , which use same method as
illustrated in above article.

TABLE - 3--:--Special---Areas---of---Research
(All facts and ideas mentioned in this part have already been treated in previous two parts of
this article)
A peculiar phenomenon has been watched in these studies. Among 10 cases of best rainfall,
4 cases had exalted Venus in conjunction with exalted Sun, Venus being combust in 3 out of 4
cases. Among 10 cases of worst rainfall, 4 cases had Venus in conjunction with exalted Sun,
Venus being combust in 3 out of 4 cases, exalted in 3 cases and both in 2 cases. In all these
eight cases which constitute 40% of all 20 cases studied here, Sun and Venus had bitter
enmical relation always. It is interesting to note that half of such 8 cases produced excessive
rains, while other half produced severe droughts. It is wrong to deduce anything from just this
information. All these eight cases must be closely examined to find out the peculiarities of
overall conditions. A horoscope has a cumulative effect and just one or two traits should not
be used to predict anything. These eight cases are as follows :

( Sun always exalted in Mesha Samkrānti charts )

Effects--of--'Sun : Venus'--Conjunction--on--India
YEAR Overall Venus
Other Conditions Explanations
rainfall % Conditions
Good effects of both exalted Sun and
Exalted & in 2nd Bhāva, Mars exalted Venus add up in spite of
1917 +21.5
combust too mutual bitter enmity, because of
combustion of Venus.
in 9th Bhāva, Mars Many planets are effective, see their
1961 +18.4 Exalted
Merc too overall complex effect in Table-1 .
1893 +17.9 Exalted & Venus with Merc in Normal rules work, no special
4th, Sun in 5th
combust condition.
Venus defeated in planetary war by
Exalted &
1933 +16.9 in 12th, Merc too. Sun , all power of both planets
transferred to Sun.
Venus exalted, but in house of
Jupiter and aspected with 50' bitter
enmical Drishti of Jupiter which
destroys benefic effect of Venus.
Saturn is also enmically aspected by
Sun in 12th with
54' Drishti of lord Jupiter. Venus and
Mars Merc & Rahu
1968 -14.4 Exalted Saturn are combust too. A very
too, but Venus in
complex situation is created. Exalted
11th with Saturn
Venus conmust in exalted Sun
produce good overall effect, but here
Sun is in another (bad) bhāva and
lord Jupiter is opposing the benefic
influences of Venus.
Similar conditions produce excellent
rains, but here lord of 4th bhāva
Mars is afflicted in 8th house and has
Exalted & a lordship exchange (parivartana)
1901 -15.6 Both in 4th bhāva
combust relation with Sun ; this evil influence
of Mars destroys the otherwise
benefic combination of Sun and
Most of India in 8th bhāva, which
produces destructive rains id lord
and relatives have high aspects, and
drought if low aspects. Here, aspect
of lord Venus is low. But its bitter
Exalted & In 6th bhāva, with
1877 -17.3 enemy Moon has good aspect (39')
combust Moon too.
on NW, causing severe drought
there. South had negligible aspect of
these afflicted planets, hence it
escaped drought and was benefited
by good aspect of other planets.
Sun's parivartana relation with Mars
In enemy's creates two groups of six influential
in 9th bhāva, with
1965 -20.3 house & planets having a complicated
Merc too.
combust network of influences on India. See
Table -2 above for details.

Techniques _Of _Stock _Forecasting
The Mesha-samkraanti (Sun's entry or transit into nirayana Mesha) horoscope at the
Meridians of Mt Meru ( 37:19 E at equator) illustrated in annual rain forecasts is used in
exactly same way for annual stock forecasting for all parts of the of the world, with a single
difference : 2nd Bhaava is important for all regions of the world, although primary importance
is given to that bhaava in which a stock exchange lies. Mesha-samkraanti chart is effective for
the whole year beginning from Mesha-samkraanti.
Nakshatra-charts (horoscopes at the time of Sun's entry into nakshatras or asterisms)
are drawn similarly. These charts are affective as long as Sun resides in a particulat
The third level of Meru kundalis is of Shashtyamsha charts, which are drawn when
nirayana Sun completes half degrees in any Raashi. These charts are effective for 12 hours
approximately, ie for half solar days.
Fourth level is of Ishta-kaalika charts. There are 104 such D1 charts (bhaavachalita
kundalis) per day, to which one must add charts at the time of raashi changes in D1. For the
working day of stock exchanges, there are approximately 24-25 D1 charts.
In addition to these charts, D9 (Navaamsha) and D2 (Horaa) charts also must be drawn
for each of above levels. Final outcome depends upon the sum total of all these four levels of
charts. For instance, if a Nakshatra chart of Chitra is fine in both 2008 and 2009 AD, but
annual chart of 2008 is worse than that of 2009, that the Chitra chart of 2008 will produce
RELATIVELY worse result in comparison to the Chitra chart of 2009. All these four levels of
charts are nested within each other. Thus, it is not easy to judge the total effect. Method of
evaluating the charts is same as in rain forecasting, except in the case of fourth level (Ishta-
kaalika charts), in which ONLY the second bhaava is evaluated for stock forecasting, while
entire kundali is evaluated for rain forecasting or judging the muhurta.
CASE STUDY : Bombay Stock Exchange ( BSE ) SENSEX-Forecasts
( Following are the Charts (D1, D2, D9, D16) drawn at the Meridians of Meru at the time
of Suryasiddhantic Nirayana Sun's Transits )
Sun's entry into 435th Araa of Dirghatamasa (out of 720 Araas or half-degrees
comprising a solar year, cf. RgVeda-i-164) on Nov 20, 2009, 7:30:09 IST at Mt Meru :

Explanation of above chart :

Almost the whole of India lies in 8th house lorded by Venus which is Svagrihi (in own
sign or Raashi) in lagna (ascendant). In D1, Venus is strong due to its residence in its own
sign tulaa in lagna. If lagnesh is ashtamesha, then the malefic character of Ashtamesha is
washed away. But India lies in the bad house 8th, which neutralizes the boon of svagrihi
Venus, and the net result is almost neutral. In D9 too, Venus is almost neutral : strong by dint
of residing in 4th house, but weak due to lying in enemy's sign and lording bad houses 3rd and
8th. In D2 too, it is in sun's Horaa which is not good for wealth. Therefore, SENSEX dipped
slightly on 24th Nov, 2009, shown in the following picture which shows indices during 19-27
Nov, 2009. In this picture, we see three curves : green is for automobile industries, blue is for
BSE-500 and red-black is for metal (mainly steel) companies. In the middle of these curves,
we see green line going up and other two going down : this portion of the curve is for 24th
Nov. Blue line is for BSE-500 companies, which shows a small dip downward. It corroborates
the chart analysis shown above.

Metal (mainly steel) companies show a greater downward movement on that day,
because Saturn which governs steel was in 12th house in D1 and in Solar Horaa. But good
Saturn in D9 prevented a too drastic a fall. D9 can overpower D1 if a planet is exalted in D9
and not exalted in D1, which is not the case here. Hence, the goodness of Saturn only
mitigated the gravity of situation to some extent.
Automobile industry is watched from 4th house of D1 and from entire D16 chart. Saturn
is the lord of D16 which is the best planet of whole D16 and is sitting in 4th house in fast
friend's sign and is lord of D16 (ie, lagnesh of D16) as well as lord of 2nd house of wealth of
auto companies. Neecha Mars (lord of 11th) in 2nd house is creating a Vipareeta Rajayoga. A
stronger Vipareeta Rajayoga is generated by Jupiter in 6th which is conjunct-relative of lord of
India Venus and is most potent planet for India on that day. Other planets are bad but do not
affect the fortunes much. Thus, in spite of a bad D1 from the point of view of auto industry,
strong D16 for India caused a healthy rise in auto indices. Neecha Jupiter in 4th house in D1
was ineffective and Saturn had only 25' aspect on 4th house in D1, which allowed D16 to
overpower D1.
Following are the Charts (D1, D2, D9) drawn at the Meridians of Meru at the time of
nirayana Sun's entry into Anuradha Nakshatra on Nov 20, 2009, 4:51:10 IST.
The software is in Hindi, recently translated into English. Those who do not know Hindi
can compare the terms with those of Annual Rains (appendix-5) to translate the terms. But
there are some differences : the present screenshot on the left contains D9 (Navaamsha),
D16 (shodashaamsha) and D2 (Horaa) also. D9 lies within the central 6-side yellow box with
thick red lines, and D2 lies at its right in green box. D16 lies in azure box in right top. Rest of
the screenshot refers to D1 only.
Following is the prediction for this period ( Stock forecast for India : Nov 20 to Dec 2,
2009 ) I had posted on Nov 19, 2009 at three astrological fora :
Jyotish_Remedies, vedic-astrology, VedicAsrologyForum. :

<<<<<< Excellent upswing during Sun's residence in Anuradha (Nov 20 morning to Dec 3
morning) : above 1000 points rise in SENSEX-30 during the fortnight (from 16785 on 19 Nov
evening to 18000 or more on Dec 3 morning). // Anuradha will prove to be almost the best
among all Nakshatras for investors during this Hindu year starting from Mesha Samkraanti.
This forecast was a crude summary. The details are as follows :
India falls in 9th and 10th Bhaavas in the above Merucentric D1 (Bhaava-chalita) chart.
Venus is lord of 2nd and 9th houses, with zero aspect on 2nd and 55' (92%) on 9th house.
Hence, 9th house is highly auspicious. Sun and Mercury are conjuncts with Venus, but they
will exert less influence due to strength of Venus as lord. Mars will also be influential because
Sun and Moon are in its Raashi and are aspected by it (Bhaavesh-drishti relation), and due to
Vipareeta Rajayoga of Mars. But Mars is malefic due to lordship of bad houses. So is Sun.
Mercury is in the influence of malefic Sun due to combustion. Sun is highly malefic in D2
(Horaa) and D9 (navaamsha chart) and so is Mars in D9. Therefore, the benefic influence of
Venus on 9th house is somewhat mitigated by the malefic aspects of Sun and Mars. Sun itself
is in 75% control of Mars due to 45' Bhaavesh-drishti (lord's aspect).
But 9th house covers only half of India. Northern half lies in 10th house. 10th house is
lorded by Mercury which is combust in sun and is in the Raashi of its enemy Mars. Sun and
Mars are malefic as noted above. 10th house does not get the benefit of Venus as 9th house
does. Thus, half of India is in a melefic house, and the other half is in a slightly benefic house.
On the whole, Anuradha has benefic properties on account of Venus and malefic
properties due to Mars ans Sun, Venus being more powerful in 9th and Mars for 10th house.
As for 9th house, Venus leads one to project a rosy picture for 13.3 days since Nov 20, but we
must take into account 10th house too which is not good and covers half of India. Moreover,
Sarvatobhadra Chakra lends following conclusions :
India (letter 'Bhaa in' Bhaarata) is Viddha by four planets : Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Moon) .
Dubai, Mumbai, Shanghai are Viddha by 3 and Tokyo HongKong by only 2 planets. These
countries and stock exchanges were Viddha in same order. Viddha Tithis were : 4, 9, 14 by
Mars and Rahu ; 2, 7, 12 by Moon and Ketu ; 1, 6, 11 by Mars alone ; and 5, 10, 15 by Sun
alone. Mars being most malefic and influential followed by Sun, we can guess 4, 9, 14 to be
worst tithis followed by 5, 10, 15.
These are only possibilities. Actual event should be fine tuned by means of Merucentric
Shashtyamsha Charts, ie charts drawn from Meru at those moments when nirayana Sun
completes each half degree in any raashi. Following is the Merucentric Shashtyamsha Chart
for the morning of 26th Nov when stock markets crashed during the following half-day :
Such charts are effective for approximately 12 hours. Till the morning of 26th Nov 2009,

Venus remained in its own Raashi and more than half of India (and regions from Dubai
to Tokya) remained in the houses lorded by Venus. But in the Merucentric Shashtyamsha
Chart of 26th Nov morning when Sun reached 9.5 degrees in Vrishchika, Venus became
combust in 2nd house of wealth in Sun which was malefic in all relevant charts : D1 , D2 and
D9 and Venus was malefic in D2 and D9, but in its own raashi in D1. The worst planet was
Moon which was in 6th house in both D1 and D9 and in malefic Sun-horaa in D2 : Bhaarata,
Dubai, Shanghai, Hong Kong were Viddha by Moon. Ketu was also highly malefic in D1, D2 ,
D9, and Mumbai, Dubai, Shanghai, Honk kong were viddha by it. Tithi was also 9, which was
among the most malefic Tithis during Anuradha.
Following is the Sarvatobhadra Vedha list for Anuradha Chart mentioned above :
The last level is of Ishta-kaalika Charts which number approximately 25 during the
working hours of stock exchanges. Unlike the Merucentric charts, these Ishta-kaalika Charts
are made from the meridians of the stock exchange in question. In these Ishta-kaalika Charts,
entire chart need not be evaluated and only the fate of 2nd house decides the fortunes of
major stock exchanges which crudely reflect the wealth of nations. In Merucentric charts too,
entire charts need never be evaluated and only those houses are evaluated which contain the
nation in question. Combined effect of D1, D2 and D9 should be taken. Only Suryasiddhantic
mathematics gives accurate results.
Techniques _Of _Economic _Forecasting

World Economy : Apr 2009-Mar 2010

This article was presented by Dr Radhakant Mishra, erstwhile Head of Dept of Jyotisha
of KSD Sanskrit University, at a conference at Allahabad organized by Dr Nagendra Pandey
on 8 Nov 2008, the head of Dept of Jyotisha of Sampoornanand Sanskrit University

This article is being punblished in the recently launched astrological research magazine
'Jyotisha Shodha Patrikā' (published by Dept of Jyotisha, KSD Sanskrit University, Darbhanga,
Bihar, India).

Computations used in this article were carried out with my collaboration. World-
Horoscope associated with this article is also being presented. Further comments may be
added later under the title "World Economy : Apr 2009-Mar 2010 (Part-II)".

On 28 Feb- 1 Mar 2009, an international conference was organized by two leading

astrological organizations of Allahabad at Science Council (of University of Allahabad) on
World Peace, Economic Depression and Diseases, in which all speakers stressed the role of
Jupiter and Rahu in present economic crisis. The session on Economic Depression was
presided by me (Vinay Jha); other two sessions were presided by Dr Ramchandra Pandey
(former HOD of Jyotisha, Benaras Hindu University, and Pt Ramnaresh Tripathi).

[ This article is translation of the introductory part of the original legthy article,
presented by Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of Dept and of Faculty of Jyotisha of KSD
Sanskrit University in india, at two recent international conferences organized by
leading scholars of India at Allahabad. This original article was titled "Economic Future
of the World : 2009-20" . Another article by me was titled "Economic Future of India :
2009-20" . Bracketed statements were not a part of the original article. ]


In the absence of state protection, development of national astrology was not only
thwarted in India during past millenium, but practical methods of using many ancient
astrological techniques were forgotten, and many incongruent novelties were adopted under
foreign dominance which had not evolved on the basis of native theories. Many extant ancient
texts contain sufficient material on national astrology, but most of the astrologers do not know
how to use such materials and methods.

According to ancient Yamal Tantras, Puranas, Mahabharata, Suryasiddhanta and

ancient Jain texts, Mt Meru is the centre of Cosmos and lies of mid point of Earth ; hence
world's horoscope known as Jagat-lagna ought to be made from Mt Meru. Authors of Kali-Age
have created a lot of confusion about the location of Mt Meru. Ancient texts say Mt Meru is
situated on the Jamboo-dveepa at the mid point of Earth (ie, at the equator and not at Earth's
centre as wrongly inferred by E Burgess ; a dveepa and a river such as Jamboo-nadi can be
only at the surface of the Earth and not within it), although many persons tried to find Mt Meru
in the north ( just because Varaha Mihira said it was at North Pole, which actually implied Mt
Meru should be regarded as astrological and not geographical North Pole while making
world's horoscopes ). Even today Meru town can be seen at the foot of the highest mountain
on equator in Africa called Jamboo-dveepa where countries like Zambia, Mu-zambique,
Zimbabze, (and *Zambo > Congo , *Zambon > Gabon, etc) and river like Zambezi (<
*Zambedi < *Zamboodi < Jamboo-nadi) are still found. This mountain was renamed as Mt
Kenya by Britishers, although Kinyan-giri is situated south-westwards in Tanzania. Another
mountain in Tanzania is also known as Mt Meru. Horoscope made from Mt Meru of the
equator (Mt Kenya) at the juncture of transit of Suryasiddhantic Sun into sidereal Aries gives
true results for the whole world. For it, mean planets must be computed with the help of beeja-
samakaara in the manner of Suryasiddhantic almanac makers of ancient and mediaeval India
(not recognized by E Burgess) and true planets must be computed according to original
Suryasiddhantic method (whose real equations were not known to E Burgess ; if true planets
and astrological houses are computed according to modern methods, predictive results will be

Topics of twelve houses (bhaavas of chalita) are being elucidated below ( a few
statements below are controversial, but they are not used by the author in his forecasts, and
were mentioned in the article merely to bring these controversial points into focus).

Lagna (ascendant) tells the overall condition of the whole world. If rate of economic
growth is fast but lagna is bad then economic life of the masses will not be happy. If lagna is
auspicious, then distribution of results of economic development will be egalitarian and
stabilizing factors will be strong in the economy, even if net economic grown is not fast.

Second house gives a knowledge of rise or fall in the accumulated wealth of the
nations. It informs us of money deposited in banks, currency in circulation, interest rates,
condition of share markets, inflation, expansion of liquidity, gold stocks and foreign exchange
reserves, tensions in economic system and feeling of economic security, net gains or losses
from taxes on industry and trade.

Third house gives an idea of transport and its means, communications, means of
distribution, migration, mutual interaction among countries, etc.

Fourth house gives a knowledge of natural wealth, agricultural lands and other means,
crop production, land-tax, mining and mines, income from forests, housing and similar
construction works, etc.

Royalties from publications, intellectual competence and economic policies of nations

and companies for the sake of competition, etc should be judged from fifth house. Some
people try to see capital markets, public money, income, resources, mining, share markets,
national exchequer, etc from fifth house, but it is not proper to see any other department of
economy in fifth house excepting intellectual wealth &c.

Sixth house should be used for judging national employment and its problems, strikes
and other problems of labour unions, problems in national foodgrains supply systems, etc.

Seventh house is used for internal and foreign trade and related activities of nations.

Eighth house is for judging national debt. Some people see national debt from sixth
house ( a moot point ) .

Ninth house should be used for visualizing distant travels, air travels and means, forces
and strengths of industies and trade, telecommunications, infrastructural foundations of
foreign trade and profits/losses from trade.

Industrial growth, political policies affecting industries and general economy, and
income of ruling classes ought to be judged from tenth house.

National income, net gains from commerce and foreign trade, net outcome of export
and import of foreign currencies, income from national taxes and other fees, growth of national
exchequer, etc should be seen from eleventh house. Net essence of economy is income,
which is judged from this house.

National expenses and government debt, rise or fall in military and civilian expenses,
etc is seen from 12th house.

Economy is related to all twelve houses of the horoscope, but most important houses
are of income (11th), wealth ( 2nd), karma ( 10th ) and land ( 4th ).

Annual predictions can be made from the horoscope made at the juncture of transit of
Suryasiddhantic Sun into sidereal Aries. Suryasiddhantic Solar transits into sidereal lunar
asterisms can be used to make horoscopes effecftive till Sun resides in that asterism
(nakshatra). Similar horoscopes can be made at half a degree intervals of Suryasiddhantic
Sun (eg, Sun at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2,... degrees), which will give forecasts at apprpximate intervals of
12 hours. ( Monthly horoscopes at Sun's entry into sidereal Suryasiddhantic signs are less
effective, but horoscopes for true sidereal Sun at 90, 180 and 270 degrees are more
important. Horoscopes at eclipses and full or new moons are also significant. )

( Vinay Jha adds :

1. some important details are missing in this good article. When a horoscope is cast from Mt
Meru, regions falling in a given house get the results accruing to that house. For instance,
if a nation falls in 8th house and other factors affecting 8th house are also bad, that nation
will be affected very badly, even if overall growth of the world is very good.

2. It is wrong to make India's national horoscope from New Delhi in 1947, because India
existed before 1947 and before Delhi was founded. National horoscope of India is to be
drawn from Vidishaa in the manner of world horoscope described above, which is
the geographical centre of land between Indus and Brahmaputra upto Kamroop-
Kamakhyaa as well as between Himalayas and the ocean. Horoscope from New Delhi
should be made only for predicting the life of political parties and governments. Like
Vidisha, there were six other astrological nodal points in other continents, besides the
central nave at Mt Meru or Mt Kenya. But we cannot say where these six nodes are
actually located.

3. Many chakras, like koorma and sarvatobhadra chakras, were also extensively used by
ancients. )

Next translated part of this article is actual economic forecast for the financial
year 2009-10 ( at the bottom of this page, under the title "Economic Future of the
World : Apr 2009 - Mar 2010" ).

English translation of global forecast is a revised version of the original Hindi article
(Dr Radhakant Mishra), and India's forecast has been made entirely by me (Vinay Jha).
This ancient method is accurate and has already been attested, but is not widely
known. Analysis of past data, eg, of Great Depression, Alexander's invasion of Punjab, or
battles of Panipat may be analysed by skeptics to judge the reliability of this method of Medini

Medini Jyotisha is a highly complicated affair. Natal horoscope needs only one principal
horoscope to analyze, but in Medini Jyotisha one needs to analyze annual, monthly, fortnightly
(nakshatra, to be precise) and 12-hourly (shashtyamsha) horoscopes, which make it very
difficult even with the help of softwares.

In the World-Horoscope for mid Apr 2009-mid Apr 2010 presented above, India is
unfavourably placed in 6th house, and its lord Venus is highly inauspicious on account of
being lord of 6+11 houses on the one hand and having intimate relations with cruel planets
Mars and Shani. Moreover, Mars has enmical aspect upon India, almost 100% strong aspect
along borders with Pakistan. But excepting Sind and Bahawalpur, bulk of Pakistan lies in a
good house. Hence, there is no chance of a total war.

One line was omitted in the scanned article posted above due to misalignment during
joining of various scanned pages in a photo editor software, but that omitted line (after 27th
from top, excl. title &c) makes no major difference.

Only initial portion of this long article has been posted here. The whole article was
about 12-year world economic forecast. 12-year economic forecast for India was also
presented, and I presented 12-year rainfall forecast for India at the aforementioned

Economic Future of the World : mid-Apr 2009 to mid-Apr 2010

In the world-horoscope from Mt Meru, sixth house contains (see Map above) India,
China, Japan, Korea, northern Vietnam, etc. Lord of 6th house Venus is lord of 11th too, and
is accompanying the malefic planet Mars in 3rd house, hence Venus is highly inauspicious.
Venus and Mars have only 17' of longitudinal difference, resulting into a planetary warfare, in
which Venus is victorious due to northern declination and larger disc. Saturn has strong
mutual aspect relations with both Mars and Venus. Due to abundance of these evil influences
on the 6th house, countries in it will be deeply troubled in all spheres; and places with names
beginning with nasal and with consonants r, s, k, d, m, l will be more unfavourably off. Moon,
Rahu and Jupiter are only other planets having significant aspects on 6th house, but they are
also malefic : Moon being in 12th, Jupiter in neecha (debilitated ) and Rahu placed enmically
with Jupiter in 2nd house.

Eleventh house (see Map above) has good aspects of its lord Venus and its relatives,
but these planets being inauspicious will result in uneven and troubled economic growth in the
whole world.

Most countries of Europe and North America are in 9th house (see Map above), whose
lord Sun is exalted in Kendra house (4th), having 50% aspect on northern portions of 9th
house but no aspect on southern portions. Southern portions of 9th house will be adversely
affected by bitter enemy Saturn sitting there as Maarakesh (which will give wealth but with a
lot of troubles, including water-borne calamities). Regions in 9th house whose names start
with l or m will be badly affected by Saturn, like Libya, Michigan, etc. But l,m,ch,y
consonants and u vowel are seen by exalted Sun in Sarvatobhadra, hence Saturn will not do
much harm to l,m. Northern and NE Europe will get extra benefits from exalted Sun, because
both consonant 'Y' and vowel 'U' in its name (Yurop) are pireced (viddha) by Sun. regions from
Germany (& Denmark, southern tip of Scandinavia) to Greece (and NW America around
Seattle) will be especially benefited in all spheres, including economic.

Lord of 8th house Moon is debilitated (neecha) in 12th house, with Ketu (descending
Node) which is in the raashi of its bitter enemy, hence regions of 8th house will have worst
outcome in the whole world. 12th house will also be adversely affected by Moon and Ketu, eg,
Chile, Uruguay, Russia, Ukraine, Norway, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Using the general principles of Parashara (BPHS), predictions for other parts of the
world can be made with the help of above picture which gives global horoscope. Now let us
judge general global economy in details.

Saturn has 57' (95%) aspect (full aspect is 60') on Venus and Mars and the latter are in
Saturn's raashi, hence Saturn will have profound influence on the houses owned by Venus
and Mars (houses 11,12,5,6), including the 11th house of income. Mars and Venus have 47'
aspect on Saturn, hence Saturn has mutual aspect relation with Mars and Venus. Mars is
defeated by Venus in planetary war. Hence, Venus, Saturn and Mars will have greatest
influence on 11th house of income (followed by unrelated planets like Mercury 59', Sun 52',
Ketu 44', Jupiter 26'). Venus is most influential for economic growth this year, being lord of
11th house and having 36' aspect. Venus is highly malefic because it is lord of 6 and 11th
houses, and is placed in 3rd house of Saturn with a malefic planet Mars ; the strength of Mars
is snatched by Venus due to war. Saturn is equal to Venus (or slightly more) in influence,
having 49' aspect on 11th house. These planets will cause a good but uneven economic
growth with much troubles of various sorts resulting in widespread discontent. Saturn and
Venus will cause good economic growth as far as mere numbers are concerned, but quality of
growth will be far from satisfactory. Many sectors will be troubled.Malefics (Venus, Saturn,
Mars for general economic growth) will cause depression or price-rise in sectors and
commodities pierced by them : l,m,r,s,d,k (first letter of commodities with Sanskrit names).

Saturn is lord of 2nd house, but has only a 6' (10%) aspect on 2nd house (Dhana-
bhaava). Hence, debilitated (neecha) Jupiter and Rahu sitting in 2nd house will be most
influential for financial sectors like banking, insurance, money lending and interest rates,
speculation, etc. Jupiter is not only neecha but in enemy Saturn's raashi too, and with its
temporary enemy Rahu. Hence, Jupiter is highly malefic. Financial troubles had started in
2008 due to Saturn and Ketu mainly affecting regions from Germany to Greece and NW
America and adjoining Canada, and will continue in 2009 due to Jupiter and Rahu. But regions
will change. In 2009-10 regions from Germany to Greece and NW America and adjoining
Canada will be well off and economic crisis will shift to other regions, mainly to houses 12, 8
and 6 (see the picture above for details).

Lord of 10th house Mercury is combust, hence Mercury will be ineffective but exalted
Sun will be benevolent for 10th house of manufacturing and related activities. 4th house has
only 15% aspect of its lord Jupiter but is being benefited by exalted Sun there. Hence,
housing, mining, agriculture and vehicle industry will benefit. Jupiter will cause minor

Last year, USA and central Europe were not only in Saturn's shere of influence but
were pierced by Saturn in Sarvatobhadra as well, but this year Saturn pierces l,m and Venus
pierces r,s. This year, Saturn influences most of North America, central and western Europe,
besides northern South America and Indis-China-Korea-Japan, but Saturn is not as malefic as
it was last year, and will cause minor problems. In regions influenced by Venus and Saturn
which affect 11th house of economic growth, only smaller countries are pierced in
Sarvatobhadra, like Spain, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lybia, Myanmar, etc.

2nd house is affected by Jupiter and Rahu. Jupiter pierces none, while Rahu will cause
financial troubles in regions/nations/places starting with kh,g,d,ch,m,l,s. Muzambique will
experience severe financial crisis, and slightly less severe financial troubles will be witnessed
by Sweden, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Rumania and Turkey. Europe, esp northern, will be well
off in almost all sectors, but some financial problems will trouble its southern parts.

Lord of ascendant Jupiter being debilitated will cause an overall bad outcome for the
whole world, and even Shubhkrit samvatsara will not be able to give its good results. Lord of
year Venus (Suryasiddhantic) and Samvaahaka Moon will be inauspicious too. Overall result
for this year is worse than the previous for the world as a whole, but worst regions of
previous year will be better off.

Economic Future of India : mid-Apr 2009 to mid-Apr 2010

We can make forecasts for various regions of India as well as for the subcontinent as a
whole for one year with the help of following two pictures. This Vidisha-centric method has
been checked for past 55 years with reference to the annual economic growth rates of India
as shown in Economic Survey annually presented by India's Finance Minister, without a single
exceptional year. Eleventh house in this Vidisha-centric cartographic mundane horoscope
gives an accurate value of annual economic growth of the region between Indus in the west,
Kamakhya in the east, Great Himalayas in the north and seas in the south, and approximates
with the region of modern India.
Lord of 1,2 Saturn in 8th house of its bitter enemy gives a secenario of grave financial
crisis and overall bad conditions of the general population for the year, which is accentuated
by enmical Mars in 2nd house but ameliorated by Venus which is Kendresh-Trikonesh and
therefore highly auspicious. Mars is defeated by Venus. Hence, Venus will help greatly in
financial sector and will keep Mars in control, but will be itself adversely affected by Saturn.
Regions pierced by these planets will be affected accordingly, eg, r and s benevolently by
Venus, and l,m malevolently by Saturn. Regions in 8th house will see devil's death dance due
to Saturn, slightly ameliorated by Sun.
House of income is plagued by a debilitated Moon, while its lord Mars is enmically
placed in Saturn's bad house and is defeated by Venus ; 17' benevolent aspect of Venus is
more than overpowered by 43' bitter enmical aspect of malicious Saturn. A long spell of fast
economic growth will be arrested. Agriculture : bad . Manufacturing : normal (good).

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