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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:Mason Stewart

PCA-Ethical Communities Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the four ethical communities
2. Apply the ethical communities to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The Organization that I will be working internally with this semester is Nike Brand in the

Jordan Department.

As the Project manager/Creative Director in the Jordan department My goals are to try

and produce more products for the mass public, Retro past Jordan's allowing more

underprivileged and less wealthy people opportunity's to purchase iconic sneakers with

no outrageous price tag. I want to provide a good communication tool allowing

companies to reach out to each other for easier access to collaborations and branding

rights. Along with those goals I am determined to establish Senior Project Manager,

Leader, and myself as a Creative! As I make my transition from a LEAD Program

assistant into the role of a Project manager I feel that there will be a lot for me to learn. I

am opening minded to all ideas that come to mind. I will also make this transition as

smooth as possible and develop into the knowledgeable Nike consultant I know so much

about. Nike Brand will continue to work for the people and provide quality gear for all

who seek it.

Describe how the ethics of the organization influenced the situation.

Ethics influenced the situation in a big way, to the fact that you no longer want to do

anything anymore. With everything going down there isn’t much that can be done about

the goals that I wanted to establish. With social media being involved it has brought the

demand of sneakers higher then ever before but there is still no cooperate change in the

sneakers. Though everyone wants the sneakers the team isn’t going to change anything

about it. Along with that communication people in the company are paying much

attention to the goal that I want to accomplish.

When you think ethically it is kind of hard to take my goals to serious. Though I wanted

to make affordable shoes, and make shoes more able to access. It doesn’t really help

anyone in the long run. All I wanted to do was bring more in to the world when really

everyone only wants what someone already has. As you take your time and discover who

you are make sure that you never give up on who really matters. As I continue to be the

best professional I can be I will always keep others perspectives in mind when do task or

delivering products.

2) Recommend how you would apply one of the ethical communities for an alternative
course of action regarding your case.

In order to alternate the course of my case I would need to apply the justice ethical

communities. Using Justice will allow my team us to add some tension in the air bring

back the culture of the shoes and how they can be manufactured better. I would also say

that going viral could change the ethical approach to a subject because there would be so

much attention facing it that you would be able to go whichever direction would work. I

believe the viral situations have been able to make a name and brand out of themselves.

I am not saying that every brand needs to go viral, or in order for you to get what you

want you have to make it a junctive cause. I just feel that these are really manipulative

ways to get the job done. It seems that everyone gets what they what but trying very hard

and be leave that what they are doing is for the better meant of there good. Ethical

situations don’t happen over night, it takes time and effort to establish this skill.

3) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about ethics.

What I would do differently given what I learned about ethics, is that I should have explored

more positions and goals. The position was fabulous I just feel that I wasn’t able to accomplish

what I wanted to in six weeks. Also it was hard because I am not in the industry of fashion just

yet. I believe that I should have had better goals listed out because I only had six weeks. Makes

something more abtanable would have be easier for my ego at the end of it all. I feel that I was

able to accomplish a lot and learn a lot. I also will take this and move forward.

As I learn about how hard it is to run a business I understand that life comes with many curve

balls. You just really have to run with it. The moment you quit or make a mess it can send you

back a fortune. I feel that I have been able to learn so much over the course but I wish that I had

more time to hone into the gift. I feel that I will be all that I want to be I just have to remain who

I am and never quit because of emotion only to move foward to better things in life. I think ethics

starts with you and the sooner that you are more ethical about situation going on in your life, you

will continue making the same mistakes you find yourself making.

Reference or References

Bolman, Lee G. Reframing Organizations : Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. San Francisco,
CA :Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand, 2013.

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