Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Janganlah selalu menganggap yang diri kita sentiasa benar, dan orang lain selalu salah, jika

ini ada didalam HATI kita, maka berhati-hatilah, kerana kita telah diperbudak-budakkan oleh
kesombongan kita.
Free Gift
Apa yang boleh di beri kepada orang lain.

Beg CD / CD Case
Standard Operating Procedure

Janji betul betul

Nak berniaga
Tak boleh fail

Free Gift
Patah balik tak
Dah ingat
So blah dlu dan
Patah balik kasitau ada benda trlupa pastu
free gift

Buat manual SOP dan Warranty Declaration


Call for Paper

Low-Resource PC
The Relevency
How I can sell P2 MMX for RM300. How did I do it? The secret of selling this kind of PC, is in the
various games, tools and apps. It's not about power it's about what that computer can do for the
end user.
It all started with an idea, an idea which to replace a customer's pc with an equivalent or less
resource from his origional one.
Number one hardware upgrades. To find available optons to upgrade. Usually fill up the RAM and
AGP Slot with hi-end hardwares. FYI these available option are now considerably still cheap
considerably in relation to a Low-End Desktops. Things will start getting easier from now on due to
not much upgrades option that you have. Now is the part of finding suitable distro to sit beside
winxp in that pc with regard of the available HDD space. Some small hardisks cannot have
windows in it. Usually for lower than 400Mhz CPU speed I will suggest not to put windows except it
has available hard disk spaces.
Customer usually won't ask much about windows because
1. We don't sell it. (It just there if it's in there)
2. When we showed them the freedom of open source that they will get from us.
From GNU/GPL we do know that Freedom as in Free Speech not free beer it clearly state to relay
the freedom to all. I gave and I will continously give them the freedom by installing lot's of
entertainment like computer games, educational software and learning activties.
The market to sell linux desktop is surely difficult. Customer's decision on migrating to Linux is still
cloudy. What makes my customers smile and keep them coming back for more is discounts and
gifts. It is an obligatory for us the seller to include free gift's and discounts such as 10% discounted
price and various peripherals and accesories that is cheaply available in the market like
mousepad, joystick, keyboard, mouse, cd case, microphone, usb cameras, usb cable extender.
These peripherals are vital for continuos long-term relationship with your customer. 10% percent
discount will be deducted from customer's bill dgn niat sedekah for their kids. Well that's the main
point from the start "for their kids"

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